Bulletin board ideas for seniors

Embroidery: When you don't know whether to make art or stab something

2010.02.02 03:09 dragonflygifts Embroidery: When you don't know whether to make art or stab something

A community for hand and machine embroiderers to exchange tips, techniques, resources, and ideas.

2020.08.12 18:53 loadsofwaffle carmensandiegogaucho

The subreddit for the Carmen Sandiego Gaucho AU. It is a WIP AU based around CS, set in the "Wild West". This is a subreddit for art, music, ideas, character descriptions, etc. like a bulletin board.

2014.09.24 13:34 FearsomeForehand Apex Brutes

A bulletin board for Apex Brutes COC clan

2024.06.02 10:14 kingofthedark000 Mother's Revenge On My Behalf

So this is a story requiring some context, but my mum retold it to me recently and I had completely forgotten.
My time in Primary School was not great for me, I lived in a very rural area and year groups were small, probably less than 25 kids per year.
I was a smart kid, but admittedly a bit odd. For this reason it seems I was bullied for pretty much the entire time (7yrs) I was there. Now main bully (MB)'s mum was on the school board or something equivalent so this kid never got in serious trouble.
It was the beginning of a new year, and my mum had bought me a new bag and a new waterbottle.
I was apparently naively thinking my new bag would help my situation, but of course when I returned home later my bag had been ripped and my plastic water bottle smashed.
To say my mum was livid was an understatement. She and I drove over to MB1's house and she marched up to the front door with bag and water bottle in tow.
MB's mum opened the door and my mum proceeded to detail everything MB had done to me over the last few years and threatened to cause an absolute shitshow for the school board if nothing changed. My mum also demanded recompense for the damaged water bottle and bag.
Now MB's mum knew what was going on and of course didn't really care. But my mother was/is a respected youth community member and powerful in other ways. So MB's mum gave the usual spiel of blah blah we'll talk to him etc etc.
My mum still insisted on recompense for the breaking of the water bottle, which she'd never done before as MB's family weren't well off. Now we weren't well off at the time, but my parents both worked in a well paying sector and we definitely didn't need this money. To put it this way MB's family needed that money a lot more than we did.
My mum asked because (in her words) its the principle of the matter.
We came home and around 2 weeks later a check arrived in the post for the cost of the water bottle and bag.
Now here is my mum's petty revenge and it made her smile so much retelling it.
She never cashed it, she just loves the idea of of MB's mum writing this check even though they needed the money. And the fact the MB's mum knows we have this check that we've never cashed because it was never about the money.
Unfortunately the bullying never really died down until I got out of primary, my last few weeks were interesting as I started (finally) sticking up for myself I got in quite the bit of trouble. If you want to hear more let me know.
TLDR: My mum got Bully's mum to write a check that she never cashed (could I have made my story shorter? Oops)
submitted by kingofthedark000 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 longbreadlantern FHB: When and how to make offers, should conveyancer review each contract before offers??

We have a shortlist of multiple properties, we're very close to the point of making offers.
Got a recommended conveyancer to us who will 'casually' review contracts for us for $200 or perform an extensive review it's $300 an hour.
We'd like to make offers on some of these places but don't know the exact process.
Based on the bullet list of functions the conveyancer will perform for us, I think I'm comfortable paying for the more expensive review, IF we get the property we want. However it seems pointless to pay hundreds of dollars for them to review a contract, then we make an offer which is rejected because we totally ballparked wrong and we were simply not in the running price wise? (due to underquoting, we're 'reaching' on some of these places)
Can someone please explain to a couple of total newbies if I can do the following and how?
1, Email the REA with a figure for a property, confirm they would accept that figure, without us being on the hook yet?
2, Then provide the section32 / contract to the conveyancer to review, if this passes muster and inspections pass, proceed?
These are listed as some of the disadvantages by the conveyancer for their quick review::
• No advice provided regarding any recommended changes to the Contract to protect your interests.
• As the review is not a comprehensive review (business name) will not be liable to you for any failure by us to
consider or advise on all the Contract Terms relevant to your circumstances or which may adversely impact
your position or rights.
• You agree to waive any claim against (business name) if you request an Express Review.
• No provision for drafting or re-drafting contract terms (but suggested contract terms may be provided to
• No engagement with the Vendor’s Representative or Real Estate Agent to request changes to the contract
terms to meet your needs or requirements.
As newbies a couple of those seems concerning to us.
This is some of the advantages for the more exensive review:
• Review proposed performance due dates.
• Review encumbrances or restrictions on title.
• Review Special Conditions.
• Review relevant Preconditions of Sale.
• Review Vendor’s Title.
• Review Vendor’s Section 32 Statement disclosure documents.
• Consideration of omissions or errors in the Vendor’s Statement.
• Advise on suggested changes to the contract based on your disclosed objectives and circumstances
• Thorough review of “Off the Plan” Conditions of Sale.
• Advice regarding proposed purchasing entity options and intentions.
• Detailed written advice provided by either a Senior Conveyancer from (business name) or a Legal Practitioner from
(other business name) Lawyers & Consultants.
• Provision for follow-up telephone conference from Senior Conveyancer from (business name) or Legal Practitioner
from (other business name) Lawyers & Consultants.
• We can provide drafting or re-drafting of Contract Terms as needed.
• We can liaise with the Vendor’s Representative and/or Agent on your behalf with respect to any
amendments. requested by you following the review if you intend to continue with purchase negotiations.
• Review comes with full Professional Indemnity for all advice provided to you.
The long and the short of it is, we're serious about several of these but based on the numbers we've seen the past 12 weeks, we have no idea if the figure we would be offering, would be laughed at or taken up by the vendors. Obviously we'd prefer some of the nicer ones where we figure our offer would be right on the line of what they might accept.
submitted by longbreadlantern to AusProperty [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:51 Swarbie8D My Aspiring Champion BSB earned an upgrade

