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City Council Recap, 5/14/2024

2024.05.17 06:02 kitschc City Council Recap, 5/14/2024

Standard disclaimer: In this post I'll attempt a summary of our City Council meetings this past week. As ever, I make no claim of these notes being comprehensive of everything we covered, nor that they will reflect the perspective of any other person or Councilor besides myself (Kit). This Council meeting is already published on Medford Community Media.
And if you’d like to follow along, here is the meeting agenda on the City Council’s public portal. We took items out of order on Tuesday, but I’ll go in order of the agenda.
Our meeting started on a delightful note. At our previous meeting, on the motion of Councilor Tseng, we invited the MHS Orchestra to play in the Chambers in celebration of their gold medal win at the prestigious Massachusetts Instrumental and Chorus Conductor’s Association Concert Festival. I was genuinely so moved and impressed by their performance on Tuesday. We administered citations to all members of the Middle School String Ensemble, who took home the silver medal at the same Festival, and trophies to all members of the High School Orchestra. Congratulations to all the players and Conductor Chang!
We debuted a new agenda section, “Refer to Committee for Further Discussion,” with a motion by Councilor Leming. (This new section is for items that are intended not to be debated on the floor, but rather just introduced and sent immediately to committee where substantive discussions will be held.) Councilor Leming’s resolution was to explore ways to allow the Director of Veterans’ Services to offer housing incentives to veteran renters. Director Shaw shared a bit about her preliminary ideas for incentives that might help combat how veterans are often stigmatized/disadvantaged in housing searches. This sad topic shores up a point that the Council has heard recently, how housing (unaffordability, precariousness, homelessness) is one of the most critical issues facing veterans in Medford. Councilors offered some initial words of enthusiasm for these ideas but held further questions and comments for when this matter is taken up in the Resident Services and Public Engagement Committee.
We unanimously approved the Action Plan for this year’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding appropriation. The previous week, we had a Committee of the Whole where the CDBG Manager and funding recipients gave more detailed presentations about their work in the community that will be funded by CDBG this year. Many of the funding recipients are returning from previous years, and this funding allows them to continue their work in Medford on the program priority areas, with services such as housing resources, and food and transit assistance.
We unanimously approved the special permit for extended hours for Pinky’s Pizza. We first discussed this two weeks ago and tabled it, asking the business owner to speak with neighbors to try and come to a mutually agreeable compromise, and allowing the Licensing Subcommittee Chair to look into the topic more deeply. The business owner came back this week with a scaled-back request, just to midnight Monday–Thursday and until 1am Friday–Sunday, which we approved. (11pm is the default close of business time unless otherwise requested.)
We unanimously approved a Lodging House License for 28 Winthrop St., which is a Tufts University-owned property. In recent years Tufts purchased this building and did a significant remodel to modernize, improve and densify the building; it will now fit 28 students, 1 student per room. Any students who live in the building will park their cars on campus. The building has already been approved by the Community Development Board and passed all inspections, so this vote was just a one-time license approval so that it can go forth and be operated as a dorm. I appreciate Tufts investing in housing more of their students in dense, high-quality student housing near (and ideally on) Tufts campus.
We reviewed and filed the Annual Public Report on Surveillance Technology. Under the Community Control over Public Surveillance (CCOPS) Ordinance which passed in 2023, this is the City Council’s reporting obligation. Under CCOPS, all new surveillance technologies or uses of surveillance data by City departments must be approved by the City Council. This report documents, in the previous calendar year, how many new technology/data requests the Council has approved, denied, or made modifications to, as well as including copies of any Surveillance Reports by City departments that are using surveillance technology.
As lead sponsor of the CCOPS Ordinance, I prepared the Annual Public Report. It was easy to do because currently, the only eligible surveillance technology in use by a City department are body worn cameras, which are in use by the MPD as of December. In finalizing/negotiating the ordinance in 2023, we exempted body worn cameras from the City Council approval process until 2028. So the number of new-technology requests approved, denied or modified by the Council in 2023 was zero. If folks are interested in reading more about CCOPS, I wrote about it in April 2023 after the ordinance passed.
We reviewed an Open Meeting Law complaint that was filed against the City Council for something I wrote in a Reddit post in April. Per law, upon receipt of an Open Meeting Law complaint, the Council is required to review the complaint in a regular meeting and decide on a response. Prior to the meeting, one of the City’s KP Law attorneys reviewed the complaint, found that no violation occurred, and drafted a response to that effect. We reviewed and unanimously approved the attorney’s response. (TLDR on OML: A quorum of a public body debating a matter that is before that body, outside of a duly-noticed public meeting, would be a violation of Open Meeting Law. The intent of the law is to ensure that all discussions about matters before a public body, by that public body, are happening in public with proper notice to the public.)
On the motion of Councilor Scarpelli, we unanimously passed a resolution to support H.4624, “An Act relative to municipal tax lien procedures and protections for property owners in the Commonwealth.” Here’s some background from WCVB.
We entered Executive Session to discuss various matters of litigation/claims with a City attorney. Entering executive session means the Council talks privately about a specific topic – no public Zoom, no TV cameras, no audience. There is a limited set of circumstances under which public bodies are allowed to do this, which includes discussing strategy with respect to litigation.
This might be my briefest report yet. I’m sure the next one will be longer! Thanks for reading.
submitted by kitschc to medfordma [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:27 NoTrade8068 🌟 Seeking Sponsorship for Our Medical Mission Trip 🌟

Dear Community,
As my team and I prepare for an upcoming medical mission trip to Honduras, we are reaching out to invite local businesses and organizations to join us in making a difference. Our team is passionate about providing essential medical care to underserved communities, and we believe that with your support, we can truly make an impact.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a sponsor for our mission trip, we would love to hear from you! Your sponsorship could provide vital resources such as medical supplies, transportation, or accommodation for our volunteers.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to us by DMing me here to learn more about sponsorship opportunities and how you can contribute to this worthy cause. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.
Thank you for considering supporting our medical mission trip. Your generosity will help us bring healing and hope to communities in Honduras.
submitted by NoTrade8068 to tampa [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:27 JDean_WAfricaStories [RF] The Tragic Tale of Howard [3] - No Employer wanted to even touch me

I could not tell you exactly how I failed my semester. Everything was foggy. One thing for sure, I recalled spending more time with Al than with my studies. With her, I discovered the ins and outs of Boston: its neighborhoods and surrounding towns. She would take me to different areas to countless parties, hosted by her friends. We would sing reggae together, dance , drink, smoke marijuana, a lot of marijuana, and, afterwards, would go to her place, where we would sleep together a lot like rabbits. The only time I ever set foot in my dorm room was near the end of the semester, where I came across a stack of urgent notes from my academic advisor. These notes pertained to my parents and, particularly, their demands that I should “call them at once!”
It was through my parents that I learned about my academic failure for the semester and how I failed: not attending a single class. Prior to calling, my plan was to keep quiet like I normally had done before and let them do all the talking. That was supposed to be the plan.
Upon dialing, my mother picked up the phone after the first tone and, without exchanging any pleasantries, proceeded to blast me with her sweet voice and biting sarcasms. I was the son “scamming them out of their hard earned money” and one who was doing something that I was “finally more than average at,” making them “shameful parents.” I expected all of this from her, but what caught me off guard was the raw anger in her voice. Still, I stayed silent and listened as usual.
My father, on the other hand, was far angrier and did not mince his words with sarcasms. After my mother had said her piece, he took the phone and cussed me all the names he knew under the sun, even cussing me in his mother’s tongue. His anger made his nasal voice even more pronounced, making it difficult for me to remain silent compared to my mother's words. It felt like each word was a punch to the ear through the phone. I fought to keep my composure, but frustration surged within me.
"Mary, I bet this whole thing is all over some stupid asshole girl." That blew me up. I took it as a direct insult to Al. He hadn't even met her, hadn't seen her warm smile or her inviting eyes. He hadn't experienced her nonjudgmental nature or known how easy she was to talk to. Yet, he felt he had the right to insult her.
“So what the fuck it is!” I remembered yelling over the phone. I remembered there was a brief, deafening silence after I spoke, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Mind you, at this point, I was no longer the same Howard that my parents were used to talking down to. They were exposed to a rude awakening. A different Howard who had long thick dreadlocks that stopped at his knees and who could look you directly in the eye and cussed you out like a seaman.
“Mister man. I want you to pack your things and take the next plane back home.” It was the clearest I ever heard his voice, without even a hint of nasalness. I could also hear his heavy breaths, like a silverback just before it was about to beat his chest and charge at you.
“Bite me.” I had answered him and hung up. That was the last time I talked to my parents. I had many regrets in life and this was among the top ones. Looking back now, I probably should not have done what I did. First off, I probably should have called them when I was off sound mind or sober. I also underestimated how cold and unforgiving my parents could be, and how far they would go to maintain their family's image. I had two younger brothers and a toddler age sister. When I did not take that next plane back home, my parents, as far as they were concerned, still had a legacy that they could build up and make their name proud, even after they left this world. I was the first child: the mistake and experiment that they could learn from when rearing up my siblings.
Not surprisingly, I was kicked out of MIT as my parents did not pay for my next semester’s schooling. I did not care at the time. At least, I had my Al and she was nice enough to offer rooming to my bicycle, suitcase and I. We were officially together under one roof. Only this was not to be permanent.
About a month after moving in with Al, we found ourselves in a situation where we couldn't afford the rent and had to move out. Al had lost her job a few weeks earlier because she showed up to it high, a decision I blamed myself for since I had encouraged us to attend a party the previous night.
Living with Al's friends was initially a relief, a temporary solution to our housing predicament. But as the days turned into weeks, we began to overstay our welcome. Our presence became a burden, straining the patience and resources of those free spirits who had graciously taken us in. Eventually, we found ourselves with no place to call home, facing the harsh reality of homelessness.
During this period, finding work proved to be a near impossible challenge. Despite my best efforts, no employer wanted to even touch me. It was then that I truly understood my immigration status on a student visa and the obstacles it presented to securing employment. Until then, I had never considered or entertained such thoughts, leaving them up to my parents.
The idea of marrying Al for a green card never even crossed my mind. I refused to burden her with my problems or pressure her into such a life-altering decision. One way or the other way, I was going to find a solution on my own.
Though it looked like a grim reality check, strangely enough, Al and I were the happiest when we were homelessness. Freed from the burdens of parental or societal expectations, we embraced our status as free birds in the city, viewing it as our own personal playground.
If there was no luck at the soup kitchens, we would scavenge food from trash bins by restaurants. Surprisingly, we often stumbled upon untouched treasures like whole pizzas, pieces of chicken wings, discarded birthday cakes (often anniversary cakes), pies, and many other items. People's wastefulness became a lifeline for us, and we were deeply thankful for it.
Beyond mere survival, we reveled in the adventure of exploring the city's hidden corners. From navigating the labyrinthine subway tracks to stumbling upon alleys adorned with vibrant street art to sneaking into buildings with magnificent views of the city’s skyline, every discovery fueled our sense of wonder and curiosity. And we certainly were not shy to fool around in all these places as no place in the city was safe from our escapades: not the museums and not even the stadium.
But even with all the craziness and unpredictability, the most important thing about being homeless was the bond we shared. I fondly recall the nights spent huddled together under the stars in quiet parks, wrapped in blankets and sharing our dreams. Al wanted to go back to school to pursue nursing, while I had ambitions of completing my engineering degree at a community college. With that qualification, I hoped to secure a well-paying job that could sponsor both of us, paving the way for us to settle in a cozy home in the suburbs. There, we could begin our journey of building a family together. Each time I shared my dreams with Al, her left blue moon eye seemed to radiate with an illuminating glow, serving as a source of hope and strengthening my determination to believe that anything was possible.
Eventually, I managed to secure employment the other way: under the table at a slaughterhouse. But even with a steady income, my wages were barely enough to cover our basic needs, let alone secure permanent housing. However, luck seemed to smile upon us in an unexpected way.
At the slaughterhouse, I crossed paths with a fellow countryman named Archie, who had faced similar challenges with work status. Our shared nationality sparked instant camaraderie, and Archie eagerly offered his assistance upon learning about our homelessness. He revealed that he had a friend at the Port of Boston who could help us find shelter in one of the abandoned shipping containers there.
Archie assured me that living in a shipping container wasn't as bad as it sounded, sharing his own experience of finding temporary refuge in one upon arriving in America. He explained that as the weather cooled with the onset of fall, we wouldn't have to endure the sweltering heat of summer. However, he advised us to prepare for the winter chill with plenty of blankets and, even better, a portable heater. Despite its unconventional nature, it was a far better option than braving the elements out on the streets.
As Archie led Al and I through the lively Port of Boston, I couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude for his unexpected generosity. Here was a man who did not know me from Adam and was offering to help me and my woman, with no payment or strings attached.
We soon arrived at a secluded corner, where Archie introduced us to his friend, JJ. JJ was a short, stocky man with large muscular arms, a stark contrast to Archie's tall and malnourished skinny frame. Despite their physical differences, JJ exuded friendliness and kindness, much like Archie. He welcomed Al and I very warmly. Hence the reason, I could never forgive myself for what I did to him. That was also one of my biggest life regrets.
With a nod from JJ, we followed him to an abandoned shipping container nestled away from prying eyes. It was a hidden gem, shielded from the outside world by stacks of cargo containers. JJ assured us that it was a safe haven, far from the scrutiny of port workers.
As we settled into our new home, JJ's kindness continued to shine through. He provided us with port safety jackets, ensuring we could blend in seamlessly with the workers. He even offered his assistance if we encountered any issues, emphasizing that he was always available at the main loading dock during his night shifts.
The shipping container began to feel more like home with each passing day. Thanks to Archie and JJ's assistance, we were able to transport an old mattress, dresser, and milk crates— repurposed as shelves— from various junk sites and donation bins using JJ's cargo van. Despite the simplicity of our accommodations, the mere presence of these familiar items filled us with tremendous joy as we finally had a place to call our home.
Al's creative touch transformed the interior, adorning it with artificial bouquets she had found at a dump site. The vibrant colors breathed life into our makeshift home, infusing it with warmth and charm.
As we settled into our newfound sanctuary, a wave of relief washed over us. For the first time in months, we felt a sense of stability and security. With our basic needs finally met, we could now turn our attention to our goals for the future.
Eager to continue my education, I made plans to dedicate myself to finishing my engineering degree once the upcoming winter months had passed. Little did I know at the time that my student visa had already been canceled, making this goal completely impossible. Being a youth and all its naivety.
However, I never got the chance to find out about my visa status or even make the attempt to finish my education. At the start of winter, Al went missing.
Next Part 4 Preview:
It was a wicked, cold-blooded anger that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I tried to release my hands from his shirt, but it was too late. He seized my wrists like a vise grip and, in one swift motion before I had time to react, picked me up, slamming me onto the concrete.
/The Tragic Tale of Howard. A West African 9-Part Series short story about loss, second chance, betrayal and personal demons. By West African writer Josephine Dean /
submitted by JDean_WAfricaStories to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:24 JDean_WAfricaStories The Tragic Tale of Howard [3] - No Employer wanted to even touch me

