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2024.05.17 11:37 flamerameeping All of these tried to scam me so I thought they should meet.

All of these tried to scam me so I thought they should meet. submitted by flamerameeping to ledgerwallet [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:34 Electrical_Year_2408 how do i overcome my anxiety and self sabotaging?

i suspect that the main issues i struggle with are: 1. decision paralysis 2. struggle w imperfection 3. tons of anxiety -> results in ‘lazy’ behaviours as i feel tired and sad all the darn time 4. looking too far into the future and trying to plan things.
i’m lost on what to study at college, and how to overcome my bad habits and become a more functional human being.
ultimately my goals would be to 1. move out of singapore to somewhere bigger & with more work life balance 2. find a partner 3. earn enough money to survive
but at the rate i’m going, i don’t think i’ll achieve these goals because they seem so difficult, especially the first goal of migration.
and for no 2, i feel really lonely all the darn time. my relationship w my family is terrible (mother is depressed and suicidal. dad and her keep lying to each other and i have to keep secrets).
i have a couple of friends i hang out w occasionally but i feel it’s not enough??? i want someone constant in my life.
i’m going for therapy, and also have read loads of self help books such as atomic habits, the paradox of choice etc. and while these books are making me more aware of how i am sabotaging myself, i just can’t put it into action?
i have some really bad habits that started since i was in high school. i feel my anxiety started compounding during this period because i went to a ‘top’ school, and i felt it was the worst decision i ever made. i got rejected by all the extracurricular clubs i wanted, had no friends, and i couldn’t catch up with the work because everyone else was so smart and there was a lot of self directed learning (heck we didn’t even have lectures for chemistry).
oh, and also we were studying other countries’ uni level chemistry/math at high school.
i slept in (couldn’t get up as i felt miserable and lonely when i got up. my dreams were better than my reality), skipped classes etc etc.
i repeated 1 year, and also repeated the same habits, but at least i studied at home then, and did really well for my finals.
after that, i had a lot of anxiety on choosing where i wanted to study. i decided on a uni in singapore, and i sabotaged myself during that degree because 1. i kept comparing myself to others
  1. i kept worrying that i wouldn’t do well enough to do a Masters overseas (so I’ll be stuck in singapore for even longer)
  2. i kept worrying i wouldn’t do well enough academically to do an exchange programme
i ended up dropping out of that school and now i need to reapply to another school.
thereafter, i started a job at a company, but i feel that im sabotaging myself again. i’m not proactive, and im letting my bad habits of being late for work or skipping work start again. i also exaggerated in my resume, and im beginning to face the consequences. my manager is getting really annoyed at my inefficiency. (AS SHE SHOULD). now i want to redeem myself and buck up.
and in terms of studies, i can’t decide what course i want to study because i don’t even know what i want to do in the future.
and i don’t even know whether i want to study in singapore and save some money, or if i should splurge and study abroad. (im privileged that my fam can afford it so i wouldn’t
and if i should study abroad, WHERE? i have so many choices.
how do i improve myself? how do i overcome my bad habits? HOW DO I OVERCOME MY ANXIETY AND Misery?
ANY ADVICE WOULD BE GREAT. I’ve been sabotaging myself for the past 3 years and i want to stop it.
on a related note, i am considering taking another gap year to do a working holiday in australia.
but i’m just scared that by doing so, i’m just delaying my decision on what to study (and thus giving into my indecision). because there’s no perfect decision and i am just delaying my decision again.
and, singaporean unis don’t allow us to defer our studies for a gap year. so i may not have my offer anymore. and i don’t know if i’ll get offered a place there anymore.
also, im already struggling so much with lethargy and laziness in an OFFICE JOB. I don’t know if working 6 days/week at Mac Donald’s to survive living alone in australia will make my anxiety even worse.
also, my parents are funding my education, and when i decided to take my 1st gap year after dropping out, they kept scolding me on how I AM chronologically behind my peers by 2 years, and that at the rate i’m going i’ll never go to college etc etc.
and some context, trades are paid 💩 in singapore. to have a decent income here, i NEED a degree. even if i were to study an arts degree, that’s better than being degree less.
with a degree, i’ll definitely be able to find a job. it’s just whether the job has good work life balance, and whether it can help me achieve my dream of living abroad
submitted by Electrical_Year_2408 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:33 EzVox03 Book Review: Communist Manifesto

