Candy bar pie

The Baking sub-reddit

2009.04.21 17:25 windmilltheory The Baking sub-reddit

For all your baking needs! Recipes, pictures, ideas, questions and all things baking related. Cakes, cookies, pies, tarts, muffins, scones, breads, rolls, biscuits, cheesecakes, snack bars, etc are all welcome! _______________________________ We could use some help with mod tasks. If you are interested, please send a message to the mod team (there's a message the mods button in the sidebar)

2020.08.18 22:05 MariUwO AlmondJoy

A place for redditors to discuss the candy bar, Almond Joy.

2020.07.18 21:34 chrisnphoenix wazoobar

We strive to see the return of the wazoo bar, an ancient candy bar from 2009 that also went extinct in 2009

2024.05.20 01:40 koalateaplace Ready for Day 3

Ready for Day 3
Prepared with all my goodies to give away! Stay safe everyone and have a wonderful night!
submitted by koalateaplace to electricdaisycarnival [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:22 Animeking1108 When real life traumas are used as karma for antagonists

It's one thing when we see villains get shot, blown up, or erased from existence. They don't suffer long, and their cause of death is so fantastical that we don't see it happening in real life. However, some debate when karma goes too far. Notable examples include Diavolo's infinite death loop in JoJo Part 5, Jason getting ripped in half by the Upside Down gate in Stranger Things, or Sally petrifying Gabe with Medusa's severed head in an implicit premediated murder in Percy Jackson. However, I think karma can be at its worst when their karma is a real life trauma. I'm not talking about getting killed in self-defense or by their own mistakes, but rather things like sexual assault or abuse.
One example of what I'm talking about is in Durarara! with the character Izumii Ran. Now, Izumii is by no means a nice guy. He's a thug who broke Masayomi's girlfriend's legs, threatened to rape Earthworm, and was an abusive older brother to Aoba because of envy for all the attention their parents give him. So, it would take a lot to make such a vile piece of work unintentionally sympathetic. Well, we get just that in his and Aoba's backstory. After one beating too many, Aoba got back at him by setting his room on fire, which made his parents think he was smoking. When Izumii claimed innocence, his father punches him square in the nose and makes it bleed. And Aoba looks at this with a smug grin on his face. So, not only was Izumii abused, rather violently, by his father, which could very well explain his violent behavior and prove his claims about his parents favoring Aoba correct, and yet we're supposed to see this as karma for bullying Aoba. It doesn't help that the light novel doesn't show us the full extent of how bad Izumii's abuse towards Aoba really was, and the anime just made it a passing mention like he slapped him for taking the last Hot Pocket, so we're just supposed to take the narrative's word for it that he made the brother from Magical Girl Site look like Yu Narukami. If we actually saw the abuse or at least got some indication that he hospitalized Aoba, I can sort of understand why. So, it really just makes Aoba look like a petty, spoiled brat.
My next example happens to Eric Cartman from South Park. Now, Cartman should have been sent to prison ten times over throughout the course of the series. Even making Scott Tenorman eat his parents is a stolen candy bar compared to what he's done since, like using Cthulu to go on a killing spree. Of course, most of the major characters have done something awful by this point. Kyle got Canada nuked, Stan killed a bunch of whalers, Kenny threw a ninja star in Butters' eye and got away with it, Randy became a hitman for the Chinese Government, Gerald trolled a woman until she killed herself, Wendy got a substitute teacher murdered out of petty jealousy, and all of the boys burned their pre-school teacher alive and framed a classmate for it. Cartman just had a higher bodycount (probably). During the Post-COVID specials, we get a glimpse into the future for what happened to the boys after they drifted apart. Kenny became a billionaire, while Stan and Kyle became depressed loners. Cartman turned his life around, converted to Judaism, and was even the only one of the boys to actually have a family. While he conspired to ruin the time travel plan to keep the boys from drifting apart, he ultimately decided to risk his happy life for a better future. So, in the better future, Stan and Kyle are now living happy lives, but Cartman has become a deranged hobo. He's so far gone mentally that he can't even form a coherent sentence for more than two words. Even for Cartman, that was a depressing image to look at.
My final example comes from Harry Potter. Now, I speak for everybody when we say Umbridge was that side villain we hated more than the actual villain, like Shou Tucker, Joffrey Baratheon, or Suguru Kamoshida. Imagine if the teacher everybody at your school hated ran Guantanamo Bay. However, in the end, she was mainly a roadblock for Harry before the climax at the Ministry Of Magic Headquarters. So, how is she dealt with? Well, Harry and Hermione take her to the Forbidden Forest, and after hurling one insult too many at the centaurs, they drag her away into the woods, and Hermione's expression shows that she knew what was going to happen to her before coming in. When we next see Umbridge, she isn't visibly injured, but what happened to her was so traumatizing that she blocked it from memory, and she would get PTSD attacks at the sound of clopping, which Hermione and many others abuse maliciously. There has been a lot of debate as to what really happened to Umbridge, especially after JK Rowling's rather controversial views came out. Now, if you know your Greek Mythology, you'd know that centaurs were notorious rapists, due to having the horniness of men but with the restraint of an animal. Combine that with Umbridge's trauma, you can see why some people think the Centaurs went to town on her, and considering JK Rowling had a degree in literature, she had to have known this. If not, then this was really poorly planned on Rowling's part. Even if Umbridge wasn't raped, it's still kind of fucked up how she gets taunted for her PTSD, even if she was a sociopath who mutilated children. That'd be like if Zuko taunted Azula during her breakdown at the end of ATLA.
In conclusion, even karma can be poorly delivered to a real piece of work of a character, especially when that karma is something that can traumatize everyday people. The punishment has to fit the crime.
submitted by Animeking1108 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 Existing-Internet-67 I don’t restrict but I’m still binging

I wake up and have breakfast something like weetabix. I usually have tomato soup and a sandwich for lunch. It’s about 5pm, and this is when I feel like binging. Because of where I live I don’t have much fast food available, so I normally just want to buy 10 chocolate bars and 10 packets of lays chips and eat them.
Anyways, it’s 5pm and I try not to snack as I cook dinner. My plan has been good, I’ll eat dinner at 6 and then have a small snack at 8 (and try not to think about food all the time, which I do) and then after dinner it’s just over.
I just raid the cupboards or go to the shop and buy so much crap. Night time eating is really bad for me. And the thing is, my mindset is “this food (chocolate, chips, candy) makes me happy so I’m missing out if I don’t eat it. So I should. But I don’t even restrict during the day so I don’t know why I feel like eating everything in the evening??
Does anyone have any tips? My 1500 calorie meal plan was going well today, until I ate about 1000 calories of food this evening after dinner. I’m worrying about this all the time, why do I always think about food!???!!
submitted by Existing-Internet-67 to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:32 TheLastPiMaster A Deep Dive into the Problems with Endless and How to Fix Them

As the shiny weekend comes to a close, I and I'm sure many others have played a lot of endless the last few days. While I do love this game, I can't help but notice how much of a drag endless is. Endless is basically just one big gambling simulator where you get dopamine when you get a shiny or legendary and it keeps you playing long enough to get the next hit. As someone who enjoys both making and balancing games, I wanted to take some time to dive into why endless has the problems it does and how they can be fixed. My hope in sharing these ideas is that endless will eventually be revamped into something more fun in the long term instead of just a shiny grind. So strap in as we discuss the problems with endless and how to fix them.

Part 1: Why play RogueLites?

I think the first step to understanding what is wrong with endless is to understand why we are even playing this game in the first place. I hear the terms roguelite and roguelike used interchangeably a lot so I wanted to quickly address the difference between them. The short of it is roguelikes complete reset your progress in between runs while roguelites have some progress carry over. This puts PokeRogue firmly in the roguelite category, since you can unlock new starters, and as such, I will be operating under the assumption that having progress carry over between runs is important to the game for the remainder of this post.
As for what makes roguelites fun, I think there are a few different factors. First and foremost is replayability. Since a run is never the same as any other, the genre has infinite replays built in, so long as you don't get bored of the core gameplay mechanics. However, the enemies and rewards you get during each run are not the only thing that can change between runs.
This leads me to my second point which is the fun of trying new builds. Most roguelites have a wide variety of weapons and approaches to progressing that can either be chosen at the start or unlocked during the run. Because of the random nature of the genre, even similar builds will fluctuate run to run and trying to get your build to function perfectly like you want it to is a fun challenge. You may have an idea of what you want to use but then you get an item that changes the way your build works and so next time you play this build, you actively seek out this item because it was a cool adaptation. Being able to not only try, but succeed, with a variety of strategies and builds is incredibly important to the long term fun and replayability of roguelites.
The final factor in why roguelites are fun is because you can constantly push for a new record. This is specifically something unique to endless. The game can never truly be beaten. You as the player set a goal for yourself and compete against that goal, trying to achieve it. When you eventually do, you set a new goal and push for that one. These goals can be personal to you, like trying to reach a certain round or seeing how far you can progress with a specific build, or they can be more competitive, like trying to push for a record in the highest round ever achieved.
Roguelites are addicting and fun because you never truly beat them, you just find new ways to play them. Now that we understand a bit about why roguelites are fun, let's look at PokeRogue to see how it matches up.

Part 2: Endless is a Solved Game

First, let's look at the good parts of endless. Endless has good rewards for playing it. As you go deeper into endless, you get more and more rare starters. Right now, starters are the only thing that carries over between runs so endless is the best way to progress your account. In theory, this should increase replayability as you can do an endless run, get new starters, do a run with your new starters, rinse and repeat. In practice though this simply isn't true.
While the progression endless gives your account is good, it's ultimately pretty meaningless and most of the actual experience of playing endless isn't fun at all. When you get deep into an endless run, which is arguably where most endless players will aim for since otherwise you would play classic, the game becomes stagnant. You one shot everything or you get one shot. Type matchups don't matter. Stats don't matter. Nothing matters except being able to oneshot the opponent through whatever tokens or abilities they have. This isn't a problem in itself but if we look a little deeper it becomes one.
There's nothing wrong with different builds simply being different ways to oneshot. What is an issue though is when the core mechanics of Pokemon stop mattering and there is only one way to win battles. Type matchups are arguably the most important mechanics in Pokemon, right after catching new Pokemon. The fact that these eventually are rendered useless means that there's no reason for this to be a Pokemon game in the first place. Additionally, even just having a really strong Pokemon that can cut through everything with strong STAB doesn't work because the only late game strategy that works is fixed damage and sturdy. When you finally reach rounds that push the limits of where you've been before, these should be the rounds that your build is online and being tested. Instead, you are forced to transition to a Pokemon with sturdy and metal burst or fixed damage like salt cure plus soak. There is no room for trying different builds to push boundaries because the game has been solved. We know what the best and only strategy is and if you aren't using it, you can't compete.
The fact that only one strategy is viable means that any progress you make between runs doesn't matter either. Why use new starters when you're just gonna end up using gargancl with salt cure or metal burst blissey? This means that the only thing that endless is actually good for, making your account stronger, is made irrelevant by the same mode. This is the biggest problem endless has but there are a few smaller ones I'd like to quickly address.

