Companies dont pay relocation

Work Online

2013.07.30 00:31 Work Online

A place to talk about making an income online. This includes random jobs, online employers, sites that pay you and ways to monetize websites. These are sites and strategies that will yield the user minimum wage or better and allow them to provide for themselves.

2008.12.05 06:42 Credit Repair - Improve your credit, your score, and understand how to manage your credit

CRedit's main goal is to improve your credit, keep it healthy, and support you in decisions that you make that may affect your credit livelihood. We are here to support you if you need an advice on closing/opening a credit card, improving your credit scores, removing inaccurate information from your report, qualifying for a new card/mortgage/loan, investigating unknown information on your report and much more.

2016.05.29 23:11 The_Inspiring_Dad Things you should be buying from Amazon

Things you should be buying from Amazon

2024.06.09 12:27 Far-Article-3604 I want to put my 401k into a different account, leaving some to build, some to sell.

Is 'rollover' the correct term for this? I left a job that matched up to 3% and at last check, it was a little over 4k. I don't want to leave it to build. I have seen a few ads for companies that will pay some or all of the associated fees. Ideally, is like to keep the 'bigger half' and put the rest into stock, bonds etc. to sell and access the money with lesser fees, and quickly. Sorry if I used any wrong terminology, I'm new at this.
submitted by Far-Article-3604 to FinancialPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:23 Atsurokih Ironmace is in the wrong, and so is this reddit.

Doing a downvoting campaign on Steam is wild. I get where you're coming from, but nah, Ironmace fucked up. This should've been a demo 100%. The "main" game should cost 25 dollars, or it should've been a "special edition" that's right under the "Play for Free" button. And they should've sent out free steam keys to everyone who supported them for the past year. Other steam games get negative reviews for misleading store pages too, you're not special.
The good reviews I'm seeing are equally stupid. "Oh they had to do it this way because of evil lawsuit" no they didn't. "The free version lets people have fun just fine" does it really? "But we held the line!" wow aren't you a special little soldier.
I've stopped playing 9 months ago because the game was not fun. The reddit for this game was absolutely awful back then, but at least you guys sometimes were reasonable and could hold a conversation about what's wrong and what needs to change.
I logged in today. I see gear is still stupidly broken, even more than before. I see they're still doing bandaid fixes for everything instead of tackling core issues. I see the game is still not fun on the low gear level where everything is a damage sponge. Here's your valid complaints.
Good communities hold their developers responsible. Helldivers weren't afraid to review bomb their own game when only a small percentage of people was affected by a change. Meanwhile you guys are shutting down any complaints because "it's a small poor indie company". What will happen a week from now, when all the new players who don't buy the game keep complaining that the base game is shit and not worth paying? Gonna downvote that too because "they just don't get it"?
I don't expect this to leave New, so for those few sweaty losers who are sitting here fighting for justice, glad you found a purpose in life, as pathetic as it may be lol.
submitted by Atsurokih to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:21 Fresh-Midnight-9540 POTENTIAL Crypto Hair Loss Scam: Hair Dao & Illegal Human Clinical Trials with Chemotherapy drugs

POTENTIAL Crypto Hair Loss Scam: Hair Dao & Illegal Human Clinical Trials with Chemotherapy drugs
I want you to take a seat back and give this post some time. Or, just look at the points in the TL;DR section of this write up.
Hair Dao, a crypto project claiming to revolutionize hair loss research, operates as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) using blockchain technology and smart contracts. Despite its bold claims, Hair Dao has raised significant concerns. Led by a researcher named "Jumpman," the organization has conducted illegal human trials using unapproved chemotherapy drugs obtained through "group buying" from China, without safety or ethical oversight.
Alleged collaborations with Dr. Claire Higgins from Imperial College London appear dubious, as she denies knowing "Jumpman." Operating in the largely unregulated crypto space, Hair Dao faces substantial compliance risks with the SEC and FDA. The project’s co-founders are connected to crypto venture funds with suspiciously high returns.
Efforts to create credibility through legitimate researchers are overshadowed by their community's harassment tactics against YouTubers. Traditional funding methods for hair loss research offer more transparency and safety than relying on cryptocurrency. Given these red flags, I'd be skeptical and avoid the hype surrounding Hair Dao.

Get some Popcorn...

Every so often, the hair loss community gets swept up by a new trend or treatment that, despite having only minimal evidence, often a mere mouse study, convinces many to invest in the latest product. Examples include Bioner's CosmeRNA, HairGuard's Growband, and potentially Niostem. However, none of these quite compare to the latest around a Crypto Token known as "Hair Dao."
Real quick, wtf is a dao? A dao, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is a type of organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by organization members, and not influenced by a central government. Daos are typically built on blockchain technology, like Ethereum, and operate using smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Keep in mind the decentralized aspects of this.
So, what exactly is Hair Dao? According to its creators, it’s a "Decentralized Science" Crypto project that claims it will "cure hair loss" by taking over the role of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the realm of hair loss research and early development. The NIH is a well-established U.S. government agency known for its role in funding scientific research. Hair Dao's ambition is nothing short of revolutionary—or at least, that's what they assert. In fact, its cringe and seems like... well your honour... a scam?
let's play a game

Some So Some Crypto Bros and their Crypto Venture Capital Firms.... umm ok

For further insight, you can refer to this article from Foster Cove Capital, a Crypto Venture Capital (CVC or VC) Fund owned by one of the co-founders of Hair Dao (by the way, is that even legal? what's the legality behind that one?):
The article from the crypto VC states that government institutions often operate with significant inefficiencies in capital usage: so they think that these organizations when it comes to research are wasting money. Hair Dao aims to address this inefficiency in the hair loss research sector, suggesting that the government’s role in funding and regulating could be ripe for disruption. They liken their potential impact to companies like SpaceX and Anduril. However, such comparisons seem overly ambitious and here's why.....


SpaceX and Anduril operate within rigorous regulatory frameworks. SpaceX collaborates with NASA and complies with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to ensure safety and operational standards in space travel. Similarly, Anduril works closely with the Department of Defense, adhering to national security regulations. In stark contrast, Hair Dao, as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), exists in the largely unregulated cryptocurrency space. The article itself acknowledges that this lack of regulatory clarity could pose significant risks, especially concerning compliance with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations. This could lead to serious legal and financial challenges for both investors and the project's founders. Also, it raises some questions regarding ethics and the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which we will get into now...
Funnily enough, the Foster Cove Capital PDF article states that that regulation would help the government tax and make money off of DAO technology. This is very dumb. Let me say this, asking for government regulation of DAOs does nothing but turn you into a typical company on the stock exchange. You are bound by how fast you are making money, and due to the Consumer Identification Program FEDERAL LAW, anyone using DAOs and Cryptos must be identified by the government as a means of providing security to these trades.
The next crypto venture capital is owned by the other co-founder. ughhh lets see how fishy this one is...
i see it.... all of it!!
Their latest 2021 Annual Letter is a masterclass in financial acrobatics, so much so that it leaves me wondering if they’ve uncovered a secret trading algorithm, or perhaps a genuine crystal ball, that even the most seasoned Wall Street veterans would envy.
To say that Bizantine Capital had a stellar 2021 would be an understatement. Their self-reported returns are not just high—they're fucking stratospheric.
In 2021 alone, Bizantine returned +331.58%, outshining Bitcoin's respectable +61.18% and absolutely dwarfed the S&P 500's +26.89%.
Since their inception in April 2019, they've boasted an astronomical +2,626.39% return. That’s over 26 times the initial capital in less than three years.
To further scrutinize Bizantine’s claims, let’s juxtapose their performance with insights from a more grounded source: the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper on private equity and venture capital funds. This pretty much shows how Bizantine is probably, if i were to bet, lying their asses off.
For buyout funds, the research finds little evidence of performance persistence, especially post-2000. Funds that were in the top quartile in previous cycles don’t necessarily continue to outperform in subsequent ones. This finding challenges the idea that past success reliably predicts future results—a cornerstone of many investment strategies.
In stark contrast, Bizantine Capital seems to defy this logic, suggesting that they consistently outperform regardless of market conditions. And we've seen crypto rise and crash..and crash...and maybe rise again?? many times within the last 5 years...
Bizantine Capital claims an Average Daily Return of 0.59% and a Standard Deviation of 5.58%, painting a picture of a wild rollercoaster ride compared to the S&P 500’s relatively calm 0.07% average daily return and 0.69% standard deviation. So in other words.... As Bizantine’s returns swing dramatically day-to-day, the S&P 500’s fluctuations are much more subdued.
And given these wild swings, Bizantine’s Sharpe Ratio stands at an impressive 2.000. The Sharpe Ratio is a key measure that helps investors understand how much excess return they're receiving for the additional volatility they're enduring. It's pretty much telling us how well an investment compensates for the risk it takes on. A higher Sharpe Ratio indicates better risk-adjusted returns, meaning the fund earns more return per unit of risk.
But, Bizantine's high standard deviation of 5.58% suggests significant daily volatility, which is usually a red flag for investors because it's implying a greater uncertainty and risk in the fund's returns. This high level of volatility means investors could experience substantial ups and downs. To me, this seems very inconsistent given their high Sharpe Ratio indicates they're generating VERY strong returns relative to this risk, Again, this is highly unusual and especially when this performance is done time and time again.
Okay, enough with the finance talk...for now......

