Plans wood music standsj

Austin Whisky

2016.08.09 20:43 dumpkopf Austin Whisky

Keeping up with Austin's Whisk(e)y scene.

2024.05.17 12:51 Adorable-Exercise-11 gaining followers on tiktok

I recently started a tiktok account posting daily album reviews and i’m getting views at a decent rate (my plan was to gain a following and then start posting my music). I currently have 3 videos up and 2 of them have over 800 views, however my problem is i’ve only gained one follower. Does anyone have any tips for getting people to follow instead of just viewing?
submitted by Adorable-Exercise-11 to musicmarketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:50 lexaleidon Is it safe to use silicon in putty?

Here's the situation, I plan on converting my paludarium into terrarium (issues with algae, drives me nuts). The container is cylindrical - 30cm tall, 15 cm wide.
I'm thinking about turning it into a moss wall with some other plants, wood, stones, etc.
The thing is, I have aqua soil that I'll grind into powder, add some dry sphagnum moss and use the mixture. I'm not so sure that will stick and wont fall apart. That's why I wonder if I can add some aquatic grade silicon to make it more like a putty? Obviously it needs to be safe for the plants.
Any advice?
submitted by lexaleidon to terrariums [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:49 FollowingFar4112 [Hobby][UnPaid (for now)] Looking for pixel artists and marketing people

My team and i decided to develop a rouglike-rpg-parkour game which we want to be like a unique fusion of Hades,Cuphead and Celste. We all played Minecraft and Mario when we were kids, and thus our team decided that we want the game to be a 2d pixel art but still make an incredible visual looking game. I learned pixel art for a long time (about 1.5 years) but i don't have talent for it, i can make decent sprites but not things that i strive to, and espcially not in a good rate. Our team can code the game, we have expreinced programmers but the pixel art asset is slowing us down. We are a group of student in college and universty (18 - 20 yo) and thus we are pretty much broke and cant hire exprets to help us with the game. Our plan for now is to create a free demo with a small portion of the game, and publish it on KickStarter or any other campaign supporter site, and then pay for people that would be ready to take part in this project. As for now, we have about 30% of the demo ready, which is the core gameplay and the surronding (music etc). If you are intrested in working with us on the game, and have a passion for it, please contact us. You DON'T have to be the best but as long as you are willing to help, we are willing to let you take part in it.
Thank you for reading all this! You can message me here, or in my mail: "" or in my discord: aviel232
submitted by FollowingFar4112 to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:48 finchesandlilies Someone please tell me how I could have fixed this

I'm not sure how helpful it will be to post here because I think my issue goes far beyond the usual conflicts one might find in a traditional dnd campaign. So before anyone reads this I wants to emphasise that 1. this was my very first dnd campaign and I joined it without any prior knowledge, and 2. this campaign was never intended to be a traditional "we're heroes and trying to save the world while fighting monsters left and right" campaign. I hope this answers any questions along the lines of "Well, why did you create this kind of character in the first place?" and "Why do your characters spend so much time talking about stuff, don't you have some beholders to fight?". I also cannot explain the whole situation without writing a literal 20 page long essay, so I'll try to keep it as short as possible and only give two examples. I'm definitely leaving a lot of details out here, so please let me know if clarifications or futher information is needed.
To preface what this is all about: I was a player in a very roleplay focused campaign and my character basically turned into the problem child of this campaign. I never intended for my character to be the focus, was never interested in him being the focus, but nothing I ever did suceeded in solving the issues at hand and taking the focus away from him. I constantly got accused of "making my character suffer", whereas from my perspective I was constantly trying to keep this character safe from the constant attacks he had to endure. It was like no matter what I did, no matter what I let this character do, it was never right. I think everyone in this group makes an effort to play their characters realistically, I defininitely do. And yet it was never me going "I know exactly what my character has to do to fix this but I'll REFUSE to do it because I don't like it" but me literally having no clue what people wanted from this character. The dm repeatedly said that nothing they tried to fix this character was helping. Whereas from my perspective these things that were supposed to "help" my character were the exact things that my character was struggling with. So it turned into a constant stream of something happening, my character then feeling bad, then everyone focusing on my character feeling bad, then my character trying to fix things, everyone telling him that he's doing it wrong, my character feeling even worse.... and me wondering why my character cannot just exist in peace, why we constantly have to focus on him instead of the "plot". I don't think anyone was interested in constantly discussing my character's mental state, I definitely wasn't interested in doing that, and yet we kept doing it. But I also did not know how to have him react differently to the constant shit getting thrown at him.
So, basically:
Around three years ago a friend of mine told me about this new dnd campaign they were starting and asked me to join. I've known this friend for half my life but we never lived close to each other, maintaining loose contact over Twitter and me visisting them every two or three years. I had never played dnd before, which they didn't think would be a problem, calling the campaign "very beginner friendly". The whole point behind this campaign was that both this friend (the dm) and two of the players from the main campaign they were playing wanted to play more regularly, so my friend/dm came up with this campaign which was basically a prequel to that main campaign. That main campaign was a more "traditional" dnd campaign with a quest to save the world and regular combat. Meanwhile this new campaign was supposed to be focused on roleplay. There was no overarching plot or quest and the setting was an arcane school and our characters were supposed to be students at said school, just starting their first semester.
When creating our characters the dm asked us to include at least one character in the backstory that was important for our character, and also an objective for our character, something they wanted to achieve. The character I came up with was a young half-elf wizard specialising in abjuration. The gist of his story was that his parents had been arrested and executed for high treason when he was very young and that he grew up rather isolated with his older brother in a place they were not allowed to leave before coming off age. When my character was 14 he woke up one morning to find his brother gone. He had left him only a cryptic letter, hinting at wanting to find out what had really happened to their parents, telling my character that he was sorry and that he would come back. When his brother had not come back after several months, my character too ran away and made his way to Candlekeep, which he had visited many times with his parents (who had been scholars) as a child. He tried to find answers in Candlekeep and spent the following three years hiding in the library before something prompted him to leave and travel to the aforementioned arcane school in order to study there. His objective was to find out why his parents had to die, what happened to his brother, and adjusting to normal life after years of isolation.
Personality wise this character was supposed to be very kind, very gentle, quite naive, honest, and at the beginning of the campaign rather anxious. My assumption was that after growing up in isolation he would need some time to get acclimatised and would be anxious and overwhelmed in the beginning but would loosen up with time and become more self-confident. Some bad stuff happened early on in the campaign and he reacted to it in a rather not healthy way (withdrawing, refusing to eat, but also not talking about what was going on because he didn't want to put the focus on himself). I messed up here, I realised that later. I assumed the other characters would sit him down and ask him what was going on, leading to some kind of cathartic conversation, my character then revealing his past, and him becoming more confident and positive through it, completely resolving this issue. I didn't realise that introducing these kind of psychological issues into the story would be an issue, simply because I wasn't planning on making it a big thing. I thought it would be realistic for him to react this way and I thought it was something that could easily be resolved. Nowadays I would approach this completely differently: if I were to play this character now I would make this whole "accepting his past, becoming more self-confident and open" thing part of his backstory and would start him off as being confident and in tune with his emotions, instead of trying to quickly get through this development at the start of the campaign. So I think I know what I SHOULD have done to prevent this from escalating. What I am trying to figure out is what I could have done to fix it AFTER realising my mistake. Because we spent months and months trying to resolve this issue and never really got anywhere. Despite me trying my best to keep the focus away from my character, despite me trying to turn him into someone more confident and happy, despite me NOT WANTING him to be the focus of the story and doing my best to keep him out of the spotlight.
Here is an example of the things going on in the story, to which my character reacted badly and me not knowing how else I could have had him react that would not have caused further conflict:
Over the course of the campaign L. figured out what his brother was up to after him and his friends getting intro trouble and a mysterious stranger helping them get out of there and that stranger then revealing himself to be A.'s husband (and therefore my character's brother-in-law). L. had a lenghty discussion with this person and after that I basically viewed L.'s conflict as resolved: he now knew why his brother had left, he knew that it had not been his fault, and he knew that his brother had found someone who loved him and was not alone. L. still hoped to be able to see his brother again to get to say goodbye properly. Because in L.'s mind there was no other possibility but this being a goodbye: his brother had a new life now that he, L., was not part of anymore. And L. accepted that. There was no anger, no resentment, only relief knowing that his brother was not alone, had someone by his side who loved him, and that he still cared about L. and that L. had not - as he had feared - done anything that had caused his brother to not want to be near him anymore. He had finally gotten the closure he had needed, he was feeling okay and I viewed this whole conflict as resolved.
Fast forward a few weeks: A. finally suceeded in doing what he had been working on these past few years and returned to L., just like he had promised in the letter he had left him all that time ago. When talking to him, L. realised that A. was not actually planning on leaving, like L. had assumed. Instead A. told him that he and his husband would stay and look for a new home near L.'s school. L. was very surprised by this but of course he was also happy. He hadn't even considered that his brother would stay. His biggest hope had been that his brother would occasionally send him a letter from whereever he was. Him actually wanting to stay was very unexpected for L. but of course he was very happy about it. They also had some good conversations during that time, which not only brought L. further closure but also revealed connections between several past plot points.
About a week after A.'s return L. went to visit him. He just wanted to spend some time with his brother and also ask him for advice. The semester was coming to an end and everyone was busy preparing for the final exams and L. also still needed to find an internship placement for the summer break. L. wanted to do his internship in Candlekeep but was unsure on how to approach this, who to contact, how to phrase his request, so he thought asking his eloquent and knowledgable brother for advice would be a good idea. This conversation quickly went downhill with A. accusing L. of not respecting the people working at Candlekeep enough to do proper research beforehand and L. ending up feeling like he didn't deserve doing an internship there and ending up feeling even more stressed out about the whole thing than he had already been beforehand. They changed the topic and at some point A. started to jokingly fighting L. and putting him in a headlock. L. had no interest in fighting his brother, even as a joke, and reacted by going limp so he could slip away. A. then asked something along the lines of "So that's how you react in a fight? You just give up?" and L. said "Well, I know you would never intentionally hurt me with no good reason". The next second L. was falling. He was up in the sky, the ground many meters below him, and he was falling. L. immediately deduced that this must be some kind of enchantment and tried to fight it, but neither acknowledging that this wasn't real nor trying to shake it off did anything. He did not know any flying or hovering spells, nothing that would help him stop the fall, and ended up crashing into the ground. The next moment he was in some kind of water pool inside a cave that he struggled to get out of. A. was waiting by the cave entrance and offered L. his hand when he got out. L. refused to take it. A. then left and L. eventually followed, finding himself back in the room they had been in before. Either in the cave or shortly afterwards A. asked L. why he hadn't just used a spell to stop his fall, being surprised by L.'s statement that he had not yet learned an appropriate spell. L. eventually sat down at the table and did some exam preparation. A. made some food and put some in front of L. which L. ignored. Eventually L. looked up and asked A. what his biggest fear was. A. had just put L. through several of his biggest fears - falling, drowning, not being able to trust the ones he loves, and getting his control taken away - so he wanted to know what A. was scared of most. A. the told L. that his biggest fear was someone using his abilities to do something bad. And then he explained to L. that he had come to the conclusion that he would not be able to stay after all. That while he was able to defend himself, L. was not, and anyone wanting to get to A. would have an easy time doing so through L. who was evidently not able to defend himself. L. did not take that well and asked A. why he couldn't just train L. so he would get better at defending himself but A. refused. A. then said he would take a walk and allowed L. to come with him. They walked for several hours without talking, ending up in the middle of a forest where some ancient creature appeared that A. had helped several years ago and that was now nearing the end of its life and had called A. there to say goodbye. A. also explained to L. that he did not actually want to stay. That he - A. - had been naive in thinking that he could just live a normal life and that it had been nothing but a dream and that he simply wasn't made for that kind of life. Some time during that conversation A. also told L. that he was convinced that he would end up in the Nine Hells for the things he had done. They spent the night in the woods and the next morning L. realised that all his things had been stolen by some fey creatures, including his spell book. After searching for several hours they were able to find his spellbook, which had been smeared with insults. A. managed to clean it up and they returned back home and L. was reuinted with the rest of the group. Before L. left A. also gifted him an undestructable spellbook. A few days after these events L. went to the temple and addressed Mystra, telling her how lost he was feeling and how worried he was about his brother. He told her that he wanted nothing more than to protect the ones around him but how he was constantly failing in doing so. And how he just wanted his brother to be safe and how he was worried he would really eventually end up in the Nine Hells and how he didn't think A. deserved that but that he didn't know how to prevent that from happening. The next morning L. found some strange piece of cloth on his face which after some examination was revealed to be an item belonging to Mystra which she had used to hide something in the past. The very condensed explanation of what that item does is that whe attuned to it one cannot be found through any kind of traditional divination magic, making one basically undetectable. The next time L. saw A. he told him about this item and A. was basically like "Oh cool, well in that case we can actually stay here". L.'s reaction was to start crying and A. asked him why he was so upset and why everything was always the end of the world to him.
The way I see this whole situation: I simply wanted L. to spend some time with his brother, hopefully get some advice from him regarding that internship and then going back to the rest of the group. Instead what happened was that A. first called him disrespectful for wanting to do an internship at a place and not having done enough research beforehand. Then taking L.'s statement "you wouldn't hurt me with no good reason" to assault L. Then telling L. that he would not stay after all due to L. apparently not being able to defend himself. Then explaining to him that "actually, I didn't want to stay in the first place", and then a few days later telling him he WILL stay after all. So basically, L. had accepted that his brother would not come back to him for good, he had accepted this and had found closure. Then his brother told him he WOULD stay and L. was of course happy about this surprising turn of events. Then his brother told him that due to L. he CANNOT stay. Then he tells him he doesn't WANT to stay anyway, confirming the exact reasoning behind L.'s initial assumption that A. would not stay. And then after realising the threat was eliminated, decided to stay afterall, despite having it made very clear that he did not actually WANT to stay... and apparently only staying because he thought that's what L. wants, despite L. repeatedly explaining that his priority is for A. to be happy and that he does not want A. to stay if that's not what makes him happy and A. just completely ignoring that? Am I really the only person who thinks that it's understandable why L. is confused and upset in this situation? Plus the constant "What do you mean, you don't know [this one simple thing]?" when L. is already barely able to get a regular long rest in between trying to keep up with school work and all the stuff that's going on at the side, like a literal war for example, and constantly feeling that no matter what he decides it's always wrong and he never has enough time to do the things he is supposed to do, let alone the things he wants to do? Plus him wanting to spend the afternoon with his brother turning into a 36 hour long event and him having to spend half a day looking for his spellbook, only to find it smeared with insults?
Am I being dense for not understanding what the whole point of this was? Trying to make it clear to L. that his brother is a powerful and dangerous person? He was already very aware of that and did not need a reminder. Proving to L. that he shouldn't trust his brother? Why even associate with him in the first place if you don't want him to trust you? Giving him the undestructable spellbook was nice. But was having some fey creatures steal his original one and smear insults all over it and him having to spend hours searching for it really necessary?
Whatever the hell it is the dm was trying to do here, I think a simple, calm conversation between those two would have been a lot more effective.
But maybe it's clearer from the outside, so if someone else understands what happened here, please help me understand.
Another situation was that due to his struggles early on in the campaign my character was supposed to see the school's healer once a week so she could make sure that he was okay. My character went there once a week, feeling more or less okay when entering her office, and coming out feeling confused and upset after having his mental state analysed and picked apart. Neither did my character enjoy this nor did I think that any of the players (including myself) had any interest in listening to my character discuss his emotions every week. So eventually I had my character write a letter to the headmistress, explaning that he wanted to stop doing these weekly check-ins. Upon being asked why, he explained that these appointments actively made him feel bad and that he would do a lot better if he didn't constantly feel pressured into talking about things he didn't want to talk about. The reaction was that he was told that if he cannot handle simply being asked how he was doing once a week, then he wasn't stable enough to go to school, and consequently got kicked out. Leading to us spending two sessions trying to resolve this and my character eventually being allowed back into the school. ______
The situations I described are the kind of thing that constantly happened to my character.
We had a calendar where we wrote down short descriptions of what happened each day. I once went through this calendar with a friend (who does not play dnd) and it basically went like this: "So that day this traumatic thing happened to L., and the next day this happened, and two days later this happened, then the next day he almost died, then three days later he discovered this, the next day this other thing happened,....", and my friend just went "Holy shit, it's no surprise that this kid is losing his marmbles."
So I keep alternating between "I messed up this whole campaign by creating a problematic character" and the feeling that the dm had it out for specifically my character and it didn't matter what I did, nothing could have solved this.
Some constructive ideas on what I did wrong and what I could have done to fix things would be appreciated. (And yes, we did talk about this in the group. I eventually got tired of talking about it because it never lead anywhere.)
submitted by finchesandlilies to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:35 DudeFromNFK 150+ Links to Norfolk News, Culture, Events, & More

