Jennifer ins cursive

Zachary Callens's family was too harsh towards him when they testified against him

2024.05.20 02:04 unmatched_chopsticks Zachary Callens's family was too harsh towards him when they testified against him

I don't think this is a very popular issue, but reading the article mirrored Jennifer Pan's situation. As a starter, Zachary Callens was a kid who killed his parents after being grounded due to his refusal to do homework and fear of being sent to public school. Before his murdering spree took place, I noticed that he had a very deep resentment towards his father according to his psychological reports in relation to his schoolwork, but nothing towards his mother. Instantly, this reminded me of how I felt towards my father, because of his limits on my video games when I was younger on the weekdays due to my weariness on studying all the time. The fact that Callens's relationship with his father was painted in visible light made me wonder if something was going on. However, any third party sources outside of the news have painted him in a lot of bad light talking about how he was an ungrateful brat who killed his parents. I get this isn't an uncommon case of grounding, but the murder just makes me think something more is going on. Honestly, as much as I was disappointed with what Zachary did, I was more disappointed in his family, because none of them stepped up to plead leniency for him.
submitted by unmatched_chopsticks to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:47 Dumbtechguy2 What kind of grammar question is this called?

Bluebook Practice #3
I heard that the math is usually harder on the real one than the practice tests; Is the ela on the practice tests representative of what you'll see on the actual test tho?
submitted by Dumbtechguy2 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:59 JE_Skeets John wrote the first 2 reviews for "One, Two Many" on Rotten Tomatoes (5 stars of course). Only he would mention the writer (John) first, name the credits for everyone and end it with "Good job, john". So obviously his writing style. Plus, both user profiles have only given this one review on RT.

John wrote the first 2 reviews for submitted by JE_Skeets to DabblersAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:58 Y2KBaby99 [Weekend Trivia] Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005): Classic 2000s or Modern 2000s movie?

Released in the summer of 2005, it stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as a married couple, who are both secret assassins working for their respective agencies and later finding out that they’re assigned to kill each other. Is “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” a classic 2000s film? Or a modern 2000s flick?
IMO, this is a modern 2000s movie. This movie was the beginning of a long and successful relationship between Brad and Angelina. Many people would later named this couple “Brangelina”. When Brad dumped Jennifer Aniston (Classic 00s) for Angelina (Modern 00s), it became a big deal for Hollywood and the entire entertainment industry. But also the movie visually looked like any other movie from the modern 2000s era.
submitted by Y2KBaby99 to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:26 Jus1726 [TOMT][CHARACTER] Female Lawyer from Animated Video

This statue comes from ArtSpear Entertainment's animated video "FANFICTASIA - Penultimategame Pt 1". It's a hallway that contains statues of famous lawyers including Elle Woods, Harvey Dent, Atticus Finch, Saul Goodman, Lt. Daniel Kaffee, and Jack McCoy. This one, however, I can't identify. It could be Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk), but I can't find any instance of her wearing the sunglasses she wears on the statue.
The video in question:
At the 14:02 mark
submitted by Jus1726 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:16 tropicalphysics Golf is a game in which scores of players walk leisurely around 72 holes and in the end, Nelly Korda wins (her 6th LPGA event of 2024)

She overcame twice 2024 winner Hannah Green on the last hole when the latter's suboptimal play succumbed to a decisive bogey.
In T3: two Thais Ariya J and Chanettee W, alongside Gabi Ruffels and Jennifer Kupcho.
submitted by tropicalphysics to golf [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:14 bootstrap_this Stone quarry workman, 1890’s 🇸🇪

Stone quarry workman, 1890’s 🇸🇪
Came across this interesting photo from an unknown photographer of a Swedish worker. There is a cursive Swedish inscription on the right which starts with, “A warm greeting from your brother Winne.” My dyslexia makes it very difficult for me to deal with cursive, and much of it is faint. If anyone else wants to have a go: In the collection of the Järnsvägtmuseet, Gävle.
submitted by bootstrap_this to RandomVictorianStuff [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:36 No-Replacement-5256 [TOMT] [movie] 2000s ghost movie/teen drama

[TOMT] [TV-Movie] Im looking for a tv movie Starring someone famous like Jennifer Love hewitt or Brittney Murphy as a teenage girl who drowns in a pool, she meets another ghost of a middle age man in the afterlife that tells her that there’s a way to get back. This man has a mustsche There’s a scene of her funeral where she witness her father throw her Boyfriend out as he blames him for her death. The movie came out like 2001-2007
submitted by No-Replacement-5256 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:32 Historical-Speech103 [GA] [MT]Anyone willing to provide assistance with proper further steps to take regarding rep payee funds and identity theft?

I'm an adult disabled child and have had a representative payee until the beginning of this year. Currently living in Montana but unable to receive the level of assistance I require from local groups due to the age and jurisdiction. This is regarding misappropriation of funds and identity theft with one of my previous payees from 2017-2021. As an adult disabled child with a representative payee I was informed that I could have no direct access to any form of money myself both by SSA when I received my award and by both of the representative payees I previously had. They would either give me cash without me having knowledge of available balance or directly give me a credit or debit card with instructions on what I was authorized to purchase that I would then surrender once I returned. Sometime during 2017 I made my then girlfriend Jennifer Jackson my payee. She recommended building credit for me and I authorized her to open two credit accounts on my behalf which she would manage with my social Security funds. The two accounts were PayPal and Capital One. The only updates that I ever received were verbal confirmation that they were paid and at some time in 2018 or early 2019 she showed me a printout of my credit report which listed my credit as over 700. Approximately 2-21, I was experiencing a panic attack and mental disturbance while being harassed by Miss Jackson while she was driving my vehicle. I wanted to go home. She refused and continued to harass me while attempting to force me to contact associates about procuring opioids for her because she was in withdrawals. I struck her twice in the arm. At that time she took me home. The police were called and I was arrested. A restraining order was placed in which she told the judge that she was completely dependent on my home, my vehicles and my income as her only form of support. This was unfactual as she also received roughly the same amount as me in SSI whereas I receive SSDI, and all bills were split between her myself my father and my stepmother. Each of our shares were approximately $350 a month as can be attested to on the financial reports supplied to social Security and the Georgia welfare programs. I was not allowed access to any monies from social Security from that date until my father was made my payee approx 7-22. I had no access to my family lawyer for several months due to this. Upon release I discovered that she had sold the vehicle that she was awarded use of by the restraining order. Her ex husband informed me of this via Facebook messenger which I received upon release. During the conversation to him I threatened legal repercussions and asked him to talk to her regarding where my car was and the money she had received and was arrested for harassment/stalking. The beginning of this year I was awarded control of my own finances for the first time. Upon doing so I discovered a total of three items in collections on my credit report totaling approximately $2,600. Portfolio recovery services (Capital One): $694 Midland credit management (Synchrony Bank): $1028 LVNV Funding LLC (Credit One Bank): $880 They will be removed from my report approximately the beginning of 2026. I am unsure how much money she collected on my behalf as social Security has been extremely difficult to work with me in any way regarding this matter. The original SSA office I spoke to, Barrow County, informed me that because we "lived together as man and wife" that she had full rights to any SSA funds even though we were not married and she was my payee. Several organizations have expressed outrage at the "blunt lie" of that statement as Georgia has not have any form of common law in many many years. I have spoken with social Security Representatives regarding this since I moved to Montana and was informed that it was at minimum inappropriate but likely illegal for her to attain credit on my behalf even with my knowledge as she was only authorized to manage social Security funds. This is a drastically different statement from when I was first awarded disability with a payee. I have also filed 2 reports with social Security regarding the misappropriation of funds but have thus far gotten no response. The first verbally when I was released from prison approximately 7-22 in person at the Barrow county social Security office. The second at the behest of my therapist, local social workers, and Disability Rights Montana was filed electronically approximately 2 months ago. I have contacted the Barrow county Police and filed a report. I have also contacted the three credit reporting agencies about this but no changes were made except to update with "customer disputes: meets Fair Credit reporting standards". I added a consumer statement to explain the situation of the debt reflected on my credit report as well. My previous lawyer, Macklin Smith (Deceased), informed me that any contact with her would likely end with more charges even if it was a lawsuit(because of the previous contact with her ex husband regarding the car and money and threat of lawsuit) and advised me to wait until the restraining order had expired to proceed. I would be satisfied with these items removed from my credit history. If the only way to do that is through civil or criminal litigation then I am comfortable doing so now that the restraining order is expired. I have sent letters to both the original creditors and the collection agencies that has since acquired the debt as well stating the same information as this post and stating that it is not an admission of debt ownership or permission to contact me regarding collections. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
submitted by Historical-Speech103 to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:28 PopeyeBlaster Cursive for italics?

