Capcom vs snk 3 screenpack

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

2010.08.05 20:36 DrOrpheus Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Welcome to the Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 subreddit! #MARVELLIVES

2011.09.02 13:58 GhettoThrasher Reddit's fighting game community


2019.02.15 23:50 PresidentMagikarp Tatsunoko vs. Capcom

This is a subreddit for discussing Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars, two Wii-exclusive crossover fighting games published by Capcom, featuring a roster of characters from both Capcom's video game franchises and various anime series produced by Tatsunoko Production.

2024.05.17 11:29 No_Love_467 İsteyen varmı takas satış

İsteyen varmı takas satış
Öncelik takas
submitted by No_Love_467 to HWSEVERLERTR [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:27 diasterboi I NEED FLOCKS and plese help my lineup

I NEED FLOCKS and plese help my lineup
i just figured out what and how good flocks are so how do i get them i dont need advice in how to use them i just need a flock dino im level 40 almost 41 i also kinda want some advice on my lineup and what i should work towords
submitted by diasterboi to JurassicWorldApp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:27 LavenderMinds My End of Week 3 Progress

Thought I'd share my measurement report after taking my 4th dose of 2.5mg for anyone who's interested 🫡
The side effects I've had so far is fatigue, constipation/pooping less regularly due to eating less, and some bad heartburn (which I've never had) for 24 hours after enjoying one vino too many. Lesson learned. Other than that, it's been smooth sailing and it's truly been a miracle drug for me. I never ever thought I'd be free of thinking about food 24/7 and basically forcing myself to not binge every second of every day. It's been so freeing.
I'm learning to trust the tape measure and clothes over the scale. I'm sick of letting that one number dictate how I feel about myself. So I've only stepped on the scale a few times vs. daily like I used to when trying to lose weight.
Inches lost so far:
Waist: -2" Belly: -2.5" Hips: -2" Arms: -1 1/3" Thighs: -1 1/2 (right) & -1 (left) Neck: -1"
I think this is a lot of inflammation that has gone down, especially in my face which I sadly can't measure with a measuring tape 😛 I'm feeling so much more comfortable in my skin already.
Weight loss since 1st injection -7% (sharing it as a percentage because our bodies are all so different, we don't need to compare)
Dress size: -1 dress size
I'm definitely a super responder so please don't let this dishearten you if 2.5 isn't working for you. But hopefully this can provide some inspiration for someone out there!
submitted by LavenderMinds to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:21 EmployeeSensitive Thoughts on starting Blueprint protocol w/meat

I've been thinking of going Blueprint for a little while now. I've been comparing prices to my food and supplement stack now vs on Blueprint protocol and there are some things I've noticed.
NR: Before he took it 750mg 6/week, but now it's everyday. 300mg his Blueprint Essentials and 450mg NR or 500mg NMN w/dinner. It doesn't specify what band in the new stack but I could assume it's True Niagen for NR and Jinfiniti for NMN as that's what he used in his old stack. I think 750mg/day is too high.
NAC: First off, at what age should one start taking NAC? Dr. Brad Stanfield states that there is no need to take it before at around 45 years of age. And Bryan takes very high does. There are 1200mg in his Blueprint NAC + Ginger + Curcumin supplement. But he also takes an additional 1800mg from LE at dinner time. Is this too much, at least for a M31 like me?
Garlic: He also supplements with two types of garlic. 100mg of orderless garlic in his Blueprint Red Yeast Rice + odor free garlic and also 1,2g of aged garlic from Kyolic. There is also fresh garlic in his super veggie. So 3 types of garlic on the daily, why? Do they have different properties?
Magnesium: I'm glad to see there is added magnesium to the new stack, but why citrate? Why not L-Threonate? Too expensive? Glad to see he changed Zinc citrate to Bisglycinate though.
Collagen peptides: He uses a superb brand of collagen peptides with Fortigel®, Fortibone® and Verisol®. But idk if there is a typo or not. He uses it in his normal daily dose in the morning, but now it says that he also adds it to Nutty pudding, so two doeses each day? I though he normally just added pea protein to his Nutty pudding along with Nutty mix and EVOO.
Cocoa: Is says he uses 6g/day of his Cocoa powder. And on the product site it says Mix one scoop with (nut) milk, coffee, or Nutty Butter. Where does this come into his protocol? Super veggie uses chocolate and not cocoa powder, nutty pudding already has cocoa added. So how does he consume these 6 daily grams?
Pea protein: 29g/day it says. The Nutty pudding product already contains pea protein but if you make it yourself you are supposed to add 30-60 grams. So in his new stack he adds 29g pea protein alongside 12,5g collagen peptides to his Nutty pudding?
Iron: He uses Proferrin for his iron supplement. I was thinking of eating Super veggie, Nutty putting and taking the supplements. But also add 2 more meals each day that most likely would contain meat. Iron supplement shouldn't really be necessary then should it?
I've been using Möller's Tran for ages (Cod liver oil), it's the same Norwegian brand that also produces Carlson's omega-3 products. But with Vit D and E already in Blueprint Essentials I feel like it's overkill to still use Cold liver oil that also contains these vitamines.
Do you follow Bryan's protocol? What have you changed and adjusted? Feel any different? Happy with the results and the cost?
submitted by EmployeeSensitive to blueprint_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:21 Gauravk5 Ender 3 V3 KE vs CR 10 Se