Hair Dao Researcher Involved with Group Buying and Illegal Human Experiments: The use of phase 1 chemotherapy drugs

Recently, Hair Dao found itself in controversial waters. One of their lead community researchers, known as "Jumpman," orchestrated an unofficial human clinical trial where individuals were persuaded to use phase 1 chemotherapy drugs among other compounds include on that the researcher claimed to have designed himself saying that it could potentially regrow hair on a bald scalp (according to some people in this groupbuy he literally just designed it and never tested it on a cell or any animal) to regrow hair.
These drugs, unapproved and largely untested in humans, were obtained through a "group buying" scheme. This method involved large groups of people pooling funds to purchase something from an entity: in this case drugs/chemicals from JennysChems, a Chinese company. Participants committed to buying specific drugs, which were then manufactured and shipped to them. So people essentially payed to be apart of a clinical trial that offered them no safety monitoring mechanisms and -...
Find more here: Hair Loss Community Member using chemotherapy drugs to "regenerate" hair follicles. Dangerous and irresponsible. Bad science.
New Treatments and Huge Groupbuy with lots of Research
Archived - New Treatments and Huge Groupbuy with lots of Research

Hair Loss Community Member using chemotherapy drugs to "regenerate" hair follicles. Dangerous and irresponsible. Bad science.

Hair Dao, wtf are you doing?

Well, there are allegations that one of the co-founders contemplated offering payments for blood work and "reimbursements" to those purchasing drugs through Jumpman’s chemotherapy group buy. Below are screenshots from their Discord server and Jumpman's Telegram, revealing these disturbing discussions. Essentially, Jumpman tells these people, many of who claim to have Post Finasteride Syndrome or distrusting of "Big Pharma" that by particpating in this groupbuy and using these chems, Hair Dao would be one step closer to the cure. Jumpman then encourages these people to upload their bio metric data to Hair Dao's "secure patient platform"
One of the co-founders (andy1) seemingly supporting of this group buying. Also, wtf? dsmo? that increases the absorption of WHATEVER you put on your skin...even chemotherapy drugs.....
real screenshot...
Jumpman states that Hair Dao will pay for the blood work for those that participate in the group buying
Perhaps this is the TM community that Andy1, a co-founder of Hair Dao, was talking about?
This is worrying because we essentially have Hair Dao co-founders and team researchers running an illegal human clinical trial. I wonder where their ethic ID/code is for this clinical trial? Well who cares... it can't possibly get any wors--
Well, Jumpman seems to be collaborating with an actual University Researcher from the Imperial College London named Dr. Claire Higgins. I say seems to because that's what Hair Dao states on their twitter
So, let me get this straight...this guy who was organizing an illegal human clinical trial is apparently collaborating with a University researcher along with that university's research department? Why would Dr. Claire Higgins, a briliant researcher, be associated with such a thing? It seems that she is working with Hair Dao on something and Jumpman has something to do with it, right? She must know who Jumpman is and what he's about? Right? RIGHT??
Well...probably not? In this video, a youtuber who had been dealing with harassment from members of Hair Dao's research team and discord server exposes that Dr. Claire Higgins denies knowing who Jumpman is (and she does this rather aggressively at that). at 3:42
So, someone here is lying of over exaggerating something...and in either case is could defiantly count as a securities violation (US SEC).

So, where does this leave you?

Well... Just don't fall for their schemes. Honestly, think to yourself, what would the funding of hair loss research require CRYPTO at all? The most transparent thing these crypto bros could do would...well not make a crypto? And also register as a non-profit. In the United States, non-profits are required to state to the public on how they get their funds and use it. Simple. Shut. Done. You should not need to use crypto for this operation when you have websites like GoFundMe that can facilitate crowd funding.
They've been making some hardcore attempts to spread this crypto all over YouTube and members of their discord server have taken to harassing youtubers to support the crypto project. Don't be fooled by their donations and affiliations with some actual university researchers and doctors: this could very well be a case of credibility laundering, where, the association with legitimate figures somehow furthers the ethos of an individual/person. After all, do you remember Theranos?
Members of this server have even doxxed and created fake screenshots of youtubers all as a means to gain favor to push this project. Who would ever take this skibidi crypto serious?
submitted by Fresh-Midnight-9540 to tressless [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:20 Uhduh_08 Apartment Help

My PM is giving me a non-renewal and has kicked other tenants out ( I assume because she had a stack of these letters and half of the people in my part of the building are gone since receiving the letter in April)
I'm having a hard time finding an apartment. I trashed my credit due to bipolar disorder and constant job loss due to my illness. I have been in this cycle of paying them off when employed and running them up and becoming delinquent when unemployed. I admittedly listened to bad advice a couple of years ago at 24 to file for ch 7 as this isn't the first time I've been in financial ruin. so I now have a bankruptcy and a trashed credit score.
I also have the issue that I had to live with my sister due to illness and it was her first time renting and she wasnt good at paying her part so we had many times where the rent was late. I recently combed through our ledger and it seems as thought we had a running balance the entire 3 years (although, im not sure because the PM definitely said she was renewing this year because we were never late last year) There is also no way to see who paid what besides combing through bank statements.
ALSO my sister may have to live with me that may cause some problems. Our brother committed fraud in her name. He got evicted from an apartment in her name, ran up peoples gas, and comed. so her credit is wrecked and she won't even do anything about it!
But, The good thing is I have gotten a subsidy for those with mental illness, but my adverse credit/score is getting in the way with big companies. Is there anyone who can recommend companies ,private landlords etc who will rent to someone like me? NOTE: I used to work as a housing specialist for a similar subsidy and I know there are neglectful PM/landlords when people have subsidies. I don't remember what companies they used but I do know that I want to avoid Cagan as they were notoriously hard to get a hold of.
Is there someone you know of that will overlook credit/bk if they know the rent will be paid for an entire year? Also, I'm looking in Uptown, Edgewater, I may even go to rogers Park or West RP (these areas specifically because my sister goes to loyola and I was worried about the trains and coming back down to Lakeview and looking for more diversity) If there are any other neighborhoods that are easy to get to and from loyola as a woman safely and easily by public transit and diverse I would appreciate any suggestions!
I'm desperate a there is a time crunch of August 31st. It just always seems when things go right something goes wrong 😕 This is causing serious stress while trying to do graduate school myself and regaining how I used to feel prior to diagnosis with meds and extremely good therapy! I have realized the traps of credit and what NOT to do when manic to not have this happen again and working on keeping a job through crisis😊
*** sorry for the sloppiness typed fighting through ambien 🤣🤣
*** I am currently unemployed but looking for a job preferably that could pay for school as a current grad student as I'm running out of aid. or I am attempting to apply for SSI or AADB (if anyone knows any tips for this I would appreciate it as well!!!!)
Thank you for any of your help and advice, and guidance 🙏🏽 anything mentioned will be researched and pursued like a bloodhound 🤣
submitted by Uhduh_08 to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:07 365Happy-Days Revisiting RK Memes about GME

