Fever phlegm cough

Corona Virus Updates

2020.03.06 06:47 fitnessdream Corona Virus Updates

A novel coronavirus strain (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in the city of Wuhan, China. This subreddit seeks to monitor the spread of the disease COVID-19, declared a PHEIC by the WHO. COVID-19 is the formerly called '2019-nCoV novel coronavirus, (2019)-nCoV, Wuhan Flu and China Flu is the virus causing the 2019-20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. The first suspected cases were officially reported to the WHO on 31 December 2019 but China experienced cases since 8 December 2019.

2024.05.17 13:51 lilbitofsophie How did you cope when you, the parent, got sick?

Tuesday, my husband had a medical procedure done which requires rest and limited activity which includes not lifting or caring for our soon-to-be 6mo. I was perfectly okay with that and was ready to care for them both.
However, that evening, I developed symptoms suddenly that I thought were allergies. It wasn’t allergies, lol.
Within the next couple days, I’ve had an on-and-off fever in the 100s, my body hurts, runny/congested nose, sneezing and coughing, chills and sweats, all the things. Safe to suspect it’s the flu (and turning into pneumonia).
My body is screaming rest, I’m so tired and weak, but I can’t leave my LO unattended, especially while his dad is still on strict limitations and can’t do anything. However, I’m trying my best to avoid my LO from getting sick. This is tough. My LO is dealing with his own struggles, like his dad and me, but I’m having to put my illness to the side to care for him at the risk of also getting him sick.
How did you handle it, caring for a fussy baby while you, yourself, were sick? What did you do? I’m all ears for any advice or encouragement. I’m at my wits end.
submitted by lilbitofsophie to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:49 No-Cat1196 Got sick 4 days before my big goal this year

As the title says, i got sick only for 1 day(4 days before my big 10k race) had fever and was sleepy but no cough or anything else, i feel good today(3 days before) but wont run, since I want to rest, might do a 5k easy run tomorrow with 2x400 meter race pace to test myself. What do you guys think? Should I just rest? Am I doomed? Please give me some advice
submitted by No-Cat1196 to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:44 AdInteresting2401 Diagnostic and Non-Diagnostic Symptoms and differential diagnoses - A dermatologic perspective (2023)

Diagnostic and Non-Diagnostic Symptoms and differential diagnoses - A dermatologic perspective (2023)
MCAS differential diagnosis includes a large number of medical areas, conditions and disorders: infectious diseases (severe viral/bacterial/parasitic infections, septic shock, acute gastrointestinal infection), gastrointestinal (food intoxication, VIPoma, gastrinoma, irritable bowel syndrome, eosinophilic gastroenteritis or esophagitis, inflammatory bowel disease), cardiovascular (endocarditis or endomyocarditis, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, aortic stenosis with syncope), endocrine (pheochromocytoma, carcinoid, medullary thyroid carcinoma), neuropsychiatric (anxiety/panic attacks, vasovagal syncope), cutaneous (different kinds of urticaria and angioedema, drug related pruritus/rashes, rosacea, vasculitis, atopic dermatitis). Furthermore, differential diagnosis should take into consideration two conditions where there is a chronic systemic elevation of MC mediators without MCs undue activation, namely histamine intolerance (HIT) and hereditary alpha tryptasemia (HαT) (see below). A complete physical examination, combined with a detailed patient history and laboratory assessment of specific markers, can help exclude these conditions [137].
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:07 mistressmagick13 Kennel cough and post-tussive emesis

I have a previously healthy, one year old, male beagle mix breed who is up to date on vaccinations and contracted Kennel Cough from an outbreak at his daycare. He’s on day 3 of symptoms, saw the vet on day 2. He was given doxycycline and “cough tabs” (that do not list their active ingredient, but are little yellow scored things).
Day 1: He had very intermittent dry cough/non-productive retching. We thought maybe he had a hairball, as he recently started shedding a bit more. Eating, drinking, playing, active.
Day 2: Exact same symptoms, except more frequent cough that was now occasionally producing a clear-white frothy mucus. Decided to go to the vet, as above.
Day 3: Started meds on day two. Handled them well. Still eating, drinking, playing, active… except now he has coughing fits every 15 minutes and he coughs so hard he throws up everything he eats and drinks. He has not developed any red flag symptoms that the vet told us to look for: Still no increased breathing rate or heart rate, no fevers, no blue gums, no wheezing or difficulty breathing.
Overall, I think it’s a fairly mild respiratory infection, but this vomiting is truly an issue. We’ve been sitting in the bathroom all night with the steamy air, me and my spouse trading off every 2 hours. It helps a little, but we’ve still gone through 70% of the towels in our house cleaning up after him. He’s got a water bowl, drinks after he throws up. Lays down. Then 15 minutes later has another coughing fit and throws it all up again. I’m concerned he’s also throwing up the cough suppressant meds that should be helping, though I haven’t seen any full pills in the vomit.
He’s not acting lethargic, fatigued, or dehydrated… yet. I’d like to keep him from getting there. Any tips on helping him through the coughing fits to hopefully prevent the vomiting so he can keep down his meds?
submitted by mistressmagick13 to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:00 NoAcanthocephala5350 Inhaled fumes

