Pictures of scabies on black people

Black Twitter

2014.10.08 04:15 wsgy111 Black Twitter

Screenshots of Black people being hilarious or insightful on social media, it doesn't need to just be twitter but obviously that is best.

2016.05.21 21:14 tara1 Dogberg

Post gifs and videos of dogs doing wrestling moves on people and other animals

2008.05.27 18:31 Toronto

News, People, Places, Events, Pictures, and Discussions on Toronto; Canada's Business and Financial capital, and the Provincial capital of Ontario.

2024.06.10 00:41 CelebrationFew6101 Milwaukee Tenant trying to evict a fellow tenant (that is not on the lease), but he has paid rent.

I am not well versed legally. I thought by simply removing him from the lease, it would be free game to kick out, if he became troublesome again.
There are four of us, including *Tyrant* who has caused everyone mental duress and has proven to be a threat to himself and sometimes others.
For context, the roommate is a bipolar (+ a ton of other mental issues) + unmedicated, but he at least goes to therapy. The events leading to us wanting to kick him out happened over the course of a year.
When we first rented, it was just me and tyrant over the summer. The place was largely empty, at some point he had mentioned struggling with suicide and depression. A couple weeks into living together, he tries to overdose on a bunch of pills, and confesses that to me (after ingesting them). I tried to get him to vomit but he wasn't interested. Dealing with similar issues in high school, I knew it wasn't remotely enough to kill him, just that he would get kinda woozy (maybe get a bad stomach ache) and maybe see some "spiders", I babysat him the rest of the night and we talked about mental health and I tried to reason with him. I confiscated all the pills in the house the next day as added precaution.
The following morning he had a bad phone call with his parents and then proceeded to scream at me about putting knives in the sink and washing dishes. We had not even had a conversation about household cleaning habits at this point, so to say it was unprompted would be an understatement.
I later noticed this as a habit of his, something would go wrong in his personal life (or his mental health would deteriorate) and he would fixate on something to direct at me. At first I thought he just really needed a clean space (I can be a bit of slob), but as time passed I was doing most of the chores. If I was gone for a week he would fill the sink with his dishes, let food rot in an airfryer, pile trash bags inside rather than taking them out. Despite this, he would still find things to nitpick on. I largely tolerated it because it was the way I was raised. During all of this happening, he had more suicide attempts, which meant me having to hide more things (the toaster, kitchen knives, razors, etc...). I know some of you are probably thinking why didn't you call the cops? Or tell the landlord?* (i'll get into later)
He was originally my friend, and there was a time where I felt responsible for his well-being. I didn't want to get him sent to an institute or mess up his life if the cops perceived him to be a threat. I kept thinking that it was temporary, and if I rally enough support, things will improve. And to be fair, that is what got him voluntarily into therapy.
I never yelled at him or "stood up to him" because I don't like yelling. I am large male, he is short. When I was younger I had outbursts. I never hurt anyone, but I learned that sometimes raising your voice is all it takes to be perceived as threat. I always tried to reason with him, but it never seem to stick.
At some point I had family over, granted with little notice, but I was previously told he was going to be gone that week. He snapped multiple times about how 'they live like animals' and 'armed men are going rob the house' because it was unlocked. It was noon, on a saturday, and my father was sitting on the porch. He got pissy that we put a street couch on the balcony. A bunch of other upsetting things happened, mostly yelling, I always responded jovially to keep things light for my family.
After he sent a message to the our house chat about "my shit being everywhere" I was done with his behavior. In the picture he conveniently moved all of his things out of frame, and since I was away I literally could not do anything about it, this also painted me as a slob to our roommates yet to move in.
I drove to the house and waited for his girlfriend to finish visiting to confront him (an affordance he never once had granted me). I asked him if he wanted to talk about the way he has been acting over the last month. He tried to brush me off, but I was persistent, he then ran to his room and tried to slam the door on me. This is typically how he handled confrontation.
I have a voice recording of the incident. I was mostly just asking him if he felt it was acceptable to yell at someone do to household chores, or to yell at / in front of someone's family and partner over personal issues. Before I could finish the first sentence he started walking to his room.
I held my hand in the door because I wanted a response or something, an apology. He slammed the door on my hand multiple times (probably over 10). At some point, he got sick of my questions and screamed "I tried to kill myself today!". I said "So what? That justifies the way you've been acting?" "You're not trying to get help, you just take it out on me, and you ignore everyone else who's trying to help you". I said some other things, but I don't want to re-listen to the recording right now.
I know I said nothing that could be perceived as threat, but I don't know if putting my hand in the door against his will is illegal.
After that, it was radio silence. If he saw me, he would run to his room. Eleanor (one of the roomates yet to move in) came over for a day. We hung up a spice rack while he was preheating his fryer for a meal. His response was to throw the frozen chicken into the fridge and run to his room. He is of drinking age, and two years older than me.
This went on for 3 weeks, at first the space was nice, but I started to wonder If I undid all the progress towards him getting help. I felt bad at this point. I left a notes at his door, apologizing and saying people cared about him. I left him a meal when it seemed like he wasn't eating.
Eventually he snapped back. No apology, no conversation. He was just out and about again. He presented me with small talk. I tried to talk about what happened and he broadly spoke about his mental health, and vaguely mentioned being sorry. Great. I decided to let things go, and that I would confront whatever happens next in the moment. Months pass. A couple spats happen, I sometimes snap back at him now and call out his hypocrisy. Summer is ending.
Things stabilized and the other roommates moved in. Fast forward a couple months and they all develop problems with Tyrant, but we don't want to break the lease, and can't find a new roommate, also none of us know how to kick out a roommate who shares a lease with us. We settle for house meetings, none of which stick for tyrant, we decide will not renew with him on the lease and just have to get through the year.
Also the two new roommates are both girls who are avoidant of confrontation, so now I am the one to bat for everyone. As a result, tyrant hates me. If there's a mess it must be me, if someone took someone's food I am the first to blame, if there is damage I must be responsible. I just deal with it, as I know living with both of them and a normal roommate will be a dream.
Tyrant has a mental break while I am away, and threatens to kill himself after getting frustrated that he had to be present for the landlord to fix something. He throws a laptop at Iris, and then locks himself in my room after grabbing several knives. Everyone is now ready to kick out tyrant.
The lease is approaching. I start working on removing tyrant from the lease before it renews, but it turns out the lease auto renewed, so its a bigger process. *After the landlords told us we need tyrants consent to remove him, I informed them of the situation, but they do not care. They tell me to try and find a way for him to sign anyways.
After flipflopping on it for weeks, I finally get tyrant to sign the forums removing him from the lease.
I mail it in, but only mail one of the two copies as only one will fit in the envelope, I think it went through because they almost always reply if they still need something from us. I am waiting on a response to see if it was finalized. I thought it was but I am now double checking.
Here is the situation:
Tyrant wants to move out july 1st. I want him out on the 18th.
My girlfriend will be taking his place over the summer, and her job starts soon, we previously told him multiple times that the latest we could do is mid june. But, none of this is in writing.
I offered to pay him the amount of rent that he would be losing by moving out early. He barely stays here now, only coming into town for work. I also offered to store all his things in the attic / basement, so he would be able to access them once he does move into his new place. I know he doesn't need to live here, as he constantly stays at his parents. If it's about work he could crash at his brothers place (in MKE) for the the two weekends of work.
I don't feel safe leaving my girlfriend here while he is still living here. But I need to see my grandmother because she is dying. I want him out, but I don't think the landlords will do anything. I am willing to involve the cops but I don't know what to say, and I consume illicit substances so I worry about him turning it into a mudfest. We are also not supposed to technically supposed use the attic, so I worry about that getting brought up. He isn't conniving but I just want to be airtight.
Also due to the timing and lack of funds, I wonder if I should just wait until july first. But then its the whole issue of how long will it take him to actually move out, if it took this much time to get him to agree to it?
I'd like to know what I legally can and can't do, what his protections are as paying unleased tenant. And what I can do given the history and people willing to testify, but having a lack of a court order or restraining order.
Should I have a firmer talk threatening to make his actions into a legal issue? I don't know what to do.
submitted by CelebrationFew6101 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:39 ConsiderationFar1172 Has anyone on here seen the actual mite crawling on their skin?

