Lowering blood pressure with metopropol and lisinopril

Lisinopril : Support and Discuss

2016.01.11 09:28 Ginstioniff Lisinopril : Support and Discuss

Lisinopril - is in a group of drugs called ACE inhibitors. ACE stands for angiotensin converting enzyme. It is primarily used in treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure, and heart attacks and also in preventing renal and retinal complications of diabetes. Lisinopril is also used to improve survival after a heart attack.

2013.01.31 14:41 butthurtnerd Blood pressure discussion

A sub for discussing blood pressure and individual experiences with dealing with it. Always speak to a doctor when attempting to treat your high or low blood pressure.

2012.01.28 05:10 codefocus Table talk for those already are, or soon to be, a Traditional age 59+ retiree

Table talk for those already are, or soon to be, a Traditional age 59+ retiree. Imagine gathering around a table, with favorite drink in hand and talking with older friends/acquaintances. We will share our challenges, talk about our life & family, discuss the money, etc. No politics, nsfw, etc - to keep our blood pressure down :-) **For those who retired at 59+ yrs old and people 50+ that are planning on retiring at 59+** See the rules, MUST JOIN to comment/post. USA focused but all welcome.

2024.05.17 12:53 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Lifestyle] - Can mindfulness really make you happy, lower your blood pressure and improve your sleep? Experts reveal all Guardian

[Lifestyle] - Can mindfulness really make you happy, lower your blood pressure and improve your sleep? Experts reveal all Guardian submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:52 curiouskyles Are all these meds necessary? And does this sound like mcas?

I have had Pots and dysautonomia for years and recently have had the worst stomach pains in my life. I constantly wake up at 3am with stomach pressure, tremors, and a racing heart. I have had several scans and blood tests with doctors of all kinds and all came back normal (except high tryptase, low vitamin d, low cortisol, and positive for lupus but low ANA.) For the high tryptase my dr who is not an mcas specialist said to test again in 6 months to see if it gets higher, but urine histamine was normal.
Went to an allergist and he wants to treat me for mcas to see if mast cells are affecting my stomach. But it seems weird to me because I don’t have outright mcas symptoms, like regular hives or anything. I did get hives on my hands last year but I traced it to a shampoo and when I stopped using it they went away.
I do get anaphylactic symptoms from tree nuts (not shock but high heart rate). I have had allergies my whole life. I react bizarrely to meds and other chemicals. But I don’t feel like my symptoms match with all your experiences here?
Mostly scared because he wants me to take Pepcid (makes my heart skip beats), Allegra (never tried it), cromolyn (also never tried), albuterol (I do use albuterol on occasion for asthma so not a big deal), and montelukast (I am not mentally well with all my health issues so this seems concerning to add to the mix).
I asked if I could start slow but he said I have to start all of them at once for 6 weeks or he won’t know if I have a mast cell issue. Is that true? Do you think it’s worth taking all these meds or is he just taking a stab in the dark?
submitted by curiouskyles to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:51 RamiRustom Honor Violence: And why nobody should demand respect

