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2024.05.18 14:18 Barch3 Husband-and-wife Florida GOP chairman and "Moms for Liberty" cofounder regularly visited bars "on the prowl" for female sexual partners for three-way sex trysts

Husband-and-wife Florida GOP chairman and submitted by Barch3 to uspolitics [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:18 Barch3 Husband-and-wife Florida GOP chairman and "Moms for Liberty" cofounder regularly visited bars "on the prowl" for female sexual partners for three-way sex trysts

Husband-and-wife Florida GOP chairman and submitted by Barch3 to Republican_misdeeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:08 wenchette Husband-and-wife Florida GOP chairman and "Moms for Liberty" cofounder regularly visited bars "on the prowl" for female sexual partners for three-way sex trysts

Husband-and-wife Florida GOP chairman and submitted by wenchette to Law_and_Politics [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:53 King_Skeez I find out the girl I talk to still misses her ex and much more

I’m not sure how to start this so ima just get straight to it. Me and this girl been talking for almost a year now I wanted to make it special and ask her to be my girlfriend on the exact day we made a year so I held off on asking her for now cause I wanted it to be special. We went out tonight and we both got drunk and started kissing. Prior to this she said had extremely terrible experiences kissing so I asked her what I can do to make it better she said it was fine nothing was wrong but as we were both drunk I’m like u probably just saying that. So I honestly thought I would just check her phone just to see if she told her friends or something about how she likes to be kissed cause u know females love to tell each other things.
Boy was I wrong I went to the iMessage message bar and found out not only that and she been texting her ex but the whole time she missed him and how he kissed her at that point I realized on my road to honestly find out what he liked I discovered something else not only that afterwards I found out more. That when she went to a different state she said she could’ve lost her virginity 3 separate times. Now I’ll explain what that means. She’s a virgin so I moved extremely slow especially cause her past of her being molested so I moved extra slow and tried my hardest to make her comfortable just to find out she was ready to lose her virginity 3 different times while in a different state. Now I’ve let her know immediately after I found out that I want absolutely 0 to do with her especially since she misses her ex so much and her and her friend plan on going back to Florida together once they get a license to talk to more guys I was just done. And again I didn’t snoop her phone to find out this bullshit I really was just genuinely thinking about her but I’ll take all comments and words of advice although I still think I should cut her off.
submitted by King_Skeez to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:17 tristanfinn US: Stuck on Stupid, Biden and the Democrats Face Disaster in November – by Stewart Lawrence – 17 May 2024

“Let them eat cake,” Marie Antoinette once famously said, disdaining the immiseration of peasants in pre-revolutionary France. Joe Biden didn’t use those exact words last week during his interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett, but his tone-deafness about the suffering of millions of Americans grappling with high food and gas prices and unaffordable rents was palpable.
Burnett did her best to allow Biden the opportunity to address voters with a measure of simple empathy – but Old Joe was having none of it. When Burnett gently suggested that Americans weren’t feeling the vaunted “recovery” the White House keeps touting, Biden all but insisted that Americans were simply wrong – and needed to buck up.
It was an embarrassing performance, and coming on the heels of Donald Trump’s remarkable mass rally in Jersey City in the midst of his trial in the Stormy Daniels case, it suggests that the White House is sinking deeper into denial about its prospects for losing – and losing big – in November.
Despite weeks of campaigning and TV ad buys in the key swing states – outspending Trump by a whopping 13-1, while the former president is largely sidelined – Biden hasn’t moved the needle in the polls. In fact, he appears to be losing ground. The latest NY Times/Siena poll has Trump up by a whopping 13 points in Nevada, 9 in Georgia, and 6 in Arizona, three states Biden carried in 2020. In Pennsylvania, where Biden recently barnstormed, Trump went from slightly behind to ahead by 3. Trump also inched up in Wisconsin, a state that many consider the pre-eminent 2024 bellwether.
Only in Michigan, where Biden clings to a 1 point lead, is there a fresh sliver of hope, and that could soon fade as the prospects for peace in Gaza slip further and further away.
Burnett’s willingness to challenge Biden on his administration’s economic performance is just one of the many signs that the mainstream media is unlikely to continue fronting for an administration that keeps gas-lighting voters with misleading data on jobs and GDP growth while a growing number of metrics point to the country’s continuing descent into full-blown stagflation.
By almost every indicator – from sagging consumer confidence and rising home prices to declining real wages and mass layoffs at major firms – Americans do not feel better off than they were during the heyday of the Trump administration – before COVID-19 and the mandated government shutdown all but destroyed the burgeoning economy, resulting in jobless numbers not seen since the Great Depression.
A large number of those jobs – maybe three-quarters – have since returned, but those are hardly jobs that Biden “created” from scratch. Americans, still traumatized by the COVID experience, are grateful for a return to a semblance of “normalcy.” But they hardly credit Biden for putting America back on a solid footing. Unemployment at 3.9%? Perhaps, but many Americans are working two jobs that still don’t pay enough to feed their families, while a record number of those without jobs are homeless – with an increase of 12% between 2022 and 2023 alone.
America, of course, has never been just one country economically, current trends mask the continuing divide. Some, in fact, were protected during COVID and large corporations reaped billions. And though funded through deepening consumer debt, the fortunes of some are now improving. But what many analysts don’t recognize is that a disproportionate share of the nouveau riche and comfortably salaried professionals, especially in government and health care, are now Democrats, not Republicans. The party may still be the “party of the working class” when it comes to the labor aristocracy in the trade unions – but those workers represent less than 10% of the total workforce. Many blue-collar workers – even a goodly share (close to half) of those in unions like the UAW – have drifted to the Trump camp, while the greater mass of non-union workers are voting GOP, and indeed, have done so for years. These voters generally don’t eat cake – not the fancy stuff, at least.
And their ranks now include a growing number of Hispanics and African Americans, especially men, who find Trump’s angry macho posturing appealing, or least comforting. “Polls are just polls,” Democrats keep saying, but we haven’t seen numbers like this since…..well ever. Trump could end up with well over 20% of the Black vote, besting the historic percentages reached by the Nixon-Ford regimes in the 1970s. And amazingly, if current trends hold, he might well take close to 50% of the Hispanic vote –besting George W. Bush’s former record of 41% in 2004, and completely reversing the more recent 2-1 – and even 3-1 – Democratic voting trend. Hispanics interviewed in Larino-rich swing states like Arizona and Nevada tell reporters a simple truth: they can’t afford the rising price of beans and tortillas, their family staple.
Something is happening to the U.S. electorate that goes far beyond Joe Biden. The old “Obama coalition” – the one that analysts John Judis and Ruy Texeira famously predicted – or, at least hoped – would become a “permanent” Democratic majority – is falling apart. It’s not just the large-scale defection of workers of colors, but of youth. Amazingly, Trump, in most polls, is now leading or tied with Biden among 18-29 year old voters, completely reversing the president’s former advantage. And while Biden leads strongly among women, some polls have the gap surprisingly narrow, while Trump’s lead among men remains wide. While the GOP is not about to become the “populist multicultural working-class coalition” that Republicans like Marco Rubio still fantasize about, Democrats are in danger of losing their once broad demographic support, giving Trump and GOP a fresh opening not just in 2024 – but well beyond.
The good news? Signs of a serious freak-out — and even a potential meltdown – about Biden’s prospects in November – once dismissed as mere “bed-wetting” – are finally appearing among party pooh-bahs. Witness the remarkable drunken rant of former Clinton strategist James Carville posted on Twitter last week. Never one to mince words, an angry and exasperated Carville bemoaned the continuing slide of Biden in the polls and confessed that “nothing is working” to convince disaffected Democratic voters to return to the fold. “You can prepare and you can be on TV, you can write pieces, you can have a YouTube channel, you can have a podcast…and it doesn’t matter. Everything we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included,” he fumed.
Another staunch Biden supporter, CNN’s Farid Zakaria, also took to the airwaves to issue his own stern warning about Biden’s rapidly diminishing prospects. In a blistering six minute review, he listed one area after another where Trump’s political resurrection and standing with voters is exceeding expectations, noting that a landslide win – including a popular vote victory – by Trump in November was looming. Zakaria even broke with the party line on Trump’s presumed “criminality.” suggesting that the four legal trials aimed at discrediting the former president were largely motivated by simple politics, not a concern for justice. “I doubt a criminal indictment in New York would have been brought against a defendant whose name wasn’t Donald Trump,” he deadpanned.
Could all this dire hand-wringing lead to another public call for Biden to step down? That seems highly unlikely for now. Top White House apologists like Simon Rosneberg and Jim Messina continue to insist that Biden is simply suffering from the usual presidential first-term blues – disaffection at the base combined with pre-general election apathy among all voters. Sustained outreach coupled with a persistent hammering of the challenger can turn things around, they say. Once voters realize what the real stakes are – democracy, abortion rights, climate change – and the threat posed by Trump, they’ll surely pull a lever for Biden, even if it’s not with great enthusiasm.
It sounds logical – but the accumulating evidence strongly suggests otherwise. Most voters do question Trump’s commitment to upholding democracy, but nearly as many now question Biden’s. And by a wide margin, they also rate Trump as a stronger and more effective leader. Trump enjoys a 10 to 20-point edge over Biden on the handling of the economy overall, inflation, immigration, crime and foreign and defense policy which are also deemed by voters to be the nation’s top issues. Dismissing this perception – and support for Trump generally – as a form of irrational “nostalgia”– as pro-Biden pundits continue to do, is self-defeating. 2024 wasn’t destined to become a classic “change” election – not with a current incumbent battling a former scandal-ridden one – but that’s what it’s becoming. By all appearances, 2024 is now Donald Trump’s to lose.
Of course, there’s still six months left before the election – and “anything can happen.” But anything includes a further deterioration of Biden’s position. One election-year wild card Democrats clearly didn’t count on was Gaza, which has only compounded voter concerns about Biden’s weakness on the world stage. The chimera of a pending peace may have helped Biden in the polls in Michigan recently – the one battleground where he’s gained ground just slightly – but it’s unlikely to last. Despite mounting pressure from the White House– or perhaps because of it – Netanyahu is digging in his heels and will likely stall in any deal until November, hoping that Trump wins and gives Israel a freer hand to prosecute the war as it sees fit. By trying to have it both ways – castigating Netanyahu publicly, while sending massive new amounts of military aid, Biden has managed to alienate Arab-Americans and Jews both, while leaving many undecided voters both aghast at the carnage and dismayed by Biden’s obvious pandering to both sides.
“Genocide Joe” and the Democrats could well face a decline in support thirty highly competitive congressional districts where the Arab-American vote (though relatively small nationally) is large enough to make a difference, and not just in Michigan. But a loss of support among the much larger and traditionally Democrat-leaning Jewish population – concentrated heavily in the four main “Blue” states, California, Florida, New York and New Jersey – could also weigh heavily on key House and Senate races. And if Trump is right – God forbid – it could even help put New Jersey – where Biden won by 16 points in 2020 – in play for the first time in years.
“We need to do something completely different,” Carville moaned at the conclusion of his recent Twitter rant, before wandering, Biden-like, off camera. But from all appearances, the Democrats, right now, have no Plan B. Not in Gaza or anywhere else.
Biden’s apologists insist on comparing his re-election prospects to Obama’s in 2012, when a once-popular incumbent began sinking in the polls, and for six months prior to the election, seemed headed to defeat, only to pull out of his tailspin, thanks to Bill Clinton and Hurricane Sandy. But the more obvious if daunting parallel might be Jimmy Carter’s predicament 30 years earlier. In 1980, Carter was saddled with domestic discontent over inflation, a general feeling of pessimism and malaise, and a series of intractable foreign policy challenges, including a never-ending hostage crisis. Ronald Reagan – whom Democrats derided as a right-wing “madman” – threatened Carter’s re-election. Democrats were clearly rattled by Reagan’s rise in the polls and decided to play it safe, pivoting to the center and closing ranks against Ted Kennedy, who enjoyed a fierce loyalty among liberals. There are eerie parallels to Biden’s predicament today, with another Kennedy RFK, Jr., Teddy’s nephew, stoking discontent. And of course, there’s another madman, Trump, fueling a right-wing insurgency – or in this case, resurgence.
Overconfidence and a misreading of the public mood killed Carter in the end. Right up to the final week of the campaign, he enjoyed a small but seemingly unshakable single-digit lead over Reagan.. Most pundits – and Carter’s senior advisors – confidently predicted victory. It was conceivable that voters would choose as their leader a man steeped in anticommunism, pro-life family policies while promising – much like Trump – to “make America great again.”
But Reagan won big. Capitalizing on a groundswell of discontent with Carter, even among Democrats missed by pollsters, the Gipper, ended up winning by a whopping 10 points, with a near-landslide in the electoral college. The party, shut out of power for the next 12 years, eventually recovered, but it wasn’t easy. Bill Clinton led the Democratic comeback, largely by moving the party even further to the right than Carter had. And America – saddled with Reagan’s legacy of militarism and free market fundamentalism for much of the past half century – has never been the same.
Is it really too late to reconsider Biden’s faltering candidacy? LBJ, facing antiwar opposition, pulled out before the Democratic convention in 1968, at roughly the same distance from the election that year. Democrats are headed for another potentially riotous convention – and in Chicago, no less – which will only further damage Biden’s standing with the public. Most Democrats, shocked by the prospects of Trump 2.0, are quietly loitering in the shadows, just holding their breath, while an increasingly emboldened right – championing their beleaguered King – is eagerly waiting to exhale.
Democrats, it seems, are destined to soldier on. They missed their chance to replace Biden painlessly months ago, and are now stuck on stupid. Barring a miracle, the price for their cowardice and lack of vision is likely to be severe.
submitted by tristanfinn to HarpiesBizarre [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:40 jtuttle923 when is enough enough