Just wondering if my son does indeed have scabies or something else. The couple of mites that I seen were the size of a small piece of black pepper for example. The doctor wasn’t sure either if it was scabies or not. He is two years old who loves to be outside just wondering if it could be possibly something else ? It was on the back of his neck moving fast. Thank you for all your advice everyone.
submitted by ConsiderationFar1172 to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:37 NewLeafArmand The obscure things that happen during the onset of psychosis

When reality first starts to crumble around you, there are a myriad of odd symptoms which you can experience that don’t necessarily have a name. They aren’t things that will show up on a Google search.
When I first started losing touch with reality, faces didn’t quite look right. I’d look at my mom or dad and I’d recognize them as my mom or dad but there was something not quite right about their faces. I recall thinking that they were switched with body doubles but I didn’t think that for very long.
It wasn’t just live people. It was the faces I’d see in pictures. It was faces I’d see on the tv. I didn’t have the words but there was something slightly “off” about all of them.
I had a supportive mom. She covered all of the pictures in the house. She switched the angles of the TVs in the rooms I’d be in.
The symptom eventually went away. More severe symptoms would emerge later on. During the onset of psychosis, I teetered on the edge of reality. It’s as if I was tethered to reality as I drifted off into slight craziness only to be pulled back.
The slow transition from being grounded in shared reality to becoming completely insane was truly terrifying.
submitted by NewLeafArmand to CrazyNicePeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 Arlettuce Curletts Road roundabout

Curletts Road roundabout
Apologies for the shitty lines in my picture. There's only so much I can do on my little smartphone.
This is a rant post.
I have nearly been in a car accident 3 times this year at this stupid roundabout. I do think the layout is dumb but it's quite scary at how many people don't stop when they should.
The green line is the correct way to go around this round about when coming from the Blenheim road side and wanting to get on the motorway. The lane splits half way through and motorway traffic should merge to the left lane while traffic going around further should remain in the right (as indicated by the arrow on the road) also being in the right lane to go on the motorway would mean crossing a lane with potential traffic in it (the red line).
Now I have nearly hit three cars on this roundabout who are coming from the Lincoln road end (red X) and are in the left lane because they don't stop. I assume they think a car going around the roundabout would be in the right lane so they have the left lane to continue their travels in which is not the case for the reasons above.
I know nothing will be resolved because of this post but please just stop at this roundabout before I do actually hit you because you didn't give way to oncoming traffic.
submitted by Arlettuce to chch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 CautiousPlatypusBB Is this outfit appropriate for a dinner date? I wore this to a goth club last night

Is this outfit appropriate for a dinner date? I wore this to a goth club last night
It's with a girl I've been out once before on a coffee date. This time we're going to a nice restaurant. Apologies for the bad lighting. I took this towards the end of the night. The dress looked better than it does in the picture and the folds weren't as distracting or obvious. I'd wear this without the eyeliner or black lipstick obviously lol
submitted by CautiousPlatypusBB to fashion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 dandelionwine14 TCI vs. HOC winter palettes?

TCI vs. HOC winter palettes?
I got typed as a winter by HOC, and the winter palette given is not specific to subseason, so it’s very much a black/white, very bright, vivid, and saturated. But I believe I sit close to the border to winter and autumn and have less contrast than your average winter.
I noticed this TCI dark winter palette looks very different. The colors look noticeably softer. I had a few questions about it.
-Are true/bright reds not great for dark winters? The reds here look a little softer, a little more berry/brown/maroon leaning than the “crisp, vivid” reds I think of as winter. -Can deep winters wear pretty warm pinks as long as they’re not too salmon/orange? These pinks look fairly warm! HOC has only fuchsia, magenta, Barbie pinks, and icy pinks for winters. -Can dark winters wear brown? I’m having trouble determining if these swatches have brown. Does chocolate brown work? Dark bitter chocolate? Burgundy brown? Brown is popular in fashion now, and I’m trying to understand what works. -Does olive green really work? It seems like such a warm color that it’s confusing to see it on a winter palette!
I wonder if this is why some people find the HOC winter look jarring. I think I agree with my result, yet some bright fuchsia lipstick was put on me which looked so jarring. It’s interesting to see that some systems have winters looking quite a bit warmer and softer.
submitted by dandelionwine14 to coloranalysis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 STRMBRGNGLBS I need a stand name

So, I have the main (and only) enemy stand for a story I am writing, but I have no idea what to name it. The point of the stand is twofold: to protect the stand arrow it has+ create more stand users (similar to black sabboth(?)) but also to make it's users friendships and close relationships. The issue is that it's user is a fucking jackass. Like a huge dick and kind of a sociopath. He has no interest in his stand or making friends
The stand activates once it's user and five other people are alone together and can be made stand users. All non stand users are made stand users, and the stand assigns each of them a role. Knight (it's user), Wizard, Blacksmith, Princess/ Damsel, King and Queen. Each role as a, well, role to play. I haven't fully decided on them except for Knight and Damsel.
Damsel: The stand dooms the Damsel, and if they are not rescued from the stand by the knight within (insert time, probably a week) the stand will start trying to kill them in a similar manner to Wonder of U, but much more targeted and malicious (planes crash on them, their ventilation starts to fail if in something like a saferoom, parasites are in their food, the mob puts a hit out on them, etc etc)
Knight: the only role that can actually save the damsel, the knight has to "Fight and defeat" the stand before a week runs out to save the princess, getting to battle the stand only after completing the "quests" that the other roles have. The issue is that, of course, it's user (jack) has no interest in any of this and is completely willing to let the damsel die (he's gone through this before and knows that the stand deactivates once the quest is failed.)
TLDR: Stand puts 6 people into a teambuilding puzzle room using someone's life as hostage and motivation.
Anyway, I need a good name for this stand. Anyone have a good idea?
submitted by STRMBRGNGLBS to fanStands [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:33 Fyresparxx The mount I was riding is missing but I don't remember its name?

The mount I was riding is missing but I don't remember its name?
When season 4 started I went through my mounts to equip my cosmetics. I found I horse I did not remember receiving. It was painted black and white like the Caldeum Steed, but with bigger white patches on the hindquarters and most notably round black paint runes that ran down its legs and showed up against the white patches. When I claimed the anniversary reward horse and went to look at it in game, I unequipped the painted rune horse, but when I went to re-equip it, it's gone. Now I can't find any pictures of this missing horse online and I have no clue what it was called or how I got it to ask for it back. Does anyone know what mount I'm talking about?
bad paint skills from memory:
It wasn't undead, ethereal, glowy or flashy, just looked like a paint horse that some sorceress panted runes on
submitted by Fyresparxx to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:28 not_ya_wify My first cleanse. Am I doing it right?

Hi, so I'm new to this sub and to witch craft in general. I would like to cleanse my apartment since I've been having a lot of bad luck.