Not that this is news but maybe some need reminding. I personally have only read the communist manifesto. It’s short but took me a long time as I had to re-read the rhetoric over and over to understand what the hell he and Engels (iPhone was good enough to autocorrect Engels for me.... figures) - Anyway - were talking about.
It comes off angry in places, openly encourages violent revolution (and, arguably, mass murder), to destroy all semblance of culture, our past and our histories (since from the beginning life has been nothing more than class struggle). Maybe it would have seemed more relevant in 1800s Europe. Their gripes about what industrialization was doing to the working class were right in many ways. They rightfully complained of child labor.
And while some of those issues did arise with industrialization in America, we’ve righted our course in that regard. Yes, there have always been classes of society whose struggle exceeds that of others. But America has a huge middle class, everyone reading this is most likely a part of that class or upper-middle class (I don’t believe I have any aristocratic friends). To teach this stuff to entitled college kids living the easy life attending college or elite schools, it’s just madness. You’d think they’d see the irony in it. Marxism appealed to people who at the time were living in conditions nobody in this country will ever experience.
I don’t know where I’m headed with this. But from what little I took from reading the communist manifesto several mind-numbing times was we don’t need Marxism it does not apply to our present conditions. The middle class in America is a free, non-oppressed majority. In Marx and Engels world, the “proletariat” was the oppressed majority. That’s simply not the case in today’s America.
And I will give credit to the left for doing a great deal of good things for this country. They were instrumental at the time in achieving working conditions for the common man that dealt with much of what Marx gripes about.
So, what’s left? Jealousy, envy of someone who’s got it a little better than you? I’ve personally never felt that in my life. I possess an innate understanding that you get out of this world what you put into it and if I’ve ever been unhappy with my return, I know I just have to keep going. I don’t understand how that’s a difficult concept for Marxist children to understand. America provides every opportunity for anyone & everyone to move onward and upward. Period. It’s a personal choice how you want to live your life.
submitted by EzVox03 to IntellectualElk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:31 MistyToYourAsh 43 [F4M] Australia - Looking for someone who’s wanting to build a genuine connection.

Seeking a genuine friendship with someone who values deep, meaningful connections. I love movie nights on the couch, getting lost in a good book, pilates to keep fit and centred, deep conversations over coffee, a witty sense of humour, cooking, and a passion for learning new things.
I believe that true friendship is built on honestly, positivity, and shared interests. I am smoke, vape, drug and alcohol free and would prefer it if you were the same. I feel that I would best get along with someone who also lives a fairly active life, is talkative and educated. If you’re looking for someone to share laughs, adventures, and quiet moments of reflection with, then we may just click. Let’s build a lasting friendship based on mutual respect and understanding. Can’t wait to meet you! Please DM and tell about yourself. Mention what book you’re currently reading along with some of your hobbies so that I know you read my post.
submitted by MistyToYourAsh to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:30 New-Day4845 We?

We? submitted by New-Day4845 to schizoposters [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:29 Specialist_Try6257 What's your opinion on this?

What's your opinion on this?
It is related to this sub
submitted by Specialist_Try6257 to GATEtard [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:29 theOMegaxx Getting set up in Albania

Hi everyone! I recently immigrated to Albania and went through the process of getting a temporary residence permit here so I could continue living and working abroad.
I know a lot of DNs are considering Albania as a short-term or even long-term option, and I'm going to give an informal webinatalk next Wednesday evening CEST time to shed some light on the process here. My friend and colleague will also join me to talk about finances, taxes, and some more official administrative information that's important to consider.
It's free, it's not a for-profit or promotional thing. I'm just hoping to help others avoid the confusion I experienced during the process last year.
If you're keen to join, you can comment or DM me for the link.
submitted by theOMegaxx to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:29 Naudilent My Views and Reviews Can't Beat Unless You Tell Them To