Getting the ender 3 V3 ke and CR 10 se both printers at a same price point so which one should I go with and which one is a latest one and which one has the silent working like the less noise
submitted by Gauravk5 to Creality [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:20 Ok_Aardvark_3669 When a video game wakes you up...and changes your life. (SPOILERS, Personal story)

Bear with me as I describe what amounts to an almost religious experience after finishing the game for the first time. SPOILERS and nigh-rambling. But I just have to share. I hope you'll stay a while a listen. :)
I tried playing Cyberpunk a couple months ago. Corpo Male, strong roleplaying. When the Johnny Silverhand stuff started, I got really frustrated and quit. I didn't like how the game saw fit to ramrod me into this extremely narrow story when I thought the experience was going to be more open than that. I wanted to play a character who tried to rise to the top of Night City's corporate world through double-dealing and backstabbery...and now all the sudden my character is dying and has this voice in his head.
I was not going to be able to tell the story I wanted to tell.
It was that ludonarrative dissonance thing, like in the Witcher 3, I always struggled to justify doing too many side missions, given that Geralt (as I was playing him) was very concerned about finding Ciri, so there just didn't seem to be time to get embroiled in all these other adventures.
But then I saw this randomly come across my YouTube feed:
Dude. I don't care how linear your story is...that's incredible. And dark.
I've been on hard times lately. While I was never serious about unaliving myself, it was a thought that bounced around in my head here and there at my lowest moments...and this clip hit me. I always believed that self-deletion was deeply wrong, if only because of the harm it did to others who loved you. Whatever was on the table, that solution could never be entertained seriously. I just couldn't do it to my loved ones.
But I've also been struggling with who I am, who I'm supposed to be, what my purpose is. LOL big club I know.
But that video convinced me to give 2077 another try. If an ending could be that hardcore and meaningful...there must be something worthwhile in this game. So I rolled a Nomad Male, and began my love affair with this game. I didn't try to concoct a character so much as just try to play V as myself. I really related to his leaving the Bakkers, and going it alone. Also I moved around a lot as a kid, and my Dad was a hippie biker in his heyday, and a mechanic. So it felt true to form.
And then when you meet Jackie...I mean c'mon, who's more loveable than Jackie?
I really started to get into the game then. And it finally started to dawn on me what the game's story is trying to communicate.
I figured 2077 would devolve into a lot of cynicism, and exploit the violence and sex for cheap thrills. Or maybe it would lean on shock value and become doomeblackpill fodder. But CDPR ain't no slouches. Night City is an exaggerated snapshot of where we are now. And V's predicament is one many of us are facing: we want to make our mark on the world, but is it worth it to step on everyone along the way? Even if we're trying not to die? Or worse, just be erased. Many of us struggle with a voice in our head telling us we're fuckups. We're pussies. We're slaves. We're not worth the trouble.
At first I took Silverhand for an antagonist, essentially. A nasty SOB I had to keep at bay, given that my V was a mostly good guy who just wanted a family again. Especially after Jackie his wake, and helping Misty sort through his things? That got to me.
And of course there's that lingering fear that, no matter how much Silverhand may begin to charm you or appear like he's on your side - he's going to take over. V is actually warned that eventually, Silverhand will just make a play to do just that.
So I was careful with him, but I wanted to know more, because he was such an intriguing character, and its easily one of Reeves' best performances. Period. So I invested in his conversations and eventually his sidequests. I also did what I could to help others in Night City who helped me. I was dying, felt like a good time to be generous. Even if sometimes I had to off a bunch of gangoons with a shotgun. XD
Then as the story developed, I began to see that Silverhand wasn't quite the legend everyone thought. He was a man who had sorely, sorely screwed his life up - as well as the lives of many others. He even seemed to regret it.
I even told Silverhand I'd take a bullet for him, after receiving his dog tags. I never expected that kind of a scene between those two.
It became clear that Silverhand was a ghost, stuck between life and death, looking for absolution, trying to do something right for once. And V could help. So I did. We found Alt Cunningham. We took Rogue on a date. We got Samurai together for one last gig. We tried to track Adam Smasher down. I was putting trust in Johnny, and it was clear that he wasn't really wanting to kill V after all. But he had no choice.
I also met Panam, fell in love, and became a de-facto Aldecaldo. Was never sure about Saul, but Mitch and the others were just salt of the earth man. Great little storyline.
I helped Judy, all the way until she finally left Night City, and was glad of it. I do wish she was romanceable by dudes, but...she was still just too precious, I couldn't turn a blind eye to her problems, or her kindness. Her little story with the underwater town was so moving and unique...I just wanted to give that girl a hug man. What a sweetheart.
Then it all came to a head. V is on his last leg. That fateful scene where you make your big choice. Silverhand pushing me to just take the orange pill and let him do his thing, since he's almost in control anyway. Or I could testify against Yorinobu, and put my trust in Arasaka. OR, I could call on my new family in Panam and the Aldecaldos, but put them at risk.