I've heard a lot of people talking about the Kansas City Shuffle. Some speculate that this is where we are in the timeline of the meme movie he made, especially since he was wearing that wristband from one of the memes. Here are some of the memes that come after the Kansas City Shuffle. I think it has more to do with RC and RK from here, but what do you think?
Kansas City Shuffle
These memes here are actually meant for RC.
This one. The emojis you see here are often used on Reddit. I think he's saying that everybody wants a piece of the pie, and Ryan Cohen needs to understand this.
I think he's showing RC that he has some power.
Notice here that RC is flashed on the screen right before the clip starts. Then the clip asks if we are in love with him, but later it says the other half did not think that at the time. Maybe he loves him now because he sees him changing or adapting. He has a male's face on a female model's body, which might make a heterosexual male question their attraction. In a company context, this could suggest a transformation where the body is attractive and healthy, but the head doesn't fit.
I don't think this meme was for us. Maybe it was between them.
Same with this one.
Here in the green, we hear what Warren Kitty is trying to say, but we haven't heard his side.
In this meme, I think he's asking RC, "Who do you think I am?" and RC is acknowledging, "You're the one that gave me this power."
In summary, after watching the events unfold over the past two weeks and revisiting these memes from the Kansas City Shuffle onward, these are some of the ones that followed. Back when Ryan Cohen was tweeting, he used to post cryptic stuff too. I think we're on track for what Roaring Kitty thinks we can pull off, but Ryan Cohen needs to pay attention to the memes.
submitted by 365Happy-Days to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:42 Particular-Daikon-94 Process/requirements for paying tax individually for WFH

Hi! Does anyone know what's the process & requirements if remotely employed by US based company?
Here's my situation:
I was previously employed by a company here in PH until June 2023 and was unemployed from July 2023 - March 2024. So basically I don't have ITR for 2023 since i was unemployed during filing.
Now im already employed pero US based company and they don't arrange paying taxes kaya individual dapat mag pay.
A detailed instruction will be really helpful po. Thanks!
submitted by Particular-Daikon-94 to taxPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:25 afrk .nz ccTLDs

Every domain I check is already registered and when whois it, it is registered by someone in America, UK, Europe or India. About 50% of those are for sale and asks to bid minimum $1000 USD, others have no website or redirects to some foreign company website.
I had this question so I contacted DNC NZ to ask why they allow anyone register a .nz domain and answer was and I quote
“We understand that sometimes people or businesses don't reside in New Zealand but have ties to New Zealand, so we allow them to register domain names to reflect that.
If you'd like to have your say next time our policy review is in place, feel free to do so ”
Now the case is different in Australia, in order to register .au you must be resident/have an ABN.
If a legit foreign business asks, I think they must be allowed to register .nz domain however non-resident squatters should be stopped. Why should one pay $100s to $1000s for something which they should be paying $30.
Now the questions are
  1. Has there been an attempt or campaign to change this policy?
  2. If not, what is the probability of success of a campaign to change this policy?
  3. Is the tech and business community not really concerned about this? Or they don’t understand the significance?
  4. Are people actually paying the squatters? Have you bought a domain off someone else?
submitted by afrk to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:09 bl00dien0mn0mz I was kissed drunk and I liked it, but we're both in relationships

This week I went up to my brother's best friend's ranch with my brother, in hopes that I would keep his friend (lets call him Chris)'s girlfriend of 5 years(Darla) company as shes completely isolated. We were originally just supposed to stay one or two nights, get absolutely slammed and faded those nights, then go home. We ended up staying for almost a week.
The first 2 nights were nice, We would do farm chores, Chris would ask me to go smoke w him at noon, my brother would get blackout drunk, Chris and I would make fun of him and record him while Darla slept, then in the morning my brother, Chris, and I woukd watch Baki until Darla woke up. On the 3rd night, Chris showed me how to ride some of the heavy equipment and feed the animals, and after having driven out to god knows where on some private road and getting drunk, we all came home and Chris and I went out to get food as we had just taken dabs 30min prior, our first time being actually fully alone.
On the 4th morning, thursday morning, during our usual wake-and-bake Baki binge, I noticed Chris kept looking at me when I wasn't watchjng the screen, he was sitting much closer, and even made an almost flirty joke as I was trying to touch up my makeup.
That night Darla suggested we all go out to this private abandoned lake and hang out, so we packed the truck stock full of blunts and wine and other vices and drove out.
Turned out there was a pretty steep climb down to the lake from where we parked that Darla couldnt quite handle right, so I helped her the entire way down, holding her hand when she was scared, and even carrying her, but Chris only ever offered to help me.
When we got to the lake Chris would offer me drinks by holding them to my mouth and letting me drink as he held the bottle/can; he would ask me first to pass a blunt or drink; he even kept showing me the cool snail shells he found.
He barely talked to Darla, and she smoked for the very first time that night.
When we got back up to the truck, just before the sun began to set, Chris picked me up and sat me next to him on the truck roof when Darla was upset about something in the passenger seat.
You see, Chris and Darla had been fighting the entire time we had visited. Something always upset her, something always meant he didn't love her. He was so clearly stressed. On the roof of that truck, he told me all their problems. How she doesn't listen when he tries to talk, how the relationship feels stagnant, how she spends the money he doesn't have, how she doesn't reach out or talk to anyone but him, how he thinks the view is so pretty and the drinks are so good but he doesn't know what else to do.
After that, we decided to head home.
Mid-drive home, he pulled over and asked me to go out with him to the nearby hill to look at the sunset. I was too tipsy to walk and my outfit was too delicate and he didnt want it to ruin, so he carried me down. My brother, clearly black-out drunk at this point, didnt get the hint, so we had to keep sending him back to get us drinks that we didnt drink. Between these drinks, Chris confessed to me that he was so attracted to me and that terrified him and he cried. He told me he had been trying to make moves on me each night and felt so guilty. He told me the outfits I'd wear would drive him crazy. He told me he felt like he could confide in me. I told him I liked him back.
The problem is, I also have a partner. We're LDR and have never met IRL (dated 6 months). There was seemingly always a reason for him to not come by, either he didn't want to, or was scared, or didn't have the time despite making plans to stop by prior that I consistantly offer to pay in full for. I felt like I could never bring up an issue eithout it turning into him telling me we should probably just break up because he has issues. I couldn't set boundaries, either he'd tell me I was his only support system when I'd say if I couldn't handle his venting ATM but I could later, or he'd coerce me out of sexual boundaries by pouting or repeatedly begging me. He never showed me he cared about me unless he was insecure or horny. He was always mad at me over the slightest things, too. Me apologizing, annoying. Me talking to him st the wrong time, frustrating. Me talking about my friends, jealous. Me needing him to elaborate or reword something because I genuinely couldnt understand him, too much. I didn't feel loved. I felt more like a beat dog than anything human.
As we drove back for the final time, Darla and Chris had practically scream fought the entire time (I was in the bed of the truck so I couldn't hear anything of substance).
When we got back home, Darla kept bringing out more drinks and even took a small dab.
Chris and I stepped out for a moment to grab something from my brother's car (plus I was nauseaous from all the drinks and need air). He kissed me. I didn't expect it, but I didn't stop it. I hate it, but I loved it. So much. He hugged me and asked if I was okay. He kissed me again and we headed back inside. By then, Darla was vomitting and crying for Chris to help her and hold her hair back, but he couldn't be near her without feeling sick, so I went down to help her and he sat next me the entire time. He didn't touch her, even when she said she needed him. I just held her hair and rubbed her back and arm.
She lingered downstair when she was done, and Chris and I went back upstairs to watch a movie. He kept rubbing my leg as I sat on the floor by his bench.
Apparently, she always does this. She expects him to listen and fix all her problems, but drinks like a fish anytime he needs to bring up an issue and cries for him to take care of her. It was fairly evident they really only really got along when they're both passionately drunk. He was so done but he still loved her so much.
They had an arguement, he confronted her about her behavior, she wouldn't listen, so he just took her to their room to hopefully discuss this when shes sober. After sitting in silence for a bit, Chris and I headed out for a walk at around 2 am.
We mustve walked for at least a mile or two when we found a place to sit down and chat. He held me in his arms. He rubbed my back and pressed me close into him. We talked about what we wanted for our futures, what was so wrong about our relationships, our issues, what we found so attractive about each other, and any random bullshit. We kissed, we madeout, he cried, but we both agreed this could never be sexual. It was too pure, despite the circumstances. He told me that, if his future ever involved me, he'd want to get to know me first, platonically or not. He told me that even if we don't become anything, he wants me to break up with my bf because he doesn't think I deserve how I'm treated. He told me he doesn't know what I see in him. He asked me when last I'd been properly held.
Nobody had ever looked at me like that. Nobody had ever held me like that. I don't think I've ever even had just a conversation that nice before. I hadn't been touched in almost a year. Despite our different views, we got along so well in humor, conversation, wishes for our futures, and of course physical chemistry. It was all so.. nice.
It terrified me.
We got back to the house at 4am, we smoked some dabs, he hugged me so tight I could feel the tears soak my shirt and his heavy breathing, he showed me old photos and videos he was embarrassed about, and we went to sleep in our respective beds.
That morning yesterday he slept in twice as long as usual, he was distant and clearly tired. he wasnt avoiding me, but it wasnt the same. Not to mention, him and Darla seemed closer than ever. I basically spent my entire day avoiding his eye contact, smoking, and crying in my brother's car waiting for us to head out.
I honestly don't know what else I expected.
I got his number from my brother as he drove and I apologized to him for what I did to him. I apologized for taking advantage of him like that. He told me I shouldn't blame myself and I'm welcome back whenever, but he just couldn't live with himself right now.
Today, I told my boyfriend everything and told him I think we should break up.
I realized, admittedly partially because of Chris, that while I still love my bf so much, I just can't do this anymore. I still care about him with my entire sould, but I still have so much untreated trauma and mental issues I need to work through, and being in a relationship is just making it all worse.
As soon as I told him, he pulled out every line in the book. He compared me to his mom's drinking and cheating. He told me he still sleeps with the stuffed animal I gave him months ago. He told me he can change and that he can help me with my recovery. He told me he wrote a poem for me. He told me that that's 'not the real him'. He's said I love you more than he has in the entire relationship just today. He keeps begging me to say I still love him and that everything will be okay, and I can't stand any of it anymore. I do still love him so much, and I offered to wait until my next therapy appointment in a day to officially break up, but I just want it to be over. I can't be his onky friend, I can't be his 24/7 booty call, I can't be his punching bag when he's pissed.
Chris and I are probably never going to happen and he'll probably marry Darla in the end. My bf will block me and I'll end up back to where I was before.
I don't know what happened, but I fucked up so bad. I don't cheat, I never drink with people, I don't do these things. I hurt so many people and I don't know how I'll live with myself. I don't know how I'll stay alive.
Darla didn't deserve this, Chris didn't deserve this, and my bf didn't deserve this, yet here we are.
I honestly I think i just need this all to be out of my head and into the world so I can finally start to breathe again.
I'm so sorry for the whole novel TL;DR↓
My relationship makes me feel helpless. I got drunk with my brother's friend with relationship problems, too. He kissed me 3 times and I liked it but he regrets it. I'm trying to break up with my bf but I don't know what to do with my life after this all.
submitted by bl00dien0mn0mz to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:09 hacops Qualcomm Noida Offer: Fair Compensation or Room for Negotiation?

