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r6 cheaters run rampant again

2024.05.19 07:18 Full_Ascend r6 cheaters run rampant again

The whole point of an anti-cheat is to stop people from using illegal software, but yet, Ubisoft cant. They rely only on 3 things. And even if some of you guys may disagree with what i say, we can agree that the cheater problem is getting worse by the week.
  1. Noticable Report
  1. Aimlock/ Walls/ Softaim/ Aimbot/ Spinbot/ ect.
  1. Ubisoft doesnt care anymore
Overall, this game is not fun anymore, Im in Emerald 5 and im fine with where im at. I would rather be in lower elo because i wouldnt have to match against cheaters every other game. Sad to say this, but ive given up on this game. I used to play back in yr2 and yr3, i took a very long break until this past year in 2023 thru 2024(time of this post too!) And having a fun time in this game doesnt exist anymore. Too many cheaters and doxxers on Console too.
submitted by Full_Ascend to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:48 Hot_Potential150 Break up 6 times and still trying to find peace!! Feel like I lost my other half.

I figured I would post this since there isn’t a lot out there like this and get some fresh perspectives. So we met in 2010, dated for years. Was absolutely out of this world the first year. She F(22) and myself (29) at the time. Moved in together after 4 months and the passion was like nothing I had ever experienced. Well, I lost my job, was on unemployment and she was a waitress. We made ends meet. I finally got work about 6 months later and we started to have a life again. But everything was a whirlwind by year 4. I was doing good, making six figures, buying houses. It was evrything we always wanted . But she was on ig and got really popular and she started looking at that life. She had always done bikini contests and what not so, i thought we could handle it. Around 2017, we break up as we weren’t seeing eye to eye and she was always saying she wasn’t in it. Well, 2 months later she comes back. She had hooked up with two guys but never told me. So, we are back together for 6 months and we get engaged and life seems blissful, sort of. Just she didn’t seem right all the time but we were out planning the wedding and we ever go on a cruise and had the time of our life. Then in September things started getting off with her and she is pulling away. She had been talking and texting a guy for the last 6 months. Well, she leaves again, and gets her own place. I tried talking to her for a few months, even got her out but she wasn’t having it. Two months later she still has a Christmas dinner with her Mom and stepdad at my house while texting a guy the whole night she is there. She was going to stay the night but was just pushing it and wouldn’t stop so I told her she might as well leave. So, needless to say, we don’t talk again until 2 months later as she needs help moving some stuff and she is moving states away. That was the hardest time for me. Watching the last 8 years of my life drive off into the distance. Devastated was an understatement. Everything seemed so real at that point. I didn’t hear from her for about 10 months, maybe once but nothing really. I messaged her off and on. She would tell me not to message her as she was on dates or doing something else. But anyway, she tells me 10 months later that she needs help with her house and wants me to come up. So, I do and we hang out every day and night for a week. I couldn’t believe it was happening. I am a nervous wreck while I am there and just trying to be the old me. Well, a few mo the go by and she wants to make it official. So, I buy a house in her state and move up there. She sleeps with a guy she had been with a week before I get there and never says a thing. So I get up there and things seem off. And we got into it a lot and I couldn’t figure it out. Well 6 months go by and we flip a house and sell mine that we were staying at. While flipping the house, she wants a house with land so we buy another house and I think our lives can finally start, but she goes back to the house in a different state and tells me she is done. She talks to me every now and then and decides to do counseling over the phone. While in counseling she tells me she doesn’t know if she wants to continue because she may miss Mr. Right. Well, I stay where I am and finish up two flips. 3 months later she decides she wants to try us again, I find out about all the guys she has been with and what happened the last year and I was upset and deeply hurt. Told her I just need to work through all of this. Well, for the next two months I was kind of in and out. But got back to our baseline. For 6 months the or so, we were good but then everything was off again. She wanted to break up, but wanted to keep the house. I tried to make it work for the next six months but she wasn’t in it and wanted to be successful and be with someone successful. So, I leave the state for six months. And I don’t see or hear from her for a year. I am back in the state she is in and I go to a concert. Meanwhile she had been dating someone for the last 7 months. She messages me at the concert and says she is single. We meet up and I grab her and kiss her. She calls me after the concert and go back to her house and talk for 6 hours. Well slowly we start talking and before you know it are back again. Once again, good for 6 months and she is done. I would get anxious sometimes and push if she needed space. And the other times she really wasn’t in it. But this last time, for some reason she was different. And I was different. But we needed up in the same place. I am the affectionate one, I am the passionate one, I am one who made it feel special. But I feel such loss everytime she leaves. People use the word soulmate. But it’s like I met myself. She was a daredevil, loved going for motorcycle rides and nice cars, we loved all the same music, same shows, same beliefs and values. We played ping pong and did karaoke. It was like nothing I have ever experienced.
The strange part is…. I never followed the ex back coaches advice. I would email her and message her. I always stayed in contact. And I wonder if that’s why she came back but always left. Months apart, years apart, it didn’t matter. When we were back together, it was like we had seen each other 5 mins ago. She would get with other guys and date around but I never did. I worked and dated a few but nothing serious. Always thought about her, no one else really compared.
Well, fast forward to today. It’s been about two and half months and we haven’t spoken. I have sent her some emails telling her how I feel. And left it at that. She reads them all but doesn’t respond. I am trying to let go and really move on but I don’t know how to let go of her or what we had as we have been together for 14 years and no matter how crazy the story, my love for her is forever. I always think, maybe she will come back again this time, she has 5 other times. But then I think, what will be different. I stayed in contact before, I think this time, I will have to let it be, and she would have to come to me. I know I always saw her as the love of my life. It was never a question. She loved me but nothing how I viewed her. She always left and got with other guys and didn’t skip a beat. Life went on and couldn’t be better. But when she was in it, she was all about me. When she went into her off modes, she had nothing.
I know with most of the forums and stories, the women leave and they can’t get that feeling back. But for her it’s like an on/off switch. So, she can always find it again. I feel like I really don’t know what to do? Where to go. We were going to start a family this year and really move forward but that didn’t happen. Now I am wondering will she talk to me? Will it be years? I know she will date other people. Will she stay with one of them. It’s all a lot to take in right now and the last two months have really sucked. You think it would get easier being the 6th time but it really doesn’t. Maybe a little bit it still hits like a freight train.i guess i will leave this here and if you have any questions, can fire away. Sorry for the long read, but any thoughts would be appreciated.
submitted by Hot_Potential150 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:23 BeXPerimental How to handle Gilded Drake

