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/r/SoloTravel: Where traveling solo is traveling social!

2010.07.18 18:28 obschart /r/SoloTravel: Where traveling solo is traveling social!

A place for all of those interested in solo travel to share their experiences and stories!

2012.02.17 18:34 Advice from experienced mechanics from several fields.

This is more than a car repair forum!

2013.03.16 16:46 ModestSilence HairDye

The HairDye community is devoted to hair dye and dyed hair. Any posts of your dyed hair, or questions relating to dying your hair are welcomed; Anything from Brown to Rainbow. So go ahead, let the world see your gloriously dyed hair!

2024.05.20 02:04 Round_Let7773 I genuinely dont think I can do this

I just moved out. Its been a week. The feeling of missing him is too much. I dont want to live without him. Everything except the abuse was perfect. He was the handsomest , funniest, kindest person most of the time. I miss coming home to him cooking, telling me he loves me, cuddling me. Texting me throughout the day silly and random things. Our sex was the best. We were so similar in so many ways. We never argued over minor things. We basically never argued. Ill never find someone like that again.
I don’t know how to stop myself. But I want to go back so bad that I am in physical pain. Please help.
submitted by Round_Let7773 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:03 sirsmashiedash Gossip and Speculation?

Hi everyone!
I made a post last night indicating I was new here and stumbled across this group when searching for any LP/Thranduil news for 2026. The topics being discussed in here briefly peaked my interest so I decided to stick around for a bit and just do some skimming. If what I've read is correct, it seems LP has yet to discover his true self and adjusts his personality and beliefs according to his social circle at the time, good or bad. If that is true then that is extremely unfortunate as someone who was able to portray a character such as Roy in, "The Fall", could only do so if they possessed a beautiful heart and soul. I'd like to think that side to LP is still in there somewhere laying dormant if it has been hidden away at all.
However, I cant help but wonder how much of what has been said in this subreddit is just purely gossip and speculation or perhaps has been built on an element of truth and heavily embellished to fit one's narrative. None of us actually know LP or his husband at the end of the day so I'm just confused as to why people are so invested in his private life? It was his choice to marry whom he believes is his life partner and now raise a beautiful child with them. I've never heard of MF before and I know nothing about him apart from he works in fashion (and is obviously married to LP). Granted, MF's style has clearly rubbed off onto LP and the observer in me wishes it hadn't because it just doesn't suit LP at all, especially for his age. At the end of the day, it's LP's choice to embrace whomever and whatever he chooses into his life, regardless of what the public may think. He owes us no explanation into his decisions. All he owes anyone really are fantastic performances of roles he chooses to take on for work purposes. Everything else is not of our concern, including his current and previous relationships. In my heart I truly hope he is happy because he, like all of us, deserves a full life that contains endless amounts of love and support. If he has found that, who are we to even question it? If he hasn't, well the choices were his own and now all we can do is hope that he has a network around him who can support him and bring his heart back to where it used to be.
Who knows, if he really has lost his way spiritually as many in this subreddit have suggested, perhaps the power of becoming a parent will help guide him like it did me. I had no idea who I was for the longest time and motherhood just flicked a switch inside me and now I've never been more sure of my purpose, and it's not around my child. My daughter just helped me realise so much about myself and my values in her short 4 years on this earth, she's my muse. If LP is missing that guidance, perhaps his daughter is the one to show him the way.
Anyway, this has become much longer than I anticipated. I just wanted to share a different perspective and it's your choice whether or not to think on it, keep scrolling or come for me in the comments. We all want nothing but the best for LP and his family. No family is perfect and without their hardships. I just truly hope, after reading everything in this group, that LP does in fact have the support he needs from his partner, immediate family and friends while he tries to find the balance between fatherhood and other commitments. It's not an easy road and it takes a village. And if MF is truly becoming an absent father (who actually knows this besides those in the immediate family), then the only person he's hurting is himself. That little girl is going to form bonds with those who make a genuine effort to be present. Speaking from experience here, those immediate family members in my life who didn't make the effort with my daughter she keeps at arms length or doesn't acknowledge. It doesn't affect her, just them.
We all just need to stay in our own lane as best as we can and support each other when it's needed or asked for. Speculation and gossip is poison not only for the person in question but also for the accusers. It eats at your mind and has the power to make one say and do unstable things.
Big love xx
submitted by sirsmashiedash to La_Belle_Leepfrog [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 onmethsoundingguy Why am i immature about work?

long story short i found a job for the first time at 19 and basically i think im immature because i just dont like how i have to put so much time out of my daily life into work just to be able to pay off things. I feel so damn childish but i dread the idea of going to work everyday instead of doing any other activity i want. And even when i do work i really dont know if i'll be able to ever mentally accept it and be able to feel agreeable and passionate towards it because what i want the most is to be able to sit down and do nothing without having to worry about the responsibility of work in the back of my mind.
i guesss i'm just looking for some sort of way for me to start enjoying the idea of work despite it not being something i currently want to do, maybe what i need is philosophical advice, but i dont know tbh.
submitted by onmethsoundingguy to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 onmethsoundingguy Why am i immature?

long story short i found a job for the first time at 19 and basically i think im immature because i just dont like how i have to put so much time out of my daily life into work just to be able to pay off things. I feel so damn childish but i dread the idea of going to work everyday instead of doing any other activity i want. And even when i do work i really dont know if i'll be able to ever mentally accept it and be able to feel agreeable and passionate towards it because what i want the most is to be able to sit down and do nothing without having to worry about the responsibility of work in the back of my mind.
anyway the reason i posted this here and not on or something is because i think a lot of jordanians have experience with having to work constantly, i see it with my dad, my mom, and basically my entire family and i guesss i'm just looking for some sort of way for me to start enjoying the idea of work despite it not being something i currently want to do, maybe what i need is philosophical advice, but i dont know tbh.
submitted by onmethsoundingguy to jordan [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 Soninetz Unbounce vs WordPress: Best Landing Page Platform

Unbounce vs WordPress: Best Landing Page Platform
In the realm of website creation, the battle between Unbounce and WordPress, both known for their effective landing pages and landing page plugins, rages on. These platforms offer distinct advantages, specific features, and cater to different needs. Unbounce shines with its focus on landing pages and conversion optimization, while WordPress boasts versatility and a vast array of plugins for various functionalities and differences. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each can help you make an informed decision for your website needs. Let's delve into the details of Unbounce vs. WordPress to unravel which platform aligns best with your goals.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the differences between Unbounce and WordPress to make an informed decision.
  • Consider the pros and cons of each platform to determine which aligns best with your goals.
  • Utilize Unbounce for quick and easy landing page creation with built-in optimization tools.
  • Leverage WordPress for a more versatile website with extensive customization options.
  • Choose the platform, software, website, or building landing pages that suits your specific needs and resources for optimal results and access.
  • Test both platforms with small projects to see which one fits your workflow and objectives best.