A 70s stinker, big monster, off the path and more this week.
The TL;DR The Visitor: A remarkable cast is wasted in this bizarre Italian semi-sci-fi riff on The Omen, The Fury, and others. The Ruins: Absolutely riveting tourism gone wrong horror. Deathgasm: Top tier horror comedy that hits similar notes to Dead Alive. My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To: Part family drama, part thought experiment. A look at a trio of people who are dead inside, each in their own way. The Lake: Special effects are the star of this “Thaiju” feature, but there isn’t much else to it. Moloch: Needed some edits but fans of folk horror should enjoy this Dutch offering. Lovely, Dark, and Deep: In the forests of the night, it gets credibly creepy. Low budget, but a great lead and fine visuals.
The Visitor (1979): “I can’t kill children – only the evil part.” After a psychedelic encounter on a planet with a lava lamp atmosphere, an old man lets blond space Jesus — who has been telling hairless kids about how “Commander Yahweh” slew the demonic Sateen — know that a spiritual descendant of Sateen has been reborn on Earth. Cue 70s style soundtrack, and here we go! Or would go, if anything ever happened. The film is a total mess, with bizarrely long takes of John Huston (!) and others pacing or staring or driving in one scene and rapidfire edits in another. Lance Henrikson’s (!) Ray is more robotic than Bishop, and Shelley Winters (!) and Sam Peckinpah (!!) don’t make much of a difference. Allegedly, the cast only participated to gain a free trip to Italy, which I hope they enjoyed. Huston’s distinctive voice is the film’s only redeeming quality, but you’re better off hearing it elsewhere. Gore: 1/10. Nudity: None. Tubi.
The Ruins (2008): “Aren’t you glad you came?” Iceman and Jena Malone (who had a memorable makeout session in Neon Demon) venture with their friends to some off the path Mayan ruins, where the locals welcoming in a “We wish you’d never, ever leave” way. As it turns out, I’d already seen this one long ago; hearing the “cell phone” ring immediately tipped me off. But it was very much worth a second watch, and if you haven’t seen it absolutely do so. It’s well worth the $3 and change. Then consider the aftermath. Gore: 6/10. Nudity: None. Prime rental
Deathgasm (2015): “Hail Satin” Horror comedies face the same challenge as regular comedies: keeping the laughs going after the first 15 minutes, when the dramatic plot kicks in. Tucker and Dale did this very well; Zombeavers not so much. Deathgasm, fortunately, is a lot closer to T&D, finding ways great and small to inject humor in and around the more serious scenes. And damn, what lines — I had to pause more than a few times to laugh my arse off. As a metalhead in my youth, I appreciated a lot of jokes more than I might have otherwise, but anyone with a stomach for gore and naughtiness will enjoy this one. Gore: 8/10, but it’s a funny 8/10. Nudity: Brief. Tubi
My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell it To (2021): “We shouldn’t be doing the things that we’re doing.” Two siblings care for the third, who is sickly and has special nutritional requirements one might term the “Lugosi Diet.” Not heroin — the red stuff. This is only peripherally a vampire movie. It’s much more a psychological drama about caregiver fatigue, the struggle of the able to aid the disabled and how even a family full of love can collapse under the weight of their burdens. There’s no backstory given, no mythos to justify the situation, just a family struggling to do what they have to do to keep their youngest member alive. It’s good, with the leads providing a bleak window into their day-to-day existences, though a little humor would have been nice. It’s an existential, thought-provoking vignette that may linger with you. Gore: 3/10, bloodletting. Nudity: Just a man and his underwear. Screambox, which I apparently still have.
The Lake (2022): “Compose yourself. Don’t get out of the car.” I wanted a big monster flick, and this Thai production says it has one. I just hope I don’t have to wait forever for it to sho—ah, 3 minutes in and there it is. No build up at all. Huh. A fan of Bong Joon-Ho’s The Host (2006) apparently got hold of a decent budget and put together a “Thaiju” film of their own, and it’s…okay. While the editing is all over the place, it does keep the story moving, and the creatures are interesting to look at and well rendered. There are speed bump human dramas, but they don’t account for much; characters are uni-dimensional, and the film unfortunately lacks much in the way of a binding narrative. If you’re in the mood for a big beast exercise in special effects, you could do worse. Just don’t expect much else. Gore: 4/10. Nudity: None. Prime.
Moloch (2022): “You science boys, you’re uninformed.” This Dutch folk horror tells — at a modest pace — the story of Bietrik and her family, who have suffered substantial losses over the generations. Events lead her to believe that her family may be cursed, haunted by some local entity. All in all, it’s a decent movie, wrapped around its own eerie mythology and leading to a striking conclusion. There’s a scene in a field that should have been left on the cutting room floor, and the second half lacks the sense of urgency and discovery that can really carry a movie, but I’d still recommend it for the atmosphere and some fine, creepy moments. Not bad for a writedirector’s first full length feature.
Gore: 3/10. Nudity: None. Trivia: While Moloch has often been thought of as a deity to whom children were sacrificed, more recent research suggests it was instead a type of sacrifice, one that involved children and was performed for various gods in the Levant, including the god of the Hebrews. Shudder
Lovely, Dark, and Deep (2023): “You’ve taken from us.” Georgina Campbell (Barbarian) is a forest ranger taking her first 90-day assignment in the deepest part of the woods in her fictional park. We see her settle in, go on multi-day walkabouts, and wrestle with a loss in her past. It’s a slow, scenic build to the weirdness, but it snowballs quickly. There’s a “walking simulator” aspect that follows which may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but Campbell kept me invested with her performance. While the film follows some tropes (things there one moment and gone the next, for example), it turns others on its head. While “in the forest” stories can go very different ways (as The Ritual, Gaia,and In the Earth demonstrate), I finished LD&D thinking of it as a folk horror. I’m curious if you agree. Gore: 5/10 for some red moments. Nudity: None. Trivia: The title comes from a Robert Frost poem you may have encountered in school. Tubi
What fine or forgettable flicks have been on your list this week?
submitted by Naudilent to horror [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:28 Fun_Cantaloupe2478 Callous dumper here. I ended the relationship yesterday. I am grieving her, i am grieving our beautiful story. Here comes the oh so familiar misery.

