S esl introduction games first day

Team Liquid

2011.01.28 07:28 iammaru Team Liquid

A fan subreddit dedicated to discussing the professional esports organization Team Liquid, spanning League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Hearthstone, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Dota 2 and more.

2009.09.15 05:37 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

All about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. survival-horror computer game series: Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, Call of Pripyat, community mods for each, and the upcoming official sequel S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. This is not a subreddit about stalking people nor discussing real-life stalkers!

2012.01.04 07:11 Cyali Gift games to strangers; Receive games from strangers.

GiftOfGames is a subreddit dedicated to gifting games to strangers, allowing people to post requests for what they want

2024.05.20 08:06 rickypotentially I miss my best friend of 4 years, and I wish he knew it

Sorry for the formatting, im on mobile(just a heads up, this is a very long post) Also, this is my first reddit post so im sorry if this is the wrong sub, i just need to speak my mind. When I was 13, right around when covid happened, I frequented tumblr a lot. It was my main mode of using social media, and through it I posted a lot of art, reblogged stuff about fandoms I was in at the time, the works. A couple months into me using it(near february of 2020), this one person followed me and reblogged a lot of my art and always put such nice things in the tags, it made me so giddy! It was like having a fan kind of. In return I did the same thing; this other person did art semi frequently and we shared a Fandom that we both interacted with a lot. A couple months later, I end up making a tumblr group chat, back when those still existed, and this person joined it. For the next few months, we talked daily using this group chat; talking about school and the sorts. I found out through these conversations that he lived quite a few states away(we both live in the United States), and that he was also in the same grade as me(we were both going into our freshman years and starting high school). Eventually, I remember because in those stupid group chats, you weren't able to send images through them and I was complaining about not being able to send him something. To that he suggested sending it through DMs, which I did. This is what started a period of nearly four years of talking to each other, every single day. If we didn't talk, it was because of something we couldn't control; whether it be travel or it be some other thing; we were just that inseparable. I never learned his real name over those four years; I never learned where he lived or where he went to school or anything, I only knew we were the same age and his nickname was Will. Do I know if Will was short for anything? I don't know, but I wish I did. We went through so much together; I was there for him when he had familial issues with his mom and dad(stuff that's so bad I would never type it out), he was there for me when I was suicidal and depressed, he was one of a kind. I felt like at the end of the day, I could go to him and talk to him about anything I so wished, and he'd at least listen. When I was around that age, I constantly struggled with being called a "therapist friend", and being used by those at the time as someone to just rant to and that was really it. But with Will, it was so much more. He was my rock, and I was his. Months before things just came to a halt, he started growing distant. Always the excuse that he was busy, but I could see he was online, just ignoring me. It was becoming very hurtful to me; to have said something to just be ignored for hours on end and to recieve a dry reply in return. It was then that I began to realize he had been dry for a while, but that's just the way he talked, really. It was always an "ok", or a, "oof"(we talked in very lamence terms) or something among the lines. I remember on a couple occasions I would mention him coming to my home city one day and it would be replied to with an "oh" or "ok". It was then that I started to kind of realize that we were putting not equal efforts in our friendship anymore. Eventually I remember, it was February 2nd of 2024, it just became so real. The guy that had been there for me through the past four years of my life had just...seemed to stop caring. I remember, when I would go out of town and would have no cell service, I'd hate not being able to text him. He was my best friend in the entire world, he was kind of like my platonic soul mate. I remember making a game plan to try and get him to leave his home because I knew his home situation was bad; I remember thinking about how we could meet one day, and I'd finally get to see what he even looked like. But on that day in February, I broke. I told my mom, and she told me to just...stop texting him. So I kind of did. I told him that I wasn't going to use tumblr anymore and that I was going to delete it. We both had each other's discords, but I barley replied after the last few messages he sent. The last one he sent me was on March 1st, and I never replied to it. I had become so numb to him, it was painful to leave my best friend behind, but in my heart I knew it was the right desicison. I left because it felt like our friendship was going nowhere; after four years I didn't even know his name, I never even got his phone number. I gave him mine on two occasions, but...nothing. I remember we'd exchange stories that we were writing simultaneously, we'd exchange art of each other's favorite characters and ocs. I miss it. I miss him. I remember, writing a message that was nearly 2000 words long to him, but I never sent it. I was too scared, that the guilt would get the best of me. I ghosted my best friend of 4 years, and I fucking miss him. I wish he knew it, because I loved him so much. I wish we could have what we had back. I wish we could have had more; I wish we could have had one of those dramatic airport scenes where we find each other past all of the gates and stuff in the entrance of the airport and hug each other, being in the moment. But we never did, and never will. I miss you Will. If you somehow see this, I just want you to know that I'm sorry.
submitted by rickypotentially to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:05 Nervous-Love-1690 A Libra trying to understand a Capricorn lol

Hey everyone! This is my very first Reddit post so bare with me! Lol Just a libra trying to understand a situation I’m in with a Capricorn. I apologize in advance if it comes off so lengthy. But I’ve been talking to a Capricorn m for about a month and half now and everything was going AMAZING. This is my first time ever seeing a cap and I’m just so intrigued. I didn’t know I was missing out lol I absolutely love his active listening, communication, goal-oriented ways, and the list goes on. We have such a similar mindset and that’s probably the main reason I’m smitten so hard. (I’m also a Capricorn moon) but recently, we had a sudden turn in events. Back in December, his mother passed away. And this is something I was aware of from day one. He’s been very open about his mom’s passing and I’ve asked him how is he dealing with coping and he said he just doesn’t think or talk about it. But occasionally, he brings it up randomly with me whether it’s a song or memory that reminds him of her…
So we had made plans to hang out but I didn’t think he realized that he had made plans to hang out with me the weekend of Mother’s Day…I end up bringing it up to him and he didn’t realize it was Mother’s Day weekend either. Considering how new we are to each other, I didn’t know if he still wanted to see me but to my surprise he did. He was just going to spend the Sunday with his dad after we were done (we’re like a 2hr distance from each other so we try to spend as much time as possible).
He came down to my city and we had such an amazing weekend together. We were very transparent with each other bout varied topics like family, love, past experiences, and what we want in the future. It was filled with sooo much love and amazing feelings. We had already established that we were exclusively talking to each other too. It just felt like a very safe place at the time. We had so much fun! So it’s Mother’s Day, and I already know it’s gonna be a tough day. I honestly didn’t know how to even bring it up. So I didn’t. But I wrote him a card (which I’m still contemplating if that was even the right thing to do) Basically just saying that he’s amazing and that I’m here if he needs someone to talk too about anything. Just trying…to be comforting during a day that I knew he was going to struggle with.
We part ways. But still talk throughout the day. Unfortunately, he ends up spending the day alone because his dad ended up catching Covid. He thanks me for the card. That it got him teared up. Saying no one has checked in on him regarding Mother’s Day. That I was the only one that wished his mom a heavenly Mother’s Day…and that’s when I asked him how is he doing? And he said not good. That he couldn’t stay on the phone at that moment. So we hang up, which is absolutely fine with me, reassuring him that he can reach out whenever. And he does. For at least the next two days.
Things seemed fine up until Tuesday. We had our normal conversations, he asked me how was my Mother’s Day. Everything felt ok. But when I texted him the next morning, I never got a reply. This man hasn’t missed a day since we started. I figured he’s probably still going through the motions of Mother’s Day, but me being the Libra I am, I start to think it’s personal & I freak out. So I text him the next day basically stating if we were done. That it’s ok to have a change of heart. And he ended up replying saying that he didn’t have a change of heart. He was just trying to navigate through his emotions. That he hasn’t been able to give much the last couple days and that he was sorry for not being so communicative the last 40 hrs (he really counted the hours).
I replied saying that I understand and just reminding him I’m here if he needs anything. And that I care and he doesn’t have to do things alone. And that I was glad he hasn’t had a change of heart. And we haven’t spoken since. I just feel like I’m on a standstill now. I’m trying hard not to think that I did something wrong but it’s difficult not to if there’s no communication happening. Do I wait or just take this as a sign he just doesn’t want to continue seeing me? Should I check in or wait till he makes a move? Should I ask him if we’re done again? Is this Capricorn behavior to just retreat? Lol i just feel so lost with what’s going on. It feels like the ultimate ghosting. But thank you for reading this far!
submitted by Nervous-Love-1690 to capricorns [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 submissivekitty2828 PSA: We have far more concrete dates than people let on.

At one point I was thinking about the timeline of FNaF, and decided to write out every concrete date we have. The dates we know for certain are:
And doing this made me realize something. With the number of dates we have, a lot of people are just guessing instead of working around them. Most notably, the reuse of certain weekdays/months can help us understand dates that aren't confirmed. For example:
Now that we've covered every possible point from the Clickteam games, let's take this information and form a timeline. Please note that not all of the specifics will be agreed upon, but I believe the general dates are correct.
And that's it. This post took me all day writing out and double-checking to make sure I didn't get anything incorrect, but I'm sure there are a few typos or inconsistencies and that there are pieces of information I've missed. After all, no one knows all the answers about FNaF except Scott himself, and even Scott makes mistakes. But I feel confident in this and hope that it leaves some sort of impact.
submitted by submissivekitty2828 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 tomphz New PC strange latency issue.