I recently received an offer from Qualcomm in Noida , and I need your help to understand if it's a good offer or if I should negotiate further.
Current Company Details: Base Pay: 34 LPA, Variable Pay: 6 LPA, RSUs: $18K Experience: Cloud + Infra + CI/CD +Script YOE: 5.5
New Offer (Qualcomm, Noida): Base Pay: 43 LPA, + Variable Pay: 3 LPA, + RSUs: $33K Relocation: 6 L, + Joining Bonus: 9 L
Thanks in advance for your suggestions and help!
submitted by hacops to devops [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:03 hacops Need Advice: Is This Qualcomm Offer Competitive? Should I Negotiate or Accept?

I recently received an offer from Qualcomm in Noida , and I need your help to understand if it's a good offer or if I should negotiate further.
Current Company Details: Base Pay: 34 LPA, Variable Pay: 6 LPA, RSUs: $18K Experience: Cloud + Infra + CI/CD YOE: 5.5
New Offer (Qualcomm, Noida): Base Pay: 42 LPA, + Variable Pay: 5 LPA, + RSUs: $33K Relocation: 6 L, + Joining Bonus: 9 L
Thanks in advance for your suggestions and help!
submitted by hacops to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:02 bl00dien0mn0mz I was kissed drunk and I liked it, but we're both taken

This week I went up to my brother's best friend's ranch with my brother, in hopes that I would keep his friend (lets call him Chris)'s girlfriend of 5 years(Darla) company as she's completely isolated. We were originally just supposed to stay one or two nights, get absolutely slammed and faded those nights, then go home. We ended up staying for almost a week. The first 2 nights were nice, We would do farm chores, Chris would ask me to go smoke w him at noon, my brother would get blackout drunk, Chris and I would make fun of him and record him while Darla slept, then in the morning my brother, Chris, and I woukd watch Baki until Darla woke up. On the 3rd night, Chris showed me how to ride some of the heavy equipment and feed the animals, and after having driven out to god knows where on some private road and getting drunk, we all came home and Chris and I went out to get food as we had just taken dabs 30min prior, our first time being actually fully alone. On the 4th morning, thursday morning, during our usual wake-and-bake Baki binge, I noticed Chris kept looking at me when I wasn't watchjng the screen, he was sitting much closer, and even made an almost flirty joke as I was trying to touch up my makeup. That night Darla suggested we all go out to this private abandoned lake and hang out, so we packed the truck stock full of blunts and wine and other vices and drove out. Turned out there was a pretty steep climb down to the lake from where we parked that Darla couldnt quite handle right, so I helped her the entire way down, holding her hand when she was scared, and even carrying her, but Chris only ever offered to help me. When we got to the lake Chris would offer me drinks by holding them to my mouth and letting me drink as he held the bottle/can; he would ask me first to pass a blunt or drink; he even kept showing me the cool snail shells he found. He barely talked to Darla, and she smoked for the very first time that night. When we got back up to the truck, just before the sun began to set, Chris picked me up and sat me next to him on the truck roof when Darla was upset about something in the passenger seat. You see, Chris and Darla had been fighting the entire time we had visited. Something always upset her, something always meant he didn't love her. He was so clearly stressed. On the roof of that truck, he told me all their problems. How she doesn't listen when he tries to talk, how the relationship feels stagnant, how she spends the money he doesn't have, how she doesn't reach out or talk to anyone but him, how he thinks the view is so pretty and the drinks are so good but he doesn't know what else to do. After that, we decided to head home. Mid-drive home, he pulled over and asked me to go out with him to the nearby hill to look at the sunset. I was too tipsy to walk and my outfit was too delicate and he didnt want it to ruin, so he carried me down. My brother, clearly black-out drunk at this point, didnt get the hint, so we had to keep sending him back to get us drinks that we didnt drink. Between these drinks, Chris confessed to me that he was so attracted to me and that terrified him and he cried. He told me he had been trying to make moves on me each night and felt so guilty. He told me the outfits I'd wear would drive him crazy. He told me he felt like he could confide in me. I told him I liked him back. The problem is, I also have a partner. We're LDR and have never met IRL (dated 6 months). There was seemingly always a reason for him to not come by, either he didn't want to, or was scared, or didn't have the time despite making plans to stop by prior that I consistantly offer to pay in full for. I felt like I could never bring up an issue eithout it turning into him telling me we should probably just break up because he has issues. I couldn't set boundaries, either he'd tell me I was his only support system when I'd say if I couldn't handle his venting ATM but I could later, or he'd coerce me out of sexual boundaries by pouting or repeatedly begging me. He never showed me he cared about me unless he was insecure or horny. He was always mad at me over the slightest things, too. Me apologizing, annoying. Me talking to him st the wrong time, frustrating. Me talking about my friends, jealous. Me needing him to elaborate or reword something because I genuinely couldnt understand him, too much. I didn't feel loved. I felt more like a beat dog than anything human. As we drove back for the final time, Darla and Chris practically scream fought the entire time (I was in the bed of the truck so I couldn't hear anything of substance). When we got back home, Darla kept bringing out more drinks and even took a small dab. Chris and I stepped out for a moment to grab something from my brother's car (plus I was nauseaous from all the drinks and need air). He kissed me. I didn't expect it, but I didn't stop it. I hate it, but I loved it. So much. He hugged me and asked if I was okay. He kissed me again and we headed back inside. By then, Darla was vomitting and crying for Chris to help her and hold her hair back, but he couldn't be near her without feeling sick, so I went down to help her and he sat next me the entire time. He didn't touch her, even when she said she needed him. I just held her hair and rubbed her back and arm. She lingered downstair when she was done, and Chris and I went back upstairs to watch a movie. He kept rubbing my leg as I sat on the floor by his bench. Apparently, she always does this. She expects him to listen and fix all her problems, but drinks like a fish anytime he needs to bring up an issue and cries for him to take care of her. It was fairly evident they really only really got along when they're both passionately drunk. He was so done but he still loved her so much. They had an arguement, he confronted her about her behavior, she wouldn't listen, so he just took her to their room to hopefully discuss this when shes sober. After sitting in silence for a bit, Chris and I headed out for a walk at around 2 am. We mustve walked for at least a mile or two when we found a place to sit down and chat. He held me in his arms. He rubbed my back and pressed me close into him. We talked about what we wanted for our futures, what was so wrong about our relationships, our issues, what we found so attractive about each other, and any random bullshit. We kissed, we madeout, he cried, but we both agreed this could never be sexual. It was too pure, despite the circumstances. He told me that, if his future ever involved me, he'd want to get to know me first, platonically or not. He told me that even if we don't become anything, he wants me to break up with my bf because he doesn't think I deserve how I'm treated. He told me he doesn't know what I see in him. He asked me when last I'd been properly held. Nobody had ever looked at me like that. Nobody had ever held me like that. I don't think I've ever even had just a conversation that nice before. I hadn't been touched in almost a year. Despite our different views, we got along so well in humor, conversation, wishes for our futures, and of course physical chemistry. It was all so.. nice. It terrified me. We got back to the house at 4am, we smoked some dabs, he hugged me so tight I could feel the tears soak my shirt and his heavy breathing, he showed me old photos and videos he was embarrassed about, and we went to sleep in our respective beds. That morning yesterday he slept in twice as long as usual, he was distant and clearly tired. he wasnt avoiding me, but it wasnt the same. Not to mention, him and Darla seemed closer than ever. I basically spent my entire day avoiding his eye contact, smoking, and crying in my brother's car waiting for us to head out. I honestly don't know what else I expected. I got his number from my brother as he drove and I apologized to him for what I did to him. I apologized for taking advantage of him like that. He told me I shouldn't blame myself and I'm welcome back whenever, but he just couldn't live with himself right now. Today, I told my boyfriend everything and told him I think we should break up. I realized, admittedly partially because of Chris, that while I still love my bf so much, I just can't do this anymore. I still care about him with my entire sould, but I still have so much untreated trauma and mental issues I need to work through, and being in a relationship is just making it all worse. As soon as I told him, he pulled out every line in the book. He compared me to his mom's drinking and cheating. He told me he still sleeps with the stuffed animal I gave him months ago. He told me he can change and that he can help me with my recovery. He told me he wrote a poem for me. He told me that that's 'not the real him'. He's said I love you more than he has in the entire relationship just today. He keeps begging me to say I still love him and that everything will be okay, and I can't stand any of it anymore. I do still love him so much, and I offered to wait until my next therapy appointment in a day to officially break up, but I just want it to be over. I can't be his onky friend, I can't be his 24/7 booty call, I can't be his punching bag when he's pissed. Chris and I are probably never going to happen and he'll probably marry Darla in the end. My bf will block me and I'll end up back to where I was before. I don't know what happened, but I fucked up so bad. I don't cheat, I never drink without people, I don't do these things. I hurt so many people and I don't know how I'll live with myself. Darla didn't deserve this, Chris didn't deserve this, and my bf didn't deserve this, yet here we are. I honestly think i just need this all to be out of my head and into the world so I can finally start to breathe again.
I'm so sorry for the whole novel TL;DR↓
My relationship makes me feel helpless. I got drunk with my brother's friend with relationship problems, too. He kissed me 3 times and I liked it but he regrets it. I'm trying to break up with my bf but I don't know what to do with my life after this all.
submitted by bl00dien0mn0mz to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:56 MurasakiSuzume Do I really have to make friends at work?