This entire game I felt like every choice was vital. I felt like one slip up and I could mess up my chances of living, or even worse, do wrong by the people I cared about, just like Jackie. But I stuck to my guns, helped who I could...
Which is why I chose to lean on the Aldecaldos for help. Yes, I was putting them at risk. But even though I was beginning to trust Johnny, this wasn't his fight anymore. Much as Johnny might have a shot, I couldn't just give up now. And I certainly wasn't going to trust anyone at Arasaka.
The raid on Arasaka HQ with the clan was rough. Felt like all my choices had led here, and I worried that CDPR was going to punish me for my past choices, given that Night City takes no prisoners and few get out alive. I also knew that Adam Smasher was bound to appear. And having seen Edgerunners...I knew that wasn't going to be pretty. I saw how Johnny's story ended, for example.
There were rumblings about Saul and Panam still being at odds, and I figured the game was priming me for a betrayal or a horrific upset somehow. But I forged ahead anyway, because I was with my family. I didn't want power. I didn't even want to be a legend. I just wanted to live.
I watched Adam Smasher kill Saul horrifically, heard Panam scream in horror...and I zeroed that MFer. XD
Protip: even on Hard Diff, if you have the right perks and implants, you can be virtually unkillable. Only died once. Not sure if that's impressive, but it felt impressive. XD
My V wasn't sophisticated, but he was tough as nails and determined. I wasn't about to let everyone's sacrifice be in vain. Not Saul's. Not Jackie's. Not Goro's. Not Johnny's.
I informed Smasher of Johnny's resurrection just before blowing his brains out with Johnny's own signature gun. Even though Johnny was subdued by the bluepill, it felt like my last gift to him...even as I was moments from death.
Then the moment of truth...Mikoshi. I asked Panam for parting advice. She said "Just be yourself." Normally I'd roll my eyes at that advice but, something about it felt prophetic.
The final choice. Alt had used Soulkiller on me, in order to save me, but now it seemed I wasn't going to get my happy ending. I could go with her beyond the Blackwall, and finally let Johnny have my body - or I could return, but only have about six months, since the Relic had just caused too much damage.
It wasn't that hard of a choice. Leave everything and everyone I had grown to love behind for some bizarre virtual afterlife? Or let Johnny finally rest, and let V return to the world, Panam and the Aldecaldos? I chose life. As Johnny laid me down in the 'well', gently, he said "Goodbye V." And it felt like two friends parting ways. It felt like he'd made a change, and I helped him get there.
And boy was I rewarded. Even though I didn't have long, I had a chance to start again, and maybe even find another way to live. I had Panam, I had the Caldos, and I could finally leave Night City in the dust. "I have everything I need", V said.
This game absolutely SLAPS with hard choices. Over and over and over, you're reminded about how unfair the world is. But if you keep your head on, and ignore the power plays, stay true to your friends, and don't take no shit - you can get out alive. And not just you. The ones you love can too.
Of course, many of you already know all of this. So why did I bother posting?
All my life I've felt like maybe I've been too nice, or too careful, or too unwilling to take life by the balls. But one thing I've always been good at is helping people in need when I can, and always being available to my friends. But for some reason I always looked down on myself for it. I never felt like I was worth anything. I never felt like I was making a difference in the world. There were so many hard choices, and I felt like I never made the right ones. And that I'd just die one day, and be forgotten. Never having made my mark. Just like so many in Night City...
Some days I'd think "Maybe it'd just be better if I was never born." Because I was such a fuckup. A loser. A nobody.
But the person who helps people, who's there for others even when its inconvenient? That's the kind of person who can make a REAL difference. Fuck money. Fuck politics. Fuck fame. None of its worth a damn if you aren't doing right by others.
And that really came through in the end credits. I'm not ashamed to say I was in tears as all these people from my playthrough reminded me how much I meant to them. How much they cared, and that I mattered. All these people had happy endings because of me. I never let them down, not even when the grim reaper himself was breathing down my neck.
It was like all my IRL friends and family were speaking to me in those moments. And finally, FINALLY, I could see myself as they saw me: a man who cared and was trying to be there for them. A man that made a difference in their lives.
Yeah I didn't save the world, per se. But, really, that's how we save the world for real, lame as it may sound. The sheer contrast between the ending I had earned by just trying to do right by all the people in V's life, and that horrific ending I posted earlier was...stark. If you give up, then everyone suffers, not just you.
This game saw me, and reminded me who I was. It rewarded me for it, and I'll never forget it. For all its flaws, all its quirks and failings, I adored this game and all the effort that went into it. It's clear CDPR were trying to say something with this work of art, and boy was the message received on my end.
I can safely say I'm less likely to despair now because of it. I feel more alive because of it. I feel more prepared for the real world because of it. And I wanted to share my experience, if only to remind one person that:
We can all make a difference. Live for others, not yourself. It pays off. Even if it doesn't seem like it at the time. It's the only legacy worth leaving in this fallen world.
submitted by Ok_Aardvark_3669 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:20 Vaeaelen Epix 2 Pro Sapphire vs Epix 3

