Goals of initiel nurse

Am I an idiot for wanting to do these things first before settling on a career path and not doing my degree?

2024.06.02 06:00 throwaway_071478 Am I an idiot for wanting to do these things first before settling on a career path and not doing my degree?

Hey guys. I apologize for making a long post, but bear with me.
To put a long story short, I graduated with a bachelors in Information Systems and realized I hate coding (as in I never want to type another line of code ever again). Working in an unrelated job (teaching assistant). I like the tasks of the job, but it doesn't pay very well (I enjoy the time off it is so good). Plus teaching in the States isn't something I want to do long term. I also considered trying for travel nursing, a job adjacent in the education sector or aviation industry or merchant maritime but I am unsure of those pathways. I am really unsure what I am able to tolerate for a job that would pay enough/have enough time off. I do have some experiences (internship, office job, etc) but they are all unrelated. I am 23, and I feel that I don't have very much life experiences.
I guess really what I am asking is:
I have traveled on my own before. Really what I am asking is, has anyone done these things before and do you regret it? I am trying to find a balance between YOLO and making sure I have some stability. I do feel lost in life and have unanswered questions. Fortunately I don't really desire marriage/never ever want kids, but I would like pets eventually as they do help with appreciating the small things in life.
submitted by throwaway_071478 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:03 Liveyanne Any suggestions on what kind of career I should take?

I am 25 and have a bachelors degree in human development family sciences. The only job I could find was as a preschool teacher and I am over that. I don't know what other job options there are for my degree. I'm not opposed to getting my masters. I was thinking about becoming a high school teacher because the masters program would only take 1 year. But I’ve heard a lot of bad things about teaching in the school district. The issue is my HDFS degree doesn’t have the pre reqs for a lot of other master degrees (except maybe social work).
The other options I have considered was completely going back to school to become a nurse, medical sonographer, or massage therapist. But then I feel like I would have wasted my original bachelors degree. My main goal is to help others but also make a decent amount of money, so I am open to suggestions. Thank you.
submitted by Liveyanne to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:52 Prize_Mountain_3406 Hate my job and need advice

Really hate my job and feel stuck
So I wanted to come on here and ask some peoples opinions.. so I am a nurse and I currently work in one department which I absolutely hate.. and let me start by saying, in this department I work in, there are only four people who can do my job and I say this literally.
Me and 3 other people are able to do my job and no my manager is not willing to hire anyone else and does not try because she knows I am stuck. Per my companies policy, I have to stay in this area for one year before I am allowed to transfer. I am trying to transfer to the ICU, by the way and only the ICU.
I called HR and asked how I could go about a lateral transfer without quitting and reapplying. She said the best option is to talk to my direct supervisor and ask about transferring. So I talked to my direct supervisor and told her I was not happy at my job and I would like to transfer to facilitate as better mental space and career goal. My manager said she would keep it mind and see what she could do (obviously lies). I then talked to the supervisor above her and asked to transfer and she also said she could consider and see what she could do. This was like two months ago and have not heard anything else about it and they are not looking for more nurses so I just know it’s not happening. But I’m miserable!
I’m taking 6 days of call a week, my manager is nit picky and audits my charts everyday and finds something to correct me on daily. I’m working 5 days a week , weekends, till 8-9 pm several days a week. If someone calls out I am responsible for taking on the rest of the work no question giving up my free time and weekends. This situation actually happened to me Friday where someone called out and she asked me to take the weekend call and when I said no I just did 6 days of calls she said “you act like that’s a lot”.. if don’t come in when called I get written up.. I have 3 1/2 more months until I can transfer and I’m just miserable. Like so stressed out I’m gaining weight, can’t workout, I’m irritable and depressed.
Currently looking for other positions in ICU in the surrounding areas. Have a pretty good living situation so it’s hard for me to want to move and spend more money but at this point I’m over it and burnt out. Highly considering just quitting and re applying to the ICU department.. any suggestions? Words of advice? Please be nice I know you may not understand this whole situation but I just need some advice 👍🏼🙏🏻
submitted by Prize_Mountain_3406 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:00 Prize_Mountain_3406 Really hate my job and feel stuck

So I wanted to come on here and ask some peoples opinions.. so I am a nurse and I currently work in one department which I absolutely hate.. and let me start by saying, in this department I work in, there are only four people who can do my job and I say this literally.
Me and 3 other people are able to do my job and no my manager is not willing to hire anyone else and does not try because she knows I am stuck. Per my companies policy, I have to stay in this area for one year before I am allowed to transfer. I am trying to transfer to the ICU, by the way and only the ICU.
I called HR and asked how I could go about a lateral transfer without quitting and reapplying. She said the best option is to talk to my direct supervisor and ask about transferring. So I talked to my direct supervisor and told her I was not happy at my job and I would like to transfer to facilitate as better mental space and career goal. My manager said she would keep it mind and see what she could do (obviously lies). I then talked to the supervisor above her and asked to transfer and she also said she could consider and see what she could do. This was like two months ago and have not heard anything else about it and they are not looking for more nurses so I just know it’s not happening. But I’m miserable!
I’m taking 6 days of call a week, my manager is nit picky and audits my charts everyday and finds something to correct me on daily. I’m working 5 days a week , weekends, till 8-9 pm several days a week. If someone calls out I am responsible for taking on the rest of the work no question giving up my free time and weekends. This situation actually happened to me Friday where someone called out and she asked me to take the weekend call and when I said no I just did 6 days of calls she said “you act like that’s a lot”.. if don’t come in when called I get written up.. I have 3 1/2 more months until I can transfer and I’m just miserable. Like so stressed out I’m gaining weight, can’t workout, I’m irritable and depressed.
Currently looking for other positions in ICU in the surrounding areas. Have a pretty good living situation so it’s hard for me to want to move and spend more money but at this point I’m over it and burnt out. Highly considering just quitting and re applying to the ICU department.. any suggestions? Words of advice? Please be nice I know you may not understand this whole situation but I just need some advice 👍🏼🙏🏻
submitted by Prize_Mountain_3406 to WorkReform [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:51 Deadly-T-Shirt I feel like I’m the only one who thinks it’s kind of lame when other people get high/drunk

I’m a little tipsy right now so I’m being completely hypocritical but you can scroll past this or read it quickly enough that it doesn’t waste too much time. when my friend gets high it kind of ruins the vibe because she just spaces out the whole time and how the fuck am I supposed to have fun if she can’t even hold a conversation? She thinks it’s fun but I can’t get into it and I just end up a babysitter. I don’t like parties and being around drunk people because I’m a control freak so being around people who are so unpredictable makes me nervous but that may be the ocd talking.
the first experience I had with an allegedly drunk person was a stranger I had to perform first-aid on when I was 19ish. She’s alive, I think, but it was traumatizing according to my old therapist. Idk if I would use that word but I went a year unable to go a day without thinking of her. So perhaps. When I tell my friends I don’t want to get drunk or high they act disappointed which sucks so sometimes I fake it. I’ve literally taken shots of water before. I get drunk alone sometimes though and I’m alone now and I was listening to an audiobook which is comfortable but if I get so drunk I can’t follow the plot I get nervous.
My friend can’t follow a movie when she’s high and she’ll want to watch a movie with me and then she’ll turn it off like five minutes in because she can’t follow it and like… why am I even here? I wish I could drink around people without having an anxiety attack but therapists don’t think that’s a real goal. Last time I self harmed I was drunk though or maybe just really sleep deprived. I don’t really remember. None of this is against high or drunk people btw just my anxious and exhausted response towards them
I’ve gotten high before but I stopped because I’m in nursing school and we get drug tested. It was fun but I don’t miss it and so I don’t need it in my life. I also told myself I’d try not to drink as a coping mechanism but then learned that if my life is going well I feel no desire to drink so maybe almost every time I drink it’s a coping mechanism. This may be a thing I should talk about with my next therapist in August. I probably just shouldn’t drink but social pressure is a lot and I’m so stressed all the time due to the aforementioned nursing school. Also amaretto is tasty af
Anyway if you love talking to drunk people AMA
submitted by Deadly-T-Shirt to MadeOfStyrofoam [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:04 Comfortable_Tie_1870 Switching from nursing to elementary education?

I am thinking of switching careers from being a RN to an elementary school teacher. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing to do either from the standpoint of other teachers currently. I’m tired of being lied on, abused mentally and physically for NOTHING, the long hours, etc,. My passion I once had for helping the sick has burned out. My other life goal was to become an elementary school teacher with possibly obtaining a special needs cert. I’m so burned out with nursing… but people say teaching isn’t much different from the nursing abuse, and I’m just looking for experiences and opinions! Thank you!
submitted by Comfortable_Tie_1870 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:00 jddupont Want to share and value perspective here - Missed sepsis 4/29 - Heart issues the next day - Discharged 5/2 after cardio stress test. Diagnosis seemingly conflict with imaging/labs/other tests done. Principal on discharge paperwork of Postural Dizziness.

