Aleve and benadryl


2014.11.21 15:06 tinocallis GOTHEFTOSLEEP. Seriously.

For parents of babies who missed the memo on how to sleep.

2024.06.08 03:34 misty_girl Anyone else experience their body going into “shock”?

I’m (30f) 3DPO from a total laparoscopic hysterectomy + bisalp and cystoscopy. Surgery went well, but woke up in a lot of pain and had severe nausea. Once I was feeling better and was able to go pee, the hospital sent me home.
I was prescribed oxycodone 5mg and ibuprofen 800mg. I was told to alternate the ibuprofen and 1000mg of Tylenol every 3 hours, and take the oxycodone as needed for severe pain. I don’t usually react well to strong pain meds. They often make me quite sick, which is what has happened.
I stopped taking the oxy yesterday, even though I was in quite a bit of pain still, because it was making me sick. I also stopped the ibuprofen and switched to Tylenol and Aleve (with doctor’s permission), because I believed the ibuprofen was also making me sick.
Yesterday, I woke up from a dead sleep to severe nausea and full body shaking. My mom had to hold my legs down with how bad the shaking was. It lasted at least 10 minutes. I thought it might be because of the oxy, since it’s such as strong med. So I stopped taking it.
I thought I was in the all clear after stopping the oxy, but the same thing just happened tonight. My mom had to hold my legs down again for about 10 mins. My body is now mostly calm, just some nausea lingering.
Both of the incidents happened after 8pm. I have felt fine during the day, other than some nausea. I managed to eat more today than before (crackers, rice, toast, fruit strips) and I drank more than 24oz of fluids (water, apple juice, cran pineapple juice w/electrolytes).
I’ve been having some soft, but very stinky, bowel movements thanks to the help of Miralax.
Is the oxy still in my body? Reacting badly to the OTC pain meds (i’ve never had issues with Aleve before)? Something else going on? It literally feels like my body goes into shock, before it realizes everything is okay and calms down.
Update: after a rough night of bad nausea, I will be calling my doctor’s (she was my surgeon) office on-call doctor. I do not want to go through another night filled with nausea this bad again.
Update 2: spoke to an on-call doctor this morning. Not my doctor, but someone from the same office. She didn’t seem too concerned about the shaking, didn’t even talk about it. She prescribed me Reglan to try for the nausea and said to try an antacid before bed. Also reminded me to sleep in an elevated position, which I have been doing. Overall, the doctor didn’t sound worried at all, but if the nausea persists to go to the ER.
Update 3: my mom talked to a retired nurse. She said that I could be sick due to oxycodone withdrawal, my body doesn’t like the prescription pain meds, my body is in a tiny bit of shock due to the trauma of having and organ removed, or that my body is going into insulin shock due to not eating enough for my body to recover properly. Or it could be a combination of things. She told my mom that I need to eat a proper meal, even if it’s a small meal, so that my body has energy to heal, whether I’m nauseous or not. My neighbor, who is a nurse practitioner, also said it could be the anesthesia still making me sick days later, because for some people it just lingers in their system/they don’t tolerate it well.
Last night I was so nauseous I didn’t even attempt to take any pain meds. I appear to be doing okay pain-wise today. Might need to take some Aleve later (i’ve always taken Aleve in the past and it’s never made me sick, so this med is the best option).
My mom forced me to eat an egg and slice of toast this morning. My stomach somewhat tolerated it (just felt a bit off, not nauseous). Just took a shower and feel slightly better, but very tired. My nausea is a 1/10 right now. Hoping it doesn’t get bad again, but if it does I now have Reglan to try in addition to the Zofran.
I’m really hoping i’m over the worst of it!
Update 4: had another little episode of dizziness with tingly cold hands and feet. No shaking or nausea this time. I called my PCP’s office to reach who was on call, since the on call at my surgeon’s office was very unhelpful this morning. My PCP called back and talked to my mom and I. We explained what was happening and who we talked to. He said that since I don’t have a fever, shortness of breath, or bleeding that I shouldn’t go to the ER. He talked about what could be the cause and gave some suggestions. He suggested taking two Benadryl an hour before bed. Apparently Benadryl has anti-nausea properties and the sleep aid helps relax the body. He said it should relax my body enough that I don’t start uncontrollably shaking again. If it doesn’t, it could at least help with the nausea. Which would be a blessing. I hate nausea. It makes me more anxious when I feel like i’m going to puke. Here’s to hoping it works!
submitted by misty_girl to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:13 Material-Slice1168 24 days..what else to try??

I have been in an unbreakable migraine for the last 24 days. I have had one 12 hr period and a 6hr period in the last 24 days that I’ve been pain free but right after that period I’m completely down and unable to move for the next 12 hours. I have done a prednisone/Valium 5 day taper, tried a migraine cocktail at home, went to urgent care and got a toradol shot, tried my Nurtec several times, tried excedrin, aleve/Benadryl/Nurtec combo recommended by my neurologist. I have been in contact with my neurologist and I have Botox next week. She has told me to just keep pushing fluids, resting and try to hold out til Botox next week as we have tried “everything else” up to this point and if it becomes unbearable to go into the ER. I have done DHE infusions before inpatient but I just did them a couple months ago, and she said that it’s not recommended doing them so often which is understandable. We tried to increase my topamax but the side effects had gotten worse, and started waking me up during sleep which triggers my migraines. I take topamax, amitriplyine(or however you spell it), magnesium, b12, coq10, vitamin d, zinc. I go to a chiropractor and it does help most of the time(no I don’t want to hear the anti-chiropractor opinions because it really made a difference for my migraines), get acupuncture. I have also tried some massage.
I’m just not sure what else to try and just looking for any additional advice as I’ve only been dealing with migraines for about 2 years now and I would like to try and avoid the ER. I am allergic to sumitriptin/most triptians
submitted by Material-Slice1168 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:34 soggysockssss Migraine frequency getting worse since starting Topamax?

Before starting topamax I was on Metoprolol but not for very long and that was the first preventative I had ever tried. I finally up my dose to 100mg this Monday on topamax but it seems like with every dose the frequency of my migraines get worse, before I was on topamax my migraines lasted 3 days and then I’d get 4 days migraine free pretty much like clock work for months. Since I went up on my dose Monday to 75 I had a migraine start from Monday and last me till Saturday, I’m going through my triptans faster than I can refill them so I went in for an IV yesterday but woke up with an annoying headache still and so took two Aleve’s and a Benadryl since the combo seems to work if I catch it early enough sometimes, but that’s rarely. Is it worth sticking out for another month to see how 100mg is at ? I really hate getting the migraine cocktails through IV’s it makes me extremely tired I just hate the feeling as well, came home at 6pm and slept until 5am today. And two weeks ago I went to get an IV since I was out of my triptans and they only usually last me about 3-4 days of relief before I get it another migraine. Should I try another preventative I feel like it should have started at least relieving the frequency of my migraines not made them worse?
submitted by soggysockssss to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:33 jibberjabbery Does anyone else carry around an insane amount of med options just in case?