I could not tell you exactly how I failed my semester. Everything was foggy. One thing for sure, I recalled spending more time with Al than with my studies. With her, I discovered the ins and outs of Boston: its neighborhoods and surrounding towns. She would take me to different areas to countless parties, hosted by her friends. We would sing reggae together, dance , drink, smoke marijuana, a lot of marijuana, and, afterwards, would go to her place, where we would sleep together a lot like rabbits. The only time I ever set foot in my dorm room was near the end of the semester, where I came across a stack of urgent notes from my academic advisor. These notes pertained to my parents and, particularly, their demands that I should “call them at once!”
It was through my parents that I learned about my academic failure for the semester and how I failed: not attending a single class. Prior to calling, my plan was to keep quiet like I normally had done before and let them do all the talking. That was supposed to be the plan.
Upon dialing, my mother picked up the phone after the first tone and, without exchanging any pleasantries, proceeded to blast me with her sweet voice and biting sarcasms. I was the son “scamming them out of their hard earned money” and one who was doing something that I was “finally more than average at,” making them “shameful parents.” I expected all of this from her, but what caught me off guard was the raw anger in her voice. Still, I stayed silent and listened as usual.
My father, on the other hand, was far angrier and did not mince his words with sarcasms. After my mother had said her piece, he took the phone and cussed me all the names he knew under the sun, even cussing me in his mother’s tongue. His anger made his nasal voice even more pronounced, making it difficult for me to remain silent compared to my mother's words. It felt like each word was a punch to the ear through the phone. I fought to keep my composure, but frustration surged within me.
"Mary, I bet this whole thing is all over some stupid asshole girl." That blew me up. I took it as a direct insult to Al. He hadn't even met her, hadn't seen her warm smile or her inviting eyes. He hadn't experienced her nonjudgmental nature or known how easy she was to talk to. Yet, he felt he had the right to insult her.
“So what the fuck it is!” I remembered yelling over the phone. I remembered there was a brief, deafening silence after I spoke, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Mind you, at this point, I was no longer the same Howard that my parents were used to talking down to. They were exposed to a rude awakening. A different Howard who had long thick dreadlocks that stopped at his knees and who could look you directly in the eye and cussed you out like a seaman.
“Mister man. I want you to pack your things and take the next plane back home.” It was the clearest I ever heard his voice, without even a hint of nasalness. I could also hear his heavy breaths, like a silverback just before it was about to beat his chest and charge at you.
“Bite me.” I had answered him and hung up. That was the last time I talked to my parents. I had many regrets in life and this was among the top ones. Looking back now, I probably should not have done what I did. First off, I probably should have called them when I was off sound mind or sober. I also underestimated how cold and unforgiving my parents could be, and how far they would go to maintain their family's image. I had two younger brothers and a toddler age sister. When I did not take that next plane back home, my parents, as far as they were concerned, still had a legacy that they could build up and make their name proud, even after they left this world. I was the first child: the mistake and experiment that they could learn from when rearing up my siblings.
Not surprisingly, I was kicked out of MIT as my parents did not pay for my next semester’s schooling. I did not care at the time. At least, I had my Al and she was nice enough to offer rooming to my bicycle, suitcase and I. We were officially together under one roof. Only this was not to be permanent.
About a month after moving in with Al, we found ourselves in a situation where we couldn't afford the rent and had to move out. Al had lost her job a few weeks earlier because she showed up to it high, a decision I blamed myself for since I had encouraged us to attend a party the previous night.
Living with Al's friends was initially a relief, a temporary solution to our housing predicament. But as the days turned into weeks, we began to overstay our welcome. Our presence became a burden, straining the patience and resources of those free spirits who had graciously taken us in. Eventually, we found ourselves with no place to call home, facing the harsh reality of homelessness.
During this period, finding work proved to be a near impossible challenge. Despite my best efforts, no employer wanted to even touch me. It was then that I truly understood my immigration status on a student visa and the obstacles it presented to securing employment. Until then, I had never considered or entertained such thoughts, leaving them up to my parents.
The idea of marrying Al for a green card never even crossed my mind. I refused to burden her with my problems or pressure her into such a life-altering decision. One way or the other way, I was going to find a solution on my own.
Though it looked like a grim reality check, strangely enough, Al and I were the happiest when we were homelessness. Freed from the burdens of parental or societal expectations, we embraced our status as free birds in the city, viewing it as our own personal playground.
If there was no luck at the soup kitchens, we would scavenge food from trash bins by restaurants. Surprisingly, we often stumbled upon untouched treasures like whole pizzas, pieces of chicken wings, discarded birthday cakes (often anniversary cakes), pies, and many other items. People's wastefulness became a lifeline for us, and we were deeply thankful for it.
Beyond mere survival, we reveled in the adventure of exploring the city's hidden corners. From navigating the labyrinthine subway tracks to stumbling upon alleys adorned with vibrant street art to sneaking into buildings with magnificent views of the city’s skyline, every discovery fueled our sense of wonder and curiosity. And we certainly were not shy to fool around in all these places as no place in the city was safe from our escapades: not the museums and not even the stadium.
But even with all the craziness and unpredictability, the most important thing about being homeless was the bond we shared. I fondly recall the nights spent huddled together under the stars in quiet parks, wrapped in blankets and sharing our dreams. Al wanted to go back to school to pursue nursing, while I had ambitions of completing my engineering degree at a community college. With that qualification, I hoped to secure a well-paying job that could sponsor both of us, paving the way for us to settle in a cozy home in the suburbs. There, we could begin our journey of building a family together. Each time I shared my dreams with Al, her left blue moon eye seemed to radiate with an illuminating glow, serving as a source of hope and strengthening my determination to believe that anything was possible.
Eventually, I managed to secure employment the other way: under the table at a slaughterhouse. But even with a steady income, my wages were barely enough to cover our basic needs, let alone secure permanent housing. However, luck seemed to smile upon us in an unexpected way.
At the slaughterhouse, I crossed paths with a fellow countryman named Archie, who had faced similar challenges with work status. Our shared nationality sparked instant camaraderie, and Archie eagerly offered his assistance upon learning about our homelessness. He revealed that he had a friend at the Port of Boston who could help us find shelter in one of the abandoned shipping containers there.
Archie assured me that living in a shipping container wasn't as bad as it sounded, sharing his own experience of finding temporary refuge in one upon arriving in America. He explained that as the weather cooled with the onset of fall, we wouldn't have to endure the sweltering heat of summer. However, he advised us to prepare for the winter chill with plenty of blankets and, even better, a portable heater. Despite its unconventional nature, it was a far better option than braving the elements out on the streets.
As Archie led Al and I through the lively Port of Boston, I couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude for his unexpected generosity. Here was a man who did not know me from Adam and was offering to help me and my woman, with no payment or strings attached.
We soon arrived at a secluded corner, where Archie introduced us to his friend, JJ. JJ was a short, stocky man with large muscular arms, a stark contrast to Archie's tall and malnourished skinny frame. Despite their physical differences, JJ exuded friendliness and kindness, much like Archie. He welcomed Al and I very warmly. Hence the reason, I could never forgive myself for what I did to him. That was also one of my biggest life regrets.
With a nod from JJ, we followed him to an abandoned shipping container nestled away from prying eyes. It was a hidden gem, shielded from the outside world by stacks of cargo containers. JJ assured us that it was a safe haven, far from the scrutiny of port workers.
As we settled into our new home, JJ's kindness continued to shine through. He provided us with port safety jackets, ensuring we could blend in seamlessly with the workers. He even offered his assistance if we encountered any issues, emphasizing that he was always available at the main loading dock during his night shifts.
The shipping container began to feel more like home with each passing day. Thanks to Archie and JJ's assistance, we were able to transport an old mattress, dresser, and milk crates— repurposed as shelves— from various junk sites and donation bins using JJ's cargo van. Despite the simplicity of our accommodations, the mere presence of these familiar items filled us with tremendous joy as we finally had a place to call our home.
Al's creative touch transformed the interior, adorning it with artificial bouquets she had found at a dump site. The vibrant colors breathed life into our makeshift home, infusing it with warmth and charm.
As we settled into our newfound sanctuary, a wave of relief washed over us. For the first time in months, we felt a sense of stability and security. With our basic needs finally met, we could now turn our attention to our goals for the future.
Eager to continue my education, I made plans to dedicate myself to finishing my engineering degree once the upcoming winter months had passed. Little did I know at the time that my student visa had already been canceled, making this goal completely impossible. Being a youth and all its naivety.
However, I never got the chance to find out about my visa status or even make the attempt to finish my education. At the start of winter, Al went missing.
Next Part 4 Preview:
It was a wicked, cold-blooded anger that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I tried to release my hands from his shirt, but it was too late. He seized my wrists like a vise grip and, in one swift motion before I had time to react, picked me up, slamming me onto the concrete.
/The Tragic Tale of Howard. A West African 9-Part Series short story about loss, second chance, betrayal and personal demons. By West African writer Josephine Dean /
submitted by JDean_WAfricaStories to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:19 JDean_WAfricaStories The Tragic Tale of Howard [3] - No employer wanted to even touch me