Defining the Platforms


WordPress, a versatile platform, primarily serves as a content management system (CMS) for websites. It empowers users to create and manage websites effortlessly. With its extensive range of themes, plugins, templates, and customization options, WordPress caters to various needs, from personal blogs to e-commerce sites.


Unbounce stands out for its expertise in crafting high-converting landing pages. This platform focuses on optimizing conversion rates through A/B testing, drag-and-drop functionality, and mobile-responsive designs. Marketers and businesses leverage Unbounce to enhance their online marketing campaigns effectively by creating landing pages.
Transform leads into lasting connections 🤝 Begin your Unbounce Free Trial today! 💼

Founding History

WordPress was founded in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. Initially developed as a blogging platform, it has evolved into a robust CMS powering millions of websites globally. On the other hand, Unbounce was established in 2009 by Rick Perreault, Carl Schmidt, Carter Gilchrist, Jason Murphy, and Oli Gardner. The founding team aimed to address the specific need for creating landing pages that drive conversions efficiently.

Pros and Cons Analysis


WordPress boasts an open-source nature, allowing extensive customization through plugins and themes. On the other hand, Unbounce focuses on specific features for streamlined landing page creation.

Learning Curve

For beginners, WordPress can present a steep learning curve due to its vast array of options and settings. Conversely, Unbounce offers a more user-friendly interface with intuitive drag-and-drop functionality.

Pricing Structures

When it comes to cost-effectiveness, Unbounce provides tiered pricing based on features and traffic volume. In contrast, WordPress offers a range of pricing options, including self-hosted solutions with varying costs for domains and hosting.

Building Landing Pages

Customization Options

Unbounce offers extensive customization through its drag-and-drop editor, allowing users to create custom landing pages effortlessly. This feature enables users to tailor their pages to specific needs.
In contrast, WordPress provides a wide range of customization options with its themes and plugins, giving users the flexibility to design dedicated landing pages that align with their branding and goals.

A/B Testing Capabilities

With Unbounce, users can conduct A/B testing to analyze different versions of their landing pages and determine which one performs better. This functionality is crucial for optimizing landing pages for maximum effectiveness.

Optimizing for Success

Enhanced Engagement

Unbounce provides features like pop-ups and sticky bars to boost user engagement. These tools help marketers capture leads effectively.
WordPress, on the other hand, offers a wide range of plugins that can enhance user interaction on websites, contributing to improved engagement.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Security Comparison

Both WordPress and Unbounce prioritize security for marketers. WordPress is known for its robust security measures through regular updates and plugin options.
Similarly, Unbounce ensures data security with encryption protocols and secure hosting services, giving marketers peace of mind regarding their campaigns' safety.

Streamlining Workflows

Unbounce integrates seamlessly with various popular marketing tools, simplifying marketing workflows for professionals. This integration enhances efficiency in managing campaigns.
In contrast, WordPress offers a vast array of plugins that can be integrated with different marketing tools, allowing marketers to customize their strategies effectively.

Making the Right Choice

Lead Generation

Unbounce stands out as an excellent option for businesses focusing on lead generation. With its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality, creating high-converting landing pages becomes a breeze. The platform offers a variety of templates tailored specifically for capturing leads effectively.

Diverse Functionalities

On the other hand, WordPress is the preferred option for websites that require a wide range of functionalities beyond just landing pages. Its versatility allows users to create complex websites with features like e-commerce capabilities, blogging, forums, and much more. The platform's extensive plugin library enables customization options to cater to diverse needs.

Cost Considerations

When deciding between Unbounce and WordPress, it's crucial to consider the cost implications. While Unbounce offers a straightforward pricing structure based on the number of visitors, WordPress provides more customisation options at a lower cost. Businesses with limited budgets may find WordPress more appealing due to its flexibility in making changes without additional expenses.

Closing Thoughts

In weighing Unbounce against WordPress for your landing page needs, you've seen the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. Now, armed with this knowledge, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your specific goals and skill level. Remember, the right choice isn't universal; it's what best suits your objectives.
When building and optimizing landing pages, consider factors like ease of use, customization options, and scalability. By selecting the platform that resonates most with your requirements, you set yourself up for success in converting visitors into customers. So, take the insights gained here and embark on your journey to create compelling landing pages that drive results.
Step into boundless marketing success 🌟 Start your Unbounce Free Trial now! 🎉

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Unbounce and WordPress?

Unbounce is a dedicated landing page builder focused on conversion optimization, while WordPress is a versatile content management system for websites of all types. Unbounce offers drag-and-drop functionality specifically for creating high-conversion landing pages, whereas WordPress provides a broader range of website building capabilities.

Which platform is better suited for beginners - Unbounce or WordPress?

For beginners looking to create landing pages with ease, Unbounce is more user-friendly due to its intuitive drag-and-drop interface designed for marketers. On the other hand, WordPress, while versatile, may have a steeper learning curve as it offers more customization options beyond just landing pages.

Can I build a full website using Unbounce?

Unbounce is primarily designed for creating high-converting landing pages rather than complete websites. While you can link multiple landing pages together to form a simple site structure, it lacks the comprehensive features and flexibility offered by platforms like WordPress and unbounce for building entire websites with diverse functionalities.

How does each platform handle optimization for search engines (SEO)?