My Aspiring Champion BSB earned an upgrade
Had my first Old World event yesterday and had a blast! During it, one model stood out in particular: my little Aspiring Champion BSB. In the first match he and his unit of Khorne Warriors held the foe’s attention all game despite only actually reaching combat in round 6, where they helped my Chaos Lord finish off a Soulgrinder. In my third game, he stopped multiple units from fleeing after being trampled by three Stonehorns, allowing me to rally and turn things around to win the match.
In the second game, I faced down Dark Elves in a Meeting Engagement scenario. Naturally, my BSB got lost in the woods and arrived via reserves. When he arrived he charge-blocked a Dark Rider that was trying to kill my Sorcerer Lord, killed him then overran forwards. He then made a long-bomb charge (thank you Rampaging Banner!) into the flank of a unit of Witch Elves that was 7 wide and 2 deep, with a Death Hag souped up to the gills. He killed both of the elves in the flank and then won through combat res, breaking the Witch Elves and forcing them to flee. He caught them on the pursuit, and then marched across the board and nearly rear-charged a line of crossbowmen that had turned to fire at my Manticore Lord. Finally, he was tragically struck down by the Impact Hits of a Cold One Chariot.
I was so impressed by his efforts that after the second game I immediately bought a Daemon Prince, and now I’ve sat down and gotten to work on raising him to daemonhood. Even though a Prince can’t be the BSB, I love the idea of him carrying the banner of the gods into battle even once he’s leading his own army. I gave him a halo/collar style Chaos Star to represent the Brazen Collar he had as a mortal.
This kitbash is WIP; I’ll be filling in the open-face section of his helmet to mimic his original one as well as giving him a cloak/cape of some kind as his original model has some fur draped over his back.
I’d love to hear suggestions for items/abilities etc I could use to represent him now he’s ascended to daemonhood!
In his mortal life he had: Mark of Chaos Undivided, halberd, Rampaging Banner, Brazen Collar and one Favour of the Gods. He was pretty barebones but in gameplay he was exceptional.
submitted by Swarbie8D to WarhammerFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:50 _Make_It_Rein Do you have trouble choosing the right snowboard? Me too!

Hey, fellow snow addicts!
So, I've been snowboarding for 14 seasons, which sounds like an impressive amount of years until you realize that translates to about 56 days in total. That's right, I'm the snowboarding equivalent of a weekend warrior who only gets to swing their sword once a year. Picture a knight polishing his armor for 364 days, then tripping over his sword in front of a dragon for the one day he actually goes into battle. Yep, that's me.
Every year, like a kid on Christmas, I convince myself that THIS is the year I'm going to find the perfect snowboard to help me become a better rider. So, I watch all the YouTube videos, read all the reviews, and drool over the latest gear like a teenager over a new PlayStation console. I show up at the mountain looking like a snowboarding superhero, only to spend the next four to five days fighting with my board like it's an unruly toddler. By the time I get a handle on it (sort of), my week is up and I slink home, feeling unsatisfied, only to shove the board in the closet and start the whole cycle again next year.
I've tried talking to snowboard retail staff, but their advice is as standard as a hotel continental breakfast. They size me up, hand me a board that fits from floor to chin, and send me on my merry way. I tell them I think I want a shorter board, and they look at me like I've just declared that I want to snowboard on a cafeteria tray.
So here I am, the new season is just around the corner and I'm doing it all over again. This time, I'm looking at the RIDE Twinpig and thinking it might be my golden ticket. It's got a wider base for us heavier folks (I’ve got the build of a yeti after hibernation) and RIDE recommends going shorter in length when choosing a pig range board. But before I drop more cash on yet another board that might end up as an expensive cupboard decoration, I am turning to Reddit for help!
Has anyone else been stuck in this endless loop of snowboarding frustration? Any tips on finding a board that doesn’t make you feel like a penguin on roller skates? Share your wisdom, your stories, or even your favourite snowboarding fails. I need all the help I can get before I repeat history and become a sad, possible toasted/crispy knight once again.
Thanks in advance for the advice!
P.S. My riding style? Well, I like to charge down the mountain (not crazy fast, but fast enough to feel like I’m the star of my own action movie) while making big, dramatic turns. I do enjoy popping a lip whenever I spot one, but let’s be real—my airtime usually ends with me inspecting the snow up close and personal, pondering my life choices. I’ve dabbled in the park too, but after a few too many face-offs with jibs and boxes that left me looking more like a crash test dummy than a snowboarder, I now steer clear like they’re radioactive.
P.S.S. Also, before you suggest this, I don't get the opportunity to try out the demo days that stores offer as I am usually in the snow for only a week, and it is always a week that is outside of school holidays so the demo days are not as frequent. If I am honest, I have never seen any demo days when I have been out in the snow.
P.S.S.S. Here is a link to a video I made of when we were in Japan just before Covid lockdowns. You don't have to watch the whole movie, but for the first 30 seconds, you can see me riding (I am in the blue and white jacket with the green goggles). Hopefully this will give you some idea. https://youtu.be/pBvyHfXEN5o?si=mv8H94RGzmSI9KIa
submitted by _Make_It_Rein to snowboarding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:49 BronyWriter186 What kind of job should I be looking for?