I could not tell you exactly how I failed my semester. Everything was foggy. One thing for sure, I recalled spending more time with Al than with my studies. With her, I discovered the ins and outs of Boston: its neighborhoods and surrounding towns. She would take me to different areas to countless parties, hosted by her friends. We would sing reggae together, dance , drink, smoke marijuana, a lot of marijuana, and, afterwards, would go to her place, where we would sleep together a lot like rabbits. The only time I ever set foot in my dorm room was near the end of the semester, where I came across a stack of urgent notes from my academic advisor. These notes pertained to my parents and, particularly, their demands that I should “call them at once!”
It was through my parents that I learned about my academic failure for the semester and how I failed: not attending a single class. Prior to calling, my plan was to keep quiet like I normally had done before and let them do all the talking. That was supposed to be the plan.
Upon dialing, my mother picked up the phone after the first tone and, without exchanging any pleasantries, proceeded to blast me with her sweet voice and biting sarcasms. I was the son “scamming them out of their hard earned money” and one who was doing something that I was “finally more than average at,” making them “shameful parents.” I expected all of this from her, but what caught me off guard was the raw anger in her voice. Still, I stayed silent and listened as usual.
My father, on the other hand, was far angrier and did not mince his words with sarcasms. After my mother had said her piece, he took the phone and cussed me all the names he knew under the sun, even cussing me in his mother’s tongue. His anger made his nasal voice even more pronounced, making it difficult for me to remain silent compared to my mother's words. It felt like each word was a punch to the ear through the phone. I fought to keep my composure, but frustration surged within me.
"Mary, I bet this whole thing is all over some stupid asshole girl." That blew me up. I took it as a direct insult to Al. He hadn't even met her, hadn't seen her warm smile or her inviting eyes. He hadn't experienced her nonjudgmental nature or known how easy she was to talk to. Yet, he felt he had the right to insult her.
“So what the fuck it is!” I remembered yelling over the phone. I remembered there was a brief, deafening silence after I spoke, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Mind you, at this point, I was no longer the same Howard that my parents were used to talking down to. They were exposed to a rude awakening. A different Howard who had long thick dreadlocks that stopped at his knees and who could look you directly in the eye and cussed you out like a seaman.
“Mister man. I want you to pack your things and take the next plane back home.” It was the clearest I ever heard his voice, without even a hint of nasalness. I could also hear his heavy breaths, like a silverback just before it was about to beat his chest and charge at you.
“Bite me.” I had answered him and hung up. That was the last time I talked to my parents. I had many regrets in life and this was among the top ones. Looking back now, I probably should not have done what I did. First off, I probably should have called them when I was off sound mind or sober. I also underestimated how cold and unforgiving my parents could be, and how far they would go to maintain their family's image. I had two younger brothers and a toddler age sister. When I did not take that next plane back home, my parents, as far as they were concerned, still had a legacy that they could build up and make their name proud, even after they left this world. I was the first child: the mistake and experiment that they could learn from when rearing up my siblings.
Not surprisingly, I was kicked out of MIT as my parents did not pay for my next semester’s schooling. I did not care at the time. At least, I had my Al and she was nice enough to offer rooming to my bicycle, suitcase and I. We were officially together under one roof. Only this was not to be permanent.
About a month after moving in with Al, we found ourselves in a situation where we couldn't afford the rent and had to move out. Al had lost her job a few weeks earlier because she showed up to it high, a decision I blamed myself for since I had encouraged us to attend a party the previous night.
Living with Al's friends was initially a relief, a temporary solution to our housing predicament. But as the days turned into weeks, we began to overstay our welcome. Our presence became a burden, straining the patience and resources of those free spirits who had graciously taken us in. Eventually, we found ourselves with no place to call home, facing the harsh reality of homelessness.
During this period, finding work proved to be a near impossible challenge. Despite my best efforts, no employer wanted to even touch me. It was then that I truly understood my immigration status on a student visa and the obstacles it presented to securing employment. Until then, I had never considered or entertained such thoughts, leaving them up to my parents.
The idea of marrying Al for a green card never even crossed my mind. I refused to burden her with my problems or pressure her into such a life-altering decision. One way or the other way, I was going to find a solution on my own.
Though it looked like a grim reality check, strangely enough, Al and I were the happiest when we were homelessness. Freed from the burdens of parental or societal expectations, we embraced our status as free birds in the city, viewing it as our own personal playground.
If there was no luck at the soup kitchens, we would scavenge food from trash bins by restaurants. Surprisingly, we often stumbled upon untouched treasures like whole pizzas, pieces of chicken wings, discarded birthday cakes (often anniversary cakes), pies, and many other items. People's wastefulness became a lifeline for us, and we were deeply thankful for it.
Beyond mere survival, we reveled in the adventure of exploring the city's hidden corners. From navigating the labyrinthine subway tracks to stumbling upon alleys adorned with vibrant street art to sneaking into buildings with magnificent views of the city’s skyline, every discovery fueled our sense of wonder and curiosity. And we certainly were not shy to fool around in all these places as no place in the city was safe from our escapades: not the museums and not even the stadium.
But even with all the craziness and unpredictability, the most important thing about being homeless was the bond we shared. I fondly recall the nights spent huddled together under the stars in quiet parks, wrapped in blankets and sharing our dreams. Al wanted to go back to school to pursue nursing, while I had ambitions of completing my engineering degree at a community college. With that qualification, I hoped to secure a well-paying job that could sponsor both of us, paving the way for us to settle in a cozy home in the suburbs. There, we could begin our journey of building a family together. Each time I shared my dreams with Al, her left blue moon eye seemed to radiate with an illuminating glow, serving as a source of hope and strengthening my determination to believe that anything was possible.
Eventually, I managed to secure employment the other way: under the table at a slaughterhouse. But even with a steady income, my wages were barely enough to cover our basic needs, let alone secure permanent housing. However, luck seemed to smile upon us in an unexpected way.
At the slaughterhouse, I crossed paths with a fellow countryman named Archie, who had faced similar challenges with work status. Our shared nationality sparked instant camaraderie, and Archie eagerly offered his assistance upon learning about our homelessness. He revealed that he had a friend at the Port of Boston who could help us find shelter in one of the abandoned shipping containers there.
Archie assured me that living in a shipping container wasn't as bad as it sounded, sharing his own experience of finding temporary refuge in one upon arriving in America. He explained that as the weather cooled with the onset of fall, we wouldn't have to endure the sweltering heat of summer. However, he advised us to prepare for the winter chill with plenty of blankets and, even better, a portable heater. Despite its unconventional nature, it was a far better option than braving the elements out on the streets.
As Archie led Al and I through the lively Port of Boston, I couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude for his unexpected generosity. Here was a man who did not know me from Adam and was offering to help me and my woman, with no payment or strings attached.
We soon arrived at a secluded corner, where Archie introduced us to his friend, JJ. JJ was a short, stocky man with large muscular arms, a stark contrast to Archie's tall and malnourished skinny frame. Despite their physical differences, JJ exuded friendliness and kindness, much like Archie. He welcomed Al and I very warmly. Hence the reason, I could never forgive myself for what I did to him. That was also one of my biggest life regrets.
With a nod from JJ, we followed him to an abandoned shipping container nestled away from prying eyes. It was a hidden gem, shielded from the outside world by stacks of cargo containers. JJ assured us that it was a safe haven, far from the scrutiny of port workers.
As we settled into our new home, JJ's kindness continued to shine through. He provided us with port safety jackets, ensuring we could blend in seamlessly with the workers. He even offered his assistance if we encountered any issues, emphasizing that he was always available at the main loading dock during his night shifts.
The shipping container began to feel more like home with each passing day. Thanks to Archie and JJ's assistance, we were able to transport an old mattress, dresser, and milk crates— repurposed as shelves— from various junk sites and donation bins using JJ's cargo van. Despite the simplicity of our accommodations, the mere presence of these familiar items filled us with tremendous joy as we finally had a place to call our home.
Al's creative touch transformed the interior, adorning it with artificial bouquets she had found at a dump site. The vibrant colors breathed life into our makeshift home, infusing it with warmth and charm.
As we settled into our newfound sanctuary, a wave of relief washed over us. For the first time in months, we felt a sense of stability and security. With our basic needs finally met, we could now turn our attention to our goals for the future.
Eager to continue my education, I made plans to dedicate myself to finishing my engineering degree once the upcoming winter months had passed. Little did I know at the time that my student visa had already been canceled, making this goal completely impossible. Being a youth and all its naivety.
However, I never got the chance to find out about my visa status or even make the attempt to finish my education. At the start of winter, Al went missing.
Next Part 4 Preview:
It was a wicked, cold-blooded anger that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I tried to release my hands from his shirt, but it was too late. He seized my wrists like a vise grip and, in one swift motion before I had time to react, picked me up, slamming me onto the concrete.
/The Tragic Tale of Howard. A West African 9-Part Series short story about loss, second chance, betrayal and personal demons. By West African writer Josephine Dean /
submitted by JDean_WAfricaStories to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:27 Lucky_Gift002 PAIDWORK

Title: Unlock Your Earning Potential with Paidwork Platform
Paidwork is a revolutionary online platform that empowers individuals to monetize their skills, expertise, and spare time. With a user-friendly interface and diverse earning methods, Paidwork has become a go-to destination for those seeking financial freedom and flexibility. In this article, we'll delve into the earning methods, referral program, and achievements on Paidwork, showcasing its vast potential for users.
Earning Methods:
  1. Microtasks: Complete small tasks, such as data entry, content moderation, and transcription, for a fixed fee.
  2. Freelance Work: Offer services like writing, graphic design, programming, and consulting on a project basis.
  3. Surveys and Research: Participate in online surveys and focus groups, providing valuable insights to businesses.
  4. Online Tutoring: Utilize your expertise to teach others through virtual sessions.
  5. Content Creation: Monetize your content, such as blog posts, videos, or social media posts, through sponsored partnerships.
Referral Program:
Paidwork's referral program rewards users for inviting friends and family to join the platform. For each successful referral, users receive:
Achievements on Paidwork Profile:
As users complete tasks, participate in surveys, and engage with the platform, they earn achievements that unlock benefits, including:
In conclusion, Paidwork offers a comprehensive platform for individuals to earn money through various methods, leveraging their strengths and interests. With a robust referral program and achievement system, users can maximize their earnings and build a thriving online career. Join Paidwork today and start unlocking your full potential!
submitted by Lucky_Gift002 to freelancing [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:06 EdwardHeisler If you are interested in speaking at or sponsoring our upcoming annual conference (This year in SEATTLE!!!!), please take action with the links below.

