Cara hacker facebook

Jessica Chastain

2012.02.28 17:40 jesuz Jessica Chastain

Fansite for actress Jessica Chastain

2016.05.30 00:22 jayjlow HackerBoxes - monthly electronics subscription box

HackerBoxes is the monthly subscription box for electronics and computer enthusiasts.

2016.01.11 19:17 ShowBaggs Olivia Taylor Dudley pics and info.

Post your pics of the hot actress Olivia Taylor Dudley. Some of her films include; Chernobyl Diaries and The Vatican tapes.

2024.05.17 12:51 Adventurous_Fee_499 I FOUND A RELIABLE HACKER

I am recommending everyone to a very trusted, reliable and gifted hacker. She is competent, and provides excellent services. She is very affordable and charges way less, Contact WIZARDHACKERS52 AT GMAIL DOT COM

WhatsApp: ‪‪+14255547890

TELEGRAM: +14256836968

Many services she can render include: Social Media Hack( Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook/Messenger, Twitter, TIKTOK, TELEGRAM etc.),Programming and Coding GPS Location Tracking, Recovering of lost bitcoin/ bitcoin account, Incoming calls Restriction, Intercepting and Retrieving Instant Messages, Grade Hacking,Phone Tracking and Cloning,Credit Card Hacking, Credit Score Increase, USSD Control Commands, WhatsApp Spy, Viber Spy, Facebook/Messenger Spy, Skype Spy, Hacking into Databases of all kinds, Calendar Monitoring, Internet Usage Monitoring, Remotely Accessing SMS, Game Hacking and Cracking, Key Logging, Remote Email Spying, and more. What made me had trust in her was her offer of total Refund of any displeasing services but i didn't have to use that Choice. Contact her

Other Services Includes

-App Development

WhatsApp: ‪‪+14255547890

TELEGRAM: +14256836968

submitted by Adventurous_Fee_499 to u/Adventurous_Fee_499 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:01 Mother_Walrus3207 How can someone hack me if I have 2FA, and my pw is not changed (even after the hack), and Facebook didn’t send me any alert

A person from Vietnam hacked me. I woke this morning to find myself unable to login to my Facebook account , giving me an error saying it’s “suspended “ as it’s linked to an instagram account that violates their guidelines . This hacker was able to disconnect my own instagram account and connect his fishy instagram account , there was an attempt from him to hack my email as well( the email that is linked to this facebook) but failed . How is he able to do all that, but my password remains unchanged (caused when I try to login with same pw, it doesn’t say it’s incorrect,just suspended account) and I have 2FA! I am paranoid person and been hacked years ago , so I have every security wall possible to avoid this . I am really intrigued !!! Does somebody know ? Also there were really private photos inside messenger , does he have access to them now !? Or because it got suspended, he got locked out of them? —-and why would he need to hack my account for in the first place !! I hope someone knows what’s going on . And why Facebook customer service is so incompetent, I did the verified instagram trick and all other tricks , nothing works , they basically told me to just forget my 15 years old Facebook and move on
submitted by Mother_Walrus3207 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:12 Legal_Ad_683 Prefiero el hombre del libro que el que tengo al frente

Hola, este es mi primer post y, bueno, carga con muchas emociones en este momento. Terminé con mi primer novio hace un año. Comenzamos nuestra relación cuando yo tenía 17 y él tenía 23. Al principio todo era lindo, pero con el tiempo todo se fue tornando tóxico. Como no quería pelear con él, en muchas ocasiones le di la razón, ya que no sabía cómo manejar las cosas. En muchas ocasiones, él me preguntaba a quiénes aceptaba en Facebook o Instagram y por qué lo había hecho. Me cuestionaba por qué mis números de seguidores y amigos habían subido, pese a que le dije que los conocía de lejos o me habían hablado de ellos. Él se molestaba.
También me acusaba constantemente de mirar a otros hombres. Hasta llegué a desarrollar el hábito horrible de mirar al piso cuando me topaba con alguien. Él quería controlar muchas partes de mi vida y me comparaba con sus ex. Nos enamoramos en tiempos de pandemia, así que era más pegada a él porque mi universidad era virtual. Cuando todo se volvió presencial y regresó a clases, a él le disgustó. Me preguntaba si no había la posibilidad de que las clases fueran virtuales y que me dedicara a estudiar.
Me llamaba antes de entrar a mis clases para asegurarse, además controlaba las horas de mis salidas. No mentiré, me harté en muchas ocasiones y, solo para que él supiera qué se siente, me volvió peor que él. Pero no era yo y no me gustaba hacerlo. Era cansado estar al pendiente de él de esa forma, hasta que lo encaré y él dijo que cambiaría, pero poco a poco. Cosa que no sucedió. Hasta que por fin me harté de verdad y decidí terminar la relación. Simplemente se me presentó la oportunidad porque me di cuenta de que me ocultaba sus salidas, además de que hablaba con otra persona. Así que aproveché eso y corté con él. Ya no quería estar con él.
Para ser sincero, pensé que había cometido un error, pero simplemente pasó. Tres semanas después de terminar nuestra relación, se consiguió una nueva novia: la prima de su mejor amigo. Me pregunté cómo es que alguien consigue una novia tan rápidamente después de terminar una relación larga con alguien, pero me respondí a mí misma: ya me engañaba desde antes. No me dolió en el momento, pero después de un tiempo sí, ya que me sentí traicionada. ¿Cómo es que yo no me daba cuenta de que me engañaba? ¿Cómo era tan fácil para él estar conmigo y mentirme a la cara?
No solo fue su nueva relación, sino el hecho de que me iba entrando de más cosas que hacía mientras estaba conmigo. Cuando terminé con él, no lloré porque desde hacía mucho tiempo me había quedado sin lágrimas. Hasta hubo un momento en el que me dijo que yo ya no lo quería porque ya no lloraba como antes. ¿Pueden creerlo? Pero en una noche que salí con mis amigas y tomé, todas las emociones de traición y decepción surgieron. Lloré y tomé hasta no saber qué hacía, y fue porque no estaba acostumbrada al alcohol.
Cuando tenía 17, tenía la mentalidad de que en la universidad saldría, pero cuando lo conocí, él dijo que no le gustaba el tipo de chicas que salían a las fiestas. Decía que en esas fiestas las chicas se besan con todos y se podía contagiar algo, y pues yo, ingenua (estupida), dije que me gustaba quedarme en casa, lo cual era cierto, pero también me gustaba bailar.
Era costumbre en las llamadas con él jugar y fingir prestarle atención. Ya no quería ver en mi casa, no quería salir con él, prefería hacer otras cosas. Leía manhwas y novelas románticas. Empecé a querer desaparecer y renacer en uno de esos libros donde el amor no es tóxico, donde los chicos de los libros se reconstruyen por la chica solo para hacerla feliz. Hacen lo imposible para que sea feliz, sus pensamientos son sobre ella, las tratan como reinas. Pese a que hay momentos complicados, como lector sabes que terminará bien y que el chico es sincero.
Llegué al punto de detestar la idea de tener novio porque, siendo sincera, lo veo como una pérdida de tiempo. Sé que todo lo que pasó es mi culpa porque yo permití muchas cosas. Supongo que estar sola ahora es mi manera de no cometer más errores. No tengo la autoestima alta, no me gustan partes de mí, no tengo carisma, tampoco confianza. Tiemblan mucho mis manos cuando me pongo nervioso o sudo. Soy la clase de persona que puede ser manipulada y que, pese a que le hace mal, sigue ahí. Por eso prefiere los libros. Sé que está mal, porque los sentimientos plasmados en los libros son puros, no con maldad ni con ganas de arruinar la vida.
submitted by Legal_Ad_683 to u/Legal_Ad_683 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:07 No-Notice-870 Tem culpado?