So I inhaled some fumes from the solder wire and this hard block of cleayellowish resin type material. It only slightly irritated my throat after a day but for the past 2-3 days it’s only gotten worse and I haven’t gotten back. I went and got cough drops but its almost like drinking water with hot food it’s soothing when I have it but after gets worse with coughing. Now I’m having coughing fits every min and I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night. I just now threw up trying to remove the phlegms from my throat after a fit of coughing. The soldering kit was like $12 and the yellow looking block had Chinese lettering. Has anyone experienced this?
submitted by NoAcanthocephala5350 to soldering [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:54 mistressmagick13 Kennel cough and post-tussive emesis

I have a previously healthy, one year old, male beagle mix breed who is up to date on vaccinations and contracted Kennel Cough from an outbreak at his daycare. He’s on day 3 of symptoms, saw the vet on day 2. He was given doxycycline and “cough tabs” (that do not list their active ingredient, but are little yellow scored things).
Day 1: He had very intermittent dry cough/non-productive retching. We thought maybe he had a hairball, as he recently started shedding a bit more. Eating, drinking, playing, active.
Day 2: Exact same symptoms, except more frequent cough that was now occasionally producing a clear-white frothy mucus. Decided to go to the vet, as above.
Day 3: Started meds on day two. Handled them well. Still eating, drinking, playing, active… except now he has coughing fits every 15 minutes and he coughs so hard he throws up everything he eats and drinks. He has not developed any red flag symptoms that the vet told us to look for: Still no increased breathing rate or heart rate, no fevers, no blue gums, no wheezing or difficulty breathing.
Overall, I think it’s a fairly mild respiratory infection, but this vomiting is truly an issue. We’ve been sitting in the bathroom all night with the steamy air, me and my spouse trading off every 2 hours. It helps a little, but we’ve still gone through 70% of the towels in our house cleaning up after him. He’s got a water bowl, drinks after he throws up. Lays down. Then 15 minutes later has another coughing fit and throws it all up again. I’m concerned he’s also throwing up the cough suppressant meds that should be helping, though I haven’t seen any full pills in the vomit.
He’s not acting lethargic, fatigued, or dehydrated… yet. I’d like to keep him from getting there. Any tips on helping him through the coughing fits to hopefully prevent the vomiting so he can keep down his meds?
submitted by mistressmagick13 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:07 drambikachestclinic What are the common causes of chest pain?

Chest pain can arise from various conditions, some of which are serious and require immediate medical attention, while others are less severe. Here are some common causes of chest pain:

Cardiac Causes

  1. Angina
  1. Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
  1. Pericarditis
  1. Myocarditis
  1. Aortic Dissection

Gastrointestinal Causes

  1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  1. Esophageal Spasm
  1. Peptic Ulcer
  1. Gallbladder Disease (e.g., Gallstones)

Pulmonary Causes

  1. Pulmonary Embolism
  1. Pneumonia
  1. Pleuritis (Pleurisy)
  1. Pneumothorax (Collapsed Lung)

Musculoskeletal Causes

  1. Costochondritis
  1. Muscle Strain
  1. Rib Fractures

Psychological Causes

  1. Panic Attack
  1. Anxiety

Other Causes

  1. Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
  1. Hiatal Hernia
Given the wide range of potential causes, chest pain should be evaluated by a healthcare professional, especially if it is severe, persistent, or associated with symptoms such as shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, or dizziness. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial for conditions like heart attacks and pulmonary embolisms, which can be life-threatening.
submitted by drambikachestclinic to u/drambikachestclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:39 asttocatbunny Uk, asthma following whooping cough