. We invite everybody in the space community to submit an abstract to speak and to register to attend. Submit an abstract: https://mkt.marssociety.org/2024-convention-abstracts Register to attend: https://mkt.marssociety.org/convention-registration Our sponsorship deck with details on company sponsor levels and benefits is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/.../2024_Convention_Sponsor_Kit...
submitted by EdwardHeisler to MarsSociety [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:14 dopaminewellbeing Christian Coping Strategies

Spiritual Growth

  1. Daily Prayer: Commit to daily prayer sessions asking for strength and guidance.
  2. Scripture Reading: Read and meditate on scriptures that focus on strength and recovery.
  3. Worship: Participate in regular worship services to reinforce your spiritual foundation.
  4. Faith Affirmations: Use Bible verses as affirmations; repeat them during cravings.
  5. Confession: Regularly confess struggles to a trusted spiritual leader or trusted friend.
  6. Fasting: Occasionally fast to seek clarity and reinforce spiritual discipline.
  7. Spiritual Retreats: Attend retreats for focused spiritual renewal.
  8. Christian Meditation: Practice Christian meditation (pondering scripture, etc.) to calm the mind and spirit.
  9. Listening to Gospel Music: Use uplifting music to enhance spiritual connection.
  10. Prayer Journaling: Keep a journal of prayers and God’s responses.

Community Engagement

  1. Church Support Groups: Join groups for individuals struggling with addiction.
  2. Accountability Partner: Partner with a fellow believer who can provide support and accountability.
  3. Volunteering: Engage in church-related volunteer work to stay busy and inspired.
  4. Christian Counseling: Seek professional counseling from a Christian perspective.
  5. Family Involvement: Involve your family in your journey through church events.
  6. Youth Mentorship: Mentor youth, sharing your experiences and learning from service.
  7. Online Christian Communities: Participate in online forums or groups for spiritual support.
  8. Testimony Sharing: Share your journey at church gatherings to inspire and receive support.
  9. Bible Study Groups: Regularly attend Bible study to deepen faith and community ties.
  10. Church Activities: Be an active participant in church events and functions.

Personal Development

  1. Routine Exercise: Incorporate regular physical activity to reduce stress.
  2. Healthy Diet: Maintain a nutritious diet to improve overall well-being.
  3. Reading Christian Literature: Read books that encourage spiritual growth and recovery.
  4. Creative Arts: Use arts like painting or writing to express feelings and reflect.
  5. Time Management: Structure your day to minimize idle time that could lead to cravings.
  6. Goal Setting: Set short and long-term goals that align with your spiritual values.
  7. Learning New Skills: Take up hobbies or classes that keep you engaged and learning.
  8. Rest and Sleep: Ensure sufficient rest to maintain physical and mental health.
  9. Nature Walks: Spend time in nature to find peace and perspective.
  10. Avoiding Triggers: Identify and avoid situations or people that trigger cravings.

Coping Techniques

  1. Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises during moments of craving.
  2. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to stay present and reduce anxiety.
  3. Assertiveness Training: Learn to assertively say no to temptations.
  4. Stress Management: Develop strategies to handle stress without resorting to substances.
  5. Emotional Journaling: Use journaling to process emotions healthily.
  6. Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on personal progress and setbacks.
  7. Positive Visualization: Use visualization techniques to imagine a sober life.
  8. Gratitude Lists: Regularly list things you are grateful for.
  9. Reward System: Set up a reward system for reaching sobriety milestones.
  10. Relaxation Techniques: Learn and apply relaxation techniques.

Support Systems

  1. Peer Support: Regularly meet with a peer group for encouragement and advice.
  2. Spiritual Guidance: Seek regular guidance from a pastor or spiritual mentor.
  3. Therapeutic Relationships: Maintain therapeutic relationships that reinforce recovery.
  4. Family Counseling: Engage in family counseling to repair relationships affected by addiction.
  5. Professional Help: Don’t hesitate to seek help from addiction specialists.
  6. Educational Workshops: Attend workshops that teach coping skills for addiction.
  7. Supportive Friends: Cultivate friendships with those who support your recovery journey.
  8. Avoiding Negative Influences: Steer clear of environments and individuals that undermine recovery.
  9. Church Elders: Reach out to church elders for wisdom and support.
  10. Sponsorship: Consider a 12-step program with a sponsor who shares your faith.

Renewal and Reflection

  1. Anniversary Reflections: Reflect on the progress made over each year of recovery.
  2. Spiritual Renewal Days: Designate days for intensified prayer and meditation.
  3. Baptism or Re-baptism: Consider this as a symbolic fresh start.
  4. Witnessing to Others: Use your story to help others in their battles with addiction.
  5. Spiritual Literature: Delve deeper into spiritual texts for insights and inspiration.
  6. Pastoral Visits: Invite pastoral visits for home blessing and personal encouragement.
  7. Renewing Vows: Renew personal vows of sobriety in a ceremonial way.
  8. Pilgrimage: Undertake a spiritual pilgrimage as a form of personal and spiritual exploration.
  9. Reflection Retreats: Engage in retreats specifically focused on overcoming past habits.
  10. Memorializing Milestones: Create physical or digital memorials of your recovery milestones.

Emotional Resilience

  1. Emotional Awareness: Develop awareness of emotions and triggers that lead to cravings.
  2. Seek Forgiveness: Embrace forgiveness, both from others and for yourself.
  3. Offer Forgiveness: Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt you, releasing bitterness.
  4. Spiritual Songs: Sing or listen to spiritual songs that uplift and comfort.
  5. Hope Messages: Write down messages of hope and revisit them during tough times.
  6. Encouragement Letters: Write letters of encouragement to yourself for future moments of weakness.
  7. Daily Devotionals: Follow a daily devotional plan that addresses addiction recovery.
  8. Prayer Chains: Initiate or join prayer chains for continuous spiritual support.
  9. Healing Services: Attend healing services focused on emotional and spiritual restoration.
  10. Scriptural Promises: Memorize promises from the Bible that assure support and deliverance.

Social Connectivity

  1. Social Activities: Organize or participate in sober social gatherings with fellow church members.
  2. Church Family Outreach: Engage in church family outreach programs to build a supportive community.
  3. Mentoring Others: Become a mentor to others struggling with addiction, sharing lessons and faith.
  4. Recovery Testimonials: Regularly give testimonials at recovery meetings to inspire and affirm.
  5. Family Devotions: Hold regular devotions with family to strengthen bonds and mutual support.
  6. Prayer Groups: Form or join small prayer groups focused on overcoming addiction.
  7. Christian Conferences: Attend Christian conferences on recovery and personal growth.
  8. Community Service Projects: Lead or participate in community service projects to foster a sense of purpose.
  9. Recovery Celebrations: Celebrate recovery milestones with your church community.
  10. Faith-Based Podcasts: Listen to and discuss faith-based podcasts on overcoming challenges.

Mindset and Lifestyle

  1. Optimism: Cultivate an optimistic outlook based on faith and hope in God’s plan.
  2. Daily Affirmations: Start the day with Christian affirmations about strength and recovery.
  3. Mindfulness of God’s Presence: Continuously remind yourself of God’s presence in your life.
  4. Avoiding Idleness: Keep yourself busy with meaningful activities that align with Christian values.
  5. Spiritual Biographies: Read biographies of Christians who overcame significant struggles.
  6. Health Check-Ups: Regularly attend health check-ups to monitor physical health during recovery.
  7. Sabbath Rest: Observe Sabbath rest as a time to rejuvenate spiritually and physically.
  8. Christian Movies: Watch movies with Christian themes that reinforce your resolve and values.
  9. Spiritual Accountability: Regularly review your spiritual and recovery progress with a mentor.
  10. Prayer Walks: Incorporate prayer walks as a way to combine physical activity and spiritual meditation.

Continued Learning and Growth

  1. Biblical Courses: Take courses on biblical studies that relate to healing and redemption.
  2. Spiritual Workshops: Attend workshops that focus on spiritual growth and overcoming addictions.
  3. Faith-Based Counseling Techniques: Learn counseling techniques that are based on Christian principles.
  4. Scripture Memorization: Engage in scripture memorization to strengthen spiritual warfare against cravings.
  5. Pastoral Workshops: Participate in workshops offered by pastors that focus on living a sober life.
  6. Faith and Science: Explore the intersection of faith and science in understanding addiction.
  7. Christian Leadership Courses: Take courses in Christian leadership to empower your role in the community.
  8. Retelling Your Story: Learn to retell your story in ways that highlight God’s grace and your growth.
  9. Spiritual Discernment: Enhance spiritual discernment to recognize paths and choices that support sobriety.
  10. Continuous Prayer: Maintain an attitude of continuous prayer, acknowledging dependence on God for daily victory over addiction.
submitted by dopaminewellbeing to ChristiansAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:15 Zealousideal_Box6716 How to Handle Overbearing Mom Regarding My Wedding Plans

Hi everyone,
I’m graduating soon and my partner and I are thinking about getting married shortly after. We’ve been really excited about planning an elegant wedding in Italy, with only our closest family members invited. However, every time we bring it up to my mom, she insists on having a say in everything. She wants to invite all our relatives and complains about the wedding being too far away for everyone to attend. She argues that since she's planning to sponsor the wedding, she should have control over the guest list. We appreciate the offer to help with costs, but we really want to keep our wedding intimate and special, without it turning into a large family reunion. How can we navigate this situation respectfully and maintain our vision for the wedding? Any advice on how to set boundaries with my mom without causing too much conflict would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Zealousideal_Box6716 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:27 louied91 Defense Technologies International Corp. (DTII) Enters into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) Sponsored by the Department of Homeland Securities ("DHS")

News Link: https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/209285
Del Mar, California--(Newsfile Corp. - May 16, 2024) - Defense Technologies International Corp. (OTC Pink: DTII) (the Company) and Passive Security Scan Inc. (PSSI - the Subsidiary); innovative providers of security technology and systems with broad and diverse applications, is pleased to announce that it entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T).
This CRADA will assist the DHS S&T in assessing different commercially available weapon screening systems for use in public safety around mass gatherings.
The Crada Fact Sheet: https://www.dhs.gov/publication/crada-factsheet
The Field Test is scheduled for August 19th - August 22nd, 2024.
For criteria that will be used to assess the weapon screening systems, visit: Walk-Through Screening for Mass Casualty Threats Homeland Security (dhs.gov).
THE COMPANY was invited to take part in a comparative operational field assessment, under DHS S&T's SAVER program, which will include our Passive Portal Walk-Through Weapons Detector.
The assessment will consider:
• Threat item detection • Innocuous item discrimination • Throughput • Standalone operability • Variable sensitivity settings • Transport case options • Admin levels • Passage width • Cybersecurity measures detection zone dimensions• Alert latency period • dimensions • Ease of training • Low ferrous metal content detection • Staffing requirements user friendliness • Object localization • Calibration requirements • Simultaneous entry • Monitoring and alerting interference • Hardware durability • Data analysis and storage • Interference resistance • Maintenance requirements • Power source • Warranty • Setup/breakdown • Self-diagnostics • Portability • Initial price and recurring costs

The assessment will be performed by law enforcement evaluators under the expertise guidance of Eric Forrest, President and Distributor of Passive Security Scan, Inc. and the DHS Technical Experts.
"I look forward to the testing and I am confident that our Passive Portal will perform flawless proving its superior Zero-Radiation Technology," says Eric Forrest, President of Passive Security Scan, Inc.
"I am delighted and look forward to the lab and field test of our Zero-Radiation Passive Portal Weapons Detector within the CRADA test program sponsored by Homeland Securities Department. I am confident that our superior technology will perform to our high expectations," says Merrill Moses, President of Defense Technologies International Corp.