Cursive for italics?
My handwriting is atrocious, I’m well aware of this. I haven’t written much in my life, but I’ve recently tried my hand (no pun intended) at writing a light fantasy story just for fun.
I’ve found that, when I want a character put a little stank on a word, I write the word in cursive instead of my usual print. Whenever I tried to actually slant the word like you’re supposed to, it ended up looking and feeling awkward to write, so I just kinda did my own thing. I like it though!
Anybody else do this when they’re writing?
submitted by PopeyeBlaster to Handwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:27 bookaccro Actual villainous heroes (fantasy romance edition)

ACOTAR and Fourth wing (spoilers ahead) . .
I just finished Fourth wing (really enjoyed it actually. Thought I’d be a hater cause it was pretty hyped but it ticked all the right boxes)
But I found myself not one moment convinced by Xanden’s act as villain. I mean he could have impaled someone and I’d still have believed in his good.
When I read ACOTAR I really was stumped by Rhysand’s evolution to hero, I didn’t see it coming and I enjoyed that revelation (poor Tamlin). However now it seems lIke it’s the way things are now. Casteel (Jennifer L’antremont), Cardan (Holly Black) and others I can’t quite remember now.
I’m just curious if anyone has any recommendations for actual villainous heroes or at least morally ambiguous ones? I’m thinking Spike from Buffy, Jean Claude from Anita Blake?
submitted by bookaccro to RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:26 AngieAJ In need of a bud who can trade and worship Jennifer Lopez with me about regularly! Dms open

In need of a bud who can trade and worship Jennifer Lopez with me about regularly! Dms open submitted by AngieAJ to JenniferLopezMILF [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:12 G_snows WEEKLY META RECAP [05/13 - 05/19]

WEEKLY META RECAP [05/13 - 05/19]
Art by Chrysaetos
Every week, I’ll be compiling into a post everything (mostly) that happened within that timeframe! The goal of this post is to inform and open a place to discuss current events of the server. Previous meta recaps are located here. Of course, if I miss anything, please leave a comment!


  • Motorcycles can be bought at PDM now!
Here is a couple of them: ‎ ‎ Dinka Kuroi ($40,000) Principe Diabolus ($62,400) Western Motor Cycle Company Lost MC ($32,800) Western Motor Cycle Company Rat Bike ($14,400) Western Motor Cycle Company Zombie Bagger ($16,000) Western Motor Cycle Company Zombie Chopper ($31,200)
  • Emote Creation Showcase!
D4N1ELLE showcased the emote creation for the server, where any prop can be used for the creation of an emote! ‎ ‎ ‎ Timestamp A lot of the emotes here are ready to be implemented!


  • Levi Tarantino has been promoted to the rank of Snr. Deputy within the LSSD (shift 3). ‎
  • Sgt. Louis Bloom has officially transferred to the Los Santos Police Department, as the lead of DPPD. ‎ ‎
  • Snr. Officer Newton Weems has officially transferred to the Los Santos Police Department, as a part of DPPD. ‎ ‎ ‎
  • Snr. Lead Officer Lana Gray has officially transferred to the Los Santos Police Department, as a part of DPPD. ‎ ‎
  • Ramona "Raptor" Celeste (Hedisaurus) has been promoted to Full Deputy. Callsign 3-I-05. ‎
  • Corporal Robert Scanlan (AaronOnAir) has transferred from the SAHP to the LSSD. ‎ ‎
  • Jack Daniels (fubarftgg) will be transferred from the LSPD to the LSSD. ‎ ‎
  • Jennifer Fox (Eleanorsaur) has joined LSPD with the callsign of 3-J-99. ‎ + Alexander Ruiz has passed his final eval and promoted to Officer in LSPD. Callsign 3-J-33
  • Wayne Thunder has been terminated
Deputy Thunder (Bananaduck), recently hired (2 days ago), has been fired after stockpiling PD weapons, refusing to talk to officers about complaints and fleeing on a stolen jet ski.
Start of "chase";
Contents of the trunk of Bloom's car that Wayne placed (the guns come back to him);
Contents of his locker (guns also come back to him);
A warrant has been place for his arrest;
Command report for his firing.
Wayne was already being investigated for the following incident:
Command report: "Wayne Thunder drags handcuffed suspect to LSSD gun range and places him amongst the targets..."


Big Updates soon to the Hospital

In a meeting organized by Governor Jerry Callow, it was announced all the upcoming items/changes to the Hospital.Here are some notes:
  • New Meds: ;
  • New MRI machine;
  • Doctors might be getting their panic buttons;
  • EMS/Docs are getting bags to help with meds that will help overloaded inventory;
  • Stretchers;
  • Normal Wheelchairs;
  • Goggles, Latex Gloves, and Respirator;
  • EMS Helicopter;
  • According to Jerry Callow, a pay raise is underway as well.
Ketamine Delivery
Packages of Ketamine were set to be delivered from the docks, to the Hospital. However, in the middle of its route, the shipment was stolen by several Marabunta members. Officers have been notified of this crime and are actively looking for the green armored truck ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Some of the Ketamine has been distributed to others.


  • Legislative Update
Bail Reform - Section 004 General Conditions of Bail and Parole
The legislation pertaining to bail and/or parole has been fully rewritten, including (1) the removal of automatic bail, (2) an increase in the initial bond percentage payment (10% to 20%), (3) a lowering of bail amounts, and (4) the addition of "advanced" parole conditions when more serious offenses are alleged, among other changes.
There is an expectation the bail may be granted frequently as the accused in a court of law are presumed innocent until their guilt is proven before a court of law. However, more serious uniform conditions are required where more heinous offenses are alleged with probable cause. Full, re-written code.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
‎ Section 003 of the San Andreas Parking Code has been amended to include the following:
‎ ‎ State Occupation Vehicles:
State Occupation Vehicles (mechanic vans, tow trucks, sanitation trucks, etc.) shall be exempt from the Motor Vehicle Offenses and Citations and the State of San Andreas Parking and Motor Vehicle Code while reasonably carrying out the functions of their occupation.
‎ ‎ Section 011 Commercial Drivers Licenses has been amended:
Reducing the points required for license suspension from four (4) to three (3).
  • Gavin Joy has been promoted to the rank of Supreme Justice within the DOJ.
With this promotion, Article 1 of the Constitution has been amended to allow for 4 Supreme Justices, instead of 3.
Judge -> Justice
Elizabeth Devereaux (LuckyxMoon)
Nora Dupres (JPKMoto)
Bertrand Prescott (Purpose2)
  • James Bird has been suspended and demoted
Following multiple complaints from officers and a bar complaint, James Bird has been suspended for two weeks from the DA's office and demoted to the rank of Junior Prosecutor. Lawyers are being distributed to the cases he is currently on. ‎ ‎ Talk between Skyler, Pennyworth, Pike and James Bird. During this talk, Bird also informed he will be on a LOA.
He later handed in his letter of resignation.
  • Franklin Dupont has had his bar un-suspended
Franklin Dupont (frankie_fangs) has two weeks to provide a presentation on proper court decorum. Timestamp


You can find all currently scheduled court cases in this link.
Here are some highlights:
  • The State v Abner Vaca et al.:
Abner Vaca: 14 years in Bolingbroke/14 parole $30,0000
Mike Block: 25 years in Bolingbroke/25 parole, on apprehension. $45,0000
Bodie Block: 10 years in Bolingbroke/7 parole $20,0000
MinJun Kwon: 25 years in Bolingbroke/25 parole, on apprehension. $45,0000 ‎ ‎ ‎
Defendants have been found guilty of Terrorism and Accessory to Murder, after the fact. Baby Block has been found guilty of Escaping Prison. ‎ Full Ruling.
  • San Andreas Medical Authority v Stanley Pritchett
Pritchett has been found liable for the repair of the MRI machine at the hospital
Full ruling.