Hi All. Im a 65 yo chap with lifelong allergic asthma. This years being a bit of a bummer. Whooping cough is going around the uk, its called the 100 day cough unofficially here. Well, i got it (or rather we - wife n i) when we went down london. 2 lots if antibiotics and prednisolone later i got rid of the main infection. However the cough and catarh goes on and on. Now week 6.. Also unfortunately all the spring flowers and trees have come out at the same time, which had not helped. Im on the usual, seretide, floc. Nasal spray, cetezerine tablets for the hey-fever. Still got catarh and at night its bad, and coughing up yellow flem globules. Dic says it will eventually go, it can take months apparently after the infection. Has a scope down, had a small bleed on the vocal chords n throat which will get better. Also had a xray 2 weeks ago which showed some alvioli had collapsed at bottom of lungs. I suspect thats got better now as i can now brest much more deeply and not get as exhausted as i was. However its still bad. Anyone got any hints / tips? Im feeling like s 90 yo at the mo, and it would also really help yo get a decent nights sleep instead of waking and coughing every 3 hours.
submitted by asttocatbunny to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:40 Industry_Forward 8 year old coughing for 3.5 months

Hey there,
My son who is usually healthy (ran in 100m and came 3rd in class on Feb 3rd) has been coughing from mid Feb. He did 3XX situps and got fever towards the end of Feb. Doc ordered a Chest Xray and provided amoxyxicillin for 5 days. He was fine and was just trying to clear his throat after the duration. He started going to taekwndo where he did 3xx situps again and had a fever. Went to the doc. they re-ordered chest X-ray. They said healing is not complete. He was put on augmentine for 10 days and mometasone for a month. The times he coughs significantly reduced. But he was still coughing. Then he was put on Laveta and some other syrup. His cough decreased a little but not completely gone. He coughs once in the morning with Phlegm. He is otherwise playing and all. He is active and has not had fever for a month and half. He mostly tries to clear his throat all the time and coughs with mucus 2 3 times a day.
  1. What are warning signs I should watch out for and report ?
  2. Why is it taking so long for him to be relieved of his cough ?
  3. He had fever in january which was going till 103 for 6 days and then it subsided on its own. He had some cough symptoms then too. We did not get tested for covid since the day he went to doc his temp started coming down on its own. Could this be COVID related ?
Will appreciate any one with similar experience to share their experience.
submitted by Industry_Forward to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:46 ChoicePerception7311 Can’t seem to get over Pneumonia

Chest X-ray 8 days ago confirmed pneumonia. Was ill with mild flu symptoms, burning eyes for six days before fever kicked in and got me to the dr. Since then, finished Cefdinil (?) and Doxycycline. Thought I was recovering, started light 10-20 minute activity and fever came back. If I’m sedentary the fever stay low. Tried to go to the grocery store today for twenty minutes and fever spiked to just above 101 within the hour.
Had tests for inluenza, covid, mono and strep. All negative.
Cough persists but isn’t as productive. I’ve been sore with aches and extreme fatigue throughout.
submitted by ChoicePerception7311 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:22 OkAnybody1861 Does this sound like the flu or food poisoning?

Yesterday I woke up feeling insanely dizzy and at first I thought I woke up too fast, so I went back to bed. But that dizziness didn’t go away and every time I’d try to walk around I’d get really dizzy, nauseous, and start sweating. Eventually I ended up throwing up
Today I woke up still feeling dizzy but less nauseous. I felt nauseous off and on today but never threw up. I also ate a lot more today than I did yesterday (even tho it still wasn’t a lot. Just toast, yogurt, and peanut butter crackers). But now instead of throwing up I’m just shitting water. I still feel dizzy but it’s no longer making me nauseous
I’m not running a fever and I don’t have a cough, so I’m wondering if this is food poisoning or the flu
submitted by OkAnybody1861 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:11 one4u2ponder My uncle was ambushed by an infectious disease doctor today

