Out dated ammoxicilian

Out Dated

2013.08.13 06:59 Lizard182 Out Dated

For all things that make you wince when you see them because they shouldn't exist anymore. Does that local commercial have an unappealing, low quality 90's vibe to it? Did you recently visit a website from the beginning of the Internet? If so, post them here.

2014.04.03 11:06 solidfox535 whooo (Scott Mills)

Post your images of out dated and old things/people etc which make you go whoooooooooOOOOOOooooooooo?! e.g. Pat Sharp, CD players, fax machines, milk floats, etc! #whooo

2010.06.02 00:28 alienblue Alien Blue : reddit Client for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch Discussion

The official subreddit for the Alien Blue iOS reddit client!
