Daptomycin coverage

Diary of an ID Fellow

2023.03.11 18:14 Tazobacfam Diary of an ID Fellow

2:00am: Paged by the ED for a patient with ESBL UTI. I do a quick chart review to check prior urine cultures. Better check the records from the other major system in the city to make sure I'm not missing anything.
3:15am: I have completed my chart review and return the ED page, confident that I have figured out the perfectly tailored antibiotic. They have already discharged the patient on macrobid.
7:00am: I start reviewing the consult list. We have 15 patients with cultures pending and 3 new consults for bacteremia with organisms I have never heard of before that were identified on MALDI-TOF. I quickly look these up on Wikipedia so it seems like I know what I'm talking about when I talk to the primary team.
8:00am: Morning clinic for the day begins. My first patient is 62 and thinks he was bitten by a tick in his 20s. He has been noticing worsening joint pain and fatigue in the last few years and thinks this is due to Lyme disease. Someone sent serologies and his IgM was positive. We confidently reassure him that he does not have Lyme disease and I am sure he takes this to heart.
9:00am: My next patient is a follow up prosthetic joint infection. He has finished the planned antibiotic course but his ESR and CRP are still elevated. We stop antibiotics.
9:30am: Spinal osteomyelitis who has finished antibiotics. Her ESR and CRP are normal. We continue antibiotics.
10:00am: FUO patient. We are pretty sure it's noninfectious, but send every infectious test in the EMR and a couple listed on the local lab's website just in case.
12:20pm: I finish up clinic and grab lunch right before case conference. Every time a new attending hops on Teams they ask the presenting fellow the patient's entire social history and the name of their pets. No one guesses the final diagnosis turned up by the Karius test.
1:15pm: I get a new consult for a patient admitted overnight and started on vancomycin and zosyn. I carefully chide them for such a thoughtless and broad choice of coverage. Don't they know about the risk of AKI? We see the patient and recommend starting daptomycin, cefepime, and clindamycin.
1:40pm: Ortho wants to know if they can discharge a patient with a prosthetic knee infection on PO antibiotics. We recommend IV antibiotics and tell them they should have placed a PICC line yesterday if they wanted to discharge the patient. I tell them I will get the OPAT note in ASAP.
2:00pm: Follow up on an MRSA bacteremia patient with lumbar osteomyelitis with phlegmon and a 3x2 mm epidural abscess. We strongly recommend the medicine team consult IR for source control.
2:34pm: Ortho wants to discharge a prosthetic hip infection and placed a PICC line yesterday. I berate them for a placing a PICC as clearly PO antibiotics are indicated in this case.
3:00pm: We see a BMT patient with fever and patchy lung consolidations. He is DNI, on maxed out high flow NC and has a total of 6 platelets. We ask why pulmonology has not yet done the bronch we recommended.
3:30pm: One of our follow up transplant patients went to Vietnam once so we recommend ivermectin in case he has Strongyloidiasis.
5:15pm: We finish rounds and I communicate all our recommendations to the teams. I confidently tell them the typical susceptibilities of the organisms found on MALDI that I looked up on Wikipedia. I can tell the residents are in awe of my knowledge.
6:00pm: I finish the OPAT note for ortho.
8:30pm: I have completed all of my notes for the day, confident that I have continued my streak of beating the daily word output of Steven King.
10:15pm: I fall asleep listening to the dulcet tones of A Gobbet o' Pus describing a case of extraintestinal C diff infection.
submitted by Tazobacfam to Residency [link] [comments]

2022.08.03 03:45 Zestyclose-Mammoth79 VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Analysis Report & Forecast to 2028 - Competitors, Revenue, Market Trends, Share, Size, Growth and Opportunities