Honor Violence: And why nobody should demand respect

Honor violence is a sort of violence committed where the perpetrator's goal is to regain his tribe's honor, his family's honor, and his own honor. In most cases it’s planned by a family, and committed by one or more men of that family, to a woman of the family who has done or suspected to have done something against cultural or religious norms like rejecting an arranged marriage, or adopting a Western lifestyle. What's worse is that the family helps the perpetrators avoid justice by helping them flee the country. It’s a huge problem in Islamic communities[1], among others, and it’s something that doesn’t exist at all in so many other communities.
Now before I talk about the kind of thinking that is causing these behaviors, I want to clarify some things. First of all, Islam, at least according to the Quran, does not advocate honor violence. Second, honor violence is a tradition that existed in the deserts of today's Saudi Arabia long before Islam. Third, Arab Muslims spread Islam along with their traditions (including honor violence) to a huge proportion of the world (although, I don't doubt that other cultures already had the tradition of honor violence).
What kind of thinking causes a person to commit honor violence?
There are three flaws to discuss here. The main flaw is violent intolerance of dissenters -- the idea that it's best for a person to initiate violence on another person because he has dissenting ideas or actions. A second flaw is the idea that a person's social status is important and should be sought after and preserved. And a third flaw is that a person's social status should be, in any way, linked with his family's, and tribe's social status. An important thing to note here is that these flaws are connected. To clarify, I'm not talking about which flaw is more or less to blame for a person committing honor violence. What I'm talking about is that all of these flaws must be there, in order for a person to think it's best for him to commit honor violence (i.e. for him to want to commit honor violence).
The least bad of these flaws can be explained by answering the question, why do some people care about having respect from their peers? What's the point of it? What problem is it intended to solve? One way to approach this problem is to think about why some people get offended. Consider that when somebody perceives that he has been disrespected, he gets offended, and he may respond in a way to regain respect.
Fallibility and first impressions
One problem with thinking in terms of being respected, is that people are often wrong in their interpretations of other people’s actions and intentions. Often people perceive that they’ve been disrespected, when the person had no intention of disrespecting anybody. Most of the time it’s a case of jumping to conclusions. In other words, the person is not thinking terms of innocent until proven guilty. The thing is that we’re all fallible, meaning that it’s possible, and very common, that we are wrong about our ideas. But a lot of people are not familiar with the idea of checking for other possible interpretations and critically questioning them as a means of avoiding jumping to conclusions, as a means of finding the correct interpretation.
One common first interpretation that people make is that someone wants to hurt them, or to make them lose in some way. But this is a bad way to think about people’s actions because some people don’t want to hurt anyone or make anyone lose anything. So assuming that there is always malicious intent is a mistake because it ignores all the cases where there isn’t malicious intent. So it's not giving the person the benefit of the doubt.
This way of thinking, of always assuming that there is malicious intent, sees human interactions as win/lose. But this is a mistake. It’s entirely possible, and desirable, for human interactions to be win/win, for everybody to get what they want and nobody loses anything they want -- there is no law of nature preventing it from happening.[2] This is a special case of the idea that 'all problems are soluble'.[3]
So the better way to think about human interactions is that win/win situations are possible, where the people involved share the same primary goal of everybody winning, of everybody getting what they want. Now it is true that sometimes a person is trying to make you lose something, or otherwise hurt you, so it’s important to try to look out for this as a means of protecting yourself from harm.
One common misinterpretation people make is to treat a criticism of an idea or an action as a personal attack. But this is a mistake because a criticism is an explanation of a flaw in an idea, so criticizing the idea does not make the holder of the idea lose anything. In fact, criticism helps a person go from wrong to right. It helps him change his mind. It helps him find the truth, which is a great thing! So why perceive it as an attack? The person loses nothing. He only stands to gain (the truth!).
So consider a situation where you're presented with a criticism of your idea. If you agree with it, you stand to gain the truth, and if you disagree with it, you stand to lose nothing. So with criticism you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. So giving and receiving criticism is win/win.
Some common responses people make to criticism is to say "that hurts my feelings," "I'm offended by that," and "that's insulting!" These people respond in this way to communicate that the other person is wrong in some way. But that's not a valid argument -- it's not objective. A person's feelings can't be used as a standard for judging the truth. What's needed is an explanation, one that doesn't depend on a person's feelings. And on a related note, if your feelings are hurt by the truth, then what you can do is ignore the truth (not something I advise), or you can change your feelings about the truth. But what you shouldn't be doing is pressuring people to hide the truth.
Now some people mistake personal attacks for criticism. But calling somebody stupid because he believes an idea does not constitute a criticism. It’s not an explanation of a flaw in an idea. Instead it's an attack on the holder of the idea. And it’s designed for only one purpose, to hurt. People who make personal attacks instead of arguments see human interactions as win/lose. And this is where the idea of respect comes in. The personal attacks are about disrespecting the person. But why would anybody want to do that? What’s the point? What problem does it solve?
Truth-seeking vs Status-seeking
Something closely connected to the win/lose attitude is the status-seeking attitude. People with this attitude think in terms of people having social status, and getting more of it, or keeping the amount they currently have, is something they want. So if a person with the status-seeking attitude tries to disrespect another person, they perceive it as raising their own status while necessarily lowering the other person’s status, hence win/lose. The rest of us, who see human interaction as win/win, see the world in terms of truth. We are truth-seekers instead of status-seekers. We seek cooperative interactions instead of adversarial ones.
To get a better understanding of the difference between truth-seeking and status-seeking, let's consider how they differ in the way they work. Status-based thinking means judging ideas by figuring out how much status the ideas have. In contrast, truth-based thinking means judging ideas by their merit. As I explained in _Atheism: The faith of intellectuals?_, judging ideas by status means believing ideas by looking for confirmation, while judging by merit means believing ideas only after they have survived all known criticism.
As an example, imagine a guy hearing that somebody said something that he perceived as an insult to his parent, and he felt hurt by it. This means he's thinking with the status-seeking attitude instead of the truth-seeking attitude. So he is caring about having social status, and one extra flaw is that he thinks his social status is connected to the status of his parents. And so if he perceives that somebody has insulted his parent, he perceives this as a lowering of his parent’s status, which he also perceives as his own status being lowered. So he is hurt (feels disrespected) by this. He thinks that the "insulter" intentionally did it to try to hurt him, or otherwise make him lose something. But it's a mistake to make such an assumption because the "insulter" may have had no such intention -- maybe he was a truth-seeker not a status-seeker. The truth-seeking attitude does not cause this problem. A truth-seeker thinks like this: "Hmm. Somebody has said something bad about my mom. I wonder if the thing he said is truthful, or not. If it’s truthful, then my mom is bad, and I should talk to her about fixing her error so that she can improve, so I'm glad that he said it because it revealed an opportunity to improve, YAY!! And if it’s not truthful, then maybe this guy is a fool and I don't care what fools think, or maybe he's just mistaken so there's no reason to mind it because mistakes are common." So the truth-seeking attitude doesn’t produce the feeling of being insulted/disrespected. Only the status-seeking attitude does that.
The status-based attitude is one that is shared by many cultures. In gang culture, individuals each have an amount of status that they intend to keep. For this reason, if a gang member perceives that somebody has disrespected him, he sees this as his status being lowered while the other guy’s status being raised. And in an effort to regain his status, he may retaliate with physical violence. So here the gang member is committing two flaws -- demanding respect, and violent intolerance of dissenters.
There are lots of other examples of this. In tribal cultures, an individual’s status is partly determined by how much status his tribe has. For this reason, if a tribesman perceives that somebody has disrespected a member of his tribe, he sees this as his own status being lowered because he sees his tribe’s status being lowered. Now imagine a situation where somebody perceives that the king of his tribe (like Prophet Mohamed) has been disrespected. He would be very offended by this. And if he also has the violent-intolerant attitude too, and if the circumstances were opportune, then he would initiate violence in his misguided attempt to regain respect for his family, and by association, for himself.
Another example is honor violence within a family, or community. If a man thinks that his status is lowered if his daughter does something against his community’s religious norms, and if he also has the violent-intolerant attitude, then he may initiate violence if she commits such an act, as a means to preserve his family's status in the community, and by association, his own status. I should clarify that what usually happens is the family plans this together, where one person does the murder, and then the family helps him avoid the police, say by helping him leave the country.
What's interesting about the status-based idea is that it denies that respect should be earned. A person thinking like this may be in the wrong, and know it, and still demand to be treated as though he is in the right. Street thugs do it when they violently demand respect. Authoritative parents do it when they say 'Don't argue with me' to their kids. Some husbands do it when they expect their wives to side with them in social situations even when they are in the wrong. And some Muslim men do it when they commit honor violence.
The status-based attitude rears it’s ugly head in people’s politics too. These people align themselves politically by their tribal origin (status), rather than by their ideas (merit). It’s ugly because it’s not based on the truth, and because it means the person is unwilling to consider changing his mind about his politics -- because you can’t change your tribal origin. Judging ideas by status means that if you find out that you’re wrong, you’re going to deny it and claim that you’re right, and demand respect too. This way of thinking means no possibility of changing your political affiliation even if you were given devastating criticism of your political ideas. In contrast, judging ideas by merit means that you're willing to change your mind if you find out that you’re wrong. And this way of thinking means the possibility of changing your political affiliation.
Another way to describe the truth-seeking and status-seeking attitudes is like this. Truth-seeking means approaching problems as though the person does not yet have the truth, which is why he is seeking the truth. Status-seeking means approaching problems as though the person already has the truth, which is why he isn't seeking the truth, and instead he is seeking confirmation of what he already believes to be true. Note how the truth-seeking attitude accounts for the fact that it's possible one's ideas are in error, while the status-seeking attitude does not account for that fact. So somebody who is applying the status-seeking attitude is acting like he is infallible/omniscient. He's acting like he thinks he's God.
Rational people vs irrational people
Another way to describe the truth-seeking attitude is to describe the people who have it, rational people. As Elliot Temple explained [4]:
So a rational person sees criticism as win/win because it's part of his truth-seeking attitude. So when he gets criticism of his ideas, actions, or feelings, he doesn't interpret it as a personal attack (win/lose) and instead he tries to judge the criticism in order to try to extract value from it. He sees criticism as a good thing because he knows that criticism leads to further evolution of his knowledge. He sees criticism as necessary to improve himself, so he willingly seeks it out and enjoys thinking about it.
As I mentioned before, a common mistake people make is in how they interpret criticism of ideas. They see it as their person being criticized, rather than the idea alone being criticized. They misinterpret this because they consider some of their ideas to be static -- they are attached to them. They consider these ideas to be part of their identity -- something they refuse to even consider changing. And if you criticize one of these ideas they are attached to, since they consider that idea as part of their identify, they interpret your actions as an attack on their person. And in retaliation, they may call you out to be arrogant and condescending, or cuss you out, or initiate violence, as an attack back at you, in their misguided attempt at self-defense.
So the status-based attitude is what causes people to care about honor (i.e. social status). They have an intense desire for status, and it can pervade practically all of their thinking. Now in tribal cultures, another flaw they have aside from this status-seeking attitude, is that a person's social status should be linked to his family and tribe. And in some tribal cultures, especially the ones where Islam is dominant, they have a strong tradition linking their status with the women of their tribe. Now, combine this status-seeking attitude and these other flaws, together with the attitude that it's morally right to initiate violence in response to a dissenter, and what you have is somebody willing to commit honor violence (including honor killings) against his daughters, sisters, and other female members of his community, and on anybody who he perceives to be lowering his status/respect/honor.
On a final note, I should clarify something about the relationship between the individual and the community. It is true that a man who commits honor violence is being pressured by his family to commit the violence as a means of preserving their social status, but whether or not he acts on that pressure, or even feels that pressure, depends on his ideas. Will he care what his family and community thinks? Well, in those communities a lot of the opportunities for a man, like getting married or having a good job, depends on the status of his family and his tribe. So if a woman taints his family's status, and if he doesn't remove that taint by killing her, then he'll lose those opportunities. But so what? He could forego all of those "opportunities" by fleeing the country with his daughter. If he doesn't do that, it's because of his evil ideas. Pressure from society is not a defense! Individuals are responsible for their actions regardless of the "pressures" from their communities.
[1] _Honor Killings Go Beyond Mere Homocide_, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Also see The AHA Foundation on Honor Violence.
[2] See _The Beginning of Infinity_, Chapter 9: Optimism, by David Deutsch.
[3] See _All problems are soluble_, by Elliot Temple. Also see [2].
[4] _Rational People_, by Elliot Temple.
Originally published in 2014
submitted by RamiRustom to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:24 AutoNewsAdmin [Lifestyle] - Can mindfulness really make you happy, lower your blood pressure and improve your sleep? Experts reveal all