When is enough going to be enough, from the route 91 shooting to parkland florida and so many others. People just need to lean on God and Jesus and Remember the virtues they taught us, like treat othe like you would like to be treated and love thy neighbor and thou shall not murder. I am thankful that God has blessed my family and kept each and everyone of them safe. Thank you o lord . May other learn to live in peace as many of us have learned, for an example my juggalo family love each other and respect one another and we help each other even if we anit blood were still family, whoop whoop. May God bless everyone who reads this and help them to live in harmony with one another. When will enough be enough. When will we get mental health background checks before people can buy guns and why do we need anything bigger than a shot gun to protect ourselves, like Robin Williams said what is their some big deer in the forest with abullet proof vest on going hay let's party this is for my brother who's hanging in a bar in Kentucky. Rest in peace. I pray that everyone learns that others are not to blame for your problems, nor is their religion or skin color or their attitude that is responsible for your problems, you are the only one who has control over your situation and you are the only one who can do anything about your situation. Grow up and be a real human being not a whiney little complainer who blames everyone else for their problems. In the emortal words of Rodney king " can't we all just get along ". I would like to thank all of the the brave frist responders who have saved countless lives during all of the tragic mass shootings in the country. Thank you all for your bravery. I hope that one day congress learns that we need laws that work not laws that work for the gun lobby or manufacturers or big corporations but for all of us. God I pray that you put some sense into our politicians to make better decisions about the world. I pray these things in Jesus name Amen.🙏 ✌️@❤️.
submitted by jtuttle923 to pastorjohntuttle [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:41 Sweet-Count2557 Fun Things to Do in Fort Myers at Night

Fun Things to Do in Fort Myers at Night
Fun Things to Do in Fort Myers at Night Hey there, night owls! Looking for some excitement in Fort Myers after the sun sets? Well, look no further! We've got a list of fun and exhilarating activities for you to enjoy in this vibrant city at night.From delicious seafood and live music, to shopping and cultural experiences, there's something for everyone. Craft beer lovers and beach enthusiasts, we've got you covered too!Get ready for an unforgettable night as we take you on a journey through Fort Myers' most exciting activities and experiences. Let's dive in and embrace the freedom of the night!Key TakeawaysNighttime dining and entertainment venues in Fort Myers include Doc Fords, Crows Nest Bar and Grille, and Lani Kai Island Resort.Shopping and cultural experiences can be enjoyed at Gulf Coast Town Center and The Franklin Shops.Brewery and nightlife experiences are available at Fort Myers Brewing Company and Times Square.Beach and outdoor activities include visiting Fort Myers Beach and taking a night boat tour.Nighttime Dining and Entertainment VenuesWe know that exploring nighttime dining and entertainment venues is an exciting way to experience the vibrant nightlife of Fort Myers. Whether you're looking for live music venues or delicious seafood dining options, this city has it all.One popular spot for both music and food is Doc Fords. This restaurant offers a variety of seafood dishes and features live music performances. For the best experience, we recommend sitting on the patio, where you can enjoy your meal while taking in the lively atmosphere. Don't miss out on trying their famous seafood paella, a flavorful dish that will leave your taste buds wanting more.Another great option is the Crows Nest Bar and Grille. Known for its delicious seafood and unique hermit crab racing, this venue is a must-visit. Before heading there, make sure to gas up your car, as it's a bit of a drive. Also, check their online menu beforehand to see what delicious options they've available.If you're looking for a party atmosphere with live music and beach access, Lani Kai Island Resort is the place to be. This resort offers a variety of entertainment options, including live music performances and access to the beach. We recommend booking a reservation in advance to secure your spot and taking the time to visit nearby Bowditch Point Park for a relaxing stroll before or after your night out.Now that we've explored the vibrant nightlife of Fort Myers through its nighttime dining and entertainment venues, let's move on to the next section and dive into the exciting world of shopping and cultural experiences.Shopping and Cultural ExperiencesOur next stop on the vibrant nightlife tour of Fort Myers is the Gulf Coast Town Center, known for its top-notch mall and vibrant nightlife. This bustling shopping center offers a variety of experiences that are sure to delight visitors. Here are some of the hidden gems you won't want to miss:Pet-friendly shopping: One of the unique features of Gulf Coast Town Center is its pet-friendly atmosphere. You can bring your furry friends along as you explore the shops and enjoy a night out. Many of the stores have water bowls and treats available for your four-legged companions, making it a truly inclusive experience.Hidden gem galleries: If you're looking for a dose of culture during your nighttime adventure, Gulf Coast Town Center has a few hidden gem galleries that are worth exploring. These galleries showcase the work of local artists and offer a glimpse into the vibrant art scene of Fort Myers. From paintings and sculptures to photography and mixed media, you'll find a diverse range of artistic expressions to admire.Trendy boutiques: If you're a fashion enthusiast, you'll be delighted by the trendy boutiques scattered throughout Gulf Coast Town Center. From designer clothing and accessories to unique handmade pieces, these boutiques offer a curated selection of fashionable items that will help you express your personal style.Gourmet food market: Food lovers will be in heaven at the gourmet food market in Gulf Coast Town Center. This culinary haven features a wide range of specialty food vendors, offering everything from artisanal cheeses and freshly baked bread to gourmet chocolates and exotic spices. Whether you're looking for ingredients for a gourmet meal or simply want to indulge in some delicious treats, this market is a must-visit.Live entertainment: As the sun sets, Gulf Coast Town Center comes alive with live entertainment. From live music performances to street performers, there's always something happening to keep you entertained. Grab a drink, find a cozy spot, and soak in the lively atmosphere as you enjoy the talents of local musicians and performers.With its pet-friendly shopping options, hidden gem galleries, trendy boutiques, gourmet food market, and live entertainment, Gulf Coast Town Center offers a shopping and cultural experience that's sure to satisfy your desires for freedom and exploration. So, make sure to add this vibrant destination to your list of nighttime activities in Fort Myers.Brewery and Nightlife ExperiencesExploring the Fort Myers Brewing Company, with its wide selection of craft beers and lively atmosphere, is a must for a fun night out in Fort Myers. The largest craft brewery in Southwest Florida, Fort Myers Brewing Company offers over 25 brews on tap, ensuring that there is something to satisfy every beer lover's palate. From hoppy IPAs to smooth stouts, this brewery has it all. One of the highlights of visiting Fort Myers Brewing Company is the craft beer tasting experience, where visitors can sample different beers and discover new favorites. The knowledgeable staff is always ready to provide recommendations and share their passion for craft beer.To enhance the experience, the brewery often hosts local live music, adding a vibrant and energetic ambiance to the evening. As you sip on your favorite craft beer, you can enjoy the sounds of talented musicians, creating a perfect harmony of flavors and melodies. The combination of great beer and live music creates a lively and enjoyable atmosphere that keeps visitors coming back for more.To give you a taste of the variety of craft beers available at Fort Myers Brewing Company, here is a table showcasing some of their popular brews:Beer NameDescriptionTropical IPAA refreshing IPA with tropical fruit flavorsChocolate StoutA rich and velvety stout with hints of chocolateCitrus WheatA light and citrusy wheat beer perfect for summerAmber AleA smooth and malty ale with a caramel finishAfter a night of craft beer tasting and enjoying local live music at Fort Myers Brewing Company, you'll be ready to continue your adventure in Fort Myers. So, let's move on to the next section and discover the exciting beach and outdoor activities that await you.Beach and Outdoor ActivitiesFor a relaxing evening by the beach and exciting outdoor adventures, there are plenty of fun activities to enjoy in Fort Myers at night. Whether you're looking to unwind by the water or engage in thrilling outdoor activities, this coastal paradise has something for everyone. Here are five nighttime beach and outdoor activities that you won't want to miss:Fort Myers Beach: With its picturesque sandy shores and beachfront eateries, Fort Myers Beach is the perfect place to spend a tranquil evening. Pack your swimwear and sunblock, and soak up the soothing sounds of the ocean as you unwind on the soft sand. Don't forget to take your furry friends along for a leisurely stroll on the beach, but remember to keep them on a leash.Night Boat Tour: Experience the beauty of Fort Myers' coastline from a whole new perspective with a night boat tour. As the sun sets, you'll be treated to stunning views and the opportunity to spot playful dolphins in their natural habitat. Dedicate at least two hours to this adventure and make sure to bring your camera to capture the magical moments.Sunset Yoga on the Beach: Embrace the freedom of the outdoors and find your inner zen with a sunset yoga session on the beach. Connect with nature as you move through gentle poses and listen to the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore. This invigorating activity is suitable for all fitness levels and provides a unique way to relax and rejuvenate.Beach Bonfire: Gather around a crackling bonfire with friends and loved ones for an unforgettable night on the beach. Roast marshmallows, share stories, and enjoy the warmth of the fire as you watch the stars twinkle above. This is the perfect setting for creating lasting memories and experiencing the freedom that comes with being surrounded by nature.Nighttime Fishing: Grab your fishing gear and head to one of the many fishing spots along the coast for a thrilling nighttime adventure. Cast your line into the deep waters and wait for the excitement of a tug. As you reel in your catch, feel the rush of adrenaline and the freedom of being in the great outdoors.Whether you're seeking nighttime beach activities or thrilling outdoor adventures, Fort Myers offers a wide range of options to satisfy your desires for freedom and fun. So, make the most of your evenings and create unforgettable memories in this beautiful coastal city.Festivals and EventsLet's dive into the vibrant world of festivals and events in Fort Myers at night. Whether you're a lover of art, history, or simply enjoy a good parade, there's something for everyone to enjoy in this lively city after dark. One event that should not be missed is the Edison Festival of Light Parade. This annual celebration pays tribute to Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb and features a spectacular nighttime parade. To make the experience even more special, I highly recommend securing VIP tickets. This way, you can enjoy the parade in style and have access to prime seating. Be sure to arrive early to secure your preferred spot, as this event attracts a large crowd.Another unique and creative experience in Fort Myers is Vinos Picasso wine and paint studio. This artistic haven offers a fun and relaxing atmosphere where you can sip on your favorite wine while creating your very own masterpiece. Whether you're an experienced artist or a novice, the friendly instructors at Vinos Picasso will guide you through the painting process, ensuring that you leave with a work of art you can be proud of.To give you a better idea of the festivals and events happening in Fort Myers at night, here's a handy table:Festival/EventDescriptionEdison Festival of Light ParadeA grand nighttime parade in honor of Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb. VIP tickets available.Vinos Picasso wine and paint studioA creative experience where you can enjoy wine and create your own artwork.With these exciting festivals and events, you'll have plenty of options for a memorable night out in Fort Myers. So gather your friends, grab your VIP tickets, and get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant nightlife of this fantastic city.Unique Nighttime ExperiencesLooking for something different to do at night in Fort Myers? How about engaging in interactive art workshops or enjoying rooftop stargazing sessions?These unique experiences offer a chance to tap into your creativity or gaze at the stunning night sky in a whole new way. Whether you're an art enthusiast or an astronomy lover, these activities are sure to provide a memorable and one-of-a-kind nighttime adventure in Fort Myers.Interactive Art WorkshopsThe article highlights our knowledge of interactive art workshops, which offer unique nighttime experiences in Fort Myers. These workshops provide the perfect opportunity for artistic collaborations and painting parties.Here are five exciting options to consider:Artful Gardner: This workshop combines art and gardening, allowing participants to create beautiful planters while expressing their creativity.Wine & Paint Parties: Get your creative juices flowing while sipping on delicious wine. These workshops provide a fun and relaxed atmosphere for painting enthusiasts of all skill levels.Pottery Wheel Experience: Try your hand at the pottery wheel and learn the art of creating beautiful ceramic pieces. This hands-on workshop will leave you with a unique and personalized masterpiece.Glow-in-the-Dark Canvas Painting: Step into a world of vibrant colors and glowing masterpieces. These workshops offer a twist on traditional canvas painting, using special glow-in-the-dark paints to create stunning works of art.Street Art Tours: Explore the vibrant street art scene in Fort Myers with knowledgeable guides who'll take you on an immersive tour of the city's most impressive murals and graffiti art.Experience the freedom to express yourself and unleash your creativity at these interactive art workshops in Fort Myers.Rooftop Stargazing SessionsWe can enjoy rooftop stargazing sessions for a unique nighttime experience in Fort Myers. The city is home to several stargazing clubs and astronomy workshops that offer the opportunity to explore the wonders of the night sky.Imagine being on a rooftop, surrounded by the twinkling lights of the city, as you gaze up at the vast expanse of stars above. With the guidance of experienced astronomers, you can learn about constellations, planets, and even spot distant galaxies through telescopes.These rooftop stargazing sessions provide a peaceful and awe-inspiring escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether you're a seasoned stargazer or a curious beginner, these experiences offer a chance to connect with the beauty of the universe and expand your knowledge of the cosmos.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Age Restrictions for the Night Boat Tour?There aren't any age restrictions for the night boat tour. It's a fantastic experience for everyone, no matter their age. You'll get to enjoy stunning views, maybe even spot some dolphins, and create lasting memories.The tour is suitable for all ages, so feel free to bring the whole family along. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the beautiful moments. It's a fun and exciting adventure that everyone can enjoy together.Can You Bring Your Own Food to the Outdoor Seating Areas at Doc Fords and the Whale Restaurant?Yes, you can bring your own food to the outdoor seating areas at both Doc Fords and The Whale Restaurant. This adds to the freedom and flexibility of your dining experience.You can enjoy the delicious seafood dishes while also savoring your favorite homemade snacks or treats.Is There a Cover Charge for Entry to Snappers Laugh in Comedy Cafe?There is no cover charge for entry to Snappers Laugh In Comedy Cafe. It's a great place to enjoy comedy performances and spoken word events. They recommend purchasing tickets in advance and dressing comfortably.As for the night boat tour, there are no age restrictions, so it's suitable for all ages. You can expect stunning views, the opportunity to see dolphins, and a memorable experience. Make sure to dedicate at least two hours for the tour and don't forget to bring your camera to capture the beautiful moments.What Types of Souvenirs Can Be Found at the Franklin Shops?At the Franklin Shops, you can find a variety of souvenirs to remember your time in Fort Myers. From unique artwork and handmade crafts to local products and stylish apparel, there's something for everyone.Whether you're looking for a gift for a loved one or a memento for yourself, the Franklin Shops are sure to have what you're looking for.Don't forget to check out the popular night boat tours for a stunning experience on the water.Are Pets Allowed on the Patio at Crows Nest Bar and Grille?Yes, pets are allowed on the patio at Crows Nest Bar and Grille. However, there may be some outdoor seating restrictions depending on the size and behavior of the pet.It's always a good idea to call ahead and check with the restaurant to ensure that you and your furry friend will be able to enjoy a meal together.ConclusionIn conclusion, Fort Myers at night is a true hidden gem, offering a plethora of exciting activities and experiences.From indulging in delicious seafood and live music at vibrant dining venues, to exploring unique shops and cultural attractions, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Don't forget to visit the largest craft brewery in Southwest Florida for a taste of exquisite craft beer and immerse yourself in the lively nightlife scene.With picturesque beaches and thrilling night boat tours, outdoor enthusiasts will be in paradise.And let's not forget the unforgettable festivals and events that bring the community together for a night of celebration.So, don't miss out on the opportunity to create lasting memories in Fort Myers at night!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:32 ScoobyFatDoobie East Bay gravel

East Bay gravel
Riding some gravel loops testing my skills in the dirt. Oyster bay by the Oakland Airport. Topstone 1, Dt Swiss G1800 , Pathfinder pro in the back Trigger pro in the front 38c , Ali express 3D saddle, Ornot mini bar bag.
submitted by ScoobyFatDoobie to gravelcycling [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:14 GonzoVeritas New police records reveal that Mom's For Liberty boss sent her husband (GOP Chairman) trolling bars to find women for her to have sex with, while she was out protesting against gays. Because it's ALWAYS projection.

