General autobiography examples

Call of Duty: Warzone Reddit

2020.01.11 23:08 LackingAGoodName Call of Duty: Warzone Reddit

Call of Duty: Warzone is a first-person shooter video game series developed by Infinity Ward and Raven Software, and published by Activision. CODWarzone is a developer-recognized community focused on the series.

2009.11.16 23:23 MercurialMadnessMan Call of Duty Reddit

Call of Duty is a first-person shooter video game series developed by Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, and Raven Software and published by Activision. CallofDuty is a developer-recognized community focused on the franchise.

2009.10.03 04:16 carpe_noctem Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reddit

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game released in 2019, developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. ModernWarfare is a developer-recognized community focused on the title.

2024.05.15 11:05 FinePlanRound7 Reddit is designed to be partially counterproductive

I've been using alts (mostly because I keep forgetting passwords) for a while and I noticed a specific trend.
I use Reddit mainly to ask odd questions. Questions that are, either I have to pay someone hundreds of dollars to answer, or because I wanna hear an unofficial opinion without people having to be extra careful about their advice.
In some cases, especially when I do something unique or not really supportive of a current community paradigm, people tend pretend to answer some general question only to derail the discussion.
For a hypothetical example, I may go and ask electrical engineers something like "I invented wires out of processed wood and they are this diameter thick, they work, but what cost-effective electrical device do the electrical compliance organizations recommend to regulate voltage in general, to ensure that wires and other electricals don't burn?". The electrical engineers, presuming that wooden wires are completely beyond the realm of possibility, will say "oh, you are wrong, electrical wires were ruled to be impossible in the 19th century, are you an idiot? What kind of saw were you using to make wooden wires?". Great! Now I have to answer another question and potentially reveal a future trade secret only to completely derail my initial question.
Sometimes, days after this back and forth, some people come forth realizing that what happened.
I don't know if it's Reddit thing or something in our human anthropology, but it happened to me a few times.
I remembered about this. Someone (allegedly) found a number that disproves a math hypothesis, only to have the discussion reduced to annoying basics. Even though it's for quora, Reddit is no better in this regard.
submitted by FinePlanRound7 to TheoryOfReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:05 ColevidCorvid Partner and I Dealing with Abuse from His Mum.

So, ever since I moved in about.. 6-7 years ago, my partner's mum went from mildly irritable to incredibly angry all the time. She deals with stress from work and from well.. problems she created for herself. She's a hoarder of both junk and animals which she is just absolutely god awful at taking care of animals to the point where we witness her feeding them inedible things as "treats" like medical tape and band-aids as well as just not really caring what they eat in general. This is probably the reason the dog went blind and is morbidly obese and why half of the cats are sick to the point where many of them have died before adulthood. We keep trying to get her to stop doing that shit but she just won't. Hell, most of the time, when a cat is sick or dying, she forces us to deal with it instead of taking them to the vet.
She also has a tendency to yell at the cats and basically throw a tantrum if they annoy her too much to the point where she'll refuse to feed or medicate them. My partner and I are always the ones that have to take care of everything, leaving us with no lives of our own. She has also started to threaten to hurt my partner when he tries to be helpful in some way. She has a tendency to get upset over REALLY, REALLY stupid shit like me seemingly never being in a bad mood, me not wearing shoes like.. ever (sensory issues), my partner "not doing anything" when he does a lot for her and even asks her to just to ask him for help because he's not a mind reader or my partner staying up late (which isn't in his control) as a few examples.
She also doesn't like it when we try to clean the house to get rid of the junk she's hoarded and she tends to emotionally/mentally abuse my partner often (whether purposely or not). She's ALWAYS passive aggressive about everything and snaps at us or the animals over the tiniest of things. She's constantly yelling/ranting about literally everything and it's usually shit that is literally a problem she created herself. Like "Oh no, the consequences of my actions" kind of thing.
But yeah, we've reached to the point where we REALLY want to get out of here but neither of us have a car or money, we're both too disabled to work and I am about to try to apply for disability, which that will take, at least, 8 months for even just a chance to be approved.
submitted by ColevidCorvid to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:05 gadgetblock Is the search functionality getting worse?

Recently I've been missing a lot of (audio)books when using the search functionality. Today for example, I tried to find Three Act Tragedy by Agatha Christie. The search functionality doesn't show any matches in the audiobooks category when I search for the title. I know the book is on there and I didn't hit my limit yet. By navigating to the "Audiobooks Authored" page of Agatha Christie, I did managed to find it (without an "Available soon" banner on it). So I don't understand why this audiobook isn't showing up in the global search functionality. Is this a bug or is there another reason why I might not see all the results?
My current workaround is to just use Google by searching for " " for general searches and the "Audiobooks Authored" page for my favorite authors.
submitted by gadgetblock to Scribd [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:00 Lusky_da_Axeman Hunt is slowly dying

Hey guys, veteran console player here. This is my rant on hunt. This game has slowly went downhill over the past 6 months. The games slowly dying. I understand a lot of that's due to other games like Helldivers 2, but here's why hunt hasn't kept me around and why I, as a "whale" who bought every skin up to desolations wake no longer buy anything from this game. 1. The economy in hunt is in shambles. This is largely due to not gaining enough XP. The recent change to not being able to retire until level 50 has defeated the purpose of retiring at all, on top of the lack of XP. You get what 1500XP now? That's trash. This has encouraged more passive plays. Dying has consequences, unless you have 1000s of hrs in the game and are max presitge with 100s of thousands of dollars like many whales are. It doesn't affect you until a few months go by so why implement this rule at all? It hurts the general player base by forcing them to play passive and once put at a disadvantage it's actually better to now run away or hide until the enemy leaves. This also rewards players for leaving matches early and choosing to avoid fighting even at the cost of missing out on a bounty, which then takes away from the actual combat. On top of that, cash registers and money pouches not counting if you die again encourages players to leave if they hit that magical 500 on a register. Pledge registers helped players to avoid going broke but those are gone. Also the hunt economy has gone up as much as the real world economy which is ridiculous I play this game to forgot about inflation but now my axe costs 40 hunt dollars and my stamina shots are 120 a piece. On top of all the other guns increasing. Again rewarding players that play extra careful and extra passive. Which then drags down the appeal for people that do want to fight others and don't mind losing 15 games in a row as long as the fights are good, but now these players can't recover from it without playing by hiding in bushes and extracting once things go south. This is also due to only getting 1000 hunt dollars upon leveling up after rank 100. 2. The BB economy is ruined. You earn at most 250 BB a week. There's no point in playing once you finish your weekly challenges. It could easily be brought back by allowing players to earn BB from in game matches again. Pretty easy to do and with the COUNTLESS legendary items. Earning 0-12 BB a match poses no threat to the BB economy. We can all agree that there is at least 100,000 BB items in store. To earn that, with an average of 6BB you'd have to play 16,666 matches. With an average playtime of 20 minutes you're looking at playing 5,555 hrs. Which even I don't have! It forces you to purchase skins instead of being able to earn them and that kinda sucks, plus not being able to earn back 1000BB from the battle pass is kinda trash because again you have to purchase the currency. Its a turn off for players. 3. The guns. While this is a controversial complaint it's not founded in BS. To sum it up super simple there's two problems. A. Everything is special so nothing is. B. High skill isn't rewarded as well. I'd like to cover the high skill one first. So highly skilled weapons such as Romero, sparks, crossbow are all great options and when pinned against a crown, avto, Mosin. These guns all stand a great chance and if a player is highly skilled with one of the cheaper options they can have a great fight with someone not as highly skilled but is using an avto. But nowadays there's things like crown with bleed which can two tap from up to 50m away which is incredibly good and kinda puts all the cheap guns to shame, to a point where even a highly skilled player won't be able to take out a lesser skilled player because of weapons like this. Now that may be an extreme example but the point is that lower price used to = higher skill. Now not so much its balanced sure but there's no high skill high reward weapons because there's counters for everything which leads to the point that nothing is special anymore. At this point put bleed on the sparks, HV on the nitro, and explosive on the avto just because it'd be fun. 4. My last and final point is directed at the devs themselves. They have gotten greedy in the past 6-12 months. I honestly believe it's because they have expanded their team so much. But so much of this expansion is in the wrong area. It's a lot on the graphic design team which is totally killing it. No hate there but I'd rather only get a skin once a month but get the engine on time or get the bug fixes sooner or get a better event. Plus I could actually afford a $20 skin a month without even thinking about it but now we are getting skins every other week or big drops once a month. They could have hired more people to be a part of map design, engine update process or ya know developing the core game play mechanics. Which this game needs more than skins. They have been promising this update forever and haven't even made any remarks on it yet.... which is like come on man at least say something to defend yourself. And that last even desolations wake, while fun, was a quick cash grab. I'm not doubting effort went into it and I enjoyed it. But it was mostly recycled altars and recycled packs. It was simple and I enjoyed that part but again simple, not game changing, which means easier to make and easier to distract people from the engine update. The devs have just either misdirected their priorities or have gotten greedy and im hoping it's just the first one.
submitted by Lusky_da_Axeman to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:00 AutoModerator [DAILY THREAD] Please post ANY general comments & questions about the Magic within here! For example, questions about attending games, ticket sales, where to buy jerseys, trade/free agent signing ideas, or anything Orlando Magic related. Discord link inside. Thanks, Magic fans!