[Lifestyle] - Can mindfulness really make you happy, lower your blood pressure and improve your sleep? Experts reveal all submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to GUARDIANauto [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:20 Finitehealth Reconsidering new supplement stack

Reconsidering a new supplement stack, what are your thoughts on this one?
**Carnosine**: Studies suggest carnosine has antioxidant properties and may help with muscle endurance and neuroprotection.
**Hyaluronic Acid + Chondroitin Sulfate**: Research supports their use in improving joint health and skin hydration.
**Glucosamine Chondroitin**: Numerous studies have shown these compounds can support joint health and reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis.
**Peak K2**: Vitamin K2 is supported by research for its role in bone health and cardiovascular health by preventing arterial calcification.
**Myricetin**: Some studies indicate it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood sugar regulation benefits.
**Longevity A.I.**: Typically blends of ingredients aimed at promoting longevity, though the specific components' research varies.
**Autophagy Renew**: Ingredients that support autophagy (like spermidine) have shown potential in promoting cellular cleanup processes and longevity.
**Blueberry Extract**: Rich in antioxidants, with research supporting cognitive function and reduced DNA damage.
**Benfotiamine**: Research supports its use in preventing diabetic complications like neuropathy.
**Vitamin A**: Essential for vision, immune function, and skin health, with strong research backing.
**Chlorophyllin**: Research indicates it may act as an internal deodorizer and has antioxidant properties.
**Purified Polysaccharides**: Some polysaccharides, like beta-glucans, are researched for immune support.
**Acetyl L-Carnitine Arginate**: Research suggests benefits for brain health and energy production.
**Pantethine**: Supported by research for lowering cholesterol and improving lipid metabolism.
**Calcium AEP**: Limited research, but some support for nerve health and cellular membranes.
**Pomegranate Seed Oil**: Rich in antioxidants, with research indicating cardiovascular and anti-cancer benefits.
**Cissus**: Research supports its use for bone health, joint repair, and as a general analgesic.
**Astaxanthin**: A powerful antioxidant with research supporting skin health, anti-inflammatory effects, and improved endurance.
**Youthful You DHEA 5mg**: DHEA is researched for its potential in improving muscle mass, sex drive, and combating aging effects.
**Glycine Powder**: Research supports glycine for improving sleep quality, cognitive function, and metabolic health.
**Beta-Alanine Powder**: Well-researched for improving athletic performance and endurance.
**L-Citrulline Powder**: Research supports its role in enhancing nitric oxide production, improving blood flow, and boosting exercise performance.
submitted by Finitehealth to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:12 OkRow6543 Advice on blood pressure

I have a cardiologist but we are unsure how to proceed. My blood pressure on average is typically 70/50 or 80/60 but my pulse rate is about 140-160 at rest, to compensate for the blood pressure. This has been an issue since I can remember I pass out an absurd amount and POTS is no fun. We are worried about putting me on something to raise blood pressure because of my heart rate. We spoke about putting me in the hospital and giving me medication to raise blood pressure and hope my heart calmed down. Since this has been an issue so long we aren't sure how long I'd be there. Has anyone had issues like this with your blood pressure? My doctors make me feel like I'm an anomaly and I feel really alone and uncertain honestly. Any words of advice or just anyone letting me know I'm not alone would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you and sorry for the novel.
submitted by OkRow6543 to eds [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:11 Similar_Swordfish_24 Tapering off of 25mg, any tips?

