Rsbot money maker


2023.06.01 23:10 MichaelF56 MrMoneyMaker

A community of people wanting to learn how to produce an additional stream of income to make money online alongside their job.

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We provide knowledge, help and support to existing models to grow their income. As well as teaching the right practices for NEW models to start their journey in the best way. We want to bring models together to share tips and tricks, as well as ask for much needed help. For our professional service -

2021.09.20 15:15 zoombrave BabyDogeMoneyMaker


2024.05.17 09:34 DinnerJoke Original video of Rahul Gandhi’s fake speech

Original video of Rahul Gandhi’s fake speech
Original video of what is now circulating as RG saying Modi will win in 2024. Good that I saw the fake video first which got me me to original speech. I’m impressed by RG, never thought of himself as such a good orator. The way he says “when you guys were dying Modi’s party was taking money from vaccine makers” will have profound implications on those who were affected by Covid mismanagement.
submitted by DinnerJoke to unitedstatesofindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:17 Mrs_Sarah_Campbell Sometimes I feel unloved and unwanted. But I know I'm not

Ive been with my husband for 18 years. He cheated on me dec 2022. Not making excuses but at the time his mental health was in question and he wasnt able to legally make decisions himself so i was legally his decision maker and q so called friend started it and he was mentally out if it so it's technically rape but lets not open that up. First time hes physically ever done it. For our whole 18 year relationship. Yes my fault for not leaving at those points. He's cheated emotionally other ways. Photos, messages to girls. Its always online. Never in person. Multiple people. Some have known about me and some dont hes told some that ive treated him bad or I controlled him. While I was working full time making money for our family and supporting his arse while he does next to nothing. All due to his mental health issues. Yes his team of mental health professionals are amazing. He had a job for 7 years and then was made redundant. Not his fault. He was absolutely amazing at his job. But now I'm back to being our only source of income for our family. He's still struggling with mental health issues. Feelings of unliving himself. Hurting himself and so on. Those with mental health issues understand. Those fear daily while I'm at work scares me. So many what ifs.
I do try to talk to him about everything and find out where we stand and how hes feeling etc . But he shuts downs. Tells me he loves me but that's as far as i get and I've taken that for the past 2 and a bit years. Plans for his the future always include us together. Doing shit. Exploring the world etc I do want us together do all those things.18 years and 4 kids. Our lives are long entwined together that it's to hard to untwist it. Trust me I did try when he told me that he cheated. I do greatly love him. He's my best friend, baby daddy, my everything. But with his mental health and physical health issues. I get no loving physical touch. boobs & butt always get touched btw and im happy for those. But I would like Cuddles and kisses too. Simple things. You forget how much you miss them when you don't get them. I'm not going to force him into anything he doesn't want to do. I don't push him into anything. Hes in complete control of our sex life etc As I don't wanna send him down a spiral path but it feels like I'm walking constantly on egg shells in that regard. I did have little to no sex drive due to mental health and stage 4 endometriosis but now i always want it. And being married to someone who's always struggled with his mental health I truly get that its a struggle. As I myself struggle as well just not to his severity. I feel like I'm just more venting to strangers as I can say this shit to anyone I know personally. Yep I'm weird as fuck. I'm well aware.
Babe if you read this I fucking love you and you know that. You know I want the absolute best for you. You know that. I just want you to remember and realise that I need love too. Simple things like cuddles and kisses that you start not me. I know that you don't think of these things but plus try to remember I'm more than t&a. As much as I enjoy those things I need my snuggles And kisses. I'm a simple women. I need things that are small. Like kisses and cuddles plus the extra fun shit ♡
submitted by Mrs_Sarah_Campbell to u/Mrs_Sarah_Campbell [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:18 Lucky-person-330 How much money does it take to actually make a decent indie game ?

Give me a range you think is possible to create a game from scratch like “ the forest “ I know it’s not an inde game but if I would create one like this , how much would it cost and what am I spending this money on ?
Disclaimer : I’m 0% a game maker I’m just asking so if there’s anything wrong with what I said tell me
submitted by Lucky-person-330 to gamedesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:29 RockyMounta1ns Did I find two sides of the same story?

Did I find two sides of the same story?
Saw one of these on facebook the other day and saw this earlier on ironscape. Thought that was a pretty funny coincidence
submitted by RockyMounta1ns to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:19 theveryrat Best herb/mining specs for lazy brainless money grind ?

Title !
I've ALWAYS been bad at making gold, I don't like it, it's a chore, so my mastermind plan is to pick stuff up while mindlessly watching Lost for the 4815162342th time while doing so
I don't really care about picking up stuff while mounted, it's a lot of points invested just for that, I think ? But I'm not really on point about deftness and the other stats, I'm kind of a returning player.
So, dear money-makers, what do yall reckon is the best ? Bountiful harbests/mining process or mastering the elements ?
thanks :D
submitted by theveryrat to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:17 JK_FootyFan Can audience file case against the positive reviews shared by film makers, if we don't agree with the review?