I built a new PC recently. The temps are good but Ive been getting some latency stuttering in game, specifically when I see enemies. It’s hard to explain how it’s lagging, but my old PC never had these issues.
I reset my PC and reinstalled Windows today, and the first few games were perfect with no stuttering. However, as time went on, I started to feel the stutters as before.
Im thinking something is wrong with the build, and I’m half contemplating returning the parts and buying a prebuilt, because troubleshooting this would take a lot of time and effort. I’ve updated the bios and enabled XMP. I tried reading the HWInfo logs but I have no idea of what any of it means.
My specs: 13700K
4070 TI Super
32 GB G. Skills
submitted by tomphz to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 DJspooner Grinding a Fresh Account to 30 is Hell

I'm currently trying to level up a new account to 30 so I can duo with my buddy consistently. We've been playing this game a long time, and it feels like our MMR is laid into the foundations of our current accounts. We always duo together for placements, but pretty quickly I'll be earning double his LP per win and losing half per loss. Within a week or two we're unable to play together, even if I'm not winning games by myself. So that's led us to try and build new names for ourselves on different accounts without 10+ years of MMR history.
Currently I'm using this as an opportunity to practice champions I'm not too familiar with, or ones I'd like to include in my future pool for ranked games. I typically don't bother playing normals unless I have no option, or I want to play with my friends. In this case, I'm literally just doing it to level up, and practice champs. Which leads me to where I'm at now.
There's a special kind of sadness when I'm queued up to try a champ for the 4th time and get matched up against a 1-trick, million mastery, legendary-skin-emerald-ranked-border motherfu*cker. You know? Maybe I'm just jaded to the game, maybe it's my competitive nature, but I've never bothered to take unranked seriously. If I'm trying hard in League, it's in a ranked game. My buddy and I don't want to play unranked together on our mains all season. It's boring. So why are my opponents sweating so hard? Why am I getting tower dove at level 5? Why do I have to ban my counterpicks, or be GUARANTEED to be countered in *normal games*??
I can't even begin to imagine what this would be like if I was genuinely new to the game. It would be so demoralizing I'd probably put it down for good. I know that mastery, playtime, account level aren't reflections of how good a player is, and this isn't a rant about how Rito's matchmaking system is rough (it is).
I guess I'm just confused at the shift that happened in normal games where everybody is playing their absolute best and brightest picks. Back in my day it was a complete shitshow. Every other person was doing a troll build, testing out a champ in a different role, or picking somebody up for the first time. Now it genuinely feels harder than ranking on my original account (Gold I). It's very unfun sometimes.
submitted by DJspooner to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 Child0fGod1990 Insecurities, wayward

So for a quick back story, my husband cheated with a co worker. We have been married for 5 years. When we first started dating I owned a business worked 6 days a week. Covid happened and I had to shut my business down. I was pregnant at the time and didn’t mind. Fast forward to 2023 & 2 kids later I’m still not working my husband didn’t mind told me he preferred for me not to. But never said I couldn’t. End of 2023 I found out about his affair he left the company we moved.
I’m now ready to work. We just bought a new home and he could use a lil extra help he won’t admit it but I know he does the kids are growing and always need things my car is expensive and requires a lot of maintenance he can’t handle it alone right now so I tell him I want to get a job while I build my old business back up. He says no I can’t work! Unless it’s going to be working from home. I asked him why not and he said because i need to be home and available for him. We had an argument about it and I just feel like he isn’t being honest about why he doesn’t want me to work. I think he fears im going to meet someone on the job. I think he fears i going to cheat on him. He just won’t admit it. It’s like because of what he did I have to stay in the house which is unfair and I told him I’m going to find a job anyways. He said it would cause division. In just venting and want to know if wayward act more controlling after an affair.
submitted by Child0fGod1990 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 Pitiful_Weakness7346 i am afraid of being obsessive

to put it simply i am obsessive because adhd and attachment issues are not a fantastic combo. i have someone in my life who i care about, i just want him to be happy in the end. i have feelings for him but i am terrified that my obsessive tendencies will take over and i might stop being able to see him for who he is or make him uncomfortable or my worst fear, hurt him somehow. to me, hes my friend first i love him as a friend and so i cant bear to let myself completely obsess over him romantically because it feels like it’d be violating our friendship. i just want the feelings to stop. i don’t like the thoughts i have, the jealousy i feel, the desire to be with him all the time. i just want to be in his life as a normal person, as his non creepy friend.
i’m scared i’ll never be able to love someone normally, the way you’re supposed to because it gets clouded by obsession eventually. sometimes i wonder if i’ll ever let myself be in a relationship with someone. i would never intentionally hurt a partner or someone else for them, but what if the obsession tears me apart inside while i try my best to hold onto being someone who expresses love healthily. what if it slips out one day and i scare someone away. in my dreams, i like to imagine someone who wouldn’t mind me obsessing over them, who would love to spend all their time with me. but i know that’s not realistic.
i would never let myself act on obsession but it just tears me apart internally, knowing that loving someone without holding back is impossible for me if i want to avoid hurting either myself or someone else. maybe with therapy and time i will be able to love “normally” but still, i am afraid.
submitted by Pitiful_Weakness7346 to Obsessive_Love [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:03 jwGlasnost JFC - another article guilting women to stay with their abusers. Welcome to next week's WT study article 11!

Sorry, this is long and will probably get buried. But I had to say my piece about this crap.
(Remove the "b" from "borg.")
Their deliberate ignorance is bottomless. Any human who cares to learn about abuse and its effect on victims, including what to do and not to do to help them, can easily educate themselves on the basics in less than an hour. They have had so many opportunities to correct their course, and they have chosen to close their eyes and double down. Unfortunately for the women victims of domestic abuse, including emotional abuse, the Governing Body, speaking in the name of God, heaps additional abuse and gaslighting on their shoulders.
Let's break it down:
First, the subheading is titled, “Persevere When Your Spouse Disappoints You.”
They employ maximal manipulation right out of the gate, framing abuse not as actual damaging behavior actively inflicted by one spouse on another, but as merely the subjective perception of disappointment by the victim. They further conflate abuse with “difficulties" and imperfections common to all marriages. Notice this line:
“They may, in time, display traits that were not noticeable before the wedding.”
Allow me to decode what has happened here. Women have complained about mistreatment by their husbands and have been told the onus was on them to get to know their men before marrying them. This particular line in the article is in response to people trying to educate them about how narcissists behave early in the relationship. They hide their abusive traits and lovebomb, lovebomb, lovebomb. We see here that the GB have been made aware of this, but choose to close their ears and refuse to be educated, purposely using the victims’ explanations against them with dismissiveness.
Next, they offer a line that is music to the ears of an abuser:
“Instead of recognizing that each has a part in the problem and therefore should work to resolve it, they may blame their mate.”
This plays right into a narcissist’s hands. “Well, if you would do X, then I wouldn't have to yell at you!” In truth, the innocent spouse shares NO blame for the abusive behavior of their partner, but this misinformed bulls**t from the GB will ensure that the wife is kept more distressed, confused, and chasing ever-shifting goal posts. And they further afflict her by saying, with shaking heads and clucking tongues, that some “may even come to see separation or divorce as the solution. But is giving up on marriage the answer? So they use shame and guilt to cut off her only route of escape.
Next, they dump the example of Abigail on the heads of these women. Nabal must have been severely abusive, and one shudders to think how terrifying it was for Abigail to have been stuck in that marriage. And in thise oatriarchal times, stuck she was. So how repulsive it is for the GB to claim that Abigail remained with that man out of respect for Jehovah's standard of marriage! They claim she could have “found an easy way out." How? By stepping aside and allowing David to murder Nabal and all of the other men in the household! But the reason she chose not to use this ‘easy way out,’ we are told, is because she viewed marriage “as a sacred arrangement.”
Rubbing salt in the wound, the GB also doesn't miss the opportunity to mention that Abigail "was also willing to apologize for a wrong that she did not commit,” adding, "Clearly Jehovah loved this brave, unselfish woman.” So, women, be ready to apologize and take the blame your abuser is actively throwing on you, because this will make Jehovah love you. Whereas, if you resist and try to hold your boundaries, not so much.
After showing this horrific example of Abigail and Nabal, the question for paragraph 11 makes sure to point out that “respecting the marriage arrangement even if their mate is difficult to live with (like Nabal)” is an expectation from Jehovah.
The GB tops off this bulls**t sandwich with one more fresh, stinking pile. They give the (probably made up or embellished) experience of Carmen, a sister who put up with her husband's verbal abuse for... wait for it... 50 years! As per always, they put the responsibility of managing the abuse on the wife. “‘As the years went by, I learned to be more discerning and to speak tactfully to my husband.’” Translation: Carmen had to learn to become small, suppress her voice, and walk on eggshells for 50 years so that her husband would hopefully hurt her less often.
The burden is always on the abused one in the JW org. They say that “you can trust that Jehovah will support you and help you to persevere.” It's never pointed out that Jehovah did nothing at all to help Abigail. He didn't kill Nabal to save her; he was only exacting punishment for Nabal's disrespect to Jehovah's king. Had there been no run-in with David, Abigail would have rotted there for the rest of her days. What they also don't say is that in this organization, Jehovah's “support" often looks like the abuser getting praise and privileges, while He is happy to let you continue suffering, expecting you to keep quiet and keep that pretty smile on your face. Fuck them all.
submitted by jwGlasnost to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:02 jwg529 Just finished the story mode (my thoughts) [includes spoilers]

I just binged this game the last three days and had a blast with it. I spent my first 6 hours just hanging around the spawn area and building up a camp as I was figuring out the game mechanics and was a little intimidated by the unknown. I went in blind so I was really unsure what to expect, I just knew it was a survival game. I definitely over stayed my time in the spawn area but after a few times of failing to maintain my sanity and having tribe sprits harass me, I wanted to make sure I was prepared for whatever was to come when I finally left the safety of my camp.
What surprised me and left me a little dissapointed was that it was just me vs the jungle for the entire game. Once I figure out how to maintain my requirements and treat my ailments, I never lost my sanity again. I thought for sure I would encounter a tribe that did not see me a friendly, or members of the cartel who were running their drug operations. But I never did encounter another human the rest of my game. Every location I found was abandoned.
And to me that seems like such an odd game design choice. How is it possible that a person who is searching for his wife who went to embed herself in the tribe which you previously researched and wrote a book about encounters no one after traveling many miles across the jungle?
Another minor gripe I have is that I felt like the objectives were not always clear. I knew I had to get the grappling hook but after spending many real hours crossing the map back and forth, I finally caved and googled its location. Not sure how I had missed it as I walked many laps around the gold mine area. But here I am discovering numerous points of interest but none of them seemed relevant to the story line.
And when I got to the final experience, I didn’t know there was going to be multiple endings. I completely missed the omega camp so I wasn’t aware there was a cure I needed to find before starting the last trip.
Overall I’d give this game a 7/10. I enjoyed the survival complexity and the numerous items you are able to craft. Although it did seem like a lot of those craft items were either unnecessary or too time consuming to set up to be worthwhile.
I have played stranded deep and the long dark, so if you have suggestions on other survivor games I should give a try next please let me know.
submitted by jwg529 to GreenHell [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:02 Stanley232323 Daily Community Tiering Post Day 33: All DeciduEyez On Me. It's Alolan-Decidueye!