I have been on Zoloft/Sertraline for 2 years.
I started taking it every other day and did this for two weeks.
Then every two days and did this for a week.
I’ve now gone 6 days without taking my meds.
Should I take my meds 1 time a week for 2-3 weeks then stop?
Or should I just see how it goes after 14 days of no meds?
Current symptoms: Dizziness. Mood swings. Fluttery heart / low blood pressure / anxiety / irritability
I’ve been able to work through these symptoms with behavioral therapy.

Why: I’m tired of the brain fog, creative apathy, and forgetfulness. I’m feeling a lot more focused and creative already. It’s actively ruining my careerelationships/goals being so unmotivated and apathetic/ forgetful.
My doctor will also refuse to see me if I miss one more appointment for any reason. I figure might as well prepare in case that happens. Best case scenario I can try a different SSRI, Zoloft works but I am unmotivated to a point of sadness. Worst case scenario: I’m off of Zoloft because my doctor wont see me or prescribe it anyway. I know I should not stop taking my meds without speaking to my doctor. But I am very aware of what is a symptom of withdrawal versus a relapse. I do not want to wait 1/3rd off the year to get back to doing what I love: creating.
Health Concerns: I am not afraid to stop taking my medication, I know I can always start it again if I need to. It is a tool in my tool box of life and anxiety.
Risks: I have never been actively suicdal (though I did suffer from suicdal ideation, I have not acted on it) Isolation, Depression, severe anxiety, starving myself, tremors, avoidance, PMDD, and the fun things that come with those are why I started.
Currently my biggest issue is being so dizzy.
My alternative to stopping is to take Zoloft every other day. That is as much as I want to take.
submitted by Similar_Swordfish_24 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:59 yosmiteghoul I have health anxiety and it's made me into a nutcase

I am a girl in her early 20s. I am not new to mental illness related issues but my issues have always been internalized. My anxiety was internal, anything going on was managed in my mind. It wasn't the healthiest but it was what I was used to.
About two years ago my anxiety became so intense that my body would react seemingly out of nowhere and for no reason. Sometimes I'd have no reason to have such a spontaneous physical reaction. My heart picks up in pace, I can see my pulse in my neck, I start shaking, my chest tightens, I can't breathe and my legs get wobbly. I could be enjoying a tv show and all of the sudden I have a panic attack and my boyfriend has to escort me somewhere to lay down to help my heart rate go down. Sometimes he spends upwards of an hour stroking my hair or sitting with me. It feels very real, and how it feels makes me feel even worse and causes things to get worse. A slight increase in my heart rate makes me anxious, which makes it increase even more.
It feels like I'm dying. I'm not delusional, I know it's not possible I'm having a heart attack, or a stroke, or a brain aneurysm every day or two. Which makes it incredibly frustrating because I know in my mind as it's happening that it isn't a life or death situation, but it feels so intense some part of my brain just freaks out. It's led me to checking my BPM on my phone often, blood pressure machines, taking photos of my face to make sure I'm not having a stroke, pinching the same parts of each side of my body to make sure I'm not going numb on one side. I even say complicated sentences over and over to make sure I'm not having a stroke. I feel my pulse often, count it manually if I feel my phone doesn't do a good enough job. All is basically futile because nothing will convince my brain I'm not having my 100th spontaneous heart attack of the month.
I am a logical person, people commend me for my ability to be impartial and reasonable. I am the kind of person people go to when they need someone to speak on their behalf and to set things straight. Which makes the loss of control I'm experiencing extremely disheartening. It's impossible to explain to others and it's impossible to stop. No amount of reason helps because I KNOW I'm not dying of a triple heart attack, but its "happening". I typically just sit in a hot shower until I feel fine enough to sleep it off, and sometimes if I'm with my boyfriend at home he will sit with me even if I tell him it's fine, and most of the time I'm caught off guard and just have to lay down wherever I am and wait.
It's not a physical problem. I know that for a fact. I had a CAT scan done and other than a few odds and ends that most people have wrong with them that they'd never know about for their entire life, I'm in tip top shape. Almost every category was labeled "unremarkable". I have direct confirmation, doesn't matter.
Anyways, I came here because I spent the night convinced I was having a stroke because my face felt a bit numb. I just got out of my hot shower that I sat in for an hour and I'm off to bed. Felt really stupid once I calmed down and then felt frustrated, then very disheartened. Just a bit of a vent.
submitted by yosmiteghoul to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:54 drchitra How does laparoscopic surgery differ from traditional gynecological surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery, often referred to as minimally invasive surgery, differs from traditional (open) gynecological surgery in several significant ways, including the surgical technique, recovery time, risks, and outcomes. Here’s a detailed comparison:
Surgical Technique
Laparoscopic Surgery :
- Incisions : Involves several small incisions (usually 0.5 to 1 cm) through which a laparoscope (a thin tube with a camera and light) and surgical instruments are inserted.
- Visualization : The camera provides a magnified view of the pelvic organs on a monitor, allowing the surgeon to perform precise operations.
- Instruments : Specialized instruments are used to manipulate, cut, and remove tissues through the small incisions.
Traditional Gynecological Surgery :
- Incisions : Requires a larger single incision, typically 6 to 12 inches long, in the abdominal wall to provide direct access to the pelvic organs.
- Visualization : The surgeon has a direct view of the organs, which can be less detailed than the magnified view provided by a laparoscope.
- Instruments : Standard surgical instruments are used through the larger incision.
Recovery Time
- Laparoscopic Surgery :
- Hospital Stay : Often performed on an outpatient basis or with a short hospital stay (1-2 days).
- Recovery : Faster recovery, typically 1 to 2 weeks before returning to normal activities.
- Pain : Generally less postoperative pain due to smaller incisions.
Traditional Gynecological Surgery :
- Hospital Stay : Usually requires a longer hospital stay (3 to 5 days).
- Recovery : Longer recovery period, often 4 to 6 weeks before resuming normal activities.
- Pain : More postoperative pain and discomfort due to the larger incision.
Risks and Complications
- Laparoscopic Surgery :
- Infection : Lower risk of infection due to smaller incisions.
- Bleeding : Reduced blood loss during surgery.
- Scarring : Minimal scarring as a result of small incisions.
- Complications : Risks specific to Laparoscopic Gynecologist surgery include potential injury to internal organs due to limited tactile feedback.
Traditional Gynecological Surgery :
- Infection : Higher risk of infection and wound complications due to larger incision.
- Bleeding : Potential for more significant blood loss.
- Scarring : More prominent scarring due to larger incision.
- Complications : Higher likelihood of postoperative complications such as hernias at the incision site.
Outcomes and Benefits
- Laparoscopic Surgery :
- Precision : Enhanced precision and ability to perform complex procedures with better visualization.
- Recovery Experience : Improved patient comfort and quicker return to daily activities.
- Cosmetic : Better cosmetic outcomes with smaller scars.
Traditional Gynecological Surgery :
- Accessibility : Sometimes preferred for very complex or extensive procedures where direct access and manipulation of organs are required.
- Procedure Scope : Can be necessary for certain cases where minimally invasive techniques are not feasible or safe.
Common Procedures :
- Laparoscopic Surgery : Commonly used for hysterectomy, removal of ovarian cysts, treatment of endometriosis, myomectomy (removal of fibroids), and tubal ligation.
- Traditional Gynecological Surgery : Used for large fibroid removal, extensive endometriosis, certain types of cancer surgery, and situations where laparoscopic access is not possible.
Overall, laparoscopic surgery offers many advantages over traditional gynecological surgery, including faster recovery, less pain, and reduced risk of complications, making it the preferred option for many procedures. However, the choice between laparoscopic and traditional surgery depends on the specific medical condition, the patient's health, and the surgeon's expertise.
submitted by drchitra to u/drchitra [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:44 IGotTheBeanz Whenever Nora is within visual range, this clunky clicking sound plays nonstop... help please.