I’ve been in a strange pod yesterday and result-wise it was a shitty evening.
Everyone else was some kind of blue combination which already is guaranteed long grindy games. I played Niv-Mizzet and K’rrik, so it’s already quite commander heavy. So I kind of get that it’s a prime target for about anything.
But why on earth do other players target my commanders with gilded drake if it doesn’t add to their game plan and it doesn’t hurt the players with better board states such as Kinnan with a rhystic study and enough mana for any win attempt. Is there a reason or deeper meaning to do so that I don’t see? The same goes for protection of said gilded drake spell from other players (a target is not clear at this point) or any attempt to get my commander back by removal or bounce - or is there another way as well?
So this happened in 4/4 games as it lead to the gilded drake player (Let’s call him Player 1) winning on the spot in one case. He already had his commander on the board, but was stopped from a combo win by a single stax piece. He played gilded drake already announcing Niv-Mizzet as a target in order to draw cards. I attempted to counter-spell for my last two mana, drawing a land, pinging Player 2s Kinnan; Player 2 to flusterstormed my counterspell killing his Kinnan and handing Niv to P1. Next turn, I tried to mini-Rift Niv back to my hand, which was countered by P3, a second bounce spell was countered by P2. P1 got FOUR free draws out of it and I already asked if they were any serious about this. In P1s turn, he played removal for the stax piece, as of course nobody had counters anymore and continued to win the game thanks to P2 and P3. What do I NOT see that makes the Plays of P2 and 3 GOOD and meaningful except protecting or even helping the most dangerous player on the board?
And more important: How can I deal with such a situation in a meaningful way?
submitted by BeXPerimental to CompetitiveEDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:47 Skogvandrare Buscando hacer amigos por Toledo/Madrid o españa en general xd

Hey, resumiendo, tengo 23 tacos y buscó ampliar mi círculo y tal.
Ya se que conocer gente on-line no suele funcionar pero tampoco pierdo nada por intentarlo.
Busco eso, intentar hacer algún amigo/a preferiblemente que ronde mi edad, y aunque no quiero sonar borde debo decir que no quiero ni unirme a ningúna cuenta de of, ni seguir ninguna cuenta de ig, ni unirme a ninguna secta de discord (que la mayoría de respuestas que he recibido suele ser pa alguna de estas cosas xD)
Por decir algo sobre mi, pues soy un chaval más, con sus virtudes y defectos al fin y al cabo, pero vamos, en general me mola el senderismo (pero en general cualquier cosa asi en naturaleza me mola), los videojuegos (de todo, tanto cosas single players como wastelands o bg3 a algún multi a lo valorant) y hacer viajes roñas con el coche a ninguna parte.
Aparte de eso pues lo típico de música, pelis, series, juegos de mesa, bici etc.
Ahh y también desde hace no mucho le doy a la escalada, cosa que me está molando bastante.
No quiero enrollarme mucho aquí, pero eso, si a alguien le hace charlar de lo que sea o incluso echarse alguna partida a algo que me mande dm, que responderé encantado.
submitted by Skogvandrare to esConversacion [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:20 Top_Engineering_9294 Fool a Sonos device using two openwrt boxes with relayd

To clarify, Sonos AMP requires ethernet cable connected to same switch to Beam soundbar in order to enable surround sound config.
I have two spare openwrt routers, (both running 22.03) with relayd bridge configured.
So when I connect each device to its openwrt, they are all accessible, but there is no surround.
Is there any way, to "fool" Sonos into thinking those two openwrt devices running in relayd+wifi bridge mode, are in fact a single physical ethernet switch?
Superficially, they are all in the same network, all pinging works, etc.
When doing tracert, obviously, I get an extra step (ip of the respective openwrt).
Perhaps thats the reason?
If so, what other configuration could work here?
submitted by Top_Engineering_9294 to openwrt [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:19 redditgod1998 Steelseries Sonar defaulting to an output that I can't even hear

Hey just looking for some help,
my steelseries sonar defaults to Digital Audio S/PDIF high definition audio device every single time I open up my computer, and I have to manually change everything to my arctis nova pro output every time I turn on my headset otherwise I can't hear anything. Is there any way I can get rid of that and have it default to the correct outputs when I turn on my headset?
submitted by redditgod1998 to steelseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:51 Sa_Dagon What to do with slips / samples when maxed?

Hello reddit, SES Prophet of Integrity here.
Level 35, playing the game a bit every now and then. I just bought my last stratagem, so AFAIK I won't be able to use/spend slips anymore? I think I also lack just a few stratagem upgrades and I'll be maxed out there as well. I could only assume many of you are already in that spot :)
Is there any information already about potential options / sinks / investments? I have myself heard/read a few good ideas. Of course I am aware that there are things / bugs that need to be attended to with the highest priority. But at some point I think we should get some options to spend money/samples/whatever, so that we are still motivated to clear whole maps, etc. and just be happy with these small reward loops.
Don't get me wrong - I love the gameplay itself and I will be happy diving/clearing sub objectives even if I am not rewarded for that. The sole gameplay is fun enough for me.
The option to spend money/currency lategame is one of the multiple options that might make this game live long and prosper (together with a lot of other stuff, of course), as well as adding yet another layer of satisfaction/customisation/being engaged in the game, world, and the community.
  1. Is there anything confirmed around spending currency late game when maxed out you guys might know of?
  2. If not, I am curious -> how important is this matter to you? How motivated you are to collect currency/do side quests in the game, even if you're capped/maxxed out? How happy would you be with additional options (see the list below for some inspiration)?
  3. What are some good ideas for money spending options / sinks (though some other redditors pointed out that "money sinks" have some negative associations, so feel free to call it any other way)? I remember some examples for the late game money sinks were:
1) Ability to buy / exchange currencies (buy samples/warbonds for slips, "upgrade" samples to a better rarity, etc) - already posted on Reddit, please ping we if you're the author so I can add your name 2) Have a community target - you could donate your currencies for the greater good - for Super Earth! - and we can get bonuses or unlocks for that. You could even dress it as a some kind of political lobbying mini-game, where depending on which side wins (or is winning), we're going more in one or another direction in the Galactic SuperWar / SE politics - already posted on Reddit, please ping we if you're the author so I can add your name 3) Be able to buy powerful, x-time use stratagems or upgrades - already posted on Reddit, please ping we if you're the author so I can add your name 4) Again, as a community donation - be able to increase budgets of other missions, such as giving lower level/difficulties ability to unlock stratagems or increase reinforcement budget etc. for a single operation 5) My personal favourite is personalization of our Super Destroyers. I know it's not easy from the development point of view, but just having a few static areas (lobby, engineering crew room, ammo rooms, comms room) which we could pimp up with cosmetics so that we can tour our friends and brag about it? Maybe create a small "museum"/achievement area where we could display something? Or having a lab for Super Earth Science Department to research/study all these things we have collected during the missions? The sky is the limit, we could literally add 2-d propaganda (err... I mean reality) posters or other decorations anywhere! 6) Be able to write dedications on the bombs etc. that Eagles are dropping like "Automatons Rot in Hell" or "Bye Bye Bugs" that would display while being dropped (of course picking only from the ones pre-approved by the Ministry of Truth). 7) Be able to rent out equipment that we don't own yet - like parts of different warbonds. This would also serve as a way to try out things (as we don't have shooting range or anything like that) 8) Be able to send gifts - either to friends, or maybe even to randoms that we just played with and had a good time? Send them a thank you card or a "Democracy is the best Dad" mug? 9) For the cosmetics part - I covered the one with Super Destroyers, individual ones. But what about being able to donate to different cosmetics/projects on the Super Earth as well (as real patriots would)? We could maybe then have an option to take a look at a high level hologram of Super Earth and see all the good things we donated to, such as highest building in the world (local headquarters of Ministry of Truth), SEAF schools, High-tech radio towers - on a some kind of a global/planetary holomap?
Last four ideas I just came up with while writing this list so I do believe that sky is the limit and introducing some of these could help us - the players - stay more vigilant and motivated :)
I'll probably EDIT the post with more ideas of my own, but please feel free to comment yours, so I can collect them under this list - even if only just for wondering "what could have been..."
Thank you for your service Helldivers, I hope you will be satisfied with my measle attempts to enable us donate more of our hard-earned currencies for the glory of the Super Earth!!
EDIT: edited the post to make it, hopefully, a bit more coherent
submitted by Sa_Dagon to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:49 desibanda 31 [M4F] Anywhere - Looking for someone who pass this waifu test. 🥺

