Happy birthday quotes to a beautiful niece


2010.09.17 00:37 Media_Offline Eyebleach

What is Eye Bleach? The catch-all community for sharing links which are beautiful, happy, adorable or tastefully sexy. After a long day of seeing what internet anonymity can do to people, you're bound to need some eyebleach.

2011.09.14 06:48 vortex222222 Home for sharing quotes

"I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way.” Steve Huffman, aka spez, Reddit CEO. For more information about the black-out: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-65855608

2011.08.26 20:52 randomdesigner r/cakeday: Enjoy your complimentary karma.

This is the community where you can celebrate your cakeday! Post a link and enjoy your gift of karma!

2024.05.19 13:46 Consistent_Average55 Dear Past Love

I did everything I could to see the light in your eyes shine bright. I gave all of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally to see you smile even just for a moment. Even 7 years later I find myself often reflecting on the time you pushed me into the lake and I reached up to drag you in too and when you nearly pushed me off a mountainside. Unaware to you, I always kept you from noticing the danger that lied on the other side of tight rope I was walking. You had the worst time forgiving yourself, but I knew before I even pulled myself up that you meant no harm. The only difference between then and our end is I couldn’t drag you down the cliff I was about to find myself tumbling down and I could never let you see the torment I was about to endure during my fall. I knew you would have joined me.
Never once did I question any sacrifices until I saw the light begin to fade and your smile subside. I wish I could burn every last remnant containing the memory of what was my last opportunity to rekindle our fire. I knew you had much brighter days ahead even with someone new. I couldn’t be the keeper of the gate you never wanted to know existed. I forced you through it to save the love I felt from you for another.
The unspoken and unseen scars rooted deep within my soul would never allow me to be all I can be. With each gaze into your beautiful abyss it would gaze back into me telling me I was unworthy. I forcefully, due to the nature of imperfect perfectionism, realized I wasn’t the one for you regardless of your own beliefs about me. Even though I had lost my fire that kept you warm and near, you still held within you everything I ever wanted. You made my world make sense, you made me happy, you gave me life that no star in the galaxy could give to any planet. I’m hurting, I’m trying with everything in me to not think about you. I feel like I’m missing what was the most important part of my life. Although I’ve made honest attempts there is no one who can light up the dark empty space in my heart you once did. Each day is easier than the last, our memories together fade with the passing of time. I hope you’re happy and doing well. I will be someday too. I will love again, but for now… I’ll have to keep pushing through day by day.
Thank you for everything,
Willfully Forgotten
submitted by Consistent_Average55 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:42 SuddenBag7701 Introduction / Vent / Fear

Hello.. So I’m 33 now back in 2018 I found out that I had literally 0 sperm in my ejaculate and man it was devastating, I also had low T , normal LH and slightly elevated FSH. I also had an ultrasound that showed I had vericoceles that were high grade , because my right testicle is normal size and left is slightly atrophied. The doctor did the operation on them and gave me clomid for 3 months to recheck and I did and nothing came back so I was fed up and upset. I wasn’t even with anyone at the time but it was frustrating that I felt I wasn’t getting answers to the why ! Like why! You would know looking at me I’m 6 1 , good build , my parts are good shape like not to brag but I’m a solid 7 … but It consumed me I went to Penn and was told I’d have a 60% for FNA or mtese .. but said to come back when I’m with someone serious / wife .. I dated rounds for years since then but nothing worked out I eventually moved back home for a bit to save money to buy a home I kinda felt like oh she won’t wanna be with me for my fertility issues so I kinda focused on myself and other passions like my dog , saving for house . I have a lot of friends some are married with kids or on way , some still single like me and I have a beautiful niece and nephew and a god son form another friend. Then recently I went back to urologist cause I wanted to know where I was at again so they did an ultrasound and my nuts grew ! Which is great they are normal size now Alberto lefty still smaller … but the ultrasound also found a new 2-3 mm intratesticilar hypoechoic cyst very small so my doctors want to keep an eye on it but I’m constantly freaking out that it will be cancer I had 2 ultrasounds a month apart that showed no signs of changes or malignancy I even had tumor markers done and a CT scan cause I have bad health anxiety, even did xray on chest and heat and all sorts of urine and bloodwork . Only thing I have is kidney stone. I’m still scared that this will turn into cancer or that it’s some rare cancer I have a recheck in August and I’m scared I don’t want to lose what I’ve been trying to fix best I can. I also don’t want Cancer so .. I can’t keep thinking it will metastasize .. I don’t have any Klinefelters they checked while bloood and no Y deletion im 46xy.. it’s just like idk what to do I have goals and stuff and I can’t help but think I can’t live my life cause I catastrophize thinking oh because I got this rare thing then I’ll get a terrible incurable cancer and I’m toast. I kept reading articles about increased risk for cancers or cysts / nodules for infertile men / azo men and I’m thinking oh fuck here we go .. my doctor told me don’t do that and I never had underfunded testes. / klinefelters or Y deletion either But my doctors say it’s a cyst I’m a healthy young individual , I wanna buy a housei want to date again. I regret feeling inadequate a few years back and wish I manned up to my GF at the time and just did whatever it took to have kids and I feel left out sometimes when I’m with my friend a at their house and they are getting married or ave kids and then there is me and it sucks and I w ant to be able to live and have that for my own no matter what it takes with some one I love and this cyst in my testicle have been a real mind fuck for past 2 months ….. advice , help please , I was atleast ok with my circumstances but now I’m afraid I lose all that too cause of this cyst that I think is cancer even though the doctors tell me it looks like a. Cyst and there is no concern for malignancy.. my therapist says to focus on the facts but I like to think long term and this is getting hard for me and I just want to know I’ll be okay and not have to constantly worry about this like I have been
submitted by SuddenBag7701 to maleinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:42 moveintheshadows AITA for getting mad at her for not apologising and comparing her to my ex?

Hi, I (20F) have been in a polyamorous relationship with a guy (21M) for 1 year. Polyamory is pretty nuanced but our agreement is that while we are in a committed relationship, we can still explore our sexualities since we are both bisexual. I can see girls, he can see guys.
This is quite unusual, I know and a lot of people judge the quality of my relationship immediately when I say I’m polyamorous but it works for us and we’ve been really happy and hope to get married after we graduate.
In the beginning of our relationship, I was seeing a girl, we’ll call her Kelly who identifies as a lesbian. I absolutely adored her and she got on really well with my boyfriend. The three of us would watch movies together and fall asleep in the same bed without feeling uncomfortable. There was one problem, she would occasionally ghost me for 2-4 weeks due to health reasons. She is chronically ill and struggles with mental health. I have also struggled with mental illness and had to leave university for one year because of how bad it got. Nevertheless, I am on treatment now and mostly better. Because I can relate to having mental health issues, I tried to be as supportive as possible but her ghosting me for weeks at a time hurt very much especially because she would not communicate that she intended on having alone time. I would understand if it had been a few days. When she returned each time, she would not apologise until one day I started sobbing because she made me feel really confused and unwanted. She only ever apologised after I revealed that her actions hurt me but if I didn’t, she thought this behaviour was completely normal. It wasn’t the ghosting that hurt the most, it was the lack of communication about when she needed space and, the inability to recognise that her actions hurt me on her own, without any kind of prompt from me.
I eventually ended things with her which was extremely painful and hard to do because I truly loved her and my boyfriend and I enjoyed her company even if it was just sitting and chatting for hours.
Fast forward: I start seeing a new girl, we’ll call her Mary. Mary is a wonderful girl, but I was still hurting a lot from my experience with Kelly and I made her aware from the start that I am still processing a lot of the pain from my experience with my ex and that I’m working on it but that unhealed part of me might cause distrust.
Months go by, Mary and I become a lot closer. Exams start approaching and we’re seeing each other a lot less. It’s difficult to see each other because she doesn’t feel comfortable around my boyfriend and wouldn’t want to come over while he was there so he would have to leave every time we made plans and I hated doing that to him.
I need to give some context before we dive deeper. Over these few months, I spent time with her friends almost everyday at least for an hour and made an effort to get to know each and every single one of them and be on good terms with them. One of her friends called me pretentious to my face solely because I used the word, “idiosyncratic” in a conversation. This caught me off guard and when it happened, all her friends laughed at me including Mary which really hurt me because I would never let that slide if one of my friends said something like that to her let alone laugh. Some of her friends made me uncomfortable and were kind of mean to me? But I sat with them frequently anyway because I cared about her and wanting to make that sacrifice to spend time with her. In contrast, I have few close friends but the person closest to me is my boyfriend, naturally. Mary made no effort to get to know him or even be nice to him and this hurt me because my boyfriend is genuinely a soft and sweet person and I couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t attempt to get to know him seeing as I made so much of an effort with her friends.
I would initiate all our dates, pay for her and essentially give her princess treatment, listen to her and give her advice when she was depressed late at night even if I had a test the next day. I went to my 10am lecture venue 20 minutes early everyday just so I could pass her and chat to her for a bit. I wasn’t perfect but I did give her a lot of my effort and time.
A few times, I vented to her about Kelly and I apologised, saying I hate being that person to talk about their ex. She reassured me that it was okay and she was there for me which brought me so much comfort.
Things go steadily until we got closer to exams and we could barely see each other because her friends are kind of rowdy and rambunctious and it was too hard to study around them so close to exams. In addition, she never wanted to come over unless the boyfriend wasn’t there. We made plans multiple times but something came up each time. I started to miss her a lot and asked my boyfriend if I could have the apartment some time during the week to see her and he was more than happy to stay at res that night. I got her roses, unwrapped and cut them, got rid of all the thorns, spray painted one black because she likes black, rewrapped them, got her chocolates and spent 4 hours cleaning my house.
She texts me asking to move the time we were supposed to meet up from 6pm to 9pm and this initially upsets me because I get anxiety when plans are changed last minute but I said it was fine.
9pm comes, no text. 9:20, nothing. I begin to freak out. She eventually texts me saying she lost her phone in an Uber and is texting from her pc and can’t make it. The exact message was, “I lost my phone in an Uber, i can’t make it.”
I immediately started searching online for ways to track her phone. Tried helping her login to Uber on her laptop and place an enquiry for a lost item, then helped her track the phone using her google account and she found where it was. I googled a bunch of things about the safety of the area to make sure where she was going was safe and told her to take a friend. She gets her phone back and all is well. Then goes to sleep.
Now I don’t know if I’m being dramatic but what stood out to me was the lack of, “I’m sorry that I couldn’t make it, I know you really wanted to see me and probably made your boyfriend leave and put a lot of effort into this. It was a mistake but I am sorry for how it affected your day and feelings.”
This is what I would have said asap if it was me. Yes, she lost her phone by accident but that doesn’t mean that it had no consequences for anyone else. I’ve lost things by accident before and still recognised that I should have been more aware/ responsible and apologise. I am always the first to apologise in situations and sometimes profusely even if it’s not a big deal because I feel really bad when I inconvenience/ upset people.
I messaged her saying it really bothered me that she did not apologise and disregarded how that affected my day, plans and feelings. She messaged back saying she meant to apologise but she was tired and forgot and a bunch of excuses. This didn’t make it better for me. A simple, “You’re right, I did mean to say sorry but it slipped my mind and I should have said that immediately. I appreciate all the effort you made and I’m gonna make it up to you.”
I started to get more upset the more she made excuses and told her that it was resurfacing trauma from my ex because Kelly would only apologise after I said I was hurt and have a million reasons to justify it. I told her I was feeling triggered and I felt like I was reliving bad memories. She sent me a long paragraph saying it’s not okay for me to compare her all the time (I’ve never compared her to Kelly other than this time) and said me talking about how Kelly hurt me put pressure on her to not do the same things. I said I was so sorry for comparing her and I didn’t mean to make her feel bad, I was just expressing that I was feeling triggered and wanted her to stop explaining herself because it was making bad memories resurface. Regardless, I was wrong and I promised that it would never ever happen again and while I was not aware that talking about Kelly pressured her, I am now and want to discuss it more in person BUT I felt like this was the wrong time for her to bring up everything I had done wrong and could do better when she had literally just done something that hurt me and we were discussing that and the conversation just shifted. I said I felt that she was deflecting and that while her points are valid, I wish she had asked to speak in person, apologised and then said she wants to address another issue with me and bring all of those concerns up. I feel like if something has been bothering someone for months in a friendship OR relationship, they shouldn’t choose to finally bring it up in the middle of being called out.
She got defensive then I got defensive, I said I was sorry and never wanted to make her feel that way again and will give her space and she should message me when she is ready to talk. I asked if she still wanted the flowers, she said yes and I brought them to her on Friday.
No text from her after that, nothing. I text on Sunday asking her what’s wrong and she says and I quote, “I've thought about it and I don't think we should keep hanging out or whatever. The way you reacted to me and made me feel really horrible about myself on Wednesday just made me think that that's not how I want to go about situations like those in the future and that I don't think we're suited for each other.”
This gutted me not only because she referred to our relation as “hanging out or whatever” but because I thought we had resolved our problems and were going to work through them together. It also hurt me because she broke up with me via text knowing she would see me the next day on campus after her lecture. It also hurt because she had only said she doesn’t want to see me anymore when I messaged to ask what was going on knowing I had told her I am giving her space and she should message me when she is ready to talk. But this wasn’t talking, it was a definitive decision and instead of telling me, she left me hanging for days, freaking out while waiting for an update. Lack of communication, once again.
I also felt like while I had made a mistake, I gave her a genuine apology, promised not to do it again and wanted to discuss it more. How did I become the villain of the story all of a sudden?
I felt like I had been so good to her and this issue, while valid, wasn’t big enough to break up over and speak to me like I meant nothing. An in-person conversation with something approximating, “You were good to me and I appreciate the effort you made and enjoyed our time together but the way you handled our last argument made me realise that we are not suited for each other. I wish the best for you.” would have been so much kinder and I reread her text over and over again asking myself what I did to deserve a breakup like that.
AITA for comparing her to my ex and saying that she should have brought up the issues she had with me and what I had been doing wrong separately after a genuine in-person apology.
submitted by moveintheshadows to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:42 OnlyActivity6585 My GF’s parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses- M16, F16