(Xbox Series S)
Load Order:
  1. Cheat Room (XB1)
  2. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (UFO4P)(XB1)
  3. True Storms: Wasteland Edition (XB1)
  4. Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul
  5. Pleasing Piper Attitude Adjuster (XB1)
  6. Icebreaker Settlements - Settler Dialogue
  7. Icebreaker Piper - Companion Dialogue
  8. Fallout 4 Ai Overhaul
  9. When Pigs Fly Fix
  10. Alert Carry - Lower Your Weapons (XB1)
  11. Simple Attack and Death Reaction
  12. (XB1) Realistic Ragdoll Force
  13. Immersive Fallout (DLC)
  14. More Smarter Companions Mod (XB)
  15. TCE - The Companions Enhanced - XB1
  16. Companion Haircuts and Surgery - Xbox
  17. NPC Height Adjustment (XB1)
  18. Sleep Intimate XB1
  19. Nora Companion WIP
  20. Everyone's Best Friend (Dogmeat +)
  21. (XB1) Unlimited Companion Framework
  22. People are Strangers - Xbox Edition
  23. Mo Pop & Roll 2.0 - 60s Radio Station
  24. Atomic Eighties Radio
  25. Realistic Sound XB1
  26. Faded Glory - A Post-Apocalyptic Soundscape
  27. Wave (by CaptainCockerel)
  28. Face Texture Glitch Fix A
  29. The Eyes Of Beauty Fallout Edition - XB1
  30. (XB1) Hair Tones Redux - A Hair Color Overhaul
  31. Base Face - A Face Retexture (+ Female Rear Head Clipping Fix)
  32. Enhanced Blood Textures Basic
  33. True Storms: FAR HARBOR Weather Add-On Xbox
  34. Dynamic Interior Fog Removal
  35. ( Dn-0-Ts-Fh) Darker Nights for True Storms With Far Harbor (Level 0 - Darkest)
  36. (Do-0-Ts) Darker Nights for True Storms (Level 0 - Darkest)
  37. (Dn-0) Darker Nights (Level 0 - Darkest)
  38. (Do-0-Fh) Darker Nights for Far Harbor (Level 0 - Darkest)
  39. Interiors Enhanced 2.0 All in One BY Fadingsignal
  40. No Build Limit - All DLC
  41. Power Armor HUD - paHUD
  42. Companion Status HUD
  43. HUDFramework
  44. Better Beards
  45. (XB1) Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar V2.5a
  46. (XB1)KS Hairdos (PC P0rt)
  47. (Official) Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer (CBBE Curvy)
  48. (Official) Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer (CBBE Curvy Vanilla Outfits)
  49. Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter)
  50. Improved Map With Visible Roads (XB1)
  51. Misriah Armory (1k)
  52. Project Helljumper
  53. See Through Scopes
  54. Combat Rifle Overhaul
  55. More Power Armor Paint - Lite (XB1)
  56. Freak's Simple Power Armor Durability Buff
  57. (XB1) STS - Scrap That Settlement! - Base Game
submitted by IGotTheBeanz to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:44 eviesb_ looooong time lurker—1st post [intro/vent]

hi y’all, i’m evie and i am restarting my weight loss journey. i stand 5’2”, and my hw was 250 pounds in dec 22 after a year of working on two graduate degrees at the same time. since, my weight has fluctuated throughout the 240s. since finishing grad school a month ago, it has been like a lightswitch has flipped in my understanding of just how big i am. i’ve tried to lose weight before and i have been successful for a while but always regained weight. but now i feel like i have no choice but to lose the weight now. i’ll be 26 this year and already have so many health problems that are directly associated with my weight—pre diabetes, severe sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and chronic joint and back pain. it’s so embarrassing to be the fat young person at the cardiologist. i want to have kids in the next three to four years. if i don’t lose weight now—i never will.
i havent made much progress in my journey, except for making an appointment with my local hospital's obesity clinic and talk to my therapist. but i have been more conscious about foods and have been making slow but consistent changes(ie sparkling water for soda/frozen fruit bars for ice cream etc) over the last couple weeks. i’m excited for the road that lies ahead and to finally prioritize my health.
submitted by eviesb_ to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:29 Elijah91x High blood pressure starting CD

Started the carnivore diet 2 days ago and I tested my blood pressure which has never been high! (Unfortunately I didn't test before starting) But it was 129/65. Should I just stop the diet or will Ur get better? The 2 days consisted of 2 tins of sardines 2 ribeye steaks and 3 chicken thighs each day. I'm worried that I'm putting pressure on my heart. Anyone have experience with this happening at the beginning?
submitted by Elijah91x to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:28 AgitatedWasabi86 Masking strain

I'm 22 and I'm not diagnosed yet but recently masking has become so hard I keep getting bombarded with unexpected visits, relatives staying over and having to do my internship.i was miserable and tired, people kept calling my phone and the small interactions that I was forced to endure hadnmy face twitching and my hands shaking it was all just too much.Having to juggle all this eventually lead to me burning out and bed ridden for 2 months and I also have high blood pressure....
These days I feel like such an imposter as I'm loosing the ability to mask and everyone is starting to notice which just makes me more anxious and scared to leave my house. Has anyone else experienced something similar?
submitted by AgitatedWasabi86 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:18 Proud_Cod9137 DVT/PE pain? help