WordPress has robust SEO plugins and tools that allow users to optimize their website's on-page elements effectively. In comparison, while Unbounce provides basic SEO settings like meta tags and descriptions, its focus is primarily on optimizing landing page performance rather than offering extensive SEO capabilities like WordPress.

Which platform would be more cost-effective in the long run - Unbounce or WordPress?

In terms of cost-effectiveness, WordPress may have an edge as it offers more affordable hosting options and numerous free themes and plugins. While Unbounce can be pricier due to its subscription-based model focused on optimizing conversions through dedicated landing pages.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 YourDead6 Need help repairing

Need help repairing
My favorite knife has recently had an issue. The blade no longer locks. I couldnt find a knife repair subreddit so i came here. I have a video showing the Lock and some other info. I have no clue of how old the knife is or who made it. All i can tell you is i got it from a dead uncle 7 years ago, no clue how long he had it before. And for manufacturing all i can find is "JAPAN" scribed on the bottom of the blade. If anyone could tell me a good way to disassemble it without to much damage, or even tell the name of the type of lock. That would be very appreciated. I would really like to keep this knife, please help.
submitted by YourDead6 to knifemaking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:59 Mean-Hawk2069 There is Hope

I am in remission. But it took a heck ton of work to get here. I was 7 aic at diagnosis in September 2021. Nearly three years later, without meds, I did it (for now). I crawled down to 6.7, 6.5, and now under 6. I am a 47 yo male and can boast under 10% body fat.
The way was unique to me. YMMV. No, I did not do keto. I simply got rid of rice, bread, pasta, and potatoes. And yet I still had oat bran, chia seeds, fenugreek. Tons of cruciferous veg every day. I eat mostly fish. I made a disgusting slurry of apple cider vinegar, turmeric, garlic, black pepper, cinnamon, rosemary, and onion. My fish is also baked with half a full red onion daily. My snacks are cucumber, tomato, underripe bananas, 1% cottage cheese, lactose free 0% plain probiotic yogurt with sometimes low glycemic berries. My cheat is pickles.
Diet was the start. Exercise was the next. Not everyone has mobility or ability to do it. I fortunately did. I pivoted to being a bodybuilder. My ultimate goal was to turn bigger muscles into glucose sinks. At present, I have 51% skeletal muscle because I spend 1-2 hours daily lifting. The average for a male is 28-36%. I knew that going Metformin for my specific aspects would have been an androgen inhibitor. I now look like a firefighter calendar model with abs, and at my age that is a win.
I will not say this is possible for everyone. It isn't. I was lucky, but I don't undermine my luck by saying there wasn't a lot of discipline involved. We know discipline. We know what we can't, or shouldn't, do, but what can we do?
I chose eating and moving like an elite athlete. My job permits me the time. No, I will not go to a restaurant and no I can't eat 95% of what a grocery store sells. That's not my life any more.
For sure I get spikes. I need about 300g of protein to sustain my frame given my activity and size. No matter how good the protein, bioavailability is there, but temporary. Cortisol from working out too much? Another spike. Temporary. Stress? Yup. I day trade, so rollercoaster is usual. And anyone who says exercise relieves stress, understand that it is temporary and all the problems are waiting for you when the exercise high wears off.
There is hope. Of course, talk to me in 20 years. I know I lose in the end. For the time being, I remain asymptomatic and in some ways T2D has made me the strongest, healthiest person I have ever been because I had to respond with vigour.
If you can manage this, well, what can you not manage in other areas of life? You can do it. I know you can, and it doesn't matter if you can do it alone or with help -- you can do this.
submitted by Mean-Hawk2069 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:58 YsrYsl Questions to ask and what to look for when interviewing to gauge the "technical culture" of a team or company?

Note: This is not intended as a shade to those who don't code & to non-techincal people. The point of this post is more on skillset & (what seems to be) management direction mismatch.
Currently working in a small company (~150 employees total) and a little while ago new management rolled in. Started restructuring company-wide and made quite a number of new hires in analyst-level roles, almost all newly created roles by them as a result of their restructuring project, who I've had to cross-functionally work with.
The problem is that all of them have never coded in their lives and everything is pretty much built in Python and SQL. Now I have to explain how my code works without ever having to reference my code and justify the outputs of my code a-la ELI5 when the numbers "don't look right" to them so many times it's driving me nuts. Not to mention the pile of ad-hoc requests to extract or collate data.
The job adverts apparently didn't even mention Python and SQL as I later found out. None of the above problem would arise if management would actually hire people who can code or at least during the hiring process consult with the existing team members because the new hires suddenly pop into the office out of the blue.
Regardless, it's a bygone now and I guess it's time to start job hunting. To that end and per the title, are there things you've done in past interviews to get an idea of how a team or company is culturally in terms of its technical operations? Perhaps something to gauge how techincally-oriented the management is, does the company's management decision-making process respect its technical staff, etc.
submitted by YsrYsl to BusinessIntelligence [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 Previous_Towel_5232 29M pretty confused by end of situationship (with F25). Thoughts?