Curious case of Reviews (Positive Vs Negative reviews)
Negative Reviews (of below avg. movies)
• When it comes to negative reviews, entire film industry has a problem when somebody shares their own opinion that they did not like the movie due to so and so factors.
• Then the sympathy card comes up, effort of lot of people and money (it's my *beeping* money *sighs producer*).
Highly Inflated Positive Reviews (of below avg. movies):
• When film makers share (selective) high ratings, success teasers, etc for flop movies and if audience watch such movies based on these reviews (not sure if anyone believes such reviews but hypothetically), can we file case against such fake review shared by these film makers? No one gives a *beep* about money of audience..!!
submitted by JK_FootyFan to MalayalamMovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:59 BeBeavers FMCG companies are responsible for half of the world's branded plastic pollution

FMCG companies are responsible for half of the world's branded plastic pollution
According to a 2024 survey, 56 fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies are responsible for half of the world's branded plastic pollution, and six companies are responsible for a quarter of that.
Big corporations have worked for decades to convince people and policymakers that recycling would keep waste out of landfills and the environment.
Consumers sort their trash so plastic packaging can be repurposed, and local governments use taxpayer money to gather and process the material.
Yet from the early days of recycling, plastic makers, including oil and gas companies, knew that it wasn't a viable solution to deal with increasing amounts of waste.
It's high time we should ask the right questions to these big corporations about their way of handling the large amounts of plastic they use.
submitted by BeBeavers to BeBeavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:58 Independent_Fox4439 The real short squeeze on $FFIE has not started!!! Upvote to spread awareness! HODL!

What we saw Tuesday & Wednesday was us buying shares and driving price up. Thursday was market makers buying shares to cover the call options they sold while selling us shares. 95% OF THE STOCK IS STILL SHORTED. Short sellers need to cut their losses (and will be forced to cut their losses) soon.
That is when the price will take off. Short sellers will need to buy to cover their positions. Market makers will continue to sell out of the money calls to balance all the shares they’re brokering, and they will need to keep buying stonk themselves as those options go in the money. More short sellers will need to buy to cut their losses. It will be an explosive upward price increase. The rocket ship has yet to take off. Get on board!
(And upvote to spread awareness)
submitted by Independent_Fox4439 to roaringkitty [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:48 Lonely_Yankee The Stage: A Bedtime story on Adrielle: Jamestown circa 1888

Picture this is your mind’s eye; Adrielle in a time long past without any technology. She arrives a work walking through a crowd of people. It is absolutely mayhem! Some in the crowd are carrying roses , some stuffed toys and some little trinkets but very few. Most have rotten tomatoes, blowhorns, buckets of water, soggy noodles and large microphones.
“It is not going to be a good day “ Adrielle thinks to herself. She walks slowly up to her boss, twirling her hair, eyes wide and empty. She is nearly completely desensitized but there is some hope left.
“Good Morning A big crowd out there today, sorry to say most seem pretty riled up” says her boss, Mr Rizz, a man in his 50’s short and plump, losing his hair but growing money off his favorite cash cow Adrielle. He continues
“Step up on the stage little Missy, you love the attention “ as he pats her head , his little money maker
She does not want to but she must. She did not study in college or get married nor did she learn a trade. She takes a deep breath looks around and walks up onto the stage.
The crowd is gathered, maybe 2000 in total. She has 10 minutes to perform and as agreed in her contract each of has an opportunity to give comments back to her performance; or simply react through noises or throwing odds and ends on stage. Some even give gifts. Only a very few however. The gifts are inexpensive but useless as well
She begins to tell a wild story!
“Today I was leaving my home and my life is in danger…
She cannot even finish. The crowd erupts in hatred! Blowing their horns, calling her a liar, throwing tomatoes, unbelievable hate; she has brought disgust on herself! You see, dear reader, the stage Mr Rizz, her boss , offers can be used for good or evil . She chose evil. She chose to lie, act the fool, insult the town and community members, defile the Church, to steal, to use her body in unsavory ways , the list goes on. She thought she was untouchable. After all SHE IS ON STAGE. SHE IS THE STAR! Much better than all those in the lowly crowd.
A few in the crowd timidly walk up and offer her trinkets, flowers and candy. These deluded individuals offer a few kind words
“You are so pretty , “I love your hair “ “Show me your makeup “ things of this nature but also the others have their mics and they each get a minute to tell her their thoughts. I will spare you the defiling words she must endure from the crowd. They ought not be repeated but remember she deserves each and every word!
Now reader it should be told, the crowd buys all the gifts from the owner of the stage, Mr Rizz. It should also be known the more times a day she steps on the stage the more she is paid. Mr Rizz also pays her on the size of the crowd. Bear this in mind please.
After an hour of being eaten alive by the crowd of disgusted people and a few very few, at her side nursing her wounds, she steps down off the stage; picking up her trinket gifts. Adrielle is covered in rotten tomatoes and some have even thrown buckets of cold water and wet noodles. She gets the latter treatment due to her incessant claims she is from Italy and more dominant than the newly settled Americans. She now resembles soggy spaghetti fit for the trash.
Adrielle walks back over to Mr Vagmem Rizz ,
With fake tears she asks him “how much did I earn today, I have these gifts and the crowd was so big and loud , it must be so so much “
Mr Rizz looks at her trinkets, which she can give back for cash and he resells “Ahhh you made $5, on all the gifts, and the townsfolk nearly all showed up today so you earned an extra $10”
She looks at her money. It is not enough to live. I will have to go begging again, sell my body, or get back on the stage, act the fool, speak vile lies and endure the hate , she thinks to herself. She has an idea!!!!!
She exclaims her dead eyes nearly smiling “ Mr Vegman Rizz? Could we not let the mean people in who hate me, please just keep them out. If they are out,there is more room for the people who give me gifts, the only reason more nice people do not come is because of all the big mean people. “
He gives her an evil grin “I am afraid not, dear lassy, do you know I sell them all the tomatoes, bullhorns and pasta?”
“The water they splash on you? I own the water company as well! Little Miss, All are having a jolly time here. They come ! Buy food and drink! After you go home and clean up, they stay! The town sits in my brothers pub and talks and drinks . Laugh at you until the wee hours of the morning!”he turns his back on her and with a hearty laugh his final words
“Tell the world a raccoon nearly killed your son, tell the town the raccoon has rabies and you have to move out of here, tell the town the raccoon tore his ear off and stole his hat, tell the town the raccoon is getting his family! The raccoon will return and kill you all! I will sell many trinket gifts!
Mr Rizz knows he will sell more gifts but more of every else as well!
submitted by Lonely_Yankee to adriellesiglersnarkk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:30 feelingoodwednesday Co-founder or go it alone?