"This publication is based upon work conducted under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cooperative Research and Development Agreement No. 24-ONL-XXX."
Disclaimer: "The views and/or conclusions contained in this document are those of the author(s) and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and do not constitute a DHS endorsement of the equipment tested or evaluated."
The Passive Portal™
The Passive Portal - is manufactured by Passive Security Scan Inc., a subsidiary of Defense Technologies International, Inc., at their manufacturing facility in Dallas, TX.
The Passive Portal - is the only known Walk-Through Weapons Detection Scanner with ZERO RADIATION (US Patent 7408461)
All other Walk-Through Scanners on the market today use technologies that are active sensing, meaning they use Electromagnetic Radiation (X-Ray; Microwave; Radio-Wave, Radar, etc.)
submitted by louied91 to Pennystock [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:05 Icame2Believe Thursday, May 16th, 2024 Non-Real-Time Meeting of OA

Thursday, May 16th, 2024 Non-Real-Time Meeting of OA
Welcome to this non-real time meeting of Overeaters Anonymous! I'm u/Icame2Believe I’m a compulsive eater and your leader for this meeting. Will those who wish, please join me in the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
Overeaters Anonymous is a Fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength, and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. We welcome everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. There are no dues or fees for members; we are self-supporting through our own contributions, neither soliciting nor accepting outside donations. OA is not affiliated with any public or private organization, political movement, ideology, or religious doctrine; we take no position on outside issues. Our primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors and to carry the message of recovery through the Twelve Steps of OA to those who still suffer.
Our Invitation to You
The Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous
Abstinence in Overeaters Anonymous is the action of refraining from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors while working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight. Spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery is the result of living the Overeaters Anonymous Twelve Step program.
The OA tools of recovery help us work the Steps and refrain from compulsive overeating. The nine tools are: a plan of eating, sponsorship, meetings, telephone, writing, literature, an action plan, anonymity, and service. For more information, read The Tools of Recovery OA page.
Sponsorship is one of our keys to success. Sponsors are OA members committed to abstinence and to living the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions to the best of their ability. Sponsors share their program up to the level of their experience and strengthen their recovery through this service to others. To find a sponsor, look for someone who has what you want and ask how he or she is achieving it. Will all abstinent sponsors please identify themselves in their post?
According to our Seventh Tradition, we are self-supporting through our own contributions. Our group number is 99038. Please use the group number when making your contribution. As our virtual group currently has no expenses please consider donating directly through this link to the OA World Service Office, who provides resources for OA groups all around the world to carry the message to other compulsive overeaters.
Suggested guidelines for sharing: As you share your experience and strength in OA, please also share your hope. Please confine your sharing to your experience with the disease of compulsive eating, the solution offered by OA, and your own recovery from the disease, rather than just the events of the day or week. When responding to other member’s posts, please focus on your personal experience rather than advice giving. If you are having difficulties, share how you use the program to deal with them. If you need to talk more about your difficulties and seek solutions, we suggest you speak to your sponsor and other members after the meeting.
**This is a literature meeting. Today we are studying the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous Page *67
"Notice that the word "fear" is bracketed alongside the difficulties with Mr. Brown, Mrs. Jones, the employer, and the wife. This short word somehow touches about every aspect of our lives. It was an evil and corroding thread; the fabric of our existence was shot through with it. It set in motion trains of circumstances which brought us misfortune we felt we didn't deserve. But did not we, ourselves, set the ball rolling? Sometimes we think fear ought to be classed with stealing. It seems to cause more trouble."
Closing By following the Twelve Steps, attending meetings regularly, and using the OA Tools, we are changing our lives. You will find hope and encouragement in Overeaters Anonymous. To the newcomer, we suggest attending at least six different meetings to learn the many ways OA can help you. The opinions expressed here today are those of individual OA members and do not represent OA as a whole. Let us all reach out by private message to newcomers, returning members, and each other. Together we get better.
submitted by Icame2Believe to OvereatersAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:44 aptechvisa-india Australia PR for Nurse from India

Australia PR for Nurse from IndiaIf you are looking for Australia PR for a Nurse from India then there are several options available to a registered Indian nurse seeking permanent residency in Australia. The General Skilled Migration program, which encompasses the Subclass 189 Skilled Independent visa and the Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa, is one popular route. These visas are point-based and require the fulfilment of certain requirements, such as age, English language competency, skills evaluation, and character and health standards.
Employer sponsorship, such as that provided by the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) or the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186), is another possible route. A qualified employer must sponsor the nurse for a post in Australia to obtain one of these visas.
To successfully negotiate the complexities of Australian immigration law, the nurse must thoroughly investigate, comprehend, and apply for each pathway. They should also get expert counsel or assistance from an immigration consultant.
Why is AUSTRALIAN REGISTRATION – Nursing and Midwifery Board needed for Australia PR for a nurse?
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Board (NMBA) has to have registered you as a Registered Nurse for you to be able to work in Australia and apply for Skills Assessment. In addition to deciding on issues about registration, endorsement, notation, and compliance for nurses, midwives, and students, the NMBA also establishes policy and professional standards for the nursing profession. The following viewpoints are included in the registration standards:
• Past Criminal Records
• Fluency in the English language
• Professional indemnity insurance policies;
• Recent Practice;
• Ongoing Professional Development
Which skill assessment body is required for Australia PR for Nurse?
You need to take a skills evaluation to qualify for a permanent resident visa. The Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) is the authority for assessing skills for registered nurses. It can evaluate internationally qualified nurses or international students who have completed their nursing degree program in Australia and are registered there, as well as those with an equivalent qualification and registration in New Zealand. The following list of three primary eligibility pathways:
Full Skills Assessment: You are eligible for a full skills assessment if you are not registered in Australia and have a degree in Nursing from outside Australia. For example: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.
Australian Visa Application for Registered Nurses (Nurse Visa Australia)
A variety of visas are available for Australia PR Visa from India. Registered Nurses to apply for immigration to Australia, including the following:
Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189): For skilled professionals subject to a points system who wish to live and work in Australia and apply for permanent residency on their own, the visa (subclass 189) is a permanent residence permit. These days, applicants must score substantially higher on the Points in order to be invited, due to the government's limited allocation of spots for this category and the fierce rivalry among applicants
Skilled Nomination Visa (Subclass 190): For skilled professionals who meet certain requirements and wish to work and settle in Australia, the visa (subclass 190) is a permanent residence permit. An Australian state or territory government agency must nominate the application. The need for nurses in Australia is high and is expected to remain so, particularly during and after the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic. If their profession is listed as a state occupation, qualified registered nurses may be eligible to seek for a nomination to the Australian state.
Skilled Work Regional Provisional visa (Subclass 491): Itis a temporary residency permit for skilled professionals who meet the requirements and wish to work and reside in Australia. An Australian state or territory government agency must propose the applicant, or a qualifying relative must sponsor them. After the necessary requirements are satisfied, the holders of this visa may then apply for the subclass 191 Skilled Regional (Permanent) visa.
The Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482 visa): It permits foreign workers whose designated occupation is on the approved occupation lists to be hired on a temporary basis by an approved business sponsor. The visa validity period for jobs involving registered nurses may be up to four years. If the necessary requirements are met, the visa may be renewed. After meeting the necessary requirements, sponsored nurses may submit an additional application for a permanent resident visa under the 186 Employer Nomination Scheme.
Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186): workers who wish to work in Australia and apply for Permanent Residency through their employment opportunity can do so using the Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186). An authorized Australian employer must nominate a candidate for this visa in the first phase, and the candidate must then apply under the nominated stream. It is a component of the program for permanent employer-sponsored visas. If their employers are prepared to help them, sponsored nurses may be able to apply straight for permanent residency through this route.
How to apply for Australia PR for Nurses from India?
There are usually multiple steps involved in becoming a registered nurse and moving to Australia from India. This is a broad synopsis of the procedure:
Step 1 : Verify Your Eligibility: The first step is to determine if you are qualified to practice nursing in Australia. To make sure your credentials fit Australian requirements, you will need to have them evaluated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC).
Step 2. English Language Proficiency: You must take an authorized English language test, such as the PET or IELTS, to establish your English language Proficiency Score.
Step 3. Apply for Registration with AHPRA: After fulfilling the requirements for eligibility, you can apply to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) for registration. In Australia, becoming registered is required to practice nursing.
Step 4. Skill Assessment through ANMAC: The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) must evaluate nurses' skills. This evaluation confirms that your credentials and abilities meet Australian requirements.
Step 5. Submit your Expression of Interest (EOI): The first step in applying for a points-tested visa is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via the SkillSelect system. Once submitted, you must wait for the Invitation to apply (ITA).
Step 6. Submit the documents and visa fee: Once an applicant receives his or her ITA then they need to submit their documents along with the Visa fee.
Step7. Wait for your Australia PR: Once the Australian immigration authorities process your documents and application and approve them you receive your Australia PR.
Because immigration rules and procedures are subject to change, it is advised that you speak with a registered migration agency or immigration consultant for the most recent information and advice about your situation
How will Aptech Visa help with Australia PR for Nurses?
1. Aptech Visa helps the applicants with documentation.
2. Aptech Visa also helps the applicants with gaining the required license.
3. We will get the nurse registered under AHPRA.
4. Prepare the portfolio as per the requirement.
5. Enroll with NCLEX
6. Get your skill assessment
7. Help the applicant throughout the process.
For more information, you can refer to https://www.aptechvisa.com/blog/is-it-easy-to-immigrate-to-australia-as-a-nurse-from-india and you can also connect with our Australia Immigration Consultants at 9289289006, 7503832132.
submitted by aptechvisa-india to u/aptechvisa-india [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:24 xydus How do international athletes schedule their competitions?