I carry Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Benadryl, two muscle relaxers, butalbitol, Rx ibuprofen, Reglan, ubrelvy. For other reasons I carry around Pepcid, Ativan, and probably some other stuff I’m not thinking of right now.
I carry a huge purse to fit everything.
And I don’t care.
Noooo triptans or Nurtec for me unfortunately.
submitted by jibberjabbery to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 02:52 jibberjabbery I took all my meds and the migraine keeps coming back but pain isn’t an issue

Botox is helping the pain symptom, but I still have pressure, depression, brain fog, anxiety, nausea, sensitivity to light, sound, smells.
I took almost all of my available medicine today. I could take a second ubrelvy but I don’t want to waste it. I can’t take triptans.
I don’t have the faintest clue what to do. Pain isn’t a symptom. Like yes very mild but not significant.
I don’t know what to do. I took so much medicine today. 6 butalbitol, 2 muscle relaxers, 2 Benadryl, 2 Aleve, 1 Ubrelvy. I don’t know what else to do. The migraine keeps coming back and I looked so horrible today that everyone commented on it.
submitted by jibberjabbery to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 21:13 bunnimolk Week long migraine won't go away

I'm only 15 and I've been getting headaches my whole life because it runs in my family, but this week I have had a headache every day and these last few days it's turned into a migraine. This has never happened to me so I'm not sure what to do. I've tried all sorts of pain meds, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Aleve. No medicine works. I've tried allergy medicine both Benadryl and nasal spray. I've tried taking a hot bath in a room with no lights. I tried drinking caffeine again. I even tried changing my diet to be healthier. I am just so tired of this migraine and I have no idea what to do. Should I go to the doctor? Should I keep trying different things? I'm so scared it's not going to go away.
submitted by bunnimolk to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 19:34 darwin_junkie Pain in another dermatome three weeks after initial symptoms?

Hi all. I (F37) have V1 shingles on my right side. Not immunocompromised (as far as I know), although I had a pretty bad bilateral ear infection (supposedly from a virus) that took about a month to heal and then lingering bronchitis for about a week leading up to this, so maybe that stressed my immune system? Not particularly stressed out right now, although I have generalized anxiety (treated/managed) so I'm always kind of stressed, and the ear infection was sort of stressful. But didn't feel notably stressed leading up to this.
Tomorrow (Friday) I will be three weeks out from first symptoms. Tuesday night I started having zappy feelings on my left forehead near my hairline and then last night (Wednesday) my left eyebrow had zappy pains. Both were similar to how the pain started in my right side. I don't have any sores on the left side so I'm hoping it's just referred pain or something, but it's freaking me out! Seems like everything should be limited to one side. Has anyone had radiating pain while healing in the other side of the same dermatome, or gotten another outbreak soon after stopping antivirals?
Symptom history: Started on a Friday near the middle of my forehead/hairline and felt like one hair was being pulled every few minutes. Next day (Saturday) I had a rash there, which I thought was contact dermatitis (in the center but mostly to the right). Two days later (Monday) had serious pain in front on my right ear and zappy feeling when I touched the outer end of my right eyebrow. Went to urgent care and was diagnosed with shingles and given 1000 mg valtrex 2x a day for 7 days (just within 72 hours of first sore). Told to take Aleve and Tylenol for pain and Benadryl if itchy, and to use calamine or topical Benadryl on sores. Pain seemed to get better but sores continued to pop up on my face and scalp on the right V1 dermatome. Went to opthalmologist on thursday to check stuff out and he said my eye was ok but should go back to PCP and get higher dose of valtrex (1000 mg 3x daily) since I was still getting new sores. Went to doctor next day (Friday) and they upped my dosage and extended the course to 10 days, which I finished one week ago. As most of my scabs had started coming off by then I switched to topical lidocaine for the pain/zaps.
Throughout this I haven't felt horrible, mostly tired and zappy/itchy, with limited pain if I over did it. I have tried very hard to rest and relax and manage nerve symptoms so I don't get PHN. Work has been great, and basically let me WFH when I felt up to it. I worked about 2 hrs a day wk 1, half days wk 2, and most of the day m-w this week, but still sleeping 10-12 hrs a night. Two nights ago the zappy feeling on the left started on forehead and then last night on eyebrow... Today I'm very tired and the healing sore on the right feels zappy like they have been feeling and my left eyebrow feels kind of heavy/swollen, but not zappy and I don't have any sores on that side. Maybe I shouldn't have gone back to basically full time so fast? I don't see any sores on the left which makes me feel better, even though it feels off. Hoping this isn't too unusual?
Has anyone else had an experience like this? Should I go back to the doctor?
Thanks for the insight and support! This group convinced me that I probably had shingles and got me to go get the antivirals within 72 hours! I had no clue I could get shingles this young, and I totally would have waiting it out longer without the info I saw here!
TLDR: healing on right V1 dermatome after three weeks, but now having similar nerve zaps on left side V1 and wondering if this has happened to anyone else.
submitted by darwin_junkie to shingles [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 22:25 youknowimsaucy Help- anyone experience these symptoms? What’s next?