Last Wednesday I got called by the HR cause someone made a complaint about me, apparently they found me off when I got shocked when there were changes on the projects that I'm almost done working on which is due a few minutes later. Who wouldn't be shocked to know that hours of work you made will be trashed cause there are changes, I wasn't mad or directly blaming them I was just shocked and being honest with what I felt that time. I explained this to the HR and told them that this was just a misunderstanding and if this situation happens again I will control my emotions.
The HR then asked me for a follow up question regarding anything about work since I'm new to the company and I told her that my supervisor, the company stylist became so distant from me. I told HR that I've noticed that my supervisor wasn't interacting, talking, or even sitting next to me since we share an office desk. I told them that during my first day of work she was very engaging, I asked her a lot of questions about the company, the projects, the workers, and the CEO, I actually thought that we will become close because I told her that I'm gay and she told me that she's lesbian and I was glad to know that there is at least one queer person in the office that I can relate with. We shared our dating lives, how she's in a hurry to leave work cause she's meeting someone and wished her good luck, I shared my fashion style, my favourite films to watch and recommend some, and told her that I'm a Taylor Swift fan and my favourite album is "speak now", I even told her that amongst all the supervisors that I've had she was the only one who I get to be close and can relate with.
As time went on and as I worked there she started distancing herself from me, at first I didn't notice it cause I just thought that since she's the stylist she spends most of her days in the lobby where all the stylings and stuff are like for photoshoots, samples, and all... I went to the HR office to report about my requirements and as soon as I opened the door the first person I saw was her working on her mac, I just said maybe since in our office the ac is broken so she went here to have ac while working, but nope I was wrong the next day she was working in our office but on the other side in different department. The following day she reported to the office but she felt ill so she decided to book home instead, I wanted to ask her if she's fine but then I don't want to stress her with questions so I instead let her be and she was absent for the entire week.
The next week really was the one who takes the cake cause I reported to the HR and her (even though I wasn't sure if she's still sick or not anymore cause she wasn't replying or seeing my chats) that I'd be absent for Monday so that I can start working on my medical examination. The next Tuesday I went to work late cause I went to meralco to pay bills and I really thought that I can make it on time hence why I didn't report to both her and HR but I got a viber chat from her asking me if I'm still going to work. As soon as I arrived at work I saw her sitting on our desk and when she saw me she started packing up her stuff to move to the next desk, the "not reporting late" is also one of the complaints about me. I asked her about how she was after her sick leave since she was absent for the entire week and me being a concerned citizen and all she can say"I'm fiiine" with no follow ups. Okay cool then... So I told those things to the HR.
The HR then said maybe I made something that sets her off or she's just too busy with work or maybe I could go and ask her, I responded by saying that I don't want to bring back our previous interactions I just want to know if there could be a resolution for this since I'm a fresh employee I want to build relationships with my co workers especially her since where in the same department (I actually just told this to HR just to show faces but in reality I really don't care what she thinks of me anymore). The following day I saw her taking pictures with our co workers at dismissal and when she saw me leaving and gave my goodbyes she just byed back and never invited me to the group photo, I found it suspicious to why she's having group photos with all the employees without me up until the next day I found out that that was her last day in the company, I saw the group photos in viber and all I can say was "hmmm" does that mean I'm gonna take over her position, I'm not a stylist I'm the GA, I chatted her wishing her good luck ahead and thanking her for training me even though we were together just for 3 weeks and a half. So yuhh... I'm just there to work and whoever her replacement is I hope they can be as less toxic as her. Byeeee...
submitted by MurasakiSuzume to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:47 SignificanceWild8259 How DMS, IIT Delhi is transitioning into a tier-1 college??