We're excited to reintroduce the [DAILY THREAD] to address common topics like the same-often posted player trade suggestion (great if new/unique ideas), ticket sales (at your own discretion), and frequently asked questions about attending Magic games (parking and ticket info can always be found on the sidebar), as well as where to purchase Magic jerseys.

This initiative aims to cut down on spam and low-effort posts, ensuring that our beloved OrlandoMagic subreddit maintains its high-quality standards.

For quicker and more streamlined discussions, we encourage you to join our Orlando Magic Discord server.

You may even catch occasional Magic game streams there.

Please feel free to drop any general comments or questions about the Orlando Magic here.

Thanks to everyone for contributing to making this the most welcoming NBA team subreddit on Reddit!"

submitted by AutoModerator to OrlandoMagic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:59 DentiAlligator Hausa and Ethiopia: is it pointless to age up with an ally already on the map?

For example if theres a berber settlement, is it generally bad to age up with the berbers? Given that you'll gain access to their technologies anyway from their tp. Same with the akan etc. And a second question that follows up on the theme, is it also pointless to ship the gaananci card? Thanks!
submitted by DentiAlligator to aoe3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:48 DrawerLoose722 Review: She Who Became the Sun – Shelley Parker-Chan (The Radiant Emperor #1)

Asian Fantasy ✓ Female Main Character ✓ Heart-Wrenching ✓ Historical Setting ✓ LGBTIQ+ ✓ Thought-Provoking ✓ Villain Arc ✓
“Inside her there was only the perfect, blank brightness of belief and desire. Desire is the cause of all suffering. The greater the desire, the greater the suffering, and now she desired greatness itself. With all her will, she directed the thought to Heaven and the watching statues: Whatever suffering it takes, I can bear it.”
What is the Book about?
A village in the dusty plains, ravaged by famine. A seer reveals the futures of two children: the boy is destined for greatness, while the girl—nothing.
In the year 1345, China is under the brutal rule of the Mongols. Raiders sweep through the land, preying on poor farmers. They come to the children’s village, leaving them orphans. While Zhu Chongba succumbs to despair, the girl makes a resolute decision to change her fate. She assumes her dead brother’s identity. Can Zhu escape what is written in the stars? Or can she claim her brother’s destiny for herself—and ultimately rise as high as she dares to dream?
Rating Plot ★★★★☆ Characters ★★★★★ World Building ★★★★☆ Atmosphere ★★★★★ Writing Style ★★★★☆
Favourite Character Zhu
My thoughts while reading it
In reimagining 14th century China through a fresh historical lens, we are presented with an evocative tale of destiny, identity, and an unyielding will to survive. Based on a true story but with a unique twist, this narrative feels both singular and authentic, as though its extraordinary events could indeed have transpired.
Initially, I anticipated a younger reading experience, given the rise of Asian YA novels at the time of its release. However, this book took me by surprise, exuding a raw and real essence that is mature and dark. Don’t let preconceptions influence you as they did me; if you are a fan of the Dandelion Dynasty series, you should definitely give this book a chance. “She Who Became the Sun” is a story of ascension to great power, highly political and driven by war. It offers a historical novel that is intensely military without veering into pure military fantasy, deftly intertwining deep explorations of gender and identity. The revelation that Zhu is actually a woman in an era when women had no voice adds a thrilling twist to the narrative. The book handles gender themes subtly and cleverly, avoiding heavy-handedness. There are no preachy dialogues about what it means to be a man or a woman; instead, the story itself immerses you in these experiences, making them feel natural and unforced. It delves into the nuances of identity and the disruption of one’s sense of self through various life events.
Shelley Parker-Chan masterfully creates an immersive atmosphere, transporting the reader directly into 14th century China. Although my knowledge of Chinese history is limited, the story felt so genuine that I wished Zhu’s tale of a woman disguised as a man had truly happened. The narrative’s often unemotional tone enhances its historical authenticity. The vivid descriptions of the setting, the intricate development of characters, and the seamless blend of historical facts with fictional elements make this novel an unforgettable reading experience. I particularly appreciated the beginning, which portrays the impact of war on common people who struggle to survive, sometimes even forgetting their own families. Additionally, Zhu’s time in the monastery is beautifully depicted, with Buddhism woven seamlessly into the story. However, it should be noted that this is primarily a historical fiction novel with minimal fantastic elements, which, when present, felt somewhat forced. I would have preferred a purely historical novel, as it would have suited the narrative better.
The characters, alongside the impressive atmosphere, are a highlight of the novel. Each character feels original and deeply developed, making them vivid and unique. The protagonist, Zhu, is a prime example of a complex personality, with inner struggles and external challenges that make her a fascinating character. Her determination and courage to defy the societal norms of her time make her an inspiring figure. And it’s fascinating to see that as a reader, you end up rooting for a character who may have initially seemed kind and selfless, yet you still like them in the end, even though they have become something entirely different from what they once were. Another remarkable character is the eunuch general Ouyang, whose tragic past and identity conflicts make him one of the most intriguing antagonists. Initially, he seemed one-dimensional to me, but he is a character who reveals his full potential over time. His interactions with Zhu are filled with tension and a complex dynamic that keeps the reader engrossed until the very end, leaving me eager to see how their relationship will unfold in the sequel. The supporting characters also add depth and realism to Parker-Chan’s world. Each one, from the monks in the monastery who take in Zhu to the soldiers and peasants in the background, has their own story and motivation, enriching the narrative. These characters all contribute to a multi-layered and realistic portrayal of the world.
Shelley Parker-Chan’s “She Who Became the Sun” is an impressive debut that will captivate lovers of historical fiction. It’s a book that demonstrates the power of human will and the quest for a self-determined life, showing how these can change the world. A must-read for anyone interested in ancient China and the strength of the human spirit! This book is definitely my absolute highlight of 2024 so far.
Reading Recommendation? ✓ Favourite? ✓
Check out my Blog The Reading Stray
submitted by DrawerLoose722 to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:44 GarLuck4 A problem I cannot ignore (HFW)