Sudden new symptoms, anyone experience this before?
Hey all! I was diagnosed with lupus and psoriatic arthritis in last 8 months. I was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis in middle school and am currently 29F. I currently take 88mcg of Levothyroxine. I am supposed to be taking 200mg HCQ and monthly taltz injections. I’ve been piss poor at taking the Hcq as it makes me really nauseous, and insurance ran into an issue with the taltz so I have been without for 3 months and have just been managing symptoms with ibuprofen or Aleve. My symptoms have been mild. Joint pain and swelling is mild, fatigue can be severe but I am extremely active and otherwise very healthy, bmi of 21 and exercise daily and eat well.
Here’s what happened… Sunday, I suddenly came down with a high fever of 102.4, no symptoms other than severe joint pain, chills, generally feeling run down. Tested negative for influenza, COVID, RSV. No respiratory symptoms. I went in to the doctor because I was experiencing a clenching chest pain laying down. That did eventually get better. The next day I woke up and couldn’t recognize myself- full body head to toe rash that looked like a sunburn, my skin felt doughy, and I had an insane amount of facial swelling. Seriously- I was unrecognizable. I was and still am incredibly itchy, everywhere. I went to ER suspected allergy, which I have no allergies to anything and have changed nothing about my diet or products or routine. They gave me IV allergy cocktail of Pepcid, dexamethasone, and benadryl with only mild improvement. Since then, my facial swelling has gone down but still present. My skin is still red and INCREDIBLY itchy. I got into my rheumatologist because the ER thought it could be an autoimmune response. CRP 22.8. Protein 30mg in urine but that was considered contaminated due to just finishing menstruation the day before. Rheumatologist put me on a medrol dose pack.
I am crawling out of my skin. I look so strange, I am so itchy, has anyone experienced this? I feel lost on what exactly is going on and what my nexts steps are. I’ve gotten through two days of the dose pack and I’m getting squirrely! This is miserable. Why am I so puffy and itchy???
I wanted to add that the full rash and itching started before the steroids- I have had steroids before and have never had itching as a side effect.
submitted by youknowimsaucy to lupus [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 20:57 STLH7777777 Sinus related?

I've had chronic sinus issues and for the past 3 weeks my allergies have been horrific. I've had a sinus headache all day every day for WEEKS. Two weeks ago, i had been trying to find non-medication ways to help (usually I just take aleve d). For two days I was using the neti pot and using pressure points on my face and bottom of my skull/neck to relieve the sinuses. On Feb 27, I woke up fine, with the headache somewhat improved, but around 1pm I developed sudden intense vertigo. I couldn't walk or sit up without the entire room spinning. I was taken to the ER and they gave me meclizine, something for nausea that starts with an R, Benadryl and Valium. Labs, head ct were normal. I just had nystagmus on the neuro exam..
I was told it was positional. By the evening the vertigo subsided a bit unless I looked down. Next morning I was basically normal after 11 hours of sleep. However this entire week I’ve felt residual light headedness and half-second bursts of dizziness. What the hell happened? I've never had vertigo like that in my life! Did I cause it with the Neti or pushing on pressure points?
submitted by STLH7777777 to BPPV [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 08:31 joenorwood77 Must Have List for Over the Counter OTC Medications for Cold and Flu Symptoms

I am a 46 year old male, who is trying to sort out which items to keep in the medicine cabinet, for whenever I have cold/flu symptoms in the future. Of course, no one wants to go out and buy anything when they are already sick, so I am trying to plan ahead.
I am trying to make a high-quality post to address cold and flu symptoms we all unfortunately experience throughout our lives. Even if you may feel that I am asking "stupid" questions, please consider that I am putting a lot of time and effort in to learn, while helping to share all of this with others. Some people may feel that I am making this all way too complicated. While this may be true, I still feel there is a lot for us to learn here. Thank you in advance to everyone who takes time to read this post, as well as those who also take time to respond.

I assume most people just have one or two pain relievers at home. However, is it worth having most or all of these?
After spending many hours of Google searches, here is my new understanding of the pros and cons of the main options.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Ease pain and lower fever, but won’t reduce swelling or inflammation. Best for headache/fever, toothache, back pain, colds. Mild to moderate pain.
Least likely to cause an upset stomach. Be careful not to double dose with cold/flu medicine. Take every 4-6 hours.

Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin, Bayer).
Reduce fever, pain, and inflammation. Best for headaches, toothaches, colds, fever. Mild to moderate pain.
Can be difficult on the stomach. Take every 4-6 hours.
Slows blood clots, lowers chance of heart attack/stroke.

Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) - Does it make sense to have both Ibuprofen and Advil?
Reduce fever, pain, and inflammation. Best for headaches, toothaches, back pain, muscle strains, colds. Mild to moderate pain
Can be difficult on the stomach. Take every 4-6 hours.

Naproxen (Aleve).
Reduce fever, pain, and inflammation. Best for headaches, toothaches, back pain, colds. Mild to moderate pain.
Can be worse on the stomach. Lasts longer in the body. Take every 8-12 hours.

In each of the four above categories, should a person just always go with the cheapest generic, or under which circumstances should a person pay more for a trusted name brand? It seems the active ingredients are the same for all generic vs name brands.

My takeaways from this, if my understanding is right is that
  1. Aleve, or a generic version, is a must have for when pain is expected to last longer (8-12 hours or more). Also helps with inflammation.
  2. Ibuprofen, or a generic version, is also a must have for pain with inflammation. This works faster than Aleve, but also does not last as long (4-8 hours).
  3. Tylenol, or a generic version, is a must have for pain without inflammation, or when you need something easier on your stomach.
  4. Aspirin/Beyer, or a generic version, is a must have for blood clots, and lowers the chance of a heart attack/stroke. If in good health, when do you know if you should take this daily?

Cough Suppressants are also important. When does a person know when to use each of these? I assume a person may not need to own all of these
Dextromethorphan (Delsym).
Dextromethorphan (Robitussin).
Menthol Cough Drops.
Vicks Vapor Rub.

Expectorants should also be considered.
Guaifenesin (Mucinex).


Nasal Decongestants.
Oxymetazoline (Afrin).

Antihistamines also help.
I personally prefer Cetirizine (Zyrtec) over Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Loratadine (Claritin), and Fexofenadine (Allegra).

Anti-Inflammatory for sneezing, stuffy, runny, or itchy nose.
Fluticasone propionate (Flonase).

Sinus infection, allergies.
Neil-Med bottles and packets for nasal irrigation. I prefer this over Neti-Pot.

Sore throat.
Warm salt water gargle is highly suggested.
Which of the following three should also be kept on-hand?
-Herb Pharm Soothing Throat Spray Herbal Formula with Echinacea and Propolis.
-Chloraseptic Sore Throat Spray, Menthol.
-Propolis Throat Spray by Beekeeper's Naturals.

Can Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) help to reduce nausea when sick, or is it really just for motion sickness?

Eyes - dry, red, itch, burn -
Genteal Tears Preservative Free Eye Drops.
Warm compress.

Many stomach symptoms; nausea, diarrhea, acid reflux.
Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto Bismol).

Severe diarrhea.
Imodium AD.

Laxatives for Constipation.
Polyethylene glycol (MiraLax).