I'm at a stage where I know what business I want to do, and I know how to build basically the whole thing myself. I'm outlining it all right now and work has begun on making my project a reality. Now the tricky part is, do I even bother trying to find a Co-founder or just go it alone? I don't technically need anyone's help, but I do find it motivating to have a buddy to share the workload with, bounce ideas off of and build with. I had one person in mind, but I'm not actually sure he would be a good fit or take it seriously enough to get it launched and generating revenue. The Co-founder would mainly be in charge of sales, but even that is a skill I'm willing to pickup myself if need be. Another thought is the money aspect. Is it better to share a small pie than to have your own mini pie? Realistically this business can likely support a few employees, but I don't see it being a large company so much as a lean money maker. Thoughts?
submitted by feelingoodwednesday to VancouverStartup [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:26 Inner_Lengthiness697 What are Boilerplates?

What are Boilerplates?

Boilerplate originally referred to the rolled steel used to make boilers for steam engines in the 19th century.
Over time, the term evolved to describe any standardized piece of text or code that can be reused without significant changes.
Interest in SaaS has been on the rise, and many more people now want to build products. However, building products from scratch takes a lot of time, and it can be extremely frustrating.

Enter SaaS Boilerplates

With the standardization of stacks and basic systems that govern SaaS tools, it has become evident that there was a need, and the time was ripe for SaaS Boilerplates.
SaaS Boilerplates come with landing pages, website components, authentication modules, payment modules, and various other standard features that can save developers a significant amount of time and cost.
The market is flooded with Boilerplates for various tech stacks, such as NextJS, Laravel, Swift, NuxtJS, and so forth.

Pros and Cons of Boilerplates

Most importantly, Boilerplates also enable aspiring founders and builders with limited technical resources or abilities to ship their products faster and more cheaply.
They are beacons of hope for non-technical founders looking to build a product quickly.

Marc Lou’s Shipfast

For most of us, Marc Lou popularized the idea of SaaS Boilerplate.
Marc Lou launched Shipfast in August 2023. He had built 27 projects prior to this and Shipfast was nothing but all his basic code organised properly.
At that time, there were no solid NextJS boilerplates, and Shipfast just took off. He got traction via Product Hunt, Twitter and Hacker News and soon Shipfast went viral.
Shipfast now generates $130K/mo, just 9 months after its launch.
Marc has been building Shipfast in public, which has led to a lot of interest in SaaS Boilerplates. The market is now flooded with boilerplates for every major tech stack.
Marc reaped the benefits of the first mover’s advantage as well as the social proof via his Shipfast community.
I don’t think any other boilerplates are as successful as Shipfast, but there are quite a few good ones out there.
Moreover, there are many open-source boilerplates available for popular stacks such as NextJS.

The Evolution of Boilerplates

Boilerplates are quickly turning into no-code/low-code code generation tools.
For instance, Shipixen allows you to generate custom code for landing pages, waitlist pages and blogs using a simple User Interface.
Boilerplates are perfectly posied to sit between code and no-code. Allow the flexibility of code with the interface of a no-code tool — that will be the core value proposition of SaaS boilerplates.

Should you build a Boilerplate?

Well, the market is flooded, but I believe there’s still an opportunity to leverage boilerplates.
Known strategies for successfully building a boilerplate 👇🏻

Design & No-Code Boilerplates

Here is the corrected version with improved grammar and clarity:
While SaaS (code) boilerplates have become fairly popular, other types of boilerplates are emerging in the market, such as design boilerplates and no-code boilerplates.
To be honest, design boilerplates have been around for a while. You will find numerous landing page packs, component libraries, and so forth.
Makers are now building kits that leverage standard libraries and technologies such as Tailwind CSS, Daisy UI, and more.
Nick Buzz from the famous has this 50 Landing Page Design Kit in Tailwind CSS & Figma which is wildly popular.
Lastly, there is a trend of no-code boilerplates as well. Mohit is building a Bubble Boilerplate for the popular no-code platform — Bubble.
All in all, I think that people want to build products and build them fast. Boilerplates help them save a significant amount of time and cost. More importantly, boilerplates are impulse purchases for people who have not shipped but who want to ship.


We have been building AI SaaS tools for quite a while now. 10+ products across text, image, speech, RAG — we have built em all.
We figured that it seems easy but actually building these so called AI Wrappers can be time consuming and frustrating — there is a lot of nuance to it.
So we built — a NextJS SaaS Boilerpalte
It takes care of everything from landing pages, authentication, dashboarding, emails, SEO to payments — everything that you need to build your tool.
It also comes with 8+ production-ready apps.
Moreover, the BuilderKit community is an exclusive community of AI SaaS builders (Pro Only Access)
The Pre Orders are now live at
(First 100 Customers get $100 Off — I think we have already done ~20 odd orders since the announcement yesterday, Grab your seat asap!)
Starter Plan $49, Pro Plan @ $99
submitted by Inner_Lengthiness697 to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:57 whenthefirescame Someone put money in my PayPal account and is harassing me about it. What can I do?

