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2024.05.19 10:18 Specific-Volume5652 My experience with a PTSD spouse

I (M42) and my spouse (F40)
I just had the shock of my life, and possibly the most dramatic upheaval imaginable. I'm scared, concerned and i wonder if anyone else has a similar experience. This is concerning my soon to be ex-wife. Not an easy read or even to type, but strap yourselves in. We were married for 13 years, had known each other for 23. She was a child that grew up in a war in her home country, and was effected by it more than she let on. During the last 4 years of our relationship, she started developing incredible anxiety and depression. She would become like an exposed nerve, and every perceived slight became something she would ruminate on for days at a time. We had some events in our marriage that were incredibly stressful. Our son was born prematurely, our daughter when she was born was also traumatic. She was always highly strung when i knew her. i was very much the calming influence to her and it was a role that developed in our dynamic. i would be her rock and safe place. Things started to change, and dramatically so. I travel with work and she would look after the kids. i would be home large parts of the year, but i would have to go away sometimes for 4 weeks at a time. When covid hit, we were both home for a better part of 18 months, and i started to notice things that concerned me. She began to become incredibly paranoid about neighbours. She was certain they were spyi ng on us somehow (even though they were 80, and not at all interested in us). This spiraled from the neighbours commenting on the length of our grass. It effected her, and she became fixated. Any new neighbours she instantly distrusted, and she believed they all spoke badly of her.none of it was true, but in her state of hypervigilance, she was misinterpreting signs. A strange look, or half glance was enough to make her feel unsafe and scared. This slowly devolved into her being fearful of being spied on in the shower, people who walked dogs the same time each morning past our house were doing it to spy on us, etc. I could see it was draining her, and making her very ill with stress so we discussed maybe going to therapy, which she did. During the years we were together, she had been on various anti-depressants to cope with depression. I always chalked it down to post natal depression and the stress being a mother brought to her, especially when i went away. She attended therapy, but would stop when it became uncomfortable. She then opened up to me one day regarding it. It turns out that she was molested as a child by a family friend, and had buried it. that coupled with seeing her childhood friend die from an explosion (which i knew about) had effected her more than we knew. The therapy seemed to make it worse, and since that point things took a massive nose dive. She was an incredibly bubbly, happy and cheerful person to everyone. or so i thought. She would sometimes drop the mask at home, and i could see the turmoil developing. I hate to admit it, but i was blind to it for many years. she had masked it from the very beginning. Her paranoia got worse and worse. she came off of her antidepressants and started using weed vape pens to be able to cope with the incredible anxiety. I watched her drift apart from me over the last two years, her kindness towards me vanishing and almost a resentment towards me. She would complain about the new house we had bought and that she hated it because of the neighbours. We discussed moving, but she realised in her more lucid times that the issue would follow her whereever she went. The last year together she would speak about moving to another country. I said i would, but after my parents, who are old, passed. i didn't want them to not see our children in their final years. We had grown apart, she had this strange push-pull dynamic with me. One day she'd love me and be this caring person, the next cold and distant. I tried incredibly hard to pull us back together whilst dealing with her delusions of paranoia that were still ongoing, but the more i tried (and at some points i was quite combative and forceful) to get her to communicate, the more she pulled away. There was hardly any intimacy, which i yearned for and would comment on. She would initiate it sometimes, but for me, i'm ashamed to say, i complained about it a lot. She would have sex with me on occasion, and then if we argued later say "i didn't really want sex, it was like rape". This hurt me to my core, and made me bitter about how we were. The arguments became worse and worse. She started resenting me for trapping her. That was her reality. i had trapped her in the relationship. It wasn't true, but she was upset i travelled with work and could escape when she couldn't. It was never escape for me, i travelled because i had to. Her and the kids were all i wanted to be with. Travel to me was a chore.
Slowly she withdrew more. The more i tried to help and talk, the more she withdrew. All the time she was still paranoid, and now believed the neighbours were spying on her with cameras in the garden. the "cameras" were garden lights.
After three years of constant paranoia and her anxiety, it was starting to effect me. We couldn't go out in the area as she hated the neighbours. Yet to their faces she was bubbly and happy, smiley and almost overly kind. Yet when we were alone, the mask would slip and all her thoughts about them would spill out. Our social life started to be affected,
Anything i said was misunderstood or taken in such a way that i was insulting her. If i said she was silly for thinking in a certain way, i was calling her stupid. Anytime i tried to logic something out with her regarding the neighbours (for example she believed they were watching her shower) it was dismissed. I actually showered and told her to ask if she could see me from the garden. She was confused when she saw she couldn't.
The delusions became worse, and she became more and more paranoid. The textured glass in the bathroom was the wrong way around in her eyes, so people could see in. The motion activated light at the bottom of the garden was a camera, for sure. things like this.She withdrew more and more. I had to go away on a work trip, and the day before i left she asked for a divorce. I was hurt, but said "we can talk about it when i get home" when i arrived at the destination i was working across the world, i messaged her. No response. I tried multiple times until eventually i got a text "The kids will be taken away from me, and i will be sent back to my home country" I rang my father who lived very close to us to find out what was happening.
She had asked him to take her to the police station. She said to report the neighbours for spying, which she did try to do. they obviously didn't listen. She was taken to hospital by my father as she was having a mental breakdown and behaving strangely. I told my boss i had to fly home as something was happening. he booked me the earliest flight and i flew back. I was arrested from the plane. She had accused me of Rape, Control and coercion and ABH. Things i would never do. I was arrested, questioned and told not to go back to my home or to contact her. In one day i lost everything. I was in shock and was an emotional wreck. Worst of all i was concerned and scared for my wife and kids. She blamed me for her emotional state. said i had caused everything and had abused her constantly for years. After a week of staying at my friends house, social services got involved as the kids were missing school. It turns out she was taking the kids to hotels because she was terrified of staying at home. The kids told me later that "mummy thinks men are after her" instead of telling any authorities this, she said it was because she was scared of me. Social services believed everything she said. I was under investigation for the allegations, although not charged. The investigations were ongoing for three months, and in that time i wasn't allowed to contact her at all. Unfortunately in my fear i contacted her repeatedly. She had me arrested for harassment, and i was charged and convicted. I wasn't ever abusive in the texts, but i did contact her a lot.
I secured access to my children through a rushed family court order. I also placed a block on her leaving the country without seeking my permission with the children, as she had taken my passport details to apply for the kids passports without my knowledge. I did this due to her erratic behaviour and i knew she wasn't stable. My father thought i'd over-reacted, but my ex was so good at masking she hid how she really felt even to him. Oscar level masking.
Looking back i realise how bad it was. She ran from her home country at 18 and always ran. she always wanted to move jobs if something went wrong. She would cut off long term friends in an instant if she felt any pressure form them. Her first instinct would always be to flee anything. Any littlle insignificant thing or slight would become something she'd chew over for weeks, often applying the worst case scenario that would then become her reality. The truth was she was constantly afraid. I think at the end i became something she was afraid of too. My determination to keep us together and keep her from falling apart became too much for her. I wasn't always kind and was exasperated a lot. I was too demanding on someone that was exhausted, anxious and clearly unwell. Unfortunately i didn't realise this until too late. I still see the children, but have zero contact with her. She filed a restraining order due to the harassment conviction which i will adhere to. I'm currently going through family court again to secure further rights. She applied for full custody and has said some very terrible untruthful things at court to almost destroy me and remove me from her life. I'm a broken man because of it all, but staying strong for the kids.
I hope there will be some sort of resolution in the future, but i realise that she's scared of me now as she is scared of everything. She told me near the end that she trusts nobody. This broke my heart. The court on the last visit realised that something wasn't right. they have ordered a investigation into our family, and it will hopefully be reported in June when we go back to court. Her medical documents have been re-visited and statements taken. My father witnessed some very strange behaviour and has reported it. We just have to see what happens. She has requested to sell the property we lived in, and i'm slowly watching the life we built implode. She also has asked for the order that stipulates the need for permission to leave the country lifted. June will be the crunch time.
submitted by Specific-Volume5652 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 AlwaysUnrequitedlove Im taken but inlove with another guy

I’m a 15yr female Freshmen and have a crush on a guy even though I have a boyfriend. I know it sounds wrong, because it is, but I’ll explain further. Over this past year I have started developing feelings for a guy in my 6th period World cultures class. I’m just gonna use his initial, F. F is 15 turning 16 this summer and is the class clown. He’s so cute and in the beginning of the school year we would make eye contact a lot. He has messy blonde hair, which he’s always fixing in class, and two pretty blue eyes I love to get lost in. He’s so funny and though I was going to switch from World cultures in my 2nd quarter I chose not to just because of F being in there. In December I got his snap from my friend A and started trying to befriend him. I admired him a lot cause I was supper shy and seeing him just be himself was fun and wanted me to try and loosen up more. I swear he would walk into class and the room would brighten up. Whenever he gets embarrassed he hides his face in his hoodie and keeps that stupid ADORABLE smile on his face! In February I Gifted him a valentine to show my appreciation for him being such a nice guy and he was sweet about it. But then apparently this girl named Kate who he was talking(?) to at the time found out. And she hated me after. I didn’t know of this yet but her friends would sit by my locker eat day and when I went to go get my stuff from it they would make fun of me. I felt so upset cause I really have a hard time with my insecurities and Since I’m sensitive and would cry often because of it. I eventually just decided to just carry around the extra pound of stuff in my bag every day so I wouldn’t pass them. Then out of the blue F had blocked me. I felt so hurt and upset because he was the first friend I ever made by myself and I really valued him as a person in my life. I spent the week in tears and it didn’t make it better that he would then stare at me in class, almost like he was waiting to see how I would react to it. A week later I contact him on titkok and tell him that I was sorry if I made him uncomfortable and that I could switch classes if nessasary(due to my 504 i would’ve been granted permission to do so) He replied that I did nothing wrong and it was just he started talking to someone and they had him block me. I wished him luck on a concert he had coming up and then left him completely alone for days because I just couldn’t face him. I didn’t know what I had done to his girl but I felt so guilty I would get sick, I have a pretty weak stomach, I would throw up in the bathroom and cry a lot throughout the weeks. What made it worse is that my friend Z had at the time recently passed away, and since F was one of my favourite ppl to talk to that I trusted I was even more upset that I couldn’t talk to him. Then two weeks later as I’m finally trying to get over it Mr F unblocks me, throughout that whole week his friends had been snapping me stuff about how Felix was upset and wanted to unblock me but was afraid to(which I don’t understand it’s not like I bite). When he did it was a Thursday and he had a school concert I watched. He was on electric guitar. It was firefly’s by owl city, aka one of my fav songs. I loved watching him play, I was happy as a puppy😁 but then when I went to the bathroom to check my hair, my ex friend Madi came in. She asked if I liked him and I just got flustered. She then said he had said he liked her so it didn’t matter and she might say yes to him. I was confused because I had JUST been blocked because of his last talking stage! So how would he have also recently confessed to Madi? I go in 6th period and walk right up to him, I was a bit nervous cause I had to look up higher to meet his gaze. I asked if he had recently told Madi he had a crush on her in the past 2-3 weeks and he looks me in the eye and says no. I said “alr thanks“ and went back to talk to my friend. Either him or mad was lying, and I assumed madi but then oohhhhh then after school he admitted to confessing to her. It's 3:00am(quiet literally) and I'm at 10 percent, this is part one but I'll complete the rest tomorrow
submitted by AlwaysUnrequitedlove to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:10 Riskitall101 [0 YoE] Could I get some help with writing my bullet points? Specifically using XYZ/STAR/CAR methods.

Hey! Would someone be willing to help me straighten out the bullet points on my resume before I repost it?
I have some examples ready here! If you only want to look at one bullet point that's fine and I appreciate it! I'm just struggling to make these and even after reading through the wiki and looking at success stories I'm still not including what I need to. I'll just do the work section for now and hopefully I'll get a hang of it so I can replicate it on the project sections. If you want to see the project sections I can always edit the post to add them :)

Section 1: Work

For my job, I create thermocouples and RTDs- small electronic parts. Also the thermowells and ceramic tubing that protects them. It's mainly shop work with TIG, Micro, and Hydrogen welding, oxy-acetylene brazing, sandblasting, mills, lathes, belt sanders, wire wheels, hydraulic tube bearers and what's essentially a horizontal impact hammer used to get MgO out of the tubing to get to internal wiring.
When I graduated I was titled 'engineer' but I still do mostly the same things, just with the added responsibility of fixing 3D drawings that are outdated, need a change, or just outright bad and confusing to read. I also will do quality control on parts shipping out and I'll take measurements with pyrometers, multimeters, and calipers in order to make sure that the parts were built to spec and are working (and look good and have the correct quantity). I also have to fix various machines as they break, though I do have help with that. And I was responsible for setting up the brand new hydrogen welder. Have been learning coding on the 5D cnc mill but I'm not listing that since the last time I did it was high school, though I do know how to do it just not that well.
Sorry that's a lot to read. Thanks for the help!! I really do want to do this right and get a job.

EXTRA: From a project

submitted by Riskitall101 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:51 CuriousAnachronism 24 [M4F] Germany/Europe/Online - Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus


Hello and welcome to my post. I will subdivide this into two large parts. One will cover my thoughts, feelings, my hopes and dreams...While the other will tell you the specifics of how I pass the time, what topics interest me, what passions do I posses. I believe that at the end of this leap into my inner world, you dear reader, will have all the necessary information to judge whether we are compatible or not.

Part I
I am writing this in the hopes of finding something that I lack. Lately I have had this feeling, this tinge of melancholy within the dephts of my being, this yearning to find a kindred spirit, another Soul, much like mine, to form a bond with. Perhaps Loneliness is the right word for what is bothering me, but to use it seems to carry with it a connotation of ungratefulness. Ungratefulness for the people that I do have in my life, although none of them, of course, have the connection to me that I seek here.

I have found it increasingly necessary to seek in this Life a sort of purity of thought. What I mean is, I have began to undestand what ideas and concepts are ultimately compatible with my inner most Self, ergo what guidelines I have to follow to feel the most whole. Naturally I have likewise realised what I cannot add to my Self and what I will henceforth reject with all the power that I posses.

With this new context in mind, I now follow on the path of self improvement. I will now begin to mold my Self into my perfected idea of how the Self should be. This is certainly a significant undertaking, one that will not be easy to follow through on but one that I ultimately have to do. To me such context is essential. It is akin to a Guiding Star shining in the night. I will follow this Star for without it I am lost in the vast Darkness.

Looking back at my life, it was suboptimal, especially if one compares the way it molded me to how I will now mold myself. I suppose I must look on with a hint of regret at all that time which one might consider to be lost. Still... I try to stave off such decisively negative interpretations, after all, I have ultimately came to these conclusions. That means that somewhere along the line I had to have picked up on enough of such ideas for them to become so cemented in my consciousness. Well, either that or I was always like this, but in that case I can at least thank my life up to this point for not being able to supress such manifestations of my inner most Self.

To add to the topic of my life, I must admit that not all the battles have yet been won, not all the Demons vanquished, not every Mountain climbed. I want you to keep such things in mind when deciding whether or not to approach me. Many will shy away, I undestand that much, but the pursuit of true Companionship is just another such battle. Having said all that I do believe that being able to overcome hurdles together carries with it a certain appeal. That is to say, what's the fun in joining once the Game is already over?

I don't shy away from such challenges, perhaps to a fault. Certain troubles that I faced in the past carry with them a long shadow over my current health and well being. Still, I intend to change little in this regard other than the proficiency with which I will clash the current of my Will against the cliffs of Life.
Part II
In this part of my post I will tell you about my interests and hobbies, I will try to be thorough, commonality in this regard is rather important to build a relationship
History. I have had an interest in history for almost a decade now, it started back in school and developed from there. Well, now that I think about it one could argue that it started even earlier in my life as I liked watching the odd historic documentary or film aired on television but it wasn't regular back then, I never actively sought it out. I am mostly interested in European history in the period between the 18th-20th century but I sometimes branch out to other time periods and other parts of the world. I watch various channels related to history and read articles and sometimes books. I have recently got a few books on the German revolution of 1848/1849 and a historical magazine on the Thirty Years' War. Besides that I try to visit museums sometimes.
Literature. Especially old novels. I like to immerse myself in the Worlds of these books, I tend to read them while listening to thematically fitting music and take my time with them. One time you are following a troubled Youth in his quest for spiritual understanding of the world, another you see the aged and decrepit Doctor gambling his very Soul on the promises of abtaining satisfaction in earthy pleasures, then again your olfaction notices the most pleasant scent known to man even as the one eminating it has the appearance of a revolting Frog. These and many other stories open up to you once you decide to set foot into the literary World.
Languages. I know three, with one being a bit rusty. I am currently working intently on strengthening it. I believe that if I continue to apply myself in this regard then I should be able to finally conquer it. What language am I working on? Well, if you were to stack all the major works in it they would be as tall as a house... It is fun to go through different works in multiple languages, the same goes for film, games and such.
Games. I recently played Cyberpunk 2077. Well as recently as I played any major story centric game. Now that the dust has settled and the bugs mostly removed...It's not that bad. The main questline at least. Besides that I tried Fallout 76 (Very average, I'm dissapointed with what they made the "RPG" system) and I might give Deus Ex Manking Divided another spin (since it's somewhat similar to Cyberpunk when it comes to its aesthetics). Dark Souls is one of my favorite series, I still haven't beaten Elden Ring though. When it came out I wasn't in the right mindset to invest a hundred hours into it, with all those bosses and difficult locations. I think I'll only consider playing it if I am streaming it to someone. I am generally interested in either streaming games or having the person I am talking to stream them to me. To be specific I mean streaming to a single person while being on call. Besides that I'm a big fan of Paradox strategy games, especially Europa Universalis IV and Heats of Iron IV, I tend to only play single player since I find multiplayer with many people to be rather stressful but on the other hand I have nothing against a co-op game. I'm not the best player though, despite the ammount of hours I have in them. Another great game I would mention would be Dragon's Dogma. A very underrated RPG. I recently beat it again and it was an atmospheric and interesting experience. It is one of those games that feel like they have an endless ammount of depth and constant new secrets to discover.
Anime and Manga. In recent times my interest in them has waned but I still watch the occasional series here and there. Like Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Which I found to be rather mediocre) and the very good first season from the new arc of Bleach. Some of my favourite series include: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Death Note, Fate;Zero, Psycho Pass, Code Geass and Attack on Titan. I wouldn't mind if you were to introduce me to some new series, maybe based on the ones I mentioned. My favourite Manga is Berserk which I still follow, althought I am still not certain on the direction that the new author is taking. I suppose it really is a matter of contention whether a somewhat (or considerably warped) vision is better than an unfinished work. One could argue that a few novels remain unfinished and possess a macabre appeal to them as such.
Music. Classical music has a very special place in my heart. A few of my favourite pieces would be: Clair de Lune, Nocturne Op. 9 No.2, Devil's Trill Sonata, Danse Macabre, Valse Sentimentale, Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92: II. Alegreto (by Beethoven) and Suite from Swan Lake, Op. 20a: I. Scene. Moderato. There are more but these ones always invoke something in me when I listen to them. Besides Classical I also enjoy listening to Synthwave, old Western pop and J-pop, both modern and from the 20th century.
Esotericism. I am interested in things spiritual, mystical, magical and esoteric. I have read religios texts, magical grimoires, introductions to various schools of thought. It is interesting to me.
Hopefully I was able to cast the spotlight upon my inner World in a clear and unequivocal manner. I feel the need to add to the aforementioned that I am rather introverted, which means that I tend to dislike large social gatherings. I managed to condition myself to be able to endure the presense of large groups of people but it isn't something that I would seek out in most cases. Besides that I am neurodivergent and suffer from certain issues with mental health. I have to take medication to keep myself under control. They work well enough but certain days are harder than others. I respect the struggle that others have with mental health but in the context of a relationship I have my limits, no one with BDP for instance. I am also not looking for anything casual. I understand than one cannot demand depth and meaning from a conversation with an absolute stranger, that is akin to trying to build a sand castle right before the waves strike but I ask at least that you enter with a mindset that this might become something of significance. I also do want to say that I am completely Monogamous. My preference? The sickly, pale, intellectual who watches rain droplets slide down the window in Autumn. Lastly, if I enjoy the company of a person I tend to not want to let them go.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and have a good day. I ask that you send a DM instead of a chat and that you give the English translation of my title as your own.
Goodbye...Or perhaps untill we meet again
submitted by CuriousAnachronism to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:29 Secret-Tomatillo5044 I Accepted a Job to Film on the Dark Web pt1