Hello again everybody!
Before we get started on today's post the current voting for Delphox has seen a pretty landslide vote towards A tier!
So with that being said it's looking like the Magic Fox will be joining the A tier pretty decidedly. Like with all previous votes I'll continue to check the numbers and if anything changes I'll update it on tomorrow's post, but this one doesn't seem likely to change based on the massive lead A tier votes have.
(Please note that this voting/tiering is centered around Classic as after a certain point in Endless only about 5 Pokemon and 2 abilities are truly viable.)
So current tiers are:
S tier - Garganacl, Cloyster, Skeledirge, Gholdengo, Tinkaton
A tier - Gyarados/Mega, VenusauMega/Dyna, Aegislash, Corviknight/Dyna, Excadrill, GardevoiMega, Toxapex, ScizoMega, GengaMega/Dyna, Delphox
B tier - Kanto-Persian/Dynamax Kanto-Meowth, Weavile, Starmie, Rhyperior, Quagsire, Mamoswine, Whimsicott, Aggron/Mega, Infernape
C tier - Linoone
F tier - Dustox
With that being said let's get to today's vote!
Today is day 33 of tier voting and today we have the last of the starters that have been specifically requested which means tomorrow we start back at Gen 1 and go through voting on the rest of the starters we haven't voted on yet (excluding Charizard for the moment until its Passive Ability is implemented). Today we will discuss the Alolan form of Decidueye (keep in mind this is the one from Gen 7 Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon, NOT the one from Pokemon Legends: Arceus). Alolan-Decidueye was the first ever starter to receive the Ghost typing and for 2 generations its Grass/Ghost type combination was completely unique to it (until Gen 9 saw the addition of Bramblin and Brambleghast). The Grass/Ghost typing is pretty good, as adding Ghost type to Grass neutralizes 2 of Grass type's weaknesses while only adding 2 more, but also gives it 2 immunities to common types. It's stat spread is a little funky as it's spread out like a mixed attacker but all of its attacks it learns by level-up are physical attacks except Leaf Storm which you need a Memory Mushroom to learn. It does have access to Nasty Plot by level up and some special attacks through TMs however. Its Special Defense is pretty good but at the tradeoff of being somewhat frail on the Physical side. It also doesn't have the best Speed tier but luckily this game allows it to remedy both of those through its Rare Egg Move. It also has some good priority options naturally and another through an Egg Moves. Its Hidden Ability is a bit situational and not necessarily useful all the time but does allow it to avoid things like Flame Body and Static as well as ignore Iron Barbs and Fluffy. It's Passive Ability in this game is pretty good though and synergizes with its Egg Moves pretty well.
(Please note that Pokemon with Mega/Dynamax evolutions will be tiered as one Pokemon and not tiered separately for their Mega/Dynamax form. Different variants such as Alolan Persian vs. Kanto Persian will be tiered separately however.)
(Also here is the post with rules for voting/tiering posts and a little more explanation about them in general: https://www.reddit.com/pokerogue/s/0LNZhPPzR9 Links to past votes can all be found here as well in comments added to the OP with each new vote)
And here is a quick reminder of what each tier generally means:
S tier: Top tier, can make or break your entire run, essentially the cream of the crop
A tier: really strong but not quite top tier, maybe slightly outclassed or has a slight weakness holding it back
B tier: solid choices that can make it to your endgame team, might be reliant on team composition to truly function well or might just be outclassed as well
C tier: usually early-mid game Mons, ones you don't really want to take to end game if you can avoid it, usually pretty decently glaring weakness but something redeeming enough to keep from F tier
F tier: no reason to use in end game unless you're doing it for a meme/joke
Abstain/No Opinion: this will be a voting option mostly just for Pokemon people haven't unlocked/used to their full potential yet. If Abstaining votes outvote each individual tier then the Pokemon will be tabled for the time being and another vote will open up for it later (can mostly see this happening with Legendaries).
Type: Grass/Ghost
Mega: No
Dynamax: No
Starter cost {Rowlet}: 3
Possible Egg moves: First Impression, Snipe Shot, Poltergeist, Victory Dance
Abilities: Overgrow
Hidden Ability: Long Reach
Passive Ability: Sniper - increases the damage of this Pokemon's critical hits
Evolution: Rowlet evolves into Dartrix at level 17, Dartrix evolves into Alolan-Decidueye at level 34 during the morning or day time in-game
Base stats:
HP - 78
Attack - 107
Defense - 75
Sp. Attack - 100
Sp. Defense - 100
Speed - 70
Learnset by level up: Astonish, Growl, Leaf Storm, Leafage, Phantom Force, Spite, Tackle, U-Turn, Peck, Shadow Sneak, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Pluck, Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch, Leaf Blade, Feather Dance, Brave Bird, Spirit Shackle
Notable TMs: Confuse Ray, Roost, Double Team, Defog, Protect, Acrobatics, Trailblaze, Facade, Hex, Low Kick, Air Cutter, Night Shade, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Bullet Seed, False Swipe, Shadow Claw, Air Slash, Rest, Sleep Talk, Seed Bomb, Light Screen, Grass Knot, Swords Dance, Tailwind, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Helping Hand, Baton Pass, Grassy Terrain, Hurricane, Solar Beam, Skitter Smack, Giga Drain, Psycho Cut, Work Up, Haze, Swagger, Steel Wing
Tomorrow's vote: Blastoise/Mega Blastoise/Dynamax Blastoise!
Pokemon on the radar for voting very soon: Gallade/Mega, Comfey, Araquanid, Crobat, Malamar, Ferrothorn, Walrein, Gliscor, Roserade, Vileplume, Minior, Hitmonchan, Bibarel, Chandelure, Archaludon/Dynamax Duraludon, Alakazam/Mega, Flamigo, Volcarona, Barbaracle, Butterfree/Dyna, Beedrill/Mega, Mawile/Mega, Drednaw/Dyna, Annihilape, Cramorant, Aerodactyl/Mega, Glimmora, Heatran, Tapu Koko, Dialga/Primal, Galarian-Zapdos, Regieleki, Regidrago, Zacian, Zamazenta, Rayquaza/Mega, Latias/Mega, Latios/Mega, Ho-Oh, Volcanion, Toxtricity/Dyna, Carbink, Porygon-Z, Cinccino, Snorlax/Dyna, Wishiwashi
(Other requests will be added to this list and this list is not necessarily in order)
Happy voting!
View Poll
submitted by Stanley232323 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:02 Ghost00074 [36m] Looking for friends and looking for my bestie!

Hello! My name is Ralph and I am 36. I am looking for friends and also my future bestie.
I am 36, and I am flight crew so I get paid to travel the world. I live in Florida but since I travel for work I am not on any specific sleep schedule and time zone, and I am naturally nomadic since I travel full time. I am married, I have been with my wife for almost 13 years. But I still need friends!
I am a nerd and I also produce electronic music, such as house, drum and bass, trance, etc. I love gaming and I am a huge gamer.
I am looking for friends who are like me. People who get my level of sarcasm and can vibe with me from the beginning and laugh with me, etc. I am extremely picky with the friends I choose.
If you think you can become friends with me or one day my bestie, message me! The bestie thing takes time, it just has to happen. But message me and let’s vibe!!! I am eventually though looking for my best friend. Someone who I can be friends with and get along with, someone who actually gets along with my wife which isn’t hard. Being friends with her isn’t a requirement though. Someone who gets me, and I get them, and we laugh, hang out one day and in general, and overall just an awesome best friend.
US only! I am looking for real life friends not just online. Let’s talk! :)
submitted by Ghost00074 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:02 nabiscowhoreos Gagging at ‘new car smell’ and wondering if that’s a sign

Stupidly had unprotected sex on day 5 of my cycle (which usually lasts 25-26 days, of which the first 3-4 are my period). I’m now on day 16 and experiencing some weird things.
When I stepped into my car this morning I felt so sick at the smell of ‘new car’, which had never bothered me previously. The feeling and smell (??) of cold air from the AC blowing on me also made me gag. Later today I got hit by two waves of extreme fatigue and had to nap, which I rarely do.
I want to take a test but everything I’ve read online says they’re inaccurate until a few days before your missed period. I don’t want to give myself a false sense of relief if I get a negative because it’s too soon.
Is it too early to even be having these ‘symptoms’ or is it within the realm of possibility?
submitted by nabiscowhoreos to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:01 Yoursmallfan I don’t know how to move on from failures

I am a college student that officially lost a chance to change my life for the better. I have failed twice and now I can only choose between trying for the last time again in the near future (I mean in a couple of weeks or so) or the far future (after a year). The thing is if I try again in the near future, I would not be wasting time waiting; however, there is a chance I can fail again as I am in low spirits and obviously feeling pressured. If I wait a year, everyone around me would have achieved something while I would just be at the starting point, there is no telling I would succeed as well if I gave myself more time. Also, I don’t know how to live those days in the future, thinking I MIGHT have succeeded if I just did it in the near future instead. I know I would be lost in my thoughts of jealousy, hopelessness, and shame. Everyone I know has succeeded this time around so I don’t have anyone to talk to about this, I feel so ashamed that I was the only one that failed. I am also embarrassed at the fact that I even took this “chance” in the first place but have not made any difference. I cannot bear the fact that everyone will know i failed and that I would have to do this all over again. I keep hearing that my journey in life is different and that I shouldn’t compare myself to others, but that’s easier said than done. I don’t know how to live my life
submitted by Yoursmallfan to selfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:01 Ghost00074 Looking for friends and looking for my bestie! [36/M]

Hello! My name is Ralph and I am 36. I am looking for friends and also my future bestie.
I am 36, and I am flight crew so I get paid to travel the world. I live in Florida but since I travel for work I am not on any specific sleep schedule and time zone, and I am naturally nomadic since I travel full time. I am married, I have been with my wife for almost 13 years. But I still need friends!
I am a nerd and I also produce electronic music, such as house, drum and bass, trance, etc. I love gaming and I am a huge gamer.
I am looking for friends who are like me. People who get my level of sarcasm and can vibe with me from the beginning and laugh with me, etc. I am extremely picky with the friends I choose.
If you think you can become friends with me or one day my bestie, message me! The bestie thing takes time, it just has to happen. But message me and let’s vibe!!! I am eventually though looking for my best friend. Someone who I can be friends with and get along with, someone who actually gets along with my wife which isn’t hard. Being friends with her isn’t a requirement though. Someone who gets me, and I get them, and we laugh, hang out one day and in general, and overall just an awesome best friend.
US only! I am looking for real life friends not just online. Let’s talk! :)
submitted by Ghost00074 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:00 Ghost00074 Looking for friends and looking for my bestie! [36/M]

Hello! My name is Ralph and I am 36. I am looking for friends and also my future bestie.
I am 36, and I am flight crew so I get paid to travel the world. I live in Florida but since I travel for work I am not on any specific sleep schedule and time zone, and I am naturally nomadic since I travel full time. I am married, I have been with my wife for almost 13 years. But I still need friends!
I am a nerd and I also produce electronic music, such as house, drum and bass, trance, etc. I love gaming and I am a huge gamer.
I am looking for friends who are like me. People who get my level of sarcasm and can vibe with me from the beginning and laugh with me, etc. I am extremely picky with the friends I choose.
If you think you can become friends with me or one day my bestie, message me! The bestie thing takes time, it just has to happen. But message me and let’s vibe!!! I am eventually though looking for my best friend. Someone who I can be friends with and get along with, someone who actually gets along with my wife which isn’t hard. Being friends with her isn’t a requirement though. Someone who gets me, and I get them, and we laugh, hang out one day and in general, and overall just an awesome best friend.
US only! I am looking for real life friends not just online. Let’s talk! :)
submitted by Ghost00074 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:00 PokemonMastersBot Weekly General Questions Megathread

You can now insert images as comments when you seek for in-game help in Megathreads! Check out this mod post HERE for more information.