Hello, i am 22 years old. i know the thread says it cant diagnose but im just looking for advice. i went to the er about 7 months ago with what i thought were symptoms of dvt. pain in my groin and calf, heart palpitations and chest pain, on and off. they basically laughed at me saying "dr. google told you u have a blood clot huh", took my blood, and scanned my chest xray, said it looked fine. then sent me home saying i have anxiety with a 3500$ bill.
now 7 months later, ive had worsening pain, and its daily now. my groin down to my knee will throb and sometimes sharp pain. sometimes my toes look blue/purple ish, but it becomes better after a shower. chest pain and fast heart rate, sometimes it feels like an electric bolt in my heart, other times its a sort of dull aching in my chest that will last minutes or hours. most nights i struggle to fall asleep as my chest is hurting and sometimes im woken up by intense heart pain. my lower left stomach oftentimes has a dull pain and ive also been having small amounts of blood and dark stool about once a month but most days it looks normal. and some days my stomach will bloat up massively like im pregnant but only on the left side for a couple hours. i am so tired all the time, having to take naps about every 4 or 5 hours. sometimes ill go a full day without much pain, other days its constant.
im just wondering if this sounds like a clot or pe to you guys, i cant afford to go to hospital if they are going to laugh at me, and not even do an ultrasound on my leg or anything. i was a heavy nicotine vaper for about 5 years, but have recently attempted to quit, (currently hit it about 3 times a day to get me through). everytime i try to quit, after about 2 days fully sober, my leg starts hurting worse so then i hit it again cuz i get scared. ive seen some studies online that nicotine may suppress symptoms of health issues and even may hold clots in place due to constriction which then can increase risk of the clot moving when u quit, so im wondering if each time in a couple days clean my symptoms are finally showing more or if it really is just anxiety.
the thing is, im not often anxious, and when i am most anxious, such as when i was at the hospital, i didnt feel the symptoms. they seem to be worst when i am just sitting at home watching or working on pc, or out with my gf doing simple things like grocery shop. again, i know you cant diagnose me, and i plan on making a dr appointment after the weekend passes. im just wondering your imput, and also what things i should tell the doctor to make sure they do the proper tests this time around. thank you
submitted by Proud_Cod9137 to ClotSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:14 misskatebravo Post LP Low Pressure Headache +CFS Leak

I had an emergency phone call with my neuro earlier after my LP 2 days ago(OP 26 so borderline), I have been experiencing a pressure feeling in my eyes and the top of my head making me feel like I was going to fall/pass out and bad pain between my shoulder blades and spine. She said this is a low pressure headache and I am likely leaking a small amount. I’m taking ibuprofen and paracetamol with caffeine in it, I’ve also increased water and salt intake and lying down as much as possible, I’d been doing most of this already with no change. Blood patch won’t be considered until day 5 and even then it’ll likely be a bit before I’d have it done which I understand.
Our call was short, so I’m hoping you guys might have some other ideas about how to somewhat easy the symptoms? Or even letting me know things I shouldn’t do/avoid?
After the LP the doctor said they hadn’t gotten as much fluid as they wanted to, I wonder if this possible lack has contributed?
submitted by misskatebravo to iih [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:04 SendingBirds Arranged or forced marriage/bond books (high angst)

Hello! I am back with a request for recs! And of course I will add mine too.
I was wondering if anyone had any high angst books with arranged or forced marriage (or marriage of convenience) or arranged/force bond in case it is an omegaverse-type book or a biokink type of book. By high angst I am mainly looking for stories where there is some kind of distrust between the characters (for different reasons, any is fine!) that is overcome through the story!
Things that I absolutely (sadly) cannot read: mafia, incest.
Things that I would prefer not to read but it is okay if they are not very prominent: age gap, daddy kink.
Here are the ones I have read! And if there are no new recs for me I am just happy to share the list I have (this is my favorite trope!). I thought to divide them between arranged and forced, but I think the ones where both characters fully consented were very little (for angst reason!), so I will write in the description the status of consent too. Instead, I divided them in non-omegaverse/bond and omegaverse.
Arranged or forced marriage/bond (no omegaverse)
Arranged of forced marriage/bond (omegaverse)
submitted by SendingBirds to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:03 trolleydip Looking for recommendation to help with low blood pressure and high cholesterol

Multiple generations in my family have low blood pressure and high cholesterol, I don't have levels of cholesterol that are concerning yet, but I would like to be mindful while its still in the higher "normal range". As well as be able to help out my mother. It is an unusual combination. Maybe someone here has insight.
I (35F) currently use oregano, turmeric, and stinging nettle daily for help with allergies, and soothing the stomach. Does anyone have recommendations of what extracts, foods, or teas that I can add? Thank you in advance.
submitted by trolleydip to herbalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:57 DragonStryk72 Pre-Warp Survival (Part 39)