First, let me start by saying I am looking for genuine advice, I am not looking for "You are just being lazy" or "Do you even want a job?" type of statements. I am truly trying to find a job that I can both do and stick with until I can find better options. I have tried retail (Dollar General and Speedway) and food service (Domino's and A&W), I have also tried to do college to get a degree but despite my best efforts, I was unable to pass the CORE classes required here in America. I am also stuck with where I live now due to having no money I ran out about a month ago because my last job (Dollar General) barely gave me any hours and didn't pay all that well. I am not strong enough (nor do I want to be) to do any type of manual labor job and any job that requires high speed and hand-eye coordination is not going to work my first job was at a cheese shoppe (William's Cheese Shoppe) packaging the cheese and I was fired for being so slow that they lost a significant amount of their profits while I was working there. Honestly, my biggest issue is that I have autism (undiagnosed, suspected, and likely) and ADHD (diagnosed) and I have bad knees so I can't stand or sit for too long (however there are times when I can stand for up to 8 hours or sit for up to 10 hours, those are my good days, which luckily are most days for now). I have people helping me to find jobs and job opportunities, but lately, we have been hitting a brick wall due to not knowing what to look for as most jobs on job boards are either retail/food service or require some sort of degree/certificate. Does anyone have any ideas of what kind of jobs I should be looking for?
submitted by BronyWriter186 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:45 kiloroyal Union President After Only Four Years of Teaching?

Under "Policy & Politics" because why not.
tl;dr: Am I simply too young and too inexperienced to be an effective union leader?
I'm currently in my mid to late 20s, have just ended my third year of teaching and am going into my fourth. I was also just elected as secretary of my local union for the largest school district in my state after having served a year on the executive board, participated in the bargaining team, as well as attended every local, state, and national conference/meeting/event there is and participating whole heartedly. I'm going into my fourth year being marked an "effective" teacher at the moment and every year I've been in the District I've been recognized for some form of award District-wide for excellence in my work (special education).
Our current president, a teacher and union member of three decades, is getting termed out at the end of next year. Additionally, our vice president is retiring (he has been teaching for nearly 4 decades) and both have given me the nod to lead. The president in particular has tapped me to start attending additional trainings as well as to shadow her when possible throughout the school year to see everything she truly does in the day to day (our presidents work a half day contract, meaning she teaches until about 11:30 and then is paid on release to go do union work until 3:30).
Is this something I should actively be pursuing? There really is no one else in our local who has expressed interest, nor anyone who dives into union work as thoroughly as I do, so I wouldn't have a clue who would do it if not me. The executive board supports me, the faculty reps. I've met support me, the state level organization knows me by name and is very supportive, I just don't know if I'm signing myself up for a massive blunder. If I were to accept all of this responsibility and fumble it it'd be the largest scale fuckup I've ever been in charge of.
I do have ideas, though. There are things I feel as a local we could be doing significantly more effectively to increase member engagement/enrollment that I just don't see happening that I would love to implement as a president. Our local leadership was actually gutted for the previous two years until the executive board I arrived on came to task (internal strife lead to everyone to stop participating without resigning), so we've really only had a "modern" union leadership cohort for about a year.
However I also feel as though it would be a massive turnoff for membership if I were a teacher of several decades and I looked up from my campus to find that the president had only just gotten off his evaluation probation.
I'd love more thoughts and insights into this.
submitted by kiloroyal to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 Resqusto Clive Cussler Fire Strike