Use this Megathread if you have general questions or need advice! e.g. asking for EX / Candy recommendation, gems usage, "Should I pull this banner?", "How do I build a team on this stage?", etc.
If you need team building help specifically for Champion Stadium, you may use the Champion Stadium Megathread to receive a quicker response.

Installing Pokémon Masters

Pokémon Masters is available worldwide except for Belgium and The Netherlands due to bans on loot boxes.
We will go over the two main platforms on installing the game, IOS and Android.
According to the official site, the game is most compatible in these devices:
iOS: 11 or higher / 64 bit / at least 2 GB of RAM
Android: OS 7.0 or higher / 64 bit / at least 2 GB of RAM
  1. Via Apple Store: HERE
  1. Via Google Play Store: HERE
  2. Others
If the game is unavailable in your country or shows as not available for your device, you can download the APK directly from APKPure or QooApp.
You can also use VPN to download it from the application store, but it requires longer downloading time compared to the above recommended methods.

Reroll Guide

Reroll means that you make a new account and look at what you got from your scout. If you don't like your first few multi-pulls, you delete the account and create a new one again and so on until you are satisfied.

Why reroll?

How to Reroll?
If you're an existing player, delete your local data or cache first. Otherwise, do not link your account to Nintendo. Doing so will bind your Pokémon Masters account to your Nintendo profile permanently and can no longer be removed.
As of now, if you progress up to the point when co-op mode is unlocked, you can get at least 21.000 gems, the equivalent of 7 multis, earning at least 231/400 scout points (33 scout points per multi scout), allowing you to scout at least 77 Sync Pairs. Completing the following checkpoints will let you receive gems as completion rewards:
Completion Requirement Notable Rewards Additional Notes
Starting the game (Part 1) MC & Pikachu, Misty & Starmie, Brock & Onix Choose Kanto Starter (Movesets HERE)
Starting the game (Part 2) MC & BulbasauCharmandeSquirtle, Blue & Pidgeot (5★ Guaranteed Scout) Kanto Starter Egg Hatches
Finish Champion Stadium: Kanto Challenge (Normal) 150 Gems You can reuse the same Sync Pairs after each round
Special Completion Rewards: Champion Stadium (Normal) 500 Gems Accessible in the Poké Center as an icon on the top-left corner
Finish Champion Stadium: Victory Road 5000 Gems, SS Red & Charizard/SS Blue & Blastoise/SS Leaf & Venusaur (5★ Guaranteed Ticket Scout) Also scoutable in the Triple Featured Poké Fair banner (3 days)
Finish Chapter 1 (Normal) 90 Gems, Rosa & Snivy
Finish Chapter 2 (Normal) 200 Gems, Barry & Piplup, Professor Oak & Mew and Legendary Arena unlocked. Professor Oak & Mew upgrade materials available in Bingo Rewards
Finish Chapter 3 (Normal) 150 Gems
Finish Chapter 4 (Normal) 170 Gems, Erika & Vileplume
Finish Chapter 5 (Normal) 160 Gems, Skyla & Swanna
Finish Chapter 6 (Normal) 200 Gems, Korrina & Lucario
Finish Chapter 7 (Normal) 250 Gems, Norman & Slaking
Finish Chapter 8 (Normal) 170 Gems, Pryce & Seel
Finish Chapter 9 (Normal) 240 Gems, Iris & Haxorus
Finish Chapter 10 (Normal) 280 Gems, Hapu & Mudsdale
Finish Interlude 1 (Normal) 60 Gems, SS Brock & Tyranitar
Finish Chapter 1 (Hard) 100 Gems
Finish Chapter 2 (Hard) 200 Gems
Finish Chapter 3 (Hard) 100 Gems
Finish Chapter 4 (Hard) 200 Gems
Finish Chapter 5 (Hard) 100 Gems
Finish Chapter 6 (Hard) 200 Gems
Finish Chapter 7 (Hard) 300 Gems
Finish Chapter 8 (Hard) 200 Gems
Finish Chapter 9 (Hard) 300 Gems
Finish Chapter 10 (Hard) 300 Gems
Finish Interlude 1 (Hard) 100 Gems
EX Plaza: Special Training Battle Techniques 60 Gems
These missions are completed progressively as you play the game, so they are not listed in numerical order.
These missions can be completed multiple times as the player reaches new checkpoints.
Checkpoint (Missions) Notable Rewards per level
Mission 1: Log in to the game 10 Gems
Mission 21: Raise team strength 10 Gems
Mission 3: Obtain Pearl 10 Gems
Mission 4: Obtain Big Pearl 10 Gems
Mission 5: Obtain 1★ Level-Up Manual 10 Gems
Mission 6: Obtain 2★ Level-Up Manual 10 Gems
Mission 7: Obtain 3★ Level-Up Manual 10 Gems
Mission 62: Evolve a Pokemon 10 Gems
Mission 91: Obtain a Lucky Cookie 10 Gems
Mission 125: Raise your player rank 10 Gems
Mission 262: Have a number of interaction(s) in Trainer Lodge 100 Gems
Mission 263: Reach friendship level 100 with a number of guests 100 Gems
Mission 264: Reach a certain friendship level with any guest 100 Gems
These missions can only be completed once but give a high amount of gems.
Checkpoint (Missions) Notable Rewards per level
Mission 82: Link to your Nintendo account 600 Gems
Mission 89: Participate in the Battle Villa 1000 Gems
If you are not satisfied with your pulls, click on the Poryphone at the right-bottom corner in the Pokémon Center -> Account -> Delete Save Data. Repeat the above steps until you pulled the Sync Pair you want.
Now that you're ready to go on an adventure, link your account through Poryphone Menu by tapping "Account", then "Link a Nintendo Account" to save your progress. After that, try to get any free Sync Pairs as you progress:

EX Gear Type Chart

Note that these co-op stages only drop 2★ Gear as the highest rarity for their corresponding Gear Type. 3★ Gear is restricted to Type Gear Events and Pokémon Masters Day every month, and it can be obtained in the time-limited event shop and in the General tab in exchange for 3★ gear material co-op stage drops.
Stage Gear Type
EX Brock Grass/Steel/Rock
EX Misty Flying/Fairy/Steel
EX Barry Grass/Dragon/Water
EX Flannery Bug/WateGhost
EX Erika Fire/Poison/Ground
EX Skyla Rock/Normal/Flying
EX Korrina Fire/Fighting/Psychic
EX Pryce Electric/Ice/Bug
EX Marshal Psychic/Dark/Ice
EX Hau Ground/Electric/Fairy
EX Clair Dragon/Dark/Fighting
EX Janine Poison/Normal/Ghost

In-Game FAQ

1. When is anniversary coming?
Half-year 28 February 6AM UTC
Full-year 28 August 6AM UTC
2 Why hasn't my Pokemon evolved? It's at Level [X]!
Evolution requires an evolution item available in the Training Area (Evolution Material Area). Upon earning the Evolution Materials, you need to go to the Sync Pair Stories to trigger the Evolution Story.
3. Should I save to do 11 multi-scouts instead of single scouts?
You can now get x11 units instead of 10, so yes, but we strongly recommend you to save gems for Poké Fair or Master Fair banners (which has a higher rate for 5★ characters).
4. How many gems are required to receive a Sync Pair of my choice?
36.600 non-paid gems (or 36.300 gems + 100 paid gems for a daily single pull), which is the equivalent of 400 scout points. Scout points do not carry over between banners.
5. What does [X]/5, [Y]/20, etc mean?
When you obtain a Sync Pair, they're at 1/5 Sync Move level. Rolling a dupe of that Sync Pair, or using a Move Candy will increase it by 1 level. 3/5 is the minimum for most sync pairs to complete their full Sync Grid, but some Poké Fairs have grid expansions that require their Sync Move to be completely maxed out at 5/5 for their full Sync Grid.
At the same time, Sync Pairs are at 0/20 Potential when they're just obtained. Giving Sync Pairs Powerups will raise their Potential and stats. When a Sync Pair is given 20 powerups, their star level will be increased. Getting a unit to 5★ 20/20 is mandatory for it to further upgrade to 6★ EX (if it has one).
6. How do I Unlock The Level cap of my units?
Training Area (Cap Unlock Area), (Cap Unlock Area 2), Exchange in the shop, Events.
7. Where do I get the manuals to level up my sync pairs?
Training Area (Level up Area), Exchange in the shop, Events, random drops in Trainer Lodge.
8. How do I get Sync orbs?
Training Area (Sync orb Area), Exchange in the shop, Events, Champion Stadium Master Mode (6K & 7.5K), random drops in Trainer Lodge.
9. What are Theme Skill and how do I get items to power them up?
Theme Skill is a new ability that raises the stats of your Sync Pairs if any of them has a common position, type, region, trainer group, or other features with another pair (or pairs) in the same team. Skill Spheres, which can be obtained in Theme Skill area and Champion Stadium Master Mode, are required to upgrade them.
10. What Lucky Skill should I roll for [X]? How do I get Lucky Cookies and Scrolls to unlock a Sync Pair's Lucky Skill?
Refer to Sync Grid Builds & Lucky Skills (by u/MomoSpark) for more details.
In general, the choices of Lucky Skills follow the roles of Sync Pairs:
There are exceptions to some Sync Pairs. For example,
Lucky Cookies and Lucky Scrolls can all be obtained in Battle Villa (Single Player & Co-op), Blissful Bonanza, and Legendary Gauntlet. Legendary Gauntlet can provide unlimited 3★ Lucky Cookies as well as Deluxe Cookies exclusive to that mode after each successful stage clear, and their drop chance increases with longer win streaks.
11. What are the Sync Move effects of 6★ EX Sync Pairs of different roles? Who should I promote to 6★ EX first?
Each role gives different effects to Sync Moves when upgraded to 6★ EX.
Support is usually prioritized for promotion to 6★ EX because its EX effect effectively doubles the damage of all allied sync pairs after first sync and is more widely applicable across most game modes, and the increased stats from raising the support's Potential greatly enhances its bulk to tank stages.
For Strike, if its kit has a very high DPS (e.g. SS Red & Charizard, Diantha & Gardevoir, etc.), or includes a powerful Sync multiplier (e.g. Steven & Metagross's Haymaker, Barry & Empoleon's Inertia, etc.), you are highly recommended to upgrade it to 6★ EX to apply the damage to all opponents. This applies to Tech as well, but only if the unit is a Sync nuker (e.g. Marnie & Morpeko, May & Swampert, etc.).
Since Field applies a field effect that can boost its own damage and potentially that of its allies as well, upgrading it to 6★ EX is also recommended. Sprint enables faster sync buffs and usually come with innate Sync Move multipliers like Tech, but its EX effect does not improve damage as directly as the other roles.
Promoting Support-type units to 6★ EX is not a must, but it's always an added bonus, especially if their Sync Move can provide any additional effects via passive or grid skills.
Always remember to upgrade Rosa to 6★ EX because the materials are obtainable for free.
12. Which Sync Pair should I use my candy on?
Refer to Which Sync Pair Should You Give Your Candy To? (Infographic) (by u/MuddyDummy) for more details.
Always save your candies unless the Sync Pair is exclusive to Seasonals, Poké Fairs or Master Fairs. Most Sync Pairs are usable at 1/5. You can always "accidentally" pull the unit you've been looking for from the normal pool, but you never know when limited Sync Pairs will rerun again. This may not apply to Sync Pairs that are your favorite.