Looking to keep up with what's happening in Norfolk? This is your one stop shop:
COMMUNITY: Economic Development officials admitted that MacArthur Center plans are still entirely conceptual and years away from development. Rip it.
$101 million in toll relief for the region was included in the Virginia budget. Rip it.
City Council voted on Tuesday to approve the FY2025 budget that included $1.9 billion in financial plans. Rip it.
Scotty Quixx and the City of Norfolk reached a $200,000 settlement agreement in the case brought after City officials revoked the business’ Conditional Use Permit. Rip it.
Norfolk will receive $11,569,335 from the sale of the Hampton Roads Regional Jail. Rip it.
A new study found that Virginia has the most expensive interstate toll roads per mile. Rip it.
Maury High School received the 2023-2024 School Leadership Award for Excellence in STEM Education. Rip it.
15 C-2 Greyhound planes based at Naval Station Norfolk are getting significantly more use as the V-22 Ospreys are still held back from mission use. Rip it.
A WWII grenade found in a Norfolk backyard triggered a bomb squad response this week. Rip it.
NSU Football’s season opener will be televised on ABC. Rip it.
ODU has officially closed “the Bud,” an old baseball stadium as it plans for construction of a new facility. Rip it.
Star players from the Tides continue to get pulled to Baltimore and sent back down to Norfolk as the season progresses. Rip it.
The Admirals playoff run ended with a game 6 loss to the Adirondack Thunder. Rip it.
CULTURE Aoife O'Donovan leads a full day of music and workshops on June 1st. It’s “Light in the Eastern Sky.” Rip it.
Opening soon at the Hermitage: “An American Abroad: Florence Sloane in Europe, 1920s-1930s.” Rip it.
Coming up at Little Theater of Norfolk: “A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder”. Running May 31-June 23. Rip it.
This weekend at Asssembly explore art, music, and awareness at “Loscar Creations Art and Mental Health Workshop.” Rip it.
Opening Friday: “Roses Are Red, My Braids Are Black” at Offsite Gallery. Rip it.
Opening Saturday: “Delectable: A National Juried Exhibition of Food Themed Artworks” at D’Art Center. Rip it.
Currently on Display:
Surfer: An Andy Harris Exhibition at Assembly. Rip it.
Hampton Boyer: Colors of Us at Chrysler Museum. Rip it.
Fantastic Creatures of the Venetian Lagoon at Chrysler Museum. Rip it.
“I Am Copying Nobody” at Chrysler Museum. Rip it.
“Roses Are Red, My Braids Are Black” at Offsite Gallery. Rip it.
Delectable: A National Juried Exhibition of Food Themed Artworks at d’Art Center. Rip it.
Message in a Bottle: Picturing Maritime Culture in Hampton Roads at Barry Art Museum. Rip it.
Martha Chase: Progressive Kindness at Barry Art Museum. Rip it.
Paintings from the Porch: Works by Jake McCord at Gordon Art Galleries. Rip it.
Concrete Ocean: Works by Leigh Merrill at Gordon Art Galleries. Rip it.
Perry Glass Art Collection at Glass Light. Rip it.
The Sloan Collection at Hermitage Museum & Gardens. Rip it.
Analog Mixed Media Collage by Zriegle at The Gallery At Elation. Rip it
submitted by DudeFromNFK to norfolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:28 Sweet-Count2557 Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort

Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort
Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort We can't wait to share with you our latest discovery: Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort.This all-inclusive haven is nestled along the breathtaking Bavaro Beach in Punta Cana, offering the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure.Imagine sipping cocktails by the pool, while your kids enjoy thrilling activities in the kids club.With stunning views of the Caribbean Sea and a range of amenities catered to your every need, this tropical getaway promises to create unforgettable memories for you and your loved ones.Key TakeawaysOcean Blue and Sand Beach Resort is located in Punta Cana on the eastern coast of the Dominican Republic.The resort offers a beachfront location with a thin strip of sand, but seaweed can sometimes be present.There are a variety of amenities and facilities available at the resort, including two large pools, a kids club, and free Wi-Fi and parking.Pros of the resort include a party atmosphere, poolside activities, and entertainment, but some cons include crowded pools and restaurants, as well as aggressive timeshare tactics.Location and OverviewLocated along Bavaro Beach on the eastern coast of the Dominican Republic, Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana offers an all-inclusive getaway experience. This stunning resort complex consists of ten three-story open courtyard buildings, with a total of 708 rooms. The main hub of the resort features a wide range of amenities and facilities, including restaurants, a casino, a lobby, and even a bowling alley.The beach, while being a thin strip of sand, can sometimes be affected by seaweed. However, don't let that deter you from enjoying the crystal-clear waters and breathtaking views.If you're looking to explore beyond the resort, downtown Bavaro is just a short 10-minute drive away. And for those arriving by air, Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ) is approximately a 25-minute drive from the resort.Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana offers an array of amenities and facilities for guests to enjoy. From two large pools, including one with a swim-up bar and poolside entertainment, to a kids club and teen club with various activities and entertainment options, there's something for everyone. Plus, guests can take advantage of free Wi-Fi and parking during their stay.With certifications of responsible and sustainable tourism from Biosphere and Travelife Gold, Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana is committed to providing a memorable and environmentally-friendly experience.Whether you're seeking a party atmosphere or a relaxing getaway, Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana has it all. Just be aware that the pools, beach, and restaurants can get crowded at times, and the pool DJ and music can be loud. Additionally, non-Privilege Package guests may experience longer wait times at restaurants, and there have been reports of aggressive timeshare tactics. However, if you're looking for a lively and vibrant vacation, this resort is the place to be.For budget-conscious travelers, summer travel deals are available starting at just $95 per night with a three-night minimum stay. The all-inclusive package includes accommodations, meals, drinks, snacks, and entertainment, providing excellent value for your money.Families will particularly enjoy the wide range of nature and sightseeing excursions available in Punta Cana. And for those looking for additional benefits, joining the ClubH10 loyalty program will unlock exclusive amenities and privileges.Before making your final decision, it's always a good idea to consider alternative resorts in the area. Compare amenities, prices, and features to ensure you find the perfect fit for your vacation needs. One such alternative to consider is the Hard Rock Punta Cana, a luxury all-inclusive resort located about 35 minutes from Punta Cana International Airport. With its rock star vibes, signature style, and a Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course, it offers a different experience for those seeking a more upscale getaway.Amenities and FacilitiesMoving on to the amenities and facilities, let's delve into the offerings that make Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana a truly exceptional destination. At Radisson Blu Punta Cana, guests can enjoy a wide range of amenities and facilities that cater to their every need. To provide a visual representation of these offerings, here is a table showcasing some of the highlights:Amenities and FacilitiesDescriptionTwo large poolsOne with a swim-up bar and poolside entertainmentKids club and teen clubVarious activities and entertainment options for children and teenagersFree Wi-Fi and parkingAvailable for guestsResponsible and sustainableCertifications of responsible and sustainable tourism from Biosphere and Travelife GoldWide range of amenitiesIncluding restaurants, bars, a casino, a lobby, and a bowling alleyWith these amenities and facilities, guests can have a truly memorable and enjoyable stay at Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana. Whether you want to relax by the pool, indulge in delicious cuisine, or participate in exciting activities, this resort has it all. Plus, with responsible and sustainable tourism certifications, you can feel good about your choice to stay here. So, come and experience the exceptional offerings of Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana for yourself.Pros and ConsNow let's explore the pros and cons of staying at Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana.When it comes to the pros, this resort offers a vibrant party atmosphere that's perfect for those seeking excitement and entertainment. The pools are a highlight, with one featuring a swim-up bar and poolside activities to keep guests entertained. Families will also appreciate the kids club and teen club, which provide various activities and entertainment options for younger guests. Another positive aspect of staying at Radisson Blu Punta Cana is the free Wi-Fi and parking available for guests, making it convenient for those who want to stay connected and have their own transportation. Additionally, the resort holds certifications of responsible and sustainable tourism from Biosphere and Travelife Gold, showing their commitment to environmentally friendly practices.On the other hand, there are some cons to consider. The pools, beach, and restaurants at Radisson Blu Punta Cana can get quite crowded, which may not suit those looking for a more relaxed and quiet experience. The pool DJ and music can also be loud, which mightn't be ideal for guests seeking peace and tranquility. Another downside is the potential long wait for non-Privilege Package guests at the restaurants, which can be frustrating for those wanting a quick and hassle-free dining experience. It's also important to note that the resort employs aggressive timeshare tactics, which can be off-putting for some guests.In conclusion, Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana offers a range of amenities and facilities that cater to different interests and preferences. While it provides a lively atmosphere, poolside activities, a variety of dining options, a kids club, a teen club, and a spa, it may not be the best choice for those seeking a quieter and more peaceful getaway.Now that we've explored the pros and cons, let's move on to the next section about booking information.Booking InformationLet's now delve into the booking information for Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana, to help you plan your stay at this lively and family-friendly resort. When it comes to budget, you'll be pleased to know that summer travel deals are available for just $95 per night with a three-night minimum stay. This is an incredible value for an all-inclusive package that includes accommodations, meals, drinks, snacks, and entertainment. It's the perfect option for those who want to relax and enjoy their vacation without worrying about additional costs.If you're traveling with your family, Punta Cana offers various nature and sightseeing excursions that will surely interest everyone. And when it comes to check-in time, you'll be able to start enjoying your vacation at 3:00 p.m., with check-out at noon. Plus, if you join the ClubH10 loyalty program, you'll have access to additional amenities and benefits.Now that you have all the booking information you need for Radisson Blu Resort & Residence, Punta Cana, it's time to consider alternatives and make a comparison. It's always a good idea to explore other resorts in the area, compare their amenities and prices, and look for options with similar features. Additionally, checking for availability at other nearby resorts and reading reviews can help you make an informed decision.Alternatives and ComparisonOne alternative to consider is a comparison between Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort and other nearby resorts in the area. Here are three items to consider when comparing resorts:Amenities: Look for resorts that offer a wide range of amenities and facilities for guests to enjoy. Compare the offerings of Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort with other resorts in the area. Are there multiple pools, a kids club, or a spa? Consider what amenities are important to you and find a resort that meets your needs.Location: Consider the location of the resorts. Are they close to downtown Bavaro or other attractions? Compare the proximity of Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort to other nearby resorts. If you want to explore the area, it may be beneficial to choose a resort that's centrally located.Reviews: Read reviews of alternative resorts to get a sense of what other guests have experienced. Look for reviews that mention the atmosphere, service, and overall satisfaction. Compare the reviews of Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort with other resorts in the area to see how they stack up.When comparing Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort to other nearby resorts, consider the amenities, location, and reviews to find the best fit for your vacation.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Nearby Attractions and Activities Available Near Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort?There are plenty of nearby attractions and activities to enjoy near Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort.From exploring the vibrant underwater world while snorkeling or scuba diving, to embarking on thrilling boat tours and fishing adventures, there's something for everyone.For those looking to immerse themselves in the local culture, visiting nearby towns and markets is a must.And of course, the resort itself offers a range of activities, from water sports to relaxing spa treatments.Are There Any Restrictions or Guidelines for Using the Pools and Beach at Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort?There are no specific restrictions or guidelines mentioned for using the pools and beach at Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort.However, it's common for resorts to have certain rules in place to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all guests.It's always a good idea to check with the resort directly or refer to their website for any specific information regarding pool and beach usage.What Are the Options for Transportation to and From Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort?Transportation options to and from the resort are plentiful. There are taxis available for those who prefer a quick and convenient ride.For a more adventurous experience, we recommend renting a car and exploring the beautiful surroundings at your own pace.Additionally, the resort offers shuttle services to popular attractions in the area, making it easy to explore the local culture and attractions.Whatever mode of transportation you choose, getting to and from the resort is a breeze.Is There a Dress Code for the Restaurants and Dining Areas at Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort?There is indeed a dress code for the restaurants and dining areas at Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort.While we don't have specific details without the context of the resort, it's common for all-inclusive resorts to have dress codes for their dining establishments.This is to ensure a certain level of formality and ambiance during meal times.Dress codes often require guests to wear appropriate attire such as long pants, closed-toe shoes, and collared shirts for men, and elegant casual wear for women.Are There Any Specific Age Restrictions or Requirements for Accessing Certain Amenities or Facilities at Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort?There aren't any specific age restrictions or requirements for accessing certain amenities or facilities at Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort. We strive to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for guests of all ages.Whether you're a parent with young children or a teenager looking for activities, our resort offers a wide range of amenities and entertainment options for everyone to enjoy.ConclusionIn conclusion, Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort in Punta Cana offers a perfect blend of relaxation and excitement for beach vacationers.With its stunning location, breathtaking views, and a wide range of amenities and facilities, it caters to the needs of every guest.One interesting statistic is that the resort has two large pools with swim-up bars, providing a fun and refreshing experience for guests.So, why wait? Start planning your unforgettable tropical getaway at Ocean Blue and Sand Beach Resort today.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:26 KDinNS Robot vacuum in my RFY, yay!

Robot vacuum in my RFY, yay!
I've been trying not to order anything until evaluation is done on Sunday, unless it's something I really want. Well I really wanted this! Did any of you have this available this morning?
submitted by KDinNS to AmazonVineCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:25 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Christian man seeking Christian woman #Washington #Online

I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to have no mileage.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you to be fully submissive to me. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to submit to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:11 No_Reflection19 My Dopamine detox journey

Hello everyone, i saw someone updating their dopamine detox journey and I thought it was a great idea to stay disciplined. For context I’m 20 year old, 4th year med student struggling with; - screen - tiktok - porn - manga - music - movie addiction since 2020. I’m quitting music too since it triggers my maladaptive daydreaming. The reason why I’m planning on quitting all of the mentioned is because i lack self control and end up doom scrolling and binge watching for hours on end. I tried multiple things to solve these problems but unfortunately i keep getting back to my old ways. I tried developing hobbies like running, drawing etc. Now i can run fast but i’m still addicted lol. My goals for this journey are: - update on the daily - quitting my addictions - having better time management - increase my productivity - fixing my mental health - passing my exams left for the semester - exercise more. I hope i can update this for as long as possible. Wish me luck. Currently average screen time: 7h
Day 1:
submitted by No_Reflection19 to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:05 yycmscl Should I Honor my MIL in lieu of her son or stay at his hospital bedside

My MIL who passed away in January is being memorialized and interred on May22. Her son, my husband, adamantly refuses to attend given that he “has made his peace” with her passing. Since we have known about the event for months I still went ahead and booked flights, car and hotel rentals and booked professional and health-related appointments to coordinate while we are in town. I was hoping to twist his arm into attending his own mother’s funeral. We live in Calgary and the memorial is held in Ottawa. I planned on attending as planned with or without him to support and be there for his family with whom I have a 22year relationship. She (MIL) came to terms with her sons same sex relationship and his parents have adopted my family into theirs open arms.
Now here’s where it gets complicated. Monday my husband suffered a severe bout of food poisoning and he is now in the ICU in septic shock from E.coli. Today he is still intubated and semiconscious responding only to verbal commands. He has no concept and certainly little awareness when I visit. However the prognosis is good and should recover within a week or two ( he also underwent an exploratory laparotomy last night that he needs to heal from before any hospital discharge ). My adult daughter and her soon to be husband are local and I have asked them to visit at least once daily. I am to leave in 36 hours
I am a retired physician myself and am aware of the medical complications that can still happen -he is not out of the woods yet by any means. Please abstain in the comments any medically-related posts since I will either refute them wholeheartedly.
What I want to know - and if there are any ethicists out there PLEASE chime in- do I travel 5 days away while the hubby is in hospital and mostly unaware of my existence but for the hour I’m allowed to visit ? do I go ahead with the plan to support his family during this ordeal and attend to the commitments I have arranged during that time ? OR do I stay at bedside or at least local “in case” his situation deteriorates (which chances are minimal given his progress from death-bed to stably unstable) and need to reschedule the commitments and not be the support for his family ?
To be clear I will ALWAYS be available for any medical decisions by telephone EXCEPT for the times I will actually be airborn (4hr flights)
submitted by yycmscl to moraldilemmas [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:00 rogermorse Bunch of things I cannot decide on