My GF’s parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses
For context, I'm 16 and so is my significant other. We both go to the same high school.
I’ve been developing this relationship with one of the most amazing people. She is great and understands me in the most nuanced way, she is just everything I’ve wanted and more. She and I started talking back in February and she eventually told me she had feelings and this had been the case since September (when I was in another relationship). To be frank, I didn’t believe I had the slightest chance of being with her because she was stunning, knock out beautiful. I told her during that discussion that I wasn’t ready for a relationship but I would be in the future, especially because I had just ended a relationship that ended rather nasty way. She and I continued to talk for a few more months, and our feelings towards one another became very strong and eventually, we started dating which we were both very happy about. She had mentioned this before in previous conversations and it was becoming a more prominent issue as our relationship progressed, she was never allowed outside of the house, had no after-school activities, barely any time to hang out with her very close friends, and especially no time to hang out with a guy, she could practically do nothing outside of her own home. She eventually mentioned to me that her parents are Jehovah's Witnesses which was worrying for a plethora of reasons and explained the total lockdown she was on. In addition to this, we were dating in secret because of her parent's strict “no dating” rule. It got to the point where I’d only see her in school and we would just call and text which I didn’t mind but I wanted to spend time with her, in person. As summer approaches, her and I both concluded that we wouldn’t be able to hang out for the entire duration of our summer break (3 months). We came to a mutual understanding that we should just be friends so we didn’t have to try to make a romantic relationship work while being completely online. She has had several conversations with her parents about dating me and dating in general and they have always responded with a very strong “NO”. We both still have feelings for one another but it’s hard not being able to see each other for such a long period. We might get back together in the future if tensions loosen with her parents but that's not definite. We still want to update one another on our lives how we're doing mentally, and what we're doing creatively but it hurts going back to square one, just being a friend and acting like our relationship didn't even happen. I love her like I've never loved anyone before and I want this to work. I don't want to lose her and don't think she wants to lose me either.
Is there any way we could get back together under these circumstances?
submitted by OnlyActivity6585 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:36 Lbiscuit5 My nerves are completely shot from birthday but I’m still proud of DH

My DH and I celebrated our baby’s first birthday this weekend. And my lord, my nerves are shot from dealing with all the stress of prepping but also from my SD7 being in the middle of every moment before, during and after the party. I had anxiety before the party about all the things I knew she would do but my husbands response helped me maintain a good attitude. He knew to take her out of the house for about an hour before the party so my mom and I could set up food and decor in peace. She had been popping balloons and dragging out decor and bending up the banners after being told to stop. I knew she would be right in front of him while singing him happy birthday. I had 1 video someone took where you could see my sons face for about 30 seconds where her her head wasn’t in the way because she stood right in front of him. My husband was able to fend her off during him opening his gifts. Obviously a 1 year old is not great at opening presents and he had to tell her at least 10 times to back up and let her brother open gifts. After the gift opening and everyone going home, she kept trying to take his new toys out of the packaging before he even had a chance to really see it. At 1 point she said, well when can we open this??? And DH said when baby is ready, it’s his gift not yours. I told her a few times to share HIS toys with him because she was hogging them all. He told her many many times to get off this riding toy he got that she was too big for and she was bending the seat with her weight. That night, she asked when can they go get her this expensive toy she wanted at Walmart because baby has gotten these new toys and he explained it’s his birthday. Her birthday was 2 months ago and of course baby didn’t get anything at her bday. I’m just sooo glad I didn’t have to be the ahole and get onto her really at all. This is no exaggeration, he had to get into her at least 50 times between Friday night into sat night. I’m talking him saying no stop, and she flat out ignores him until he had to get ugly with her. My nerves are still shot, but I made it guys. I maintained a good attitude and I still enjoyed my baby’s first birthday for the most part!
submitted by Lbiscuit5 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:35 theheadoforpheus My birthday is coming up and i’m scared he won’t wish me a happy birthday

He blindsided me in April and broke up with me out of nowhere after telling me i was the love of his life. I still love him and think about him everyday, but he started following girls on instagram immediately after the breakup and it was like he turned into a completely different person. We’ve been no contact ever since the breakup ( except for the one time i drunk called him 3 weeks ago, but he didn’t want to talk to me and seemed completely unaffected.) We had already made plans for my birthday together. I know it’s over and i shouldn’t center my whole birthday around him, but it’s in 2 days and i’m scared he’s not going to wish me a happy birthday. I just don’t know how i’m going to handle that…💔
submitted by theheadoforpheus to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:35 OnlyActivity6585 My GF’s parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses

For context, I'm 16 and so is my significant other. We both go to the same high school.
I’ve been developing this relationship with one of the most amazing people. She is great and understands me in the most nuanced way, she is just everything I’ve wanted and more. She and I started talking back in February and she eventually told me she had feelings and this had been the case since September (when I was in another relationship). To be frank, I didn’t believe I had the slightest chance of being with her because she was stunning, knock out beautiful. I told her during that discussion that I wasn’t ready for a relationship but I would be in the future, especially because I had just ended a relationship that ended rather nasty way. She and I continued to talk for a few more months, and our feelings towards one another became very strong and eventually, we started dating which we were both very happy about. She had mentioned this before in previous conversations and it was becoming a more prominent issue as our relationship progressed, she was never allowed outside of the house, had no after-school activities, barely any time to hang out with her very close friends, and especially no time to hang out with a guy, she could practically do nothing outside of her own home. She eventually mentioned to me that her parents are Jehovah's Witnesses which was worrying for a plethora of reasons and explained the total lockdown she was on. In addition to this, we were dating in secret because of her parent's strict “no dating” rule. It got to the point where I’d only see her in school and we would just call and text which I didn’t mind but I wanted to spend time with her, in person. As summer approaches, her and I both concluded that we wouldn’t be able to hang out for the entire duration of our summer break (3 months). We came to a mutual understanding that we should just be friends so we didn’t have to try to make a romantic relationship work while being completely online. She has had several conversations with her parents about dating me and dating in general and they have always responded with a very strong “NO”. We both still have feelings for one another but it’s hard not being able to see each other for such a long period. We might get back together in the future if tensions loosen with her parents but that's not definite. We still want to update one another on our lives how we're doing mentally, and what we're doing creatively but it hurts going back to square one, just being a friend and acting like our relationship didn't even happen. I love her like I've never loved anyone before and I want this to work. I don't want to lose her and don't think she wants to lose me either.
TL;DR Is there any outcome where she and I make our romantic relationship work?
submitted by OnlyActivity6585 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:32 GhoulGriin Best Case Skinning Knife

Best Case Skinning Knife

Get ready to dive into the world of knife skinning! In this article, we're taking a close look at the Case Skinning Knife, an exceptional tool that offers both functionality and durability for all your skinning needs. We'll explore the features and benefits of this knife, and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision for your next outdoor adventure.