Is there anything that I am forgetting? Perhaps there is an item under a specific category that I should consider that I did not list? Or maybe I am forgetting about a symptom I should be ready for?Now I know things become even more complicated when considering cold/flu products that have a combination of ingredients. A main concern is that people can double their doses of pain relievers without even realizing it, as they do not read the labels of these products.
Do doctors and pharmacists usually just suggest buying the items above to treat specific symptoms, or are some of the products listed below also highly recommended under the right circumstances...



Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe.

tldr; for each cold and flu symptom, which are the best products to own, and when should a person just go with the cheapest generic option rather than a trusted name brand?
submitted by joenorwood77 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 19:16 SensitiveBugGirl Can you keep OTC meds in a pill organizer?

I generally travel with a lot of OTC meds. I have one daily/weekly organizer with a multivitamin, immunity summpliment, Fish oil, zyrtec, iron, and magnesium. I also travel with an organizer that contains Benadryl, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Excedrin, Aleve & Excedrin PM, and Tums.
We are flying from Milwaukee, WI to Orlando.
Do these have to be in original containers or are the organizers fine? I'm kind of stressing out over everything. I didn't have nearly this much the last time I flew.
And you must present these and prescription meds to the officer, right?
Edit: thanks everyone! For future reference, TSA never even wanted me to take any of the medicine (or small liquids) out.
submitted by SensitiveBugGirl to tsa [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 17:59 juliabk Chip fracture at base of middle finger

(64F, 258lbs and dropping, 5’3”, and apparently dropping since I used to be 5’5”, non-smoker, occasional alcohol use—rare these day.) I had a fall on the morning of 3/5/24 as I was heading out to work the polls for Super Tuesday. Hit my head, right leg below the knee and left hand. ER cleared me for head injury and found no bone damage in my leg. Told me to follow up with orthopedics for my leg and for the chip fracture in my hand. Sent me home in a hand brace (photos taken today.)
I have an existing ortho for my knees (level 4 osteoarthritis) and was able to get an appointment for 3/7.
I am having trouble finding a hand guy for the fracture. (X-rays from ER 3/5/24.)
My question is, just how serious is this? If I can’t find a hand guy who takes my insurance and has availability in the next couple of weeks, how much trouble am I in? Is this something that could heal well over time with just care and bracing? Note: I have never broken a bone before.
I have been diagnosed with, obstructive sleep apnea (well controlled with CPAP), bladder urgency, osteoarthritis (knees and hands), mild depression, high blood pressure (in good control), morbid obesity (down 52 pounds so far), occasional insomnia. I had a tonsillectomy as a child and a hysterectomy a few years ago. Fully vaxxed for everything I should be vaxxed for.
I’m taking, lisinopril (40mg) Amlodipine (5mg) Wegovy (1mg/week) duloxetine (60mg x2/daily) oxybutynin CL ER (10mg) Trazodone (100mg) Gabapentin (300 mg-just 15 days for leg nerve pain from fall) generic Prilosec for GERD Multi vitamins calcium Aleve, as needed Benadryl, as needed One use of CBD topical balm to try to curb nerve pain. Helped in the short term.
submitted by juliabk to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 15:54 goldielocks52 I forgot to take my nurtec dose and I'm stuck at work all day.

Today is already going to be horrible. I forgot my nurtec preventive does this morning and I can feel the migraine coming. I forgot to restock my triptans in my work bag too so now I am stuck with literally nothing but aleve and some nausea medication. I won't be home till 6pm ish and I work on a computer all day. I am ready to go cry in the bathroom 😭😭😭😭😭
Anything I can grab from a deli / cvs besides caffeine to make the day more bearable?
EDIT: Y'all, I got a coffee, took 2 Advil (gel), 2 aleve, and 2 Benadryl and I am feeling SO much better.
submitted by goldielocks52 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 19:57 throwaway10171234 6week MA Experience (CA)

Just would like to share my experience from someone who found comfort reading this subreddit. First of all sending so much love and thank you to everyone who’s also shared there’s stories, and thank you to everyone who’s helped with resources for others. I love you.
25y in CA MA @ 6 weeks
2/6: Went in for STD Testing because a situationship ended, found out I was pregnant. I was on birth control but missed a few doses. Hearing I was pregnant, I Immediately knew the best decision for me & in a way, instantly knew how I felt about having children in the future. (I’m adopted, and this really solidified I would also love to adopt if I chose to have kids in the future, physically being pregnant for kids does not seem like the right option for me)
2/22: (Night before 1st Pill) Feeling so relieved tomorrow is the day. Haven’t told anyone except my therapist. Definitely nervous about what this will feel like/pain. I have extreme body dysmorphia (5’ 98-101lbs normally) so all the bloating/water retention and breast swelling have been really messing with me, just want this to be over with
1st Pill 2/23: - Woke up @ 6, took long shower + extra self care, wore comfy clothing but still got ready for a sense of normalcy. - 7:45am on my way to appt (feeling anxious but positive), parked, nervous to go inside - Didn’t even have to wait in the waiting room, nurse called me as I was checking in. Doctor was very kind - Did Ultrasound, doctor folded up pics so I didn’t see them, she thinks 6w2d - 8:30am Explained the process for 1st & 2nd pill, had me sign consent form, watched me take 1st Pill (Felt so relieved, but alone) - Sent 2nd pill prescription to pharmacy/Scheduled follow up appointment in 14 days (Mar 8) - Waiting for Prescription, Tummy feels weird but that might be from anxiety, picked up prescription ($3.83), pharmacist printed out extra instructions (so relieved the going into an office/pharmacy part is over) - 9:30am Got home, emailed my therapist for an extra appointment, cried for the first time (more of a radical acceptance feeling, rather than any negative emotions). Weird tummy feeling went away, ate some yogurt, - Took a Long Nap, woke up @ 3:45 - Relaxed, played with pets, noticed some symptoms subsiding? Less bloating? But have a headache - 5:30pm Made some food, wasn’t really that hungry but ate because I know I need to for tomorrow - 10pm went to bed, anxious so I took 2 Benadryl to go to sleep
2nd Pill 2/24: - Woke up @ 7:30, with the worst headache - 7:50 took Aleve, made coffee that I probably won’t drink, filled water bottle, did some self care stuff, smoked, put maxi-pad on + period underwear, ambient lighting, headache subsided a bit - 8:30 Inserted 2nd pills in between my cheeks/gums, set timer for 30 mins… (doesn’t feel real that I have to do this) - 9:03 swallowed pill fragments with water - 9:15 laying In bed with heating pad on, podcast on & water bottle close by, feel slight cramps - 9:20-9:55 INTENSE 8/10 Cramps, tossing and turning to find a comfortable position, made an effort to breathe through the pain so I didn’t get too nauseated (more from pain, not from meds) - 10:00 cramps subsiding, closing my eyes resulted in a nap - 11:30 woke up from nap, no blood on pad, went pee, felt blood come out of me + peed (worried why there isn’t more blood but I am bleeding so that’s good?) - 12:01 3/10 cramps, more like period pains, can feel blood coming out of me, staying hydrated - 1:00 minor cramps, got up to change pad/go pee. Passed a golf ball sized blood clot as soon as I sat down on the toilet. Cleaned up + changed pad (wasn’t soaked but just wanted to feel cleaned up) - 2:00 got out of bed for a bit, smoked, ate some Greek yogurt, Chex mix & sipped on some ginger ale. On & off cramps, feeling super tired but kind of like how I feel with a bad period. - 3:30 Got up to pee/felt like I needed to poop, I think I passed another big blood clot but I had diarrhea so couldn’t exactly tell. Normal amount of blood in pad - 5:30 smoked, made microwave burrito for dinner, hung out with my pets, had some ice cream, went pee some more small blood clots - 7:30 dull headache still, slight cramp, blood no longer coming out of me like a ketchup packet ( best way to describe it lol) - 9:00 went to bed, not much cramping, still used heating pad for comfort,
2/25: - Woke up @ 5:30, slept through the night, woke up with no cramps, boobs noticeably hurt less, went pee (less blood when I wiped, like discharge + blood) going to start pill birth control pills today, along with resuming daily supplements. Overall feel better - 10:00am Feel like I do when I’m on my period, so basically normal. Passed small blood clot when I went pee, took extra long self care shower & no blood actively coming out (like not a messy shower and I felt like I was able to get fully clean) - 10:00pm, feeling bloated still, cramping here & there, noticeably less fatigue throughout the day. Going back to work tomorrow. Will wear pads until follow up appt in 2 weeks
submitted by throwaway10171234 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 02:35 jibberjabbery Ran out of med options, so here we sit with our feet in hot water and an ice pack on our neck. Neuro said ER/UC tomorrow if it still won’t quit.