My Goals

I am currently on disability because of cancer but my disability fund will run out by the end of July or beginning of August. So, I either need to find a well-paying job (that I'm hopefully happy with) or my online shop needs to get sales which it hasn't (I sold like 2 digital assets in about a year, made like $40...), or what's always been my dream is to draw a manga and make good money that way but I've always been so scared of failure that I haven't started. Additionally, I'm planning to get bariatric surgery soon. I hope that I won't have any complications, that I can reach my goal weight, and that I can maintain the weight and be healthy and happy. My surgeon said that I'm ready to get the surgery but there are no open surgery appointments until August. I'd prefer to have the surgery before then since I'd like to get it done before I need to return to work. She said it's likely that someone cancels their surgery because a lot of people can't meet the pre-op weight.

The Cleanse

People here always say that you have to protect yourself before doing any spells. How do I do that? Just shower with salt and lemon? Can I use store bought lemon juice or do I have to cut an actual lemon open and squeeze it? Is that even how you protect yourself?
Then I'm planning to do initial tidying of the place, bring the trash out etc.
I read on this website that you can sprinkle powders on the ground 30 minutes before sweeping to get certain magical effects. I ordered a bunch of these powders. I wanna try powders for protection, good luck, fast money/luck and prosperity as well as evil purging powders. I have cats. Do you think these powders might be poisonous if they get on their paws? Perhaps, I lock them in my bedroom while I let the powders sit?
Afterwards, I'll mop the floor with a Swiffer wet jet.
After cleaning I plan on burning a black votive candle imagining that it soaks up all the negative energy and bad luck while walking around my apartment. I will try to envision the negative energy being burned by the candle.
When the black candle is burnt, I will use a white votive candle and envision that it brings luck, health, money, and good energy into my home. I'll let it burn until it's done.
This is my plan. Am I missing anything or doing things wrong? Do I have to do this on a new moon or can I do it in the next few days?
Also, what do I do with the burnt out candles? Just thank and throw away?
submitted by not_ya_wify to Witch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:26 CryptinaA Replacing a 20 amp usb wall receptacle w/ 4 terminals. The new one has 2. I have 2 black and 2 white wires

So i’m sure this is been asked before, but unfortunately, I was not the person to remove the original outlet that I posted a picture of with the 4 screws so I’m not sure how it was wired up.
All I can say is that when the new 20 amp receptacle was hooked up, they had the 2 white (neutral) wires on either side of the on either side of the silver terminal screw and the 2 black (hot) wires on either side of the copper terminal screw and the outlet stopped powering the refrigerator.
Also my instructions say if more than one wire is required on a terminal I must use a back wire option and to follow their wiring diagram (I’ve included a pic)
My question is to back wire, do I put 1 white wire around the silver screw and the other in onenif the holes behind it on the black part? And do the same with the black wires??
submitted by CryptinaA to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:26 kaboomglc [US-OR][H] Nintendo Switch games. PS5 Games. Xbox controllers [W] Paypal

First time selling here. Family life causing me to sell my collection. I'll take pictures of specific games as requested, which I'll have my reddit name and date attached to on a sticky note. Shipping is negotiable depending on how large a purchase is, but will be $5 for single game purchases, with the exception of Ring Fit and Tetris Connected Collectors edition as they are larger. My intention is to use USPS Ground Advantage for shipments unless another service is requested and paid for. PayPal Goods and Services is fine. I don't use Venmo or Cashapp so it pretty much has to be PayPal or maybe Zelle. I've read the rules, so hopefully I am doing this correctly!
Nintendo Switch:
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince - New $53
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny [Unrelenting Edition] - CIB $22
Dragon Quest Treasures - CIB $26
Final Fantasy VII & VIII Remastered Twin Pack - New $31
Persona 3 Portable - New $70
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory - CIB $20
Mario Party Superstars - CIB $40
Octopath Traveler II - CIB $39
Star Ocean: The Second Story R - New $41
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line - CIB $31
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - CIB $19
Sonic Colors Ultimate [Launch Edition] - CIB $20
New Pokemon Snap - CIB $32
Shin Megami Tensei V [Steelbook Edition] - CIB $24
Tetris 99 - Game and case. Membership used already. $25
Ys IX: Monstrum NOX [Pact Edition] - CIB $40
NEO: The World Ends With You - CIB $20
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - CIB $23
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury - CIB $37
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town - CIB $20
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond - CIB $33
Bravely Default II - CIB $21
Knockout Home Fitness - CIB $25
Mario Golf: Super Rush - CIB $34
Blue Reflection: Second Light - CIB $43
Luigi's Mansion 3 - CIB $35
Hasbro Game Night - CIB $15
Cruis'n Blast - CIB $20
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 - CIB $18
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - CIB $40
Mary Skelter 2 - CIB $45
Fire Emblem Engage - CIB $33
Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain - CIB $20
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin - CIB $25
Monster Hunter Rise - CIB $15
New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe - CIB $32
Hot Wheels Unleashed [Challenge Accepted] - New $42
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - CIB $37
Zelda Link's Awakening - CIB $35
Nintendo Switch Sports - CIB $32
Pokemon Sword - CIB $31
Disgaea 5 Complete - CIB $25
Final Fantasy X X-2 HD Remaster - X2 code used. CIB $23
Persona 4 Golden - New $70
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos [Chicken Edition] - CIB $18
Final Fantasy IX - New $40
Live A Live - CIB $28
Burnout Paradise Remastered - CIB $15
Triangle Strategy - CIB $31
Unicorn Overlord - New $50
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration - CIB $30
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (JP) - CIB $35
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition - CIB $25
Crystal Crisis [Launch Edition] - CIB $23
Family Feud - CIB $15
Octopath Traveler - CIB $38
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 1 ‑ CIB $35
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 3 - CIB $35
Dragon Quest Builders 2 - CIB $38
Cris Tales - CIB $12
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - CIB $29
Super Mario 3D All-Stars - CIB $80
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - CIB $34
Super Mario Odyssey [Starter Pack] - CIB $55
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - New $41
Arkanoid Eternal Battle - CIB $20
Pac-Man Museum Plus - CIB $17
Persona 5 Tactica - New $25
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition - CIB $40
Front Mission 1st [Limited Edition] - New $50
Final Fantasy I-VI Collection Pixel Remaster - CIB $80
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore - CIB $47
Ring Fit Adventure - New $50
Tetris Effect Connected [Collector's Edition] - New $150
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus - CIB $30
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster - CIB $20
Battle Chasers Nightwar - Generic Gamestop box - $15
Collection of Mana - CIB $23
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games - CIB $12
Mary Skelter Finale - CIB $42
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - CIB $36
Moero Crystal H - CIB $42
Mario Tennis Aces - CIB $30
Legend of Mana Remastered - CIB $41
Rune Factory 4 Special - CIB $42
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX - CIB $41
Marvel Spiderman: Miles Morales [Ultimate Edition] - New $25
Yakuza: Like a Dragon -CIB $20
NBA 2K21 [Mamba Forever Edition] - New $37
Sackboy: A Big Adventure - New $28
Hades - New $25
Returnal - CIB $24
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - New $25
Xbox Controllers:
Microsoft 20th Anniversary Xbox Controller - New $80
Xbox Forza Horizon 5 Controller - New $110
submitted by kaboomglc to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:26 Essiana35yAnZ Is Troy Black a false prophet or are any of his predictions found to be accurate?