I Accepted a Job to Film on the Dark Web
Man, I am pumped to tell you chronically online content addicts my story. Wait is that too mean of an intro? Will this get taken down for harassment since I painted too accurate a picture of the people on this site? Sorry, everyone, I’m sure you all smell like an expensive bakery and have touched grass this morning. Anyway, I promise I have something interesting. It even involves the dark web you uncreative writers cream yourselves over! I mean, totally real people speaking about their strangely similar experiences. Okay, fine I’ll stop bullying you through the screen before you click off.
This all started when I was seven years old and my parents were killed in front of me in an anti-indigenous hate crime, but let's be real you don’t care. I’m just some annoying Cherokee kid with dead parents so I’ll skip to the good parts. I spent years in an orphanage, gradually becoming more interested in death and violence. As bad as it is, I went out of my way to expose myself to that content in the hopes of desensitizing myself. Which ended up working too well, since now I’m obsessed with causing and viewing pain, though I don’t find any joy in hurting myself.
I got adopted at twelve and after a few months of staying at my new family’s home on the reservation, I went with them to a state sweatier than the average Reddit user, California. Long story short, both of my caretakers, whom I referred to as Uncle and Auntie because they could never be my parents, died. Leaving me in the care of their older son, who I call cousin. I’m not stupid enough to give up any real names, so I’ll call him Brick, cause he’s as dumb as one. He was in his early 20s when he was tasked with taking care of me and is the world’s worst excuse for a babysitter.
I’m almost always alone at the apartment, with him only coming by to drop off supplies and stay for a few hours so the neighbors don’t get too worried. Unless I get in trouble at school, then he’d suddenly give a shit. It's useful because he doesn't about the gory stuff I look at, but some display of interest would be nice. Oh well, ninety percent of the population sucks so he’s just part of the majority. Now, with that said, you’ll be able to understand the perfect storm that led me here. During my time on the deep web, I found a particular website that caught my eye. They had new footage relatively consistently and they were the easiest for me to access since I didn't go too far into the dark web, especially with all the honey pots lying around.
I even bought a couple of files for myself to study and admire. One thing irritated me though, the cameraman. He was always sobbing, breathing, shaking, or some combination of those. It seriously killed the vibe of the killings. Something I commented on under many videos, often saying I would do a better job filming. A choice that in hindsight was me asking to end up in one of those recordings. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I was mostly the only one who commented but I was sure they wouldn't care. I was embarrassingly wrong.
I was staying up like usual, but it was past one AM on a school night, and back then that was a lot so I tried to sleep. Closing my eyes, tossing and turning, the works. I had just started drifting off when I heard the front door open. I remained calm but immediately found it weird since Brick never showed up this late. The thuds of the individual's feet grew louder as they got closer to my bedroom. I tried to convince myself it wasn't a stranger, especially since they got in with ease, but I knew that was wishful thinking.
They hummed as they opened my door. My dumbass had left it unlocked. I remained on my side, trying to look like I was asleep. They turned on the flashlight of their phone, shining it in my face. It was hard but I stayed still while they traced it over my features. I could tell they were smiling as they clicked their tongue.
“Heh, I knew it was a brat,” they whispered to themselves, pulling tangles out of my hair. Something I struggled not to groan from. They pulled up the hair over my ear and got so close spit got on my ear lobe.
“I know you’re awake kid,” they murmured, putting a blade to my neck. I let them grab my shoulder and move me onto my back, I knew how to fight but I wasn't about to take that big a risk with the position they had me in.
“You think you’re so cool saying you can do better than our guy.” they snickered, kneeling, their flashlight still shining in my face.
“Do you seriously believe that?” they questioned, moving the light away.
“Yeah, I do.” I stood my ground, they might have been intimidating but I wasn't gonna let that stop me from being honest.
“I wouldn't sound like I’m gonna piss myself every time it gets gory. I’m confident I could get better footage too, getting up close is something I’ve fantasized about.”
They clicked their tongue again and ran their finger over the bridge of my nose.
”Well, I know you’re a big fan of what we do, and you’re confidence makes me think you got something to back those claims up, so how’d you like a deal?”
I was surprised by how civil they were being aside from the touching and weapon against my throat.
“What kind of deal?” I asked, for all I knew this guy wanted me to lick their feet or some weird shit like that. They placed a finger underneath my eye, tracing a half moon with their nail.
“You have till this Friday to film a video of you killing an animal and put it on a flash drive that I’ll pick up here. If it impresses me and the crew we’ll hire ya with a handsome salary.” They began, moving their hand down to my cheek.
“But if you don't show, or it doesn't meet our standards, then I’m fucking up one of the parts of your face.” They warned, pinching my skin harshly.
“And if I say no to this deal?”
They put their hand over my mouth, scratching my lips.
“That’s cute, if you say no I’ll just slit your throat.” they grinned.
“Or rip it open with my teeth if you got a preference,” they smirked, before running their tongue across their sharp teeth.
“Okay, since I have no choice I’ll go with it, but I’m telling you now I can give you something way better than what you likely expect of me.” I prefaced, looking into their sunken eyes. They scratched my scalp, including the side of my head that was shaved.
“Good choice, I’ll be back to pick it up and if you're not here I’ll assume you don’t have the video. I genuinely wish you luck, because you’ll need it.” they removed the blade from my neck and walked away. I sat still for a few minutes in the dark, processing what had happened and wondering how they got into my apartment with such ease. I was confident I could blow their sniveling excuse of a cameraman out of the water, but I was worried about the people I was getting caught up with.
Sure, I had been on a lot of gore sites over the years but I was always just watching and occasionally commenting. Compared to most in the scene I wasn't much of a threat. I could defend myself and have contemplated killing for years but I hadn't murdered anyone or worse. Plus, I am part of way too many targeted groups to not be constantly at risk. Teenage, fem-leaning, two-spirit, indigenous kid with trauma? Yeah, I might as well be walking sign screaming “Hate crime me”.
So yeah, there was a lot to worry about. Regardless, I couldn't let that fear hold me back. I had a job to do and a group of sickos to appease. The next morning was rough, I got no sleep cause I’d spent all night brainstorming. I barely mustered the energy to change and drank straight mouthwash instead of brushing my teeth. Slogging onto the bus with drool on my cheek, I went to the back like usual. No one sat there cause, the seats were extra worn down, and I scared off anyone who attempted to with my active, rabies-infected bitch face. That day was different though.
I blanked on his name and where I knew him from, but I recognized his wavy hair and prominent curved nose. He glanced at each seat on the bus, before somehow settling on my area. He tried to give me space but ultimately seated himself beside me after realizing it was the only spot that didn't look like it would give him cancer. I glared at him as I did with everyone, but it didn't phase him.
“You know you could pick anywhere else right?” I murmured. He stared at the floor, then at me.
“I’m aware, but a few months ago I started a mission to sit on every part of this bus, and this is the last place.” he smiled, his lips softly curving at the sides.
“What’s the point of that?”
His mouth moved into a more neutral position, but his eyes kept smiling.
“I just thought it would be neat to see the same place from a bunch of different perspectives.” he took out his phone and snapped a photo from the point of view where he was sitting. Maybe my sleepiness made my bitch face less effective, cause he hadn't shown a hint of fear, which kind of annoyed me.
“That’s cool I guess, but I wouldn't do that if I were you. I’ve done some back here alone that would make your skin crawl.” in hindsight my attempt at unnerving him just made me sound like a pervert, which is probably why he held back laughter. Trying to hide a chuckle by clearing his throat.
“Hey, it's not my business what you do, no matter how Haram it is. It’s your life so that’s between you and whatever you believe in. Just don’t shake hands with me.” he joked, playfully putting his hands up. Strangely, I remembered his name at that moment.
“Oh shit, you’re Abdul! We have art together.” I sat up, haphazardly slamming my hand down on my leg.
“Uh yeah, I’ve seen some of your paintings, they’re pretty cool. I like the way you texture them, I’m trying to work on that.” he complimented, seeming more weirded out by my sudden energy than my accidental insinuation. I felt a little stupid for yelling his name but decided not to dwell on it.
“Thanks, you’re stuff is nice, and you’re good at shading.”
He stretched his arms while thanking me. We talked for a few more minutes, taking jabs at each other throughout. Turns out he was better at being an asshole than his artsy charismatic appearance made me think. The thing setting our insults apart being that you could tell he was a loving person underneath. It was the nicest conversation I had with anyone in a while. Though he could tell I was tired so he quieted down, letting me sleep, waking me when we got to school. We went our separate ways until the last two periods we shared. All that time, I spent my remaining energy plotting how I was going to handle the video. What I’d kill, record with, and how to dispose of the evidence. It was a lot to consider, but through three classes I devised a plan.
I’d find a stray around my apartment complex and take it out in my room. Record it on a portable camera since I broke the ones on my phone, no, I will not be answering how that happened. Then once I had my footage I’d put the body in a trash bag, throw it in the complex’s garbage, and clean the blood off my floor. It didn't seem like Brick would come by so he wasn't a factor I thought I’d have to consider. The plan was almost too easy, but I decided to believe in Occam’s razor. I got so lost in thought that by the time I reached Art, which was my second-to-last period, I didn't process that we were moving seats.
“She called your name,” Abdul reminded me. Our teacher placed us next to each other at our four-person table. The two girls sitting with us were already friends, so I didn't bother to say anything, but I was interested in talking to him more.
“So, what do you think of this assignment?” He shrugged, taking out his sketchbook.
“I’m not that good at drawing people, but the idea of combining two people’s faces into a portrait seems interesting. Any ideas on who you’ll pick?”
“Probably the members of the music duo Brain Tumor, they’re my favorite artists and they both look weird as hell.”
“Wow way to talk about your favorites, if that’s what you say about them I can‘t imagine what you have to say about me.” he joked, pulling up reference pictures.
“First, it’s not an insult, second I don’t have anything to say about you. Brain and Tumor have features and styles that make them stand out. Sure they’re ugly, but it just adds to their visual charm. Hot people are boring, there’s nothing to pick at.” I explained, unzipping my bag.
“Oh, so you’re saying you think I’m hot.”
His comment wasn’t serious but it kind of got to me.
“Shit, that’s not what I meant, I was trying to say you’re boring. All hot people are boring, but not all boring people are hot, okay?” I explained, flipping to a clean page.
“Alright, but if I’m so bland then why talk to me?”
I hesitated, contemplating how much of a dick I was gonna be.
“Because it means you probably need some spice in your life, which I can provide.”
He began sketching a head on his paper.
“I like spices, but I feel like you’re the kind of person to dump a cabinet’s worth onto me.”
I flicked my pencil over to his side of the desk, putting on a mocking grin.
“Aww, you scared I’m gonna get you into trouble?”
He picked up the pencil and started using it, putting his on my side.
“No, ‘cause I’m good at setting boundaries. I’m more concerned that you’ll get annoyed with how unafraid of you I am.”
I stared at him for a moment, I hadn't expected to hear that.
“Jeez, man you didn't have to read me like that.”
He shrugged, observing the red paint from past projects that lay on my pencil.
“It's not hard to figure out, just this morning you were trying to push me away on the bus. Lucky, or unlucky, for you I want you to have a friend and you seem like a fun person.”
“Wait are you saying I have no friends?” I squinted at him.
“Well, do you?”
I didn't answer.
“If your response is silence I suggest you take up my offer.”
I was stunned, to be honest. No one had offered to be my friend since 6th grade, and that didn't last long. Of course, I accepted it, but for the rest of the period, there was an awkwardness in my mind. As pathetic as it sounds I wasn't used to others genuinely enjoying my company like he did. Which was partly by design cause I get joy out of scaring people away, but still. I forgot how it felt to have conversations about normal things like art. He had such a nice smile too, usually when I see a grin I want to slap it off, but I liked his. His voice was also nice, it’s hard to describe what in particular but it was easy on the ears.
Okay, I’m starting to get off-topic. I’ll skip to the important part. Toward the end of class, he started talking about how he was interested in filmmaking and got a portable video camera as a gift at last year’s Eid. He didn't have it on him, but he showed me a picture.
“Heh, that’s funny, I bought the same one a month ago.” I pointed out.
“Yeah, it's a popular model, I’m still getting the hang of it though cause I’m so used to using my phone.”
“Well, maybe I could bring you over to my place or vice versa after school and I can help you out.” I suggested.
He smiled, putting his phone back in his pocket.
“I thought you said you’ve only had it for a month? You know I can always look up tutorials from trained professionals.” he reminded me with a notable smugness that I'd used with him before.
“Well those guys are stuffy and I’m a fast learner.”
He redirected his attention back to his page, picking his pencil up.
“Alright, I suggest we go somewhere public instead. You’re not exactly the kind of person I want to bring home to my parents right away. Plus they always need to meet my friends and their guardians before I hang out at their home.”
I gave an exaggerated sigh, stretching my back.
“Aw man, looks like we can’t get high in my murder pit during our first hangout.”
He didn't respond for a solid few seconds.
“Wait, you do know I'm joking right?”
He shrugged, the smile in his eyes appearing again.
“I mean, one of those things is a little less believable than the other.” he snickered, and I laughed with him.
We set up a time and a date, which is where I screwed myself. He ended up being busy with projects from his other classes and family which just left us with Friday, the same day I had to submit the video. Now, did I tell him I wouldn't be able to make it? No, of course not, because I decided to be stupid and even more overconfident. I said that I’d one hundred percent be able to hang out with him after school like I didn't have a mutilator who was going to drop by my place at an unknown time.
The rest of the day went over fine but that bad timing led me to feel like a dick later. When I got home I was able to write out my plan, even sketching a few specifics of what I’d do. It was more exciting than when I’d been brainstorming, but this is when the gravity of the situation began to set in. When I said I’d fantasized about killings I meant it. I mean my teddy with twenty-five stab wounds should say enough. Regardless this would be the first time real blood was on my hands.
It made me feel powerful, but a little afraid. I’ve heard stories of people thinking that it would be an awesome experience and then feeling like shit. I doubted I’d be one of those people but still. Plus, I didn't exactly trust the guy who gave me this job. There was a good chance that this whole situation was rigged and they’d kill me no matter how good the video was. Or worse turn me into the feds and expose my collection. Honestly, if that happened I’d probably eat a shot to avoid going to jail. Wait, can I say that on this platform? Okay to the mods, that was a joke, I want to live a long life. Ugh, I’m doing a terrible job of staying on track. The point is there was a lot up in the air despite it being a matter of life or death.
I knew I’d go through with it but it was still a lot less straightforward than it initially seemed. I wracked my brain to remember where most of the cats stayed and tried to come up with a good way to lure one without raising suspicion. This also proved harder than first thought because I didn't think to account for the cat man, an old guy who lived alone and fed all the cats in our dingy complex while also housing a few. Knowing how obsessive he was he’d probably notice if one of them disappeared. Then again not all the cats return consistently or at all. It makes more sense that he’d think one of them was run over rather than slaughtered. It was getting late again so I rested my head for a moment, a bad move cause I ended up falling asleep at my desk. Not even changing out of the clothes I’d worn before, I woke up late and barely caught the bus the next morning.
I went to my usual spot but Abdul had already taken it. He patted the area next to it, which he’d covered in a towel, a smart move knowing how nasty it was. People gave me a few dirty looks as normal, which I smiled at. I stretched, my mind slightly less out of it than the previous morning.
“Uh, you do realize that-”
“Yeah, I know I’m wearing the same clothes.”
Abdul looked me up and down, his eyes remaining soft, but with a mix of concern and judgment. He set his backpack down and took off his sweater handing it to me.
“Dude what are you-”
“Look I don't know what led to you not being able to change but I think you should at least have a fresh top.”
I was surprised he was offering me something to wear but I took it.
“Uh, thanks, I’ll change into it later.”
He nodded as I put it in my backpack.
“You know you didn't have to do that.” I reminded him.
“Well there’s a lot of stuff I don’t have to do, but I do it because I want to, and I wanted to help you out.”
He smiled, his face still warmer than an Arizona summer. I got a strange feeling in my chest at that moment, I still can’t tell if it was good or bad.
“Well, thanks, I'll give it back to you tomorrow.”
We talked a little more and he mentioned something that caught my attention.
“Have you heard about all the animals that have been turning up dead?”
My eyes widened with surprise.
“No, I haven't, when did you hear about that?”
He pulled on his long-sleeve shirt.
“My sister said her friend who works at a shelter noticed a bunch of animals were getting adopted by people around the same time, and since then gore videos with them have been showing up. She found out through her co-worker who was emailed it by some random creep.”
I covered my mouth and looked away to hide the smile growing on my face. He had just given me the perfect cover-up without knowing. Now if I killed an animal people had an entire violent ring to connect it to instead of me! I stayed quiet for a minute because I could tell he’d likely see through any phony sad sounds I made.
“Oh wow, that’s awful, do you think they’ll ever find out the people behind it?”
He sighed, running his hand through his wavy hair.
“I hope so, for now, all we can do is pray that no more animals get hurt.”
I couldn't contain my grin as he said that so sincerely like animals and people didn't die constantly and that taking down one group would somehow stop the issue.
“Is there some joke I don’t get?” he furrowed his brow.
“Uh, no, sorry I smile when nervous.”
His gaze softened again, and he didn't press further.
His bringing up the animal killings ended up being the exact push I needed to get my hands dirty. I’d spent the entire day before planning so it was time to put that plan into action. I stole some cat treats that the cat man had laid out and spread them around my apartment which was on the bottom floor. Waiting for one of them to take the bate outside my window was pretty boring but one of them came after a few minutes. A scraggly brown and black cat with a tuft of fur missing on one side of his head. It's messed up but I felt like a little less of an asshole for taking him in since he looked like he was already struggling. I scooped him up and he didn't attempt to fight back.
“Hey there buddy” I waved, feeding him some more food. His eyes had a lot of crust on them, it was kinda gross but I don’t have the right to say with how often I wash my jeans. After a minute or two he let me pet him. I knew making any kind of attachment was bad but I thought it was the right thing to do so he’d fall into a sense of security. I was just about to take him into my room when the door opened.
“Hey, I’m back with groceries!” my shithead cousin announced with two plastic bags in his hands. He looked down to see me with the cat, his eyebrows raising.
“Aw come on, you know we can’t afford a pet.”
He groaned placing the bags on a table and unloading them.
“I know, but he doesn't look like he’s got a lot of life in him I at least want to help him feel better before he kicks the bucket!”
Brick rolled his eyes, putting the cereal box on top of the fridge
“Jeez, did you even think about what diseases he might have? His eyes look puffy what if he has something that can get you sick?”
He had valid concerns which was surprising since he’s usually stupid, but I was still annoyed with him.
“I’m sure he’s fine, I’ll even try to wash him, just please let me hold onto him for a little.”
He folded his arms looking down at us.
“Have you even named him?”
I froze for a second, before using the first thing that came to mind, which ended up being pretty awful knowing my plans.
“Cash cow.” I blurted, awkwardly patting his head.
“Honestly that’s better than what I was expecting. I was sure you’d pick ‘Hellspawn Mcgee’ or something else corny.”
He meant to make fun of me but honestly, I would have named him that if I had more time.
“Ugh, anyway I got those dumb chips you like.”
He then pulled out a bag of the wrong chips.
“Dude those are the wrong ones, this is the third time you’ve mixed up the flavors.”
He threw them at me, scaring the cat slightly.
“Well, I pay for it so you shouldn't be so picky. Anyway, while I was in line I picked up something you might be into.”
He then tossed me a trashy teen magazine. One of my least favorite sorry excuses for an influencer on the cover.
“This is a joke, right?”
I couldn't believe my own adopted brother gave such little shit in my interests.
“I don't know, you decided to start being a girl for real this time so I thought the makeup tips on page ten would help you out.”
I scrunched my face at his comment.
“Dude I’ve been this way for years, just because I started wearing more makeup and dresses doesn't mean I’m more of a girl than when I didn't. I know you won’t get the two-spirit thing but come on.”
He shrugged, seeing me done with me even though he’d just shown up.
“Yeah well hey I’m trying. Anyway, just so you know a friend of mine is coming here Friday.”
My heart stopped.
“Wait why here? You live elsewhere why can’t you assholes go there or their place!”
He slammed his fist on the table.
“Will you shut the fuck up!”
He screamed with a phrase I’d grown numb to.
“I don't know, to be honest, something about wanting to move into this complex and this being a way to scout it out. I’m just letting you know now so you don’t act like a complete freak.”
“Jokes on you I’ll piss in whatever shitty beer you bring just cause you said that!”
I yelled back raising my voice higher than his. He face-palmed before putting the plastic bags in the drawer under the sink.
“Whatever, you and your ketamine-addict-looking cat have fun,” he told me while seating himself on the couch. I picked up the cat and walked into the bathroom to clean it. I closed the door and placed him in the dry tub. Using a small disposable mouthwash cup I got a little bit of water. I hadn't had a pet before so I wasn't sure how to approach the task. I dipped my fingers in the water and carefully pet it while pouring s small bit down his back. Any other cat would fight back but he just made pissed-off noises without doing anything.
I scrapped my old shampoo bottle and kneaded it into his thin fur. His skin was bumpy and dry beneath the hair so scrubbing it was uncomfortable. I made sure to avoid getting soap in its eyes but I did pull away some of the crust on its lids. His pupils were so clouded I was surprised that he could see at all, making me feel even more sure that he would be on its way out with or without me.
After drying him I set him on a beat-up shirt I wore when modifying clothes. He sunk his claws into it a few times, playing with a loose string. I ignored him for the rest of the night, hopping into the shower and changing for bed. His meows woke me up a few times but I tuned it out after a while, reminding myself that he wouldn’t be my cat for long.
The next day was Thursday and there wasn't a second that passed by where the weight of the murder I’d have to commit didn't weigh on me. I seriously shot myself in the foot by taking care of that scruffy, pubic hair pile. I was supposed to be hyped about killing it, after all, I’d dreamed and seen way worse than what I was going to do. Yet once I got home and started setting up I felt grosser with each step. I decided to record it in my bathroom instead of my bedroom so it would be harder to connect to me. I set down a few fabric scraps and a worn-out beach towel, placing it all inside a tub for easier cleanup later.
“Okay, I guess it's time,” I mumbled to myself. I brought the cat in and placed it down, setting up my camera once it was comfortable. I also wore my most generic clothes in addition to a mask, putting my hair in a bun for sanitation. When I saw the flicker of red showing that the camera was on I felt I was dreaming. I smiled, excited that I’d get to live out my violent desires. Yet, when I looked down at its pathetic frame and confused expression those urges left me.
I rationalized what I was doing, reminding myself how many animals die all the time and that I’d been forced into this, but it didn't help much in the end. I won’t get into it but under the pressure of impressing the group Cash Cow didn't go out as fast as I would have liked for a first task. Getting rid of the evidence was especially rough, the textures were pretty nasty, to put it mildly. It was surreal watching the blood go down the tub drain and gradually drip off my hands as I rinsed them. I couldn't conjure a single thought the entire time I cleaned it up.
Whether I was wringing out the clothes or putting the remains in plastic bags, it didn't matter. All I could focus on was the task at hand, with hints of disgust along the way. I ended up finishing at three AM. My hands were wrinkled and shook once I settled. I won’t deny that during the murder I didn't hate it. Slashing into something was fun and it made me feel strong. Still, it wasn't nearly as fulfilling as I expected it to be. Part of it was guilt, but it was mostly disappointment. I’d built it up for years and it wasn't earth shatteringly good or bad.
Overall, I expected to feel more, but it just left me hollow with an uncomfortable itch. There was no way I’d ever be able to see the tub the same way, hell I don’t think I’ll ever use it again. Luckily I almost always shower anyway so it's not too big of a deal. I watched a few horror game videos, trashed everything, changed and went to bed.
My scalp hurt like a bitch the morning since I kept my hair in that stupid bun. Despite getting less sleep than the past two days I held myself together a bit better in the morning. I brushed my teeth, changed, and had some fried bread before getting on the bus. Regardless I looked like complete shit and struggled to slump into my seat.
“Rough night?” Abdul asked
“Uh, yeah.” I quietly responded looking to the floor.
He frowned, looking at me with concern.
“You can talk about it if you're comfortable,” he assured me. I contemplated giving him a thinly veiled metaphor or vague explanation so he'd comfort me but stopped myself before my mouth could run a muck. He wouldn't be able to do much of anything and I don’t like opening up.
“Uhm, thanks but it's something I have to deal with alone.”
He nodded, respecting my boundaries.
“You know, I understand if you can’t hang out today it seems like you have a lot going on.”
I avoided eye contact with him as he spoke. For once I was feeling hints of guilt toward a person. I wanted to spend time with him, but I knew that I wasn't in the state to do that.
“Yeah, I think it’ll have to wait, I’m-” I cut myself off before apologizing. A fact about me that should surprise no one is that I hate apologizing. Even when I do feel kinda bad the act fills me with embarrassment.
“You what?” he asked, his eyes telling me that he knew what I was going to say.
“I’m emotionally not great.” I spat out in an admittedly poor attempt to get out of saying sorry. As always he remained calm but I could tell he saw through me.
“Okay, like I said I understand, whatever it is I hope you feel better.”
I told him thank you and we didn't speak for the rest of the day. At home I changed into more comfortable clothes and brushed my teeth. Unfortunately, I wasn't bouncing back from killing nearly as much as I expected.
“It wasn't even that bad! That thing was on its last legs anyway.” I grumbled to myself, smacking my forehead. I was feeling worse than when I did it which is weird. I ended up spontaneously decorating a ratty tie from the bottom of an accessory drawer to distract myself. It helped me get my mind off things, for a little. I had zero plan, just wanting to make something needlessly complex. Hours that felt like minutes passed and soon it was covered in patches, frills, and beads. I just tried it on when I heard the front door open.
“Man, that shit was wild!” I heard Brick laugh groggily. I didn't have to see or smell him to know he’d gotten lit. I rolled my eyes, closing my bedroom door.
“Hey, who’s there?” his friend asked, seemingly referring to me.
“Oh, that’s my little sis, don’t mind her she’s just on her emo shit!” he joked, which pissed me off for the petty reason that I didn't even listen or dress emo.
“Hey, that’s alright with me, I went through one of those phases,” they responded, their words less slurred than my cousin’s.
I fucked up and forgot to lock it when I closed it so they were able to swing it open, almost smacking my desk.
“Hey emo girl!” they waved as Brick haphazardly pulled them back.
“Okay, man, seriously I think she wants to be left alone.”
The way his friend looked at me made me uncomfortable. Like they’d snap my neck if I pissed them off. They clicked their tongue while stepping through the door frame.
“Alright, but I gotta say calling her an emo is inaccurate, they look like they watch gore and most emos just say they do.” they flashed a sharp toothy grin. At that moment I began to connect the dots.
“Easy, she’ll get pissy with you dude, now come on.” Brick warned tugging their opened button pushed him away. They looked me dead in the eyes.
“I don’t think she minds, in truth, I feel like we’ll have a lot to discuss later.” they smiled again, finally walking back into the living room. A chill ran up my spine when I saw them. The sharp teeth, New York accent, unsettling gaze, that motherfucker was the person who recruited me! They were able to get into my place so easily cause my dumbass cousin probably gave them a spare key or the opportunity to make one, and now they were a room away from me!
I dug my hands into my pillow as I contemplated what to do, no matter what happened next, I knew it was gonna be a rough visit.
submitted by Secret-Tomatillo5044 to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:24 Safe_Confidence263 EXECUTE ALL HOUSE CENTIPEDES