Como todo ser humano em sociedade,flertes sempre acontecem, igual essa noite arrastei aza pra uma moça gótica, sendo que a principal se chama Hana Lily, mais como o perfil dela no Facebook está em um relacionamento aberto não tenho tanta culpa assim, pois ela mesma diz que pode ficar com outro cara e flertar também, sendo assim fica tudo empatado.
submitted by No-Notice-870 to u/No-Notice-870 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:45 UniversitySubject118 Stolen or hacked FB account

My amazing daughter laughed & told me that it literally happens to a lot of people! We chatted & I explained to her how I've had my Facebook account stolen @ 3am on May 16, 2024. I have so many things to protect!
First thing that came to mind when I received the email saying that my fb email had been changed @3am 5-16-2024 apparently this change request came from someone else who is using one of my previous phone numbers, and this person now has access to my FB account & I cannot get into the account myself.
I managed the immediate threat to all things financial & susceptible to digital access!!!
Since this mornings identity theft occured the "imposter" has posted a car for sale, and is asking for someone in the social media community to buy the car using my name of course.
With everything that has occured so far I'm thinking that this "hacker" is most likely a random person who began using a burner phone that has a phone number attached to that used to be mine.
Could This person actually know me & be using my old number on purpose? I would like to know... I think 💬 😐😕😤
Who do you even contact in this situation? Facebook had been told by "ME' that "it wasn't me" It wasn't me on at least three email notifications, and apparently they are not paying attention to this red flag. The imposter has been liking, commenting, & pretending to be me! Who deals with this? Is this considered identity theft? How does someone resolve this issue? Let's tackle this problem in order to prevent this from happening to anyone else out there that may need information and/or protection. The individual (or individuals) that like to do this will USE OUR NAMES, and wreak havoc on our lives.
I will not lose sleep over this & I'm looking forward to hearing what you all have to say about this increasing problematic issue.
submitted by UniversitySubject118 to hacked_confused_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:14 TheCyberSecurityHub North Korean Hackers Exploit Facebook Messenger in Targeted Malware Campaign

North Korean Hackers Exploit Facebook Messenger in Targeted Malware Campaign submitted by TheCyberSecurityHub to u/TheCyberSecurityHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:51 androbuntu Cara Mencari Video Viral yang Tidak ada di Facebook

Cara Mencari Video Viral yang Tidak ada di Facebook submitted by androbuntu to androbuntu [link] [comments]


Hola, quisiera ver si alguno de la comunidad puede ayudarme con este problema con el cual tengo mas de 6 meses...
Hace 6 meses mi cuenta fue hackeada, e hicieron varios gastos con mi tarjeta de crédito. Luego de pagar la "Meta Verified" me ayudaron devolviendome el dinero y mi business manager. No obstante hay un problema que no he resuelto y es esl siguiente:
El hacker cambio mi pagina a un business manager (Administrador comercial) que no reconozco y por mas casos que he abierto a Facebook nadie me ha podido ayudarme a recuperar mi pagina en mi administrador comercial ¿Alguno sabe como recuperar mi pagina y que la coloquen en mi business manager? Ya he tratado de varias maneras y sigo sin recuperar mi pagina, que aunque la tenga como administrador, no me deja colocarla en mi business manager. Gracias!
submitted by FonsoCR to FacebookBusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:18 Board_Smooth Please help me get this hacker (scammer?) out of my Facebook and emails

First time posting. From a long time (earlier this year) this guy named Jake Johnson was able to log into my mother's and I Facebook and managed to make an account using our emails.
I think it's happening to both of us on our mobile phones because I used to have her current phone to use for schoolwork and I guess when I logged into different sites, I used that email which is now linked with my Facebook.
No matter how many times we change the password and log this guy out, he always comes back. Any advice?
I'm thinking of just logging him out another time and then block Facebook notifications from coming to my email so he can't get the code (maybe?). I dont know whether this would just stop me from seeing his activity on Facebook and my efforts would be futile.
Just comment on any further needed information.
submitted by Board_Smooth to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:14 MarkinA2 What does ineligible mean?

I had my Facebook account hacked on Sunday morning. By the time I tried to log in, my account had been disabled and considered “ineligible.” I live in the UK. I’ve had this account since 2007 and I’m reasonably active, so I’d like to get it back if possible.
The message (shown below) gives no recourse and says the decision is not reversible:
“Why was my account disabled? We've determined that you are not eligible to use Facebook. This decision is final. Unfortunately, for safety and security reasons, we can't give you any additional information as to why your account was disabled. For more information about our policies, please review the Facebook Terms.”
Does anyone know why this is different from the many examples I see where some explanation or recourse (such as appealing the decision) is offered? What did the hacker do that caused this?
submitted by MarkinA2 to facebookdisabledme [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:39 Still_Ad_4928 Of Hearts and Women Part-II (Book-Sample)