Basically, the entire goal of this “meeting” was to get my uncle on the big 3 for a Mac infection.
I say ambushed because he got him into a room and basically told him all about how he needs to do this 18 month antibiotic treatment and how it is going to make him feel better. The dude has seen my uncle for all of about 10 days. While my uncle was in the hospital for pseudomonas. And now he “knows” how my uncle feels?
My uncle is 69 years old, can maintain a 90 o2 without oxygen, and 93 to 95 on 1 litter of oxygen, my uncle does not get night sweets, does not spit blood, he exercises for 1 hour a day, even though he has severe copd and bronchiectasis. He is maintaining weight for the last 4 years.
My uncle’s only real symptom (if you can call it that) is that he coughs phlegm. He doesn’t have a chronic cough, but his coughs are related to remove phlegm. He is using a shaker vest, sodium chloride, and albuterol.
The guy never mentioned any of the side effects (or the fact that) even if they “cure” it it could still come back. I am not not even sure it was the Mac infection that has caused the damage at all because from my understanding Mac can be very local and my uncle has copd which is a progressive disease. But this dude made me mad that he doesn’t know anything about my uncle and decided this is what HAS to be done. I told the guy to kick rocks, basically. It’s insane to me that he would go to that.
submitted by one4u2ponder to COPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:35 jellyfishmelodica Anachronismspotting @ UMMS ER, today, 05/16/24

Anachronismspotting @ UMMS ER, today, 05/16/24 submitted by jellyfishmelodica to baltimore [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:22 Ok-Counter9577 First Doctor Appointment Tomorrow (PCP)

Hi everyone. This is my first time posting. I've been reading so many of your stories and I'm so appreciative to those of you who have shared your experiences on this forum. It's brought me a lot of hope, and has somewhat prevented me from spiraling as I try to understand what is happening to my body and deciphering what are true symptoms from what might be false correlations.
I have my first appointment with my PCP to begin to understand what is happening to me. After I share my journey, I would be very interested in learning from those of you who advocated for yourselves early on in your quest for a diagnosis.
I have been experiencing widespread fasciculations for over a week now. They first were primarily in my left (my dominant hand) bicep and tricep, with bursts lasting 2-3 seconds around 3-4 times per hour. They then spread, now with frequent spams (about 3-4 times per hour) in my upper neck (what might be suprahyoid muscles). My left arm is quite sore. I have some perceived weakness in it, but I have been able to lift things, do 40 pushups, fasten buttons, etc with no difficulty. The soreness radiates to my forearms. I also have fasciculations in my back, butt, eye, nose, scalp, and chin.
The fasciculations are what drove me to this forum, but as I started to learn more, I started to realize there were other symptoms I am now very concerned about:
On the contrary:
I want to talk to my doctor and have her take me seriously. I am 32 and want to start thinking about starting a family soon. I need to be able to explore all of the possible diagnoses. The subtext here is that I am deeply concerned I have a serious/terminal neurological condition.
What advice do you have when I talk to her tomorrow? I'm so afraid she won't take me seriously because I'm young.
submitted by Ok-Counter9577 to BFS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:03 sangcti Pyridostigmine Allergy?

35f, LRP4+. The Pyridostigmine has really helped with my weakness over the past month but I've been having worsening reactions to it that got pretty spooky recently and my Neurologist has recommended that I cease it entirely for 3 days then reassess treatment. Whenever I took it I'd get extreme mucus secretions to the point where I've had to take an expectorant (guiafenesin) alongside each dose and would wheeze for a good hour or so while struggling to bring up a glue like phlegm. I also had an extreme burning skin sensation all over body daily that was getting more and more painful (nurses at the hospital didn't really know what to do and gave me Tylenol and ice packs) and recently after upping the dose to 90, feeling of constricted airways, tightness in my throat, itchy mouth/throat and ears and nape of my neck and feet. In the hospital last week and an ER visit this week they had to give me an abuterol treatment that led to me violently coughing up an unexpected amount of white stringy mucus from my lungs and eased my breathing. So I guess I have asthma now along with MG. I am still taking Prednisone and Mycophenolate without any major issues as of now.
Today is the first day in weeks that I've experienced absolutely no burning skin sensation or super tight airway feeling or itchyness in my mouth or limbs. My last dose was yesterday morning. So if the Pyridostigmine is a no go, are there any alternative daily maintenance pills or would the next step be IV treatment? My Neuro has said that I couldn't quality for IVIG unless I failed the Pyridostigmine and I think being actively allergic to it sounds as failing...
submitted by sangcti to MyastheniaGravis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:58 BigPensamientos PT starting because of insomnia? And stopping after coughing?