Hi all!
I should believe that the epix 3 is very close to release as I'm finding a lot of dealers are lowering the prices for the epix 2 versions so... I was wondering what should be the expected upgrades for the epix 3 or if there is any information about specs or release date?
Also, would be a big upgrade from the Epix 2 pro sapphire to a plain epix 3? is the wait worth?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Vaeaelen to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:17 2014RT Which carryover players sink, which ones swim?

We have a lot of guys on the roster that carried over from Rivera where it's somewhat unclear if they're actually shitty players or if they just looked like that due to the circumstances they were surrounded by. I was wondering about some of them earlier:
Jamin Davis: We all know he was a reach, and we've been upset since he was drafted because there were better options and Ron Rivera is a moron. He has great physical traits though - he's huge for a LB and very fast/athletic. The question was always whether or not he could get properly coached up and "get it", which we assumed was happening because fucking Ron Rivera and Jack Del Rio were linebackers, and Ron coached one of the best linebackers in recent memory down in Carolina. His first two seasons were rough, but the entire defense was dogshit last season and Jamin looked actually pretty decent in a lot of situations. He was smarter in coverage, smarter in run support, and actually got to showcase his athleticism on a handful of occasions. He's going to be playing next to Luvu who is the opposite of him - a guy without major physical gifts who managed to grind his way to being a good NFL starter with high motor plays and intelligent positioning, and a future hall of famer in Bobby Wagner. We didn't pick up his rookie contract options, and that was intentional to motivate him to show this new staff something. I think that he has a chance to actually be used as a disruptive player and get him into the backfield where he belongs, I think he will have a surprisingly good season this year.
Forbes: He's been sort of talked to death. Does he even have the size necessary to play on the outside at this level? Does he have the skill? Can we un-do whatever the fuck that high school DB coach "taught" him last season and put him into positions where he can succeed, preferably where he can ball hawk and not where he's matched up with a 230 pound physical monster of a WR who kicks his ass all over the field? I'm not so sure on this guy. I don't think there's really a place for him at this level or with what I expect our defensive staff to want to do in the secondary. He's not nearly good enough of a tackler to use him as a FS and let him ball hawk, he's not big enough to play man coverage. If I had to guess, I'd say he's probably going to have a rough year and be a rotational guy, but I'd be ecstatic to be proven wrong about that. Dan Quinn's defenses have always screamed "physical" in the secondary, and this guy is the opposite of that. I don't know if they're expecting to use him as the 2nd CB and put him in those outside situations opposite St-Juste, but I don't really envision that going particularly well if they do. I don't know who you go with if it's obvious in camp that he's not panning out. Sainristil is a tad on the small side to put on an island outside (though I think he'd handle it better than Forbes at least). Maybe they see Michael Davis doing that and will only use Forbes and Sainristil inside? I have no idea.
St-Juste: I think this guy could have a better upswing than anyone else in the secondary because of his size and the way he plays. He's the most physical corner we carried over, and I expect to see him put in a lot of situations close to the LOS in man coverage, which is how a guy like him should be used. I don't know if he can actually lock a #1 WR down consistently, but I think with his traits he has the potential to have a much better season than we've seen out of him in the previous 3.
Quan Martin: I expect him to really take a step at safety. I really liked what I saw out of him, but I also hated the idea of taking a guy who was a very solid college safety and trying to turn him into a CB. I see him as the deep cover safety who roams and supports over the top vs. Chinn who is clearly here to get in the box and hit. I see him in the Kam Chancellor role vs. Chinn's Earl Thomas mostly because he has a good nose for the ball. I think he has a chance to surprise a lot of people.
Jahan Dotson: He's an odd case. His rookie season where he caught 35 passes for 523 yards and 7 TDs was seen as excellent, which it should have been. He really ran crisp routes and looked awesome in space. We all understood that he was doing especially well considering he was catching balls from Carson Wentz and Taylor Heinicke. Then this past season he caught 49 for 518 and 4 TDs and it's seen as a catastrophe outside the fanbase. I think that most of us believe that something weird went on with him and Howell and Bieniemy. His production was pretty much the same, in fact, contrary to popular opinion that Sam Howell didn't look for him, or Bieniemy neglected to design plays for him, in 2022 we threw the ball 531 times, and he was targeted 61 of those times (11.4% of all passing coming his way). In 2023, we threw the ball 601 times, and he was targeted 83 of them (13.8% of all passing). His receptions went up, his yardage and TDs went down. Was this because of poor play design? Did Bieniemy send him on routes that just didn't make a lot of sense for the type of receiver he is? Did he have trouble getting open? When he was open, did Sam Howell hold on to the ball or have a hard time finding him? I can't really say. I want to believe that he's going to progress into an 800-900 yard deep threat and or YAC machine, because he looked like he was going to become that guy after his first two seasons. He could just be a single competent quarterback or OC away from a breakout year, or maybe he's just that 500 yards and 4-6 TD kind of guy and that's all he'll ever be. I really have no idea. My wishful thinking and hope says he's going to break out and Kingsbury will utilize him correctly. There isn't a great analogue to Jahan's situation from his time in Arizona.
That's just the stuff off the top of my head, feel free to add, disagree, or fill in some blanks. I know it's all just pointless speculation, but what else are we here for?
submitted by 2014RT to Commanders [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:16 bacalhaugaming GOML BINGO