I loved bees until one stung me below the belt in Naples, Italy. I got stung a few more times by bees at school. By the time I was 9 years old I was over them.
I love spiders until one bit me when I was 6 years old. It took me until I was 14 years old to think they were cool again. My friends and I used to capture as many of them as we could and would have tournaments betting money on different ones and having them fight each other in Petri dishes with a little vodka.
I've always been cool with snakes and lizards.
One time when I was 16 I got drunk and accidentally locked myself in my bathroom which was full of scorpions. That was fine as I punched the shutters out of the bottom of the door and squeezed out. This was in Asia where doors were like that and you would find a scorpions in your bathroom of course. Scorpions didn't bother me.
I thought owls were cool until one tried to "get me" with it's talons in a marsh. I wasn't hurt but.... Just no..... F owls. I will still be afraid of those but that's the exception
Now to my main point:
I never thought about centipedes ever. I wasn't bothered by them I never thought about them. Then one day at my grandmother's dacha, when I was 23 years old I woke up to one crawling out of my mouth. I had a massive headache and my mouth hurt so much. This kick started an addiction to the pain pills. This was also where I found out that I'm allergic to centipedes. My mouth and face swelled up so much I could barely talk for a few days.
I chalked this up too bad luck and figured it wouldn't happen again in a lifetime. Nah... My grandmother's house was just different. Every few days and have a new a centipede by either somewhere on my foot or my legs or wherever. The reactions were so severe that a biomy shoulder would cause my whole shoulder to blow up and turn red. Also did I mention the pain!? So very painful worse than coral. They must have had a nest underneath that house.
Found one in the bathroom of my new flat the other day to and now I check all surfaces in every room I'm in. I tremble every time I picked up a towel that has fallen off the rack. I look inside each shoe I put on. I pray to Jesus to protect me from them every night I go to sleep.
I thought I would outgrow my fear of them but nope and I will not apologize or feel less than for not doing so. It seems like every year I feel even more afraid of them. I will not apologize for saying that I think that centipedes are basically the worst thing ever and must be KoS'd. I stopped playing Skyrim after encountering centipedes in that game.
One may call it a phobia but I would only consider it so if it were to be an irrational fear of them. I don't think that might fear of them is irrational since I'm allergic to them.
After reading this I hope you understand that they are not some harmless misunderstood creature to me. If you are not allergic to them.... Fine.... Just don't expect to change my mind.
Take this as a warning though.... They can seriously mess you up ... Especially if you are allergic to them like me. And it's not fair I thought only bad insect stings happened in like jungles and stuff but they're all over the place in RU and the cold just makes them all go inside your house. If you aren't allergic to them still kill them because maybe somebody else in the house is and it's not worth finding out.
If you hate centipedes too please help me warn these blissful ignorant people. 🤮😵‍💫😭
submitted by Safe_Confidence263 to u/Safe_Confidence263 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:20 Dapper_Job_8712 Akarui and Maruchi + How Akarui came to be

Akarui and Maruchi + How Akarui came to be
"Come on Akarui Nee Chan! Let's strike up a pose for the manga cover"
"Alright Kao Chan, but is it really necessary to copy my pose? (Also this doesn't look like we'll fit in the cover, our illustration is too big. What was the illustrator even thinking when drawing us?)"
(Adding to the lore, Akarui and Maruchi are cousins)
And now, a story of how I made Akarui
Part 1: Beginnings
It kind of all started obviously with the Azumi craze happening. At first I was just one of those people looking at the new OCs being made until the day Reika came out. The design looked very cool and even her personality. It was when at that moment I decided to join in on the fun to share my idea. Keep in mind though that in fact I'm actually not an artist, I'm just you typical gamer who plays games like Honkai Star Rail everyday so technically my drawing was wasn't really perfect to say the least.
Part 2: Design
I drew Akarui on my yellow pad that I use for school since I don't use it very often. I don't have a big notebook to draw the design but at least the drawing turned out good.
For the design, I had to look at google for references like a body pose, hair, etc. For Akarui's eyes, I actually took Hakari's eyes as reference to at least try my best to get that 100 gf like eye shape. I wanted to give her a jacket to give that manga artist feel. I kind of thought of giving her glasses but decided that it would be an accessory for her instead. I decided Akarui's hair color would be orange and pink while coloring the drawing. Originally I had other colors combos in mind like red and orange to make it similar to my social media profile picture but it felt bland. The same thing applies to black and green hair because it would just blend in either her jacket which I didn't want. When moving on over to digital, the program I use is simply Microsoft paint since I'm not really skilled when it comes to other art programs; needless to say it still worked out great in the end.
Part 3: Personality and Bio
Miu Amano from Blend S was the basis for Akarui's personality. I really liked how Miu would just come up with ideas for her doujin just by observing odd situations. Considering that we don't have a manga artist gf yet, I wanted to implement Miu Amano's personality onto Akarui but make it family friendly. There's also some hints of Rin in Akarui with the whole being embarrassed after doing something weird shtick.
Akarui's name means "Bright Mind". I named her like that because with her personality being all about coming up with ideas just by observation, I think of it as having a bright mind. There's one part of her personality which I based off from my own personality, and that's being a procrastinator; one thing I changed though about that is her getting low scores, I in the other get decent scores in tests. Another personality of mine which I projected onto her is my dislike for long hair because I'm not a fan of having bangs. When thinking of her school year, I was debating whether she'd be a 1st year or 2nd year in high school. I ended up with 1st year because I believe she would get along well with Kiki.
Part 4: Lore
Fun fact, all of Akarui's lore I came up with it during my break times in school. I have to admit though, if there was one thing I would change with the lore it would be adding more of her personality onto the story. My original plan for the intro was to somehow have Akarui and Rentarou do something related to Akarui's personality but then I ended up not including it because I wanted the intro to be just simple considering that I'm not good in storytelling. The ending felt kind of eh for me because I couldn't come up with some funny banter between Rentarou and Akarui like it always has been in many of the official gf chapters. Who knows if I'm ever going to do some adjustments to the intro one day but maybe time will tell.
Part 5: Future Luckily my summer vacation will last from June to August so I have enough time to come up with some Akarui art. I'm planning to do art related to different interactions, one of those interactions I've planned are for Shizuka (because of her love for books) and Kiki (because obviously). As for other art, I'm planning to do casual clothing for her and also other outfits based on the official chapters. I'm really excited to make these art and if you have read this far, thanks for taking the time to read and I'm can't wait for what's coming next!
submitted by Dapper_Job_8712 to 100Fanojo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:14 Aladeen_Stormblessed Soccer drama in r/MLS over the recent match between the Seattle Sounders and Vancouver Whitecaps.