Hi everyone. First of all, I want to say that English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry about any mistakes.
My whooshing started in November of 2022. It started during a time where I wasn't sleeping well - I suck at sleeping in beds that aren't my own and I was just starting to go out with my current SO. I spent about a week straight at their place and after three days of shitty sleep, the whooshing was born. My left ear only. It only happened at night and only on the nights where I'd slept badly the nights prior. I didn't pay it much mind. I figured it was just a weird symptom of being tired. I've never had trouble resting, so it must've been that!
Then I finally got used to that bed and house, I could sleep well, so the heartbeat whooshing stopped. It didn't happen there or in my house. It was very, very rare for it to happen and whenever it did happen it was during times where I was exhausted.
Then it just totally stopped. It went away for like... more than a year. Even if I didn't sleep. But now, about two months ago, it came back. I'm sleeping well. I'm not tired. It happens not only at night now, but also during the day. I started getting worried because two times now I've woken up during the night because of how loud it can get. I've no idea what triggered it this time. I thought last time it was exhaustion, but maybe I wasn't right?
Of course I googled it weeks ago and found this community. I read some of your posts and, just like many of you, it goes away when I press on my neck (on the vein). But it only goes away temporarily. However, when I cough (only when there is phlegm), it totally goes away. It stops. When there's no phlegm, no matter how much I cough, it doesn't go away.
Sometimes changing positions in bed can trigger it to start. Or even sometimes swallowing spit can make it start.
Also, the PT only happens while I'm laying down. If I'm standing up, it takes a little while, but it stops.
I've already scheduled an appointment with an ENT but it's not going to happen for some time and it's almost 2am and I'm sleepy but my whooshing won't let me sleep so... Here I am.
Also, I'm not sure if it's relevant, but in March 2023 I had a very severe case of sinus infection which I haven't totally recovered from to this day. A lot of snot in the back of my nose, phlegm constantly, and pain in my face whenever I'm on a plane. I wonder if that's related?
I'm not overweight, I eat healthy, don't smoke, etc. I haven't been working out much lately, especially in the last year or so. But I was working out when everything first started in 2022. I'm 26 F
Has this happened to anyone else?
submitted by BigPensamientos to PulsatileTinnitus [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:52 No-Werewolf-8092 Whooping cough or pneumonia? 32 F

Age 32
Sex F
Height 5’6”
Weight 165lbs
Race White
Duration of complaint 4 weeks
Location Minnesota, USA
Any existing relevant medical issues Bronchitis; Bipolar I
Current medications Lithium 900mg, Caplyta 42mg, Seroquel 50mg
I posted last week about an ongoing respiratory illness. After multiple urgent care visits, I took prednisone and cough syrup with codeine along with amoxicillin that all finished on Monday.
I’ve had a cough that’s worsening even after medications. I’m woken up every night multiple with bouts where I can’t breath, have mucus, and last for 10-15 minutes. During the day, I’m coughing almost constantly and am fully hoarse. I’m a teacher (and out of PTO) so am using my voice often. Coughing happens whether or not I am speaking for any length of time. I’m constantly dizzy. I have chest pain, a headache, and tonight had a fever of 100.3 and coughed so hard I vomited.
I am seeing my primary care doctor tomorrow morning, but want to be sure I ask appropriate questions so this doesn’t linger. I’m worried my symptoms may indicate whooping cough or pneumonia. Thanks in advance for your help.
ETA: My students are in first grade, so 6-7 years old
submitted by No-Werewolf-8092 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:23 AudraOnReddit Survivor Season 27 Blood v Water