The Top 6 Best Case Skinning Knife

  1. Premium Handcrafted Red Bone Pocket Knife: Tru-Sharp Steel Blade and Old Red Bone Handle - Get ready for some serious style with this Case Medium Stockman Pocket Knife - Red Bone; it features a 6.5 cm blade, Tru-Sharp SS steel, and ergonomic shape. Perfect for both practical day-to-day tasks and collectible show offs!
  2. Beautiful Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife - Experience the ultimate blend of style and performance with Case Medium Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket, a meticulously handcrafted knife boasting a jigged bone handle and Tru-Sharp SS blade, achieving a 4.7-star rating from 32 reviews.
  3. Premium-Quality Case Tru-Sharp Skinning Knife with Jigged Bonestag Handle - Sod Buster Jr 6.5 Bonestag Pocket Knife: Tru-Sharp 0 surgical stainless steel Skinner blade and jigged Bonestag handle make this durable, versatile, and corrosion-resistant knife perfect for everyday tasks and outdoor adventures, proudly made in the USA.
  4. Case Orange Trapper Skinning Knife with Clip and Spey Blades - Experience high-quality and versatile cutting with the Case Orange Synthetic Trapper - the perfect everyday pocket knife for home projects, outdoor adventures, and hunting trips.
  5. Versatile Amber Bone Stockman Knife with Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel Blade - The Case Amber Bone Stockman, a versatile skinning knife with a convenient pocket design, combining three blades for carving, carpentry, and everyday tasks, all crafted from durable Zebu cattle bone and CASE Tru-Sharp stainless steel.
  6. Durable Case Tru-Sharp Stainless Steel Skinning Knife - Case Trapper: A Handcrafted Hunting Companion with Unmatched Durability and Dazzling Style
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🔗Premium Handcrafted Red Bone Pocket Knife: Tru-Sharp Steel Blade and Old Red Bone Handle

For a while, I've been using the Case Medium Stockman, a streamlined, heritage-inspired pocket knife. With its impressive three-blade design, it offers versatility and practicality. The clippoint, 5.0 cm sheepfoot, and the legendary Spey-blade each have their distinct uses. Its unique dual lock-spring blades make it a legal carry within the UK, adding to its convenience.
What struck me the most about this pocket knife was its impeccable craftsmanship. Since the turn of the century, this knife's creators have been hand-assembling each Case creation, ensuring a degree of individuality. These collectible knives not only embody the spirit of American craftsmanship, but they also become a valuable addition to any EDC collection.
However, one downside I noticed was the durability of the "Case" wording. It seems to have started peeling out. Additionally, a few reviewers mentioned issues with rust occurring on knives that they had not previously experienced.
Despite the hiccups, the overall quality of this pocket knife at its given price point is commendable. In terms of design, the blend of the Tru-Sharp SS steel blade with the sophisticated Old Red Bone handle gives the knife a truly luxurious feel. This makes it not only a functional tool, but also a significant statement piece to showcase.
In essence, the Case Medium Stockman, with its classic design and exceptional performance, is a must-have - not just for knife aficionados but for anyone who appreciates fine American craftsmanship. It's a product that has a special place in my heart and daily life.

🔗Beautiful Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife

I recently tried out the Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife, and I must say, I was impressed. From the moment I took it out of the package, the quality was apparent. The handle, made of jigged bone with a Tru-Sharp SS blade, felt comfortable in my hand, and the blue color added a nice touch to its appearance.
One of the best features of this knife is its versatility. The 6.5 cm blade is just the right length for everyday tasks and can easily be carried in my pocket. The weight, at 65 grams, is also perfectly manageable. It's perfect for everyday use and outdoor adventures.
While I loved the knife's construction, sharpness, and size, there was one thing that bothered me. The knife was delivered by a less-than-ideal shipping method, which caused it to be placed in my neighbor's mailbox instead of mine. I would have preferred it if the shipping was more streamlined and the knife was delivered directly to my doorstep.
Overall, I'm really happy with my Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife. It's well-crafted, functional, and a great addition to my collection of everyday carry items.

🔗Premium-Quality Case Tru-Sharp Skinning Knife with Jigged Bonestag Handle

I've had the pleasure of using the Case Sod Buster Jr 6.5 Bonestag Pocket Knife for quite some time now, and it never fails to impress me. The true highlight of this knife is its genuine bone handle, which boasts honey and amber hues, making it an elegant accessory to carry every day. The jigged bonestag handle has been both beautifully crafted and hand-flamed, giving it that authentic stag antler vibe.
One of the features I appreciate the most is the miniature size of this knife compared to the traditional Sod Buster. Despite being smaller, it doesn't sacrifice any durability. It's perfect for those everyday tasks or taking it on hunting trips. The Skinner blade has found its place in skinning purposes, but it's also adaptable for other duties.
The Tru-Sharp stainless steel blade has proven to be exceptional in holding its edge longer than conventional steels, offering both blade strength and corrosion resistance. This pocket knife can handle anything the day throws at you, whether it's at home, in the wilderness, or during a hunting expedition. And, the added convenience of it being made and crafted in the USA is an appreciable bonus.
Now, let's talk about the user reviews. Majority of the users have been impressed with the knife and gave it high praises, appreciating its sharpness, size, and overall performance. However, one user rated it 3, but they only mentioned it as a good knife for the price they bought it at, which was for Christmas gifts.
In conclusion, the Case Sod Buster Jr 6.5 Bonestag Pocket Knife has been a reliable and stylish addition to my daily life. Its unique design and functionality make it stand out among the crowd, and I highly encourage people who appreciate a well-crafted knife to give it a try. While there may be some minor downsides, the good clearly outweighs them.

🔗Case Orange Trapper Skinning Knife with Clip and Spey Blades

I've been using this Case Orange Synthetic Trapper for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's a pretty great everyday pocket knife. The peach seed jigged Bermuda green bone handle gives it a lovely, unique look, while the two full-length blades – the clip blade and the spey blade – offer versatility. These blades are constructed using Case's Tru-Sharp Stainless Steel, which provides outstanding edge retention, blade strength, and corrosion resistance.
One downside is its relatively small size, but that also makes it a perfect choice for everyday pocket carry. I've used it for small projects around the house, hunting trips, and even for some basic food prep. It's a bit of a finger-killer when you're trying to fold and unfold it, but that's something I can easily get over because of its other features. Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with this Case Orange Synthetic Trapper, and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a great pocket knife.

🔗Versatile Amber Bone Stockman Knife with Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel Blade

The Case Amber Bone Stockman is a versatile, highly practical pocket knife that easily fits into your pocket for everyday use. I've been using this knife for carving, carpentry work, and even skinning game, and it has proven to be an essential tool in my collection.
One feature that stands out for me is the Tru-Sharp stainless steel construction, which significantly enhances blade strength and corrosion resistance. The three different blades also offer great versatility, with the clip blade suited for multi-purpose tasks, the sheepfoot blade perfect for carving, and the spey blade being an all-round utility blade.
However, a potential downside may be the relatively thin back springs, making it easier for blades to open and close, which can be an issue for those who prefer a tighter locking mechanism.
Overall, the Case Amber Bone Stockman is a high-quality, well-designed pocket knife that provides excellent value for its price. Perfect for those who appreciate the classic look and feel of a well-made, handcrafted knife.

🔗Durable Case Tru-Sharp Stainless Steel Skinning Knife

As I unboxed this Case Trapper, its smooth Chestnut Bone Handle caught my eye, offering a visually appealing addition to my collection. Its Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel blades add a sense of dependability, promising to hold an edge longer than conventional steel. Hunting through my gear, I found the vibrant orange handles incredibly useful, helping me locate this knife easily when I'm outdoors.
The blades themselves are versatile, with the clip blade excelling in its versatility and the spey blade serving as an all-purpose utility blade. Its durability makes it a dependable companion for everyday carry, useful for projects around the house, the outdoors, and hunting. With its convenient packaging and being crafted in the USA, the Case Skinning Knife provides a great balance between quality and affordability. Overall, my experience has been delightful, as it combines both visual appeal and functionality.

Buyer's Guide

A case skinning knife is a versatile tool used by hunters and outdoors enthusiasts for various tasks, such as field dressing game animals, skinning, and cleaning. Selecting the right case skinning knife can greatly enhance your hunting experience. In this guide, we will discuss essential features to consider and general advice for purchasing a high-quality case skinning knife.

Blade Quality and Type

The blade of a case skinning knife is a critical factor, as it determines the knife's efficiency and effectiveness. Quality blades should be made of high-carbon steel or stainless steel, ensuring durability, sharpness, and corrosion resistance. A good case skinning knife typically features a 4-6 inch long blade, with a sturdy point and a thin, sharp edge for clean cuts. Consider the blade thickness, as it should be strong enough to withstand heavy use while remaining flexible for easier skinning.

Handle Materials

Handle materials play a vital role in grip, comfort, and resisting water or moisture. Look for case skinning knives with handles made of durable, water-resistant materials such as G-10, Micarta, or synthetic rubber. These materials provide a firm grip even when wet, which is essential for hunting scenarios.

Handle Size and Comfort

The handle size and comfort are essential factors to consider when selecting a case skinning knife, as they determine how well the knife fits your hand. A larger handle allows for a better grip, even during stressful situations. Ensure that the handle contours to your hand's shape and provides a comfortable grip without causing fatigue or blisters. If possible, handle the knife in-store or try a few out before purchasing.


Ergonomics and Blade Retention

Ergonomic design ensures that your case skinning knife fits your hand comfortably without causing strain or slipping. Look for knives with a finger guard or a textured thumb grip for added control. Blade retention is crucial, especially when skinning or cleaning animals in the field. Consider knives with a locking mechanism or lanyard loop to keep the blade secure when not in use.

Maintenance and Sharpening

To keep your case skinning knife in optimal condition, you must maintain and sharpen it regularly. Stainless steel blades require less maintenance than high-carbon steel ones; however, they are more susceptible to rust. Ensure your knife has a durable, rust-resistant coating and is stored and handled properly. Carry a sharpening stone or a diamond plate to keep your blade sharp and efficient.

Price Range and Warranty

Be aware of the price range for case skinning knives as it varies based on the manufacturer, materials, and additional features. While you don't need to break the bank, remember that cheaper knives may be of lower quality and lack essential features. Look for a warranty or guarantee that covers defects in materials or craftsmanship, ensuring peace of mind and long-lasting performance.

Brand Reputation and Customer Reviews

Before purchasing a case skinning knife, research the brand's reputation in the hunting community and read customer reviews. A reputable brand often offers high-quality products and excellent customer service. Reviews provide insight into the knife's performance, durability, and ease of use, helping you make an informed decision.
Selecting the right case skinning knife requires considering various factors, such as blade quality and type, handle materials and size, ergonomics, blade retention, maintenance, price range, warranty, brand reputation, and customer reviews. By taking these factors into account, you will be better equipped to choose a high-quality case skinning knife that suits your needs and enhances your hunting experience.



What is a Case Skinning Knife?

A Case Skinning Knife is a versatile, professional-grade skinning tool designed for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. It features a durable blade and ergonomic handle, providing comfort and efficiency while skinning game or processing meat.

How does the Case Skinning Knife compare to other skinning knives on the market?

The Case Skinning Knife stands out for its high-quality materials, precision craftsmanship, and ergonomic design. It offers superior performance and durability compared to many other skinning knives on the market. Additionally, the range of available models and customization options make it a popular choice among hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.

What features make the Case Skinning Knife unique?

  • High-quality CPM-S30V or CTS-XHP steel for exceptional edge retention and durability
  • Various blade shapes and sizes to suit different skinning tasks and personal preferences
  • Robust aluminum handle for comfort, grip, and resistance to impacts and corrosion
  • Custom engravings and handle scales for personalization
  • Lifetime warranty for peace of mind and customer support

Which Case Skinning Knife model is right for me?

The choice of Case Skinning Knife model depends on your specific needs and preferences. Some popular options include the Case 440 SKA, Case HRC 516, and Case TRU HDT TUCKSKN. We recommend consulting the product descriptions and reviews to find the model that best suits your requirements.