  • Fish has been apprehended and placed on a HUT
A search and Seizure warrant was signed for the apprehension of Fish, due to multiple documented acts of violence towards the people of Los Santos. During a court case (Pike Judson V Fish), Fish was apprehended by officers and escorted to Bolingbroke, where a special cell for the dog was made (view below).
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ The case related:
‎ ‎ ‎ The State v Louis Baton et al.
Judges: Ray Montag, Thomas Muller and Gavin Joy;
Date: Saturday, May 21, 2024 7:30 PM EST;
‎ ‎ ‎ Louis Baton:
‎ Animal Cruelty (Major) x1; Involuntary Manslaughter x2.
‎ ‎ ‎ Fish the dog:
The State requests that Fish is considered by the courts to be subject to be "destroyed" due to its consistent and recorded violent nature.
Full docket post.
  • Motorcycle Licenses are now being officially offered to the people of Los Santos, by the DMV.
Price: $600;
Announced during the DMV Block Party.
‎ The Street in front of the DMV was closed for this event.
Music portion, by Karnage Barsman (Karnage_de)
  • The Lost - Coke delivery
Two weeks ago, the Lost was given a task, by the Las Venturas MC, to deliver 5 bricks of cocaine, of the highest quality, at the docks, in exchange for things they weren't privy to, but told it was well worth it. More Context.
‎ ‎
For this delivery, the Lost got: ‎ 4 guns with no serial number; ‎ $12k ‎ Axel Blackwood was also given a 1/1 motorcycle (image below). ‎ A new partnership between the two gangs has formed. The next delivery will be 15 bricks of cocaine, for an even bigger reward.
  • The first Los Santos execution
Norman Jayden has been decapitated. He was found guilty of Mayhem (Major) and begged for his own execution on stand. This was carried out by Doctor Quimbley Hayabusa, at Bolingbroke.
  • The Del Perro Plaza is now under construction
Multiple stores have been closed off for construction in Boulevard Del Perro. Businesses will be opened to the public soon, similar to store-fronts. ‎ ‎ ‎ LocationMyles_Away at the locationSpace Inside
  • Myles teases the comeback of Stubble with a trailer
  • The arrival of the Police Bikes is today (05/19)
A new message was received by the police announcing the arrival of the PD motorcycles on the island. The estimated time is ~8 hours.
submitted by G_snows to RPClipsONX [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:03 jacket010 he wants to WHAT NOW?

he wants to WHAT NOW? submitted by jacket010 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:02 jacket010 he wants to what now???

submitted by jacket010 to bitlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:50 Isra_Njoy The Fisherman Returns in a New ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ Movie

For those who don’t know, this feature film is based on a novel of the same name by writer Louis Duncan. It was written by Kevin Williamson (the same guy who did Scream), and its cast is headed by young stars of the time like: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy), Freddie Prince Jr., or Jennifer Love Hewitt. I don’t want to forget the small role that actor Johnny Galecki (Leonard in The Big Bang Theory) has.
submitted by Isra_Njoy to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:39 Housedeep2682 + 300 song dm for trade