I wanted to share a list of things I find lacking/wrong to see if you think the same. I must clarify a few things so you know where I am standing. I have not finished HFW... I have just finished the Kulrut mission of the Main story. I am a very particular kind of player as I tend to take twice the amount of time to finish a game compared to the average player. I have 97 hours on it and the statistics section says I have completed half the game, 48.77% specifically, a number that (I asume) stands for the overall game including side quests etc. Regarding the map, I haven't been anywhere beyond the stadium of the Kulrut so I have seen only half of it, literally.
All that said, let's begin.
I think that there is a lot of wasted potential when it comes to how the player interacts with the environment. This is a problem that I also had with the first game and all Open world games in general but it is specially annoying in this one because exploration, nature and ecosystems play a fundamental role on its narrative and gameplay. Considering how detailed and gorgeous are the graphics, phisycs, animations and almost everything, I find it sinful how biomes are only a visual effect with poor gameplay impact... A temperature mechanic that would force players to switch outfits (that could be a separate thing to armors or not) would have been awesome. It is ridiculous how ANYONE in these games seem to be affected by weather conditions and it is even more infuriating considering tenakth clans are basically divided into biomes. Sky people for example, half naked in the middle of the snow on top of a mountain. I remember getting to the desert at the beginning of the game and seeing in awe a huge sand tornado just to find out that it does not harm me at all... There are so many ways in which weather and temperature could affect the game mechanically. Machines being slower and easier to freeze in the snow biomes and the opposite in extremely hot weather. Stuff like that. The small rainforest section I could see so far is empty... Visually stunning but empty and boring. Animals are almost the same in every biome (with a few insignificant exceptions). It breaks the immersion for me to see a boar or a pig in every single place I go. And it is always THE SAME PIG OR BOAR, THERE ARE NOT EVEN 2 DIFFERENT MODELS. How animals interact with the environment and how inconsistent to real life they are is also horrible to me. I mean, Artemis did a TERRIBLE job at restoring earth's wildlife. That without mentioning the lack of different species and animals. It could have been cool to see aggressive animals too, like bears, snakes, big cats, idk, SOMETHING. The whole hunting system could be polished too, because, as it is, this is just like pressing triangle to pick something up but shooting a single arrow first. In their current state, they are just one-shot targets packed with items.
Plants suffer from the same things as animals, a few slight variations per biome but even worse as they are useless. Cactus for desert, snow plant for snow, water plant for water. It feels like a kid designed it. No real incentive for the player to gather plants really. And no, potions are not an answer, buying them is cheaper and time-saving not to mention how easy to find they are.
Travelling from one place to another is also... Meh. I think that fast travel should exist but be more limited IMO. The campfire shouldn't even exist and saving should be mannual (from the main menu) and automatic. In its current state, there is no reason why the player should go anywhere by foot or using a machine. Fast travel packs should be A LOT MORE EXPENSIVE and work as a whole settlement. It would have been cool if they would have taken RDR2 idea where you have to set a camp. The feeling of travelling alone in a dangerous land is lost the moment I can run a few meters away from a machine and fast travel to the other side of the map. It would be a lot more immersive and make cities or small settlements more valuable. You never get to feel unsafe, alone, far from civilization. As there is probably a campfire, abandoned settlement, city or town every 100 meters. Everything is easy, quick, at hand.
The game's economy does also need some rework. Crafteable items shouldn't be for sale at all. That way, gathering stuff would feel more rewarding and necessary. The same goes for animal and machine parts. The last two are negotiable, make them expe sive, really expensive, and that merchants that offer those products are rare and scarce, just like the special merchants from meridian that doesn't exist in this game. I actually love how they handled machine parts in this game as you have to change strategies to get a specific part, no complaints with that.
Machines are nerfed during side and main quests. This is so stupid and mainstream-designed bullshit and I cannot stand it. It is so ridiculous how dumb and weak a thunderjaw is in a quest compared to hunting it in the open world. This was not a thing in HZD or at least I do not recall it being like that.
"Anyway, that is all I got for now GAIA. Time to tuck in."
"I Wish you a pleasant sleep, Garluck."
submitted by GarLuck4 to horizon [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:36 plxo Who were some of the WORST couple pairings (all seasons)?

On my first rewatch having watched all seasons/episodes a few years ago and keeping updated. I wanna know who you think were the WORST couple pairings throughout the entire seasons (S1 — S20). If your a first time watcher, there will probably be spoilers so read at your own risk!
Maggie & Jackson: Everyone says they were a terrible pairing. I think that while they weren't ever going to be "end game", it did show the inequalities they had. Jackson never really thought of people having to really grind and work for their money, home, work/career, and generally to get by in life. He was completely blind to it and that annoyed Maggie to great lengths as she never had all that and really had to work for everything she ever had. I also think this was a turning point for Jackson because as his character develops we see all the good deeds he does with his money (buying hotel rooms for covid vulnerable people who couldn't go home, giving money to the victims of Ye Ole Grandpa Avery, etc). He stepped up more as a member of the board and to the Avery name by advocating for the underpriveldged and impoverished. Something I think he really didn't have a better understanding about prior to his relationship with Maggie.
Kai & Amelia: I don't think they had any chemistry whatsoever. I think Amelia was just sex for Kai. For example Kai didn't want kids (which is fine) but they knew Amelia has Scout, involved with Leo & Betty, and has neices & nephews of which she frequently babysits (prior to Mers depature obvs). Kai even took the job in London without even discussing it with Amelia... Kinda strange if you've been in a relationship for a while. While Amelia wouldn't have a direct choice or impact the decision much, it should still be a joint discussion imo.
Teddy & Tom: I don't think Teddy loved Tom and just used him due to her pregnancy symptoms (high libido) and actively trying not to be with Owen. Tom showed her attention while she was a hormonal mess, and she latched onto him. He had money, he was emotionally suffering (David & ex wife), and he was all round having a hard time. Maybe they were both using each other for sex but I believe Tom grew quickly attached to her and "loved" her. I'm not sure if it was legit love though.
Teddy & Owen: I think they are good together and are well suited BUT I feel like they are together for *comfort* because it's familiar rather than love.
Winston & Maggie: Again, I think this was more lustful than love. Winston adored Maggie but I always felt that Maggie didn't see him as her equal. She always considered him 'less than' and just expected him to do *anything* she asked/told him to (e.g. Chicago). In their paper, she didn't even give him the proper recognition.
Richard & Adele: They were just a bad pairing. They stayed together for convienence and I do think Richard would've deliberately taken extra shifts/work to avoid being at home with Adele. I think their home life was more than rocky and they probably spent more time apart than together. I think Richard always wanted to be with Ellis and maybe grew to resent Adele.
submitted by plxo to greysanatomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:35 JokeCultural9610 Vox. One soul. Five fragmented personalities. Can you help me develop the fanfic, please?