Just finished Season 27. Been watching from the beginning, in order.
Curious to hear what other people think about this season (no spoilers for subsequent seasons, pleeeease.)
I'll start at the end because it was maybe the best tribal council I'd ever seen. All three finalists made good speeches. The jury asked good questions. I went into FTC assuming it was a runaway for Tyson, but after hearing each finalist's speech, I felt as though each one of them would have been a deserving winning, and the runners-up might have won if they were up against lesser contestants from episodes past.
I started w/that because Blood v Water is third from the bottom for me. I didn't like a lot of the emotional "tough decisions" which were the point of this season. I'm not a mom, nor did I know my mom, so all the Ciera-Laura stuff was boring (at best.) But I totally get why others might have liked those bits.
Here are some of my thoughts:
Gervase - I was so glad to see him back! I loved Season 1, and when I read about it, I'd read that Gervase had been trying to make alliances but the young guy(s) didn't want to form alliances. So, he was kind of SOL. We didn't see any of that. He came across that season as just a jokester. I remember being impressed with his FTC speech because it was really good, and I was surprised because he'd seemed like just a goofball until he made that great speech while he was voting (about how Sue had no right to be so angry about Kelly's "betrayal.") He was so right. And I thought man, that guy is smarter than he seemed. So it was great to see him get another shot. I was glad he made it to the final 3. I agree with his FTC speech. I think he played a great game (except he was surprisingly bad in the first challenge.) I agree with everything he said at FTC.
Tyson - In his first season, I loved his sense of humor and his style. I think he's the funniest player ever (to "date", meaning to Ssn 27.) But my opinion of him sank when he was mean to that blonde girl in whatever season that was. The girl who had the flu (I was pissed that she came on the show with the flu. Can you imagine spending 10 yrs trying to get on the show, and then sitting on the boat next to someone who was hocking up phlegm and had a 100 degree fever?? But then I warmed to her because she was mentally so strong, and kept fighting, and I really liked her by the end. I forget her name. But Tyson told her to her face that she was "not smart enough" to something, something. And it was mean.
I always give the mean players a second chance, and hope that when they watch themselves they regret things like that. It's great to see returning players come back who have grown and become better. And Tyson did. He regretted being mean, and in his 2nd season he was not mean to anybody (that we saw.) So, when he came back a 3rd time I was happy. And I was really glad he won. I'd have been happy if it was either him or Tina. They're both great in different ways.
Monica - I liked some things about her. The best was her FTC speech. People kept asking her over and over to show her true self (she already had!) And I loved when she said, "Have you people never met a nice person before??" That's up there in my top 3 FTC speeches. I liked her husband, Brad, and I loved her relationship with him. They were sweet together. But I understand why people were saying she was annoying. I think she may be in the lower percentile of survivor contestants when it comes to IQ (along with Erik and Christina.) And that made some of her spiels annoying and caused her to bug people by talking too much about strategy. It was as if she wanted to prove that she was a great strategist. What she was great at were the physical challenges. Really impressive! She's a neat lady. Didn't deserve to win, but I'm glad she made it as far as she did.
Tina - I love Tina. She amazed back in Ssn 2 when she swam across a crocodile infested river in the middle of the night to find the can of rice that had floated away in the flood. Nobody else did anything like that. I wouldn't have gone in that river in the day time let alone in pitch blackness. And she found it! And then she stood on that post in the freezing weather above the water for over 10 hrs - that's nuts (in a good way.) And she impressed me again in this season. I was bummed when she got out, but it had to be her or Tyson because they were the biggest threats for best player in the end, and Tyson had immunity, so it had to be Tina. She always handles everything honestly and like a champ.
Katie - was someone I would like IRL, but, unfortunately, she was a little boring for Survivor and she was terrible at challenges. I was SO glad when her mom chose NOT to let her win on Redemption Island. If Tina'd let Katie win, I'd have wanted to barf. But I liked Tina and Katie's relationship a lot.
Which brings me to Ciera. I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I couldn't stand Ciera. She sucked at challenges throughout the first half of the game, bringing her team down. And then her mom got voted out in a large part due to the fact that the returning players knew that Laura would never sacrifice her daughter for the team. And they thought Laura might have a shot at beating Brad at Redmptn. Isl. but I think that was the lesser of the reasons. So, Laura got voted out basically because of her relationship with her daughter, and then Ciera has the nerve to say, "My mom got voted out already. I'm still here. The fact is, I'm a better player than my mom." And then there was all that sappy shit with Ciera crying over voting out her mom. Ugh - I started fast-forwarding her parts. She seemed to me to have the mentality of a teenager who thinks they know it all, and thinks they're so much smarter than other people when they're not.
Laura B - She was really, really impressive in challenges and on Redemption Island. I wasn't too enamored with her in her 1st season mostly because of how she was with Shambo (who I loved.) But I'd be happy to see Laura again if she wasn't there with her daughter.
Rupert - I always love Rupert. His wife is sweet, too, and it was nice she got to play.
Candice - I don't know if I'm in the minority here. Probably. I can't stand Candice. I was stoked she got voted out first, and then bummed that I still had to listen to her on Redemption Island. Her plusses: she has a nice husband, and she doesn't say "no" when Survivor calls her after someone else backed out. Her image of her own self is highly inflated.
On the Wiki, I read a list of people who Survivor had asked to be on the show. Ah, I would have loved to have seen Earl again, and RC (loved her), and even Jerri (Another who I didn't like their first season, but they learned and grew.) Pleeeeease no more Candice.
Who am I forgetting?
Oh yeah. Colton. Strangely, I don't mind Colton. I didn't like when he was mean to Christina in his first season, but you can tell with him it's an act, and that it's coming from a place of insecurity. I believe he's a nicer person on the inside, and I believe he probably continued to grow. What I didn't like was how he curled up in the fetal position on his fiance's lap like a baby. That was just weird. And I don't mean because they were two men, I'd have felt the same way if Kat did that to Hayden.
Caleb. Just like everybody, I kept thinking, "Why would such a normal, likeable guy like Caleb get engaged to someone so different from himself? Someone who can't seem to stop himself from saying mean things about people and acting like a baby.
Kat - I was impressed with her mostly because she was yet another example of someone who watched themselves and grew. She was a lot calmer this time … up until she got voted out. She lost me with her little meltdown about how her boyfriend was going to break up with her because she got voted out of Survivor. Ugh. And then the big question over whether he would switch with her or not. If she was a nice, level-headed person she would have right away said, “Don’t even think about it, Hayden. You stay in this game.” But she waited and they made a big, sappy scene about it … I got the feeling she was testing him. Insecure. Blah.
Hayden – I liked him.
Aras – I didn’t remember him from his season. I had to rack my brain, and then I had a vague memory of thinking, “Oh yeah, I think I thought he deserved to win.” But when I first saw him, I thought, “This is returning player?”
Vytas – I have a feeling he’ll be back. I really liked him a lot. Good, smart player.
All around, I didn't like the "Blood v Water" schtick … but Tyson was great, Tina was great, Rupert, Vytas, and some others were good, and FTC was really good, so those things saved it from sinking to the bottom of my list.
submitted by AudraOnReddit to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:20 bookreadermak Toddler's persistent runny nose- what can I do?