I recently finished the novel. And what can I say, I was a bit disappointed.
The ideas that were implemented in the book were cool. For the first time ever, the Oregon was hijacked by an enemy party. But... the fact that no one on board the ship is killed, despite the attackers' emphasis on brutality, is ridiculous. And the fact that they are all killed by the chief steward is an even bigger joke. It could have been a great scene if they had dared to let a few crew members die.
I also thought the ending was rather bad. Since the Oregon files have been in the hands of Mike Madden, they are somehow not as good as they used to be. What do you think of the novel?
submitted by Resqusto to clivecussler [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:40 rat-_boy First job anxiety after college

I am currently entering my senior year in IT from a four year college. I have a job available here in my college town from my internship. But after I graduate I plan on moving to a bigger city to be with my partner and closer to family.
Looking at what’s available on job boards, linkedin, recruiters, etc. On top of all I hear about difficulty finding entry jobs today is making me scared of what opportunity is really out there. Especially with most listings looking as sketchy as possible.
I’ve heard from my current boss about how hard it is to find candidates who will just show up for work willing to learn and have a ounce of personality. But the IT environment here is much closer knit.
What more should I work on here in my last year of college to find a position in a much more competitive environment? As well as any suggestions on my first real job search?
Currently I have: - My GPA is a 3.0 currently (rough freshman year) - 2 years of internship experience (1.2 in an MSP setting, .8 internally) - An A+ and a CCNA - Self taught web development experience - A couple home-lab projects scrapped together from old gear at work
submitted by rat-_boy to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:30 soldierswitheggs Questions about Motivations of Judges

I finished Pale recently. It's probably my new favorite Wildbow work. That said, I'm confused about a couple aspects related to the judges that we see in Pale.
Before the Carmine Exile, the judges generally seem to be thought of as mostly fair but aloof figures. However, we can see they're allowed to play favorites within the system. They were able to designate John as their supposed favorite going into the contest.
I can certainly see some rationales for preferring Charles instead, if some judges thought he was a better fit for the role, or might make their position more secure. I don't really understand the purpose of luring John into the contest and presumably spending power breaking the binding of the other dog tags, only for the Alabaster to covertly set Charles up for an ultimate victory. I can understand why the other judges might not interfere with her plan if the contest barrier was her domain, but I don't understand why she needed to be covert to begin with.
Moreover, unless I missed something I don't remember much explanation in the book for why the other judges all supported him, to the extent of weakening themselves. I can think of a plausible explanation: that the judges saw lordships or other practitioner efforts eventually weakening them or rendering them irrelevant, as it had judges in other areas, and they supported Charles in an effort to forestall that. But if all three other judges were on board with that idea from the start, I see even less need for secrecy in their support of Charles.
I'm not saying any of these elements is a plot hole, but I'm struggling to understand why the judges would act in the roundabout way they did.
submitted by soldierswitheggs to Parahumans [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:29 marl3nee Actually fuck high school assigments

Our deputy principal has royally fucked us sideways. She emailed us last month, (I tweaked it a bit just in case somebody I know recognises it)
"Dear Students,
It has come to the attention of the school board that anxiety is prevalent within our school community. To improve this issue, we're initiating a program to increase public speaking confidence. In which, all your current and future writing assignments will be performed as a speech and/or presentation to further improve our students’ confidence"
Because of this absolute banger of an idea, I have three speeches—one on Thursday, another in 3 weeks, and another in 4 weeks. I haven’t spoken in front of people in about five years and whenever I’m asked to read aloud in class, I literally can’t breathe and start shaking uncontrollably.
I have no idea what to do. I’m 16 years old and I’ve been freaking out about these speeches since the email dropped. Now that one of them is so close I’m actually breaking down. I want to tell a teacher or something but I’m scared shitless of confrontation and genuinely so embarrassed about it. Everyone in my class is so confident and I panic at even the thought of reading aloud.
I want to take something to calm me down but my mother doesn’t believe in anxiety. She reckons it’s a load of bollocks and that I’m overthinking the whole thing, and once I get up on the stage I’ll just magically relax or something. I told her I literally might have a panic attack but she thinks I’m ‘too young to be having problems’ and just being dramatic.
I have a friend (bless her) who bursts into tears whenever she goes up to the present. Everyone is pretty much used to it atp, so when she does it’s not a big deal. I asked her for advice and she says that she tells herself to ‘stop being a wuss’ and get over herself. She tells me it makes her feel worse so if someone makes fun of her, the words they say are not as bad as what she tells herself. I think she might be a masochist so I’m not sure if I should take her advice.
My other friend told me to just start crying/panicking in front of everyone and then they’ll understand to never make me read aloud again. I’m lowkey considering it just to prove that I do have problems and need help. But let’s be real, I don’t think I’d be able to handle being in that class with the same people during the aftermath of my breakdown.
To make things worse, one of the speeches I have is for a subject called ‘society and culture’ and I basically have to yap about my interests for 6 minutes without palm cards or anything. This whole assignment is worth 40% of my overall grade and the teachers are judging us purely on our confidence, eye contact, and how engaging we are.
My teacher was talking about anxiety and if you can’t present, you have to get a doctor’s certificate confirming you have actual speech issues and you’ll just present in front of just one teacher instead of the whole class. And like I said, my mother doesn’t believe in anxiety and pretty much hates doctors.
I’ve tried everything to try and help me relax, but nothing is working. Breathing techniques make me more anxious and my heart rate quickens even worse.
Am I fucked? Any advice??
submitted by marl3nee to PublicSpeaking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:15 AutoModerator Swap Meet Sunday: Post items for sale, events and wanted listings here.