2 years ago, I had a choice between IIM Shillong and DMS. I chose DMS IIT Delhi because of family pressure. I was bit hesitant in the start but soon I realised that it was fine decision. It is not in the league of IIM Blacki FMS SPJ XL MDI or IIFT but it would catch the premium club sooner than anticipated. Here are few points in favour of DMS IITD.
  1. Commitment of 100 percent placement- In the tough times, when other institutes got their placement reports out without 100 percent placement, DMS stayed with their students. They placed each and everyone. That commitment is extraordinary when others are busy in dropping unplaced people from the reports. If you opt for DMS , there is a 95 percent chance that you will end up with a CTC of 18 plus lpa.
  2. Balanced batch size- Dms has a decent batch size, i.e. 120-150, that is neither too big nor too small. In the coming years it would become 150+, providing ample opportunities with placement safety net. DMS is not meant for only engineering people, the batch is really diverse with people from different fields and experiences. And what I have seen is that non-engineering folks are also performing as good as engineering folks.
  3. Drifting from the conventional image- They have worked tirelessly to expand their horizons. 5 years ago, they were famous for Operations and Analytics. Now, Operations people are 4th biggest cohort. 25 percent people got S&M jobs, followed by Consulting and IT. Soon, they are planning to expand in Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Robotics and believe me they got the infrastructure to thrive in those fields also.
  4. Brand image in Foreign Companies- People reckon that IITs are a big brand outside India while IIMs are far bigger in India. That statement is mostly true. HUL, ITC, Tata or Birla group group will prefer a candidate from IIM anyday. ITC and HUL were built by managers from IIM Ahmedabad and Bangalore that's why they have too much influence in these old industry stalwarts. But the situation is different for foreign companies like Google, Netflix, Walmart, Mercedes or Shell oil. They would prefer a candidate from IIT irrespective of countries they are hiring for. I would like to correct the people's statement. " IIMs are a far bigger brand for companies based in India, while IITs are a bigger brand for foreign companies working in or outside India"
  5. Brand Consolidation - There is a no doubt that IITs are engineering colleges and DMS people are invisible inside the campus. IITs are dominated by Btech people and even poor B.Tech graduate from IIT Delhi have far more potential than DMS mba. People would always look at you in a skeptical way if you tell them that you did MBA from IIT. You would not get respect from the society like people from old IIMs and IITs( get. If you are coming to DMS for fame, prestige or satisfying your ego, don't come. Better go for another attempt and try to crack IIM Blacki. But if you want a satisfying career and want to earn good money, then DMS is a place to go. DMS has bred more than 30+ startups and a lot more will come in coming year. People's career skyrocketed after graduating from DMS. I remember one folk who was working in TCS for bare 3 lpa. His life changed for the better in the past 5 years. He is earning a base pay of 85 lpa(5 years work-ex, ctc-1.25 cr) now. There are a lot of more stories. You do your own research, you will find out a vibrant, successful and strong alumni base. Dms has consolidated the brand image in the eyes of industry over the past years but I don't think the people's perception would change.
Note- I have tried to give some fair points without being unbiased. I have mentioned all the demerits of being in IIT for mba. I could have said that IIT mba folk have as much respect as IIM, but I kept the points fair. While selecting college, do your own research and talk to alumnis. Discuss it with your friends, families and colleagues. No one really knows what college will suit for them, we have to do a very fine analysis.
submitted by SignificanceWild8259 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:13 Bonnestagen Questions about DF64 gen 2

Hey coffee aficionados
I plan to buy the DF64 gen 2, but before doing so I have a few question and I hope you can help me.
Current setup Rancilio pro X and Sette 270
Reason for picking the DF64 is that I want a single dose grinder for easier switching between beans and I enjoy the rituals when using a single dose. I want a flat burr grinder since I already have a chronical one and in the future I can replace the burrs with more specialized burrs. I did consider the Atom 65, but speaking to one of my friends who have it and says the retention is pretty bad so I landed on the DF64 gen 2. I borrowed the NZ from a colleague and its an awsome grinder, but tastewise I can get the same from my Sette so other than the workflow and reduction in noise level I would not really gain anything from the NZ.
Question 1: I dont really have a preference In terms of coffee drink, I drink more or less everything. Until I get a better idea of what I want and want the DF64 can do, I plan the use the stock burrs. Is the stock burss more versatile or should I already now consider other burrs now?
Question 2: As you know the Sette is quite loud, and from what I can read the DF64 is also loud. How is the DF64 noise wise compared to the Sette ?
Question 3: Since Im in Europe I would have to pay taxes when Importing from outside of Europe, I can see on is says that no taxes when sending to Europe. I assume this is because its up to you to report if you have something to declare and if you are ''Caught'' you would have the pay taxes and then price wise its the same to buy it in European shop. Also if there would be any problems with the grinder it would be a pain to deal with a company outside of Europe. So I plan to buy the grinder from does anyone in Europe have experience with that shop and have maybe anyone in Denmark used that shop ?
Question 4: Final question, did I miss any grinder that can do the same as the DF64 at that price range ?
submitted by Bonnestagen to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:58 UpcomingPolarBear Why does everyone say that IPC is the government/collect taxes when they clearly don't?

Something that's been irking - I'm not sure where "IPC = tax collectors" came from, when it literally is in the title of their organization: Interastral peace corporation. The IPC aren't a government that collect taxes, it's a huge company like mega-Amazon, with a financial status stable enough to have their own currency and credit system. Noone pays taxes to mega-Amazon or any other corporations.
Maybe it came from Topaz's converations when she says "...[Stellaron Hunters] have an unexpectedly good credit record..."? But she's the leader of the Special Debt Picket Team, meaning people borrow money from the IPC and they follow the IPC's set credit system - following a credit and credit scores or whatever and paying back money is not "taxes". Topaz tracks people down when they don't make their payments (like Sampo, Herta).
like yea everyone agrees the ipc is a morally gray org and stuff, noone's denying that. but are people saying this just for the memes or what
submitted by UpcomingPolarBear to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:47 Skim_my_Reflection Silly or not- at least I'm asking... is there such a thing as lay-a-way-therapy?

As someone who is now going on 40, had the best of the best of 'adulting' somewhat conquered...and well, am now...starting - almost- from scratch, need help and don't know where to turn. Going from a salary position, on government base, working for a non for profit company and then... BOOM! My life got twist turned upside down. After some family loss, relocation, more loss and then trauma and abuse,I turned to self medication and pretty much hit rock bottom. I wished, prayed, hoped, manifested and reached out to friends and family, begging for some sort of intervention. "Hey you, quit drinking, come fishing/dancing/out again!""hey you, have you lost 50 lbs and perhaps caving in your room, ignoring life, you ok?""Hey you, omg, you alive?" "Hey you... um, remember you?"I got worse, mentally, physically, emotionally...and felt like I was disappearing into an ugly void. OK, anyway, I pulled thru, OK? Heh heh. That was damn near a year ago. Woo hoo, ya know? But.. ugh, ikr, there is the inevitable -but-. Wait for it tho! SO, I am clean, no tobacco, no alcohol, no prescription pills, no otc bogus/nonbogus claims, no extreme fads or workout/health hobbies. No drugs. No bad influences. Wow! Such progress! Such yay! BUT! I need therapy! Real doctor- patient relationship therapy. In person, video, whatever, but I know beyond a doubt I am slipping and need TOOLS. GUIDANCE. THERAPY.
Tools! Feedback! Goals! HOPE!
Ok... yep, I hear the pleas of perhaps government assisted programs. Yep. I am all for those programs! However- please, please, bear with me, in 2017 I became fully acquainted with Central Florida's Stewart Marchman Act ....ans facilities. They prescribed SEVEN -that is 7- different non-addictive medications for PTSD, GAD, ADHD, Depression, and unfortunately, ETC. I was on that throat dam for nearly 9 months before cold turkey to consciousness again. So that was then, and since then I held said job and crown on adulting like I said in the beginning of this rant. Yet... This is today, back to brink of self imploding. BUT, here am I am asking for helo in a different way. I I know if I can prevail then maybe one day I'll be back to managing government contracts, paying for therapy thru my whatever benefits and insurance the future can hope for and living my best life. Please, can someone point me in some kind of direction that isn't down?
submitted by Skim_my_Reflection to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:41 Bitmandoo This may be a good upcoming news for USDT sellers who want to off ramp in India safely without the fear of getting their bank account frozen.