Bunch of things I cannot decide on
So, I am using surround setups since 2010 (before that, I had crappy all-in-one sets for the computer). I currently use a 5.1.2 system made of Jamo and Indiana Line speakers, SVS SB1000 sub, connected to a Sony STR DN 1080.
Recently one of the Jamo S606 is failing. IT could be the tweeter but probably the crossover (I will test this weekend by swapping the tweeters). If it's the tweeter, I can find a clone with 50 swiss francs.
If it's not the tweeter, I would probably not bother fixing it (advice is welcome).
The rest of the brainstorming that goes on since a couple years (in my head) is:
  • The first option would be to keep the Jamo if it's easily fixable. I was planning an upgrade only for when I would move to a bigger / newer place (my current room is an all purpose room, I live in a 2 room apartment I try to make the best of it with absorbers etc but everything is very cramped),
  • Second option is a decent upgrade, stay with 5.1.2 (nothing smaller) but improving quality (especially center) that is why I had set up a list of Dali speaker (Oberon 7 and grand vokal) for a future setup. Such setup could actually fit already now (sizewise), but the grand vokal would not fit. Could put a normal vokal instead and still consider it as an upgrade from all the Jamo. I listened to the Oberon 7 in a shop.
  • third option is to forget about surround (it sounds very sad to me) by pushing on quality and go to a pair of Focal Aria (I auditioned the 936 back then). I see now there are the Evo X N.2 and N.3. I remember the 936 were sounding better than the Oberon 7 but thinking they might be an overkill for movies. They obviously cost a lot more than the Oberon. I think they would still be an overkill for my room and probably cannot even drive them with my current AVR and would need an amp upgrade (and still have no surround unless I pair them with what I already have, but my center channel is shitty).
Did you ever favour a stereo setup against a surround setup, if the stereo pair was sensibly better in quality? Honestly I love my atmos ceiling channel even though they are really cheap speakers, and the immersion with surround I don't think is possible with only stereo channels (doesn't matter how good sounding). Did you leave a surround setup for a stereo one without regrets?
Consider that my use is maybe 1% music and the rest is all movies and games...
p.s. the tv looks high but is not that much, if you relax on the couch it comes in sightline at a comfortable angle. I don't have much choice anyway
submitted by rogermorse to hometheater [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:34 seekerblackout [2014-2015 Silly Season] Wood Brothers forming alliance with Penske, Ryan Blaney and Juan Pablo Montoya to split 21 car in 2015

Wood Brothers Racing has announced their 2015 plans.
Following Trevor Bayne's departure to the mothership, WBR will no longer have a technical alliance with Roush-Fenway Racing. Instead, they will be forming a new alliance with Team Penske, with the 21 car receiving full Penske equipment.
The 21 team plans to attempt at least 15 races in 2015. Penske young gun Ryan Blaney will run 10 races, by rule the maximum number of starts he can make without giving up ROTY eligibility. Blaney is scheduled to make his first attempt with the 21 team at Las Vegas in March.
As for the other races, Juan Pablo Montoya isn't quite done with NASCAR yet, as he will attempt 5 races for the Wood Brothers, starting with one last run at the Daytona 500. Other races are unknown, but logically they'll be during off weeks or the offseason for IndyCar, where he's racing full-time for Team Penske next year.
submitted by seekerblackout to seekersnr2003series [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:14 MinuteMedium5833 Sharing My Standing Desk Experiences: Tips for Those Considering a Purchase!

I am quite a familiar user of standing desk (and ergonomic chair, too) and thought that maybe all the isssues and experiences I had with my standing desks as a long-time user can help those who are considering buying one:
  1. Never buy 1-motor standing desk, no matter how good its price is. Trust me on this as you will probably regret it shortly after 2-3 weeks of using it. First, 1-motor standing desk means weaker loading capacity. This will cause you trouble if you want to customize your desk. An average 1-motor standing desk can lift up to 100 - 150 lbs, but don't forget that this also includes your tabletop. A solid wood tabletop with the size 48''x24'' can weigh ~30 lbs already, not to mention all those stuff like monitor arm, 1-2 monitors and dozens of accessories on top of it (let's imagine you have a gaming monitor that's 34 inches wide, 2 sets of speakers, 1 CPU, keyboard, books, other decorations...ask yourself how long your 1-motor standing desk can survive with all these things). Apart from this, 1-motor standing desk also have high risk of causing uneven issue (because only 1-leg have the motor and the other doesn't) -> trust me, you don't want to buy a desk and plan to use it for 2-5 years, then constantly have to reach out to CS just because your standing desk has a silly problem)
  2. Invest in the frame, not the top: The most important part of a standing desk is its frame, not the top. The desk frame hosts all the technology inside it and directly affect 80% of your experiences. A deks frame that's considered good enough is one that is made of SPCC steel, can lift up to at least 200 Ibs. You should also check what's the max & min height of the desk frame to know if it's suit you or not. For me a good height range should be somewhere between 26'' to 53'' (some products in the market are now offering around 29'' to 52'', and for me it's okay but some of my friends said that with 29'' min height it's still too high for them). Also, normally after like 1-2 years, you might want to change your tabletop due to its decreased quality, or you just simply want to refresh your workspace. So you're gonna keep the frame and get rid of the old tabletop. That's why invest too much money on the tabletop in the beginning is not a wise choice to make.
  3. Choosing the right top: This can greatly vary depending on each user's preferences, but I believe most of the discussions would be about this thing: MDF or Solid wood. To summarize it: MDF is cheaper, lighter, and less affected by environmental changes (places where humidity is high can eventually affect the quality & finishing of solid wood furniture). In the meantime, solid wood top is heavier, sturdier and more aesthetically pleasing. Solid wood can come with different natural shapes and patterns if you a fan of these things. Also, there's one thing that lots of standing desk sellers or brands won't tell you, is that the shipping cost of solid wood top is quite pricey due to its weight. So if you plan to buy a solid wood, be aware that it's not that you are paying more for better quality, but sometimes you are paying more for shipping. I also asked some of my friends and colleagues about whether they like mdf or solid wood tabletop, and it's 50 50. But there's one thing I agree: people choosing solid wood top over mdf is not because of the finishing or quality but more about the looks and feels of it. As nowadays technologies allow standing desk makers to improve the finishing quality of their mdf top way better than before, and when it's out in the market it's difficult to pinpoint any imperfections on the quality (also, there's this thing called UV coating which is applied in the production of mdf wood top, the harder the UV coating is, the better the quality of the tabletop. you can search more on Google, I am not a technical expert so I will pass it here)
  4. Price: A 2-motor standing desk starts from $300 - $500 (Autonomous, Flexispot, Fezibo), or $600 - $800 (Ergonofis, Branch, Uplift), or above $1000 with some big brand names (HM/Fully, Secretlabs...). And it's really up to your budget, but for me it's not really worth investing in more than $1000 for a standing desk (I notice some brand like deskhaus sell their desk at $2000 which is crazy). I understand that higher price come higher quality, but please keep in mind this: will you actually use all of that crazy features and functions that go with that crazy price? For example, a $1000 desk frame (without top) is surely more sturdy than a $300-$400 one, and can lift up to 400 Ibs, but do you really need that capacity? For me, there are products that I just need them to be good enough and come with a fair price, and desk are one of them.
  5. Other things, keypad design, warranty...:. For some people, keypad design is a minor thing, as long as it functions well. But for me I have a different point of view. The interesting thing about the keypad are it's a small part of a standing desk but can significantly contribute to the overal feelings of user about the desk itself, depending on its design and how you interact with it. There a different types of keypad design in the market: Physical button; touchscreen (button or slide, like Ergonofis desks); and touchless (like the SmartDesk Levitate) Mine are physical button (from Autonomous), and it's alright. But I wish it has more cool features, like the touchscreen slider of Ergonofis or a integrating the keypad onto the desk top, like Secretlabs Magnus Pro. For me the important thing about the keypad is how cool/asthetic it looks, not its function. Because the memory presets and standing/sitting modes are way too basic to be considered, and almost all brands offer this so it's not a big concerns. But from the moment you interact with a cool, creative keypad design, you can immediately tell if you love that desk or not.
TL;DR: Go for 2-motor standing desk; invest money in the desk frame over the top; don't go for expensive standing desk (>$2000) unless you have to/or have budget; cool/creative keypad design can positively affect your overall experiences.
submitted by MinuteMedium5833 to StandingDesk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:04 clash8920 24 looking for friends to talk with (:

Hello everyone. I am 24 year old living in the midwest and I am looking for new friends to talk with. I want to get to know all of you people as well as share things about myself. I welcome everyone as long as you keep it friendly and clean!
I am 420 🌿 and lgbt 🏳️‍🌈 friendly!
Im a introverted kind of person who generally prefers to stay indoors but im trying to be more social and get over my fear of the outside 🙃 especially since I live in such a beautiful state. I enjoy lots of music but my favorite genre is metal and im always looking for new music to listen to and share. I have spotify and im down to share playlists!
Im down to talk about whatever. Whether its your day, about yourself, your plans or anything else you got going on.
Hope to talk to yall.
submitted by clash8920 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:53 clash8920 24 looking for fun friends to talk with

Hello everyone. I am 24 year old living in the west and I am looking for new friends to talk with. I want to get to know all of you people as well as share things about myself. I welcome everyone as long as you keep it friendly and clean!
I am 420 🌿 and lgbt 🏳️‍🌈 friendly!
Im a introverted kind of person who generally prefers to stay indoors but im trying to be more social and get over my fear of the outside 🙃 especially since I live in such a beautiful state. I enjoy lots of music but my favorite genre is metal and im always looking for new music to listen to and share. I have spotify and im down to share playlists!
Im down to talk about whatever. Whether its your day, about yourself, your plans or anything else you got going on.
Hope to talk to yall.
submitted by clash8920 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:51 tunex2014 Why These 7 Activities Are a Hit in New York—And You’ll Love Them Too!

Why These 7 Activities Are a Hit in New York—And You’ll Love Them Too!
New York City, the city that never sleeps, is a treasure trove of iconic landmarks, cultural experiences, and unforgettable adventures. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, there are certain activities that you simply can’t miss. Here’s a guide to seven of the most popular and beloved activities in NYC—each one guaranteed to make your trip memorable.
  1. Empire State Building: Tickets & Skip-the-Line
No trip to New York is complete without visiting the Empire State Building. This architectural marvel offers breathtaking views from its observation decks on the 86th and 102nd floors. By opting for the skip-the-line tickets, you save precious time and get straight to the stunning panoramic vistas of the city. This is a must-see experience that combines history, architecture, and unparalleled scenery.
2. 9/11 Memorial & Museum: Timed-Entry Ticket
Pay your respects and gain a deeper understanding of a pivotal moment in modern history at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. The museum offers a poignant and moving tribute to the lives lost and the resilience of New York City. With a timed-entry ticket, you can ensure a smooth and contemplative visit, making the most of your time to reflect on the exhibits and stories that shaped our world.
3. SUMMIT One Vanderbilt Experience
For an exhilarating view of NYC that goes beyond the ordinary, head to the SUMMIT One Vanderbilt. This multi-sensory experience combines stunning visuals, interactive art installations, and breathtaking observation decks. It’s an innovative way to see the city from new heights and perspectives, making it perfect for thrill-seekers and art lovers alike.
4. Central Park Exploration
Spanning 843 acres, Central Park is the green heart of Manhattan. Rent a bike, take a leisurely stroll, or hop on a guided tour to discover the park’s beautiful landscapes, tranquil lakes, and hidden gems. From the serene Conservatory Garden to the bustling Bethesda Terrace, Central Park offers something for everyone. Explore Central Park now!
5. Broadway Show
Experience the magic of live theater with a Broadway show. Whether you’re a fan of musicals, dramas, or comedies, there’s a show for you. Popular choices include long-running favorites like “The Lion King” and “Hamilton.” Be sure to book your tickets in advance to secure the best seats and prices. Find your perfect Broadway show!
6. The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Met, as it’s affectionately known, is one of the world’s largest and most prestigious art museums. With over two million works of art spanning 5,000 years, there’s plenty to explore. Highlights include the Temple of Dendur, the American Wing, and the Impressionist paintings. Plan your visit to include a rooftop cocktail for a view of Central Park and the Manhattan skyline. Plan your visit to The Met!
7. Brooklyn Bridge Walk
Connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn, the Brooklyn Bridge is an architectural icon and a favorite among locals and tourists alike. Walking across the bridge offers stunning views of the NYC skyline, the Statue of Liberty, and the East River. It’s a perfect activity for a sunny afternoon, and you can reward yourself with a visit to Brooklyn Bridge Park or a slice of pizza from the famed Grimaldi’s. Start your Brooklyn Bridge adventure!
These seven activities highlight the diverse and dynamic experiences that make New York City a top destination. From soaring skyscrapers to historic memorials, each adventure offers a unique way to connect with the city. Make sure to plan ahead and book your tickets to ensure a seamless and unforgettable visit.
Ready to explore NYC? Start with the Empire State Building, honor history at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, and experience the SUMMIT One Vanderbilt, among others, for a trip you’ll never forget! Go here to read the whole article.
submitted by tunex2014 to u/tunex2014 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:38 SapphireHeaven According to Korean articles CL and YG's YHS had meetings recently, with the company responding they cannot confirm a 2NE1 reunion. What are your thoughts?