Every Sunday this will repost as a sticky post. Please use the comment section as a community bulletin board.
Please remember to follow Reddit's rules by not posting personal information. A little common sense goes a long way - please invite people to reach out to you by private message for details.
submitted by AutoModerator to camaro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:06 pg860 Senior Saturday: Top 10 Highest-Paying AI/Data Science Senior Positions from Last Week

🚨 Senior Saturday: Top 10 Highest-Paying AI/Data Science Senior Positions from Last Week 🚨
Found by: https://jobs-in-data.com/job-hunter
👉 Position: Sr. Dir., Engineering for AI/ML platform Company: paypal Location: Austin, Texas, United States of America Salary Range: $144,800 - $319,000 🔗 https://paypal.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/jobs/job/Austin-Texas-United-States-of-America/Director--Data-Engineering-2_R0111489-1
👉 Position: Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Core Relevance Company: reddit Location: Remote - United States Salary Range: $216,700 - $303,400 🔗 https://boards.greenhouse.io/reddit/jobs/5917054
👉 Position: Senior Data Scientist Company: demandbase Location: United States - Remote Salary Range: $169,400 - $272,290 🔗 https://boards.greenhouse.io/demandbase/jobs/5961392
👉 Position: Senior Software Engineer, AI Data Backend Company: worldcoinorg Location: Munich, Germany Salary Range: $216,000 - $260,000 🔗 https://boards.greenhouse.io/worldcoinorg/jobs/5190588004
👉 Position: Senior Machine Learning Modeler, Financial Crimes Cash App Company: square Location: Remote, OR 97458, USA Salary Range: $163,600 - $245,400 🔗 https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/square/743999990369858-senior-machine-learning-modeler-financial-crimes-cash-app-
👉 Position: Senior Analyst, Audience Insights & Operations Company: Adobe Location: San Jose Salary Range: $115,100 - $245,300 🔗 https://adobe.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/external_experienced/job/San-Jose/Senior-Analyst--Audience-Insights---Operations_R146001-1
👉 Position: Senior Data Engineer, Finance Data Team REMOTE Company: geico Location: Remote Salary Range: $76,000 - $236,500 🔗 https://geico.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/external/job/Chevy-Chase-MD/Senior-Data-Engineer--Finance-Data-Team--REMOTE-_R0050585
👉 Position: Senior Research Engineer - OLMO Infrastructure Company: thealleninstitute Location: Seattle, WA Salary Range: $153,040 - $235,680 🔗 https://boards.greenhouse.io/thealleninstitute/jobs/5968708
👉 Position: Senior, Data Scientist Company: Walmart Location: Sunnyvale, CA Salary Range: $117,000 - $234,000 🔗 https://walmart.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/WalmartExternal/job/Sunnyvale-CA/Senior--Data-Scientist_R-1867698
👉 Position: Senior Data Scientist Company: Walmart Location: Sunnyvale, CA Salary Range: $168,154 - $234,000 🔗 https://walmart.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/WalmartExternal/job/Sunnyvale-CA/Senior-Data-Scientist_R-1883799-1
Good luck! 💪 #Senior #Jobs #Hiring
submitted by pg860 to jobsindata [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:01 ninopettis My problems seem pathetic compared to other people's, and they involve me being bad