From my past experiences I have come up with a compatibility checklist and what I look for in a partner. So, I'm looking for someone who fulfill following A to Z criteria.
A: Accepts my tribal Ass without her parents killing me.
B: Banters are her forte. Intellect and Smartness are always a turn on.
C: Career Goals and other aspirations should align. ( I code to mint pennies)
D: Draws me to her. Attraction in some way is necessary. ( I'm tall, dark, slim and maybe handsome)
E: Emotionally mature and communicates.
F: Financially literate.
G: Graceful when in the wrong and open minded.
H: Hypes me up (and ofcourse vice versa).
I: Independent in doing chores, errands etc. Can handle living by herself ( I can do the same).
J: Jokes and Humour should be compatible with mine.
K: Kinky in harmless ways. Sexual compatibility is a must.
L: Lifestyle compatibility especially in terms of my INTP personality.
M: Motivated, Passionate and midlife crisis proof.
N: No religion should matter to her.
O: Offspring. Hum do, Humare ek ya do.
P: Prejudices for any caste, class, race, gender, religion should be absent.
Q: Questions things and isn't too impressionable. Makes her own opinion.
R: Rational and Logical.
S: Single and ready to mingle.
T: Tastebuds should match with mine. ( I can eat anything which tastes good)
U: Urges and Temptations don't control her. She controls them.
V: Values money and into minimalism.
W: Well being both mental and physical are taken care of.
X: XX chromosomes.
Y: Young at heart even if old in age (below 35 plis).
Z: Zombies aren't welcome. Should be alive!!!
If you pass most of the criteria, ping me to test and taste me.
submitted by desibanda to SFWr4rIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:28 c0untd4wn Assassin Skill Cap Tier List

Assassin Skill Cap Tier List
Pipers' in here purely as a joke. Don't be showdown main pls.
Edgar has 2 combos you need to know: Hypercharge Super 1stGadget, and Super tap right side of screen 3.0x10^8 times/s.
Crow isn't used much as an assassin for most of the game, but when he is used as one with his supehypercharge, you don't have to make specific timings or anything.
Darryl has 1 combo: Super Gadget Spam right side of screen roll out when you're going to die. He's slightly higher skill than Edgar due to his roll instead of a full invulnerable jump.
Bonnie is a marksman/assassin combo, she can jump in a similar fashion to Edgar. Not much aiming/skill needed, more of a know who to jump into situation, and when to be in marksman and when to be in assassin. Not a huge learning curve.
Lily is a full on assassin, there is some skill in terms of her shadow realm, but it is again not a huge learning curve. Her actual assassin abilities are just super tap, you just have to learn when you can deal up to 6360 damage.
Mico's skill cap is highly overrated. He isn't like Mortis where you need to learn to chain his supers and everything, you just jump onto an enemy 4 times, and use your first gadget to finish them off. Or 2nd gadget into an enemy and jump 4 times. Mico will be braindead with his second star power in heist, the thing is that most Mico randoms don't know what Mico's super does and refuses to use it, and hence why Mico seems so difficult to the average bs player.
Buzz's skill cap isn't high, including with the hypercharge. In theory it seems high skill but in reality, you're only using it to get the hook onto the enemy, which isn't difficult as you have more than enough time to land at least 1 super on the enemy with hypercharge. Without hypercharge, the only skill left is to land that shot, and ensure that you go through walls against straight shot shooters to ensure you don't get 7-spiked by a spike or 6 bulleted by a colt.
Kit has no real skill with his assassin abilities alone, and many will roast me for being bad to put him in average. There's skill in determining when to use his super and gadget for the assassin, how to kill tanks with kit, and how to escape. Arguments can be made for him to be lower, but with his potential dynamic playstyle in a game, and his self-stun unlike other assassins who can go into 3 enemies more safely, there is some nuance to Kit's kit (im so punny)
Fang's kit is highly underrated -- there is skill in cycling his supers without his first star power, combos with his gadget, ASA, AGA, ASAGA, and LSAGAS (L -> long shot, A attack, G Gadget, S Super), where all following combos reduce his attack cooldown. Doesn't take a R35 fang to know that dashing into 3 enemies isnt' always a good idea but it takes a good fang to be able to get consistent value in game.
Janet isn't seen as an assassin until she gets her super. With her super charge buff, she can officially cycle supers with understanding of her bomb patterns, landing spot, cycling of supers. A S (land 3 bombs) A x2 gets Janet her super, hence making her an A tier assassin in that sense. But the combo isn't easy to pull off.
Nani is a sniper, but she is sometimes used as a pseudo-assassin with her Warp Blast Gadget. Good aim after teleporting and reaction timing is important with Nani, as teleporting near an enemy won't even guarantee good damage as there is a learning curve on hitting that close range shot (ironically). The rest of Nani's kit is also difficult, hence putting her at high. (She will be placed impossible in the sniper tier list though).
Stu's skill level is also highly overrated but not as much as Mico's. You do need 0 ping with Stu, and good dodging but that isn't exclusive to Stu. His super is autoaimable and a Stu with Skill Cap can dodge very well.
Leon's super is tough to charge, and Leon's super takes skill in certain modes like Brawl Ball or Hot Zone to get full use of. His Invisiheal also takes skill for him to use when he is trying to escape, and his gadget takes game knowledge. Overall, Leon isn't the hardest to play whilst you are going aggro, but he takes alot of game knowledge when he's not actively assassinating someone.
Melodie is seen as a braindead brawler purely due to her insane strength rn. After all, she is best used to dash forward to somebody's left at around 2 tiles away, and dash backward to somebody's right at around 2 tiles away, and it takes skill to understand the dashing patterns. Getting her first super is also considerably difficult, and getting value and paramount dodges takes alot of game knowledge and timing, even to avoid major CCs like Otis or Cordelius.
Cordelius takes purely game knowledge. His kit is the second easiest kit bar Edgar here, but the amount of game knowledge to know who to super, when to super, what to do during super, what kit to draft, and where to position yourself during your super to make your super a 7 second invis + invulnerability + heal takes alot of skill. Sniping your super to an unsuspecting enemy to get away from a sticky situation with a tank up your ass is also a great way to showcase your skill cap.
Gray Assassin is my second most hated brawler in the game, first being Gray Jacky transporter. But with Gene pulls, a small projectile width and great super combos, Gray is the assassin that requires the most precision in game in terms of where you are attacking. A Buster and a Pam can literally be making out, and you can shoot through their tiny little toes and hit the colt behind them, killing him. Great plays that you can potentially make with Gray puts him at Impossible. Without such knowledge, Gray is easily the worst brawler in the game. Gray is probably the worst brawler at Rank 5 matchmaking.
The dodges, the dodges, the dodges. The spread out attack. The immune shield, the hypercharge (ignoring the bug now) and the speed. Max takes second easily due to her versatility, and her being so weak without proper dodging from the player. Max is the strongest brawler in the game easily, beating every single brawler in the game with a perfect gameplay.
Mortis, we all knew that he was the top. Super chaining, positioning, abusing walls to reduce ATK CD, the heals, utilisation of long dash to escape. There is an argument to place mortis behind Max or behind Gray, but given the new brawler releases and how much more he gets countered each update, he deserves number 1 in my eyes. Still love Max more.
submitted by c0untd4wn to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:55 Arceroth Chronicles of a Traveler 2-28

