Aerial view of my housesx


2014.02.15 00:45 texsurfin HoldMyRedBull


2012.12.21 04:33 IAMmojo AerialPorn

High-resolution aerial photography.

2013.08.03 01:36 What Could Go Right?


2024.05.17 05:23 KeepGoing15 Relax, this was always the album cover lol

Every cover art for the singles have all been closeups or related to this album cover. The cover art for Trailer in the sky is also an aerial view of mountains with blue and white tones. It's very clear it's all part of the artistic creative direction they went with for this project. As a creative professional myself, I dig it because a lot of effort and thought went into the creative direction. And plus, I'm glad it has visuals of its own, separate from love story. From what we know, even though the album is called war story, I don't believe he has ever said the music or songs have anything to do with love story. He never said they're opposites or anything. So, the black wolf cover wouldn't really make sense, in my opinion at least. Let's wait till the album comes out before we judge it based on the cover.
submitted by KeepGoing15 to yelawolf [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:15 RATKNUKKL Morgan Stanley headquarters in DFV’s Iggy Pop video; wut mean?

Not sure if this is important because my brain is smoother than Casanova, but I’m not seeing anyone else mention it and seems like it could be relevant!
There’s a scene in Roaring Kitty’s video today with a zoomed out aerial view of a street. In this scene there’s a bear head 🐻 on top of the building on the right. The very first frame of the very next scene shows a view from street level and it’s the Morgan Stanley building on the right (even says Morgan Stanley right on the sign if you catch it quick enough).
Cohencidence? How should I know? I’m still hodling onto $380 shares. 🤣
submitted by RATKNUKKL to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:05 Livid_Ad_1234 Help with Meshes loading distorted

Hi everyone,
I'm fairly new to Meshlab, and have been trying to utilize Meshlab to edit and heal meshes I've created in CloudCompare. But can't seem to get any of my meshes or pointclouds to open properly in Meshlab.
A little background as to what I'm doing. I've taken lidar point cloud data collected from the DJI - L2 aerial lidar sensor, and have cleaned up the points as best I can.
I then loaded said points into CloudCompare, and used CCompare's internal tools to generate a mesh based off those points.
I exported said mesh as a .ply or .obj and have then tried to open them into Meshlab, but they look unusably distorted. Point clouds from the L2 also have a related distortion.
The same lidar derived PLY in CloudCompare and Meshlab
Also, when you rotate the meshlab version of the file, it has many artefacts and only looks functional from a single viewing angle.
Rotating said Mesh in Meshlab.
Has anyone playing with point clouds and point cloud derived meshes encountered this issue? Does anybody have a suggestion on how to properly load them, or what the issue might be?
submitted by Livid_Ad_1234 to meshlab [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:12 KyleKKent OOCS, Into A Wider Galaxy, Part 005

A Scion of Many Worlds
Observer Wu was not sure about this next call. There had been rumours, rumours stories and absurdities from first to last. But this was one he would need to investigate thoroughly. He steels his face to a neutral position as the call goes through.
“You’re on a drone observing. I am working.” Is the first thing that comes through. A voice simultaneously deep but accompanied with a chorus of tingling bells. The image shows an enormous figure that appears to be primarily composed of shimmering white fur looking over the 3D model of a building as he directs things through the air with his right hand. Support structures, beams and building materials all soar at his direction and quickly slam themselves into place to quickly construct a large structure. “I am capable of speaking as I work, so if you have questions then ask them.”
“I am Observer Wu from Earth. I am looking for Mister Blue.
“I am one of the Blues.” The enormous figure states. “Jasper Blue, also Emmanuel Skitterway.”
The camera zooms in before something white catches onto it and it’s forced back. “Apologies, the drone is not of the best quality.”
“I would assume that a... God Emperor would have better?”
“I am directing these resources into infrastructure. Things like this sewage processing plant will not build themselves and the components that the camera drone requires are better spent ensuring that pathogens are kept out of the water, or that a medical scanner has appropriate redundancies.” Emmanuel replies as the panelling to the outside of the building start attaching itself at his direction and they’re quickly left with a solid looking structure with numerous tanks to the side.
“Alright the building is finished! Painters! Have your way with it!” He calls out and numerous people rush up with decorating supplies. “There is more for me to do. While many of the relief ships arrived with prefabricated buildings there was an unfortunate and nearly universal blindspot in their considerations.”
“Which is?”
“That while the world is settled by many respects, it was at a late iron age level at best, borderline tribal in other areas. Sewage treatment and sanitation concerns like that are simply not in their proper place. Every major and minor settlement requires a massive overhaul of it’s infrastructure in order to bring the living standards up to even industrial levels, let alone galactic levels.” Emmanuel states.
“This seems rather menial for someone ostensibly in charge of an entire planet.”
“Delegation. I have any communications and status updates relayed to me through that pursuing drone, it’s a hand’s free system, so while it is not always at one hundred percent satisfaction it allows me to lead while I also work. After all, many of the legislative concerns can be easily taken care of by my numerous assistants, but only a handful of people have the sanitation know how and willingness to work and put together sewage containment.”
“A little demeaning for one worshipped as a god.”
“I am a Primal. I’m going to be regarded as such whether I indent a throne with an ever widening rear or gunk out sewer lines, and of the two only one of them actually makes things better.” Emmanuel dismisses.
“Really. Yet you’re still not getting dirty.”
“I could do things less efficiently to look like I’ve been working hard, but honestly it’s all in the Axiom. The truth of the matter is that sewer work with even just a small amount of technology is more boring than dirty.” Emmanuel states before turning, the camera turns with him. It now shows where an entire army of workers are installing the pipes and systems for a proper sewage network. “Still, not bad eh? One year ago this place was an abandoned wreck of a smaller city. The population all but mind controlled by a group of religious fanatics who convinced them to abandon their homes and any dignity. They’ve come a long way since.” Emmanuel states.
“Have they?”
“This was the Greenstone Alliance Territory, a breakaway state from The Empire of Miru. To them the cannon was the military innovation rocking the nation.”
“I see...”
“Now they get air conditioning, indoor plumbing, heating in the winter, canned food for the leaner months, telephones to speak with their loved ones over a distance, radio for alerts and entertainment and far more.” Emmanuel states as he indicates an antenna being set up.
“All that?” Observer Wu remarks. “You seem a little... involved for a supposed god.”
“There are two so called gods on this world.” Emmanuel replies. “I, who have personally conquered much of it, wheeled and dealed with other nations and proved myself as warrior and leader both, and Yserizan. Yserizan is either the mother, grandmother or great grandmother of at least a quarter of the world population.”
“And your relationship to this Yserizan?”
“One of my wives. Our union was also a unification of Lablan as a single strong point on this world and...”
“What’s this?” A new voice asks and the camera reorients to a young woman with glowing golden hair.
“Just a camera drone, nothing to be concerned about.” Emmanuel states.
“Oh. So it’s watching us?”
“And the image of the person on top of it?”
“The person watching.”
“Who is he?”
“Observer Wu.”
“And why is an Observer needed?”
“Do you recall whenever Earth or the Origins of Humanity are discussed?”
“A little? Every time I seem to get a little bit more education it just lets me see how much more there is.”
“Oh that’s very normal.” Emmanuel replies.
“If I may be introduced?” Observer Wu asks.
“I am Empress Zaviah Enlightened Luxen Divine Ascendant, ruler of Miru Reborn.”
“Miru Reborn is?”
“One of the largest empires upon Lakran. Consisting of Central Miru, The Greenstone Territories of Northern Miru and The Goldlands Unification of Southern Miru. Our population is primarily Erumenta of all types, but other peoples are of course welcome.”
“And what brought about this rebirth?” Observer Wu asks and his eyebrows go up as Zaviah points right at Emmanuel.
“Heh, guilty. Everywhere I turned the planet seemed to just be full of more and more problems that needed to stop sometime ten years ago and no one else was available. So I did the best I could.”
“And then broke armies, nations and all known limits upon people.”
“All presently known limits, what I did is only impressive when it’s weighed in that I started with only Horace’s memories and didn’t even understand how an Urthani body fully worked at the time.” Emmanuel states.
“Yes. I read that report. It was absurd.”
“It was accurate. We have all the parties involved to attest for it here on planet if you care to speak with them.” Emmanuel notes as he checks a device and nods. “All right, next is...”
“Break.” Zaviah tells him.
“Excuse me.”
“Grandmother has given ME the authority to force you into rest father!” Zaviah says with relish in her tone.
“She wouldn’t!”
“She has! If I see that you’re working too hard I can tell you to stop.”
“You do know she legally has no such authority over me right?” Emmanuel asks pointing a diamond plated claw at the comparatively tiny Erumenta who’s grinning widely at this.
“Yes, but she’ll be so disappointed that her little boy isn’t taking care of himself anymore even though he promised to and...”
“It was a mistake working so hard to make the two of you friends.” Emmanuel says in a note of false despair. “Just a moment I’ll instruct the work crew on the next few communities to proceed without me.”
“That sounds like work.”
“A text to go with Plan B rather than Plan A is not work, it’s good manners.” Emmanuel protests and raises an eye ridge as a much smaller girl tries to glare him down. “Are you sure you want to put so much force into your day by day interactions while...”
A tiny dark shape slams into Zaviah to the Erumenta’s audible protest as Magrica starts gushing about how cute it is for the little girl to finally have some grit in her gut and how she’s going to braid her hair and take her monster hunting and get her a battleaxe to go with that attitude...
Emmanuel turns to the politely puzzled Wu and shrugs.
“Motherhood does amazing things to some women. Magrica was much more openly fierce before, but she decided that all my children, adopted and otherwise, were hers to teach and nurture into proper warriors.”
“And how did she take the fact that you are technically the step parent of a quarter of the world’s population if what you told me about Yserizan is correct?”
“She has an entire squadron of Nagasha she’s training to be monster hunters. It’s actually going pretty well. The Jungle Nagasha are really appreciating it more than the other types, but the few Cloud Nagasha they have as scouts and aerial reconnaissance are fully embracing the role.”
“And how are you taking to... godhood?” Observer Wu asks his eyes penetrating.
“It grows more comfortable unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately.” Wu repeats. Not questioning, but certainly prompting.
“I’ve had to put aside my own prejudices in the matter. Humans have a bad track record with self proclaimed gods and messiahs. Too many fakes and too many holy wars. To say nothing of the cults, witch-hunts and the like. And Urthani would follow any number of faiths, but the divine figure was either some kind of Divine Truth, a more abstract theology, gods that embody concepts or something animist for the most part.”
“Did you look to The Nagasha for a better example?”
“I did, and that’s what caused me to grow more comfortable with the title. Primal Nagasha aren’t worshipped in the way humans would a prohet or saint. Seeing them as nigh infallible. No, a Primal Nagasha is simply the very best that a Nagasha can be and it can neither be stopped nor denied. While most of them are indeed leaders to follow, authorities to obey or the sources of philosophy to accept, they are not regarded as unquestionable or infallible.”
“And that is what helped?”
“It is. I was terrified that someone would misinterpret me, either honestly or malevolently, and cause immense damage in my name. A crusade to cull any politician that isn’t in the military through fire and steel, or an Urthani Colony deciding that they deserve the entire world and since not only have the strength now, but a god of their own, that they are righteous in slaughter... I had several kinds of nightmare when I let my mind wander.”
“And?” Wu prompts.
“I had a conversation. An important one with an important person. She helped me put everything in perspective. But she’s not the type to appreciate too much attention. So she’s requested I keep things quiet. But, I can say that she is an authority on the subject. And she had a fair amount to say.”
“So you’ve spoken to other so called gods of the serpent people.”
“Primal Nagasha, and yes. One has arrived already, she lives her life as quietly as she can. Another is soon to arrive. The first wanted my measure, the second wants to ensure that as a more militaristic Primal that I’m up to standard as she calls it.”
“I’m part of the smallest stable demographic in the galaxy. Primals. Apparently we’re a very self policing people.”
“So in other words, you’re more a celebrity in multiple fields than some object of worship?”
“Closer to actual worship than celebrity worship I’m afraid. Still, it’s not mindless, and those that are looking for an excuse... well they’ll find another one if it’s not me. At least if someone’s trying to use my name to do something horrible it means I have all moral authority to let them know how stupid such a thing is.”
“I suppose that is an upside to an insane cult deciding that it wants to go on a rampage in your name.”
“But that’s just the thing I really had to internalize, if they’re going to do that, then they’re going to do it and I’m just their excuse. They’ll find another if I’m not available. I’m responsible for the example I set, the actions I do and the things I say. I am not responsible for how they are interpreted.”
“Interesting. Still, is there a reason you’re sharing this in particular?”
“I figured the most distressing thing that Earth would consider about my situation was my rise into divine stature. A powerful soldier can be understood, a powerful politician or businessman can also be understood, but someone being regarded as a god can not be understood within a positive context thanks to the rather terrible history of such on Earth.” Emmanuel says.
“That... is an interesting concern. However, you do not think your conquering an entire world to be a bad thing?”
“Considering that it was basically in unending war, competition and self sabotage? Yes. You see, this world was suffering over an unending brain drain due to the fact that all male colonists were lost in the initial crash of the colony ship. There were surviving males, but they were in stasis and could not be retrieved. The method that was used to ensure there would be a future population was flawed, intended as an emergency stopgap. But they didn’t have the means to move past it. So it was used over and over again. This world was nearing the breaking point.”
“And that justifies conquering it?”
“When the nation states are tearing themselves apart through mindless pride? Scheming for the sake of scheming? Or are outright predating the other states? Yes, yes it does. To not intervene would have killed, far, far more people.”
“So you justify things by saying that thye will thank you some day?’
“They thank me now.”
“And it’s sincere?”
“Yes, considering that I’ve had a woman weep with relief at getting something as simple as a pair of glasses, or another outright beg for her child and herself to be healed of the degeneration they’ve suffered. How can I consider it anything but sincere?” Emmanuel asks.
“Oh? Who are you speaking with?” A new voice asks before a massive serpent woman slithers into Wu’s field of view. Her hood is fully flared out to reveal her as Lady Yserizan as she regards things. “A human friend?”
“An Observer from earth, they’re struggling to believe all the things they’ve been told.”
“Considering some mornings I wake up scarcely believing how my life has changed for the better I don’t blame them.” Yserizan notes happily. “Still, is there anything this... Observer wants to know in particular?”
“In particular I want to know many things. I’m just saying my first hello and listening to whatever anyone wants to say to me. I’ll be visiting that world before I return to Earth so make of that what you will.” Observer Wu says.
“Of course, it might be interesting to show you the temple my daughters made for me.”
“I will admit, receiving a tour of a living god’s temple from the god themselves will be a new experience for me.” Observer Wu admits.
~First~ Last
submitted by KyleKKent to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:00 isonfiy Choosing a person in Wallpaper doesn't work

I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this because I don't know how to describe the issue. Picking a person in the Wallpaper preference pane just shows a stock landscape background.
For detail, in Sonoma, the Wallpaper preference pane has the following sections:
I'm trying to select [Individuals], in my case it's my partner. I have her tagged correctly in photos and the People view in there shows photos of her I want for my wallpaper. It even shows all these photos correctly in the Wallpaper pane.
However, when I click the shuffle option, I just get the same stock image of a landscape from the "Shuffle Aerials" section.
Why? Did I do something wrong? Is there any way to reset this part of the menu?
submitted by isonfiy to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:49 Contactunderground Monterrey Mexico 1994, there a CE-5 contact team attracted a large craft which hovered on a mountainside. A blinding beam of light emanated from the UFO and the silhouettes of beings could be seen moving in front of the beam.

Monterrey Mexico 1994, there a CE-5 contact team attracted a large craft which hovered on a mountainside. A blinding beam of light emanated from the UFO and the silhouettes of beings could be seen moving in front of the beam.
Shari Adamiak was a dedicated, disciplined volunteer contact worker who I had the honor to serve with as a fellow CE-5 Working Group Coordinator from 1992 till 1998. I honor her memory by posting her report describing an amazing encounter in Monterrey Mexico in 1994.

In the in-depth document posted below prolonged telepathic exchanges reportedly occurred with two types of non-human beings, very small ones and a larger humanoid being.

Joseph Burkes MD 2024

By Shari Adamiak ©1995, Executive Director of CSETI

The following is an account - from my point of view - of events that occurred during a CSETI investigative team activation to Monterrey, Mexico in December of 1994. While necessarily somewhat subjective based on my own experiences, every attempt has been made to present an accurate depiction of events that were experienced by myself and our team.
CSETI Reacts to Flap in Mexico:
After seeing a tape of a "Hard Copy" program showing an active wave of UFO activity in Monterrey, Mexico - the third largest metropolis in Mexico - we made an effort to contact the researcher who had taken those videos. Santiago Yturria is a thorough researcher and skilled videographer who, along with Diana Perla Chapa, the host of a popular live talk show on Mexican network television, has had a UFO group for over 20 years in the state of Nuevo Leone.

Dr. Steven Greer, international director of CSETI, activated a CSETI Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) to Monterrey to investigate this current flap. Santiago, Diana, and the entire Ovni Club of N.L. assisted us, took us to sites, shared their evidence and graciously welcomed us to Monterrey. Dr. Greer, myself, a woman from New York and a man, also a videographer, from Minneapolis made up the CSETI team. (Names furnished upon request.)
Consciousness Connections:

Lucid dream activity played a significant role in the events that unfolded in Monterrey. Three of the team had dreams that proved to be portents of happenings on this project. I had a dream in the early hours of December 13th. In it, the extraterrestrials were showing us the spot where we should come in order to have a meeting with them. They showed me aerial views, in stop motion - each one closer to the ground - and marked the site with a strobing turquoise laser pattern. They showed me a view from the ground, looking up at some steep peaks, and showed it to me both in day and nighttime views. The night view revealed two stars in a particular configuration over one of the peaks.