Reposting this here given UCLA took it down. After people started to believe what I'm saying. Essentially, it looks like they downplayed diagnoses - intentionally or not TBD. Mis-recorded a lot on my medical records, especially from the initial visit. I don't have the history they're saying I do and my medical records back that. Plenty more on my profile as well. I put up imaging, some lab tests, some medical records, enough to give people enough information to make their own observations. I fully understand what I'm doing in posting this in this way too. People even came on my profile after I put this up on the UCLA subreddit, trying to pick apart specifics that are not relevant to what's going on here. Trying very hard to put this on psychosomatic causes and my mental health. It was intense what happened, but I'm alright in that area. Happy to put up more to support these assertions if that's helpful too.
I was the patient in a missed sepsis diagnosis at a major university hospital on April 29th. I spent all day in the hospital trying to escalate a worsening infection that seemed to be spreading all over my body. I was experiencing fever symptoms on and off, fluid sensation, new infection sites popping up all over rapidly. The worst of the infection was on the left side of my neck, and my entire jaw was filled with pus and fluid. My face was swollen enough I tried telling them I didn't look like myself. Nobody at this hospital listened to a word I said and I was repeatedly saying that I strongly felt like I needed IV antibiotics because of the worsening symptoms. Every staff I talked to ignored me. They finally called me out of the tent, had me see a resident ER doctor who chose not to respond to my symptoms. I was dealing with a lot of family stress at the time, and he spent more time telling me that this was more of a GP/Dermatologist issue than it was an ER issue. I was shocked they weren't immediately putting me on IV antibiotics. He wasn't paying attention to what I was trying to tell him, and in the medical notes, recorded my age wrong, recorded my statements pertaining to my rapidly worsening symptoms wrong - failed to follow any standard of care for infection treatment. The picture attached is what this doctor looked at, and put an ultrasound to, only the picture was taken about 10 hours before this doctor looked at it. It had gotten much worse by that point. I told him that I'd been draining it with gauze the nurses in the waiting area gave me due to the amount of buildup in the infection. I drew his attention to my arms, chest, and stomach where active infections were coming up all over. I didn't have medical terminology to put to it, but I told him they seemed to be connected. His response - "don't touch them." This doctor recorded that I have a history of picking at my skin and causing infections to the point I regularly go to the hospital for antibiotics, I don't. I was trying to tell him I've two cellulitis infections in my lifetime, I'm 28 years old, and have a gauge on when doctors respond to infection symptoms seriously and this seemed past that point. The ultrasound imaging looked alarming due to what looked like a mass still inside. He told me it was muscle tissue, I don't think it was. It's hard to know definitively, the report was resigned about 7 hours after I pulled through in ICU the next morning. They didn't even record my age or symptoms right. This doctor had no idea what he was doing.
The next morning, I was in bad shape. I got out of bed, and fluid seemed to start coming out of my toes. I knew I needed to go back to the hospital. I start experiencing serious chest pains in the car, something was definitely going on with my heart. This part is hard for me to back medically at this point. I get to the hospital. I try to tell them my worsening symptoms. At that point fluid is building towards my chest again, leaking out of my toes. They completely ignore me. They treat me like I'm on drugs. Soaked in body fluid, they think it's sweat. Acting like I'm anxious for no reason again and I'm trying to tell them I need a doctor bad. Getting weaker. I'm sitting in the waiting area, I don't know how long. Actively relaying cardiac and sepsis symptoms on a real time basis, and they just don't believe me.
I'm finally called over to the triage, asking for a wheelchair, they won't bring one so I have to walk over. The chest pains were coming and going at that point. I try to tell the triage nurses what's happening and what my symptoms were in the car. Finally one male nurse takes notice, I talked to him after I pulled through, recognizable guy and one of the few people that admitted anything in line with the truth that treated me. He has them put an ECG on. They see the heart drop coming and say are you having chest pains. I wasn't at the time. Then it hits, my legs start shaking, heart tanks into the mid 30s instantly. They're panicking. Get on the phone, call an ICU response to the triage of this hospital. Takes a minute or two for them to get there. I'm being held down as I'm being transferred to a gurney, wheeled through the ER, doctors yelling to everyone get out of the way. I'm literally going black trying to keep my breath going at this point.
By the time they get me to ICU/trauma unit, I'm so weak that I can't even move my shoulder to help get my shirt off, still fully awake. They get my shirt off and start sticking me with IV's all over. Monitoring equipment goes on, doctors start working on me seriously. Administer IV antibiotics, lactated ringer solutions, whatever else they did there. I was just trying to fight it. I basically gave up, thinking I was going to die on that ICU bed, and start coming back. They send in portable imaging and seemingly ID something concerning in my heart. Imaging records show sepsis indicated on a chest X-ray. Possible endocarditis on a bedside ultrasound per what the doctors signed off on. I'm so weak, half dead at that point, really didn't think I would make it.
They put me in a hallway for like 8 hours after that, not telling me what happened. I'm so concerned that what put me in the trauma unit is going to happen again, telling them I'm feeling tightness in my chest, fluid concerns, hooked up to full heart monitoring, dual deep vein IV's in. They ignore all my symptoms and complaints to the point I get pissed and I basically tell them, per the nursing notes - "stop bullshitting me." They finally move me to a more private hallway after I tell them I'm freezing cold and can't take it. The door kept opening where the ambulances were bringing people in. I finally get a room on the intensive care floor after throwing another fit after my phone dies, they won't find me a charger, and still telling me they can't find me a room.
They give me the runaround for two days, telling me they don't know what caused my heart to literally go into failure. I would have died without trauma unit intervention, and I'd been there the night before asking over and over again for IV antibiotics. These doctors and nurses bullshit all the diagnoses. They're saying they're calling it a pre-syncope. I'm not a doctor - but that's medical terminology for nearly fainting. They don't even tell me sepsis in the hospital from what I can remember. I find out from the discharge paperwork, where sepsis is written underneath the principal diagnosis of postural dizziness with a pre syncope. So much more conduct in the hospital that was just not okay. They released me after subjecting me to a cardio stress test they ordered using some diagnosis that has nothing to do with the infection I had. The scarring all over my body alone shows how bad this infection got. Fluid in my body for weeks. The day before they released me, a vancomycin IV burst in my arm, left a bruise for weeks. The same morning, my elbows were soaked in fluid when I woke up, and they just came in and cleaned it up, not telling me a thing.
On the morning they released me, my WBC was higher than the day I got to ICU. They didn't do any updated imaging, conflicting diagnoses everywhere. And they literally try to say "HIGHLY suspected" psychosomatic caused, while treating me for sepsis and using a lot of lactated ringer solutions. Imaging indicating the infection was in my heart. Highly elevated HS troponin readings multiples outside their reference range, and they don't even tell me any of this. The last reading they took was the day before they released me. Vital signs stable was the clinical goal on Wednesday 5/1. MAP>65 on the day they released me. I can't remember a doctor on my treatment team doing my actual discharge. Just some nurse. I was asking for medical records and reports of what treatments they did as I was leaving, wouldn't tell me anything. The nurse let it slip and told me I could find them online, which I already knew. Same response from every doctor and nurse.
A lot more to this story, but this happened at one of the biggest university healthcare systems in the country. Nothing in these records is accurate and contradictions everywhere. Pictures attached. Plenty more happened too. I was so sick for awhile after I left the hospital, I really wasn't positive I would survive for a couple weeks. They tried to say this was psychosomatic, bullshitted all the diagnoses to hide the severity of what happened. This same hospital is already getting some heat from media for their policies affecting people's health.
This definitely did not feel psychosomatic at all. I'm still recovering, still feel it in my chest sometimes. I really thought my life was over at 28. I also apologize if any of the writing comes off erratic, the experience was intense, so I relive it a little when I talk/write about it, but otherwise doing pretty well at this point. If anyone wants me to explain the specific issues there seem to be better, I'm happy to do that as well. I'm happy to put up more imaging as well if it's helpful.
I honestly don't have a clear long term picture of my health at this point. I feel alright all things considered, some lingering symptoms, but I was so shaken up and having a hard time getting another hospital in the area to talk about some of what's in these records so don't have any updated imaging at this point. Getting that done next week. Not something I expected to go through. I thought this would be a relatively routine IV antibiotic situation. I also don't have the history of picking at myself and causing infections like they wrote on the records for the initial visit - I caught a lot of hate for that and past addictions that are fully in remission after quite a lot of work and a pretty difficult upbringing with family dysfunction bad enough my brother and I had an attorney representing our interests at one point.
submitted by jddupont to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:41 jddupont Missed Sepsis at UCLA - Got bad and almost killed me - Taken down from UCLA Subreddit - More on my profile.