Looking at the odd, fully mechanical display, I couldn’t help but wonder at the ingenuity of this entire machine. They couldn’t manage visual sensors without access to electricity, so it used sonar instead, producing a, presumably, granular return using multiple receivers. Those results are compared to the last few to see what changed and, with the help of some meticulously crafted analog components, they could resolve an image of what was ahead of them. It wasn’t as good as proper cameras, admittedly, but it worked far better than I’d have thought it could.
Even the little dog sized maintenance robots were amazing, their main code was on a drum, being read by tiny needles like an old self-playing piano, but it also contained a stack of what I assumed to be paper thin steel cards with similar tiny holes in regular patterns that served as error correction. I watched as the train hit a bump and one of the dog bots stumbled, instead of continuing while out of position it flipped through the cards till it found the right one and used it to correct its positioning, using tiny arms to feel the railings, resetting it’s legs one at a time to where they should be before shuffling the error code card away and restarting the main drum.
All of which required thousands, or perhaps millions of tiny bits to be crafted with exacting precision. It was a feat of engineering seemingly on par with the titans of the last world, if not on the same tech level.
“Wait,” the harmony spoke up, “if you were built by and for humans, why were you shooting at us?”
PROTOCOL 2, the display showed after a moment.
“You were defending yourself against humans?”
YES, it replied simply.
“Something is clearly wrong,” I muttered to myself, “it wants approval from humans, but also defends itself from them?”
“The logic may seem self-contradicting but it isn’t,” the Harmony said after a moment, “maybe it’s the fact that I’m artificial, or that I’m made of millions of minds, but it makes sense.”
“How?” I asked.
“Assuming you got the approval of humans, what would you do?” the harmony asked, at first I thought it was speaking to me but a quick torrent of clicks filtered through the room before the display began to move again.
“Even after you got approval, you’d continue expanding?” the harmony pressed.
“That’s how,” it explained to me, “it seems they forgot to write in a program end once protocol three was fulfilled.”
“So it just continued going on,” I realized, “and when people tried to stop it, it replied with force.”
“Right, following the second protocol,” agreed the harmony, “so humanity became a danger to it even as it sought their approval endlessly.”
“That’s a pretty big flaw in terms of programming,” I commented.
“But could have been a simple flaw in the engineering,” the Harmony countered, “how many millions of parts are required to make this thing work? All it would take is a single flaw and the shutdown command fails to activate.”
“Gees,” I snorted, “Are there even any people left?”
YES, the display read a moment later.
“You are standing right here,” the harmony pointed out before I got my hopes up, “so ya, humanity still exists.”
“Outside of me, I mean,” I qualified, waiting as the storm of clicking went on for several minutes before falling silent, the display remaining still.
“Guess it doesn’t know,” the harmony said, “either that or it simply doesn’t have enough data storage to keep track of everything, and it would have to link with other units to find out.”
“There are other units?” I asked, “like, more of these mega train things?”
“I’d assume, what purpose does this vehicle serve.”
DATA TRANSFER, the display replied.
“A train the size of a small battleship just to transfer information?” I asked, surprised.
“It has to keep all of its trains running on time,” the harmony replied, “and mechanical data storage is quite limited.”
“Where is this thing headed anyways?”
NUMBER 34,801, it continued a moment later.
“Oh,” I said slowly, “that’s… a lot. What do we do?”
“Outside,” the harmony said, glancing at the display for a moment and I nodded in understanding, stepping out of the control room and back into the narrow catwalks.
“We can’t simply find a way to trigger the shutdown command,” the harmony said before I could say anything, “that would shut down this unit but not the others. We need to give it instructions on how to fix the fault and have that data propagated alongside a shutdown order. It’ll take a while for everything to stop, but it should eventually reach every unit.”
“How do we even find the fault, much less fix it?” I asked.
“On that, I admit I am less knowledgeable,” it admitted, “the way this thing thinks is not unlike a simplistic harmonic entity, but its construction precludes me from uploading myself. I imagine the code is built directly into the machine, so to update it we’d have to change parts.”
“It could take years to go through this thing,” I said, looking at the vast machine around us.
“Maybe there’s a primary maintenance compartment” the harmony offers, “it’s still building control rooms into the trains so maybe it’s still making other accommodations for a human crew?”
With nothing better to go on I shrug and start moving. For the next hour we wander the narrow hallways, finding a few hatches that lead out but nothing that resembles another room built for humans. As I’m about to give up the train rocks, a distant explosion echoing through the metallic interior. Moments later the train’s guns respond, firing into the distance.
“What’s going on?” I wonder.
“Humans?” the harmony offers.
“If so we need to stop this thing,” I say, breaking into a run, searching for a critical component as more explosions rock the train. It only takes a few minutes of backtracking before I find what I was pretty sure was the main drive train. From there I quickly pick out the main gear box and fire off a spell from my weapon shard. The first spell simply cracks the casing, allowing some oil to leak out but little else, and a second concussive spell is required before I can launch a cutting spell into the whirling gears. With the screaming of tortured metal the gears come apart as the spell opens numerous deep cuts in the complex mechanism. Instantly the drive shaft begins to slow and everything seems to grow slower, the train’s guns take longer to reload every time, the clicking of the mechanical computers grows dim and discordant.
“Oh, it’s all mechanical,” I realize, “no drive train, no power to anything else either.”
“I certainly appreciate these kind of machines,” the harmony agreed, “much easier to break.”
Just as I’m about to see if I can’t slow the train down faster a large chunk of what I thought was the wall begins to move. Dozens of mechanical arms reach out and begin systematically removing the broken gear box, a fresh one emerging from its depths.
“You had to say something,” I cursed, turning the spell thrower on the repair device just as I feel, rather than hear a deep thump resonate through me. Sonar? There hadn’t been any sonar inside the train since we got here, why is it here now?
As if in answer another section of wall opens and several robots not unlike the maintenance bots emerge. But instead of probe arms to test parts it has several large rifles that quickly pivot on me even as it turns to begin mechanically walking down the opposite catwalk across the main drive train. I duck as bullets skip off the railings and more than a few strike my shield. I know it can stop a few rounds, but sustained fire from heavy machine guns is pushing what I think it’s capable of. I quickly reposition, noting that the security robot continues firing at my last known position for a few seconds before a second pulse of sonar echoes through the room, the security bot pauses for a second as it analyzes the return, then its machine gun turns to once more fix on me.
I quickly dodge again, seeing a second security robot emerging from the wall behind the first and curse loudly. As the next sonar pulse comes in I feel the Harmony emit something as well. I’m confused but after the robots resume firing at my previous position rather than correcting my aim I realize it’s somehow countering the sonar pings.
It blocks a second ping as I get in close enough to the first security robot to fire a spell directly into it, ripping its delicate internals apart in an instant. The harmony blocks a third pulse and I begin to rush the second security bot only for another sonar pulse to follow quickly after the first.
“It’s on to me,” the Harmony says as the machine gun on the other bot swivels towards me, forcing me to dive into a walkway leading away from the drive train to avoid the torrent of fire, “it’s varying the pulses up now so I can’t time them.”
I simply grunt in response, throwing a couple delayed spells at the catwalk behind me as I heard the robot get closer. As soon as it steps into view I trigger the first one, forcing it to stumble. I wait to see if my plan worked and grin as I hear the bot start flipping through error cards. In that state it shouldn’t be able to alter its aim, so I slide under the stream of fire and aim my weapon shard into its guts, unleashing my last concussive spell just as I hear it begin switching back to its main command drum.
“Any more?” I ask, panting.
“I don’t see any,” the harmony replies, “but the gear box is almost fixed.”
I nod and start launching spells at the repair device. Thankfully it doesn’t take much to break the thing and soon enough its shortened limbs are waving about as if it can’t understand why it isn’t working. And soon after that the springs in it snap and it goes still.
“The bombardment stopped,” the harmony comments as everything falls silent.
I nod, standing once more and looking for a way out. The first few hatches I try are jammed shut from the damage whoever was attacking the train managed, but eventually I find one on the other side of the massive vehicle. Even now it’s still slowly grinding along, it’s mass too much to slow down in short order, but it’s barely at a walking pace.
I jump down to the hard packed dirt and begin walking around the vehicle.
“We didn’t hit hard enough to make it stop,” I hear a voice from around the corner.
“Think it’s bluffing?” another man responds.
“It’s never attempted deceit before, maybe we just got a lucky hit in?” a third voice added as I walked around the side of the train to see a small group of men in tan camos carefully approaching the train. In the distance behind them, just out of range of the sonar unless I’m mistaken, I spot a line of heavy guns. I also spot a few smoking craters where other guns must have once stood.
“Who are you?” one of the men call out, lifting his gun at me.
“I’m just a traveler,” I say, lifting my hands, “see, no clockwork here.”
The other soldiers look at me wearily before the one in charge motions for the others to lower their guns.
“Did you bring this thing down?” he asked.
“Tore up its gear box and stopped the repair bot,” I nodded, “even checked for others incase there was more than one.”
“Turns out there was, but your fire bent the frame just enough to wedge it into its compartment,” the harmony added dryly.
“Wait,” the youngest of the men asked, his eyes wide with surprise, “you didn’t damage the main computation banks?”
“Not unless your fire damaged them,” I shrugged.
“That means… all the misalignment cards are still in place!”
“What are you getting at?” the leader asked.
“If we can find the right one, we just might be able to modify it into a shutdown command!”
“That would only stop one vehicle,” the Harmony pointed out, “you’d need a way to propagate the message through the whole network.”
“Ok, who’s speaking?” the leader asked before the young soldier could respond.
“This is my companion,” I said, gesturing to the crystals hovering over my shoulder, “the Harmony.”
“You’re an odd one,” the man said before sighing, “alright, get the boys in here to raid this thing. Card things or not we need the supplies.”
***** Discord - Patreon *****
((tl;dr: the canonical ending of factorio))
((Side note, if anyone makes a steampunk factorio mod I will play the shit out of it))
submitted by Arceroth to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:25 EtevaldaClose My Arlechino experience! ❤️