I have watched a few of his videos. Some are stated to be accurate but then another said that he's a false prophet. I am now conflicted.
To be fair, I know I shouldn't be putting my faith in people. I should with God. Will do that from now on.
I am just curious to know what you guys think of Troy Black.
submitted by Essiana35yAnZ to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:25 Turbulent_Garden4494 27 [M4F] Germany #Europe looking for a trustful and genuine relationship

27 [M4F] Germany #Europe looking for a trustful and genuine relationship
Not really sure how to start this, I have been for a while in this Subreddit and decided to try my luck now also.
Hello all, I am a 27 years old male from Germany. I'm looking for a serious relationship. I would like to have someone who I can trust and depend on 100% and of course expect the same from me. A genuine connection where we can be open about everything with no judgement. Communication is in my opinion the most important part of a good connection to each other.
Some Info about me: - I am 27 years old even though I think I actually look younger than that age😅. I also have Russian roots, so I speak English, German and Russian. I'm 177cm tall and have short brown hair and blue eyes. Also, I'm more on the slim side. I'm not the muscular gym guy if that's a dealbreaker for someone.
What I am looking for: - I would prefer if you are from Germany or in Europe, maybe close to Germany or in a country with good access to get there. I just want to keep this realistic.
I have 2 things I want to be open about in addition.
  1. I have social anxiety. I worked on it a lot and honestly try my best to not let it influence my life. I just want to be upfront about it in case it is also a dealbreaker for you. I am open to answer any questions regarding this.
  2. I have very low, almost none dating experience. I figured out, that this seems to be also a dealbreaker for some people, so I just share it also right away.
I value honesty a lot, so you just know what you get if you are interested in writing me. It is just that I maybe need to take some more time with certain things because of the anxiety and lack of experience, which makes me feel insecure. If you have some problems yourself or can relate to this, maybe it is even easier as we share the same experience. So no worries if there is anything I will not judge you for that, the only thing I ask you is to be open about it.
We can also exchange pictures right away if you want or if you feel more comfortable, I don't mind if we first write and learn about each other first and exchange it afterward.
If you are interested, please write me a message or send me a chat. Maybe you could give me a short description of yourself and then we will see how things develop 🙃
Thank you for reading this and I wish you all the best.
submitted by Turbulent_Garden4494 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 tinyfox333 Anastasia Fascia Beauty SCAM

The program is a scam and a lie. SHE IS A FAKE AND A LIE, PLEASE DON’T FALL FOR THIS! She has had work done on her face, it is NOT from her massages. You will feel relaxed from the massages and see slight changes, but it is not worth the insane amount of money you will pay for her to scramble her way through the videos She blocked me on Instagram the only time I’ve ever commented on her page because I noticed so many fake accounts. Don’t waste your money or support this! This is absolutely not fair to use women’s looks against them, promising to help their insecurities and taking $500 from them to be a total scam. Even her cult-like supporters on Reddit subs and Instagram will defend her to their death, block you and delete comments. That alone should concern you and what kind of business you’re supporting.
DO YOUR RESEARCH! Read my story and make your own decisions, but please ladies, STOP falling for this stuff! Don’t support someone who obviously has had work done and who is incredibly unprofessional. This is not to discredit the self care/massages and I 100% support avoiding harmful procedures like Botox, etc. I’m in absolutely no support of getting work done - which is why I want others to not support this INSTAGRAM INFLUENCER.
My story is of an interaction I had with her, not her program directly before you read my long story. Long story short: The business model is obviously a scam, she uses fake bots to promote her page, including Reddit and if the business or results is questioned the comments are deleted and the users are blocked. Her education background is impossible to find and the oldest post on her IG is 2021. The business is an huge corp LLC social media company based out of Dubai.
A friend sent me Anastasia’s page on Instagram a couple months ago. I was intrigued, but the first thing I told her was how much of a scam it looked like. She insisted it looked legit, so I figured I’d give it a try. There’s no doubt that it’s a healthy routine for lymphatic draining - which will naturally brighten the face and bring down inflammation/puffiness. But I noticed it all seemed a little ridiculous. The massages didn’t make sense. The wording didn’t make sense. The story didn’t make sense. If you go to the beginning of her profile, there’s only a few posts from 2021 - and then suddenly, boom. She’s a full-blown influencer with a “business.” Her videos of her education, is clearly from one course maybe over a week span.
Here’s the real kicker, I’m finally convinced I would watch her videos and started reading the comments and looking at the pages that claimed they saw results. I wanted to see if they had before/after pictures, their age, their weight, whatever I could find to see how this worked. 90% of the pages I would click on looked like burner pages, fake accounts. No photos, zero followers or very little followers, not following anyone or following 800+ people with again, zero followers… I found it fishy, but assumed it was Instagram being doing annoying, weird Instagram things. But kept it in mind.
Just forward to a couple weeks ago, after repeatedly seeing these fake accounts comment, I decide to look her up on Google to see her certifications, the layout of her course, the science behind her claims. I come across Reddit threads and EVERY SINGLE THREAD had MORE BURNER ACCOUNTS! All of them! You click on the name feverishly defending this random woman and her company and they were brand new accounts and that was their only comment.
Okay, I laugh about it and move on. Until 30 minutes ago. Another video of hers comes up and it just looks ridiculous. Talking about how to transform your chubby face. I click on the comments, relatively fresh all within 30-40 minutes prior and out of the 15 comments I immediately see 5 fake accounts. So, finally I comment on the video. All I mention is how weird it is that all the profiles claiming success look like fake accounts and if you click on them, you’ll see for yourself 🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟
I then proceed to reply to the fake accounts and just saying “another one - one of them REPLIES to me within 30 SECONDS claiming they have numerous fake profiles because they would be EMBARRASSED for their friends and family to see them following and account like Anastasia’s! Within the next minute Anastasia likes one of my comments saying “another one and then… this is the best part… SHE BLOCKS ME ON INSTAGRAM!
I have a private profile, I never said anything mean or hateful or disrespectful, I don’t have many followers and I’ve never commented on her videos before.
Please, please everyone. Do your research. From the bottom of my heart, I am so sad to watch people get conned out of A LOT of money to pray on their insecurities. Look at other Reddit comments. Even look at the Instagram comments and how unprofessional she is. You will even see a glimpse from this thread. The course is a joke. You won’t get emailed back, like a genuine, hard working “small business” would do and the company LLC is a Dubai-based social media company. I can’t even report the profile, most likely because Instagram won’t allow it because she pulls in so much traction.
submitted by tinyfox333 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 The_Teacat So, here's the deal. (Updates, 6/9/2024.)