  1. Coming Back For You Vidojean PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  2. Out Of Touch keinemusik ( unreleased)
  3. A Keeper - Drake Keinemusik ( unreleased)
  4. Abdel Kader (Mont Rouge Remix)
  5. Abra - Feel (&ME Remix) ( unreleased)
  6. Adele & Tayllor-Set fire to the rain X Talking drums
  7. Alex Wann - My Love ( unreleased )
  8. alex wann - peperuke ( unreleased )
  9. by myself (unreleased)
  10. Byron Messia - Talibans PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  11. Coldplay - Viva La Vida
  12. Day N Night - Remix ( unreleased )
  13. Drake - Flights Booked
  14. Drake - Get it Together ft Black Coffee & Jorja Smith (Samson Remix)
  15. Drake - Passionfruit (Kawz & Tolex Afro Tribute)
  16. Drake - Rich Baby Daddy (Remix Southcent)
  17. Drake - Slime You Out
  18. Drake & Rampa - Virgil Forever ( unreleased )
  19. Drake, Rihanna - Take Care
  20. Eran Hersh & Anorre
  21. Fragma - Tocas Miracle (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Remix)
  22. Freed From Desire unreleased remix ( choujaa )
  23. WAIT FOR U Mont Rouge Remix ( unreleased )
  24. Gypsy Woman (Rampa Edit) ( unreleased )
  25. Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for Tonight (Jamey Williams Remix)
  26. Keinemusik Cezaramina ( unreleased )
  27. Kolinga -Kongo Samin (remix) ( unreleased )
  28. Lana Del Rey - summertime
  29. Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers (Addal Remix)
  30. Moojo - Vamonos Mas que Nada (Jonni Gil)
  31. Maz, Maxi Meraki, Apache - Nothing On Me X Baby Again
  32. Mont Rouge, Meloko, Utli x Destiny's Child - Say My Name
  33. Moojo, Caiiro - NGWINO ( unreleased )
  34. Moon J - Collateral Damage ( unreleased )
  35. Mwaki (feat Sofiya Nzau)
  36. Natiruts - Sorri, Sou Rei (ft. Sonia Savinell)
  37. Nelly Furtado - Say It Right (Faros Remix)
  38. Nobody
  39. Paradise Played by Keinemusik
  40. Peru
  41. Rolling In The Deep - Francis Mercier Remix ( unreleased )
  42. Say My Name ( unreleased)
  43. Set Fire To The Rain - Adameyo
  44. The Weeknd - Popular PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  45. The Weeknd, Moojo - Secret ID x Creepin ( unreleased )
  46. Travis Scott - I Know
  47. Tyla - Water (Marcel Serrano Edit)
  48. Umbrella - Sonny Noto Remix
  49. Wish i didnt miss you (Ft Jodie G)
  50. &ME - Losing GARDEN
  51. UNKLE - ONLY YOU (&ME Remix)
  52. Sativa (Daveartt Remix)
  53. Belief - Super Flu
  54. Antony P X Julie - Welcome To The Diamond Aura (C.Sorrentino & Tom S )
  55. Corpo-e-Canção
  56. Bad For You
  57. HUGEL, Alex Wann - Forever In My Mind
  58. 7 seconds (Moojo remix)
  59. Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Ikerfoxx (ES) Remix
  60. Maz VXSION - Amana (Original Mix) (Unreleased)
  61. Slow Down (VXSION Remix)
  62. MoBlack, Benja, Franc Fala - Yamore
  63. Nitefreak & emmanuel jal - Gorah
  64. Overnight- keinemusik
  65. Keinemusik (feat. Amr Diab) Noor Al Ain & The rapture part II
  66. the rapture x passionfruit
  67. Oyé Oyé [UNRELEASED]
  68. afeto
  69. Journey (Black Coffe) - UNRELEASED
  70. Victor Alc - Sudamérica
  71. Jovem Dionisio - Pontos de Exclamação (VXSION Remix)
  72. CamelPhat - Home (Samm (BE) & Ajna (BE) Remix)
  73. O Amor Te Dá (VXSION & Sone. Remix)
  74. 8A - 120 - Maz, Antdot - Run
  75. Collé - Kupata feat Nes Mburu
  76. Drake - Finesse (Antdot Remix)
  77. Classy 101 (Maz, VXSION Extended Edi
  78. Arodes & Fahlberg - She Asked Me To Dance
  79. Omah Lay - soso (JOSEPH Remix)
  80. Reekado Banks, Adekunle Gold & Maleek Berry - Feel Different (Chris IDH Remix radio edit)
  82. Kimotion - Ya habibi yalla
  83. A kepper drake - moojo
  84. Drake - One Dance (Peace Control Remix)
  85. Yamê Bécane - Kimotion
  86. Confession (ALX YAV Remix)
  87. Malive, Luiza Gogoia, Morgado - Quinta
  88. ilanga &Me Edit 3
  89. ! SHIK SHAK SHOK (master 2)
  90. Drake & Jorja Smith - Get it Together (VXSION Remix)
  91. Caiiro - No One
  92. Black Coffee & David Guetta featuring Delilah Montagu - Drive (Da Capo Dub Touch)
  93. Stromae - Papaoutai (Francis Mercier Remix)
  94. Jaguar Jaguar - Born In Blue (Chambord Remix)
  95. Carlita, Mojoo - Havana
  96. Unforgettable-French-Montana
  97. Keinemusik - Two Lost Kings
  98. KOO KOO FUN - (Kimotion x RAY Remix)
  99. Zulumke- Da Capo Afro Dub2
  100. Moojo feat Awen - Giant Final Mix Master
  102. Mont Rouge(CH) - Tamale
  103. Jorja Smith - Rose Rouge (Moojo Remix)
  104. Badbwoy x Hoodia - Veneno
  105. ! Moojo , Carlita ft Gabsy - Macaron vfinal
  106. ! Vidojean X Oliver Loenn - Satisfaction Afro V.2
  107. Chris IDH - Sunray
  108. Moojo, Caiiro, Adassiya - Deep in Love
  109. Black Coffee, Rampa - MAMAKUSA
  110. Ankhoï - Another Hallelujah (Mont Rouge Private Edit)
  111. Salif Keita - Madan (Badbwoy Remix)
  112. Daughter Of The Sun (Ankhoi Remix)
  113. Kanye West - Love Lockdown (Vidojean & Oliver Loenn Remix)
  115. Save Your Tears (Alex Wann Remix) MASTER
  116. Moojo - Attitude
  117. Moojo - Rain (Instrumental)
  118. Moojo , Da Capo ft Tabia - What u desire ( vocal mix )
  119. Moojo ft Gabsy - Ze Roberto
  120. Coldplay x Notre Dame - Adventure of a Lifetime x Emowe (dela sur Mashup)
  121. Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Choujaa & Epsylon Remix)
  122. More Life x Drake (CAIEL Over The Top Edit)
  123. Black Coffee - Juju feat Zakes Bantwini (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Escalation Remix)
  124. Masšh & Adam Port feat. Ninae - All I Got (Original Mix)
  125. Moojo - Meditation
  126. Moojo ft Starving yet Full - Limitless Vocal Version
  127. Moojo - I Want Your Soul
  128. Wannabe (Kimotion Remix)
  129. Mojoo - Hate it Or Love It x Dua Lipa Training Season
  130. Downstream - Makèz, Life On Planets (Lazare Remix)
  131. Travis Scott - Modern Jam (Sammi Ferrer & Chaleee Remix)
  132. VXISION - Love Preparation (Slow Down Edit) - 4A - 120
  134. ! Ankhoï - After All Night Shift
  135. CUT OFF - &ME
  136. KU LO SA - Oxlade (SIINA EDIT)
  137. Ankhoï - Sandiya
  138. Malive, Luiza Gogoia & Morgado - Quintal (Extended Mix)
  139. KIMOTION - Sarà Perché Ti Amo
  140. Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Rivo Remix)
  141. Tanzania (Rampa remix)
  142. Ajna - Move.wav
  143. ! Howling - RY X (Legare Remix).wav
  144. ! Maxi Meraki - Remember (FINAL).wav
  145. ! OMRI. , Yamagucci - Selector (final limiter)
  146. ! SuperFlu - Lovesong.wav
  147. 01 Dos Mojitos 1.mp3
  148. 01 Fatoumata Diawara - Nterini (K.mp3
  149. 4Rain, Kasango - Best Friend Ft Jimmy Nevis.wav
  150. 11A - Ojos Asi - (Sinego & Laguna Remix) 1.mp3
  151. 11B - Frankenstein 1.mp3
  152. 11m Rebuke - Along Came Polly (Konstantin Sibold, Carmee & ZAC Remix) V NEW
  153. 1995_Hallelujah (Sachaaa & Lazare Edit).wav
  154. A Pale (Nick Morgan Remix) 1.mp3
  155. Aaron Sevilla, Yas Cepeda - El Hantour.mp3
  156. Aaron Smith, Krono - Dancin (Breakstorm Remix)
  157. Adore U (Anton Khabbaz Edit) 1.mp3
  158. Amonita, Makebo - Back to the roots (&friends private vocal edit)
  159. Andor Gabriel, Jerome Sydor - Temperatura.wav
  160. Andruss - Frikitona (Maesic Remix).wav
  161. Anthony - Cabo Parano Edit.wav
  162. Arodes, Andrea Oliva, Moeaike - Stronger Than Before
  163. ARYMÉ - How Far Feat Luke Coulson (EXTENDE-1.wav
  164. Asgeir - Until Daybreak ( Nandu early morning mix ).wav
  165. Augusto Yepes & Tayllor - ID.wav
  166. Aytiwan__Kaudron_feat_Nes_Mburu_Es_Vedra_Chaleee_Remix
  167. Back To Life _ However (MOSY Remix).wav
  168. Becherano-_Healing.mp3
  169. Bill Withers - Who Is He (Victhor Remix).mp3
  170. Billie Eilish - everything i wanted (Carlita Remix).wav
  171. Black Coffee - Juju (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Escalation Remix)
  172. BobMarley-_Sun_Is_Shining_Made_In_TLV_Remix.mp3
  173. Bobby_Caldwell_What_You_Wont_Do_For_Love_VICTHOR_Remix.wav
  174. Breakstorm - Mykonos (Original Mix).wav Final Master Label
  175. CAMAGU - Augusto Yepes, Ft. Tabia.wav
  176. Can't Remember to Forget You [Hoax (BE) 'Amana' Edit] 1.mp3
  177. Carnaval Breve (David Mackay and Dela Sur).wav
  178. Choujaa - Phanda Feat. Mavhungu (Extended Mix).wav
  179. Collé - Something to Believe (Original Mix).wav
  180. Collé - Thoughts (Original Mix).wav
  181. Coolio_-_Gangsta_Paradise_Moojo_Edit
  182. Cris Taylor - Say My Name [Unrelesed].wav
  183. Dan Croll - From Nowhere (Âme Remix).mp3
  184. Davido - FEEL (Raffa Guido Remix) Master.wav
  185. Deni Hines - Its Alright (Jaquet Remix).wav
  186. dernier danse (Mudboy Remix) part1.mp3
  187. Dj 3000 - So Sheik X The Underground.mp3
  188. DJ Yellow, Flowers And Sea Creatures - No One Gets Left Behind (BLOND.ISH Beirut Edit).mp3
  189. DOT (BR), Rachel Reis - Eu Vou Pra Bahia (DSF Remix).wav
  190. Downstream (Lazare Remix) 1.mp3
  191. Egeme - So Fine (Demo).wav
  192. Emanuel Satie - Happy.wav
  193. Everyday (Original Mix) 1.mp3
  194. Eye Of The Tiger - Darren Remix.wav
  195. Father Stretch (CS Remix) 1.mp3
  196. first track - Mita Gami - Master.wav
  197. Forrest - Over and Over.wav
  198. Fragma - Toca's Miracle (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Remix).wav
  199. Francis Mercier, Salif Keita, Nomis (FR) - Kabe (Extended Mix).wav
  200. FrancisMercier_Frigid_Armadillo_Luedji_Luna-_Uiara.mp3
  201. guapo & peaty - 6pm in casablanca.wav
  202. Gunna - fukumean (Peace Control & Riordan Remix) extended.wav
  203. Hallelujah (Auguste Ranska _ Ale Ale _ Edit) 1.mp3
  204. HUGEL - Bambola.mp3
  205. Humans feat. Lyrik Shoxen & KJM Cornetist (&ME Remix) 1.mp3
  206. I Want You Back(Moojo Edit) 1.mp3
  207. Ivan Masa & Super Flu - It_s a house day.mp3
  208. Ivyson - Girassol (Tato Remix).wav
  209. Jamek Ortega - Ride With Me_Final Master.wav
  210. Jamek Ortega & MP3 - Paris Girl.mp3
  211. Jamek Ortega_Burning Up_ft. Emily Denton - Final Master.wav
  212. JEWELS & KENZA - Next To Me (Antdot Remix).wav
  213. John Newman - Love Me Again (Legare & MALHO Remix) 1.aif
  214. Juan Yarin - Sun WLimiter.wav
  215. Kanye West - Everybody (Eszco Remix).wav
  216. Kashovski - Pull out the fire V2.wav
  217. Kashovski_&_Abel_Ray_Baby_Master_VF_Get_Physical_Music.wav
  218. Keinemusik (Adam Port, &ME, Rampa), Alan Dixon, Arabic Piano - Thandaza.wav
  219. Kendrick Lamar - Bitch Don_t Kill My Vibe (Talbot & Ber Grups Remix).wav
  220. Kisin - Closure (Extended Mix).wav
  221. Kutiman Mita Gami RMX.wav
  222. Like Mike & Tayllor - Kasmir.wavLil
  223. Louis - Club Lonely (Tom Nolan Edit).wav
  224. Lil Yachty - Ive Officially Lost Vision (Tim Engelhardt Edit).wav
  225. LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN [David Mackay & Hoax (BE) Remix] PROMO.wav
  226. Loud Urban Choir - Bloody Samaritan (Bellone_s Brothers Remix) MASTER II.wav
  227. Lous and the Yakuza - Dilemme (Stephan Jolk Remix).wav
  228. Maesic & Samson - Rimiti (Extented Edit).wav
  229. Make You Happy Parable RAMPA Remix V3-1 1.mp3
  230. Malho - Nafe (Original Mix).wav
  231. Malik Taj - Contigo (V6).wav
  232. Malik Taj - Me Das Pena.wav
  233. Malive - Garimpo (FINAL).wav
  234. Malive, Billy Otto - Reduto v2.wav
  235. Mamentia(Don't Stop)(Abel Ray Edit).wav
  236. Marasi - Africa.wav
  237. Michael Jackson - Beat it (Shimza Remix).wav
  238. Michael Kiwanuka - Cold Little Heart (Makebo Remix)_Melodic House _2023 Not On Label 1.aif
  239. Milky Chance - Feeling For You (Moser Extended Remix).wav
  241. Mind Against - Hydra.wav
  242. Moeaike - Stronger (Original Mix).aiff
  243. Moojo - Ms Jackson.wav
  244. Moojo - Oui (FINAL MASTER).wav
  245. Moojo ft Gabsy - Ze Roberto v final.wav
  246. My Love (Quentro & Tuna X Yuksel Urer Remix) 1.mp3
  247. Naika - 1 plus 1 (GUAPO Remix).wav
  248. Nathan Katz - Porcelain in LA (Original Mix) 1.aiff
  249. Nitakangaa 1.mp3
  250. Notre Dame - Think About.wav
  251. Ofenbach - Overdrive (Andrew Dum Remix).wav
  252. One Dance - Drake (Indigo Retouch).wav
  253. Ordinary love - Talbot Remix Demo Master.wav
  254. Oxóssi - Augusto Yepes, Talon, Ft. Maitê Inaê v2.wav
  256. Paradise (Chris IDH Remix) 1.mp3
  257. Patrice Baumel - Together (V4 Testmaster).wav
  258. Peaty - KILOSA (Afro Melodic Mix)-1.wav
  259. philkieran-_solar_storm_meera_version.mp3
  260. Quentin Harris - Warning (Adam Ten & Mita Gami Re-Edit)Master.wav
  261. Raffa Guido - Famax (Jerak Remix) MSTR2.wav
  263. Regard - Ride It (FromParis Remix) [Supported by Hugel, Regard, Kasango, Valeron, Mont Rouge].wav
  264. Release Yourself (Toto Chiavetta Edit) 1.mp3
  265. Right Here Right Now (Bootleg).wav
  266. Rihanna - Stay (Moojo Remix) - Unreleased.wav
  267. Robbie Akbal - Zero One (Alex Twin Remix).wav
  268. Rockin Maroccin - All that she wants.mp3
  269. ROCKIN MOROCCIN - ALWAYS ON TIME (EDIT) new stems MSTRD 1644(3).wav
  270. Ruddek - Relax My Eyes (Savio Machado & Ruddek Remix).wav
  271. rythm of conga sis.mp3
  272. Santiago Garcia - Up In The CSkatman - louds (Original Mix).mp3
  273. Sara Tavares - Balance (Ruuben K Remix).wav
  274. Sentir Saudade (GUAPO & Antdot Remix) 1.m4a
  275. Set Fire To The Rain (Choujaa Remix).wav
  276. Showeto (Shami & Aly Sins Remix).wav
  277. Sideral - Skyfall (V3).mp3
  278. Sinfonia (Original Mix) 1.mp3
  279. Skatman - Let's Skank [Master].wav
  280. Skatman - Meraki (Ivory's Psychedelic Remix).wav
  281. Sky and Sand (Gabben & Julius Ruth Extended Outro) 1.mp3
  282. SOMMA - Jerimeh (ft. Felure) [ASCENSION].wav
  283. Sued Nunes - Concha (Dre Guazelli & Talbot Remix).wav
  284. Take Care - (Lazare Remix).wav
  285. Tayllor - Baylame.wav
  286. ayllor Feat Andile Mpili - Secret Places.wav
  287. Terra Mount (Inámo Dub) 1.mp3
  288. Tim Engelhardt - Set Me Free - Master.wav
  289. Together (Vocal Mix) MASTER 1.mp3
  290. Tommy Farrow - Let_s Just (Arodes Remix).wav
  291. Touched The Sky (Da Capo Dub Afro) 1.mp3
  292. Tough Love (Betical Remix) (1).wav
  293. Tracy Chapman - Fast Car (Da Capos Touch).mp3
  294. Tsoang Tsoang (Remix) 1.aiff
  295. Umgido - Barr-Setta.mp3
  296. UVITA & Sasson - Makalu.wav
  297. Valeron - Fly Me 2 The Moon.wav
  298. Victor Alc - Boreal.wav
  299. Victor Alc - I Know You Know.wav
  300. Victor Alc, Kimehra - Alma v2 mst02.wav
  301. Victor Alc, Murilo Tronco - Forma de Querer V1.wav
  302. We Like To Party (Rework) 1.aif
  303. What A Day ft. Delilah Montagu (Marten Lou Remix) 1.mp3
  304. WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT (Jean Philippe's Tribute Edit) 1.mp3
  305. Whitesquare - Arbul.wav
  306. Whitney Houston - Dance With Somebody (Hoax (BE) Remix).aiff
  307. XXXtentacion - Sad (Maesic & JM & Samson Remix).mp3
  308. Yamil_Thimble-_Sun_Shine_Original_Mix.mp3
  309. Yves Larock Rise Up Acapella.mp3
  310. Zurdo (Original mix) 1.aiff
submitted by Housedeep2682 to unreleasedIDAfrohouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:39 Housedeep2682 + 300 song dm for trade