Hey guys! So I hope there's no toxic comments on this post. I also don't know how long I can write, but this post will be very long.
So, as an AR 60 in the late of the late game, I do a lot of testing... Like a real lot, I test every artifact set that I can get, every team and every different possibility a character can have.
So, lately I decided to use Echoes of an offering as my Arlechino artifact set.
Yes I know about the ping thing, so I searched a lot about it and also, as always I tested it in various different ways. My ping is always at 140 - 160 never gets lower, sometimes gets higher. And I've found no problems with this set on her with this ping. I only found problems at 300 or higher pings.
Back to echoes, I didn't have her set to compare with it so I decided to use a damage calculator, I put my echoes status in there, number by number, and also went inside the game to test and see if the numbers matched. They did, so I know that damage calculator worked.
Then I put the same status, number by number but with her signature set instead, the new artifact. It won on damage for the first few seconds, but it lost for the entirety of the rest of the rotation.
So where her set gives her good damage on her third hit and a bit after, echoes gave her more dame after the third hit. And the final difference was between 2000/1000 damage in total, which is basically no difference right?
So I tested more weapons and teams to compare these two builds.
Turns out Echoes was way better for Arlechinos without her signature weapon, and specially in teams of vaporize.
Her set wins in Chevreuse and mono pyro teams without her signature weapon.
But with her signature, her set wins in every team.
Also, I tested Candace without her C6 With Arle , and the damage was higher in every vaporize team. Comparing to Kazuha or Yunjin. (just a reminder, My Candace has 45K hp)
I wanted to share this because a lot of people seem to be struggling on building her and I wanted to help.
Remember: I'm not saying that every single arlechino should use this set now, I'm just sharing my experience with it and saying how it felt. I believe you can build your character to however you like and however is most comfortable for you. But for the people who want maximum capability, I hope this post serves as some kind of inspiration to use echoes on her.
submitted by EtevaldaClose to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:32 Delevia Is it normal for almost every server to be above 150 ping?