What’s life actually like for an international athlete? Excluding obvious events like national and international championships, how do they know which smaller competitions they will be doing (e.g WA continental tour meets)? Do they just randomly get invited to a load of stuff, do they have agents that arrange things for them, do they do it themselves with their coach? Do they know where they’ll be competing well in advance or do things pop up in the shorter term and they take it as it comes? And do sponsors dictate any of this?
I’m just curious if anyone can offer any insight into how the world of high level athletics works, purely for my own curiosity. I’m not just talking about the most elite athletes in the world, but also your lower profile international athlete (eg someone who might make national finals each year but is never seen on any diamond league circuit or world championships)
submitted by xydus to Sprinting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:48 No_Baker_9519 109 Days Sober

It’s been difficult being a meth addict and drug dealer that didn’t want to get sober at all or stop selling for the last 8 years. Then I lost who I was once the Alcohol and Fentanyl took over.
Eventually, The passing of my wife, the suicide attempts, the violence and hardcore alcoholism to Fentanyl. Being evicted, hated waking up every morning and dope sick everyday. Whole paychecks on drugs. Being homeless wandering the streets trying to steal copper from light poles. Losing jobs after 3 days because I would be sick and couldn’t finish my shift. Realizing my family was mourning me while I was still alive. My rock bottom.
January 27th 2024
My life changed when I found AA. I had just gotten out of Detox 1st time visiting. Left a day early and then the withdrawal symptoms creeped in later that evening. My first meeting I was going through it. I stuck it out and continued going to meetings. I didn’t sleep much or if at all for 3 weeks. Not sure how I did that still.
Lately I struggle every morning to wake up or motivate my dopamine deprived brain. Difficult to navigate life when the reward system up there is fighting against me. My character defects had sometime to develop and hardwire into my personality and subconscious. I would say the things I find most difficult is keeping up with my laundry, thinking too much and negative self talk. Pity party’s that my inner dialogue invite me too..
Simple program? I can make it more difficult.
Having willingness along with rigorous honesty.
Holding myself accountable and having the courage to change certain things about myself helps me. Helping others caring about people. I used to care I thought but I always had an agenda driving that ounce of give a fuck.
Here in the right now that is gone I can love from the heart which I am grateful for. I can now look at my day at night and take a personal inventory of what I could’ve done better. I find that I’m always the problem no matter what anyone does. If I’m angry or upset I think about If I have been self seeking, dishonest and inconsiderate.
How it’s going, I’m onto my second Sponsor. Started going through the Big Book. Planning to go through the Steps again. Got myself into College and I work with one of my fellows. My license was reinstated and I’ve been able to hang my bicycle up finally after 8 years. I am able to pay my bills now and make money legally. My family feels whole again. I have a home group and a service position. I reach out I have grown to love strangers. I have found a higher power of my own understanding. I get to be a Father to my 11yr old son. Admitting the deepest darkest secrets of my past. Being willing to make amends for the harms done. I still struggle every step of the way. I have tools and know that there’s a way better alternative to active addiction. For all of this I’m filled with gratitude today.
submitted by No_Baker_9519 to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:46 Total-Mastodon-6888 Benefits of Immigrating to Canada

For ambitious Indians seeking a land of opportunity with a welcoming social fabric, Canada beckons with its vast landscapes, thriving multicultural cities, and robust social safety net. At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we understand the aspirations of Indian immigrants and are dedicated to guiding you through the Canadian immigration process with expertise and personalized support.
This blog post delves into the numerous benefits that Canada offers, empowering you to make an informed decision about your future:
A Land of Opportunity: A Glimpse into Canada
Canada boasts a unique blend of factors that make it an attractive destination for skilled professionals and families alike:
Building a Rewarding Career: Thriving in the Canadian Job Market
The Canadian job market presents a plethora of opportunities for skilled Indian professionals. Here’s a closer look:
Finding Your Niche:
Researching the National Occupation Classification (NOC) list is crucial. This list identifies occupations in demand across Canada, allowing you to assess your qualifications and identify potential career pathways. Our team at Adric Immigration Consultants can assist you in navigating this process.
Embracing a High Quality of Life: Beyond Professional Gains
Canada offers a unique lifestyle that fosters well-being and a sense of community:
Finding Your Perfect Balance:
While Canada offers a relaxed pace of life, its vibrant cities and diverse cultural offerings ensure a dynamic and stimulating environment. Whether you seek a tranquil suburban setting or the energy of a bustling metropolis, Canada caters to diverse preferences.
Building a Secure Future for Your Family
Canada is a haven for families seeking a nurturing and secure environment to raise their children:
Investing in the Future:
A strong education system, coupled with universal healthcare and a robust social safety net, makes Canada an ideal destination for Indian families seeking a secure and nurturing environment for their children’s future.
Beyond the Obvious: The Intangible Benefits
Immigrating to Canada offers a multitude of advantages beyond the readily quantifiable:
Embracing a New Chapter:
Canada offers not just a change of scenery but also a chance to become part of a welcoming and inclusive society, prioritize a healthy lifestyle, and access quality education and healthcare for your family.
Taking the First Step: Your Immigration Journey Begins Here
At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we understand the complexities of Canadian immigration
procedures. Our team of experienced consultants can guide you through every step of the process, from assessing your eligibility for various programs to preparing a strong application and providing interview coaching. We can help you navigate:
Contact us today for a free consultation and let Adric Immigration Consultants be your trusted partner on the path to achieving your Canadian dream. Together, we can turn your vision of a rewarding life in Canada into a reality.
submitted by Total-Mastodon-6888 to u/Total-Mastodon-6888 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:22 Total-Mastodon-6888 Popular Immigration Destinations for Indians (Canada vs. Australia)

For many Indians, the allure of a new life abroad, brimming with opportunity and a different cultural landscape, is a powerful motivator. Canada and Australia have emerged as top contenders for Indian immigrants, each offering distinct advantages and considerations. At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we’re dedicated to guiding you through the intricacies of immigration and helping you choose the destination that best aligns with your aspirations. Canada Visa Consultants
This blog post delves into a comprehensive comparison of Canada and Australia, providing insights into factors critical for Indian immigrants to consider:
Setting the Stage: A Glimpse into Canada and Australia
Choosing Between Canada and Australia:
The ideal destination ultimately depends on your individual priorities, career goals, and lifestyle preferences. Let’s explore some key factors to consider:
1. Immigration Programs & Eligibility:
For Indian Applicants:
Both Canada and Australia offer pathways for skilled Indian professionals with in-demand qualifications and work experience. Assessing your eligibility for specific programs through professional guidance from Adric Immigration Consultants can significantly streamline your immigration journey.
2. Job Market and Employment Opportunities:
Choosing the Right Fit:
While both countries offer promising job markets, consider your skillset and career aspirations. Research in-demand occupations in each country to identify the destination that aligns best with your professional goals.
3. Cost of Living and Lifestyle:
Finding the Perfect Balance:
Consider your financial situation and lifestyle preferences. Canada offers a more affordable cost of living, while Australia provides a warmer climate and a relaxed way of life.
4. Education System and Family Considerations:
4. Education System and Family Considerations (continued)
Important Considerations:
If you have children or plan to start a family, both Canada and Australia offer excellent education systems and support for families. Canada might be a better choice for affordability, while Australia might appeal to those seeking a warmer climate and strong social security benefits.
5. Settlement and Integration:
Building a New Life:
Both Canada and Australia offer welcoming environments for Indian immigrants. Canada allows for easier integration due to existing cultural similarities and a larger Indian diaspora, while Australia offers a vibrant multicultural environment with strong support networks for newcomers.
Conclusion: Start Your Immigration Journey
The decision to immigrate is a momentous one. By carefully considering the factors explored above, you can determine whether Canada or Australia aligns more effectively with your individual circumstances and aspirations.
Partnering with Adric Immigration Consultants:
At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we understand the complexities of navigating the immigration process. Our team of experts can guide you through every step, from assessing your eligibility for various programs to preparing a strong application and providing interview coaching.
Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you transform your dream of living and working in Canada or Australia into a reality. Together, we can ensure you make an informed decision and embark on a successful immigration journey.
submitted by Total-Mastodon-6888 to u/Total-Mastodon-6888 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:03 No_Baker_9519 109 Days Sober -Tyler Alcoholic/Addict 27yr old

It’s been difficult being a meth addict and drug dealer that didn’t want to get sober at all or stop selling for the last 8 years. Then I lost who I was once the Alcohol and Fentanyl took over.
Eventually, The passing of my wife, the suicide attempts, the violence and hardcore alcoholism to Fentanyl. Being evicted, hated waking up every morning and dope sick everyday. Whole paychecks on drugs. Being homeless wandering the streets trying to steal copper from light poles. Losing jobs after 3 days because I would be sick and couldn’t finish my shift. Realizing my family was mourning me while I was still alive. My rock bottom.
January 27th 2024
My life changed when I found AA. I had just gotten out of Detox 1st time visiting. Left a day early and then the withdrawal symptoms creeped in later that evening. My first meeting I was going through it. I stuck it out and continued going to meetings. I didn’t sleep much or if at all for 3 weeks. Not sure how I did that still.
Lately I struggle every morning to wake up or motivate my dopamine deprived brain. Difficult to navigate life when the reward system up there is fighting against me. My character defects had sometime to develop and hardwire into my personality and subconscious. I would say the things I find most difficult is keeping up with my laundry, thinking too much and negative self talk. Pity party’s that my inner dialogue invite me too..
Simple program? I can make it more difficult.
Having willingness along with rigorous honesty.
Holding myself accountable and having the courage to change certain things about myself helps me. Helping others caring about people. I used to care I thought but I always had an agenda driving that ounce of give a fuck.
Here in the right now that is gone I can love from the heart which I am grateful for. I can now look at my day at night and take a personal inventory of what I could’ve done better. I find that I’m always the problem no matter what anyone does. If I’m angry or upset I think about If I have been self seeking, dishonest and inconsiderate.
How it’s going, I’m onto my second Sponsor. Started going through the Big Book. Planning to go through the Steps again. Got myself into College and I work with one of my fellows. My license was reinstated and I’ve been able to hang my bicycle up finally after 8 years. I am able to pay my bills now and make money legally. My family feels whole again. I have a home group and a service position. I reach out I have grown to love strangers. I have found a higher power of my own understanding. I get to be a Father to my 11yr old son. Admitting the deepest darkest secrets of my past. Being willing to make amends for the harms done. I still struggle every step of the way. I have tools and know that there’s a way better alternative to active addiction. For all of this I’m filled with gratitude today.
submitted by No_Baker_9519 to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:32 Andre3000RPI Yahoo Morning Briefing