Part 3: Smaller Endless Problems

I'll try to keep this section brief and run through these problems quickly.
First, generic encounters are too time consuming. There is no reason the random, non-boss Pidgeott should ever take more than 5 seconds to defeat. Generic encounters serve the purpose of giving you a few rewards to make you stronger before the next major fight. Endure tokens waste so much time. If I'm overkilling this raticate by 5000%, I shouldn't have to sit through 30 seconds of dialogue telling me it endured the hit, raised all its stats, flinched, and then need to select my move again. Even boss encounters don't need endure tokens. They are already gated by segmented health bars. These are actually good and mean you have to think about how to get through them. Why then, does the boss get to live with 1 hp when I've finally overcome it? Simply put endure tokens need to go.
Second, boss battles are too repetitive. I don't mean pokemon labeled "boss" but instead the bosses you encounter every 50 floors. These should be the rounds that test your build but instead, it's the same as every other "boss" you encounter in the run. These rounds need to be made harder and all other rounds should be easier, that way there's a clear distinction between fodder and challenge. The Eternatus encounters are actually pretty good from a challenge perspective since they regularly take a while to beat. If the 50 floor encounters were more like this, and the Eternatus encounters were varied with some other Pokemon so you need multiple strategies instead of just a fairy/steel to wall it, the boss fights would be pretty good.
Finally, if you can't oneshot an enemy, it shouldn't be able to oneshot you. Essentially, bosses need to not be able to be oneshot. What this means though is that you will take hits and in that case, you need to be able to survive them. Damage Reduction tokens are actually ok but damage multipliers just make every move a oneshot. Boss fights should play out more like VGC matches, where there's constant switching of your Pokemon to have an advantageous type matchup. Your switches need to be able to survive hits when they come in, or else you need a way to correctly predict when you can make a switch for free to get a better Pokemon out.
I could go more in depth on all these problems and maybe I will sometime but for now just know they are there and will influence what the fixes need to fix.

Part 4: The Fixes

Now that we understand what's wrong with endless, let's talk about fixing it.
The first and easiest change is that endure tokens need to be removed. This speeds up the game and gets you into boss fights faster. Simple, done, this one change makes the game so much more fun and less tedious.
For some bigger changes, let's take a look at the rest of the tokens. Status tokens mean nothing since your Pokemon will always have infinite lum berries once you get 3 berry pouches and a mini black hole. Fusion tokens are cool. These throw wrenches at you and are fun and should stay. Damage reduction tokens are ok. These tokens prevent you from oneshotting the boss and as we discussed before, that's good. Damage multipliers increase the problem of oneshots though and for that reason need to either be heavily nerfed or removed. If my defensive Archaludon is getting onehshot by vine whip, that's a problem. Finally, recovery tokens are alright. The make it so you can't just stall out a boss completely. You have to constantly be damaging them so they don't heal back to full. I would limit these though to heal a smaller amount. Something like 1/16 of max HP every turn should be the maximum that recovery tokens can do. This is the same as leftovers in the main series and that is one of the best items for survivability in the entire game.
I would make the following changes to tokens: remove endure tokens, remove status tokens, remove damage multiplier tokens, heavily nerf recovery tokens, keep fusion tokens, and keep damage reduction tokens. Also, remove all tokens from any Pokemon without a boss health bar. You may think this is too big a nerf to enemies but in conjuction with this, I think the mini black hole also needs to be changed or removed. With status tokens gone, it's more important than ever that status is meaningful when it is inflicted. Without the mini black hole, you need to actually think about what to do about status instead of just letting your infinite lum berries solve it for you. Maybe now you need to spend some of your post encounter rewards on lum berries or items other than rare candies since you can't just steal them off wild pokemon for free. Of course, things like magician and thief still exist but these are ok because they are niche. The grip claw is also alright since it isn't guaranteed to steal something, it just gives you a little more breathing room.
Next up on the list is boss fights. For this section, I'm only referring to the every 50 floor ones. The token changes I believe would solve a lot of the problems with this fights but there are two big changes I would implement. First, these fights should all be 2v1 double battles like the final battle of classic. This gives room for more strategy and makes switching out more of a viable option if you can predict which slot the AI will target. Second change is to increase the movepools of all bosses. This may be controversial but I think bosses should not be limited to 4 moves. Bosses having a wider variety of options makes them much more formidable and means you need to prepare for more threats. As for what these movepools would be, I would say any egg moves or level up moves should be fair game. Maybe some tms as well but those would need to be hand selected which is harder to implement.
The last few changes I'd add focuses on making starter choice important and allowing for cooler builds. There needs to be more variety in held items. The main series has so many cool options to draw from and adding them makes for a lot of variety in what a given pokemon can do. Imagine a Pokemon with sniper and 3 scope lenses to always crit. Or a Pokemon with a bunch of leftovers and rocky helmets and rough skin. In return for the wider variety, there would need to be some limit on how many non-berry, non-consumable held items a pokemon could have. Without a limit, the best strategy would still be to just stack all the items on one Pokemon and let it sweep. I think 20 would be a good place to start though this could be changed. It also adds an opportunity cost. Your sweeper can't also be tank with 3 leftovers because you need to use those item slots for offensive items.
Finally, I would add one new item to the game with a unique effect. Similar to the DNA splicers, this would allow you to combine two Pokemon to get a stronger one. The new item would be ability capsule and here's how it works. The ability capsule allows you to select a pokemon from your party, sacrificing said Pokemon and adding its ability to another Pokemon. The catch though is that the ability can only be added to a Pokemon that was selected as a starter for the run. Some abilities would have to be non-transferable like wonder guard or stance change but I think this goes a long way in making really cool combinations to aim for late game. It also makes your starter selection more important since you can think about what abilities you want to add to your starter later.

Conclusion and TL;DR

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. To those of you who just scrolled to the bottom, here's the TL;DR of changes
I want to be clear that I love this game and am not trying to be super negative. I just want to see it do well months and years from now and believe these changes are the first step towards doing that. I have a lot more I could say but this post is already long so I'll leave it at that. If any devs happen to read this and want to hear more in depth explanation or thoughts on solutions to problems with the game, I'm happy to talk more. In the meantime, I'm gonna go back to my endless run and keep trying to get a shiny Rayquaza.
submitted by TheLastPiMaster to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:49 Hallelujah289 Ben & Jerry’s/Blue Bell haul pt 1 of 2: Bossin’ Cream Pie Topped and Cookies ‘N Cream Cone

Yesterday bought four ice cream pints (last pic), two Blue Bell and two Ben and Jerry’s. It’s my first time buying Blue Bell so expectations were high but this Cookies n Cream Cone (ranked S-tier ultra top 5 YouTuber Cohen Thompson) fell short. Big caveat: it melted. Perhaps this isn’t a fair review. I suspect it still wouldn’t be my favorite flavor regardless.
Ben and Jerry’s Bossin’ Cream Pie is also mentioned on this sub, and maybe the second Topped ice cream I tried (I think I had a previous strawberry cheesecake one with white chocolate ganache top I also didn’t like). It has been suggested as superior to Jeni’s Boston Cream Pie which I haven’t tried. At less than half the price of Jeni’s when on sale, why not give it a shot? I’m here to say it’s fine, but also skippable.
Ben and Jerry’s - Topped Bossin’ Cream Pie.
“Vanilla custard ice cream with cake pieces and pastry cream swirls topped with milk chocolatey ganache and fudge chips.” Caveat: Have not actually tried Boston Cream Pie (have tried the donut) * Vanilla custard ice cream: a pleasant old-fashioned vanilla taste that’s a medium between Ben and Jerry’s Vanilla (classic) and Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla (old fashioned) but not as strong. Both flavors I’ll review next. * Cake pieces: very tasty, slightly salty yellow cake. Meant to resemble Boston Cream Pie, not donut, but recalls both anyway. Soft and blended into the ice cream rather than dense or chunky. A good amount. * Pastry cream swirls: No discernible difference in texture; however I do get a vanilla icing flavor sometimes. Not the custard taste I wish for and know from the donut. * Milk chocolatey ganache top: More fudge than ganache (thicker). Sweetened like chocolate frosting. Great to bite into but develops a vegetable oil chocolate taste like acceptable but not premium Palmer’s Halloween or Easter candy. * Fudge chips: good thickness. Would I repurchase? No. A fun ice cream with neat deconstructed ideas of Boston Cream Pie (cake or donut) to have and to finish once. Overly sweet. Hints at but ultimately lacks the desert’s (I’m familiar with the donut) iconic custard center gooeyness. * Rating: 6/10.
Blue Bell - Cookie Two Step.
“Vanilla ice cream with chocolate creme filled cookie crumbles, chocolate swirl and chocolate cone pieces covered in dark chocolate.” Caveat: This ice cream melted during transit. Lost 30% volume! Picture shows refrozen ice cream after taking same amount of bits of each (not much). The Ben & Jerry’s ice cream was subjected to about half the 30 minute transit time and was not significantly affected. * Vanilla ice cream: chocolate swirl is prevalent and very integrated leading to a Hershey’s chocolate syrup mixed with milk taste overall, rather than vanilla. * Chocolate creme filled cookie crumble: a Hostess chocolate cupcake with vanilla icing taste rather than Oreo. Other cookies and cream ice cream doesn’t usually contain cookies with creme center mix ins so this is unique. I still prefer Oreo creme center though (sweet creme rather than icing taste). * Chocolate swirl: Tastes like Hershey’s chocolate syrup which is good. But overpowering. * Chocolate cone pieces covered in dark chocolate: the best texture of the ice cream. Nice and crisp, fresh tasting. Not really dark chocolate though (mildest 50-55% dark chocolate maybe). Would I repurchase? No. Visually a dazzling ice cream with the appearance of stacked mix ins. Evenly distributed cookie (small) crumble with some exciting waffle cone. Yet too much syrup. Did not enjoy the cookies with creme center like I thought I would. Glad I got the pint instead of half gallon. Wish I got Cookies and Cream instead! * Rating: 6/10
Bossin Cream Pie alternatives: * Trader Joe’s - Banana Pudding. Has vanilla wafer cookie rather than yellow cake. Chewiegooier overall textures though. A similar flaw in a strong sweetness. 7/10.
Cookies n Cream Cone alternatives: * Private Selection - Denali Extreme Moose Tracks. Average but at least it’s got a better tasting chocolate swirl that has a smidge of salty dark chocolate taste. 6.5/10 * Private Selection - Chocolate Cheesecake. Average but i enjoy the cookie crumble (pie crust) better. Similar flavor profile to the above Private Selection. The cookies have a little bitter, salty and fruity taste. 6.5/10 * Perry’s - Bittersweet Symphony. Coffee ice cream, bittersweet fudge swirls, fudge chunks. A little more darker chocolate syrup swirl. 6.5-7/10? It’s been a long time.
submitted by Hallelujah289 to icecream [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:47 Tall_Ad_8140 Zerbrochenheit