Hi I’m pretty sure that I’m being targeted by a scammer. A person put $500 in my PayPal account then sent me multiple aggressive messages about how they sent me that money by mistake and I need to send it back.
Two big red flags in their messages:
  1. They said that my name was in their PayPal addresses because they bought a book from me in the past. I have never interacted with this person, I don’t sell books and there’s no prior transaction with them in my PayPal account.
  2. They said that they meant to send the money to a friend with my same first name. That’s a HUGE tell because I have a very rare first name. I’m 40 years old and I’ve never met anyone else with my first name IRL. Highly unlikely this person would have two of us in their address book.
But this scam is COMPLICATED. They’ve sent me multiple messages, they’re using an identity that does have an extensive background online (claiming to be a documentary film maker?). They’ve messaged me on PayPal, emailed repeatedly and have now escalated to contacting me on LinkedIn.
As it stands, their money is in my account. I haven’t touched it, nor do I intend to. I haven’t responded to any of their messages. I emailed PayPal customer support and tried to flag the transaction via their internal form. PayPal has given me 0 support, I haven’t heard from anyone. I emailed them a few weeks ago.
Is there somewhere else that I can report this or seek help? I feel like this person might escalate, because I’m sure they don’t just want to leave $500 in my account. I’m afraid it will get worse. What should I do?
submitted by whenthefirescame to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:42 Lonely_Code Let’s talk about the realties of the ongoings with GenderGP