Ran out of med options, so here we sit with our feet in hot water and an ice pack on our neck. Neuro said EUC tomorrow if it still won’t quit.
Tried aspirin, Aleve, Tylenol, gabapentin, Benadryl, butalbitol, muscle relaxer, and Ativan today. Tried other stuff yesterday. The prodrome was Friday night and it’s now Sunday night. Horrific pain started Saturday morning.
submitted by jibberjabbery to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.02.25 03:37 reallytraci Scared about taking medicine..

(I already posted this to both the anxiety and insomnia subs but thought I would find more solace from an actual doctor here. I’ve already spoken with my cardiologist, PCP and psychiatrist who have all given me the same answer “it’s fine” but I just want to double check as I’ve read articles online that stated mixing doxepin with the other meds I take can be dangerous)
This is gonna be a bit detailed.
I’m 36/F and have struggled with anxiety since I was 6-7 years old. I’ve taken just about every single medication you can list off. I am currently taking: Suboxone 8mg/2mg - once daily Lamictal (lamotrigine) 100mg - once daily Seroquel (quetiapine) 50mg - 1 tablet in the morning, 1 tablet in the afternoon and 2 tablets at night for sleep.
I was diagnosed with very mild pulmonary hypertension and PSVT in early 2023 <- this part is kind of important
I have panic attack disorder as well and sometimes I find myself working myself into a panic attack over things. A good example is that I recently need a corticosteroid shot and the next day my face was flushed and really hot (I didn’t know this was a common side effect) so I convinced myself that I was having some type of reaction to Aleve which I’ve taken a thousand times before.
My sleep is awful. I have a sleep study scheduled for next month so I’m hoping for some answered from that. I wake up anywhere from 6-8 times a night. The 100mg of seroquel helps me fall asleep but not stay asleep. I’ve tracked my sleep and I average only 43 mins of REM sleep per night. I have been prescribed countless medications for sleep. Ambien, lunesta, trazodone, antihistamines.. you name it, I’ve probably tried it. In 2017 I went to rehab for a pain pill addiction and was prescribed doxepin 100mg for sleep/anxiety. It worked. It actually worked. I slept better than I think I ever had. I stayed on it for a few months and then had to change doctors due to insurance and the new doc showed some hesitation in prescribing it because it’s “hard to get off of”. So for the last 7 years I’ve just been bandaiding this thing. I used to take 75mg of Benadryl but it gave me restless legs and then I read it can cause Alzheimer’s.. no thanks. I finally found a new psychiatrist and have been discussing options with her and she said she would be willing to try the doxepin with me. Because I have the mild pulmonary hypertension and PSVT she wanted me to get an EKG done before she prescribed it because she said it can cause long QT. I got the EKG done like 3 weeks ago and she said “great!” And I picked up the prescription.
I let all that get to my head though. And now I can’t bring myself to actually take it. I’m so scared it will fuck with my heart rhythm.. and that’s going to throw me into a panic attack and it just spirals from there.
My psychiatrist reassured me that she wouldn’t prescribe something to me that would hurt me but I’ve let every intrusive thought win and now I’m too fucking scared to take it. I’ve also talked to my therapist about it and she has reassured me.
It’s so stupid because I didn’t have any reaction before and I was taking 100mg.. this time she only wants me to take 10mg! My wife says I probably won’t even feel it but I’m just worried I’m gonna over think it. Has anyone else had this happen? What did you do? I know it’s not going to kill me.. I just don’t want to spend the night thinking I’m dying. When I have episodes of PSVT it’s fucking terrible and I don’t want that to happen because I took a medication.
I’m also concerned because in another group on here someone told me that taking seroquel and doxepin together can put strain on your heart and I’m like “nope”
My doctor recommended I take the doxepin by itself at night and not with seroquel so I would only be taking that in the morning and afternoon and doxepin at night. But wont the seroquel still be in my system?
I would love to get suggestions or or advice from anyone at this point because I just feel stupid.
submitted by reallytraci to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 20:46 reallytraci Just tell me to take the medicine.