Going forward: * Stories involving Solar Girl, the Solarian, and Moonshine will only be canonical if they're published under the Pick-n-Μix Comix label. Same goes for almost everything else, but I've had a special thorn in my side dealing with all the pre-Pick-n-Mix stuff and what I want to do with it in regards to what is or isn't part of the overall canon and continuity, so it's important to point this part out first now that I've figured it out. * The content once belonging to the story-cycles of Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl is now going to be under the Lethericon Books label, which means they're non-canonical to everything in the current stable. * Everything under Lethericon Books is going to be a different format than the Pick-n-Mix Comix stuff. I wrote a lot of different, sometimes slower-paced and less adventurous stuff before I started finalizing the format I wanted for the main continuity and they've been in a really weird limbo of canon, but now they're under this label because that's what it's for. This'll be slower-paced, literary, chapter-by-chapter, less-focused, often very introspective, experimental storylines and extra stuff that are related to the main canon but are not themselves canonical; so, AUs like the Comix universe (a coming-of-age story I've been working on now and then where Grace and Gallo are in high school together — obviously completely incompatible with current canon, for a number of reasons), older stories like Supergirls In The Spotlight that don't fit current formatting standards for what is now the canonical works of Pick-n-Mix (and, at least in that one's case, is reprinted from much older work anyway, so nothing new in regards to new content there), and literary or prose outings (like copies of Certain Kinds Of Sadness and The Lethericon). * (For reference, those last two are just older, introspective art pieces I worked on a long time ago and have no real other place to go — I might put them up for pay at some point, but I just don't know. In any case, Certain Kinds is a bunch of super pretentious "poetry" a different version of me I knew once wrote a long time ago, while The Lethericon is the basis for the imprint's name — a dictionary and glossary of neologisms and new words I made up, and occasionally still contribute to sometimes, and their associated definitions and intended usages. So, just fun, meaningless artsy pieces; nothing related to the Pick-n-Mix adventures, but at a more ruminatory period in my life, it felt worthwhile to explore those things.)
Some additional notes: * I know who Moonshine is now! This has been another thorn in the development of workable Solar Girl stories since the very first iteration of Supergirls In The Spotlight, because I wanted Moonshine to be Solar Girl's best friend and sidekick but the dynamic and civilian identities I made for her never caught on and it kept changing with every new draft of the storyline, so often that I never had one single, consistent origin and identity for her. But, I've been developing stories for the Pick-n-Mix core for Solarian/Solar Girl continuity — an ongoing called Solarian Comix, which I'll talk about momentarily, or in its own post — and things have aligned so that the new, 100% canonical version is more or less set in stone now. * As expected, this was one of the reasons I decided to pull prior storyline outings out of canon entirely and render Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl non-canon. The version of Moonshine in those stories was Caitlin Deckard, a friend of Sarah Gardner's from school, the daughter of a previous generation's superheroes (who are nonexistent in the current Pick-n-Mix canon), and she's a very difficult, emotionally-troubled character — but I've since incorporated a version of Moonshine into the Pick-n-Mix version of Inglenook's history as a major operator during the canonical 'Lonum Wars, after which she moves to Spotlight City and eventually teams up with Solar Girl — meaning, of course, that not only are Inglenook and Spotlight City connected, but that Moonshine has to be much older than Solar Girl by default now and that I have a fairly solid timeline to connect events in Spotlight City too, referencing back to crossover events where their world connects to Inglenook and the Other Realms. * This was the final deciding factor in decanonizing the previous Solar Girl stuff. Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl are set on Earth, which doesn't exist in the Other Realms. I'm very adamant about this; which meant, of course, that any canonical crossovers between Inglenook stories and those Solar Girl stories are functionally impossible. I tried to do a storyline in New Adventures to fix this — the whole series was meant to connect Supergirls into current continuity, actually — but it just didn't work because of the fundamental origins of the setting. So, they had to go.
So, current canon: * Everything under the Pick-n-Mix label is canon. Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl are not. One version is set in the fictional Spotlight City on Earth in 2012 and 2024; the canonical version (that is, the version that slots in with everything else I'm building in the unified Pick-n-Mix universe, which mostly serves to adapt and standardize all this stuff into one overarching canon specifically for this reason and purpose) is a completely isolated, standalone city. * This version of Spotlight City is floating through space, kind of like the space colony of Terra Venture in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy or the colony of Solaris in Jason X (which we never see the surface of, but we might remember its iconic destruction when Jason causes the archaeological ship Grendel to crash into it and destroy the whole thing). I first tried to do this concept with the new storylines in The New Adventures, where the 2012 version of Spotlight City had been shunted into space by Status Quo during the break in between series (and would've ended up crashing into the Other Realms at some point after Meanwhile's reset of the universe, while the new, rebooted, Earth-based version kept on ticking, ideally), but again, that stuff is non-canon now. * I don't know why the Pick-n-Mix version is in space yet, but it will be plot relevant and it will be explored, either in Solarian Comix or a different title meant to explore it. Every Other Realm has its own gimmick, though, so they all have funky origins and they're all tied together; New Galatée from a serial I'm working on called Milk was created when folks from the Inglish nation of Galatée decided to live without association to the Kingdom and left for a brand new realm, for instance. * This means fun stuff like Spotlight City gets brand new historical stuff and its own worldbuilding now! And there can be one solid timeline, one central set of origin stories that are absolutely canon (since that also changed for each draft of the story I've been working on, especially for Solar Girl and Moonshine), and lots of crossovers between realms without being too confusing or introducing multiversal counterparts or anything. (EG, the Solarian can now appear in Inglenook sometimes, and Dr Connector and Captain Mytho can show up in Spotlight City, and it'll all be pretty much continuous and canonical, no worries, easy as. Simple.)