That very afternoon, Santiago and his friends drove us to Las Mitres mountains, well known as an area of many sightings of UFOs. As we approached, it dawned on me that it was identical to what I was shown in my dream. We decided to use the spot as our field research site that night. When we came to Las Mitres (so named because the mountain peaks resemble a bishop's miter hat) that night, the two stars were indeed in the sky in the same position as I had seen in my lucid dream.

The Team Gets to Work:

The CSETI team had observed some anomalous objects in the sky at two different sites on the nights of December 11th and 12th, but the next two nights, the 13th and 14th at the Las Mitres sites, proved to be exceptional. The Las Mitres mountains contain a large cave where the local investigators believe that spacecraft conceal themselves when coming to the Monterrey area. And, unusually dense low clouds were known to form over the cave and other parts of the peaks very quickly. On the night of December 13th, the entire CSETI team set up camp at the base of Las Mitres. We were joined by an American woman who was a friend of one of our teammates, who was married to a Mexican man and living in Monterrey. She had arranged our lodging and transportation for us.

Around 10:30 pm, following our first Coherent Thought Sequencing (a CSETI protocol) session, we observed a very bright light that appeared in the zenith of the sky, traveling rapidly in an upward arc that terminated in the center of the constellation Orion. At 10:45 pm, very dense clouds materialized within a minute on parts of the sheer mountain cliffs.
The Close Encounters Begin:

At approximately 1:00 am, Dr. Greer and another team member were standing slightly down the gravel road when they observed a bright, strobe-like white light to appear at the edge of the mountain. At about the same time, I had gotten up and walked closer towards the brush at the base of the mountain. Dr. Greer looked for me to tell me of the strobe light and found me at the spot where it had appeared. As we stood there, another round light came rolling down the side of the steep slope. Just then, I felt some invisible energy that felt as if it were gently pulling me in deeper to the brush. Both Dr. Greer and I felt there was a presence nearby that, from past experience, led us to feel there was a spacecraft and extraterrestrial beings very nearby.

Just then, I began to perceive small, square-shouldered beings in the brush around us. They could be sensed and dimly seen, but a clear view of them wasn't possible. The little beings were extremely shy and reticent. They would scurry close to us, then backtrack quickly into the brush. We could not hear any brush moving or footsteps but we could dimly see them. To me, they seemed to have on uniforms that covered their body and legs that were a dull orange-rust color. They were very short, just up to my knees (I am 5'7"). I became aware of a telepathic message - they were concerned about our video camera, behind me to the right. I turned my head and looked. Sure enough, unknown to me previously as I had not seen it in the dark, was our teammate's professional camera set up on a tripod. I send back the mental message to them not to worry, the camera wasn't on and we wouldn't let him touch it. They seemed to trust my assurance, as the event continued to unfold. I related this two-way communication to Dr. Greer, who went back to the other three people and instructed them to stay where they were unless he called them forward.

These rich, rare exchanges with what appear to be extraterrestrial life forms are very delicate scenarios. Any sudden, rash or extreme emotion or movement can thwart the entire event and bring it to a screeching halt, and the extraterrestrials vanish. Sometimes our second-guessing of what is needed to allow an event to unfold in all its possible fullness is accurate; sometimes it is not. It is almost like hesitant dance partners, longing but afraid to get closer. Until we as a people are more accepting of close contact with extraterrestrials, our interactions are likely to continue in this way.

I could mentally 'hear' concerned conversation going on amongst the small beings. They eventually conveyed to me the message, again mentally, that they were having difficulty adjusting our energies in preparation for a meeting because my physical energy was concentrated on my stomach, trying to digest some food. Just before all this began, I had eaten about a half of a Power Bar, a dense protein energy food. It was cold and hard from being in my gear bag for hours and I could feel it kind of just laying in my stomach. At this point, I sent a very deliberate message to the life forms: "I give you permission to take it out of my body". Suddenly, I felt as if someone were standing some distance away with a fishing line whose hook was inside my stomach. It felt as if someone were slowing reeling in the line as the food came back out the way it went in. Now, I detest vomiting more than almost anything and I was struck by the gentleness that was used in removing this food from my body. It was only mildly unpleasant. Dr. Greer, an emergency physician, asked me if I was alright. I told him that I was fine and that this was being done with my permission. After this little purging, the energy felt softer, with less intense vibration.

Soon the little beings sent both Dr. Greer and I the message that if we removed our glasses, we would be able to see them better. Although I normally use contact lenses, glasses are preferable for field work when wind and dust often get blown into my eyes, plus the fact that we are often in the field until the wee hours of the morning. After receiving this message, we each removed our glasses. One last request from the little ETs - that we remove our hats (it had been a chilly night.) At this point, I could actually feel a harmonious flow of energy between us, the little beings, and some other unseen source.

Another Being is Perceived:

At this point, the small life forms disappeared. Shafts of golden light began to come from an unknown, unseen source and lay across the bushes in front of us. We learned later that the three other team members behind us could see this as well, although they had not been able to perceive the small beings. I could feel one of these shafts of light approach me and fill my torso with a warm, golden glow. After the light rays faded, a large oval of bluish fog began to form about ten feet in front of us. As the blue mist began to coalesce, Dr. Greer and I became aware of a being within it. Although again we could see him only dimly, he appeared very humanoid, tall, with long and straight silverish hair. He appeared to be clothed in a light blue and silver uniform.

We learned later that one team member saw a tendril of the blue fog travel along the ground towards her. It frightened her a little until the mist reached her foot and began to send wisps around her feet. She later told us that there was a gentle kindness about the fog and all misgivings vanished. However, our American friend who was not an actual team member became very frightened by the golden light and blue fog.

We learned later that it was all too much for her - something the extraterrestrial would tell us. For as we stood there facing one another, the tall being sent us a message that they would very much like to manifest more fully in the physical to meet with us, but that if they did so, one of our team members would be dangerously frightened. Their caution and concern were touching. And a far cry from the crying wolf that goes on so often when extraterrestrials are said to be heartless, devoid of feeling, and out to harm human beings. We in CSETI feel that this type of encounter points up the absolute need and appropriateness of doing real-time field work in our efforts to learn exactly what these beings are all about.

It is important, and interesting, to note that both Dr. Greer and myself received nearly identical mental messages each time there was a communication from the extraterrestrial.

Dr. Greer and I consulted one another and decided to send a joint message. We told the tall being that if they could not come to us, it was okay with us if they could take us to where they were. We could sense this was being discussed with a 'central command control', or his more senior team members. Dr. Greer and I saw a copper-gold sphere, ten to twelve feet in diameter, begin to coalesce to the left of the tall being. It never reached material solidity but soon began to disperse. The tall being then sent us a message that it would frighten our teammates just as much to see us disappear in front of their eyes as it would for the ETs to manifest right there. At this time, we had no idea that any member of our team was having difficulty coping with these events.
Soon Again, Soon Again:

Finally, after what seemed like a few moments, the tall being sent us a message that they would not be able to manifest fully in the physical this night. But they sent a message: "soon again; soon again". At this point, Dr. Greer went back to speak with the other team members and I stayed put. For the next five minutes, the being and I exchanged blessings to each other, to our teams. It was poignant and lovely. I cannot recall any of the actual 'words' or specific communications; it was not a left-brained exchange, but was beyond the bounds of linear thought.

Their Reluctance is Proven Out:

When I joined the others, I learned that our American friend had become extremely frightened, so much so that she had taken refuge in our vehicle. We had designated the big Suburban as the 'safe area". We do this on all our field research - setting aside a specific enclosure that any team member can go to if unfolding events prove fearful to them. In fact, it is our policy to send a 'buddy' along, who remains with them the entire time they wish to stay in the safe area. We divide into buddies at the beginning of our field session so that each team member is accounted for, and accountable, at all times. She told us that if she had seen anything more from the ETs, she would have run screaming down the mountainside.

Preparation is Key:

Her reactions impressed upon us the importance of training for each team member. It served as a strong reminder to us to be more stringent in adherence to our policies regarding untrained guests who wanted to join our field work. Much to my surprise, Dr. Greer and I learned from our teammates that we had been standing there, exchanging communication with the extraterrestrials, for nearly two hours. We both thought no more than thirty minutes had elapsed. By this time, it was nearly 3:00 am, so we broke camp and went home.

The Encounters Continue:

The following day was a busy one with an appearance on Diana Chapa's live TV show in the morning, a field trip to another site in the afternoon, and a talk at the Ovni Club that evening. It was about 11:30 pm by the time we were driving up the narrow road to our Las Mitres site. Interestingly, our videographer teammate was absent from field work. He had decided to stay in the city to visit his friend and her son. As the Suburban headed up the gravel lane, Dr. Greer and I simultaneously observed a small, bright light on the side of Las Mitres. We knew from the previous night that there was no light normally in that area. Tonight we also had with us our American friend's Mexican husband. He and our driver assured us there were no houses, no power lines, no roads, nothing on the sheer cliffs of Las Mitres.

As we came to the base of the mountain, Dr. Greer jumped from the Suburban while it was still rolling. The other woman and I jumped out and grabbed the bare necessities of field gear: a 500,000-candle power portable halogen light, our night vision scope, binoculars, a small camcorder, and a hand-held micro-cassette recorder.

Because of the reaction by an untrained participant the previous night, we sent our driver and his friend down the road. We told them we could not afford any panic this night. Unbeknownst to us at the time, the men went to a spot at the bottom of the road where they could clearly see the events that unfolded.

Are We in a Spielberg Movie?:

Dr. Greer grabbed the halogen light and sent a signal to the star-like light on the hillside. Instantly, the light transformed into a gigantic, brilliant round beam that shot light down the entire mountainside! We were astonished. It came close to being the time we always joke about - when events are so incredible that we'll wish we had on "Depends" undergarments! We continued to have a Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind - a human-initiated or human-interactive experience - with this craft for the next two hours and fifteen minutes. An exchange like this, with a team in the field, is unprecedented. During the lengthy encounter, we sent light signals to the craft. The craft would signal back to us in the exact same sequence. Then its lights would extinguish. Within a few minutes, it would again illuminate and initiate a signal to us. This went on and on. Twice during this time period, we saw the shadows of beings walking in front of the blinding beam. At times, the beam would rotate upon itself, appearing to the left of its original position - then back where it was. Once the light seemed to turn over on itself, illuminating the sparsely forested slope behind it. This was one of the times when figures were seen to move in the beam.

Hoaxability Ration - Low to Zero:

It must be emphasized that this is a very remote area devoid of roads. For anyone to have hoaxed this event would have required something on the scale of a major motion picture crew. There was simply no way to have moved equipment like this onto these sheer slopes. It would have caused quite a commotion in the suburbs below if a crew of that magnitude had traversed those sheer cliffs that day. The area would have been swarming with lookie-loos. At the end of the two hours and fifteen minutes, the light, which by now had split into two candle-flame colored round lights, turned to brilliant red, shot out a lightning bolt of energy and vanished. We saw a golden streak shoot through the sky towards the direction of the ancient volcano, Topochico. And the energy was gone. It was not until this point that we fully appreciated that
1) we'd been standing up for all that time, and
2) our hair had stood on end the entire time.

As a side note, I want to report that when we first got out of the vehicle at the base of the mountain, I heard crickets chirping in stereophonic synchronicity. One would chirp on our right, then one would chirp on our left. The chirping was loud and distinct. When I heard it, I told my teammates that it was significant. I had heard similar chirping prior to another major encounter in the past. It was moments later that the gigantic craft illuminated before us.

Eventful Trip Home:

We signaled to our drivers to bring up the Suburban. When they arrived, we learned that the men had gone to a vantage point and had seen everything, giving us two independent witnesses. In fact, from their extra distance the light was not so blinding and they were able to discern the craft. They both reported seeing a very large disc-shaped craft with a domed top. The men were extremely excited. They said they felt bonded now, like brothers. The American's husband said that his life would never be the same again.

As we were riding on our 30-minute drive home, Dr. Greer remarked that he felt the ETs would follow us. Within a minute, the man in front was exclaiming, "la luz, la luz!" (the light, the light!) We could then see that the gigantic light was visible from the road, showing itself to us on the opposite side of the mountain from where it had been at our field site! We stopped at a closed gas station, signaled and videoed (which came out fuzzy and blurred). You will recall that, of all nights, our videographer was not with us this night. Coincidence or orchestrated by the ETs? So many such things happen that we have to ponder the possibility. This time, the light was not appearing as two lights side by side. Instead, they were two lights stacked one on top the other. We continued to observe it on the remainder of the homeward ride, stopping twice more to observe.

When we arrived home, we climbed up to our flat roof. We could still see it, even though the entire valley of the city of Monterrey was now between us, the back side of Las Mitres and the rest of the range. The lights were still there. They had changed position again and were now staggered, one atop the other. They had been so bright that we could see the rock face behind it illuminated. As we watched, the lights dimmed down to about half their luminosity.

The Craft Revealed:

At this point, we could clearly see the structure of the craft. It was indeed a large disc with a sloped dome on top. By measuring with fingers at arm's length, Dr. Greer determined that the craft was between one-half to one full city block in size. As the birds began to sing and the sky began to lighten, we bid goodbye and heartfelt thanks to our visitors for these remarkable experiences and went inside to sleep, and dream of them.

Shari Adamiak, Executive Director, CSETI ________________________

Final Notes:

I wish to advise that the three persons who interacted with the craft as described above included three very responsible and stable individuals. Dr. Greer is a practicing trauma physician, father of four, world-renowned expert on extraterrestrial intelligence. He is the founder of CSETI, and the visionary and guiding force of it. Our teammate from New York is cofounder of a research foundation and is personal friends with world leaders in both the political and private sectors. And I myself have been educated in the sciences and the law and worked for many years as a paralegal, which gives me a logical mind upon which to base my ongoing extraterrestrial experiences. - Shari Adamiak
I describe how I first met Shari in 1992. It was an experience that I will never forget:
submitted by Contactunderground to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:47 Contactunderground Monterrey Mexico 1994, there a CE-5 contact team attracted a large craft which hovered on a mountainside. A blinding beam of light emanated from the UFO and the silhouettes of beings could be seen moving in front of the beam.

Monterrey Mexico 1994, there a CE-5 contact team attracted a large craft which hovered on a mountainside. A blinding beam of light emanated from the UFO and the silhouettes of beings could be seen moving in front of the beam.
Shari Adamiak was a dedicated, disciplined volunteer contact worker who I had the honor to serve with as a fellow CE-5 Working Group Coordinator from 1992 till 1998. I honor her memory by posting her report describing an amazing encounter in Monterrey Mexico in 1994.

In the in-depth document posted below prolonged telepathic exchanges reportedly occurred with two types of non-human beings, very small ones and a larger humanoid being.

Joseph Burkes MD 2024
By Shari Adamiak ©1995, Executive Director of CSETI

The following is an account - from my point of view - of events that occurred during a CSETI investigative team activation to Monterrey, Mexico in December of 1994. While necessarily somewhat subjective based on my own experiences, every attempt has been made to present an accurate depiction of events that were experienced by myself and our team.
CSETI Reacts to Flap in Mexico:
After seeing a tape of a "Hard Copy" program showing an active wave of UFO activity in Monterrey, Mexico - the third largest metropolis in Mexico - we made an effort to contact the researcher who had taken those videos. Santiago Yturria is a thorough researcher and skilled videographer who, along with Diana Perla Chapa, the host of a popular live talk show on Mexican network television, has had a UFO group for over 20 years in the state of Nuevo Leone.

Dr. Steven Greer, international director of CSETI, activated a CSETI Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) to Monterrey to investigate this current flap. Santiago, Diana, and the entire Ovni Club of N.L. assisted us, took us to sites, shared their evidence and graciously welcomed us to Monterrey. Dr. Greer, myself, a woman from New York and a man, also a videographer, from Minneapolis made up the CSETI team. (Names furnished upon request.)
Consciousness Connections:

Lucid dream activity played a significant role in the events that unfolded in Monterrey. Three of the team had dreams that proved to be portents of happenings on this project. I had a dream in the early hours of December 13th. In it, the extraterrestrials were showing us the spot where we should come in order to have a meeting with them. They showed me aerial views, in stop motion - each one closer to the ground - and marked the site with a strobing turquoise laser pattern. They showed me a view from the ground, looking up at some steep peaks, and showed it to me both in day and nighttime views. The night view revealed two stars in a particular configuration over one of the peaks.

That very afternoon, Santiago and his friends drove us to Las Mitres mountains, well known as an area of many sightings of UFOs. As we approached, it dawned on me that it was identical to what I was shown in my dream. We decided to use the spot as our field research site that night. When we came to Las Mitres (so named because the mountain peaks resemble a bishop's miter hat) that night, the two stars were indeed in the sky in the same position as I had seen in my lucid dream.

The Team Gets to Work:

The CSETI team had observed some anomalous objects in the sky at two different sites on the nights of December 11th and 12th, but the next two nights, the 13th and 14th at the Las Mitres sites, proved to be exceptional. The Las Mitres mountains contain a large cave where the local investigators believe that spacecraft conceal themselves when coming to the Monterrey area. And, unusually dense low clouds were known to form over the cave and other parts of the peaks very quickly. On the night of December 13th, the entire CSETI team set up camp at the base of Las Mitres. We were joined by an American woman who was a friend of one of our teammates, who was married to a Mexican man and living in Monterrey. She had arranged our lodging and transportation for us.

Around 10:30 pm, following our first Coherent Thought Sequencing (a CSETI protocol) session, we observed a very bright light that appeared in the zenith of the sky, traveling rapidly in an upward arc that terminated in the center of the constellation Orion. At 10:45 pm, very dense clouds materialized within a minute on parts of the sheer mountain cliffs.
The Close Encounters Begin:

At approximately 1:00 am, Dr. Greer and another team member were standing slightly down the gravel road when they observed a bright, strobe-like white light to appear at the edge of the mountain. At about the same time, I had gotten up and walked closer towards the brush at the base of the mountain. Dr. Greer looked for me to tell me of the strobe light and found me at the spot where it had appeared. As we stood there, another round light came rolling down the side of the steep slope. Just then, I felt some invisible energy that felt as if it were gently pulling me in deeper to the brush. Both Dr. Greer and I felt there was a presence nearby that, from past experience, led us to feel there was a spacecraft and extraterrestrial beings very nearby.