This is gonna be a bit detailed.
I’m 36/F and have struggled with anxiety since I was 6-7 years old. I’ve taken just about every single medication you can list off. I am currently taking: Suboxone 8mg/2mg - once daily Lamictal (lamotrigine) 100mg - once daily Seroquel (quetiapine) 50mg - 1 tablet in the morning, 1 tablet in the afternoon and 2 tablets at night for sleep.
I was diagnosed with very mild pulmonary hypertension and PSVT in early 2023 <- this part is kind of important
I have panic attack disorder as well and sometimes I find myself working myself into a panic attack over things. A good example is that I recently need a corticosteroid shot and the next day my face was flushed and really hot (I didn’t know this was a common side effect) so I convinced myself that I was having some type of reaction to Aleve which I’ve taken a thousand times before.
My sleep is awful. I wake up anywhere from 6-8 times a night. The 100mg of seroquel helps me fall asleep but not stay asleep. I’ve tracked my sleep and I average only 43 mins of REM sleep per night. I have been prescribed countless medications for sleep. Ambien, lunesta, trazodone, antihistamines.. you name it, I’ve probably tried it. In 2017 I went to rehab for a pain pill addiction and was prescribed doxepin 100mg for sleep/anxiety. It worked. It actually worked. I slept better than I think I ever had. I stayed on it for a few months and then had to change doctors due to insurance and the new doc showed some hesitation in prescribing it because it’s “hard to get off of”. So for the last 7 years I’ve just been bandaiding this thing. I used to take 75mg of Benadryl but it gave me restless legs and then I read it can cause Alzheimer’s.. no thanks. I finally found a new psychiatrist and have been discussing options with her and she said she would be willing to try the doxepin with me. Because I have the mild pulmonary hypertension and PSVT she wanted me to get an EKG done before she prescribed it because she said it can cause long QT. I got the EKG done like 3 weeks ago and she said “great!” And I picked up the prescription.
I let all that get to my head though. And now I can’t bring myself to actually take it. I’m so scared it will fuck with my heart rhythm.. and that’s going to throw me into a panic attack and it just spirals from there.
My psychiatrist reassured me that she wouldn’t prescribe something to me that would hurt me but I’ve let every intrusive thought win and now I’m too fucking scared to take it. I’ve also talked to my therapist about it and she has reassured me.
It’s so stupid because I didn’t have any reaction before and I was taking 100mg.. this time she only wants me to take 10mg! My wife says I probably won’t even feel it but I’m just worried I’m gonna over think it. Has anyone else had this happen? What did you do? I know it’s not going to kill me.. I just don’t want to spend the night thinking I’m dying. When I have episodes of PSVT it’s fucking terrible and I don’t want that to happen because I took a medication.
I’m also concerned because in another group on here someone told me that taking seroquel and doxepin together can put strain on your heart and I’m like “nope”
My doctor recommended I take the doxepin by itself at night and not with seroquel so I would only be taking that in the morning and afternoon and doxepin at night. But wont the seroquel still be in my system?
I would love to get suggestions or or advice from anyone at this point because I just feel stupid.
submitted by reallytraci to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 07:32 joenorwood77 Seeking Advice for Over the Counter Medications Long Term

Hopefully this post is acceptable, even though I am currently not sick. I am attempting to compile a list of all of the over the counter medications the average person should have for potential illness, allergies, and injuries. Hopefully someone in the medical field can help to answer the questions throughout, and to generally speak to what is and is not needed on this type of list. I am a single 46 year old male, but I hope this post and responses helps many people who should also stock up their medicine cabinet a bit. I also need to spend $300 in OTC money, or I lose it at the end of this month.
I spent hours searching online and piecing this list together. I am really trying to pay attention more to my health. I appreciate everyone who takes time to respond to any of this.
PAIN RELIEF - When do I use each and when do I avoid each?
Acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) - Does it matter if Bayer or are they all the same?
Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) - Does it make sense to have both Ibuprofen and Advil? If so, when to use and when to avoid each?
Naproxen (Aleve).
Pepto Bismol - It seems best to use when many stomach symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, acid reflux.
Imodium AD - Used strictly for severe diarrhea when necessary. Should it be strictly Imodium AD, or just anything with Loperamide all the same?
Acid Reflux - Omeprazole (Prilosec). Unfortunately Pepcid does nothing for me.
COLD/FLU/SINUS INFECTIONS (in addition to pain relievers)
**I know an easy mistake is that people take a pain reliever in addition to a medicine like NyQuil, Theraflu, Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe, and not realizing they are exceeding their dose of pain relief.
Cough Medicine - Robitussin or does it matter which one? Should a person have a cough syrup or just pills for symptoms?
Cough Drops - Does it matter which ones? Some say Zinc helps, others say that is a myth.
Vapor Rub - I assume Vicks or any are all pretty much the same.
Decongestants (such as pseudoephedrine) - It seems to make sense to buy this separately, and also be aware if it is in other things taken while sick.
Anything else for sore throat in addition to salt water gargle, cough drops? Maybe throat spray?
Neilmed bottles and packets for nasal irrigation. I personally prefer this way over Neti-Pot.
Expectorant - Mucinex (Guaifenesin)
Cough Suppressant - Delsym
Antihistamines - diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Loratadine (Claritin), cetirizine (Zyrtec), and Fexofenadine (Allegra). I personally prefer Zyrtec for my allergies.
Anti-Itch Cream - Hydrocortisone 1% Cream or Calamine Lotion? When use each?
Anti-Fungal Cream - clotrimazole, miconazole, or butenafine hydrochloride. When use each?
Eye Drops - Genteal Tears Preservative Free - this is what my optometrist suggested to me for dry/red eyes.
Fluticasone propionate (Flonase).
Warm Compress - Optometrist suggested using this for eyes when red. Should this just be a warm washcloth, or should I buy something specific if I might need this regularly due to allergies?
Cracks in heels - both Aquaphor Healing Ointment and Eucerin Cream together is suggested online.
Nausea (motion sickness) - Dramamine
Burn Cream - I assume all pretty much the same and some should come in a first aid kit.
Antibiotic or antibacterial ointment - Neosporin or Bacitracin. When use each?
Laxatives - Does it matter which one?
First Aid Kit (includes many things, some that may be already listed)
Rubbing Alcohol - Recently read that 70% is often better than 91% since it does not dry as fast?
Hydrogen Peroxide
Reading Glasses - My age is finally catching up to me.
Sunscreen SPF what is suggested now days?
Aloe Vera Gel
Oral care like toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, mouthwash is surprisingly covered with my plan.
Consider multi-vitamins?
Insect Repellant
Hand Sanitizer
Epsom Salt
For sore muscles or swelling - Hot Pad and Cold Pad. Any specific ones out there?
Anything else?
submitted by joenorwood77 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.01.02 06:08 aprillikesthings My packing list, plus commentary