We met on a dating app, i was travelling and she invited me to a martial arts retreat. One week of training and laughing and sharing. Organically our bond grew, so at the end of the retreat under a beautiful full moon, we decided to travel together and we kissed for the first time.
And we travelled together for two months in her van and her mad dog. It was a incredible adventure with ups and down, tears of joy and sometimes of sadness, but the bond grew and grew. I never opened myself to anyone like this before and i feel truly blessed for having experienced that.
First symptom : Same age but she experienced A LOT before me, while i'm just starting to open myself to women. She really pushed her desire to be a committed couple while i was shaky partly because of my attachment style, me feeling uneasy about her past, and maybe because i wasn't attracted enough. After one month of dating when i expressed that i would most likely not commit to her, i got bombarded by emotions that were unknown to me. The day after that when she said (but not think) that it's ok to let me go, and to not force me into something that i didn't want, i felt so loved, so accepted, that for the time it told her that i loved her.
So the travel continues, even more adventures, even more fun, even more love. After that we parted ways, and one month later i am supposed to come see her in her country.
Second symptom : In the meantime, i keep it for myself but i went on her ex instagram and was intoxicated by jealousy. (They still see each other once per year for one week..) I stop and think about something else, just a harmless slip right ? Also i reinstall the apps, we are not official, i don't have the guts to pursue anyone though, so i'm a bit passive.
So i go visit her in her country and once again it's great. I'm open about the fact that used the apps before seeing her, and she understands, now they are removed. Our time here was so simple. Less adventurous but sooo sweet. Everything so smooth. When i leave her at the airport i leave her as my girlfriend, and look at her with loving eyes. I remember that on the last day, instead of having sex, since she was a bit sick, i just said good bye to every part of her body, one by one. Our time together was tender and loving.
Third Symptom : I was supposed to see her in two months. But little by little, with the distance i grew a bit cold and started to be bothered by my lack of experience compared to her. Watched a lot of content on the matter, and grew bitter. I started to look at her with cold eyes, seeing her physical flaws and so on. The external sources of stress of my life didn't help. I reinstall the apps and feel the frustration, this time it's a real betrayal even though i don't have the guts to see anyone.
I didn't know at that time but retroactive jealousy was slowly creeping in my mind. At some point i asked the dreaded question of BODY COUNT, and the answer of course had a terrible effect. After that i was haunted by intrusive thoughts and bursts of anxiety i've never felt before, luckily i seeked a therapy a week before because i was haunted by other aspects of my past. I really tried hard to get through it, i try to reshape my views of sex, of her, of men and women, on relationship but it was too hard. On top of that i really felt guilty about putting her through that i really deeply felt that it was better for her and for me to stop. The guilt was destroying me but at least it prevented me from consciously shaming her and reproach her things that she had done in the past. After four days of crying everyday i tried to end it, but the tickets for the week that we planned were taken so we agreed to see each other and bet on the therapy. She always wanted to go on.
After i returned, the anxiety returned in full force, and she felt it. She had nightmares of me abandoning her each week. I was feeling more and more guilty, to the point where the retroactive jealousy and i my own desire for other experiences were an afterthought. I ended it for real two days ago.
Now she is free from me. I know it was the best decision, even though she wanted to go on, i know that our lives didn't match (Adventurous girl wanting to settle, avoidant guy wanting to finally explore). Also my issues just ran too deep : The abysmal self esteem, the retroactive jealousy, the fucked up attachment style, the fucked up views on sex leading to envy and anger on top of jealousy.
I feel utterly empty and miserable on all the aspects, the only good thing is that she can now move on. It fucking hurts but the guilt was eating me from the inside because i cared about her so much, but could not love her properly. I felt the urge to end it in my body, i didn't sleep, i didn't eat. Even my thoughts, muddled and marred by guilt and jealousy. I had to stop it.
I'm feeling suicidal and really wish i was someone else, someone who could've make things work. As i feared, opening myself to someone revealed all the reason why i didn't until now. Life as a monk, death, or change.
submitted by Fun_Cantaloupe2478 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:26 AndyG1001 Agency refusing the address security concerns of flat building

Hi all,
I live in a block of 20 or so flats in London, all of which are owned by the same landlord/company. We have an agency which handles the admin around the building, and is there to answer any queries/complaints we may have - I have never spoke to the landlord directly.
For a while now, we've been having problems with packages/parcels being stolen from the communal entrance to our building. Despite instructing them otherwise, delivery drivers often leave parcels underneath the indoor stairwell of the building, which is located by the main entrance. This means they can be left unattended for a period of time, and are vulnerable to being stolen. I have complained about this numerous times to the agency in the hope of them trying to address the problem, however the only thing they have done to date is put up a couple of (barely obvious) notices instructing drivers not to leave parcels in the area, which the drivers (as per the above), usually ignore.
A recent occurrence of yet more parcels being stolen prompted me to again talk to the agency about this, and ask what else can be done to make the area more secure (for example, I suggested periodically changing the code to the building - this has been the same for the whole time I have lived here (over 2 and a half years)). Their response to this was basically that they had no control over who was let into the building 'by other residents', 'they have CCTV set up' (this is only external) and that they can't change the codes as 'the postmen know them'.
I don't think the above is a satisfactory response. The building is clearly insecure and it's a security risk not just for our deliveries, but our flats themselves. It's pretty obvious thieves in the area have access to our building as they wish, and the agency/landlord is showing no willingness in what I'd call 'proper' measures in sorting this out.
Is there any legal recourse for me in this scenario? My contract says very little about security (and the obligations around this), other than points around keys/locks and the use of CCTV, so I am not really sure what to 'point to' in the hope of getting them to act.
submitted by AndyG1001 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:25 ArtFraga LAB 'In The Air' live at Roundhead Studios Chords - Guitar Tabs - RNZ Music by RNZ Music