Just then, I began to perceive small, square-shouldered beings in the brush around us. They could be sensed and dimly seen, but a clear view of them wasn't possible. The little beings were extremely shy and reticent. They would scurry close to us, then backtrack quickly into the brush. We could not hear any brush moving or footsteps but we could dimly see them. To me, they seemed to have on uniforms that covered their body and legs that were a dull orange-rust color. They were very short, just up to my knees (I am 5'7"). I became aware of a telepathic message - they were concerned about our video camera, behind me to the right. I turned my head and looked. Sure enough, unknown to me previously as I had not seen it in the dark, was our teammate's professional camera set up on a tripod. I send back the mental message to them not to worry, the camera wasn't on and we wouldn't let him touch it. They seemed to trust my assurance, as the event continued to unfold. I related this two-way communication to Dr. Greer, who went back to the other three people and instructed them to stay where they were unless he called them forward.

These rich, rare exchanges with what appear to be extraterrestrial life forms are very delicate scenarios. Any sudden, rash or extreme emotion or movement can thwart the entire event and bring it to a screeching halt, and the extraterrestrials vanish. Sometimes our second-guessing of what is needed to allow an event to unfold in all its possible fullness is accurate; sometimes it is not. It is almost like hesitant dance partners, longing but afraid to get closer. Until we as a people are more accepting of close contact with extraterrestrials, our interactions are likely to continue in this way.

I could mentally 'hear' concerned conversation going on amongst the small beings. They eventually conveyed to me the message, again mentally, that they were having difficulty adjusting our energies in preparation for a meeting because my physical energy was concentrated on my stomach, trying to digest some food. Just before all this began, I had eaten about a half of a Power Bar, a dense protein energy food. It was cold and hard from being in my gear bag for hours and I could feel it kind of just laying in my stomach. At this point, I sent a very deliberate message to the life forms: "I give you permission to take it out of my body". Suddenly, I felt as if someone were standing some distance away with a fishing line whose hook was inside my stomach. It felt as if someone were slowing reeling in the line as the food came back out the way it went in. Now, I detest vomiting more than almost anything and I was struck by the gentleness that was used in removing this food from my body. It was only mildly unpleasant. Dr. Greer, an emergency physician, asked me if I was alright. I told him that I was fine and that this was being done with my permission. After this little purging, the energy felt softer, with less intense vibration.

Soon the little beings sent both Dr. Greer and I the message that if we removed our glasses, we would be able to see them better. Although I normally use contact lenses, glasses are preferable for field work when wind and dust often get blown into my eyes, plus the fact that we are often in the field until the wee hours of the morning. After receiving this message, we each removed our glasses. One last request from the little ETs - that we remove our hats (it had been a chilly night.) At this point, I could actually feel a harmonious flow of energy between us, the little beings, and some other unseen source.

Another Being is Perceived:

At this point, the small life forms disappeared. Shafts of golden light began to come from an unknown, unseen source and lay across the bushes in front of us. We learned later that the three other team members behind us could see this as well, although they had not been able to perceive the small beings. I could feel one of these shafts of light approach me and fill my torso with a warm, golden glow. After the light rays faded, a large oval of bluish fog began to form about ten feet in front of us. As the blue mist began to coalesce, Dr. Greer and I became aware of a being within it. Although again we could see him only dimly, he appeared very humanoid, tall, with long and straight silverish hair. He appeared to be clothed in a light blue and silver uniform.

We learned later that one team member saw a tendril of the blue fog travel along the ground towards her. It frightened her a little until the mist reached her foot and began to send wisps around her feet. She later told us that there was a gentle kindness about the fog and all misgivings vanished. However, our American friend who was not an actual team member became very frightened by the golden light and blue fog.

We learned later that it was all too much for her - something the extraterrestrial would tell us. For as we stood there facing one another, the tall being sent us a message that they would very much like to manifest more fully in the physical to meet with us, but that if they did so, one of our team members would be dangerously frightened. Their caution and concern were touching. And a far cry from the crying wolf that goes on so often when extraterrestrials are said to be heartless, devoid of feeling, and out to harm human beings. We in CSETI feel that this type of encounter points up the absolute need and appropriateness of doing real-time field work in our efforts to learn exactly what these beings are all about.

It is important, and interesting, to note that both Dr. Greer and myself received nearly identical mental messages each time there was a communication from the extraterrestrial.

Dr. Greer and I consulted one another and decided to send a joint message. We told the tall being that if they could not come to us, it was okay with us if they could take us to where they were. We could sense this was being discussed with a 'central command control', or his more senior team members. Dr. Greer and I saw a copper-gold sphere, ten to twelve feet in diameter, begin to coalesce to the left of the tall being. It never reached material solidity but soon began to disperse. The tall being then sent us a message that it would frighten our teammates just as much to see us disappear in front of their eyes as it would for the ETs to manifest right there. At this time, we had no idea that any member of our team was having difficulty coping with these events.
Soon Again, Soon Again:

Finally, after what seemed like a few moments, the tall being sent us a message that they would not be able to manifest fully in the physical this night. But they sent a message: "soon again; soon again". At this point, Dr. Greer went back to speak with the other team members and I stayed put. For the next five minutes, the being and I exchanged blessings to each other, to our teams. It was poignant and lovely. I cannot recall any of the actual 'words' or specific communications; it was not a left-brained exchange, but was beyond the bounds of linear thought.

Their Reluctance is Proven Out:

When I joined the others, I learned that our American friend had become extremely frightened, so much so that she had taken refuge in our vehicle. We had designated the big Suburban as the 'safe area". We do this on all our field research - setting aside a specific enclosure that any team member can go to if unfolding events prove fearful to them. In fact, it is our policy to send a 'buddy' along, who remains with them the entire time they wish to stay in the safe area. We divide into buddies at the beginning of our field session so that each team member is accounted for, and accountable, at all times. She told us that if she had seen anything more from the ETs, she would have run screaming down the mountainside.

Preparation is Key:

Her reactions impressed upon us the importance of training for each team member. It served as a strong reminder to us to be more stringent in adherence to our policies regarding untrained guests who wanted to join our field work. Much to my surprise, Dr. Greer and I learned from our teammates that we had been standing there, exchanging communication with the extraterrestrials, for nearly two hours. We both thought no more than thirty minutes had elapsed. By this time, it was nearly 3:00 am, so we broke camp and went home.

The Encounters Continue:

The following day was a busy one with an appearance on Diana Chapa's live TV show in the morning, a field trip to another site in the afternoon, and a talk at the Ovni Club that evening. It was about 11:30 pm by the time we were driving up the narrow road to our Las Mitres site. Interestingly, our videographer teammate was absent from field work. He had decided to stay in the city to visit his friend and her son. As the Suburban headed up the gravel lane, Dr. Greer and I simultaneously observed a small, bright light on the side of Las Mitres. We knew from the previous night that there was no light normally in that area. Tonight we also had with us our American friend's Mexican husband. He and our driver assured us there were no houses, no power lines, no roads, nothing on the sheer cliffs of Las Mitres.

As we came to the base of the mountain, Dr. Greer jumped from the Suburban while it was still rolling. The other woman and I jumped out and grabbed the bare necessities of field gear: a 500,000-candle power portable halogen light, our night vision scope, binoculars, a small camcorder, and a hand-held micro-cassette recorder.

Because of the reaction by an untrained participant the previous night, we sent our driver and his friend down the road. We told them we could not afford any panic this night. Unbeknownst to us at the time, the men went to a spot at the bottom of the road where they could clearly see the events that unfolded.

Are We in a Spielberg Movie?:

Dr. Greer grabbed the halogen light and sent a signal to the star-like light on the hillside. Instantly, the light transformed into a gigantic, brilliant round beam that shot light down the entire mountainside! We were astonished. It came close to being the time we always joke about - when events are so incredible that we'll wish we had on "Depends" undergarments! We continued to have a Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind - a human-initiated or human-interactive experience - with this craft for the next two hours and fifteen minutes. An exchange like this, with a team in the field, is unprecedented. During the lengthy encounter, we sent light signals to the craft. The craft would signal back to us in the exact same sequence. Then its lights would extinguish. Within a few minutes, it would again illuminate and initiate a signal to us. This went on and on. Twice during this time period, we saw the shadows of beings walking in front of the blinding beam. At times, the beam would rotate upon itself, appearing to the left of its original position - then back where it was. Once the light seemed to turn over on itself, illuminating the sparsely forested slope behind it. This was one of the times when figures were seen to move in the beam.

Hoaxability Ration - Low to Zero:

It must be emphasized that this is a very remote area devoid of roads. For anyone to have hoaxed this event would have required something on the scale of a major motion picture crew. There was simply no way to have moved equipment like this onto these sheer slopes. It would have caused quite a commotion in the suburbs below if a crew of that magnitude had traversed those sheer cliffs that day. The area would have been swarming with lookie-loos. At the end of the two hours and fifteen minutes, the light, which by now had split into two candle-flame colored round lights, turned to brilliant red, shot out a lightning bolt of energy and vanished. We saw a golden streak shoot through the sky towards the direction of the ancient volcano, Topochico. And the energy was gone. It was not until this point that we fully appreciated that
1) we'd been standing up for all that time, and
2) our hair had stood on end the entire time.

As a side note, I want to report that when we first got out of the vehicle at the base of the mountain, I heard crickets chirping in stereophonic synchronicity. One would chirp on our right, then one would chirp on our left. The chirping was loud and distinct. When I heard it, I told my teammates that it was significant. I had heard similar chirping prior to another major encounter in the past. It was moments later that the gigantic craft illuminated before us.

Eventful Trip Home:

We signaled to our drivers to bring up the Suburban. When they arrived, we learned that the men had gone to a vantage point and had seen everything, giving us two independent witnesses. In fact, from their extra distance the light was not so blinding and they were able to discern the craft. They both reported seeing a very large disc-shaped craft with a domed top. The men were extremely excited. They said they felt bonded now, like brothers. The American's husband said that his life would never be the same again.

As we were riding on our 30-minute drive home, Dr. Greer remarked that he felt the ETs would follow us. Within a minute, the man in front was exclaiming, "la luz, la luz!" (the light, the light!) We could then see that the gigantic light was visible from the road, showing itself to us on the opposite side of the mountain from where it had been at our field site! We stopped at a closed gas station, signaled and videoed (which came out fuzzy and blurred). You will recall that, of all nights, our videographer was not with us this night. Coincidence or orchestrated by the ETs? So many such things happen that we have to ponder the possibility. This time, the light was not appearing as two lights side by side. Instead, they were two lights stacked one on top the other. We continued to observe it on the remainder of the homeward ride, stopping twice more to observe.

When we arrived home, we climbed up to our flat roof. We could still see it, even though the entire valley of the city of Monterrey was now between us, the back side of Las Mitres and the rest of the range. The lights were still there. They had changed position again and were now staggered, one atop the other. They had been so bright that we could see the rock face behind it illuminated. As we watched, the lights dimmed down to about half their luminosity.

The Craft Revealed:

At this point, we could clearly see the structure of the craft. It was indeed a large disc with a sloped dome on top. By measuring with fingers at arm's length, Dr. Greer determined that the craft was between one-half to one full city block in size. As the birds began to sing and the sky began to lighten, we bid goodbye and heartfelt thanks to our visitors for these remarkable experiences and went inside to sleep, and dream of them.

Shari Adamiak, Executive Director, CSETI ________________________

Final Notes:

I wish to advise that the three persons who interacted with the craft as described above included three very responsible and stable individuals. Dr. Greer is a practicing trauma physician, father of four, world-renowned expert on extraterrestrial intelligence. He is the founder of CSETI, and the visionary and guiding force of it. Our teammate from New York is cofounder of a research foundation and is personal friends with world leaders in both the political and private sectors. And I myself have been educated in the sciences and the law and worked for many years as a paralegal, which gives me a logical mind upon which to base my ongoing extraterrestrial experiences. - Shari Adamiak

I describe how I first met Shari in 1992. It was an experience that I will never forget:
submitted by Contactunderground to ContactUnderground [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:45 Contactunderground Monterrey Mexico 1994, there a CE-5 contact team attracted a large craft which hovered on a mountainside. A blinding beam of light emanated from the UFO and the silhouettes of beings could be seen moving in front of the beam.

Monterrey Mexico 1994, there a CE-5 contact team attracted a large craft which hovered on a mountainside. A blinding beam of light emanated from the UFO and the silhouettes of beings could be seen moving in front of the beam.
Shari Adamiak was a dedicated, disciplined volunteer contact worker who I had the honor to serve with as a fellow CE-5 Working Group Coordinator from 1992 till 1998. I honor her memory by posting her report describing an amazing encounter in Monterrey Mexico in 1994.

In the in-depth document posted below prolonged telepathic exchanges reportedly occurred with two types of non-human beings, very small ones and a larger humanoid being.

Joseph Burkes MD 2024
By Shari Adamiak ©1995, Executive Director of CSETI

The following is an account - from my point of view - of events that occurred during a CSETI investigative team activation to Monterrey, Mexico in December of 1994. While necessarily somewhat subjective based on my own experiences, every attempt has been made to present an accurate depiction of events that were experienced by myself and our team.
CSETI Reacts to Flap in Mexico:
After seeing a tape of a "Hard Copy" program showing an active wave of UFO activity in Monterrey, Mexico - the third largest metropolis in Mexico - we made an effort to contact the researcher who had taken those videos. Santiago Yturria is a thorough researcher and skilled videographer who, along with Diana Perla Chapa, the host of a popular live talk show on Mexican network television, has had a UFO group for over 20 years in the state of Nuevo Leone.

Dr. Steven Greer, international director of CSETI, activated a CSETI Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) to Monterrey to investigate this current flap. Santiago, Diana, and the entire Ovni Club of N.L. assisted us, took us to sites, shared their evidence and graciously welcomed us to Monterrey. Dr. Greer, myself, a woman from New York and a man, also a videographer, from Minneapolis made up the CSETI team. (Names furnished upon request.)
Consciousness Connections:

Lucid dream activity played a significant role in the events that unfolded in Monterrey. Three of the team had dreams that proved to be portents of happenings on this project. I had a dream in the early hours of December 13th. In it, the extraterrestrials were showing us the spot where we should come in order to have a meeting with them. They showed me aerial views, in stop motion - each one closer to the ground - and marked the site with a strobing turquoise laser pattern. They showed me a view from the ground, looking up at some steep peaks, and showed it to me both in day and nighttime views. The night view revealed two stars in a particular configuration over one of the peaks.

That very afternoon, Santiago and his friends drove us to Las Mitres mountains, well known as an area of many sightings of UFOs. As we approached, it dawned on me that it was identical to what I was shown in my dream. We decided to use the spot as our field research site that night. When we came to Las Mitres (so named because the mountain peaks resemble a bishop's miter hat) that night, the two stars were indeed in the sky in the same position as I had seen in my lucid dream.

The Team Gets to Work:

The CSETI team had observed some anomalous objects in the sky at two different sites on the nights of December 11th and 12th, but the next two nights, the 13th and 14th at the Las Mitres sites, proved to be exceptional. The Las Mitres mountains contain a large cave where the local investigators believe that spacecraft conceal themselves when coming to the Monterrey area. And, unusually dense low clouds were known to form over the cave and other parts of the peaks very quickly. On the night of December 13th, the entire CSETI team set up camp at the base of Las Mitres. We were joined by an American woman who was a friend of one of our teammates, who was married to a Mexican man and living in Monterrey. She had arranged our lodging and transportation for us.

Around 10:30 pm, following our first Coherent Thought Sequencing (a CSETI protocol) session, we observed a very bright light that appeared in the zenith of the sky, traveling rapidly in an upward arc that terminated in the center of the constellation Orion. At 10:45 pm, very dense clouds materialized within a minute on parts of the sheer mountain cliffs.
The Close Encounters Begin:

At approximately 1:00 am, Dr. Greer and another team member were standing slightly down the gravel road when they observed a bright, strobe-like white light to appear at the edge of the mountain. At about the same time, I had gotten up and walked closer towards the brush at the base of the mountain. Dr. Greer looked for me to tell me of the strobe light and found me at the spot where it had appeared. As we stood there, another round light came rolling down the side of the steep slope. Just then, I felt some invisible energy that felt as if it were gently pulling me in deeper to the brush. Both Dr. Greer and I felt there was a presence nearby that, from past experience, led us to feel there was a spacecraft and extraterrestrial beings very nearby.

Just then, I began to perceive small, square-shouldered beings in the brush around us. They could be sensed and dimly seen, but a clear view of them wasn't possible. The little beings were extremely shy and reticent. They would scurry close to us, then backtrack quickly into the brush. We could not hear any brush moving or footsteps but we could dimly see them. To me, they seemed to have on uniforms that covered their body and legs that were a dull orange-rust color. They were very short, just up to my knees (I am 5'7"). I became aware of a telepathic message - they were concerned about our video camera, behind me to the right. I turned my head and looked. Sure enough, unknown to me previously as I had not seen it in the dark, was our teammate's professional camera set up on a tripod. I send back the mental message to them not to worry, the camera wasn't on and we wouldn't let him touch it. They seemed to trust my assurance, as the event continued to unfold. I related this two-way communication to Dr. Greer, who went back to the other three people and instructed them to stay where they were unless he called them forward.

These rich, rare exchanges with what appear to be extraterrestrial life forms are very delicate scenarios. Any sudden, rash or extreme emotion or movement can thwart the entire event and bring it to a screeching halt, and the extraterrestrials vanish. Sometimes our second-guessing of what is needed to allow an event to unfold in all its possible fullness is accurate; sometimes it is not. It is almost like hesitant dance partners, longing but afraid to get closer. Until we as a people are more accepting of close contact with extraterrestrials, our interactions are likely to continue in this way.