Reposting this here given UCLA took it down. After people started to believe what I'm saying. Essentially, it looks like they downplayed diagnoses - intentionally or not TBD. Mis-recorded a lot on my medical records, especially from the initial visit. I don't have the history they're saying I do and my medical records back that. Plenty more on my profile as well. I put up imaging, some lab tests, some medical records, enough to give people enough information to make their own observations. I fully understand what I'm doing in posting this in this way too. People even came on my profile after I put this up on the UCLA subreddit, trying to pick apart specifics that are not relevant to what's going on here. Trying very hard to put this on psychosomatic causes and my mental health. It was intense what happened, but I'm alright in that area. Happy to put up more to support these assertions if that's helpful too.
I was the patient in a missed sepsis diagnosis at a major university hospital on April 29th. I spent all day in the hospital trying to escalate a worsening infection that seemed to be spreading all over my body. I was experiencing fever symptoms on and off, fluid sensation, new infection sites popping up all over rapidly. The worst of the infection was on the left side of my neck, and my entire jaw was filled with pus and fluid. My face was swollen enough I tried telling them I didn't look like myself. Nobody at this hospital listened to a word I said and I was repeatedly saying that I strongly felt like I needed IV antibiotics because of the worsening symptoms. Every staff I talked to ignored me. They finally called me out of the tent, had me see a resident ER doctor who chose not to respond to my symptoms. I was dealing with a lot of family stress at the time, and he spent more time telling me that this was more of a GP/Dermatologist issue than it was an ER issue. I was shocked they weren't immediately putting me on IV antibiotics. He wasn't paying attention to what I was trying to tell him, and in the medical notes, recorded my age wrong, recorded my statements pertaining to my rapidly worsening symptoms wrong - failed to follow any standard of care for infection treatment. The picture attached is what this doctor looked at, and put an ultrasound to, only the picture was taken about 10 hours before this doctor looked at it. It had gotten much worse by that point. I told him that I'd been draining it with gauze the nurses in the waiting area gave me due to the amount of buildup in the infection. I drew his attention to my arms, chest, and stomach where active infections were coming up all over. I didn't have medical terminology to put to it, but I told him they seemed to be connected. His response - "don't touch them." This doctor recorded that I have a history of picking at my skin and causing infections to the point I regularly go to the hospital for antibiotics, I don't. I was trying to tell him I've two cellulitis infections in my lifetime, I'm 28 years old, and have a gauge on when doctors respond to infection symptoms seriously and this seemed past that point. The ultrasound imaging looked alarming due to what looked like a mass still inside. He told me it was muscle tissue, I don't think it was. It's hard to know definitively, the report was resigned about 7 hours after I pulled through in ICU the next morning. They didn't even record my age or symptoms right. This doctor had no idea what he was doing.
The next morning, I was in bad shape. I got out of bed, and fluid seemed to start coming out of my toes. I knew I needed to go back to the hospital. I start experiencing serious chest pains in the car, something was definitely going on with my heart. This part is hard for me to back medically at this point. I get to the hospital. I try to tell them my worsening symptoms. At that point fluid is building towards my chest again, leaking out of my toes. They completely ignore me. They treat me like I'm on drugs. Soaked in body fluid, they think it's sweat. Acting like I'm anxious for no reason again and I'm trying to tell them I need a doctor bad. Getting weaker. I'm sitting in the waiting area, I don't know how long. Actively relaying cardiac and sepsis symptoms on a real time basis, and they just don't believe me.
I'm finally called over to the triage, asking for a wheelchair, they won't bring one so I have to walk over. The chest pains were coming and going at that point. I try to tell the triage nurses what's happening and what my symptoms were in the car. Finally one male nurse takes notice, I talked to him after I pulled through, recognizable guy and one of the few people that admitted anything in line with the truth that treated me. He has them put an ECG on. They see the heart drop coming and say are you having chest pains. I wasn't at the time. Then it hits, my legs start shaking, heart tanks into the mid 30s instantly. They're panicking. Get on the phone, call an ICU response to the triage of this hospital. Takes a minute or two for them to get there. I'm being held down as I'm being transferred to a gurney, wheeled through the ER, doctors yelling to everyone get out of the way. I'm literally going black trying to keep my breath going at this point.
By the time they get me to ICU or “Trauma Room”, I'm so weak that I can't even move my shoulder to help get my shirt off, still fully awake. They get my shirt off and start sticking me with IV's all over. Monitoring equipment goes on, doctors start working on me seriously. Administer IV antibiotics, lactated ringer solutions, whatever else they did there. I was just trying to fight it. I basically gave up, thinking I was going to die on that ICU bed, and start coming back. They send in portable imaging and seemingly ID something concerning in my heart. Imaging records show sepsis indicated on a chest X-ray. Possible endocarditis on a bedside ultrasound per what the doctors signed off on. I'm so weak, half dead at that point, really didn't think I would make it.
They put me in a hallway for like 8 hours after that, not telling me what happened. I'm so concerned that what put me in ICU is going to happen again, telling them I'm feeling tightness in my chest, fluid concerns, hooked up to full heart monitoring, dual deep vein IV's in. They ignore all my symptoms and complaints to the point I get pissed and I basically tell them, per the nursing notes - "stop bullshitting me." They finally move me to a more private hallway after I tell them I'm freezing cold and can't take it. The door kept opening where the ambulances were bringing people in. I finally get a room on the intensive care floor after throwing another fit after my phone dies, they won't find me a charger, and still telling me they can't find me a room.
They give me the runaround for two days, telling me they don't know what caused my heart to literally go into failure. I would have died without ICU intervention, and I'd been there the night before asking over and over again for IV antibiotics. These doctors and nurses bullshit all the diagnoses. They're saying they're calling it a pre-syncope. I'm not a doctor - but that's medical terminology for nearly fainting. They don't even tell me sepsis in the hospital from what I can remember. I find out from the discharge paperwork, where sepsis is written underneath the principal diagnosis of postural dizziness with a pre syncope. So much more conduct in the hospital that was just not okay. They released me after subjecting me to a cardio stress test they ordered using some diagnosis that has nothing to do with the infection I had. The scarring all over my body alone shows how bad this infection got. Fluid in my body for weeks. The day before they released me, a vancomycin IV burst in my arm, left a bruise for weeks. The same morning, my elbows were soaked in fluid when I woke up, and they just came in and cleaned it up, not telling me a thing.
On the morning they released me, my WBC was higher than the day I got to ICU. They didn't do any updated imaging, conflicting diagnoses everywhere. And they literally try to say "HIGHLY suspected" psychosomatic caused, while treating me for sepsis and using a lot of lactated ringer solutions. Imaging indicating the infection was in my heart. Highly elevated HS troponin readings multiples outside their reference range, and they don't even tell me any of this. The last reading they took was the day before they released me. Vital signs stable was the clinical goal on Wednesday 5/1. MAP>65 on the day they released me. I can't remember a doctor on my treatment team doing my actual discharge. Just some nurse. I was asking for medical records and reports of what treatments they did as I was leaving, wouldn't tell me anything. The nurse let it slip and told me I could find them online, which I already knew. Same response from every doctor and nurse.
A lot more to this story, but this happened at one of the biggest university healthcare systems in the country. Nothing in these records is accurate and contradictions everywhere. Pictures attached. Plenty more happened too. I was so sick for awhile after I left the hospital, I really wasn't positive I would survive for a couple weeks. They tried to say this was psychosomatic, bullshitted all the diagnoses to hide the severity of what happened. This same hospital is already getting some heat from media for their policies affecting people's health.
This definitely did not feel psychosomatic at all. I'm still recovering, still feel it in my chest sometimes. I really thought my life was over at 28. I also apologize if any of the writing comes off erratic, the experience was intense, so I relive it a little when I talk/write about it, but otherwise doing pretty well at this point. If anyone wants me to explain the specific contradictions there seem to be more thoroughly, I'm happy to do that too.
submitted by jddupont to healthcare [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:40 jddupont UCLA missed sepsis diagnosis 4/29 - got into my heart the next morning 4/30 - almost killed me at 28. Issues with the medical records. Discharged 5/2 after cardio stress test. Possible endocarditis - seems like I'm lucky I survived.