How do I maintain and care for my Case Skinning Knife?

To ensure the longevity of your Case Skinning Knife, make sure to properly maintain and care for it. Regularly clean the blade and handle, sharpen the edge as needed, and store it in a dry and protected environment. For more extensive cleaning or sharpening, follow the manufacturer's instructions or consult a qualified professional.

Where can I purchase a Case Skinning Knife?

You can purchase a Case Skinning Knife through various online retailers, including the official Case Knife website, as well as through physical stores specializing in outdoor and hunting gear. We recommend checking multiple sources for the best price and availability, and reading customer reviews before making your purchase.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:32 natanat31 Should I wish happy birthday?

We were together for 3 years. We were very good friends, he took care of me for weeks after I had a car accident. It was a meaningful time. He broke up with me. It was hard but we ended things pretty nicely. I told him that I don’t keep contact, and we haven’t spoken at all for about 5-6 months. The breakup and immediate no contact is difficult… sometimes it feels like he died since we didn’t speak at all. he posts a lot on instagram looking happy. He lives in my hometown and I’m always so afraid to run into him and have a meltdown.
His birthday is in a few days and I don’t know if I should write something polite, after all the time we had together. He is a good person. I will try not to have a conversation and maybe feel better if I ever run into him… or just let it go?
Can’t decide
submitted by natanat31 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:31 la_beluga Am I wrong for being mad at my friends for dissapearing during my birthday party?

For context, a friend of mine, lets call her Beth, had a messy breakup with her boyfriend a little less than a year ago. Since most of our friends are closer to her ex, she was kinda shunned from the friend group, but since I get along with her better than him, I'm the only one that has kept inviting her to hang out with us this past year. Last time I invited her to my house she drunkenly made out with one of my friends very early into the night and then both fell asleep. I was sort of bothered by the fact that they went to bed so early and left us alone the rest of the night, but i ignored it and just made fun of them a little the next morning. Today was my 18th birthday, so I invited all of my close friends over to my house; we made pizza and were drinking and having fun. At about eleven Beth and a different friend of mine, lets call him Alan (who is from another friend group), went into my room and we didn't hear from them the rest of the night. We sometimes heard them talking and laughing, and sometimes there were long silences coming from my room, but none of us dared to go there in fear of maybe interrupting something. Since, besides that, some people had to leave, and there's really not that many of us, the people that were left were bored and started going to sleep. I tried to do something and sugested stuff to do so the party wasn't so short, but everyone fell asleep. I was very much awake and was left to clean up, and after, write this at like 5am while everyone else sleeps soundly. The thing is, I was sort of expecting the party to go on for a little longer, and I'm frankly mad at both Beth and Alan for just dissapearing and basically not being at the party all night, especially at Beth; they're both kind of my female and male best friends respectively, but I've been getting out of my way to have her come to our hangouts, and two times already she has dissapeared in the middle of the party and barely interacted with me. I fell like maybe I should talk to them about it after they wake up. Am I wrong for being mad at them for dissapearing halfway through the night? Should I just let them be, be happy that they got along and stop making such a big deal out of my birthday party? Justo to clarify the legal drinking age in our country is 18.
submitted by la_beluga to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:29 Longjumping_Let_1454 Help Please !!! Not able to get over the fact that the way I wanted to propose my wife did not go as planned .

As you can see me and my wife have been dating for about 4 years and I proposed her 2 months back , I was and still madly in love with her , She is the best gift god sent for me . So 2 months back I planned to propose her on a boat in the middle of lake , everything was setup and it was beautiful . Just before placing the ring in her finger the ring slipped from my hand and fell into the water . I was devastated , tears rolling through my eyes , my lovely wife was very supportive though . A week later I saw a ring on her hand and asked her what is this to which she said she bought the ring herself from the market . It broke me down further , not only did I wanted to put the ring on her finger but wanted it to be beautiful . Now she bought a ring of her own and completely ripped me of any other chance of proposing I had . She tried to apologize to me and proposed we should do the proposal again , we did it but I am still not able to get the feeling out of my mind that no matter how many times I propose her , the first time will always be the best where she was surprised , tears of happiness were flowing through her eyes but nothing of that sort will happen again in any other proposal . Its been 2 months and still it rips my heart apart that I couldn't do the proposal I wanted and I am never going to get back that time .
submitted by Longjumping_Let_1454 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:27 VeganMetalHead78 Visiting for the first time this summer

My family and I are visiting the Netherlands for the first time this summer. We are really excited, as it looks like such a beautiful and fascinating country. My family consists of me - full time wheelchair user, my wife, our two children aged 17 and 11 and our two small dogs.
We will be staying in a village called Tonden, in Gelderland but will be travelling by car and we are happy to travel to visit some interesting places. Please can anyone recommend anywhere to visit that you think we might enjoy?
They obviously need to be wheelchair accessible and would need to allow our dogs to visit with us.
Thank you so much in advance x
submitted by VeganMetalHead78 to Netherlands [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:26 Stage-Piercing727 Best Case Hawkbill Knife

Best Case Hawkbill Knife

Hold onto your hat, folks! Today we're delving into a world of sharp edges and sleek design: the Case Hawkbill Knife. Don't miss out on this thrilling adventure, as we explore the finer points of this versatile blade and its place in the grand tapestry of cutlery. Get ready to fold and unfold the Case Hawkbill Knife in all its glory!

The Top 19 Best Case Hawkbill Knife

  1. Tru-Sharp Stainless Pocket Trimmer with Blue Bone Handle - Experience unmatched durability and versatility with the Blue Bone Trapper, featuring Tru-Sharp Stainless Steel blades and a vibrant orange synthetic handle for everyday outdoor projects.
  2. Handcrafted Carbon Steel Knife with Dark Red Bone Handle - The Case XX USA - Small Congress Dark Red Bone CA31949 Carbon Steel is a stunning, handcrafted knife featuring dark red jigged bone handles and carbon steel bolsters, making it a high-quality and versatile choice for everyday needs.
  3. Beautiful Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife - Experience the ultimate blend of style and performance with Case Medium Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket, a meticulously handcrafted knife boasting a jigged bone handle and Tru-Sharp SS blade, achieving a 4.7-star rating from 32 reviews.
  4. Yellow Mini Trapper Pocket Knife for Kids - CASE 029 Mini Trapper Pocket Knife: A versatile and durable yellow-handled knife with two blades, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and trappers, making it a must-have in the CASE line.
  5. Old Red Bone Case Hawkbill Knife for Everyday Use - Discover the ultimate versatility and durability of the Case Trapper Pocket Worn Old Red Bone Knife, perfect for small game trapping and your daily needs, with its long-lasting Tru-Sharp stainless steel blades and jigged bone handle crafted in the USA.
  6. Amber Jigged Bone Stockman Amber Bone Knife with CV-Carbon Steel Blades - The Case Large Stockman Amber Bone is a versatile and durable pocket knife, featuring three essential blades for everyday tasks, crafted from premium, long-lasting chrome vanadium steel, while combining beauty and functionality for ultimate satisfaction.
  7. Stained Glass Trapper Folding Knife with Natural Bone Handle - Experience the beauty of stained glass and functionality of a Trapper with the 5.0 rated Case 38714 Trapper Stained Glass Wings Folding Knife, crafted in the USA and featuring Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel for superior durability.
  8. Handcrafted Gray Bone Case SM Congress Jigged Bone Pocket Knife - Experience the perfect blend of craftsmanship and tradition with the Case XX 58422 SM Congress Pocket Worn Gray, featuring a handcrafted carbon steel handle, a versatile sheepsfoot blade, and a pen blade, all in a compact and durable design.
  9. Premium Aesthetic Case Aquarius Corelon Trapper Knife - Experience the superior craftsmanship and exceptional durability of the Case Cutlery 9254AQ Aquarius Corelon Trapper with Tru-Sharp surgical steel blades and handle design options in blue and green.
  10. Case 50954 Iraqi Freedom Knife: Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel and Natural Bone Handle - Experience the premium craftsmanship of the Case 50954 Iraqi Freedom Hawkbill Knife, featuring a Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel blade, Natural Bone handle, and an intricate 6254 SS pattern, all proudly handcrafted in the U.S.A.
  11. Antique Bone Handle Hawkbill Pocket Knife - Experience the timeless allure of the Case 52832 Antique Trapper with its jigged bone handle and Tru-Sharp stainless steel blade, offering a perfect blend of elegance and durability.
  12. Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel Hawkbill Knife with Blue Bone Handle - Experience the luxury of a handcrafted, surgical-grade stainless steel knife with a blue bone handle from Case XX, now available in a small Congress design.
  13. Case XX Trapper Knife: High-Quality, Custom-Made in the USA - The Case XX Mulberry Synthetic 4254 Trapper, an American-made trapping knife, boasts a Tru-Sharp stainless steel blade, mulberry smooth synthetic handle, and nickel silver bolster, providing durability and precision for all your trapping needs.
  14. American-Made Mini Trapper Pocket Knife for USAF Enthusiasts - Crafted in the USA, the Case 32402 U.S. Air Force Mini Trapper features Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel and a Navy Blue Synthetic Handle, making it a reliable and durable choice for everyday use.
  15. Premium Amber Bone Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel Hawkbill Knife - Experience the perfect everyday pocket knife with the Case Amber Bone Peanut, featuring Tru-Sharp surgical stainless steel blades and a peach seed jig amber bone handle.
  16. Case Crandall Gray Pocket Trapper Knife - Chrome Vanadium Steel Blade - Discover the versatility of the Case XX 58410 Trapper Crandall Gray, a dependable folding knife for trappers with its jigged bone handle and Chrome Vanadium blades, offering reliable edge-holding and easy re-sharpening.
  17. Premium Hand-Crafted Case AQ Aquarius Trapper Knife - Crafted with precision and craftsmanship, the Case Hawkbill Knife is a reliable and durable outdoor tool for everyday use, perfect for hunting, camping, and all your adventures.
  18. Premium Hand-Crafted Corelon Ablone Hawkbill Knife - The Case Hawkbill Knife, a true work of art by skilled US artisans, boasts premium construction, versatile blades, and stunning abalone corelon handles, making it a reliable, stylish, and functional choice for any cutting task.
  19. Patriotic American Hawkbill Pocket Knife - Celebrate the values, history, and spirit of America with the Case Trapper Star Spangled Pocket Knife, featuring mirror-polished Tru-Sharp surgical stainless steel blades and natural bone handles.
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🔗Tru-Sharp Stainless Pocket Trimmer with Blue Bone Handle

Recently, I came across a Case Knife Blue Bone Trapper, and I must say it's a gem. The vibrant orange synthetic handle made it easy to locate when I was outdoors, especially on my hunting trips. The clip and spey blades were incredibly versatile, making it an all-around useful tool for my projects around the house, outdoors, and hunting.
One of the standout features was the Tru-Sharp Stainless Steel blades, which held their edge much longer than conventional steel. Plus, the extraordinary blade strength and corrosion resistance added to the durability of this folding knife. It served as a great everyday pocket knife for me, and I found myself reaching for it often.
However, I did notice that the knife's closed length was slightly larger than I would have preferred for pocket carry. Also, the non-locking slip joint lock felt less secure compared to locking mechanisms. Despite these minor drawbacks, the Case Knife Blue Bone Trapper proved to be a reliable and beautiful addition to my collection.