When I was planning my Camino, I loved looking at people's packing lists and commentary on what they wish they'd left behind, are glad they brought, etc. I also really appreciated seeing what kind of clothing other people brought. So I figured I'd do the same.
Things to know about me: I'm a 44-year-old American woman. I'm on the smallish side. I loathe being cold; it makes me sleepy. I have a few minor health etc. issues (allergies, eczema, heartburn, ADHD). I dye my hair purple. I wear dresses/skirts and leggings every day even at home, because that's just what I find the most comfortable.
I did the Frances this last April and May, leaving St. Jean Pied de Port on April 20th and arriving in Santiago on May 27th.
My backpack: From REI, the women's "Trail 40 Pack." As the name implies it says it's 40L, but I'm not actually sure that's accurate? It was perfectly fine. I didn't have any issues with it. I didn't use a water bladder with it, but you can.
Trekking poles: I got these in St. Jean Pied de Port, they were Leki brand. I loved them so much I had them shipped home when I was done.
Rain poncho: A rather light-weight brightly-colored one from amazon (brand says Anyoo) that could double as a tarp or shelter if necessary. I spent a little extra to get one that was truly waterproof and weighed a little less--it shed rain VERY well, even in downpours the day after Zubiri. I think I used it about three times? I didn't want to bring a separate rain jacket and pants. It also meant I didn't have to bring the backpack cover. Sun hat: Columbia sportswear. I wore that thing so much I'm surprised I didn't accidentally wear it to bed. Every time I went to mass I'd realize I was still wearing it, oops. Gloves: fairly thin wool ones. I think I wore them maybe twice? Wool Buff: I used it as a headband, ear warmehat, and eye mask for sleeping. Definitely one of the best things I brought! Silk scarf: A few months before I left, I saw a silk scarf on etsy that was my favorite shade of lavender and printed with a pattern of sea shells, including scallops. It was a long rectangle instead of a big square, which limits its usefulness. BUT it made me feel pretty, and it did keep my neck warm and protected from the sun, and when I wasn't wearing it I tied it to my backpack a bit like a flag, and it weighed almost nothing. I still wear it all the time. Four pairs of synthetic undies with a leak-proof pantiliner: by the brand Knix, since that's what I wear at home. I did do a "wash in the sink/hang overnight" test to make sure they dry fast enough. Two pairs liner socks: Coolmax by Injiji. Ehhhhh I probably could have skipped these. They didn't help with my blisters because mine were almost entirely pinch blisters. They *were* handy for walking around town in flip-flops, both for warmth and to keep people from seeing how beat-up my feet were! Two pairs wool-blend hiking socks: I bought Darn Tough. They were awesome. I still wear them almost daily--they're comfy and they can really take some abuse. One pair leggings: Synthetic, with big side pockets. Got these from REI on clearance. I was able to get them in my fave color, lavender. One pair black shorts: also from REI, same line. They also had the big side pockets. I wore them on hot days, I wore them as pj bottoms, I wore them the once I went swimming. One pair warm fleece-lined pants: Not gonna lie, these took up a TON of space in my backpack. They were also nearly 11oz/300g. BUT. Boy was I glad to have them. They were great for chilly mornings/evenings. I could put them on over my leggings when starting out on a cold day, or wear them by themselves in the evening while my other clothes were drying. Two bras: Both from the brand Kindred Bravely, the style Nellie, which is in synthetic fabric and doesn't have an underwire but does have the hooks in the back and enough support for walking. One bra was black so it could double as a swim top. One long-sleeved dress: From the brand wool&, the Rowena. It's a wool blend and has pockets. One short-sleeved dress: This one was by Smartwool and again was a wool blend, but it pilled like crazy. Next time I'd just wear another wool& dress in a short-sleeved style and a different color. One short-sleeved shirt: Uniqlo, from their airism line. I think I only wore it to sleep in. One pullover-style long-sleeved hoodie: A synthetic hoodie that was REALLY soft but thick. In retrospect I should've gone for a lightethinner one. Puffer jacket: This was my Christmas present to myself the Christmas before my Camino, as it was not cheap. I got it from Icebreaker, and the stuffing is 80% wool. It weighs almost nothing and compresses into its own pocket. It's incredibly warm for how little it weighs. I still wear this all the time! Crocs: I bought the same size I'd been wearing around the house at home. Turns out my feet swell more than expected, which made these press painfully on my blisters, and within four days I'd tossed them into a donation box and bought flip-flops. Next time I might bring Chacos or something similar that I can hike in sometimes. Boots: I can hear half of you now--wear trail runners!! I used to do a job that involved walking outside all day in the city and suburbs. I sprained my ankles multiple times in trail runners. I do not sprain my ankles in hiking boots (or Chacos, oddly enough). They were Hokas, and meant to feel like trail runners. The blisters were not the boots' fault. Also, I had Birkenstock orthotics in these. The combo of squishy shoes with ankle support and Birkenstock orthotics is the only thing my feet seem to like. Though again, I might try Chacos next time. Massage ball: a bumpy plastic ball. Didn't weigh much. Great for massaging my feet at the end of the day. I also lent it out to numerous people at albergues. Brierley guidebook: I did use the Wise Pilgrim app a LOT, but I really liked having the physical guidebook as well. I sometimes wrote notes on things I wanted to do/places I wanted to stay in the guidebook Paper journal and pen: I didn't journal as much as I intended to. But it was nice to have a spot to write things down by hand. I also had a print-out of the order for Mass in English and Spanish side-by-side that I'd taped into the journal--I'm Episcopalian and not Catholic, and I don't speak much Spanish. (I also looked up the daily readings for mass in English on my phone.)
A bunch of slider-style ziploc bags in numerous sizes: for organizing my belongings, including some extras. They were (imho) less noisy than stuff sacks or packing cubes, but they weren't silent. They also had the advantage of being see-through. I also had a net lingerie bag for dirty clothing.
USB-C wall charger with European plug Short USB-C-to-lightning charging cable for phone Portable battery (and cable): USB-C is faster than normal USB. The portable battery aka power bank was by Zendure and could charge my phone several times. What I'd usually do is charge the battery when I got to my albergue, and then use that to charge my phone when I went to bed. It meant I didn't have to leave my phone anywhere out of sight, and I was never worried about my phone dying.
Compressible daypack: This compressed to a tiny tiny thing that hooked on my backpack. I used this thing DAILY: I would put everything in it to take my shower and do laundry, then resort my belongings to go explore the town and/or find dinner and/or go to mass. I also used it the couple of times I had my backpack transported.
A carabinehook: Cannot remembefind the brand name on this, but it's this thing that converts from a carabiner to a rubber-lined S-hook (so it'll stay over the back of shower doors etc). I ended up keeping my sleeping bag on the outside of my backpack, but the stuff sack didn't have any straps, and the carabiner meant I could use the backpack's straps at the bottom and tighten them down enough to keep the sleeping bag there; and then at the albergues I'd use it to hang my daypack on the back of shower doors.
Fancy zippered toiletry bag: in retrospect it was too small. I ended up only leaving things I rarely used in it, and putting everything else in a ziploc Sunscreen: kept this in an outside pocket of my backpack Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss: The same things I use at home. I'm picky about my toothpaste. Bar soap in a dry bag: The fancy dry bag was supposed to make it so the soap dried out during the day, but no matter what I did that didn't work. But also I left it somewhere (Viana??) and went back to a ziploc bag anyway! Aquaphor: a thick vaseline-based ointment, great for a ton of things Travel towel: I brought a large-ish one, thinking it would double for other things (like a blanket?), and I never used it that way. I should've bought something smaller and lighter. Washcloth Deodorant Comb, a few hair elastics Hard case for my glasses, and a small microfiber wipe for the lenses: on a related note, my glasses had transition lenses so I didn't have to bring a separate pair of sunglasses and risk losing them. Benadryl, immodium, Azo (painkiller for UTI's): a few of each, just in case Purple shampoo in a small travel bottle: I estimated how much I'd use washing my hair twice a week and it was plenty Purple hair conditioner bar: Also in a fancy dry bag that didn't dry it out lol A bunch of diaper pins with plastic heads: I read multiple people who suggested bringing these, and they were RIGHT. I never had to worry about the supply of clothespins at albergues. People were less likely to take my things by accident because they were distinctive. They ended up being useful for multiple things, like attaching items to my backpack during the day to dry. I also ended up setting one aside to pop blisters after dipping the point in Betadine gel. A few feet of paracord: for laundry when the albergue ran out of clothesline space, could theoretically use it to turn my poncho into a shelter if needed or tie around my waist over my poncho on a windy day. I only ever used it for laundry, as it turns out. Prescription-strength hydrocortisone cream: in case my eczema flared up or I got bitten by mosquitos. I was lucky enough not to need it but I was still glad to have it. Melatonin, Zyrtec, Heartburn meds: All my medications were put in tiny plastic ziplocs along with the torn-out box label so I could tell which was which. Tampons and a few pads: I wish I'd brought more pads, honestly. The ones in Spain all seemed scented and didn't have enough glue! (I can't use menstrual cups. I used to, for like twenty years, but now they cause irritation.) Mascara, powder, lipstick: Despite wearing these every single day at home, I never ended up using them on my Camino!
Sleeping bag: a summer weight bag from LL Bean. Not too heavy or too expensive. Silk liner: I used this all of twice and I hated it. Totally could've skipped this. It just slid around inside the bag and twisted around me, ugh. Earplugs: I brought along my fave Loop earplugs, and accidentally left them at my albergue in Uterga. They're comfy and work great, but in all honesty my bluetooth earbuds and ocean sounds from an app blocked out snoring better.
A photocopy of the first pages of my passport and a list of emergency contact numbers: tucked into the bottom of my backpack.
In my fanny pack/hip bag, which never left my sight waking or sleeping:
Phone: actually this was usually in my leggings pocket. Bluetooth earbuds, the kind on a leash: they recharged using the same cable as the portable battery, which was nice Bank cards: in a small zippered pouch A few days' worth of cash: in the same pouch as the Wise card Credencial, passport and vaccine card: in a ziploc Lip balm with SPF Aleve aka naproxen sodium ADHD medication: this was the only medication that wasn't labeled in the little ziploc bag. When I brought it on my flight I had the ziploc in the original prescription bottle. The night I arrived in France, I tucked the original bottle in the bottom of my backpack, and put the baggie in my fanny pack. Rosary, and a small leaflet on how to pray it: I ended up mostly wearing the rosary. It was intended to be worn as a bracelet wrapped around my wrist several times, but I mostly kept it around my neck. It didn't obviously look like a rosary.
What I did for water: bought bottled water along the way. I'd refill the bottles for a week or to and toss the bottles once they got nasty and buy new ones. This just weighed less than the alternatives.
The weight of my backpack, at the airport on the way out, was about 15lb/6.8kg. I was aiming for somewhere between 10-15% of my bodyweight, and I succeeded, hell yeah.
Things I wish I'd brought:
Things to treat blisters. I thought I wouldn't get any because I didn't on my training hikes. Turns out there's a difference between walking ten miles once a week, and walking thirteen miles day after day after day. (I mean I also walked to work, two miles each way. But still. I needed more days of longer distances that repeated.) One of those things to clip hand disinfectant to my backpack or fanny pack. WAY too many bathrooms did not have soap, even in the albergues. Knitting! At the end of my day's walk I sometimes spent far too much time fucking around on my phone, which makes one look anti-social. Whereas knitting invites people to talk to you. I ended up buying a sock-weight yarn and needles in Leon (the added weight was around 150g total) and starting a simple shawl.
I'm more than happy to answer any questions on why I chose to bring/not bring anything!
submitted by aprillikesthings to CaminoDeSantiago [link] [comments]