New police records reveal that Mom's For Liberty boss sent her husband (GOP Chairman) trolling bars to find women for her to have sex with, while she was out protesting against gays. Because it's ALWAYS projection. submitted by GonzoVeritas to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:48 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Saturday May 18th

Live Music

Amphitheatre Farmers Market

Yoga in the Garden

Huguenot Cemetery Guided Tour

As If! The '90s Fest

Vilano Beach Artisan Market

Flo-Arts Students Celebrate Musicals

Cruisers Car Club Cruise-IN

Romanza Festivale: Luca Ciarla

Davy Knowles at Café Eleven

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here tinyurl.com/yjkw32kd

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:48 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Saturday May 18th

Live Music

Amphitheatre Farmers Market

Yoga in the Garden

Huguenot Cemetery Guided Tour

As If! The '90s Fest

Vilano Beach Artisan Market

Flo-Arts Students Celebrate Musicals

Cruisers Car Club Cruise-IN

Romanza Festivale: Luca Ciarla

Davy Knowles at Café Eleven

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here tinyurl.com/yjkw32kd

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:00 AutoNewspaperAdmin [National] - Bridget and Christian Ziegler ‘Prowled’ Florida Bars for Women, Police Memo Says The Daily Beast

[National] - Bridget and Christian Ziegler ‘Prowled’ Florida Bars for Women, Police Memo Says The Daily Beast submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:56 AutoNewsAdmin [National] - Bridget and Christian Ziegler ‘Prowled’ Florida Bars for Women, Police Memo Says

[National] - Bridget and Christian Ziegler ‘Prowled’ Florida Bars for Women, Police Memo Says submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to TDBauto [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:43 Leather_Focus_6535 The currently 105 inmates executed by Florida since the 1970s and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk) [part 2, cases 53-105]