submitted by bacalhaugaming to SSBM [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:14 UnionWizardo The Rock is literally the "Final Boss".

Everything that ive written is in respect with kayfabe.
Rock has always been the final boss in terms of being the absolute toughest in the ring, the evidences that supports this claim are -
  1. He retired Stone Cold Steve Austin - The big obstacle and the big rival for Steve was The Rock and he eventually beat him at WrestleMania and Stone Cold retired which made the Rock look very tough.
  2. Returns to the ring at WrestleMania 28 to beat John Cena - to really say that John Cena has held the place for almost a decade, or to say that John Cena is really "super cena" or if he really is the face of the company, he needs to beat the very best which again is "the rock" , so he was again put on this pedestal that will be the final test of the greatest of all time.
  3. Present - Roman vs Rock is still considered as the "final" match in the bloodline saga. Why? Cause The Rock is the most toughest in the bloodline, Roman defeating him will solidify him as the actual Tribal Chief.
I would even like to throw in the match with hogan, which was a passing of the torch.
I really think that The Rock has always been booked as The Final Boss because he has always been the last accomplishment for so many big names. If you beat rock when it matters the most you have proved yourself.
What do you guys think about this?
submitted by UnionWizardo to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:09 title_deed_heid Solicitor failed to record in the title deeds agreed ownership percentages of my mothers house. This was 15 years ago and I've only just found out (Scotland).

The problem

~15 years ago, my mother downsized her house. Prior to this, after my dad had passed away, my sibling and I had been left his share of the house. This meant my mum had a 50% share and my sibling and I had a 25% share each.
For the new downsized house, we discussed with the lawyer how to proportion the ownership for the new house. We all agreed that my sibling and I would put 100% of our equity from the first house into the second house with the result that my sibling and I would each own 40%, whilst my mum would own 20%.
The lawyer confirmed via email sent to the 3 of us describing the above and said they they would record this in the title deeds.
It turned out this didn't happen. I checked this week, and the ownership in the title deeds are Mum 50%, me 25%, sibling 25%.

Potential Financial Consequences

My mum's getting on and her health is deteriorating. If she ends up in long term care the council will, quite rightly, want her to use up most of her assets to help pay for it. This means she will have to sell her house and use up her share of it.
In this scenario, her 50% vs 20% ownership will cost somewhere in the region of £150k+.
Note: As far as I can recall, all of this plan for the 20%/40%/40% split was worked out before the whole discussions on means testing by councils for care costs and the concept of "deprivation of assets" had started.

What should we do?

I've just found out this out and haven't told my mother yet, this will put her into a complete tail spin of panic and worry.
Before I do I'm just trying to gather information to understand where we're at, what the implications are and what can be done about it.
Some thoughts/questions that spring to mind:
  1. Title deeds: these need updating ASAP. If either my sibling or I were to pass away, this would affect any inheritence for our spouses/children.
  2. Complain: Obviously I want to record a complaint against the solicitor. According to I have to complain first to them in writing and allow them 28 days to resolve it. Would it make sense for me to get on and do this, or would it make more sense getting a new lawyer involved first?
  3. Can the deeds be updated retrospectively as if ownership were as intended when the property was purchased (presumably not).
  4. If not, will the council accept that the intended ownership only being updated now rather than 15 years ago was due to solicitor error and will be happy to go on the basis that she only owns 20% (presumably not).
  5. If not, can we seek financial recompense from the solicitor? If so what's the best way to do this, presumably with advice from another solicitor?
Any other suggestions on things I need to do/consider?
submitted by title_deed_heid to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:08 Auldthief Anyone tried this for PCVR? Any issues?