Final notes about the Pick-n-Mix stuff: * Moonshine is Sarah's friend, still, but she's older. They're not in the same age bracket anymore, but kind of split the difference and cover both brackets previous versions have straddled. Here, Sarah (who is still Solar Girl, although not the first Solar Girl) is a high schooler attending New Dawn High School; Moonshine is Margaret Deckard, who works as a janitor at New Dawn and is in her late 30s, meaning Solarian Comix is set sometime in the late 80s, at the very least. (Note: this is the Inglenook version of the 80s, not ours. Timelines across the Other Realms are usually in sync, unless I need them not to be, and there are some aesthetic similarities, but Inglenook and the Other Realms are still fantasy worlds, so it's a brand new 80s and not ours.) Margaret and Sarah are kind of the weirdos at the school, obviously, and Sarah likes Margaret's vibe so she ended up befriending her and they have a weird friendship. At the start of their timeline, Margaret is not Moonshine — but, she was. * Before coming to Spotlight City, Margaret lived and grew up in the Kingdom of Inglenook. Urban fantasy, magic, superheroes, all that fun stuff. From 1968 to 1972, Inglenook got involved in the realm of Carillon, a parallel world home to the corvics (crow-people) and a store of scale oil that was useful to the Silvani people. Inglenook established the colony Oiltown there under Queen Charlotte's purview, but eventually it was discovered that the oil they were drilling had been infected by a nearly-indestructible black goo called the Black Regard, forcing Inglenook's hand. Things erupted, and the 'Lonum Wars started — lots of heroes and members of the Royal Protectorate participated, either by choice or by draft. Jack Scorcher of the Legendeers (although not at that time) was one of them; Margaret Deckard, operating under the name Moonshine, was another. * During this time frame, Moonshine was partners with Nightwalk, a shadow caster who died during the war, leaving Margaret deeply traumatized, along with everything else that happened. Once the war was over, she sought to retire from operations as a masked persona, especially given what she was involved in while she was in Carillon, and so eventually moved to Spotlight City to put everything behind her. * No one knew her in Spotlight City, so she's just Margaret Deckard now. But, in the first few origin stories as depicted in Solarian Comix, her friendship with Sarah Gardner puts this retirement at risk — Sarah becomes the new Sunbearer, Solar Girl, and accidentally creates her foil and initial arch-nemesis, Socialighter, from a rival girl at school. Their fight drags Margaret into things, and Sarah eventually discovers her friend's secret history while cleaning up Margaret's attic. Finally, they're able to be spun off into the title Solar Girl & Moonshine, obviously set in the same continuity — I'm still working out the focal details and central storyline gimmicks for it, but it should be focused heavily on this stuff, and on exploring Moonshine's history in Inglenook especially — and things continue and carry on from there. * (This "found in the attic" storyline was brought in from one of the many possible origins for Solar Girl, incidentally; where the idea was, she'd find a box including the solar crystals, the suit, and the pixie Flare in her mother's apartment, discover her mother either was supposed to be Solar Girl, and take up the identity herself. But, now it's transplanted onto Moonshine because of Sarah's current canonical origin, and Margaret is the one who takes up her old identity. Only at Sarah's urging, and in a moment of desperation against a new enemy threatening the city, though. Of course.)
What is Solarian Comix? And what other titles are being worked on? * Solarian Comix is one of the many ongoing titles I'm developing for Pick-n-Mix Comix, a line of serials adapting all my content and intellectual property into one solid canon, for easy digestion and continuity purposes. They're all in the format of issue-by-issue comic titles — sometimes miniseries, sometimes ongoings, sometimes graphic novels, etc. This one is all about Spotlight City, one of the Other Realms floating through space, protected by an artificial sun that gives the Sunbearers their power. The previous Sunbearer was the Solarian; the current one is Solar Girl. Solarian Comix is something of an anthology that jumps throughout the city's timeline, telling stories in recurring features about the Solarian, Solar Girl, and other characters and heroes throughout the city's history, since there's so much content to cover. Regular features include The Sensational Solar Girl, focusing on Solar Girl's rise to power; Silver-Age Solarian, focusing on the Solarian in Spotlight City's "Silver Age" (likely lasting from the 40s to the late 70s or so); and a bunch of other headliners, such as features centered around the realm-hopping witch Hexcellence, the living glitch Glitchboard, the light-manipulating Emerald Flash and Mock Mirage, and so on. * Related titles currently include Solar Girl & Moonshine, Solar Girl: Meanwhile, and Glitchboard: Tales From The Geistmaschine, which are standalone and aren't published in the chapters and pages of Solarian Comix, but do spin off from them.
Other titles being worked on for Pick-n-Mix include: * Dr Connector, a solo-based ongoing title about my science hero, Dr Connector. The first arc is in progress, titled "Dr Connector Meets The Freedom Beyond", and centers around Dr Connector and the Legendeers discovering the Other Realm known as the Freelands. * Solemn Graces, an adaptation of my pre-Pick-n-Mix novella series of the same name, featuring the detective and witch Grace Morgan discovering the town of Grimstead, which here is called Grimshaw (for plot-relevant reasons), and deciding to get pulled into events there for a while. Each issue is a multi-chapter story, with the first issue in progress, depicting Grace's first several days in Grimshaw — her discovery of the place, her fight with the Spring-Heeled Ripper, her meeting with Gallo Belgrave, and more. It comes as it comes, so it'll be finished at some point, and there are obviously a hundred more and then some storylines planned for future issues, so it'll keep me writing for quite a while. * Help! The Monsters Are Lost Here Too. The period is part of the title, yes. This one's a dungeon-crawler isekai-style story about the new character of Jaden Crofter, who becomes trapped in the Bridgery, a liminal and parallel dungeon world, and discovers that — not only is it filled with weird, strange monsters beyond the imagination — but that it's also trapping the monsters there just like him. So, pretty simple. He teams up with a knight from another world called Sydney Storm, and they get the heck out of there. Not much of it is written currently, but there are some worldbuilding notes and potential excerpts available if you like getting an eye into the behind-the-scenes writing and development process for serials like this. * Idyllville Mysteries, which is largely being reworked into Idyllville Mystery Theater, was an early attempt at an ongoing. This one was an anthology that told short vignettes about the city of Idyllville in Inglenook, and was originally exclusive to redditserials here on Reddit (posted using a corporate account I might continue using for Pick-n-Mix stuff, but maybe not). It's still archived on AO3, but because it doesn't fit current formatting standards, it's being heavily retooled and the original ongoing is basically cancelled. Some useful bits of plot details in those tales, though, and writing it helped me work through some stuff at the time while I was writing it, so I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been there. Thought it was worth mentioning, at least.
Those are the ones that have content available already, but as you can tell — there's so much more going on for the Pick-n-Mix universe, and so much more to come.
submitted by The_Teacat to u/The_Teacat [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:23 The_Teacat So, here's the deal. (Updates, 6/9/2024. Nice.)