LAB 'In The Air' live at Roundhead Studios guitar tabs download as PDF and Guitar Pro on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
This score has 2 PDF pages
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @GPTabs
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:24 mcmiilk Help on using Waves rune real-time please

Hello guys, sorry for the very noob question but I bought Waves tune Real time to improve a little bit live performances (mostly for event with friends where people take the mic). How can I simply use it ? With what free tool should I use it ? I’m very join so I don’t understand how it supposed to work and internet is not clear about this tool specifically🙁 Thank you very much for your help !
submitted by mcmiilk to audioengineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:22 giglgypare Gorjana Free Shipping Code

Go to this page for Gorjana Free Shipping Code. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by giglgypare to MiraculousDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:21 young_arkas Leftist spaces need child protection concepts

As someone who worked in prevention of sexual violence for the catholic church in Germany, let me tell you, what the fucking catholic church (at least in Germany) has, what leftist spaces usually miss: Institutionalised concepts of child protection and protection against sexual violence in general.
I know, it is harder, when you can't decree those things, one of the wonderful aspects of leftist spaces is their freedom of association, their anonymity and their openness to all. But as leftists, we should be able to accept, that this is important to protect children. And perpetrators look for spaces where they have the ability to enter the lives of children with little (enforced) rules on the contact.
But here could be a way, to institutionalise protection of children as a grassroots effort:
(1) General accord on the principal: Talk about it in a general assembly of your organisation/group, depending on your level of formal institutions, that might be an organised body, or just the people that are in the space at that time. Your aim is to get to stage 2, a risk analysis of your space.
Picking a situation where many people are there raises the option that people will reject the idea, but it is worth it, since you will need a lot of acceptance in the group for what you are doing. Think beforehand about the dangers, talk about it, as a measure to support the open nature of the movement and the group.
You will get backlash. People will deny that it could happen in your group, they will bring personal arguments (we know and trust each other), political arguments (this will sow discord, distract us from the mission), they will deflect (it's the priest diddling kids [yeah, that was very common within the church itself]). Be patient with those people. Have answers, to the obvious questions, be honest if you don't have them, but be forceful, that you want to look into those questions, within your risk analysis. Note them down for the risk analysis.
Even if your group doesn't need consent from all to reach a decision, look for it. If you got a tiny number of stragglers and your group works on majority based principle, this is okay in the end, but look for broad support and keep in contact with the people that didn't support this.
Then have a volunteer comittee put together for the risk analysis. The group/general assembly should consent over the members of the comitee, motivate the people that were against it, but came around, to participate, you will need them for the hard part.
(2) Training for the group: Find an expert. Someone with experience in the field, that will
(a) give you some basic training, like at least 6 hours. This is a must for the committee working on the risk analysis, but should be open to all.
(b) has materials about this, and
(c) can look over your work in the end and may have ideas what you missed.
This will cost money, so have an idea how to raise it. It is often hard for leftist spaces to raise money, but it is dangerous, doing it without someone who had at least done this before. I volunteer to be an expert, but only in Germany, and even I would want my train ticket paid for, and some free food.
(3) The risk analysis: You go through your availability spaces with a fine comb, ask questions like the following questions, and more, if you can think of more. For every question you go through subgroups, rooms, days, even time slots:
(a) Which group might be vulnerable to sexual violence? Where and when are children (anyone under 18) present.
(b) Where do adults spend time alone with children?
(c) Are there hierarchies or power imbalances that would obfuscate reporting of sexual violence?
(d) Do children stay overnight and sleep on the premises?
(e) In which situation are children without supervision?
(f) To whom could children report sexual misconduct to make a difference and do the children know the person?
(g) Are children informed about their rights?
(h) Is there transparency about adults in your group convicted of or even charged with crimes against the sexual self-determination minors?
(i) Are there information about sexual violence against children, its prevention and steps to take when witnessing it available and broadly understood in your group?
Answer those questions with all parties involved, don't quizz them, ask the questions together. Be open about what you do, but also have understanding with people that feel attacked. It can feel like an attack, so be prepared to explain over and over again, but also to the people the person is most likely to talk about it.
Now think how committed perpetrators could use those situations. Don't craft them too much, just think how a perpetrator might use the situations you found.
(4) Writing guidelines: After you did the risk analysis, your committee should draft a report, with
(a) The risks you found in (3) (b) The way you came to the risks (c) What you think your group should change to do better
Important: Never attack anyone personally, it I'd important, to keep the whole process blameless. We'll, except child predators, they can fuck off.
(5) The hard part. Convince the general asselmby/group as a whole, that your conclusions are valid, and that you should make rules about them, together. Don't give them a prepared draft, if they don't want one, but have them in your mind. Draft them together, this will take time, but it is worth it. Come to a consensus, even if it means softening some rules, ypu thought of, as lomg as the rule does help to mitigate the risk.
(6) Now the hardest part: Living and reviewing the rules. The group must not only accept the rules, they must live them. You shouldn't be the enforcer of the rules, the community must become it. They have to take them to heart and live by them. After some time, maybe 6 months, maybe a year, review and revise the rules:
(a) Are there any we ignore? Why do we ignore it? Can we craft better rules?
(b) Do we think our rules mitigate the original risks?
(c) Are there new risks, that we forgot the first time around, or did new risks arise in the meantime?
(d) Could we simplify some rules?
Keeping that alive is the hardest part.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact me. And I'm sorry for the horrible grammar, English is my second language, and it is nor easy, writing about a thing in English, I have only thought about in german until know.
submitted by young_arkas to behindthebastards [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:20 notwhoyouneedmetobe Instinct by Joy Sullivan [poem]