So there's this app called wind app, (nope I am not promoting it currently) , Currently its in enterprise phase where enterprise / companies can convert their USDC / other crypto to fiat currency, they take care of all the KYC.
The founder says they will add the option for normal users after few weeks.
Users can convert their USDC to INR / other fiat currency using this app, and get money directly in the bank account, This app works on a "remittance model" , services like remitly, western union, wise, already exist that lets a user living abroad send money using them to account in INR, the only issue being these services don't allow crypto to fiat transfer. However wind app does that, they do remittance but crypto to fiat remittance, users can send money in upto 38 countries as of now.
The founder of this project is a person who has founded a business called "pathao" , "pathao" is like Ola / Uber that operates in Bangladesh and Nepal, so this founder has some credibility.
Regarding taxes and FIU, there won't be such thing as TDS, as mentioned by the founder, as they are not required to register business in India. They just "remit" money, and only allows off ramping, so the government gets dollars coming from other countries so the government is happy, users won't have to worry about bank freeze and TDS, users will be happy, and regarding taxes if you earn profit you should pay taxes. You can't use them to buy crypto so the dollar doesn't leave the country and the government is happy about that.
When questioned about how this crypto to fiat legally takes place, here's what the founder replied :
"Questions around regulations on our off-ramps. -> We have licensed VASP in Europe where we convert USDC to USD. -> We have licensed PSP in UAE (licensed for cross-border remittance) through which we can disburse local fiat. Our infra makes this seamless. Through this we can off-ramp not just in India, but anywhere in the world. All users have to pass KYCs and the process adheres to our KYC/AML policy that is approved by our regulators and banking partners."
Further legal questions and answers can be found here :
Here's what the founder said regarding Off ramping in India :
We solved off-ramp in India Off-ramping to India is not as easy, even if there are large exchanges like WazirX
We tried paying out employees of Web3 companies in India using USDC, and partnered with local fiat off-ramps to convert that USDC in fiat. Our early users hated it. Why? Because India has a 30% "crypto tax". These web3 employees did not want their money coming in from an exchange because they were afraid they would have to report it for their tax filings, and get charged 30%+ in taxes! We solved it by doing the conversion off-shore. We convert USDC > USD outside of India, funnel that USD > INR into India. The money shows up as remittance (as it is!) in the employees bank statement. Indian government = happy, because USD is coming into the country. Employees = happy, they are not dealing in crypto. Us = happy, because this is a unique product that doesn't exist in the market.
Twitter link of the founder of Windapp : , this person is active on twitter so if you have any questions, tag him, he will reply.
link of the website currently for enterprise use only :
Note : I am not endorsing this app / website currently, I just found it to be a latest solution for us off rampers hence I felt its necessary for keep you guys updated. I will use it once its available to general people and provide further feedback.
submitted by Bitmandoo to CryptoIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:25 Dodgysparkyy Mortgage or not - Give me your reckons

Heya mates,
I've found myself in the unbelievably fortunate position to purchase a small one or two bedroom townhouse/apt with about a 450-500k down payment (in most cases, the whole thing)
I've been in touch with a mortgage broker and he reckons ticking up a 200k loan to get something a little bigger (650-700k total) would be a better idea than simply paying cash for something.
I would be renting it out and paying rent at a different property (if I have to live by myself and work from home I will KMS, this is an expensive way of doing things I know, but being social is more important to me.)
The goal here is to live mostly rent free, not to make a profit off someone else. The mortgage broker has a personal interest in getting me to sign up for as big a loan as he can for his fee, and I don't know if his suggestion of getting a larger loan is purely unbiased, he is professional though and knows his stuff.
I run my own freelance company and can write the interest off my tax
What are your reckons, what would you do?
submitted by Dodgysparkyy to PersonalFinanceNZ [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:23 PlaneMarionberry9814 Seeking employment

Moving to rapid city towards the end of July and I was curious as to the job market? My gf(F22) got a job on base and would like to have a job that aligns with her schedule as well so we can build our future together. I(M23) don't have a degree but have experience as a manager for 3 years now. What kind of jobs would be available? Could I easily find a job that pays $16-$20+? Ideally get the weekend off? Is it more of a walking in and asking if companies are hiring or online applications? We're both saving as much as we can as I will be without a job when we arrive and I do not want to put that stress on my girlfriend. How long should I expect to be unemployed? I've heard that the unemployment rate in SD is one of the lowest in the country but don't know the specifics for RC.
Thank you for any and all advice! I do want to go to uni eventually just not sure when or in what. I want to support my gf in her career right now and I know she'll support me when I go back. Are there alternative routes to some jobs? Where I only have to get a certificate or something similar with less schooling?
How does the cost of living compare to Texas? We're both excited to move out of San Antonio but curious about diversity. Is there a Mexican/hispanic community?
Again thank you!
submitted by PlaneMarionberry9814 to RapidCity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:22 lifeisajamisalife Two years after leaving a "unicorn startup"...still processing the nightmare I went through