Anyone tried this for PCVR? Any issues?
Hi all! I play VR simracing and afraid that frequently removing and plugging back in my airlink cable/charger is gonna damage the quest port. Especially when I have to fiddle around trying to kind the port while wearing the headset! So was thinking of getting this. But doubtful if it will transmit data as fast and as consistently as the direct connection. Anyone who already tried this on the quest for PCVR?
submitted by Auldthief to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:08 jcceagle [OC] Life expectancy vs. health expenditure

[OC] Life expectancy vs. health expenditure submitted by jcceagle to dataisbeautiful [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:06 Puzzled_Ad_3072 Bulls team vs beneton

Bulls team vs beneton submitted by Puzzled_Ad_3072 to rugbyunion [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:06 Forward-Western-7135 5/3/1 vs. high frequency

Novice lifter(male, 75kg). Been doing cf for about a year but switching to powerlifting. Please help me, strength gods.
My goal: I only care about getting stronger. How voluminous the muscles look doesn't matter to me.
My current 1RM: Deadlift: 125kg BenchPress: 85kg Squat: 105kg
Constraints: I can workout about 3 times per week.
The question is now, how to use my time most effectively. Reading online, there is far too much information for a beginners and everyone has a different opinion.
I've read that increased frequency is better than 5/3/1 since recent studies suggest higher strength gains.
Should I follow a 5/3/1 routine or should I aim for a routine that has me do each major lift at least twice per week? What's better and why?
submitted by Forward-Western-7135 to StartingStrength [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:05 GameBoyColorful Arcade classic brought home on SEGA

Arcade classic brought home on SEGA
I used to play these arcade classics at the arcade, but now I play em at home on my SEGA game consoles. House of the Dead on SEGA Saturn does not live up to the arcade, but it’s better than nothing. The other 3 games are 10/10.
submitted by GameBoyColorful to gamecollecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:03 EnjeruImages LigaMX small dub

LigaMX small dub submitted by EnjeruImages to Fliff [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:01 warp-factor Match Thread: County Championship - Round 7 - Day 1

2024 County Championship - Round 7 - Day 1
ECB nvPlay Match Centre - Central Repository of Scorecards and clips of every boundary and wicket
Live Video Streams: Every match is broadcast free online and available worldwide. These streams are hosted on the home team's YouTube channels which are linked against each match below. They can also be accessed on the ECB Website (free account required) and via nvPlay (linked above)
Live Radio Streams: Ball-by-ball radio coverage of every match is provided by BBC Local Radio. The radio streams are found on the BBC Live Text Commentary Page for the day and are accessible worldwide.
All of today's matches start at 11:00 BST. Lunch is at 1pm. Tea at 3:40pm or after 64 overs, whichever is later. Stumps at 6pm or when they finish the 96 overs for the day, whichever is later.
Division 1
Essex vs Warwickshire at The Essex County Ground - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Lancashire vs Durham at Stanley Park - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Nottinghamshire vs Hampshire at Trent Bridge - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Somerset vs Kent at The County Ground, Taunton - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Surrey vs Worcestershire at The Oval - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Division 2
Derbyshire vs Northamptonshire at The County Cricket Ground, Derby - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Glamorgan vs Middlesex at Sophia Gardens - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Leicestershire vs Gloucestershire at Grace Road - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Sussex vs Yorkshire at The County Cricket Ground, Hove - YouTube - Weather Forecast - Scorecard
Standings after Round 6:
Division 1
P W T L D A BatBP BowBP Adj Pts
1 Surrey 5 3 0 0 2 0 16 15 0 95
2 Essex 5 2 0 1 2 0 12 14 0 74
3 Somerset 5 1 0 0 4 0 11 13 0 72
4 Nottinghamshire 5 1 0 1 3 0 11 14 0 65
5 Durham 5 1 0 0 3 1 8 5 0 61
6 Warwickshire 5 0 0 1 4 0 15 12 0 59
7 Worcestershire 5 0 0 1 4 0 13 13 0 58
8 Kent 5 1 0 1 3 0 5 11 0 56
9 Hampshire 5 0 0 1 3 1 7 7 -2* 44
10 Lancashire 5 0 0 3 2 0 5 10 0 31
* Hampshire: 2 points deducted for slow over-rate in match against Surrey on 26th April 2024
Division 2
P W T L D A BatBP BowBP Adj Pts
1 Sussex 5 2 0 1 2 0 17 14 -1* 78
2 Middlesex 5 1 0 0 4 0 9 11 0 68
3 Leicestershire 5 0 0 0 5 0 17 11 0 68
4 Glamorgan 5 1 0 0 4 0 9 10 0 67
5 Gloucestershire 5 1 0 1 2 1 11 11 0 62
6 Yorkshire 5 0 0 1 4 0 13 15 0 60
7 Northamptonshire 5 0 0 1 4 0 14 11 0 57
8 Derbyshire 5 0 0 1 3 1 4 8 -1* 43
* Derbyshire: 1 point deducted for slow over-rate in match against Sussex on 3rd May 2024, Sussex: 1 point deducted for slow over-rate in match against Derbyshire on 3rd May 2024
Structure of the Championship: Two divisions of 10 and 8, playing 14 matches each. This means in Division One, each team will play 5 of the other teams twice and four of the other teams only once.
Points: 16 for a win, 8 for a draw, 8 for a tie, 8 for an Abandonment. 1 bonus point for reaching 250 runs. 1 additional point for each 50 runs after that scored within the first 110 overs of the first innings. Maximum 5 points for 450. 1 bonus point for each 3 wickets taken in the first 110 overs of the first innings
submitted by warp-factor to Cricket [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:57 Satxrn23 Instagram old vs new account