Instinct by Joy Sullivan [poem] submitted by notwhoyouneedmetobe to u/notwhoyouneedmetobe [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:18 LightheartOfficial LIGHTNING CASTLE PROMO CODE

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submitted by LightheartOfficial to MrAutofire [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:18 Cubyface Hit Legend with non burn version of Spell Mage (sorry for the pixelated pic)

Hit Legend with non burn version of Spell Mage (sorry for the pixelated pic)
Just hit legend with the slower Spell Mage, running a bunch of big spells and Orb as the main wincons.
Most games I mulligan hard for keyboard and Manufacturing error, but against aggro I keep Malfunction. Game plan is survive till T5, drop Manufacturing Error and play cheap/free spells; it’s quite easy to keep a board up with keyboard, Spot the difference, Firelands Portal, and sunset volley. Yogg is quite divisive, and I’ve lost games due to wheel, but it has also won me so many games when I can drop it on T6 wipe the opponent and flood my board.
Overall feels quite strong against Aggro paladin (running the showdown package) and handbuff paladin, Malfunction is the hero here and lets me survive till T5 where my big spells come online.
Reno Warrior is an autolose if I don’t draw keyboard or Manufacturing Error early, otherwise it’s still a close fight.
Extremely strong against the self damage Warlocks, because of the many clears, and they tend to not notice when they get in range of Firelands Portal or Molten Rune.
There’s a secret hunter variant now that I struggle with because of Ice trap and the dinosaur that recasts every secret that triggered, it’s hard to win against early face damage snowballing since I have zero heals or armor.
Deck code here: AAECAf0EBPHTBMv+BeamBrqnBg2AwgXz8gXf+AXxgAaDlQbWmAb0mwaIngblpgazpwbluAaF5gaG5gYAAA==
submitted by Cubyface to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:18 Leather_Fig1840 My friend has cut me off because he has a crush on me and I can’t get him out of my head