I downloaded Tinder when I moved in the Nordics. In January I matched with this girl. We chatted for a few weeks and we went out two times in February. I wasn't sure at first if I felt attraction, but I really liked her as a person, we discovered we had some past shared traumas that got us closer and I felt I was incredibly at ease with her, as it rarely happens with people I barely know (I am extremely introverted and she didn't believe I was). Both times we stayed together for 7-8 hours and time flew. We didn't talk about our feelings but we agreed on the fact that we had good vibes. Most of all, I innately felt I could trust her. Then I went to my home country, but we stayed in contact. When I came back she texted me that she wanted to clarify that she had decided she had no romantic intentions but it was nothing personal. She had cancelled Tinder and she just wanted to stay single. I told her that if she meant a long-term relationship I wasn't so sure as well and I just wanted to see how things went without pressure.
We met in March, and while we were talking about wine she interrupted me to make a call. Later, she said that she had talked with her best friend "who obviously knew about me". She added that they had both broken up with their boyfriends in summer, and they had felt terribly. Now her friend was hanging out with a single father in his 30s (so I presumed it was quite a serious thing), and since they had been talking for months of going to some wine tasting event she wanted to tell her that they could finally organise that as a double date. I accepted, but I was a little bit taken aback given her previous message. This made me wonder that maybe there were some expectations, and, since I still wasn't sure about my feelings and I knew what kind of frailties she could have, I went into overthinking mode. I wanted to balance my words and, when in doubt, be on the safe side without promising things lightly. I realise this made me seem cold sometimes. When she asked me if I was interested in sharing an apartment (we both live on our own) in the capital (she wants to move there and I often have to commute there) independently from an eventual romantic relationship, I was quite firm in my no. After 8 hours, she asked me if it was time to have sex, but she wanted to discuss if it really made sense and to uncover our intentions. I said that I liked her but the last thing I wanted was to hurt someone so I didn't want to take commitments. I was maybe realising I was growing feelings for her but I didn't say that. She then decided we needed a solemn deal: if the sexual/romantic vibe was not good this would have not been cause of bitterness between us, we had acknowledged that we liked each other as people so much and this had to stay. I agreed and we went to her place.
There we kissed, then she went to her neighbours to ask for tobacco. When she was back she told me that she was sorry but she had decided she didn't feel like it, but it was 5 am and I could stay. She got out of the bathroom naked apart from a tiny slip, and we went to bed. I turned my back on her trying to think about something else and sleep, but she laughed and told me "Well, we can still have some cuddles". One thing leads to another and while we didn't have proper sex we definitely had more than some cuddles. I remember that at a certain time she said "Oh no, this is definitely not going to end well", and the anguish in her voice freaked me out.
The day after, she texted me "I really enjoyed it but I have this persisting feeling that we would be better as friends", she insisted a lot that it wasn't sugarcoating but she was really convinced that we would have been great friends and we both knew that. I asked her to talk about it the next time in person and she agreed. Two days later she texted me that she was just going to a bar for a couple of hours before a meeting, that she was such in a good mood and asked me to join her (this spontaneity from a Scandinavian sounded super weird to me). I couldn’t join her on time and I still regret that. Then I left the town again, but we kept in contact. This was also when I realised that I was missing her and the feelings I had where a little bit deeper than what I had thought at first. At my return, I noticed that something had changed, but she attributed this to her Master's thesis' deadline. A few more days and she ghosted me, then she texted me a week later "sorry, I was busy. But I should also tell you that I have entered a relationship :) :) :)". I replied that I was sure there was something behind her silence and she didn't feel the need to explain further. She didn't owe me anything, but I expected some better communication, especially with all her worries about the possibility to ruin our personal relationship. After ten days with no communications, I texted her that I was a little disappointed 'cause I thought we had a deal. She asked me "what deal?" and I replied "what? were you drunk that night?" (she wasn’t) and she told me "Indeed I was. In fact I don't remember what happened. And honestly I don't want to know" (which was the thing that hurt me the most). I asked her if she had considered that people have feelings and she told she was going to terminate the conversation and she blocked me on WhatsApp.
That's how it ended. Her relationship hurt me, but it was her choice and I certainly couldn't contest that (I regret a lot that I should have been quicker in grasping and communicating my feelings). But the way she handled the thing felt like a treason in human terms to me and made me wonder if everything else she said was false as well. Thoughts? (I’d like to know if the replies come from men or women, sometimes perspectives are different).
submitted by Previous_Towel_5232 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 JaneWilloughby My thoughts on the KEY puzzles

I’ve seen a good amount of discourse on some of the puzzles in KEY, but I wanted to share my thoughts on a few specific puzzles (good and bad) to see if other people shared my struggles/opinions.
  1. The locked book in the cafe - The graphic design for this clue is incredibly flawed in my opinion. Why would you have lines drawn from one point of the compass to a specific number if you didn’t want players to conclude that number is connected to that specific point. (Looking at you, 4). I spent probably two hours on this puzzle thinking I was supposed to count the number of pictures on the wall or plants in a specific corner…not cool.
  2. Coffee making - aside from the wonky mechanics that take some getting used to and the annoying flipping back and forth to different recipes, I didn’t mind this puzzle. I honestly kinda like the fact that the latte art is so frustrating because it has created a hilarious meme for the game that I think every ND game needs. I lowkey feel like HER made it infuriating on purpose for this reason.
  3. The gold artifact in the museum - I feel like this one might be more user error on my end, but I really did not understand that I was supposed to search for Rs around the town, nor did I think I was supposed to click the little button at the bottom to trigger the mechanism. I swear I had the right combination for so long but kept second guessing myself because I assumed it would open on its own.
  4. The trunk in the antique store - I just couldn’t find the little button on the side and it stumped me for a good hour, but I will say once I got it open, the gem sliding puzzle was very fun and a very unique puzzle that I quite enjoyed.
  5. The puppet show - Frustrating, but not enraging like some of the other puzzles. I think some more hints as to what props were needed could have helped a lot without making it too easy.
  6. The jewelry safe - I understand what they were trying to do, and I think it was a very good puzzle, but it definitely needed better guidance from the clues in the store. I don’t know how anyone could have solved this without the strategy guide or hints, but kudos to you if you did.
  7. The dean’s wall - I was so excited when I finally realized this was like the Bento puzzle in SAW and I knew exactly what I supposed to do, only to be incredibly disappointed when I had a correct solution about 3 different times, but it wasn’t the EXACT solution the game would accept. Very defeating.
  8. The alchemy puzzle - I was losing steam at this point so maybe I could have solved this on my own, but I struggled a lot with understanding what the book was trying to tell me and eventually looked up the solution after about 30 minutes. BUT this puzzle was pretty fun once I knew what I needed to do and I really appreciate what they were trying to do.
  9. The riddles in the alchemy book - I really liked the candle puzzle and the moon/knight puzzle, but once I got to the clock puzzle I just threw my hands up and said absolutely not and almost immediately looked up the solution lol
  10. The key weight puzzle - My only complaint about this is that I don’t think it makes logical sense in real life? If you don’t know how much one key weighs, you have no idea what the order would be, right? So if you have to get solution by random guessing until Nancy says “that’s right!” How does Nancy know?
Okay, I think I’ll leave it with those 10 for now, but would really love to know y’all’s thoughts as well!
submitted by JaneWilloughby to nancydrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 lavendervc Nonbinary & weddings