Link to the post in question.
This Sunday, the Seattle Sounders played the Vancouver Whitecaps in a game that ended in a 1-1 draw. The Sounders scored early, with a goal from Jordan Morris. A second shot on goal by the Sounders is deflected by a Vancouver defender, who extends his arm only to pull it back to his body, deflecting the shot off of his elbow. The ref and VAR officials stay silent, and play continues.
In the 94th minute of the game, Vancouver player Sebastian Berhalter makes a shot on goal, deflected by Sounders defender Nouhou, who also extends his arm out only to pull it back, with the shot deflecting off of his arm as well. This time, the VAR officials call for a closer review, and after several minutes of thorough examination the referee (Victor Rivas) declares Nouhou's block a handball, giving Nouhou a second yellow card, which sends him off the field, and more importantly, gives Vancouver a penalty kick. Vancouver scores on the penalty, tying up the game, and the match ends 1-1.
You can view both handballs here. Nouhou on the left, Vancouver defender on the right. You can decide for yourself whether Nouhou's handball was worse than Vancouver's.
Sounders fans are quick to take to MLS to protest the unfair decision. If you look at the comments section, you'll see a lot of Sounders FC flairs. The fact that Sounders fans have been subject to a disproportionately large number of questionable rulings has only exacerbated the frustration felt by fans. (A recent highlight being Stefan Frei's red card, later rescinded upon further review by the MLS. While the card was rescinded, the game score stayed the same. With how strong the Sounders had played that game with a man down, there's a good argument to be made that they could have won with Frei on the field.)
Several fans aren't happy with Victor Rivas, the ref:
Others instead blame the VAR officials:
From a Sounders fan: Who have we not paid that Vancouver has?
Someone takes the chance to rag on Frei for terrible goalkeeping
Sounders fan names and shames ref and VAR officials
It wouldn't be MLS without someone complaining about sports betting.
One Sounders fan says gg Vancouver, gets downvoted and told to screw off
My personal favorite: For the love of soccer someone please fuck Manchester City like this tomorrow
submitted by Aladeen_Stormblessed to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:11 Significant-Tower146 Best Card Holder Keychain

Best Card Holder Keychain
Get ready to organize your essentials with ease using our curated collection of Card Holder Keychains. In this article, we bring you the top picks that not only keep your credit cards safe but also add a touch of style to your everyday carry.

The Top 5 Best Card Holder Keychain

  1. Stylish Card Holder Keychain with Confetti Filling - Bring your spirit and style to any gameday with the Confetti Mini Wallet Keychain, boasting gold-plated hardware and an attractive, easy-to-clean design.
  2. Stylish Daisy Darling Card Holder Keychain for Secure Storage and Elegant Appeal - Stay organized and chic with the Daisy Darling Card Holder Keychain by Taylor Elliot Designs, featuring a whimsical daisy print, gold accents, and a versatile design that doubles as a keychain!
  3. Chic Starry Card Holder & Key Ring Duo - Organize your essentials with the enchanting Ted Baker STARRRY Set, featuring a bifold wallet and star-shaped keychain crafted from faux leather.
  4. Stylish RFID-Blocking Slim Keychain Wallet - Experience minimalist style and practicality with the Zario Slim Keychain Wallet Lanyard, offering RFID-blocking protection, secure card storage, and a unique design.
  5. RFID Blocking FurArt Card Wallet with Key Ring - Stay organized, protected, and stylish with the FurArt Credit Card Wallet, featuring RFID blocking technology and portable keychain options!
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🔗Stylish Card Holder Keychain with Confetti Filling
The Confetti Mini Wallet Keychain is the perfect addition to any gameday outfit. Its adorable design, filled with eye-catching confetti, adds a touch of excitement to your look. Measuring 4.5 inches by 3.5 inches, this compact keychain fits perfectly in your pocket and ensures you never misplace your ID or credit cards again. Made from durable nylon and clear vinyl, it's easy to clean and withstands frequent use. The gold-plated hardware adds a touch of elegance, making it a versatile accessory for any occasion.
During my experience with this stunning product, I found the confetti inside to be a unique feature that sets it apart from other wallet keychains. Despite being made of clear vinyl, the confetti never falls out, making it a practical and stylish choice. The gold-plated hardware adds a sense of luxury to the keychain, and the nylon material ensures durability. While it was a bit challenging to retrieve my cards from the wallet, the confetti pattern on the inside adds a playful touch and makes up for the inconvenience. Overall, the Confetti Mini Wallet Keychain is a must-have accessory for any sports fan looking to add flair to their gameday outfit.

🔗Stylish Daisy Darling Card Holder Keychain for Secure Storage and Elegant Appeal
The Taylor Elliot Designs Daisy Darling Card Holder Keychain has been a game-changer for me in my daily life. This little gem is not only a functional card holder, but it doubles as a keychain, making it perfect for on-the-go situations. The embroidered daisy pattern on the front adds a charming touch, while the blue gingham pattern on the backside keeps things practical and stylish. The durable cotton canvas material makes it sturdy and long-lasting, ensuring that my cards stay safe inside.
What really stands out for me is the gold zipper accents and gold keychain clasp on the zipper. They add a touch of elegance and sophistication to my look, making this card holder more than just a practical accessory. I also love the colorful yarn and tinsel pom pom, along with the acrylic pink heart and daisy keychain included. It really makes a statement and adds a pop of color to my outfit.
Overall, the Taylor Elliot Designs Daisy Darling Card Holder Keychain is a great addition to my daily life, offering both functionality and a touch of style. However, one downside is that the size might be a bit too small for those who need to carry multiple cards at once. But for me, it's been a perfect match, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a versatile and fashionable card holder keychain!

🔗Chic Starry Card Holder & Key Ring Duo
Embark on a mystical journey with the Starred Keyring and Card Holder set from Ted Baker. These chic accessories are sure to become your go-to companions when stepping out into the world. Crafted from velvety faux leather, this set offers more than just style.
As you hold the bifold wallet in your hand, you'll notice its carefully designed card slots and ID window, making it easy and secure to carry your essentials. The vibrant star pattern on the card holder adds a touch of whimsy to your daily routine. And to top it off, the star-shaped keyring will dazzle you each time it catches the light.
However, be aware that this luxurious set may not be as practical as some would hope. The dimensions of the keyring and card wallet might be slightly larger than necessary, making them less than ideal if you're looking for a more compact solution. And while the lining is made of tough 100% polyester, it could have been made with a softer material for added comfort.
In conclusion, the Star Keyring and Card Holder set from Ted Baker offers a delightful fusion of elegance and mystique. Though it may not be the most practical option, its combination of style and functionality makes it a captivating choice for those who crave something out of the ordinary.

🔗Stylish RFID-Blocking Slim Keychain Wallet

I recently gave the Zario Slim Keychain Wallet Lanyard a try and was pleasantly surprised by its minimalist yet functional design. The first thing I noticed was the premium quality material it's made of, which gave me confidence in its durability. I loved that it could hold up to 2 credit cards securely, with the added peace of mind that the back pocket is RFID-blocking to protect my personal information.
One of the standout highlights of this product is its unique style. It's not just a functional wallet on a keychain, but it also adds a touch of elegance to my daily look. However, I noticed that it could be a bit tricky to use one-handed, which might be an issue for some. Overall, I found the Zario Slim Keychain Wallet Lanyard to be a great investment for anyone looking for both style and practicality in their everyday carry.

🔗RFID Blocking FurArt Card Wallet with Key Ring
For someone on the go, the FurArt Credit Card Wallet is a perfect companion. I use it daily and was drawn to its sleek and attractive design. It's compact enough to fit in any pocket or purse while still offering plenty of space for cards and cash.
A feature I love is the RFID blocking technology. This wallet has effectively protected my valuable information from unwanted interference while keeping my items organized and secure.
The extra key ring is a thoughtful addition, making it a versatile wallet for multiple purposes such as shopping or traveling.
While small in size, this wallet has proven big on convenience and security. As a gift, it boasts a multi-color option and a classic, wear-resistant look that would suit any loved one, whether it's a man or a woman.

Buyer's Guide

A card holder keychain is a convenient and stylish accessory that combines the functionality of a keychain and a card holder in one. These handy devices allow you to keep your ID, credit card, and other small essentials close at hand without having to fumble through your pockets or purse. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the important features and considerations when choosing a card holder keychain to suit your needs.

Material and Durability
When selecting a card holder keychain, consider the material and durability of the product. High-quality materials such as metal or sturdy plastic will ensure that your card holder lasts for a long time. Make sure to choose a design with a secure clasp or closure mechanism to prevent your cards from falling out.

Capacity and Size

Consider the number of cards you want to carry and the size of your keychain. Smaller keychains can fit only one or two cards, while larger ones can accommodate more. Ensure that the size of the keychain is comfortable for you to carry and does not obstruct your keyring.

Design and Aesthetics

Card holder keychains come in various designs, shapes, and colors. Choose one that matches your personal style or the theme of your outfit. Look for one with a clean and minimalist design that will not clash with the rest of your accessories.

Additional Features

Some card holder keychains come with additional features such as a LED light, a bottle opener, or a small tool. If you want these extra functionalities, make sure to choose a keychain that has the features you need.

Price and Value for Money

Consider your budget when purchasing a card holder keychain. While more expensive models may have higher-quality materials or additional features, there are also affordable options that can serve their purpose well. Look for a keychain that offers good value for money and meets your needs without breaking the bank.

Brand and Reviews
Research the brand and read reviews from other customers before making your purchase. A well-established brand may offer better customer support and warranty options. Reviews can give you an idea of the product's performance, durability, and overall satisfaction from other users.

Buyer's Choice

When choosing a card holder keychain, consider the material, capacity, design, additional features, price, and brand reputation. With these factors in mind, you can make an informed decision and select a keychain that suits your needs and preferences.


What is a Card Holder Keychain?

A Card Holder Keychain is a multi-purpose accessory that combines the functionality of a card holder and a keychain. It is designed to hold credit cards, IDs, and other small cards securely, while serving as a useful and stylish keychain.

What are the benefits of using a Card Holder Keychain?

  • Keeps cards and IDs organized and easily accessible
  • Reduces the risk of losing or damaging cards
  • Adds a touch of style and personalization to your keychain
  • Holds additional items like a pen or key fob

How do I choose the best Card Holder Keychain for me?

Consider factors such as the number of card slots, material, size, and design when selecting a Card Holder Keychain that best suits your needs and preferences.

What materials are Card Holder Keychains typically made of?

Card Holder Keychains are usually made from materials like metal, plastic, or a combination of both. Metal keychains may be made from stainless steel, zinc alloy, or other durable metals, while plastic keychains can be lightweight and more affordable.

Are Card Holder Keychains durable?

Yes, most Card Holder Keychains are designed to be durable and long-lasting. High-quality materials and robust construction ensure that the keychain can withstand daily use without breaking or losing its functionality.

Can I customize my Card Holder Keychain?

It depends on the product and manufacturer. Some Card Holder Keychains can be personalized with engravings, logos, or custom color combinations. Check with the specific brand or retailer for available customization options.

Are there any safety concerns with using a Card Holder Keychain?

Card Holder Keychains are generally safe to use, but it is essential to follow proper keychain usage guidelines to avoid injury. Make sure to hold the keychain securely and avoid sharp or pointed objects on the keychain from damaging or scratching your cards and IDs.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:08 Sudden-Recover-3513 Question.

So ive just woken up from a dream. I smoke weed regularly, so im not used to dreams no more. I had a dream that, after a few bits happening spent few days with the lads. I then appeared in this game show like jungle where by someone, my head got shut in a door. My head exploded and I died. There’s bits I don’t remember but then appeared in my old school. I’m 23 so that confused me. I walked into this massive room where everyone who meant something to me was there. I then woke up with tears down my cheeks. Why did I have such a dream?
submitted by Sudden-Recover-3513 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:08 GhoulGriin Best Card Display Cases

Best Card Display Cases
Are you acollector of precious cards or simply looking for a stylish way to keep your favorite collection on display? Look no further! Welcome to our comprehensive guide on card display cases. Join us as we explore a range of stylish and secure options to help you showcase your collection with pride. So sit back, relax, and dive into the world of card display cases with us.
In this article, we'll be covering everything from traditional plastic cases to elegant wooden options. We'll discuss the features that matter most in a card display case, and how to choose the perfect one for your needs. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, our guide will provide you with the knowledge and inspiration you need to elevate your collection game. So, without further ado, let's dive in!

The Top 18 Best Card Display Cases

  1. Premium Waterproof Card Display Case - Showcase and protect your card collection with Pennzoni's elegant waterproof display case, providing ample space, crystal-clear acrylic framing, and strong construction for easy access and secure storage.
  2. Secure Graded Trading Card Storage Case - The Card Titan Slab Safe 3 Row offers secure, lockable, and versatile storage for up to 108 PSA graded standard card slabs, specifically designed for serious card collectors to protect and organize their prized collection.
  3. High-capacity Trading Card Standing Case 3 Card Black - The Grade Displays Trading Card Standing Display securely holds and protects your valuable cards while allowing for easy viewing, making it perfect for collectors looking to showcase their collection.
  4. Modern Leather Card Display Case for Baseball Football and Trading Cards - The Fanousy Baseball Card Display Case is a PU Leather-wrapped, wall-mounted card display case that securely showcases up to 8 graded or ungraded sports cards or trading cards, boasting 98% UV protection and anti-theft locks.
  5. 36-Grade Sports Card Display Case with Black Mat Background and Lockable Door - Introducing the Lockable 36 Graded Sports Card Display Case for Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Hockey Cards, the perfect solution for showcasing your valuable collection with elegance and protection.
  6. Temgee 36 PCS Trading Card Protector Case - The Temgee Graded Sports Card Display Case is a perfect solution for collectors to elegantly showcase their valuable graded baseball, basketball, football, and hockey cards while protecting them from dust and damage, with no assembly required.
  7. Secure Lockable Trading Card Display Case - DisplayGifts Pro UV 44 Graded Sports Card Display Case for Football Baseball Basketball Hockey Comic Trading Cards - Durable, No Assembly Required, Horizontal Black Finish
  8. Classic Black 16" x 20" Resin Card Storage Frame - Discover the perfect card display case for your collection with this sleek, 20-card capacity, 16x20-inch, black resin frame – perfect for showing off your favorite trading cards while keeping them protected.
  9. Custom 35 PSA Graded Card Acrylic Frame - Showcase your sports card collection with elegance in this locked acrylic frame that securely holds up to 35 graded cards, including baseball, basketball, hockey, Pokemon, Yugioh!, and Nascar, elevating your treasures as a stunning centerpiece.
  10. Elegant Cardholder Display Case for Graded and Ungraded Cards - Transform your sports card collection into a stunning centerpiece with this elegant, handcrafted hardwood display case, offering secure storage for up to 36 ungraded cards and equipped with UV protection and acrylic door for utmost protection.
  11. Durable and Clear Card Display Case Set (5-Pack) - Preserve and showcase your valuable collectible cards with the 5-piece Display Card Case, constructed of sturdy acrylic, providing easy access, secure closure, and unobstructed card visibility for added protection and admiration.
  12. Large Gold Geometric Terrarium Card Box - Experience timeless elegance and classic beauty with the Yimorence V Gold Wedding Glass Card Box, a handmade, vintage-inspired card display case that securely holds up to 100 regular cards for your wedding, party, or home decor.
  13. Classic Black Wall-Mounted Trading Card Display Case - Discover the perfect display case for your valuable sports, toy, or comic trading cards, featuring a secure lockable acrylic door, UV protection, and practical design elements for seamless protection and easy access.
  14. 36-Pc Multi-Sport Card Graded Display Case - Discover the premium Temgee 36 Baseball Card Display Case, designed to secure, protect, and elegantly exhibit your sports graded cards with its lockable acrylic door and UV protection.
  15. Secure Card Storage Box with Lock - Preza's Premium Sports Card Storage Box: 108 PSA/78 BGS card capacity, secure lock with 2 spare keys, and 3 foam inserts for secure fit. Fits all graded cards (PSA, BGS, SGC, GMA) and top loaders. Perfect for collectors and travel.
  16. Stylish Wall-Mounted 35-Graded Card Display Case for Sports Cards - Temgee 35 Graded Sports Card Display Case - Durable Wall Cabinet for Baseball, Basketball, Football and Comic Cards, with UV Protection and Lockable Design
  17. Modern 25-Deck Card Display Frame for Collectors - Discover the elegant and sturdy Displaygifts Playing Card Frame, designed to safely hold and display up to 25 decks of your favorite playing cards with its sleek acrylic material and high-quality brass hardware.
  18. Graded Card Case with 98% UV Protection - Experience unparalleled clarity and protection for your prized collection with the Flybold Sports Card Display Case, perfect for up to 36 graded cards and boasting a shatterproof acrylic glass panel, 98% UV protection, and gold-plated anti-theft locks.
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🔗Premium Waterproof Card Display Case
As an avid card collector, discovering the Pennzoni display card deck display case was a game-changer for me. Before using this case, I can't tell you how many times I've knocked over stacks of playing cards or struggled to see them all at once. But ever since I started using this case, my card collection has never looked better.
The thing that really won me over about this case is its spacious interior. It comfortably holds up to 65-70 decks of cards, and unlike some other cases I've tried, it can handle taller and thicker decks with no problem. Plus, the crystal-clear acrylic door lets me admire my cards without ever touching them - no more smudging or smearing!
However, it's not all perfect with this case. The paint smell was quite strong when I first got it, which was a bit of a turnoff initially. But, after airing it out for a few days, the smell dissipated significantly and my cards are now safely tucked away.
Overall, the Pennzoni display card deck display case is a must-have for any serious collector. It not only provides a sleek and elegant way to display your cards but also offers ample space to keep them organized and protected.

🔗Secure Graded Trading Card Storage Case
As an avid baseball card collector, I was thrilled to get my hands on the Card Titan Slab Safe. I've been using it to store and protect my valuable PSA graded trading cards, and it has been a game changer. The precise row size of 3.34 inches x 8.25 inches x 4.5 inches deep, which fits up to 36 standard card PSA slabs, has allowed me to keep my collection well-organized and secure.
The quality of the Slab Safe is top-notch, with its aluminum frame, diamond ABS panels, and laser cut foam interior making it more robust than traditional cardboard storage boxes. This extra durability is perfect for safeguarding my prized PSA, BGS, SGC, HGA, and CSG graded trading cards.
In terms of capacity, the Slab Safe does not disappoint, holding up to 108 standard card PSA slabs. However, storage capacity may vary based on the graded card brand and slab thickness, so do keep that in mind.
Security is a top priority for collectors like me, and the Slab Safe delivers in that aspect, featuring two combination locks to ensure only authorized individuals can access my collection. Plus, its rubber feet on the bottom and hinge side prevent sliding and scratching on glass countertops.
If you're a serious collector looking for the best way to store and organize your graded cards, I highly recommend giving the Card Titan Slab Safe a try. It has everything you need - space, protection, and versatility.