My (19M) friend (19M) texted me 3 months ago to tell me that he could no longer speak to me because he is in a committed relationship and he was starting to develop a crush on me. In order to prioritise his boyfriend, whom he loves very much, he had to cut contact with me, for a non-specific amount of time. In his words, it is “dangerous” for us to speak.
This all starts when we were 16- 3 years ago. Something important to know: this did not start platonically. We were two 16 year old boys who had similar interests and who could sustain one another intellectually, and thence began a romantic long-distance summer fling. He is a classical musician and actually composed me some pieces. After a while, it died out because of the distance. We remained friends after the fact, but I most certainly did not forget him. He told me at 16 that I was one of those people you’re told your whole life that you’ll meet. Those words have stuck with me.
For the next two years that followed, contact remained spotty. Any conversation we had revolved around music (mostly), philosophy, life, anything. Usually long conversations, but very infrequent.
Then August 2023 rolls around. I’m 18 and I’m about to begin uni on the other side of the country. In a new city….. in his city. Yes, I moved to his city. Not on purpose. I post my arrival on my Instagram story, and he replies that we must get coffee together sometime soon. Basically, I was head over heels. I had a crush on this guy. He’s a local, so he ended up picking a pizza restaurant. I arrive first and I’m waiting in front of the restaurant, facing the window. All of a sudden, I see his reflection in the window; a guy wearing a violin case like a backpack. I turn around and he crosses the street to come give me a hug. This was our first meeting in person.
We spoke a while in the restaurant. Spoiler: He has had a boyfriend since March at this point (I HAD NO CLUE). At one point in our pizza-filled conversation, he mentions his boyfriend. However, in our language, the word he used can mean either boyfriend or friend. I really didn’t think he was in a relationship, so my delusional ass interpreted it in the platonic sense. After the restaurant, we walked to his music school, where we found a room. I sat on a chair and he took out his violin. He asked me to name any composer and he would play a piece from said composer. I neglected to mention that he is extremely talented. One in a million. If it isn’t obvious, I thought this was a date. It was not a date; not for him at least.
After said encounter, I felt quite disappointed that I didn’t get any romantic vibes from him (duh, it was not a date. He literally mentioned his boyfriend lol). I complained to my old roommate for days about this. My roommate, on some intoxicated bender, texts this guy and tells him that he needs to let me know if he has feelings for me or not. I was furious. My roommate guiltily confessed this to me the following morning. He told my roommate that he is not single and that he is not at all interested in me. He does say, however, that “we would have been the perfect match”; something that he probably shouldn’t have said but it is not something that I will contest. What my roommate did was a gross violation of my boundaries, of course I’m upset. However, in a way, it almost needed to happen. A few days later, I reply to his story about some other restaurant, and he says that his bf/friend (the word is ambiguous in our language) recommended it to him. I ask him if he has a boyfriend and he clears it up then and there. It was after this interaction that my crush dissipated. Knowing that he wasn’t interested in me really helped with me moving onto other guys.
Over the following months, we speak every now and then. When we spoke, the conversations would not end. The kind of conversations where you know that you have to go to bed, so you wished the other person goodnight, yet there you are talking about fucking Ligeti 50 minutes later. Anyways, while I was supposed to working on a philosophy assignment, I told him that I USED to have a crush on him, but I was firm on the fact that I no longer did. I told him the “date” story as a funny anecdote. He had no clue that I ever liked him like that at any point. The conversation got a little awkward, but he told me that he really loves his boyfriend, but that he “does not forget”. He tells me that we would have been a perfect match. Funny.
A little while after, he invites me to one of his concerts at the museum. There, I meet his mother and grandparents. Also, his boyfriend. The concert was great, and the three of us chat for a while afterwards. Unfortunately, he has to leave, but he suggests that I tour the museum with his boyfriend, so his boyfriend and I tour the museum together. Interesting experience. Something important to know: I don’t have the best impression of his boyfriend. Their relationship is (was???) an open relationship and it felt like this guy really had to convince him to join his polyamory, based on what he told me in their conversations. Also, they were apparently on a break at one point earlier in the year because my friend’s mental/physical health was really bad, so to me it seems as though his boyfriend abandoned him in his time of need because the relationship “got hard”, so I already don’t have the best impression of him based on what my friend has told me. Anyways, I honestly thought that his bf was flirting with me??? (I guess he is allowed to because it’s an open relationship, but still…).
Fast forward the following month: we were supposed to see a concert together but something bad happened so he couldn’t attend. I end up buying him a CD which I had signed because this is a very famous pianist who just happened to visit our city. For like 3 months, we didn’t see each other, but I reminded him regularly that I had a specially-signed CD to give him. He has classes next to my apartment sometimes, but we can’t seem to get our schedules to fit…. until the end of February.
He has this class thing where you can invite people to watch you play and get critiqued, which he invited me to! After watching him play, I greet him outside the room and one of his colleagues. Let’s call her F. We all chat a little and I give him his disk. Literally such a mundane interaction.
BUT THEN THREE DAYS LATER, he texts me that he is very sorry, but that we have to cut contact. He has been dishonest toward himself and toward his boyfriend, because he has a crush on me. He doesn’t WANT to have a crush on me. And look, I get it. His relationship is important and he is putting the guy he loves first. You can’t control how you feel about people, but you CAN control what you do about it. So I get it. Wouldn’t I do the same? I told him to promise me that he wouldn’t forget about me completely. I screamed “what the actual fuck” multiple times because I didn’t know how to process this. This is definitely not an event I expected to have in 2024… The only links we have in common are now: we have each other’s phone numbers, we are Facebook friends, and I am friends with F on Facebook because she also happens to be in my programme at uni. But we have not spoken. Not a single word between us since February 24th. I respect his decision, so I will not speak to him.
This guy occupied my mind rent-free. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Frustrating because when he told me that he wasn’t interested back in August, that was enough to help me move on. And all of a sudden, my mind can’t let go of the fact that this guy has a crush on me. This guy, whom my type is kind of based on honestly. Middle of March rolls by, and I meet F (his colleague) again at an event hosted by our programme. We all got drunk, especially me 🤦🏻‍♂️. And of course, being drunk, you have a tendency to bring down your inhibitions. We’re on the bus and she asks me how I know the friend. I tell her it’s a long story, but that I can’t speak to him anymore. I say that “he’s soooo dramatic”. She asks me to explain further, but I tell her that I can’t.
The next day, I felt like an idiot!!! Wow. I almost told her what happened. I don’t need that spreading around his school. I saw a uni therapist at the beginning of April, which didn’t really help much. Every time I took the bus, I would check to see if he too was on the bus. Never was.
BUT THEN, I met someone new. We’ll call him T. T has been successful in getting my mind off of the friend. It’s quite recent, but we’re seeing each other and it’s moving along smoothly. Beginning of May, I barely think about the friend anymore. I have a new guy in my thoughts and I’m very happy about it. So T and I go to see a concert together. Guess who just had to be doing a pre-concert in the waiting hall. The violinist friend. T and I are walking up the stairs and all of a sudden the violinist and I made eye-contact and I basically just had a hot flash. I had not seen this guy since February… And I seriously had to make eye-contact with him while I’m on a date with T???
I feel like my progress is ruined. Ever since I saw him at the concert hall, he is on my mind again. I keep checking his Facebook. I can’t listen to my favourite music without thinking about him. But I refuse to give up the music that feeds my soul just because he likes the same stuff. I feel awful toward T, because I have another guy in my thoughts.
All I know is that this person is special. I have known this for years and he is not someone I could accept never having in my life again. He has never forsaken me. I have a deep desire to share my life with him and to be apart of his, and I am perfectly okay with it being platonic. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to live my life without it being a soap opera.
TL;DR: An old friend that I had a crush on, but no longer had a crush on once I found out that he was in a relationship and was not interested in me, ended up having a crush on me and has had to cut contact with me in order to not be dishonest toward his boyfriend. I can’t stop thinking about him. It’s driving me mad.
submitted by Leather_Fig1840 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:17 Solid-Budget-7686 AITAH for not liking my husband's best man?