My 2.5 years old is experiencing persistent runny nose since the last 4/5 weeks. We took her to urgent care 3 wks ago and the doctor said her ear is fine and sent us home. She doesn't have fever, only occasional cough at night. I also bought an ear checking wand from Amazon and her ear looks perfectly fine. She goes to daycare btw
I live in a high allergy prone area and giving her 2.5ml Zyrtec almost everyday. But the runny nose is constantly bothering her. What can I do to help?
submitted by bookreadermak to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:01 Proper_Succotash_848 Weak for 3 months and dont know why.

male, M28, non smoker.
Hey, I'm writing for my family member to help look for answers since they are very hard to get.
About 3months ago my family member (I'll call him Jim) felt sick - almost like a basic flu with symptoms - cough, sore throat, runny nose 37.1°C fever. After a couple of days the cough and sore throat dissappeared, but the runny nose stayed and also a upper face pains appeared. Was given antibiotics.
After a couple of weeks of this - same fever 37°C 'ish got worried ant started not to sleep (panic attacks). This went on for weeks and Jim started to feel weak even tho he was active - walking 10k steps a day.
After a month from the beggining another thing appeared - pain in the testicles, was very hard to move because of a sharp pain, went to the doctor - found something like an infection and was given antibiotics. After them it kinda dissapeared, but would come on every once in a while. Worries came in at this point so Jim was doing every test he could get his hands on - x-rays, mrt, crb, overall blood tests - everything came up as healthy.
Jim thought that this would dissapear by itself, but he was not getting better, although symptoms are not that critical - the everyday feel is very weak, head is dizzy all the time and doctors are not helping by saying it's an psychological disorder. At the time Jim did a antibody test - found 600 sars-cov2 antibodys when the norm is 20-30, also mycoplasma pneumonia 170 which goes well with a subtle pain in the left rib are, norm is also 20-30 and was given antibiotics and is currently on the course - but at the third day - still dizzy and still feeling weak.
Any suspections, I would be very very thankful. I can clear some things up if needed since everything is very hard to explain, but the main thing is that he is feeling weak and demolished when he used to be very energetic and a maximalist. Again, thank you for reeplys.
submitted by Proper_Succotash_848 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:37 throwaway-9463235 How common is it for brain fog to go away relatively swiftly?