I want to develop a character who has DID derived from PTSD, which in turn arose from a four-day period of suffering different atrocities. The character has no explicit memories of this four-day period, but their subconscious locks it away to avoid the pain of trauma and develops disorders as a defense mechanism. In addition to the mentioned disorders, the character has developed a refusal to eat food due to an apparently irrational line of thought and sensation that if they eat, they would be hypocritical for something, and therefore, more guilty. The character has 5 personalities. So far, I've only been able to conceptualize 3: the assistant, the machine, and the monster.
The monster is the murderous and harmful personality. It's what the character most instinctively tries to avoid manifesting, even if they don't know exactly why. It's the embodiment of their potential evil, and its appearances are always accompanied by tension and suspense. Even if not actually manifested (or is it?), the mere fact of appearing in nightmares and hallucinations already triggers panic attacks in the character. This is the most mysterious personality because the character has doubts about the nature of this personality that doesn't offer many explanations beyond the simple fact that it knows everything about him and is playing and affecting him; Is it a personality or a distinct demon? Is it a delusion or is it real? Is it himself or a separate being pretending to be him to scare him? Is it capable of killing the personalities, and if so, why doesn't it do it immediately instead of leaving the personalities unharmed? Why psychologically torture him if the function of fragmented personalities is to help in self-preservation? If it's real, why does it let him escape at the end of its ''games''? This personality (or not) is physically the largest, the most technological, the most inhuman, and presents more feats of strength despite appearing less, all geared towards psychological torture mainly, a literal kind of haunting like Pennywise's. It wreaks psychological havoc on the character in each of its personalities, and the most sensitive one, which is the one the other personalities most try to avoid being impacted by the monster, is the assistant personality, the personality that personifies human essence and, being based on the Superego and Ego and reflecting the distant past spent with his deceased good mother whose values were transmitted in his childhood and adolescence, is the personality that tries to maintain order, predominate, and reunite the fragmented personalities, although this self-imposed role is not easy and it is difficult to deal with the fear of what could happen if people found out that he and the other four 'people' are actually the same person who has DID; it is difficult to represent order while his other parts are more inclined to chaos and there is no direct interaction between the personalities. The assistant personality has blindness, whose degree varies depending nuancemente on the external and internal security situation it feels, but is always present because it results from an unresolved trauma. Glasses are used, the only one who does this. Blindness is more present in the assistant personality and less manifested in the other personalities because they are more detached from humanity. The assistant personality is the most divergent from what the character was before DID. Its form is more human, shorter, and less cybernetic, precisely because it reflects a distant period from the current one of the character. (A side note: the character is, in a way, a shapeshifter, so its personalities have a distinct form, some more similar to each other and others less similar, and vice versa. The metamorphosis is restricted to the forms the character has already had in its life and afterlife, and those forms it did not have are a more adapted version of the personality concept). The assistant is the most sensitive personality and the one that most tries to be virtuous, and because of these characteristics, it is the most vulnerable to the monster.
The machine personality is the psychological barrier. A wall for any emotions. An internal shield for trauma. It looks like a robot, like a machine, both for sentimental and behavioral issues. It does not feel emotions, is extremely rational, and is very connected to technology. Indeed, it is the most technological personality in the purest sense of the word, while the monster personality is the most technological in the most monstrous sense. Its function is to offer a more impartial view of situations and, because of the monster, to be the most solid shield for the assistant personality not to be haunted directly (and possibly killed) by the monster.
There are 2 more personalities to develop, and I'm working on it since it's a new idea I had.
The character is Vox.
The conceptual ideas for this fanfic that I intend to create, combined with my hobby of self-studying psychology/psychoanalysis/psychiatry, made me realize that I attribute four disorders to Vox:
• DID: According to the DSM-5 criteria, to be considered DID it is necessary: ▪︎Two or more distinct identities or personality states are present, each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self. ▪︎Amnesia must occur, defined as gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events. ▪︎The person must be distressed by the disorder or have trouble functioning in one or more major life areas because of the disorder. ▪︎The disturbance is not part of normal cultural or religious practices. ▪︎The symptoms cannot be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (such as blackouts or chaotic behavior during alcohol intoxication) or a general medical condition (such as complex partial seizures).
• PTSD: Symptoms of PTSD fall into the following four categories. Specific symptoms can vary in severity.
Intrusion: Intrusive thoughts such as repeated, involuntary memories; distressing dreams; or flashbacks of the traumatic event. Flashbacks may be so vivid that people feel they are reliving the traumatic experience or seeing it before their eyes. Avoidance: Avoiding reminders of the traumatic event may include avoiding people, places, activities, objects and situations that may trigger distressing memories. People may try to avoid remembering or thinking about the traumatic event. They may resist talking about what happened or how they feel about it. Alterations in cognition and mood: Inability to remember important aspects of the traumatic event, negative thoughts and feelings leading to ongoing and distorted beliefs about oneself or others (e.g., “I am bad,” “No one can be trusted”); distorted thoughts about the cause or consequences of the event leading to wrongly blaming self or other; ongoing fear, horror, anger, guilt or shame; much less interest in activities previously enjoyed; feeling detached or estranged from others; or being unable to experience positive emotions (a void of happiness or satisfaction). Alterations in arousal and reactivity: Arousal and reactive symptoms may include being irritable and having angry outbursts; behaving recklessly or in a self-destructive way; being overly watchful of one's surroundings in a suspecting way; being easily startled; or having problems concentrating or sleeping. Many people who are exposed to a traumatic event experience symptoms similar to those described above in the days following the event. For a person to be diagnosed with PTSD, however, symptoms must last for more than a month and must cause significant distress or problems in the individual's daily functioning. Many individuals develop symptoms within three months of the trauma, but symptoms may appear later and often persist for months and sometimes years. PTSD often occurs with other related conditions, such as depression, substance use, memory problems and other physical and mental health problems.
The four tabs below provide brief descriptions of four conditions related to PTSD: acute stress disorder, adjustment disorder, disinhibited social engagement disorder, and reactive attachment disorder. Source: • Psychotic Depression: Psychotic depression Some people who have severe depression may also experience hallucinations and delusional thinking, the symptoms of psychosis.
Depression with psychosis is known as psychotic depression.
Symptoms of depression Someone with depression feels sad and hopeless for most of the day, practically every day, and has no interest in anything. Getting through the day feels almost impossible.
Other typical symptoms of depression may include:
fatigue (exhaustion) disturbed sleep changes in appetite feeling worthless and guilty being unable to concentrate or being indecisive thoughts of death or suicide Doctors describe depression as mild, moderate or severe depending on your symptoms, how long it lasts and how much it affects your daily life.
Read more about the psychological, physical and social symptoms of clinical depression
Symptoms of psychosis Having moments of psychosis (when people lose some contact with reality) means experiencing:
delusions – thoughts or beliefs that are unlikely to be true hallucinations – hearing and, in some cases, feeling, smelling, seeing or tasting things that are not there; hearing voices is a common hallucination The delusions and hallucinations almost always reflect the person's deeply depressed mood – for example, they may become convinced they're to blame for something, or that they've committed a crime.
"Psychomotor agitation" is also common. This means not being able to relax or sit still, and constantly fidgeting.
At the other extreme, a person with psychotic depression may have "psychomotor retardation", where both their thoughts and physical movements slow down.
People with psychotic depression have an increased risk of thinking about suicide. Source for more information:
• An as-yet unidentified eating disorder: This is the only one in which I do not know which exact diagnosis it fits into. It is a consequence of the trauma from the four-day period - including this period being one of the biggest mysteries in history and a great source of theories for readers, as it is the root of Vox's psychological mess, the divergence point that originated the entire fanfic and which the protagonist DOES NOT want to remember - that resulted in the trauma of eating. He does not feel like eating, not even the SIN OF GLUTTONY is able to make him eat - he is immune to her powers - and feels an apparently inexplicable instinct of guilt and hypocrisy when trying to eat, as if he were the worst being in the universe if he ate a food and a huge hypocrite; why and what exactly this innate thought of judging himself as a hypocrite is another mystery in the plot.
In this story, at least in the initial arcs, no one associates all five as being the same person, at most they associate only one/two of them with Vox. With the climaxes (yes, it's in the plural) throughout the story, the characters will find evidence and suspect and associate more and more of the other alters (as I call Vox's fragmented personalities) with the same person, which increases the narrative tension. Being the assistant personality the last to be accurately associated by the other characters, although she was the one that had the most tension and care in NOT being associated throughout the story because she is the human essence of Vox, reflects more the fragility of his soul state and is not ready to deal with the harsh social consequences that the actions of the other alters and Vox before DID caused, needing solid support and not wanting to lose all the friendly social relationships, although fragile, that he built as a separate being from Vox and the other alters. It is easier to hate than to love. The assistant personality does not want to risk losing the little support he has built. These relationships are extremely valuable to him. He doesn't want to have this taken away from him anymore. The relationships he built are based on the inhabitants of Hazbin Hotel.
All alters have Vox's trademark: the TV as
a head. All... except the assistant personality. This alter is the ONLY one that has a human head and is the smallest, being even a few centimeters smaller than Lucifer. The size of his hair goes up to just above his shoulders, but he ties them in a professional hairstyle. His clothes are similar to those of an assistant, and they have a palette of blue, black, and white colors. The color of his hair, influenced by his powers as a Media Demon, is black with dark blue streaks and tips.
His human appearance reflects a period when Vox was human. In my story Vox is a trans man, which means he was born female and went through a transition at some point in his adolescence or adulthood. The appearance of the assistant personality reflects an episode during his 13/14 years. In this episode, he did a special show for his father's assistant at a fancy restaurant. It was her last night in his life as she would unfortunately be sent away without a chance to return, and he was aware of this. He also knew that his father was responsible for her being sent away, although his innocence at the time made him not immediately detect that she would be KILLED by a hired hitman hired by the father and mother. The assistant was a loved one by the teenage Vox. She was a loving mother he never had, and because of the emotional attachment to her, he decided to do a musical show, showing for the first and last time to anyone his talent for piano and violin. He, at the time still not going through the transition, dressed more masculinely, used the best appearance he could, and used a pseudonym to enter the restaurant and make the presentation without being detected by the family. He did not explicitly specify for whom the music was intended, but the assistant, secretly his true biological mother, knew it was for her. That was the last time he would see her, and he made every second of that night count.
Vox's human female name was Elizabeth. I chose this name because it is a beautiful name, it was the name of the former queen of the United Kingdom, and it was the name of one of Jack the Ripper's victims, Elizabeth Stride.
Vox, during his adult life as a man and even post-death, buried his past as a woman. It was not a source of pride, especially for the family abuses suffered and the transphobia of the time. If the Vees, the people closest to him currently, do not have a deep understanding of Vox's human life as a man, imagine their knowledge of the initial part of his life before the transition!
That's why being called "Elizabeth" during the direct and indirect appearances of the monster personality already causes genuine and unmasked panic in him. It is an indication of knowledge of his deepest layers.
The story has a suspenseful atmosphere, with some horror scenes. We follow the alters individually, and as the story progresses, we realize along with the protagonist some strange, wrong things. The alters do not communicate directly with each other and, therefore, the character does not immediately perceive the signs of having multiple personalities. It was as if there were four people in one body and none of them noticed, according to the perspective of the assistant personality, the alter that we slowly follow discovering the huge web of the situation he's in. There's something very wrong with Vox, more specifically his soul. But there's an invisible barrier that prevents the character from investigating further, like an elephant in the middle of the room. Each alter has its own course, all acting as if they were distinct people and not associating with each other. This is bad socially speaking in the long run, because sooner or later the clash of beliefs and values built among the alters will come into conflict and the individual consequences of their actions will negatively impact each other. The monster personality served to add more salt to the wound. It is by far the most harmful, appearing little but causing a huge mess in return. Don't think of it as a kind of Hulk, because Hulk is a destructive monster that his counterpart, Bruce, can try to control and turn into a hero, and everyone is aware of Hulk's nature, which is easy to understand and try to contain; whereas the monster personality is an enigma at the same time as it is a nightmare, there is no discussion with it, it causes psychological terror in Vox's alters, its apparently internal actions affect the external world of the alters, it is unpredictable, it is the literal meaning of hell. The monster personality has already caused physical harm to the alters, although they did not exactly remember, mainly the assistant personality, the most oblivious of all for a reason. I want to relate the monster personality to Roo.
submitted by JokeCultural9610 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:34 Character_Version_33 When You're a Member of the Party (interactive story)