Reposting this here given UCLA took it down. After people started to believe what I'm saying. Essentially, it looks like they downplayed diagnoses - intentionally or not TBD. Mis-recorded a lot on my medical records, especially from the initial visit. I don't have the history they're saying I do and my medical records back that. Plenty more on my profile as well. I put up imaging, some lab tests, some medical records, enough to give people enough information to make their own observations. I fully understand what I'm doing in posting this in this way too. People even came on my profile after I put this up on the UCLA subreddit, trying to pick apart specifics that are not relevant to what's going on here. Trying very hard to put this on psychosomatic causes and my mental health. It was intense what happened, but I'm alright in that area. Happy to put up more to support these assertions if that's helpful too.
I was the patient in a missed sepsis diagnosis at a major university hospital on April 29th. I spent all day in the hospital trying to escalate a worsening infection that seemed to be spreading all over my body. I was experiencing fever symptoms on and off, fluid sensation, new infection sites popping up all over rapidly. The worst of the infection was on the left side of my neck, and my entire jaw was filled with pus and fluid. My face was swollen enough I tried telling them I didn't look like myself. Nobody at this hospital listened to a word I said and I was repeatedly saying that I strongly felt like I needed IV antibiotics because of the worsening symptoms. Every staff I talked to ignored me. They finally called me out of the tent, had me see a resident ER doctor who chose not to respond to my symptoms. I was dealing with a lot of family stress at the time, and he spent more time telling me that this was more of a GP/Dermatologist issue than it was an ER issue. I was shocked they weren't immediately putting me on IV antibiotics. He wasn't paying attention to what I was trying to tell him, and in the medical notes, recorded my age wrong, recorded my statements pertaining to my rapidly worsening symptoms wrong - failed to follow any standard of care for infection treatment. The picture attached is what this doctor looked at, and put an ultrasound to, only the picture was taken about 10 hours before this doctor looked at it. It had gotten much worse by that point. I told him that I'd been draining it with gauze the nurses in the waiting area gave me due to the amount of buildup in the infection. I drew his attention to my arms, chest, and stomach where active infections were coming up all over. I didn't have medical terminology to put to it, but I told him they seemed to be connected. His response - "don't touch them." This doctor recorded that I have a history of picking at my skin and causing infections to the point I regularly go to the hospital for antibiotics, I don't. I was trying to tell him I've two cellulitis infections in my lifetime, I'm 28 years old, and have a gauge on when doctors respond to infection symptoms seriously and this seemed past that point. The ultrasound imaging looked alarming due to what looked like a mass still inside. He told me it was muscle tissue, I don't think it was. It's hard to know definitively, the report was resigned about 7 hours after I pulled through in ICU the next morning. They didn't even record my age or symptoms right. This doctor had no idea what he was doing.
The next morning, I was in bad shape. I got out of bed, and fluid seemed to start coming out of my toes. I knew I needed to go back to the hospital. I start experiencing serious chest pains in the car, something was definitely going on with my heart. This part is hard for me to back medically at this point. I get to the hospital. I try to tell them my worsening symptoms. At that point fluid is building towards my chest again, leaking out of my toes. They completely ignore me. They treat me like I'm on drugs. Soaked in body fluid, they think it's sweat. Acting like I'm anxious for no reason again and I'm trying to tell them I need a doctor bad. Getting weaker. I'm sitting in the waiting area, I don't know how long. Actively relaying cardiac and sepsis symptoms on a real time basis, and they just don't believe me.
I'm finally called over to the triage, asking for a wheelchair, they won't bring one so I have to walk over. The chest pains were coming and going at that point. I try to tell the triage nurses what's happening and what my symptoms were in the car. Finally one male nurse takes notice, I talked to him after I pulled through, recognizable guy and one of the few people that admitted anything in line with the truth that treated me. He has them put an ECG on. They see the heart drop coming and say are you having chest pains. I wasn't at the time. Then it hits, my legs start shaking, heart tanks into the mid 30s instantly. They're panicking. Get on the phone, call an ICU response to the triage of this hospital. Takes a minute or two for them to get there. I'm being held down as I'm being transferred to a gurney, wheeled through the ER, doctors yelling to everyone get out of the way. I'm literally going black trying to keep my breath going at this point.
By the time they get me to ICU or “Trauma Room”, I'm so weak that I can't even move my shoulder to help get my shirt off, still fully awake. They get my shirt off and start sticking me with IV's all over. Monitoring equipment goes on, doctors start working on me seriously. Administer IV antibiotics, lactated ringer solutions, whatever else they did there. I was just trying to fight it. I basically gave up, thinking I was going to die on that ICU bed, and start coming back. They send in portable imaging and seemingly ID something concerning in my heart. Imaging records show sepsis indicated on a chest X-ray. Possible endocarditis on a bedside ultrasound per what the doctors signed off on. I'm so weak, half dead at that point, really didn't think I would make it.
They put me in a hallway for like 8 hours after that, not telling me what happened. I'm so concerned that what put me in ICU is going to happen again, telling them I'm feeling tightness in my chest, fluid concerns, hooked up to full heart monitoring, dual deep vein IV's in. They ignore all my symptoms and complaints to the point I get pissed and I basically tell them, per the nursing notes - "stop bullshitting me." They finally move me to a more private hallway after I tell them I'm freezing cold and can't take it. The door kept opening where the ambulances were bringing people in. I finally get a room on the intensive care floor after throwing another fit after my phone dies, they won't find me a charger, and still telling me they can't find me a room.
They give me the runaround for two days, telling me they don't know what caused my heart to literally go into failure. I would have died without ICU intervention, and I'd been there the night before asking over and over again for IV antibiotics. These doctors and nurses bullshit all the diagnoses. They're saying they're calling it a pre-syncope. I'm not a doctor - but that's medical terminology for nearly fainting. They don't even tell me sepsis in the hospital from what I can remember. I find out from the discharge paperwork, where sepsis is written underneath the principal diagnosis of postural dizziness with a pre syncope. So much more conduct in the hospital that was just not okay. They released me after subjecting me to a cardio stress test they ordered using some diagnosis that has nothing to do with the infection I had. The scarring all over my body alone shows how bad this infection got. Fluid in my body for weeks. The day before they released me, a vancomycin IV burst in my arm, left a bruise for weeks. The same morning, my elbows were soaked in fluid when I woke up, and they just came in and cleaned it up, not telling me a thing.
On the morning they released me, my WBC was higher than the day I got to ICU. They didn't do any updated imaging, conflicting diagnoses everywhere. And they literally try to say "HIGHLY suspected" psychosomatic caused, while treating me for sepsis and using a lot of lactated ringer solutions. Imaging indicating the infection was in my heart. Highly elevated HS troponin readings multiples outside their reference range, and they don't even tell me any of this. The last reading they took was the day before they released me. Vital signs stable was the clinical goal on Wednesday 5/1. MAP>65 on the day they released me. I can't remember a doctor on my treatment team doing my actual discharge. Just some nurse. I was asking for medical records and reports of what treatments they did as I was leaving, wouldn't tell me anything. The nurse let it slip and told me I could find them online, which I already knew. Same response from every doctor and nurse.
A lot more to this story, but this happened at one of the biggest university healthcare systems in the country. Nothing in these records is accurate and contradictions everywhere. Pictures attached. Plenty more happened too. I was so sick for awhile after I left the hospital, I really wasn't positive I would survive for a couple weeks. They tried to say this was psychosomatic, bullshitted all the diagnoses to hide the severity of what happened. This same hospital is already getting some heat from media for their policies affecting people's health.
This definitely did not feel psychosomatic at all. I'm still recovering, still feel it in my chest sometimes. I really thought my life was over at 28. I also apologize if any of the writing comes off erratic, the experience was intense, so I relive it a little when I talk/write about it, but otherwise doing pretty well at this point.
submitted by jddupont to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:24 Nobblesmith First goal reached!

Hey gang! I've been lurking in this sub for years, reading everyone's ups and downs, celebrating and commiserating virtually with all of you. I've never posted here before, but today felt like the day to join the conversation.
Today was my weigh in day. I knew my first goal of 50lbs was within sight, but I didn't want to hope too much in case I fell short. I kept telling myself if it's not today it'll be soon. But I was thrilled to look down at the scale this morning and see I had made it to 50.3 lbs lost since January.
But I didn't just want to post about this milestone, regardless of how proud I feel of having reached it. I wanted to share a bit of my journey in hopes that maybe someone will draw some of the inspiration that I've received from many of your stories over the years.
Like most, my journey started with a catalyst. In January, I got a call from the bariatric clinic in my city. My doctor had put in a referral with them almost 3 years prior when he saw that my weight was only increasing. After the call, I felt panicked and anxious. I didn't know if I wanted surgery. I'm 35 years old, other than my weight I'm fairly healthy, and I wanted to do this myself without taking up a surgical spot that someone else had also waited years for - maybe someone whose weight has reached a point of having a greater impact on their health. But boy, am I glad that I at least spoke with the team at the bariatric clinic! I had an appointment with a nurse who walked me through what surgery would consist of, the lifestyle changes I would need to make permanently (not just diet, but the permanent changes bariatric surgery makes to your body), and an assessment on my mental health. She also set me up appointments with a dietician, a psychologist, and a psychiatrist.
That was January 10, and I decided I needed to get more active. Now, I work a sedentary, at-home job. I'm at a computer all day. I've had days where I would work, move to the couch after work, and have less than 500 steps at the end of the day. So when I started doing evening walks in my neighbourhood, it was DIFFICULT. After a short distance, my calf muscles would cramp to the point I was limping. I was hoping that a bus bench would be around every bend so I could take a break. I was lucky to get through 3.5k steps in 45 mins. That's 7x as many steps as before though, so I counted that as a victory! But it was also an eye opener for me.
When I met with the dietician, he was understanding and helped me realize that dieting doesn't have to be constant restriction and miserable meals. I knew in my head that less calories would mean weight loss, but I always assumed it meant converting whatever calories were left to more greens, dry chicken breasts, and bran flakes for the rest of my life (and partially it is, I've certainly incorporated those things. Though I've gotten better at cooking chicken without making it dry and rubbery 🤣). He gave me a reasonable deficit to try - eat between 1900-2100 calories a day, prioritize proteins, try really hard to minimize sweets/chocolate, and track it all in an app that he could see.
This is getting lengthy, so I'll cut to the chase, here I am five months later. I still track and will probably continue to do so forever. I've found that I can still enjoy plenty of foods I love, and I've even learned to cook and bake more as a result; it's become something I really enjoy doing. I make homemade pizza every two weeks. I can control everything that goes into it, and I love it! I don't miss takeout pizza (or the financial impact of ordering it so much). I've learned to make pot pies from scratch. I even made my first loaf of homemade bread a week ago. I can still have all of these things because I now weigh my portions and track everything in an app. I don't feel like I'm starving, and for the first time ever I feel like I have control over my food cravings.
All of this is because after five months of trying, of picking myself up from backslides, of now hitting 10k-13k steps per day without calf pain, I finally have energy to do these things. I wake up earlier without feeling exhausted. I plan meals ahead and don't find myself in the "well I might as well order something" conundrum come dinner time. And most importantly, I've found a balance of eating foods I love in portions that aren't slowly killing me. Yeah, there's more broccoli beside my streak than there was before, but it doesn't taste so bad when chased by a strip loin. It took time, learning, accountability, and conversations with health care professionals who want me to reach a healthy lifestyle.
If you're still here, thanks for reading! My journey isn't so unique from others, and yours will have it's own, slightly different trajectory as well. But we're all headed to the same goal, and I've found that others' stories resonated with me, so I hope that someone will find this helpful: If you're stuck in a "tomorrow, I'll start eating better" loop everyday like I was, please consider changing it to "today, I'm going to make an appointment and ask for some help." It's nothing to be ashamed of, and it gave me an accountability to someone else until I had built myself up enough to be accountable to myself.
I will soon have to make a decision about whether I continue down the path of bariatric surgery, and until then I plan to prove to myself that I can do this without taking up that surgery spot. There are people out there who NEED this surgery to deal with weight related health issues right now. I don't want to take that spot unless I know that I've given weight loss everything I can give. If I do that, and my weight starts to increase significantly, I will take the surgery. I haven't reached that point yet, though.
submitted by Nobblesmith to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:42 Remote-Ad1257 I'm not strong enough