I tested positive for covid a week ago, and while the majority of my symptoms vanished over time, I woke up today (though I can still feel that I am sick, but right now its mostly on the level of a weak cold) noticing that my mind just was not functioning properly. What separates the brain fog I'm experiencing now from any confusion or brain fog or tiredness I've had in the past is my mind's visualization skills. I've never once experienced my visualization skills be this reduced. Imagery is far less visually vivid and I can only focus on a far smaller part. Sounds are also less intensive in my mind. Because of how novel this experience is I am assuming its related to covid brain fog specifically. While I should note that I also some 3 days ago started taking fluoxetine and guanfacine again, I can't remember it ever affecting me like this. Only just yesterday were my visualization skills in pristine condition.
So, does brain fog go away quickly for most people? Or does it tend to last? As I understand It is thought to be the result of infection in the brain, which does not sound to me like something that just passes easily on its own. And most mentions of covid brain fog I've seen have been about it long term. In the event that this does tend to be a sign of coming long covid, is there anything I should do or take now early to better my chances?
I'm aware this reads as a bit hypochondric, and I'm honestly not sure which subreddit was appropriate to post this in, but I posted it here because I'm assuming that most of you have more knowledge regarding this than others.
If this matters, my symptoms started out a few days like a strange upper throat and nasal cavity infection, progressed to something more like a fever (though fortunately coughing was relatively infrequent) with significant congestion, eventually my smell (and subsequently aromatic flavours) diminished significantly in intensity, perhaps to something around 5%-20%. But that passed over the course of 3 days. And today, I don't have many symptoms at all beyond just having that sick feeling in my body. And a really strange mild headache, and a constant mild pressure in my head, and general loss of focus and brain fog symptoms alongside the novel notably reduced abilities of my "mind's eye".
submitted by throwaway-9463235 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:26 Roksyk Airborne mold in bedroom making asthma worse every day.

Hi. First, all of this was caused by my state of depression from dealing with a severe ear condition that has been ruining my life, which I've talked about in hyperacusis. However, I understand and accept that this is still entirely my fault.
I have had asthma for most of my life and have been in relatively decent control of it. But recently I’ve been exposed to airborne mold. This has happened before, when the first time I had forgotten a tied-up grocery bag of food in my closet, and by the time I’d thrown it out, it had mold inside, with lots of moisture inside and out. Otherwise, there were absolutely no stains or visible mold anywhere to be seen, so I know that it was only airborne mold, plus the air was thicker with a particular smell. It lasted for a month and a half, since I had no idea what to do, and eventually lead to mold allergies that started after a month; dry mouth, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, sneezing, dark phlegm, eye gunk, dry cough, and ruining my voice. The worst of it was how badly it affected my asthma, with shortness of breath and tight chest that kept getting worse.
I forgot the square footage of the room, maybe roughly 700, but I guess it’s medium-sized. I also live in central Florida, where it’s very hot and humid. Plus, I have carpeted floors that it must have probably seeped into. I tried airing the room out by opening the window for a long time, and even circulating the air with two big fans, spraying with Lysol, getting an air purifier, and trying two different dehumidifiers, but nothing worked. And now I can't leave my window open because of loud cars passing by, or have loud machines like noisy dehumidifiers, because of my ear condition.
At that time, I had a service done to treat it, and all my allergy symptoms completely went away, and my asthma got a little better. Now there is airborne mold once again, for nearly two months this time, because of another bag I had tied up with a small amount of food left from dinner I didn’t finish from the rare time I’d lost my appetite. Even though the amount of mold inside the bag was much smaller this time, the airborne mold is still in my room and affecting me. While the allergy symptoms are a lot tamer, my asthma is still getting the worst of it again, with my breath getting shorter and chest feeling tighter almost every day now, especially with having my inhaler being the only thing left to take, since I can’t afford my Spiriva Respimat and Advair Diskus without insurance, which is what helped a lot more last time.
The mold treatment service is 600 dollars, and since I can’t work in person because of my ear condition, along with struggling to find a remote job online, I have no way of affording it again at the moment.
Is it possible for me to be able to take care of this myself? And how can I treat my asthma from mold exposure? At least with helping the shortness of breath and tight chest.
submitted by Roksyk to Mold [link] [comments]