This is the second half of my list for Florida's execution roster. As stated in the first part, I split it into two halves in order to follow reddit's character count limitations. Link to part 1.
The currently 105 executed offenders, cases 53 to 105:
53. Aileen Wuornos (~1974-2002, lethal injection): Wuornos murdered 7 men between the ages of 47-65. She was a street prostitute that enticed her victims with promises of sexual favors. After a victim was entrapped, Wuornos shot them dead, and robbed them of their money and their vehicles. Although Wuornos initially claimed that she killed the victims in self defense, she later admitted that they were murdered for their valuables. Her criminal history was extensive, and she had several convictions for armed robbery, assault, DUIs, reckless discharge of firearms, and disorderly conduct. She was also accused of domestic violence by an ex husband, and he placed a restraining order on her within weeks of their marriage.
54. Linroy Bottoson (~1971-2002, lethal injection): In a robbery of a post office, Bottoson stole $14,000 in money orders and $100 in cash, and abducted the post mistress, 74 year old Catherine Alexander. After holding her captive for 3 days, Bottoson stabbed Alexander 16 times, and ran her over with his car. He had several robberies on his criminal record.
55. Amos King Jr. (~1972-2002, lethal injection): After he escaped from a minimum security prison, King broke into the home of 68 year old Natalie Brady and assaulted her. She was raped, stabbed, and savagely beaten in the attack. King then set her house on fire, and returned back to the prison. At his arrival, the prison counselor confronted him about his absence and bloodied clothing. He was stabbed 25 times by King, but managed to survive his injuries. Despite her injuries, Brady managed to crawl out of her burning home, but succumbed to blood loss shortly before help could arrive. King had a previous conviction for robbery.
56. Newton Slawson (1989-2003, lethal injection): Slawson went over to the home of the Wood family (consisting of parents, 23 year old Gerald and 21 year old Peggy, and their children, 4 year old Jennifer and 3 year old Glendon) to buy some cocaine. During an argument over the transaction, Slawson shot and killed Gerald, Jennifer, and Glendon, and wounded Peggy. Slawson then stabbed Peggy (who was 8 months pregnant) with such force that he tore her unborn child out of her womb.
57. Paul Hill (1994-2003, lethal injection): During an attack on an abortion clinic, Hill shot and killed John Britton, a 69 year old abortionist, and his bodyguard, 74 year old James Barrett. Britton’s wife, 68 year old June, was also wounded in the shooting. Hill was a hardline pro life activist and Christian fundamentalist, and saw ending abortion by any means necessary as his personal divine mission.
58. Johnny Robinson (~1980s-2004, lethal injection): Robinson and his teenage accomplice picked up 31 year old Beverly St. George when they found her broken down on the side of the road. They then raped St. George and shot her to death. He tried to claim that they had consensual relations and St. George was hit by an accidental discharge during intercourse. If Robinson's "recollection" was to be believed, he then shot her again to cover up an "accidental" shooting of a white woman. The courts weren't convinced by the defense, and the accomplice admitted that the murder was entirely deliberate and calculated from the beginning. Robinson had several rape convictions and accusations before St. George's murder.
59. John Blackwelder (~1970s-2004, lethal injection): While incarcerated for molesting a 10 year old boy, Blackwelder tied up his cellmate, 39 year old Raymond Wigley, under the alleged pretenses of a bondage session and strangled him to death with makeshift rope. According to Blackwelder, Wigley had been sexually harassing him, and he wanted to put a permeant end to the unwanted advances. Blackwelder had several sexual assault convictions dating back to the 1970s, and was also previously convicted for threatening former vice president Dan Quayle. His victim was the accomplice of another executed offender, John Marek, and was serving a life sentence for assisting him in the torture murder of a woman [for more details on Marek and Wigley's crimes, please see section 68] at the time of his own death.
60. Glen Ocha (1999-2005, lethal injection): Ocha picked up 28 year old Carol Skjerva from a bar and they had sex in his home. However, Skjerva allegedly made mocking remarks towards his genitals and threatened to tell her fiance of their encounter. In a drunken rage and under the influence of ecstasy, Ocha hung her with rope from his kitchen door.
61. Clarence Hill (1982-2006, lethal injection): During an attempted bank robbery with an accomplice, Hill engaged in a shootout with the responding policemen. One of the officers, 26 year old Stephen Taylor, was killed and another was wounded.
62. Arthur Rutherford (1985-2006, lethal injection): Rutherford was hired by a widow, 63 year old Stella Salamon, to do odd jobs around her home. He then drowned Salamon in her bathtub and tried to cash in a check of $2,000 from her account. Salamon's nude body was found with a broken arm, bruising all across her face, and three head wounds.
63. Danny Rolling (~1960s-2006, lethal injection): Rolling murdered a total of 8 people between the ages of 8-55. In 1989, Rolling stabbed 55 year old William Grissom, William’s 24 year old daughter Julie, and his 8 year old grandson Sean to death in their home. Julie’s body was ritualistically mutilated and posed during the attack. A year later, he shot his estranged father, 59 year old James. Although James survived, he was left permanently blind. Rolling then burglarized several student dorms in a week long rampage. Five students, 23 year old Tracy Paules, 23 year old Manuel Taboda, 18 year old Sonja Larson, 17 year old Christa Hoyt, and 17 year old Christina Powell, were bound, raped, and stabbed to death. Only Taboada was spared from any sexual abuse. As with Julia Grissom, Rolling posed the female victims into provocative positions and mutilated their bodies. Roiling decapitated Hoyt and placed her head on a cabinet shelf for the sole purpose of shocking witnesses stumbling across the scene. He had a long history of robberies, assaults, and voyeurism, and some of his earliest convictions occurred when he was a teenager.
64. Ángel Díaz (~1960s-2006, lethal injection): In his native Puerto Rico, Díaz stabbed an unidentified man, who was a director of a local drug rehabilitation center, 19 times while the victim was asleep. Díaz was sentenced for second degree murder, but he escaped after beating a guard near death, and fled to Florida. During his stay in Florida, Díaz and his accomplices robbed a strip club at gunpoint, and shot and killed the manager, 49 year old Joseph Nagy. After Nagy’s murder, he and his accomplices relocated themselves to Connecticut. However, they were arrested for a possession of illegal firearms charge. Díaz and 3 other inmates briefly managed to escape by beating up a guard and threatening another at knifepoint, but were quickly recaptured. After a cellmate testified that Díaz confessed to Nagy’s murder, he was deported back to Florida and sentenced to death. His execution sparked controversy, as it took him 34 minutes to succumb to the lethal drugs. Díaz’s other criminal convictions include shooting and injuring an officer during an armed robbery and several drug possession charges. Authorities also suspected him of being involved with several Puerto Rican nationalist insurgent groups.
65. Mark Schwab (1987-2008, lethal injection): Schwab lured 11 year old Junny Rios-Martinez into a motel room by posing as a photographer for a surfing magazine. He bound Rios-Martinez, anally penetrated him, and smothered the boy to death with a pillow. Schwab also had a conviction for the sexual battery of a 13 year old boy, and he was released after serving 3 out of an 8 year prison sentence months before Rios-Martinez's murder.
66. Richard Henyard (1993-2008, lethal injection): Henyard and his teenage accomplice carjacked 35 year old Dorothy Lewis, and her two daughters, 7 year old Jamilya and 3 year old Jasmine. The pair raped Dorothy, and shot and killed both of her daughters. Dorothy was also shot in the head, but was able to survive. Dorothy recounted that she tried praying for her and her children's safety, and Henyard taunted her by mockingly claiming to be Satan himself.
67. Wayne Tompkins (~1980s-2008, lethal injection): While helping his girlfriend move from their home, Tompkins made sexual advances on her 15 year old daughter, Lisa DeCarr. When she rejected him, Tompkins raped and strangeld her to death with a bathrobe, and tried to report DeCarr as a runaway. Tompkins also had several sexual assault convictions and accusations prior to the murder. One incident involved him abducting and abusing a gas station clerk.
68. John Marek (~1980s-2008, lethal injection): Marek and his accomplice, Raymond Wigley, picked up 47 year old Adela Simmons. They forced Simmons to perform oral sex on them, burned her fingers and pubic hairs, and strangled her to death with a bandana. The pair then dumped her body near a beach. Marek was sentenced to death for Simmons' murder, while Wigley was given a life sentence. While in prison, Wigley himself was strangled to death by the above mentioned John Blackwelder.
69. Martin Grossman (1984-2010, lethal injection): Grossman was given probation after a spree involving the burglary of an ex girlfriend's home and stealing cars. While out shooting a stolen handgun with a friend, they were confronted by Margaret Park, a 26 year old wildlife ranger. Wanting to avoid being arrested and put back into prison for violating his parole, Grossman and his friend attacked Park with a flashlight. They wrestled her service pistol away from her and shot and killed Park with it. Due to Grossman being Jewish, his death sentence outraged several Jewish organizations across the globe, and they petitioned ceaselessly for his clemency.
70. Manuel Valle (1978-2011, lethal injection): While driving a stolen car, Valle was pulled over by Louis Pena, a 41 year old police officer, for a traffic violation. In the confrontation, Valle shot Pena and his partner. Although Pena was killed in the shooting, his partner's life was saved by a bullet proof vest.
71. Oba Chandler (~1960s-2011, lethal injection): Chandler enticed a woman, 36 year old Joan Rogers, and her two daughters, 17 year old Michelle and 14 year old Christe, with the promise of a boat ride. On board, he bound the family with rope and raped all three of them. Chandler then tied concrete blocks around Joan and her daughters' necks and tossed them into the ocean to drown. He also raped and strangled 20 year old Ivelisse Berrios–Beguerisse after abducting her from a mall, and was linked to the murder by a 2014 DNA test 3 years after his execution. Chandler was an inveterate sexual predator with a very long criminal history, and was first arrested for car theft in his early teens. Many of his other crimes include several convictions of armed robbery, burglary, rape, counterfeiting, and kidnapping. In one incident, he broke into a couple’s house, and sexually assaulted the wife in front of her husband. One surviving victim, a 24 year old Canadian tourist, helped investigators tie Chandler to the Rogers’ murders with her reports.
72. Robert Waterhouse (~1966-2012, lethal injection): In 1966, Waterhouse snuck into the home of 77 year old Ella Carter, and raped and strangled her to death. He was paroled after serving 8 years of a life sentence. A few years later, Waterhouse picked up 29 year old Deborah Kammerer from a bar and assaulted her on a nearby beach. He stabbed and violated Kammerer with a broken bottle, shoved a tampon down her throat, and drowned her in the ocean waters.
73. David Gore (1981-2012, lethal injection): Gore and his cousin abducted and murdered 4 teenage girls (17 year old Ying Hua Ling, 17 year old Lynn Eilliot, 14 year old Angelica LaVallee, 14 year old Barbara Byer) and 2 grown women (48 year old Hsiang Huang Ling and 35 year old Judith Daley). The victims were kidnapped through force, picked up while hitchhiking, or tricked into thinking that Gore was a police officer detaining them. They were then tied up, raped, and shot or strangled to death. The cousins dismembered the bodies in their attempts to destroy them and buried the scattered remains in shallow graves. Two of their victims, Ying Hua Ling and Hsiang Huang Ling, were a mother and daughter pair of Taiwanese immigrants, and the cousins murdered them together. A 7th victim, 14 year old friend of Eilliot, was also abducted and sodomized, but she managed to escape with Eilliot's help.
74. Manuel Pardo Jr. (1986-2012, lethal injection): Pardo was a corrupt cop heavily involved in the drug trade. After his department fired him for his abuse of power and suspected tampering of investigations, Pardo went on a crime spree. He shot and killed at least 9 men and women in robberies and interpersonal disputes. The victims he murdered in robberies were 39 year old Ulpiano Ledo, 37 year old Luis Robledo, 33 year old Mario Amador, and 28 year old Roberto Alons. In every robbery incident, he stole the victims’ credit cards. Pardo killed 28 year old Fara Quintero in an argument over a ring he pawned to her and 30 year old Sara Musa for refusing his demands of buying him a VCR set with a credit card stolen from one of his previous robberies. Another victim, Michael Millot, a 38 year old Haitian refugee that took up work as a gunsmith, was slain out of Pardo’s fears of him being a police informant. His last murders were 40 year old Ramon Alvero, a drug dealer that he work for, and Alvaro’s girlfriend, 38 year old Daisy Ricard. Pardo turned on the couple after Alvaro stiffed him of a meeting. He shot Alvaro dead, but Padro’s gun jammed when he tried to shoot Ricard as well. As he was beating Ricard to death with his gun, it discharged and hit Pardo’s foot. On death row, Pardo tried to fashion himself as a vigilante trying to rid Florida of all drug related crimes.
75. Larry Mann (~1970s-2012, lethal injection): Mann ambushed 10 year old Elisa Nelson while she was biking from school to a dentist appointment. He raped Nelson and beat her to death with a pipe. Authorities also initially suspected Mann in the murders of several girls in the area, such as 16 year old Janie Sanders and 13 year old Rose Levandoski, but the current thinking is that another (still unknown) predator was likely responsible. Although he had convictions against adult women, Mann was a pedophile with a history of mostly preying on young girls.
76. Elmer Carroll (~1972-2012, lethal injection): Carroll broke into the room of 10 year old Christine McGowan. He raped and strangled the girl to death, tucked the body underneath the bedsheets, and stole her stepfather's construction truck. McGowan's body discovered was by her stepfather when he came to check on her. At the time of the murder, Carroll had two separate convictions (including one against his then 5 year old niece) for child molestation and was first accused of rape at the age of 16.
77. William Van (~1971-2013, lethal injection): Poyck Van Poyck and another man, Frank Valdez, ambushed a prison van that their incarcerated friend was being transported in with the intent of freeing him. The pair shot and killed a guard, 40 year old Fred Griffis and wounded another. Despite overtaking the van, they were forced to retreat without their friend with the arrival of police reinforcements. Both were captured after a brief shootout with the police and were given death sentences for Griffis’ murder. The case sparked controversy when Valdez was beaten to death by other prison guards in his cell. The officers involved were all fired but acquitted for murder in their trials. Van Poyck had several convictions of armed robbery on his record.