Going forward: * Stories involving Solar Girl, the Solarian, and Moonshine will only be canonical if they're published under the Pick-n-Μix Comix label. Same goes for almost everything else, but I've had a special thorn in my side dealing with all the pre-Pick-n-Mix stuff and what I want to do with it in regards to what is or isn't part of the overall canon and continuity, so it's important to point this part out first now that I've figured it out. * The content once belonging to the story-cycles of Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl is now going to be under the Lethericon Books label, which means they're non-canonical to everything in the current stable. * Everything under Lethericon Books is going to be a different format than the Pick-n-Mix Comix stuff. I wrote a lot of different, sometimes slower-paced and less adventurous stuff before I started finalizing the format I wanted for the main continuity and they've been in a really weird limbo of canon, but now they're under this label because that's what it's for. This'll be slower-paced, literary, chapter-by-chapter, less-focused, often very introspective, experimental storylines and extra stuff that are related to the main canon but are not themselves canonical; so, AUs like the Comix universe (a coming-of-age story I've been working on now and then where Grace and Gallo are in high school together — obviously completely incompatible with current canon, for a number of reasons), older stories like Supergirls In The Spotlight that don't fit current formatting standards for what is now the canonical works of Pick-n-Mix (and, at least in that one's case, is reprinted from much older work anyway, so nothing new in regards to new content there), and literary or prose outings (like copies of Certain Kinds Of Sadness and The Lethericon). * (For reference, those last two are just older, introspective art pieces I worked on a long time ago and have no real other place to go — I might put them up for pay at some point, but I just don't know. In any case, Certain Kinds is a bunch of super pretentious "poetry" a different version of me I knew once wrote a long time ago, while The Lethericon is the basis for the imprint's name — a dictionary and glossary of neologisms and new words I made up, and occasionally still contribute to sometimes, and their associated definitions and intended usages. So, just fun, meaningless artsy pieces; nothing related to the Pick-n-Mix adventures, but at a more ruminatory period in my life, it felt worthwhile to explore those things.)
Some additional notes: * I know who Moonshine is now! This has been another thorn in the development of workable Solar Girl stories since the very first iteration of Supergirls In The Spotlight, because I wanted Moonshine to be Solar Girl's best friend and sidekick but the dynamic and civilian identities I made for her never caught on and it kept changing with every new draft of the storyline, so often that I never had one single, consistent origin and identity for her. But, I've been developing stories for the Pick-n-Mix core for Solarian/Solar Girl continuity — an ongoing called Solarian Comix, which I'll talk about momentarily, or in its own post — and things have aligned so that the new, 100% canonical version is more or less set in stone now. * As expected, this was one of the reasons I decided to pull prior storyline outings out of canon entirely and render Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl non-canon. The version of Moonshine in those stories was Caitlin Deckard, a friend of Sarah Gardner's from school, the daughter of a previous generation's superheroes (who are nonexistent in the current Pick-n-Mix canon), and she's a very difficult, emotionally-troubled character — but I've since incorporated a version of Moonshine into the Pick-n-Mix version of Inglenook's history as a major operator during the canonical 'Lonum Wars, after which she moves to Spotlight City and eventually teams up with Solar Girl — meaning, of course, that not only are Inglenook and Spotlight City connected, but that Moonshine has to be much older than Solar Girl by default now and that I have a fairly solid timeline to connect events in Spotlight City too, referencing back to crossover events where their world connects to Inglenook and the Other Realms. * This was the final deciding factor in decanonizing the previous Solar Girl stuff. Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl are set on Earth, which doesn't exist in the Other Realms. I'm very adamant about this; which meant, of course, that any canonical crossovers between Inglenook stories and those Solar Girl stories are functionally impossible. I tried to do a storyline in New Adventures to fix this — the whole series was meant to connect Supergirls into current continuity, actually — but it just didn't work because of the fundamental origins of the setting. So, they had to go.
So, current canon: * Everything under the Pick-n-Mix label is canon. Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl are not. One version is set in the fictional Spotlight City on Earth in 2012 and 2024; the canonical version (that is, the version that slots in with everything else I'm building in the unified Pick-n-Mix universe, which mostly serves to adapt and standardize all this stuff into one overarching canon specifically for this reason and purpose) is a completely isolated, standalone city. * This version of Spotlight City is floating through space, kind of like the space colony of Terra Venture in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy or the colony of Solaris in Jason X (which we never see the surface of, but we might remember its iconic destruction when Jason causes the archaeological ship Grendel to crash into it and destroy the whole thing). I first tried to do this concept with the new storylines in The New Adventures, where the 2012 version of Spotlight City had been shunted into space by Status Quo during the break in between series (and would've ended up crashing into the Other Realms at some point after Meanwhile's reset of the universe, while the new, rebooted, Earth-based version kept on ticking, ideally), but again, that stuff is non-canon now. * I don't know why the Pick-n-Mix version is in space yet, but it will be plot relevant and it will be explored, either in Solarian Comix or a different title meant to explore it. Every Other Realm has its own gimmick, though, so they all have funky origins and they're all tied together; New Galatée from a serial I'm working on called Milk was created when folks from the Inglish nation of Galatée decided to live without association to the Kingdom and left for a brand new realm, for instance. * This means fun stuff like Spotlight City gets brand new historical stuff and its own worldbuilding now! And there can be one solid timeline, one central set of origin stories that are absolutely canon (since that also changed for each draft of the story I've been working on, especially for Solar Girl and Moonshine), and lots of crossovers between realms without being too confusing or introducing multiversal counterparts or anything. (EG, the Solarian can now appear in Inglenook sometimes, and Dr Connector and Captain Mytho can show up in Spotlight City, and it'll all be pretty much continuous and canonical, no worries, easy as. Simple.)
Final notes about the Pick-n-Mix stuff: * Moonshine is Sarah's friend, still, but she's older. They're not in the same age bracket anymore, but kind of split the difference and cover both brackets previous versions have straddled. Here, Sarah (who is still Solar Girl, although not the first Solar Girl) is a high schooler attending New Dawn High School; Moonshine is Margaret Deckard, who works as a janitor at New Dawn and is in her late 30s, meaning Solarian Comix is set sometime in the late 80s, at the very least. (Note: this is the Inglenook version of the 80s, not ours. Timelines across the Other Realms are usually in sync, unless I need them not to be, and there are some aesthetic similarities, but Inglenook and the Other Realms are still fantasy worlds, so it's a brand new 80s and not ours.) Margaret and Sarah are kind of the weirdos at the school, obviously, and Sarah likes Margaret's vibe so she ended up befriending her and they have a weird friendship. At the start of their timeline, Margaret is not Moonshine — but, she was. * Before coming to Spotlight City, Margaret lived and grew up in the Kingdom of Inglenook. Urban fantasy, magic, superheroes, all that fun stuff. From 1968 to 1972, Inglenook got involved in the realm of Carillon, a parallel world home to the corvics (crow-people) and a store of scale oil that was useful to the Silvani people. Inglenook established the colony Oiltown there under Queen Charlotte's purview, but eventually it was discovered that the oil they were drilling had been infected by a nearly-indestructible black goo called the Black Regard, forcing Inglenook's hand. Things erupted, and the 'Lonum Wars started — lots of heroes and members of the Royal Protectorate participated, either by choice or by draft. Jack Scorcher of the Legendeers (although not at that time) was one of them; Margaret Deckard, operating under the name Moonshine, was another. * During this time frame, Moonshine was partners with Nightwalk, a shadow caster who died during the war, leaving Margaret deeply traumatized, along with everything else that happened. Once the war was over, she sought to retire from operations as a masked persona, especially given what she was involved in while she was in Carillon, and so eventually moved to Spotlight City to put everything behind her. * No one knew her in Spotlight City, so she's just Margaret Deckard now. But, in the first few origin stories as depicted in Solarian Comix, her friendship with Sarah Gardner puts this retirement at risk — Sarah becomes the new Sunbearer, Solar Girl, and accidentally creates her foil and initial arch-nemesis, Socialighter, from a rival girl at school. Their fight drags Margaret into things, and Sarah eventually discovers her friend's secret history while cleaning up Margaret's attic. Finally, they're able to be spun off into the title Solar Girl & Moonshine, obviously set in the same continuity — I'm still working out the focal details and central storyline gimmicks for it, but it should be focused heavily on this stuff, and on exploring Moonshine's history in Inglenook especially — and things continue and carry on from there. * (This "found in the attic" storyline was brought in from one of the many possible origins for Solar Girl, incidentally; where the idea was, she'd find a box including the solar crystals, the suit, and the pixie Flare in her mother's apartment, discover her mother either was supposed to be Solar Girl, and take up the identity herself. But, now it's transplanted onto Moonshine because of Sarah's current canonical origin, and Margaret is the one who takes up her old identity. Only at Sarah's urging, and in a moment of desperation against a new enemy threatening the city, though. Of course.)
What is Solarian Comix? And what other titles are being worked on? * Solarian Comix is one of the many ongoing titles I'm developing for Pick-n-Mix Comix, a line of serials adapting all my content and intellectual property into one solid canon, for easy digestion and continuity purposes. They're all in the format of issue-by-issue comic titles — sometimes miniseries, sometimes ongoings, sometimes graphic novels, etc. This one is all about Spotlight City, one of the Other Realms floating through space, protected by an artificial sun that gives the Sunbearers their power. The previous Sunbearer was the Solarian; the current one is Solar Girl. Solarian Comix is something of an anthology that jumps throughout the city's timeline, telling stories in recurring features about the Solarian, Solar Girl, and other characters and heroes throughout the city's history, since there's so much content to cover. Regular features include The Sensational Solar Girl, focusing on Solar Girl's rise to power; Silver-Age Solarian, focusing on the Solarian in Spotlight City's "Silver Age" (likely lasting from the 40s to the late 70s or so); and a bunch of other headliners, such as features centered around the realm-hopping witch Hexcellence, the living glitch Glitchboard, the light-manipulating Emerald Flash and Mock Mirage, and so on. * Related titles currently include Solar Girl & Moonshine, Solar Girl: Meanwhile, and Glitchboard: Tales From The Geistmaschine, which are standalone and aren't published in the chapters and pages of Solarian Comix, but do spin off from them.
Other titles being worked on for Pick-n-Mix include: * Dr Connector, a solo-based ongoing title about my science hero, Dr Connector. The first arc is in progress, titled "Dr Connector Meets The Freedom Beyond", and centers around Dr Connector and the Legendeers discovering the Other Realm known as the Freelands. * Solemn Graces, an adaptation of my pre-Pick-n-Mix novella series of the same name, featuring the detective and witch Grace Morgan discovering the town of Grimstead, which here is called Grimshaw (for plot-relevant reasons), and deciding to get pulled into events there for a while. Each issue is a multi-chapter story, with the first issue in progress, depicting Grace's first several days in Grimshaw — her discovery of the place, her fight with the Spring-Heeled Ripper, her meeting with Gallo Belgrave, and more. It comes as it comes, so it'll be finished at some point, and there are obviously a hundred more and then some storylines planned for future issues, so it'll keep me writing for quite a while. * Help! The Monsters Are Lost Here Too. The period is part of the title, yes. This one's a dungeon-crawler isekai-style story about the new character of Jaden Crofter, who becomes trapped in the Bridgery, a liminal and parallel dungeon world, and discovers that — not only is it filled with weird, strange monsters beyond the imagination — but that it's also trapping the monsters there just like him. So, pretty simple. He teams up with a knight from another world called Sydney Storm, and they get the heck out of there. Not much of it is written currently, but there are some worldbuilding notes and potential excerpts available if you like getting an eye into the behind-the-scenes writing and development process for serials like this. * Idyllville Mysteries, which is largely being reworked into Idyllville Mystery Theater, was an early attempt at an ongoing. This one was an anthology that told short vignettes about the city of Idyllville in Inglenook, and was originally exclusive to redditserials here on Reddit (posted using a corporate account I might continue using for Pick-n-Mix stuff, but maybe not). It's still archived on AO3, but because it doesn't fit current formatting standards, it's being heavily retooled and the original ongoing is basically cancelled. Some useful bits of plot details in those tales, though, and writing it helped me work through some stuff at the time while I was writing it, so I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been there. Thought it was worth mentioning, at least.
Those are the ones that have content available already, but as you can tell — there's so much more going on for the Pick-n-Mix universe, and so much more to come.
submitted by The_Teacat to u/The_Teacat [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:23 Prudent_Cheetah8281 Fromsoftware Community