2023.12.29 20:12 Vantamanta Day 3, very painful and very hungry

Hi. It's been about 3 days since my removal. I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed. In this time..
Please help.
submitted by Vantamanta to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2023.12.08 23:42 stan_dee Severe mouth swelling and naproxen

26F, TX, not a smoker or drinker
Took one naproxen tablet about an hour and a half ago for a headache and now my lips are extremely swollen with a red rash around them. I’ve taken aleve before with no issue but now having a bad reaction to naproxen.
How concerned should I be? I’m not having any issues breathing. I took a Benadryl to hopefully reduce the swelling but I’m not sure if this is worth an ER visit.
Photo in comments
submitted by stan_dee to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.11.29 05:04 _huntro Help evaluating my first car medical kit

Hello preppers! First post, excited to get on the path to being more prepared.
I recently decided to start carryting more extensive & organized medical in my car, and was hoping for some help evaluating what I have/what I plan to add. My kit is build upon this kit as a base. I have added:
I plan to add a tourniquet, another mylar blanker, instant hot & cold packs, bacitracin or mupirocin, povidone-idoine prep, israeli bandages & gauze. Might also switch out the stock bandaids for a larger vareity of bandaids. Comments and helpful criticism appreciated. Definitely operating with a tight budget.

submitted by _huntro to preppers [link] [comments]