78. John Ferguson (~1960s-2013, lethal injection): Ferguson was the mastermind of the Carol City massacre that his above mentioned accomplices, Marvin Francois and Beauford White, participated in. He also committed a series of murders on his own. Two of his other victims, 17 year old Brian Glenfeldt and 17 year old Belinda Worley, were a couple that were ambushed in the parking lot of an ice cream shop. Ferguson raped Worley, shot her and Glenfeldt dead, and ran off with her jewelry and Glenfeldt’s wallet. Another couple, 82 year old Katherine and 75 year old Raymond Perry, were assaulted by Ferguson in their motel room, robbed, and shot dead execution style. Authorities also believe that Ferguson was responsible for the murders of James Ward, a 40 year old runaway from a mental institution, and Joseph Walters (age unknown), but was never convicted of them in court. Ferguson had a troubled upbringing, was stealing cars at the age of 13, and convicted for the attempted murder of an officer. Due to allegations of him being a schizophrenic, his execution was delayed numerous times, which is why he was put to death decades after his accomplices.
79. Marshall Gore (1988-2013, lethal injection): Gore abducted and murdered two women, 30 year old Robyn Novick and 19 year old Susan Roark. Both women were last seen in his company, and they were raped, beaten, and stabbed to death. He also carjacked 32 year old Tina Coralis while she was driving with her 2 year old son Jimmy. Gore raped Tina, beat her with a rock, slit her throat, dumped her on the side of the road, and drove off with her car while Jimmy was still in it. Tina survived the attack and notified the police about her kidnapped son and stolen car. The police were able to rescue Jimmy unharmed and capture Gore without incident.
80. William Happ (~1980s-2013, lethal injection): Happ dragged 21 year old Angela Crowley out of her own car window in a convenience store parking lot. He anally raped and strangled Crowley to death with her pants. A corner's report mentioned that Crowley received over 20 blows to her head during the assault. Happ had several convictions of armed robbery, one of which pertained to an abduction incident.
81. Darius Kimbrough (1991-2013, lethal injection): Kimbrough climbed into the apartment window of 28 year old Denise Collin with the help of a ladder. He raped and repeatedly slammed her head against the wall. She was found bloodied and nude by the paramedics called to the scene. Collin died of her injuries in the hospital a day after the attack. Her murder went unsolved until samples of Kimbrough’s DNA were collected from another one of his rapes. With the presence of additional pubic hairs found in Collin’s room, at least two other men were also certainly involved, but they remain at large to this day.
82. Thomas Knight (~1960s-2013, lethal injection): Knight began his string of murders by abducting his former employer, 64 year old Sydney Gans, and Sydney's wife, 60 year old Lillian. After her forced them to withdraw $50,000 from their bank accounts, Knight shot the Gans' dead. He was apprehended and, but he managed to escape from jail while awaiting trial. While on the run, Knight gunned down a clerk, 54 year old William Culpepper, while holding up a liquor store, and $640 from the cash register. A month later, Knight was recaptured following an armed standoff with police, and sentenced to death for the Gan killings. On death row, he stabbed a correctional officer, 48 year old Richard Burke, to death with a sharpened spoon over the prison allegedly barring him from seeing his mother. Knight had numerous theft and burglary convictions that date back to when he was 9 years old.
83. Juan Chavez (1995-2014, lethal injection): Chavez accosted 9 year old Jimmy Ryce when the boy was dropped off at a stop by a school bus, and abducted him at gunpoint. He took Ryce to a trailer on his employers' property and raped him. When Ryce tried to signal a passing helicopter for help, Chavez shot him in the back of the head, and muffled his cries as he died. The body was then decapitated and dismembered, and Chavez buried the remains near his trailer.
84. Paul Howell (~1990s-2014, lethal injection): Howell was part of a drug smuggling gang. One of the members had a falling out with the ring and made an agreement with law enforcement to testify against them. Howell constructed a microwave bomb to assassinate the witness in her home, and he assigned an associate to carry out the hit. As he was transporting the bomb to its intended destination, the associate was pulled over and detained by deputies. While being processed, the bomb detonated prematurely, and killed a deputy, 35 year old James Fulford, Jr.
85. Robert Henry (1987-2014, lethal injection): As part of his plan to assault the gas station that he worked at, Henry tricked his co workers, 53 year old Phyllis Harris and 35 year old Janet Thermidor, into thinking that a robber was holding him hostage. He duped the women into allowing themselves to be tied up and gagged, as Henry claimed to them that the fictitious "robber" was forcing him to do it. Both women were beaten with hammers as Henry ransacked the station’s store. After he stole a total of $1,269 from the register, he poured gasoline all over the building, and set it on fire. Thermidor and Harris were burned alive in the blaze and died of their injures, but Thermidor survived long enough to identify Henry as the assailant.
86. Robert Hendrix (1990-2014, lethal injection): To prevent his cousin, 25 year old Elmer Scott Jr., from testifying against him in a then upcoming burglary trail, Hendrix broke into the home that he shared with his wife, 18 year old Susan, with an accomplice. He shot Susan and Elmer, beat them with the butt of his rifle, and slashed their throats. In the case that he was about to be tried for, Elmer and Hendrix burglarized a home together, and Elmer agreed to testify against him in exchange for a reduced sentence.
87. John Henry (~1975-2014, lethal injection): In 1975, Henry got into an argument with his first wife, 28 year old Patricia Roddy, while they were driving with her daughters. Henry pulled over and stabbed Patricia to death in front of her children. After he plead guilty, Henry was given a 15 year sentence for second degree murder, and was released in 1983 after serving 8. Shortly after his release, he married 28 year old Suzanne Overstreet. As what happened with his first wife, he fatally stabbed Suzanne during an argument in 1985. He then took his stepson, 4 year old Eugene Christian, to a chicken farm and stabbed him to death as well. Henry also had several convictions for the possession of drugs and illegal firearms.
88. Eddie Davis (~1980s-2014, lethal injection): Davis kidnapped his ex girlfriend's daughter, 11 year Kimberly Waters, from her home and gagged her with a rag. He took the girl to a trailer that he used to live in, and raped and strangled her to death. His criminal activity before the murder included several arrests for burglary and autotheft.
89. Chadwick Banks (1992-2014, lethal injection): Banks shot his wife, 30 year old Cassandra, in the head while she was sleeping on their couch. He then crept into the room of his stepdaughter, 10 year old Melody Cooper, and sexually assaulted her. Melody was also shot dead during the abuse.
90. Johnny Kormondy (~1989-2014, lethal injection): Kormondy and his two accomplices invaded a house that Gary McAdams, a 38 year old banker, shared with his wife, 38 year old Cecilia. The couple were ambushed after they returned home from a high school reunion. Gary was shot and killed by Kormondy, while Cecilia was forced to orally copulate the other intruders. Several items were stolen in the robbery, but my sources didn’t disclose any specifics. Kormondy had several previous convictions of robberies and auto thefts, and the earliest occurred when he was 14.
91. Jerry Correll (1985-2015, lethal injection): Correll shot and killed his ex wife, 25 year old Susan, their daughter, 5 year old Tuesday, Susan's sister, 29 year old Marybeth Jones, and their mother, 58 year old Mary Lou Hines. All four victims were murdered in a home they shared together.
92. Oscar Bolin (~1977-2015, lethal injection): Bolin was sentenced to death for the abductions and murders of 26 year old Teri Matthews, 25 year old Natalie Holley, and 17 year old Stephanie Collins. All 3 victims were kidnapped while they were getting off from work, raped, and killed in beating and stabbing attacks. He raped and strangled a fourth victim, 30 year old Deborah Stowe, to death in Texas, but wasn't charged due to already facing the death penalty in Florida. Bolin also took part in the non fatal abduction and gang rape of a waitress in Ohio, was charged for kidnapping his girlfriend (which were later dropped by the courts), and had several theft convictions that started when he was 15.
93. Mark Asay (1987-2017, lethal injection): Asay shot and killed a black man, 34 year old Robert Booker, during a racially charged fight that he picked at a bar. After Booker's murder, Asay, his brother, and their friend went cruising for prostitutes. They encountered a cross dressing sex worker, 26 year old Robert McDowell, they were acquainted with and picked him up. McDowell was also shot dead by Asay when they got into an argument over payment for an oral sex act.
94. Michael Lambrix (1983-2017, lethal injection): While intoxicated, Lambrix beat one of his friends, 35 year old Clarence Moore, to death with a tire iron, and fatally strangled another friend, 19 year old Aleisha Bryant, with a t-shirt in their trailer. He was previously arrested for welfare fraud and was detained for an unspecified "unrelated charge" during the murder investigation.
95. Patrick Hannon (1991-2017, lethal injection): 27 year old Brandon Snider vandalized the bedroom of his ex girlfriend while she was away on vacation. The ex girlfriend's brother was friends with Hannon, and he convinced him to launch a revenge attack on Snider with the help of another friend. They broke into Snider's apartment, stabbed him, and slit his throat. Snider's roommate, 28 year old Robert Carter, witnessed the murder, and tried hiding underneath his bed. Hannon dragged Carter out and shot him to death.
96. Eric Branch (1991-2018, lethal injection): In 1993, Branch abducted and carjacked 21 year old Susan Morris. He raped, beat, and strangled her to death, and then buried Morris' body in a shallow grave near a nature trail. Branch used Morris' car to flee back to his native Indiana, but was captured for a traffic violation. A registered sex offender, Branch had previous convictions for sexually abusing a 14 year old girl, and raped an unidentified woman 10 days before Morris' murder.
97. José Jiménez (~1990-2018, lethal injection): Jiménez fatally strangled Marie Debas, a 32 year old French woman who was allegedly in a relationship with a Medellin cartel drug runner, during a burglary of her apartment. Two years later, he burglarized the home of 63 year old Phyllis Minas, and stabbed her to death.
98. Bobby Long (~1990-2018, lethal injection): As the “Classified Ad Rapist”, Long raped over 50 women. He was given that epithet due to contacting and luring his victims through classified ads. After one of his victims sought charges that initially convicted him (though were later dropped on appeals), Long’s pattern of sexual violence escalated to murder. Long murdered at least 10 women and teenage girls between the ages of 18-28 and non fatally assaulted a 33 year old woman, Linda Nuttall, and a 17 year old girl, Lisa McVey. The victims were picked up through hitchhiking, forcibly grabbed while walking alone on streets, or were prostitutes lured with promises of payment for sexual favors. Long’s sparing of his last victim, McVey, provided to be his downfall, as it was her meticulously detailed reports that led law enforcement to him.
99. Gary Bowles (~1970s-2019, lethal injection): Bowles lured 6 men, 72 year old Milton Bradley, 59 year old John Roberts, 47 year old Walter Hinton, 47 year old Alverson, 39 year old David Jarman, and 38 year old Albert Morris by prostituting himself to them. Once a victim was enticed, Bowles strangled them, and stole their credit cards. He also had several convictions for armed robbery, hospitalized his stepfather in his early teens, and served a 6 year prison sentence for sexually assaulting his girlfriend.
100. Donald Dillbeck (~1979-2023, lethal injection): In 1979, Dillbeck stole a car, and was pulled over by a deputy, 31 year old Dwight Hall. After a prolonged chase and scuffle, Dillbeck shot and killed Hall with his own gun. He was then given a life sentence for Hall's murder. Dillbeck escaped from prison in 1990, and stabbed 44 year old Robbie Vann to death while trying to seize her car. The pursuing officers recaptured him shortly after the killing, and he was sentenced to death for Vann's murder.
101. Louis Gaskin (~1986-2023, lethal injection): Gaskin started his burglary spree by breaking into the home of couple, 56 year old Robert and 55 year old Georgette Sturmfels. He shot them both dead, and stole their lamp, VCR set, and some jewelry and money. His second target was a house owned by 38 year old Joseph Rector and his wife Mary (age unknown). Although Gaskin shot Joseph, the couple both managed to escape him with their lives. Due to him wearing a ninja costume as a disguise during the robberies, he was dubbed as the "Ninja Killer" by media outlets. Gaskin also had a few robbery convictions at the time of the murders.
102. Darryl Barwick (1983-2023, lethal injection): Barwick stalked 24 year old Rebecca Wendt as she was sunbathing in a pool, followed her to her apartment, and forced himself inside to rob it. He stabbed Wendt 37 times and raped her. At the age of 16, Barwick had committed a similar act of rape and burglary against an unidentified woman, and was released from prison 3 months before Wendt's murder.
103. Duane Owen (1984-2023, lethal injection): Owen raped 14 year old Karen Slattery while burglarizing a home she was babysitting at, and stabbed her to death. A few months later, Owen burglarized another home owned by 38 year old Georgianna Worden. She was sexually assaulted and fatally beaten with a hammer. He was captured while breaking into another house on the same day, and confessed to Worden and Slattery's murders
104. James Barnes (~1988-2023, lethal injection): In 1988, Barnes invaded the home of 41 year old Patricia Miller, and tied her up with her own shoelaces. She was sexually assaulted, beaten to death with a hammer, and Barnes set her bed on fire to destroy any evidence of the crime. 9 years later, Barnes strangled his estranged wife, 44 year old Linda, to death in her home, and stuffed the body into a closet. He stayed in the house until he was arrested by police officers. Barnes also admitted to the shooting deaths of Chester Wetmore, a 14 year old runaway, and Brenda Fletcher, a 50 year old prostitute, but was never charged for their killings. According to Barnes, he killed both victims for stealing from him.
105. Michael Zack III (1996-2023, lethal injection): Zack befriended two women, 40 year old Laura Rosillo and 31 year old Ravonne Smith, while hanging out at bars. He lured Rosillo to the beach with the promise of drugs, and assaulted her with a tire iron. Rosillo was raped, strangled to death, and he buried her body in a sand dune. A day later, he tricked Smith into letting him inside her house. She was smashed in the head with a glass bottle, raped, and stabbed to death. Zack then fled with her car, television set, VCR, and her purse. On a different note, when he was a child, Zack’s older sister dismembered their mother with an ax over an argument regarding the sister’s boyfriend. He used that story to gain the sympathy of his victims. His sister (who was simply institutionalized rather then incarcerated for the murder) also testified about their stepfather’s alleged abuse of them at his trial, though the prosecutors debunked most of her stories.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:40 Leather_Focus_6535 The currently 105 inmates executed by Florida since the 1970s and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk) [part 1, cases 1 to 52]