"i tell you kids, back in my day, we had it so rough... or so much better, i can't tell anymore. anyway, every day, we would wake up at 2 in the morning and go to the table for breakfast. we all lived in a closet, you see, so it was one room. and we would ask, me and my 64 brothers and 27 sisters, "what's for breakfast mum?". she would smack us all with a shoe and say "cold beans". and if we complained and said "but we had cold beans yesterday" - because we had cold beans every day - she would smack us all five times with a shoe and say "tough its all we can afford. i'm trying to feed a family of 93 with just half a silver buckington", a silver buckington was about the same as half a penny back in the day. then we would head to school. we met up with the johnson kids from down the road, and walked the 1674 miles to school. on the way to school, we had to walk up a mountain so tall it extended to outer space. when we got to the top of the mountain, we would see the peterson boys on their fancy bikes - which they dont make like they used to, and we would race them down the mountain. then, when we got to school at 4 in the morning, the headmaster would come up to us and say "you bloody kids are late", then he would smack us all with the cane 10 times and tell us we had 7 years of detention. then, we went to class, and mr stevenson would say "ok line up kids", then he would spank us each 60 times, then hit us each with the cane 40 times each. then it was 7 at night and we had to walk home. then, when we got home, we'd ask "whats for dinner mum?", and she'd smack us each 50 times with a pan and say "rotten cabage". and if we complained, she would smack us each 100 times with a broom and say "im trying to feed a family of 154 on just one islet sliver, just you wait until your dad gets home" - now an islet silver was worth about as much as a grain of sand. then, when our dad got home from his job at the soot factory, he would hit us all 180 times with his belt. if we had been naughty, we would hit us all another 600 times. then, at 1:58, mum would say "ok time for bed". then, we got into our potato sacks, and she would hit us each with a shoe 8 times before we went to sleep. on saturdays, we went down to uncle bob's farm to work. we would have to walk 345 miles to the bus stop, then catch the route 4 bus for 56 stops. we would get on the bus and pay our fare of 3 teddy roses - now a teddy rose is worth about the same as a flake of skin. then, if the ticket inspector came to us, he would hit us all 4 times with his baton. if any of us had lost our ticket, we would hit us all 10 times again and throw us off the bus and we had to walk the rest of the way. when we got to the farm, uncle bob would drive to the gate in his tractor, hit us all 780 times with his crowbar, and tell us to get in his trailer so he could drive us to the farm house. then, we had to plow the fields with a toothbrush in the blazing summer heat - now, they dont make summers like they used to, so it was about 1345.4 degrees spencer, or 67 degrees centigrade using your new-fangled metric system. then, we would have to milk the cows - now, they dont make cows like they used to, so each cow weighed about 459 hog's heads, or 3.2 tonnes in your new-fangled metric system. if you touched a cows udder, it would kick you and you would die, so you had to be really careful when you milked the cows. then, when we were done, uncle bob would say "ok kids time for your pocket money". he would give us each 9 copper jemimahs - which are worth about one political promise each - and beat us each 6 times with his tractor before we left. on sundays, we would meet the johnson boys and go down to the river - now, they don't make rivers like they used to, so this river was about as wide as the whole of america, and as deep as the marianas trench, and it was filled with liquid tungsten. we would play by the old oak tree near the river, climbing on it and building tree houses and such. now - they don't make trees like they used to, so this tree had a trunk as thick as a city, and was tall enough that the branches on the top could scrape the moon. one day, little jimmy fell from the top of the tree. when he hit the ground, the only bit of his body we could recognise was his left eyeball. we picked up all his bits and rushed him to the doctors surgery. dr james said "oh its just a scratch little jimmy dont worry pop a plaster on it and you'll be right" and he gave little jimmy a plaster and a lollipop and he was ok. after we finished playing by the river, we would go into town and get some candy. now, back in the day, you could give the shopkeeper one bronze winglet - which is worth about as much as a ciggarette butt - and he would give you the entire stock of the store. so we would go and get our candy, and we'd go into the town square and eat it. now, we didn't have any of your fancy food laws back in the day, so there was all kinds of stuff in our candy. bleach, lsd, ecstasy, you name it. so we would always get a little hyper after our candy. one day, when we were hyper, we went up the mr boris's car, the only car in the town, and touched it. as we touched it, we saw dad storming down the street holding his belt. "you kids, having fun while i work all day in the soot factory just so you can have grilled water for tea every night, i oughta smack you all". we were sure he was going to smack us, but then he said "no, i got a better idea, ill take you to see mr henderson, he'll set ya right". now, dad had told us about mr henderson. mr henderson was a veteran from the great war, where he got a really bad injury, but we never knew what it was. dad walked us all down to the pub, and we saw a left testicle propped up on a pegleg. "mr henderson," said dad, "i have some kids here who need a good whooping". then, mr henderson picked up the entire pub, and hit us each 4006 times with it. then, dad said "right, i gotta go back to the soot factory, you kids run on home now". now, by now it was 1pm, which meant it was curfew. while we were walking out of the town square, we heard a man shout "oi you bloody kids, its curfew". we turned around and saw the constable holding his baton. he hit us each 160265 times with his baton, then put us in gaol for 60123865 years. now - they don't make gaols like they used to - this one had 5 mile thick steel walls, and a single hole in the top let in some light. we were in there for about 13526 years, until mum baked the constable some cardboard pie so he would let us out. then, she hit us all 1292 times with a washboard, and grounded us for the rest of our lives. so don't you come complaining to me about nonsense like not being able to breathe or not being able to feel your legs.
submitted by Tall_Ad_8140 to AntifaDeutschland [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:46 Tall_Ad_8140 Stuff

"i tell you kids, back in my day, we had it so rough... or so much better, i can't tell anymore. anyway, every day, we would wake up at 2 in the morning and go to the table for breakfast. we all lived in a closet, you see, so it was one room. and we would ask, me and my 64 brothers and 27 sisters, "what's for breakfast mum?". she would smack us all with a shoe and say "cold beans". and if we complained and said "but we had cold beans yesterday" - because we had cold beans every day - she would smack us all five times with a shoe and say "tough its all we can afford. i'm trying to feed a family of 93 with just half a silver buckington", a silver buckington was about the same as half a penny back in the day. then we would head to school. we met up with the johnson kids from down the road, and walked the 1674 miles to school. on the way to school, we had to walk up a mountain so tall it extended to outer space. when we got to the top of the mountain, we would see the peterson boys on their fancy bikes - which they dont make like they used to, and we would race them down the mountain. then, when we got to school at 4 in the morning, the headmaster would come up to us and say "you bloody kids are late", then he would smack us all with the cane 10 times and tell us we had 7 years of detention. then, we went to class, and mr stevenson would say "ok line up kids", then he would spank us each 60 times, then hit us each with the cane 40 times each. then it was 7 at night and we had to walk home. then, when we got home, we'd ask "whats for dinner mum?", and she'd smack us each 50 times with a pan and say "rotten cabage". and if we complained, she would smack us each 100 times with a broom and say "im trying to feed a family of 154 on just one islet sliver, just you wait until your dad gets home" - now an islet silver was worth about as much as a grain of sand. then, when our dad got home from his job at the soot factory, he would hit us all 180 times with his belt. if we had been naughty, we would hit us all another 600 times. then, at 1:58, mum would say "ok time for bed". then, we got into our potato sacks, and she would hit us each with a shoe 8 times before we went to sleep. on saturdays, we went down to uncle bob's farm to work. we would have to walk 345 miles to the bus stop, then catch the route 4 bus for 56 stops. we would get on the bus and pay our fare of 3 teddy roses - now a teddy rose is worth about the same as a flake of skin. then, if the ticket inspector came to us, he would hit us all 4 times with his baton. if any of us had lost our ticket, we would hit us all 10 times again and throw us off the bus and we had to walk the rest of the way. when we got to the farm, uncle bob would drive to the gate in his tractor, hit us all 780 times with his crowbar, and tell us to get in his trailer so he could drive us to the farm house. then, we had to plow the fields with a toothbrush in the blazing summer heat - now, they dont make summers like they used to, so it was about 1345.4 degrees spencer, or 67 degrees centigrade using your new-fangled metric system. then, we would have to milk the cows - now, they dont make cows like they used to, so each cow weighed about 459 hog's heads, or 3.2 tonnes in your new-fangled metric system. if you touched a cows udder, it would kick you and you would die, so you had to be really careful when you milked the cows. then, when we were done, uncle bob would say "ok kids time for your pocket money". he would give us each 9 copper jemimahs - which are worth about one political promise each - and beat us each 6 times with his tractor before we left. on sundays, we would meet the johnson boys and go down to the river - now, they don't make rivers like they used to, so this river was about as wide as the whole of america, and as deep as the marianas trench, and it was filled with liquid tungsten. we would play by the old oak tree near the river, climbing on it and building tree houses and such. now - they don't make trees like they used to, so this tree had a trunk as thick as a city, and was tall enough that the branches on the top could scrape the moon. one day, little jimmy fell from the top of the tree. when he hit the ground, the only bit of his body we could recognise was his left eyeball. we picked up all his bits and rushed him to the doctors surgery. dr james said "oh its just a scratch little jimmy dont worry pop a plaster on it and you'll be right" and he gave little jimmy a plaster and a lollipop and he was ok. after we finished playing by the river, we would go into town and get some candy. now, back in the day, you could give the shopkeeper one bronze winglet - which is worth about as much as a ciggarette butt - and he would give you the entire stock of the store. so we would go and get our candy, and we'd go into the town square and eat it. now, we didn't have any of your fancy food laws back in the day, so there was all kinds of stuff in our candy. bleach, lsd, ecstasy, you name it. so we would always get a little hyper after our candy. one day, when we were hyper, we went up the mr boris's car, the only car in the town, and touched it. as we touched it, we saw dad storming down the street holding his belt. "you kids, having fun while i work all day in the soot factory just so you can have grilled water for tea every night, i oughta smack you all". we were sure he was going to smack us, but then he said "no, i got a better idea, ill take you to see mr henderson, he'll set ya right". now, dad had told us about mr henderson. mr henderson was a veteran from the great war, where he got a really bad injury, but we never knew what it was. dad walked us all down to the pub, and we saw a left testicle propped up on a pegleg. "mr henderson," said dad, "i have some kids here who need a good whooping". then, mr henderson picked up the entire pub, and hit us each 4006 times with it. then, dad said "right, i gotta go back to the soot factory, you kids run on home now". now, by now it was 1pm, which meant it was curfew. while we were walking out of the town square, we heard a man shout "oi you bloody kids, its curfew". we turned around and saw the constable holding his baton. he hit us each 160265 times with his baton, then put us in gaol for 60123865 years. now - they don't make gaols like they used to - this one had 5 mile thick steel walls, and a single hole in the top let in some light. we were in there for about 13526 years, until mum baked the constable some cardboard pie so he would let us out. then, she hit us all 1292 times with a washboard, and grounded us for the rest of our lives. so don't you come complaining to me about nonsense like not being able to breathe or not being able to feel your legs.
submitted by Tall_Ad_8140 to AntifaLogos [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 Tall_Ad_8140 Dude