Not shared, nor my shade; but something to be weaved; just as the measure of disappointment became it's own solution. But I talked my way through things forbidden, just to find myself blind in bed with those who are dead. Clumsy, but altogether natural of course, because it's consciousness what you refer in the description, yet that's what we don't get a lot about. See your deeds the way you are seen, and then return to a restless place: and the question in-between sheets will be why. Well, I just can't motivate myself to work without hot bitches staring. And that's the truth. Sad but True
— Hearfelt comment for an instagram witch.
Del desprecio a ese descarte, no he visto muchas cosas. Así se pasa una más para las cuentas, y aquí otro más para los versos, por qué aquí no hemos sido vistos. Cuánto más querría uno, que sino lo cuentas ni mucho menos piensas: << lo de este pibe que cosa más horrible>>, haciendo eso lamentable, por qué en decirlo nadie ha mentido. ¡Es horrible! Que cara es entonces la cuenta de lo que le sale a uno vivir sin más complejos; mejor seria cobrarmelo, para así saber que de algo ha valido. Bloqueame.
— Heartfelt comment for a random supermodel-to-be.
The Spirit of Fire
Flames begone, flames in spite: their warmth I felt - so I closed my fist until I could feel the warmth of my blood in my hand. And in dreams Fire came up to me and said: who am I? And I said unto him: you are bound to my bidding, thus your name misery will be. But fire wretched as he was, got closer and asked: and who are you?
And I said unto him that the blood of David ran through my veins, as I was his heir; for the mother of God claim me from death as a son. So Fire tried me, and figured it out.
You are son of woman —said Fire unto me— but as Fire acknowledged the name, I extended my left hand, and took Fire by the neck throwing him into the gound. — You are going to lace yourself to the right hand of the beast, and you'll keep him steady, so I can cleanly take him down. And Fire stayed down, and with his forehead kissing the ground asked unto me —why would the heir of David do so to earthly man?
And I said unto Fire that the beast from the abyss had left no mother for God, so I was to leave none of his body left for his head; as I was going to make it bleed until the end of the end of times.
The Spirit of Earth
Shapeless and without body, but keen within her many numbers, Earth came up to me in dreams, and said: who am I? And posessed in spirit as I was, I said unto her, that God had made her maiden again, and that she shall become the coins that Judas never received, which were to become the due payment of man and women for the body of Christ. Then I extended my right hand, and grabbed Earth by her hair —which descended deep into the abysses of hell— and cut it short so the demons of Lilith would no longer had her gripped by her back.
You are now a woman, and I'm going to rise you from the grounds. You'll lace yourself to the left hand of the beast, and keep it steady so with one shot I can cleanly take him down.
The Spirit of Air
A dream shaped by written words, whispered down for years by the currents of this Montain, and it's requiem witnessed but by a few — the end of dreams. But from where I standed at the peak, I called upon the distant currents that went down, and asked them: who am I?
And Air came unto me as bird, which had thousands of letters for feathers, and in the tongue of dead men answered.
"Somebody who only a few will remember by strange deeds; as the burden on your back, is a past tainted by impossible dreams. You were a lunatic giving new names to folk, and folk never bothered to remember —so your name must be freak, as you died in a forgotten shack some short time ago."
And as Air said these things upon me, I called Misery —as I had dubbed Fire — and told him to get inside my shot. The burden as Air had said, became lesser as i took the shot from my quiver. And I said upon Misery; that he was to set ablaze this arrow, as I was taking down the bird of Britain, and that I would do so, so God would give the deeds of Earth some better names.
The Lord is making a bridge between the empire of strength, and the last empire of men. Now by God's grace, I'm making the tongue of free men, the tongue of Spain. You will be eventually bound to my bidding, and if not me, it will be to the one I'm preceding; for I'm giving you twenty years to attone your wrongdoing. Alas, now because of your wretchedness, my shot on earthly men won't be clean, for his left leg won't stay steady.
Your old name was apathy, now I'm calling you Cisma, which in the tongue of dead men means schism. So now by the will of God lay unto the ground and say the words you've been teached. And as the arrow blazed forward, it's bending motion pierced the veil hiding the secret ladder of men. The bird of Britain catched on Fire, and it's hollering resounded throught the ladders of the mountain until the depths of the abyss. A column of air turned into fire, then violenty erupted from the vowels of the bird, and the wild fire spread as a storm from west to east all throughout the five kingdoms of men away from its own fiery wings, with a gift of misery and a few words to say.
"The name of your woman or the name of your man, will no longer explain their purpose to a man, a woman, or God. Charred words written by thunder will now be the new ladder of men — but until then, darkness upon thee."
The House of Water
I head into the coasts, and the beautiful beaches in-between, to find the stranger who burns images in the skin of men. He is the stranger, and has adopted the body of a monster, and he is one who cannot be understood, so he went on to only go out home in stunts, for the burdens in his heart have become too great to bear. Through terrible pains he has given all he once was for an identity, and as I pick up on his past, i found familiarity in the feelings of his heart. Oh dear friend how we found looking in sadness to ourselves, after doing same but with different means, carrying into our shoulders the loneliness of this world. As you have in-skin the garments of the strange doctrine that I preach — I shall congrate you, for you truly have fought the world entire, for my doctrine is the words of those who shall defeat the world entire.
I may not have your strangeness in-body, but I have it in these words, and in the true feelings of my heart. And I say in admiration that there's no higher form of art, philosophy or religion: than those who perform the highest thing they can give a name about.
Now even within solitude, and at odds with what old dead men call God, I see you and I found strength in you, as I can see you are within me, and in that, you are within everything as it should be - as is meant in everyone who does something that touches the heart of another man. I call this the kingdom of God. Yet blind men and women will wonder how can the kingdom of God possibly be within two outcasts such as you and me.
Upong giving my regards and waiting for response, I found my way into a bench. It was a warm afternoon, and the wind carried the water of the sea. The bird of Britain came about down from the wind of north, and layed on the bench were I was sitting.
The bird asked: why hast thou become this?
And I said back to bird, scorched he was and nearing death, that it was me someone who was supposed to give names, yet for years I couldn't figure out one for myself. Then on went to being given a name, Alas all the wrong ones. Did Adan gave himself a name? - I asked the bird back. And there was no response from bird. Then I continued.
A man has the essence of his soul retained by what he is seen doing. Yet I did things nobody saw, so my soul wasn't with God but with something just as ancient, and nonetheless unknown by men in its true nature — then Satan as the better known devil, came about and pushed me into a hole. It was my own doing. Yet the things I did, I thought were seen. But nonetheless what I did was without contemplation on a posible return. Just as somebody who prints an image on their own skin. It's permanent. This is the essence of a memory in the soul of the man who's seen by others. But in the familiarity of a man who picked every irreversible decision like the Alien, I find myself feeling sympathy, for the man is still not what he has been seen doing, he shall redeem himself by what he decides to turn himself into.
Is this a way of saying that you want to get yourself a tattoo? Get a new look? - the bird mockingly asked.
And I gave the scorched bird no answer.
Then the bird said unto me: what about your career as a prophet, uh? And the things you said about returning with substance? Do you actually think this is substance?
And i considered what the Bird said, then I negated with a movement of my own head. It is not i answered, but i find the memories of me not making sense unbearable. For those mean the memories of a fool, un pendejo, an insane person, or both. And I will always try to amend what I don't do well. But now I wish for only one thing, and it is to be remembered as someone who makes sense, and who out of that sense, made good upon the world. I don't expect anything in return for what I do now, as it is merely an outlet to keep me sane while I finish editing my work. It's clear I'm too incompetent to be a competent influencer. As for once, I don't care about influencing anyone into what I think; but to perform what I think it's important.
Then every proverbial student is free to take classes so as they see fit, and to interpret such classes as their comprehension gives them grasp of what it's said. In such regard, this is what I offer now, while I make the journey to Madrid. And the bird tilted it's head so as to observe me with his left eye, then after a long impasse, it made a loud and painful caw, and finally flew away. Soon after the bird flew, I looked upon the stars in the nascent night, and confessed to them, that it was the memories of who we were, what often stumps us into wrong beliefs of who we should be, maybe even wasting an entire lifetime retained by that which other people remembered us as being. But we are not the owners of our own names, the place we go, and our destiny. That's the biggest lie the western world of hollywood heros tell you, as in truth is collective agreement what determines what we look like doing and thus the meaning we should comfort to, recalling that names are practical mechanisms to remember the purpose of things, their meaning, and how their motion is described in the world.
But making the task of beating that collective belief, akin to the Nietzschean ideal of the camel turning into the lion, so as to transform it's spirit and become something else. But if it's the golden dragon of all the huamn values which judges you insane, will you be prepared to wrestle with the entire culture so as to have your way?
As I layed my eyes upon each star counting up to the number seventeen, I confessed of being scared of those beliefs, as revisiting the past, became a painful deed — and as I prepared to leave, I uttered one wish on the seventeenth point in the sky.
Lord please grant me strength, the way you have given my friend strenght.
The night deepen, while the sea tide sang its own song of breathing. Some time passed, and then on the stranger showed himself approaching at the distance. I waved my hand at him, and after the instant, he found his way into my bench while I welcomed him with an extended fist which he casually bumped - after the short acknowledgement the dark alien looked at my face in between it's cover of dark, and looking at it undiscernable in its true features, with suspicion asked.
— What is it that you want?
I acknowledged him as a friend, then mentioned my brief research, as I had come to know him as man looking for a job, yet nobody would hire for things mundane due to his appearance. I listened closely to the news, and came to understand that this was a man looking for a second chance.Then I saw the intent behind his doing, and two words came to stick to my own thoughts. The first one was <> and the second one was <>. I was admired.
In analytical psychology I figured this man was the ESFP —the personality archetype related to the performer and the entertainer—, possessed in an abnormal way by the spirit by which a person submits to it's contrary nature, seeking to integrate and find fulfillment through the chase of what's perceived absent. If he was the ESFP then doing the flip by following the radial axis of each Jungian function in the stack towards their opposite resulted in the INTJ. The mastermind. The architect. The genius yet awfully complex individual. That was the elusive spirit he was chasing.