Here is my list of Florida's post Furman execution roster that I wrote for my personal death penalty project. To be clear, the dates given here are a loose timeframe of an offender's first known criminal activities (including misdemeanors and delinquent activities) to their executions, and not at all their years on death row. In a large number of death penalty cases, the offenders were committing high level felonies, even other murders in extreme cases like Ted Bundy, well before the murders that condemned them. I wanted to encapsulate the earlier known or suspected offenses in order to express the scope and scale of their crimes.
As a warning, due how the death penalty is utilized in the United States, many of the surveyed crimes are extremely graphic by nature. Please read at your own risk. On a different note, Florida is the last currently completed list. I'm still working on Texas, and as of now finished 484 entries out of the state's 587 cases to date.
As with my lists for Missouri, Virginia, and Oklahoma, reddit's character limitations forced me to split Florida's roster into two parts. Here is the link to part 2.
The currently 105 executed offenders, cases 1 to 52:
1. John Spenkelink (~1972-1979, electric chair): While on the run after escaping from a Californian prison, Spenkelink picked up 45 year old Joseph Szymankiewicz while he was hitchhiking. Like Spenkelink, Szymankiewicz was a career criminal, and had a conviction for murdering a owner of a furniture store during a robbery. They went on a nationwide crime spree together, but Spenkelink shot Szymankiewicz and disemboweled him with a hatchet while he was asleep in a hotel room. He claimed that the killing was done to protect himself from a sexual assault and being forced to play Russian Roulette, but this was rejected by the courts. Spenkelink had several previous convictions of armed robberies, some of which he was serving when he escaped from California.
2. Robert Sullivan (1973-1983, electric chair): Sullivan and his accomplice abducted 38 year old Donald Schmidt from a Howard Johnson's he managed. They bound Schmidt's hands behind his back, and drove him to a remote swamp in the Everglades. He was beaten with a tire iron and shot four times in the head. The pair then took Schmdit's watch and his credit cards from his body.
3. Anthony Antone (~1970s-1984, electric chair): Antone, a high ranking mobster, was hired by a crime boss to arrange the murder of Richard Cloud, a 33 year old private detective. He arranged for two of his associates to gun down Cloud on his own front porch. Although he wasn't directly present at the crime itself, Antone bore the harshest penalties due to his employer and one of his triggermen committing suicide in custody and the surviving triggerman agreeing to testify against him.
4. Arthur Goode III (~1960s-1984, electric chair): Goode lured 9 year old Jason VerDow into a forest, and raped and strangled him to death. The next day, he abducted Billy Arthe, a 10 year old Guatemalan immigrant, and took him on a journey to Washington D.C. On their way through Virginia, Goode kidnapped 11 year old Kenny Dawson. Both boys were sexually abused, and he strangled Dawson to death with a belt in front of Arthe. Arthe was rescued when a passing woman recognized him from the news coverages. Good was notorious for being a shameless pedophile who openly flaunted and defended his predations of young boys to any listening ears. When he acted as his own attorney during the proceedings for VerDow's murder, Goode's defense entirely hinged on pedophila apologetics and advocacy. He started victimizing younger boys in his early teens, and dealt with several accusations of sexual assault throughout high school. His execution was somewhat controversial, as Goode was cognitively disabled and had the mentality of a young child.
5. James Adams (~1962-1984, electric chair): During a burglary of a ranch, Adams beat the owner, 61 year old Edgar Brown, to death with a firepoker stick. Several of the undisclosed items Adams stole in the robbery were discovered in his wife's car. Prior to the murder, Adams had a rape conviction that gave him a 99 year sentence, but he managed to escape from prison.
6. Carl Shriner (~1962-1984, electric chair): Shriner shot and killed Judith Carter, a 32 year old clerk, while robbing a convenience store. He was involved with petty crimes since he was 8 years old, and Shriner was on parole for armed robbery at the time of the murder.
7. David Washington (1976-1984, electric chair): Washington started his crime spree by fatally stabbing a minister, 69 year old Daniel Pridgen, during a robbery of his home. A few days later, he broke into a home that had 64 year old Katrina Birk and her 3 sister in laws inside. He tied up all four women, and stabbed and shot them. Birk was killed, but her sister in laws survived with crippling injuries. The day after Birk's murder, Washington and his accomplices kidnapped 20 year old Frank Meli from a university, tied him to a bed, and tried extorting a ransom from his family. When that failed, he stabbed his captive to death. In his 10 day long murder and robbery spree, Washington stole jewelry, a car, an undisclosed amount of some money from Pridgen, and $8 from Birk and her sister in laws.
8. Ernest Dobbert Jr. (1972-1984, electric chair): Dobbert routinely tortured his children with beatings, poking their eyes with his fingers, dunking their heads in bathtubs, and burnings with cigarette lighters. Two of them, 9 year old Kelly and 7 year old Ryder, were strangled to death during one of his daily beatings and torture sessions.
9. James Henry (~1965-1984, electric chair): Henry invaded the home of Zellie Riley, a 81 year old Civil Rights activist. He tied up and gagged Riley, slit his throat with a razor blade, and stole $64. A few days later, Henry shot and wounded detective Ronald Ferguson in a confrontation. He previously shot and injured a man in one incident and non fatally stabbed a man in another, and alleged in both cases that the circumstances were self defense. However, the apparent victims made identical claims that Henry was trying to rob them.
10. Timothy Palmes (1976-1984, electric chair): Palmes used his girlfriend to lure her employer, a 41 year old furniture store owner named James Stone, to her apartment and knocked him unconscious with a hammer. Palmes and his other accomplice, Ronald Straight, bound him with wire and locked Stone in a wooden box they specifically made for him. They tortured their captive by slowly cutting his fingers off, and stabbed him 18 times with a machete and knife. The trio dumped Stone's body (which was still trapped in the box) into a river and stole his watch, car, and $2,800 from his store. Palmes tried to blame the killing entirely on his girlfriend, but she was granted immunity in exchange for testifying against him and Straight.
11. James Raulerson (1975-1985, electric chair): Raulerson and his accomplice robbed a restaurant at gunpoint, and raped one of the female employees. When the responding officers arrived at the scene, the pair engaged in a shootout with them. Both Raulerson's accomplice and a policeman, 23 year old Michael Stewart, were killed in the skirmish.
12. Johnny Witt (1973-1985, electric chair): Witt and his accomplice frequently stalked random people they could in the woods, as they were thrilled by the prospect of hunting other human beings. On a whim, the pair ambushed 11 year old Jonathan Kushner while he was riding his bike. They incapacitated Kushner by hitting him in the head with a drill star bit and gagged him. After they tossed him in the back of their truck, Kushner suffocated on the gag. Witt and his accomplice then cut the boy's stomach open to prevent bloating, engaged in intercourse with his body, and buried Kushner in a shallow grave.
13. Marvin Francois (1977-1985, electric chair): During what is now called the "Carol City massacre", Francois and two other men, Beauford White and John Ferguson, forced their way into a drug house. They tied up the 8 men and women inside (who were all between 24-45 years old), and shot them all in the head. Only two of the victims, 45 year old Johnnie Hall and 24 year old Margaret Wooden, survived. A total of $800 was stolen in the attack. Accomplice Ferguson (who was executed in 2013) also committed a series of unrelated murders that Francois wasn't involved with. These crimes are discussed in depth under Ferguson’s section (case 78) in Part 2 of this list.
14. Daniel Thomas (1976-1986, electric chair): Thomas and his accomplices, dubbed the "Ski Mask Gang" by the media, went on a rampage that involved the burglaries of 16 homes and the rapes of 5 women. The husband of one of those women, 49 year old Charles Anderson, was shot dead in an attempt to protect her. Other murders attributed to the Gas Mask Gang include 20 year old Henry Kersey (shot to death while trying to defend his wife, who was then tossed off a bridge) and 70 year old Tessie Henderson (succumbed to injuries received in a beating). Another woman was blinded after members of the Ski Mask Gang poured liquid plumber into her eyes.
15. David Funchess (1973-1986, electric chair): Fuchess was fired from a liquor store due to the owners suspecting him of stealing money. A year later, he assaulted his former workplace with a knife. He stabbed two employees, 62 year old Bertha McLeod and 52 year old Anna Waldrop, and a customer, 56 year old Clayton Ragan. Waldrop and Ragan were killed at the scene, while McLeod died from complications relating to her injuries two years after the attack. Fuchess left the store with several canceled checks that total around $6,000. He had several misdemeanors and minor felonies on his previous record that included theft, loitering, obstructing traffic, public intoxication, and disturbing the peace. Fuchess also attracted some public sympathy due to him being a Vietnam combat veteran that was diagnosed with PTSD.
16. John Straight (1976-1986, electric chair): As mentioned in Timothy Palmes' section, Straight took part in the torture murder of David Stone, and the robbery of his furniture store.
17. Beauford White (~1963-1987, electric chair): White was another participant in the "Carol City massacre" that the previously mentioned Marvin Francois was involved in. He had a lengthy criminal history dating back to the 1960s, and one of his past convictions was related to an attempted rape.
18. Willie Darden (~1970s-1988, electric chair): Darden was convicted of the shooting death of 54 year old James Turman and the non fatal shooting of a 16 year old neighbor while robbing Turman's Furniture Store. Turman's wife was also raped in the robbery. Some supporters had citied that he was tried by an all white jury, and used it to push a narrative that Darden, a black man, was condemned out of racism. He had several previous convictions, which included assault, forgery, theft, and the attempted rape of a 70 year old woman. Darden was on furlough for the latter conviction during the time of Turman's murder.
19. Jeffrey Daugherty (1976-1988, electric chair): While on a road trip with his uncle and girlfriend, Daugherty murdered at least 4 women and one man, 68 year old Carmen Abrams, 50 year old Betty Campbell, 49 year old Lavonne Sailer, 28 year old Elizabeth Shank, and 18 year old George Karns. The victims were slain through either shootings or stabbings at grocery stores, gas stations, and restaurants they worked at, but Sailer was attacked while hitchhiking. Daugherty mostly murdered for personal enjoyment, but he often stole coins, clothes, and watches from the victims.
20. Theodore Bundy (~1970s(?)-1989, electric chair): Across multiple states, Bundy kidnapped, raped, and murdered a bare minimum of ~20-36 females between the ages of 12-26. Although his true body count is uncertain and heavily disputed, most experts agree that it well exceeds official estimates. Bundy's abduction tactics were diverse, and ranged from grabbing targets by force, pretending to be a cripple in need of help, posing as emergency workers, seduction, and luring them in through hitchhiking. On some occasions, Bundy broke into the residences of victims, and assaulted them in their bedrooms. After an abduction, the victims were bound with handcuffs, raped while they were alive, and he engaged in acts of necrophila with their bodies. Most of his killing methods were strangulations with cords or beatings with tire irons and other blunt instruments. Several victims were also decapitated, and he kept their heads as trophies. Bundy disposed of corpses by dumping them in deserts, mountains, swamps, and other remote wilderness environments accessible to him.
21. Aubrey Adams Jr. (1978-1989, electric chair): Adams lured 8 year old Trisa Thomley into his car by offering her a ride home from school. He tied the girl up and dragged her to a remote forest. She was then raped and suffocated with a plastic bag.
22. Jesse Tafero (~1960s-1990, electric chair): A pair of patrolmen, 39 year old Phillip Black and 39 year old Donald Irwin (who was also a Canadian constable), found Tafero sleeping in his car with his wife, their children (which consisted of a 9 year old son and a 10 month old daughter), and a friend. What exactly occurred next is heavily disputed, but Tafero or his friend shot both officers dead, after they noticed a gun on the dashboard and asked the group to climb out. The group then fled in a police car, disposed of it, and kidnapped a man to carjack him. Tafero's execution was controversial, as his head caught on fire during the electrocution, and his supporters cited evidence of his friend (who was sentenced to life, but was released in 1994 on good behavior) being the triggerman in the shootings. He also had a long history of armed robbery, rape, and sodomy. Tafero's wife was initially condemned for the murder, but her sentence was reduced to 25 years to life on appeal in 1981, and was released with an Alford Plea in 1992.
23. Anthony Bertolotti (1983-1990, electric chair): Bertolotti enticed 46 year old Carol Ward into his home with the promise of helping her make a phone call. He held Ward at knife point, demanded money, and raped her. She was stabbed to death during the assault, and Bertolotti drove away with her car. In the trial, Bertolotti alleged that Ward offered him sex in exchange for stopping the robbery, and used it to claim that his angry girlfriend made him kill her for it.
24. James Hamblen (1984-1990, electric chair): Hamblen shot and killed 34 year old Laureen Edwards during a robbery of her store. Despite forcing Edwards to disrobe, Hamblen left he unmolested. He then fled to Texas and quickly started a relationship with 20 year old Debbie Abbott. A month later, Hamblen shot Abbott dead during a heated argument.
25. Raymond Clark (~1964-1990, electric chair): In 1964, Clark beat Marshell Taylor, his landlord's 14 year old son that he groomed and abused, to death with a pipe. After his parole at an undisclosed date in the 70s, Clark groomed another 14 year old boy into an illicit relationship. He recruited him in the abduction of David Drake, a 49 year scrap dealer. With the boy's help, he kidnapped their victim at gunpoint with the intentions of ransoming him back to his family. The pair forced Drake to write them a $5,000 check, and shot him in the head. When he wasn't able to cash in the check, Clark dropped his accomplice off at his home to avoid being charged with the boy's kidnapping, fled to California, and tried to trick Drake's family into paying his ransom. However, a series of calls was traced to his accomplice, and he implicated Clark to the police.
26. Roy Harich (1981-1991, electric chair): Harich kidnapped two teenage girls, 18 year old Carlene Kelly and 17 year old Deborah Miller, after luring them into his van from a beach. The pair were then both sexually assaulted. He shot Kelly dead, slit Miller's throat, and dumped them on a highway. Miller survived the attack and dragged herself to safety.
27. Bobby Francis (~1970s-1991, electric chair): Suspecting him of being a police informant against his drug trafficking enterprise, Francis abducted 35 year old Titus Walters. He tied him up and forcibly injected drano and battery acid into his body for a span of two hours. Despite Walters' pleas for his life, Francis shot him in the head and heart.
28. Nollie Martin (1977-1992, electric chair): Martin and his accomplice robbed a convenience store at knifepoint, stole $90, and kidnapped the clerk, 19 year old Patricia Greenfield. She was then raped and stabbed to death by her captors.
29. Edward Kennedy (~1977-1992, electric chair): In 1977, Kennedy and some partners shot and killed 33 year old Robert Brown, during a robbery of a motel. He was given a life sentence for the murder. Four years later, Kennedy escaped from prison. While on the run, he broke into a house in hopes of stealing money and guns. The homeowner, 32 year old Floyd Cone Jr. returned home with his cousin, 35 year old Robert McDermon (who worked as a state trooper), and unwittingly intercepted Kennedy. He shot them both dead, fled to a neighboring home, and took a 21 year old woman and her 4 month old son hostage. After a hour long standoff, Kennedy released his captives and surrendered himself to the police.
30. Robert Henderson (~1964-1998, electric chair): In December of 1982, Henderson went on a month long rampage across 6 states. He raped, robbed, and murdered a total of 12 people between the ages of 11-79 through shootings. Three of the victims where his wife's parents, 61 year old Ivan and 57 year old Marie Barnett, and her 11 year old brother Clifford. A few other victims were women, like 50 year old Dorothy Wilkinson, 37 year old Cheryl McDonald, 30 year old Jerilyn Stanfield, and 21 year old Lucinda Russell, that were kidnapped from their workplaces and homes and raped. A couple more were men, such as 79 year old Murray Ferderbe and 61 year old Sam Corrent, that he killed while robbing their homes and businesses. Henderson's last remaining murders were a trio of hitchhikers, 27 year old Vernon Odom, 23 year old Frances Dickey, and 18 year old Robert Dawson, that he killed together. Last but not least, Henderson bound an unidentified woman and her 12 year old daughter at gunpoint during a break in of their home. After Henderson raped the mother, he tried to do the same to her daughter. The mother then broke free from her restraints, and chased him away from her home. Contemporary media reports noted that the mother "fought harder for her daughter then she did for herself." Henderson had prior convictions of growing marijuana, assaulting officers, and stealing license plates.
31. Larry Johnson (1979-1993, electric chair): During the robbery of a gas station, Johnson shot and killed the clerk, 67 year old James Hadden. Like David Funchess, Johnson enjoyed a considerable amount of public sympathy due to him being a combat veteran of the Vietnam War.
32. Michael Durocher (1983-1993, electric chair): In 1983, Durocher made an agreement with his girlfriend, 31 year old Grace Reed, to conduct a murder-suicide pact involving her 5 year old daughter Candace and their 6 month old son Joshua. Although he shot and stabbed them all to death, Durocher backed out of his end of the pact. He later shot dead 27 year old Thomas Underwood while robbing a decorating story in 1986, and beat his roommate, 38 year old Edward Childers, to death during an argument in 1988.
33. Roy Stewart (1978-1994, electric chair): 77 year old Margaret Haizlip invited Stewart into her home. When she caught Stewart stealing a gold watch from her medicine drawer, Haizlip tried to evict him. In the confrontation, Stewart raped and strangled her to death with an electrical cord. Her body was found with 8 broken ribs, a fractured larynx, bite marks on her thighs and breasts, several contusions, and a torn vagina.
34. Bernard Bolender (~1970s-1995, electric chair): In a drug deal gone wrong, Bolender and two accomplices abducted their dealers, 39 year old John Merino, 38 year old Rudy Ayan, 33 year old Nicomedes Hernandez, and 25 year old Scott Bennett, at gunpoint, and robbed them of their jewelry. All four men were beaten with baseball bats, stabbed, and burned with heated knifes to extort an additional source of cocaine from them. Most of the hostages died in the 2 hour long torture session, but Merino was still alive when Bolender burned him and the other hostages' bodies in a car. Although most of his criminal history is murky, Bolender was heavily involved in the drug trade during the 1970s at the bare minimum.
35. Jerry White (~1962-1995, electric chair): White robbed a grocery store, and held the owner, 53 year old Alex Alexander, and a trio of customers (which consisted of 34 year old James Melson, an unidentified man, and the man's 12 year old daughter) at gunpoint. He shot and killed Melson, wounded Alexander, and tried forcing the father and daughter into a freezer. When the pair refused, White tried to shot them, but his gun misfired. The man and his daughter were able to flee with their lives and called the police, while White ran off with $338. White had 9 previous convictions, which included attempted murder, armed robbery, theft, and burglary, and was first arrested at the age of 14.
36. Phillip Atkins (1981-1995, electric chair): Atkins kidnapped 6 year old Antonio Castillo and molested him in a forest. When Castillo threatened to tell his parents about the abuse, Atkins bludgeoned him to death with a pipe.
37. John Bush (~1970s-1996, electric chair): Bush and three other men kidnapped 18 year old Frances Slater from a gas station she worked as a clerk at. They stabbed her to death and stole $100 from the register. Slater's murder attracted national attention due to her being the granddaughter and heiress of renowned singer Frances Langford and the outboard motor mongrel Ralph Evinrude. Bush's previous convictions include rape and robbery.
38. John Mills Jr. (1982-1996, electric chair): Mills and his accomplice tied up and abducted 30 year old Les Lawhon after ransacking his trailer for any valuables. They took him to a nearby abandoned airport to hideout. Lawhon then was beaten with a tire iron and shot in the head execution style.
39. Pedro Medina (1982-1997, electric chair): Medina tied up and gagged 52 year old Dorothy James in her home. He stabbed her to death and stole her car, which he was captured sleeping in by investigating police officers. His execution was a source of controversy, as Medina's head burst into flames as he was electrocuted on the chair. Medina's case and similar incidents led to Florida gradually phasing out of the electric chair in favor of lethal injection.
40. Gerald Stano (~1960s-1998, electric chair): Stano was convicted of murdering 22 women and girls between the ages of 12-35, though he admitted to 41, and is suspected of a total of 88 killings. His victims were all lured with promises of rides, payment for sexual favors, or abducted through force. The methods he used were diverse, and included drownings, shootings, stabbings, and strangulations. Most of the sources noted that none of his victims were raped, and that Stano seemed to have murdered out of an enjoyment for killing. As a child, Stano was charged with fasley pulling fire alarms at school and throwing rocks at cars. He was also fired for stealing from coworkers in one of his jobs.
41. Leo Jones (1981-1998, electric chair): Supposedly out of revenge for being brutalized by policemen, Jones was convicted of killing Thomas Szafranski, a 28 year old officer, in a sniper attack. Szafranski was driving his patrol car when he was ambushed and murdered. His execution was contested, as Jones claimed that he was coerced into confessing by investigators through beatings, and one of the apparent witnesses allegedly recounted his testimony.
42. Judy Buenoano (~1957-1998, electric chair): Over the course of 11 years, Buenoano poisoned her husband, 32 year old James Goodyear, her son, 19 year old Michael, and her boyfriend, 39 year old Bobby Morris with arsenic to collect their life insurance policies. She also made an attempt to poison another boyfriend after he was injured in a suspicious explosion, but was foiled by a police investigation. As a young girl, Buenoano assaulted her father, stepmother, and stepbrothers, and served a two month sentence for it.
43. Daniel Remeta (1985-1998, electric chair): Remeta and his accomplices shot and killed 5 people, 60 year old Mehrle Reeder, 55 year old Glenn Moore, 42 year old Linda Marvin, 29 year old John Schroeder, and 27 year old Larry McFarland, across Kansas, Arkansas, and Florida. The victims were all murdered in convenience store, restaurant, and gas station robberies.
44. Allen Davis (~1970s-1999, electric chair): Davis broke into a home with the intentions of raping 9 year old Kristina Weiler. Although no sexual assault occurred, Davis tied Kristina up and shot her in the head. He also struck her pregnant mother, 37 year old Nancy, 25 times on her head and face with his pistol, and left the body "bruised beyond recognition." When Kristina's sister, 5 year old Katherine, tried to escape, Davis shot and bludgeoned her to death. He then sacked the home for any belongings. Davis was a long time felon, and had several previous convictions of burglary, child molestation, and involuntary manslaughter. His execution caused significant controversy, as his nose bled all over his body during the fatal shocks, and he suffered burns to his legs, head, and groin. The backlash, combined with other botched incidents like Pedroa Medina and Jesse Tafero, resulted in Florida replacing the electric chair with lethal injection.
45. Terry Sims (1977-2000, lethal injection): George Pfeil, a 57 year old deputy and WW2 veteran, walked into a pharmacy that Sims and his 3 accomplices were robbing, to pick up a prescription. Upon seeing what was happening, Pfeil pulled out his gun and engaged the robbers, but was killed by them in the shootout. Although Sims was injured, he managed to escape the scene, and was captured a month later while trying to carry out another robbery in California.
46. Anthony Bryan (1983-2000, lethal injection): Bryan and his accomplice kidnapped a night watchman, 60 year old George Wilson, and used his keys to rob a bank he guarded. They drove Wilson to a remote forest and shot him in the head. The pair dumped his body in a creek and drove their car into a lake to destroy any evidence.
47. Bennie Demps (~1971-2000, lethal injection): Demps received his first death sentence in 1971 when he shot and killed a real estate agent, 54 year old Robert Brinkworth, and his client, 64 year old Celia Puhlick, while the victims were trying to engage in a house sale. He also wounded Celia's husband, 62 year old Nicholas, and stole a safe from the house. However, his first death sentence was lifted from the brief nationwide capital punishment ban from the Furman decision. Two years after his first death sentence was commuted, Demps was given a second death sentence when he fatally stabbed another inmate, 23 year old Alfred Sturgis, on the behalf of the Perjury Incorporated prison gang. Sturgis was in prison for murder, and he was targeted due to Perjury Incorporated's suspicions of him of being an informant.
48. Thomas Provenzano (1984-2000, lethal injection): In retaliation for being charged for disorderly conduct months earlier, Provenzano stormed a courthouse, and shot and killed Arnold Wilkerson, a 60 year old deputy that was a veteran of WW2, Korea, and Vietnam, on the scene. Two more policemen, 53 year old Harry Dalton Jr. and 19 year old Mark Parker, were also hit by gunfire, and they both died from complications relating to their injuries years after the attack.
49. Dan Hauser (1995-2000, lethal injection): Out of a desire to kill somebody, Huser enticed a stripper, 21 year old Melanie Rodrigues, into a motel room with the promise of payment for sexual services. After they had intercourse, he strangled her to death. Hauser was also caught stealing a truck months before the murder.
50. Edward Castro (1986-2000, lethal injection): Castro lured three homosexual men, 57 year old Austin Scott, 50 year old George Hill, and 46 year old Claude Henderson, from gay bars. The victims were all tied up and stabbed to death in their homes. After each killing, Castro left with valuables such as cars, watches, rings, money, and wallets.
51. Robert Glock II (1983-2001, lethal injection): Glock kidnapped 34 year old Sharilyn Ritchie from a mall parking lot and forced her to withdraw $100 from an ATM. He then drove Ritchie to a forest 60 miles away and shot her in the head. Ritchie's wedding ring and purse was also stolen in the attack.
52. Rigoberto Sanchez-Velasco (1986-2002, lethal injection): Sanchez-Velasco raped and fatally strangled Katixa Ecenarro, his girlfriend's 11 year old daughter. While awaiting execution for Ecenarro's murder, Sanchez-Velasco got into a fight with fellow condemned inmates, 41 year old Charles Street and 30 year old Edwin Kaprat, and stabbed them both to death. Kaprat received a death sentence for the sexual abuse and torture-killings of 4 elderly women, while Street was sentenced to death for the shooting murders of two police officers.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:25 erddt Hammock Recommendation