"i tell you kids, back in my day, we had it so rough... or so much better, i can't tell anymore. anyway, every day, we would wake up at 2 in the morning and go to the table for breakfast. we all lived in a closet, you see, so it was one room. and we would ask, me and my 64 brothers and 27 sisters, "what's for breakfast mum?". she would smack us all with a shoe and say "cold beans". and if we complained and said "but we had cold beans yesterday" - because we had cold beans every day - she would smack us all five times with a shoe and say "tough its all we can afford. i'm trying to feed a family of 93 with just half a silver buckington", a silver buckington was about the same as half a penny back in the day. then we would head to school. we met up with the johnson kids from down the road, and walked the 1674 miles to school. on the way to school, we had to walk up a mountain so tall it extended to outer space. when we got to the top of the mountain, we would see the peterson boys on their fancy bikes - which they dont make like they used to, and we would race them down the mountain. then, when we got to school at 4 in the morning, the headmaster would come up to us and say "you bloody kids are late", then he would smack us all with the cane 10 times and tell us we had 7 years of detention. then, we went to class, and mr stevenson would say "ok line up kids", then he would spank us each 60 times, then hit us each with the cane 40 times each. then it was 7 at night and we had to walk home. then, when we got home, we'd ask "whats for dinner mum?", and she'd smack us each 50 times with a pan and say "rotten cabage". and if we complained, she would smack us each 100 times with a broom and say "im trying to feed a family of 154 on just one islet sliver, just you wait until your dad gets home" - now an islet silver was worth about as much as a grain of sand. then, when our dad got home from his job at the soot factory, he would hit us all 180 times with his belt. if we had been naughty, we would hit us all another 600 times. then, at 1:58, mum would say "ok time for bed". then, we got into our potato sacks, and she would hit us each with a shoe 8 times before we went to sleep. on saturdays, we went down to uncle bob's farm to work. we would have to walk 345 miles to the bus stop, then catch the route 4 bus for 56 stops. we would get on the bus and pay our fare of 3 teddy roses - now a teddy rose is worth about the same as a flake of skin. then, if the ticket inspector came to us, he would hit us all 4 times with his baton. if any of us had lost our ticket, we would hit us all 10 times again and throw us off the bus and we had to walk the rest of the way. when we got to the farm, uncle bob would drive to the gate in his tractor, hit us all 780 times with his crowbar, and tell us to get in his trailer so he could drive us to the farm house. then, we had to plow the fields with a toothbrush in the blazing summer heat - now, they dont make summers like they used to, so it was about 1345.4 degrees spencer, or 67 degrees centigrade using your new-fangled metric system. then, we would have to milk the cows - now, they dont make cows like they used to, so each cow weighed about 459 hog's heads, or 3.2 tonnes in your new-fangled metric system. if you touched a cows udder, it would kick you and you would die, so you had to be really careful when you milked the cows. then, when we were done, uncle bob would say "ok kids time for your pocket money". he would give us each 9 copper jemimahs - which are worth about one political promise each - and beat us each 6 times with his tractor before we left. on sundays, we would meet the johnson boys and go down to the river - now, they don't make rivers like they used to, so this river was about as wide as the whole of america, and as deep as the marianas trench, and it was filled with liquid tungsten. we would play by the old oak tree near the river, climbing on it and building tree houses and such. now - they don't make trees like they used to, so this tree had a trunk as thick as a city, and was tall enough that the branches on the top could scrape the moon. one day, little jimmy fell from the top of the tree. when he hit the ground, the only bit of his body we could recognise was his left eyeball. we picked up all his bits and rushed him to the doctors surgery. dr james said "oh its just a scratch little jimmy dont worry pop a plaster on it and you'll be right" and he gave little jimmy a plaster and a lollipop and he was ok. after we finished playing by the river, we would go into town and get some candy. now, back in the day, you could give the shopkeeper one bronze winglet - which is worth about as much as a ciggarette butt - and he would give you the entire stock of the store. so we would go and get our candy, and we'd go into the town square and eat it. now, we didn't have any of your fancy food laws back in the day, so there was all kinds of stuff in our candy. bleach, lsd, ecstasy, you name it. so we would always get a little hyper after our candy. one day, when we were hyper, we went up the mr boris's car, the only car in the town, and touched it. as we touched it, we saw dad storming down the street holding his belt. "you kids, having fun while i work all day in the soot factory just so you can have grilled water for tea every night, i oughta smack you all". we were sure he was going to smack us, but then he said "no, i got a better idea, ill take you to see mr henderson, he'll set ya right". now, dad had told us about mr henderson. mr henderson was a veteran from the great war, where he got a really bad injury, but we never knew what it was. dad walked us all down to the pub, and we saw a left testicle propped up on a pegleg. "mr henderson," said dad, "i have some kids here who need a good whooping". then, mr henderson picked up the entire pub, and hit us each 4006 times with it. then, dad said "right, i gotta go back to the soot factory, you kids run on home now". now, by now it was 1pm, which meant it was curfew. while we were walking out of the town square, we heard a man shout "oi you bloody kids, its curfew". we turned around and saw the constable holding his baton. he hit us each 160265 times with his baton, then put us in gaol for 60123865 years. now - they don't make gaols like they used to - this one had 5 mile thick steel walls, and a single hole in the top let in some light. we were in there for about 13526 years, until mum baked the constable some cardboard pie so he would let us out. then, she hit us all 1292 times with a washboard, and grounded us for the rest of our lives. so don't you come complaining to me about nonsense like not being able to breathe or not being able to feel your legs.
submitted by Tall_Ad_8140 to politix [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:22 ProgressiveRascals Through The Fragmentation - on sale for $0.74 through tomorrow

Hey folks - picked this upon a lark (because, you know, $0.74), and thought some people here might like it, even if it doesn't meet The Bar For a "True Immersive Simulation" - it's definitely more of a first-person, exploration-driven adventure game, but if you're up for a charming indie game with branching paths, conflicting objectives, crawling through air vents, and flushable toilets, this game has it... and for less than the cost of one of Adam Jensen's candy bars. ;)
submitted by ProgressiveRascals to ImmersiveSim [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:08 enoumen AI Weekly Rundown May 11-May 18th 2024: Major Breaking News from 🚫OpenAI 🚀ChatGPT-4o, Google AI Veo, 🍎Apple AI-enhanced eye tracking, 🎧Meta AI-assisted earphones , 💸 Stability AI, 🤖 Humane AI and more

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Sam Altman quashes search engine launch rumors

OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, denied rumors of launching a search engine ahead of Google I/O, stating that the upcoming announcement is neither related to GPT-5 nor a search engine. He described the forthcoming revelation as something that "feels like magic."
However, there are reports that OpenAI is developing an AI voice assistant.

iOS 18 iPhones may soon have ChatGPT

OpenAI will bring ChatGPT to iPhones. The integration is expected to happen with the upcoming iOS 18. This could significantly enhance the user experience and expand the capabilities of Apple's virtual assistant, Siri.
Parallel to negotiations with OpenAI, the tech giant is also engaging with Google's parent company, Alphabet, to integrate the Gemini chatbot into Apple's devices. These ongoing talks, however, haven't led to an agreement yet.

SoftBank’s Arm Holdings all set to come up with AI chips in 2025

SoftBank's subsidiary, Arm, plans to develop AI chips and launch them in 2025. Arm is establishing a dedicated AI chip division and targeting a prototype by spring 2025 and mass production by autumn. SoftBank will contribute to the initial cost of 10 trillion yen ($64 billion).
The AI chip business could be spun off to SoftBank. Negotiations with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp (TSMC) and others for production capacity are underway. The move reflects rising demand for AI chips, which has boosted Arm's share price since its IPO in September.

GPT-4o: 2x faster, 50% cheaper, 5x rate limits than GPT-4 Turbo

OpenAI unveiled its new flagship model, GPT-4o (“o” stands for “omni”). It provides GPT-4-level intelligence but is 2x faster, 50% cheaper, has 5x higher rate limits, and enhanced text, voice, and vision capabilities than GPT-4 Turbo. It also matches GPT-4 Turbo performance on text in English and code, with significant improvements for text in non-English languages.
GPT-4o can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 ms, with an average of 320 ms, which is similar to human response time in a conversation. It is available in the ChatGPT free tier and to Plus users.

TikTok tests ChatGPT-powered search results

TikTok is testing a new search feature that uses AI to generate results for some queries. For certain search terms, like recipes or product recommendations, TikTok will display AI-generated answers at the top of the results. These answers are powered by ChatGPT, and when you click on one of these AI results, it takes you to a page with a full response.
TikTok is also testing "search highlights," which appear at the top of some searches. However, it's unclear whether these highlights are AI-generated.

Meta explores AI-assisted earphones with built-in cameras

Meta is currently exploring AI-powered earphones with built-in cameras. The project is known internally as “Camerabuds;” however, it’s uncertain if the final product will be in-ear earbuds or over-ear headphones. The cameras let the AI take in surrounding information visually, allowing it to translate foreign languages, identify objects, and more.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly seen several possible designs but has not been satisfied with them. Outside of design, the major hurdle is fitting a camera and batteries in a tiny device like an earbud.

Google announced a wide array of updates across its AI ecosystem

Major headlines were Project Astra, an AI agent that can see and hear users in real time, and AI teammates that can answer questions and organize data within Workspace.
Google also introduced Veo, a high-quality video generation model, and significant updates to Google Search, including expanded AI Overviews, advanced planning capabilities, and AI-organized search results.
The company launched Gemini 1.5 Pro, boasting a massive 2M context window extension, and Imagen 3, the next version of its text-to-image model. Other notable announcements included:

Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's co-founder and chief scientist, has left the company

Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's co-founder and longtime chief scientist, has left the company. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced the news on X, expressing his sadness and gratitude for Sutskever's contributions. Jakub Pachocki, OpenAI's research director, will step up as a chief scientist.
Sutskever's departure comes amidst reports of disagreements with Altman over OpenAI's direction, mainly concerns about rushing AI-powered product launches at the expense of safety. The situation escalated last November when Sutskever and OpenAI CTO Mira Murati approached the company's previous board to express their concerns, leading to a brief attempt to fire Altman. However, Altman was swiftly reinstated, and much of the old board resigned.

Apple unveils AI-enhanced eye tracking, music haptics, voice shortcuts

Apple recently unveiled new accessibility features that will launch later this year. One of these features is Eye Tracking, which enables users with physical disabilities to navigate their iPhones and iPads using only their eyes.
By leveraging the front-facing camera and AI, Eye Tracking allows precise control through a “Dwell Control” feature, eliminating the need for additional hardware.
Another noteworthy addition is Music Haptics, designed for users who are deaf or hard of hearing. When enabled, the Taptic Engine in iPhones plays taps, textures, and refined vibrations synchronized with music audio.
Additionally, Apple has introduced Voice Shortcut, which allows users to create custom voice commands for specific actions on their devices. With Voice Shortcut, users can perform tasks hands-free by simply speaking their personalized commands.

Humane’s AI Pin upgraded with GPT-4o

Humane has upgraded its popular AI Pin product with the GPT-4o model. This upgrade aims to enhance the AI Pin’s performance. The new version runs faster, provides more accurate answers, and offers richer information.

Stability AI seeks buyer amid financial woes

Stability AI has been in discussions with at least one potential buyer recently regarding a possible sale. The company is facing a cash crunch, having generated less than $5 million in revenue during the first quarter of 2024 while incurring losses exceeding $30 million. Stability AI also owes nearly $100 million in outstanding bills to cloud computing providers and other entities.
The reported sales talks came after the company laid off some staff as part of a restructuring process following the resignation of founder Emad Mostaque as CEO.