  1. Coming Back For You Vidojean PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  2. Out Of Touch keinemusik ( unreleased)
  3. A Keeper - Drake Keinemusik ( unreleased)
  4. Abdel Kader (Mont Rouge Remix)
  5. Abra - Feel (&ME Remix) ( unreleased)
  6. Adele & Tayllor-Set fire to the rain X Talking drums
  7. Alex Wann - My Love ( unreleased )
  8. alex wann - peperuke ( unreleased )
  9. by myself (unreleased)
  10. Byron Messia - Talibans PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  11. Coldplay - Viva La Vida
  12. Day N Night - Remix ( unreleased )
  13. Drake - Flights Booked
  14. Drake - Get it Together ft Black Coffee & Jorja Smith (Samson Remix)
  15. Drake - Passionfruit (Kawz & Tolex Afro Tribute)
  16. Drake - Rich Baby Daddy (Remix Southcent)
  17. Drake - Slime You Out
  18. Drake & Rampa - Virgil Forever ( unreleased )
  19. Drake, Rihanna - Take Care
  20. Eran Hersh & Anorre
  21. Fragma - Tocas Miracle (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Remix)
  22. Freed From Desire unreleased remix ( choujaa )
  23. WAIT FOR U Mont Rouge Remix ( unreleased )
  24. Gypsy Woman (Rampa Edit) ( unreleased )
  25. Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for Tonight (Jamey Williams Remix)
  26. Keinemusik Cezaramina ( unreleased )
  27. Kolinga -Kongo Samin (remix) ( unreleased )
  28. Lana Del Rey - summertime
  29. Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers (Addal Remix)
  30. Moojo - Vamonos Mas que Nada (Jonni Gil)
  31. Maz, Maxi Meraki, Apache - Nothing On Me X Baby Again
  32. Mont Rouge, Meloko, Utli x Destiny's Child - Say My Name
  33. Moojo, Caiiro - NGWINO ( unreleased )
  34. Moon J - Collateral Damage ( unreleased )
  35. Mwaki (feat Sofiya Nzau)
  36. Natiruts - Sorri, Sou Rei (ft. Sonia Savinell)
  37. Nelly Furtado - Say It Right (Faros Remix)
  38. Nobody
  39. Paradise Played by Keinemusik
  40. Peru
  41. Rolling In The Deep - Francis Mercier Remix ( unreleased )
  42. Say My Name ( unreleased)
  43. Set Fire To The Rain - Adameyo
  44. The Weeknd - Popular PLAYED BY KEINEMUSIK
  45. The Weeknd, Moojo - Secret ID x Creepin ( unreleased )
  46. Travis Scott - I Know
  47. Tyla - Water (Marcel Serrano Edit)
  48. Umbrella - Sonny Noto Remix
  49. Wish i didnt miss you (Ft Jodie G)
  50. &ME - Losing GARDEN
  51. UNKLE - ONLY YOU (&ME Remix)
  52. Sativa (Daveartt Remix)
  53. Belief - Super Flu
  54. Antony P X Julie - Welcome To The Diamond Aura (C.Sorrentino & Tom S )
  55. Corpo-e-Canção
  56. Bad For You
  57. HUGEL, Alex Wann - Forever In My Mind
  58. 7 seconds (Moojo remix)
  59. Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Ikerfoxx (ES) Remix
  60. Maz VXSION - Amana (Original Mix) (Unreleased)
  61. Slow Down (VXSION Remix)
  62. MoBlack, Benja, Franc Fala - Yamore
  63. Nitefreak & emmanuel jal - Gorah
  64. Overnight- keinemusik
  65. Keinemusik (feat. Amr Diab) Noor Al Ain & The rapture part II
  66. the rapture x passionfruit
  67. Oyé Oyé [UNRELEASED]
  68. afeto
  69. Journey (Black Coffe) - UNRELEASED
  70. Victor Alc - Sudamérica
  71. Jovem Dionisio - Pontos de Exclamação (VXSION Remix)
  72. CamelPhat - Home (Samm (BE) & Ajna (BE) Remix)
  73. O Amor Te Dá (VXSION & Sone. Remix)
  74. 8A - 120 - Maz, Antdot - Run
  75. Collé - Kupata feat Nes Mburu
  76. Drake - Finesse (Antdot Remix)
  77. Classy 101 (Maz, VXSION Extended Edi
  78. Arodes & Fahlberg - She Asked Me To Dance
  79. Omah Lay - soso (JOSEPH Remix)
  80. Reekado Banks, Adekunle Gold & Maleek Berry - Feel Different (Chris IDH Remix radio edit)
  82. Kimotion - Ya habibi yalla
  83. A kepper drake - moojo
  84. Drake - One Dance (Peace Control Remix)
  85. Yamê Bécane - Kimotion
  86. Confession (ALX YAV Remix)
  87. Malive, Luiza Gogoia, Morgado - Quinta
  88. ilanga &Me Edit 3
  89. ! SHIK SHAK SHOK (master 2)
  90. Drake & Jorja Smith - Get it Together (VXSION Remix)
  91. Caiiro - No One
  92. Black Coffee & David Guetta featuring Delilah Montagu - Drive (Da Capo Dub Touch)
  93. Stromae - Papaoutai (Francis Mercier Remix)
  94. Jaguar Jaguar - Born In Blue (Chambord Remix)
  95. Carlita, Mojoo - Havana
  96. Unforgettable-French-Montana
  97. Keinemusik - Two Lost Kings
  98. KOO KOO FUN - (Kimotion x RAY Remix)
  99. Zulumke- Da Capo Afro Dub2
  100. Moojo feat Awen - Giant Final Mix Master
  102. Mont Rouge(CH) - Tamale
  103. Jorja Smith - Rose Rouge (Moojo Remix)
  104. Badbwoy x Hoodia - Veneno
  105. ! Moojo , Carlita ft Gabsy - Macaron vfinal
  106. ! Vidojean X Oliver Loenn - Satisfaction Afro V.2
  107. Chris IDH - Sunray
  108. Moojo, Caiiro, Adassiya - Deep in Love
  109. Black Coffee, Rampa - MAMAKUSA
  110. Ankhoï - Another Hallelujah (Mont Rouge Private Edit)
  111. Salif Keita - Madan (Badbwoy Remix)
  112. Daughter Of The Sun (Ankhoi Remix)
  113. Kanye West - Love Lockdown (Vidojean & Oliver Loenn Remix)
  115. Save Your Tears (Alex Wann Remix) MASTER
  116. Moojo - Attitude
  117. Moojo - Rain (Instrumental)
  118. Moojo , Da Capo ft Tabia - What u desire ( vocal mix )
  119. Moojo ft Gabsy - Ze Roberto
  120. Coldplay x Notre Dame - Adventure of a Lifetime x Emowe (dela sur Mashup)
  121. Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Choujaa & Epsylon Remix)
  122. More Life x Drake (CAIEL Over The Top Edit)
  123. Black Coffee - Juju feat Zakes Bantwini (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Escalation Remix)
  124. Masšh & Adam Port feat. Ninae - All I Got (Original Mix)
  125. Moojo - Meditation
  126. Moojo ft Starving yet Full - Limitless Vocal Version
  127. Moojo - I Want Your Soul
  128. Wannabe (Kimotion Remix)
  129. Mojoo - Hate it Or Love It x Dua Lipa Training Season
  130. Downstream - Makèz, Life On Planets (Lazare Remix)
  131. Travis Scott - Modern Jam (Sammi Ferrer & Chaleee Remix)
  132. VXISION - Love Preparation (Slow Down Edit) - 4A - 120
  134. ! Ankhoï - After All Night Shift
  135. CUT OFF - &ME
  136. KU LO SA - Oxlade (SIINA EDIT)
  137. Ankhoï - Sandiya
  138. Malive, Luiza Gogoia & Morgado - Quintal (Extended Mix)
  139. KIMOTION - Sarà Perché Ti Amo
  140. Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Rivo Remix)
  141. Tanzania (Rampa remix)
  142. Ajna - Move.wav
  143. ! Howling - RY X (Legare Remix).wav
  144. ! Maxi Meraki - Remember (FINAL).wav
  145. ! OMRI. , Yamagucci - Selector (final limiter)
  146. ! SuperFlu - Lovesong.wav
  147. 01 Dos Mojitos 1.mp3
  148. 01 Fatoumata Diawara - Nterini (K.mp3
  149. 4Rain, Kasango - Best Friend Ft Jimmy Nevis.wav
  150. 11A - Ojos Asi - (Sinego & Laguna Remix) 1.mp3
  151. 11B - Frankenstein 1.mp3
  152. 11m Rebuke - Along Came Polly (Konstantin Sibold, Carmee & ZAC Remix) V NEW
  153. 1995_Hallelujah (Sachaaa & Lazare Edit).wav
  154. A Pale (Nick Morgan Remix) 1.mp3
  155. Aaron Sevilla, Yas Cepeda - El Hantour.mp3
  156. Aaron Smith, Krono - Dancin (Breakstorm Remix)
  157. Adore U (Anton Khabbaz Edit) 1.mp3
  158. Amonita, Makebo - Back to the roots (&friends private vocal edit)
  159. Andor Gabriel, Jerome Sydor - Temperatura.wav
  160. Andruss - Frikitona (Maesic Remix).wav
  161. Anthony - Cabo Parano Edit.wav
  162. Arodes, Andrea Oliva, Moeaike - Stronger Than Before
  163. ARYMÉ - How Far Feat Luke Coulson (EXTENDE-1.wav
  164. Asgeir - Until Daybreak ( Nandu early morning mix ).wav
  165. Augusto Yepes & Tayllor - ID.wav
  166. Aytiwan__Kaudron_feat_Nes_Mburu_Es_Vedra_Chaleee_Remix
  167. Back To Life _ However (MOSY Remix).wav
  168. Becherano-_Healing.mp3
  169. Bill Withers - Who Is He (Victhor Remix).mp3
  170. Billie Eilish - everything i wanted (Carlita Remix).wav
  171. Black Coffee - Juju (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Escalation Remix)
  172. BobMarley-_Sun_Is_Shining_Made_In_TLV_Remix.mp3
  173. Bobby_Caldwell_What_You_Wont_Do_For_Love_VICTHOR_Remix.wav
  174. Breakstorm - Mykonos (Original Mix).wav Final Master Label
  175. CAMAGU - Augusto Yepes, Ft. Tabia.wav
  176. Can't Remember to Forget You [Hoax (BE) 'Amana' Edit] 1.mp3
  177. Carnaval Breve (David Mackay and Dela Sur).wav
  178. Choujaa - Phanda Feat. Mavhungu (Extended Mix).wav
  179. Collé - Something to Believe (Original Mix).wav
  180. Collé - Thoughts (Original Mix).wav
  181. Coolio_-_Gangsta_Paradise_Moojo_Edit
  182. Cris Taylor - Say My Name [Unrelesed].wav
  183. Dan Croll - From Nowhere (Âme Remix).mp3
  184. Davido - FEEL (Raffa Guido Remix) Master.wav
  185. Deni Hines - Its Alright (Jaquet Remix).wav
  186. dernier danse (Mudboy Remix) part1.mp3
  187. Dj 3000 - So Sheik X The Underground.mp3
  188. DJ Yellow, Flowers And Sea Creatures - No One Gets Left Behind (BLOND.ISH Beirut Edit).mp3
  189. DOT (BR), Rachel Reis - Eu Vou Pra Bahia (DSF Remix).wav
  190. Downstream (Lazare Remix) 1.mp3
  191. Egeme - So Fine (Demo).wav
  192. Emanuel Satie - Happy.wav
  193. Everyday (Original Mix) 1.mp3
  194. Eye Of The Tiger - Darren Remix.wav
  195. Father Stretch (CS Remix) 1.mp3
  196. first track - Mita Gami - Master.wav
  197. Forrest - Over and Over.wav
  198. Fragma - Toca's Miracle (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Remix).wav
  199. Francis Mercier, Salif Keita, Nomis (FR) - Kabe (Extended Mix).wav
  200. FrancisMercier_Frigid_Armadillo_Luedji_Luna-_Uiara.mp3
  201. guapo & peaty - 6pm in casablanca.wav
  202. Gunna - fukumean (Peace Control & Riordan Remix) extended.wav
  203. Hallelujah (Auguste Ranska _ Ale Ale _ Edit) 1.mp3
  204. HUGEL - Bambola.mp3
  205. Humans feat. Lyrik Shoxen & KJM Cornetist (&ME Remix) 1.mp3
  206. I Want You Back(Moojo Edit) 1.mp3
  207. Ivan Masa & Super Flu - It_s a house day.mp3
  208. Ivyson - Girassol (Tato Remix).wav
  209. Jamek Ortega - Ride With Me_Final Master.wav
  210. Jamek Ortega & MP3 - Paris Girl.mp3
  211. Jamek Ortega_Burning Up_ft. Emily Denton - Final Master.wav
  212. JEWELS & KENZA - Next To Me (Antdot Remix).wav
  213. John Newman - Love Me Again (Legare & MALHO Remix) 1.aif
  214. Juan Yarin - Sun WLimiter.wav
  215. Kanye West - Everybody (Eszco Remix).wav
  216. Kashovski - Pull out the fire V2.wav
  217. Kashovski_&_Abel_Ray_Baby_Master_VF_Get_Physical_Music.wav
  218. Keinemusik (Adam Port, &ME, Rampa), Alan Dixon, Arabic Piano - Thandaza.wav
  219. Kendrick Lamar - Bitch Don_t Kill My Vibe (Talbot & Ber Grups Remix).wav
  220. Kisin - Closure (Extended Mix).wav
  221. Kutiman Mita Gami RMX.wav
  222. Like Mike & Tayllor - Kasmir.wavLil
  223. Louis - Club Lonely (Tom Nolan Edit).wav
  224. Lil Yachty - Ive Officially Lost Vision (Tim Engelhardt Edit).wav
  225. LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN [David Mackay & Hoax (BE) Remix] PROMO.wav
  226. Loud Urban Choir - Bloody Samaritan (Bellone_s Brothers Remix) MASTER II.wav
  227. Lous and the Yakuza - Dilemme (Stephan Jolk Remix).wav
  228. Maesic & Samson - Rimiti (Extented Edit).wav
  229. Make You Happy Parable RAMPA Remix V3-1 1.mp3
  230. Malho - Nafe (Original Mix).wav
  231. Malik Taj - Contigo (V6).wav
  232. Malik Taj - Me Das Pena.wav
  233. Malive - Garimpo (FINAL).wav
  234. Malive, Billy Otto - Reduto v2.wav
  235. Mamentia(Don't Stop)(Abel Ray Edit).wav
  236. Marasi - Africa.wav
  237. Michael Jackson - Beat it (Shimza Remix).wav
  238. Michael Kiwanuka - Cold Little Heart (Makebo Remix)_Melodic House _2023 Not On Label 1.aif
  239. Milky Chance - Feeling For You (Moser Extended Remix).wav
  241. Mind Against - Hydra.wav
  242. Moeaike - Stronger (Original Mix).aiff
  243. Moojo - Ms Jackson.wav
  244. Moojo - Oui (FINAL MASTER).wav
  245. Moojo ft Gabsy - Ze Roberto v final.wav
  246. My Love (Quentro & Tuna X Yuksel Urer Remix) 1.mp3
  247. Naika - 1 plus 1 (GUAPO Remix).wav
  248. Nathan Katz - Porcelain in LA (Original Mix) 1.aiff
  249. Nitakangaa 1.mp3
  250. Notre Dame - Think About.wav
  251. Ofenbach - Overdrive (Andrew Dum Remix).wav
  252. One Dance - Drake (Indigo Retouch).wav
  253. Ordinary love - Talbot Remix Demo Master.wav
  254. Oxóssi - Augusto Yepes, Talon, Ft. Maitê Inaê v2.wav
  256. Paradise (Chris IDH Remix) 1.mp3
  257. Patrice Baumel - Together (V4 Testmaster).wav
  258. Peaty - KILOSA (Afro Melodic Mix)-1.wav
  259. philkieran-_solar_storm_meera_version.mp3
  260. Quentin Harris - Warning (Adam Ten & Mita Gami Re-Edit)Master.wav
  261. Raffa Guido - Famax (Jerak Remix) MSTR2.wav
  263. Regard - Ride It (FromParis Remix) [Supported by Hugel, Regard, Kasango, Valeron, Mont Rouge].wav
  264. Release Yourself (Toto Chiavetta Edit) 1.mp3
  265. Right Here Right Now (Bootleg).wav
  266. Rihanna - Stay (Moojo Remix) - Unreleased.wav
  267. Robbie Akbal - Zero One (Alex Twin Remix).wav
  268. Rockin Maroccin - All that she wants.mp3
  269. ROCKIN MOROCCIN - ALWAYS ON TIME (EDIT) new stems MSTRD 1644(3).wav
  270. Ruddek - Relax My Eyes (Savio Machado & Ruddek Remix).wav
  271. rythm of conga sis.mp3
  272. Santiago Garcia - Up In The CSkatman - louds (Original Mix).mp3
  273. Sara Tavares - Balance (Ruuben K Remix).wav
  274. Sentir Saudade (GUAPO & Antdot Remix) 1.m4a
  275. Set Fire To The Rain (Choujaa Remix).wav
  276. Showeto (Shami & Aly Sins Remix).wav
  277. Sideral - Skyfall (V3).mp3
  278. Sinfonia (Original Mix) 1.mp3
  279. Skatman - Let's Skank [Master].wav
  280. Skatman - Meraki (Ivory's Psychedelic Remix).wav
  281. Sky and Sand (Gabben & Julius Ruth Extended Outro) 1.mp3
  282. SOMMA - Jerimeh (ft. Felure) [ASCENSION].wav
  283. Sued Nunes - Concha (Dre Guazelli & Talbot Remix).wav
  284. Take Care - (Lazare Remix).wav
  285. Tayllor - Baylame.wav
  286. ayllor Feat Andile Mpili - Secret Places.wav
  287. Terra Mount (Inámo Dub) 1.mp3
  288. Tim Engelhardt - Set Me Free - Master.wav
  289. Together (Vocal Mix) MASTER 1.mp3
  290. Tommy Farrow - Let_s Just (Arodes Remix).wav
  291. Touched The Sky (Da Capo Dub Afro) 1.mp3
  292. Tough Love (Betical Remix) (1).wav
  293. Tracy Chapman - Fast Car (Da Capos Touch).mp3
  294. Tsoang Tsoang (Remix) 1.aiff
  295. Umgido - Barr-Setta.mp3
  296. UVITA & Sasson - Makalu.wav
  297. Valeron - Fly Me 2 The Moon.wav
  298. Victor Alc - Boreal.wav
  299. Victor Alc - I Know You Know.wav
  300. Victor Alc, Kimehra - Alma v2 mst02.wav
  301. Victor Alc, Murilo Tronco - Forma de Querer V1.wav
  302. We Like To Party (Rework) 1.aif
  303. What A Day ft. Delilah Montagu (Marten Lou Remix) 1.mp3
  304. WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT (Jean Philippe's Tribute Edit) 1.mp3
  305. Whitesquare - Arbul.wav
  306. Whitney Houston - Dance With Somebody (Hoax (BE) Remix).aiff
  307. XXXtentacion - Sad (Maesic & JM & Samson Remix).mp3
  308. Yamil_Thimble-_Sun_Shine_Original_Mix.mp3
  309. Yves Larock Rise Up Acapella.mp3
  310. Zurdo (Original mix) 1.aiff
submitted by Housedeep2682 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:35 Outrageous-Chair-591 AITA for only inviting two of my friends on my trip to Spain?