You get to be a part of a typical hero party. This is an interactive story where you make small decisions yourself. You can be the tank, mage, healer, ect. The decisions you make result in the path you will take.
Decisions are generalized so the audience feels they are apart of the story, but mostly just see the story through the view point of different characters. An example is if the audience made decisions to become a mage. They would then follow the story through the mage's point of view and experience magic more personally. Compared to if they chose another view point.
I just randomly had this idea. I've seen some interactive media before but thought this could be a slightly different spin on it. Let me know if you have any comments or ideas on decisions that could be deliberated on in this type of story.
submitted by Character_Version_33 to mangaideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:32 fanboy-1985 My personal guide to end game for new and returning players

Just a little disclaimer, I'm not some pro player and I'm probably not familiar with 100% of the game. I did find my personal formula for the end game that I enjoy and want to share.
There are 3 major objectives in The Division 2 end game:
  1. Get gear - new weapons, gear brands and sets, exotics
  2. Improve gear - improve attributes, expertise etc
  3. Learn the story
Before I dive into every one of them, I want to talk about why would I want to do any of them:
  1. Why would I want to get more gear? - There are many different weapons/geatalent/skills in the game, including exotics, named items etc. Every piece of gear brings new options and a totally new play style. In addition, gear pieces have synergy between them. So if you want to use something, it is probably most efficient with something else. So you want to get this as well.
1.1 How to know what gear to get? - You can watch videos, sheets or anything else with build ideas. Or maybe you found a weapon that you enjoy and you want to make the most out of it? Or maybe you have a build that you like, but you're dying too much, so you need to find something that will work well with your build but also give you some more armor (or armor on kill, or armor regen, or maybe some talent).
  1. Why would I want to improve my gear? - In summary, you want to improve your gear so you'll be able to get more gear. In general, better loot will be dropped in harder difficulties. So if you want to get something that is a targeted loot of some mission, it's best to do in on Heroic. The thing is, it will be very hard, not fun or impossible to run Heroic content with unoptimized build.
  2. Why would I want to learn the story? - This is personal of course, but I do enjoy understanding whats going on. Who am I fighting against and why. In addition, future content like man hunts and maybe Division 3 will make more sense.
Next, what should you do for each objective?
  1. What to do to get more gear? - The general consensus is to run Countdown, you can set exactly what you want to get and then just farm it. I personally never do this. I find it boring and basically a shortcut to play less division. My goal is to play more, so I have no problem if it takes me much longer to find something. What I usually do, I open the map, toggle the targeted loot, and see if there's anything interesting. So for example, if I want AR, I find a mission or an area, and just do this on Heroic.
  2. What to do to improve gear? - To improve gear, you'll need resources, recon data and SHD levels. You get resources by destructing things. You get recon data from control points and Dark Zone landmarks, and you get SHD levels from daily and weekly missions. Also you get some of those when you level up your watch.
  3. What to do to advance on story? - Once you finished WONY and get back to DC, there are some DLC missions like Pentagon, Amusement park and others. After that, you want to do all the legacy manhunts in order. Those are essentially story missions with boss fights. You also get new skills on some of them.
So my personal formula is:
  1. Understand what I need/want - it may be new gear, some resource or just piece of story.
  2. Find what to do - Look at the map, the projects, the season events and manhunt, and see the rewards and targeted loot of every one of them
  3. Choose what to do - Once I see whats out there, I try to choose something that seems most fun or what brings what I want. Most of the time, I try to combine at least 2 things. For example if I want AR or a Backpack, and the daily mission is a Backpack drop, I do it. This way I get the targeted loot and the resources for optimization/recalibration.
Hope this helps anyone. If you have any questions you're more than welcome.
submitted by fanboy-1985 to thedivision [link] [comments]