I'm 6'2 / 160 lbs. My only place to hang a hammock is 9.5 ft wide and 76" high. The hammock i currently have is one of those spreader bar units with the slightly padded material and a thin built in pillow. Total length 123in x 55in. The material alone is 78". I fit just perfectly on it. It's comfortable for laying straight with a big pillow underneath my knees while looking at my phone.
Two issues: 1) I'm no good at back sleeping so it's very difficult to take a nap in it. 2) I'm on a boat in Florida and get in the mood for the hammock in the summer, but it's hot so i want all the breeze i can get.
So i'm looking at these traditional mayan hammocks made from a thousand thin cotton strings. Problem is they tend to be in the 12-13ft range. Is that definitely too long for a 9.5' hanging location? Conversely, if i can find an 11ft version, will that even be long enough for me to comfortably sleep on my side diagonally? And also, are the strings on the mayan style uncomfortable or poor in durability?
submitted by erddt to Hammocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:22 Waste-Spinach-8540 Florida Bar Compaint - Lawyer ghosted me... 3 months now since last correspondence.

I've spoken with ACAP and but the attorney on the phone was deliberately vague about specifics of how to proceed. Though the green light was alluded to for using the Bar Complaint as my next step.
My question is this, if the lawyer who "handled" my case is different than the lawyer who signed my representation agreement, who should I point the complaint toward?
The signer or the handler or both? Happy to give more context as necessary.
submitted by Waste-Spinach-8540 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Water Parks United States in 2023

Best Water Parks United States in 2023
Best Water Parks United States in 2023
Are you ready for the ultimate summer experience? Nothing says 'summer fun' quite like a visit to one of America's best water parks. Whether you're looking to cool off during those long, hot days or just want an adrenaline-filled adventure, these top water parks in the United States offer something for everyone! From thrilling slides and jaw-dropping rides to lazy rivers and wave pools – it's time to grab your swimsuit and dive into the exciting world of water parks.
The next question is: which destination should be on your list? Here we've curated a guide showcasing some of the best water parks united states. Whether you're searching for family-friendly attractions or extreme thrill seekers, each park offers unique experiences that will make memories that last a lifetime. So pack up your sunscreen and get ready for adventure; here are our picks for the best water parks in the United States!
No matter what kind of vacationer you are, there's sure to be something special at these amazing destinations. Get set for endless thrills, chills, and spills as you explore all that these incredible places have to offer! With so much excitement packed into every corner of each park, it won't take long before you feel free from everyday worries and stressors - allowing yourself to truly enjoy this one-of-a-kind experience!
Cedar Point Shores: Sandusky, Ohio
Cedar Point Shores in Sandusky, Ohio is one of the best water parks in the United States. Located near Lake Erie and open seasonally from May to September, visitors can take a break from reality with thrilling rides like the six-story tall Riptide Race that sends two four-person rafts down a series of waves at lightning speeds. The park also has an enormous wave pool called Breakers Bay, where guests can relax or bravely test their skills against larger-than-life swells. For those looking for something more daring, there's Volcano Bay - an erupting volcano whose waterslides will have you screaming with joy!
With over 22 acres of aquatic attractions, Cedar Point offers something for everyone. Visitors can enjoy adrenaline-pumping slides such as Flags White Water Rapids Ride which features five intertwining rapids linked together by bridges and tunnels, or they can cool off on lazy rivers like Crossroads Creek which winds its way through the park’s picturesque landscape surrounded by lush foliage and palm trees. There are plenty of chairs around the park so no matter what age you are or what kind of adventure you’re looking for, Cedar Point Shores provides enough thrills to last all day long!
The amenities don't stop there: food stands offer delicious snacks and drinks while souvenir shops give vacationers the opportunity to bring home memories that will last a lifetime. So why not add a splash of excitement this summer with Cedar Point Shores? You won't regret it!
Dollywood’S Splash Country: Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Just when you thought it was impossible to top the thrills of Cedar Point Shores, Dollywood’s Splash Country in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee provides even more excitement and adventure than ever before. With its picturesque views of the Smoky Mountains and abundant attractions, this water park will captivate your senses with its dazzling beauty!
At Dollywood’s Splash Country, you can cool off during a hot summer day by taking an exhilarating plunge down one of their many slides or simply float lazily along on a lazy river. Whether you prefer high-speed slides or slower-paced activities like wave pools and activity centers, there is something for everyone at this incredible waterpark.
For those who crave thrill rides that make your heart race, enjoy some of Splash Country's most popular attractions such as:
“Big Bear Plunge” – a thrilling four-story slide featuring twists and turns;
“RiverRush” – a multilevel coaster where riders zoom through dark tunnels and steep drops;
“Mountain Scream” –a freefall experience from thirty feet above ground level;
“Cove Mountain Wave Pool” – guests can splash around in a giant wave pool surrounded by majestic mountains.
Dollywood’s Splash Country offers endless fun for all ages with exciting features that include interactive aqua play areas, large tube slides, and multi-person rafting adventures. Enjoy refreshing drinks at any of the restaurants located throughout the park while soaking up the sun rays or go shopping for souvenirs at one of the shops after spending time in the show-stopping water park. It truly is an enjoyable experience worth visiting again and again!
Camelbeach Mountain Water Park: Tannersville, Pennsylvania
Camelbeach Mountain Water Park in Tannersville, Pennsylvania is a thrilling escape from the mundane. The park offers over 37 water slides and attractions that can cater to all ages. From daring speed slides like Tantrum Alley and Triple Venom to lazy rivers for relaxation, Camelbeach has something for everyone. Families enjoy splashing around on the Boogie Bear Surf Pool or racing down one of their signature multi-person mat racer slides. There are also plenty of activities off the water too, such as zip lining, rock climbing walls, mini golf courses, and even paintball arenas – making it a great choice for an action-packed family getaway.
The surrounding mountains provide spectacular views while visitors cool off at this mountain waterpark paradise. With its vast array of rides and attractions, families are sure to make unforgettable memories here throughout the summer season. In addition, there are several dining options available so you won't go hungry after hours spent swimming or playing games in the sun! Whether you're looking for an exciting adventure full of thrills or just want to relax beside gentle waves with your feet up, Camelbeach Mountain Water Park provides an unbeatable experience in Tannersville, Pennsylvania.
Six Flags Hurricane Harbor Phoenix: Glendale, Arizona
Plunging from Pennsylvania to Arizona, Six Flags Hurricane Harbor Phoenix in Glendale is a watery wonderland. Positioned perfectly for family fun and adventurous aquatic activities, this park offers the opportunity to explore and experience all that the Southwestern state has to offer.
ActivityThrill LevelDurationWave PoolMild-High2 HoursTornado SlideHigh Adrenaline Rush1 MinuteLazy RiverRelaxation Vibes Only!30 Minutes - 1 Hour
The perfect destination for summertime splendor or winter warmth, Six Flags Hurricane Harbor Phoenix encompasses an array of attractions and activities. From high adrenaline rides such as the Tornado Slide, which takes you on a wild ride through twisting tubes up into a giant funnel before dropping you back down again; to more relaxed options like their lazy river – meandering along offering gentle waves – there’s something for everyone at this park. Additionally, visitors can enjoy some time lounging around in the sun with friends or families by taking advantage of their expansive wave pool.
At Six Flags Hurricane Harbor Phoenix, guests have access to amenities such as private cabanas, showers/lockers/changing areas, restaurants serving both healthy snacks and fast food favorites alike, special events throughout the season (like Dive In Movies), and free parking when entering early enough–allowing them plenty of opportunities to make memories while having fun! With so much available here in Glendale, it's no surprise why people come back year after year for another day filled with thrills and excitement!
Zoombezi Bay: Powell, Ohio
Zoombezi Bay in Powell, Ohio is a great place to take the family for some water adventures. It's full of exciting attractions that will keep everyone entertained and amused all day long! Here are three features you won't want to miss:
A wave pool perfect for surfing or relaxing
15 slides including two tube rides and an inner-tube slide
A lazy river with twists and turns to enjoy while soaking up the sun
The park also has plenty of activities designed especially for kids, such as Fort Rapids Indoor Water Park and Water Country USA. There are plenty of shaded spots throughout Zoombezi Bay where families can relax together between rides. With so many options, it’s easy to find something fun for every age group here at Zoombezi Bay. Plus, there’s no need to worry about safety since lifeguards are on duty at all times.
Whether you're looking for adventure or just want to float around in the Lazy River all day, Zoombezi Bay offers a variety of experiences sure to make lasting memories for your entire family. From thrilling water slides to laid-back relaxation, this popular attraction provides everything needed for a memorable summer outing.
Typhoon Texas Waterpark: Katy, Texas
The sun gleamed brightly in the sky, beckoning those who had a subconscious desire for freedom. For them, Typhoon Texas was just what they needed - an adventure-filled water park located in Katy, Texas that offered thrills and excitement with its many attractions.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of summer boredom, Typhoon Texas provided countless opportunities to cool off while having fun. With slides ranging from gentle curves to fast plunges; wave pools with mild or wild surf sessions; lazy rivers to float down on inner tubes, and other features like kiddie area play structures, kids' tipping buckets, and floating obstacle courses – there was something for everyone at this tropical paradise!
Typhoon Texas outdid itself by offering exciting amenities such as free sunscreen stations throughout the facility and private cabanas with TVs and fans so visitors could catch up on sports scores or watch their favorite show while lounging in comfort. In comparison to other popular United States water parks such as Typhoon Lagoon, Cedar Point Shores Water Park in Ohio, and Lagoon Water Park in Utah, Typhoon Texas stands tall with its unique offerings and attractions sure to provide hours of entertainment.
Six Flags Hurricane Harbor: Jackson, New Jersey
Six Flags Hurricane Harbor in Jackson, New Jersey is a water park that offers thrills and fun for visitors of all ages. Its wide array of attractions makes it one of the best water parks in the United States. From thrilling slides to relaxing pools and lazy rivers, this Six Flags amusement park has something for everyone.
AttractionThrill LevelFamily Friendly?Wave Pool🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊💚Speed Slides🤪😱❌Lazy River🐢💚
The wave pool at Six Flags Hurricane Harbor provides an adrenaline rush with five-foot swells while still allowing children to play safely. It's perfect for families who are looking for some excitement during their trip. For those seeking even more thrill, they can take on the speed slides which provide heart-stopping drops and twists! Children should be accompanied by an adult when riding these rides as they are not suitable for young ones. Last but certainly not least, there is also a lazy river available where guests can float along without having to worry about any sudden surprises or dangers.
For those looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Six Flags Hurricane Harbor Phoenix is a great option. This Arizona desert oasis features exhilarating body slides, tube slides, and plenty of other activities such as mini golfing or lounging around in one of its four swimming pools. Whether you're just visiting or spending multiple days here, there's something new to discover each time! Finally, don't forget to check out White Water Bay - another wonderful addition to the Six Flags family located nearby in Oklahoma City!
From fast-paced action-packed rides to peaceful relaxation spots, Six Flags Hurricane Harbor provides endless entertainment possibilities for visitors of all ages making it one of America’s most popular destinations for summertime fun!
Six Flags White Water: Marietta, Georgia
The next stop on our tour of the best water parks in the United States is Six Flags White Water in Marietta, Georgia. This thrilling park has something for everyone, from daredevil slides to leisurely river floats and everything in between. It's adventure time!
Thrill rides:
Thunderbolt - A dueling slide where riders race side-by-side down steep drops and tight curves before hitting a grand finale splashdown; guaranteed to get your adrenaline pumping!
Dive Bomber - Brave this near-vertical body slide through darkness followed by a free fall into an incredible pool of white water below.
Family fun:
Adventure Island - An interactive play structure with spray jets and geysers as well as an endless lazy river winding around it for all ages to enjoy.
Monsoon Lagoon - Splash around in this tropical-themed area that features mini slides perfect for kids.
Experience the beauty of nature while whizzing down one of their many tube slides or take it easy at the wave pool, which can be seen from miles away due to its huge size! With such variety available, you're sure to have a blast no matter what activity you choose. From classic thrill rides like Dive Bomber to family-friendly attractions like Adventure Island, there’s something here to satisfy every type of waterpark enthusiast. So grab your swimsuit and towel and come join us at Six Flags White Water – we guarantee you won't regret it!
Splish Splash: Calverton, New York
Dreams of freedom and summer fun come alive at Splish Splash in Calverton, New York. Nestled on the east end of Long Island, this water park is a paradise for those looking to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle. With its lagoon-style waterslides, state-of-the-art Typhoon Lagoon Waterpark, and indoor water playgrounds – there’s something here for everyone!
You can take a plunge down one of their thrilling slides such as Riptide Racer or Big Kahuna Wavepool; float along with friends in the lazy river; or hang out under some palm trees while soaking up the sun's rays. There are also plenty of family-friendly attractions like Kiddie Kove and Pirate Blaster that will keep your little ones entertained all day long. Plus, they offer an array of snacks and refreshments so you don't have to worry about going hungry during your visit.
Splish Splash offers something for every type of thrill seeker - whether it's relaxing by the poolside or riding some adrenaline-pumping rides. So if you're looking for a great way to kick off your summer vacation this year, then look no further than Splish Splash!
Schlitterbahn Waterpark Galveston: Galveston, Texas
The Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Galveston, Texas is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to escape the hot summer days. This park boasts adrenaline-filled rides and slides that will keep anyone entertained all day long. From thrilling water coaster rides to leisurely tube float trips, there's something here for everyone.
AttractionLocationDescriptionMASSIV Monster BlasterBuena ParkThis ride takes passengers on an exhilarating uphill blast of water followed by a wild slide through tunnels and turns!Tadpole SwirlSan Antonio TexasA combination of four side-by-side enclosed tubes that whip around tight curves with sudden dropsBoogie BahnNew BraunfelsAn open flume inner tube ride with twists and turns over a 1,000-foot courseBlizzard BeachGalvestonA relaxing lazy river perfect for floating down under palm trees as you take in the sights and smells of tropical foliage.
Whether you're looking for some extreme thrills or just want to relax on a warm afternoon, this waterpark has it all. With its variety of attractions, there's no better place than Schlitterbahn to get your fill of sun, fun, and excitement. So don't wait any longer – come join us at Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Galveston!
Aquatica San Antonio: San Antonio, Texas
Aquatica San Antonio is a water park located in San Antonio, Texas that offers visitors plenty of thrilling attractions and activities. The park boasts over 50 rides and slides, including the world's first hybrid coaster-aqua tube combo slide, the Taumata Racer. Visitors can also enjoy two wave pools, a lazy river, five unique children’s areas, several restaurants, snack bars, and much more!
Here are just some of the fun things to do at Aquatica San Antonio:
Ride on “The Falls” – This tube ride lets you zoom through a wild sequence of drops and turns before ending with a splash into an 8-foot-deep pool below.
Take on “Calypso Coaster” – This one-of-a-kind roller coaster takes riders for an exhilarating plunge down nearly 4 stories of twists and turns.
Float along the “Lazy River” – Unwind as you float around the 1/4 mile long Lazy River while soaking up the sun or admiring views from atop your own inner tube raft.
Relax in “Big Surf Shores" - Enjoy gentle waves created by eight massive surge pumps at Big Surf Shores perfect for swimming, floating, or lounging around with friends or family.
Located only 45 minutes away from nearby New Braunfels Texas, Aquatica San Antonio is easily accessible for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and take a break from nature's beauty. With miles of shoreline to explore, fantastic food options, and tons of exciting attractions Aquatica San Antonio has something for everyone! It truly stands out among other popular parks like Holiday World Splashin Safari in Santa Claus Indiana and Wet n Wild Emerald Pointe in Greensboro North Carolina when it comes to providing guests with all they need for an unforgettable day full of adventure and relaxation!
Adventure Island : Tampa, Florida
The sun beating down on the glimmering pools of water in front of us symbolizes something greater. It’s a reminder that life is meant to be enjoyed, and Adventure Island Tampa, Florida does just that! This 30-acre park offers up all sorts of fun for everyone from thrill seekers to those who just want to relax in the sun. The large wave pool is great for families with young children or anyone looking to cool off and has some fun splashing around. There are also plenty of slides ranging from mild to wild. For daredevils, they can take on the six-story tall Manta-Ray slide or the daring Congo River Rapids.
If you need a break from all the excitement, there are other attractions including two lazy rivers perfect for floating along without a care in the world. Other aquatic Orlando-themed areas like Splashin' Safari and Holiday World Splashin' Safari provide even more fun opportunities like raft rides, animal encounters, and interactive play structures. And no trip would be complete without enjoying Soak City Water Park next door where guests can ride tube slides through dark tunnels and splash their way down giant slides into cooling swimming pools below.
Adventure Island Tampa is an unforgettable experience that's sure to make lasting memories for everyone involved - whether it's an individual seeking thrills or an entire family simply wanting quality time together. With its mix of exciting rides, relaxing environments, and many different activities, this tale waterpark has something special for everyone!
Water Country USA: Williamsburg, Virginia
Water Country USA in Williamsburg, Virginia is an aquatic playground for the whole family. It boasts a variety of slides and attractions to provide hours of entertainment for everyone. From Harbor Phoenix--an aqua coaster that spirals through loops and tunnels--to Splash Country Pigeon River Rapids' exhilarating ride through rapids, there's something for every thrill seeker here.
The kids will love taking a trip into the Enchanted Forest Water Works where they can explore waterfalls, geysers, water jets, and more. They'll even get their own lazy river with gentle ripples! For added fun, Santa Claus Lake has plenty of activities like kayaking or just relaxing as you float along.
This water park is great for spending quality time together while enjoying some summer sun. With its convenient location close to historic Williamsburg, it makes the perfect day trip or weekend escape from reality. Take a break from everyday life and experience all that Water Country USA has to offer today!
Schlitterbahn Waterpark New Braunfels :New Braunfels ,Texas
For a thrilling adventure that will make your heart race, look no further than Schlitterbahn Waterpark New Braunfels in Texas. This park is an aquatic paradise and offers something for everyone with its numerous attractions. From the rushing rapids of the Torrent River to the relaxing lazy river, you’re sure to find something that fits your needs. For those looking for a thrill, there are multiple water slides ranging from mild to wild as well as interactive water play areas. The kids can enjoy an array of activities such as mini golf or floating down the kid-friendly rivers on colorful tubes. Get ready to be immersed in the fun as you explore this spectacular park!
When it comes to food options, Schlitterbahn has everything from hot dogs and pizza to ice cream and other sweet treats. You can even grab a cold beer at one of their many bars if desired. After refueling, take some time out of your day and lounge under one of their cabanas while listening to live music or watching exciting shows performed by local artists. No matter what activity you choose, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to soak up all the sun and water play experiences Schlitterbahn has to offer!
Frequently Asked Questions
Are There Age Restrictions For The Water Parks?
One of the most important questions to ask when selecting a water park is whether or not there are age restrictions in place. After all, no one wants to end up somewhere that isn't suitable for them and their family's needs! Age limits vary from water park to water park, so it's essential to check before you go.
The good news is that many of the best water parks in the United States have little to no age limit on admission. This means that you can bring anyone along with you, regardless of their age – making these spots perfect for families with young children and adults alike. However, some parks may still impose minimum height requirements or other rules based on safety considerations. It's always worth looking into those details beforehand if they're available online.
Another thing to keep in mind is that certain rides at a given water park might be restricted due to age or physical size constraints. For instance, some thrill-seeking attractions could require riders to be over 14 years old (or even 16), while others may only accept adults 18 and up. In any case, it pays off to double-check what activities your group can partake in before hitting the road!
No matter where you decide to visit this summer season, being aware of potential age restrictions will help ensure everyone has an enjoyable time - without compromising safety standards or breaking any rules!
Do Any Of The Water Parks Offer Discounts For Large Groups?
Are you looking to take a group of people on an exciting water park adventure? Before you plan your trip, it’s important to know if any of the water parks offer discounts for large groups. It could make or break your budget!
Fortunately, many popular water parks across the United States have special offers for larger parties. For instance, some may require at least ten guests in order to receive a discount, while others are more flexible and will give discounts even when there is only a small party size.
It's also worth considering other money-saving options such as family packages or season passes. These can be great value deals that provide access to the best attractions throughout the summer months. Furthermore, some water parks even host special events where entrance fees are reduced – allowing everyone to enjoy all the thrills without breaking the bank!
No matter what type of savings you're after, researching different options beforehand is always recommended before visiting any of America’s top water parks. That way, you can find out which ones suit your needs best and have an unforgettable time with friends and family.
Are There Lifeguards On Duty At All Times?
Are there lifeguards on duty at all times? Talk about the million-dollar question! It's a hyperbole, but it feels like your safety is worth its weight in gold when you're splashing around and having fun at a water park.
The answer to this crucial query is – yes! Most if not all water parks have certified lifeguards patrolling every area of their premises and ensuring that everyone follows the rules. They are well-trained and experienced professionals who can assist visitors with any concerns or issues they might have during their visit. Furthermore, many of these lifeguards also possess advanced first aid certifications, making them ideal for dealing with medical emergencies should they arise.
Not only do these lifeguards play an important role in keeping guests safe while enjoying the attractions and slides, but they also help ensure that everyone has a pleasant and enjoyable experience by enforcing policies that guarantee everyone’s enjoyment without compromising anyone’s safety or privacy. With attentive eyes watching over proceedings, you can rest assured knowing that you’re in good hands no matter what kind of situation arises.
It goes without saying then; next time you're off to enjoy some wet n' wild fun at a water park make sure to take comfort in the fact that there will be experienced professionals providing continuous supervision throughout your stay!
Are There Any Water Parks That Are Open Year-Round?
Are there any water parks that are open year-round? We all know how much fun it is to visit a water park during the summer, but what about if you want to go swimming and splash around outside of the traditional season? Fortunately, there are some great options available for those looking for an aquatic adventure that doesn't have to be limited by time.
These days, more and more water parks are offering extended hours or even being open all year round. This means that you can enjoy thrilling rides, cool off in refreshing pools, and lounge on deck chairs whenever you, please! Plus, many of these parks offer additional attractions such as mini golf courses or arcades so that visitors can make the most out of their day trips.
When choosing which water park to visit, it's important to consider whether or not lifeguards will always be present. Most popular spots employ qualified staff who monitor the facilities at all times – ensuring everyone has a safe experience while having fun. Additionally, most locations also offer discounted admission prices for seniors and memberships for frequent visitors. So no matter when you decide to take your next plunge into a pool of fun, rest assured knowing that safety isn't something you'll need to worry about when planning your aquatic escape!
Is There A Way To Purchase Discounted Tickets For Multiple Water Parks?
Are you looking for a way to experience the joy and excitement of multiple water parks without breaking the bank? If so, then you're in luck! There are plenty of ways to purchase discounted tickets for multiple water parks throughout the US. From special deals on group tickets to discount programs available at certain locations - this article will guide you through everything you need to know about finding the best value when it comes to visiting different American water parks:
Look out for promotions from individual park websites
Check social media platforms for limited-time offers
Take advantage of student discounts
If you’re willing to do some research, there are countless opportunities that can help make your aquatic adventure more affordable. Visiting multiple water parks over the course of one summer is a great way to get outdoors while having fun with friends or family – but only if you can find an economical option that fits your budget. That's why researching online ahead of time is key. Many parks have regular specials and promotions which include discounts on tickets, food, merchandise, and even complimentary admission days!
It's also helpful to search social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as well as various other online forums where people post exclusive deals they've come across during their own visits. Additionally, many universities offer student discounts making it easier than ever before for college students who want to explore America's finest water parks on a shoestring budget!
So don't let money be an obstacle preventing you from experiencing all the thrills and chills associated with water rides, wave pools, and lazy rivers across our nation - whether it's just one trip or several trips throughout the year. With a little bit of research and planning upfront it’s possible to make your dream vacation happen!
In conclusion, water parks are a great way to have some family fun in the United States. With so many options available for safe and enjoyable experiences, it can be hard to choose which one is right for you and your group. However, by asking questions such as age restrictions, discounts for large groups, lifeguard availability, and year-round operating hours before booking tickets, you can make sure that everyone has an amazing time.
The joy of riding down a waterslide or floating on a lazy river symbolizes freedom from everyday stressors. The energy created when laughing with friends while splashing around brings people together as no other activity can. Each person should take advantage of the opportunity of visiting these spectacular places during their travels across America - creating memories to last a lifetime!
So if you're looking for a place to cool off this summer – why not visit one of the best waterparks in the United States? Whether I'm young or old there's something here for everyone – making it perfect for families and friends alike. I know I'll be planning my next trip soon!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:59 RoyalOddOne Florida Ladies