First Prev Archive Royal Road Patreon
Reader Advisory: The next couple of parts contain talk about a number of sensitive topics centered around PTSD. I'll have some space here so you don't accidentally see something you didn't want to, but if you read on, just know, it is to a purpose, and yes, it does concern some of my own experiences with PTSD.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
I hate this. This feeling of them all around my mind, but I need to see it. How did Keith become this? I can feel my tribemate, Hoda... I had expected her to choose to be my wife, but I feel it, she has become wife to Keith.... whatever, it is unimportant. I am Trayg, and I have four wives already, and at least six when I am done with this 'game'. He is a strong warrior, and I need to learn his strength. I feel all the other weaklings, though. Bah, weak, but they provide in their own ways to make up for it.
Keith's song begins again, and I feel things shift around me, and I see my first view of this Earth. For such a warrior, I expected a stronghold, but it is anything but. The sun is bright on this house, and I see farms back behind it, lines of trees to protect from the wind between fields, and a warm breeze flows outward. And then, I see him, a child, pedaling furiously on some contraption, a bag clutched in his hand, his knuckles paling from how hard he holds it. A tithe for his father, something to instill pride, though the memory does not remember what is inside. I follow the boy as he comes off of the contraption, letting it fall away as he sprints into the house, and suddenly, a sharp, loud bang fires off... something is wrong.
The sound is incredibly loud, the force of it I can feel even from here, but no birds stir, no rodents scurry, and I follow the boy, and something... feels wrong about what I am seeing, what I am hearing, like something screams already, but is muffled, and I can smell the blood already. The boy proceeds up the stairs, still sprinting with his tithe in hand, and the door to his father's chambers open... and the scent does not change, the whole scene is frozen in that moment, no birds chirping. Something is wrong, this still image. Something.... this scene is not real, and I feel the press of minds, Val calling out for me to halt, but I will not have things hidden from me, and I step forward, and I feel it tear, the whole world ripping apart around me. The scene is changed. The sound... it was not made outside the house, the boy did not enter after. He entered as his father took his own life, and I felt the minds shift, and the words of Keith's song pierce the vision:
You can't kill me if I'm already dead Buried alive by the things that they've said I killed myself, but no one knows
I felt a hand, but not in the shelter, the yurt that we occupied. Azoccu. I watched as he stepped into the room with a screaming child crying out for his father to wake up, and Azoccu knelt beside him, "Oh, child, no one should have seen this. This is not your fault."
He laid his hand on him, and the scene faded. Amongst the others, I could feel the Trils. They were gaining power from this somehow, but there was no time to think. Scenes whipped by, the boy at the funeral, comforting his grandparents, and something was wrong, but not the scene. The adults. They gave empty platitudes, and they spoke about him when they thought he could not hear:
"How do you even get over seeing something like that? He's so young..."
"What happens to him now?"
"First his mom, then his dad? Kid's gonna end up in a rubber room."
The boy's grandparents were broken down, inconsolable in seeing the body of their child, and then I felt Dukaetha enter, hopping along to sit next to the boy. Why is she the only one? Where are his friends? His family? Why is no one showing him how to grieve? Why is he the one comforting?
The scene shifted, and the rabbitfolk faded, and I watched as he stood off by himself, watching his father being lowered into the ground in a brown box, until another grandfather stepped up to him, this one hardier, with thick hair over his lip, calloused hand laying on the boy's shoulder, and knelt down, "Hey there, bit. Tell you what, me and Gramma had us a talk about it, and we'd like you to come live with us. How's that suit you?"
The boy trembled, bitter tears coming out, "Pop-Pop... I... I want dad back."
I watched the boy break, but... this is wrong. I felt a similar feeling from Hoda. Where were the other family? Why was his tribe not coming together for him? Two ceremonies for a corpse, and none of them to take him as ward except for an old man and woman? Where were the tribe's children? Even their shaman seemed more concerned over the dead one. Hoda stepped forward, praying over the boy as was her place as shaman.
The scene fell away, and more scenes came past. The boy grew, his 'Pop-Pop' teaching him to hunt, to farm, to ride, but I felt my anger building. His tribe pulled away from him, pulled back. They said the right words, expressed sorrow at the loss, but they all held back from him, like they might somehow catch his grief like a disease. It kept going, increasing as his grandparents died, one after the other, and steadily I watched as members of our new tribe stepped forward to be with him in those moments.
The rage welled up within me, growing by the moment. Again, and again.... I bellowed out, breaking the connection, and shoved aside those in my way as I stalked from the building, hearing the words of Keith from his stage:
As these judging eyes surround me And silence tearing me apart Only seeing to the surface They refuse to see my heart
I stalked across to one of the empty shelters, taking shelter from the storm raging around, and I screamed. I paced, and I felt the insane rage within my chest. I needed to fight, I needed to let this out, before it could stain my spirit. I ripped the hatchet from my belt, and put everything into hacking into one of the logs that were used for seating. I swung again and again, putting every bit of my anger into the act when I heard the door bang open. Val. She stepped inside, "Are you okay, Trayg?"
I threw the hatchet into what was left of the log, "Fuck your entire species!"
She stepped back as I stepped forward, shocked, "Look, I get it-"
She shook her head in that negative way the humans used, "No, they-"
I slammed a fist into a pillar, "Don't lie to me! I saw it with my own eyes! His whole tribe left him to rot save for one old man and woman who were too old to be caring for a young boy. Where were his friends?! Where was his shaman to heal his spirit? Where was anyone for him?!"
Val teared up, and stayed mute, "My world may be savages, but we never would have left a child like that."
I pushed past, exiting the shelter to go back, "And I won't abandon him now."
First Prev Archive Royal Road Patreon
submitted by DragonStryk72 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:57 Acceptable-Agent2491 Can multiple GPs be authorised to prescribe?

Background: Got diagnosed last year, psychiatrist referred prescribing duties to GP, Schedule 8 obtained and commenced on short-acting Methylphenidate.
Results have been good (yay!) and have been at a steady 20mg twice a day but still experiencing anxiety and insomnia (both of which predated the diagnosis and no doubt are related to the ADHD), so I went back to the GP last week to discuss trying dexamphetamine or Vyvanse or potentially adding in a non-stimulant like Clonidine to see if that helps with any of those other issues, as has been reported by others.
So, GP measured my blood pressure and pulse, both of which were elevated (because I had ridden my bike straight from the gym where I’d done a weights session preceded by a big scoop of pre-workout).
GP freaked out, and not only did not explore the other medication options with me, but also cut me off the methylphenidate and referred back to the psychiatrist for an immediate review. I asked for the blood pressure and pulse to be measured again that day or the next day, but the GP said because of the anxiety and insomnia the methylphenidate MUST be causing the issues and therefore I was done with meds for now until the review.
Now, I appreciate the caution but this has confirmed a general sense that I had that the GP is not very familiar with or confident in prescribing this medication (further confirmed by requesting that I slowly taper off the methylphenidate over a week, which isn’t really appropriate for short-acting stimulant medication but would be if it was a common SSRI or something similar). And in terms of anxiety, subjectively it’s actually lessened since commencing meds because I know I can actually do the things I need to do.
So I’m thinking as I have to have a review with a psychiatrist anyway:
-Do I ask them to approve another GP for prescribing medication?
-Can more than one GP be approved for this at a time (as my GP generally is fine so I’m not that keen to ditch completely but feel I need someone that can more confidently prescribe and consider other medication as appropriate).
-What are other people’s experiences with anxiety and insomnia symptoms when something like clonidine is added into the mix?
submitted by Acceptable-Agent2491 to ausadhd [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:54 Emergency_Chef7868 Balance Patch by Me