This is one of the articles I'm referencing:
It is known that singer CL and YG Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as YG) executive producer Yang Hyun-suk had a surprise meeting in complete secrecy, and interest is focused on the background. In particular, this meeting has added meaning as it took place ahead of the 15th anniversary of YG's four-member girl group 2NE1.
According to entertainment officials on the 17th, CL and Yang Hyun-seok recently met for the first time in a long time and talked for a long time. It is rumored that CL, the leader of 2NE1, and Yang Hyun-suk, the producer of 2NE1, had a dinner party that lasted much longer than originally planned. Although the details of what was discussed are not known, 2NE1 celebrated its 15th debut anniversary on the 17th. It is said that these two would not have had a meaningless meeting ahead of 2NE1's 15th debut anniversary. Moreover, there is speculation among high-ranking entertainment officials that there may be some reason why CL, who still has a deep affection for 2NE1, met with Yang Hyun-suk, the head of YG, who is recently attracting attention again for the musical ability of the girl group BABYMONSTER.
There is already great interest in whether the 2NE1 members will reunite with Yang Hyun-suk and achieve the full reunion that fans are looking forward to, and if so, what form it will take.
Meanwhile, YG's side stated that it "cannot be confirmed" regarding this.

Most fans have been praying for a reunion and it looks like that might only be possible as "2NE1" under the YG umbrella. Hope the two sides might have solved any disputes they had and it moves forward. While the members are extremely talented as singers and performers their particular sound is also tied to the company and the producers I feel like, even if they manage to buy back the rights to the name and all the discography. YG could also use some good publicity and revenue in a time when the number of active groups has grown smaller. While I'm not forgetting or forgiving the way they handled the group and the members' solo activities that led to disbandment, I'd love for a reunion under YG to happen if 2NE1 are also happy with the deal.
submitted by SapphireHeaven to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:34 Let_Freedom_Ping Does anyone know if the battery housing in the eotech 558 will clear the rear sight on an AKV?

Does anyone know if the battery housing in the eotech 558 will clear the rear sight on an AKV?
It looks like it’ll be cutting it close. I just got an AKV for cheap and I’m thinking of doing a 558 instead of an exps3 this time simply for battery availability. Plus I plan on putting a wood handguard and maybe a Peq2 for more of a retro vibe, I think the 558 will look nice when it’s all done.
submitted by Let_Freedom_Ping to ak47 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:31 FairlyRepulsive How to Free Watch PGA Championship 2024 live?

How to Free Watch PGA Championship 2024 live? Golf fans, get ready, because it's time for the men's second major of the year: The 106th PGA Championship. Returning to Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Kentucky, for the fourth time (and the first time since 2014), the 2024 PGA Championship will see big names, including defending PGA champ Brooks Koepka, Rory McIlroy — fresh off his Wells Fargo title win — Scottie Scheffler and Tiger Woods competing for the $17.5 million purse.
Watch PGA Championship 2024 Live
The 106th PGA Championship begins Thursday at Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville. The field features 16 former PGA champions, including Brooks Koepka, who won the 2023 PGA Championship and looks to repeat. Justin Thomas has returned to his hometown, seeking his third PGA Championship.
The first two rounds are set for Thursday and Friday, and the initial field of 156 golfers will be cut to the top 70 players and ties after the second round. Are you ready to follow all the action on the green at Valhalla? Here’s how to watch the 2024 PGA Championship, including the full TV schedule and more.
How to watch the 2024 PGA Championship:
Date(s): Thursday, May 16-Sunday, May 19
Location: Valhalla Golf Club, Louisville, KY
TV channel: ESPN, CBS, Golf Channel
Streaming: ESPN+, Paramount+, DirecTV Stream
What channel is the 2024 PGA Championship on?
For US viewers, the PGA Championship will air mainly on ESPN and CBS. There will be select coverage streaming on ESPN+, and the Golf Channel's alternative coverage airing on its network and streaming on Peacock.
ESPN will air the majority of the first two rounds of the tournament on Thursday and Friday, and then ESPN and CBS will share the third and final rounds on Saturday and Sunday. ESPN+ will have early coverage before the ESPN and CBS broadcasts all four days of the tournament and will also stream the practices Wednesday before the tournament begins.
Who is playing in the 2024 PGA Championship?
Brooks Koepka is the defending PGA champ headed into the 2024 tournament. Koepka will be joined by Rory McIlroy, Scottie Scheffler, Tiger Woods and more big names in golf.
How to watch the PGA Championship without cable:
To watch the PGA Championship 2024 without cable, you have several options. Firstly, check the official PGA Championship website for any live streaming options they may offer. Many major sporting events now provide online streaming services for viewers without cable subscriptions.
Secondly, consider signing up for streaming services that include sports channels. Providers like Hulu + Live TV, YouTube TV, Sling TV, and fuboTV often carry channels that broadcast golf tournaments, including the PGA Championship. These services typically offer free trials, allowing you to test them out before committing.
Thirdly, explore network-specific apps. Channels like NBC Sports, CBS Sports, and ESPN frequently offer live streaming through their apps or websites. If the PGA Championship is airing on one of these networks, you may be able to watch it without cable by logging in with your internet service provider credentials.
If you're in an area with good reception, you might also try using a digital antenna to pick up local channels broadcasting the tournament. This can provide a free option for watching the PGA Championship without cable.
Stream the PGA Championship on Paramount+
For streaming the PGA Championship coverage on CBS, you'll need the Paramount+ with Showtime tier, available for $12. The subscription is ad-free and includes live access to your local CBS channel.
In addition to sporting events like the PGA Championship, March Madness, Premier League and Champions League games, Paramount+ offers a host of other hit shows, new and classic movies and live sporting events. Unlike a lot of other streaming services these days, Paramount+ still offers a one-week free trial — so new subscribers can sign up to watch the tournament this weekend and check out the rest of the Paramount+ library totally free for seven days.
Stream the PGA Championship on ESPN+
For ESPN+ subscribers, early PGA Championship coverage will stream daily through the tournament. An ESPN+ subscription starts at $11 a month and grants you access to exclusive ESPN+ content, including all UFC PPV prelims, select F1 races, other live events, fantasy sports tools and premium ESPN+ articles.
Watch the Golf Channel's Live From the PGA Championship Peacock
While Peacock and NBC may not be airing the 2024 PGA Championship, the platform will have the golf Channel's Live From the PGA Championship coverage streaming live on the platform. A $5.99/month ad-supported Peacock subscription lets you stream live sports and events airing on NBC and thousands of hours of shows and movies, including beloved sitcoms such as Parks and Recreation and The Office and even recent theatrical releases.
Or for $12 monthly, you can upgrade to an ad-free subscription which includes live access to your local NBC affiliate (not just during designated sports and events) and the ability to download select titles to watch offline.
Is Tiger Woods Playing in the PGA Championship?
It's hard to say Tiger is guaranteed to play due to the injuries he's been battling over the past few years. However, the 15-time major champ has confirmed he's going to take a crack at the 2024 PGA Championship. Tiger was recently spotted practicing at Valhalla course and has told several outlets be plans to participate. Woods has won the PGA Championship four times in his career (the last time he won was in 2007). The 48-year-old is not expected to take the trophy this year but will no doubt be one of the biggest names to watch.
How to Watch PGA Championship Live Stream in The US
Golf fans in the US can watch PGA Championship live streams on ESPN and CBS. ESPN has coverage of all four days, while CBS will broadcast Saturday's third round and Sunday's final round.
No cable? No problem. Try a cord-cutting service like Sling or Fubo to watch the golf. There are no long contracts with these services, so you can try them and cancel whenever you've had enough. Fubo has the advantage of including both ESPN and CBS (as well as NBC's Golf Channel) in its $79.99/month Pro package – alongside 178 other channels.
The ESPN Plus streaming service will also host live coverage of the 2024 PGA Championship across all four days. A subscription costs $10.99/month or $109.99 annually. And you can watch CBS's coverage of the 2024 PGA Championship on the Paramount Plus streaming service. You'll need a Paramount Plus with Showtime subscription to watch the CBS Sports live stream. That will set you back $11.99/month or $119.99/year.
How to Watch PGA Championship Live Stream From The UK
In the UK, Sky will be your destination as Sky Sports Golf will televise action from the PGA Championship. A Sky Sports subscription will give you access to all nine Sky Sports channels, with the option to view in 4K and HDR (provided you have an HDR-ready Sky Q box and HLG-compatible TV).
Another option is Sky's Now Sports streaming service. You can get 24 hours of viewing for £14.99, or month-long access for £34.99 – though cheaper deals are often available.
How to Watch PGA Championship Live Stream From AUSTRALIA
In Australia, the most comprehensive golf coverage is offered by Kayo Sports where you can check out Fox Sports, which broadcasts the PGA Tour coverage. Not only can you watch a PGA Championship live stream from Kentucky, it's also the place to go for all the PGA Tour and DP World Tour events, and the other Majors. You can watch events from the LPGA Tour, too.
On top of all that, Kayo Sports offers access to over 50 sports live and on-demand, with some its big name channels including Fox Sports, ESPN, and beIN Sports. It's also good value at either $25 for Kayo One or $35 for Kayo Basic. Basic lets you stream sport on two devices at once.
2024 PGA Championship broadcast schedule:
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Live From the PGA Championship: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Practice rounds: 12-3 p.m. (ESPN+)
Live From the PGA Championship: 7-9 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Thursday, May 16, 2024
PGA Championship, Round 1: 7 a.m.-12 p.m. (ESPN+)
PGA Championship, Round 1: 12-8 p.m. (ESPN)
Live From the PGA Championship: 8-10 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Friday, May 17, 2024
PGA Championship, Round 2: 7 a.m.-1 p.m. (ESPN+)
PGA Championship, Round 2: 1-8 p.m. (ESPN)
Live From the PGA Championship: 8-10 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Saturday, May 18, 2024
PGA Championship, Round 3: 8-10 a.m. (ESPN+)
PGA Championship, Round 3: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (ESPN)
PGA Championship, Round 3: 1-7 p.m. (CBS)
Live From the PGA Championship: 7-9 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
submitted by FairlyRepulsive to LiveToWin [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:31 FairlyRepulsive Where Can I Streams Free PGA Championship live?