But a spirit and a character that at its most pronounced embodiment in a person, would experience life as an eternal foreigner hiding from the light of other men. Such made sense to me, for I myself was the INTJ, and had at spirit the ESFP. Him. So where as this man chased the spiritual fulfillment of being a complex and deep individual, I chased the fulfillment of becoming simpler, so I could demonstrate with action the deepest desires of my heart. One who was born plentiful in means to be liked, becomes complex, mysterious and uncomprehended, meeting one who will be seen trying to make sense becoming simpler. For Carl Jung portrayed the anima and animus of individuals, as the sense of what its absent, yet deeply cherished an valued. So I said these things to the alien, while he silently listened to me.
— All of that sounds like bullshit to me. -Said the alien after some contemplation .— Sorry but the things you say, don't mean anything to me.
And alas for I expected such response, as if one thing was true about this journey, was that explaining the journey in and of itself would become it's grimmest task. I affirmated what he just said with a slight nod of head.
— These things I say and how they relate to each other, in its excercise are similar to doing stecheometric balance with equations in the head, but simpler I'm afraid. - Then I paused, looked back into the sea, and continued. — That's high school chemistry, but I don't expect everybody to pick up on it, nor like it, nor understand it.
— Now i have called you a friend, and where I came from we dub with this title the people we share destiny with. As far as I'm concerned, we are chasing the same thing, which is the hardest posible thing. We both innately understand that we are not home, as we want our spirit to return to us, and that's not what a lot of people ever honestly try to attempt in a lifetime; as such is anyone's call to feel complete.
— And very few people ever reach true individuality, beyond the name they are imposed at birth.
Then I looked into the black alien, and in-between his foreign facial features, I interpreted something familiar. Disturbance. And I continued.
— We have given ourselves hell as we lived chasing something hard, so we can avoid the same hell later on when we are finally back to our own house. This is a christian precept, altought a rundimentary one. Does that makes sense to you?
And after listening such, the black alien calmly looked at the veil in my face in silence. Trying to discern what my face actually looked like, but the night was dark. Then turned his stare back to the reflection of the moon over the waters, giving some thought to what I just said. I opened up my backpack, and drawed two cans of beer from it. Offered one to him, and he silently refused with a gesture of hand. I popped my can and gave it a sip, while I myself stared at the tides coming in and out of the shore.
— If you wan't a tattoo, we can work that out. But this sounds annoyingly familiar, and my interest is not religious. Are you religious?
I nodded in affirmation, and complemented saying. — But my doctrine is something nobody has heard nor seen. For its aim, is doing as Christ said, in perfect means. Yet its true that the teaching fits you, as it's the teaching of the future man; and there's nothing in common between the current man and the future man, as they may very well be different species. This is the precept of evolution.
The alien seemed surprised.
— These two men don't know each other, for the current man doesn't know where the future man comes from, for he himself doesn't know where he is going. Yet in deep realization of your own artistic concept, I think you might want new ideas to meet with your appearance. So tell me, are you curious about what truly happens to a man after he dies? Do you want to learn how to read someone's mind? Do you want to blast with words of fire the hearts of an amazed crowd?
But the black alien broke his calm contemplation of what I was saying, and slighty disturbed, aggressively rebuked after hearing such.
— But you mentioned 'Christ', so you must be christian. How can a christian even say anything interesting in this current time? Last time I asked, their sayings were dreaded by restriction - so why would anyone condemn themselves to a life of bore? Are you a christian?
And I nodded after the question, in silence. Admittedly, for I knew what the problem was with being what I was, and my new companion was bang on identifying it. Made a pause, then raised my sight to where it met with the sky and the stars in it, and I said back to him.
— I am, but not one of a type you have ever seen, for the Christ that comes, is a Christ of art.
The riptide sang, in its secret dialect of earth and sea. I looked upon the coast, turned an eye blind, and saw the ocean as the scorpio, and the land as the taurus; as it was the struggle between two lovers, never meant to consume each other. Ideal love then - yet not to confuse with this partnership as it was whimsilcally tied by the means in which i arranged my current conversation; for my lady somewhere waited for me. Then i allowed my eyes to rest still.
The alien looked upon me, undiscernable in my intentions, and again figured for himself that my interest towards him wasn’t clear. In suspicion, and after the moment he collected his thoughts asked “In your weird words you dubbed me performer, so what is it exactly that you wan’t from me. To me it seems like you are gathering people for some form of religious clown show. When you forced this meeting upon me, was this a proposal you thought i would find amusement in?”. And after the statement my own stare wandered in my conversation partner. While as he had his say, i returned to my can of beer, and finished it with a long gulp. Tempered in an unwillingness to fall to my new found friend irritation, i said within my own thoughts: “The alien looks easy going, but he is barbed in wit”.
Then i opened the can of beer that the stranger rejected; the loud pop resounded in the relative silence, interrupting for a moment the steady chorus of the sea. Gave it a long sip, and said.
– Theres no proposal in place yet. But im certain of something, and that is that both of us are messed individuals which reached the bottom doing the same thing - but the way my understandment of the human soul goes: two people can act by mere interaction as reactives to each other, creating a new chemical compound after the fact.
– This new psychology is very much like chemistry. But it is not my intention to draw you into something, but to pull myself out of this «something» by doing right on another person and maybe that person reflecting the good back on me. I just need a conversation partner, thats all. And i will do this with you, and with many people more. Presidents included.
The alien reflected on it, and after the hiatus of a long standing position of suspicion he finally gave in, and eased up with a slight smile. A strange smile of relief. But the smile, was all too familiar for me, as i realized the man was a tortured individual: a person in long standing pain. I smiled back the way he did, and continued.
– Our pain has a common name, and is a name that can be written with words unfortunately. It’s the devilish mother of all spiritual ills and its foundation, rests at the concept of a past that wasnt solved. It’s called «inadequeacy», and for people like you and me, understanding one day that such inadecuacy had to be solved by our own means, lead us into an act where our name changed as the changes in our cover up act to solve our inadequacy did.
– We never honored the past or the present in our pursuit, as we desired in passion to find solution to the present, by matching it into the idealization of some future without ever realizing that the old or present essence of ones being would be crushed into non existance by said future.
– Then we found the realization of that new name, only to understand that its demands became a tyranny on the other faces of our soul: as our soul is not something that can be undestood in unity, but something that conceives in the beginning in multiple things which try to give shape to one thing. Theres many people in a village, and our minds, are no exception.
— But happiness is only achieved by those who have their soul entire - or those who are the same person regardless of the context and scenario. And we gave to much to somebody that wasn't us, as our spirit took possession and lead us down.
– This is this the essence by which someone goes to hell, only to do one thing over again, getting an ever lasting pain for all the things that were given up chasing that which was absent. The more someone is forced into being shaped by the thing that was concevied in lust, the more the individual misses the place they used to call home, for that is no longer within ones reach. Does this makes sense to you?
The alien left me with no answer, and as he contemplated the sea, a tear travelled through his strange face.
– In this state of anguish, affliction rarely ever feels company, as the very individual condition that was pursued, became a full suit and persona to be forced upon and wear. Hell, is one lonely place man because we only learn to speak a language, that only makes sense to ourselves. But i think we can find a way out of it. This is why I'm here.
“Look, what you’ve done, it’s not something i can see the way you can see my own doing on me.” The alien replied. “Besides the way in which i canno’t see your face in this night, you seem ordinary — but what you talk and the way you say it, evokes in every word regret. What is it that you’ve done that has you regret like this?”
As the alien finished speaking, I emptied the can of beer, layed my eyes on the irregular grooves that my feet had left on the sand, and then replied back to him, after making a recap of the story i had repeatedly told myself after falling down.
“My story, is the fairy tale of a guy who makes way for the new coming of a new man; a better man for the world, while he casts disarray upon the earth: much to his dismay, at the expense of his own soul as the people who become victims of disasters, were ones who this man deemed unfair; cruel, evil, despicable in past. That was at the beginning."
"Theres a pile of corpses behind that character — even in covid time, people as close as the local priest of the small town he lived in, would break their neck after falling in the shower, as he had the slightest suspicion of their secret deeds. All clean deads for that matter. Untraceable to nothing but sheer randomness. Magic as it seeems. But were this folk truly evil people or even guilty of anything? You may ask - the man never knew it for sure, as he never had faculties such as godly omniscience to actually know it; which has taken a toll on him, as the burden of justice is an unberable one for anything but a god."
"Which leads to another point: spontaneously picturing random numbers in the head, associating them with psychological compounds by angular momentum, and actually being bang on the suspicion. Truth friend, in its stochastic presentation: it's unberable.”
“Consequential of such attempts to rationalize his own story in the eyes of people such as close family, my dude became clinically diagnosed with referenced thinking. Which are fancy words for schizophrenia. Nobody believed the story as it was uttered."
"Yet the consequences are there for everyone to see, altought not visible in their cause and effect by anybody but this guy, which lead him first into regret over ever starting his quest as a reformer; and then repent.”
“Now before he realized of this lets call it «curse», he preached for years over the internet as the disasters started to slowly creep up. He preached in a fashion parallel to Niestzches Zarathustra; Zarathustra meaning a famous philosophical device artificied by the philosopher Niestzche, who’s aim was to portray the best posible man, as something he dubbed the <<Übermensch>> ”.
“Such concept being the seemingly more elegant brand of a humanist ideal for a not so distant future: today - albeit a wrong one, for this guy was not dyonisian himself. The backbone of his framework, is analytical psycholgy becoming a chariot for a true understandment of human nature: and ultimately a facilitator for love within light: not within ignorance; not within darkness. Most philosophers today though would mock anything analytical in it's aim."
"Then on the guy preached and dwelved further into the relative hole of his own doctrine: and became imprisoned by what he didn’t got right at first attempt, making him in the process the character that Nietzsche from the comfort of his own writers seat, never attempted to actually embody within realistic means: eventually figuring out within himself the ultimate Nietzschean aristocrat: a magic pen granted by being capetian by mother: from judah by father."
"But Alas, you have no idea how common suicide is within philosophers after they finish their best work. As language, becomes the ultimate barrier for understandment, and then to ones capacity to feel love. Difference — true saliency in ones individual destiny— leads to the gravest posible pain. Ironic isn’t it?”