My problems are legitimate in my opinion, but probably not others'. By that, I mean that the problems exist, and that they have a serious negative impact on my life, and that they've done so for over two decades now. But on the surface they seem stupid or trivial or easily fixable. Other people have been dealt much worse hands than I have.
I can't and don't want to go into full detail here, because it'd be long and inappropriate. However theoretically I'd be happy to share the full detail with anyone who might happen to be interested. But I can't just pour it all out in this thread.
I'm 34, and have had serious mental health issues since I was 8ish. Throughout all my teen years and most of my twenties, I was aware of these issues and was always trying to "fix" them, despite not truly understanding them. I think I've made progress over the past few years. I forced myself into cognitive behavioral therapy, by going to Uni late at 27, at the other side of the country. Big shock to the system for me. Was entirely outside of my comfort zone, yet a huge help to me. There are various reasons for why I've changed and improved as a person, but a relevant one is recreational drugs.
Ok I'll cut the shit and get to why I made this post. I really like cocaine and am very open and chatty on it, like most tend to be. I feel like since I became a regular user, my sober self has declined in openness and chattiness. I think this is common too. Anyway, I need someone to speak to. I'm always in my head. I'm obsessive, always thinking about every little detail. I need a sounding board for my thoughts. I have no one in my life who can be this. I have family members I live with or near to, whom I used to be very close with, but can no longer speak to, for crazy reasons. I can't speak to my friends about this, as I don't have many left, our relationships mostly exist via WhatsApp, and I can't burden them with all my shit.
So, while high, I booked an NHS appointment with a therapist. While high, I was very open and willing to talk about anything. A therapist seemed like a great idea. But obviously, when the appointment came around, I was sober, and unable to talk. I cancelled the appointment on the phone, at the start of the conversation. I assured her that I was fine, and no longer needed to talk. I work a 9-5 Mon-Fri. I've been banned from drinking while at my house, for no good reason (genuinely). This is relevant because I need the drink to take away the anxiety of the coke. I'm fully aware that this is bad shit for my health. But one problem at a time. Anyway, I'm trapped. I need to find a way to schedule in a therapy appointment outside of work hours, where I'm free to self-medicate with alcohol and coke. I really wish alcohol had no scent.
I'm sure this post makes me look like an idiot, but I can justify everything. I'm not saying I don't do anything wrong; but I am saying that I have honest and good intentions, and that the things I do that are wrong, are to fix an even worse wrong. I'm happy to go into more detail. I'm not sure what I even expect in terms of responses.
I'm from England, and thank you for reading!
submitted by ninopettis to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 WatchfulHeaven1 Deck Dilemma: Azorius... Control? I'm pretty sure it counts as a control deck.

So I've been playing Magic as most do: on and off throughout the years. I got myself back into it due to a cousin who's a state away. I have more recently gotten some of my friends into it. According to Steam and adding the app, I have roughly 85 hours in it over the past... year (I know, cut me some slack). 30 of those hours have been in this week and I've been experimenting with my decks and favorite playstyles.
And I think I've found it: Being Annoying. Annoying to the point where not even I'm having fun and am just there to see my opponent suffer, whether that be a deck that mills every card my opponent has or a deck that can get my health into the high hundreds with crash-inducing multiplying tokens on the board.
Most recently, however, I've found one I like the most. My lovingly named Azorius deck: COUNTER-SPELL. I'll give you three guesses about what it's about and the first two don't count.
Here's the deck and my main problem with it below. The cards in brackets are cards my ADHD brain added while I was typing this and looking through my collection and therefore are not part of the current win condition, but I thought they would just help the deck based off their descriptions with zero testing, sorry.
Creature Spells: (12[15])
Non-Creature Spells: (68[71])
Land:(40){I just had basic Lands originally}
Yes yes, I know, and have been told multiple times by my friends. I am a bad person. So this deck is a stall deck more or less. Have all the enchantments lock down the opponent while building up land and usually the namesakes of the deck - Counterspells. You get your big Creatures, hopefully the Terrors, Brinefangs, or the Mindbreaker and keep them alive from any shutdown spells with the counters. Extra points if you get the Ceratops for the double strike. So it's either the opponent just losing to damage, or losing the battle of attrition which Terisian Mindbreaker speeds up.
It has obvious counters with faster starting/rush decks... and Phrexians, usually involving incubation, but that's just because I'm too stupid to make the best use of my exiles and nothing else. I feel like it's a solid deck.
There's just one tiny problem, at least when I play it. I never get any land, the idea is great, but when put into practice it never seems to work. It's not even a 'not enough land for the 8 mana spell' it's just a 'it's my 11th turn and I have 3 land on the field'. If it was less frequent I wouldn't even be making this post. This is my first real reddit post and it's over this. If it was less frequent I'd understand, everyone has bad draws, but it's a third of my deck, and it consistently doesn't give me any. It doesn't give me any excess land, no no no, it's either have some land and get it at a slow but consistent enough rate that you're almost dead when you can actually play stuff or it's a barren wasteland with no water and the sun has been blotted out for decades.
Like I said before, I feel like its a solid deck, or at least it can be if I fixed it, but I have no idea where the problem is. Whether it's the bloated deck size, not enough lands, or if I'm simply not bribing the Arena Shufflemy luck has just been horrendous with this deck.
I think I just made this mainly to vent but I'm not at the point in my Magic skills to figure out what to do sans scrapping the entire deck, y'know? I'd appreciate some advice about it, because it just has me stumped.
I'll restate that this is my first serious post and first MagicArena post so I don't know if this counts as a Deck or a Question Flair. and I'll edit this out once I'm sure of which one it is. and double check spelling uh... tomorrow, soon to be later today.
TLDR: OP has a massive skill issue.
submitted by WatchfulHeaven1 to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:44 Wzup Vertical Pit Boss won't hold temp (pellet)