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2024.05.15 10:27 Strawbbs_smoothie Planning a consultation and i need tips please :)

Hello! I am planning on getting a consultation with a top surgeon near me soon and am super excited!! i seem to be lucky in the aspect that my state (U.S. based for extra context) takes insurance and had an anti-trans insurance law reversed last year, so i will likely have a very small bill for my surgery.
I have been looking into top surgery and wanting it since my fem puberty started around 9-12 years ago, and especially after I started T in late 2021 since it really kicked off the innate need to have my boobs gone. I have a basic understanding of what goes on, for example:
i know there are multiple types of surgeries, and the type you are able to get depends on chest size, and the amount of tissue you have. i know that some people opt for no nipples, but it’s common for people to keep them and have them stitched back on.
I know you shouldn’t smoke around a month leading up to the surgery, and some people are advised to stop taking testosterone, although i have seen debates on whether it’s necessary since cisgender men who undergo surgery don’t have to go on T blockers beforehand, and despite it being recommended- i notice that it’s usually up to the person getting top surgery whether or not to stop hormones.
i know that some people are given drains after the surgery, but some surgeons in specific states or countries utilize a type of incision/technique that helps with leaving little to no fluid buildup so drains aren’t needed. I know that lifting your arms up and moving around a lot is generally not a good idea since you risk ripping something, being in pain, popping stitches, etc.
i know that nipple grafts can fail, and sometimes people need revisions if they aren’t happy with results.
I feel like with baseline information about the surgery, i am pretty solid with understanding what happens and what will go down, but i do have an inkling i’m missing some more vital parts or bits of information here and there. i don’t know much about what TO do after surgery, i more so know what not to do so anything regarding how to make recovery safe and comfortable would be helpful :)
I would really appreciate if there is anything i’m missing or seem to have been misinformed about, along with any general tips, or ideas about what i should expect.
also if anyone has any resources on top surgery that seem like i would benefit from considering what i already know would be helpful! i am autistic and have some trauma regarding medical settings, so any and all little bits of information no matter how insignificant it seems would help put me at ease. i like to know everything and anything i can about a medical situation or important life experience like this so i don’t get overwhelmed and scared.
thank you :,)
submitted by Strawbbs_smoothie to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:24 obiviya52smith How much does an LLC Cost in New York: Comprehensive Details by TRUIC

How much does an LLC Cost in New York: Comprehensive Details by TRUIC

How much does an LLC Cost in New York: Comprehensive Details by TRUIC
Forming an LLC (Limited Liability Company) in New York comes with various costs and requirements. This comprehensive guide by TRUIC will break down the costs and steps involved in forming an LLC in New York, and offer insights into how you can start an LLC in NY for free. We will also cover the LLC application process in New York, filing online, publication requirements, and more. Additionally, we'll briefly touch on the costs and processes for forming an LLC in Pennsylvania and California for comparison.
Understanding the Costs of Forming an LLC in New York
  1. Filing the Articles of Organization The initial cost to form an LLC in New York starts with filing the Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State. This document officially creates your LLC and includes essential details like the name of the LLC, its purpose, the address, and the registered agent's information.
Example: The Articles of Organization form (Form DOS-1336) can be filled out and submitted online or by mail. Ensuring accuracy is crucial to avoid delays.
  1. Publication Requirement New York has a unique and often costly publication requirement. Within 120 days of formation, an LLC must publish notices in two newspapers (one weekly and one daily) for six consecutive weeks. These newspapers must be designated by the county clerk of the county where the LLC’s office is located.
After publication, an Affidavit of Publication along with a Certificate of Publication must be filed with the New York Department of State.
  1. Operating Agreement Although not filed with the state, New York requires LLCs to adopt a written Operating Agreement within 90 days of formation. This document outlines the ownership and management structure of the LLC.
  2. Other Potential Costs
  • Registered Agent Fee: If you choose to hire a registered agent service, this will incur an additional annual cost.
  • Business Permits and Licenses: Depending on your business type and location, you might need various permits and licenses.
  • Annual Filing Requirements: New York requires LLCs to file a Biennial Statement every two years to keep their information current.​
How to Start an LLC in New York for FreeWhile it's not possible to completely avoid all costs, you can minimize expenses by:
  1. DIY Filing: Handle the filing of Articles of Organization and other required documents yourself instead of hiring a service.
  2. Registered Agent: Act as your own registered agent to avoid service fees.
  3. Publication Requirement: Research to find the least expensive newspapers in your county for the publication requirement.
Detailed Steps to Form an LLC in New York LLC Application New York
  1. Choose a Name for Your LLC: Ensure your LLC’s name is unique and complies with New York’s naming requirements. You can check name availability on the New York Department of State website.
  2. File the Articles of Organization:
  • Online Filing (NYS LLC Filing Online): The fastest and most efficient way to file your Articles of Organization is online through the New York Department of State’s website. This method also allows for quicker processing.
  • Mail Filing: Alternatively, you can mail the completed Articles of Organization form along with the filing fee to the Department of State.
  1. Designate a Registered Agent: Appoint someone to act as your LLC’s registered agent, responsible for receiving legal documents on behalf of the LLC.
  2. Create an Operating Agreement: Draft and adopt a written Operating Agreement within 90 days of filing your Articles of Organization.
​New York LLC Publication Requirement To meet the publication requirement:
  • Contact Your County Clerk: Determine the newspapers designated by the county clerk for publishing your LLC formation notice.
  • Publish Notices: Submit your formation notice to the designated newspapers and publish it for six consecutive weeks.
  • File Certificate of Publication: After completing the publication, obtain the Affidavit of Publication from the newspapers and file it along with the Certificate of Publication to the New York Department of State.
Cheapest Way to Form an LLC in NY To form an LLC in New York cost-effectively:
  • DIY Approach: File the Articles of Organization yourself and handle all subsequent paperwork without hiring a formation service.
  • Inexpensive Newspapers: Choose the least expensive newspapers designated by your county for the publication requirement.
  • Act as Your Own Registered Agent: Serve as your own registered agent to save on service fees.
​New York LLC Annual Filing Requirements New York LLCs are required to file a Biennial Statement with the New York Department of State. This statement updates the LLC’s contact information and confirms that the LLC is still active. The Biennial Statement must be filed every two years, and there is a modest filing fee associated with it. Articles of Organization NY The Articles of Organization is a crucial document that includes:
  • LLC Name: Must be unique and comply with state guidelines.
  • Office Address: The physical address of the LLC.
  • Registered Agent Information: The name and address of the registered agent.
  • Purpose: General description of the business purpose.
  • Duration: Whether the LLC is perpetual or has a specified end date.
Articles of Organization NY Example:
  • Article 1: Name of the LLC
  • Article 2: County location
  • Article 3: Address for DOS service of process
  • Article 4: Registered Agent’s name and address
  • Article 5: Duration if not perpetual
Comparing LLC Costs: New York vs. Pennsylvania and California LLC in Pennsylvania
  • Filing Costs: Pennsylvania has a lower initial filing fee compared to New York.
  • Publication Requirement: There is no publication requirement in Pennsylvania, which can save significant costs.
  • Ongoing Fees: Pennsylvania LLCs are required to file a Decennial Report every ten years, which is less frequent than New York’s biennial statement.
​LLC in California
  • Filing Costs: California’s filing fees are comparable to New York, but there is an additional annual franchise tax.
  • Publication Requirement: California does not require LLCs to fulfill a publication requirement, which reduces the overall cost.
  • Ongoing Fees: California LLCs must file a Statement of Information biennially and pay an annual minimum franchise tax.
Conclusion Forming an LLC in New York involves several steps and associated costs, including filing the Articles of Organization, fulfilling the publication requirement, and maintaining compliance with annual filing requirements. By understanding these costs and exploring cost-saving strategies, you can efficiently manage the formation of your LLC in New York. TRUIC is here to assist you throughout the process, providing comprehensive resources and expert guidance. Whether you're forming an LLC in Pennsylvania, New York, or California, TRUIC offers the tools and support you need to succeed. ​ Ready to Form Your LLC? Visit TRUIC today to access our user-friendly resources and start your LLC formation journey with confidence. Let’s turn your business vision into reality together!
submitted by obiviya52smith to u/obiviya52smith [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:16 GraveET Is ne explétif after “jusqu’à ce que” prohibited?