🔗High-capacity Trading Card Standing Case 3 Card Black
As an avid trading card collector, I've tried numerous display options to keep my cards safe and showcase them beautifully. The Grade Displays 3 Card Black is hands down my favorite. This sturdy little stand has a triple layer system that securely holds my cards and the clear acrylic design lets me admire them from every angle. Plus, the hidden metal screw caps give it a seamless and polished look on my wall.
One thing I particularly appreciated is how this stand can effortlessly protect my valuable cards. It has a strong build and the transparent acrylic prevents dust and scratches from damaging them. Additionally, the stand's free-standing design means I can quickly move it around or adjust it to fit any space in my room.
However, there's one downside - the size. It's a bit too small to fit some oversized trading cards. But overall, the Grade Displays 3 Card Black is a fantastic product that every card collector should own. It strikes the perfect balance between functionality and style, making my favorite cards look like pieces of art on my wall.

🔗Modern Leather Card Display Case for Baseball Football and Trading Cards
As a fan of sports and someone who loves collecting baseball cards, I have been using the Fanousy PU Sports Card Display Case for quite some time now. This elegant case is not only a safe haven for my cards but also adds a touch of classic aesthetics to my room's décor.
The first thing that caught my attention is the use of PU leather which is a refreshing change from the regular plastic display cases. It makes handling much easier and gives my cards a velvety touch that's quite comforting.
Another aspect I appreciate about this case is its ability to hold both graded and ungraded cards, making it versatile. The capacity to fit eight cards at once is generous, saving me from constantly swapping out the displayed cards.
One feature that stands out is the 98% UV protection, keeping my valuable cards safe from any potential damage caused by sunlight. Plus, the anti-theft lock ensures peace of mind knowing my favorite cards are securely displayed.
However, there's a bit of a downside - the case does require assembly, which might be a little bit time-consuming for some. But once you get past that hurdle, it's smooth sailing!
In conclusion, the Fanousy Baseball Card Display Case has not only enhanced my collection but also added a unique charm to my room. While assembly can be a small setback, its overall performance and sturdy design make it a worthwhile investment for any serious sports card collector.

🔗36-Grade Sports Card Display Case with Black Mat Background and Lockable Door

I recently got my hands on this marvelous Lockable 36 Graded Sports Card Display Case for Football Baseball Basketball Hockey Cards CC02-BL. I must say, it's been an absolute game-changer in the way I've been organizing and displaying my precious sports card collection. The sheer size of it, measuring 30.5 inches in width, 24.25 inches in height, and just 2 inches in depth, is just what I needed.
The mahogany color and the smooth edges of this hardwood display case bring an air of sophistication to my game room where it proudly hangs. I also appreciate the bevelled shelves that prevent my cards from sliding, providing a secure and snug fit. And let's not forget about the brass hinges, door latches, and wall brackets that make it wall mountable, a feature I didn't realize I needed until I had it.
One of the things that really caught my eye is the super fine fabric mattified black background. It truly elevates the look of my cards, making them stand out in a stunning contrast. Plus, the acrylic door cover has been a life-saver in keeping dust and potential damage at bay.
However, one con I've encountered is that it doesn't come with a lock for added security, which I wish it did especially considering the valuable contents it holds. Overall, this display case has been a fantastic addition to my sports card collection and has made preserving and showcasing my cards a whole lot easier and more secure.

🔗Temgee 36 PCS Trading Card Protector Case
As a baseball card enthusiast, I've always struggled with finding a proper way to keep my collection safe and visible. That's when the Temgee Graded Sports Card Display Case came to my rescue. It's a large, wall-mounted case that comfortably holds 36 graded cards in a neat and organized manner.
Its black matte finish gives it a sophisticated appearance, making my home office look like a dedicated sports card room. The outer dimensions of the case are impressive at 30.5" x 24.3" x 2.1", providing ample space to display my most treasured cards. The inner dimensions are thoughtfully designed to fit the standard graded sports card sizes perfectly.
The use of wooden frames and acrylic view glasses adds both durability and visibility to the case. I don't have to worry about my cards getting damaged or accumulating dust, as the brass hinges, door latches, and wall brackets keep everything secure and the acrylic door cover protects my collection.
However, one downside I noticed is the weight. At 12.8 LBS, it's quite heavy, which might make it difficult for some people to mount on the wall. But overall, the Temgee Graded Sports Card Display Case has made my card-collecting hobby even more enjoyable, providing a safe and elegant space to showcase my favorite sports cards.

🔗Secure Lockable Trading Card Display Case
As an avid collector of sports and trading cards, I've always struggled to find a safe and appealing way to display my precious treasures. That's when I stumbled upon the DisplayGifts Pro UV 44 Graded Sports Card Display Case. This sleek, black-finished frame is not your average display case. It boasts a solid wood structure that speaks volumes about its durability and sturdiness, making it a perfect companion for my valuable cards.
What really caught my eye about this display case is the UV protection offered by its super clear acrylic door. This is a game-changer for me as it ensures my cards remain safe from any potential damage caused by sunlight. The door opens upwards with top hinges, preventing the case from toppling over while I'm admiring my collection.
One of the best features I've come to love about this case is the lip on each shelf. It keeps my cards firmly in place, avoiding any unwanted sliding that could lead to scratches or damage. Plus, it's incredibly easy to set up - no fuss, no tools, just unpack and start displaying your cards!
Another standout aspect is its size. The 37-inch width is perfect for showcasing a variety of cards with different dimensions. It's important to note, though, that only cards no taller than 5.5 inches will fit, so make sure to measure up your cards before making a purchase.
All in all, the DisplayGifts Pro UV 44 Graded Sports Card Display Case is a brilliant addition to any collector's arsenal, offering both style and protection. Its unique features make it stand out from the crowd, and I can't recommend it enough for anyone seeking a safe and elegant way to showcase their beloved trading and sports cards.

🔗Classic Black 16" x 20" Resin Card Storage Frame
As a huge sports card collector, I was excited to discover the MCS Collector Cards Display Frame. This is perfect for showcasing my favorite players and safeguarding them from dust and damage. Its black resin construction gives it a sophisticated appearance that complements any room décor.
Filling the frame was an absolute breeze thanks to its easy-to-fill design. Plus, once all 20 slots were filled, it comfortably hung on my wall without any extra tools or effort. The size at 16x20 inches allows me to create an impressive display that truly stands out.
One minor drawback is the lack of customization options for the background of the frame. But overall, this display frame has helped elevate my collection and made it even more enjoyable to share with fellow collectors. If you're looking for a reliable and stylish way to showcase your cards, look no further than the MCS Collector Cards Display Frame.

🔗Custom 35 PSA Graded Card Acrylic Frame
I recently purchased the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case to spruce up my growing sports card collection. This display case has been an absolute game-changer for me, and it's evident that it was crafted with precision.
The meticulous hardwood construction elevates any display space, and its elegant color options make it easy to customize according to your personal style. Its primary function, however, shines brightest - this case comfortably secures up to 35 graded cards, ensuring that your valuable collection stays safe and sound.
I was particularly impressed by the crystal-clear acrylic door and UV protection, which not only provide a visually stunning presentation but also protect my valuable cards from fading. To top it off, the lockable feature ensures that my collection is secure at all times.
Despite these fantastic features, one aspect felt slightly underwhelming. The extra hardware for horizontal setup wasn't readily available; however, customer service promptly resolved this issue. Overall, the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case has made a significant impact on my sports card collection, transforming it into a beautiful, secure focal point.

🔗Elegant Cardholder Display Case for Graded and Ungraded Cards
As a baseball card collector, I've been on the lookout for the perfect display case to showcase my prized possessions. Enter the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case, a handcrafted hardwood beauty that truly makes my cards shine. With 36 graded spots for various types of cards – from Pokemon to NASCAR to basketball – this case has room for all my favorites.
What I particularly love about this case is its meticulous polish and elegant black color, which easily complements any decor. The crystal-clear acrylic door safeguards my cards from fading and damage, so I can rest assured knowing that my collection will always look its best. Plus, with the option to add extra hardware for a horizontal setup, it's versatile enough to suit my changing needs.
However, one small drawback is the weight of this case. At 16 pounds, it might be a bit cumbersome to move around easily. But overall, the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case not only elevates the look of my cards but also provides a safe space to protect and admire my collection.

🔗Durable and Clear Card Display Case Set (5-Pack)
As an avid fan of collecting sports cards, I've been searching for the perfect case to display and protect my prized possessions. Enter the Display Card Cases from The Container Store. I was curious about these cases, given their simple yet effective design. Upon receiving them, I was excited to see how they would perform.
The first thing I noticed upon holding the cases was their rigidity and sturdiness. Made of high-quality acrylic, these cases provide a sense of security for my valued cards. The snap-open feature is incredibly convenient for quick access, yet the cases close securely to keep my cards in pristine condition.
However, there was a minor hitch in my experience. One of the five cases in my package didn't fit together as tightly as the others, and it opened a bit too easily. It was a small issue, but it did concern me about the quality control. Fortunately, the other four cases in the pack snapped perfectly, providing the protection and ease of use I was looking for.
In conclusion, the Display Card Cases from The Container Store are mostly effective in their purpose. They offer the necessary durability and convenience for card collectors. The only area of improvement would be to ensure consistent quality across all cases in a package. But overall, these cases deliver and make a worthy investment for any card collector.

🔗Large Gold Geometric Terrarium Card Box
Oh, let me tell you about this lovely gold terrarium card box that I've been using to store my congratulatory cards and money envelopes. I received it as a wedding gift and it's become an essential piece of home decor. Made of handcrafted brass, this sturdy piece has a vintage and eye-catching appearance that's sure to add charm to any room. The reinforced glass also ensures that it's safe and doesn't break easily, which I truly appreciate.
One of my favorite features is the swing lid, making it perfect for centerpieces or flower arrangements. Its sleek gold geometric shape adds a contemporary twist while still feeling timelessly elegant. Plus, it's large enough to hold up to 100 pcs of regular 4x6 cards, ensuring there's plenty of space for all your well-wishers' notes.
Overall, I am absolutely in love with this gold terrarium card box. While it may be a little heavy due to its glass and brass construction, the added security of knowing your precious memories are safely stored inside more than compensates. This statement piece is not only practical but also beautifully crafted, making it a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of style to their home or office.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to collecting cards, displaying them is just as important as acquiring them. Card display cases not only protect your cards from environmental damage and wear, but also showcase your collection in a professional manner. In this buyer's guide, we will explore the important features, considerations, and general advice for choosing the right card display case for your needs. Firstly, consider the material of the display case. Cases made from high-quality materials, such as acrylic or polycarbonate, offer better protection and durability than those made from cheaper materials like PVC. Ensure that the case you choose is UV-resistant, especially if you plan to expose your collection to natural light sources. Secondly, pay attention to the size and design of the display case. Make sure it suits your collection's size and style, as well as the available space in your display area. Cases with adjustable compartments are ideal for accommodating various card sizes and formats. Also, consider transparent or opaque options based on your personal preferences and privacy requirements. Thirdly, take into account the mounting options offered by different cases. Some cases may come with built-in stands or wall mounts, while others may require additional hardware or DIY solutions. Choose a case that provides versatile and secure mounting options to suit your display requirements and ensure your cards remain in place without causing any damage. Lastly, consider the overall quality and brand reputation. Opting for well-known and reputable brands can guarantee better performance, longevity, and customer support. Read reviews or seek recommendations from fellow collectors to make sure you're getting a high-quality, reliable display case for your valuable cards. In conclusion, choosing the right card display case involves considering factors like material quality, size and design, mounting options, and brand reputation. By prioritizing these aspects, you can showcase your collection with pride and protect your valuable cards for years to come.


What are card display cases?

Card display cases are protective containers specifically designed to showcase and preserve collectible cards like trading cards, sports cards, or collectible game cards. They are usually made of acrylic, plastic, or other sturdy materials, and come in various sizes and styles.

Why should I use a card display case?

A card display case offers several benefits: it protects your valuable cards from dust, moisture, and physical damage; it allows you to safely showcase your cards for appreciation or sale; and it helps maintain the quality and worth of your collection over time.

What types of card display cases are available?

There are several types of card display cases to suit different needs and preferences. Some common styles include:
  • Single-card cases: designed to hold individual cards, typically in a vertical orientation
  • Multi-card cases: can accommodate multiple cards in a single case, ranging from two to as many as ten or more
  • Binders and sleeves: these are cases with removable sleeves that are ideal for storing and displaying a larger number of cards in a compact space

How do I choose the right card display case?

When selecting a card display case, consider the following factors:
  1. Size: make sure the case can comfortably accommodate your specific type of card (e. g. , standard-sized trading cards, sports cards, or larger gaming cards)
  2. Material: opt for high-quality materials that offer durability, transparency, and UV protection to prevent fading or discoloration of your cards
  3. Style: choose a case that complements your collection's theme or aesthetic, and meets your personal preferences regarding visibility, ease of access, or display options

Are there any special considerations for storing rare or valuable cards?

Absolutely! For rare or valuable cards, it's crucial to invest in high-quality, acid-free materials to prevent damage over time. Additionally, consider adding extra protection like UV-blocking sleeves or storing cases in a temperature-controlled environment to maintain optimal conditions for your collection.

How do I properly insert cards into a display case?

To insert cards into a display case, follow these steps:
  1. Ensure your cards are free of debris and in good condition
  2. Place the card in the case, aligning it with the edge to ensure a snug fit
  3. Apply gentle, even pressure to the back of the card, pushing it firmly but carefully into the case until it clicks in place
  4. Close the case securely and check that the card is firmly seated within the case without any wiggle room

What is the proper way to clean and maintain card display cases?

Clean and maintain your card display cases by following these guidelines:
  1. Keep your cases away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures
  2. Dust the exterior surfaces of your cases with a soft, lint-free cloth
  3. For persistent dirt or grime, use a mild solution of water and dish soap, then gently clean the area with a damp cloth
  4. Dry your cases thoroughly with a clean, soft cloth to prevent moisture buildup or streaks

How can I secure and lock my card display cases?

Many card display cases come with built-in security features, such as key locks or screw-down latches. To secure your cases, follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the appropriate tools (e. g. , a screwdriver) to tighten or lock the case securely. For added protection, consider storing your display cases in a locked cabinet or display case, or invest in a security system for your collection area.

Can I use display cases for other collectibles besides cards?

Yes, card display cases can be adapted for various collectibles, such as coins, buttons, or stamps. However, make sure the case dimensions and material quality are suitable for the particular type of collectible you plan to display, and always store and handle your collectibles with care to avoid damage.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:07 wannaBgone (SA WARNING!!) I slept with my sister's ex-husband

I (19F) have been keeping this secret since I was a 12 year old girl. Obviously for confidentiality I'm not saying exact names. So I was 12 years old and in seventh grade I had just recently moved and my sister "ann" (age 26) had just moved in beside us she had also just been recently married to this guy named "Mark" (age 25 or 26). At the time I was deathly afraid of men because a few years earlier I was molested by my older brother. So initially I was afraid of Mark because of that. I had started to want to go over to my sister's since she was next door. For awhile I would just go and have fun. I eventually learned that Mark was a decent guy because he was nice to me. Sometimes he would be too nice. He would smack my butt and tell me I was cute or other things I'm not going to mention yet. At my sisters house they had a garage separate from the house with a side room for storage. Mark had made it into a gaming room for him and his friends. Of course I always wanted to play games on his Xbox since my mother hated video games. So the only place I could play was over there. One day I was in the side room playing Minecraft and I sat on a small stool beside Marks recliner chair. I was focused on building a house and then I feel a hand on my leg. I look at my leg and don't say anything thinking he was just messing around. He then moves his hand down to my privates and whispers in my ear "can I?" Of course being 12 and afraid I didn't say anything because I was frozen in shock. He proceeded to touch me. At the time I had such mixed emotions because I trusted him and I didn't understand because I was molested prior. The thing is that I liked it but I didn't want to like it. He ended up doing the deed while I had no emotion from shock. He took my virginity and I had no say in it. He went on and continued to "grape me" until I was 17. He divorced my sister and I thought I was free. He moved out of my sister's house and would visit because they had a son together. Ok these visits he would tell my mom that I should come "hangout" with him because I'm his "best friend" so my mom would make me go. We would go to the beach with my nephew and he would touch me under the water when his son wasn't looking. Eventually I moved away hoping that was the end. He messaged me the first week I had moved away because before I was 18 I had never had a phone due to my mom. He texted me saying we should meet up. I said no and then he said we were just going out to lunch. I agreed because he offered to pay and I was hungry. So I saw him and his new girlfriend. We ate and then he said he forgot his wallet so I paid 50 for our food. Then he said I should stay with him and his girlfriend the same night. He had driven me and I was scared so I said yes because i didn't know what he would do to me. He ended up doing it again right beside his girlfriend. I ended up going home in the morning and wanting to unalive myself because I couldn't get out of it. I then learned he had moved away shortly after the encounter. He would text me and say vulgar things and I would ignore him. One day he texted me and it said I have a free place for you. I said I'll think about it and he said I have two weeks before the place was gone so I needed to decide. I declined him and told him I wasn't risking my family for him after he "graped me" He told me I liked it and I needed to calm down. I ended up blocking him and no one has ever known I had $ex with him. It's always been "our secret" I've wanted to tell my sister but she would disown me forever. I don't know what to do and there's even more to the story I left out. If my sister ever sees this know that I'm sorry and there's nothing I can do to change what I did but I'm sorry.
submitted by wannaBgone to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:01 GyroZeppelix Please help a young guy with advice