Hallo guys,
I am kind of new to the fromsoftware games. I started this year with Elden Ring, beat all bosses and got immediately hooked.
Now I bought all the games on sale and wanted to do platinum runs on all of them. Right now I am nearly done with DS 1 (2x bosses and NG+ is done). Well I found out that the black dragon from dlc drops a weapon if I cut his tail, which I found rather difficult to be done alone, especially on NG+ (I know it is not necessary for plat).
So I was wondering if there is a discord or forum in which people hang out, discussing and playing together. I really would like to share these games with others, also regarding the Elden Ring DLC will launch soon. I hope you can give me some tips.
With best regards, a fellow fromsoftware enjoyer
submitted by Prudent_Cheetah8281 to fromsoftware [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:22 ecshady14 Fake profile!

If you're on Boo and come across this profile, I suggest staying away from it. It all started with me browsing profiles. I came across this one and thought to myself, "oh she's verified so it must be legit right?" Yeah, right. I was already suspicious enough at the early stages of the conversation. All I did was give her profile a heart them moved on. Not even 10 seconds pass by and we instantly match. That's the first red flag.
Fast forward about 24 hours since our first message was exchanged on Boo, the conversation was flowing pretty well. There were a lot of spelling mistakes on her part and grammar wasn't the best so that raised an eyebrow. From my knowledge, AI or scammers from different countries always seem to misspell things. As yall can see, this profile invited me to WhatsApp but I don't have one. (I couldn't get a screenshot of when this profile gave me their IG because the conversation was gone shortly after)
So before you know it, we get unmatched from Boo and the conversation is gone. This was not before me sending a follow request and message on IG. At first the profile on IG seemed legit. You know... pretty girl, more followers than people she follows, so I'm like ok this must be legit I guess and I was skeptical for no reason. Again, I was wrong. From introducing herself as Sophie on Boo, now it turns out her full name is Ava Sophie (Ava was added to go along with her IG profile) This person has told me earlier in the day, they were planning to go back to the UK from HOUSTON. Mind you this was at around 5pm Central time. So they send this generic picture of them supposedly watching Nemo. I instantly recognized the background from different pictures I've seen online with people posting while on an airplane. The biggest giveaway was the window. How is it pitch black outside on a long summer night in Houston at 5pm?? Lol So I knew it was time to just move on and go ahead and block the profile.
What their endgame is? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure if I kept talking to them, they would have eventually asked for some sort of money or personal info from me. You can search up the profile for yourself on Boo, and you will notice this profile is constantly changing their location to different places around the globe as I provided in the screenshots.
In conclusion: always trust your gut and be extra careful online my friends.
submitted by ecshady14 to Boo [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:21 mizz_eponine Alone at the beach: a lament

I'm currently sitting at the beach, listening to live music, after my date was a no show. It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't driven half an hour and paid $20 bucks for parking!
What's the point of this? I'll never understand. We just chatted this morning and set the meetup for this evening.
He's someone I connected with earlier this year on Facebook dating but I got off the app when I started dating someone I met at church. Church guy didn't work out so I went back to Facebook dating and reconnected with this guy. He went so far as to send a video to show he looks like his photos, after I asked a question about his pictures.
Do people get off on this? It's mean.
submitted by mizz_eponine to datingoverfifty [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:21 0throwinitaway0 32 [M4F] #US / #Online - Moving soon and looking for friends maybe more?

Hello! Like I mentioned in the title I'm moving soon (Oregon to Colorado) and it's gonna be hard being in a new place so would love to make some friends, maybe more? Online is fine, local-ish is better, and would prefer someone in the US. Anyway I did this when I first moved to Oregon about a decade ago and met some really cool people through r4r (some in person!) and would love to do it again. Preferably you are within my age range (late 20s/early to mid 30s) and single, but if you're taken or you're looking for something entirely platonic that's totally cool!
A little about me:
Shoot me a message ideally with a picture (I'll return the favor) and a little about yourself! Cheers :)
submitted by 0throwinitaway0 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:18 ConfidenceMiddle2171 Stuffed Cabbage with Dried Mint Healthy recipes

Stuffed cabbage with dried mint is a nutritious dish rich in vitamins and beneficial elements for the body. This delicious meal is favored by both adults and children. Here is the easiest way to prepare stuffed cabbage with simple steps.
preparation time:
120 minutes and Enough for 5 people


For the stuffing:

Other ingredients:

Preparation :

  1. In a pot of boiling water, add the cabbage leaves with a pinch of salt. Let the leaves cook until they are slightly tender, then remove them from the water and set aside to cool.
  2. To prepare the stuffing, mix the ground meat, rice, salt, cumin, mixed spices, and vegetable oil in a bowl. Combine the ingredients thoroughly with your hands until well mixed.
  3. Remove the tough stem from each cabbage leaf. Place the removed stems and some extra leaves at the bottom of a deep pot as a protective layer.
  4. Lay a cabbage leaf flat on a work surface. Place about 1 tablespoon of the rice and meat stuffing at the lower, wider part of the leaf. Roll the leaf tightly around the stuffing, pressing gently. Repeat this process until all the stuffing is used.
  5. Arrange the stuffed cabbage rolls tightly in the pot, interspersing them with whole garlic cloves.
  6. Pour the lemon juice over the cabbage rolls and sprinkle dried mint on top.
  7. Add enough water to cover the cabbage rolls completely. Place a heavy plate on top of the rolls to keep them in place.
  8. Bring the pot to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 40 minutes until the cabbage is fully cooked.
  9. Transfer the stuffed cabbage to a serving dish and serve hot.
More Free & Healthy recipes :
submitted by ConfidenceMiddle2171 to EatCheapAndHealthy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:17 ConfidenceMiddle2171 Stuffed Cabbage with Dried Mint Healthy recipes

Stuffed cabbage with dried mint is a nutritious dish rich in vitamins and beneficial elements for the body. This delicious meal is favored by both adults and children. Here is the easiest way to prepare stuffed cabbage with simple steps.
preparation time:
120 minutes and Enough for 5 people


For the stuffing:

Other ingredients:

Preparation :

  1. In a pot of boiling water, add the cabbage leaves with a pinch of salt. Let the leaves cook until they are slightly tender, then remove them from the water and set aside to cool.
  2. To prepare the stuffing, mix the ground meat, rice, salt, cumin, mixed spices, and vegetable oil in a bowl. Combine the ingredients thoroughly with your hands until well mixed.
  3. Remove the tough stem from each cabbage leaf. Place the removed stems and some extra leaves at the bottom of a deep pot as a protective layer.
  4. Lay a cabbage leaf flat on a work surface. Place about 1 tablespoon of the rice and meat stuffing at the lower, wider part of the leaf. Roll the leaf tightly around the stuffing, pressing gently. Repeat this process until all the stuffing is used.
  5. Arrange the stuffed cabbage rolls tightly in the pot, interspersing them with whole garlic cloves.
  6. Pour the lemon juice over the cabbage rolls and sprinkle dried mint on top.
  7. Add enough water to cover the cabbage rolls completely. Place a heavy plate on top of the rolls to keep them in place.
  8. Bring the pot to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 40 minutes until the cabbage is fully cooked.
  9. Transfer the stuffed cabbage to a serving dish and serve hot.
submitted by ConfidenceMiddle2171 to EatCheapAndHealthy [link] [comments]