🔗Handcrafted Carbon Steel Knife with Dark Red Bone Handle

I recently had the chance to use the Case XX USA - Small Congress Dark Red Bone CA31949 Carbon Steel knife in my daily life. The first thing that stood out to me was the carbon steel blade, which offered a sharp and sturdy cutting surface. The Dark Red Bone handle provided a comfortable and solid grip, perfect for various tasks.
One of the most impressive features of this knife was its handcrafted design, showcasing the artistry and attention to detail of the U. S. A. -based craftsmen who created it. The carbon steel sheepsfoot blade and pen blades were mirror finish, giving the knife an elegant and unique look. However, it's worth mentioning that the knife is not lightweight, as it weighs 1.2 oz.
While using it, I also noticed the nickel silver bolster(s) and the inlay shield, adding a touch of sophistication to this functional tool. The boxed packaging was an added bonus, making it a great gift for someone special.
Overall, I found this Case XX USA - Small Congress Dark Red Bone CA31949 Carbon Steel knife to be a high-quality and reliable tool. Its distinctive design and solid construction make it a worthwhile investment for those who value craftsmanship and durability in their cutting instruments.

🔗Beautiful Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife

I recently tried out the Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife, and I must say, I was impressed. From the moment I took it out of the package, the quality was apparent. The handle, made of jigged bone with a Tru-Sharp SS blade, felt comfortable in my hand, and the blue color added a nice touch to its appearance.
One of the best features of this knife is its versatility. The 6.5 cm blade is just the right length for everyday tasks and can easily be carried in my pocket. The weight, at 65 grams, is also perfectly manageable. It's perfect for everyday use and outdoor adventures.
While I loved the knife's construction, sharpness, and size, there was one thing that bothered me. The knife was delivered by a less-than-ideal shipping method, which caused it to be placed in my neighbor's mailbox instead of mine. I would have preferred it if the shipping was more streamlined and the knife was delivered directly to my doorstep.
Overall, I'm really happy with my Navy Blue Bone Stockman Pocket Knife. It's well-crafted, functional, and a great addition to my collection of everyday carry items.

🔗Yellow Mini Trapper Pocket Knife for Kids

Recently, I found myself using the CASE Mini Trapper pocket knife in my daily life. This versatile tool has made all the difference in my outdoorsy adventures, as it fits perfectly in the pocket and is easy to access when needed. The bright yellow handle really stands out, not only making it easy to spot in a backpack or bag but also adding a touch of personality to it.
I've noticed the knife has two full-length blades, the 'clip' blade and the 'spey' blade. The clip blade is perfect for detail work or cutting small items efficiently, while the spey blade is an all-purpose utility blade that can handle most tasks. The knife is constructed with the robust chrome vanadium steel, known for its excellent edge-holding ability and easy resharpening. Although the steel isn't as resistant to rusting as stainless steel, it adds to the knife's unique charm, making it a lifelong companion.
However, an aspect that I found less appealing was the susceptibility to potential rusting. While it may not be a deal-breaker for some, it's worth considering for those who plan to use the knife heavily or in humid environments. Nonetheless, its solid build, smooth operating mechanism, and durable construction make this pocket knife an undeniable staple in my kit. If you're looking for a reliable tool that adds a touch of style while still maintaining practicality, the CASE Mini Trapper pocket knife is worth a try.

🔗Old Red Bone Case Hawkbill Knife for Everyday Use

I've been using the Case Trapper Pocket Worn Old Red Bone Knife for a while now, and I must say, it's a beauty. Every time I take it out of my pocket, I can feel the quality in my hands. The red bone handle is not only eye-catching but also provides a comfortable grip.
The Tru-Sharp stainless steel blades are another highlight - they're sharp and hold their edge really well. The knife is perfect for those who enjoy trapping and skinning small game, as it's lightweight and has both a Clip and a Spey blade.
However, there is one downside. The knife is quite large, which can be a bit inconvenient when carrying it around in your pocket. But overall, I'm really happy with my purchase. It's like having a piece of art with me at all times that also happens to be a useful tool.

🔗Amber Jigged Bone Stockman Amber Bone Knife with CV-Carbon Steel Blades

A couple of months ago, I decided to try out this Case Large Stockman Amber Bone pocket knife, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. Firstly, the amber jigged bone handle not only adds an elegant touch but also provides a perfect grip. This knife was designed to serve many purposes, and it shines in each one.
The sheepsfoot blade was a game-changer for me, making it smooth and convenient to use, perfect for carving and getting those clean cuts. But the icing on the cake is the clip blade, which is incredibly versatile, coming in handy for all the everyday tasks around my place.
One thing that did catch me off guard was the resilience of the chrome vanadium steel used in making the blades. While some might worry about its susceptibility to rust and discoloration, I found it easy to sharpen and maintain.
The thing that I absolutely love about this pocket knife is its construction and build quality. It is solid, and it oozes class. However, if you're a fan of stainless steel, you might not appreciate this aspect as much.
In conclusion, I'd say this product is the epitome of quality and craftsmanship. It's an all-in-one knife that's both a collectible and a utility knife. Sure, it has its pros and cons, but the experience of using it outweighs any minor drawbacks. Would I recommend it? Absolutely!

🔗Stained Glass Trapper Folding Knife with Natural Bone Handle

I recently had the pleasure of using this Case Trapper Angel Wings Folding Knife, and let me tell you, it's a beauty to behold! The stained glass angel wings on the handle make this knife truly unique. The natural bone handles, featuring a color wash and black definition, catch the light perfectly.
With a Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel blade, I found that this knife held its edge quite well and was surprisingly sturdy despite its lightweight build. The knife comes with both a Clip and a Spey blade, each serving a different purpose. The Clip is excellent for intricate tasks, while the Spey is versatile enough for any everyday use.
One particularly impressive aspect of this product is its construction with Case Tru-Sharp stainless steel. This material ensures the blade stays sharp for longer and offers impeccable corrosion resistance. The quality of this knife is evident from its handcrafted design in the United States.
In terms of packaging, the product arrives in a sleek black velvet box, perfect for storing and displaying the knife. Overall, my experience with this Trapper Angel Wings Folding Knife has been nothing short of delightful – a must-have addition to any enthusiast's collection.

🔗Handcrafted Gray Bone Case SM Congress Jigged Bone Pocket Knife

I recently had the chance to try out the Case Small Congress Jigged Bone 58422, and let me tell you, it's quite a find. This little pocket knife is not only a perfect addition to my everyday carry, but it also has a unique charm to it.
The curved handle, made from gray bone, fits my hand nicely and gives a sturdy grip. The craftsmanship is evident in the way it was handcrafted in the United States – you can tell a lot of care and attention went into making this pocket knife.
The blade itself is made of carbon steel, which might seem a bit heavy for some, but I found it to be quite sharp and durable. It comes with two blades – a sheepsfoot, perfect for trimming hooves, and a pen blade for lighter work.
However, as much as I love this pocket knife, it's definitely not for everyone. Not only does it weigh a little more than other pocket knives, but the carbon steel blade might also be a bit of a risk when it comes to rust.
All in all, the Case Small Congress Jigged Bone 58422 is a fantastic choice for those who enjoy a traditional, compact pocket knife with a little extra heft and sharpness. But be sure to take proper care of it, and you'll be rewarded with a reliable and functional tool.

🔗Premium Aesthetic Case Aquarius Corelon Trapper Knife

Recently, I had the chance to try out the Aquarius Trapper from W. R. Case & Sons, a premium American brand of handmade knives. This versatile pocket knife, crafted from the highest quality materials, instantly caught my attention with its durability and performance. Made by skilled artisans in the United States, it offers a wide range of features that make it a must-have for anyone in need of a reliable and durable tool.
One of the standout features of this Trapper knife is the Tru-Sharp surgical steel blades that provide excellent cutting capabilities. The clip and spey blades are a nice touch, offering versatility for different tasks. Additionally, the handles are made of durable Corelon Aquarius, which adds to the knife's overall durability and quality.
While I loved the attractive design and vibrant color options, I did notice that the knife seemed a bit prone to scratches when carried in my pocket. This prompted me to suggest that the manufacturer consider providing a cloth pouch to protect the knife during transportation. Overall, the Aquarius Trapper from Case Cutlery is an impressive tool, crafted with precision and care that makes it stand out among other pocket knives in the market.

🔗Case 50954 Iraqi Freedom Knife: Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel and Natural Bone Handle

Imagine walking into a dimly lit room, the scent of old leather and polished steel lingering in the air. In one corner, nestled among antique weapons, you find a knife that instantly catches your eye. It's a Hawkbill Knife from the War Series, designed in the image of a classic Iraqi Freedom pattern.
The blade is made from Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel, a choice that ensures durability and precision. The handle, carved from natural bone, fits comfortably in the hand, a testament to the craftsmanship of its creators. Handcrafted in the United States, each knife bears the mark of its origin - a symbol of quality and pride.
With a closed length of 4.13 inches, this Hawkbill Knife is compact yet potent. The spey blades, mirror finish stainless clip, and nickel silver bolster showcase the attention to detail that has gone into its creation. As you hold it, the Iraqi Freedom handle embellishment stands out, a unique touch that adds a layer of depth to your experience.
Unfortunately, there are a few aspects that could be improved. The weight of the knife at 4.0 ounces might not be suitable for everyone. Moreover, the overall design may not appeal to all, but for those who appreciate the history and craftsmanship that goes into each piece, the Hawkbill Knife from the War Series is truly special.

🔗Antique Bone Handle Hawkbill Pocket Knife

I've been using the Antique Bone Trapper for a few weeks now, and it's been quite a pleasure. The handle in jigged bone, with a rich, caramel brown tone, exudes an elegant, classic feel that makes you want to hold it and use it every day.
Plus, the Tru-Sharp SS blade adds durability and smoothness to cutting through tasks. However, I do wish the knife had been sharpened out of the box - just a bit of extra effort on my part before it could perform at its best.
Don't let this minor inconvenience deter you from trying it out. The Antique Bone Trapper is a fantastic addition to any collection or daily toolkit.

🔗Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel Hawkbill Knife with Blue Bone Handle

I was intrigued by the Case XX 02845 SM Congress Blue Bone knives. The mirrored stainless steel blades and blue jigged bone handle were visually appealing. But the slipjoint lock was a bit unwieldy.
It took some practice to get the hang of it. The Tru-Sharp Surgical Steel blades held their shine for a reasonable amount of time, which was convenient. However, for a small knife with a 3-inch closed length, it lacked maneuverability in some situations.
Nevertheless, I appreciated the American craftsmanship that went into making this compact, pocket-friendly knife.