OpenAI is bringing Reddit content to ChatGPT and new products

OpenAI and Reddit have formed a partnership to benefit both the Reddit and OpenAI user communities in a number of ways:

OpenAI introduces improvements to data analysis in ChatGPT

OpenAI is rolling out enhancements to data analysis:
These improvements will be available in OpenAI’s new flagship model, GPT-4o, for ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise users over the coming weeks.

GenZ and millennials optimistic about GenAI use at work: Deloitte Survey

Deloitte’s 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey connected with more than 22,800 respondents in 44 countries to explore their attitudes about work and the world around them. One of the key findings was that Gen Zs and millennials are feeling uncertain about GenAI and its potential impact on their careers.
However, respondents who frequently use GenAI at work are more likely to say they feel excitement about, and trust in the technology. Frequent users of GenAI are also more likely to believe it will free up their time, improve the way they work, and improve their work/life balance.
But, conversely, the more a respondent uses GenAI the more likely they are to have some concerns as well.

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2024.05.19 21:42 Yoseianeki My mother abandoned us as children, and now she's gone again after I gave her a second chance.

Just a warning, this is going to be very long! I (21F) and my brother (15M) were abandoned by our mother when I was 11 or 12.
For context, she was a teen mother, with a lot of mental health issues (bipolar, BPD, depression, i can only assume some form of sociopathic behavior), and she addicted to hard drugs. My father was a little rough around the edges, but overall a hardworking guy who went into the relationship with a "I can fix her" mentality. For the first few years of my life, I was oblivious to all of the issues going on in my family, I just enjoyed the first 5 years of my life as a happy child. My mother hid her drug addiction well enough for a 5 year old not to ask any questions, and I thought weekly screaming matches were normal and "mommies and daddies fight sometimes". Unbeknownst to me, my mother was cheating with dozens of people, and emotionally/financially/physically abusing my father, he put on a happy face to try and give me a good childhood. He worked 5am- 5pm at a bagel store (no car, only a bike) and never came home empty handed; always a toy, or a piece of candy for me as "sorry" for always being gone and working all day. I thought my mother would always bring her "friends" (men and women) in the house while dad was at work, and they would spend hours "playing" in her room with the door locked. I pretty much had to raise and take care of myself from the time I woke up to around 6pm, so I ended up becoming pretty smart by entertaining myself with my mom's fantasy novels (Harry potter, princess of mars, lord of the rings, etc.) On days she had college classes, our landlords (amazing people) would babysit me. My mother did give me affection, and I loved her very much, but she was very hands-off.
Granted, I wasn't the easiest child to deal with, I had ADHD, undiagnosed autism, among some other things.
When she got pregnant with my brother, (also adhd+autism) I noticed things started to change. My parents would fight more often, the house smelled like smoke, and the electricity to the apartment would be out for weeks because we couldn't pay the bills. Shortly after my brother was born, my parents had the hugest fight I've ever seen, I don't even remember what it was about (probably cheating), but it was the first time it hit me that everything in my life wasn't as happy as I thoughts. I sat clutching my baby brother as she beat my dad with a chair and started screaming. He grabbed a knife and ran outside and tried to end his life by stabbing his wrist. I was screaming and crying my landlords name, hoping my baby sitter would come and save me, he bolted downstairs, pried the door open, and grabbed the two of us and took us into his top floor of the apartment. He gave me some chocolate milk while him and his wife called the police. That was the day my parents split up, and my mom was able to spin the whole thing on my dad, taking custody and he was granted only visitation rights. My mother was kicked out of the apartment, and my aunt (dads sister, but my mother had taken a liking to her and allowed us to see her often) had a feeling something fishy was going on when no one would tell her anything about the details of that night. She went to my old house and asked my landlords what happened, they told her, so she let us sleep over with her whenever we wanted as a safe haven from our mom. She didn't go to court with any of the information she got, out of fear that my mother wouldn't let her see us again, because she was now our only place of complete safety.
My life became a living hell from that point onward. A week a later, my mom told us that her "new boyfriend"(probably a guy she cheated on dad with but I was like 7 and didn't know better) was letting us move in with him. He was the most horrible piece of shit. He got my mother addicted to even more drugs, and they both constantly talked badly about my dad, and when I cried, covered my ears, and said I didn't want to hear it, he would hit me and tell me that I needed to know. He was basically unemployed, and would sometimes sell drugs, or take antiques out of abandoned houses to sell. I hated him. My mother made an entire personality shift, and would defend him even if he said horrible things to me or hit me. She saw no fault in him. She stopped reading me bedtime stories, and stopped telling me she loved me. The only time she was nice to me was when we were in front of other people like school functions... she would kiss up to all my teachers.
I was left to take care of my baby brother on my own, and my father was in and out of mental hospitals from the trauma, so everything he said about how horrible my mother was fell of deaf ears because he was labeled "crazy".
We had no money, it was all spent on drugs, I went out by myself several times to dig through dumpsters just to get food, and I stole baby formula from supermarkets. This one nice homeless lady knew my situation, and would walk me into the stores "as my grandma" so I wouldnt get stopped to ask why a child was all alone. She would poke around the store and buy a $1 candy bar, while I stole formula, and some cold cuts for her. She showed me all the best dumpsters, where delis would throw put perfectly good food at the end of the day. We had an alliance of sorts. I was less than 9 years old.
Her boyfriend became sexually abusive to me around that time. I'll spare the details.
My mother was starting to go off the rails completely. Doing anything for drug money. I clearly remember the time that she told me to get naked and she took pictures of me, up close in all my private areas "to send to the doctor" or else "I would have to go in person and they might give me a shot" (she knew I hated needles.). She never mentioned that event again, but I just know she sent them to some pedophile for money. It makes me sick to my stomach when I think about it. Her bf would try and hurt my brother, I would always step in and get beat instead. We saw our father and aunt maybe once a month, and I was threatened not to say anything to the school or my dad/aunt or else he would kill my mom. I said nothing. I told my aunt all the bruises were from bullies at school, my teachers were taking care of it... or that I was climbing trees, some excuse. I think she knew the truth, but was too scared of losing us to say anything. Everytime they went to drop us back off at our mom's, my brother would have a tantrum. He cried so much the blood vessels in his face would pop. He now at 15 has permanant, freckle like, spots of red on his face from crying so much so often.
She got pregnant again with his twin girls. She gave birth prematurely, and they came out very very sick. She gave birth at home... I was giving most of their care. After the "ohhhh new baby" feeling wore off for her, of course I was basically a mother of 3 at 10 years old. They didn't last long, less than a year. I was in complete despair and that was the first time i tried to end my life. I filled the bathtub and tried to drown myself by repeatedly hitting my head underwater in attempts to pass out under the water. It didn't work, and I was left with neck pain and a migraine that lasted 4 days. I attempted about 5 times, different methods, by this point I haven't been to school in a week. When I came back to school, the teachers noticed something was wrong. I kept looking off into space, detached. I would lash out and act aggressively when anyone would try and talk to me. I would have 2 hour "bathroom breaks" where I just stared at the wall inside the stall and acted rudely when anyone came to get me. What did they do? Not call CPS, of course, they sent me to a special school because of my "sudden behavior issues". I was in a class now with students I could not connect with in any way. I had no friends. All the other kids in my new class had severe learning disabilities and talking to my brother who was 6 years younger than me was more of a conversation. They couldn't read, most of them were almost non-verbal.
My mom broke up with her bf because he cheated, and we were going to lose the house. He still lived with us for a few days but stayed silent. My mother blamed me, saying that I ruined everything by being a bad child and now we were going to be homless. He tried to touch me one last time and I snapped and stabbed him deeply with a BBQ screwer, he just walked away. later that night he killed himself, I saw it. I'll never get that image out of my head.
I lost it, I had an outburst at school, crying and screaming that I wanted to kill myself and for God to just let me die. They sent me to a hospital, and the school called my mom to say I was having an outburst of psychosis. I spilled everything to the hospital about what her bf was doing to me (I couldnt bring myself to talk about my mothers abuses for some reason), and after a while, it was my dad who came to get me... apparently my mother had taken off, leaving my brother alone in the house after the school had called her. I had so many questions. But I was so happy to finally be able to live with my dad and his side of the family.
I was so traumatized, as well as neurodivergent, I acted strangely and dealt with some bullies at school but that was it, it was like heaven on earth. My father didn't even know the full scope of what went on, but the more I told him the more guilty he felt. He started spoiling us a bit out of guilt, so we were happy to be with a parent who loved us.
We never knew where she went. Until I was 18, and she reached out to me on social media. Initially I didn't want to answer. I left my DM sitting there for a few days but... I felt this unexplainable pull. I hated her all these years, but for some reason when the option to take her back into my life came up... something in me missed her. I kept thinking back to the few happy times, and the curiosity was killing me. I finally messaged back, my father told me not to, but he said he couldn't stop me, I at least deserved some answers, and to get all my pent up hatred out at her for some closure. We awkwardly chatted for a few minutes, she told me that her father in West Virginia picked her up, she started a new life, joined narcotics anonymous, but stayed low and didn't let herself be known. She met a genuinely good man at NA, who had convinced her to right her wrongs, quit drugs, and fix her family. They had 2 kids together (one with down syndrome), and she was a present, active mother. I felt a vicious jealousy. Why would she go and have 2 more kids when she had 2 that she abandoned? Why were they treated with love and a loving home when we went through hell...? Why didn't she make it up to us before she went and had more kids..?
My mind did weird things then. It made me need her approval. I kissed up to her, saying I forgave her. That I always knew everything was always her ex bfs fault and not hers.That we were sad when she left. I planned a trip to see her a month later and her new family, my friends all begged me it was a bad idea, to please please not go, and at least to not tell my brother about it. I listened to them, and didnt tell my brother any of this, I told him I was visiting a long distance friend.
I went, we had a pretty good time. Her kids were cute, and I absolutely adored her new lover. He was a good southern man, my gut told me that. He took me fishing, and let me talk through all my feelings. I finally had the relationship with her that I always craved. It felt sickening good, I was estatic. I didn't care about all of the weird signs, like the weird friends she had (looked like crack addicts), and how she managed to get a kind rich southern guy to take her in. I didn't even care. I was just happy to finally feel like I had her approval. I have a habit of bedwetting time to time from anxiety, I ended up having an accident and I was mortified. I cleaned it all up, but told her and, she said it was no big deal. She used to scream at me or hit me as a child for wetting the bed, and now she was reacting normally. It was like a new woman.
My trip was cut short by a week, she had to be rushed into hospital because her appedix was about to explode, she needed to recover and wouldnt be able to do anything fun with me for the remainder of the trip. I watchd her get taken by the ambulance, and was freaking out crying, I was so relieved when the surgery was a success. Her new man apologized profusely for all he stress and bought me a plane ticket back home to NY. He hugged me saying he would be so happy to see me again over the summer, and he had so much fun fishing with me. That he wanted to be a good step dad. He was a nice dude, just like my dad (a good guy she manipulated) I felt it in my gut. They both were at the airport, my mother in a wheelchair, and hugged me off. She said she loved me and to text her when I landed
I did, and got no response. Another day passed, nothing. I started to freak out and called her, only for it to go to voicemail. I messaged one of her friends sons who she Introduced me to. Asking if she was okay. He said he would get back to me once she responded to him, but them he too ghosted me. It was like she was never there. I called her partners work, and they said they would tell him to give me a call. Nothing. I was in despair. I assumed the worst, that she had died or something because of a surgery complication. I was so confused. I pushed it all out of my mind, wrote it off as a mystery even though it ate up at me. I always just justified it as a death, even though it made no sense. She was still following me on Facebook, but there wasn't activity for months when she was once super active. I deleted facebook a few months later because it just hurt.
It's been about 3 years since then. I needed to re-download facebook because my aunt wanted me to check something on matketplace... and I looked up her name just out of curiosity... shes been posting for over a year now. She's okay. She posts her kids, her fiance... she never once responded ro any of my messages yet. Not on text, not on Facebook messenger, no where.... I scrolled and scrolled, crying. I saw she got a new tattoo... a rose for each of her kids.... one for each of her two new kids, one for a miscarriage she had...two for our sisters who passed away... NONE for me or my brother. Like we don't even exist to her.
I don't know what to do. I want to know WHY. We finally had a good relationship, I finally forgave her. We finally could have been okay, saw each other a few times a year... she said she was happy to have me back in her life.... WHY? I'm so heartbroken and confused. I miss her. Was it because I wet the bed? I don't know. I know shes horrible, but I can't help but miss her so much it hurts. Should I continue trying to reach out, or just let her go..? How do I process thos? Any advice, or maybe a theory/explanation/comfort. Anything would help. I just need help. I don't know what to do...
submitted by Yoseianeki to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:38 OMGFdave Looking for Recommendations: Headed to Italy next week 🇮🇹