I just posted this over in wedding without ever seeing this one! Sorry for the double post/cross post
I (24) am non-binary. I do not really dress fem, and do not really dress masculine. I am very much in between in my life.
However, for my wedding I want the stereotypical "bride" look. I have a classic engagement ring and I want the white dress. I want to have fun planning my wedding and all the excitement that comes with it! I am starting to get really stressed out at all of the integral experiences that I am missing out on. I am not some "future Mrs. X" I am not a "wifey", I feel like I barely count as a bride.
I am just really sad that there are no getting ready robes for me, no tshirts, no cute things for the bridal shower, no embroidered bags or funny little sayings. I know it is not about the items but feel I have no sense of belonging in this experience. And it sucks that there are no special gifts I can treat myself to. Is anyone else out there like me? I feel so lost 😥
Ps- idk what I should ask people to call me after the wedding as I will not be "Mrs. X" or even how to do the invites lol
submitted by lavendervc to LGBTWeddings [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:55 DriveThroughLane Just how efficient are mercenaries?

I want to look at a small selection of mercs to see how they compare to each race's combat units. There are obviously some mercs that are terrible (a rogue is somewhat comparable to a footman, and footmen suck) and others that are quite powerful (twilight ruins let you get 4x makrura deepseers and basically be playing swarm hosts from sc2)
To keep it simple I'm looking at the medium armor / piercing ranged creeps, generally the best combo.
Each race has;
Unit Resources DPS DPS Up EHP EHP Up Range Ability
Rifleman 205g/30l/3f 15.6 21.1 535 728 400(600) None
Crypt Fiend 215g/40l/3f 14.3 19.5 550 748 550 Web
Headhunter 140g/20l/2f 10.8 14.7 375 646 550 Berserk
Archer 130g/10l/2f 11.3 18 255 347 500(700) Hide, Elune's Grace
Riflemen and fiends are pretty similar, archers have more DPS for less EHP, but HH have been buffed to have really disparately high EHP for their cost which has been the big balance problem (about 30% tankier than the same food in rifles/fiends). But in general it costs you about 70 gold per food, and you get about 5 (7) dps per food, 180 (250) EHP per food. That's the general baseline.
Now lets compare some creeps. Note the per food instead of upgrade categories;
Unit Resources DPS DPS/food EHP EHP/food Range Ability
Assassin 260g/30l/3f 17 5.7 477 159 500 Envenomed Weapons, Hide
Kobold Geomancer 215g/30l/2f 13.9 6.9 300 150 600 Slow, Abolish Magic
Troll Berserker 245g/30l/3f 20.3 6.8 477 159 500 None
Murgul Bloodgill 195g/10l/2f 11.6 5.8 336 168 500 Heal
Stormreaver Hermit 190g/20l/2f 12.8 6.4 381 190 500 Purge
Mur'gul Snarecaster 265g/30l/3f 18.1 6.0 420 140 500 Slow, Abolish Magic
Gnoll Warden 180g/20l/2f 15.6 7.8 330 165 500 Purge
Quillboar Hunter 215g/20l/2f 14.4 7.2 468 234 500 None (counted evasion in ehp)
Troll Shadow Priest* 195g/10l/2f 11.4 5.7 240 120 600 Heal, Abolish Magic
Spitting Spider* 235g/30l/2f 15.8 7.9 424 212 600 Envenomed Weapons
Note how across the DPS/EHP per food columns, a lot of merc creeps actually pack more DPS than normal race's ranged units, but are generally squishier, but many have more useful abilities. Some creeps are even better than ranged units with a bunch of upgrades, while others wind up being closer to a unit with ~1 level of upgrades. Stormreaver Hermits are 2 food ranged units like archers/HH and share their vulnerability to AoE, but on top of spamming purge they have more DPS and EHP, just for a higher gold cost.
The big takeaway is a lot of merc units are actually competent or even better than normal race units. Without needing to build a barracks, without needing to build an upgrade hall/blacksmith, without needing to invest lots of time and resources in 6 different upgrades to cap them out. In 4v4 maps with 4x merc camps it becomes a real strategy to just hog them from both teams and never build any infrastructure, but that's not applicable to most 1v1 maps. And only when units are really fully upgraded does the +6 armor give much of an edge to non-merc ranged, because that ~250 EHP per food isn't reached by any of them
submitted by DriveThroughLane to WC3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:54 No-Buffalo9706 There truly is no bounds on Christian Love™

Okay, from the "There's No Hate Like Christian Love" files, ... My ex-wife* has severe, progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Unlike the people in the ads on TV for MS meds, she's in the cohort where it has effectively left her permanently and completely disabled. She's currently in the hospital due to an MS flare-up. There's a woman and her kids walking around like chaplains and asked if she'd like her to pray with her. My ex-wife, who has never been religious, isn't feeling it so declines, but says she'd be happy to just talk. They proceed to have a relatively friendly discussion, and naturally the topic comes up about how she ended up in the hospital. As an otherwise healthy-looking mid-30's woman, it's a fair question, so she explains. The "chaplain" proceeds to ask her if she ever had kids.
Anyways, during the conversation, this chaplain explains to her that she NEEDED to have kids, because "God blesses those who embrace His plan for them." My ex-wife was never one to mince words. Anyways, as of this writing, this event happened about two hours ago. Her sister (who also had the issue with the fertility treatments) called me to let me know that the hospital staff was trying to decide whether or not she could stay after tomorrow, but that "This was the first time that family had been yelled at by ANYBODY, let alone a patient!"
Can hospitals be sued for medical malpractice for allowing in volunteers who will harm their patients?
*We got divorced so that she can qualify for Medicaid. I make too much money to qualify for a state-run healthcare plan, and all the private insurance options refuse to actually provide the care that she needs because she's such an expensive case.
submitted by No-Buffalo9706 to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:52 MrMercy3 Any insights about Morning pills?