“Besides technical work with a new form of psychology inspired by analytical chemistry, as that drawed from his efforts during the light of day, five years ago, once he felt the urge to try to reach out to the world from a position of what he deemed was greater understandment: he primitively preached during night his new set of ideas for people to behave beyond the limitations of manipulative psychology, albeit a harsh doctrine meant to clear the way for a better product: Christ himself."
"This is not a doctrine a human being can actually perform, as such its christianity at its highest capacity to bear fruit. It’s an impossible doctrine, yet solves the oldest problem posed in the bible. All which sounds very sci-fi bullshit-y but actual problems started for the protagonist in this tale, when the preaching matched with terrible consequences. Not figurative, but within tangible reality.”
“So just as we talk, theres a small legion of hackers pretending to be doing internet social experiments while talking in an artsy matter: much in my own style, entertaining the exact same concepts - a legion of dangerous monkeys, i have no control over."
"One of the many unexpected consequences being this, yet prompted by something evil; ancient: essentially replicating what my protagonist developed and then preached over the years, while these "hacktivists" lay their attention on things and people, as they select them and enforce upon them strict surveillance, to behave properly. Then to destroy them, as they did in 2020 with many corporations and institutions.A bizarre combination of theater actors to my own liking, and then cyber-security demigods: omniscient in their claims to surveill, and they are - derivative such of another device of what I've done; which is to build a theater so people can make-believe that they are infact performing within themselves something greater - but that's matter for another story."
“Most of the corpses piling up flat out dead, have no relation to him whatsoever; they became victims as my protagonist took measures to fight back the monster he found at the foundation of the known world. This is not an elaborate analogy for one's own unseen capacity for evil, as i mean this: a monster as literally as it can be. For these things friend, im doomed as in true strenght, i have nothing but the pen i use to write down what i think albeit always at danger of it’s eventual inversion. I have no real friends left. Not one who can understand, or help bear the pain: as friendship and love are all gated by understandment."
"The full story has many more vertients, but i think i’ve done it enough justice. This is the predicament of an insane man chased by his own shadow as he builds a better man: one who delivers heavenly things, and then a shadow stringed to deliver tyranny as the very strings behind him make the better man stumble while he tries to keep a grasp of his own spirit, and then of his own soul."
"That monster behind, is wicked smart — and cannot be outwitted nor overpowered but anything but divine smite."
“I’m heading now to a new country, to try to get friends from the only institution in the world who knows and adresses the current times being, and who by extension, might believe me. And to clarify, these being the end of times; but not the end of the world. Yet now i myself have a damocles sword pending over my own head, and i need to do something about it before it falls.”
And as i said these things, i reached out to my backpack drawing a third can of beer from it — besides my own super laptop, thats what my backpack had: an infinite supply of beer. Corona, Indio, Victoria, Dos Equis, Heineken; you name it. I popped the can, and gave it a long and definite sip as i emptied it complete.
The alien didn't try to show that he understood, but stood still in silence, with his sight in the sand below and pressing lips, knowing by my demeanor; that these things as I've said them was something that I needed to do. Then he said: "I don't follow man. You say you preach and then disasters occur. Like a prophet from the bible?"
"Yes. Then I preached to get rid of the things that are actually making the world worse, and something awoke soon after, and since then; everything I do is subject to being misinterpreted due to the diffamatory action of this thing. Now everytime I do something, it can be twisted and turned against my original intent. Right now the hackers are my worst problem: I may have a degree in computers but I have no fucking idea whatsoever of hacking. I earn my living as an A.I engineer.".
The alien raised his sight to meet with mine, and after doing some contemplation on the fact, quite simply said: "You are insane". Then lowered his own sight, and raised it again to meet with the sea and continued. "If you want a tattoo, we can work that out. But either way and whatever parts of your story are true and even worse; the ones you may be lying about: you sound dangerous in a delusional kind of sense, and my life is hard enough as is."
I pressed my fists, knowing then the old same thing had happened again. For I had never forced anything upon anybody, and I was willing to respect that until the bitter end. Then I released the build up of frustration with a loud sigh, and after this amend, I replied back.
"I understand and respect it. But let me just propose you that if you ever want to figure what is beyond life as it's lived by person who has never seen what is like to be someone you write a great story about; you can pin me, and I'll show you what's beyond that door. Give it some thought."
The alien; The Black Alien Project stayed there sitting, spechless but calm, almost expecting something else to be convinced about. But pointless, for i knew that nobody can be forced into anything without bringing a transgression into play – and i wasn’t one to taint myself in sin if it could be avoided. Not anymore.
I made the distance at steady pace walking along the shore, until i found a small group of pines in-between the liminal space of the beach and the land. I sat with one of the pines trunk behind my back, and drawed the Schizo Pills from my eternal supply of traveller goodies.
Quetiapine 100 mg, and Olanzapine 10 mg, i made a smaller fragment from the olanzapine pill, and swallowed both complete. As their side effects were concerned, they would soon knock me out of conscience, as this little ritual was my own way of calling the day complete – then i layed there, vigilant, waiting for my own drowsiness to claim me into sleep - but the Bird of Britan came flying from above, and stood besides me.
\Chirp, Chirp, Chirp**
I watched the bird, annoyed, as its presence had become an omen for contempt. For me and the death people of my past. I frowned upon the little shit, and said nothing. The bird made a little nod, while tilting its head in excentricity the way birds do, and replied. — Hey Andrew!, do you remember when you tried to penetrate your own computer to make a universe grow inside of it? I just wan’t to know something: did your computer moan? Did it finally learnt how to scream your name?
\Chirp Chirp**
Ignoring the bird, i closed my eyes and stayed like that for a long moment, hoping to make the bird think i was asleep. Maybe that would make him leave.
— Can’t bullshit me like that Sweetheart. So please tell me something; why don’t you command one of your supermodels; these muses, to come here and warm the bed for you. It's a cold night and you seem lonely brah
. \Chirp Chirp**
I opened my eyes, and irritated, pointed menacingly at the bird turning my left hand into an imaginary gun. I had already failed at something today, and wasn’t convinced i needed the memory of the things i failed at before. Not now.
  • Hol’ up cowboy ! you wan’t to bang my bird ass when you should be banging a bitch ass. What happened with Tyrone huckleberry? Did you managed to make him as impotent as you are right now? —I held steady my hand; and tired, the tempation to pull again the trigger on the bird was growing larger. I saw red roses in my own sight, making a terrible omen for a migraine forthcoming. Said nothing.
— The glowniggers are out there brah. You may not be a hacker – and its true, but i took notice of your last words: so now the glowies are going to instead dreambooth* people into every posible kind of scenario of extorsion, while they surveil like a motherfucker. Like you dream boothed yourself for your little ahem "art project". Then we will use Suno*, then Sora* when it open sources. Are you going to protect your hoes?
Said nothing.
  • Alright cowboy, i will give meaning to that revelations verse. What was it? Ah yes. Revelations 9:6. Every single person with an internet history will be as paranoid as you were in 2020. Everyone will be diffamated into acts of political terrorism! Aren’t you am-
And as i pulled the imaginary trigger from the imaginary pistol, an imaginary arrow in the sky descended with a blaze of not so imaginary flames on the Bird of Britain, engulfing the little shit in heat, and making it’s body explode into a gore of scorched viscera. As if the bird was in a microwave oven. I inmediately gasped as the explosion was too close from where i was sitting - after the conmotion, stared at the red and burned stain in the floor, and left my sight rest there, as sleep finally found its way into my restless thoughts.
"No longer care for love unless it's between good friends”. Said to myself. There was certainly a migraine coming, but maybe my dreams would help convince it otherwise. And as far as the hoes were concerned, Furious Angels would be there for them. Like the Rob Dougan song.
Found my own mind after the slumber – asleep, then awake. I realized several hours passed - at least enough to wake up and witness the sun rise above the sea. But as for dreams, the light veil of their memories wasn't something to rely upon. But i did remember something, and it was some overtone in dread; an atmosphere of fear – and a kind of dread sustained in it’s inevitability by the urgency that builds upon dearth.
Now what exactly was it though? I couldn’t remember from my dreams, but ever since i falled to my own death i had always present in mind the future succesion of events that would follow when things started to go very wrong. Iran, the U.S, Israel - now whatever was it in the news; the outcome would be the same. A thousand more cuts to an already languishing economy. Make that corpse bleed, and then fall off a cliff.
As such things would be cooked, just as the bird of britain. The bird was still there though: just in pieces and roasted like the contents of a dropped KFC bucket would. But the little shit would return - as it always did. The economy? Not so much.
Yet i digress. None of the world circumstances mattered as far i was concerned – i had built a small and portable solar system to power my laptop, and my beer supply was well, infinite - i made myself sure that i had my needs covered whatever happened around me. Not tied to even a house for that matter. I incorporated myself and gave my back a stretch. The morning breeze coming from the sea evocated in my memories some time that had long passed – late childhood. I rejected those memories as they beared with them things i didnt wan’t to remember - then wen’t on as usual in my morning routine scrolling through my instagram feed, figuring if there were any new hoes to maybe motivate me into doing my God imposed labour.
Labour which was to either write, or to finish the House of Water — then after scrolling i did in fact saw a new hoe; i dropped a Faux Pas comment. Maybe she would play along, maybe not. Whatever. Sometimes I would put in a lot of effort to do a rhyme. But the effort depended on the insta-hoe in question. I know. Not the best of habits, but back in elementary school i was the kind of kid that would only get motivation when the girls in the classroom were present in physEd. And then i would run faster: whole lotta faster. Run Forrest! Run! Women love used to fuel me; and the habit sticked — and at the moment, i was kinda done with the idea of female trascendence. Would rely on their love, but not on their validation. Not like a simp. Fuck that.
Furthermore, what results did i demonstrably mustered after pursuing true egalitarianism and sharing it? Exactly. A bitch gonna do what a bitch gonna do, and so does the human female. After publishing the comment, I locked my phone and walked towards the highway, as i was planning to pay a visit to somebody long forgotten - I had kind of a schedule that i was going to follow, before taking the plane to Madrid and become hispanic Jon Snow from the walgreens Nightwatch.
submitted by Still_Ad_4928 to u/Still_Ad_4928 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:34 unzialed Sobre meu casamento