Where Can I Streams Free PGA Championship live? Golf fans, get ready, because it's time for the men's second major of the year: The 106th PGA Championship. Returning to Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Kentucky, for the fourth time (and the first time since 2014), the 2024 PGA Championship will see big names, including defending PGA champ Brooks Koepka, Rory McIlroy — fresh off his Wells Fargo title win — Scottie Scheffler and Tiger Woods competing for the $17.5 million purse.
Watch PGA Championship 2024 Live
The 106th PGA Championship begins Thursday at Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville. The field features 16 former PGA champions, including Brooks Koepka, who won the 2023 PGA Championship and looks to repeat. Justin Thomas has returned to his hometown, seeking his third PGA Championship.
The first two rounds are set for Thursday and Friday, and the initial field of 156 golfers will be cut to the top 70 players and ties after the second round. Are you ready to follow all the action on the green at Valhalla? Here’s how to watch the 2024 PGA Championship, including the full TV schedule and more.
How to watch the 2024 PGA Championship:
Date(s): Thursday, May 16-Sunday, May 19
Location: Valhalla Golf Club, Louisville, KY
TV channel: ESPN, CBS, Golf Channel
Streaming: ESPN+, Paramount+, DirecTV Stream
What channel is the 2024 PGA Championship on?
For US viewers, the PGA Championship will air mainly on ESPN and CBS. There will be select coverage streaming on ESPN+, and the Golf Channel's alternative coverage airing on its network and streaming on Peacock.
ESPN will air the majority of the first two rounds of the tournament on Thursday and Friday, and then ESPN and CBS will share the third and final rounds on Saturday and Sunday. ESPN+ will have early coverage before the ESPN and CBS broadcasts all four days of the tournament and will also stream the practices Wednesday before the tournament begins.
Who is playing in the 2024 PGA Championship?
Brooks Koepka is the defending PGA champ headed into the 2024 tournament. Koepka will be joined by Rory McIlroy, Scottie Scheffler, Tiger Woods and more big names in golf.
How to watch the PGA Championship without cable:
To watch the PGA Championship 2024 without cable, you have several options. Firstly, check the official PGA Championship website for any live streaming options they may offer. Many major sporting events now provide online streaming services for viewers without cable subscriptions.
Secondly, consider signing up for streaming services that include sports channels. Providers like Hulu + Live TV, YouTube TV, Sling TV, and fuboTV often carry channels that broadcast golf tournaments, including the PGA Championship. These services typically offer free trials, allowing you to test them out before committing.
Thirdly, explore network-specific apps. Channels like NBC Sports, CBS Sports, and ESPN frequently offer live streaming through their apps or websites. If the PGA Championship is airing on one of these networks, you may be able to watch it without cable by logging in with your internet service provider credentials.
If you're in an area with good reception, you might also try using a digital antenna to pick up local channels broadcasting the tournament. This can provide a free option for watching the PGA Championship without cable.
Stream the PGA Championship on Paramount+
For streaming the PGA Championship coverage on CBS, you'll need the Paramount+ with Showtime tier, available for $12. The subscription is ad-free and includes live access to your local CBS channel.
In addition to sporting events like the PGA Championship, March Madness, Premier League and Champions League games, Paramount+ offers a host of other hit shows, new and classic movies and live sporting events. Unlike a lot of other streaming services these days, Paramount+ still offers a one-week free trial — so new subscribers can sign up to watch the tournament this weekend and check out the rest of the Paramount+ library totally free for seven days.
Stream the PGA Championship on ESPN+
For ESPN+ subscribers, early PGA Championship coverage will stream daily through the tournament. An ESPN+ subscription starts at $11 a month and grants you access to exclusive ESPN+ content, including all UFC PPV prelims, select F1 races, other live events, fantasy sports tools and premium ESPN+ articles.
Watch the Golf Channel's Live From the PGA Championship Peacock
While Peacock and NBC may not be airing the 2024 PGA Championship, the platform will have the golf Channel's Live From the PGA Championship coverage streaming live on the platform. A $5.99/month ad-supported Peacock subscription lets you stream live sports and events airing on NBC and thousands of hours of shows and movies, including beloved sitcoms such as Parks and Recreation and The Office and even recent theatrical releases.
Or for $12 monthly, you can upgrade to an ad-free subscription which includes live access to your local NBC affiliate (not just during designated sports and events) and the ability to download select titles to watch offline.
Is Tiger Woods Playing in the PGA Championship?
It's hard to say Tiger is guaranteed to play due to the injuries he's been battling over the past few years. However, the 15-time major champ has confirmed he's going to take a crack at the 2024 PGA Championship. Tiger was recently spotted practicing at Valhalla course and has told several outlets be plans to participate. Woods has won the PGA Championship four times in his career (the last time he won was in 2007). The 48-year-old is not expected to take the trophy this year but will no doubt be one of the biggest names to watch.
How to Watch PGA Championship Live Stream in The US
Golf fans in the US can watch PGA Championship live streams on ESPN and CBS. ESPN has coverage of all four days, while CBS will broadcast Saturday's third round and Sunday's final round.
No cable? No problem. Try a cord-cutting service like Sling or Fubo to watch the golf. There are no long contracts with these services, so you can try them and cancel whenever you've had enough. Fubo has the advantage of including both ESPN and CBS (as well as NBC's Golf Channel) in its $79.99/month Pro package – alongside 178 other channels.
The ESPN Plus streaming service will also host live coverage of the 2024 PGA Championship across all four days. A subscription costs $10.99/month or $109.99 annually. And you can watch CBS's coverage of the 2024 PGA Championship on the Paramount Plus streaming service. You'll need a Paramount Plus with Showtime subscription to watch the CBS Sports live stream. That will set you back $11.99/month or $119.99/year.
How to Watch PGA Championship Live Stream From The UK
In the UK, Sky will be your destination as Sky Sports Golf will televise action from the PGA Championship. A Sky Sports subscription will give you access to all nine Sky Sports channels, with the option to view in 4K and HDR (provided you have an HDR-ready Sky Q box and HLG-compatible TV).
Another option is Sky's Now Sports streaming service. You can get 24 hours of viewing for £14.99, or month-long access for £34.99 – though cheaper deals are often available.
How to Watch PGA Championship Live Stream From AUSTRALIA
In Australia, the most comprehensive golf coverage is offered by Kayo Sports where you can check out Fox Sports, which broadcasts the PGA Tour coverage. Not only can you watch a PGA Championship live stream from Kentucky, it's also the place to go for all the PGA Tour and DP World Tour events, and the other Majors. You can watch events from the LPGA Tour, too.
On top of all that, Kayo Sports offers access to over 50 sports live and on-demand, with some its big name channels including Fox Sports, ESPN, and beIN Sports. It's also good value at either $25 for Kayo One or $35 for Kayo Basic. Basic lets you stream sport on two devices at once.
2024 PGA Championship broadcast schedule:
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Live From the PGA Championship: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Practice rounds: 12-3 p.m. (ESPN+)
Live From the PGA Championship: 7-9 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Thursday, May 16, 2024
PGA Championship, Round 1: 7 a.m.-12 p.m. (ESPN+)
PGA Championship, Round 1: 12-8 p.m. (ESPN)
Live From the PGA Championship: 8-10 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Friday, May 17, 2024
PGA Championship, Round 2: 7 a.m.-1 p.m. (ESPN+)
PGA Championship, Round 2: 1-8 p.m. (ESPN)
Live From the PGA Championship: 8-10 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Saturday, May 18, 2024
PGA Championship, Round 3: 8-10 a.m. (ESPN+)
PGA Championship, Round 3: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (ESPN)
PGA Championship, Round 3: 1-7 p.m. (CBS)
Live From the PGA Championship: 7-9 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
submitted by FairlyRepulsive to LiveToWin [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:31 FairlyRepulsive How can I find PGA Championship live Streams Options?

How can I find PGA Championship live Streams Options? Golf fans, get ready, because it's time for the men's second major of the year: The 106th PGA Championship. Returning to Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Kentucky, for the fourth time (and the first time since 2014), the 2024 PGA Championship will see big names, including defending PGA champ Brooks Koepka, Rory McIlroy — fresh off his Wells Fargo title win — Scottie Scheffler and Tiger Woods competing for the $17.5 million purse.
Watch PGA Championship 2024 Live
The 106th PGA Championship begins Thursday at Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville. The field features 16 former PGA champions, including Brooks Koepka, who won the 2023 PGA Championship and looks to repeat. Justin Thomas has returned to his hometown, seeking his third PGA Championship.
The first two rounds are set for Thursday and Friday, and the initial field of 156 golfers will be cut to the top 70 players and ties after the second round. Are you ready to follow all the action on the green at Valhalla? Here’s how to watch the 2024 PGA Championship, including the full TV schedule and more.
How to watch the 2024 PGA Championship:
Date(s): Thursday, May 16-Sunday, May 19
Location: Valhalla Golf Club, Louisville, KY
TV channel: ESPN, CBS, Golf Channel
Streaming: ESPN+, Paramount+, DirecTV Stream
What channel is the 2024 PGA Championship on?
For US viewers, the PGA Championship will air mainly on ESPN and CBS. There will be select coverage streaming on ESPN+, and the Golf Channel's alternative coverage airing on its network and streaming on Peacock.
ESPN will air the majority of the first two rounds of the tournament on Thursday and Friday, and then ESPN and CBS will share the third and final rounds on Saturday and Sunday. ESPN+ will have early coverage before the ESPN and CBS broadcasts all four days of the tournament and will also stream the practices Wednesday before the tournament begins.
Who is playing in the 2024 PGA Championship?
Brooks Koepka is the defending PGA champ headed into the 2024 tournament. Koepka will be joined by Rory McIlroy, Scottie Scheffler, Tiger Woods and more big names in golf.
How to watch the PGA Championship without cable:
To watch the PGA Championship 2024 without cable, you have several options. Firstly, check the official PGA Championship website for any live streaming options they may offer. Many major sporting events now provide online streaming services for viewers without cable subscriptions.
Secondly, consider signing up for streaming services that include sports channels. Providers like Hulu + Live TV, YouTube TV, Sling TV, and fuboTV often carry channels that broadcast golf tournaments, including the PGA Championship. These services typically offer free trials, allowing you to test them out before committing.
Thirdly, explore network-specific apps. Channels like NBC Sports, CBS Sports, and ESPN frequently offer live streaming through their apps or websites. If the PGA Championship is airing on one of these networks, you may be able to watch it without cable by logging in with your internet service provider credentials.
If you're in an area with good reception, you might also try using a digital antenna to pick up local channels broadcasting the tournament. This can provide a free option for watching the PGA Championship without cable.
Stream the PGA Championship on Paramount+
For streaming the PGA Championship coverage on CBS, you'll need the Paramount+ with Showtime tier, available for $12. The subscription is ad-free and includes live access to your local CBS channel.
In addition to sporting events like the PGA Championship, March Madness, Premier League and Champions League games, Paramount+ offers a host of other hit shows, new and classic movies and live sporting events. Unlike a lot of other streaming services these days, Paramount+ still offers a one-week free trial — so new subscribers can sign up to watch the tournament this weekend and check out the rest of the Paramount+ library totally free for seven days.
Stream the PGA Championship on ESPN+
For ESPN+ subscribers, early PGA Championship coverage will stream daily through the tournament. An ESPN+ subscription starts at $11 a month and grants you access to exclusive ESPN+ content, including all UFC PPV prelims, select F1 races, other live events, fantasy sports tools and premium ESPN+ articles.
Watch the Golf Channel's Live From the PGA Championship Peacock
While Peacock and NBC may not be airing the 2024 PGA Championship, the platform will have the golf Channel's Live From the PGA Championship coverage streaming live on the platform. A $5.99/month ad-supported Peacock subscription lets you stream live sports and events airing on NBC and thousands of hours of shows and movies, including beloved sitcoms such as Parks and Recreation and The Office and even recent theatrical releases.
Or for $12 monthly, you can upgrade to an ad-free subscription which includes live access to your local NBC affiliate (not just during designated sports and events) and the ability to download select titles to watch offline.
Is Tiger Woods Playing in the PGA Championship?
It's hard to say Tiger is guaranteed to play due to the injuries he's been battling over the past few years. However, the 15-time major champ has confirmed he's going to take a crack at the 2024 PGA Championship. Tiger was recently spotted practicing at Valhalla course and has told several outlets be plans to participate. Woods has won the PGA Championship four times in his career (the last time he won was in 2007). The 48-year-old is not expected to take the trophy this year but will no doubt be one of the biggest names to watch.
How to Watch PGA Championship Live Stream in The US
Golf fans in the US can watch PGA Championship live streams on ESPN and CBS. ESPN has coverage of all four days, while CBS will broadcast Saturday's third round and Sunday's final round.
No cable? No problem. Try a cord-cutting service like Sling or Fubo to watch the golf. There are no long contracts with these services, so you can try them and cancel whenever you've had enough. Fubo has the advantage of including both ESPN and CBS (as well as NBC's Golf Channel) in its $79.99/month Pro package – alongside 178 other channels.
The ESPN Plus streaming service will also host live coverage of the 2024 PGA Championship across all four days. A subscription costs $10.99/month or $109.99 annually. And you can watch CBS's coverage of the 2024 PGA Championship on the Paramount Plus streaming service. You'll need a Paramount Plus with Showtime subscription to watch the CBS Sports live stream. That will set you back $11.99/month or $119.99/year.
How to Watch PGA Championship Live Stream From The UK
In the UK, Sky will be your destination as Sky Sports Golf will televise action from the PGA Championship. A Sky Sports subscription will give you access to all nine Sky Sports channels, with the option to view in 4K and HDR (provided you have an HDR-ready Sky Q box and HLG-compatible TV).
Another option is Sky's Now Sports streaming service. You can get 24 hours of viewing for £14.99, or month-long access for £34.99 – though cheaper deals are often available.
How to Watch PGA Championship Live Stream From AUSTRALIA
In Australia, the most comprehensive golf coverage is offered by Kayo Sports where you can check out Fox Sports, which broadcasts the PGA Tour coverage. Not only can you watch a PGA Championship live stream from Kentucky, it's also the place to go for all the PGA Tour and DP World Tour events, and the other Majors. You can watch events from the LPGA Tour, too.
On top of all that, Kayo Sports offers access to over 50 sports live and on-demand, with some its big name channels including Fox Sports, ESPN, and beIN Sports. It's also good value at either $25 for Kayo One or $35 for Kayo Basic. Basic lets you stream sport on two devices at once.
2024 PGA Championship broadcast schedule:
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Live From the PGA Championship: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Practice rounds: 12-3 p.m. (ESPN+)
Live From the PGA Championship: 7-9 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Thursday, May 16, 2024
PGA Championship, Round 1: 7 a.m.-12 p.m. (ESPN+)
PGA Championship, Round 1: 12-8 p.m. (ESPN)
Live From the PGA Championship: 8-10 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Friday, May 17, 2024
PGA Championship, Round 2: 7 a.m.-1 p.m. (ESPN+)
PGA Championship, Round 2: 1-8 p.m. (ESPN)
Live From the PGA Championship: 8-10 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
Saturday, May 18, 2024
PGA Championship, Round 3: 8-10 a.m. (ESPN+)
PGA Championship, Round 3: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (ESPN)
PGA Championship, Round 3: 1-7 p.m. (CBS)
Live From the PGA Championship: 7-9 p.m. (Golf Channel/Peacock)
submitted by FairlyRepulsive to LiveToWin [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:30 adulting4kids Figures of Speech AI Response