TL;DR - Stop letting cis people hold all the power over your access to care. GenderGP has failed our community and that’s it.
Like the title says, let’s talk about GenderGP.
Not about the information I can’t share due to contractual obligations, but the things I can that are a public detriment and largely ethical issues that impact your continuity of care and community safely.
I’m really not interested in someone here gaslighting what all my colleagues went through, telling us to get over it, move on, and enabling Helen to continue what she’s doing with zero accountability.
So please, don’t belittle the absolutely horrific experience we went through because bootlicking Helen sounds more favourable.
In January 2024, we had enough staff. There had been large hiring in the fall to accompany the increase of received pathways. Nine new staff had been taken on from October to December. The majority being community members themselves. The workload was manageable with proper leadership and guidance.
Let’s remember that our community already deals with significant socioeconomic factors that make it difficult to find jobs at all. The large majority of us were passionate about this area of work, both because we had lived experiences, and because we wanted to make a difference in what we couldn’t achieve in public healthcare with the prevalent systemic issues. Many of us had multiple jobs or were going to school as well.
We were contractors (the people remaining still are) with limited rights. We knew what that meant. Our contracts stipulated that if we were to have our contracts ended, OR if we decided to leave the company, we’d need to give or be given 60 days notice. We could be terminated for a number of reasons, none of them listed on the contracts stated for “restructuring.” Note: all of the new contracts after spring do not have this clause, they can fire people without notice or reason, and already have.
Our entire functionality of services - from the portal that was used, CRM that existed, records, etc., was absolutely outdated, there is no denying that. There were a lot of places to pull information from that made tasks difficult. But all of the teams knew their roles and where to get the information so that while things could be improved, at least they could continue to run as they were in the meantime. We all know mistakes happen and that it’s shit when they do, but at least we could make it right the best way we could.
GGP had already dumped significant money into developing a Salesforce tool for all your CRM needs. It was getting to a point it could have been functional and ready to launch to improve everything I stated above. There was an entire experienced IT/systems development team that existed to get this prepared over the last two years. Public emails were already going to patients from the application to update details, this isn’t unknown information.
Instead of that being finalised, Helen fired the entire systems team without warning, leaving everything to do with Salesforce fucked over because no one who remained knew anything about maintaining it. She also fired the entire media and marketing team mid-last year.
She had teams that could do everything you can possibly think of that is going to shit right now.
Late last year, we all did employee surveys about our working experiences and motivation to stay with the company. The results were glowing, we were content. There would always be things we wanted to change, but that exists with any company. It’s not an attack to make suggestions, if we stay complacent in anything, it makes us ignorant to what can improve and that’s it. And as community members with lived experiences, of course we had things we’d like to change.
We were told another employee survey would be sent out in the new year, and then, all the below happened before it came out.
In late January we were told we needed to start using the Healthy Hormones website in everything we did. From the prescriptions team using it to ensure bloods were up to date, to pathology using it answer any and all questions from the page that existed, to queries using it to direct people there. And to be clear, we already did these things, it's not like the tools didn't already exist. This slowed down everyone’s work significantly, which in hindsight, feels entirely intentional at this point because then she can go and proclaim that: “Oh shucks, these changes were awfully necessary, can’t you see!”
It slowed us down because none of us were trained on any of it (new tools, website in general) and even though we all knew the answer to the situation or things being asked, they didn’t exist on the Healthy Hormones pages. So, then we would need to raise that it didn’t exist, or that a tool wasn’t accurate, or whatever the fuck else, and then wait to get a response about how to respond. A response we already knew, had accurate protocols for, and could even provide an answer ourselves if she wanted it so badly on the Healthy Hormones page. But nah, we had to wait for her to pump out a ChatGPT produced answer to advise because she thought we were idiots.
And what did ChatGPT produce? Things like claiming Spironolactone isn’t a diuretic or that GGP doesn’t prescribe diuretics, or that etc etc etc. We had clinical providers feeding us ChatGPT content to respond with instead of individually responding to patients about their results and concerns, taking zero responsibility for their tailored needs.
Oh, right, but Helen will point and say that all those posts were created by a licensed professional, so obviously it makes it a-okay then. Sure, let’s ignore that just because she signs off on something doesn’t make it any better when it has clearly not been reviewed properly. Not to mention the largely confusing non-sensical descriptions on posts that are inaccessible, ableist, and don't answer questions as they pertain to the service.
We know that ChatGPT is ethically harmful. We know that AI in general is going to cause ramifications in healthcare unregulated. We aired out concerns on this. We were ignored.
It was very clear that us needing to send everything and anything through to be put on some new website we weren’t even made aware of, was with the intention of likely getting rid of us. When raised, our HR team told us: “No, no, we’ll make sure everyone is redeployed, or that the low performers will be the only ones offboarded! Everything is totally fine.”
(Note: Yes, yes, never trust HR, many of us were well aware of this and did not put much stock in anything they said - which as of writing this, two of the three were fired too, so, fuck us all I guess.)
Now, there is something to be said about positives related to automation. There are ways to code forms to produce the data we need to properly advise on. There was a way for Helen to go about this entirely, that she was informed on by people with these expertise, that she ignored. There were way more logical ways of going about literally everything she did. However, the ethical aspects that pertain to patient centered care impose a level of responsibility that Healthy Hormones, GGP, and Helen proclaim to no longer take.
Any manner of gender affirming care should have the final treatment recommendation oversight of a qualified professional or multi-disciplinary team of qualified professionals that:
  1. Take your full medical history into consideration, especially any new medication or changes,
  2. Review your care goals and any gaps that you feel are creating barriers to achieving the results you desire,
  3. Review abnormalities in test results that could be attributed by your HRT to advise,
  4. Ensure you are providing informed consent to any changes that impact your ongoing care (ie. an opt-out from changes in services like automation, or sudden changes that impact how you receive your prescriptions that could create health concerns from unexpected withdrawal of hormones),
  5. Provide surveys about ongoing patient experiences and addresses areas of improvement,
  6. Produce records and data requests promptly to be GDPR compliant, and
  7. Address formal issues you have related to concerns with the facility management or ongoing care services in a timely fashion.
The idea that all of the above would instead by handled and answered by the Healthy Hormones (cough GenderGPT cough) page deeply worried all of us.
Ofc, one day the ideal world would be largely OTC HRT (remember HRT is easier to manage than diabetes and many, many other conditions), but most people aren’t ready to have that conversation.
So, with all that in mind, back to the continued fuckery of earlier this year.
Member Enrolment which was the team that used to process new intake forms and liaise internally with clinical staff to ensure any concerns were medically assessed. Their entire team was destroyed in February, without warning.
Yes, they did struggle with the ongoing forms received. However, other teams were able to shift over advisors to be able to accommodate and if there hadn’t been so much uncertainty in everything Helen was doing from the top, that could’ve been easily rectified with a change management process. Many things were easily rectified by simply utilising the people she already had and caring that they had opinions that mattered. Other teams were also in a positive position metrics-wise to be able to send advisors over to assist with the uptick.
But instead of fixing a super easy problem, she decided to make it infinitely worse and told the Member Enrolment team, without warning, in the middle of a random work day in February that they were no longer enrolment advisors and were being “redeployed” to other teams, with no training. A team of +10 people suddenly without homes and no proper HR protocols followed to ensure this didn’t completely destroy people’s morale.
We were lied to, repeatedly.
One second, HR is telling us (and if I’m being honest, I don’t blame any of them - Helen is a fucking rollercoaster and was likely changing things every two seconds and they were just the scapegoats) there is a rollout plan for the next bunch of quarters into next year and that the only time anyone would potentially lose their jobs is at the end of every quarter and it would be based on performance.
In this same messaging, we’re finally finding out (even if it was literally already launched and being used) GGP is being separated into three entities (this was posted on Healthy Hormones too). GGP would be about a community hub space, Healthy Hormones would be about facilitating the automation of care and where people were getting information, the Health & Wellbeing Directory would be a place for a host of new session types and the opportunity for us to move over and that the great majority of us would continue to have jobs.
We were a little over 100 people at the start of 2024. Over 50% of that number was the entirety of the Healthcare Admin teams - the people who handled new enrolment, general enquiries, prescriptions, pathology, learning and development, and medicines management with partners. Everyone else was the Clinical + Wellbeing Team - so our psychologist, counsellors, doctors, wellbeing advisors (people who do the Follow Up Sessions, previous Ask Us Anything) and nurses.
The next second, we’re being told that a number of people would be imminently offboarded, a number somewhere in the double digits. We were told it could be anyone from the most recently onboarded staff, part timers, or based on poor performance. Immediately, all of our teams grew frantic about the uncertainty and (un)shockingly morale continued to plummet.
(I should also say that the internal structure of GGP was Helen > Head of Healthcare / HR > Team Managers > Team Leads, and no one from TM/TL level was being told anything or was invited way too late to meetings weeks after decisions had been apparently made that impacted the teams)
Next we’re filling out the next employee survey and trying to air our concerns about AI from a community perspective and that we feel entirely uncertain about our prospects because the messaging has been vague and it seems to be changing very quickly. We just wanted clarity, communication, and empathy so we could return to a state of functional across the teams instead of all of our mental wellbeing's tanking. We never found out the results of the survey, despite being told we would, likely because it did not make Helen look great compared to the previous one.
When the firings suddenly weren’t happening for when we thought they were, the shit show burst.
Without warning, multiple changes happened in quick succession. We came into work on a Monday and had no access to responding or sending messages in the communication tool. We had no access to new patient files or even what was going on with issued prescriptions from the new page (a new page we weren’t even told was launching). We could barely advise on the old messages that asked about all these new changes because of this. We asked, over and over, to be able to do our job and handle complaints, for this access. Helen refused and refused to properly tell us what the fuck was going on.
From January to mid March, we were dragged through a clusterfuck of uncertainty, enormous stress, and being gaslit every day. Every day we were being pummeled with unclear information, changing guidance, thinking we would be fired, etc. Then, silence.
On March 15th, 2024 - 47 of the remaining 87 staff were fired. The entire healthcare admin team that I expanded on earlier was completely fired. We had a brief chance to review the post that went on our internal HQ page, telling us it wasn’t our fault and they wished us the best for anyone who was no longer required. Then, we’re all being removed without getting to say goodbye except for HR calls if we wanted them with two people most of us barely knew. Many of us had been there for years. It didn’t matter.
Then, Helen is on a call that same morning with the clinical and wellbeing team telling them that the whole reason this is happening is because of internal errors that the entire team she just fired were doing. She didn’t even tell them how many people were fired. And (contrary to the HQ post) stated that this needed to happen because of it and that automation would prevent errors. That her random group of data analysts (roles she never positioned to team members she already had) that were the HR Talent Lead’s family members in the Phillipines were replacements for us when she hadn’t even trained them properly to do prescription lines. That this was all for the greater good.
Helen is sitting there telling everyone to get on board and be positive in everything they do and say, or go. It's not about honesty or transparency, it's about who is desperate enough to stay for a paycheque because they have no alternatives. The majority of us have not been able to find work.
Nevermind that all of the protocols that existed internally were approved and maintained by her. That she is the one responsible and signed off on any issues that existed for all the tools we had internally that told us what prescriptions to issue, what to look for on blood test results, how to advise, etc. Nevermind that all we did was follow her instruction. No one was going lone wolf. Mistakes were outliers, not the norm. They happen with any company. There was a means to improve what her concerns may be, without decimating the company and ongoing care. Instead, she made us all look like the problem because a mirror is too hard to find.
I don’t know what I want from this post. I adored the job I did as much as I hated it from a capitalistic part of wishing public healthcare was good enough we didn’t need this at all. I gave my all to my job. It made me feel fulfilled. I have been heartbroken for months about all of this. I have had my mental wellbeing deteriorate to a point of resurgence of conditions I haven’t had in decades.
I wasn’t ignorant to who Helen was, I knew that there was a certain greed that Helen exudes in everything she does. She has multiple family members and their friends employed with the company that weren't amongst the ones fired, it’s not hard to deduce that money is the main factor for why GGP is the way it is now. I just thought that at some level, she did care about us based on everything she puts out publicly.
I just wish the community understood they deserve better instead of letting Helen get away with this. I also wish if we were going to media about this, it wasn’t the Times or whoever else that has a very clear agenda on how to paint our community’s needs.
Stop giving all the power to cis people who don’t care about you. Helen cares about money. She is a performative ally at best but a viper behind closed doors. She is a licensed doctor, with an investor on her shoulder telling her he’ll make her millions so she can continue to be the scummy landlord, multi-villa-having cretin that she is.
She doesn’t care about the opinions of her staff because she considers herself superior. She will not accept opinions that oppose hers and will bully, undermine, or ostracise you for speaking up. She treated all of the healthcare advisors like we didn’t know fuck all and only ever considered the doctor who agreed with her as anyone worth having an opinion. Her ego has gotten to such a point she truly thinks she’s our community’s saviour. Stop allowing her to have this complex.
She knows damn well how to ensure patient safety is maintained and how to implement healthcare projects properly, she just doesn’t care. She wants guaranteed money, fast, regardless of the consequential outcome.
She was fully informed about every single issue that is happening now. She was told how this should have been refined before large scale launching. She already had staff that were all experts about what she is doing now that could’ve helped make this successful. She was told by many people, many people who even left before this year, that this was not the way to go. She treats our healthcare like she owns a candy shop, from the way shit’s phrased on the website, to the infantilising way she looks at complaints or our community in general.
She deserves to be held accountable without destroying private care at the same time.
Continuing to let her hold all the cards, is deteriorating the validity of private healthcare in the UK/EU. Policy makers will continue to hold her as an example set that private healthcare is dangerous, rather than turning a light on the fact that public healthcare is the thing that is killing our community.
She doesn’t deserve your respect, she doesn’t deserve your money, help the other companies thrive if you have the money to spend on them, but stop enabling Helen at every turn.
submitted by Lonely_Code to GenderGP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:37 panpanclan Updated Topster