I haven't been able to find a single server that's less than 150 ping. Will this be an issue?
Edit: Does the game run well on high ping?
submitted by Delevia to HellLetLoose [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:42 CaptainDismay What the Defense is NOT saying about the bullet

Understandably, Odinists, confessions and phone pings have taken centre stage in discussions about this case in recent months. I was always interested in how the ballistics evidence could be argued in court, but it was never a make or break moment for me. It's definitely taken a back seat recently, too easily dismissed as "junk science" - (just a note to say I'm not arguing it's not junk science, but I am willing to see the analysis that has been done before deciding whether it has any substance in this case).
However, it got me thinking that the Defense has very rarely referenced the bullet. We know they are not afraid at throwing utter rubbish out there, so you think they'd jump at every opportunity to mention the "junk science" and how this in no way links RA to the crime scene. But unless I have forgotten something, and that's entirely possible with the amount of filings in this case, they have not done this.
December 2022 - press release
“The probable cause affidavit seems to suggest that a single magic bullet is proof of Rick’s guilt. It is a bit premature to engage in any detailed discussions regarding the veracity of this evidence until more discovery is received, but it is safe to say that the discipline of tool-mark identification (ballistics) is anything but a science. The entire discipline has been under attack in courtrooms across this country as being unreliable and lacking any scientific validity. We anticipate a vigorous legal and factual challenge to any claims by the prosecution as to the reliability of its conclusions concerning the single magic bullet."
I believe the above statement was made prior to having reviewed any discovery, but it shows an initial impression that the bullet is not good evidence.
June 13 2023 - motion in limine regarding ballistics
This doesn't really say a lot and has no evidence to support it but the gist is the science is not reliable and the analysis should not be allowed in trial. It was dismissed in January 2024.
Post September 2023 filings
Ever since this, the Defense has been trying really hard to get "the fruits of an illegal search warrant" thrown out. This has been the basis of their numerous Franks motions. The bullet is rarely brought up now, but when it has it has been to raise doubt about the chain of custody (Franks Memo 1) or within filings trying to suppress RA's October 26 interview. This was the interview following the analysis of the bullet and certainly includes discussion about RA's gun/bullet and there being no way someone else could have had access to the gun. Very problematic if the analysis turns out to be legit.
Now I may be entirely wrong here, but it got me wondering if the ballistics evidence is more damning that we thought/hoped? The Defense couldn't get the bullet and analysis thrown out by itself but are now doing everything they can do to get rid of it by questioning probable cause and the disputed false claims by which LE obtained the search warrant. Why have they not included any further references in filings to junk science? Why have they not mentioned the markings being inconsistent with RA's gun, if it's true? They were certainly happy to point out how RA is inconsistent with BB's description of YBG and the car parked by CPS.
Interested to know what others think. Also let me know if the Defense have specifically mentioned the ballistics recently and I've just overlooked it.
submitted by CaptainDismay to Delphitrial [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:28 KaiserSA Slow WiFi

For a while now, my pc has been really slow with download speeds and on-and-off high ping in video games. My phone and fiancé’s pc both hit 10x the speed of my pc on speed tests, all in the same room, and not a single piece of my computers hardware is the same as when I first started having these issues. The only time it’s ever had no issues was when I plugged it into an Ethernet cable, which isn’t possible in my current apartment. I’ve even checked the background applications to see if anything using up bandwidth, but the only applications running are chrome and either my game are steam when I’m updating a game. I have no idea what the issue could be, please help
submitted by KaiserSA to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:20 Goyeeto Is ‘follow recoil’ inaccurate or am I just getting ping diffed?

I don’t have clips but I always play with follow recoil on and during a match earlier, it felt like it just wasn’t accurate at all. I’d be trying to spray people down, managing to keep the crosshair pretty perfectly center mass, plenty of time to get shots off, but they just wouldn’t die. Then when I die it says I didn’t hit them a single time (I noticed this most often with the galil.) I’m on 80 ping pretty consistently. Is this probably because of my ping or is follow recoil just not very accurate?
submitted by Goyeeto to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:07 burners2020933 How to setup fb campaigns: From a $10M marketer