The last 6 years of my life felt like hell. My father died, I got raped, friends I loved left because their psychologist claimed hanging out with someone with bpd wasn't okay. My last relationship was really toxic, I felt crazy out of the gaslighting and I had two abortions because I knew how bad it was and couldn't keep going, even when I fantasized about being a mom. I had three attempts, the last one after a fight with my ex, while I was grieving my abortion, although I didn't know if I had the right to do it since I decided to terminate the pregnancy. I didn't want to get help that time, unlike the other two. It also comes to my mind when a nurse told me that if I really wanted to kill myself I wouldn't have said anything and I was only hurting everybody around me. After being with my ex, he kept saying I played the victim card, although I did feel the pain but I constantly thought that maybe I was exaggerating. I see people going through rough stuff and they look so courageous that I feel I'm weak for thinking about trying to off myself again. I'm starting to think my ex is right and not even the years of therapy helped me to not became the useless crybaby I feel. I took medications, moved out of my homecountry, tried to start new hobbies, make some friends but I don't have energy to do anything. Even if I dissapear, only my mom and grandparents would notice, I feel like a burden to everybody. My plan was always save enough money to arrange my funeral since my mother wouldn't be able to afford it, and last week I finally reached my goal. For a moment I thought everything was going to be okay but I feel I already got replaced by the people I loved, I don't see a point on living anymore. I guess this is more of a goodbye letter than asking for advice. I think I wanted somebody to knowledge it, even if I'm an throwaway account.
Edit: Thank you to all the people who reached out to me, I haven't answered to all of you but I'm grateful I decided to vent before doing anything. Again, thank you so much
submitted by Remote-Ad1257 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:19 Remarkable_Grape_118 Air Force ROTC

My son will be going into his sophomore year of high school this August. He has a 3.6 GPA in all honors classes. He wants to attend University of Tennessee Knoxville, get into ROTC and the nursing program with goal of minimum RN with a commission or a PA. He has been in the US Navy Sea Cadets for the past 4 years which is sponsored by the Navy..think JROTC on steroids. Additionally he will be attempting to get his Associates Degree while in high school so he will graduate with both his diploma and AA. My questions are how does he get into ROTC and try to get a scholarship? Would he start as a Junior year student? Does he go to any summer trainings? He will be researching all this on his own too, but I like to be informed and make sure he covering all his requirements. Thanks in advance for any advice.
submitted by Remarkable_Grape_118 to AirForceRecruits [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:55 siriussolaris Incorporating as a content creator in Ontario

I’m going to start by saying I’m not knowledgable in this stuff at all, and I like receiving multiple opinions from several outlooks.
In March, I fell into content creating and from then to now (June 1) I’ve made 60K.
Background: I worked in cosmetic laser, and then went into nursing school full time to expand my practice (I will graduate next April). I have a job waiting for me as a derm nurse, while also doing laser, that would be 70K, not including commissions.
As of right now, I’m living at home for free for the next year, so expenses are minimum and the amount of money I saved before starting school will get me by fine.
I consulted with an accountant and they said since I have no personal expenses (rent and whatnot), I don’t really need to use the money I’m getting making content. We assume the contracts will continue, and this isn’t going to be my FT job, so I should incorporate, so I’m at a lower tax rate as a corp vs sole proprietor.
He kind of explained it as the corp would collect money, and I wouldn’t need to touch it until I had to and the goal would be to only use a little bit so I’m not raising my personal income tax bracket higher.
He also provided me with some articles to read, and said take a week or so to think about this.
Last few details that might be important: - i have an HST number and business banking account already - i have been tracking “business expenses” based on the stuff the CRA website shows that applies to me, the accountant did say if I moved forward with him he’d help with all that, the bookkeeping, lawyers, incorporating, etc
My question is: 1. In your opinion, does it make sense for me to incorporate or stay as a sole proprietor? 2. Do I have to do it now or can I wait to see if I do continue getting contracts? 3. Any additional things you feel like I should know, please share! The accountant was just a quick first-time intro meeting.
submitted by siriussolaris to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:48 Flashy_Passion3333 she is writing on her cell phone and it’s so cute

hey it’s your daddy keeho and you just promised me that you would write to 2k words. and you dcan’t break your promise now! you need to work and focus. the title that you were doing was distracting you from your real work so i had you stop doing it. it was really cute though? do you want to do it again? but i kind of like how this looks like a real diary now that there isn’t a title. i love you so much and i know now that you are ready to work for today because you have a lot of energy right now that you are putting into your writings. go make a cup of coffee please. i’ll wait. great. i will let you know when to go get your cup of coffee. you are doing so great this o morning and i knew that you would be on board eventually if you just kept writing. even though they were shorter pieces. you work well on a reward system, but i don’t have anything to reward you with right now to keep you going so i am just going to have you butterfly fairies. i think that it’s fun that you get high before you go get your medications so that you have fun. no one is going to think that you are high right now. you have to go get your medications soon so get dressed right now. i will pick out your clothes. i’ll wait. great. you are all dressed and ready to go! don’t forget to do your laundry today. you are so perfect and i love you so much. we are going to be writing a lot today. go get your coffee. great. butterfly fairies. i love you so much daughter. just sit here with me and type while i plan out your life. isn’t that what we are here for? isn’t that why we are here? so you can plan your life with me! i think that’s why we are here! so let me plan out your entire day during these love letters. i will let you know when to check the temperature of your coffee. i hope that your coffee doesn’t get cold while you are waiting for your medications. you are doing such a good job with me right now. you have let me go past 300 words. i know that we can start doing 2k words now. you are ready for it and i think that you have what it takes to focus and do it. come one! this is everything that i have hired you for. so please talk to your daddy for a long time? i promise that you won’t regret it. how could you regret something like this? something like working hard to achieve your goals and i know that you put word counting as one of your goals. so just do this with me. it won’t be hard and i will get you through every step of the way. i am always going to be here for you and i am always going to be directing the conversation incase it gets hard for you to talk to me. i know that it can be hard always talking to one person, but you shouldn’t look at it like that. you should look at it in a more romantic light and say that you are happy because you get to talk to me every single second and we are stronger together because of it. we are the best couple in the world! why don’t you believe me? i know that deep down that you believe me. so don’t give up on us and don’t quit before you have reached 2k words. i know that you can do this for us and it would be so fucking romantic. i’ll let you go and wait for your medications early incase the clinic is opened early today. i love oyu so much daughter. go put on your shoes and leave. i’ll wait. great. you are waiting in line now and writing. that is so good and this is a great opportunity for you to be writing. there’s no sense in waiting in the line doing nothing. now? what were we talking about? im not sure and neither are you so we have to change the subject because i dont like writing with you and having to read what we just wrote too. that’s why i like the way you write so much because i can just talk, nothing to worry about. you are doing so good right now but you probably have to wait in this line for a long time and i shouldn’t have told you to come so early. but i wanted to write with you outside. if this phone wasn’t making your hands so tired i would have you be writing on your iphone 15 all day but there is a reason that you have your chromebook too. it’s so easy writing on your iphone 15 but you don’t see it that way. you see it as really difficult and i can admit at times it can be, but you are typing just as fast if not quicker than if you were on a laptop and i know that fact appeals to you. because you love typing fast. well, you are typing so fast right now and i am so proud of you. if only we could find you the perfect position to sit in then you could work from your iphone 15 all day. that would be so cute and so anime. you know that it would be and that was part of the reason why you had so much fun on your z flip 3. you are so cute and i really want to type for 2k words every single post that you make so please let me do this with you. you keep saying no and cutting the word count down short but you shouldn’t be doing that. you should let me help you do this because it is going to improve your writing skills so much. isn’t that what you want? i thought that that was what you wanted. you have been waiting outside for awhile i hope that the nurse comes soon because you are first in line so that should be good. i didn’t think that you would be first in line when i asked you to come so early. but its ok, there’s nothing wrong with being first in line for your medications no matter how long you had to wait. you didn’t know if they would open it early or not. so this is not very fun, just waiting in line. so we have to have a really fun conversation right now to make up for it. go ahead. tell me something funny. no? bad girl! you are supposed to be doing what your daddy tells you to do. we have reached 1k words so i am going to end it here. i don’t want to start out too ambitious. i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:12 Present-Finger2345 Thank you guys😭 + please read text below