Looking for Recommendations: Headed to Italy next week 🇮🇹
Headed to Italy next week for a wedding and would love to check out some recommended espresso stops. I lived in Italy while studying abroad for roughly 9 months, years ago, before I was into espresso, so I AM familiar with the concept of the Bar and how espresso is consumed in Italy. I mainly drink/craft lattes (and latte art) so I'm interested in finding some fun stops along the way. I fly into Milan and head east towards Venice, with some hiking in the Dolomites and wedding in Vicenza. Will be bringing my picopresso just in case, but would love some recommendations for a roaster to bring some beans hone with me and/or a fun shop to stop by with some talented baristas.
Larger City Stops: Milan, Vicenza, Pie:e Di Cadore, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Venice, Garda
Thanks in advance! 🙏
submitted by OMGFdave to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Lake George Ny

Best Restaurants in Lake George Ny
Best Restaurants in Lake George Ny Are you ready to embark on a culinary adventure like no other? Well, look no further because we've got the inside scoop on the best restaurants in Lake George, NY.From mouthwatering Italian dishes to French-accented delicacies, this charming lakeside town has it all. And the best part? These restaurants not only offer delectable food but also provide a delightful atmosphere and excellent service.Whether you're a local or a visitor, get ready to indulge your taste buds and experience the freedom of culinary exploration.Key TakeawaysBistro LeRoux offers French-accented cuisine with a high rating for taste and variety, as well as excellent service and atmosphere.Caldwell House Restaurant is known for its American cuisine, with high ratings for both taste and variety, as well as exceptional service.Lone Bull Pancake & Steak is a family-owned restaurant that specializes in classic American comfort dishes and has a rustic decor.Caffe Vero is a family-owned restaurant that serves breakfast, brunch, and dinner with a menu filled with classic Italian dishes, and also offers catering services.Charlie's Bar & KitchenWe really enjoyed the international cuisine at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen, one of the best restaurants in Lake George, NY. With its diverse menu, Charlie's offers a taste of different cultures all in one place. From Asian-inspired dishes to Mediterranean flavors, there's something for everyone here.The taste and variety at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen is top-notch. Each dish is expertly crafted, using fresh ingredients and bold flavors. Whether you're in the mood for a spicy Thai curry, a savory Italian pasta, or a juicy American burger, Charlie's has it all. The chefs at Charlie's are skilled in creating dishes that satisfy diverse palates, making it a popular choice among locals and tourists alike.The service at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen is attentive and friendly, ensuring that every guest feels welcomed and taken care of. The staff is knowledgeable about the menu and can provide recommendations based on individual preferences. They're also accommodating to dietary restrictions and allergies, making it a great option for those with specific dietary needs.The atmosphere at Charlie's is laid-back and inviting, with a vibrant energy that adds to the overall dining experience. Whether you choose to sit at the bar, at a table, or on the outdoor patio, you'll be surrounded by a warm and welcoming ambiance.In terms of affordability, Charlie's Bar & Kitchen falls into the mid-range category. While it may not be the cheapest option in town, the quality of the food and the overall experience make it worth the price.Bistro LeRouxWith its perfect blend of French-accented cuisine and impeccable service, Bistro LeRoux is definitely one of the best restaurants in Lake George, NY. This charming bistro offers a dining experience that's both sophisticated and welcoming, making it a must-visit for food enthusiasts seeking a taste of France in the heart of the Adirondacks.At Bistro LeRoux, the menu is a true celebration of French culinary tradition. From classic dishes like Coq au Vin and Escargot to innovative creations like Duck Confit Egg Rolls and Venison Bourguignon, every bite is a culinary adventure. The chefs at Bistro LeRoux showcase their expertise and passion for French cuisine through their skillful execution of each dish, resulting in a symphony of flavors that will leave you craving for more.But it's not just the food that sets Bistro LeRoux apart. The service here is attentive and knowledgeable, ensuring that every guest feels valued and well taken care of. The staff is passionate about food and wine, and they're always happy to recommend the perfect pairing to enhance your dining experience. Whether you're a seasoned foodie or a first-time visitor, you'll feel right at home at Bistro LeRoux.In terms of atmosphere, Bistro LeRoux exudes a cozy and intimate ambiance that's perfect for a romantic date night or a special celebration. The warm lighting, rustic decor, and soft background music create an inviting space that's both elegant and comfortable. The restaurant also offers outdoor seating options, allowing guests to enjoy their meal while taking in the beautiful surroundings of Lake George.While Bistro LeRoux may not be the most affordable option in town, the quality of the food and service more than justifies the price. This is a place where you can indulge in a culinary experience that's truly exceptional, and it's worth every penny.Caldwell House RestaurantAt Caldwell House Restaurant, we were impressed with the quality and variety of American cuisine offered. Here are some key highlights that make Caldwell House Restaurant one of the best restaurants in Lake George, NY:Taste & Variety: The menu at Caldwell House Restaurant offers a wide range of American dishes that cater to everyone's taste buds. From juicy burgers and flavorful steaks to fresh seafood and vegetarian options, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Service: The staff at Caldwell House Restaurant is known for their exceptional service. They're attentive, friendly, and always ready to cater to your needs. Whether you have dietary restrictions or special requests, they'll go above and beyond to ensure your dining experience is memorable.Atmosphere: The restaurant boasts a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a casual meal or a special occasion. The rustic decor and cozy seating create a comfortable and relaxing ambiance that adds to the overall dining experience.Affordability: While Caldwell House Restaurant offers high-quality American cuisine, it also strives to provide affordable dining options. The prices are reasonable, making it accessible for both locals and tourists alike.Accessibility: Located in Lake George, NY, Caldwell House Restaurant is easily accessible for both residents and visitors. Whether you're staying nearby or exploring the area, it's a convenient stop for a delicious meal.Caldwell House Restaurant truly stands out among the best restaurants in Lake George, NY. With its diverse menu, exceptional service, inviting atmosphere, affordability, and accessibility, it's a must-visit dining destination for anyone looking to indulge in American cuisine.Lone Bull Pancake & SteakLet's explore Lone Bull Pancake & Steak, a family-owned restaurant that has been serving classic American comfort dishes in Lake George, NY for over 40 years. When it comes to finding the best restaurants in Lake George, NY, Lone Bull Pancake & Steak is a hidden gem that shouldn't be overlooked.As a family-owned establishment, Lone Bull Pancake & Steak has a warm and inviting atmosphere that makes you feel right at home. The rustic decor adds to the charm, creating a cozy and comfortable dining experience.One of the highlights of Lone Bull Pancake & Steak is their commitment to serving classic American comfort dishes. From fluffy pancakes to juicy steaks, their menu offers a wide variety of options that are sure to satisfy any craving. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast or a delicious dinner, Lone Bull Pancake & Steak has you covered.Not only does Lone Bull Pancake & Steak excel in their food offerings, but they also welcome pets. So, if you're traveling with your furry friend, you can enjoy a delicious meal together. This pet-friendly policy sets Lone Bull Pancake & Steak apart from other restaurants in the area, making it a top choice for pet owners.With its long-standing history in the Lake George community, Lone Bull Pancake & Steak has become a beloved institution. The combination of friendly service, delicious food, and a welcoming atmosphere makes it one of the best restaurants in Lake George, NY.As we continue our exploration of the best restaurants in Lake George, NY, let's now turn our attention to Caffe Vero.Caffe VeroAs we explore the best restaurants in Lake George, NY, one standout option is Caffe Vero, a family-owned breakfast, brunch, and dinner restaurant. Located in the heart of Lake George, Caffe Vero offers a warm and inviting atmosphere with its comfortable space and inviting decor. The menu at Caffe Vero is filled with classic Italian dishes, making it a favorite among locals and tourists alike. Whether you're craving a hearty breakfast, a delicious brunch, or a satisfying dinner, Caffe Vero has something to satisfy every palate.Here are five reasons why Caffe Vero is one of the best restaurants in Lake George:Serves house-roasted coffee and baked goods: Start your day off right with a cup of their freshly brewed coffee and indulge in their delectable baked goods.Comfortable space with warm and inviting decor: The cozy and welcoming ambiance of Caffe Vero makes it the perfect place to relax and enjoy a meal with family and friends.Menu filled with classic Italian dishes: From homemade pasta to wood-fired pizzas, Caffe Vero offers a wide variety of delicious Italian options that will leave you wanting more.Offers catering services: Whether you're planning a small gathering or a large event, Caffe Vero can cater to your needs and provide you with a memorable dining experience.Family-owned and operated: The passion and dedication of the family behind Caffe Vero shines through in every aspect of the restaurant, creating a truly authentic and enjoyable dining experience.Olde Log InnOne of the standout restaurants in Lake George, NY is Olde Log Inn, a family-run establishment since the 1930s, known for its rustic log-cabin decor and cozy atmosphere. When you step inside Olde Log Inn, you're transported back in time to a simpler era. The exposed wood beams and vintage tin signs add to the charm and authenticity of the place.The restaurant has become famous for its classic chicken pot pie, a dish that has been perfected over generations. The flaky crust, hearty filling, and savory flavors make it a must-try for any visitor. The menu also offers a variety of other comfort foods, such as burgers, steaks, and seafood.Whether you're looking for a hearty meal after a day of exploring the beautiful Lake George or a place to relax and enjoy a delicious dinner, Olde Log Inn has you covered. The friendly and attentive staff will make you feel right at home, and the cozy atmosphere is perfect for a memorable dining experience.Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I Bring My Pet to Charlie's Bar & Kitchen?Yes, you can bring your pet to Charlie's Bar & Kitchen. We understand how important it's to have the freedom to dine with your furry friend.At Charlie's, we welcome pets and strive to create a welcoming atmosphere for all our guests. So, feel free to bring your pet along and enjoy our international cuisine.With a rating of 4/5 for taste and variety, you and your pet are sure to have a delightful dining experience at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen.Does Bistro Leroux Offer Catering Services?Bistro LeRoux does offer catering services. They're known for their French-accented cuisine and have a reputation for providing high-quality food and service. With a taste and variety rating of 5/5, Bistro LeRoux is sure to impress any event or gathering.Whether you're looking for a catered brunch, lunch, or dinner, Bistro LeRoux has you covered. Their attention to detail and dedication to delicious food make them a great choice for your catering needs.Is There a Recommended Hotel Nearby Caldwell House Restaurant?Yes, there's a recommended hotel nearby Caldwell House Restaurant.The Caldwell House Restaurant is known for its delicious American cuisine and excellent service. The restaurant has a rating of 4/5 for taste and variety, 5/5 for service, and a 4/5 for atmosphere.While affordability is rated 3/5, the restaurant is easily accessible with a rating of 4/5.It's always a great experience dining at Caldwell House Restaurant, and staying at the nearby recommended hotel adds convenience to your visit.How Long Has Lone Bull Pancake & Steak Been Established?Lone Bull Pancake & Steak has been serving classic American comfort dishes for over 40 years. As a local favorite, this family-owned restaurant has established itself as a go-to spot for delicious food in a rustic ambiance.With their pet-friendly policy, it's a great place for the whole family to enjoy a hearty meal.Whether you're in the mood for pancakes or steak, Lone Bull Pancake & Steak has you covered with their time-tested menu.What Is the Signature Dish at Olde Log Inn?The signature dish at Olde Log Inn is their classic chicken pot pie. This family-run restaurant, established since the 1930s, is known for its rustic log-cabin decor and cozy atmosphere. With exposed wood beams and vintage tin signs, it truly captures the charm of Lake George.If you're looking for a taste of comfort and tradition, the Olde Log Inn is a must-visit. Enjoy their famous chicken pot pie and immerse yourself in the history of this iconic eatery.ConclusionIn conclusion, Lake George, NY is a haven for food lovers, offering a wide range of culinary delights to suit every taste.Whether you're craving a sophisticated dining experience or a casual meal with a view, this charming town has it all.With its incredible restaurants, delightful atmosphere, and excellent service, Lake George truly has something for everyone.So, why wait? Embark on a culinary journey and discover the best restaurants this beautiful lakeside town has to offer.Can you resist the temptation to indulge in these mouthwatering dishes?
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:15 Consistent-Sea-9966 Pay someone to do my gmat exam Online Reddit Pay someone to do psychometric test Reddit Pay someone to do GMAT test Reddit Pay someone to do my GRE Test Online Reddit Pay someone to do GRE Exam Reddit Pay someone to do my GMAT GRE test exam in USA UK Canada Reddit Helper for Help Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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2024.05.19 20:52 ScheduleAfraid1285 Pay someone to take my GMAT exam Reddit Pay someone to take my GMAT Test Online Reddit gmat online cheating reddit hire someone to take gre for me Reddit Pay someone to take psychometric test Reddit Hire someone to take gre for me online Reddit GMAT GRE Exam Taker for Test Help Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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2024.05.19 20:08 Jem-The-Misfit I went to the fair yesterday and reminded myself why I can’t do spinning rides anymore. Anyone feel me on this?