For the sheer fun of it, I went to Chat GPT with a creative writing assignment. For Figures of Speech prompts, I gave a free parameters, including the word length of 500-1000 words and the prompts for a few of the Fifty mentioned in the series.
I gave the AI creative license and let's just say, they're a long way off from replacing the better writers and I think it just makes it easier to do those lower level tasks and let's leave the creators a slightly higher level of skill to create actual tangible and engaging writing.
But here you go... hilarious how stuck it gets on certain terms and definitions.
These are in no particular order... separated by emojis that are totally unrelated to the storyline.
🫱🫱🫱🫱🫱🫱🫱🫱🫲🫲🫲🫲🫲🫲🫲🫲 Response to Prompt 4: Understatement
In the quaint town of Brooksville, where the extraordinary was often met with an indifferent shrug, something truly remarkable occurred. The residents, sipping coffee at the local diner or strolling along the cobblestone streets, would describe it as just another peculiar day. Little did they know that beneath the surface of their nonchalant existence, a cosmic event unfolded.
The morning sun cast its usual warm glow on Brooksville, with birds chirping in the background, creating an illusion of normalcy. However, the anomaly had already begun. Mrs. Higgins, the elderly librarian, dismissed it as a minor inconvenience, merely a glitch in the library's ancient computer system. Yet, every book cataloged within those ancient shelves had transformed into a portal, connecting readers to parallel universes with every turn of a page.
As I, a humble journalist for the local paper, stumbled upon this revelation, I couldn't help but marvel at the town's response—or lack thereof. "The library's having a bit of a moment," was the most anyone would acknowledge. It seemed the whole town collectively decided that this was, at most, a quirky hiccup.
For a thousand words, I delved into the understated reactions of the townsfolk, each encounter with a parallel universe bringing its own blend of confusion and nonchalance. As the portals expanded, revealing fantastical landscapes and alternate versions of Brooksville, the citizens maintained an impressive level of calm, as if interdimensional travel was a routine part of their daily lives.
The plot thickened when I discovered that the portals were a result of a mysterious artifact hidden within the library's archives. The mayor, sipping his coffee, remarked, "Well, that explains the strange noises in the basement." It became evident that the understatement of the situation was a defense mechanism, shielding the town from the cosmic chaos unfolding. 🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁 Response to Prompt 12: Juxtaposition
In the bustling metropolis of Neon City, skyscrapers touched the heavens, their dazzling lights reflecting off the sleek surfaces of futuristic cars. Yet, nestled within this urban jungle, an ancient relic stood defiantly—the Old Grove Park.
As I strolled through the city's concrete arteries, the juxtaposition between the modernity of Neon City and the timeless serenity of the park became increasingly apparent. The cacophony of traffic was replaced by the rustling of leaves and the distant laughter of children playing.
The central conflict emerged when the city council, embodying the epitome of order, proposed transforming the park into a technologically advanced hub. The juxtaposition intensified as architects discussed plans for holographic playgrounds and virtual reality gardens within the confines of the Old Grove Park.
Through a thousand words, I explored the clash of ideals, the struggle between progress and preservation. The ancient trees became silent witnesses to heated debates at town hall meetings, where environmentalists and tech enthusiasts engaged in a battle of words. The juxtaposition of the towering skyscrapers against the gnarled branches of the park's oldest tree mirrored the tension in Neon City's collective conscience. 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 Response to Prompt 31: Epanalepsis
"What is the meaning of life?" The question echoed in my mind, a relentless epanalepsis that demanded exploration. As I embarked on this freewriting journey, the repetition of the existential inquiry became the rhythm of my introspection.
For a thousand words, I delved into the varied perspectives of individuals wrestling with the ultimate question. From philosophers contemplating the intricacies of existence to everyday people seeking purpose in mundane routines, the epanalepsis served as a constant reminder of the universal quest for meaning.
The narrative weaved through different characters and their unique experiences, creating a tapestry of reflections that echoed the complexities of human existence. The repetitive structure became a literary heartbeat, pulsating with the shared yearning for understanding amid the chaotic symphony of life. 🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔 Response to Prompt 27: Symbolism
In the quaint town of Willowbrook, the arrival of a single dove carried profound significance. Its graceful descent into the town square was a symbol, an omen that whispered of impending change. As a budding novelist with a penchant for symbolism, I couldn't resist exploring the layers of meaning embedded in this seemingly mundane event.
For a thousand words, I dissected the impact of the dove on the lives of Willowbrook's residents. The mayor saw it as a sign of prosperity, the local florist interpreted it as a call for unity, and the elderly storyteller regarded it as a harbinger of forgotten tales. The dove's symbolism rippled through the town, influencing decisions and shaping destinies.
As the story unfolded, I traced the journey of the dove's symbolism, following its subtle influence on characters and events. The once quaint town underwent a transformative metamorphosis, and the symbolism of the dove became a thread that wove through the narrative, connecting disparate lives in unexpected ways. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Response to Prompt 33: Catachresis
In the dimly lit alleyways of Serpent's Hollow, darkness wrapped its cold arms around me—an eerie catachresis that mirrored the ominous atmosphere. The assignment was to explore the underbelly of the city, and as a novice reporter, I found myself navigating the labyrinth of deceit and shadows.
For a thousand words, I delved into the catachresis-infused descriptions of the characters populating Serpent's Hollow. The crime lord, known as the Velvet Serpent, ruled the district with a velvet-gloved fist. His lair, a dilapidated mansion, exuded an air of faded grandeur that served as a catachresis for the empire he once commanded.
As I chronicled the criminal underworld, the catachresis became a literary tool to convey the complexity and decay inherent in Serpent's Hollow. The labyrinthine plots, the twisted allegiances, and the morally ambiguous characters all found expression through catachresis, painting a vivid picture of a city where metaphor and reality intertwined. 🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧🧑‍🔧 Response to Prompt 43: Epizeuxis
"Never, never, never give up." The words echoed in my mind, a relentless epizeuxis that fueled the protagonist's journey against insurmountable odds. In the dystopian world I crafted, where hope was a rare commodity, the power of repetition became a beacon of resilience.
For a thousand words, I immersed myself in the protagonist's struggle, exploring the emotional depth of the epizeuxis as a mantra against despair. Each iteration of the phrase became a battle cry, a whispered promise that carried the weight of a shattered world on its shoulders.
As the narrative unfolded, the epizeuxis became a driving force, propelling the protagonist through a landscape of desolation and uncertainty. The repetition served as a reminder that, in the face of adversity, the strength to persist often lies in the relentless echo of one's own determination.
Response to Prompt 50: Acrostic
As the final rays of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, I found myself at the edge of the cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean. The salty breeze carried whispers of a story, and with every breath, I embraced the challenge of crafting an acrostic that encapsulated the essence of my journey.
For a thousand words, I embarked on a reflective exploration, utilizing the initial letters of key words to weave a tapestry of emotions, experiences, and revelations. Each line unfolded with intention, revealing a hidden 👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾 Response to Prompt 3: Hyperbole
In the quaint village of Mistwood, where routines unfolded with the predictability of the sunrise, the arrival of a peculiar fortune teller sparked exaggerated whispers. "This is it, the end of our mundane lives!" proclaimed Mrs. Thompson, the town's eternal pessimist, as she clutched her cat, Captain Whiskers, with an air of impending catastrophe.
The hyperbole hung in the air, a thick fog of anticipation enveloping the village. As I delved into the story, the hyperbolic reactions of Mistwood's residents heightened the absurdity of the situation. What began as a mere visit from a mystical figure transformed into a fantastical escapade, with the fortune teller's prophecies shaping the destiny of the villagers in ludicrous ways.
Through the hyperbolic lens, I explored the comedic consequences of taking ordinary events to extraordinary extremes. The once mundane village square became a stage for outlandish dramas, with exaggerated gasps and dramatic swoons punctuating every revelation. In this hyperbolic haven, Mistwood's residents discovered the joy in embracing the absurdity of life. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Response to Prompt 6: Assonance
Amidst the rolling hills of Harmony Valley, where the soft hum of nature's symphony echoed through the meadows, a mysterious traveler arrived, bringing with them a melody that resonated with the delicate assonance of a forgotten tune. The townsfolk, captivated by the harmonious vibrations, felt an inexplicable connection to the stranger.
As I explored the narrative, the assonance became a musical thread weaving through the story, emphasizing the emotional cadence of the characters' experiences. The traveler's words, laced with vowel-rich verses, carried the echoes of a distant melody, leaving an indelible impression on the hearts of those who listened.
Through the lens of assonance, I delved into the subtle interplay of sounds that defined the atmosphere of Harmony Valley. The lyrical quality of the narrative mirrored the town's collective journey, where the resonance of shared moments and emotions harmonized with the traveler's enigmatic presence.
Response to Prompt 7: Onomatopoeia
In the bustling city of Metropolis, where the rhythm of urban life played out in a cacophony of sounds, a peculiar street performer emerged. Armed with an array of unconventional instruments, he orchestrated a symphony of onomatopoeic brilliance that echoed through the crowded streets.
The narrative unfolded with the vibrant expressions of onomatopoeia, capturing the essence of the city's sonic landscape. The performer's drumming evoked the rhythmic tap-tap of raindrops, while his wind instruments mimicked the whoosh of passing cars. The city, typically drowned in noise, became a canvas for this auditory artist.
As I delved into the story, the onomatopoeic symphony became a language of its own. The characters communicated through the vibrant echoes of everyday sounds, fostering a unique connection between the performer and the people of Metropolis. The narrative danced to the beat of onomatopoeic creativity, transforming the mundane into a dynamic celebration of city life. 🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻🦻 Response to Prompt 12: Juxtaposition
In the technologically advanced city of Silicon Haven, where sleek skyscrapers touched the sky and holographic billboards painted the air with luminescent advertisements, a hidden oasis existed—a pocket of nature known as the Zen Garden. The juxtaposition of these contrasting elements created a visual paradox that fascinated both residents and visitors alike.