April's big inflation reveal: The meme trade has been a fun diversion, but the serious business is here: the April Consumer Price Index reading is set for release at 8:30 a.m. ET. Prices rose 0.4% over the prior month, matching March's pace and bringing the annual inflation rate down to 3.4%. Stripping out food and energy costs, economists expect core inflation fell to 3.6% annually in April, which would be the slowest pace in about three years. ‌
Biden hits China with tariffs: The White House announced a suite of new tariffs on Chinese goods on Tuesday, with a key focus on EVs. In an interview with Yahoo Finance, President Biden painted cheap goods flooding the market — subsidized by the Chinese government — as an attempt to "put everybody else out of business and then they take over." Biden also said he expects China to retaliate but that the trade conflict would be manageable. ‌
GameStop and AMC continue to surge: GameStop followed Monday's 74% gain with a 62% surge Tuesday as the company continues to ride the recent meme stock rally. AMC also saw a second day of gains, finishing Tuesday 33% higher after gaining 80% Monday. Shrewdly, the company disclosed it raised $250 million issuing stock after Monday's pop. ‌
Google's new search: Google unveiled a new way of googling at its I/O conference that, yes, involves a lot of AI. The biggest overhaul to its search engine in years will integrate its AI engine to provide complex answers to queries — with citations. This time, we hope they're real. Users will also be able to perform compound searches for more targeted results without resorting to googling multiple times. For example, the ability to search for "a gym that offers discounts for new members — and how far it is from where I live." ‌
Powell plays down PPI: Fed Chair Jerome Powell provided a timely response to Tuesday's hotter-than-expected headline number for the Producer Price Index, speaking from a panel in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Powell downplayed the hot overall number, pointing at the mixed data and backward revisions. Still, the central bank head again stressed a need to be patient and "let restrictive policy do its work." What we're watching Morning Brief is written and edited by Ethan Wolff-Mann. For the web version, click here. Follow all the action throughout the day on Yahoo Finance and on the Yahoo Finance app.
GameStop’s 'Roaring Kitty' surge doesn’t mean meme stock rally has legs. ‌ Vanguard appoints BlackRock veteran Salim Ramji as next CEO. ‌ Justice Department says Boeing violated 737 Max crash settlement. ‌ ️ Musk ordered to resume testimony in SEC Twitter probe. ‌ 3M shareholders vote down executives' pay packages. ‌ Biden expects China to retaliate to new tariffs. Here's what that might look like. ‌ Why Biden's tariffs on Chinese EVs will have little immediate impact on the US auto market What we're reading AD • SPONSORED BY SMART ASSETHave This Much Money? You May Want a Financial AdvisorMoney can't buy happiness, but research finds that if you have this much in household assets, hiring a financial advisor could potentially help. Just how much money do you need? Find out here.
Today's Takeaway is by Jared Blikre, Markets Reporter ‌ Meme stocks survived another volatility-fueled session Tuesday. ‌ Taking a page from the 2021 playbook, GameStop and AMC Entertainment led the charge. ‌ Both meme stalwarts notched gains over 74% Monday and had further doubled their share prices on the open Tuesday — only to sell off most of the day into the close. Nevertheless, after dozens of volatility halts GameStop closed the day up 62% while AMC jumped by 30%.‌ Amid some gentle coaxing by Keith Gill (aka Roaring Kitty), a slew of names familiar to Reddit boards followed — companies like Koss, Tupperware, Virgin Galactic, Hertz, and BlackBerry. ‌ But while the explosion in volatility rightfully invites comparisons to the well-known 2021 saga that played out on Reddit and across US stock exchanges, 2024 is already proving to be quite different. ‌ This year, Wall Street is driving the bus. ‌
Vanda Research crunched the numbers and reported in a note to clients that GameStop and AMC have only seen a fraction of the inflows experienced in early 2021. Flows into these names at the peak of the early 2021 frenzy were over four times Monday's volume. ‌ "Do we think more retail traders can jump in on the trend in the coming days? Yes. Do we think this is a repeat of 2021? No, and the chances we reach that stage are low," said Vanda. ‌ Without glancing at a single stock chart, it's easy to point out that 2021 was likely a historical aberration fueled by bored recipients of pandemic stimulus checks. ‌ Wall Street was caught flat-footed. Hedge funds like Melvin Capital were obliterated. ‌ But institutional investors learned from the 2021 episode and are better prepared now, argues Vanda. ‌ "Quant/hedge funds are much better equipped to handle these situations nowadays," Vanda senior vice president Marco Iachini noted. "If anything, we believe the chances that they participate along with retail in the squeeze but also lean against and then exit these trades ahead of retail traders are high." ‌
As of Monday's close, the portion of share turnover in GameStop attributable to retail investors averaged 7% over the prior five days — and that number was only slightly higher for AMC. In 2021, the averages and spikes were materially higher, indicating much greater participation by retail traders. ‌ Data in the options market confirms a similar story. ‌ But the biggest difference this year might just be the lack of one single, coherent narrative like the meme story that captured headlines in 2021. ‌ Only last week, we wrote about the recent resurgence of volatility in meme names. "In a critical break from prior trading epochs, much of the recent meme stock volatility is being fueled by material news and fundamentals, like earnings, as opposed to Reddit posts," we wrote. Why the 2024 meme stock action is much tamer than 2021 — so far Indeed, our (unofficial) Yahoo Finance meme stock heat map reveals impressive returns over the last two days that are mostly green across the board. But aside from GameStop and AMC, these daily returns are decidedly not triple digits as they were three years ago. ‌ In fact, the bigger names on this list — like Coinbase, Carvana, and Palantir — have been making their gains the old-fashioned way: around earnings and bitcoin fundamentals.
How much Wednesday's inflation print surprises economists — up or down — will be of particular importance during Wednesday's trading day. ‌ But analyzing market action from CPI release days back to May 2023's print, the equity research team at Goldman Sachs led by David Kostin found that "interest rate sensitive pockets of the equity market typically experience particularly large moves on CPI days regardless of the magnitude of the surprise." Chart of the day As seen in the chart above, non-profitable tech and the small-cap Russell 2000 index (^RUT) have moved significantly more depending on where the inflation print lands over the past year. ‌ — Josh Schafer, Markets Reporter
Wednesday ‌ ‌ ‌ Thursday ‌ ‌ ‌ Friday ‌ ‌ Earnings and economic calendar Economic data: Consumer Price Index, month-over-month, April (+0.4% expected, +0.4% previously); Core CPI, month-over-month, April (+0.3% expected, +0.4% previously); CPI, year-over-year, April (+3.4% expected, +3.5% previously); Core CPI, year-over-year, April (+3.6% expected, +3.8% previously); Real average hourly earnings, year-over-year, April (+0.6% previously); MBA Mortgage Applications, week ending May 10 (+2.6%); Retail sales, month-over-month, April (+0.4% expected, +0.7% previously); Retail sales ex auto and gas, April (+0.1% expected, +1% previously); NAHB housing market index, May (51 expected, 51 previously)
Earnings: Cisco, Dole, Monday.com, Super League Economic data: Initial jobless claims, week ending May 11 (233,000 previously); Housing starts month-over-month, April (8.6% expected, -14.7% prior); Building permits month-over-month, April (+1.6% expected, -3.7% prior); Philadelphia Business Outlook, May (8.7 expected, 15.5 prior); Import prices, month-over-month, April (+0.2% expected, +0.4% previously); Export prices, month-over-month, April (+0.2% expected, +0.3% previously); Industrial production, month-over-month, April (+0.2% expected, +0.4% previously)
Earnings: Walmart, Applied Materials, Baidu, JD.com, John Deere, Take-Two Interactive, Under Armour Economic data: Leading index, April (-0.2% expected, -0.3% previously) Earnings: No notable earnings.
submitted by Andre3000RPI to DeercreekvolsBlog [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:36 5h0rgunn The Confused Envoy (1551 – 1552) The Xin-Mei Wars Ch. 3.3