I have the Pit Boss Copperhead 3 Series vertical smoker (pellet). This is my second year with it.
I can't for the life of me seem to get the unit to hold a consistent temp throughout a cook. I've vacuumed out the pot, fully cleaned the inside, and removed the shield from the built-in temp probe and gave it a good cleaning. It starts out fine for the first hour or two, but then the control board starts outputting temps 150-200 degrees above what the actual temp is. I have both a Meater and an InkBird, and their ambient temps read within 5 degrees of each other.
Example: I set the unit to 225, the control board bounces between 215-235, but both of my probes read in the 160 range. I bump the unit up to 300, and both my probes read in the 200 range. I bump the unit up to 350, and eventually the probes will get to around 225-230. However at that point, the unit shuts itself off and throws the over-heating code.
Any idea what's wrong with my smoker?
submitted by Wzup to PitBossGrills [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:34 Puzzleheaded_Box_298 Highly Dynamic 4X Games With A Less "Strategic" Focus

Hi, I made a post recently about 4X games without Civilizations and got some nice responses, so I figured I'd make another.
I really like the idea of 4X games, but I'm not a terrible fan of how, how do I put it, "board-gamey" they feel. Are there any 4X games that have more dynamic / "simulation" elements and are more just games for fun and creating interesting stories than overcoming strategic situations. Something like Dwarf Fortress, maybe?
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Box_298 to 4Xgaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 RawSteelUT Making the most of a bad situation - F99's keycaps on a GMMK2, and a painless firmware swap.

Making the most of a bad situation - F99's keycaps on a GMMK2, and a painless firmware swap.
Welp, after my rather catastrophic failure with the Aula F99, I decided to make the best of a bad situation. See, I'd gotten that keyboard open-box for $47 after shipping and taxes from an ebay seller. Thing is, for as bad as that keyboard treated me, I absolutely adore the keycaps. Considering a comparable set of PBT double-shots seem to cost around $30-$60 or even more depending on how lucky you are on the wheel of seller reputation, I still made out pretty good with the caps. Now all I had to do was get a keyboard to fit them in.
Enter my brand new white GMMK 2, $20 off at Best Buy. Could have probably gotten a kit for another $20 off, but after the last keyboard, I really wanted something I could just take back easily if things go tits-up. Thankfully, nothing of the sort happened. Indeed, thanks to previous experience, I was able to tear this thing apart and put it back together in far less time than I do when I start with a new keyboard design. Though it is odd to go from no screws to 21 screws (17 on top holding the enclosure and four on the inside holding the PCB to the top plate), I had no problems my Box Navies even after I removed the case foam.
And then came the firmware. Since the Aula F99 keycap set had the last five keys on the top row as DEL, HOME, END, PgUp and PgDwn instead of PrtSc, DEL, INS, PgUp and PgDwn, I was going to have to mess around with programming this thing if I didn't want to buy more caps and mix and match. Now, I'll admit I was pretty intimidated by the prospect, but reading a bit showed me how to get the keyboard into bootloader mode (hold B and SPACE while plugging the board into the computer), after which I was able to flash the firmware I got from caniusevia.com using QMK toolbox, and then edit the keys with usevia.app (though I had to download Brave as it doesn't seem to work with Firefox). The result, if I do say so myself, is quite spiffy.
Now I just gotta figure out if there's any way to make the num lock and caps lock LEDs blink when they're active, as the GMMK2 doesn't have any dedicated lock lights and using the QMK firmware disables compatibility with GMMK Core 2, meaning I can't use it to have the left side light blink for caps lock. Any ideas how to do that in VIA?
submitted by RawSteelUT to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:29 Admirable-Voice1410 Someone keeps taking my picture down at work

So for starters, it’s a picture of me and one of my best friends who no longer works with me. When we took the picture we hung it in the office at work. It has been up for a year and no one has ever seemed to have a problem with it. However when I clocked in today I realized that someone took it down and put it in my locker, which confused me. So me finally being brave enough to be petty, I placed it back on the board in the office and my manager laughed and cheered me on. So now we are going to see if it gets taken down again. I was given an idea of who it might have been and it just irritated me more because it makes sense. I will update if it comes back down.
Sorry if it’s not as petty as others, but I had to share.
submitted by Admirable-Voice1410 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:20 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Acr Resqflare

Best Acr Resqflare

Welcome to our comprehensive review of the Acr Resqflare, a product designed to ensure safety and efficiency in various industries. In this article, we'll take you through an in-depth examination of its features, performance, and user experience, offering valuable insights for potential buyers. Buckle up as we delve into the world of the Acr Resqflare, and explore the reasons why it continues to gain popularity among its users.