I live in South Florida. Ever since the demise of the old fashioned gay bar I've had issues meeting new like minded people. I miss meeting new lesbians. I miss going to a place where I know that the women are there for other women. Where I can walk up to a beautiful woman and flirt. Where's the new hangout? What's up ladies? Where are you at?
submitted by RoyalOddOne to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:57 That-Force6884 Some more brown (plus a green) ink swatches for y’all

Some more brown (plus a green) ink swatches for y’all
So, I have some more inks for you guys today: Lennon Tool Bar Sesame Oil: such an elusive ink that I waited so long to get. Has some nice shading. FWP Oyster Hour: nice light brown. Troublemaker Kelp Tea: a green that dries with a more brown green tone. In real life it’s more brown than the photo shows. Sailor Yurameku Amamoyoi: muddy green that dries a brown ish beige color.
These all look darker in the picture than real life btw!
submitted by That-Force6884 to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:41 Sweet-Count2557 The Standard Biergarten Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States

The Standard Biergarten Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States
The Standard Biergarten Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States
The Standard Biergarten: Experience Classic New York Vibes and New American Cuisine in New York City, NY
Price Level: $$ - $$$
The Standard Biergarten is a must-visit restaurant for any traveler in New York City. As a neighborhood staple, this restaurant perfectly combines classic New York vibes with new American cuisine. The front cafe, bar, and street-side bistro offer a clean and bright atmosphere, adorned with white oak and tile decor. Here, you can indulge in fresh oysters, specialty cocktails, and charcuterie. The main dining room, on the other hand, exudes a cozy and old-world charm, featuring red leather banquets, barrel vaulted ceilings, and a floor paved in copper pennies. With Michelin-starred chef Dan Silverman at the helm, you can expect the freshest local ingredients and a blend of traditional steakhouse and new American grill sensibilities. To stay updated on the latest happenings at The Standard Biergarten, make sure to visit The Standard Culture.
Cuisines of The Standard Biergarten in New York City,NY,United States
The Standard Biergarten Restaurant is a haven for those seeking an authentic German dining experience. With its rustic ambiance and lively atmosphere, this establishment offers a wide range of German cuisines that are sure to satisfy any craving. From traditional sausages and pretzels to hearty schnitzels and sauerkraut, the menu at The Standard Biergarten Restaurant showcases the best of German cuisine. Whether you're a fan of classic German dishes or looking to explore the flavors of this rich culinary tradition, this restaurant is the perfect place to indulge in German, Bar, and Pub cuisines. So grab a stein of beer and immerse yourself in the flavors of Germany at The Standard Biergarten Restaurant.
Features of The Standard Biergarten in New York City,NY,United States
Outdoor Seating Seating Wheelchair Accessible Serves Alcohol Full Bar Free Wifi
Menu of The Standard Biergarten in New York City,NY,United States
Location of The Standard Biergarten in New York City,NY,United States
Contact of The Standard Biergarten in New York City,NY,United States
+1 212-645-4646
848 Washington at 13th Street, New York City, NY 10014
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:39 No_Advisor_17 What to do on weekends?

I’m a University of Florida student but I’m spending my summer in Columbus for an internship. What do OSU students recommend to do on weekends? What bars, clubs, or activities are fun? Thanks!
submitted by No_Advisor_17 to OSU [link] [comments]