I could mentally 'hear' concerned conversation going on amongst the small beings. They eventually conveyed to me the message, again mentally, that they were having difficulty adjusting our energies in preparation for a meeting because my physical energy was concentrated on my stomach, trying to digest some food. Just before all this began, I had eaten about a half of a Power Bar, a dense protein energy food. It was cold and hard from being in my gear bag for hours and I could feel it kind of just laying in my stomach. At this point, I sent a very deliberate message to the life forms: "I give you permission to take it out of my body". Suddenly, I felt as if someone were standing some distance away with a fishing line whose hook was inside my stomach. It felt as if someone were slowing reeling in the line as the food came back out the way it went in. Now, I detest vomiting more than almost anything and I was struck by the gentleness that was used in removing this food from my body. It was only mildly unpleasant. Dr. Greer, an emergency physician, asked me if I was alright. I told him that I was fine and that this was being done with my permission. After this little purging, the energy felt softer, with less intense vibration.

Soon the little beings sent both Dr. Greer and I the message that if we removed our glasses, we would be able to see them better. Although I normally use contact lenses, glasses are preferable for field work when wind and dust often get blown into my eyes, plus the fact that we are often in the field until the wee hours of the morning. After receiving this message, we each removed our glasses. One last request from the little ETs - that we remove our hats (it had been a chilly night.) At this point, I could actually feel a harmonious flow of energy between us, the little beings, and some other unseen source.

Another Being is Perceived:

At this point, the small life forms disappeared. Shafts of golden light began to come from an unknown, unseen source and lay across the bushes in front of us. We learned later that the three other team members behind us could see this as well, although they had not been able to perceive the small beings. I could feel one of these shafts of light approach me and fill my torso with a warm, golden glow. After the light rays faded, a large oval of bluish fog began to form about ten feet in front of us. As the blue mist began to coalesce, Dr. Greer and I became aware of a being within it. Although again we could see him only dimly, he appeared very humanoid, tall, with long and straight silverish hair. He appeared to be clothed in a light blue and silver uniform.

We learned later that one team member saw a tendril of the blue fog travel along the ground towards her. It frightened her a little until the mist reached her foot and began to send wisps around her feet. She later told us that there was a gentle kindness about the fog and all misgivings vanished. However, our American friend who was not an actual team member became very frightened by the golden light and blue fog.

We learned later that it was all too much for her - something the extraterrestrial would tell us. For as we stood there facing one another, the tall being sent us a message that they would very much like to manifest more fully in the physical to meet with us, but that if they did so, one of our team members would be dangerously frightened. Their caution and concern were touching. And a far cry from the crying wolf that goes on so often when extraterrestrials are said to be heartless, devoid of feeling, and out to harm human beings. We in CSETI feel that this type of encounter points up the absolute need and appropriateness of doing real-time field work in our efforts to learn exactly what these beings are all about.

It is important, and interesting, to note that both Dr. Greer and myself received nearly identical mental messages each time there was a communication from the extraterrestrial.

Dr. Greer and I consulted one another and decided to send a joint message. We told the tall being that if they could not come to us, it was okay with us if they could take us to where they were. We could sense this was being discussed with a 'central command control', or his more senior team members. Dr. Greer and I saw a copper-gold sphere, ten to twelve feet in diameter, begin to coalesce to the left of the tall being. It never reached material solidity but soon began to disperse. The tall being then sent us a message that it would frighten our teammates just as much to see us disappear in front of their eyes as it would for the ETs to manifest right there. At this time, we had no idea that any member of our team was having difficulty coping with these events.
Soon Again, Soon Again:

Finally, after what seemed like a few moments, the tall being sent us a message that they would not be able to manifest fully in the physical this night. But they sent a message: "soon again; soon again". At this point, Dr. Greer went back to speak with the other team members and I stayed put. For the next five minutes, the being and I exchanged blessings to each other, to our teams. It was poignant and lovely. I cannot recall any of the actual 'words' or specific communications; it was not a left-brained exchange, but was beyond the bounds of linear thought.

Their Reluctance is Proven Out:

When I joined the others, I learned that our American friend had become extremely frightened, so much so that she had taken refuge in our vehicle. We had designated the big Suburban as the 'safe area". We do this on all our field research - setting aside a specific enclosure that any team member can go to if unfolding events prove fearful to them. In fact, it is our policy to send a 'buddy' along, who remains with them the entire time they wish to stay in the safe area. We divide into buddies at the beginning of our field session so that each team member is accounted for, and accountable, at all times. She told us that if she had seen anything more from the ETs, she would have run screaming down the mountainside.

Preparation is Key:

Her reactions impressed upon us the importance of training for each team member. It served as a strong reminder to us to be more stringent in adherence to our policies regarding untrained guests who wanted to join our field work. Much to my surprise, Dr. Greer and I learned from our teammates that we had been standing there, exchanging communication with the extraterrestrials, for nearly two hours. We both thought no more than thirty minutes had elapsed. By this time, it was nearly 3:00 am, so we broke camp and went home.

The Encounters Continue:

The following day was a busy one with an appearance on Diana Chapa's live TV show in the morning, a field trip to another site in the afternoon, and a talk at the Ovni Club that evening. It was about 11:30 pm by the time we were driving up the narrow road to our Las Mitres site. Interestingly, our videographer teammate was absent from field work. He had decided to stay in the city to visit his friend and her son. As the Suburban headed up the gravel lane, Dr. Greer and I simultaneously observed a small, bright light on the side of Las Mitres. We knew from the previous night that there was no light normally in that area. Tonight we also had with us our American friend's Mexican husband. He and our driver assured us there were no houses, no power lines, no roads, nothing on the sheer cliffs of Las Mitres.

As we came to the base of the mountain, Dr. Greer jumped from the Suburban while it was still rolling. The other woman and I jumped out and grabbed the bare necessities of field gear: a 500,000-candle power portable halogen light, our night vision scope, binoculars, a small camcorder, and a hand-held micro-cassette recorder.

Because of the reaction by an untrained participant the previous night, we sent our driver and his friend down the road. We told them we could not afford any panic this night. Unbeknownst to us at the time, the men went to a spot at the bottom of the road where they could clearly see the events that unfolded.

Are We in a Spielberg Movie?:

Dr. Greer grabbed the halogen light and sent a signal to the star-like light on the hillside. Instantly, the light transformed into a gigantic, brilliant round beam that shot light down the entire mountainside! We were astonished. It came close to being the time we always joke about - when events are so incredible that we'll wish we had on "Depends" undergarments! We continued to have a Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind - a human-initiated or human-interactive experience - with this craft for the next two hours and fifteen minutes. An exchange like this, with a team in the field, is unprecedented. During the lengthy encounter, we sent light signals to the craft. The craft would signal back to us in the exact same sequence. Then its lights would extinguish. Within a few minutes, it would again illuminate and initiate a signal to us. This went on and on. Twice during this time period, we saw the shadows of beings walking in front of the blinding beam. At times, the beam would rotate upon itself, appearing to the left of its original position - then back where it was. Once the light seemed to turn over on itself, illuminating the sparsely forested slope behind it. This was one of the times when figures were seen to move in the beam.

Hoaxability Ration - Low to Zero:

It must be emphasized that this is a very remote area devoid of roads. For anyone to have hoaxed this event would have required something on the scale of a major motion picture crew. There was simply no way to have moved equipment like this onto these sheer slopes. It would have caused quite a commotion in the suburbs below if a crew of that magnitude had traversed those sheer cliffs that day. The area would have been swarming with lookie-loos. At the end of the two hours and fifteen minutes, the light, which by now had split into two candle-flame colored round lights, turned to brilliant red, shot out a lightning bolt of energy and vanished. We saw a golden streak shoot through the sky towards the direction of the ancient volcano, Topochico. And the energy was gone. It was not until this point that we fully appreciated that
1) we'd been standing up for all that time, and
2) our hair had stood on end the entire time.

As a side note, I want to report that when we first got out of the vehicle at the base of the mountain, I heard crickets chirping in stereophonic synchronicity. One would chirp on our right, then one would chirp on our left. The chirping was loud and distinct. When I heard it, I told my teammates that it was significant. I had heard similar chirping prior to another major encounter in the past. It was moments later that the gigantic craft illuminated before us.

Eventful Trip Home:

We signaled to our drivers to bring up the Suburban. When they arrived, we learned that the men had gone to a vantage point and had seen everything, giving us two independent witnesses. In fact, from their extra distance the light was not so blinding and they were able to discern the craft. They both reported seeing a very large disc-shaped craft with a domed top. The men were extremely excited. They said they felt bonded now, like brothers. The American's husband said that his life would never be the same again.

As we were riding on our 30-minute drive home, Dr. Greer remarked that he felt the ETs would follow us. Within a minute, the man in front was exclaiming, "la luz, la luz!" (the light, the light!) We could then see that the gigantic light was visible from the road, showing itself to us on the opposite side of the mountain from where it had been at our field site! We stopped at a closed gas station, signaled and videoed (which came out fuzzy and blurred). You will recall that, of all nights, our videographer was not with us this night. Coincidence or orchestrated by the ETs? So many such things happen that we have to ponder the possibility. This time, the light was not appearing as two lights side by side. Instead, they were two lights stacked one on top the other. We continued to observe it on the remainder of the homeward ride, stopping twice more to observe.

When we arrived home, we climbed up to our flat roof. We could still see it, even though the entire valley of the city of Monterrey was now between us, the back side of Las Mitres and the rest of the range. The lights were still there. They had changed position again and were now staggered, one atop the other. They had been so bright that we could see the rock face behind it illuminated. As we watched, the lights dimmed down to about half their luminosity.

The Craft Revealed:

At this point, we could clearly see the structure of the craft. It was indeed a large disc with a sloped dome on top. By measuring with fingers at arm's length, Dr. Greer determined that the craft was between one-half to one full city block in size. As the birds began to sing and the sky began to lighten, we bid goodbye and heartfelt thanks to our visitors for these remarkable experiences and went inside to sleep, and dream of them.

Shari Adamiak, Executive Director, CSETI ________________________

Final Notes:

I wish to advise that the three persons who interacted with the craft as described above included three very responsible and stable individuals. Dr. Greer is a practicing trauma physician, father of four, world-renowned expert on extraterrestrial intelligence. He is the founder of CSETI, and the visionary and guiding force of it. Our teammate from New York is cofounder of a research foundation and is personal friends with world leaders in both the political and private sectors. And I myself have been educated in the sciences and the law and worked for many years as a paralegal, which gives me a logical mind upon which to base my ongoing extraterrestrial experiences. - Shari Adamiak

I describe how I first met Shari in 1992. It was an experience that I will never forget:
submitted by Contactunderground to CE5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:39 Contactunderground Monterrey Mexico 1994, there a CE-5 contact team attracted a large craft which hovered on a mountainside. A blinding beam of light emanated from the UFO and the silhouettes of beings could be seen moving in front of the beam.

Monterrey Mexico 1994, there a CE-5 contact team attracted a large craft which hovered on a mountainside. A blinding beam of light emanated from the UFO and the silhouettes of beings could be seen moving in front of the beam.
Shari Adamiak was a dedicated, disciplined volunteer contact worker who I had the honor to serve with as a fellow CE-5 Working Group Coordinator from 1992 till 1998. I honor her memory by posting her report describing an amazing encounter in Monterrey Mexico in 1994.

In the report posted below, a prolonged telepathic exchanges reportedly occurred with two types of non-human beings, very small ones and a larger humanoid being.

Joseph Burkes MD 2024
By Shari Adamiak ©1995, Executive Director of CSETI

The following is an account - from my point of view - of events that occurred during a CSETI investigative team activation to Monterrey, Mexico in December of 1994. While necessarily somewhat subjective based on my own experiences, every attempt has been made to present an accurate depiction of events that were experienced by myself and our team.
CSETI Reacts to Flap in Mexico:
After seeing a tape of a "Hard Copy" program showing an active wave of UFO activity in Monterrey, Mexico - the third largest metropolis in Mexico - we made an effort to contact the researcher who had taken those videos. Santiago Yturria is a thorough researcher and skilled videographer who, along with Diana Perla Chapa, the host of a popular live talk show on Mexican network television, has had a UFO group for over 20 years in the state of Nuevo Leone.

Dr. Steven Greer, international director of CSETI, activated a CSETI Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) to Monterrey to investigate this current flap. Santiago, Diana, and the entire Ovni Club of N.L. assisted us, took us to sites, shared their evidence and graciously welcomed us to Monterrey. Dr. Greer, myself, a woman from New York and a man, also a videographer, from Minneapolis made up the CSETI team. (Names furnished upon request.)
Consciousness Connections:

Lucid dream activity played a significant role in the events that unfolded in Monterrey. Three of the team had dreams that proved to be portents of happenings on this project. I had a dream in the early hours of December 13th. In it, the extraterrestrials were showing us the spot where we should come in order to have a meeting with them. They showed me aerial views, in stop motion - each one closer to the ground - and marked the site with a strobing turquoise laser pattern. They showed me a view from the ground, looking up at some steep peaks, and showed it to me both in day and nighttime views. The night view revealed two stars in a particular configuration over one of the peaks.

That very afternoon, Santiago and his friends drove us to Las Mitres mountains, well known as an area of many sightings of UFOs. As we approached, it dawned on me that it was identical to what I was shown in my dream. We decided to use the spot as our field research site that night. When we came to Las Mitres (so named because the mountain peaks resemble a bishop's miter hat) that night, the two stars were indeed in the sky in the same position as I had seen in my lucid dream.

The Team Gets to Work:

The CSETI team had observed some anomalous objects in the sky at two different sites on the nights of December 11th and 12th, but the next two nights, the 13th and 14th at the Las Mitres sites, proved to be exceptional. The Las Mitres mountains contain a large cave where the local investigators believe that spacecraft conceal themselves when coming to the Monterrey area. And, unusually dense low clouds were known to form over the cave and other parts of the peaks very quickly. On the night of December 13th, the entire CSETI team set up camp at the base of Las Mitres. We were joined by an American woman who was a friend of one of our teammates, who was married to a Mexican man and living in Monterrey. She had arranged our lodging and transportation for us.

Around 10:30 pm, following our first Coherent Thought Sequencing (a CSETI protocol) session, we observed a very bright light that appeared in the zenith of the sky, traveling rapidly in an upward arc that terminated in the center of the constellation Orion. At 10:45 pm, very dense clouds materialized within a minute on parts of the sheer mountain cliffs.
The Close Encounters Begin:

At approximately 1:00 am, Dr. Greer and another team member were standing slightly down the gravel road when they observed a bright, strobe-like white light to appear at the edge of the mountain. At about the same time, I had gotten up and walked closer towards the brush at the base of the mountain. Dr. Greer looked for me to tell me of the strobe light and found me at the spot where it had appeared. As we stood there, another round light came rolling down the side of the steep slope. Just then, I felt some invisible energy that felt as if it were gently pulling me in deeper to the brush. Both Dr. Greer and I felt there was a presence nearby that, from past experience, led us to feel there was a spacecraft and extraterrestrial beings very nearby.

Just then, I began to perceive small, square-shouldered beings in the brush around us. They could be sensed and dimly seen, but a clear view of them wasn't possible. The little beings were extremely shy and reticent. They would scurry close to us, then backtrack quickly into the brush. We could not hear any brush moving or footsteps but we could dimly see them. To me, they seemed to have on uniforms that covered their body and legs that were a dull orange-rust color. They were very short, just up to my knees (I am 5'7"). I became aware of a telepathic message - they were concerned about our video camera, behind me to the right. I turned my head and looked. Sure enough, unknown to me previously as I had not seen it in the dark, was our teammate's professional camera set up on a tripod. I send back the mental message to them not to worry, the camera wasn't on and we wouldn't let him touch it. They seemed to trust my assurance, as the event continued to unfold. I related this two-way communication to Dr. Greer, who went back to the other three people and instructed them to stay where they were unless he called them forward.

These rich, rare exchanges with what appear to be extraterrestrial life forms are very delicate scenarios. Any sudden, rash or extreme emotion or movement can thwart the entire event and bring it to a screeching halt, and the extraterrestrials vanish. Sometimes our second-guessing of what is needed to allow an event to unfold in all its possible fullness is accurate; sometimes it is not. It is almost like hesitant dance partners, longing but afraid to get closer. Until we as a people are more accepting of close contact with extraterrestrials, our interactions are likely to continue in this way.

I could mentally 'hear' concerned conversation going on amongst the small beings. They eventually conveyed to me the message, again mentally, that they were having difficulty adjusting our energies in preparation for a meeting because my physical energy was concentrated on my stomach, trying to digest some food. Just before all this began, I had eaten about a half of a Power Bar, a dense protein energy food. It was cold and hard from being in my gear bag for hours and I could feel it kind of just laying in my stomach. At this point, I sent a very deliberate message to the life forms: "I give you permission to take it out of my body". Suddenly, I felt as if someone were standing some distance away with a fishing line whose hook was inside my stomach. It felt as if someone were slowing reeling in the line as the food came back out the way it went in. Now, I detest vomiting more than almost anything and I was struck by the gentleness that was used in removing this food from my body. It was only mildly unpleasant. Dr. Greer, an emergency physician, asked me if I was alright. I told him that I was fine and that this was being done with my permission. After this little purging, the energy felt softer, with less intense vibration.

Soon the little beings sent both Dr. Greer and I the message that if we removed our glasses, we would be able to see them better. Although I normally use contact lenses, glasses are preferable for field work when wind and dust often get blown into my eyes, plus the fact that we are often in the field until the wee hours of the morning. After receiving this message, we each removed our glasses. One last request from the little ETs - that we remove our hats (it had been a chilly night.) At this point, I could actually feel a harmonious flow of energy between us, the little beings, and some other unseen source.