Common Technical Questions/Errors

Below lists all common technical errors you may encounter during the game, as well as how you can fix it. You are strongly encouraged to contact DeNA with any problems at [support@pokemonmasters-game.com](mailto:support@pokemonmasters-game.com) if any of these advice do not help.
  1. Error 20103 — Please check your connection and try again: Usually caused due to lack of connection or sudden disconnection. Try playing the game in a place with more stable connection.
  2. Error 10102 — An error has occurred. Restarting the game: This error is often triggered because it detects your phone is rooted, or that you are using external applications which allows opening multiple accounts on the same device. For rooted phone users, make sure you hide your rooted status.
  3. Game crashed mid-battle: Restart the app and clear your cache. This option is available in the bottom-left corner of the title screen.
  4. Does Pokémon Masters work on emulators? No. As of now, PM is not compatible with any of the emulators (including Bluestacks, Nox, etc.) However, playing two accounts on the same device is possible on Android by cloning with Island.



submitted by PokemonMastersBot to PokemonMasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:00 Ubud_bamboo_ninja Rabbit hole generation hypothesis. Eventually everybody will speak only with themselves.

Rabbit hole generation hypothesis. Eventually everybody will speak only with themselves.
I want to present a dystopian speculation about humanity’s nearest future, where I describe the new average "Collective Psyche" or "Cultural Mindset."
First, imagine the depth of changes our world society has lived through in the last 25 years. The very low Internet influence in 1999 is the opposite of what we have in 2024. So many things came with the Internet, like being online, social media, access to information, access to communication, a new level of entertainment, and even a touch of AI. You can see how dramatically humans have changed. The new professions, new morals, and new science have made today’s grown-up person’s life much different from the same person's life 25 years ago.
Imagine the creation of AI today as if it is the beginning of a new 25-year cycle. Twenty-five years is a natural human generation change period. Things will continue to change dramatically; it’s a fact based on observations.
Now, how much will we change in 25 years? At 2049. I have an interesting guess to share. I base my thought experiment on calculating the possible outcomes of the development of existing cultural and technical abilities of society.
Consider three unrelated trends of today:
1. Rabbit R1 release. A gadget trying to predict the future “smartphone killer” tech.
2. Merging of inner monologue and a transmitted voice of media.
3. ADHD and lifetime mediational modifications.
Speaking to your inner self and no one else is considered a higher value and a goal for everyone.
Being free and independent is considered good. Letting other people be different and not violating their freedom is considered good. So where does this naturally bring us? Your own head borders. Only your inner self might be good, relaxing, and safe enough not to violate the objective world and other beings. So “Buddha within your own head” is the highest state of a personal enlightenment you can get. All future will tend toward it.
Each of the three viewed trends can help us imagine what that future state of mind could feel like.
Master, can I please get into your head? Not now, rabbit, not now. Wait a bit and order me a pizza.
1. Rebbit R1 “the future of human-machine interface.”
As they call themselves, this company focuses on creating the next step gadget where the user connects to their AI helper mostly by voice. Rebbit R1 is AI in a box with a camera, microphone, and sound system that interacts with you and the digital world following your verbal requests.
If their prediction is correct, soon we might fully rely on our daily routine life management to the AI just by speaking to it. It already looks much like the inner dialogue people usually have in their heads. It is a very natural feeling to be able to discuss anything just here and now. But what is different is the absolute objective world knowledge of AI's inner voice.
The further logical thing to do will be merging that voice from a device into your head. If this idea with a 24/7 voice advisor works with R1 or any other similar out-of-the-body device, it will tend to transform into your head directly. Neuralink style. Or any other.
So we can state with a high level of certainty that soon we will have an inner voice advisor in our heads. Not mandatory, but using it will plug you into modern life. People who will not use it will be less productive and die out sometime later.
All you need is to get a quick thought:
  • “Helper?” (or any other name)
  • “Yes, master.”
  • “Please turn on the oven, order a Grab bike for my daughter to bring her to school, pay from my second card, and read me the report about our stock plan as of now.”
  • “Grab bike and oven are done, master. Here is the report about stocks:…”
  • “Sing it to me.”
  • “Yes, master.”
Can you imagine a life like that? You don’t need many people to surround and support you if you have a world-wise AI assistant in your head, helping you with absolutely everything.
Girl makes toxic pickle and gives to the boy, he laughs. It was a prank.
2. Merging of inner monologue and a transmitted voice of media.
The most popular formats on YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and Instagram now include verbal descriptions of everything. A girl tells and shows you how to do makeup. Guys are playing a shared online game and tell you their experience. All those talk shows. One of the markers that can show “talking voice in your head explaining things” is becoming more and more popular is voice-over videos that never needed voice-over before. Like today, it is popular to see a short video where some fun stuff happens, but there is a voice that describes everything in 3-4 seconds. It helps not to lose the attention of users while they doom-scroll through those short videos forever.
Another disturbing side effect of shorts is that the stories in short videos always come with their clear and fast-exposed plot twists. So there is a constant feeling of “getting all the best at this moment” Dopamine trap.
So a migration of a voice from a device into a head might happen almost unnoticed by some individuals.
Hey, I can be bored, sad and laughing and running around all at once.
3. ADHD and lifetime medication modifications.
Let’s trace only this group of disorders called ADHD progress over some time for example. Data for the US.
- 1960s-1970s: Estimates suggested that hyperactivity disorders affected about 1-3% of children.
- 1980s: Studies began to show higher prevalence rates, with some estimates around 3-5% of children.
- Currently, this rate is about 9-11%.
That means that roughly this diagnosed disorder type case number grows by 1% each decade.
Also, I will just say with no links, but it is quite obvious that the usage of medical treatments for modifying users' health, pain issues, and mood has grown lately. We can see it by checking the net worth of the pharmacy market in the US.
• 1950: $500 million
• 1960: $1.5 billion
• 1970: $3 billion
• 1980: $8 billion
• 1990: $20 billion
• 2000: $50 billion
• 2010: $200 billion
• 2020: $358 billion
Significant growth is driven by advancements in pharmaceuticals, healthcare policies, and demographic changes.
It is somewhat manipulative to connect the ADHD rates and the value of the pharmacy market; I don’t want to say it is connected. I just say that there are clearly more meds now in US. I don’t judge anyone for taking any, so it’s just to make a different point. Follow up.
Meds modify your chemical balance and your mood, directly affecting your plans for the day and for life. What are your values? Getting some meds can make you more passive or non-violent. Other pills improve other features of human mood and consciousness. A medicated and modified consciousness is better hardware to install an “inner voice.” In the world of drugged perception, this AI voice in your head could become the only thing you can hold onto, and losing it might turn into a feeling of losing yourself.
So AI voice in your head will not drive you crazy, it will help you not to become insane.
\"I thought I cancelled the subscription to that annoying one. Oh well, it's only $9 per month and I don't remember how to cancel it from MyHead. Maybe it can do talk with Mom instead of me? Let's check users agreement..\"
In conclusion, we can see that there is a huge trend of moving some AI-generated buddy into your head. It happens in media devices and online platforms naturally. People are more stressed about complicated rules of the outside world that bring so many threats and efforts just to survive. Instead, an inner buddy for dialogues will be the only safe place to be. It will drive enormous popularity when the tech is ready and accessible.
What to do next? Maybe it’s good to invest your time and money in that direction, in valuable tech corporations' papers. Or you can think of all that support industry that is needed. Like a delivery of everything to everyone. Home adjustments, or new professions that might come with that “in-head voice” and start researching that now. While it’s only the beginning of this imaginary 25-year cycle. If you get into it now, you might become the next Amazon or Facebook creator and owner. The next person to invent something big in a new world ecosystem.
For more thought experiments about the future of humanity, check out the basics of computational physics. New philosophical study that describes the world through a shared story-making mechanism that runs our lives as programs and helps you to predict the future.
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:59 cindrella12 How to Choose the Right Career Path: A Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing the right career path is one of the most significant decisions you’ll make in your life. It can shape your future, influence your personal happiness, and determine your financial stability. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to figure out which path is best for you. Fortunately, there are several tools and assessments that can help you identify your strengths, interests, and values, making the decision process more manageable. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this important journey.
Step 1: Self-Assessment
Understanding Your Strengths
The first step in choosing the right career is understanding what you are good at. StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Gallup is a popular tool that helps identify your top strengths. By focusing on your natural talents, you can find careers that will allow you to excel and feel fulfilled.
Exploring Your Interests
Your interests can give you clues about the types of activities and environments you might enjoy in a career. The Strong Interest Inventory is a widely-used assessment that matches your interests with potential career options. By aligning your career with your passions, you’re more likely to find long-term satisfaction.
Clarifying Your Values
Knowing what you value in a job is crucial for long-term happiness. The Work Values Inventory helps you identify what is most important to you in a workplace, such as job security, work-life balance, or opportunities for advancement. Matching your career to your core values can lead to greater job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.
Step 2: Research and Exploration
Industry Research
Once you have a better understanding of your strengths, interests, and values, start researching industries that align with them. Websites like the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook provide detailed information on various professions, including job outlook, required education, and average salaries.
Informational Interviews
Talking to professionals in fields you are interested in can provide valuable insights. Informational interviews allow you to ask questions about day-to-day responsibilities, career progression, and the industry’s future. This firsthand information can be instrumental in narrowing down your options.
Job Shadowing
Job shadowing involves observing a professional on the job to get a better sense of what their work involves. This experience can help you understand the realities of a job that may not be evident from reading job descriptions or talking to people. It’s a great way to test the waters before making a commitment.