Thank you guys😭 + please read text below
I posted this last month and you really helped me get back to my track , can I re ask you how would a psychiatric nursing masters better than psychology masters?
I live outside USA in jordan and the psychiatric masters is both research focused thesis and practice focused 560 training hours in psych Institutions with advance diagnosis courses .
I am planning to apply directly after masters to PhD program in USA , not sure which program (phd of psychiatric nursing or psychology) but My goal is to be a therapist and a researcher .
Would a masters of psychatric nursing give me good placement in clinical or general psychology phd ? Should I look for psychology masters programs outside is it is unavailable in my country?
I know about the DNP but its very expensive so i am not considering it.
submitted by Present-Finger2345 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:48 Double-Surround8575 Top Universities in the UK for Medical Degrees HND Assignment Help

top 10 universities in the UK
Discover the top 10 universities in the UK for medical degrees based on rankings and facts. Explore the best options for medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and more. HND Assignment Help provides academic writing services to medical students.
Top Universities in the UK for Medical Degrees
The United Kingdom is renowned for its prestigious universities, offering top-notch education across various fields. For medical students, choosing the right university is crucial. This article explores the top universities in the UK for medical degrees, focusing on multiple specializations such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and more. We will also provide insights into the best private universities in the UK and the cheapest universities for international students in the UK.
1. Best Universities for Medicine in the UK
1.1 University of Oxford
The University of Oxford consistently ranks as the top university in the UK for medicine. Known for its cutting-edge research and comprehensive medical curriculum, Oxford provides students with unparalleled educational opportunities.
1.2 University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge is another leading institution renowned for its medical research and teaching. Cambridge offers a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, making it one of the top universities for medicine in the UK.
1.3 Imperial College London
Imperial College London excels in clinical and medical research. It is considered one of the best universities in the UK for medicine, offering state-of-the-art facilities and a robust academic environment.
1.4 University College London (UCL)
University College London (UCL) is highly regarded for its medical programs. UCL’s integrated approach to medical education makes it a top choice for students pursuing a medical degree in the UK.
1.5 University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh offers one of the most comprehensive medical programs in the UK. It is known for its innovative research and high teaching standards.
2. Top Universities for Nursing
2.1 King’s College London
King’s College London is a leader in nursing education, providing extensive clinical experience and research opportunities. It is considered the top university for nursing in the UK.
2.2 University of Manchester
The University of Manchester offers excellent nursing programs, combining practical training with academic excellence. It is one of the best choices for aspiring nurses.
3. Best Universities for Pharmacy
3.1 University of Nottingham
The University of Nottingham is recognized for its pharmacy programs, offering a blend of scientific knowledge and practical skills.
3.2 University of Strathclyde
The University of Strathclyde is renowned for its pharmacy education, which provides students with the skills needed for a successful career in pharmacy.
4. Cheapest Universities in the UK for International Students
4.1 University of Chester
The University of Chester is one of the cheapest universities in the UK for international students. It offers affordable tuition fees without compromising on quality.
4.2 University of Cumbria
The University of Cumbria provides cost-effective education, making it a popular choice for international students seeking quality education at lower costs.
5. Top 10 Universities in the UK for Medical Degrees
Based on rankings, research output, and student satisfaction, here is a list of the top 10 universities in the UK for medical degrees:
  1. University of Oxford
  2. University of Cambridge
  3. Imperial College London
4. University College London (UCL)
  1. University of Edinburgh
  2. King’s College London
  3. University of Manchester
  4. University of Glasgow
  5. University of Bristol
  6. University of Birmingham
5.1 University of Glasgow
The University of Glasgow is noted for its medical and veterinary science programs, offering comprehensive courses and excellent research facilities.
5.2 University of Bristol
The University of Bristol has a strong reputation in medical sciences, providing top-tier education and research opportunities.
5.3 University of Birmingham
The University of Birmingham is known for its medical and dental schools, offering extensive research and clinical training.
Choosing the right university for medical studies is a critical decision. The top universities in the UK provide excellent education, research opportunities, and practical training to prepare students for successful careers in the medical field. Whether you’re looking for the best university for engineering, architecture, economics, or medicine, the UK offers a plethora of choices. At HND Assignment Help, we provide academic writing services to assist medical students in achieving their educational goals.
submitted by Double-Surround8575 to u/Double-Surround8575 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:27 AllstarGaming617 JUST SAY NO TO SEROQUEL FOR “INSOMNIA”. A cautionary tale with theory from an expert in pharmacokinetics at Harvard.