Another Being is Perceived:

At this point, the small life forms disappeared. Shafts of golden light began to come from an unknown, unseen source and lay across the bushes in front of us. We learned later that the three other team members behind us could see this as well, although they had not been able to perceive the small beings. I could feel one of these shafts of light approach me and fill my torso with a warm, golden glow. After the light rays faded, a large oval of bluish fog began to form about ten feet in front of us. As the blue mist began to coalesce, Dr. Greer and I became aware of a being within it. Although again we could see him only dimly, he appeared very humanoid, tall, with long and straight silverish hair. He appeared to be clothed in a light blue and silver uniform.

We learned later that one team member saw a tendril of the blue fog travel along the ground towards her. It frightened her a little until the mist reached her foot and began to send wisps around her feet. She later told us that there was a gentle kindness about the fog and all misgivings vanished. However, our American friend who was not an actual team member became very frightened by the golden light and blue fog.

We learned later that it was all too much for her - something the extraterrestrial would tell us. For as we stood there facing one another, the tall being sent us a message that they would very much like to manifest more fully in the physical to meet with us, but that if they did so, one of our team members would be dangerously frightened. Their caution and concern were touching. And a far cry from the crying wolf that goes on so often when extraterrestrials are said to be heartless, devoid of feeling, and out to harm human beings. We in CSETI feel that this type of encounter points up the absolute need and appropriateness of doing real-time field work in our efforts to learn exactly what these beings are all about.

It is important, and interesting, to note that both Dr. Greer and myself received nearly identical mental messages each time there was a communication from the extraterrestrial.

Dr. Greer and I consulted one another and decided to send a joint message. We told the tall being that if they could not come to us, it was okay with us if they could take us to where they were. We could sense this was being discussed with a 'central command control', or his more senior team members. Dr. Greer and I saw a copper-gold sphere, ten to twelve feet in diameter, begin to coalesce to the left of the tall being. It never reached material solidity but soon began to disperse. The tall being then sent us a message that it would frighten our teammates just as much to see us disappear in front of their eyes as it would for the ETs to manifest right there. At this time, we had no idea that any member of our team was having difficulty coping with these events.
Soon Again, Soon Again:

Finally, after what seemed like a few moments, the tall being sent us a message that they would not be able to manifest fully in the physical this night. But they sent a message: "soon again; soon again". At this point, Dr. Greer went back to speak with the other team members and I stayed put. For the next five minutes, the being and I exchanged blessings to each other, to our teams. It was poignant and lovely. I cannot recall any of the actual 'words' or specific communications; it was not a left-brained exchange, but was beyond the bounds of linear thought.

Their Reluctance is Proven Out:

When I joined the others, I learned that our American friend had become extremely frightened, so much so that she had taken refuge in our vehicle. We had designated the big Suburban as the 'safe area". We do this on all our field research - setting aside a specific enclosure that any team member can go to if unfolding events prove fearful to them. In fact, it is our policy to send a 'buddy' along, who remains with them the entire time they wish to stay in the safe area. We divide into buddies at the beginning of our field session so that each team member is accounted for, and accountable, at all times. She told us that if she had seen anything more from the ETs, she would have run screaming down the mountainside.

Preparation is Key:

Her reactions impressed upon us the importance of training for each team member. It served as a strong reminder to us to be more stringent in adherence to our policies regarding untrained guests who wanted to join our field work. Much to my surprise, Dr. Greer and I learned from our teammates that we had been standing there, exchanging communication with the extraterrestrials, for nearly two hours. We both thought no more than thirty minutes had elapsed. By this time, it was nearly 3:00 am, so we broke camp and went home.

The Encounters Continue:

The following day was a busy one with an appearance on Diana Chapa's live TV show in the morning, a field trip to another site in the afternoon, and a talk at the Ovni Club that evening. It was about 11:30 pm by the time we were driving up the narrow road to our Las Mitres site. Interestingly, our videographer teammate was absent from field work. He had decided to stay in the city to visit his friend and her son. As the Suburban headed up the gravel lane, Dr. Greer and I simultaneously observed a small, bright light on the side of Las Mitres. We knew from the previous night that there was no light normally in that area. Tonight we also had with us our American friend's Mexican husband. He and our driver assured us there were no houses, no power lines, no roads, nothing on the sheer cliffs of Las Mitres.

As we came to the base of the mountain, Dr. Greer jumped from the Suburban while it was still rolling. The other woman and I jumped out and grabbed the bare necessities of field gear: a 500,000-candle power portable halogen light, our night vision scope, binoculars, a small camcorder, and a hand-held micro-cassette recorder.

Because of the reaction by an untrained participant the previous night, we sent our driver and his friend down the road. We told them we could not afford any panic this night. Unbeknownst to us at the time, the men went to a spot at the bottom of the road where they could clearly see the events that unfolded.

Are We in a Spielberg Movie?:

Dr. Greer grabbed the halogen light and sent a signal to the star-like light on the hillside. Instantly, the light transformed into a gigantic, brilliant round beam that shot light down the entire mountainside! We were astonished. It came close to being the time we always joke about - when events are so incredible that we'll wish we had on "Depends" undergarments! We continued to have a Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind - a human-initiated or human-interactive experience - with this craft for the next two hours and fifteen minutes. An exchange like this, with a team in the field, is unprecedented. During the lengthy encounter, we sent light signals to the craft. The craft would signal back to us in the exact same sequence. Then its lights would extinguish. Within a few minutes, it would again illuminate and initiate a signal to us. This went on and on. Twice during this time period, we saw the shadows of beings walking in front of the blinding beam. At times, the beam would rotate upon itself, appearing to the left of its original position - then back where it was. Once the light seemed to turn over on itself, illuminating the sparsely forested slope behind it. This was one of the times when figures were seen to move in the beam.

Hoaxability Ration - Low to Zero:

It must be emphasized that this is a very remote area devoid of roads. For anyone to have hoaxed this event would have required something on the scale of a major motion picture crew. There was simply no way to have moved equipment like this onto these sheer slopes. It would have caused quite a commotion in the suburbs below if a crew of that magnitude had traversed those sheer cliffs that day. The area would have been swarming with lookie-loos. At the end of the two hours and fifteen minutes, the light, which by now had split into two candle-flame colored round lights, turned to brilliant red, shot out a lightning bolt of energy and vanished. We saw a golden streak shoot through the sky towards the direction of the ancient volcano, Topochico. And the energy was gone. It was not until this point that we fully appreciated that
  1. we'd been standing up for all that time, and
  2. our hair had stood on end the entire time.

As a side note, I want to report that when we first got out of the vehicle at the base of the mountain, I heard crickets chirping in stereophonic synchronicity. One would chirp on our right, then one would chirp on our left. The chirping was loud and distinct. When I heard it, I told my teammates that it was significant. I had heard similar chirping prior to another major encounter in the past. It was moments later that the gigantic craft illuminated before us.

Eventful Trip Home:

We signaled to our drivers to bring up the Suburban. When they arrived, we learned that the men had gone to a vantage point and had seen everything, giving us two independent witnesses. In fact, from their extra distance the light was not so blinding and they were able to discern the craft. They both reported seeing a very large disc-shaped craft with a domed top. The men were extremely excited. They said they felt bonded now, like brothers. The American's husband said that his life would never be the same again.

As we were riding on our 30-minute drive home, Dr. Greer remarked that he felt the ETs would follow us. Within a minute, the man in front was exclaiming, "la luz, la luz!" (the light, the light!) We could then see that the gigantic light was visible from the road, showing itself to us on the opposite side of the mountain from where it had been at our field site! We stopped at a closed gas station, signaled and videoed (which came out fuzzy and blurred). You will recall that, of all nights, our videographer was not with us this night. Coincidence or orchestrated by the ETs? So many such things happen that we have to ponder the possibility. This time, the light was not appearing as two lights side by side. Instead, they were two lights stacked one on top the other. We continued to observe it on the remainder of the homeward ride, stopping twice more to observe.

When we arrived home, we climbed up to our flat roof. We could still see it, even though the entire valley of the city of Monterrey was now between us, the back side of Las Mitres and the rest of the range. The lights were still there. They had changed position again and were now staggered, one atop the other. They had been so bright that we could see the rock face behind it illuminated. As we watched, the lights dimmed down to about half their luminosity.

The Craft Revealed:

At this point, we could clearly see the structure of the craft. It was indeed a large disc with a sloped dome on top. By measuring with fingers at arm's length, Dr. Greer determined that the craft was between one-half to one full city block in size. As the birds began to sing and the sky began to lighten, we bid goodbye and heartfelt thanks to our visitors for these remarkable experiences and went inside to sleep, and dream of them.

Shari Adamiak, Executive Director, CSETI ________________________

Final Notes:

I wish to advise that the three persons who interacted with the craft as described above included three very responsible and stable individuals. Dr. Greer is a practicing trauma physician, father of four, world-renowned expert on extraterrestrial intelligence. He is the founder of CSETI, and the visionary and guiding force of it. Our teammate from New York is cofounder of a research foundation and is personal friends with world leaders in both the political and private sectors. And I myself have been educated in the sciences and the law and worked for many years as a paralegal, which gives me a logical mind upon which to base my ongoing extraterrestrial experiences. - Shari Adamiak

I describe how I first met Shari in 1992. It was an experience that I will never forget:
submitted by Contactunderground to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

Welcome to another great video we have for you. Please thank you for tuning in. Tonight's guess will be Captain Pete Wilson and his wingman, Captain Cloud, two pilots from the RED DOG. They will take us through their heroic dogfight encounter with the Zeadrux fighters. So please join us.
On August 24th, 2520, the pilots often tested each other's response time while border tagging or crossing into each other's sectors. While flying over an asteroid field in the Neutral Zone near the ZEADRUX border and planet, Captain Pete Wilson and his wingman, Captain Cloud, were just crossing the Neutral Zone when they found themselves trying to avoid being detected and taken out by two ZEADRUX fighters. This was a cat-and-mouse game for the humans as they crossed into the ZEADRUX sector.
So, Captain Wilson and Captain Cloud, thank you for joining us. Please introduce yourselves.
I'm Captain Wilson from the Red Dog. It's a pleasure to be here. Thank you.
Captain Cloud, Red Dog. Thank you.
So please tell us about this encounter with the Zeadrux.
Well, "We came to find out these two pilots were the best of the best ZEADRUX Pilots in the area, and we had to be on our best game to beat them.
So you had incoming ZEADRUX fighters are just seconds away from blowing Wilson out of the sky.
The ZEADRUX fighter's radar could see me, so I go strictly into defensive mode.
so Wilson you banks left and dived down fast. If he can confuse the ZEADRUX fighter's radar with the mountain trees and river, your fighter had a better chance.
yes their low-altitude radar is designed to detect targets in a clear sky or space with little terrain. To counter this, I aims to force the ZEADRUX fighters radar to look down into an area with environmental cover. This forces the radar to recalculate and adjust its settings to deliver a weapon effectively.
So Captain Wilson escape the ZEADRUX Fights deadly grasp or risk it all
Yes, I am in survival mode because the enemy is locked onto my airplane. That's as vulnerable as you get in the end air-to-air dogfight.
So Unless Captain Cloud acts quickly, you doesn't have a chance.
Yes that's the point I am in pure defensive mode, and now I turn it over to my wingman Captain Paul Cloud, who is about five miles behind me and closing in fast. He sees the same thing that I see. He locks the lead ZEADRUX fighter and then takes up a shot with his missiles. Seconds later, Captain Cloud my wingman's heat-seeking warhead missile reaches the ZEADRUX fighter, man! great fire works. [EXPLOSION]
So you had more trouble coming? Yes my Fighter radar Just picked up four more Alien bogey's. This time, it was a 5 to 2, Wilson and his wingman. you two had to fight for their lives.
"We had no choice. We had to confront the enemies quickly because more enemy bogey's. were likely on the way. Destroying any human aircraft would be a significant achievement for an alien pilot."
So you, Wilson and Cloud had the advantage of technology on your side. The ZEADRUX fighter engaged in a high-stakes aerial duel, each trying to outmaneuver the human, but with no success. First ZEADRUX fighter insight. Wilson fired, Splash 2.
And Suddenly, another ZEADRUX fighter dove toward the deck below, attempting to evade the human fighter, radar. Captain Cloud released his drone fighter and remained with Wilson's wing. Thirty seconds later, "splash 3" was reported.
Yes we got our Splash 3.
So this made it a 4 – 2 match up!
At that point, I suspected that the ZEADRUX fighter knew their chances were getting slimmer. I released my clone drone, fooling their radar into thinking it was a 4-3 matchup.
Great, So Wilson watches the ZEADRUX fighter take a hard turn upward, but it's too late to escape the downward momentum. The Clone Drone gave chase. 55 seconds later SPLASH 4!
Sweet that was our Splash 4! You could see the other three ZEADRUX fighter hitting their after-burners as they start back to their base.
So you two, Captain Wilson and Cloud activating your afterburners as well, you two were head back to the neutral zone and for home. Thinking your day was over, so you two had more guests to arrive.
Heck yeah, So we are heading back to the neutral zone at a very high speed. Our radar showed 6 red dots approaching. 6 bogey's inbound and taking a high-speed chase to stop us before we crossed back to the Neutral zone.
So you two were high-tail out of the ZEADRUX sector, the 6 ZEADRUX cruisers were closing in fast, with their weapons firing. All of a sudden, the 6 cruisers stopped, ceased firing, and powered down their ships? So you two were still burning back to base.
Yeah we were hauling butts!
We all saw the camera View zooms out, we like for all of you to see what happen and why the Zeadrux ended their chase. you understand why the 6 cruisers stop their pursuit. The Human 9th Fleets stood ready at the border for any alien warship to cross into the Human Sector.
In the end those diplomatic conclusion by doing their job.
I think i could here the Zeadrux now
submitted by PRIMEXXXDEX to SciFiApolloProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:37 dwartbg9 Was I hallucinating or AimAssist works on MnK while parachuting? When you get close to someone who's afk your view gets locked to him while you both parachute

It's absolutely hard to replicate, mainly can be done in the pre-game lobby but It happend a few times the last week. It locks absolutely the same way as it happens on a console. And I'm playing on PC with Mouse and Keyboard.
Does that mean AimAssist is broken and maybe isn't turned off fully when playing with MnK? That could mean a whole lotta issues, what if it's turned on sometimes depending on the player? What if that's why Aim sometimes feels perfect and other times feels janky. This could proves the theories that CoD nowadays is literally a casino game, meant to hook each player the best way they can and keep him playing and invested in the game.
I think people that play on consoles know what I mean. When you parachute on gamepad, you get locked pretty strongly to enemies while in the air. Well same thing happened a few times to me the last week while playing with the mouse. I was afk, just watching the aerial view of the map while free falling with parachute on, some enemy flew next to me and my aim literally moved and locked to him.
submitted by dwartbg9 to ModernWarfareIII [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:03 Ride_and_Die_Kitty A Blissful Parfait of Love

This letter is for my girl. I love you. I only want you. I only see a future with you. I miss you. Let’s talk soon. I need to hear your voice.
do not love just because
I am a fool in love
Goofing and gaffing
Detonating all love faux pas
I ardently and breathlessly love deep into the recesses of your heart
Your orbs have beheld and admired the captivating wonders of ancient civilization
Your optics have the accuracy and precision of an X-ray
To distinguish between fierce, boundless love and ooly-drooly infatuation
My adoration and devotion are often misconceived and underestimated
My physical displays of affection and words of affirmation were not surreptitiously and disgeniously orchestrated
Love is bittersweet
Agathokakological (contradictory)
A tragicomic like, “The Merchant of Venice”
A poisonous berry like Nightshade
Our love does not emulate the blueprint
Or adhere to the model of a perfect triangle
Our love is quintessential and sublimate in its own way
A blissful parfait
The tailor-made proportion, congruity, and harmony of intimacy, passion and commitment
You dubiously wavered and distrusted me and my love for you
Because your lenses were obfuscated and befuddled
Obstructing a spiritual awakening and breakthrough
Your confusion retarding and stonewalling your point of view
Words, actions, and intentions mused, assumed, and misconstrued
I love faithfully and steadfastly with high-minded principles
Integrity, virtue, honor, righteousness, and goodness
Unconditionally, truthfully and wholeheartedly
No diabolical motivations
No closeted skeletons
No quid pro quo
Please do not restrain, repress or restrict out of fear of meeting in disaster
Or of belly-whopping and belly-flopping
Bounce, bound, vault carefree
Catapult into an airborne, aerial descent with me
I recognized and understood that I hungered for you for a long time
Like a famished Ethiopian deficient on mealtimes
I love the whole caboodle that you are
The wrecked, the prickly, the complete and the 24-carat authentic superstar
It took forever and a day for the universe to prep and prime you for my deserving love
Love is an emotion and a choice
Our behavior and actions establish and rule whether love extinguishes or endures
I covet a few intentions and wishes for us Long and lust with our eyes
Inspire, exalt, elevate, and empathize
Tune in, listen, and be all ears
Acknowledge, accept and appreciate each other
Hierarchize, synchronize, harmonize and apologize
Our love is a melding linkage that cracks, cleaves and crushes any prescripts and axioms
Propagating and perpetuating all things osculating and aphrodisia to be desired
submitted by Ride_and_Die_Kitty to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:29 arooni Simple streaming music setup requested for small bedroom and occasional TV use

Use case is being controlled by an iPhone 12 for playing music and occasionally audio books in a small bedroom. Spotify and sirius xm via an app. Iphone 12 is mounted on a tablet stand by the bed and is always on so I can see what's playing. Thank you metro by tmobile for my $140 iphone.
Would also be nice to be able to control playback via my s24 ultra phone that is my main day to day phone.
Also have a 55 inch TCL 5 series tv (earc is supported) that mostly runs aerial views Screensaver or 4k youtube drone nature videos on mute while I play audio from iPhone 12 via my echo dot connected to some crappyish pc speakers. Would like the ability to play TV audio easily too when i watch movies etc.
I prefer music to watching TV / movies.
Preferred genre is everything but I listen most to house / edm / electronic music.
I also have a $100 gift card on ebay I'm trying to get rid of.
Finally I have a pair of wking d10 bluetooth speakers i use one in my office and one as the downstairs speaker so I don't really need a mobile Bluetooth speakewaterproof speaker etc. What i seek here can be left plugged in all the time.
Should I be looking at a sonos move 1 or 2 ? Onyx studio 7 or 8? Sonos beam or arc ? Something else ?
Budget would be $500 or less. Ideally $300ish
Many thanks !!
View Poll
submitted by arooni to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:23 Contactunderground The Concept of “Rare Earth” is a materialist scientific challenge to the ET hypothesis for flying saucers. This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view.