Step 3: Setting Goals and Making a Plan
Short-Term and Long-Term Goals
Once you have a clearer idea of potential career paths, set both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals might include completing a specific course or gaining a certain type of experience, while long-term goals could involve achieving a particular job title or salary range.
Creating an Action Plan
Develop a step-by-step action plan to achieve your career goals. This plan should include acquiring the necessary education or training, building relevant skills, and gaining experience through internships, volunteer work, or entry-level positions. Regularly review and adjust your plan as needed to stay on track.
Step 4: Seeking Guidance and Support
Career Counselling
Consider working with a career counsellor who can provide professional advice and resources tailored to your needs. Career counsellors can help you interpret assessment results, explore career options, and develop a strategic career plan.
Building a professional network can open doors to new opportunities and provide support throughout your career journey. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with alumni or mentors who can offer guidance and introductions.
Step 5: Continuous Evaluation and Adjustment
Reflecting on Your Progress
Regularly reflect on your career journey to ensure you are on the right path. Ask yourself if you are satisfied with your current role, if your job aligns with your values, and if you are progressing towards your long-term goals.
Being Open to Change
Your interests and circumstances may change over time, and that’s okay. Be open to reevaluating your career path and making adjustments as needed. Flexibility and a willingness to adapt are key to long-term career satisfaction.
Choosing the right career path is a dynamic and ongoing process. By using the best career counselling tools and assessments to understand yourself better, conducting thorough research, setting clear goals, and seeking support, you can make informed decisions that lead to a fulfilling and successful career. Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination—embrace the process and stay open to new possibilities.
For more detailed information and guidance visit: https://www.merementor.com/best-career-counselling-in-chennai

submitted by cindrella12 to u/cindrella12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:59 JustMeInBigD Things to Do May 20-26

As always, if you know of an event that's not listed here, feel free to share it (with a link) in the comments. Feedback on events you've attended or plan to attend is welcome.
*Free (or no admission/cover)
--Recurring Event
Noteworthy: Dallas Stars and Dallas Mavericks begin playing their respective Western Conference Finals this week. Some dates and times are still TBA.
This weekend is Memorial Dayweekend with the holiday being observed next Monday (May 27).. Saturday, May 26 is Opening Day for public pools at The Cove at Crawford Park, The Cove at Fretz Park, The Cove at Samuell Grand, and Bachman Community Aquatic Center.
Dallas Pride week is next week, and pre-celebration events begin this weekend.
Weekend & Multi-Day Events
May 21-26 Frisco Roughriders vs. Midland Rockhounds at Riders Field, Frisco
May 25-26 Pegasus Film Festival at LOOK Dine-in Cinemas Dallas
May 25-26 Mad Max (1980) at the Texas Theatre
May 25-26 TwoGether Land at Fair Park
May 25-26 Ubbi Dubbi Festival at Panther Island, Fort Worth
Through May 27 Scarborough Renaissance Festival, Waxahachie
May 23-25 EVERGREEN [to grow] at Wyly Theatre
Through May 25 Echo Theatre: Beyond the Yellow Wallpaper at the Bath House Cultural Center
Through Jun 9 Hamilton at Winspear Opera House
May 17-June 1 Teatro Dallas: Cloud Tectonics at the Latino Cultural Center
*May 11- May 24 Women in Art – A Joyful Journey Exhibition at Art on Main
*Through June 28 Central Library Staff Art Exhibit at Dallas Public Library Central Branch
Monday, May 20
Ghosts: Do You Believe at Texas Theatre
Meatless Meals: Inspired by India at Central Market Cooking School Lovers Lane
*Book Signing/Discussion - Kimberly King Parsons: We Were the Universe at Interabang Books
*Mad Monday Karaoke at Three Links Dallas
*Gabby & The Birds at The Free Man
*--The Love Mic - Open Mic at Sundown at Granada
Mixer Mondays at Bowlounge
*Motown on Monday at Elm and Good
Kizomba Semba class & prática at Dallas Dance Studio
*Hall of Fame Mondays at Palms
Classics in Black and White: The Third Man at Angelika Dallas
Linny Nance Hour of Power (Soul, R&B) at The Balcony Club
Tuesday, May 21
Mahjong at The Crescent Club
*Transcend Yoga on the Museum Green at Fair Park
Sketch to Success: Watercolor Session at Ad Ex Dallas
Dallas Skyline Rooftop Paint Party at Canvas Hotel
*--Spanish Learners Conversation Table at Renner Frankford Branch Library
*Book Signing/Discussion - Kerry Nichols, Puppy Brain at Interabang Books
Lady London at House of Blues
*Swiftie Theme Trivia at Vector Brewing
*Ralyn Gayle at Truck Yard Dallas
*Lakefront Live: Kevin Arellano at the Bath House Cultural Center
Songwriter Social W/Justin Pickard (Open Mic Night) at Adair’s Saloon
Seth Cowles and Friends at Improv Addison
Wednesday, May 22
NBA Western Conference Finals - Dallas Mavericks vs. TBD at American Airlines Center
Arts and Letters Live: Nicholas Kristof at the Dallas Museum of Art
*Dallas Symphony Orchestra and The Concert Truck Performance at NorthPark Center
*Salsa Dance Social at Sammons Park
*Learn to Play American Mah Jongg at Preston Royal Branch Library
*Preston Royal Discussion Book Club at Preston Royal Branch Library
*Love Songs Duh Choir Concert at Dr. L.G. Pinkston Sr. High School
Avi Kaplan: Feel Alright Tour with special guest Michael Alvarado at The Kessler
The Heartbreak Kid (1972) at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Lake Highlands
*Wednesday Patio Sessions: Lacey Ingram at The Sound at Cypress Waters
*Half Price Games Night at Dave & Buster’s
Women’s Climb Night at Movement Climbing at The Hill
*Andrew Frye, Solo Performance at The Kitchen Cafe
De Colores Presents: American Fiction at Studio C, Garland
*Watch Party Wednesdays: High School Musical at Grandscape, The Colony
Run Club at Armor Brewing Co., Allen
Thursday, May 23
NHL Western Conference Finals - Dallas Stars vs. TBD at American Airlines Center
ATB "Don't Stop" US Tour at Stereo Live Dallas
Ahadadream at It'll Do Club
Speed Dating Putt Putt and Mixer at Another Round
Sweat & Glow with Divi and Live Tinted at Place at Tyler
Thursdays on Tap at the Perot Museum
*--PNC Patio Sessions - Aurora Bleu at Sammons Park
*--K. Cooks & Friends at Chocolate Secrets
*Spanish Cinema Now+: Viaje a alguna parte at the Meadows Museum
* Uptown Dallas Inc. Annual Meeting at Violet Crown Theater
*--Chess for Adults at Vickery Park Branch Library
*--Knitting Group at Timberglen Branch Library
*Know Your City Series: Office of Arts and Culture at J. Erik Jonsson Central Library
*Japanese Tea Ceremony Demonstration at the Oak Lawn Branch Library
Derek Spence, A Tribute to George Strait at the Dallas Arboretum
Raised Right Men at The Rustic
*325 Comedy Show at Hyena’s Dallas
Friday, May 24
NBA Western Conference Finals - Dallas Mavericks vs. TBD at American Airlines Center
Eurodance - Dallas Pride Kickoff at Thrive
*A Journey through Psychological Sci-Fi at The Wild Detectives
TEKNOSTASIS in the Limbo Room at Ruins
BBQ Class at the Sheraton Dallas
Camp Saucer 5th Anniversary, Karaoke Kickoff at The Flying Saucer Cypress Waters
KXT 91.7 Presents: Warpaint with Sego at the Granada Theater
Dan Deacon with Future Nest at Club Dada
Brent Buemi + Mike Willey Jazz & Blues Duo at Opening Bell Coffee
*The Clinton Years at Lee Harvey’s
Chris Isaak at House of Blues
Dan Deacon at Club Dada
*Rachel Teague at The Rustic
**ctrl + alt + defeat* Gaming Night at Round Two
Kendrick Vs Drake: The Main Event at RBC Dallas
The Emo Night Tour at Trees
Taking Back Sunday with special guest Citizen at South Side Ballroom
*Lakeside Live Music: Faron Gilbert at The Sound at Cypress Waters
*RCN Jazz Band at Cityline, Richardson
*Disco Queen at Grandscape, The Colony
The Spazmatics at Lava Cantina, The Colony
*Gary Hobbs with Sabor Puro at The Levitt, Arlington
Saturday, May 25
NHL Western Conference Finals - Dallas Stars vs. TBD at American Airlines Center
FC Dallas vs. Salt Lake at Toyota Stadium, Frisco
Memorial Day Weekend Yacht Party/MImosa Walk at Elm & Good
*Saturday Sounds: Ceci Ceci at the Leonhardt Lagoon at Fair Park
*Forest Green Tabletop Brigade at Forest Green Branch Library
*Peaceful Paper Crafts at Grauwyler Park Branch Library
*Local Coffee Shop Talk: Oak Cliff Coffee Roasters at Hampton-Illinois Branch Library
*The Blank Collective Art Exhibition at The DEC Network
*Movie - Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy at Dallas West Branch Library
*Movie Night: Big Hero 6 at Klyde Warren Park
Discover Downtown Dallas Movie Series: Crazy Rich Asians at Harwood Park
Make & Take: Czech Kolaches at Central Market Cooking School, Lovers Lane
Create-Your-Own Sangria at Berkshire Farms Winery
Dallas Pride Rooftop Pool Party at Crowne Plaza Dallas Downtown
Sip and Stroll: Hotel Wine Tour at Omni Dallas
Goat Yoga Outside at Lakewood Brewing Company
Scarfias at Reveler’s Hall
Sunday, May 26
NBA Western Conference Finals - TBD vs. Dallas Mavericks
Burger Fight at Dallas Youth Sports
Cinema Con Nosotros Presents El Mariachi at the Texas Theatre
Nora En Pure Day Show at It'll Do
Rescue Puppy Yoga at Celestial Beerworks The Satellite
Drawing from the Masters at the Meadows Museum
Los Yonics at Tacos Pancho’s Mexican Restaurant
Make & Take: American Cobbler, Crisp & Handpies at Central Market Cooking School Lovers Ln
*Happily Ever Sip & Shop Local Vendor Market at Community Beer Co.
*Summer in Pegasus Plaza at Pegasus Plaza
Dallas Jazz Orchestra at Poor David’s Pub
Cybernetic Summer: A Memorial Day Weekend Party at The Double Wide
Brunch Movie: Charade (1963) at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, Richardson
submitted by JustMeInBigD to Dallas [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:59 Shapesh1fter888 My ultimate pc build