🔗Case XX Trapper Knife: High-Quality, Custom-Made in the USA

I recently had the chance to try out the Case XX Mulberry Synthetic 4254 Trapper. It's a handsome little knife, featuring a beautiful Mulberry synthetic handle that gives it a lovely, slightly textured grip. The Tru-Sharp stainless steel blades are quite sharp, and the spey blades are perfect for those who like a little added functionality.
One of the things I appreciated most about this knife is that it's handcrafted right here in the United States. The attention to detail is evident, from the mirror finish stainless clip to the nickel silver bolster. However, something I noticed that might be a drawback for some is its weight - at only 3.7oz, it's a pretty light knife in comparison to others.
Using this knife daily, I found it quite versatile and practical. But overall, the Case XX Mulberry Synthetic 4254 Trapper is a product that combines both beauty and functionality, making it stand out among its competitors in the market.

🔗American-Made Mini Trapper Pocket Knife for USAF Enthusiasts

I had the opportunity to test the Case 32402 Mini Trapper, a tiny pocket knife packed with impressive features. One of the highlights that stood out to me was the Tru-Sharp Surgical Stainless Steel, which provided durable sharpness that lasted through various tasks.
The Navy Blue Synthetic Handle offered a comfortable, ergonomic grip, allowing me to navigate my way around the miniature knife with ease. In addition, it added a touch of style to the design, making it stand out.
However, I did experience a small disadvantage - the Mini Trapper's manual-open design made it a bit challenging to access and open with just one hand. Despite this minor inconvenience, I still found great value in the United States Air Force W. R. Case & Sons Cutlery Co. 32402. Overall, it was a reliable and aesthetically pleasing addition to my daily life.

Buyer's Guide

A Case Hawkbill Knife, also known as a pen knife or a pocket knife, is a versatile and practical tool. It offers a variety of functions, including cutting, opening, and even breaking objects like nails. This buyer's guide will provide an overview of essential factors to consider when purchasing a Case Hawkbill Knife, as well as some general recommendations.


One of the first things to consider is the materials used to make the knife. Good-quality knives are typically made from carbon steel, stainless steel, or high-carbon stainless steel. These materials provide durability, corrosion resistance, and sharpness. Consider the climate where you'll use the knife, as well as the type of objects you'll be cutting. Stainless steel may be a better choice if you live in a humid or salty environment. Meanwhile, high-carbon steel could be preferable for a more precise or versatile edge. Remember to check if the blade locks or unlocks securely when using it.

Design Features

There are several design features to consider when buying a Case Hawkbill Knife. A locking mechanism is essential for safety and ensuring that the blade remains closed when not in use. Popular locking mechanisms include friction locks and spring-loaded locks. Pay attention to the size and weight of the knife, as well as the design of the handle. Some handles are ergonomic for comfortable use, while others have built-in features for opening cans or bottles caps.

Brand Reputation

Another important aspect to consider is the brand reputation. Case has a long history of producing high-quality knives with excellent value for money. However, new brands or lesser-known manufacturers may offer excellent products as well. Research online reviews, customer testimonials, and manufacturer's warranty policies to ensure that you're getting a reliable and durable product.


Maintenance Tips

To extend the life of your Case Hawkbill Knife, proper maintenance is essential. Always clean the knife by wiping the blade with a cloth and removing any debris on the handle. To prevent rust, you should avoid submerging the knife in water or storing it in a humid area. Regularly re-lubricating the hinges and locking mechanism is also recommended. For the blade, sharpen or hone it as needed to maintain its cutting edge.


The price of a Case Hawkbill Knife can vary based on factors such as materials, design features, and brand reputation. Shop around for the best deals and consider your budget when purchasing one. Remember that spending a bit more on a well-built knife may save you money in the long run by offering better durability and requiring fewer repairs or replacements.



What is a Hawkbill knife?

A Hawkbill knife is a type of folding knife that features a unique and distinctive blade shape, which resembles the head of a hawk. It is characterized by its curved, hooked tip that is ideal for piercing, cutting, and gripping materials. This knife is versatile, strong, and highly functional.

What are the main features of a Case Hawkbill Knife?

  • Strong blade made of high-carbon stainless steel
  • Unique Hawkbill blade shape for improved grip and cutting
  • Smooth, secure locking mechanism for enhanced safety
  • High-quality materials and construction for durability
  • Variety of colors and patterns to choose from


What are the different blade sizes available for Case Hawkbill Knives?

Case Hawkbill Knives come in various blade sizes, ranging from smaller pocket knives to larger hunting knives. Common blade sizes include 1-1/2 inch, 2 inch, 2-1/2 inch, 3-1/2 inch, 4-1/2 inch, and 6-inch.

Are Case Hawkbill Knives suitable for everyday use?

Yes, Case Hawkbill Knives are suitable for everyday use. Their strong, durable construction and versatile blade shape make them ideal for everyday tasks and activities.

What is the warranty for Case Hawkbill Knives?

Case Hawkbill Knives typically come with a limited lifetime warranty, which covers defects in materials and workmanship. Warranty information may vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer.

Where can I purchase a Case Hawkbill Knife?

Case Hawkbill Knives are available from various retailers, both online and in physical stores, including major outdoor and sporting goods retailers, as well as specialized knife shops. It is also recommended to check the manufacturer's official website for availability and authorized dealers.

Are there any reviews or ratings available for Case Hawkbill Knives?

Yes, there are numerous reviews and ratings available for Case Hawkbill Knives on various websites, such as Amazon, outdoor gear stores, and other online retail platforms. These ratings and reviews can provide valuable insights into the product's performance, quality, and overall user satisfaction.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:26 sxcrtry Lost 3 birds and my heart is sad

Yesterday we lost 2 layers and a pullet rooster. I was outside working on expanding our enclosed run so I was sawing and drilling and wearing headphones. My wife texted me that she heard a bunch of commotion and I glanced up and didn’t see anything unusual. A couple hours later as I’m cleaning stuff up I noticed a big patch of feathers and then I saw a lump in the grass further away. I ran over and found Winnie, my dark Brahma birthday chicken. She was far gone with a broken neck. After this I explored the yard to see if everyone else was ok. I found everyone except Pepper, one of our original 5, and Angelina (turned out to be a rooster). I found a pile of feathers from Pepper but no body. My best guess is that a couple hawks carried them away. I think they tried to get Winnie but she was too heavy and got dropped. I wouldn’t say that I’m devastated, but I am extremely down and sad. I just want to focus on the remaining flock and making sure they are happy and safe. Goodbye Winnie, Pepper, and Angelina.
submitted by sxcrtry to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:25 OnlyActivity6585 My GF’s parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses

For context, I'm 16 and so is my significant other. We both go to the same high school.
I’ve been developing this relationship with one of the most amazing people. She is great and understands me in the most nuanced way, she is just everything I’ve wanted and more. She and I started talking back in February and she eventually told me she had feelings and this had been the case since September (when I was in another relationship). To be frank, I didn’t believe I had the slightest chance of being with her because she was stunning, knock out beautiful. I told her during that discussion that I wasn’t ready for a relationship but I would be in the future, especially because I had just ended a relationship that ended rather nasty way. She and I continued to talk for a few more months, and our feelings towards one another became very strong and eventually, we started dating which we were both very happy about. She had mentioned this before in previous conversations and it was becoming a more prominent issue as our relationship progressed, she was never allowed outside of the house, had no after-school activities, barely any time to hang out with her very close friends, and especially no time to hang out with a guy, she could practically do nothing outside of her own home. She eventually mentioned to me that her parents are Jehovah's Witnesses which was worrying for a plethora of reasons and explained the total lockdown she was on. In addition to this, we were dating in secret because of her parent's strict “no dating” rule. It got to the point where I’d only see her in school and we would just call and text which I didn’t mind but I wanted to spend time with her, in person. As summer approaches, her and I both concluded that we wouldn’t be able to hang out for the entire duration of our summer break (3 months). We came to a mutual understanding that we should just be friends so we didn’t have to try to make a romantic relationship work while being completely online. She has had several conversations with her parents about dating me and dating in general and they have always responded with a very strong “NO”. We both still have feelings for one another but it’s hard not being able to see each other for such a long period. We might get back together in the future if tensions loosen with her parents but that's not definite. We still want to update one another on our lives how we're doing mentally, and what we're doing creatively but it hurts going back to square one, just being a friend and acting like our relationship didn't even happen. I love her like I've never loved anyone before and I want this to work. I don't want to lose her and don't think she wants to lose me either.
submitted by OnlyActivity6585 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:21 Federal_Machine692 I work as a security guard in a secret government facility, and this is what happened (Part 1)