Hello everyone, I'm gonna start this off by saying thanks to anybody who will read this as it will be a long one, and anybody willing to offer me any advice.
PS. This post started as a post where I was asking for college advice, but as I wrote more I realized any advice would be really helpful so I changed the title a bit, Thanks in advance again!
[[ Beware: My whole lifestory coming up combined with tired midnight grammar 😅 ]]
To get to the point, I currently live in Croatia and just turned 19 a couple of months ago and a time has come when I am again thinking about college. Some background on me, from when I was very little I was always interested in engineering and art, it all started when a teacher of mine in the 5th grade of primary school introduced me to programming and robotics. From then on I was in love with everything to do with electronics, robotics, mechanics programming, and fundamental sciences, maybe even math itself, but that's beside the point. During those years the passion for all of that really grew. I went to countless robotics competitions during my time at school there and even won lots of prizes. One time I almost came to world-level competitions but sadly missed the first place by a point. When I was home I sadly didn't have much equipment for any of these interests except a computer. It seemed limitless what I could do with it, whatever I wanted to do I could make it. It's not like electronics where as a kid getting parts was difficult except from old salvaged electronic devices. I could learn and make whatever I wanted, as long as the old family computer could run it. So I started learning a lot about computers during these times like basic algorithms and some basic games random Python scripts etc. In terms of computers, I was no genius, but for the age, I'm grateful I took the time to learn even the basics of it. Other than that I was a somewhat weird kid because I couldn't really take picking off some classmates as a joke and got annoyed at it quickly when they started interrupting me while I was drawing ( My dad was an artist in his youth so I picked that up from him, been scribbling every day in primary school when class was either boring or some kind of recess ) but even though they were picking on me, I to this day still really don't mind them, we were a pretty close class at the end of the day. And that's how most of my primary school went by, me being social with only a few friends and my informatics teacher as well. Other than that I was pretty sad during those years, I couldn't understand people and was contemplating the meaning of life as well, and that combined with me inheriting some stubbornness from mom, she and I were always fighting for homework, screentime, etc. Right now we are in a very good relationship so I'm greatful for that aswell. Seeing how I didnt really talk outside of school to many people expect a few friends ( I do live in a small village so if they were the same age as me they were in my class ) i basicly spent most of my time while not staying after school in a computer club we had for few hours every couple of days a week, i was cooped upped inside my house, playing with legos, being with grandparents or my cousins or being on computer and doing some programing, scripting, photoshoping and other things you can reasonably excect a child to do. And so passed most of my primary school.
When time came to plan for highschool, I originaly wanted to go to art school, but was quickly turned down by my mother because she thought it wasnt a smart idea. Personaly didn't like it at first, but she is a smart woman so in time i understood. Basicly other then liking to draw and paint, I wanted to go there bacause my best friend from class was going there and he also wanted me to come along. ( Funny how me the least popular guy and the youngest guy in class and he the most popular guy in class while also being the oldest were best friends, but thats a story for another day ) As my mom turned down my suggestion for art school she suggested I go to a school for a Mechatronics Technician. I didnt not like the idea as well I loved everything related to it. Other than that another option was Computer Technician ( basicly a programming oriented path ) but I decided mechatronics because i said to myself i can learn programing at home because the only tools i need are a computer, and mechanics, electronics and robotics is something I dont have at home so it will be really cool to learn all of that here and so, highschool started.
Oh how fast has the reality come crashing down as I understood what the whole mess of the education system actualy was. Most of the classes didnt have any equipment to actualy do anything practical, the other small portion that did the rest lf the 95% of class didnt understand anything so we couldnt do much or what was the more often scenario is that the proffesors just didnt really care at all so we would come to class and do absolutly nothing, like literaly nothing except waiting for the bell to ring. After i realised that I just started not coming to school most quite a bit. Mostly was not comming on fridays, some wednesdays etc most of the times I was actualy abit sick, but every time i was sick i exadurated it so my mom would let me stay home. Even though i was missing quite a bit of classes, if a class had something to do with math or logical thinking ( which most were ) i would usualy either be best at it in the class or almost the best for the pure reason I was actualy really interested and loved all the cool engineering stuff. On the other side if a subject was about 0 logic, full random name memorisation like the croatian literature class, I was almost if not the worst in class managing just barely to scrape by. Other than that there was one proffesor who I admired so much for his style of teaching, as he tought me so much during the only 2 years he lectured me ( my fourth year of highschool he was out because pention ). In simply half a year we went from 0 knowledge to designing, printing, creating and soldering a whole circuit on a pcb, I was always there for his classes. On the other time we were doing something else, he always had some cool stuff prepared when i was finished with work early, he was a great guy and still respect him alot. Other than that i was really disapointed how there existed zero after school activities that i could do that had to do anything with electronic, mechanics, robotics or programing.
On the side of my social life, the summer just before starting highschool I realised this was a great opportunity to redeem myself as i really didnt want to get picked on like in primary school. So what other kind of persona would somebody come up in this situation than one being supported by my pride itself, other than that i was basicly a "chameleon" aka adapting to every person around me which was probably the reason i made some friends but it usualy tired me out completly. And so it started really great actualy, nobody was picking on me, i was socialising ( only inside of my class usualy, other than the people who went to this town from my village that i already knew, but it was a big step up for me ) and learned how to shrug of others banter by pretending it didnt effect me. It was definitly in a better possition then primary school alright, but i did realise alot of people just moving away sometimes because of how i just increased pridefulness as i got more vulnerable. I think i was able to keep my pride to just below some overflowing point as i still managed to make a few friends.
And so some time passed, at home watching more videos about everything to do with engineering, getting a 3d printer and messing with it, programing some more and even trying to learn some business, economy and more about money. I even developed a game for the school as some special thing I got by talking to a teacher of mine. Other than that at the third year, thanks to a profesor i was able to get in touch with a software development company and was able to secure an internship for basicly the whole summer, which was a blast. I learned so much new things that opened doors to alot more things. After that i focused my random "Jack of all trades" learning to be mostly focused on modern used technologies, and the needs of possible job recruiters, and well it in general. That is the point i feel i truly started learning proper programing.
More on my development of pride, in highschool and in primary school i was actualy praised quite alot and being actualy abit good at something maybe was the thing that allowed me to get even some friends by being prideful. We can call that being lucky as the stars alligned, but anyways. During those years i also had two experiences with me falling in love for the first time. The first one didnt last more than a 4ish months maybe, it was basicly a crush thing that ended in a broken heart, but o boy it was a good waking called. I wonder what would happen to me without this realisation. Then the next one lasted basicly 7-8ish months in the 4th year of highschool, and this one was much more complicated and longer, but after it i learned quite a new few things. These two things really awoken me to who i am today, as i try to live each day with as much virtue as I can. I threw out the pride out of the window, and dont really care too much of somebodies bad opinions on me, if there are currently any. I came to terms with alot of things and am just able to accept things for what they are, without judgment.
As im writing this its quite late and am tired so sorry for bad grammar i want to shorten this abit. Basicly my whole life i loved scientists, engineers and the idea of colledge. Was always dreaming of becomingba "great scientist" like albert einstein or nikola tesla but the older i got, the more things i learned, the more that dream of going to colledge got shattered by reality. As i realised the giant flaws in the education system, after learning about money and realising colledges are just big businesses trying to earn alot of money, and that that is their main motivation, combines with seeing that scientists basicly to get any money and recognition these days need to literaly hop from trend to trend, research what is "in" currently or well no bread on the table just made the academia route of my life shatter before my eyes. Seeing how i knew quite abit computers i thought i could atleast land something, but after seeing people who were much longer in the industry praise me for a impressive knowledge on alot of fields and my ability to almost instantly grasp any concept thrown at me, i actualy got a job. Well this was how I decided to start working immediatly instead of going to colledge. After weighing the options combined with the additional knowledge i got about the job market, this was an obvious choice. I believe that my key to being objective is me being realistic, so sadly i know am not some do it all genious and know i need to rely on whatever i have to use as leverage to enhance my life, so learning from Warren Buffet that out of everything I got, my time was my biggest asset. Simply being young with the above average skills i have, I believe i have a reasonably good chance to have a virtous and fulfiling life.
But i still have that burning flame in my chest, i still love the idea i had of colledge, of becoming a scientist, an engineer. I tried looking for ways to convince myself otherwise and see that i was actualy wrong about it all, but each time i look, more and more i realise my initial assumptions were right. The world is slowly moving away from official education like colledges as everything can be learnt online, because of ai the next few years are going to be revolutionary in all of these fields so either the colledge courses are going to be very outdated or just some concept of a job will not simply be needed as a diffrent one apears. The posibilities and their volatility is just so high that i dont feel even 1% safe actualy going to colledge, seeing how devoting like 5 years to it will mean loosing the onlx advantage i can use, and that is me starting out young. And as a bonus because i have a job i actualy have more time than colledge to persume my other interest like mechanics and electronics as well as actualy funds.
Thanks for reading all of this, I can trust it was quite a journey reading everything i written basicly half asleep but i hope you were able to understand everything. Im really confused what to do, as I love both options but knowing that one has a much better chance of being useful to me than the other. Any advice you can give me will be greatly appriciated, be it about college like is there an actualy good colledge in europe thats is worth it in my place, or general life stuff, about work etc. Once again I cannot thank you enough for reading this and helping me. Thanks!
Edit: I havent said much about my job because this is more of a general reddit but for people who are in the field I am a backend developer, with some freelancing and opensource contributions on the side
submitted by GyroZeppelix to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:58 CBTwitch Played Darkoath at a RTT Today

Played Darkoath at a RTT Today
I played in a three round RTT today with a list that was heavy into Darkoath. List wasn’t super optimized, so I added some stuff in that usually never sees the table to test their viability, like a Centaurion for the 5+ rally, and a Myrmidon to run with my Theridons.
Ultimately I got stuck into two not great matchups: SoB and Kruleboys. I was just overpowered and screened hard by the Gargants, and then completely rekt by orruk bolt boys. I made some tactical errors in both matches (had to drop the third due to family reasons), but it was mostly a combination of not being aggressive enough in board control maneuvers, and then a million MWs coming at me hard and fast.
Ultimately, this was my first horde style list, and it was a bit of a… culture shock? I was slower than usual, since I’m used to playing elite style armies, I’m sure there will be better pilots than me using a full Darkoath list, but for my money, I’m going to need to do some serious practice to pick up any sort of proficiency with these fellows.
Some things of note:
Enemy players will go hard after some pretty essential lynchpins, like the mounted chieftain, Sarrakar, and the Wilderfiend. While each one can be resummoned with rally the tribes, each tribe rally used on regaining a lost hero is one less tribe rally used on marauders or Fellriders. Losing the double heroic of the mounted chieftan is especially irritating.
The mounted chieftain’s oath is nearly impossible to get and survive after the getting. That +1 to wound aura is nice, but he is oh so squishy.
Clearing the oath of almost every Darkoath unit while also earning and aggregating eye of the gods table rolls is super rough. Even if your marauders clear their oath, much like the chieftain, they’re not likely to survive terribly long after the charge.
The Centaurion was helpful with rally, sort of. Rolled twice to rally some half dead marauders, reinforced, and even with 7+ rally rolls, across two turns, only managed to recover three guys. I think rally the tribes may be better overall than trying to spend a cp to get no guys back.
Additionally, having idolator lord on the Centaurion is nice in theory, but it’s hard to keep him alive long enough to curse a target, especially if he can’t see any of those targets outside of 12”. Weight of dice on spear marauders would have earned a handful of MWs normally, but it’s irrelevant without being able to get curse off. I’m thinking switching to a Kark lord to make a priest to give the roll a little more beef and punchy power.
Khorne Greataxe Theridons can put out a lot of hurt on the charge with savagery unleashed, with the expectation of getting melted after their damage is done, especially nice with curse. Ultimately doesn’t matter if you can’t get the curse off and are at a basically permanent -1 to hit. Their damage skews to completely inconsequential. These guys aren’t the blender Chosen are, but their points are much nicer for their glass cannon status.
A reinforced block of Fellriders does very little in combat; their ranged attacks are superior, but it doesn’t matter much when they’re erased almost immediately by orruk crossbows that seemingly never hit on anything but rolls of fives and sixes, leading to ridiculously high MW counts.
My list finally caused me to realize why so many people complained about MW spam, to which I’d been mostly oblivious, normally running elite bodies with rune wards. There is no coping with MWs with these fellows.
The Gnarlspirit pack are great in theory, but didn’t put in any work. They’re still great for getting an overshadow score in, but I never got to swing with them since they got shot off the board super fast, and missed their only charge opportunity at 7”. Sarrakar was decent, but not exceptional. The mainline sorcerer lord was objectively better just on access to Oracular and Demonic Power alone. Downside is the complete lack of synergy with the DO guys. Eldritch Command artifact was fun though, stealing a Jaws spell twice, forcing the other guy to waste a cast on a dispel both times.
Savagers are mid. Next time I’ll just run Splintered Fang or fit some other battleline in.
I think I’ll try to fit Belakor in my list somehow, I love running him, and having Dark Master for at least one turn might have helped shift some momentum in my favour.
So that’s the off the top of my head notes for my first two games with 3e Ravagers/Darkoath.
submitted by CBTwitch to slavestodarkness [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:54 Wild_Ebb5097 Survey: 22% of Lower Elementary Students Communicate with Strangers on Social Media; Over 30% Also Send Photos, Videos

Over 30% of first, second and third grade elementary students who have communicated with strangers online, including on social media, have sent photos or videos of themselves, according to a survey by the Tokyo metropolitan government.
The metropolitan government has called for the implementation of filtering tools that limit children’s access to social media platforms and other online content as a preventative measure.
The survey was conducted from Jan. 5 to 19 with 2,000 parents and guardians who allow their elementary, junior high school or high school children to have their own smartphone or tablet device.
Asked if their children had communicated with strangers on social media or other online platforms, 19% of respondents said “Yes.” The largest age bracket to respond in the affirmative was elementary school students in first, second and third grade (22.6%), followed by high school students (20.6%), junior high school students (18.4%) and elementary school students in fourth, fifth and sixth grade (14.2%).
Regarding the details of their online communications with strangers, 61.7% of all respondents answered with “exchanging messages,” and 37.5% answered with “playing online games against each other and chatting.”
The percentage of children who had exchanged photos or videos of their faces or bodies came to 20.3%. The percentage was highest among elementary school children in first, second and third grade at 33.6%.
“Young children do not understand the risks of social media and other online content, and they tend to fall into danger easily,” an official of the metropolitan government said. “In order to protect children from online dangers, a combination of measures needs to be taken, such as using filtering tools and making rules on the use of smartphones.”
Yomiuri Shimbun
submitted by Wild_Ebb5097 to japannews [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:52 carlos3rcr 26[M4F]US scientist that likes trashy reality tv, running, and imessage games

here’s what I look like
I’m in the midwest, in the middle of my phd, using the sacred few hours of sleep I got to scroll reddit while binging on the trashiest reality TV and early 00s MTV music videos
tbh, since moving here I’ve been aching to meet people that aren’t related to my professional or academic sphere, and rarely got the time to do much outside the lab, so, here I am, it seems meeting people online could be good bet :o
some random trivia
here are two truths and a lie
If you're interested in talking, send me a line about yourself!
submitted by carlos3rcr to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:51 carlos3rcr 26[M4F]#US#online scientist that likes trashy reality tv, running, and imessage games

here’s what I look like
I’m in the midwest, in the middle of my phd, using the sacred few hours of sleep I got to scroll reddit while binging on the trashiest reality TV and early 00s MTV music videos
tbh, since moving here I’ve been aching to meet people that aren’t related to my professional or academic sphere, and rarely got the time to do much outside the lab, so, here I am, it seems meeting people online could be good bet :o
some random trivia
here are two truths and a lie
If you're interested in talking, send me a line about yourself!
submitted by carlos3rcr to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:48 Significant-Tower146 Best Car Window Shades

Best Car Window Shades
Welcome to our guide on the best car window shades to keep the sun at bay and protect you and your family from harmful UV rays during your journeys. Discover the latest trends and designs in car window shades that cater to various vehicle models, including sedans and SUVs. Dive into the article to find the perfect fit for your ride, ensuring a comfortable and safe driving experience for all.

The Top 11 Best Car Window Shades

  1. SafeFit Safetemp Car Window Shades (2-Pack) - Keep babies safe and cool with SafeFit SafeTemp Car Sun Shades, which provide optimal shade and an innovative White Hot system to prevent overheating, making them perfect for naptime rides and sun protection.
  2. Fashionable Palm Tree Windshield Sun Shade for Cars, SUVs, and Trucks - Experience a pleasant driving journey with the Auto Drive 2 Count Palm Tree Sunset Universal Twist Sun Shade, a fashionable and efficient solution to protect your car's interior from heat and UV damage.
  3. 2019 Ford F-150 SuperCab Full Vehicle TechShade - WeatherTech TechShade Full Vehicle Kits protect your entire vehicle from sun damage while reducing interior temperatures, including custom-fit, foam core pieces for easy handling and a sturdy fit, and a roll up and store strap for convenience.
  4. Car Sunshade for Style and Protection - Stylishly protect your vehicle from the sun with the Genuine Dickies Classic Retro Sport Universal Accordion Auto Sunshade, offering up to 44 degrees of cooling and UV protection, while boasting a sleek design and compatibility with most vehicles.
  5. Brica Stretch-to-Fit Sun Shade for Cars - Experience a comfortable and protected ride with Brica's Stretch to Fit Sun Shade, designed to efficiently block harmful UV rays and customized to fit large windows in SUVs, trucks, and minivans.
  6. Durable Car Sunshade Umbrella for Protecting and Cooling - Discover the Jasvic Car Windshield Sun Shade Umbrella, a sturdy and foldable solution for heat insulation, UV block, and overall protection of your car and yourself in every season.
  7. WeatherTech TechShade Full Vehicle Kit for 2019 Ford F-150 SuperCab (Silver & Black) - The WeatherTech TS0034K1 TechShade Full Vehicle Kit helps keep your vehicle's interior cooler and protects it from sun damage with custom-fit shades that provide a snug fit in each window opening.
  8. TechShade Windshield Sun Shade for 2019 Chevrolet Colorado Crew Cab - WeatherTech TS0908K2 TechShade: Full Vehicle Kit for custom sun protection with dual-purpose heating/cooling benefits to maintain optimal interior temperatures.
  9. Easy-to-Apply Twirl Motion Car Window Sun Shade Shield - Introducing the versatile TFY Car Window Sun Shade Protector, effortlessly blocking glare, heat, and sunlight while allowing great visibility. Its lightweight design and easy installation make it perfect for front or rear door windows.
  10. Sock-Style Car Window Shade for Sun Protection and Privacy - Experience superior UV protection and enhanced comfort with Magnelex Sock-Style Car Shades, designed to fit snugly and securely onto rear car doors, effectively shielding passengers and pets from the sun's rays.
  11. Stylish modern hide a bed chair - Ovege's UV-protective, privacy-enhancing car window shades provide a comfortable, interior-aged prevention solution with magnetic installation for added convenience and flexibility.
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🔗SafeFit Safetemp Car Window Shades (2-Pack)
I recently had the opportunity to use the SafeFit Safetemp Car Sun Shades, and I can confidently say that they've been a game-changer when it comes to driving with my little one. As a mom who's always on the go, I'm constantly looking for ways to keep my baby comfortable and protected in the car, and these sun shades do just that.
One of my favorite features is the easy one-push retract button. It allows me to quickly roll up the shades when we're not using them, which is perfect for those days when the sun decides to disappear mid-afternoon. Additionally, the patented White Hot system that turns white when it's too hot in the car is a brilliant safety feature that gives me peace of mind.
However, there are a couple of drawbacks to consider. Some users mentioned that these sun shades are not 100% sun-blocking, and they don't fit full width of certain car windows. Nonetheless, I still find them to be a valuable addition to my car, especially when it's hot outside and I need to protect my baby's skin and eyes from the sun's harmful rays.
In conclusion, the SafeFit Safetemp Car Sun Shades are a must-have for any parent looking to keep their little one safe and comfortable while on the road. Despite a few minor cons, the overall experience with these sun shades has been positive, and I would highly recommend them to fellow parents.