Updated Topster
These are my favourite albums on my listening journey so far, one per artist. Drop recs if you have any!!
submitted by panpanclan to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:18 OkEngineering7191 What did you all think about Harrison butlers speech?

I thought this would be a good group to ask this I see mostly hate towards his speech (rightfully so) but I wanted to hear other opinions
Me personally having a family is my dream to get married and having children etc.. but I want to make sure during this to get an education and have my own career but I also think it’s beautiful for women to be home makers I don’t see anything wrong with that but I think his speech was so invalidating to women who don’t want children or can’t have children etc it made no sense especially because these women in the audience spent so much time and money on these degree it’s horrible to say they won’t feel accomplished until they start a family sorry for the rant his speech just rubbed me the wrong way and I want to hear other women opinions
submitted by OkEngineering7191 to women [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:19 ILikeChocolate_GRC Hey everyone! It’s been a while :)

I wanted to update you all on what I’ve been working on over the past couple of years, and make a proposition that I think many of you would be interested in.
Disclosure: I’m going to be pitching all of you. I have talked about this with Jim and he is in support.


In late 2022, I got recruited to work on distributed computing platform called Bacalhau, which was being built at Protocol Labs at the time. In May 2023, a team that I was a part of started a contract to build an incentivization layer on top of Bacalhau. Initially, my primary job was to prevent cheating in this protocol using only verification-via-replication, so basically the game theory of optimistic compute. If you’re interested, you can read more here: The purpose of this project was to provide a platform that anybody could use to make their own distributed computing network - basically a smart-contract based building block for DCNs.
In addition to that work, I ended up also co-architecting the core protocol. As you can imagine given my background, I had Gridcoin and BOINC in mind as I was designing it. What we ended up creating was a very flexible protocol that accomplishes by default a lot of desirable properties.
For some additional context, the project that I was working on at Protocol Labs was called Project Bravo internally. The company that the initial team building the protocol was going to start was tentatively called Lilypad, which was used for external communication, and is now a separate company working off of the same codebase as us. My current company, CoopHive, has one investor - Protocol Labs - that provided a small amount of incubation funding.