I recommend that the Contact and Disclosure Communities discuss this BBC Documentary “Rare Earth.”
J. Burkes MD 2022

Physicalism is the ideological perspective of materialist science. It is the dominant philosophy of academia and as such determines much of the public discourse on the possibilities of intelligent life, other than human, manifesting on our planet. Physicalism declares that energy and matter are the wellsprings of creation and that thought, i.e., consciousness, “emerges” out of matter. This scientific ideological position historically has been opposed by all religions. Religious faith asserts that thought (the mind of God) is primary and responsible for the material universe.
Flying saucers are a challenge to the Western materialist science. What are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) clearly violate the laws of physics as determined by professional science. In the growing societal debate on UAPs, I believe it is important for contact experiencers and all who desire full disclosure on UFOs, be aware of the underpinnings of academia’s objections to flying saucers. For these reasons, I recommend that we discuss the “Rare Earth” hypothesis as it has been used to deny the possibility that flying saucers might be controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences.

This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view. This special set of conditions that facilitated life on our planet makes it appear less likely to scientists that nearby stars could have provided similar conditions for advanced intelligent beings to evolve. The Rare Earth hypothesis is based on the following observations:

Our galaxy is teeming with planets. Red dwarf stars are the most numerous ones. These stars, however, put out much less heat than our larger Sun (yellow dwarf star). In order to be in the so-called Goldilocks Zone (where water is a liquid), planets of red dwarf star systems would have to be much closer to their stars. At such proximity, astronomers tell us that the common solar flares associated with red dwarfs would expose planets in the habitable zone to damaging radiation. In addition, red dwarfs don't create the massive magnetic fields required to shield planets from destructive cosmic gamma rays.

Then there is the unique origin of Earth that is now understood to have occurred when two smaller planets collided to form our world early in the history of the solar system. This extra mass allowed our planet to have a larger and longer lasting rotating molten iron core that creates a protective magnetic shield against cosmic and solar radiation. Mars is thought to have once had a molten core, but it presumably burned out long ago losing its life protecting magnetic shield. Without the extra mass that Earth has and a more enduring molten core, Mars lost its atmosphere long ago and therefore became inhospitable for life. The collision of two smaller planets in the “Goldilocks Zone, protecting Earth from life destroying radiation is viewed as a rare event and one not likely to have occurred in many close star systems.

Most importantly, the early collision that produced Earth also created our moon which is large enough to stabilize the Earth’s rotation at a set inclination. This allows stable seasons. With climatic stability large animals were able to evolve on land with adequate food resources. These large animals led to humans being able to evolve with the massive brain required for higher intelligence.

Finally, the existence of a giant world, Jupiter, far from the Sun provided an effective barrier to incoming comets. The powerful gravity of Jupiter attracts comets and draws them away from our planet. This has prevented a continuous bombardment of Earth’s surface by comets coming from the outer regions of the solar system. In many star systems studied by astronomers, gas giants exist very close to their stars. Thus, they cannot shield planets like ours that orbit further out from their stars.

Despite the proposition that a unique set of conditions on Earth makes the evolution of life less likely from the materialist perspective, The ET hypothesis for UFOs could still be valid if advanced technology existed to bend spacetime (warp drive a la “Star Trek.”) With faster than light speed other “Rare Earths” might evolve to have intelligent life that could create the necessary technological advancements to traverse vast distances and arrive here.

In addition, UFOs might not be travelling through interstellar space to get to Earth but could conceivably arrive via traversing dimensions from parallel universes. Thus, the ET hypothesis might not be valid, but an “interdimensional” one would allow flying saucers and their crews to show up in our skies and interact with us.
Most importantly, if consciousness is primary, then we can reasonably speculate that UFO intelligences might have access to non-material realms and that they may enter our material universe as “visitors.” If their origin is not from our material plane of existence, then many of their capabilities could become understandable. I refer here to flying saucers being able to dematerialize, often described as “winking out.” Furthermore, the seemingly “miraculous” cures described by UFO contact experiencers might be understood as part and parcel of flying saucer intelligences’ ability to manipulate spacetime via consciousness based non-material technologies.
In conclusion, both the “Rare Earth” thesis and this documentary of the same name are extremely limited by dealing with these issues only from a materialist/physicalist perspective. For physicalists, the natural world is essentially “objective” where randomness is a main force in determining events that could lead to the development of intelligent life. If consciousness is primary, as a growing number of contact experiencers and even some scientists are beginning to acknowledge, then the universe is not random. Synchronicities associated with contact are being driven by a higher order of intelligence, and the universe is conscious, meaning alive and awake. Thus, intelligent life throughout the Cosmos is being created by non-material forces that choose life. In the process, those spiritual forces are fulfilling a plan that compels us to realize that we truly are "one with the one that is all."
To view this BBC documentary, click on the link below.

Addendum: A critic of this posting have commented that it serves no purpose to discuss the “Rare Earth” theory because it is formulated to “steer you away from the truth.” Another wrote “why even go there, you know better!” My reply is that contact/disclosure activists have a responsibility to challenge the theories of materialist/physicalist scientists and engage in public discussions whenever possible. As researcher Grant Cameron has pointed out, the US Executive Branch has carried out a program of gradual acclimatization on the flying saucer subject for decades. This has existed alongside a de facto policy of ridicule and denial.

With Senator Schumer’s proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, with many observers believe most certainly has the Whitehouse’s approval, a confirmation/disclosure plan might be slowly going into second gear. As more information confirms the reality and importance of what are now called UAP, contact experiencers and their supporters will be allowed to share the stories of our encounters with the public This will include those who have been influenced by materialist scientists who will persist in promoting the rare Earth theory.

submitted by Contactunderground to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:22 Contactunderground The Concept of “Rare Earth” is a materialist scientific challenge to the ET hypothesis for flying saucers. This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view.

I recommend that the Contact and Disclosure Communities discuss this BBC Documentary “Rare Earth.”
J. Burkes MD 2022

Physicalism is the ideological perspective of materialist science. It is the dominant philosophy of academia and as such determines much of the public discourse on the possibilities of intelligent life, other than human, manifesting on our planet. Physicalism declares that energy and matter are the wellsprings of creation and that thought, i.e., consciousness, “emerges” out of matter. This scientific ideological position historically has been opposed by all religions. Religious faith asserts that thought (the mind of God) is primary and responsible for the material universe.
Flying saucers are a challenge to the Western materialist science. What are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) clearly violate the laws of physics as determined by professional science. In the growing societal debate on UAPs, I believe it is important for contact experiencers and all who desire full disclosure on UFOs, be aware of the underpinnings of academia’s objections to flying saucers. For these reasons, I recommend that we discuss the “Rare Earth” hypothesis as it has been used to deny the possibility that flying saucers might be controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences.

This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view. This special set of conditions that facilitated life on our planet makes it appear less likely to scientists that nearby stars could have provided similar conditions for advanced intelligent beings to evolve. The Rare Earth hypothesis is based on the following observations:

Our galaxy is teeming with planets. Red dwarf stars are the most numerous ones. These stars, however, put out much less heat than our larger Sun (yellow dwarf star). In order to be in the so-called Goldilocks Zone (where water is a liquid), planets of red dwarf star systems would have to be much closer to their stars. At such proximity, astronomers tell us that the common solar flares associated with red dwarfs would expose planets in the habitable zone to damaging radiation. In addition, red dwarfs don't create the massive magnetic fields required to shield planets from destructive cosmic gamma rays.

Then there is the unique origin of Earth that is now understood to have occurred when two smaller planets collided to form our world early in the history of the solar system. This extra mass allowed our planet to have a larger and longer lasting rotating molten iron core that creates a protective magnetic shield against cosmic and solar radiation. Mars is thought to have once had a molten core, but it presumably burned out long ago losing its life protecting magnetic shield. Without the extra mass that Earth has and a more enduring molten core, Mars lost its atmosphere long ago and therefore became inhospitable for life. The collision of two smaller planets in the “Goldilocks Zone, protecting Earth from life destroying radiation is viewed as a rare event and one not likely to have occurred in many close star systems.

Most importantly, the early collision that produced Earth also created our moon which is large enough to stabilize the Earth’s rotation at a set inclination. This allows stable seasons. With climatic stability large animals were able to evolve on land with adequate food resources. These large animals led to humans being able to evolve with the massive brain required for higher intelligence.

Finally, the existence of a giant world, Jupiter, far from the Sun provided an effective barrier to incoming comets. The powerful gravity of Jupiter attracts comets and draws them away from our planet. This has prevented a continuous bombardment of Earth’s surface by comets coming from the outer regions of the solar system. In many star systems studied by astronomers, gas giants exist very close to their stars. Thus, they cannot shield planets like ours that orbit further out from their stars.

Despite the proposition that a unique set of conditions on Earth makes the evolution of life less likely from the materialist perspective, The ET hypothesis for UFOs could still be valid if advanced technology existed to bend spacetime (warp drive a la “Star Trek.”) With faster than light speed other “Rare Earths” might evolve to have intelligent life that could create the necessary technological advancements to traverse vast distances and arrive here.

In addition, UFOs might not be travelling through interstellar space to get to Earth but could conceivably arrive via traversing dimensions from parallel universes. Thus, the ET hypothesis might not be valid, but an “interdimensional” one would allow flying saucers and their crews to show up in our skies and interact with us.
Most importantly, if consciousness is primary, then we can reasonably speculate that UFO intelligences might have access to non-material realms and that they may enter our material universe as “visitors.” If their origin is not from our material plane of existence, then many of their capabilities could become understandable. I refer here to flying saucers being able to dematerialize, often described as “winking out.” Furthermore, the seemingly “miraculous” cures described by UFO contact experiencers might be understood as part and parcel of flying saucer intelligences’ ability to manipulate spacetime via consciousness based non-material technologies.
In conclusion, both the “Rare Earth” thesis and this documentary of the same name are extremely limited by dealing with these issues only from a materialist/physicalist perspective. For physicalists, the natural world is essentially “objective” where randomness is a main force in determining events that could lead to the development of intelligent life. If consciousness is primary, as a growing number of contact experiencers and even some scientists are beginning to acknowledge, then the universe is not random. Synchronicities associated with contact are being driven by a higher order of intelligence, and the universe is conscious, meaning alive and awake. Thus, intelligent life throughout the Cosmos is being created by non-material forces that choose life. In the process, those spiritual forces are fulfilling a plan that compels us to realize that we truly are "one with the one that is all."
To view this BBC documentary, click on the link below.

Addendum: A critic of this posting have commented that it serves no purpose to discuss the “Rare Earth” theory because it is formulated to “steer you away from the truth.” Another wrote “why even go there, you know better!” My reply is that contact/disclosure activists have a responsibility to challenge the theories of materialist/physicalist scientists and engage in public discussions whenever possible. As researcher Grant Cameron has pointed out, the US Executive Branch has carried out a program of gradual acclimatization on the flying saucer subject for decades. This has existed alongside a de facto policy of ridicule and denial.

With Senator Schumer’s proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, with many observers believe most certainly has the Whitehouse’s approval, a confirmation/disclosure plan might be slowly going into second gear. As more information confirms the reality and importance of what are now called UAP, contact experiencers and their supporters will be allowed to share the stories of our encounters with the public This will include those who have been influenced by materialist scientists who will persist in promoting the rare Earth theory.

submitted by Contactunderground to ContactUnderground [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 Contactunderground This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view.

Physicalism is the ideological perspective of materialist science. It is the dominant philosophy of academia and as such determines much of the public discourse on the possibilities of intelligent life, other than human, manifesting on our planet. Physicalism declares that energy and matter are the wellsprings of creation and that thought, i.e., consciousness, “emerges” out of matter. This scientific ideological position historically has been opposed by all religions. Religious faith asserts that thought (the mind of God) is primary and responsible for the material universe.
Flying saucers are a challenge to the Western materialist science. What are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) clearly violate the laws of physics as determined by professional science. In the growing societal debate on UAPs, I believe it is important for contact experiencers and all who desire full disclosure on UFOs, be aware of the underpinnings of academia’s objections to flying saucers. For these reasons, I recommend that we discuss the “Rare Earth” hypothesis as it has been used to deny the possibility that flying saucers might be controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences.

This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view. This special set of conditions that facilitated life on our planet makes it appear less likely to scientists that nearby stars could have provided similar conditions for advanced intelligent beings to evolve. The Rare Earth hypothesis is based on the following observations:

Our galaxy is teeming with planets. Red dwarf stars are the most numerous ones. These stars, however, put out much less heat than our larger Sun (yellow dwarf star). In order to be in the so-called Goldilocks Zone (where water is a liquid), planets of red dwarf star systems would have to be much closer to their stars. At such proximity, astronomers tell us that the common solar flares associated with red dwarfs would expose planets in the habitable zone to damaging radiation. In addition, red dwarfs don't create the massive magnetic fields required to shield planets from destructive cosmic gamma rays.

Then there is the unique origin of Earth that is now understood to have occurred when two smaller planets collided to form our world early in the history of the solar system. This extra mass allowed our planet to have a larger and longer lasting rotating molten iron core that creates a protective magnetic shield against cosmic and solar radiation. Mars is thought to have once had a molten core, but it presumably burned out long ago losing its life protecting magnetic shield. Without the extra mass that Earth has and a more enduring molten core, Mars lost its atmosphere long ago and therefore became inhospitable for life. The collision of two smaller planets in the “Goldilocks Zone, protecting Earth from life destroying radiation is viewed as a rare event and one not likely to have occurred in many close star systems.

Most importantly, the early collision that produced Earth also created our moon which is large enough to stabilize the Earth’s rotation at a set inclination. This allows stable seasons. With climatic stability large animals were able to evolve on land with adequate food resources. These large animals led to humans being able to evolve with the massive brain required for higher intelligence.

Finally, the existence of a giant world, Jupiter, far from the Sun provided an effective barrier to incoming comets. The powerful gravity of Jupiter attracts comets and draws them away from our planet. This has prevented a continuous bombardment of Earth’s surface by comets coming from the outer regions of the solar system. In many star systems studied by astronomers, gas giants exist very close to their stars. Thus, they cannot shield planets like ours that orbit further out from their stars.

Despite the proposition that a unique set of conditions on Earth makes the evolution of life less likely from the materialist perspective, The ET hypothesis for UFOs could still be valid if advanced technology existed to bend spacetime (warp drive a la “Star Trek.”) With faster than light speed other “Rare Earths” might evolve to have intelligent life that could create the necessary technological advancements to traverse vast distances and arrive here.

In addition, UFOs might not be travelling through interstellar space to get to Earth but could conceivably arrive via traversing dimensions from parallel universes. Thus, the ET hypothesis might not be valid, but an “interdimensional” one would allow flying saucers and their crews to show up in our skies and interact with us.
Most importantly, if consciousness is primary, then we can reasonably speculate that UFO intelligences might have access to non-material realms and that they may enter our material universe as “visitors.” If their origin is not from our material plane of existence, then many of their capabilities could become understandable. I refer here to flying saucers being able to dematerialize, often described as “winking out.” Furthermore, the seemingly “miraculous” cures described by UFO contact experiencers might be understood as part and parcel of flying saucer intelligences’ ability to manipulate spacetime via consciousness based non-material technologies.
In conclusion, both the “Rare Earth” thesis and this documentary of the same name are extremely limited by dealing with these issues only from a materialist/physicalist perspective. For physicalists, the natural world is essentially “objective” where randomness is a main force in determining events that could lead to the development of intelligent life. If consciousness is primary, as a growing number of contact experiencers and even some scientists are beginning to acknowledge, then the universe is not random. Synchronicities associated with contact are being driven by a higher order of intelligence, and the universe is conscious, meaning alive and awake. Thus, intelligent life throughout the Cosmos is being created by non-material forces that choose life. In the process, those spiritual forces are fulfilling a plan that compels us to realize that we truly are "one with the one that is all."
To view this BBC documentary, click on the link below.

Addendum: A critic of this posting have commented that it serves no purpose to discuss the “Rare Earth” theory because it is formulated to “steer you away from the truth.” Another wrote “why even go there, you know better!” My reply is that contact/disclosure activists have a responsibility to challenge the theories of materialist/physicalist scientists and engage in public discussions whenever possible. As researcher Grant Cameron has pointed out, the US Executive Branch has carried out a program of gradual acclimatization on the flying saucer subject for decades. This has existed alongside a de facto policy of ridicule and denial.

With Senator Schumer’s proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, with many observers believe most certainly has the Whitehouse’s approval, a confirmation/disclosure plan might be slowly going into second gear. As more information confirms the reality and importance of what are now called UAP, contact experiencers and their supporters will be allowed to share the stories of our encounters with the public This will include those who have been influenced by materialist scientists who will persist in promoting the rare Earth theory.
J. Burkes MD
submitted by Contactunderground to CE5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:05 Contactunderground The Concept of “Rare Earth” is a materialist scientific challenge to the ET hypothesis for flying saucers. I recommend that the Contact and Disclosure Communities discuss this BBC Documentary “Rare Earth.”