My current account is from 2017 and changed username 18 times (lol). In 2021 I made a new account because of low activity but switched back to the old account after 2 months because I regretted it won’t show me the nostalgic archived posts and stories on the new account. Now I thought again, and saw the newer account is better in the search algorithm and only 3 vs 18 times of changing username (so it looks less like a bot account for example) and kinda regret switching back.
What should I do? It bothers me that it shows that I changed the username 18 times and it doesn’t feel comfortable to switch accounts again like before after having 200 followers of close friends and people.
2017 current account - 200 followers
2021 account - 70 followers
submitted by Satxrn23 to ios [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:53 Rotmgmoddy Tower Defense Mission requires more polishing; Buggy and not worthwhile

Hi all, slapping a TL;DR here in case my essay below is too long: Chance of mission to fail due to gamebreaking glitch, coupled with issues of unfairness and reward vs time, make tower defense missions a chore to play through
To start off, I don't hate the concept of a tower defense mission. When a mission is running smoothly without glitches on a bug planet, that's where this mission shines in terms of fun and engagement...the most, at least. Unfortunately in several other cases, this is far from reality and the mission has several glaring problems that make this a frustrating experience.
1) Inconsistency/Complete halting of rocket launches [Glitch] The mission features 8 rockets that launch over time that serve as a progress indicator to how far into the defense mission you are in. You would think that the rocket launches are tied to the mission timer or an internal clock, but it is widely inconsistent for some odd reason. I've had missions that have ended with 12 minutes on the clock, and missions that have ended with 3 minutes left.
If the inconsistencies weren't bad enough, there's a glitch that tends to happen when someone leaves midway that causes the rockets to stop launching, causing essentially an inevitable mission fail. The problem is, you would have no idea if this was actually happening, because I've had times where the mission eventually resumed after 3 minutes of silence, and times where it never resumes at all. This glitch is really what kills the experience for me
2) Gates are one-shotted by chargers and tanks [Gameplay] It just seems a bit weird that gates are a core mechanic in this mission, and yet as soon as even a single charger or tank executes an attack on the gate, it falls apart in one-shot. Meanwhile gates can hold off for a relatively long time against anything weaker than these 2, so why is there such a massive sharp dip in durability past the chargers and hulks? I understand a bile titan or factory strider accomplishing this, but these are the only 2 exceptions because they are large units. You might as well remove gates altogether if they are instantly going to be destroyed by the first charger or tank to touch them.
3) Severe lackluster of rewards vs time [Gameplay] I get it, we play to have fun, but I think a good majority of us also play to get some form of reward for our hard work too, and frankly speaking, defense missions don't accomplish that at all. Their XP payout is simply the worst in the game, and there is nothing to collect; Samples, Super Credits, etc.. You reach the result screen and it just feels so...anticlimatic after you've busted out all your guns for 10 - 20 minutes just to see less than 500xp earned on your screen.
4) Clear Unfairness against Bots [Gameplay] As mentioned in my intro statement, this mission shines the most on a bug planet because it feels like it was made for it. Unfortunately, similar to the evacuation mission, it just feels like the mission was copy-pasted into the bot planets with no consideration to the very much different threats and circumstances to play against. You've probably heard of sufficient horror stories in regards to this; Bots dropping on the landing zone which is right next to the generators, factory striders sniping the generators from across the map, the skillset specification of stealth for bots not being considered and being expected to fight them head on just like bugs...just to name a few.
Anyways these are probably the 4 main issues I have with this mission type, so much so that I genuinely despise this mission and hate to see it on my campaign because it's just not fun to deal with a buggy mission that seems so....primitive oddly enough. Definitely needs more work done on it, I wouldn't mind if it disappeared for a few months just to polish it further, because it feels like a beta-test mission.
submitted by Rotmgmoddy to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:52 CopperScum64 Secret Arcane Hunter (no? maybe? plz respond)