Balance Patch by Me
I was really bored so I made a balance patch
Sylvan Sage Vivian: She really needs some love so I made it so her S1 is AOE if her S3 is on cooldown she dosen't need to soulburn to AOE and instead made it increase damage dealt. Increased her passive damage reduction a little (dosent help against fixed damage tho) and made it so if she has 2 focus or more she can self cleanse to help her against control. Gave her S3 50 CR push so she can pull of a S3 S1 combo easier.
Holiday Yufine: Her design is too good for her not to be meta.. I gave her immunity to CR debuffs so she can more reliably deal with sea phantom and made her punish CR down harder by giving speed buff if any ally is pushed back by a skill. Also made it so her S3 can't be countered because Ayufine and Candy exists. 25% CR push to be in line with Laia
Peacemaker Furious: Gave him stealth on S1 so he has a better time surviving and increased his s1 double proc chance (still rng kinda sucks but will do) I also gave him this condition where if he has 100% critical hit chance he will always crit so you still need to build critical hit chance on him but if he is at 100% he will always crit Candy. Damage increase on S3 and S1.
Luna: I tried to keep her viability in PVE while making her PVP ready. Her RNG S1 is now gone and now gives her speed buff. I got inspired by the new Ravi passive and the way my torrent neck rolled in ancient inheritance (attack and defense) and made it so luna's attack is linked to her defense (instead of hp for ravi) so she can be built tanky while still doing high damage. Her passive also gives her a flat 20% defense and attack + defense buff when she falls below 50% hp. S3 now also gives immunity to help with control and her soulburn increases damage and guarantees a crit so you can S3 candy safely :) 3 turn cooldown to be in line with other DPS.
Roana: This is a buff I actually wanna see, roana problem against candy and ayufine is that they can still get their ultimate off and nuke the entire team so add resource reduction to roana's passive and she would be immensely more viable.
Sinful Angelica: With the rise of blood moon haste I thought why not give some love to anti-res characters.
I increased her effect resistance to make sure she can get her ultimate off, made it so her S3 cleanses 2 debuffs for more overrall reliability and her s1 now defense breaks for 1 turn making the dual attack real lethal. I also moved her soulburn to S3 to make it on 2 turn cool if burned. Oh and she also cleanses 1 debuff on S1 nice.
Celestial Mercedes: She's been bad for too long now is her time to shine.
I tried to make her viable in anti-cleave and standard
S1 now heals and increases her CR for some sustain and tempo.
S2 gives her stealth and Magic for Friends (you know since she's mercedes) if used in anticleave the s2 attack down can be real lethal
S3 now attack buffs before attacking and gives unhealable (was on S1). I kept her CR push on critical hits made but added Defense penetration.. ofc damage dealt decreased or it would hit too hard. 3 turn cooldown to be in line with other dps.
Artifact time
Creation & Destruction: Added damage increase so it can actually be used.. Damage is slightly lower than other damage increase artifacts because of the huge potential of skill reset.
Sphere of Sadism: Just a terrible artifact so I decided to add immunity to the caster and remove the single target condition so more heroes can possibly make use of it.
Rise of a Monarch: I actually really like this one and want to know how you guys feel about it. 5* aurius but is obviously weaker at only 10% damage transfer but it can stop nakwhol S3 bind which I thought was pretty cool. I loved Mort's artifact buff and wanted to make something similar but for Nakwhol.
submitted by Emergency_Chef7868 to EpicSeven [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:47 mbarcy Texts which radically critique the doctor/patient relationship and hospitals?

Hi, sorry for the long post-- I am disabled from a chronic illness and I was curious about texts which critique the doctopatient relationship and the patient/hospital relationship. When I became ill, I was seriously shocked by the level of paternalism allowed towards patients-- I have a distinct memory of feeling way too hot in a hospital, asking if I could leave my bed to go outside for a moment, and not being allowed to get up from my bed-- it felt like the first time I had really experienced genuine unfreedom. I have found from my time in emergency rooms and various clinics that doctors also tend to be extremely dismissive of chronically ill patients, telling me my symptoms are psychiatric, or that they'll go away on their own, or that I just need to drink more water. Many of the testing methods are also clearly not designed from the standpoint of patients: many tests for chronic illnesses try to use certain stimuli to bring out symptoms in patients-- but from a patient perspective, these texts basically feel like being tortured. I had one test where my blood pressure spiked to 150/100 and I was convulsing, and I was still bureaucratically denied treatment for not meeting one part of the purely quantitative diagnostic criteria. A lot of the texts on the experience of chronically ill people in regards to the health system feel overly reformist. My experience has been extremely radicalizing-- I do not want the same health system in a socialist economy, or some neoliberal scheme to "improve health outcomes"-- I think I seriously believe at this point that our current health system needs to be completely dismantled and replaced by something liberatory. But I have no idea what that might be, or what it would look like. Are there any texts which deal with this, with patient liberation and the abolition of hospitals as such?
submitted by mbarcy to Anarchy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:43 Rhaguen Energy efficiency consideration when looking to buy

I moved to the Netherlands one year and a half ago and I have set a personal goal of owning a house by the end of next year. At the moment I am just lurking at the house market, trying to get as most information as possible, no pressure at all.
I suppose to have at least some basic undertanding of the key points. I'm aware of the affordable house crisis, specially in Randstad. I grasped the concept of how to buy, acessed my budget (350~400k, with will fall into the most competitive range, I'm afraid), looking for a suitable property, make some property viewings, negotiation and offer, mortgage advisor...the most fundamental steps, I guess, are covered at least to minimum degree. By no means I think I've know enought, but for now, probably is sufficient to start narrowing down my options and learn more along the way.
However, there's one topic that I haven't grasped any confidence so far: energy efficiency. The only thing I'm sure is that mortgage rates differ if the property isn't at least A labeled now, with have complled me into look only for properties A or better.
This seems to create a demand gap between energy-efficient homes and those with higher energy consumption and I could not figure out if it's economically viable to include the less efficient ones on future searches.
I've seen too many conflicting statements about it. Some sources say that if the property is at least C, it can be improved to A or better. But even if that is true, I could not find with certainty if the mortgage rate signed for a C label can be renegociated after such improvement.
Other sources say that if its D or lower, to avoid the property like the plague. With is kind of strange given the housing crisis going on - who buys these houses them? Construction companies?
I acknowledge my question is vague, but I would like to hear your opinions on how impactfull would energy efficiency be in your decision while searching for a home to buy and why.
Thanks you for the patience :-)
submitted by Rhaguen to Netherlands [link] [comments]