So here's the thing, my girlfriend is sleeping beside me right now. For context, we had a fight last week about our commitment with each other. I'm ready for her but I'm having a feeling of wavering commitment from her. So now we've reconciled, we've done the deed. However, I came inside her this time and it was the first time I did it. She likes me saying that to her, that I'll finish inside her. So I thought that this time, I'd really do it. I even said it before I did it and I heard no objection. Didn't expect that it would cause some kind of twisted feelings for her and for me, as well. She said that she's just worrying about me and my future plans but she's not showing any sign of "wanting" so now I'm feeling that I am just forcing her which is very wrong. Ayokong daan sa pilit ang isang bagay. Tbh, I'm feeling a little bit empty right now. Pero going back to the main topic, I'd like to ask, I've heard that Morning pills are no longer available here in PH, is that still the case today in 2024? If yes, how about the Yuzpe method? What brand of birth control pill can we use best without the need of a prescription? I know the process already after doing some research, but if you guys can provide step by step tips on how you used it, I would very much be grateful!
submitted by MrMercy3 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:52 Immediate-Speech7102 What do you think will be the long-term impact of the U.S. migrant crisis?

So, I am trying to understand the migrant situation better so that I may become more educated and informed on this topic and be able to better understand something I currently find very confusing. I asked a series of questions in NoStupidQuestions and got some great responses, which have now triggered some follow up questions that I believe would be best answered by economists. I'm asking these questions here hoping to cut through the noise of political bias and get a truly educated opinion without some agenda or political rant behind it.
I'd greatly appreciate anyone who could answer one or more of these:
  1. If US taxpayers are paying for migrants' cost of living while they await a judgement on their asylum status, how much does this cost actually impact the U.S. budget, future tax implications (raising taxes?), and American livelihoods?
    1. For example, if migrants get free healthcare, does that mean the cost of health insurance and medical procedures also increases, to make up for the associated expenses of offering free medical care?
    2. Does offering free housing increase rent by limiting supply or otherwise have other impact on the housing markets?
      1. And later on, when migrants get granted asylum, would this put a further strain on housing markets?
    3. Are the jobs associated with handling the migrant situation, and the increased spending, net-beneficial to the U.S. economy after all is said and done?
    4. Would these costs ever be recouped in the long-term, from the long-term benefits of adding more workers to the economy?
    5. What does the data say about migrants, job prospects, and welfare in the long-term, after they've been granted asylum?
  2. Does the US have the economic resources or incentive to use AI to speed up the claims process, which seems to be what causes the most backlog between either issuing work visas or deporting migrants?
  3. It's said that the majority of migrants are poor and undereducated, which makes them perfect for corporations to exploit in low-wage positions.
    1. Are they given low-wage positions while waiting for their asylum to be approved, or after they've been granted work visas?
    2. What is the net economic impact of this?
      1. Would this make food cheaper than otherwise not having this cheap labor?
      2. Does this "steal" the job of other Americans, or does it allow other Americans to search for more economically prosperous opportunities? What does the evidence or research studies say?
      3. This increases GDP, which boosts the economy right?
    3. Are businesses in America economically incentivized to support more migrant entries?
submitted by Immediate-Speech7102 to AskEconomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:51 Mrzwanzig How are there so few Cody/Zain grands?

Real quick, without looking it up. How many times have Cody and Zain played each other in a major grands?
The answer is 2, and one of those was all the way back in 2021. I haven't really noticed people talking about this, but it seems like an utterly bizarre statistic to me. The two of them have won almost every major for the past year and a half. The only grands that didn't feature either of them since the start of 2023 was Riptide, which they both didn't attend. They're basically always the top 2 seeds now, so they're not taking each other out early unless they've both already been upset. So how are they almost never together in grands?
For comparison, during the Armada/HBox era, they were meeting each other in grands almost every other tournament if both were there. Sure, you could probably argue that the field below the top 2 is tougher now than it was then, but that's hard to square with their dominance in terms of actual tournament wins.
So what's going on? Is this just an unlikely statistical anomaly, or is there some explanation? Are the bracket gods conspiring to always take out exactly one of them before grands to prevent us from seeing the same matchup every tournament? Are Cody and Zain not actually much better than the rest, but everyone else just keeps choking in grands? Do they have a single pair of lucky underwear that they play rock paper scissors to decide who gets to wear it every tournament?
submitted by Mrzwanzig to SSBM [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:51 Careless_Proof_4006 Sister is pregnant again..

I almost didn’t post this because my mom has been spying on my account. I need to share with someone though.. sorry it’s long.
In 2021, I had my first miscarriage. At my first ultrasound I was told baby didn’t have a heartbeat. A few weeks later, my sister told me she was pregnant and it was a surprise. She said she didn’t know how to tell me. I was really upset but I did my best to be supportive. Later that night I was crying on my bathroom floor telling my husband I wanted to die. He held me and begged me not to talk that way. Needless to say it was rough.. I did my best to be there for her during her pregnancy. Not going to lie, my family was kinda weird around me. Didn’t talk about her baby a lot. Didn’t ask for me to help with the baby shower. I was happy they didn’t ask much of me because I didn’t have the capacity to do those things.
A few months later, I got pregnant again. A few weeks after that, I miscarried again. It was awful. My sister was still pregnant and I had to continue to force myself to be supportive. I met my niece a few months later. Held her, smiled.
I decided to take a break from trying again. I wanted to focus on healing my mental health first. Months turned to years and I was content. I felt like I could live without kids and focus on traveling and being an aunt.
Fast forward to last summer. I had a feeling I was pregnant and took a test. It was positive. I had a mixture of feelings. Thinking back now, I was just scared. My past had traumatized me enough that I was extremely anxious about losing this pregnancy. I did everything I could to prevent that from happening. What I ate, who I spent time with, etc. Well, some things you just can’t prevent I guess. I lost my daughter right before our third trimester. It’s been 3 months. I’ve been a mess ever since. Some days are better than others. I’ve gone back to work and everyone is pregnant or their wife is pregnant. I’ve grown a huge resentment toward everyone there. I hate my job that I once loved. I don’t want to be there. I don’t want to see the happy pregnant people. I try to think nice things but the negative thoughts are so strong. I hate them. I hate their happiness. I don’t want to see them, I don’t want them near me, I don’t want to hear about their babies. I know that’s mean and unhealthy but this voice in my head is loud.
Then, yesterday, my sister text me saying she’s pregnant again. I want to die. How am I supposed to be around her when she’s pregnant? Listen to my family talk about baby stuff? I can’t. I told her I needed space until I deal with this news and it, understandably, upset her. My mom called me and told me that I need to work towards getting better and even though I can’t control what’s happening, I can control how I respond. She told me I need medication, more therapy, all that. I don’t think they really understand what’s going on in my head. How sick I am when I think of babies knowing I won’t ever see mine again. How angry I am at the universe or God or whatever it was that didn’t protect my daughter when I needed her to be ok. What did I do to deserve this? How could this happen again? Every time something extremely traumatic happens my sister gets pregnant and I’m supposed to deal with it? How is that fair? I hate my life and I’m in a dark place.
submitted by Careless_Proof_4006 to babyloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:50 Right2Liberty Please give me some hope… (sorry - long post)