Buster growled softly, baring his teeth at me as he stood in defiance. His stance rigid and unyielding, his tail stiff, and ears pinned back - he watched my every move with alert eyes.
My 3-year-old German shepherd had intuitively figured out the prospect of an upcoming bath when he saw me reach for the towel, and decided to give me a hard time over it.
“I know buddy. I am not happy about it either. But I will make it quick. I promise,” I tried to reason, holding up both hands to reassure him.
‘But it’s not even been a week…’ I could almost imagine him saying those exact words to me when he growled back in protest.
“You’re right...But listen, man. You’re dirty. I can feel your presence from here,” I said, standing ten feet away and pretending to cover my nostrils with my finger.
Buster, of course, didn’t care and continued to defy without hesitation.
I put my hands on my hip and sighed. My glance immediately shifted to a hose attached to a tap outside my quarters.
“Tell you what. I’ll make it worth your while. You don’t mind the jet spray, right? In fact, you even tolerate it sometimes,” I said, pointing to the hose located only a few feet away.
“How about a little cooperation now, and I’ll make you your favorite meal a little later?” I asked him, while reaching out to pick a can of chicken liver from the kitchen.
As I dangled the can in my hand, I could see it slowly chipping away at his resolve, his mind grappling with the pros and cons of my new proposal.
A moment later, Buster barked at me twice and slowly made his way out of the house. He sat by the garden tap, ready to receive his bath.
I took a handful of lotion and began to rub it against his torso to remove all the muck and grime that was sticking to his body. We had been quite busy lately, guarding the base and conducting multiple patrols along the perimeter every day. The rain a few hours ago certainly didn't help matters, with Buster leaping over puddles of water and actively rolling in the mud to escape the desert heat. I had to use a brush to remove the layers of dirt that had caked all over his body.
It’s been a strange week, to say the least. The days were busy but peaceful, while the nights brought scattered, random sounds. Their origins were a mystery, as they appeared not to originate from the base. But I wasn’t too worried about it, not yet anyway.
There is an air base located a couple of hours away from the facility, and it wasn’t unusual for them to conduct sorties at odd hours in the night. I assumed they were probably testing out some new technology.
My colleague Joe thought the same thing as well. But we couldn’t take any chances, and we both had a job to do. So we conducted regular patrols around the base just as a precautionary measure.
But deep down, I felt something nagging at me, like I was being watched by someone or something. I couldn’t exactly put it into words.
For a second, I wondered if Buster too felt the same way when I saw him suddenly lift his head up, listening intently with his ears up in attention.
I quickly turned back to check if there was anybody standing behind me, but I found no one. When I turned around to face him again, I saw him looking up at the night sky, his gaze focused and unwavering.
“What’s it buddy? You see something?” I asked him as I cleared away the foam from his face. Moments went by slowly. And then, just like that, as if nothing had happened, he put his head down and began pawing my leg, urging me to finish his bath. I sighed again and turned on the hose, to wash off all the soap.
He finally looked presentable and I have to admit, his coat glistened beautifully under the moonlight.
Before I could reach for his towel, Buster swiftly moved in to close the gap between us and looked me in the eye dead serious. He then shook his body vigorously, much like a wet dog trying to rid itself of wetness, and trotted off without bothering to look back.
I laughed out loud as I sat there, drenched in water. I knew I should have seen that coming. However, my smile quickly faded, as it also reminded me of Jessica, my ailing wife.
Before another thought could take shape in my mind, I heard a familiar voice blare across the radio.
“Mike, I need you down here. Get to the post quick.”
It was my colleague Joe and I replied back in the affirmative. I quickly grabbed my gear and signaled Buster to follow after me.
When I reached the post, I saw Joe standing there armed with his rifle. As a seasoned war veteran with two tours under his belt, Joe was a dangerous man and not to be trifled with. But he was also compassionate and wise beyond his years.
“What’s up Joe?” I inquired, as I approached him near the entrance of the base.
“I am not sure yet. I thought I heard something at a distance. It could well be nothing.” he replied, after a brief pause.
‘Well, we’ve had a lot of that going around all week’, I thought to myself.
He then turned around to look at me. “I want you to run a perimeter sweep first. Then go on patrol again. Take Buster with you” he said, before heading back to his post.
I started the jeep and drove out towards the perimeter. The engine hummed softly as I navigated the rough terrain, with Buster sitting alertly beside me. After finding nothing suspicious during my initial sweep, I decided to broaden my search radius.
A mile into the drive, Buster suddenly started barking, prompting me to stop the jeep immediately. He leaped onto the ground and dashed towards a boulder located a short distance away. I picked up my rifle and cautiously followed after him.
When I reached the spot, I keyed the mic attached to my shirt and said, "Boss, you need to come see this."
I knew he wasn’t going to be happy about leaving the guard post unmanned, but I thought he would prefer to come and inspect this himself.
Joe arrived ten minutes later, parking his vehicle next to mine. He walked towards the boulder overlooking a small pond, and switched on his torch to get a better look at the skeletal remains of an animal dumped nearby. Three other animal remains lay next to it, all appearing to be in a similar condition.
“These look like coyotes, probably stopping by to drink water from the pond before they were killed,” he observed, his voice expressing concern. “Did you find them like this?”
“Yes”, I replied. “And they weren’t here when I drove through the same place this morning. I thought it was quite odd to be honest, to find four of them out here all at once in the middle of the desert, that too at this hour.”
Joe simply nodded in agreement.
“What sort of creature do you think did this Joe?”
“I mean it must have a ravenous appetite to chew every sinew of flesh from the bone, and lick it this clean.” I said, leaning in take another look.
“Do you think it could be the Chupacabra or something similar?” I continued, knowing fully well my question was a bit far-fetched, but I had to still get it off my chest.
Joe finally stood up, switched off his torch, and looked around the vast open desert in quiet contemplation.
“This is in fact the fifth sighting in less than a week, Mike, and all have occurred in close proximity to secure government installations. The one before this was even stranger, and happened near a military base, where an old buddy of mine continues to serve.”
“He told me in that instance, the remains belonged to a dog. There were no signs of flesh or connecting tissue from the nasal region to the abdominal section, while the region spanning from the abdominal cavity to the tail bone was left fully intact. The whole thing was carried out with surgical precision, and drew morbid praise from even the medic back at the base.”
"But how is that even possible? What are you suggesting, Joe?" I asked, surprised by the tone of my own voice and my inability to hide my disappointment upon hearing about it for the first time.
“This is not a hunt for prey, Mike. This is a hunt for attention. Somebody is trying to make a point. And I’d say they are accomplishing their objective.” Joe said.
submitted by Federal_Machine692 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:19 Lonely_Pop_1364 Feel like I’m going to a gender reveal party 🤣

Feel like I’m going to a gender reveal party 🤣
So hard to catch the pink flakies in Cosmic Cowboy. I just don’t feel like the photos are capturing how beautiful this polish is.
Essie strong start base coat, Mooncat Cosmic Cowboy on pinky, pointer and thumb. Mooncat Merkitten 😻💕 on ring and middle fingers. Seche Vite QDTC.
Merkitten applies like an absolute dream, wishing I ordered a second bottle during the sale because mine is half empty 😩 it was my absolute favorite polish last summer for nails and toes. Cosmic Cowboy was a a little more thicker than I would prefer I may add a thinner next time. I also wish I read the description before applying because I would have used my kbshimmer smooth moves topper on the cosmic cowboy.
Definitely planning to wear Cosmic Cowboy more this summer because it is just such a fun polish happy I picked this one up with my rewards.
submitted by Lonely_Pop_1364 to mooncatpolish [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:12 AdAltruistic7088 Why accepting that a child might be trans si so hard for adults ?

To begin with, i am a 20 (soon 21) years old trans woman and on HRT since October 2022. I apologize in advance if my English is not perfect, it is not my mother’s tongue.
When i was 6 i already knew i was a woman and i told anyone i befriended with and adults that i was one. Of course, people could not help themselves to correct me and make me understand that i was a boy who was simply confused. Though i still continued to call myself a girl, and in order to chock less, i started to say that i was a boy who later will become a girl. I think people were more tolerant with it since they maybe thought that this « idea » would pass.
When i was 11 i moved out from my place to another region where the culture endangered my true identity, there was (and still is) a great amount of crime ratio every year. So in order to protect myself i started to call myself a boy, also to be accepted by others. I would have loved my parents to notice my changes since my « gender identity » changed radically from one day to the other.
So I was being forced to live a teenage boy puberty and having my voiced going deeper and deeper.
I think that if trans identity was recognized among the children and the teenagers, some people would not have to suffer and live so much dysphoria and so much risk to end their lives.
Luckily i never had any thoughts of ending my life because i know that if i had, i would have done something.
Now i’m 20, and i am, i think, quite happy with how my transition turns out to be. I find myself quite beautiful and pretty (and hot too, i would not lie) but i would have loved to have access to hormonal blockers during my adolescence instead of having this constant fear of being « discovered » by someone and perhaps being killed for being who i really was.
submitted by AdAltruistic7088 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:10 kontinasecret He is always the reason

Have u ever thought that love is also a gun that can make you powerful or maybe make u feel hurted. Its very hard to know what type love can gave power or pain. Love is beautiful but also dangerous. The only one who knows what love will gave you is our king, God. Sometimes he has a reason to make you feel pain he wants to make us strong or make us grown. But he can also make love being beautiful bc he wants you to be happy again to feel safe. He always has a reason to do something!
Love Jesus, pray for him, he always knows what he does. Trust him.
submitted by kontinasecret to u/kontinasecret [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:02 Spiritual-Rush-3786 Rewriting amphibia season 3 (updated version 2)

