What are the signs of guanaria

Signs found in the world that you don't want to be near!

2014.09.06 05:45 anfield_ Signs found in the world that you don't want to be near!

Signs that stop you in your tracks

2012.07.10 17:28 earthceltic Hardcore AWW: The Cutest Killers on Earth

/hardcoreaww : The official place to share pictures of dangerous animals that could kill you, but are "aww"-worthy.

2014.05.05 15:17 reptomin WTF? At a garage sale?!

Saw some weird, bizarre, crazy, creepy, or downright disgusting thing for sale at a garage sale, yard sale, Craigslist, or thrift shop? If it makes you go WTF, this is the place for it!