So I (F46) have been married to (M47) for 15yrs, 2 kids, which I hate to add have been bought up by me, and mostly me! I have worked extremely hard making sure my kids, who are 13 & 11 are perfectly polite kids! My husband has been best friends with his old boss who used to own a bar. We were all great mates, I babysat their kids when they were little, but all grown up now, and have kids of their own. He was our best man at our wedding, did very little, his wife did everything, from decorating the venue and helping clear down the next day. We continued to be friends for years, despite so called best man trying it on with me!! Even to the point we went camping together, jet skiing etc. Best man's business went pear shaped after he spent all his step sons money and just used them for the money they bought to the marriage.
During Covid lockdown he spent his entire time living his dream, having intimate relations with his wife, in and out the spa!
Then lockdown was over...
He immediately moved out and moved into the old bar he had owned, racking up a bill he would pay off with the sale! Not forgetting it was his stepsons money! Told my husband him and his wife had separated! My husband went round immediately to check on him, and he wouldn't let my husband in.... I said right from the start the town bike had been sniffing around for too long,, I bet she was in the room, which is why best man wouldn't let him in the room! (Just for clarification, the town bike is well known for her antics!) So from there on I told his wife everything, I was not gonna break the Girl code, plus the fact the local bike had denied everything to me, had a go at me about stuff I didn't even know, as I used to work with her, and thought we were also friends! So the poo hit the fan... he left his wife and kids for the local bike, half his age, who we all know will screw him over... her parents have lots of money! Long story short I am still best mates with wife, and will always be. She worried us sick with taking her own life, but we stood beside her! Just now he has been extremely rude to me... the cheating husband, we went ro an event and he was so rude, but my husband still thinks the sun shines out his arse, and is hanging out at the new bar he has, and thinks I am completely out of order for being telling my husband not to hang out with him so much, please!
Am I the AH? My husband thinks I am!
submitted by Solid-Budget-7686 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:15 marajadefan Becky Chambers - To Be Taught, If Fortunate

Hi all, hope this is ok! But I have an unredeemed Kindle copy (UK) of Becky Chambers' novella available for free. If you'd like it, just reply and I can DM you the link.
Not a scam. I bought it for my ex, and he never redeemed it.
It's a lovely book if you haven't read it, or were thinking of giving Becky Chambers a try.
If you have read it, what did you think?
submitted by marajadefan to books [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:15 AnOrthodoxMuslim Karachi Juma Bazaar - Please donate for Gaza - 17 May, 2024

Let's Snitch

If you have been sent inappropriate DMs by creeps after posting in Karachi, please let us know by posting screenshots in comments and we will ban them. Modmail does not allow images or that would have sufficed. Do not DM or chat with moderators.

Please Donate for Gaza

Please donate for Gaza. Donate with whoever you trust. Feel free to add more links / sources in comments but they should be publicly verifiable.
Darul Uloom Karachi:
  • The account given in the above link is for general donation to the jamia. It used to be listed for Palestine donations as well. Please give them a call and confirm before you make a donation to them.
Pak Aid Welfare Trust:
Al Khidmat:
submitted by AnOrthodoxMuslim to karachi [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:15 Luised2094 Why don't games offer a "buy one and play with your friends"?

Okay, I understand money reasons, but hear me out.
I see lots of games that are clearly made to be played with friends. But they are also not free games, so if you have a group of, say, 2-3 people you might want to play with, that means you have to get 3 copies... Which now makes the total cost a AAA game.
And, depending on who you play with, it might just be a fun few hours and never play it again.
But we used to have couch play, so you wouldn't need to buy multiple copies of games, just get one and get your friends to your hause and call it a day.
So, wouldn't a game that you could buy and get a few codes to give to your friends, but they can only play the game as long as you are playing the game increase sells?
I'm talking from a place of ignorance and just from a place of "wow, that game looks fun, but I can't sink 60 bucks to play it for a few hours". It just seems that could fix that issue and the solution seems to be relatively simple. Get the game on steam, give friends code, friends can now only play if you are in a party with them.
submitted by Luised2094 to gamedev [link] [comments]