I've left tech for about two years. I'm trying to make it in a different field, but sometimes I miss the pure joy of coding. But not the drama.
It was a nightmarish 3 years at a unicorn tech company...can't put it otherwise. I still process over the trauma it gave me. I still wonder what I could have done differently, how much of it was really my fault. Maybe I really wasn't a good Software Engineer, and maybe I was really a good-for-nothing crybaby, as they seemed to view me, and deserved all the shit I got. But I can't help feel I was some sort of "scapegoat" of the company, at least the team.
For background, I am an Asian female. I have a BS and an MS in CS from one of HYPSM (this was my first job out of school). But your degree and your ability isn't really that related. I was never really a programming kid growing up, and I kinda went with the flow to choose CS as a major because "everyone is doing CS" (and other practical reasons). That's my fault. Maybe this was the price I had to pay.
I admit I didn't feel 100% capable and skilled at any time during my job. Sometimes I dealt with a lot of brain fog. When your HR isn't helping you, and your manager had the audacity to put you on the same project as the person you reported, how much can you focus on learning the codebase?
Even though I wanted to train myself, be better, having all the emotional baggage really drained me down. I learned it's colossally difficult to learn and improve when you are, well at least you believe you are, not treated like an equal human being by those around you. It was also during the pandemic.
There are too many instances to count. Too many slights, snubs, mansplaining, etc. to go through. But here are just some key dramas that happened:
1.At my first team, the manger was a fellow Asian female. Everyone else were dudes. They barely talked about my "new grad project" which "didn't have a deadline." I was invisible at meetings, so was my project. However, suddenly, they realized my project had a deadline. I found that out, like 1.5 weeks before the deadline. Apparently when my manager said it "didn't have a deadline," she meant "If it's done before the deadline, it ships. If not, then it doesn't ship. Like ever." But the PM (and the Marketing Team) wasn't on roll with that. This had to ship. So I suddenly worked lots of over-hours and worked with the manger to cut down on many spots to make the deadline.
But the manager took no responsibility of the havoc it caused, and I got zero credit for pulling this through (because "you got help from so many people" - really? looking back, that looks like a fairly normal amount of collaboration between people who work on the same, uh, company. And I really wrote all the code...). And also, why would anyone want to work on something for months, knowing it will never ship??? If she thought that was really ok, why didn't she tell that to me sooner???
  1. There was an older white dude that kept making icky comments. He would "compliment" my outfit, would ask me to rate the attractiveness of a celebrity, and so on. This caused me a lot of confusion and I couldn't focus on my work (to be fair, these comments were fairly benign compared to the totality of yuck within tech, but as I said, I was a fresh grad so had no immunity to these stuff).
Then one day, when I asked him where he was going to sit, he said "on your lap."
I was shocked. I couldn't focus on anything. I mean now, as I am four years older and four years more jaded, I think I can brush it off. But back then, not at all. This was the company that said they care so much about women and underrepresented minorities. I can't give you too many details, but this company really espouses the point that they are "different from other tech companies" and "everyone is welcomed and respected." They have a really good brand (looking back, it was a borderline cult).
After a lot of thinking (and searching up similar stories on Reddit), I reported this to my manager. The same manager from #1. Her knee-jerk response?
"He says that to guys too," with a smile, as if I am bringing up the stupidest thing ever.
Looking back, she was a borderline psychopath. Not just because of this, but everything that happened during our relationship.
Anyhow, she reported this to HR, because she knew it would look bad on her if she didn't. Now, the HR lady was that typical white HR lady that says she will help you but secretly wants to destroy your soul.
They - the manager, HR lady, many other people I talked to - let me talk about all the difficulties of being a woman in tech. They let me talk about all the instances I felt snubbed for being a woman, not just this on-your-lap dude. They were like “Yeah, bring it all up!" “Call it all out!" “We want to hear from you!" “Our company is different from other companies!!!" Looking back, I shouldn't have. I should have just kept to the point about the dude. I was really just playing the woman card. I wish I knew they were making me talk not to help me, but to collect ammunition to paint me as the good-for-nothing crybaby they had to make me be.
How do I know this? Well, for one - HR never got back to me. I never found out what happened with the on-your-lap guy. When I asked them, like after a year, they said it's "confidential."
And my manager? Well....she said she thinks I have "low tolerance to stress." And she also said that "when you are more senior, you'll realize how wrong you were." (I can't remember the exact wording, but it was basically the same effect, revealing that she never listened to me in the first place.)
And then she put me on the same project as the on-your-lap guy, and we had to work together one-on-one for weeks. Back then, I didn't realize it, but now, it chills me to the bone how much she didn't care.
There are many other instances where this manager gaslighted and snubbed me, even in more professional context, but I have to give too much context. Looking back, she really couldn't stand me. I was this weird thing that came in to her perfect team and was starting to ruin it. She and the on-your-lap guy had worked well together for years - she wasn't going to jeopardize that relationship because of this good-for-nothing-entitled-crybaby-girl. And the HR?? Well, I think they loved the drama. I was just a drama source. Not a human being.
  1. After all that happened (+much more), you wouldn't be surprised that I just didn't want to befriend anyone in the company anymore. I just kept to myself, didn't socialize, just did my work. But here's my sin - I wanted to be acknowledged for my work. That was my fault. I should have just accepted my role as the quiet, obedient coding monkey, who has no emotion, and who occasionally provides drama for the fun of everyone -- I shouldn't have dared to think I can be recognized as a competent laborer!! But I wanted to.
And maybe now, and better as I get older, I can practice the elusive art of getting your work done while being undisturbed by all human bullshit surrounding me, but I wasn't able to do that back then. Also the angst from all previous drama hadn't been resolved. I became "sharp, aggressive, hard to work with" -- all the classic things women in tech are called. I became snappy when men started being mansplainy (maybe now, I have the wisdom to just smile and let them mansplain while I mentally plan my dinner). I became angry when too many meetings and interviews got scheduled, leaving me scarce time for actual work (maybe now, I have the stamina to wake up at 5am, get work done "before work," and let them waste my "working hours").
This continued until this young white male joined the team. He was new to the company, but he was about a year or two more senior than me. He talked a lot. He would talk about 90% of the meeting. And meetings would go over 1-2 hours. He had no respect for meeting members' time. If he wanted to talk, we were to be his audience. This irked me (maybe now, I have the inner balance to just politely and calmly excuse myself from the meeting with a plausible excuse).
And then he joined this project me and another colleague had been working on for months before he joined. We would have meetings where he would just talk and talk, and the 30-minute meeting was going on its two-hour mark. And he didn't seem to care. And he was talking nonsense.
One key nonsense was that he was suggesting we import certain third-party data into a "big, giant table." I said that wouldn't be feasible as the third-party data is nested. He asked me to explain. I did. But he wouldn't get it. Actually, he wasn't even listening to me. He seemed hurt that I shot down his idea (and pooped his party) and didn't want to admit he could be wrong. He kept looking for ways where nested data can be indeed imported into a "big, giant table." (A week later, he saw my point.) They all made no sense. I got very irritated. And became...ah, aggressive.
For the next hour or so, I was very snappy. And shot down all his ideas. He got very hurt. And we ended the meeting. Looking back, I should have just zoned out and watched cat videos while he was performing his standup comedy. And then get real work done with the other colleague while barely including him. All the while giving him the ego validation - the only thing he wanted. But I lacked the flexibility to act smart like that.
After the meeting, I felt a bit bad for being so snappy. And I found out he was indeed right for one point he said. He said our X service has Y but I said it doesn't, because it is barely used and I didn't encounter its existence for the 2+ years I was in that company. But it really did have Y (there's little likelihood he actually knew that, he was just spewing whatever came to his mind and got luckily right) so I apologized to him on that point over Slack. Later, my such "apology" would become proof that I was 100% culpable during that meeting. (I realize this is why my manger from Story 1 never apologized. She knew it could be used against her.)
The week of the meeting, and the week after, this kid (I don't know what else to call him) scheduled meetings with me to "talk about that meeting." And we were on Zoom...and I didn't know what to do?? I asked him, "Do you want me to apologize?" He said no. "Should I be nicer during meetings?" He said that wasn't it. "THEN WHAT???" He didn't say anything. But looked at me like I was some sort of psychopathic monster. And these meetings, again, went overtime by a lot. I was, in my working hours, sitting on a one-on-one Zoom, expected to pet and stroke this pouting kid's ego. (THEY never petted MY ego. WHY SHOULD PET HIS??????)
And that didn't end there. Our co-manager (different from Story 1, 2 manager - this one is white male) had multiple 1-on-1s with me (at least three or four) where we talked about "my behavior during that meeting." I asked him the same questions "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO???? OR SAY????" (I didn't scream this, but I wanted to.) He said "I don't know." But he just sat there, expecting me to say something. Here I was, spending three or four meetings with my manager, talking about "my behavior," given no actionable feedback, but not even allowed to move on to talk about actual work. It was just torture. What did they want me to do? Kneel down and repent??
It didn't end there. The kid gave me detailed peer feedback, basically word salad, where he used all my words against me and painted me as some psychopathic monster. This was going to go on my HR file forever since it was official feedback. He said we were in a "divergent phase in brainstorming" so it wasn't appropriate for me to shot down his ideas like that, which should have been done in a more "convergent phase." WTF????? Never heard those words before. And again, we had already been working on this project for months before he joined.
The same company that basically told me to eat it up when I was getting snubbed (Story 1 & 2), was basically telling me to stroke the ego of this kid. Because what? Because he's a white male??? And I'm an Asian female???
What they wanted to say, was already indirectly saying, was this: “Shut up and eat up all the bullshit we give you.“ Bullshit including bullshit management, bullshit meetings, bullshit brand. But they didn't want to say it, because it goes against their brand. But they still wanted me to get the message and act accordingly. But they didn't want to be the one who says it.
I wish they just said this. Then my three years would have been lot less confused and dramatic. And they wouldn’t have had the grumpy colleague I was. But I guess if they were that transparent, I wouldn’t have joined them in the first place.
This is a brick wall of a post. It got longer than I initially thought. Thanks to anyone that read this far. This still doesn't contain all of the drama I experienced -- maybe about 20%? But this gives you the idea. Basically, I didn't feel like an equal human being. I felt like a scapegoat of sorts, getting hazed for having a backbone. Looking back, I am thankful that I didn't actually go crazy. I mean, they were already treating me like a crazy person.
Women in tech of Reddit. Please tell me. What went wrong? What should I have done? Is this level of bullshit normal? Can I work in tech again?
submitted by lifeisajamisalife to womenintech [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:17 Visual_Engineering94 Lauren Simpson and her brand Rare Collective

For anyone who follows Lauren, you would know she and her partner Mark Carroll are expecting a newborn very soon. As someone who has close connections to Lauren I have been told she has in the last two weeks fired all of her staff unexpectedly, is refusing to pay anyone redundancy pay or honouring severance packages , closed the company down and ghosted her team. She is now in the process of trying to sell off all new and remaining stock (a lot it being faulty and below standard quality to fasten the logistic process) \while portraying 'business as usual' on socials. Word is for the last year Lauren has barely been present in the running or operating of her brand, simply making herself unavailable while her team struggled with keeping the brand running and profitable. Anyone who is familiar with the brand and Lauren would know of her best friend, Henny Moody. Henny excitedly confirmed she had quit Rare Collective to pursue her own business about 2 months ago. It is quite clear Lauren had been planning on closing her business down for quite some time and gave her bestie the opportunity to find her way, before the shit hit the fan and doing the dirty on her staff. I have heard while Henny was working at the brand she was a bully, incapable of performing in her role and rarely showed up to work which resulted in team members leaving. I don't expect or see how Henny's new venture will be successful, especially with having an undeniable reputation for being a grifter. Those who work in the fitness industry and have inside knowledge of Lauren and Mark probably know their reputation amongst the community is less than desirable. There are just too many stories of their shady practices and just generally being really shitty to those who work or conduct business with either of them.
submitted by Visual_Engineering94 to gymsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:16 Acrobatic-Text-5827 Content writer intern wfh

content writer intern
This is wfh job. I am working with a new news company. I am looking for a content creator whose job will mostly related to copying content from open source/modifying content/ creating charts in excel .
Requirements: need to have laptop and working knowledge in English. Pay would be mostly hourly basis or article basis. U can apply if u dont have experience also
submitted by Acrobatic-Text-5827 to mumbai [link] [comments]