I recommend that the Contact and Disclosure Communities discuss this BBC Documentary “Rare Earth.”
J. Burkes MD 2022

Physicalism is the ideological perspective of materialist science. It is the dominant philosophy of academia and as such determines much of the public discourse on the possibilities of intelligent life, other than human, manifesting on our planet. Physicalism declares that energy and matter are the wellsprings of creation and that thought, i.e., consciousness, “emerges” out of matter. This scientific ideological position historically has been opposed by all religions. Religious faith asserts that thought (the mind of God) is primary and responsible for the material universe.
Flying saucers are a challenge to the Western materialist science. What are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) clearly violate the laws of physics as determined by professional science. In the growing societal debate on UAPs, I believe it is important for contact experiencers and all who desire full disclosure on UFOs, be aware of the underpinnings of academia’s objections to flying saucers. For these reasons, I recommend that we discuss the “Rare Earth” hypothesis as it has been used to deny the possibility that flying saucers might be controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences.

This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view. This special set of conditions that facilitated life on our planet makes it appear less likely to scientists that nearby stars could have provided similar conditions for advanced intelligent beings to evolve. The Rare Earth hypothesis is based on the following observations:

Our galaxy is teeming with planets. Red dwarf stars are the most numerous ones. These stars, however, put out much less heat than our larger Sun (yellow dwarf star). In order to be in the so-called Goldilocks Zone (where water is a liquid), planets of red dwarf star systems would have to be much closer to their stars. At such proximity, astronomers tell us that the common solar flares associated with red dwarfs would expose planets in the habitable zone to damaging radiation. In addition, red dwarfs don't create the massive magnetic fields required to shield planets from destructive cosmic gamma rays.

Then there is the unique origin of Earth that is now understood to have occurred when two smaller planets collided to form our world early in the history of the solar system. This extra mass allowed our planet to have a larger and longer lasting rotating molten iron core that creates a protective magnetic shield against cosmic and solar radiation. Mars is thought to have once had a molten core, but it presumably burned out long ago losing its life protecting magnetic shield. Without the extra mass that Earth has and a more enduring molten core, Mars lost its atmosphere long ago and therefore became inhospitable for life. The collision of two smaller planets in the “Goldilocks Zone, protecting Earth from life destroying radiation is viewed as a rare event and one not likely to have occurred in many close star systems.

Most importantly, the early collision that produced Earth also created our moon which is large enough to stabilize the Earth’s rotation at a set inclination. This allows stable seasons. With climatic stability large animals were able to evolve on land with adequate food resources. These large animals led to humans being able to evolve with the massive brain required for higher intelligence.

Finally, the existence of a giant world, Jupiter, far from the Sun provided an effective barrier to incoming comets. The powerful gravity of Jupiter attracts comets and draws them away from our planet. This has prevented a continuous bombardment of Earth’s surface by comets coming from the outer regions of the solar system. In many star systems studied by astronomers, gas giants exist very close to their stars. Thus, they cannot shield planets like ours that orbit further out from their stars.

Despite the proposition that a unique set of conditions on Earth makes the evolution of life less likely from the materialist perspective, The ET hypothesis for UFOs could still be valid if advanced technology existed to bend spacetime (warp drive a la “Star Trek.”) With faster than light speed other “Rare Earths” might evolve to have intelligent life that could create the necessary technological advancements to traverse vast distances and arrive here.

In addition, UFOs might not be travelling through interstellar space to get to Earth but could conceivably arrive via traversing dimensions from parallel universes. Thus, the ET hypothesis might not be valid, but an “interdimensional” one would allow flying saucers and their crews to show up in our skies and interact with us.
Most importantly, if consciousness is primary, then we can reasonably speculate that UFO intelligences might have access to non-material realms and that they may enter our material universe as “visitors.” If their origin is not from our material plane of existence, then many of their capabilities could become understandable. I refer here to flying saucers being able to dematerialize, often described as “winking out.” Furthermore, the seemingly “miraculous” cures described by UFO contact experiencers might be understood as part and parcel of flying saucer intelligences’ ability to manipulate spacetime via consciousness based non-material technologies.
In conclusion, both the “Rare Earth” thesis and this documentary of the same name are extremely limited by dealing with these issues only from a materialist/physicalist perspective. For physicalists, the natural world is essentially “objective” where randomness is a main force in determining events that could lead to the development of intelligent life. If consciousness is primary, as a growing number of contact experiencers and even some scientists are beginning to acknowledge, then the universe is not random. Synchronicities associated with contact are being driven by a higher order of intelligence, and the universe is conscious, meaning alive and awake. Thus, intelligent life throughout the Cosmos is being created by non-material forces that choose life. In the process, those spiritual forces are fulfilling a plan that compels us to realize that we truly are "one with the one that is all."
To view this BBC documentary, click on the link below.

Addendum: A critic of this posting have commented that it serves no purpose to discuss the “Rare Earth” theory because it is formulated to “steer you away from the truth.” Another wrote “why even go there, you know better!” My reply is that contact/disclosure activists have a responsibility to challenge the theories of materialist/physicalist scientists and engage in public discussions whenever possible. As researcher Grant Cameron has pointed out, the US Executive Branch has carried out a program of gradual acclimatization on the flying saucer subject for decades. This has existed alongside a de facto policy of ridicule and denial.

With Senator Schumer’s proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, with many observers believe most certainly has the Whitehouse’s approval, a confirmation/disclosure plan might be slowly going into second gear. As more information confirms the reality and importance of what are now called UAP, contact experiencers and their supporters will be allowed to share the stories of our encounters with the public This will include those who have been influenced by materialist scientists who will persist in promoting the rare Earth theory.
submitted by Contactunderground to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:04 Contactunderground The Concept of "Rare Earth" is a materialist scientific challenge to the ET hypothesis for flying saucers. I recommend that the Contact and Disclosure Communities discuss this BBC Documentary "Rare Earth."

I recommend that the Contact and Disclosure Communities discuss this BBC Documentary “Rare Earth.”
J. Burkes MD 2022

Physicalism is the ideological perspective of materialist science. It is the dominant philosophy of academia and as such determines much of the public discourse on the possibilities of intelligent life, other than human, manifesting on our planet. Physicalism declares that energy and matter are the wellsprings of creation and that thought, i.e., consciousness, “emerges” out of matter. This scientific ideological position historically has been opposed by all religions. Religious faith asserts that thought (the mind of God) is primary and responsible for the material universe.
Flying saucers are a challenge to the Western materialist science. What are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) clearly violate the laws of physics as determined by professional science. In the growing societal debate on UAPs, I believe it is important for contact experiencers and all who desire full disclosure on UFOs, be aware of the underpinnings of academia’s objections to flying saucers. For these reasons, I recommend that we discuss the “Rare Earth” hypothesis as it has been used to deny the possibility that flying saucers might be controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences.

This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view. This special set of conditions that facilitated life on our planet makes it appear less likely to scientists that nearby stars could have provided similar conditions for advanced intelligent beings to evolve. The Rare Earth hypothesis is based on the following observations:

Our galaxy is teeming with planets. Red dwarf stars are the most numerous ones. These stars, however, put out much less heat than our larger Sun (yellow dwarf star). In order to be in the so-called Goldilocks Zone (where water is a liquid), planets of red dwarf star systems would have to be much closer to their stars. At such proximity, astronomers tell us that the common solar flares associated with red dwarfs would expose planets in the habitable zone to damaging radiation. In addition, red dwarfs don't create the massive magnetic fields required to shield planets from destructive cosmic gamma rays.

Then there is the unique origin of Earth that is now understood to have occurred when two smaller planets collided to form our world early in the history of the solar system. This extra mass allowed our planet to have a larger and longer lasting rotating molten iron core that creates a protective magnetic shield against cosmic and solar radiation. Mars is thought to have once had a molten core, but it presumably burned out long ago losing its life protecting magnetic shield. Without the extra mass that Earth has and a more enduring molten core, Mars lost its atmosphere long ago and therefore became inhospitable for life. The collision of two smaller planets in the “Goldilocks Zone, protecting Earth from life destroying radiation is viewed as a rare event and one not likely to have occurred in many close star systems.

Most importantly, the early collision that produced Earth also created our moon which is large enough to stabilize the Earth’s rotation at a set inclination. This allows stable seasons. With climatic stability large animals were able to evolve on land with adequate food resources. These large animals led to humans being able to evolve with the massive brain required for higher intelligence.

Finally, the existence of a giant world, Jupiter, far from the Sun provided an effective barrier to incoming comets. The powerful gravity of Jupiter attracts comets and draws them away from our planet. This has prevented a continuous bombardment of Earth’s surface by comets coming from the outer regions of the solar system. In many star systems studied by astronomers, gas giants exist very close to their stars. Thus, they cannot shield planets like ours that orbit further out from their stars.

Despite the proposition that a unique set of conditions on Earth makes the evolution of life less likely from the materialist perspective, The ET hypothesis for UFOs could still be valid if advanced technology existed to bend spacetime (warp drive a la “Star Trek.”) With faster than light speed other “Rare Earths” might evolve to have intelligent life that could create the necessary technological advancements to traverse vast distances and arrive here.

In addition, UFOs might not be travelling through interstellar space to get to Earth but could conceivably arrive via traversing dimensions from parallel universes. Thus, the ET hypothesis might not be valid, but an “interdimensional” one would allow flying saucers and their crews to show up in our skies and interact with us.
Most importantly, if consciousness is primary, then we can reasonably speculate that UFO intelligences might have access to non-material realms and that they may enter our material universe as “visitors.” If their origin is not from our material plane of existence, then many of their capabilities could become understandable. I refer here to flying saucers being able to dematerialize, often described as “winking out.” Furthermore, the seemingly “miraculous” cures described by UFO contact experiencers might be understood as part and parcel of flying saucer intelligences’ ability to manipulate spacetime via consciousness based non-material technologies.
In conclusion, both the “Rare Earth” thesis and this documentary of the same name are extremely limited by dealing with these issues only from a materialist/physicalist perspective. For physicalists, the natural world is essentially “objective” where randomness is a main force in determining events that could lead to the development of intelligent life. If consciousness is primary, as a growing number of contact experiencers and even some scientists are beginning to acknowledge, then the universe is not random. Synchronicities associated with contact are being driven by a higher order of intelligence, and the universe is conscious, meaning alive and awake. Thus, intelligent life throughout the Cosmos is being created by non-material forces that choose life. In the process, those spiritual forces are fulfilling a plan that compels us to realize that we truly are "one with the one that is all."
To view this BBC documentary, click on the link below.

Addendum: A critic of this posting have commented that it serves no purpose to discuss the “Rare Earth” theory because it is formulated to “steer you away from the truth.” Another wrote “why even go there, you know better!” My reply is that contact/disclosure activists have a responsibility to challenge the theories of materialist/physicalist scientists and engage in public discussions whenever possible. As researcher Grant Cameron has pointed out, the US Executive Branch has carried out a program of gradual acclimatization on the flying saucer subject for decades. This has existed alongside a de facto policy of ridicule and denial.

With Senator Schumer’s proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, with many observers believe most certainly has the Whitehouse’s approval, a confirmation/disclosure plan might be slowly going into second gear. As more information confirms the reality and importance of what are now called UAP, contact experiencers and their supporters will be allowed to share the stories of our encounters with the public This will include those who have been influenced by materialist scientists who will persist in promoting the rare Earth theory.
submitted by Contactunderground to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:45 Wheels_onthebus The breathtaking Mayon Volcano

The breathtaking Mayon Volcano
Just wanted to share some pictures of Mayon Volcano that I have on my phone. Cuz her beauty is just chef's kiss. ✨🤌🏼
Context of each pic:
1st pic - Kakabili ko lang ng butane neto kasi naubusan sa boarding house. Napatigil ako sa ganda niya. 🥹
2nd pic - Aerial view ni Mayon hehehehe
3rd pic - Ito yung time na nag touchdown na kami sa Bicol.
4th and 5th pic - Going home galing airport.
6th picture - HAHAHAHAHA
Will update you guys pag nagpakita ulit si Mayon saakin. 😉
submitted by Wheels_onthebus to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:27 robitstudios [USA-NY] [H] DS Lite, Sega Saturn console (w/ODE), Games for Switch, PS4/5, Vita, 3DS, SNES [W] Switch, SNES, TG16 games and more, LEGO sets + offers

Trades only - no sales.
I have a huge wanted list below but will look at offers/lists. I'm also interested in merch/magazines/books from Castlevania, Bubble Bobble/Rainbow Islands, Earthbound/Mother, PacMan series.
I'm would also trade for LEGO sets.
Have Consoles/Handhelds (photos of handhelds):
Have Misc:

Have Games:

Game System Condition
A Robot Named Fight Switch New
A Magical High-School Girl Switch New
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The London Case Switch New
Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed [10th Anniversary Edition] Switch CIB
American Hero Switch New
Astro Aqua Kitty Pawsome Collection Switch New
Battle Axe Switch CIB
Button Button Up! Switch New
Carrion Switch New
Cotton REBOOT Switch New
Cotton Rock N Roll [Japan] Switch CIB
Dead Cells Switch Case + Cart (No art-book)
Dead Cells [Prisoners Edition] Switch New
Demon Throttle Switch CIB
DoDonPachi Resurrection Switch CIB
Elliot Quest Switch CIB
Fresh Start Switch SIB
For the King (PEGI) Switch CIB
Koumajou Remilia Scarlet Symphony [Japan] Switch CIB
My Time at Sandrock Switch SIB
Minenko's Night Market Switch SIB
Narita Boy Switch CIB
Ninja Jajamaru Collection [Japan] Switch CIB
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD Switch New
Our World is Ended [Day 1 Edition] Switch CIB
RPGolf Legends Switch CIB
Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator Switch CIB
Stellar Interface Switch New
Train Valley Collection Switch New
Where the Water Tastes like Wine [Collector's Edition] Switch New
Zengeon Switch New
Flashback (Steelbook only) Switch Steelbook Only - No game
Game System Condition
Cosmic Star Heroine Vita New
Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition Vita New
Aqua Kitty DX Vita New
Atari Flashback Classics Vita CIB
Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition Vita New
Guacamelee Vita CIB
Iconoclasts Vita CIB
La-Mulana EX Vita New
Mutant Mudds Deluxe Vita New
Mutant Mudds Super Challenge Vita New
NeuroVoider Vita New
Oceanhorn Vita New
Penny Punching Princess Vita CIB
Risk of Rain Vita New
Shakedown Hawaii Vita New
Skullgirls 2nd Encore Vita New
Game System Condition
8 Doors Arium's Afterlife Adventure PS4 New
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition PS4 New
Afterparty PS4 New
Aggelos PS4 New
Airoheart PS4 CIB
Akai Katana Shin PS4 New
Alchemic Cutie PS4 New
Aliens Dark Descent PS4 New
American Hero PS4 New
Ambition Record PS4 New
Another Crusade PS4 New
Arcade Paradise PS4 New
Armello Special Edition PS4 New
Atari Recharged Collection 1 PS4 New
Atari Recharged Collection 2 PS4 New
Atari Mania PS4 New
Beholder 3 PS4 New
Bill & Ted's Excellent Retro Collection PS4 New
Bit.Trip Presents Runner2 PS4 CIB
Blade Assault PS4 New
Crash Team Rumble PS4 New
Crisis Wing PS4 New
Church in the Darkness PS4 New
Danmaku Unlimited 3 PS4 New
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT: SteelBook Brawler Edition PS4 New
Don't Starve Mega Pack PS4 CIB
Dragon Prana PS4 New
Dragon Sinker Descendents of Legend PS4 CIB
Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset PS4 CIB
Embers of Mirrim PS4 New
Ender Lilies Quietus Of The Knights PS4 New
Evernights PS4 New
Exoprimal PS4 New
Fallout 4 PS4 CIB
Flashback PS4 CIB
Gal Guardians: Demon Purge PS4 New
Ghost Song PS4 New
Gimmick Special Edition PS4 New
Gleylancer & Gynoug Combo Pack PS4 New
God of Rock PS4 New
Grim Fandango Remastered PS4 CIB
GrimGrimoire OnceMore [Deluxe Edition] PS4 New
Island Flight Simulator PS4 New
Just Dance 2019 PS4 New
Just Deal with It PS4 CIB
Kero Blaster PS4 New
La Mulana 2 [Hidden Treasures Edition] PS4 New
Lord Of The Rings: Gollum PS4 New
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries PS4 New
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection PS4 New
Mercanaries Blaze Dawn of the Twin Dragons PS4 New
Metal Tales Overkill PS4 New
Minecraft Legends [Deluxe Edition] PS4 New
Minoria PS4 New
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae PS4 CIB
Moonlighter PS4 New
Narcosis PS4 CIB
Noob The Factionless PS4 New
Overrogue PS4 New
ONI: Road To Be The Mightiest Oni PS4 New
Paradise Killer PS4 New
Pong Quest PS4 New
Psikyo Shooting Library Vol. 1 PS4 New
PsychoNauts 2 [Motherlobe Edition] PS4 New
Rainbow Billy - The Curse Of The Leviathan PS4 New
Rock Band 4 PS4 CIB
Roller Coaster Tycoon Adventures Deluxe PS4 New
Saturnalia PS4 New
Shadow Warrior [Definitve Edition] PS4 New
Shantae PS4 New
Siralim 2 PS4 New
Skelattack PS4 New
SOL CRESTA Dramatic Edition PS4 CIB
Song of Memories PS4 CIB
Star Ocean The Second Story R PS4 New
Tchia: Oleti Edition PS4 New
The Last Spell PS4 New
The Sorrowvirus PS4 New
The Witch Knight [Deluxe Edition] PS4 New
Tiger Heli Toaplan Arcade Garage PS4 New
To The Top PS4 CIB
Trek to Yoki PS4 New
Trip World DX PS4 New
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion PS4 New
Under The Waves PS4 New
Vengeful Guardian Moonrider PS4 New
Wanted: Dead PS4 New
Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor - Martyr PS4 New
Wordhunters PS4 CIB
Wytchwood PS4 New
Ys: Memories of Celceta PS4 New
Game System Condition
8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure PS5 New
A Boy and His Blob Retro Collection PS5 New
Afterimage [Deluxe Edition] PS5 New
Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot PS5 New
Alex Kidd In Miracle World DX PS5 New
Anodyne 2 Return to Dust PS5 New
Astro Aqua Kitty PS5 New
Atari Recharged Collection 3 PS5 New
Buddy Simulator 1984 PS5 New
Dead Island 2 [Day One Edition] PS5 New
Demon Gaze Extra [Day One Edition] PS5 New
Eiyuden Chronicle Rising PS5 New
Fantavision 202X PS5 New
Gale of Windoria PS5 New
God Of Rock PS5 New
Goodbye World PS5 New
Granblue Fantasy Relink Deluxe Edition PS5 New
Greyhill Incident [Abducted Edition] PS5 New
HITMAN: World of Assassination PS5 New
Killer Frequency PS5 New
LEGO 2K Drive PS5 New
Mon-Yu PS5 New
My Time at Sandrock PS5 New
Noob The Factionless PS5 New
Shadowrun Trilogy PS5 New
Shantae PS5 New
Song In The Smoke Rekindled PS5 New
Sonic Frontiers PS5 New
Spells and Secrets PS5 New
Starsand PS5 New
Super Bomberman R 2 PS5 New
Synth Riders [Remastered Edition] PS5 New
The Artful Escape PS5 New
The Forest Cathedral PS5 New
The Invincible PS5 New
The Last Worker PS5 New
The Legend of Legacy HD Remastered - Deluxe Edition PS5 New
The Talos Principle 2 PS5 New
This Way Madness Lies PS5 New
Tiny Troopers Global Ops PS5 New
Transport Fever 2 Console Edition PS5 New
Game System Condition
Fragrant Story 3DS CIB
Cartoon Network Battle Crashers 3DS CIB
Game System Condition
Street Combat SNES Loose