(ep 1a) changes: Have anne be sad. Thinking about marcy possibly being dead. Have anne and the gang being up sprigs near death anne calamity powers and have serious talk about it.
(Ep 1b) Turning point (30 minutes): sasha sees marcy gets stabbed by andrias. Sasha and Grime arrive in wartwood. The people of wartwood question sasha and Grime. On where is anne and the planters. Sasha tells everyone that King andrias is evil and is going to destroy amphibia. The people of wartwood are shocked knowing that the king is actually evil and going to destroy their home. Sasha and Grime say they are going to protect wartwood mayor toadstool and the rest of wartwood to happy to that someone is going protect them from danger. Sasha gives an unsettled smile and then turns to a sad look on her face. Grime and sash are the planter family home, but sasha refuses to step inside. Grime asks if she is OK, but sasha says she is fine and going to sleep the shed where Bessie and micogeangelo are. A few days late, sasha and Grime see one of andrias's robots near the planter family home. While the robot's not looking, Grime destroys the robot with his hammer. Sasha's talk with Grime stays the same. Sasha goes into the basement of the planter house and reads anne's diary. After reading anne's diary, sasha have full on meltdown. Crying her eyes out, sasha monologues about being a better person stays the same. We then cut to sasha, telling wartwood everything about true colours and anne and the planters being stuck in another world (earth). Sasha tells wartwood that she is going to protect their home. But before anyone in wartwood says anything to sasha. Some of andrias's robots attack wartwood. Meanwhile, Grime thinks about his life choices. We flashbacks back seasons 1 and 2. Grime realised he was a horrible person and went back for sasha. We cut back to sasha as he started to fight the robots. Things are going well until the robots manage to pin sasha down. And just when it's seen to be it for sasha. Grime comes in and saves sasha.the sense between Grime and sasha stays the same. The rest of the fight stays the same. After the robots are defeated. Wartwood After learning about sasha's true colours, betrayal, and everything before. Admit that it is going to take a while for them to trust sasha. But they can see that sasha is trying to change and become a better person. Wartwood asks sasha what to do now. Sasha looks at Grimeand Grime spinks at sasha. And then sasha says to everyone. We start fighting back. As they start building the rebellion.
(Ep 2a) Hop till you drop: gabby mentions sasha and marcy, making anne really uncomfortable. While we see what anne's life on earth was like before, she got stuck in amphibia.
(Ep 2b) Adventures in catsitting: have b plot where anne and her mom are at the dentist cause anne was gone for like 5 months. Over all the a plot stays the same.
(Ep 3a) croaker in war: Mrs. croaker helps sasha with her toxic traits. As sasha tries to protect her from andrias's robots. only to feel snap of croaker. Ending the episode with sasha learning from croaker. Not to use people to get what she wants. Because it's makes people hate her for it.
(Ep 3b) Wally to help: Wally is playing his instrument. Then he sees sasha looking sad while sitting on a rock. Wally goes to ask sasha if she's OK. Sasha tells Wally she's having a hard time being herself as she is both a manipulator and liar. Wartwood is still on edge working with her against andrias and doesn't know how to start being herself in a way that isn't deceitful. Wally then tells about the time anne helped stand up to his father. And express his true feelings. Wally then tells sasha lies, and manipulation may be a part of her, but it's not the whole her. She still has to own up to those awful parts and leave them behind. That way, she can be the best true version of herself. Sasha, thanks Wally about everything. Wally then said no problem, sasha. As the two say their goodbyes.
(Ep 4a) fight at the museum: the episode stays the same but with a few changes. The conflict between the frogs, newts, and toads is foreshadowed in this episode. Anne, at first, would have trust issues, but by the end, she slowly starts to trust people again over time. And make a slow but eventually recovery.
(Ep 4b) temple frogs: No changes. The episode's perfect the way it is.
(Ep 5a) Withered (original 11-minute episode): The story is about anne having a hard time trying to forgive sasha after everything before and after true colours. Anne and the gang find sasha's parents who are living in regret and sadness after sasha went missing. They hate themselves for how sasha acts. Anne talks forgiveness to sasha's parents. Ending sasha's parents pulling themselves together. Anne gives sasha's parents a hopeful look and a tear falling down her eye. Letting them know that she going to be their daughter back safe and sound.
(Ep 5b) ivy and sasha (original episode): ivy after some thought deicide to go comfort sasha who having big regrets about everything she did. thinking if anne actually comes back to amphibia and is probably still mad at her. Ivy After some talk with her mother. Ivy found sasha feeling down. Ivy asks sasha if she is okay. Ansmd sasha no. They talk friendshops with anne and sprig. This episode sasha feeling a bit better after her talk with ivy. Sasha decides to sleep and falls fast asleep.
(Ep 6a) Fixing frobo; the episode stays the same except for the ending. Where frobo is fixed and turned into a race car as we see in s3b.
(Ep 6b) anne-sterminator: The episode would mostly stay the same, but with a few big changes. Like, when anne, her parents, and the planters are in the junkyard, and anne's parents question her about the colckbot trying to kill her. Anne thought her parents saw the same as she was before amphibia. she breaks down in tears and reveals she has been hiding. Her parents are shocked. comfort their daughter and apologies for what they said whileSprigg overhears everything. After the colckbot easpse's with the bomb remove from his chest. Anne tells her parents about what happened to sasha and marcy.
(Ep 7a) sasha and toadie: sasha is chilling until toadie comes out. Toadie and sasha go on a walk and talk. Sasha asks toadie, "Tell toadie about some of wartwood's unhelpful ideas. Toadie tells sasha that she listens to people ideas even if some aren't helpful. Sasha thanks toadie like she did in battle of the bands. Toadie tells sasha he was happy to help. As it looks up the night sky. Ending the episode.
(Ep 7b) thinking about marcy: sasha see maddie sisters being attacked by andrias robots. Sasha managed to save maddie sisters and get to safety. Sasha is thanked by maddie for saving her sisters. Maddie then noticed sasha looking distress and asks sasha what's wrong. Sasha then tells maddie about how marcy is the reason she and anne were stuck in amphibia. Maddie is shocked to hear it. Thinking marcy wouldn't do something as bad as this. Maddie After hearing what marcy has done. Maddie decided to help sasha on why marcy did what she did. Maddie tells sasha how she ignored her sisters as she got older. Making sasha realise she was also a horrible friend to marcy aswell. Sasha ignored marcy's needs and interests like anne did. Sasha realised and attended that she was also a horrible friend. Sasha thanks maddie for helping her about her mixed feelings towards marcy. Maddie then said: no problem sasha. I just didn't think marcy would do something as bad as this. But I'm happy to help. Sasha then smiles a little. Knowing she feels better after her talk with maddie. As she fell asleep. Ending the episode.
(Ep 8a) Mr X:Thee episode stays the same.
(Ep 8b) Sprigs' birthday: molly Jo plays a bigger role in this episode. Since spider sprig in an eliminated from this rewitte. Molly jo plays as a new friend for sprig. Sprig also confronts anne about what he hear back in anne-sterminator. Considered for his friend's well-being. Bu she says not to worry cause she wants Sprigs' birthday to be perfect. But Sprig says being with anne already made birthday perfect. Anne gets all emotional after what is wholesome. Anne and Sprig hug.
(Ep 9a) as life goes on: the episode begins with anne and the planters trying to find marcy's parents. Once they find her home. Someone else is already living there. Anne more so then ever I'd shocked that marcy's parents left without their daughter. Sprig question's why marcy's parents just left their daughter behind. At least sasha's parents stayed waiting for they daughter to return. After some time they managed to find marcy's parents by a discord call. Anne asks them why they leave they daughter behind after she went missing. Mr wu explained that the offer started immediately so they had no choice but to leave without marcy. Anne and the planters reflect on what marcy's parents said and what marcy had done. The episode ends with anne and the planters after the talk with marcy's parents l. Saying goodbye to Wu's and the call ends. Anne knowing why marcy stranded her and sasha in amphibia. Finally understanding marcy more thanks to her parents.
(Ep 9b) Olivia and yunan: The episode stays the same.
(Ep 10a) If you give a frog a cookie: anne noticed that the planters are homesick after she made cookies. Then doctor Jan calls anne about a way back to amphibia but they help with it. Anne and the planters are happy. Later they Go to Doctor frakles and meet Terri. As colckbot comes back but this time to help anne and Terri save the planters from Doctor frakles. By throwing the cookies at frakles causing the kids to attack her. As anne and the planters and Terri easpse. Ending the episode.
(Ep 10b) workout time: loggie deicide to do some training with sasha since war is coming. So he goes to sasha and starts training. While training sasha almost goes too far. Telling her that she can not push people to they limits because it will make people leave people behind like percy and Braddock. As there is still a chance to make things right with anne and marcy. Making Sasha reasiled she almost gone too far and apologies to loggie for almost pushing him to his limit. Regret about what she did to percy and Braddock. Sasha the deicided to not always do things her way. Loggie tells sasha that they would do it in a more comfortable way. That can help them beat andrias. Sasha thanks loggie for realising she almost made the same mistake as she did with percy and Braddock. Loggie then says don't mention it sasha I'm Happy to help. After they are done with the training. Sasha looks at the bffs photo of her anne and marcy. Promising to be a better friend in the future as the episode ends.
submitted by Spiritual-Rush-3786 to amphibia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:02 Akranea [F4M] Longterm Overwatch RP!

Hey Roleplayers and Reddit users!
I've been wanting to do this for a while now and I am looking for people who want to play a character of the game (male only) to pair with me (female only character of the game) for some fun longterm RP. I have several plots prepared and ideas to share depending on what character you'd want to write/write with and I am happy to discuss more details and possible plots.
Heroes I am willing to write for this RP would be:
My preference is Gency, but I am terribly terribly picky about this and made a lot of horrible experiences. This is something I kind of want done right and if I don't see that happening, I am not willing to write this. If you are equally interested in building their relationship from the longterm point of view, I'd like to discuss.
Other than that I'll gladly play :
If you have ideas for this, wishes you want to include I am happy to discuss! That being said though, I am a very detailed writer and like it if my partners are as well, two paragraphs should be the least you should be able to write and maybe even extend it a little further. Third person would also be perfect, I think writing in first person is kind of awkward and I am not comfortable doing that.
One of my ideas as example is as follows: Both our characters are on a mission. The two need to work together to gather information, perhaps rescue a fellow agent. It is tense. The alarm is going off, red lights are filling corridors and guards begin to flood the building. They will have to hurry to complete their goal without being caught.
Another idea could be more about the slice of life part, what is happening behind the scenes, maybe even the mental toll these missions and the huge pressure has on the involved people. They could build a proper relationship, work on conquering their fears as well as work on themselves to become better and greater heroes! Naturally, I am in for all the action as well. Let's go beat up some bad (or good) guys!
I am pretty active but I only RP on discord so please keep that in mind. Also, I want to speak out a content warning for mature content. Please send the word hero to me so I know you've read this all in your first message.
I usually write 3 paragraphs as the least amount and would like for my partner to match me.
The following will be a roleplay sample of mine which depicts a semblance of my literacy:
Their escape through the ventilation system was not the greatest exit strategic, additionally, it was flawed and their position easily compromised. Amelie had already begun to lead the way towards what she figured was the very edge of the fortress where they'd be able to slither away into the night, but he was certainly not making this any more pleasant with his urgent request to hurry. "I am going as quick as I can, but as you are aware, wet clothes stick to these smooth surfaces perfectly well," and indeed it made it quite difficult to shift along the metal of the shafts. She felt the heat too, though for her the very start was certainly only comforting, drying both their bodies and clothes just a little before they'd soon face the consequences and most likely either burn to charcoal or get some lovely burn marks along their skin. That was what she expected, just until his larger frame pushed and squirmed past her before he could even see the glare she was shooting at him. "What do you think you are doing?" She asked lowly, and watched him repeatedly smack his arrow against the relatively thin wall of the ventilation shaft, that soon bulged and began to give in.
Her attention however was caught by his tattooed arm, which seemed to faintly illuminate the air in bright blue. It was just how the rumors proved. Something about him, about that tattoo he donned on his arm that gave him strength on an unimaginable scale. With great curiosity as she witnessed this did Amelie watch the wall next to them burst open, and him slip outside. No hesitation within her motions she followed, and the both stood shielded from the flames that followed. There was a certain thankfulness within her eyes as she looked upon him, knowing there was no reason for each other to linger. Nodding gently, she bid him a word-less farewell before Amelie too, disappeared into the night.
Months had passed after their run in and the mission report handed to Akande caused him to end up a little displeased over the next few days. He wanted the Shimada to be part of Talon, to have his power under their control and thus, increased the offered amount of money and goods should he ever end up appearing once more. Little did either of them know that the famed spider would soon once more come into the view of the archer.
Brazil, ten in the evening. Music played and echoed through the halls, setting the mood for such a high-class event where drinks were shared, dances were executed and most importantly, deals were made. Amelie attended on behalf of Talon, naturally so as she mostly would serve as informant that very night. As such, her gun was not a piece of her attire tonight.
Amelie stood tall and proud as she always did, and her dress once more proved that she was a confident woman. The black dress vacant of any prints upon it did her body justice. Cutting off high upon her thighs, a slit on the side revealing even more of those long, firm legs, the very front was just as revealing, the V shape cutting a rift between her plump breasts, fitting for a beautiful woman like her while the back was cut deep, revealing that signature spider tattoo on her pale skin that was caressed by the tip of her ponytail.
Her hand was firmly wrapped around a glass of red wine she sipped from while circling the area a little, searching for anyone worth being noted and not quite aware that a familiar archer was in the very same room. She stood with her back towards his direction at first, before she desired to move once more and caught the sight of the archer out of the corner of her eyes. He might have seen her smirk slyly, before she turned away again. Amelie knew when she was the huntress, but she did not approach her prey this time. No, he would need to hunger for a taste of her, and that'd let him approach her while she remained still.
Naturally, her thoughts had wandered to him before, thought back on his warmth he soared her in that locker, and at times she humored the thought of a misses romance, even if she was aware it was foolish and nothing alike her. No, she was the heartless woman that murdered her own husband years back, cold to the touch and emotionless. The perfect weapon that once had a loving heart.
If you are interested please message me and let's work something out <3
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2024.05.19 13:00 AutoModerator Community recommendations mega-thread!

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There are areas of Reddit I don’t frequent; there are areas of Reddit I won’t frequent; there are areas of Reddit that no doubt I am blissfully unaware of and am happy to remain that way. But I am still subscribed to well over a thousand subs on all kinds of topics and still find new ones daily.
The true beauty of Reddit is that your Reddit experience can be completely and absolutely dictated by you. The pure amount of information available on Reddit is staggering, and it’s just a matter - like in all of life - of being able to sort through that information to see what’s useful and what isn’t.

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