AITA? Okay so I’m currently 61 but reversed. I live in Sweden but my uncle and his family lives in Spain, so naturally I visit him frequently with my dad. This year my dad asked if I wanted to invite two of my friends. Let’s call them Alice and Jennifer, those two are my closest friends whom I have known for many years, my dad has also known them for a long time. Last year me and my two friends met another trio when we switched classes, we quickly became close friends with these people and we have been a friend group of 6 this last year. However there has been a clear line between the two trios. Me, Jennifer and Alice have had sleepovers and hangouts just us many times and same with the other trio. And there has been no problems with that what so ever. Jennifer and Alice were able to come with me to Spain and we are booking tickets next week, we felt that we had to let the other trio know that we were going to Spain together because we are all very close with our other friends and not telling them would have been weird. Ever since I told them they have been acting weird towards me, they have left me on read many times and when they do answer they are very dry. I don’t know if I’m just overthinking this, but I feel like I really hurt their feelings. I also made sure to tell them that the only reason specifically Jennifer and Alice were invited was because my dad has known them for many years while I have only known the other trio for 1 year. So am I the asshole for only brining Jennifer and Alice? For context I am also the biggest people pleaser and may be just overthinking this!!
submitted by Outrageous-Chair-591 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:03 SmoothManMiguel What's the best Pop song featuring a rapper?