It’s new (mini) set time and time for warlock, druid or rogue to break the game again. This time, Druid got left behind.
While glare is the new big kid on the block, the deck is preying on a meta that had a 35% of renathal decks before the miniset, and as that number go down and to a new equilibrium, i expect the deck will stabilize around a reasonable power level (i wouldn’t mind crystallizer to get deleted though so we can finally play questless glare like our Lord intended). Meanwhile, the meta shifts around make for a lot of decks becoming suddendly playable. Handbuff paladin, more reach based aggro and ice block decks even with a worse wincon than warp since tech is very hard to play in a glare meta. So anyway, after tuning some glare lists (strictly questless) i started trying some other things. This is my first attempt at a deck that has a decent position in the new meta Secret Arcane Hunter, also known as Custom Warlock 2:
2 x Arcane Shot 2 x Costumed Singer 2 x Ricochet Shot 2 x Shimmer Shot 2 x Trinket Tracker 2 x Bargain Bin 2 x Hidden Meaning 2 x Mad Scientist 2 x Silvermoon Farstrider 2 x ZOMBEES!!! 2 x Celestial Shot 1 x Cloaked Huntress 1 x Halduron Brightwing 2 x Eversong Portal 1 x Rinling Rifle 1 x Beastalker Tavish 2 x Starstrung Bow
No code cause i can’t copy it atm (i’m on my work pc, for my lawyer, this is a joke). The idea behind the deck is pretty simple: Early game play some minions, get some secrets up, and then lategame finish with buffed reach + bow. This deck can work because of an ok glare matchup (especially the more aggro 30 versions) and because it farm one of the popular glare counters (sorc mage, at least until they play performers and then you cri ev3rytime ). Some card choiches explanation: The arcane package without conjuring arrow: i don’t think we need the extra draw in this format, especially turn 6+. You get your secrets pretty consistently between singer and scientist, and then your secrets draw your bows and extra cards. This package has two purposes: it is reach vs glare and slower decks, and it’s board control vs aggro. It’s in fact the only way you win the aggro matchup, by getting early farstriders/haldurons into portal/ricochet. The secret package: the secrets i’m playing here are imho by far the best 6 you can play. You can tell they’re good because it’s not a warcrime to spend mana on them. Turn 2 bees contest a lot of aggro plays, turn 2 meaning is often a 3 drop with charge, and turn 2 bin is swindle without the combo requirement (don’t play it on 2 though, always tempo king). 6 secrets, 2 Singers and 2 Scientist feel perfect as a package. It’s good enough to make your bow cheap later on, it doesn’t dilute ur draw with too many secrets early on and both the tutors are acceptable as tempo plays as well (revert singer cowards). Rinling Rifle: the third weapon to improve bin, as well to discount your bows and get additional utility. I’ve liked it quite a bit. Tavish: generally good against a lot of things, plus gives you secrets. No Product 9: this feels instinctively a tad too slow to me. On turn 5 you may have easily only triggered a single secret, more often two, and two secrets that your opponent know of plus a 4/4 doesn’t look like premium to me. It would be much more interesting in a reno shell, where you get to the lategame more consistently and as such this could be a huge bomb, but in an aggro shell? Doubt. I’d rather play a single Huntress over it as the three-drop slot is a thin.
The mulligan: In general always keep the 1 drops into a curve, don’t keep secrets or cards that cost 4+ (rare exception, being on coin and having triple secret/double secret and singer + huntress is prob a keep). Keep farstrider vs aggro and try to toss everything into arcane spells (trinker tracker also ok obviously) to clear their early boards. What does it work against: - Glare is ok. Good reach. This matchup get worse the higher you go up on ladder. Quad digit glare is free. Triple digit is favored. Double digit is even-ish. High legend is unfavored but who cares. - Slow-ish decks are mostly ok. - Combo mages and druids (there are some dorian combos around) are usually free with the secrets combined with the pressure. What it does not work against: - Aggro me dood. These matchup are about early arcane package (farstrider into ricochet/eversong) to prevent snowballing and then hopefully you can race them. You can’t really stabilize here, they’re bad and drifter is ur worst enemy. - Huhunter. They usually kill a bit faster than you do. This is bad-ish, not terrible. - Handbuff pally with lot of heal. Healing is cheat! Bad healing! Bad! Sit down!
I’ve climbed pretty consistently with this but again can’t check stats as i’m on the move and i play only on phone. It has been feeling good and it’s something a bit different than what i’ve been playing lately. Hope you guys don’t play hearthstone and go outside this weekend.
submitted by CopperScum64 to wildhearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:52 Exciting-Month9945 Career advice

Which career path will be suitable for me? I've written medical entrance twice and failed
submitted by Exciting-Month9945 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]