Our protocol is a two-sided marketplace for compute that connects clients and compute nodes. Right now, the clients and compute nodes are connected via an intermediary called a “solver”, which acts as a market-maker by proposing matches to the clients and compute nodes. A sequence of deals, results, and mediations is put set of rules for putting IPFS CIDs on chain. These CIDs act as pointers to off-chain data, so we end up with mostly just hashes on-chain, enabling scalability.
What this architecture enables is a number of desirable properties, like arbitrary mediation protocols, so that anyone can define how results are determined to be correct, as well as automatic, decentralized data storage of job inputs and outputs, meaning that computations can be reproduced relatively easily.
We’re working on some really cool stuff right now, including a decentralized vector database, enabling autonomous agents to negotiate with each other over the pricing and scheduling of jobs, and constructing a next-generation DCN in simulation.


I got my start in Gridcoin, and want to give back to the community.
Basically, I want to turn this marketplace into a total public good. So no fees, pay in any token, and launch on any EVM-compatible chain. I want to turn this platform into something that enables flexible mechanism design for scientific projects. That means enabling people to design their own tokens to reward scientific computations, and eventually other parts of the scientific process as well.
You might be wondering at this point: I have investors and am running a business, so how am I going to make money if I’m turning the marketplace into a public good?
The plan is to invest in projects building on top of this protocol. The main idea is the tokenization of latent computing power - can we find computations that nobody is willing to pay for now, but that somebody might be willing to pay for later? Think finding the cure for cancer through computational means as a BOINC project, with a project-specific token dedicated to it. By incubating/investing in projects building on top of this protocol, projects can either have their results be eligible for retroactive public goods funding, or become intellectual property and be sold.


I’d like to bring CoopHive to the Gridcoin community. This is a potential basic outline of what a partnership would look like:
  1. Gridcoin remains independent as a community
  2. We make a DAO governing the codebase
  3. We launch a governance token to raise funds to pay developers
  4. Potential renaming/new repo
  5. The protocol can either be anchored onto Gridcoin’s blockchain using a Bitcoin scaling solution, or we can wrap GRC and use it while the protocol is deployed to some other chain
    1. E.g.,,
submitted by ILikeChocolate_GRC to gridcoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:10 keijikage Short Exempts - Part 4 - Market structure seems to be breaking.

Short Exempts - Part 4 - Market structure seems to be breaking.
Obligatory reference to the original theory - the concepts are here
Today was a very interesting day - We got a dump kind of as expected since the short exempt rolling into today was not that big (~239k), meaning that there would be less pressure on the lending pool. Considering that a bunch of options would have been pushed out of the money or cut their losses, this more or less makes sense.
Price action for May 15th, 2024
A lot of short exempts today - 1,808,411 on 72 million volume, or roughly 2.5%
Shares on Loan went down from 98.91million to 90.85 million - roughly back to the May 7th levels.
Interestingly yesterday there was a very large set of options trades deep in the money that did not show up in the open interest today. I would agree with the interpretation that these were exercised immediately in order to pass the obligation to find the shares onto the options market maker (4million shares). Since these were contracts on options with low volume/open interest, the trading party would actually know who would be assigned. Most likely these shares will need to show up by next Wednesday or Thursday.
Lots of options that didn't really make sense got traded in a block at 3.03pm through the BOX exchange. These didn't show up in the open interest so they were exercised immediately.
Whether or not this falls under the sham close out would be whether or not the MM believes they can fill it later. From the tone of their hit pieces, I imagine that they do. (
On Loan decreased for 5/15, but this makes sense given the price movement and large block of options exercised immediately - these shares are still waiting settlement from a market maker so they don't have to be borrowed. The short exempt on 5/16 is still relatively elevated.
Luckily, we had movement in a number of tickers today that didn't really make any sense. No names.
It's too late to get this one now, but the data below is really interesting
In a way, you can see the short exempt volume rolling over into the on-loan quantity.
I wouldn't recommend you buy this one either, but the data is also very interesting.
The volume today is 7 times the shares outstanding. How does that work?
Last one I will do - there are a few more.
Similarly, you can see the short exempt volume rolling over into the on-loan quantities. The volume today for this one is 56 times the shares outstanding.
I am very excited to see what happens next week.
I'm going to have to contact my doctor soon.
I don't have an options scanner so if there's any funny stuff give me a heads up.
Just because they are illegal doesn't mean they can't do reset transactions. No yolos.
submitted by keijikage to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:47 wilby_jackson That's it. I'm done.

No consistency with this game..been playing since season 18 and I'm fed up. Seemed like I was getting better and so was the match making, but it's been nothing but a shit show this season. .69 kd season 18, . 76 season 19, .96 season 20. Started okay season 21 (as long as I didn't play solos, which I really wanted to). Now .82 after starting well over 1.3. Nope, I'm done. Will never play again, I've had it. Life is too short to waste time on this shit. I'm sorry I ever spent a dime on this game that I will never truly own, or be able to play without hosting from the maker. Any money spent on skins/artifacts etc... has always been, and will always be, awaste of money. You never truly own anything you purchas. What a waste of time and money this game has been. Uninstalling right now.
I'm sure this post will bring me some hate. Don't care. If it convinced one person not to waste thier time and money on this game, it's worth it.
submitted by wilby_jackson to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:22 keyser_squoze The Greatest Trick DFV Ever Pulled...