These are in no particular order
1.) Love in This Club - Usher ft. Young Jeezy
2.) Fantasy (Remix) - Mariah Carey ft. Ol’ Dirty Bastard
3.) End Game - Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran & Future
4.) Slide - Calvin Harris ft. Frank Ocean & Migos
5.) American Boy - Estelle ft. Kanye West
6.) Heartbreaker - Mariah Carey ft. Jay-Z
7.) Dirrty - Christina Aguilera ft. Redman
8.) Like I Love You - Justin Timberlake ft. Clipse
9.) Umbrella - Rihanna ft. Jay-Z
10.) The Way - Ariana Grande ft. Mac Miller
11.) You - Lloyd ft. Lil Wayne
12.) Glamorous - Fergie ft. Ludacris
13.) Jenny from the Block - Jennifer Lopez ft. Jadakiss & Styles P
14.) Dark Horse - Katy Perry ft. Juicy J
15.) Drunk in Love - Beyoncé ft. Jay-Z
16.) Run It! - Chris Brown ft. Juelz Santana
17.) Work - Rihanna ft. Drake
18.) Cold - Maroon 5 ft. Future
19.) Down - Jay Sean ft. Lil Wayne
20.) Levitating - Dua Lipa ft. DaBaby
21.) Knock You Down - Keri Hilson ft. Kanye West & Ne-Yo
22.) Finesse - Bruno Mars ft. Cardi B
23.) Intentions - Justin Bieber ft. Quavo
24.) Crazy in Love - Beyoncé ft. Jay-Z
25.) Bad Blood - Taylor Swift ft. Kendrick Lamar
26.) 1, 2 Step - Ciara ft. Missy Elliott
27.) Talk Dirty - Jason Derulo ft. 2 Chainz
28.) Don’t Cha - The Pussycat Dolls ft. Busta Rhymes
29.) Payphone - Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa
30.) Hips Don’t Lie - Shakira ft. Wyclef Jean
31.) Got ‘Til It’s Gone - Janet Jackson ft. Q-Tip
32.) Open Wide - Calvin Harris ft. Big Sean
33.) Green Light - John Legend ft. André 3000
34.) California Gurls - Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg
35.) Shawty Is a 10 - The Dream ft. Fabolous
36.) Good for You - Selena Gomez ft. A$AP Rocky
37.) Bottoms Up - Trey Songz ft. Nicki Minaj
38.) Right There - Nicole Scherzinger ft. 50 Cent
39.) My Love - Justin Timberlake ft. T.I.
40.) Everyday - Ariana Grande ft. Future
submitted by SmoothManMiguel to hiphop101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:52 TheGoldenSnake_ What's your OC's handwriting like?