I’m planning on doing a really top tier gaming pc build I am going to save up for it and it’s going to probably be my first and last gaming pc build So most of the theme of the build is going to be focused on high performance and that kind of stuff but I’m Dead set on going thread ripper and going with some G.Skill Trident Z Royal silver ram With the phanteks Nv7 case but any other suggestions would be helpful but due keep in mind that I would like to build a all white system I’ve got a basic idea of what parts I want to use but overall my target budget is $5’000 Not trying to look like I just wanna flaunt cash I definitely don’t have at the time of this writing But I was going big on this because I won’t probably get the opportunity to do something like this ever again P.S I already have basic peripherals
submitted by Shapesh1fter888 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:58 Aromatic_Hurry_9882 I 18m have been told I was groomed by my gf 21f into a toxic relationship, how do I leave?

TA because I regularly use Reddit. I 18m have been told by my friends that my gf 21f groomed me into a toxic relationship, I have been having a hard time making my mind up about what to do or what to think, to start off I’ll give some backstory. Me and my gf met in school, she was in the same year as my sister 21f and they were friends, not really close but they hung around each other a lot because of their friendship groups.
My sister had a small friendship group throughout secondary school, they would come around to our house a lot Because my mum was at work week days till 8 pm so our house would be the hang out spot after school. My dad was not really in the picture, although he did provide for us he was never their physically so I never had an older male figure in my life, my sister looked after me all throughout my child hood and she was like my mum. My bio mum was still their and loved us and took care of us but because she was working all the time we rarely saw her during the week, she would get home around 9pm and go to sleep to be out by 6am the next day, during the week ends we would spend time together but because of this it was my sister that would take me to school, cook , care for me when I was sick. when she got into secondary school my mum drop all of her motherly duties like parents teacher meetings, doctor appointments things like that.
When my sister went into year 12 and I in year 9 ( the same school) her friendship group expanded as new people joined, one of these new people is my now gf Emma (fake name), she joined our school with a couple of her friends which then added on to my sister group and became one big group of about 8, these girls would often come to my house after school on Thursdays and Fridays, there would be about 4-5 of them over (rarely the full group) however this meant I hung around with them a lot because I was close to my sister. On Thursdays I would have football after school so I would come home at about 6 and they would all be sitting in the living room so I would see them and talk to them before showering and eating. And Friday I would walk home with them. Emma was not overly close with my sister so a lot of the time she would only go if her best friend went so I didn’t really see her much during that year. However the year after an issue happened and her best friend’s was kick out of the group, after that Emma became a lot close to one of the girls who was apart of my sister’s original group. She then started coming regularly to my house.
As a young teen boy I had a crush on a lot of my sisters friends and they use to tease me about it a lot, they all use to say that if I was a bit older the would love to date me. One day I was talking to my sister and confessed I had a big crush on Emma, and as my sister did she teased me about it in front of her friends including Emma they all laughed and joke about it and this time I don’t know why but it made me upset and I excused my self and went to my room I guess they saw I was upset and my sister came to check on me, she apologised and said that they were just joking and didn’t mean to upset me, I told her I was fine and that it was getting a bit annoying as they always did it, and it made me feel insecure. I know I was overthinking but I was young and still developing, I wasn’t ugly or anything in fact I think I was quite good looking, I was quite popular but never really wanted to date as I focused more on my football and friends, I had a fair bit of female attention for girls in my year and had lots of female friends so I don’t know why I was so upset about being teased. Anyway my sister went back down to her friends and I guess told them what I said as a I got a knock on my door a few minutes later, I said come in and Emma walked through the door she looked a bit guilty, she said she wanted to apologise as she felt like she shouldn’t have made fun of my feelings I said it was ok and knew it was just light joking. She then said that I was very handsome and fit, I of course blushed and she noticed and smiled, she came over to my desk where I was sitting and ask what I was doing, I was doing some math homework and she said that she was really good at math and could tutor me. I remember my sister saying that Emma was really smart and did maths, further maths and physics for her a-levels. I was not very good at maths and had GCSEs coming up next year so I ask her if she could help me prepare for them. She told me she would next year but she needs to prepare for her a-levels this year. She left shortly after helping with a few questions. She continued to come to my house throughout that year and we had conversations often nothing flirty or sexual in any nature, just boring topics like school and football (I am 15 she is 18)
During that summer my sister and her group booked a holiday before they all went off to uni. A couple of days before they left 3 girls came over (including Emma) after they had been shopping, they were in my sisters room most of the time and they were also trying clothes in shared bathroom. After playing on my game I need the toilet, I looked and saw the light was on and the door was slightly opened thinking no one was in there I opened to see Emma in a bikini looking in the mirror she noticed me and jumped. I apologised and went back to my room. I later heard a knock on my door and Emma walked in she was wearing a tracksuit but after seeing her in a bikini all I could do was in-vision that, I stared at the floor because I was embarrassed, she giggled and said that I shouldn’t of been peaking on her, I jumped up and said I wasn’t and that it was an accident. She said that she didn’t mind and that boys like to look at her. She was very pretty and had nice curves, and very popular with boys but never really date from what I heard. She then started to undress I asked what she was doing, she said she wanted a boy input and since I already saw her in her bikini it’s fine. She stood there posing in her bikini before asking how she look and of course I said she looks great, she smiled and said that she was happy I liked it. I was very embarrassed as I wasn’t in this situation a lot, after she put her clothes back on she left my room and I went back to playing. I didn’t see her for the rest of that summer but the memory popped up in my head a lot. That next year she attend the same uni as my sister as they both didn’t want to leave home so they became closer and shes at my house a lot but acted as though it never happened gradually I did to.
around November I got a gf this wasn’t my first experience with a girl but it was my first relationship and I relied on my sister a lot to help me through it. She obviously told Emma and she helped me as-well giving advise on what girls like, she also kept true on my promise and tutored me in math for my GCSEs we would do 2 hour lessons every Wednesday and Sunday, we became quite close and bonded really well. On Wednesday she would come to my house and Sundays I would go to hers she would also come and see my sister through out the week and I started seeing her as like a second sister. This is where things take a turn in April (I am 16 now) me and my gf broke up and I was devastated as this was my first relationship and I really tried. A day or two after the break up Emma came round to see my sister, after a couple of hours she came to my room to say hello, she saw I was quite sad and asked me what was wrong and I told her about my brake up. She hugged me and said that it was normal to be sad and said if there was anything she could do to make it better to just asked her, I said jokingly get me a new gf, she laughs and said I would happy to be your gf if you want. I laughed and said that would be perfect. She then said that I was a great guy and any girl would be happy to be with me, she kissed me on the cheek and left I didn’t think anything of it, as I said I saw her like a sister and that’s something my sister would do, that was until I told my best friend (d), D 18m and I have been best friends since the start of secondary and he knows everything that’s happened with Emma, he’s also met her a couple of time at my house. After explaining what happened I was laughing and he wasn’t he looked at me and told me that she wants me, I thought he was joking and laughed again but he was still straight faced. After that I went home and thought about it and I decided that d was just being stupid.
The next time Emma and I did tutoring lessons I notice she was being a lot more flirty, I started to think d was right. His opinion solidified when one Sunday at her house, we were finishing up our last session as my exams were in a week she told me how proud she was and that I had gotten much better and that I will do really well on my exam, she then said that she had a reward for me. I was surprised because she never said that I would get a reward for doing well, I accepted anyway and ask what it was she said it was a secret and I should sit on the bed, she left the room and I sat on her bed. after a few minutes she came back in wearing the bikini she had gotten last summer I was shock and looked away, she said that it was okay and that this was my reward, I was uncomfortable and didn’t know what to say. She came closer and sat next to me on the bed she told me that when she was comforting me when I broke up with my gf she was happy that I said that I would want her to be my gf, she said that the boys that were interested in her never wanted a relationship and just want her body, this explains her not dating, I said that I thought we were just joking, she looked upset and I said that I would love if she was my gf but it would be weird as she’s my sister friend, she then said that she’s just rewarding me and didn’t actually want to date me, just saying that I made her happy with my comment, this confused me as she look sad when I said I didn’t want her to be my gf. She then hugged me pulling me into her half bare chest saying that for now to treat her as my gf, I didn’t know what to do I was really confused. Does she want to be my gf? What does she want me to do? I pulled away from her and said we should watch a movie or something as this situation was making me uncomfortable. She said that’s a great Idea. We got set up and put on a film we were lying on her bed when she turns and said, I told you to treat me as your gf and started to cuddle me, as the movie went on she was making more moves and started to rub my legs and arms. I got really turn on and as she rubbed my leg she brushed over my **** and said if I wanted to she wouldn’t mind helping me out. I was flustered and apologised saying she didn’t need to, she said it was ok and started rubbing it, we ended up having sex and I went home. When I got home my sister was sitting in the living room with her at the time bf, she asked me how my session went and I said good and ran up stairs. I instantly called d and told him what happened he was laughing and said I told you so, he ask how it felt and I told him that I wasn’t very comfortable doing it with her but in the moment she kinda just lead me to do it so I followed. He ask if I wanted to and I said of course hypothetically but I didn’t feel comfortable that it was actually happening. I said that I really only did it because she was telling me it was ok. He said that I should let Emma know how I was feeling so that it didn’t happen again. I messaged her on ig and told her what I told d, she replied saying that I should come over so I could explain better.
The next day I went over after school, her parents went home and she doesn’t have siblings normally I wouldn’t think about this when going over to do lessons but now it felt different, I went in and sat on the sofa she got me a drink and sat next to me, she then ask how I was feeling I explained my emotions and how I felt during and after, she listen intently and after apologised for making me feel like that. She then said that I was probably feeling guilty as she’s my sisters friend, I agreed as when I saw my sister after I couldn’t look her in the eye, she said that it was normal and ok to feel that way, she then asked if I enjoyed the sex, I replied yes, she asked if it was better then my ex which it was as we were each other first and didn’t really know what we were doing, I replied yes again, she then asked if I would want to do it again, I said idk, she said that it might make me feel better if we do it again as sometimes people are not sure how they feel after doing it just once, I hesitantly agreed, so we started to make out on the sofa, after 5-10 minutes I started to feel better and less guilty as it was a nice feeling, she stopped and said we should go to her room, I agreed we had sex again a couple of times before he parents got home. I left and went home I was felt a lot better this time so I thought Emma was right and that it was just a overwhelming emotions that make me feel that way the first time, when I got home I was able to speak to my sister normally but didn’t tell her what happened as I didn’t know how she would react. I continued going the Emma’s house every week, it was like this until the end of my exams. During summer we started properly dating, I ended up telling my sister and she was angry at first but forgave us pretty quick, during the time we was dating Emma would tell me how I need to act and what I needed to do to be a good bf, I believed her as I thought she was more experienced, she would tell me that I shouldn’t have female friends as they are temptations that could effect our relationship, and that she should be prioritised above my friends, I started hanging with Emma more and friends less the only friend I talked to and saw regularly was d. At around the end of summer (August) I asked her to be my gf officially she said yes, but being my gf comes with more rules, she said we need to spend time together 2/3 times a week minimum and that she needs my location, access to my socials I agreed to these as I thought it was normal the only thing I didn’t agree to was to stop talking to d as often, she said I was prioritising him over her and that she doesn’t feel like I actually love her, and that if I did I would agree, I said that she was stupid if she thought that and told her I would not be agreeing to go lc with d, she got upset and ghosted me for 3 days I ended up apologising and agreed to stop talking and seeing d as much, he went to a different sixth form to me so I couldn’t see him in school anymore, this made me sad as he was my best friend and we would see each other all the time, yet I agreed as I thought it’s was normal in relationship, this has been the way our relationship was for the past 9 months, I have been happy with her and loved her, we have our arguments but it usually ends up as her airing me and then me eventually apologising and then going back to normal. We spent a lot of time together and have sex regularly I genuinely thought I was happy unit now.
Last week I went out with some friends for leavers as school is finished and exam period is coming up, we had our last day and Friday we decided to go out, I was with d and other friends from our group when 2 hours in I get a call from Emma asking where I was i told her I was out with friends for leavers, she was upset and said that I was supposed to be with her today, I told her that I haven’t gone out in a long time and that I’ll see her later. She said that I needed to leave and get to her within an hour and hung up. I apologised to my friends and got ready to leave, they all had shocked faces, I asked what was wrong and they said that they herd the way she was speaking to me and that wasn’t right, d then said that he had been wanting to speak to me about it for a long time, I asked what he meant and he said that he had been thinking about my relationship with Emma and said that he thinks I was groomed into a toxic relationship with her. He then went on to explain everything to our friends who didn’t previously know how we started dating (only d knew everything) they were all shocked and my female friends were asking if I was ok and saying they would never treat their bfs like that I was confused as I thought this was normal in a relationship, we had a long discussion about my relationship with Emma and i started to realise that I am in a toxic relationship. I ended up leaving after an hour and went to see Emma I apologised for being late and she was a bit annoyed but forgave me. I didn’t confront her then because I was still confused about my emotions and d said that she might manipulate me and turn it onto me so I took his advice and stayed quite about it and just observe her behaviour. D was previously in a toxic relationship and knew how they acted and how they manipulated people into believing that their not in the wrong, I told her about how nice it was to see all of my friends again and told her what we were doing, she started asking me about who was there. I told her my friendship group and some old female friends and just like d said she started making me out to be a bad person for hanging around other females, I didn’t say anything and just carried on as normal apologising and comforting her. We moved on and I stayed then night, the next day I went home and spoke to d and told him what happened, he said I need to leave now before it’s to late and I will be too attached to her to leave.
That’s why I am here I am asking for advice on what I should do next, I am sure I need to leave but I don’t know how to, I love her and I feel like she could possibly manipulate me into staying. How do I get out of this toxic relationship.
submitted by Aromatic_Hurry_9882 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:58 Redeye1999 Kessler Syndrome’s Legacy (2155 - 2185)