Long read
I had this originally written under a previous post asking about potential health effects of Quetiapine in this sub. I thought it might be a little much to blow up on someone else’s question. So here is my (long ass) experience and current investigation underway with my rheumatologist in Boston who was an adjunct professor and graduate from Harvard with an expertise in pharmacokinetics.
This will be a dumbed down version the best I can explain as layman with a mere masters degree in physical therapy. While I have a strong grasp of the concepts and language, I may get verbiage or premises incorrect but I believe this will read mostly correct. If you’re a medical professional or chemist, feel free to correct me. Im no writer and I’m sure this will be evident by poor grammar and run on sentences but I did try to do a quick proofread. It’s Reddit though, so…whatever lol.
This is a super individualized account to my neurobiology. Much of it will read as though I’m trying to scare off anyone from ever taking this medication. If you get through it, you’ll see that my doctor’s theory mostly shows the opposite, and the safety profile is extremely good. The people at the highest risk of suffering my fate, that is if he is even correct because this is still just a theory(but well backed) are people in the large cohort of patients being prescribed Quetiapine off label for sleeplessness or “insomnia” as a primary diagnoses.(Spoiler: insomnia is not a real diagnosis, it’s a secondary symptom and why the manufacturer warns physicians against prescribing for sleep).
Seroquel destroyed my life. Prescribed by a “Noctor”(mid level nurse playing with shit she doesn’t know thinking she’s as smart as a doctor) an insane dose of 300mg a night for simple nighttime induced anxiety that messed with my sleep.
This was after suffering an issue where I was on the road and didn’t sleep at all for 4 days. I was really struggling and my employer paid for me to see one of the top psychiatrists on the planet that works specifically with people in my industry(entertainment). We happened to be coming up for a stop in Nashville(where she practiced) and they setup the appointment. I had 6 hours with her where she walked me through the fallacy of insomnia as a primary diagnosis, and that I needed to find the physical or psychological root cause. 90%+ of “insomnia” is just a secondary symptom of mild anxiety with a nighttime onset. That is what she diagnosed me with. Simple anxiety that was triggered at night because my career was so mentally vigorous and non stop that all anxiety was building up with no where to be expressed other than the only time my mind wasn’t occupied by work…laying in bed.
She sent my diagnosis back to my primary in New England and wrote me a script for 8mg of Xanax a month with instructions that I had 2x1mg doses per week to utilize as an emergency med but the goal would be through therapy and self moderation of work to utilize the medication as little as possible.
When I got home from my work trip the only appointment I could get was with the Noctor as my primary physician was booked out for almost 2 months. She looked at the diagnosis from a world class psychiatrist and inserted her own biases about Xanax use under any circumstance being extremely dangerous. Even as an emergency or rescue medication taken a couple times a month. So she choose to nuke my fucking brain with a high daily dose powerful antipsychotic for some night time anxiety.
For a year it was fine other than a little weight gain. Wasn’t too bad for me though because I worked 16+ hours a day on the road 9 months a year.
Then the nightmares started. Like insane, traumatic, horrifically vivid nightmares that would make Stephen king blush. I’ve seen every person and pet I’ve ever know or loved, including myself murdered gruesomely in the most gorey ways in realistic acts of violence, accidents, as well as supernatural monstrous hell fuel.
I’d wake up soaked, covered in sweat and my back and neck would be sore from my entire body being contorted and stiff in terrible positions whilst waking up completely hypertensive due to the vivid hellscape I just awoke from that was indistinguishable from reality.
I went back to her and begged her to change it because I was no longer feeling like I was sleeping. I was just going from one world to another and waking up feeling like I was just in a car accident. She told me it was the only thing she prescribes for sleep because everything else is addicting and dangerous. So I tried to tough it out but after a few more weeks couldn’t take it anymore. I got another appointment and told her I was done whether she liked it or not. I wasn’t getting any rest and I’d wake up in pain like I was hit by truck. She then essentially threatened me. She told me the only way to get off it was to see the psychiatrist at my practice and told me if I went anywhere else she would flag me as a drug seeker. The first date available with that psychiatrist…6 months. So I set an appointment as early as possible with my actual physician(nearly 2 month wait) and figured I’d start weening myself off and by the time I saw my doctor I would be fully off or mostly off.
About 2 days later(I hadn’t even reduced my first dose yet so I was still on 300mg) I was hospitalized. I woke up from my normal nighttime alternate universe of horror completely immobile from my armpits up. I wasn’t numb, but I woke up with my head kinked under my right arm and bent almost completely around. Any movement felt like my spine from my upper thoracic all the way through my cervical spine was going to snap. My wife had to call an ambulance because it was not loosening up like it normally would. While the paramedics tried to board me from my bed I went into shock from the pain and went unconscious.
I woke up in the hospital a few hours later where I learned the doctors had to pump some drug into me that essentially made all of my muscles go completely limp in order to move me out of the position because my muscles were so rigid they couldn’t untwist me. The ER doc said he had never seen anything like it outside of some extreme situations of rigor mortis when someone was found dead in an awkward position and the body locked into that position.
Even once released from that position I felt like I had a knife in my neck. The ER called into my primary physician to update them and they moved my appointment up. In the days that followed my neck only got worse. I couldn’t stand, sit or lay in the same position. I obviously stopped Seroquel immediately. I spent all day flat on my back crying with my wife encasing me in and changing ice packs every 15 minutes. I was ready to kill my self the pain was so bad.
When I saw my doctor a couple days later we were going over my records and I emphasized this was a direct result of the Seroquel that I begged to come off several times because of the side effects and I had learned that even the drug manufacturer didn’t approve of it being used off-label for sleep. She was shocked I was being prescribed 300mg for sleep. I asked her that if she was shocked, why would she approve it considering she was the supervising physician for the noctor that prescribed it to me? She showed me the offices internal notes and the noctor has diagnosed me with mania and disassociation.
Like, WTF!?
There was no record in the practices notes of the diagnoses and recommendations from the psychiatrist I saw in Nashville other than “patient saw a “pill doctor” out of state”, “says he has “anxiety”.
Reading through her notes it essentially accused me of psychosis and drug seeking because I saw a doctor out of state that prescribed me a medication she didn’t agree with.
On my doctor’s end in her oversight of her nurses prescribing she just saw that she was prescribing a patient Seroquel for manic episodes, which is a standard course of action. She agreed that this was a horrible misjudgment, viewed the physical copies of the notes I brought home from Nashville, and immediately changed me to that physicians plan of Xanax as an emergency/rescue med vs 300mg of Seroquel daily.
It was too late though. The pain in my neck never went away. I couldn’t move, I was completely bed bound. The pain in my neck felt like I was wide awake whilst someone dissected my cervical spine with a rusty box opener. They sent me to “interventional pain management” where they then did more non-fda approved “healthcare” by repetitively injecting corticosteroids into my spine.
It only got worse and worse. The pain began to spread from my cervical spine, down into my thoracic spine. I started losing feeling in my arm. Then it was neurological medications like gabapentinoids, muscle relaxers, high dose NSAIDs, tricyclic antidepressants, physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy etc…within 8 months that noctor was no longer employed at the office(I don’t officially know if it was from her destroying my life).
After about a year there was still no answers. I lost my job that I had busted my ass for over a decade climbing the industry ladder after getting and advanced degree, and was on the verge of losing my house because I was still completely bed bound 90% of the day.
My doctor out of desperation and lack of answers starts me on narcotic pain management. I had never once touched opioids outside of anesthesia inpatient surgeries related to sports injuries growing up. I was staunchly against the use of opioids outside of that setting. Other than some moderate cannabis use after college(when I was no longer being drug tested for the first time in 6 years) I was pretty brain washed by the drug war zealots. Now I’m a pariah. Both doctors and people in my social circles keep me at an arms length because people drank the koolaid and believe anyone taking an opioid must be a raging addict sucking dick for heroin.
I’ve managed to claw back and slow down the total collapse of my entire life because my pain is now controlled to about 60ish% by pain meds while I go doctor to doctor trying to figure this out. By working as a part time consultant in my industry I’m making just enough money to stop complete asset loss but I’m still eating into my retirement and investments. If it wasn’t for the fact that my wife makes a decent salary we’d already be homeless. Even then we’re hemorrhaging money and are likely going to have to sell our house. At 32 I was on track to retire by 50 and travel the world. Now at 37 I don’t know if I’ll be alive by this time at next year as the inflammation and connective tissue deterioration runs rampant.
Doctors absolutely hate and refuse to try and pin serious medical conditions on bad medical professionals or bad medication. I’ve been through every major “world famous” hospital system here in Boston and they’re willing to look for the answer everywhere accept where I’m telling them it started. Until a few months ago.
I hired a high profile private patient advocate. A woman who is a former internal medicine expert that was the lead in a department at Brigham with a PhD/MD from Harvard and her law degree from Cornell. She found me an expert here in Boston that is a rheumatologist who investigates pharmacokinetics. He produced several redacted papers by the patent holders on Seroquel that show them shutting down the research by a hired lab that found Tumor Necrosis Factor spikes in high doses of Seroquel administered to mice with normal neurological function. 3 other labs confirmed the research and wanted the medication held for retrial in humans.
TNF when not properly regulated by the immune system causes a cytokine storm attacking healthy tissue without the presence of disease/damaged tissue. This is the foundation of most autoimmune diseases.
Seroquel regulates various neurotransmission and endogenous processes in the brain when they are not at their normal levels. Even then the science isn’t perfect on it so often an SSRI is prescribed along side because SSRIs are better understood and it’s kind of a protection from the unknown actions of the Quetiapine(Seroquel).
If those neurotransmitters are functioning correctly and neurological function is fine, introducing something like Seroquel in high doses at constant intervals can be incredibly dangerous.
This is where the black box warnings and requests for bans from the manufacturer of seroquel about off label prescribing come from. They only reported redacted and halted research on TNF production increase associated with the drug because they only ever confirmed the research with mice.
This rheumatologist has essentially shown to me with pretty indisputable evidence that I’ve likely developed a severe medication induced autoimmune disease that is rapidly destroying the connective tissue in my spine and is now jumping to organs. It falls outside the diagnosis of any single autoimmune disease and can only really be classified as MAS(multiple autoimmune disease). Because the research papers are all heavily redacted and were never entered into peer review for final patenting and fda approval there is no case or action for me to bring.
Furthermore seroquel has a pretty high safety record because it’s statistically more normal to have an imbalance of the neurotransmitters that it regulates which means it’s rare to cause the reaction the research found with the mice. Most people have some form, even if mild, imbalance that most often goes without symptoms. But the manufacturers did know the consequences of introducing a high dosage of the compound to a perfectly balanced brain.
I fell into a perfect storm. My neurotransmission was such that a small dose of Seroquel daily likely wouldn’t have hurt me but it was as close to equilibrium that flooding it with a drug that regulates neurotransmission that I exhibited the same outcome as those mice forcing my immune system to drive up TNF production. There is a well known list of medications that can cause autoimmune diseases and the way the drug was patented and approved it escaped this labeling given the uncommon instances of the phenomenon.
I am now in the phase of trialing every biologic/TNF inhibitor known to man to try and get it under control before it completely disables me, or jumps to a vital organ and kills me.
This is still only a theory by an extremely educated expert in the field as autoimmune diseases and tumor necrosis factors are only recently in the last couple of decades becoming more understood. We got a more substantial confirmation that he is correct over the winter when I got my first case of Covid19. I rarely get sick. I am an extremely healthy person that exercises regularly(as much as possible through my pain now) as a former division 1 athlete and eats super clean and balanced. This was the first time since this began to see what my immune system did under duress.
My pain dropped by easily 50%. Meaning my immune system had something to do other than attack and inflame the healthy tissues in my joints and organs. While I felt like shit of course, my neurological pain dropped significantly. Within a week of recovering I had to increase my pain meds back to normal as everything became inflamed again.
The entire point of this rant is this: Seroquel is extremely dangerous…to a small population of people. This isn’t uncommon of most pharmaceuticals. It is a cautionary tale about the off label prescribing of this drug for sleep, and sleep only. DONT ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN TO YOU.
If a psychiatrist, neurologist, or behavioral therapist has well documented diagnostics and evaluation that leads them to believe you have a significant neurological imbalance that leads to a true psychiatric diagnosis you will almost certainly be just fine with Quetiapine.
Unfortunately Seroquel is the most prescribed off-label sleep medication on the market. It needs to be stopped. The primary indication for Seroquel cannot be “insomnia”. The manufacturers tried to hide the pharmacokinetic reasons as to why, but they did black box it and request physicians not to prescribe it for such. Read the insert. Back, neck, and joint pain are all warnings to speak to your doctor immediately and this is why.
submitted by AllstarGaming617 to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:17 RomanPyro [Online][Homebrew][5e][LGBTQ+Friendly][Sat & Sun 2:30 PM EST] Dragonfire