The Global and United States VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Report was published by QY Research recently.
VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Analysis and Insights
This report focuses on global and United States VRE and MRSA Antibiotic market, also covers the segmentation data of other regions in regional level and county level.
VRE and MRSA Antibiotic market is segmented by region (country), players, by Type and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource.
For United States market, this report focuses on the VRE and MRSA Antibiotic market size by players, by Type and by Application, for the period 2017-2028. The key players include the global and local players, which play important roles in United States.
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VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Segment by Type
VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Segment by Application
The report on the VRE and MRSA Antibiotic market covers the following region analysis:
North America
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
The report mentions the prominent market player consisting of:
Sanofi Aventis
Fresenius Kabi
Xellia Pharmaceuticals (Novo Holdings)
Zhejiang Medicine
Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical
North China Pharmaceutical
Korea United Pharm
Key Objectives of This Report
To study and analyze the global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic consumption (value & volume) by key regions/countries, type and application, history data from 2017 to 2022, and forecast to 2028.
To understand the structure of VRE and MRSA Antibiotic market by identifying its various subsegments.
Focuses on the key global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the sales volume, value, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis and development plans in next few years.
To analyze the VRE and MRSA Antibiotic with respect to individual growth trends, prospects, and their contribution to the total market.
To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges, and risks).
To project the consumption of VRE and MRSA Antibiotic submarkets, with respect to key regions (along with their respective key countries).
To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market.
To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.
Key Topics Covered
1 Study Coverage
2 Market by Type
3 Market by Application
4 Global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Competitor Landscape by Company
5 Global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Size by Region 5.1 Global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Size by Region: 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 5.2 Global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Size in Volume by Region (2017-2028) 5.2.1 Global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales in Volume by Region: 2017-2022 5.2.2 Global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales in Volume Forecast by Region (2023-2028) 5.3 Global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Size in Value by Region (2017-2028) 5.3.1 Global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales in Value by Region: 2017-2022 5.3.2 Global VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales in Value by Region: 2023-2028
6 Segment in Region Level & Country Level 6.1 North America 6.1.1 North America VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 6.1.2 North America VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 6.1.3 United States 6.1.4 Canada 6.2 Asia-Pacific 6.2.1 Asia-Pacific VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 6.2.2 Asia-Pacific VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Facts & Figures by Region (2017, 2022 & 2028) 6.2.3 China 6.2.4 Japan 6.2.5 South Korea 6.2.6 India 6.2.7 Australia 6.2.8 China Taiwan 6.2.9 Indonesia 6.2.10 Thailand 6.2.11 Malaysia 6.3 Europe 6.3.1 Europe VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 6.3.2 Europe VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 6.3.3 Germany 6.3.4 France 6.3.5 U.K. 6.3.6 Italy 6.3.7 Russia 6.4 Latin America 6.4.1 Latin America VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 6.4.2 Latin America VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 6.4.3 Mexico 6.4.4 Brazil 6.4.5 Argentina 6.4.6 Colombia 6.5 Middle East and Africa 6.5.1 Middle East and Africa VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Size YoY Growth 2017-2028 6.5.2 Middle East and Africa VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Market Facts & Figures by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 6.5.3 Turkey 6.5.4 Saudi Arabia 6.5.5 UAE
7 Company Profiles 7.1 Pfizer 7.1.1 Pfizer Corporation Information 7.1.2 Pfizer Description and Business Overview 7.1.3 Pfizer VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 7.1.4 Pfizer VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Products Offered 7.1.5 Pfizer Recent Development 7.2 Lilly 7.2.1 Lilly Corporation Information 7.2.2 Lilly Description and Business Overview 7.2.3 Lilly VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 7.2.4 Lilly VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Products Offered 7.2.5 Lilly Recent Development 7.3 Sanofi Aventis 7.3.1 Sanofi Aventis Corporation Information 7.3.2 Sanofi Aventis Description and Business Overview 7.3.3 Sanofi Aventis VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 7.3.4 Sanofi Aventis VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Products Offered 7.3.5 Sanofi Aventis Recent Development 7.4 Merck 7.4.1 Merck Corporation Information 7.4.2 Merck Description and Business Overview 7.4.3 Merck VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 7.4.4 Merck VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Products Offered 7.4.5 Merck Recent Development 7.5 Fresenius Kabi 7.5.1 Fresenius Kabi Corporation Information 7.5.2 Fresenius Kabi Description and Business Overview 7.5.3 Fresenius Kabi VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 7.5.4 Fresenius Kabi VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Products Offered 7.5.5 Fresenius Kabi Recent Development 7.6 Xellia Pharmaceuticals (Novo Holdings) 7.6.1 Xellia Pharmaceuticals (Novo Holdings) Corporation Information 7.6.2 Xellia Pharmaceuticals (Novo Holdings) Description and Business Overview 7.6.3 Xellia Pharmaceuticals (Novo Holdings) VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 7.6.4 Xellia Pharmaceuticals (Novo Holdings) VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Products Offered 7.6.5 Xellia Pharmaceuticals (Novo Holdings) Recent Development 7.7 Zhejiang Medicine 7.7.1 Zhejiang Medicine Corporation Information 7.7.2 Zhejiang Medicine Description and Business Overview 7.7.3 Zhejiang Medicine VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 7.7.4 Zhejiang Medicine VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Products Offered 7.7.5 Zhejiang Medicine Recent Development 7.8 Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical 7.8.1 Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Corporation Information 7.8.2 Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Description and Business Overview 7.8.3 Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 7.8.4 Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Products Offered 7.8.5 Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Recent Development 7.9 North China Pharmaceutical 7.9.1 North China Pharmaceutical Corporation Information 7.9.2 North China Pharmaceutical Description and Business Overview 7.9.3 North China Pharmaceutical VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 7.9.4 North China Pharmaceutical VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Products Offered 7.9.5 North China Pharmaceutical Recent Development 7.10 Korea United Pharm 7.10.1 Korea United Pharm Corporation Information 7.10.2 Korea United Pharm Description and Business Overview 7.10.3 Korea United Pharm VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 7.10.4 Korea United Pharm VRE and MRSA Antibiotic Products Offered 7.10.5 Korea United Pharm Recent Development
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submitted by Zestyclose-Mammoth79 to u/Zestyclose-Mammoth79 [link] [comments]