...was convincing others he wouldn't be involved with GME ever again.
Dear SuperStonkers,
Yer boy Keyser_Squoze has gotta get some stuff of his chest. If you need a break from the onslaught of fantastic meme-lord creations like I do, then I thought writing some simple words to this community might help vary the tempo but have a similar effect of firing you up (I hope.)
Y'all have seen me around here for a long time because I think what's happening here is important. To the future of a free society. And there is no more time for further bullschitt. I've seen a lot of it lately.
And my XXXXX DRS'd shares ain't going anywhere!
Even though the PsyOp against the GME apes is one of the more fascinating things I'll see in my entire life, I know its irrelevant. Sadly, it's emblematic of something sinister AF though - the world's financial / governmental / legal / media systems are in state of total corruption and sadistic opposition to peace, love, and freedom.
Take it from Keyser Squoze - there is sinister schitt and it is absolutely real y'all.
The "blob" is so absolutely rotten to its core that they have a fundamental problem with one basic thing that you're doing: you're winning. They work to try to stop you when you've got pocket Ace's and two Ace's just came out on the flop. You're not folding. You're betting more. And that's GREAT.
Retail investors should be allowed to buy whatever stock they want, whenever they want. It should disturb everyone just how little we actually know about the inner workings of our markets.
I didn't say that. It was Keith Gill who said that to Congress - and I'm paraphrasing, but that's fairly near verbatim.
What's happening right now is a freedom of speech issue. People have an unalienable right to pursue property, and I've had enough of the financial industry and the MSM telling me that I'm the rube, that I'm going to lose all my money, just because I can tell that financial institutions are overleveraged to the gills and that they are completely arrogant about their positioning.
When Wall Street organizes in cartels like Finra and the DTCC to self-regulate and organize against you, they're not just gaslighting you, they're systematically plotting to steal from you. As if they're entitled to your wealth.
When Congresspeople make trades based on material facts that they have the privilege of knowing, they're not just flipping the American public the middle finger, they're actively stealing.
When market makers "create" shares knowing full well they will never locate and they will fail to deliver and that billions of synthetic shares are their own self-created problem, they're not just stealing, they're holding every single person in the world hostage.
Ethics and responsibility have left the building, but people who buy GameStop are the fuking problem?
Gimme a fuking break.
To the self-interested people who've come (and gone) from this (and other) subreddits, with the intention of getting me to either join their little parties or to get me to sell, you might have gotten a little bit of my money... but you have ultimately failed in your mission.
My DAFITM (Deep As Fuk In The Money) Calls are about to be exercised at each and every expiry. I'm going to laugh every single time I DRS each and every one of those particular bad boys.
All of my DRS'd shares are going to the next generation in my family, because the next generation in my family needs to understand what it means to claim ownership. And GME is how I will choose to help them learn it.
Now we must address the cat in the room. There are people who think that Keith Gill is a jerk. Or an angel. Or a cat. Or a time traveler. And there are people who say he is irresponsible, that he is not serious, that he is not a real investor. Those people have an axe to grind but they don't even matter. I mean if Warren Buffett owned GME at Keith Gill's cost basis, do you think he'd sell right now? In a year? Or in five years?
I don't think he would, so why the fuk would he sell? Why would I sell?
A man must have a code. And it doesn't include hitting fuking F3.
It's the beginning of the endgame of the endgame of the endgame, and I'm having a great time.
To DFV / Kitty / Keith I say this directly - you crack me up, you make me think, and what you're doing matters. A LOT. I have a good friend who grew up in Brockton and he took no schitt. As a person who has been to that beautiful area you're from, I say this - you're probably a tough person, if you're sore about people fuking up a movie about you and your family, or if you don't like the misleading docs meant to gaslight and impugn your character, well that is your right and it makes sense. In particular, Dumb Movie sucked.
You're like the Marvelous Marvin Hagler of investing - one of the all-time greats, quick like cat, and it just so happens your meme game is so SICK it's afraid of medicine. Thanks for doing what you're doing.
MOASS is tomorrow. Even if it's Saturday.
submitted by keyser_squoze to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:57 PelicanFrostyNips So…. what will actually happen?

Many people, when discussing AI replacing jobs, mention something along the lines of “guess it will be time for a universal basic income.” But then I think… where would it come from?
Let’s say AI finally gets good enough to replace every job there is and all that is left are investors, shareholders, legislators, and elected decision makers.
UBI would have to come from taxes, but how are we going to tax people with no jobs? Companies use every trick in the book to avoid paying taxes, so who is left to be taxed?
Beyond not being able to feed a population, what if no tax revenue means no way to fund a military? Maintain infrastructure? How will entire nations continue to run? A government will have to spend its last tax dollars buying machines to be the military and maintain the infrastructure, instead of feeding people.
A company will never give money to anything that won’t give it back more. They never give, only invest. And if machines do absolutely everything for them, how are other humans an investment anymore? What is the ROI of feeding and housing people who can do nothing for you? Will this be the promise on a global scale?
Passport/citizenship collecting is already a popular hobby of the rich who plan to flee when shit hits the fan. I hear Malta and New Zealand are popular “safe houses.”
For the people who have all the resources to feed us, what incentive will they even have to do so? The Portland Police guarding dumpsters of food indicated they prefer letting people starve.
…we’re all going to be left to die, aren’t we?
submitted by PelicanFrostyNips to SeriousConversation [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:52 libnoscenti Meyenberg Goat Milk

There's a cash back offer for this on Social Nature right now, combine with Aisle for a money maker!
+1 334-458-9393
submitted by libnoscenti to AwesomeFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:44 HeroSkill24 Is there a way to mod fallout 4 not using vortex or another mod manager

I want to download mods for fallout 4 such as home maker but vortex only allows 3mb downloads without premium. I don't have the money to pay for premium nor would I want to. Is there anyone that knows a solution?
submitted by HeroSkill24 to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]