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The Treasure Fleet of 1551 arrived in the last week of July that year. One ship was particularly large, well-armed, and well-decorated with Ming imperial insignia. Onboard was a man named Cui Hejing, an envoy on a mission given to him directly by the Jiajing Emperor (though not in person, given how reclusive the emperor was). Cui was politically unconnected to either Yan Song or Xu Jie, meaning that he was, theoretically, neutral in the rivalry between them, and this is why he was chosen for this mission. His orders were clear: these 'Meixigou People' would have to be brought into China's orbit. During its heyday, the Chinese overseas empire had included tributaries from all over the western Pacific and the Indian Ocean too. Things had deteriorated since then, but the Ming's self-confidence had not. Surely, after the thrashing they received at Acapulco, Meixigou would be all too happy to send a tributary embassy to Beijing to talk things out and make a deal that would allow for the unimpeded flow of silver into China (and other goods as well: Yan Song was fond of a good cup of hot cocoa in the morning).
Any deal made with the Meixigou People would need to have the support of both Wei Chengjia and Bai Guguan in order for it to hold. It didn't please the emperor to have North Province and South Province sponsoring pirates to raid each other's shipping. Actually, to be honest, the emperor didn't care as long as he got the full tribute from both provinces every year—but currently that wasn't happening.
The first order of business, then, was to meet with the two governors.
Dongguang was the eastern terminus for the Treasure Fleet in those days, so Cui met first with Bai in Dongguang, then with Wei in Ningbo. Finally, the three met in Dongguang and hashed out what they could agree to. Without the NSS under his control, Bai Guguan had turned to piracy once again to obtain the silver he needed, and was still falling well short of what he owed the emperor (This was called the Third Silver War, a conflict on the high seas that began in 1550 with Wei's reinstatement). That would have to stop, Cui told him. Bai was happy to cease sponsoring pirates if Cui could convince the Meixigou People to let DSS members purchase silver. Cui asked Wei why he hadn't done more to convince the Meixigou People to remain peaceable, to which Wei responded by pointing out that Bai had sent a military expedition to wreck a Meixigou port. Bai countered with the accusation that Wei started the Silver Wars by attacking the Cabrillo Expedition under false flags, which Wei denied.
Cui Hejing sighed.
Negotiations carried on for several days in the first week of August, with Wei and Bai frequently arguing while Cui played the peacemaker. Wei Chengjia agreed to support South Province's right to trade with Meixigou in exchange for a concession near and dear to Bai Guguan's economic policy.
In 1450, the Treasure Fleet had officially been established as an annual convoy sailing between Xinguo and China, sanctioned by the imperial government and given a naval escort. The Jingtai Emperor who ruled China at the time set the fleet's terminus at Dongguang in order to hurt Wei Shuifu, whom the emperor deemed to be too powerful already. As the discoverer of Xinguo and the biggest proponent of settling the New World, Wei Shuifu had immense influence in the early colonisation period. Having the Treasure Fleet stop in Dongguang was of profound importance for the city's economy. Establishments such as hotels and pubs thrived on the business brought by the Fleet, farmers and fishermen sold their products to restock the Fleet for the return trip, and even Ningbo had to come to Dongguang to deliver its annual tribute to the Fleet, while NSS merchants had to come to purchase Asian wares for resale in Xinguo. All this gave Dongguang a significant edge over its rival. Over the years, the fleet had occasionally stopped in Ningbo instead, when emperors felt they needed to send a message to Dongguang, but they always switched it back to Dongguang within a few years. In 1551, however, Wei Chengjia's requirement for his support of a deal with Meixigou was that Ningbo be set as the permanent terminus for the Treasure Fleet. Bai Guguan agreed to this, albeit begrudgingly. Both men shook hands and signed a paper agreeing to these terms. Two copies were made of the paper, one of which was kept by each governor while Cui Hejing kept the original. No chances were to be taken on either man reneging on his side of the deal.
The hard part was done. Now it was time to deliver a message to the foreigners requiring their presence in Beijing at the earliest possible time.
Cui Hejing sailed his ship down to Acapulco, arriving on August 18th, 1551. Fortunately for him, Chinese ships arriving at Acapulco were an everyday occurrence so soon after the Treasure Fleet's arrival. Pirates were on a campaign of plunder all around Acapulco and the Spaniards still couldn't tell the difference between a North Province freighter, a South Province freighter, and a Wokou pirate ship. Sometimes, pirates pretended to be merchants until they got close, then opened fire. This made the Spaniards rather trigger happy for most of the year, wary as they were of ambushes. With so many North Province merchantmen showing up in the preceding week, however, Cui made it into the harbour without difficulty. The harbour was now overlooked by Fuerte de Oñate, a newly-constructed star fort on the west side of the bay named for Cristobal de Oñate himself. Colloquially, it was called Fuerte del Vasco, or Fort of the Basque, in reference to Oñate's heritage. In 1551, the fort was rather bare-bones and parts of it were still under construction, but eventually it would be expanded into a sprawling defensive network, making Acapulco the most heavily fortified city on the Pacific coast of Spanish America. It was home to a permanent garrison of 1,000 men and 8 warships, who were constantly on the lookout for pirates. Bai Guguan's privateers often ambushed ships exiting the bay or even sneaked into the port at night for a little moonlit robbery. The Spaniards had already picked up the word 'Wokou' from their North Province trading parters as 'Oacao,' which they applied indiscriminately to all pirates or privateers originating from north of Mexico and operating in the Pacific Ocean. In later centuries, 'Oacao' would even be applied to British, Portuguese, and Russian privateers in the Pacific.
Upon Cui Hejing's arrival, he introduced himself and his mission to the mayor of Acapulco. This was conveyed to Mexico City, where it was received by Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza. Mendoza invited Cui to the capital. Upon arrival, Cui Hejing delivered a letter inviting Meixigou to send a tributary embassy to Beijing so that they could establish diplomatic ties with the Ming Dynasty. This was standard Ming practice. No one could have diplomatic ties with China without bringing tribute for the emperor. The emperor would respond to the tribute with a gift of his own, although this part doesn't seem to have been communicated clearly enough.
The viceroy, however, didn't have the power to authorise such a mission on his own, so he penned a letter to Madrid and sent it, along with Cui's invitation (together with a Spanish translation), to Spain. Two months was the minimum time in which to expect a reply, but three was more realistic.
Cui Hejing was incensed upon being told he'd have to wait for three months, give or take. He decried this as an outrage—how dare a mere king like the ruler of Meixigou make the emperor's envoy sit and wait? Mendoza reminded Cui that he, Mendoza, was just a viceroy, and that he needed authorisation from Madrid to get such a thing done. Then he told Cui again to settle in and wait. Cui was given comfortable lodgings, but simply couldn't contain his anger at being forced to wait. Every day, he sent complaints to the viceroy's office along with requests to see the king of Meixigou.
In truth, Mendoza had no patience for Cui Hejing's antics. He was preoccuppied with making a choice he'd been given by Emperor Karl V of the Holy Roman Empire, who was also King Carlos I of Spain. Since the viceroy of Peru had been killed by rebels in 1546, Peru needed a new one, a position which had been offered to Mendoza. In fact, a week after Cui's arrival on the Pacific coast, a man from Spain arrived on the Atlantic coast with orders to take up whichever viceregal position Mendoza turned down.
There were plenty of other, more pressing matters on Mendoza's plate as well. The Chichimec War was still blazing, cutting into New Spain's potential silver output. The war was so expensive New Spain kept having to beg Madrid for money to pay for it. In addition, conquistadors were still pushing the frontiers ever northward and southward, Maya city-states on the Yucatan peninsula were giving them trouble, and there was the matter of the New Laws. When a conquistador conquered a new area, he effectively installed himself as feudal lord of that area. Madrid gave a stamp of approval to this practice by creating the encomienda system, which converted the indigenous population of the area into the conquistador's serfs. Madrid dislike the practice, however. Unlike China, Spain took an active role in colonial administration and was loathe to allow conquistadors to establish hereditary control of large swathes of the New World. Therefore, they'd introduced a series of laws in the 1540s in the hopes of curbing the power of the encomenderos. Enforcement of these laws in Peru led to the viceroy being killed. In New Spain, Antonio de Mendoza adopted a policy which he described thusly: “I obey, but I do not comply.” In other words, he applied the New Laws very carefully and very selectively, so as to avoid the fate of Peru's viceroy.
All in all, Cui Hejing had come at a bad time. Furthermore, he seems to have been profoundly confused by the situation. As discussed previously, 'Spain' was referred to by the Xinguans as 'Meixigou', or some variation thereof. This was taken from 'Mexica,' which was the Aztecs' name for themselves. Xinguans saw the Spaniards as being akin to a new dynasty ruling the same land that'd long been one of their prime sources of silver. The land was still Meixigou, and its people were still Meixigou People, regardless of who was ruling there. Thus, officials back in China were given the impression that 'Meixigou' was a kingdom existing in the New World presided over by a viceroy, whom they interpreted as the equivalent of a prime minister. Meixigou's king was, presumably, residing in Mexico City, or in a country house somewhere nearby. They had no concept of Meixigou's connection to Spain—not that they would've known what Spain was anyway. Despite an overwhelming air of superiority over all others, China has traditionally been a rather insular place that prefers to deal with its own matters and doesn't pay a lot of attention to things far from its own borders. Europe was very far away indeed, so China had little idea of the political geography of the continent. Europeans were likewise rather ignorant about Asia in the mid-16th century.
Hence Cui Hejing's angst. He seems to have been under the impression that Mendoza was making up a story about a capital city (Madrid) on the other side of another ocean purely to snub to Cui. There was no reason in Cui's eyes why he shouldn't be allowed to see the king of Meixigou, and it was making him madder by the day. Mendoza wasn't helping things either. He was busy with other matters and anyway, he was pretty confident Karl V wasn't about to send tribute on demand to another emperor on the other side of the globe (Mendoza also doesn't seem to have caught the part where the Jiajing Emperor would reciprocate the tribute with a gift of his own—or perhaps he simply didn't care).
On August 29th, Cui Hejing announced he wasn't going to wait any longer. He told his hosts that they'd be sorry they snubbed an envoy of the emperor, then he packed his bags, headed back to Acapulco, and set sail for Xinguo. Mendoza made no attempt to hinder his departure.
Upon his return to Xinguo, Cui Hejing considered what he'd done. Going back to China without accomplishing anything was out of the question. He didn't want to end up being banished to the western frontier like Lin Weishi and Peng Chao'an. That would end his career, or at best would be a long hiatus before he might be allowed to return. Therefore, Cui resolved to get at least half of his mission completed.
To that end, he met with Wei and Bai again and informed them about what'd happened in Acapulco. However, the fact of Meixigou's non-compliance didn't have to be a problem. Circumvention of Meixigou's ban on DSS merchants coming to Acapulco wouldn't be hard. All they needed was for NSS merchants to purchase twice as much silver as they needed and sell the excess to the DSS. That way, South Province could still get the silver it needed. Wei agreed readily, but he still wanted the Treasure Fleet to switch its destination to Ningbo. Bai took a day to mull it over before finally agreeing. There was one condition, however. Wei would purchase silver from the NSS merchants out of his own pocket and then sell it to Bai at cost. This would mean Bai wouldn't have to pay an exorbitant mark-up for the silver he needed to pay the tribute. Wei agreed. Once again, three sets of the agreement were written out and signed by both governors. It might as well have been a treaty between foreign nations.
Cui Hejing returned to China with the Treasure Fleet in July 1552, with the agreement between the two governors in hand. Although it wasn't strictly necessary for him to wait to return with the Fleet, he thought it best to present the emperor with news of his trip at the same time as he received full tribute from both provinces, including the back-tribute South Province owed from 1551 and '50. Yan Song was incensed at Cui Hejing's account of how he was treated in Mexico, as was the Jiajing Emperor when Yan relayed the story to him. They were also upset at Cui Hejing for his reckless initiative in coming up with a solution all on his own. That being said, the Jiajing Emperor was now getting what he wanted. Needless to say, tribute wasn't coming from Meixigou. However, Bai Guguan had agreed to stop sponsoring pirates, which put an end to the Third Silver War (1550 – 1552), and South Province was now able to meet its tribute obligations. This was... an acceptable outcome.
Far from the banishment he'd been fearing, Cui Hejing was rewarded with a position as permanent commissioner to Xinguo. A commissioner was a man who was given the power to represent the emperor in order to accomplish a specific mission. Typically, any such commission was temporary, but in Cui's case it was a permanent posting. He would travel to Xinguo every year to relay the emperor's will to the governors and collect their reports on happenings in the colonies before returning to China to hand these in to the emperor (or at least, to the senior grand secretary). True to his agreement with Wei Chengjia, Cui Hejing managed to convince Yan Song to divert the Treasure Fleet to Ningbo. It took some persuasion, but it wasn't too hard since Yan Song viewed Bai Guguan as an ally of his arch-rival Xu Jie ever since Lin Weishi's expedition.
submitted by 5h0rgunn to HighEffortAltHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:48 Isitbedtimeyet99 How do you all find sober people to date?

My sponsor is constantly telling me I create problems for myself by trying to date women who drink, and that I should look for a partner in the “sober community”.
There is someone in one of my AA meetings that is 13 months into recovery (I’m 2 years and some change), thriving and sponsoring. Her friend told me she wants me to ask her out and that she was hoping i would, which is cool. I’m not in love with AA but I’m glad it exists and i wanted to get some peace of mind i wasn’t breaking any rules or anything, so i asked over on the AA subreddit and within 30 minutes like 75 people aggressively called me a sexual predator, said that i would ruin her life, “you might as well be putting a gun to both of your heads”, “this aint your dating club or your social club”, “don’t shit where you eat”, one lady said i just wanted to be a “pump and dumper” etc before I deleted the post. I texted a more senior gentleman from my local group I’m friendly with and he responded by telling me we were both never welcome back if we did, and then he texted the girl and told her she should block my number and invited her over to his house where it “was safe”. 😭 For context I’m great in my recovery and no interest in going back or close calls because I’m so over the moon happy not to be a slave to that junk anymore.
It’s not life or death if it works out or not, but i keep hearing to look for someone in the sober community, but I’m now learning that meetings don’t count. How do you all find people to spend time with that aren’t going to be drinking all the time?
submitted by Isitbedtimeyet99 to dryalcoholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:56 Substantial-Draw-844 Here we go with the sponsors

Here we go with the sponsors
She is going to milk this wedding thing / being a bride to the gods M sorry but none of those dresses were even that good ( and her saying she likes the mermaid style , girl plz don't) And saying that they "through her a tea party" after with cookies with her engagement pictures on them , as if they would do that to the regular costumer... She didn't even invite her other friends, so this is clearly a sponsored thing and wasn't actually considering their dresses as her potential wedding dress
submitted by Substantial-Draw-844 to snarkingwithremi [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:39 HomesonWheels Rubber Tramp Rendezvous - Save the Date

Homes on Wheels Alliance’s annual gathering, the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR), is a time for rubber tramps, nomads, and vehicle dwellers to gather as a community, share our collective knowledge, build relationships, and learn new skills. The next RTR will be the 18th time we have come together, and all are invited to join us again in Quartzsite, AZ at the town park baseball field. As in the past the event will be in two phases. The Women’s RTR (WRTR) will convene on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, and conclude on Friday, January 10. The All Gender RTR (AGRTR) begins on Saturday, January 11, 2025, and closes on Thursday, January 16.

Stay tuned for additional information on volunteering, camping, sponsoring, and attending throughout the coming months. As always, the event is free and open to everyone who supports the HOWA mission. Please join us.
submitted by HomesonWheels to vandwellers [link] [comments]