🔗Fashionable Palm Tree Windshield Sun Shade for Cars, SUVs, and Trucks
The Auto Drive 2 Count Palm Tree Sunset Universal Twist Sun Shade has been a game-changer in keeping my cars cool and comfy, especially during the scorching summer months. As someone who loves the outdoors and spends a lot of time in the car, I can confidently say this product has made a world of difference.
The vibrant tropical print is not only visually appealing but also offers effective protection against UV rays, ensuring my car's interior stays damage-free. Another standout feature is the twist shape which allows for easy storage, fitting perfectly in the trunk or backseat.
However, there's one issue that I noticed with this product. It doesn't fit every car perfectly due to its universal size. While it works great for my SUV and other larger vehicles, it doesn't cover the entire windshield in smaller cars like the Ford Focus.
Despite this minor inconvenience, I would highly recommend the Auto Drive 2 Count Palm Tree Sunset Universal Twist Sun Shade to anyone looking to keep their vehicle cool and comfortable during the hot summer months.

🔗2019 Ford F-150 SuperCab Full Vehicle TechShade
I recently got the WeatherTech TechShade Full Vehicle Kit for my car, and I must say, it's truly a game-changer. Living in a hot climate, keeping my car cool has always been a challenge. But with these shades, it's become a lot easier.
Firstly, the shades are custom-fit, which means they perfectly match the dimensions of my vehicle's windows. This feature is particularly useful because it ensures that no sunlight can sneak in through any gaps.
The shades also stay snug in each window opening, which is a testament to their quality. And when I need to use the car, I can easily roll them up and store them using the convenient hook and loop strap.
Another aspect I appreciate is the foam core feature. It makes the shades easy to handle and gives them a sturdy fit. Plus, it prevents them from rattling when the car is in motion.
However, there is one drawback. The shades are quite bulky when rolled up, which can be an issue if you don't have much storage space. But overall, I'm extremely satisfied with my purchase. It's definitely worth the investment, especially if you live in a hot climate like me.

🔗Car Sunshade for Style and Protection
I recently got the Genuine Dickies Classic Accordion Universal Black Sport Sunshade, and I have to say it's been a game-changer for my vehicle. Not only does it protect my car interior from harmful UV rays, but it also helps keep my vehicle surface temperature 44’F/25’C cooler on those hot summer days.
One of the things that really stood out to me about this sunshade is its retro design. The black sun-deflecting background with black vegan leather accents and white stitching give it a classic, yet sporty look. It's definitely a step up from the flimsy sunshades I've used in the past.
The sunshade is made of high-quality materials and has a sturdy construction. It unfolds easily and secures in place by your windshield visors. What's really convenient is that it comes with its own closure strap, making storage a breeze.
However, it's worth noting that the sunshade may not fit perfectly in all types of vehicles. As mentioned in some reviews, it might be too large for some cars or SUVs. Therefore, it's crucial to measure your windshield before purchasing to ensure the best fit.
Overall, I'm highly impressed with the Genuine Dickies Classic Accordion Universal Black Sport Sunshade. It's well-constructed, looks great, and offers excellent protection against the sun's rays. While it may not be a perfect fit for every vehicle, it's definitely worth considering if you're in the market for a sunshade.

🔗Brica Stretch-to-Fit Sun Shade for Cars
Stay protected from glare with the Brica Stretch to Fit Sun Shade, a top-notch travel companion for your car. The Safe-View Mesh feature ensures that your view is unobstructed while keeping harmful UV-A and UV-B rays at bay. It's designed with new and improved suction cup attachments that provide a secure grip on any car window.
One feature that really wins me over is its ability to stretch up to nearly double the size, fitting perfectly on any side or rear car window. Plus, it comes with snaps along the perimeter that help in tailoring the shade to any window shape and size.
The material used in this sunshade is premium, keeping it durable and functional for long car rides, especially with little ones in tow. Its visual appeal complements the interiors of your vehicle while offering superior sun protection.
I would highly recommend this sunshade, especially for families with large windows in their cars such as SUVs, trucks, and minivans. It's great for those who want to keep the sun off while still maintaining a clear view from the car. However, do ensure to clean the window thoroughly before installation for maximum grip.
In my experience, one minor issue was the need to readjust the suction cups occasionally, but this was easily manageable. Overall, the Brica Stretch to Fit Sun Shade has been a reliable and efficient addition to my car, providing a comfortable ride for all my passengers.
Considering both pros and cons, this sunshade is definitely worth a try, especially if you prioritize safety and comfort on long car journeys.

🔗Durable Car Sunshade Umbrella for Protecting and Cooling
I recently purchased Jasvic's Car Windshield Sun Shade Umbrella to protect my car from the harsh summer heat. This umbrella-shaped sunshade folds up like an umbrella, making it incredibly convenient to store in my car. I was a bit hesitant about using this design initially, being more familiar with the traditional folding shades, but its compactness and ease of installation quickly won me over.
The sturdy high-hardness steel frame adds a strong sense of durability to the sunshade, providing protection against UV rays, heat, snow, and fog. This ensures that my car remains safe and undamaged throughout the changing seasons. I also appreciate how it creates a comfortable, cool driving environment while also shielding my car's electronics and seats from sun damage.
Unfolding the sunshade and fitting it into the windshield is a breeze. However, I did learn the hard way that proper maneuvering is necessary to prevent scratches on my car's dashboard. Overall, this product stands out for its durability, versatility, and convenience, making it a must-have for anyone looking to protect their car and enhance their driving experience.

🔗WeatherTech TechShade Full Vehicle Kit for 2019 Ford F-150 SuperCab (Silver & Black)
I recently got my hands on the WeatherTech TechShade Full Vehicle Kit, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my sun protection needs. The highlight of this product is its ability to keep the entire vehicle cooler by blocking out the sun's rays.
Before I installed these, I used to dread getting into my car on a hot day. The interior would be sweltering, and it took ages for the air conditioning to cool everything down. But with the TechShade Full Vehicle Kit, my car stays significantly cooler. In fact, it feels much more bearable to get in and out of my vehicle now.
Another feature that I absolutely love about this product is how custom-fit it is. When properly installed, each piece fits snugly in the window openings of my vehicle. This ensures that no light or heat is seeping in from the sides, which is exactly what I wanted.
However, there is one part of the installation process that could use some improvement. The front windshield piece tends to sag a little, especially if you have a tinted windshield. Thankfully, this isn't a deal-breaker for me, but it would be nice to see this aspect of the design refined in future models.
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my purchase of the WeatherTech TechShade Full Vehicle Kit. It's definitely worth the investment if you want to keep your vehicle cool and protected from the harmful effects of the sun.

🔗TechShade Windshield Sun Shade for 2019 Chevrolet Colorado Crew Cab
The TechShade Full Vehicle Kit has been a game-changer for me during those sweltering summer days and chilly winters. I love how this custom-fit sunshade can be easily installed on my windshield and windows, keeping my car's interior cool and protected from the harsh sun. The dual-purpose design of the TechShade really stands out - it absorbs heat in the winter to help keep my car warm and defrost the windshield, while also reflecting sunlight in the summer to prevent my steering wheel and dashboard from getting scalding hot.
One particular highlight of this product is its effortless storage. When it's not in use, I can simply roll up the shades and secure them with a strap. The only downside I've encountered is that the full vehicle kit is limited to select vehicles, which might be disappointing for some users.
Overall, I have had a great experience with the WeatherTech TechShade Full Vehicle Kit. It's a little pricey, but it's definitely worth the investment for the quality, convenience, and protection it provides for my vehicle.

🔗Easy-to-Apply Twirl Motion Car Window Sun Shade Shield
As an avid car user, I've always struggled with the harsh midday sun blaring into my car's windows, making it unbearable to drive. That was until I discovered the TFY Car Window Sun Shade Protector Shine Blocker. This little gadget is a game-changer, as it effortlessly blocks glare, heat, and damaging sunlight from infiltrating my car doors' side windows. The best part? It's as easy as twirling to fold or unfold it when needed!
The lightweight design is perfect for use on both front and rear door windows, without compromising visibility. I never imagined that a mesh fabric can do such wonders for allowing a clear view of the outside world while keeping the sun's harmful rays away.
However, the size of these sunshades can be inconsistent, as some might find them too small, especially for larger vehicles. Another minor issue is that the silicone surface cups can occasionally lose their grip, particularly during humid days.
All in all, the TFY Car Window Sun Shade Protector Shine Blocker is a must-have for anyone experiencing the same sun-related issues as I did. Its unique features and relatively affordable price make it an attractive choice for car owners seeking a convenient solution to combat the sun's unwelcome intrusion.

🔗Sock-Style Car Window Shade for Sun Protection and Privacy
As a busy mom, I've always been in search of products that could keep my babies comfortably in the car while driving during the hot summer days. When I came across Magnelex Sock-Style Car Window Shades, I was excited to try it out.
This product is incredibly easy to use. The elasticized band stretches to fit over your car door, which completely blocks UV rays from entering the car, ensuring my little ones stay cool and comfortable. The mesh is so fine, I can still enjoy fresh air and a view of the outside without worrying about the sun burning my baby's sensitive skin.
However, one thing that could have been better is the size. It's always a guessing game when shopping online, and though I measured my car door accurately, there's still a tiny bit of it left out. But, given that it's designed universally to fit most passenger cars, trucks, and SUVs, it's a small inconvenience for the otherwise excellent sun protection it provides.
In terms of installation, I love how there are no adhesives or suction cups involved. The shades just slip over the car doors, and all it takes is a simple pull to remove them. So, while changing cars or wanting to let the sun in, it's really hassle-free.
Overall, the Magnelex Sock-Style Car Window Shades have made my car rides much safer and more comfortable for my babies. It's a must-have product for families with infants or pets!

🔗Stylish modern hide a bed chair
As a parent, I understand the importance of a comfortable car ride, especially with young, sensitive eyes. That's why I decided to give the Ovege Car Window Shade a try. It promised to protect my baby's eyes from the harsh sun rays and give us much-needed privacy while we're on the road.
I was truly impressed by how easy it was to install these shades using the suction magnets provided. However, I did notice they didn't fit perfectly on our car doors, leaving a few gaps. But overall, the shades provided great UV protection and helped maintain a cooler temperature in the car on hot days.
A pleasant surprise was the "limo effect" these shades created when we rolled down the windows. Air could still flow freely without exposing us to the sun, making the ride more enjoyable.
I must admit, I didn't need to worry about the fit every time I removed and reattached the shades. The strong suction magnets held them in place, and my windows were left unscratched.
The one downside I experienced was that the shades didn't cover all the areas of our car windows. This left us with a few spots that let in sunlight. Nevertheless, we found a workaround by adjusting the placement of the shades.
In conclusion, the Ovege Car Window Shade has made a significant difference in our car rides, providing us with privacy, UV protection, and a more comfortable driving experience. The pros of this product definitely outweigh the cons, making it a worthwhile addition for any car owner.

Buyer's Guide



What are the benefits of using car window shades?

Car window shades offer several benefits, including reducing glare and heat inside the vehicle, protecting passengers from harmful UV rays, enhancing privacy, and adding a decorative touch to your car's interior.

What types of car window shades are available?
There are various types of car window shades, such as suction cup shades, adhesive-based shades, roller shades, and pop-up shades. Suction cup shades attach directly to the car window, while adhesive-based shades attach with adhesive. Roller shades and pop-up shades are mounted on a rod or wire, allowing them to be pulled up and down manually.

How do I choose the right car window shade for my vehicle?

When selecting a car window shade, consider factors such as the size of your car windows, the type of shade that fits your vehicle's design, and the amount of sun protection you require. Additionally, think about whether you prefer a shade that can be easily removed or one that stays in place more permanently.

How do I install car window shades?

Installation methods vary depending on the type of shade you choose. Suction cup shades typically attach directly to the car window, while adhesive-based shades use an adhesive strip to adhere to the window. Roller and pop-up shades come with a mounting kit that allows you to attach the shade to the window using screws or clips.

Are there car window shades suitable for rear-facing car seats?

Yes, some car window shades are specifically designed to accommodate rear-facing car seats. These shades typically have adjustable mounts, allowing you to position the shade securely above the car seat without obstructing the driver's view.

How do I clean and maintain my car window shades?

Cleaning and maintaining your car window shades is essential to ensuring they last long and continue to protect your vehicle. To clean, simply use a damp cloth or mild soap to wipe down the shade. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage the shade. For maintenance, periodically inspect the shade for signs of wear or damage, and replace it if necessary.

Can I install car window shades on all car windows?

While car window shades can be installed on most car windows, there are some limitations to consider. Some states have laws that require at least one side window to remain unobstructed, so you may need to leave one window without a shade. Additionally, some window shades may not fit properly on certain car models, so be sure to verify compatibility before making a purchase.

How much do car window shades typically cost?

The cost of car window shades can vary depending on factors such as the type of shade, the brand, and the size. Generally, suction cup shades and adhesive-based shades tend to be more affordable, while roller and pop-up shades may be priced higher. Prices can range from around $10 to $50 or more, depending on the features and quality of the shade.
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2024.05.19 08:48 EJC28 Raiders 2024 Draft Analysis Compilation

Round 1, Pick 13 - Brock Bowers, TE, Georgia:
NFL: This is the Raiders willing to adjust the offense to take the best player available. Bowers is a spectacular player who can line up anywhere along the formation as a tight end. There aren’t many holes in his game -- which should urge new OC Luke Getsy to get creative and get Bowers and Michael Mayer on the field together.
CBS Sports: C. He’s a heck of a player, but didn’t they draft Michael Mayer last year and signed Harrison Bryant this year? They have other needs. Don’t really like this pick that much. It’s not like he’s a good blocker for their run game. Strange pick with other needs.
ESPN: What a strange first-round selection, especially considering tight end was addressed last season with the second-round selection of Michael Mayer. Offensive tackle and cornerback were bigger needs. New general manager Tom Telesco must have simply relied on his draft board and gone best player available, especially with Oregon State RT Taliese Fuaga and every single CB still available. In fact, every defensive player was still on the board, and yet ... Bowers was considered a top-10 overall talent and should provide immediate production for an anemic offense.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Cries during Bluey but only at the opening credits.
Round 2, Pick 44 - Jackson Powers-Johnson, OG, Oregon:
NFL: Brock Bowers felt like a throwback Raiders pick to me, but JPJ really feels like an Al Davis classic. Powers-Johnson is a big, brawling interior lineman who played center last year but also can line up at guard -- the position he was announced at -- and bury the man opposite him, even if he's a little stiff and an average athlete.
CBS Sports: A. Instant starter inside. Guard size with mobile center feet. Shorter arms and some rawness in pass pro. But upside is through the roof. All-Pro caliber in that regard. Smart pick here.
ESPN: While Powers-Johnson played center at Oregon, the Raiders announced him as a guard, which makes sense since Las Vegas needs a right guard. Yes, even after the Raiders signed veteran Cody Whitehair in free agency. Powers-Johnson has started games at both guard spots and center in his college career. Last season, he started 13 games at center, was an All-America selection and won the Rimington Award as the nation's top center. He provides quality versatility, which is highly valued on the Raiders' offensive line.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: He somehow still uses a functioning Windows phone.
Round 3, Pick 77 - DJ Glaze, OT, Maryland:
NFL: A left or right tackle with great length and so-so athleticism, Glaze was considered a question mark because of some past injuries (including an ACL), but the Raiders clearly feel good about him here. He's likely a swing tackle to start out but could compete for a starting job down the line.
CBS Sports: A-. One of the more calculated OTs in the class. Rarely panics and has plus awareness. Requisite size and length to stay on the edge in the NFL. Athleticism is at times great but not a true speciality. Nothing overly standout about his game. Just high floor blocker.
ESPN: After taking a versatile interior offensive lineman in the second round in Powers-Johnson, the Raiders used their third-round pick to grab a college tackle who could also transition inside to guard in Glaze. The selection shows how much the new regime of GM Tom Telesco and coach Antonio Pierce value versatility on the offensive line, which is all but set on the left side and at center. Glaze has a long wingspan at nearly seven feet but is not known for being overly physical.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Prefers the arrows on the keyboard over WASD.
Round 4, Pick 112 - Decamerion Richardson, CB, Mississippi State:
NFL: I joked on Day 2 that the Raiders are having another Al Davis-flecked draft, and Richardson keeps the theme rolling. He's a straight-line speed demon with great length, two very encouraging traits. But his penchant for handsy coverage and no real track record for playmaking mutes his appeal just a bit.
CBS Sports: A-. Long, sleek burner who will make plays on the football when he trusts his eyes. Lacks physicality at times and that hurts him when attempting to stop the run although when he gets to the football, he’s a very sure tackler. Smooth athlete in off-man and zone. This secondary needed this type of CB specimen.
ESPN: The Raiders finally address their defense at defensive back in particular, with Richardson who is 6-foot-2 and ran the 40 in 4.34 seconds. He needs development but did lead Mississippi State with 7 pass breakups last season, even as he never had an interception. He's also not afraid to stick his nose in the scrum as he had a combined 164 tackles the last two seasons.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Thinks scotch tape smells like Christmas.
Round 5, Pick 148 - Tommy Eichenberg, LB, Ohio State:
NFL: Instinctive, throwback linebacker who lacks great speed. Eichenberg has the makeup to turn into a defensive tone-setter, even if his coverage ability is limited.
CBS Sports: A-. Ultra-active middle linebacker with a blitzing specialty. Smooth athlete a bit quicker than fast. Awareness is good in coverage, he will find crossers and understand in-breakers are working behind him. Strong tackler. Lack of speed and at times problems vs. blocks are weaknesses but this is a sound football player.
ESPN: Coach Pierce, who spent nine years as an NFL linebacker, gets his guy in the 6-foot-2, 233-pound Eichenberg, who provides depth while translating into a backup for Robert Spillane. Eichenberg did miss three games with an arm injury last season, a year after he was second-team All-American. More a thumper inside than a pass-coverage specialist, Eichenberg had 82 tackles (2.5 for a loss), a sack and a forced fumble in 10 games last season.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Played the role of background tree in his middle school play.
Round 6, Pick 208 - Dylan Laube, RB, New Hampshire:
NFL: Laube become something of a folk hero at the Senior Bowl, charming fans with his personality, elusiveness and pass-catching prowess. He had 295 yards receiving against Central Michigan alone this year and legitimately could emerge as a third-down weapon in the pass game.
CBS Sports: A-. Insane receiving RB. Built low to the ground and had fine testing figures before the draft. Low, side to side wiggle but lacks speed once he finds space. Contact balance is good too. Think the small-school Blake Corum.
ESPN: An FCS All-American all-purpose player, Laube projects more as a potential kick and punt returner in the NFL rather than a rotational running back. He averaged 31.1 yards on kick returns and 11.3 yards on punt returns and had a touchdown on each. He rushed for 749 yards and nine TDs, averaging 4.7 yards per carry last season, and also had 68 catches for 699 yards with seven receiving scores, including a 295-receiving yards game against Central Michigan.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Once wrote 250+ fake true facts for nfl draft cards like a moron.
Round 7, Pick 223 - Trey Taylor, S, Air Force:
NFL: Air Force has landed a few players in the draft the past few years after a long absence, and Taylor could make it either as a box safety or a special teams contributor.
CBS Sports: A. Thick, productive three-level safety best being closer to the line. Plays with controlled athleticism. Gets grabby against better athletes but that’s expected for a larger safety. Solid ball skills. Not ultra twitchy. Smart well-rounded type.
ESPN: The first-ever defensive back drafted out of the Air Force Academy, Taylor won the Jim Thorpe Award as the nation's top defensive back. He figures to provide immediate depth behind starters Marcus Epps and Tre’von Moehrig, but at 6-feet, 213 pounds, he has the size and instincts to be an immediate contributor. Taylor, whose cousin is Hall of Fame safety Ed Reed, had three interceptions, one pick-six, 74 tackles, five for a loss, four PBUs and a blocked kick last fall.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Yes, you reading this COULD have come up with better Facts.
Round 7, Pick 229 - MJ Devonshire, CB, Pittsburgh:
NFL: Devonshire is a fast, tough competitor with size limitations. He was never a full-time starter in college but had strong ball production the past two years.
CBS Sports: B+. Long CB who has the frame of a nickel. Fast, decently explosive athlete. Best in press man near the line. Average to slightly above-average ball skills. Zone awareness not there yet. High floor type.
ESPN: The Raiders concluded their draft by taking their second cornerback of the day in Devonshire, who is more a physical defender who does not shy away from bump-and-run coverage than a speedy DB, though he did run a 4.45 40. The 5-foot-11, 186-pound Devonshire led Pitt with four interceptions last season, including a pick-six, and had 10 PBUs in 12 games with nine starts. Las Vegas split their eight draft picks evenly between offense (TE, G, OT, RB) and defense (two CBs, S, LB).
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Likes bologna on white bread with mustard - it’s a flat hotdog!
submitted by EJC28 to raiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:48 ahhthebrilliantsun Lessons on Terms in RPG Fandoms - The Stuff Your DM Doesn't Want You To Know