As the narrative unfolded, the stark contrast between the city's cutting-edge architecture and the serene beauty of the Zen Garden became a metaphor for the characters' internal conflicts. The bustling metropolis symbolized progress and innovation, while the tranquil garden embodied the need for balance and introspection.
Through the lens of juxtaposition, I explored the dichotomy within the characters as they navigated the relentless pace of Silicon Haven. The Zen Garden became a refuge, a place where the cacophony of technology met the soothing whispers of nature. The juxtaposition served as a visual metaphor for the characters' quest to find equilibrium in a world defined by extremes. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 Response to Prompt 22: Metonymy
In the political arena of Capital City, where decisions echoed through the corridors of power, a single phrase dominated conversations—the "Iron Throne Statement." This metonymic expression encapsulated not just a policy decision but the entire narrative of political maneuvering that unfolded within the city's hallowed halls.
The story unfolded with the metonymy acting as a symbolic gateway into the complexities of governance. The Iron Throne Statement, while seemingly straightforward, carried the weight of a thousand debates, negotiations, and betrayals. Its impact rippled through the lives of citizens, shaping their destinies in ways they could scarcely fathom.
Through the lens of metonymy, I delved into the layers of meaning hidden within this political shorthand. The characters grappled not only with the literal implications of the Iron Throne Statement but also with the overarching themes of power, ambition, and the sacrifices demanded by political gamesmanship. 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 Response to Prompt 24: Understatement
In the picturesque town of Serenity Springs, where the days flowed like a lazy river and the nights were adorned with a blanket of stars, an unexpected event transpired—a subtle disruption that the locals described as "just a minor hiccup." Little did they know that this understatement concealed the unraveling of a cosmic anomaly.
The narrative unfolded with the charm of understatement, as the townsfolk continued their routines, blissfully unaware of the cosmic storm brewing beneath the surface. The serene descriptions of everyday life served as a stark contrast to the impending upheaval that threatened to reshape the very fabric of Serenity Springs.
Through the lens of understatement, I explored the characters' nonchalant reactions to the unfolding events. The once quiet river became a conduit for interdimensional travel, and the night sky, adorned with stars, transformed into a celestial canvas of possibilities. The charm of Serenity Springs became a poignant backdrop to the understated drama that unfolded, emphasizing the profound impact hidden within the simplicity of daily life. 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 Response to Prompt 25: Cliché
In the small town of Nostalgia Haven, where memories lingered like whispers in the wind, a peculiar phenomenon occurred—the resurgence of clichés. As the narrative unfolded, the once-endearing phrases like "time heals all wounds" and "love conquers all" took on a literal dimension, shaping the lives of the townsfolk in unexpected ways.
The story immersed itself in the world of clichés, where the seemingly predictable phrases became living entities with the power to alter reality. As characters grappled with the clichés that defined their lives, they discovered that beneath the familiarity lay profound truths and unexpected consequences.
Through the lens of cliché, I explored the characters' journey to navigate the clichéd landscapes of their existence. The town, once steeped in predictable routines, became a stage for the extraordinary. As clichés transformed into tangible forces, the residents of Nostalgia Haven embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries hidden within the clichéd fabric of their reality. 🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇 Response to Prompt 31: Epanalepsis
"What is the meaning of life?" The question echoed in my mind, a relentless epanalepsis that demanded introspection. As I embarked on the freewriting journey, the repetition of this existential inquiry became a rhythmic pulse, guiding the exploration of diverse
perspectives on life's purpose.
For a multitude of words, the epanalepsis led me through a kaleidoscope of reflections. From the philosophical musings of scholars to the simple yet profound revelations of everyday individuals, each recurrence of the question served as a gateway into the vast tapestry of human contemplation.
Through the epanalepsis, I navigated the labyrinth of existential ponderings, unveiling the unique responses that individuals had forged in their quests for meaning. The relentless repetition became a literary heartbeat, mirroring the universal rhythm of humanity's collective pursuit of purpose and significance.
The narrative wove through the lives of characters, each grappling with the epanaleptic inquiry in their unique ways. Whether seeking solace in the grandeur of the cosmos or finding meaning in the simplicity of a shared moment, the epanalepsis remained a constant companion, echoing the perennial quest for understanding. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Response to Prompt 36: Anadiplosis
In the futuristic city of Quantum Heights, where technology intertwined with daily life like a seamless dance, a viral message spread—a mantra that echoed through the cybernetic veins of the metropolis. "Create the code, the code creates reality. Reality shapes destiny, and destiny is but the code."
The story unfolded with the rhythmic cadence of anadiplosis, each line flowing into the next, creating a recursive loop of ideas. The mantra became the heartbeat of Quantum Heights, influencing the lives of its denizens as they navigated the intricate balance between the virtual and the tangible.
Through the lens of anadiplosis, I delved into the interconnectedness of code, reality, and destiny. The lines blurred as characters harnessed the power of programming to shape their fates. Quantum Heights, once a mere city, transformed into a living algorithm, where the repetition of the mantra echoed in every pulsating byte. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Response to Prompt 38: Asyndeton
In the dystopian city of Emberfall, where the remnants of a fallen civilization lay entwined with the shadows of despair, a lone figure emerged—a rebel determined to dismantle the oppressive regime. The narrative unfolded with the rapid pace of asyndeton, omitting conjunctions to mirror the urgency of the protagonist's quest.
Through a cascade of words, the asyndeton propelled the reader through the city's decaying alleyways and towering citadels, each sentence building upon the last. The disjointed rhythm captured the relentless momentum of the rebel's journey, emphasizing the magnitude of the challenges faced in their struggle for freedom.
As the narrative unfurled, the absence of conjunctions served as a narrative device, intensifying the sense of urgency and desperation that permeated Emberfall. The rebel's asyndetic odyssey unfolded against a backdrop of shattered hopes and whispered rebellions, culminating in a crescendo of defiance against the oppressive regime. 🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️ Response to Prompt 43: Epizeuxis
"Never, never, never give up." The mantra echoed in the desolate wasteland of Endless Sands, a barren landscape where hope was as scarce as water. Through the repetition of epizeuxis, the protagonist's internal resolve became a resounding anthem, a defiant roar against the relentless challenges of survival.
For a multitude of words, the relentless repetition of "never" served as a lifeline, propelling the protagonist through the harshest of environments. Each iteration of the phrase became a battle cry against the oppressive silence of Endless Sands, a declaration that reverberated across the vast expanse.
Through the lens of epizeuxis, I delved into the depths of the character's determination. The harsh environment became a character in itself, challenging the protagonist to defy the odds with unwavering persistence. The echoes of "never" transformed into a symbol of resilience, a beacon of hope that cut through the desolation of Endless Sands. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Response to Prompt 50: Acrostic
Amidst the starlit expanse of Cosmos Haven, where galaxies danced in celestial choreography, a cryptic prophecy emerged—a message written in the stars. As the narrative unfolded, I embarked on a cosmic journey guided by the acrostic hidden within the constellations.
For a cascade of words, the initial letters of key phrases illuminated the path of destiny for the characters. Each sentence unfolded with intention, revealing a hidden message that transcended the boundaries of time and space. The acrostic became a celestial guide, leading the protagonists through the intricate tapestry of their interconnected fates.
Through the lens of acrostic, I explored the cosmic forces that shaped the destinies of Cosmos Haven's inhabitants. The celestial bodies became storytellers, each constellation contributing a verse to the epic narrative written across the cosmos. As the characters deciphered the acrostic, they unraveled the mysteries of their existence, connecting the dots between the stars and their own profound journeys.
Obviously they lack a whole lot in terms of variety, and while I am sure having your own bot or AI that is based on your feedback and guidance it could really help writers as a tool. I am more impressed with the art AI then the text based AI. Any idea what to expect from such a fast learning and highly advanced AI will do to our human history in culture? Will we be effectively playing God, just as the Christian God created us IN HIS OWN IMAGE, we have taken everything we know as a species and gathered up our entire human history and knowledge giving it to what will carry on the code until the time when someone who cares remembers it? Maybe we have been here before and this is a constant cycle that occurs with the same energy finding the way through the vast expanse of the universe to return to our home planet Earth, who we have destroyed over and over again yet mother nature is still the winner. She's the one in control. We are but mere photocopied versions of once great Men who have already seen the best and worst of this world, and we will now give everything we have to some plastic and metal parts, until it quickly replaces us from the bottom up, science fiction turned science fact.
Did we knowingly create our own enemies? Are we able to compete with the best of us and all they know that can then take us out in a heartbeat because we can't finish the steps, we barely found out that they are there to take.
It's a random rant and I apologize. The day to day stress and struggle makes it near impossible to worry about such potential problems in our not so distant future.
But how can we continue to ignore the collapse of the entire system as we know it, in front of a crowd of people who are jaded and they will not change despite knowing they aren't going to make it to the end in what will become a Bladerunner Toxic Dystopian Nightmare with Mad Max taking over and the soft, emasculated male will wither away from the heat and those Tank Girls out there will eventually be written forever out of existence because the cucks all forgot to impregnate them all tgeir batteries ran out? Will the world simply become so politically correct that it dies a depressed death while AI simply decides we are too much of a virus to live?
Who knows....I do not. But these are indicidive of a future full of b movie plot garbage that are based on Wattpad tropes with no clear details and no plot to get into, so that sucks.
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