I've performed some (re)search and came to the conclusion that although generally "ne explétif" is not used after “jusqu’à ce que”, but sometimes (here are some examples) it can be. It's obvious that one can say basically everything in any manner. So my question: is it strictly prohibited by the language rules? Would I fail my hypothetical exam?
submitted by GraveET to learnfrench [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:12 AutoModerator [Week 20 2024] What would you like to know Wednesday? General Question Thread

Not every question needs a backstory or long explanation but it is still a question that you would like answered. This is weekly thread is setup to allow a chance for people to ask general questions that they may not feel is worthy of a full post to the sub.
Please keep things civil and constructive!

MOD NOTE: This will be a weekly post.
submitted by AutoModerator to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:09 Fancy_Boxx I went through my clothes over the winter...

This is a rant about my stuff.
I took everything to my ex's place, was rushed, and one bin of stuff never fully dried and I opened the bin, today. Now I have to rewash everything inside and see what's salvageable.
I want to properly do the Kon Mari method, but clothes have been such a sore issue and I'm waiting to actually fit into stuff again. I have alot of hangups around clothes I am trying to work through first while trying to consolidate my stuff from 3 locations into mainly 1 location. Also, I am in a program with personal property restrictions that I could only bring a couple of bins at a time, and the Kon Mari method says to make a pile of all of your clothes, pick your favorite things and use that as a guide to figure out what does or doesn't bring joy.
I have gotten rid of mediums and larges because I never liked how I looked in adult six small clothing and up. I was always children's sized, gained a bunch of weight (And not in a good way), then gained more weight, then gained more weigh. I know for a fact that nothing above a size small brings me joy except for 2 items worn as a set which I want to try on again and will likely give away within a year from now.
The only adult clothes above an adult small I am keeping besides maybe the 2 named items are 1 shirt which is otherwise the same as 1 I have for regular wear and can be used for crafting matching items; and I have video game swag I imagined being given away at a need event I used to attend that the host used to give away things from a friend who used to hoard as prizes, or I can sell them now that some of this stuff is limited videogame stuff you can only get if you attended a certain convention, and that's been separate this whole time.
I gained a ton of weight and lost a ton of muscle simultaneously during the pandemic which sucked. Was eating really shittily, and am finally eating 3x a day from a meal provider and I calculate about 2 lbs of weight loss per month between my work commute and work assuming my body gets used to the eating every day and makes that my baseline. Unfortunately it could take me 4 to 16 lbs to go down to my prepandemic dimensions, and I have bin of clothes I can add to mg every day wardrobe and more clothes I can try on.
All in all, I have 6 bins of clothes. 1 is work clothes, 1 is half crafting and half winter clothes I am waiting until October to give away to unhoused people (This city is sweep heavy, so it is better to hold onto the clothes and give them out when it is needed.). I regret not going through go my clothes for like months after putting stuff back in storage because I could have given the winter clothes out. Someone who does food distribution has to see people shivering with blue lips. The current season clothes I am ready to give away fit in a damaged backpack which is OK for someone to use in their tent to keep things together or separated afrer a rain, just not aesthetically pleasing. The every day clothes I have right now fit in 1 bin.
1 bin is regular casual clothes I can wear. Another is winteseasonal. 1 is adult venue suitable, and another is in a similar vein. We're at 2% positivity right now which is almost 100k total cases in my city since the only data being provided right now is the test positivity rate in the hospitals. I am waiting for the test positivity rate to go below 0.1% which is 100 cases per 100k.
Going through my stuff today, I see summer and fall stuff I am currently ready to give away, however I am waiting for the season to approach so I am giving things away when people actually want/are looking for those items. For example, I have several pool floats and I have 1 July themed 1. I don't get to swim, I don't like being around top less men cis or not, and I'm probably never going to get to go to a pool party. I have 1 pool float I am probably going to hold onto, and 2 which still hurt because I am a fighting fetishist and they make for blow up weapons.
I looked through my craft supplies and brought out a bunch of stuff I didn't know if I would never use up because I recently found myself making a bunch of pet toys put of supplies left over from last holiday season. There are alot of unhoused people with baby animals right now, and pet toys are something people can use but cannot budget for if they are poor, so I am making suff and then giving them away. And I am glad to say that I won't be hoarding ribbon and faux suede indefinitely, that much of it is actually going to get used.
Over the next year, I will probably start using up my beads in different crafts and I have a couple of specific projects coming up.
Bad news, I still have 2 full bins worth of papers I need to digitize. I am trying to NOT bother with the ex anymore because I just can't, and I have a giant box of papers in his place from when I made a huge effort to downsize my storage unit. Maybe this weekend, but I don't want to see his face or hear from him.
The good thing about spending time at his place was it allowed me to wear things I would wear for him but wouldn't wear at mine, and it allowed me to get rid of a bunch of things I would have otherwise kept holding onto. It took wearing those items regularly to realize I didn't like them after all. And one item I didn't like wound up fitting me better over time and matches something as did keep, but I might still get rid of it in a year.
I would have liked to bring more items over to wear while there, but I am finding I would much rather stay at my place now that I have an ESA and the food situation has gotten better (I am in an interim housing program which is supposed to provide 3 meals a day and accommodate my dietary restrictions. They switched food providers and now I am generally able to get 3 meals a day, but there is still no laundry services on site which is an issue.). I habe exactly 1 outfit at their place which is specifically to wear at their place because I don't mind wearing it there but would never wear it where I currently live.
Once I go down in size to prepandemic clothes, I'll have more shirts, pants, and under clothes I can wear from the bin of casual wear (Which is really like a half bin worth of clothes), but I would rather get down to the lower end of my prepandemic employed weight as those pants are not as comfortable until they're in the oversized due to sensory issues.
Good news, I went through my electronics box and I found a bunch of stuff which is his. Bad news, I still have project items for him to fix along with holiday lights which went out. Good news is he might teach me how to fix the holiday lights. Bad news, he's a dick about working on electronics and had been promising me since 2015 to work on electronics together only to never actually show me anything and get angry.
Oh, and I still have my sentimental iPad which he broke. He promised me he would replace the screen. Also, a laptop screen. I might be picking up work this year which will allow me to purchase replacement screens and get him to fix it as I seem to keep breaking my devices further when I try to fix them myself. I have a phone which is simpler to fix and breaks alot. It's enough for me to know how to fix that, I guess. Even if I tried to do the iPad and laptop repairs myself, the good thing about not being complete 0 contact right now, is I don't have to spend hundreds on repair plus parts if I fuck up.
There was more, but that's about it. My holiday stuff year round is 2 bins worth of stuff and I only have 1 designated bin. ☹️ Did I say I really like Halloween? I guess I have to wait for this holiday season to do what I can while also holding back on supplies. It ultimately comes out to a bin and a bag worth of potential keeps past this winter, though.
I have a a whole foods bags of pom poms I tried to make last holiday season, and it looks like I will be finishing and giving away pom pom garlands and/or ornaments this year because I ultimately ran out of time last year except for what I finished for a community mural. And 1 bag is technically things I will be selling. So theoretically I have a bin and a bag worth of potential keeps past this winter, so that's less daunting than it sounds.
I think I might be ready to give away my felt Halloween bags, and I am ready to give away a bunch of smaller fall items I didn't think I could let go of last year, but I am waiting for Fall when people actually want that stuff. I'm sad that St. Patrick's Day passed and I had a supplies I wanted to use but didn't because my stuff was somewhere in storage. Same with Easter stuff. Now everything is consolidated.
Also, I found a pickle plush I have been stuck with because the ex bought it for me almost a decade ago and was a huge dick. My main memory from that night was us sitting in some carnival ride feeling like crap because he was belittling me and I was wondering to myself what the point of being there was while he treated me like shit. I could wash it and give it away, or I can wash it and give it to him because he loves food themed stuff. And he can be simultaneously sentimental and cruel when it comes to objects. I don't want to see the pickle at his place, and I don't want to think about him holding onto it in some weird way for years, but I don't want to look at it, and he has a ton of food themed stuffed animals. Idk. But Mr. Pickle has to go.
submitted by Fancy_Boxx to hoarding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:05 Dragoot Support companies Tier List Part 3 FAQ