Boa tarde. Sou h24, casado a quase 2 anos com a mãe do meu filho de 4 meses, m26. Nós conhecemos na internet, ela veio do estado dela para o meu, já fomos pra mesma casa e cá estamos. Me falou sobre seu passado, apesar de ser cristã assídua, onde já conheceu vários jovens, já teve suas experiências sexuais, etc. Ela sempre teve vício muito forte em porn* e tudo que envolve internet e redes sociais (conversar com caras de outros estados, Tinder, etc). Hoje nos propomos a não usar mais as redes, mas algum tempo atrás, peguei emojis de foguinho enviados pra alguém no whatsapp, pessoa essa que não existe vestígios. Ela é muito boa em apagar rastros, mas eu achei nos cookies do navegador algo relacionado a Facebook, sendo que ela não tem conta (ou não era pra ter). Questionei, ela disse que não tinha nada, chorou, brigamos, etc. O cerne da questão é: ela está cada vez mais afastando-se sentimentalmente, já não conversamos mais como antes, e eu tenho dúvidas sobre o que ela tem feito durante o dia enquanto cuida do nosso filho. Preciso da ajuda de vocês de forma franca. Muito obrigado.
submitted by unzialed to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:25 unzialed Será que ela me traiu?

Boa tarde. Sou h24, casado a quase 2 anos com a mãe do meu filho de 4 meses, m26. Nós conhecemos na internet, ela veio do estado dela para o meu, já fomos pra mesma casa e cá estamos. Me falou sobre seu passado, apesar de ser cristã assídua, onde já conheceu vários jovens, já teve suas experiências sexuais, etc. Ela sempre teve vício muito forte em pornografia e tudo que envolve internet e redes sociais (conversar com caras de outros estados, Tinder, etc). Hoje nos propomos a não usar mais as redes, mas algum tempo atrás, peguei emojis de foguinho enviados pra alguém no whatsapp, pessoa essa que não existe vestígios. Ela é muito boa em apagar rastros, mas eu achei nos cookies do navegador algo relacionado a Facebook, sendo que ela não tem conta (ou não era pra ter). Questionei, ela disse que não tinha nada, chorou, brigamos, etc. O cerne da questão é: ela está cada vez mais afastando-se sentimentalmente, já não conversamos mais como antes, e eu tenho dúvidas sobre o que ela tem feito durante o dia enquanto cuida do nosso filho. Preciso da ajuda de vocês de forma franca. Muito obrigado.
submitted by unzialed to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:35 Evereffect Não consigo esquecer uma menina!