I went to the fair yesterday and reminded myself why I can’t do spinning rides anymore. Anyone feel me on this?
So I took my kids to the fair yesterday and thought I’d play “fun Mom” and go on some rides. 🙃
I am proud that I managed to ride some “grown up rides”, though I didn’t try the Gravitron (which is apparently now called Alien Abduction 🤨). My 10 year old loved it though, and they were bumping Ice Ice Baby and You Can’t Touch This. 🤗 I also firmly insisted he only refer to the ride as the Gravitron, and a couple adults around me heartily approved this.
A couple years ago I went on a spinning kids ride and damn near threw up, and my family laughed at me. But this time I thought maybe I would try the swings, which they called Vertigo, because surely a 1 minute ride on the swings won’t be too hard on the old equilibrium?? The lie detector test determined that was a lie. 😵‍💫 It took me almost 3 hours before I felt normal again. 🤢
I did observe some funny things on the rides, mostly the difference between the kids and their parents. Many of the kids would throw their arms up in wild abandon, but I saw many parents clutching onto the rides for dear life. 😆 I admittedly did the same on one ride I was sure that I would get tossed off of. And I always find it funny that I’m gripping onto the chains or bars on the ride so tightly, like that would actually save me in the case of a malfunction or accident, as if I wouldn’t just go flying over the edge like a used Kleenex. 😂
Anyway, it was still a fun time at the fair, even if I can’t play like I used to. And judging by what I saw yesterday I know I’m not the only adult who realizes that some of these rides just are not for me anymore. And I’ve still got a bag of cotton candy left, so it’s all good. 😊
submitted by Jem-The-Misfit to Xennials [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:55 HarvardHopeful2020 Regretting Law School Choice -- no articling -- hopeless situation in Canada

Regretting law school choice because there was no on campus OCI 2L or 3L recruit, didn't find articling and now applied to Ontario LPP but I don't live in Ontario and have zero intention of moving there. The first course seems fully remote but the work term appears to be in person or hybrid. No way I can leave my current job for 4 months, but now the more I think about it the more I realized the whole articling system is one big scam. I have a job that pays over six figures so doing LPP seems like it would be huge mistake given that the end outcome would be unemployment.
Articling is a scam in Canada. And LPP is even worse. Imagine paying 4k just to do yet another school course for 4 months, and then maybe find a practicum for another 4 months which may or may not be paid at minimum wage, only to still do the bar exam twice, a week apart, and still be unemployed in the end! The whole thing would cost at least 20k to move to Ontario and add another 30k in lost income; and that's just for the 4 month work term and exams. That's Canada for you. And if you do find a job most likely it's a contract temporary position which pays no higher than a government non-law worker. Even if some firm or government agency hired me after LPP, I wouldn't be moving to Ontario and definitely would take a pay cut from my current job.
Meanwhile if you go to USA there is just a 2 day bar exam, and at Harvard Law for example there's like 800+ law firms paying money for the privilege of recruiting 500 or so students on campus in a seamless interview process, with big law paying 220k+ USD day one and they also pay them for a few months to study for the bar exam as a "clerk", not to mention summer jobs with high salaries. Meanwhile at my Canadian law school there was zero on campus dedicated recruitment during 2L or 3L and no OCIs on campus for 2L or after. Please don't confuse the viLawPortal national applications for city specific Calgary/Toronto/Vancouver 2L recruitment with school specific on campus OCIs which are only for a specific school.
P.S. Thinking about doing a Harvard LLM but the cost and lost income just can't be justified. Can just write the bar exam directly in the USA and move on from this Canadian law school dead end articling circle jerk. At least then there is the hope of finding a remote attorney role even if part-time document review. And maybe down the line in-house remotely in some US corporation.
Looks like we need a PPS because the Canadian law students forum bans all critical posts:
Law School Regrets --Top reasons NOT TO go to my school: University of Alberta Law
This was something partially from the old law students forums, but on the new one it's impossible to post anything without being censored. My law school was a dead end with no career support and only in retrospect did I realize how bad it really was. Buyer beware. The worst part was the grading system where average was B- in 1L and where Cs and Ds were handed out regularly by profs. Some classmates were required to withdraw. I can tell you this not how students are treated at ivy league American schools which have pass fail systems (thinking of Harvard). Another big difference is that at Harvard most exams are just take home papers or assignments combined with participation. Brutal in class closed book final exams with harsh curving at a B- simply doesn't exist like at U of A.
1. Location, location, location. Edmonton is in a frozen industrial wasteland. It is extremely cold during 8 months of the year like -40 and lower with windchill cold. There is a lot of industrial pollution, dry air, and in the summer months suffocating smoke from forest fires. There is not much in Edmonton other than warehouses and industrial views. Views of flare stacks burning. Travelling anywhere is a huge hassle as again not much around. Even the SportChek downtown closed up shop and left reflecting Deadmonton’s downtown (high crime and deserted). HBO’s The Last of Us was filmed in downtown Edmonton and rumour is they didn’t even have to use CGI or props.
2. Building and Facilities. First year classrooms have no windows and the vibe is that of the TV show Fallout or Silo. The building is a literal bomb shelter with thick concrete. I recommend staying in the law building 1L classrooms if WW3 ever starts. The library is old and access to online databases and pretty much anything digital is extremely limited. They have very little subscription access compared to other schools due to funding issues. Don’t believe me, then try using HOLLIS at Harvard Library and see the difference in access. Anyway, the library system is severely lacking at U of A in terms of online and database access. Online textbooks and course materials anyone? One word to describe the law building: Brutalism.
3. Practical Experience and Clinicals. In short U of A has no clinics. No, Student Legal Services is not for credit and not Faculty of Law associated. There are no for credit clinics period. There are a few internship courses and they are extremely competitive so unless you’re getting As it’s not going to happen. Moots are equally competitive and the same few favorites get most of the opportunities. If you’re interested in business, or corporate law or big law type stuff or tech etc., then there is literally nothing for you at U of A as far as experiential learning or clinics. The course selection is also very limited with few options and many full instantly.
4. Career Services. There is a 1L OCI which places at the few small and medium firms in Edmonton, and that’s about it. There is nothing in 2L and minimal articling positions afterwards. The career services office had high turnover and the career advice from the former career services director for articling was to “ask your friends if they know anything”. The job board website is also useless and at one point didn’t even work for alumni. Expect zero career support or alumni outreach from U of A. One of the activities the former career services coordinator offered was "adult coloring books". Absolutely no career support from 2L onwards, no on campus OCIs, and Edmonton only has a handful of medium and small firms. On top of that there are a lot of experienced NCAs also competing for the same spots who are in the same classes! Students at UAlberta are so ignorant that they think a national viLawPortal application that is for Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver (open to literally anyone from anywhere) city specific market is the same as a dedicated on campus OCI recruit (OCI means recruiting only open for that specific school on campus usually done for 2L and 3L in the USA).
This is an example of an OCI SCHOOL SPECIFIC 2L and 3L system:
5. Professors and Classes. Some tenured profs are unapproachable and overly academic. You are just a number and the 1L classes are big, plus all the NCAs. Profs have no qualms about giving out Cs, Ds, and Required to Withdraws like candy. There are very few electives and it's not uncommon for them to be cancelled or full. There are only a few local externships and are very competitive by grades usually. I don't think U of A has more than a few dozen at most upper year courses. The curve is brutal around a forced B- average for 1L. Some profs even refused to supervise a paper summer course or write a generic reference letter. The practitioners are local and underwhelming. If you are looking for niche fields in corporate, tech, AI or innovative classes, there isn't really much on offer. I think they once had a Military Law course but probably don't anymore. And forget about AI or Space Law. I know it's a dumb comparison, but If I go over to the HLS spring catalogue I count 364 courses and 324 for fall; the vast majority being electives.
Good for Criminal Law???: Criminal law is the best place to be in Edmonton. They don't call it Deadmonton for nothing! Lots of prolific crimes and murders happen regularly in Edmonton and there are 4 big jails around the city.
I know some "learned" UAlberta students will argue U of A has plenty of courses, and maybe they added more, but I challenge them to post course number and titles similar to niche topics that top tier schools offer (usually with no exams, just papers and assignments) such as: International Commercial Arbitration; Government Lawyer; Modern Surveillance Law; Corporate and Capital Markets Law and Policy; Tax Aspects of Structuring Deals; Business Valuation and Analysis; Intellectual Property and Content Moderation; Digital Governance: Privacy, Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology; Nuts and Bolts of Forming a Venture Capital Fund; Global Governance; Advocacy Before International Courts and Tribunals; (Dis)illusionment for Young Lawyers; Legal Skepticism; Election Law Clinic; Cyberlaw Clinic Seminar; Applying Legal Skills to VC Business Diligence; Government Lawyer: Attorney General Clinic; Class Actions: Litigating Advanced Topics; Global Anticorruption Lab; Patent Law; Transactional Law Clinical Workshop; Investments Workshop: Public and Private Equity; Patent Trial Advocacy; Privacy Law; Deals; Corporate Finance; Roman Law; Federal Budget Policy; Democracy and the Rule of Law Clinic; Engaging China; Antitrust Law & Economics - Global; Consumer Protection Clinic Seminar; White Collar Criminal Law and Procedure; Lying and the Law of Questioning; Cybersecurity Risks, Rules and Responsibilities; Advanced Business Reorganizations; Law and Neuroscience; Drafting and Negotiating Complex Cross-Border M&A Transactions; The Non-Delegation Doctrine in Foreign Affairs; Copyright and Trademark Litigation; Drug Product Liability Litigation; National Security Law; China and the International Legal Order; Regulation of Financial Institutions; Foundations of International Arbitration: Theory and Practice; New Technologies and the Law of War; Space Law and Policy; Governing Digital Technologies; Corporate Governance: Corporate Purpose; Securities Regulation; Strategic Litigation and Immigration Advocacy; Mass Media Law; How Wars End: The Role of Negotiation; The Security Council; Venture Law and Finance; M&A Litigation; Introduction to Japanese Law; Startup Entrepreneurship and Innovations in Legal Technology; Mergers and Acquisitions Workshop: Boardroom Strategies and Deal Tactics; Becoming a Law Professor; Algorithms and the Law; Algorithms, ChatGPT, and Human Biases; Algorithms, Rights, and Responsibilities; International Law of the Sea.
submitted by HarvardHopeful2020 to LawCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:27 Red-Admiral949 I've got some fish dishes.