Airoheart Switch
Afterimage Switch
Aeterna Noctis Switch
Castle Crashers Switch
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX Switch
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 Switch
Cult of the Lamb Switch
Dredge Switch
Pikmin 1 + 2 Switch
Pikmin 4 Switch
Return to Monkey Island Switch
Star Ocean The Second Story R Switch
Sea of Stars Switch
Neon Abyss Switch
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Switch
Stellar Wanderer DX Switch
Kirby’s Return to Dream Land™ Deluxe Switch
Sonic Origins Switch
Sonic Superstars Switch
TMNT Shredder's Revenge Anniversary Edition Switch
The Legend of Steel Empire
Trouble Witches Final! Episode 01 Switch
Vagante Switch
Overdriven Evolution Switch
Revita Switch
Retro City Rampage DX Switch
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Switch
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Switch
Wytchwood Switch
Lumines Electronic Symphony Vita
Knytt Underground Vita
Nanostray DS
Nanostray 2 DS
Etrian Odyssey DS
River King Mystic Valley DS
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (BOX ONLY) DS
Final Fantasy IV DS
Ys 1 & II DS
Famicom Disk System (Drive and cartridge adapter) Famicom
Rainbow Islands NES
Bubble Bobble Part 2 NES
Over Horizon NES
Little Samson NES
Fester's Quest [PAL] NES
Guardian Legend NES
Chack'n Pop NES
Sqoon NES
Castlevania 3 Famicom
Insector X Famicom
Dig Dug Game Boy
Aerostar Game Boy
Atomic Punk Game Boy
Gradius Interstellar Assault Game Boy
Bonk's Revenge Game Boy
GB Gengin Land [Japan] Game Boy
Genjin Collection [Japan] Game Boy
Blaster Master Boy Game Boy
Parasol Stars Game Boy
Felix the Cat Game Boy
Trax Game Boy
Mega Man 4 Game Boy
Mega Man 5 Game Boy
Momotarou Dengeki Thunderbolt [Japan] Game Boy
Momotarou Dengeki Thunderbolt 2 [Japan] Game Boy
Parodius Da! [Japan] Game Boy
Pokemon Silver Game Boy
Mole Mania Game Boy
Operation C Game Boy
Snow Brothers Game Boy
Sneaky Snakes Game Boy
Great Greed Game Boy
Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break Game Boy
Rescue Of Princess Blobette Game Boy
The Battle of Olympus Game Boy
Sagaia [Japan] Game Boy
Rod Land Game Boy
Bubble Bobble Part 2 Game Boy
Knight's Quest Game Boy
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Game Boy
Sword of Hope Game Boy
Sword of Hope II Game Boy
Tetris Plus Game Boy
Dragon Warrior Monsters II: Tara's Adventure Game Boy Color
Lufia: The Legend Returns Game Boy Color
MegaMan Xtreme 2 Game Boy Color
Revelations: The Demon Slayer Game Boy Color
Bubble Bobble Old and New Game Boy Advance
Fire Emblem Game Boy Advance
Shining Soul Game Boy Advance
Shining Soul 2 Game Boy Advance
Lufia: The Ruins of Lore Game Boy Advance
Klonoa Game Boy Advance
Summon Night Swordcraft Story Game Boy Advance
Summon Night Swordcraft Story 2 Game Boy Advance
Ninja Five-O Game Boy Advance
Sigma Star Saga Game Boy Advance
Shaman King - Master of Spirits Game Boy Advance
Shaman King - Master of Spirit 2 Game Boy Advance
Advance Wars Game Boy Advance
The Adventure of Little Ralph [Japan] PS1
Wonder Trek [Japan] PS1
Harmful Park [Japan] PS1
Tomba PS1
Final Fantasy 9 PS1
Wild Arms PS1
Dragon Quest VII PS1
SaGa Frontier II PS1
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete PS1
Mega Man Legends PS1
Mega Man Legends 2 PS1
R-type Delta PS1
Thunder Force V - Perfect System PS1
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne PS1
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile PS1
Parrapa The Rapper PS1
Darius Gaiden PS1
Taito Legends PS2
Taito Legends 2 PS2
Alexay SNES
Brandish SNES
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja SNES
Lufia & the Fortress of Doom SNES
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals SNES
Dracula X SNES
The Firemen [PAL] SNES
Kirby Superstar SNES
Kirby's Dreamcourse SNES
Kirby's Dreamland 3 SNES
Brainlord SNES
Parodius [PAL] SNES
Skyblazer SNES
Soul blazer SNES
Star fox SNES
The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang SNES
Terranigma SNES
Dragon View SNES
EVO Search for Eden SNES
Super Aleste (Space MegaForce) SNES
Dragon Crystal Game Gear
Aerial Assault Game Gear
Aleste Game Gear
Aleste 2 (Power Strike II) Game Gear
Golvellius Master System
Aerial Assault Master System
Bubble Bobble Master System
Rainbow Islands Master System
Sagaia Master System
Gulkave Master System
Transbot Master System
Psychic World Master System
Sagaia Genesis/Mega Drive
Rainbow Islands Extra Genesis/Mega Drive
Bio-Hazard Battle Genesis/Mega Drive
Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar Genesis/Mega Drive
Thunder Force 2 Genesis/Mega Drive
Thunder Force 3 Genesis/Mega Drive
Hellfire Genesis/Mega Drive
Zero Wing Genesis/Mega Drive
Gaiares Genesis/Mega Drive
Chiki Chiki Boys Genesis/Mega Drive
Operation Code:Vapor Trail Genesis/Mega Drive
Fatal Labrynth Genesis/Mega Drive
Aldynes TG16
Air Zonk TG16
Neutopia TG16
Neutopia 2 TG16
Dead Moon TG16
1941 TG16
Momotaro Katsugeki TG16
Download TG16
Final Soldier TG16
Aero Blasters TG16
Hana Taaka Daka TG16
Truxton (Tatsujin) TG16
Salamander TG16
Override TG16
R-Type [HuCard] TG16
Raiden TG16
Cloud Master TG16
Burning Angels TG16
Coryoon TG16
Magical Chase TG16
Mr Heli TG16
Bouken Danshaku Dan The Lost Sunheart TG16
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood TG16 CD
Rainbow Islands TG16 CD
Super Darius II TG16 CD
Psychic Storm TG16 CD
Download 2 TG16 CD
Gradius 2 TG16 CD
Terraforming TG16 CD
Star Parodia TG16 CD
Rayxanber II TG16 CD
Rayxanber III TG16 CD
Legion TG16 CD
Super Raiden TG16 CD
Metamor Jupiter TG16 CD
Sylphia TG16 CD
Sapphire TG16 CD
Nexzr TG16 CD
Cho Aniki TG16 CD
Zero Wing TG16 CD
Hellfire TG16 CD
submitted by robitstudios to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:12 rdk67 Spring Day 55: Recording the Concrete

I am sitting in one of the disused but quite beautiful parts of the neighborhood, waiting for it to rain.
The rain has already come and gone, a light rain that left traces of dampness on the pavement – the shade of the spring day darkens, becomes real, which is a comfort because that realness, that feeling of extra substance, comes from the water cycle working the way it's supposed to.
I feel it around my nostrils, on the cheeks of my face near the eyes, like I'm a frog looking up from its pond water, which is a pleasant feeling to sashay around town with. This is the spring we all know, the moisture appearing on my skin after drifting miles above the earth ten minutes earlier –
an epic plunge is what we are walking through, but it's already rising again, and let's face it – we live in a cook pot set on media, I mean medium – medium is the setting on the cook pot, which notice is more than a crock. From the frog’s point of view, it is ideal.
From our point of view, standing in the chop of the water cycle, we are soaring in the air – then minutes from now, we might be walking in the clouds, and who knows after that, but this is the context for comings and goings this mid-afternoon – this potential for levitation.
I find a broad and elegant tree stump to sit on and record the concrete. Someday we'll all have concrete recorders but today, we just have me.
The stumps are not indigenous to the property, at least I don't think so, but I'm not exactly sure why I don't think that, given that the facility that occupies the block was once probably a forest with abundant marshy places. The forest went, then some infrastructural evolution played out that upcycled into a world-class performing arts center.
Given that my art, before it is anything, is performative – watch the monkey paint words with a stick – I'm hand-in-glove with the performance of the plaza.
I am sitting in a grove of tree stumps, which automatically brings to mind entropy – we all will die someday, become handsome all-weather furniture that slowly disintegrates – but then the overwhelming pleasantness of the day causes the thought to move on, and the stumps become a moment in time that is also a cross-section of full biography, which is quite a thing to be sitting on, waiting for the rain.
The forecast, which I predict would be one of the more impressive modern achievements to the humans who lived through the ice age – just an opinion – the forecast –
I picture ice-age human faces in stunned wonder as weather prediction after weather prediction comes true. The forecast
says there is a one-hundred percent chance of rain later this afternoon, time precise to the quarter hour, but with Doppler weather radar, one can make one's own data-driven prediction about when the rain will start to the nearest few minutes.
Someday we'll wear watches that are nothing but countdown clocks ’til the next time the forecast calls for rain – when the clock reaches the nearest minute, it switches to seconds.
This broad, elegant stump I'm sitting on sets on a bed of gravel which, when it rains, can convince me it is river gravel – pick up a few of the rounded stones, give them a close look for evidence of the past. I briefly imagine
finding the remains of a sauropod, each piece of gravel containing a tiny piece of a single sauropod, which together add up to the most complete sauropod skeleton yet discovered.
The stump is all take and no give, and yet I think I prefer it to popping open a lawn chair – the imperviousness of the stump being conducive to recording the concrete.
My backside is about eighty-years wide, which is older than my age, which inspires thoughts about backing into predestination, at least where just sitting around on a fine spring day is concerned. Like a bump on a log in a way, and let's face it – the concrete doesn't get much more concrete than that. A splashing sound
comes from the page. I scan the paper like it’s the sky, and I'm waiting for an aerial firework to open, then I find the spot of rain splashed across the phrase think so – think so, is the phrase – which is followed by a second raindrop, this one hitting the word water, causing the ink to run a little.
A one-hundred percent chance – does that even make sense? I picture a barrel of rain, rolling across the plains. Perhaps we should feel lucky for being visited by such a probability – possibly years before it rolls around again.
Rain will undoubtedly fall at this time, we say to our ice-age guests, and they will hold up the one hand like it's rain, hold up the other like it's time, weigh the two sides side-by-side maybe, maybe invent that gesture where the dancer holds both palms above their heads, lifts them up and down like they're raising the roof.
Still, I'm not sure they'll really understand all those computer models, hypotheses wrapping themselves around big-data projects involving sensors and rain gauges deployed across the land, starting centuries ago. Science raised the roof, we might say, at least as far as weather prediction is concerned.
I sense the rain not exactly letting up, retreat to the interior of the performing arts center after taking a few notes.
Along part of the gravel is a long puddle of water from the overnight rain, and I would need but a few fish bones or raccoon tracks to believe the whole thing was situated beside a river, the sort of gravel bed surging with snow melt earlier in the season.
This being the Midwest, higher elevations are usually metaphorical, metaphorical before they are anything else, and I think about the campus surging with graduates this past weekend, the landscape of human potential, in all directions, inundated by them.
Inside now, I see a balloon bouquet along one wall of the concourse, with gold Mylar affirmation – The Best Is Yet to Come! – floating on the end of a ribbon.
A one-hundred percent chance of rain – imagine telling all those graduates, you have a one-hundred percent chance of finding love within a fortnight. Call it a graduation gift, then imagine all those rain gauges quivering in their brackets at the thought of measurements certain to be made, collated, used to improve the algorithms that animate the global gods of rain.
At the far end of the concourse, a lady is teaching a gentleman how to dance – they aren’t touching, aren’t even facing each other – side-by-side – and I hear her call out the moves, move-by-move.
Maybe he’s an actor and she’s going over a certain bit of choreography for an upcoming production. Maybe he’s a restless spirit, and she’s teaching him the art of haunting.
That ghost forest in the gravel outside is adjacent to one of the busiest intersections on campus, and yet, turn your back to it, and it becomes just another element in the stopping and starting of the cosmos.
I could see to either end of the block from that broad, elegant tree stump I was sitting on without really being seen from the street which, along with a lush stand of grass in a nearby raised garden bed, brings to mind the wide-open prairie from centuries past.
I picture deer bounding over golden rod. I picture foxes negotiating cone flowers.
The interior of the performing arts center is designed around the premise of potential – four theaters in league with the cardinal directions, plus a blindingly white amphitheater and a low stage in the concourse itself, where they hand out complimentary spliffs and pass around community bongs during free upbeat life-affirming musical programs, attended by folks after the workday is over, plus a helping of retirees.
Okay, not grass but alcohol, but you get the point – people enjoy shindigs now and then. The lady and gentleman are out of sight, but she’s still giving direction – I can hear their back and forth somewhere around the curve in the wall,
which might stand for the passing of time. I imagine myself performing the pasodoble – no, I take it back. I imagine myself performing the pasodoble – no, I take it back! For real this time! I imagine myself destroying the pasodoble – no, god, my boot heels! The planks on the floor! I take it back!
The sun returns, so I pick up my things, head back out to that secluded space, spend a few minutes admiring the resoundingly designed program of the building.
Preformed white concrete panels are suspended twelve feet off the ground to establish the roof of the entrance. Ninety-degree angles abundantly in evidence. Brick pixelates the angled outer walls with the stuff of the earth. Ultra-high resolution, they call it around the masonic lodge.
Someone in the amphitheater is having their photo taken by a professional – everyone loves to do photo shoots there. She is wearing dark knee socks, a navy jumper and a blue bowl haircut, or maybe it’s a wig – I can’t tell from here. I picture anime or promotional material for this fine spring day.
A squirrel bounds through the grass – then poses in front of me, paws together, as though summoning oration.
A robin alights on the stone cladding of the raised beds, begins to stand exclusively on its left leg. The leg is angled under the center of mass – it’s a practiced move.
No one knows why the American robin does this – maybe it’s like bird meditation, though the memory of the American robin is so specifically extraordinary when it comes to navigation and geospecific locations that effectively, at the sensual level on up, it is living in a reality separate from our own, so who knows what meditation might mean.
They can see the magnetic fields of the earth in their eyes using a protein called cryptochrome, which reacts to magnetism. Cryptochrome – like something from the Marvel universe.
Maybe when the American robin stands on its left leg, it’s spacing out to the daytime reality of solar storms, the whole environment all aflutter with a phenomenology of waves passing around the material world.
The robin and the squirrel go their separate ways, and I feel the temperature drop – ah, me! the pasodoble! – as the next part of the front crosses campus.
A peel of thunder indicates the breaking of the sound barrier by means of electromagnetism and the displacement of gasses. Electromagnetic properties experience disequilibrium as a kind of earthquake in the sky that causes the air to vibrate in an awe-inspiring way – the sound magnetic fields make when they rearrange themselves in a gaseous atmosphere.
We are fluid dwellers, through and through, we humans and mammals and reptiles and amphibians and lichen gnawing on patches of the plaza’s concrete. Maybe from the standpoint of the atmosphere, land is just one big coral reef.
When that perfect destiny began to drop rain, the sound at first was curious, expectant – an all-squinty-eyed-and-kissy-faced sort of rain began to fall that grew into a snowy hum that seemed to have a simple song playing inside it, like someone playing a ukulele in the room next door, singing along.
The gig carries on for twenty minutes or so – an opening act – before the rain begins to march double time through the streets – barely soldiers even when they were soldiers.
Less tactic and more matador, this rain storm, and its boot heel crashes down on the planking of the still-lovely spring day. These magnetic storms are not
for war making, nor fighting bulls, nor even for entertaining that cosmic bird called the American robin. What are they for then?
American robins also configure their flight by the stars, by remembering features on the land, by creating mental maps of it all.
And they swim with both grace and endurance, as they navigate this liquid world, this concrete way of life.
In the moment, they are roosting in a tree, observing the silver magnetic waves marching through the streets. Made of what? The pasodoble! Concrete.
submitted by rdk67 to MetaphysicalWeather [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:02 undiagnosedAutist Honest opinions on 1 and 2

My first Fallout experience was 3. I've played 3, NV, and 4 as of now, but I'm growing more interested in the lore, the history.would yall say that 1 and 2 have replayability. Going from massive open roam to aerial view would be difficult I imagine
submitted by undiagnosedAutist to Fallout [link] [comments]