What's your OC's handwriting like?
Since I actually worked out my OCs' handwriting for that f-list joke, I'm curious on how others would write!
PJ is the type of person who writes letters just enough to where you can understand them as English.
And Jean would write mostly in cursive since they would write relatively fast, and the loops in cursive would be natural and also Jean is a nerd lmao.
submitted by TheGoldenSnake_ to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:48 Historical-Speech103 assistance with payee funds and identity theft

I'm an adult disabled child and have had a representative payee until the beginning of this year. Currently living in Montana but unable to receive the level of assistance I require from local groups due to the age and jurisdiction. This is regarding misappropriation of funds and identity theft with one of my previous payees from 2017-2021. As an adult disabled child with a representative payee I was informed that I could have no direct access to any form of money myself both by SSA when I received my award and by both of the representative payees I previously had. They would either give me cash without me having knowledge of available balance or directly give me a credit or debit card with instructions on what I was authorized to purchase that I would then surrender once I returned. Sometime during 2017 I made my then girlfriend Jennifer Jackson my payee. She recommended building credit for me and I authorized her to open two credit accounts on my behalf which she would manage with my social Security funds. The two accounts were PayPal and Capital One. The only updates that I ever received were verbal confirmation that they were paid and at some time in 2018 or early 2019 she showed me a printout of my credit report which listed my credit as over 700. Approximately 2-21, I was experiencing a panic attack and mental disturbance while being harassed by Miss Jackson while she was driving my vehicle. I wanted to go home. She refused and continued to harass me while attempting to force me to contact associates about procuring opioids for her because she was in withdrawals. I struck her twice in the arm. At that time she took me home. The police were called and I was arrested. A restraining order was placed in which she told the judge that she was completely dependent on my home, my vehicles and my income as her only form of support. This was unfactual as she also received roughly the same amount as me in SSI whereas I receive SSDI, and all bills were split between her myself my father and my stepmother. Each of our shares were approximately $350 a month as can be attested to on the financial reports supplied to social Security and the Georgia welfare programs. I was not allowed access to any monies from social Security from that date until my father was made my payee approx 7-22. I had no access to my family lawyer for several months due to this. Upon release I discovered that she had sold the vehicle that she was awarded use of by the restraining order. Her ex husband informed me of this via Facebook messenger which I received upon release. During the conversation to him I threatened legal repercussions and asked him to talk to her regarding where my car was and the money she had received and was arrested for harassment/stalking. The beginning of this year I was awarded control of my own finances for the first time. Upon doing so I discovered a total of three items in collections on my credit report totaling approximately $2,600. Portfolio recovery services (Capital One): $694 Midland credit management (Synchrony Bank): $1028 LVNV Funding LLC (Credit One Bank): $880 They will be removed from my report approximately the beginning of 2026. I am unsure how much money she collected on my behalf as social Security has been extremely difficult to work with me in any way regarding this matter. The original SSA office I spoke to, Barrow County, informed me that because we "lived together as man and wife" that she had full rights to any SSA funds even though we were not married and she was my payee. Several organizations have expressed outrage at the "blunt lie" of that statement as Georgia has not have any form of common law in many many years. I have spoken with social Security Representatives regarding this since I moved to Montana and was informed that it was at minimum inappropriate but likely illegal for her to attain credit on my behalf even with my knowledge as she was only authorized to manage social Security funds. This is a drastically different statement from when I was first awarded disability with a payee. I have also filed 2 reports with social Security regarding the misappropriation of funds but have thus far gotten no response. The first verbally when I was released from prison approximately 7-22 in person at the Barrow county social Security office. The second at the behest of my therapist, local social workers, and Disability Rights Montana was filed electronically approximately 2 months ago. I have contacted the Barrow county Police and filed a report. I have also contacted the three credit reporting agencies about this but no changes were made except to update with "customer disputes: meets Fair Credit reporting standards". I added a consumer statement to explain the situation of the debt reflected on my credit report as well. My previous lawyer, Macklin Smith (Deceased), informed me that any contact with her would likely end with more charges even if it was a lawsuit(because of the previous contact with her ex husband regarding the car and money and threat of lawsuit) and advised me to wait until the restraining order had expired to proceed. I would be satisfied with these items removed from my credit history. If the only way to do that is through civil or criminal litigation then I am comfortable doing so now that the restraining order is expired. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
submitted by Historical-Speech103 to IdentityTheft [link] [comments]