We lost our beloved, sweet, goofy black lab in Nov. at the age of 14. We now have a 15 week old male black lab pup. We’ve had him for 7 weeks. He’s from champion hunting lines so he’s bred to be a hard-charging, high energy field lab. Which is what my husband wanted because he bird hunts. This pup is SO different and SO much more… intense… than our last one and I’m worried that maybe we have a problem on our hands.
My husband is retired and home all the time so the new pup (Amos) has a LOT of attention and interaction. We’ve worked on his training since the day we brought him home. Here are the “pros” so far: 1. No hint of separation anxiety 2. Fine in his crate from day one. Never cries or whines in there, slept thru the night from day one - even at 8 wks old. Never had an accident in the crate. 3. We use a playpen for him in our living room to keep him confined to one area so he can’t destroy everything or get into anything that might harm him. He entertains himself on his own in his pen with tons of toys. He doesn’t cry to be let out or have any issues with his playpen or the outside dog run that we sometimes confine him to for a few minutes in the yard so he can be outside without 100% direct supervision. 4. We work on his basic obedience training every day, throughout the day. He knows sit, down, stay, come, leave it, off, and how to shake. He also walks pretty well on a loose leash. 5. He seems very bonded to both me and my husband and loves to lick us and get belly rubs. 6. He’s 98% housebroken. He’s never had a poop accident in the house and only occasionally has a pee accident now - maybe once every 7-14 days - and only if we miss the signals he has given us.
Now for the more concerning issues. 1. He bites. Hard. And he has literally laid open my husband’s hands multiple times. He was HORRIBLE with this the first few weeks (he came from a large litter) and we’ve worked hard on it. He’s much better with the frequency, but he’s still very mouthy and still gets sudden bouts of extreme snappiness regularly and we have to constantly correct him for it. Nothing we have tried has worked. We’ve tried probably 5 or 6 different procedures from different online trainers. Nothing seems to work with him. What is the most concerning to us is sometimes when he’s acting up and we’re trying to calm him down or get him back under control, he lunges and snaps at us and tries to bite, often delivering a hard bite. I keep reading this isn’t true “aggression” but it sure seems like it is, in the moment! 2. His chewing is insane. We can’t have him out in the house out of his playpen under direct supervision for more than 5 minutes (surrounded by toys and various chews) without him going from furniture to furniture and chewing on them. If we try to stop him and redirect him to a toy, he just spits it out and goes right back to the furniture. He will do this over and over until we simply have to put him back in the playpen. He does the same thing when he’s loose in our backyard. We’ve puppy proofed it the best we can but it’s still a large yard with flowers and bushes and rocks. He’ll go from one to the other, grabbing a rock in his mouth and running away, or breaking off huge branches off the bushes and just generally acts like a crazy dog. If we try to take things out of his mouth (always trading him first something else, he often gets snappy) 3. On walks, he barks and lunges toward people and other dogs. Not in aggression, but in excitement to get to them. We’re working on not letting him jump up on people, but he’s CRAZY when he meets new people or dogs and if we handle him to try to calm him down or keep him from jumping on someone, he often will whip around and snap at us. 4. He’s been prone to overstimulation from the first day we brought him home and the more wound up he gets, the more snappy he gets. But how do we socialize him without letting him get overstimulated? 5. He has times where he’s great on his leash and walks well and is fine. But other times, he grabs his leash and bites it, pulls on it, spins on it, and if you try to calm him down or make him stop, you guessed it - he snaps and tries to bite.
In short, he can be super sweet but he’s also EXTREMELY strong-willed and we’re just not sure if his behavior is “normal” for 15 weeks old and we just need to keep working through it or if we truly do have a problem on our hands and need to bring in a professional behaviorist. Can some of you please tell me what you think? Are we expecting too much of him at 15 weeks? And what were your labs like at 15-16 weeks old?
Thank you!
submitted by Right2Liberty to labrador [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:49 bishtap dissolving and solubility, vs reacting

I've heard that with some things, you wouldn't use the word solubility or say something is soluble , because it reacts. So for example HCl dissociates into H+ and Cl-, and the H+ reacts with H2O to form H3O+. And Cl- just connects weakly to an H2O molecule. And because it react after dissociation, the fact that it reacted means we don't say it's soluble.
The thing is though, isn't all dissolving a reaction. e.g. NH3+H2O (granted the equilibrium is to the left, not much conversion happens), but NH3 dissolves to produce OH- ions in water. The OH- are produced by a reaction between a Bronsted base (NH3), and H2O being here a Bronsted acid. But we speak of solubility of NH3 despite the reaction.
With NaOH+H2O.. NaOH is a strong base, it dissolves to produce OH- ions in water, and a lot of them. It dissociates and a bronsted lowry reaction takes place where OH- + H2O H2O + OH- which doesn't do much 'cos the products are the same as the reactants, but there's a lot of chemical reaction taking place there.
CaO I heard that it reacts in room temperature water, so one would only look at solubility for a temperature where the reaction doesn't take place, like 10 degrees C or 5 degrees C.. And it's found to be very insoluble in water.. But how can we look at solubility without a reaction. Will it just break into Ca2+ and O2- and not produce OH- ions in water? That would then mean that dissolving e.g. a base dissolving involves not producing OH- ions in water . So this seems a bit contradictory.
I have seen a solubility table show R(reacts) for calcium oxide, and I(insoluble) for magnesium oxide. I understand now that magnesium oxide reacts requires heat maybe 70C to react. Whereas Calcium oxide would react at 25C. So I can see why they list Calcium Oxide with R, and Magnesium oxide with I. But then I wonder about saying things are (S), like NaOH or NH3. Because that requires a reaction.
So I don't understand on the one hand, saying that something is either soluble, insoluble, or reacts. (and if it reacts we don't say it's soluble). And on the other hand, solubility being a reaction.
submitted by bishtap to chemhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:48 keloyd Nazi Medical Experiments - how much did their scientists/doctors understand real vs. pseudo-science? Was their decision to go along with some of the sadistic nonsense just a smart/cynical career move, or did they 'drink the koolaid' and think it was all real science?