Hey guys, I used to work at a private equity marketing agency that bought, scaled, and sold DTC e-commerce, SAAS, info & digital product online brands and I was a media buyer. I have over $10M worth of spend under my belt for clients, and have worked with multiple 7-8 figure online companies.
Today I will give a breakdown on how to set up your campaigns to get the best results.
If you didn’t know, the way marketing works is a funnel. It’s very hard to get people to purchase something without seeing it more than once. Especially if it’s an expensive item. I have a lot of advanced strategies also, feel free to comment or ping me if you want to learn with me. All I ask is you teach me something in return!
This is how the funnel looks:
Top of Funnel (TOF) Middle of Funnel (MOF) Bottom of Funnel (BOF) Loyalty (LOY)
This is the way we do it for literally every single client.
Yes, each of these are campaigns you need to make in Facebook EXCEPT if you are launching a product from scratch.
If you are starting to advertise something new, you only need a TOF campaign. This structure works for all campaign objectives.
You have to “fill up the funnel”. Run TOF for a month, then you can think about making a MOF/BOF campaign, because at that point you have a warmer audience
The differentiator for all these campaigns is the exclusions. You will need to make sure your pixel is setup properly. You can search this on YouTube
Listed below are the exclusions:
TOF INCLUDE: nothing EXCLUDE: 90 day Facebook page engagers, 90 day Instagram engagers, 180 day all website visitors, and 180 day website purchasers.
MOF: INCLUDE: 90 day Facebook page engagers, 90 day Instagram engagers EXCLUDE: 180 day all website visitors, 180 day purchasers
BOF: INCLUDE: 180 day web visitors EXCLUDE: 180d purchasers
LOY: INCLUDE: 180 day purchasers EXCLUDE: none
I know this sounds complex but it’s not really when you study it and break it down step by step, campaign by campaign. This is just the tip of the iceberg there’s a lot more to it.
For the advanced fb marketers, yes I know about 3:2:2 and broad targeting no exclusions. Will make another post about that campaign structure.
This campaign funnel setup still works really well. 60% budget should go to TOF and rest to other campaigns if you have customers already
If you’re new and just starting to run ads I’d say do 100% budget at TOF, then do 80% once you have a MOF/BOF audience
Comment if you have any questions
TL;DR: This is how you setup Facebook campaigns like multi 7 and 8 figure businesses.
submitted by burners2020933 to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:15 MyspaceMafia Frontiersman (Part 3)

Frontiersman No. 0012: Duke Collins
Screaming, Demands, Orders. Those are the sorts of things you expect when you have a weapon pointed in your face, but out here, in the void of space, and with no contact with the one pointing this weapon, we simply stared at each other in silence. I slowly raised my hands to shoulder height, palms out, in an attempt to show that I meant no harm. In silence we waited, as the second being inside of the ship crawled out of the airlock. They seemed panicked, and once outside, they looked around, before also pointing their weapon in my direction. Then they began... to drift. I saw them panic for a moment, which made things worse, and they were soon tumbling backwords, albeit slowly, away from both vessels, still held in place by the mining drones. With a slow wave of my hand, I gestured to the first... Alien? Person? That their colleague was slowling escaping them. They glanced over their should and began to panic as well, but kept their weapon trained on me. With very slow movements, I brought one hand to my wrist and used the interface on my suit to task a drone to retrieve the distressed being, now flailing slightly as they floated away. Despite the gun still pointed my way, I couldn't help but chuckle a little. The ship had Point defense turrets for breaking up small debris, and I know Aerie wouldn't leave me hanging. Glancing over their shoulder, the first person, i'll stick with person, seemed to let go a sigh of relief as they saw the drone brining their companion back to us. With that, they tentatively lowered their weapon, giving me some sort of nod or bow, it was difficult to tell.
As the drone deposited the second person back near the airlock, they wheeled their weapon up at me once more, only to have the first one reach over and place their arm across theirs, lowering them. With that, I gestured towards my ship with the open airlock. "Hey Aerie," I asked, "Could you please tap into their comms, if possible? Try to decypher their language, and if you can, put something on the display in the ship to communicate the atmosphere contents inside? Something they may be able to understand."
"Understood, the graphs are displayed now, and their communications, at least in those suits, are laughably basic, I've been taking language samples since before they left the ship." Aerie replied, and with that, I began moving towards my airlock, and the two creatures followed, after seeming to discuss for a moment. Once inside the ship, I relaxed. I gestured to a display showing a simple numbers chart using dots, a periodic table, and lastly a graph referring to Oxygen and Nitrogen on the table, signifying percentages. I know for a fact I would never be able to pick this stuff up, but it seems that after review and discussing it for a bit, they seemed to understand, because the one that managed to not drift into space hesitantly reached up and began to remove their helmet.
As the helmet came off, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. I already assumed I was dealing with some sort of alien, or at least a long lost human colony, due to how similar the anatomy seemed within their suits, but what I was looking at was a real life alien! If human facial structure was anything to go by, then this one was female. She was tall, with a light green skin that seemed extremely smooth. They would look like a bad accident with powder paint if it wasn't for the lack of hair, which was instead replaced with rows of fins that traced around her head and ended down at her nape. She turned to me after her helmet was off, and seemed to realize something, as her head cocked to the side, and all of the fins, or frills, on her head raised at once, pointing straight out on the back of her head, and the ones on the top of her head angling slighty upwards, rather than laying flat. I describe all of this objectively, but it's not absurd to say that I found this woman absolutely stunning. A deep breath later, and she turned and said something in her language while gesturing to hear companion. Their tongue sounded like a mix of high pitched trilling combined with the standard throat and tongue sounds of typical human speech, almost like a bird was singing alongside someone speaking a foreign language.
If the first Alien was beautiful, words will not do justice to the second. As they removed their helmet, I was greeted by a second alien, with similar frills and soft looking skin, but theirs was a lighter green color, and they had eyes that were as blue as a clear summer sky. They burned with an intensity as she breathed deeply, and examined me still inside of my suit, her eyes seemed to crawl up and down my frame, examining every detail. She was smaller, with less sharp features on her face, but she was the first to smile at me after a moment, and give a bow.
I was completely dumbstruck. I had no idea what to do in the face of a situation like this. I ended up returning the bow as my head swam. Not because they were cute, you animals, but because of the situation. This was first contact! To my knowledge, humanity has not yet met another race, and here I am, 86 jumps from Terran space, face to face with two real life aliens!
"Uh.. Aerie? Any word on those translations?" I asked. I was given my answer when the previous display was wiped, and a graphic showing two people talking was shown. I gestured to the two, and pointed at the display. Even if they didn't understand what was intended, it at least got them speaking more, which I believe is what Aerie had wanted. They gesticulated at the display and talked amonst themselves while I watched. They were both still armed, and I wasn't keen on getting comfortable just yet.
After about 10 minutes of me observing them, I heard a ping in my helmet, followed by Aerie, "I am pretty sure I have enough samples to have dissected the language, please give it a try."
Clearing my throat, I called out, "Uhm.. hello? Can you guys understand me?" They both wheeled around to face me, shock on their faces, and as they spoke, I heard their words translated through my helmet.
The tall, larger one spoke first. "Hello, I am shocked, you seem to have translated our language extremely quickly. I am Yorlia," She said, giving a bow. "and this my Liege, Countess Varien of house Gostak."
At this, the smaller alien spoke up while giving a bow. "Thank you for coming to our rescue, please call me Varien. If I may ask, why do you still wear your armor, and of which race are you? Your features seem to elude to you also being a Filorian, yet we have never seen a ship of your make, nor of such power to dispatch our pursuers in a single shot."
"I still wear my armor because you are still armed." I replied. "And no, I am not uh... Filorian. I am Human. You are Humanity's first contact among the stars." At this, they both glanced at each other, seeming to be a little suprised. Slowly, they both placed their weapon on the floor.
"We apologize," Said Varien, "We have had a rough day. Once again, thank you for our rescue, and welcome to the stars. May we have the pleasure now of looking the being who has saved us in the eyes?"
Slowly, I unclasped the latched on my helmet, hearing the familiar hiss of air escaping at I slid the clunky thing off. After placing the helmet under one arm against my hip, both of the Filorians let out a slight gasp, and, too fast for her apparent bodyguard to stop her, Countess Varien strode past her and reached to touch my face. Unsure of how to respond, I ended up standing there as a glove was removed, and Varien was suddenly poking and prodding at my cheeks, and giving my disty brown hair a slight tug.
"Yor, Yor! They look just like us! Just like us but fuzzy! Do all of your kind have fur on your head? Are all of you so lightly colored? Why do you look like us? Do you also have a love for the water? Yor you must touch his fur, you must!" Varien was practically bouncing, and if not for the shock of first contact still running through my system, I'm sure I would have been laughing out loud.
I let out a breath I had been holding. "Let me at least get out of my armor. I can tell this will take awhile."
Without my helmet, my comment fell on deaf ears.
submitted by MyspaceMafia to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:11 mikeoxshrunk I made a tool that chops 8bit mono wav samples into (a max of) 15 32x16 wavetable hex strings