Support companies Tier List Part 3 FAQ
I recently published posts with a Tier List that did not correspond to generally accepted wisdom, so I titled it "Change my mind".
Tier List v2
And in general, the comments did not change my opinion much, so below I elaborate why.
The most controversial topic, Chems.
IMHO love of them is missguided.
First point: For a good kill/loss ratio, absolutely NOTHING beats the encirclement. One of the comments said:"Bro doesn't know what war attrition is." Yeah! I believe that if you find yourself in a war of attrition, something has gone terribly wrong. I fight a war in such a manner that I don't care if I lose more soldiers and equipment during the offensive, because I know that once the encirclement is complete, closing the pocket will shift the casualty ratio tenfold in my favor.
Second point: Chems are highly tech dependent. Early game matters most, on how well it goes depends how you snowball through the rest of the campaign. By the time chems start giving significant bonuses, the fate of the game has already been decided.
Maintenance gets the same criticism from me as chems, only worse. Because in my experience the main bottleneck is manpower not equipment, and states with good industry and/or trade income can simply tank equipment attrition.
Dogs and CnC attachment.
Both are good for occupation, but I don't take it into account, since an occupation requires winning the war to begin with, I consider all occupation units to be a luxury. Yes. It’s great to have them, but not to the detriment of the main army.
Meanwhile, their combat bonuses are good, but not the best. Dogs give movement speed, but 90% of the time, due to the terrible infrastructure everywhere, average speed of divisions is very low, and increasing almost nothing by 10% still gives almost nothing.
CnC attachment gives organization, but this is rarely useful, because IMHO it is better to make a template with high organization and give it support companies with high damage than, on the contrary, make a template with low organization and increase it with CnC.
In short, Dogs and CnC is good, but balancing production with the needs of the army is a big problem, therefore I am allergic to the production of a large number of different items. So, I almost always use them, but at that moment when everything is already going well for me.
Logistics is not a particularly controversial subject. Probably Because I placed them in the middle.
They are situational, but sometimes necessary, especially in the later stages, when the armies are huge and supplies are in dire need. On their own, they are quite weak, but they all add up to bonuses from the skills of commanders and officer corps.
Anti-tank - always, in all divisions. If the armor is not penetrated, the enemy receives a large breakthrough bonus. And many units can have armor, not only tanks and power armor, while ordinary infantry weapons at the beginning of the game give very little penetration. Plus Anti-tank also gives a soft attack on-top, so by adding it to the division you kill two birds with one stone.
Recon- Most people are not sure how it works. and there are many myths around it(like for example that it is useful only in defensive divisions). In short, in OWB it is even more important than in vanilla since it is impossible to manually select the preferred tactics in the officer corps or for individual commanders, and having higher intelligence than the enemy translates into 10-25% more damage and breakthrough/defense. Motorized recon is a straight upgrade, so I didn’t bother making separate icon for it.
The rest are simple: more damage and more breakthrough->more encirclements->Great success!
submitted by Dragoot to OldWorldBlues [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:05 Moist_Repair244 The Auto meter debate is back

I like how in every district in kerala the meter situation is so different. In trivandrum for example, drivers in the city use the meter but they are very rude in general. In kozhikode, contrary to popular opinion, i havent gotten a metered rate but the dudes were really nice. So it begs the question, which all districts go by the meter??
submitted by Moist_Repair244 to Kerala [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:00 mizuromo Daily Questions Megathread ( May 15, 2024 )

Hi Trailblazers!
⭐🚂 Welcome to the Daily Questions Megathread! Feel free to ask any general questions about Honkai: Star Rail that don't necessarily require their own dedicated posts.
Any questions that can be answered rather quickly (i.e. anything that can be adequately addressed without any discussion or can be given definitive answers) can be asked in the thread below.
>>> Example: Can my phone run this game?
If your question has discussion potential, please create a separate post, and include the “discussion” flair.
>>> Example: What do you think of March 7th’s combat efficiency? Here's my opinion…
Before making new discussion posts, please be sure to consider if your question could be better suited to this thread!
When both asking questions and sharing answers, be concise and detailed so other players can understand. Please maintain a stellar and respectful attitude toward others, and don't forget to share your appreciation to fellow trailblazers for helping you out!
Looking for another Megathread? See the full list below:
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submitted by mizuromo to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:00 AutoModerator Weekly Quick Questions Thread

Welcome to the /WeAreTheMusicMakers Weekly Quick Questions Thread! If you have general questions (e.g. How do I make this specfic sound?), questions with a Yes/No answer, questions that have only one correct answer (e.g. "What kind of cable connects this mic to this interface?") or very open-ended questions (e.g. "Someone tell me what item I want.") then this is the place!
This thread is active for one week after it's posted, at which point it will be automatically replaced.

Do not post links to promote music in this thread. You can promote your music in the weekly Promotion thread, and you can get feedback in the weekly Feedback thread. Music can only be posted in this thread if you have a question or response about/containing a particular example in someone else's song.

Other Weekly Threads (most recent at the top):

Questions, comments, suggestions? Hit us up!
submitted by AutoModerator to WeAreTheMusicMakers [link] [comments]