If anyone wants Aji fry, Sea bass pie, Squid ink spaghetti, Barred knifejaw carpaccio, Pesce all'acqua pazza, or Sauteed olive flounder, let me know!
I can set prices for each dish. The prices will be somewhat expensive compared to what they would sell for in nook's cranny, but you could easily get enough by catching flower bugs, butterflies, or especially fish.
submitted by Red-Admiral949 to DodoCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:18 srobbinsart Single-Word catchall for “Food Places?”

I’ve been writing a book describing a fictional town, and one section is outlining “Food Places.” It’s covering restaurants, grocers, gas stations, bars, liquor stores, a candy shop, basically any place that sells food or drink.
Since it has such variety of places, titling the section “restaurants” or “food places” feels either reductive or silly.
IS there a word for a place that sells food in some form, or am I stuck using “Eateries?”
submitted by srobbinsart to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:07 Mickcalei [Amazon] 12-Pack KIT KAT, PAYDAY and REESE'S King Size Chocolate Bars Variety Box $14.07 with Subscribe & Save + Free Shipping with Prime or on $35+ (Now: $14.07, Was: $21.64)

[Amazon] 12-Pack KIT KAT, PAYDAY and REESE'S King Size Chocolate Bars Variety Box $14.07 with Subscribe & Save + Free Shipping with Prime or on $35+ (Now: $14.07, Was: $21.64) submitted by Mickcalei to Deals_Finder [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:01 Careless_22251 Worst Drink I’ve had yet

Worst Drink I’ve had yet
This is just nasty. It tastes like actual piss.
submitted by Careless_22251 to energydrinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:14 pohltergiest Spoke broke part 4

Spoke broke part 4
Where were we, ah yes. We piled into the train, which was not empty but had enough room. It took us a few stops to arrange ourselves to not be in the way, but there's only so much you can do when you're taking up the room of six people at once. The sky steadily darkened as we headed north, the local train trundling along at a steady pace. It felt a little slow, but whereas we might go 120km/h on the highway back home, it's pretty common for major roads here to have a speed limit of 50 and it's not common for it to be exceeded.
We arrived in shinjo, awkwardly carrying our bikes through the station. It was night and we needed some food. Beside snack bars, there was a Korean place open, so we went there. It was on a dim street, lit only by the colourful signs of the handful of bars and restaurants on the street. The doorway was short, so we ducked into a low ceilinged place that looked like a basement ftom the 80's. Wood panelling, faded posters, and a bunch of fridges with cold drinks inside. The cook welcomed us in and we sat at a low table on the ground across the little room from a rowdy group of men who looked like they had been there for awhile already. We ordered karaage and stone bowl bimimbap. The chef seemed happy that we wanted it spicy. He kept popping out to make sure we knew how to eat the food, him stirring Bryce's bowl of bimimbap for him since Bryce has never had the dish.
When we were nearly done eating and the other table had stopped shouting for more stuff, the chef pulled up a chair in the doorway of the kitchen and chatted us up. He said he was from Korea and he had been in Japan for 36 years. He loves skiing and wanted to show us his pictures. He loved to hear our story of us biking across the country, asking about different details along the way. When we were done eating, he brought out two small cans of Korean soda for us to enjoy and then when we had finished that, he said that the meal was on him. "My heart", he said, when we insisted that we should pay. We gave him as many candies as he would accept, but graciously took the offering.
Outside we headed to our best shot at a campsite, a day camping spot about 5 km away, well outside of shinjo. It was very dark on the way out, but nobody was on the road and the road was good, so we had no problems. The campsite looked good, with working bathrooms. It was a little overgrown, which was a good sign. Don't want to be camping in a park that will be well used on a Sunday morning. We found a quiet corner in a stand of weeds across a little stream that looked like it hadn't had foot traffic in a decade. We got set up and got to bed, it being very late. A cat watched us atop a fallen tree, it's eyes glowing an eerie red in the light of our headlamps.
Although we short stacked on sleep, I had a good one as my sleeping mat finally held up after four repairs. I don't trust it yet, but I'm happy for the sleep. Our campsite was in deep shadows behind a stand of thick trees, so we stayed nice and cool for the first two hours of the day. We got organized and ate the breakfast we bought the night before on a bench in the park, remarking at how the children's playsets wouldn't have weeds growing around them if there were any kids who used this park.
We could feel the heat and humidity really starting to ramp up, so we were ready to get going. After packing up, we set off west for the coastline and the aquarium. We got about ten kilometers before I ran over what I thought was a branch, both of us paranoid of a broken spoke at this point. Just to be sure I checked my spokes, sure enough I had a broken one. My face getting hot from frustration, I sat down and started wrenching spokes to tighten what I could, swearing and cursing that we lost another one. This couldn't be that hard. I didn't have a proper spoke wrench, which was making this kind of maintenance very difficult. Regardless, it'd need to be replaced and while I had many spares now, shops were hard to find. We were 15km from shinjo, so we could head back, or go forwards and try our luck with some transit.
We decided to go forward, as we'd spend all day going back to the city to get repairs done. May as well get them done in the place we were already heading to. There was a train station nearby, so we biked the 5km to get there. Along the way I noticed that I did a terrible job with the spokes, making the wheel wobble and bump as I tugged it into an egg shape. Not great. When we arrived, the train station looked permanently closed. The tracks had a layer of rust on top indicating that no train had run here for some time. We looked around and found notices that a replacement bus was running this line. Would it be a small passenger bus or a large coach bus with luggage compartments? We decided to wait the hour and find out.
As we waited, it got hot and sticky. I read some guides on spokes and wheel trueing. I've had some difficulties with learning new things, but the upset feelings with losing the ability to bike confidently helped to spur me along. It doesn't look too hard, but I'll need a spoke tool. Next time we're in a city with a few minutes to spare I'll get one. From what I can see, it's likely the super fast sections we're doing where we're fully loaded and hitting bumps in the road at 60km/h. These cause wild tension spikes in the spokes and lead to fatigue and breakage. We just can't be doing such intense speeds and hitting things like potholes. We also need to check the spoke tension after big rides. I'm going to try to incorporate it into lunch breaks.
Eventually the bus came and it was thankfully a coach bus. After some wrangling we got the bikes in the luggage compartment and got on the bus. I sat, a little dazed, as I looked out the window. I reflected on why bike failures cause me such grief, it doesn't matter if we spend the day trying to get repairs, and yet I'm upset like I've been mugged. I suppose the bikes are our independence and mobility out here, something we control. I get a sense of safety from them, knowing I can get to food and shelter. When they break, not only is my movement hampered, now I have a big awkward expensive dead weight that I can't leave for extended periods of time. Getting it fixed is hard and there are often only one or two places per city that can do it. It's scary having a breakage in the countryside because we have no ability to call a cab on our own. It's a long string of "ifs" to get back to moving and the cascading failure of plans makes me very upset. I tried my best to remind myself that this is all part of the challenge, and besides, I would never, ever, learn things in any way other than the hardest. All we need is for a massive failure on the bike to lead to an injury, that'd be the hardest way to learn. Sweating as we haul our bikes through station platforms instead of drinking lemon sours by the ocean seems like a decent enough pounding to get me to learn some maintenance skills.
We arrived at the bus terminus and made our way up and over a train station and down to a platform to catch a train to tsuruoka. Both the departing station and arriving station were both super hard to get our bikes though, and people really liked staring at us as we struggled. There was just one chance in this city, one shop that looked to be equipped to fix bikes like ours. Would it be open today, we'd have to go there to find out. Riding the kilometer to the shop through the little city tucked in between two mountain ranges, we arrived to find the store was closed, but there was a biking team loitering around after finishing a ride. We greeted them and asked them about their team and if they knew anything about the shop. They indicated that they were closed for lunch and they'd be back in a while. Small town stuff. We decided to follow suit and went to find some lunch ourselves.
A short walk and a nice chinese restaurant serving lunch meal sets later (I got shrimp in a chili sauce) we headed back to find all but one of the bike team members had left and an old man and a lady were there eating rice balls on a bench outside the shop, which had an open door now. Music was drifting out, so we poked our heads in. Nobody was inside, so we asked the guy from the biking team if he knew where the mechanic was, to which he indicated the old guy was the mechanic, much to our embarrassment. The old fellow jumped up and finished his rice ball and started right away after what our issues were. The spoke replacement was an easy one so he took the wheel inside and started on that. I was relieved, but still very stressed so I decided to sit down and clean my bike for the first time. I recalled my first engineering job where I was taught that the first step to repairing a machine was to clean it, and until you could manage that you didn't belong around tools. Bryce likewise tried to do some maintenance as well.
I'll finish this story tomorrow, it's supposed to rain in the morning and I can catch up then.
submitted by pohltergiest to RainbowRamenRide [link] [comments]