Kessler Syndrome’s Legacy (2155 - 2185)
"Toliman" has been my Hard Science fiction worldbuilding project for around 4 years now. Spanning from the modern day all the way to the 36th Century, I have attempted to produce the most scientifically accurate projection of what I imagine humanity's future will be like. From the colonisation of mars to Interstellar warfare, to the wiping out of entire planets and the discovery of alien life, I have attempted to make it as realistic and faithful to the real-world science, sociology and geopolitics as I could. If you like authors like Kim Stanley Robinson (Mars Trilogy), Alistair Reynolds (Revelation space series), and Cixin Liu (Three Body Problem), this is just the sort of thing that may interest you. Feel free to ask any questions or provide any comments - I am always looking to update this project to make it more complete/ realistic. Thanks!
The Catastrophe Unfolds
In the year 2155, a century-old chip of paint from the discarded fuel tank of an Ariane 5 rocket, launched in 2003, collided with the small Blue Space GPS satellite Ormohago 5166-FZ in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO). This seemingly insignificant collision set off a catastrophic chain reaction. Within a week, nearly all of Earth's low Earth orbit infrastructure was obliterated. Tourist stations, communication satellites, and every piece of space junk were shattered into thousands more pieces, hurtling around the planet at incredible speeds. This event marked the dreaded Kessler Syndrome, resulting in an impenetrable cloud of debris that took thousands of lives and ended Earth’s space age in a week known as "the week Earth ended”
The Humanitarian Crisis
The aftermath of the Kessler Syndrome was nothing short of apocalyptic. Although many lunar colonies had achieved self-sufficiency, the same could not be said for space stations in orbit around other planets or moons, or the colonies on Jupiter, Saturn, and the asteroid belt. Arcadia and HePing Zvezda Base (和平星基地) on Mars were among the few self-sufficient locations.
The crisis sparked the worst humanitarian disaster of the century. Desperate colonists tried to flee to safer havens. Jovian and Saturnian settlers made perilous journeys to Luna, often arriving too late. Heart-wrenching scenes of colonists being denied entry to Martian bases, dying of oxygen deprivation outside the walls of Arcadia, became etched into collective memory. Some even attempted reentry to Earth, only to be shredded by the Kessler cloud, their deaths visible from the ground.
Yushi Wu: A Symbol of Desperation
Among the myriad tales of desperation, the story of Yushi Wu stands out. Yushi, a cosmonaut of the Sino-Russian Alliance (SRA), was one of 1,000 colonists at the HePing Zvezda base on Mars. Two months into the Kessler Syndrome, resource shortages led to breakdowns in hierarchy and eventual mutiny. Four months after the initial catastrophe, Yushi decided to abandon the base and trek 250 km to the larger Arcadia base, home to over 4,000 colonists.
Clad in an old, out of date space suit and carrying as many oxygen tanks as he could, Yushi embarked on the arduous journey across the Martian landscape. Despite his careful planning, he ran out of oxygen as he neared Arcadia. Denied entry due to the colony's own rationing and shortages, Yushi began the treacherous walk back to HePing Zvezda. Tragically, he succumbed to oxygen deprivation just 20 km from Arcadia. His body was discovered 70 years later, a grim reminder of the era's desperation.
The Path to Recovery
By 2163, a fragile stability had been reached. Nearly half of all people in space had perished, but those who survived managed to adapt. Self-sustainability spread across Mars and Luna, with new colonies sprouting up, automatically self-sufficient. On Earth, feverish efforts to clear the Kessler cloud led to the development of new technologies, including laser arrays and space nets designed to decelerate and deorbit debris.
A decade after the Kessler Syndrome began, Prof. Zara Treffer, who had witnessed the golden age of space travel, passed away at 157, seeing space as less accessible than when she was born. Yet, her legacy and that of many others lived on in the spirit of cooperation and resilience that grew among the spacers. This culture, focused on survival, self-sufficiency, and mutual aid, would shape the spacers' identity for centuries.
Technological Innovations and Cultural Shifts
The spacers developed their own technologies and, working with Earth-based teams, constructed laser arrays and nanofiber nets to systematically clear the debris. By 2185, the Kessler cloud had thinned enough for daring explorers to breach its boundary. Trian McGregor became the first Earther to successfully navigate the Kessler debris, symbolizing the end of a harrowing era.
The post-Kessler period saw significant advancements, including the development of miniaturized fusion ships known as Candle ships. The drive to explore space re-emerged stronger than ever, leading to the Third Accelerando, a period of rapid space expansion.
A New Era
By the early 2200s, human space had largely recovered. Luna boasted a population of 200,000, with a network of colonies and infrastructure. Mars had over 10,000 colonists, with new tented cities and collaborative efforts between SRA and Western forces. Permanent colonies on Jupiter and Saturn began to flourish once more, and Venus welcomed its first cloud city, Atlas.
The legacy of the Kessler Syndrome, though a period of immense suffering and loss, ultimately fostered a spirit of resilience, innovation, and cooperation. The lessons learned during this dark chapter paved the way for humanity's triumphant return to the stars.
Thanks for checking this out. Please ask any questions you might have, it really helps me flesh out the details!
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