If you talked with someone else online whose in the wider roleplay hobby, not just DnD. Some terms or saying those people say might not be something you grok or even heard of in anyway. This isn't a complete encyclopedia but it'll get you to at least get the gist of what they're talking.
If there are any other common terms or names I've missed, feel free to add or if you know something but don't understand it I'll do the best I can to explain it if I have the time
submitted by ahhthebrilliantsun to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:46 EggClare69 My friends fiance left her last night with a two year old, currently staying at my house

My friend (26 f) and her fiance (47-50? Not sure M) have been having a lot of relationship issues. She never really sees her friends and it feels a lot like he doesnt want her to have friends, hes pretty useless, probably changed 3 poopy diapers in the span of 2 years and 3 months. He is quite manipulative and standoffish. But im not saying my friend does not have flaws of her own, they obviously have a lot of resentment towards eachother.
On Thursday I went to her house as I havent seen her or bub in months and we had a glass of wine, i am usually good for two glasses and able to drive but her expensive wine was too much for my body and I realised I couldnt drive home after one drink. So she offered for me to sleep over, I have been meaning to do this anyway so that I can learn her buns night routine so i can babysit for her if needed. I said okay because I had work the next morning and wasnt able to afford the 45 minute uber home and back in the morning to get my car. So in the end we decided to just finish the bottle. We were tipsy/semi drunk, i remember the whole night as I am not a light weight, where as she is very skinny and was on her way to drunk but not quite there.
We mainly played with bub (fiance wasnt home until 7pm) and throughout the night we sat downstairs and caught up and chatted. Her bub woke up screaming at about 11:30 do we went up to calm her and put her back to sleep (albiet badly as we were not sober) my friend ended up bring bub to bed with het and fiance and I was heading to bed when I realised we had accidentally switched phones. (Please know i am aware i should not have entered their room without express permission but in sullied mind i thought this is gonna take legit 10 seconds to switch our phone) mine was on her bedside table so, in order not to just randomly walk into theor room i told fiance im just coming in quickly to switch our phones, i placed hers on her charging pad on the bedside table where mine previously was. And crept back out (because bub was in bed sleeping and friend was downstairs doing something idk) then i went to bed.
Got up at 5:30 the next day and left for home and went to work. She was messaging me saying fiance was really mad and was stating I slammed into the room and threw her phone at him being really loud. I doubted myself for a second but thought no, because I remember the whole night, and even if i was black out drunk the worst i would ever do is stumble and maybe talk a little louder then i thoight i was.
I told her to apologise to fiance for me in the case i was loud by accident and for entering the room withoit explicit permission.
On Saturday i had a mutal friend of ours over to play a ages 5 and up riddle game and drink (no way we are gonna be able to do a normal mystery solving game whilst drinking lmao) and we had invited my friend too. She said she really wanted to come but didnt want to upset fiance. We said that in any relationship, why would wanting to spend a night with your friends ve something that would upset him. Its as if he is feeling like having to take care of their child alone, one time, was a huge burden for him, keep in mind she does everything for bub, usually without help.
She said she wanted to come and he responded by saying "fine if you want to leave then im leaving" got dressed and went out to the pub with his mates, leaving her by herself with the bub. So me and other friend said to just cone iver and bring bubba with her, so she did.
Important to know, she takes her ring off at night because its uncomfortable for her to sleep in, he knows this, and it has never been an issue, she had already taken her ring off to bath bub and put her to bed so when she came over she wasnt wearing it. Was a simple mistake. He became irate with her and advised over text that they were done and that she has to move in with her mum and take baby with her. She was obviously very upset but didnt want to reply whilst angry without thinking it through first and he was spam messaging her saying hes packing her stuff and bubs stuff and she has to get out.
Shes now at my house, because her mum and other friend lives over an hour away from bubs daycare. But I absolutely am so happy she and bub is here and safe with me. I would have always offered anyway regardless of distance.
But I am exhausted and she is exhausted and I dont know what to do to help. I am also not used to having a toddler around at all. I am disabled and so I have limitations for caring for a toddler for an extended period of time. She is doing everything herself but i dont want to just sit on the couch while she does everything (unpacking the random assortment of things she needed and stuffed into bags in a hurry and taking care of bub) so i am extremely run down and its been less then 24 hours.
I am not suggesting nor do I want them to leave in any aspect. I was just wondering if anyone has advise.
Fiance also cut off her card, which obviously she uses to buy things for bub and herself to live. I dont make very much money so cannot contribute unfortunately. He said extremely upsetting things like he is not going to pay for her schooling and will send a miniscule amount per month (he is very wealthy and practically convinced friend to be a stay at home mum with no form of income) I said to her that thisnis finacial abuse and if this is serious and sticks then she has a right to an amount that keeps bub in the same level of living conditions she was in whilst together. I dont really want them to get back together to be honest, everyone wants them to split. But this isnthe opposite of the way to do it. And he has money to get a fancy lawyer in the case this goes to family court, whereas she does not.
I am scared that the situation is traumatic for bub and I dont know what I can do to make things better.
This is barely scraping the surface but any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.
submitted by EggClare69 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:46 everything_is_stup1d this is my testimony

In kindergarten (sorry I'm from singapore so we follow British but if im not wrong its like 5-6 years old) I already accepted Christ into my life. But my mom is a "I hate Christians!!" kind of person so I didnt dare to tell her anything. I didn't really have a good relationship with my mom cos to her studies are everything and she made me (until now) think that I'm never good enough. And I was only in primary school thinking my mom doesn't like me. I'm worthless, I want to kms. I made plans to grab the knife from the kitchen, jump off and things like that. Eventually I resulted to scratching my own skin cos I feel most pain when it's right at the nerve uk.
My whole life was until the end of primary school (12) was only to do things to make my mom happy. I wouldn't mention a word about Christianity to her. And when my mom was out at night, me, my dad and my sisters would worship. The moment the door opens, I scramble into the room. This also make me walk far from God and I would curse, swear and stuff. One day in P6, the last year of primary school (12 years old) I thought "Hey, I'm Christian so why am I swearing? Isn't this a sin?" So I stopped cursing. Of course, my mom wouldn't want me going around cursing but I didn't really do it for her, but rather for God. But I still didn't want to tell her about it.
When I graduated from Primary school, in Secondary (Sec) school, I finally got to bring my phone to school (13 years old), but my mom still could track me. Anyways I got to listen to some worship songs my dad sent to me and because I didn't have a music player downloaded and wasn't allowed to download any apps, I would listen through the WhatsApp audio player thing😭😭 on the way home. Usually on Sundays whene my mom isn't home,my dad would bring me to church. Then of course my mom would find out and scold me and this continued until sec 2 (14).
In Sec 3 (15 years old), I had whole control of my phone so I would listen to worship music on the way home. One day in, my dad brought me to church. My mom saw my location and immediately got mad because she knew where my dad's church is and also because my older sister attends service too and my mom was not happy. Since then, I was afraid to go to church. My mom even cornered me one day and made me promise not to go to church or I can forget calling her my mom. I kept crying that night and never dared to go to church (mind that i dont even cry often).
But towards mid year(?) I just decided ok Imma go to church. She can get angry but it won't really stop me. Because I got to know God through worship songs and now I wanted to know him more.
I regularly started praying in the morning on the way to school. Eventually my prayers became a ritual and dry. I felt no emotion and no pull towards God. Only on days when I was really upset/angry then I would feel Him comforting me. One day I really wanted to be the captain in my CCA (it's like after school activities but still part of school programs) and I didn't get it. I was so upset I cried on the way home because I actually put in so much effort into it. Then I became vice captain so ig that counts.
Anyways I became really upset and got frustrated because I didn't prove myself enough. I had so low expectations of myself, got depressed again, but I couldn't vent it out because I couldn't hurt myself anymore after learning my body is a temple of God. So I got super frustrated. I prayed for guidance decided to free up my Saturdays I went to church. Youth services for Secondary school students were on Saturdays and not Sundays so yeah. Towards like October last year I cleared up my Saturdays so I could go more regularly to church, and my mom was defo not happy AT ALL that I went with my own initiative. She ignored me for several weeks and of course I felt lonely and all buy eventually I felt okay because she doesn't even know me sooooo.
I'm still trying to patch up my relationship with her. Honestly, it's so strained I don't know what to do. I've prayed that she would accept Christ everyday but uhh nothing. This doesn't mean I don't believe in God if not this would not exist
One day I was fellowshipping with my dad. Why we did that is because of a long story that would be saved for another day.
But this is the part where it's important
Previously I had dreams and I shared with my dad because he is more experience in deciphering gifts and stuff (I'm sorry if you don't believe in gifts but I do!) And he told me to pray about it because I somehow knew these dreams had meaning and relation to God. A number of dreams had direct inference to God. I did pray about it, and also asked God along these lines; "God, give me guidance. I have strayed and I know. Lord please let me understand, and let me also be close to You. I want to know You, and I know, I haven't read the word. Lord, motivate me to read the scripture, and while reading let me also understand the dreams I have been having my whole life."
I can't remember what I said exactly. The one 9f the church sermons on one week talked about how God is not far, but we are far. And I felt that that was for me. Then one day my dad said to me and my older sister "I don't care you have to download the Bible rn" so I downloaded it but did nothing with it. Finally, one day I was late for work (yes I worked when I was 15 because I actually want an electric guitar) and it was New Year's Eve. My colleague texted me saying she'd pick me up and I said and quote "Isokkk I walk over" (me) ... "Give me your block" (colleague) "Omd tyyy" (me)
Part of me didn't want her to fetch me because it would be troubling her. But I don't know why I waited and was thinking "bruh I could've reached by now but she's late" but I just waited. I was wearing full white that day. And this woman must've thought I was going to church because it was a Sunday morning.
And she asked "Hello, are you going to church?"
I said "oh no no, I have church at night because it's countdown service. (basically the youth services brought our church service from Saturday 4pm to Sunday 8pm because we wanted to countdown service together)"
She said," Oh! So you're Christian! Do you read the Word often?"
I blushed because so many signs and I haven't read a single word. "No," I was so embarrassed
She continued "I used to be a teacher, a lecturer in a University (if im not wrong) There is a website called 7 minutes with God. It was originally created for Harvard students because they were busy and didn't have time to spend time with God." Then I couldn't hear what she said because she was talking so fast. All I knew was she was summarizing the website and encouraged me to read it.
I read it like on January 2nd this year on the way to school ( I'm 16 this year!!! But not 16 yet because as I said, it's not my birthday yet or anytime soon)
I was so inspired that I kept on reading the Word and devoted mornings to not only prayers (that I allowed God to guide me and not just pray for the sake of praying) but also for reading the Word!
See, when I prayed to have motivation to read the Word more, God gave me the sign THREE TIMES which I did not pick up until the 3rd sign, the lady. The first time during the sermon I was like "Yes God, I will do it!" but did nothing. The second time when my dad asked me to download the app version of the Bible, I said "Yes God, this is the sign!" and did not do anything. I got discouraged because my dad thinks I'm funny and wouldn't take my words seriously omd 😭. But the third time, God literally sent a random woman I don't know and told me to read. And I read, praise God!
this is the part where it relates to the meme
Because when I went to the shower I kept laughing because I thought of this meme. I didn't read the word or get touched because it was a coincidence. So coincidence? I think not! It's a miracle ❤️❤️❤️
I finished Mark and the New Testament, I'm currently at John right now.
Just now, after a meeting with my cell group (a small group for easier prayers etc in church), I was listening to worship music, and my grumpy dad was like "GO AND SHOWER" liek chill brou. So I went to the toilet with my headphones on and sat on the floor and just continued listening to worship music. Then my dad sent in the family group chat (just me, my older sister and him, my mom got mad and left) an article about this man called Patrick Lee/Bezalel. He is a local artist faithful in Christ
But reading halfway I kept crying because I was so touched (again I do no lt cry, but I related so much I cried even though nothing had to do with me, but it was like my mother's story where she had a hard of stone towards God) and then my phone went flat 😐 So I risked it and ran out to get my charger but thank God (like actually) my dad didn't scream like he would. Then I sat at the toilet floor and continued reading. Tears kept flowing down my face because Patrick Bezalel's story was such a miracle, and God kept giving him signs that God existed! And removed the layer of stone that surrounded the man's heart and made it soft and open to God again!
After that I continued worshipping God and was listening to worship music (yes in the toilet because I literally have 0 privacy because none of my parents think I need it). I kept crying because the songs were so related. Can you imagine? It went in this order:
1.Presence,Power,Glory 2.Hosanna 3.Promises 4.Holy Forever
Again, coincidence? I THINK NOT. It was so planned, like it was in my playlist for so long and I haven't really thought much about it. Tears kept streaming down and kept going and through sobs I silently prayed to God
"Oh my dear God you have been so so good to me, and so faithful to me Lord. You have guided me, guided my heart and nothing has gone wrong in Your hands Lord. I've been through the turning point I've prayed for. You have sent people, songs and my family members to come after me to open up to You Lord. Lord, I was having a CG (cell group) meeting and something just touched my heart. I am now sitting on the toilet floor and typing this, because Lord you have made a way to touch my heart, guide me through a prayer that came deep down from inside of me Lord, thank You for providing. Thank You God for the miracles You have did in my life, and all that I prayed for has came through Lord. The turning point I prayed for was when that lady had spoken to me about how to set aside time for You and the Word. Lord let me not forget this incident, this turning point, this miracle Lord. Let me put my trust in You Lord, and let You take my hand and let my life be walking next to You faithfully Lord. Lord I pray that I would not waver, and I would not take my eyes away from You. Even when I am crossing and walking toward You on water in the sea, let my eyes be on You, and the works You have done for me, and not be distracted by the worls around me, but to keep my eyes on You diligently Lord. Lord, I am a sinner, and now, I was, for You have sent Jesus Christ, Your Son, to die on the cross for me. Lord, I believe in You and I want to accept You in my life Lord, no matter what situation I am in. Lord, let people around me see Your love, joy, and faithfulness in me, and not let them see the girl I was before. Let them see change, and the love and desire I have for You, Lord. Let them see Your greatness, Your goodness and You. I thank You for everything You have done, and in Jesus's name, I pray that I will walk faithfully alongside You, and will not fail to continuously pray and worship You God. Thank You Lord for the miracles, for this turning point. Thank You God for guiding me, and let me be the branch that bears fruit, and let me be the branch that has life only through Jesus, Who is the vine, Who the reason I live Lord, Who is the reason I have life. Praise the Lord! Amen!"
This is the first time I prayed for so long and every one word was truly from deep down fron the depths of my heart. I couldn't stop crying. I really couldn't and I can't emphasize more that I don't cry often! Either it hurt me so much or that God moved my heart. This time was tears of joy.
I hope this could inspire someone out there, because in another prayer I prayed for those who needed God, even if I didn't know them.
Pray. Pray and ask God to help you seek Him. One thing I learnt from a sermon is the fervency in your prayers. I didn't mean to add this in but I suddenly saw this note I wrote on 25th February.
Title: fervency in prayer Fervency: being excited about something keen on something
At the heart of revival is the spirit of prayer • pray fervently • pray with faith
"But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed"
To be fervent in prayer is to pray tenaciously despite our struggles
Hopefully this helped someone out there, inspired you and is one of your signs to start giving your life to Him! It is actually proven 1 in 3 people are Christians. Isn't our goal to have this faith to reach all four corners of the world? It could sound impossible in the past, but now there is social media, anyone could read and realize "Hey God is actually with me!"
submitted by everything_is_stup1d to TrueChristian [link] [comments]