Cara, eu já namoro fazem 5 anos, amo muito minha namorada e pretendo casar com ela no futuro. Porém, eu não sei por que raios eu fico lembrando de uma menina que nem sequer cheguei a ficar (rolou um clima entre nós, porém nunca ficamos).
Detalhe: as vezes lembro e tenho de ficar parando essas imaginações de "como seria se eu estivesse com ela".
Eu sei que é normal achar outras pessoas bonitas, porém não sei se essa merda existe mas acho que ao olhar para ela eu fico tipo " beleza, ela é muito linda",talvez por que eu já gostei muito dela e não fui correspondido ou sla.
Como eu disse, eu não quero ficar lembrando dissso e quero superar esses pensamentos, alguém tem alguma dica de como fazer isso? (Já tirei ela de twitter, facebook e etc).
Obs: estou disposto a esclarecer algumas dúvidas que tiverem para que eu possa ajudar vcs a entender algo e vice-versa hehe.
submitted by Evereffect to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:13 Christheballa1988 IC3 is a joke

How does someone file a complaint on hacking? I have mountains of evidence and I know who is hacking me. LAPD told me I had to file a complaint on the stupid website. You don’t know if your complaint was read, rejected, approved, etc.
They don’t even have a phone number. I’ve had Facebook, Tik tok, ig, 10 email addresses all hacked and much more. I can’t access my work email.
How tf can the system be this broken? Maybe if I go to the hackers house, punch him and pee on his door, maybe then they will HAVE to talk with me?
Help me get creative I can’t take the hacking anymore.
submitted by Christheballa1988 to police [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:21 androbuntu Cara Mencari Video Viral yang Tidak ada di Facebook

Cara Mencari Video Viral yang Tidak ada di Facebook submitted by androbuntu to androbuntu [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:23 Unusual_Leather_9379 I found this in my spam folder and just don‘t know what to do

Well the person texted that from an e-mail that includes my name, but is not an e-mail I use or hosted. Also I found out that one of my presentations is saved in an folder with a Hebrew name which looks odd to me, because I should not have any Hebrew folders, but I don‘t know if thats connected to the e-mail(the name of the folder is just „documents“ but in Hebrew). That is what stands inside the e-mail:
Hello pervert, I've sent this message from your iCloud-mail.
I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, if you will act wisеly.
Have you heard of Pegasus? This is a spyware program that installs on computers and smartphones and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners. It provides access to your webcam, messengers, emails, call records, etc. It works well on Android, iOS, and Windows. I guess, you already figured out where I’m getting at.
It’s been a few months since I installed it on all your dеviсеs because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the intеrnеt. During this period, I’ve learned about all aspects of your private life, but оnе is of special significance to me.
I’ve recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial роrn videos. Given that the “questionable” genre is almost always the same, I can conclude that you have sick реrvеrsiоn.
I doubt you’d want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it in a few clicks.
Every number in your contact Iist will suddenly receive these vidеоs – on WhatsApp, on Telegram, on Instagram, on Facebook, on email – everywhere. It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first of all, your fоrmеr life.
Don’t think of yourself as an innocent victim. No one knows where your реrvеrsiоn might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved рunishmеnt to stop you.
I’m some kind of God who sees everything. However, don’t panic. As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I. But my mеrсy is not free.
Transfer 800 USD to my Litecoin (LTC) wallet: ltc1qt23qg369w4hhrke2spyq8ay3yyd3xuznexnkz4
Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will реrmanently delete all videos compromising you, uninstаll Pegasus from all of your devices, and disappear from your life. You can be sure – my benefit is only money. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second.
I’ll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have exactly 48 hours to send the money. If cryptocurrencies are unchartered waters for you, don’t worry, it’s very simple. Just google “crypto exchange” or "buy Litecoin" and then it will be no harder than buying some useless stuff on Amazon.
I strongly warn you against the following: * Do not reply to this email. I've sent it from your iCloud mail. * Do not contact the police. I have access to all your dеviсеs, and as soon as I find out you ran to the cops, videos will be published. * Don’t try to reset or destroy your dеviсеs. As I mentioned above: I’m monitoring all your activity, so you either agree to my terms or the vidеоs are рublished.
Also, don’t forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so it’s impossible to identify me using the provided аddrеss.
Good luck, my perverted friend. I hope this is the last time we hear from each other. And some friendly advice: from now on, don’t be so careless about your online security.
submitted by Unusual_Leather_9379 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:05 NozukiGX Account Hacked/Re-linked and sold