Without going into too much gruesome details, was it as obvious to Nazi scientists as it is to us, or nearly so, when they had a legitimate question to answer and when it was just meaningless sadism? Were there at least a minority of competent scientists who may have gone along with the evil but continued to think scientifically, if only in diaries or private conversations that some talented historians have been able to find?
I ask in part because Annie Jacobson wrote a good book on Operation Paperclip some time ago and taught me that there was more medical/biological warfare expertise than is widely known in that group, much more than the rocket scientists who served partly as window dressing. She just published something new and unrelated in my library book queue. Some things the medical community did was unambiguously evil but was also rational at some level - consider the hypothermia experiments. With all the soldiers crashing planes into the ocean in the winter, they needed to know more about this and what methods are more helpful in recovery. Even here, one pseudo-scientific method with the German euphemism animalische Wärme must have made the scientists roll their eyes, and I believe Jacobson mentioned their disbelief even as they performed the experiments at the insistence of upper management. In another (Japanese Unit 731) example, substantial research went into figuring out which mosquito species carried malaria, and how they could survive the elevation and cold to be dropped from bomber planes into enemy territory to spread disease. This is evil, but it is also a rational question that competent people may look into. It is tricky to ignore the evil and human suffering on this subject, but to what extent were the scientists aware of what was real science and what was just meaningless politically motivated sadism?
submitted by keloyd to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:47 kingschwap Depop banned me after they took my money

This past week I sent TWO shoes out through depop shipping. The mail lady took both pairs like it was nothing. Then come the following day the shoes got sent back to my house because shipping label I chose through depop was >2 and the shoes exceeded that. Quickly told the buyer imma take care of that asap and I did!! I appropriated the shipping myself and paid the difference for the label. Told the buyer I just got that out and sent him the tracking via depop messages. WRONG. Because I used depop shipping it technically stated it got redelivered on depops end so what did depop do the following day? THEY REFUNDED THE BUYER AFTER I ALREADY SENT OUT THE SHOES. After I saw the email I instantly blew depop up and the told them what happened and I provided the receipts as well as tracking all the evidence I needed to show and I was demanding a reversal of the refund due to him having both items, depop followed up with “oh we see it got delivered back your house so just repost them and have the buyer rebuy them because it wouldn’t be FAIR if you had both money and shoes” and at this point I flipped and I let loose on depop I was blowing them up telling them how could they do this what were you thinking etc etc depop generically told me to have the buyer repay for them and all will be well or if not to hit them up and I told them that there wasn’t resolution because the buyer was telling me “oh I’ll pay for them when they get here” I was begging and pleading to depop the hours before they got delivered that I was getting scammed and they wouldn’t have it. The shoes got delivered and the kid said he was gonna pay and he actually gave me hope as well until he didn’t, the kid started playing dumb and said “I never got the shoes” but I have him saying “I’ll send in a little bit” I have been going back and forth with this kid as well as depop and depop is giving my me 0 help I’ve contacted them on their socials and was telling them to check my shit but they would send me the automated emails and ignore me but then tell me they weren’t??? Bruh I have had other claims where I email depop they ask for the evidence I send and instantly moneys reversed back with emails and all that so I know how it goes!! I did the exact same thing and depop did nothing but say they’re looking into and that it’s escalated to the proper team, but nothing was changing they were not doing anything for 3 days!! They kept just stringing me a long. On top of that I’m in a message war trying to get my money and this kid is reporting me for but he is scamming me? Depop is taking so long for anything and telling me they don’t like the way they are being spoken to? and I’m going crazy because of how much money it is and how little help depop is giving me, I am literally telling and asking what they’re doing and thinking. I would send one messsge and wait 24 hours for the next. Even now it’s the 4th but now depop has banned me because they “don’t appreciate the way I’ve spoken to them” they have banned with the scammer having my money my shoes and his account in tact. I’m left with no shoes no money and this kid has found my instagram and hes making accounts to troll me and I’m sitting here like WHY WAS I BANNED. They said I’m going to get paid out my money but they told me the balance without the money I’m owed then I told what about that and they said it with a different team being handles??? Why the fuck is it like this why am I not getting answers I know why I was banned I for sure hurt their feelings but why was I banned and not him? I have the screenshots that he acknowledged he recieved and the ones where he retracts and starts saying how he never got them etc. I was relatively new to the game but I just past my 50th sale I had 22 5 star reviews, this kid had half that and when I left review that he was a scammer depop took his side and took that away?! I’m at a loss for words because depop was my side hustle and now I have to find a new one. I don’t fucking understand why they’re doing this I wish I would’ve just had the guy rebuy them instead of me resending them myself thinking I was doing the the good thing. I’m so hurt right now
submitted by kingschwap to Depop [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:46 University-Kooky Can you negotiate your salary if you are being promoted?

I been talking with my manager about my salary & been working extremely hard on a promotion. I am scheduled to have a mid- year promotion in June. This is my first time getting a raise without job hopping so my question is how much room can I negotiate if the promotion salary is not what I expect to receive? Also I'm being promoted from Security Analyst to a Senior Security Analyst
submitted by University-Kooky to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]