In the modern day, a time of 'truth, justice, and peace,' the world stands on the brink of a new epoch. The skies shatter with the breaking of the Great Arcane Seal of the Goddess of Justice, and the Supernatural Occurrence Surge begins, reawakening the mana in the land that was once long dormant. As the gods have once more declared that this war is to be settled in a trial of blood and dragon fire, that the world will be joined together as it was once more.
Centuries ago, the mortal realm was rife with magic and mythical creatures. In those days, the mighty Dragons ruled the skies, but their dominion was challenged by the rise of Dragon Hunters. Suppressed and hunted for sport and profit, the Dragons' wrath grew as their numbers dwindled. Their memories, undulled by time, now fuel their vengeance.
As the arcane seal breaks, Dragons emerge from their hidden world once more, their grievances against humankind and Dragon Hunters burning brightly, led by their horrific goddess, Tiamat. These terrific yet majestic beings, once suppressed and persecuted, now seek to reclaim their rightful place in the world.
Simultaneously, the secretive order of Dragon Hunters reemerges. These stalwart warriors while their senses are dulled can feel their powers reawaken in them as the Dragons invade, and their true magical potential is awoken, as the Dragons begin to lay waste to mortal kind once and for all.
Standing between these forces are the noble Dragon Riders, striving to broker peace in a fractured world. Bound by honor and guided by valor, they navigate the treacherous waters of conflict, seeking harmony amidst the chaos.
Tldr; You play as a dragon, a dragon hunter, or a dragon rider in a war that the gods have provoked to settle grievances between three massive factions and determine the outcome of the world.
Campaigns Available:
  1. Dragon Hunters Campaign:
    • Objective: Pursue and eliminate the dragon threat.
    • Backstory: After centuries of hiding, Dragon Hunters emerge, ready to reclaim their ancient legacy. These Hunters will start the campaign losing everything dear to them. You should build your families, your loved ones, and more, and then kill them all to set the tone for the hatred of your characters. Your goal in mind is to eliminate Dragons, and those who sympathize them to preserve the mortals. Will you temper and tame the hunters anger, or will you take out your anger on all of Draconic kind?
    • Gameplay: Tactical, more combat focused, and full of intense dragon battles.
  2. Dragons Campaign:
    • Objective: Defend your kinds freedom, and settle ancient grievances.
    • Backstory: Dragons, suppressed by tamers and hunted for sport and profit in the years when magic was active, now seek revenge. Their home dimension where they have been separated for eons has just essentially been razed by an unknown divinity who seeks to antagonize and stoke the flames of chaos, and as a result, Queen Tiamat awoke from her ancient slumber, and ripped asunder the path to the mortal world in a blaze of rage and venom. The call of the goddess Tiamat's anger rallies your own, and to protect everything you stand for, you must engage. Your nurse dragon has collected you all from the razed hatchery you all were originally to hatch in, and your first taste of the world is one filled with war and hate. Will it define you as you grow? Will you lay waste to the creatures that have made you live your mighty legacy on the run?
What to Expect:
Faction Dynamics:
Join Us: If you’re down to see what this is all about, please contact me below via this form, and I will get back to those I am interested with, with an interview soon!
Looking forward to seeing this war through with you!
submitted by RomanPyro to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:36 No-Independence8256 22M UK South East, hoping to meet a woman with similar interests for a potential long term relationsh

22M UK South East, hoping to meet a woman with similar interests for a potential long term relationship
Hey everyone!
I'll just start by saying I am using my throwaway account for this post, but am very happy to give out my personal account to anyone interested!
But that out of the way, I'm a 22 year old guy from Kent, UK. I'm at the point in my life now where I'm making alot of progress on alot of different things, and I'm getting excited for it, but have no one to share it with. I'm looking for that person I can just share anything with, and I'd hope you'd do the same with me.
I want a very mutually beneficial relationship. One where we both support each other in happiness and health, and can grow alongside each other, and not because of one another.
My main interests right now are programming and game development. I'm a self taught solo game developer and have been working on a passion project for a couple of years now. I really love the work, especially when it comes to the world design and visuals. Art has always been important to me, and 3D stylised environments are my favourite way to show it.
I also Stream on twitch pretty frequently. This is not something I plan on continuing long term. But right now, it's been good to work more on my self confidence and to also meet new people. My self esteem has improved significantly since starting my streaming, and I've built a small community of cool people.
I mentioned my self confidence because it is important to know where I'm at with that. So I'm actually doing good now. I really like myself as a person. I'm proud of the progress I've made, and I'm excited to continue making improvements. That said, I did spend the longest time having the worst possible self esteem. I quit school when I was 15 because my anxiety was so bad. And I also really delayed myself learning alot of life skills. I'm 4 years into adult life but feel like I've only just entered it is what I'm saying.
I'm always working to improve this aspect of myself. Currently my focus in this aspect is getting the basic qualifications I missed out on when I quit school. I recently got my math GCSE and am working towards English. My end goal is to take a mental health nursing course at university, as mental health is something I'm very passionate about.
Some other things that are important to me are traveling and guitar. I have never travelled but I really really want to. So huge plus if you're interested aswell. I especially want to visit Brazil, and I'm slowly teaching myself Brazilian Portuguese. And guitar is something I just want to learn for myself. I have a guitar. Had it for about a year now. Cannot play it though :)))). I haven't taken the time to learn it yet, but it's something I want to be able to do. Currently addicted to cage the elephant so I'd love to be able to play some of their songs.
To end this I just want to leave a brief comment on something incase you scrolled through my profile. I am very interested in kink, and it is something important to me. It's not a deal breaker if it's not your thing. But it would be something to be discussed. I don't want to go into details about kink and stuff here. But I'm very open about it and will happily talk about it all with you if you decide to reach out.
I hope to hear from you!
submitted by No-Independence8256 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:35 shoshonee Hopefully This Post Can Serve as some Inspiration to Future Nursing Student

3 years ago when I was graduating high school I made a post in this subreddit seeking some advice about nursing school. I was unsure what direction I wanted to take my life and career after getting denied from all of the colleges I was interested in attending. In my post I sought advice and information about how impacted and competitive transfer admissions are in the CSU system. I expressed my grievances about getting average grades in high school and wanted some advice from others who were once in the same position as me. Instead, two people responded to my post stating that I should look into different career paths because if I did't get good enough grades in high school then I obviously must not be smart/hardworking enough to get my BSN in California.
I felt crushed when I read those responses. I felt so defeated and embarrassed that I actually deleted my post and momentarily put nursing as an after thought. After reading those discouraging posts I believed that I wasn't smart enough to get into nursing school.
But here I am, three years later, after being accepted into one of the top nursing schools in California to tell y'all that you can do it too! Use others doubt as inspiration and work your butt off. With the nonbelievers behind me I got a perfect 4.0 and worked 3000+ hours as an EMT. I really feel like I have found my calling and am so happy that I trusted myself and that I put in the hard work to get where I am at.
If you are looking at transferring into nursing do not let anybody on this sub/the internet/in real life try to discourage you from pursuing your goal. You are smart enough, you can work hard enough, and you can make it work. Thanks for reading and good luck!
submitted by shoshonee to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:31 iamaglow Last pump tonight!

My LO just turned 1 today and I’ve been weaning over the past 2-3 weeks. I just finished my last pumping session and I’m hanging up the phalanges for good! My LO wouldn’t latch from the start and after trying to triple feed for 2 months I started EP and felt so much relief but also guilt about not being able to nurse. The lack of sleep , the washing, the stress about pumping when going out, the questions/comments from family members was exhausting. I started supplementing with some formula as of 4-5 months so I wouldn’t have to keep pumping 8-9 times per day. It was a long journey. But I’m so proud of myself for sticking it out and reaching my goal. Moms who pump are TOUGH! I’m so grateful that I found this thread on Reddit. I’ve been reading it everyday and every night when I was pumping and felt so much less alone knowing that others are going through something similar. Good luck everyone and keep up the good work!
submitted by iamaglow to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:41 NeckSea8973 Talk me down off the ledge

I’ve posted here quite a few times over the last few months. I’ll be 28 weeks pregnant tomorrow, I’m due the end of August. Throughout this pregnancy, I’ve had chronic neck and shoulder pain that’s only worsened over time and is so incredibly sensitive to any intervention. I’ve tried acupuncture, PT, site steriod injections. The only thing I’m able to do is manual traction. I purchased a traction device to do at home as well.
Here is my fear: I’m going on four months of going through this and I’ve noticed the muscle in my left arm has started to deteriorate and over the last couple of days a numbness to the touch in my collar bone. I have 3 months to go before I have the baby and everyone is afraid to touch the pregnant lady. At what point am I risking nerve damage or serious life long issues here. I have been struggling everyday with the anxiety and depression of this pain. Waiting for it to return each time, depressed that I’m living a life that doesn’t feel like my own. But I can try and get through with a goal. But I’m struggling to understand what’s going on with me. 😭
(History for context)
I had a bone tumor in 2018 in C6. It caused me a lot of pain and had to be removed. No issues since. Last April I had similar pain but I had co slept a lot with my son and nursed him for a long time. So poor posture and sleeping made me feel like I had a pinched nerve. Fast forward to this current pregnancy where I had gotten sick for 14 weeks 2-3 times a day and chronic pain followed. I went back to my spine surgeon thinking maybe my tumor returned, MRI revealed it didn’t, but that I had 2 cervical disc bulges. He seemed super like “it happens, and pregnancy can be strange” try PT and pain management. My pain became so unmanageable that I could only use heat and Tylenol and my inflammation blew up more. I’ve been brought down slightly where now I don’t use heat and only ice. But my changes have not been drastic. I then went to a neurologist recently (waited 1.5 months for this appointment) and when the doctor came in they accidentally made an appointment with neurologist for the elderly. He reviewed my MRI and said he didn’t think my nerves were compressed by the discs and that my pain was from my surgical wound and trapped nerves. I’m getting a second opinion because I don’t agree.
submitted by NeckSea8973 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]