Preface: This is mostly for use with hUGETracker, as it provides the hex as a single string (for throwing into the wave's tab of hUGETracker), and as GBZ80 assembly appropriate hex (i.e: $07,$08,$01,etc), the latter being more focused on throwing directly into a gameboy SDK or into a hUGEtracker routine. The original program is in python but an exe is included which is just "click to run", it will convert all 8bit mono wavs in the included "input" folder, and provide the hex back as multiple CSV files in an "output" folder.
I made this with the idea in mind that I could play samples without actually having to trigger a wav file, and instead can just get however many wavetable codes I need, throw them in a routine in hUGEtracker and rapidly go from the first to the last to simulate a sample in realtime during a song. This part is still a WIP though and I will update the repo with a routine if I can figure out how to get it working. However this will still allow you to get an average value of a sample.
If you use this with a different tracker, i.e Furnace, simply take the assembly appropriate hex, throw it in notepad, ctrl + h and replace the $ with nothing, you can then copy the hex into Furnace. Furnace has a macro feature as well that lets you cycle through wavetables so you could use a workflow like the below
Furnace > New Wavetables (as many as you need) > new instrument > macros > waveform > start from 0 to whatever your last waveform is.
From there you can have it pluck once by just using a volume macro that is timed with your waveform macro with one additional volume entry after your last waveform and set it to 0, or don't mess with volume and set your waveform macro to repeat for long pulses.
No matter which option you choose and which tracker you use, swapping between wavetables will create a noticeable artifact, you could cover this up by lowering the wavetables volume to 50% or having a square pluck or arp trigger at the same time, or even with a carefully planned noise pattern.
If you're not using software that is designed to make tracks that can actually run on GB/GBC or GBA hardware/emulators, this tool probably isn't that helpful as you can probably just play an actual sample that you bitcrushed if you're using a DAW.
submitted by mikeoxshrunk to chiptunes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:32 Rooskibar03 Tap, tap, tap is this thing on?

OK, I know things are bad but 2 1/2 hours without a single ping? Anyone else seeing things this bad?
submitted by Rooskibar03 to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:04 Nevagongup07 Fortnite's Performance has never been the same for me.

I have a 1220U, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD and Intel Iris XE for context. I understand these aren't peak specs but until I build a PC when I have the time (and money) this is it.
I have been playing Fortnite on this laptop since C4S1. Back then and also S2 my performance was very high. I could get up to 120 fps with the right performance mode settings although I was choosing to play DX11 with a 60 fps cap. However, ever since C4S3 these games just been trash performance-wise., I have messed around with every setting to optimize performance. I have downloaded the assets thingy and checked on Epic. My drivers are updated. I have no viruses or malware, my storage is fairly empty. Everything is in order. I can even play other games such as Valourant with good performance. But fartnite doesn't care. No matter what I do it doesn't matter. I thought for a bit it may be my wifi's fault so I got that all set up. My laptop can access ethernet but I have insanely high wifi (in gigabits) so it shouldn't be a problem there. I'm in Canada and use NA-East which tbf is averaging 30-38 ms of ping but that's consistent. What isn't consistent is my gameplay. I average about 30-60 fps which wouldn't be a problem if it was consistent. I drop every second. Ill be in a flight or fright situation and boom, the game freezes. I can not go a single game without stuttering. Not even creatives are safe anymore. Even it slows down. I think the worst I have ever seen it was C4S4 with the game just not loading up assets and crashing 24/7. There was a time where nothing would load and I'd clip into the ground. Sometimes I manage to hit the yin-yang point and boom it runs for like 3 games but then I guess my PC rapidly decays and loses the ability to run those settings as well. It is such a pain. I just rage quit a game cause I was doing so well and it just froze for 1 minute as soon as I heard footsteps. I'm genuinely over it at this point.
submitted by Nevagongup07 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:40 Ok-Mention-1684 Looking

We are offering permanent work-from-home and we are constantly hiring.
Company: Go2.
Available positions are Customer Support, Appointment Setter, and Administrative Assistant
Full-time with an hourly rate of $4 to $8.
Must have at least a year straight experience in a single company.
Must have a device of i3 or Ryzen 3 or higher, RAM of 8GB, and Internet speed of 10 Mbps with ping of less than 80.
We are accepting applicants nationwide.
Send your resume to the email address [](
submitted by Ok-Mention-1684 to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:47 Ok-Mention-1684 Looking for Virtual Assistants (full-time)

We are offering permanent work-from-home and we are constantly hiring.
Company: Go2.
Available positions are Customer Support, Appointment Setter, and Administrative Assistant
Full-time with an hourly rate of $4 to $8.
Must have at least a year straight experience in a single company.
Must have a device of i3 or Ryzen 3 or higher, RAM of 8GB, and Internet speed of 10 Mbps with ping of less than 80.
We are accepting applicants nationwide.
Send your resume to the email address [](
submitted by Ok-Mention-1684 to classifiedsph [link] [comments]