Hi, it's been almost a year since I've been hacked. It started somewhere around August - December 2023 when someone on techno phone logged into my account even tho I only linked it with Facebook. I have all my rightful suspicion to say that my account worth around 100$ max is being sold somewhere in the Russian market with multiple phone logging in. Out of 5-7 Customer Support claims, only 1 was accepted and that was back in 2023. CS unlinked email and phone for me to re link but they did it while I was asleep and thus the hacker simply relinked his own email/ph. He has turned on secondary certification but he has turned it off around 2024/04/27 from the logs.
Like another post somewhere, I WILL link every damn photos/details regarding that this account belongs to me. Original Clan : IJN (InJinnWeTrust)
UID : 5816565263
Current Name : 》HARUNA『MM
Previous Names I remember: HARUNA • GT • MM / TR Montana
Original email : []( New Request Email : [](
Main Devices : Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro / Iphone XS Max Highest Tier : Ace - A Master
2024/05/14 Facebook -Xiaomi (Me) / 2024/05/13 Mail -Apple / 2024/05/06 Mail -Samsung / 2024/03/06 Phone -Honor / 2024/02/23 Phone -Xiaomi / 2024/02/22 Mail -Huawei /
Proof of ownership, gameplay screenshot showing me and my clan/friend members clearly (kinda) visible on the team. Last UC purchase is around July-August iirc (2023) or when RP A2 came out. Yes I bought the RP. I am tired, ive submitted so many CS request and till now as of this post date, they rejected again. One of the pics i even circled my device in red.
Evidence :
submitted by NozukiGX to PUBGM_Support [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:40 Prowner1 My Business Portfolio Admin is a Disabled Hacker Account, How to Recover?

My Business Portfolio Admin is a Disabled Hacker Account, How to Recover?
So, my business portfolio was hacked and the hacker gave himself Admin rights to the account. Now after resolving the hack, the hacker account was disabled, but the Admin rights are still linked to that account with no way to transfer Admin rights back to me.
Does anyone know how to resolve this? Facebook help is no use and there is no way to contact Facebook
Because of the hack, my personal Ad Account is also disabled, so I can't run any ads anymore for my page (I do still have admin rights to the Page itself, just not the business account).
submitted by Prowner1 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:26 lawlore Hacked Facebook Account Recovered in 14 days (UK)

What a nightmare.
So, my story and process is very similar to this thread, but I figure it's worth sharing just to give a bit of hope and info on the process.
April 30th, I wake up to find I'm logged out of my Facebook account, and attempts to log back in reveal it's been disabled for inappropriate Instagram content. To appeal, I need to log in to the Instagram account, which is a Vietnamese username I don't recognise. Familiar story to many, I'm sure. This disabled page gives you the option to download some of your Facebook account, and I believe this was key- the access logs show exactly when and where it was hacked.
My own Instagram is not suspended, but has been unlinked from two accounts at the same time- I assume the hacker's IG and my Facebook.
Fruitlessly search Facebook's FAQs, end up here. Email the support addresses that are listed, no reply at all.
Get Meta Verified through IG to communicate with a human, at £9.99/month. Thinking about it, I should cancel that now.
Go through Meta Verified to communicate the Facebook issue. Raised approximately 20 tickets, but actually found that replying to the same one was more effective in getting replies. Each and every time, they send me links to the Facebook pages that do not work. The loop. I cannot upload ID to verify my identity as it wants me to log in, I cannot log in because it's disabled. I also, as stated, cannot appeal through IG by logging in to the hacker's IG. Each and every time, they try to close the ticket. Replying reopens it.
Eventually, I was escalated to a manager. I work in customer service, I know they'll all have scripts to follow and limits to what they can do. At no point am I getting angry or abusive, but I am making it clear that I have repeated the process, and I screenshot everything, showing my attempts to follow their instructions. I ask them for another way to be put through to the appeals team, because their form will not let me. No dice. Dead end after dead end.
So I come here again, and see the EU reporting form:
You can't access it from the UK, just clicking it gives a page error. You need to use a VPN and put your location in Europe. Thanks, Brexit. I installed the Opera browser, which has a free VPN built in.
I received a ticket from a support agent asking me for:
This email was replied to on Thursday 9th. By Sunday 12th, I had received an email at the new email address. This was from the "Facebook Community Operations Team", not Meta Support. They wanted a complete, detailed overview of what had happened, with ID, including the issues I'd encountered trying to report through the Facebook links. This felt like less of a template email reply and that progress was being made.
So I gave it to them. I also gave them some very specific details of the Facebook account- specific photo album names and status updates, information about Events I had previously organised through Facebook, what the banner picture was- anything extra that I thought could sway them to believe I was who I said I was. I underlined how the "permanently disabled after 30 days" part would mean losing all contact with specific people on the account, and I told them I'd travel to Facebook HQ to verify my identity face to face if need be. I didn't know what the hacker may have done with any of those things, but I included anything I thought could be reviewed and proven as true. I again attached the access logs and disabled screenshots.
Within 12 hours I had a reply stating they had secured my account with the new email address and a password reset link. It worked. The EU link through a VPN worked for me.

I appreciate the story probably ends there for most people, but since regaining access, I looked into what had been done by the hacker. They had added someone Vietnamese (themselves?) as a Facebook friend, who I have obviously now reported and blocked. They had not touched my wall, friends, photos or statues.
More importantly, and probably their whole aim, they set up a Facebook Ad Account under my name, and started spamming paid ads for something Vietnamese. They used someone's credit card details to do this, for about US$300- the details were not mine, so I guess someone else got a shock and cancelled the payments when they noticed.
However, my linked PayPal account was listed as a backup payment account, and my home address listed as the business account address. As I did not authorise the payments with PayPal, no funds left the account, and because the payments failed, the ads were suspended- I discovered this from notifications that they had on Facebook.
I am obviously taking steps now to close that Ad Account with Facebook.
And, as far as I can tell, that's it. My Facebook account was a perfectly normal, standard personal account. I'm going to spend today backing up photos on it, because it has made me very aware of just how much I'd have list if I hadn't found a way to resolve this.
submitted by lawlore to facebookdisabledme [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:42 Dances-with-Scissors Account permanently disabled after hacking attempt.

On may 3rd, at about 6pm, I got a notification saying there had been a complaint against the page of a band I used to be in that hadn't been active in about a year. There was pretty much nothing on there that could have been a problem. A few band pics, one or two links to YouTube videos etc.
I sent an appeal in saying as much, then about 2am I got off work and went to check Facebook and my whole account was disabled due to violating community standards. No option to appeal. Just says the Instagram linked to it violated terms. The Instagram in question was not mine, it was some unknown profile from a hacker who was using Afrikaans. I've emailed all of the support emails and said i was hacked. No reply.
Absolutely devastated, over a decade of memories and photos and chat logs, some with people who are no longer with us, just gone
submitted by Dances-with-Scissors to facebookdisabledme [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:31 Dances-with-Scissors I got a notification that there was a suspicious log in, then next thing I know my entire account is disabled permanently. No option to appeal.

On may 3rd, at about 6pm, I got a notification saying there had been a complaint against the page of a band I used to be in that hadn't been active in about a year. There was pretty much nothing on there that could have been a problem. A few band pics, one or two links to YouTube videos etc.
I sent an appeal in saying as much, then about 2am I got off work and went to check Facebook and my whole account was disabled due to violating community standards. No option to appeal. Just says the Instagram linked to it violated terms. The Instagram in question was not mine, it was some unknown profile from a hacker who was using Afrikaans. I've emailed all of the support emails and said i was hacked. No reply.
Absolutely devastated, over a decade of memories and photos and chat logs, some with people who are no longer with us, just gone.
submitted by Dances-with-Scissors to facebook [link] [comments]