The Top 14 Best Acr Resqflare

  1. Reliable, LED Distress Flare for Safe Navigation - The ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare & Flag is a certified alternative to traditional pyrotechnic flares, providing long-lasting, 360-degree visibility and meeting US Coast Guard requirements.
  2. ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare Kit for Maritime Safety - The ACR ResQFlare E-flare and Drybag Safety Kit provides a safe, reliable, and US Coast Guard-compliant alternative to pyrotechnic flares for maritime safety.
  3. Premium Extend-A-Fender Flares for Ultimate Tire Coverage - Bushwacker 20971-02 Extend-A-Fender Flares, boasting a sleek factory-style design, complement your vehicle while providing superior protection against chips and road debris, with their extra-wide construction and durable Dura-Flex 2000 ABS material.
  4. Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style UV-Protected Fender Flares - Bushwacker's 20100-02 Max Coverage Pocket Style Fender Flares offer superior tire coverage for larger trucks and SUVs, with ease of installation, durable Dura-Flex 2000 material, and a customizable, off-road style design.
  5. Versatile 3/32" Thick Acrylic Sheet for Bulk Purchase - Cast Acrylic Plastic Sheet - 3/32" Thick, Versatile, and Weather-Resistant Acrylic for Tanks and Windows!
  6. Clear 1/4 Inch Thick Acrylic Sheet for Glass Window Replacement and Various Applications - SourceOne.org's Premium 1/4 Clear Acrylic Plexiglass Sheet offers superior strength, lightweight construction, and excellent resistance to outdoor elements, making it a versatile and easy-to-manipulate sheet for various applications.
  7. Bushwacker FF Extend-A-Fender for Chevrolet: Premium Protection and Stylish Flare - Bushwacker Extend-A-Fender Flares offer unparalleled protection and style for oversized tires, with exclusive Dura-Flex 2000 material for durability and flexibility, and resisting chalking, cracking, and warping.
  8. Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Strong Plastic Panels for Multiple Applications - Enhance your DIY projects and create stunning displays with the versatile and durable Umootek 3 Pieces Acrylic Sheet Clear Cast Plexiglass, offering exceptional clarity and versatility across various applications.
  9. Ferrero Collection Premium Advent Calendar 2023 - Unwrap the holiday spirit with the Ferrero Collection Advent Calendar, featuring a premium gourmet assortment of hazelnut milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and coconut almond truffles, perfect for sharing and savoring the variety of unique delights.
  10. EPA-Approved R600a Refrigerant for Refrigeration Systems - Experience the EPA-approved R600a refrigerant for optimal refrigeration performance, featuring pharmaceutical-grade 99.7% purity and adhering to strict quality standards.
  11. Clear Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Durable Glass Alternative - Experience clarity and strength with our versatile clear acrylic sheets, perfect for various applications from shelves to tabletop designs.
  12. Cricut Acetate Sheets for Cutting Plotters: 12x12cm Transparent Sheets - Upgrade your Cricut cutting experience with these versatile Acetate Sheets, enabling you to emboss, stamp, and paint for unique effects while enhancing your office presence.
  13. Powerful Honda-Engine Aerator for Lawn Maintenance - The Billy Goat PL1800H Mechanical Reciprocating Aerator with a powerful 118cc Honda GX120 Engine and easy-to-use features is the ultimate tool for a lush, green, healthy lawn.
  14. Versatile Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets for Creative Projects - Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets: 9 Packs, featuring 54 durable 12"x12" sheets, ideal for crafting, embossing, and stamping, and perfect for creating card overlays, gift box covers, and more!
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Reliable, LED Distress Flare for Safe Navigation

As a boater, I've always been wary of traditional pyrotechnic flares for safety reasons. That's why, when I came across the ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare & Flag, I knew I had to give it a try. This innovative device has been designed to provide a safer, more reliable alternative to traditional pyrotechnic flares and can even be carried in lieu of them.
What stood out the most was the 360-degree visibility from over six miles away. Not only did it provide excellent visibility during emergencies, but it also had a significantly longer burn time than traditional flares. Its lightweight, compact size, and floatability made it incredibly easy to use – all while being fungus, corrosion, and water-resistant.
The ACR ResQFlare also comes with a distress flag, which, when carried together, qualifies as a replacement for traditional pyrotechnic flares. It's a perfect addition to any ditch bag, especially considering that it doesn't go out of date, saving me time and avoids the hassle of replacement.
One downside I faced was the lack of a lanyard attached to the device. While it floats upright in water, there are better options available that might be more visible in daylight compared to the ACR ResQFlare. However, as a safety device, the ACR ResQFlare still gets the job done without the risk of fire or injury.
In conclusion, the ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare & Flag is a great addition to any boater's safety arsenal. It's easy to use, safe, and provides excellent visibility during emergencies. Its longevity and added convenience make it a worthy choice as a replacement for traditional pyrotechnic flares.

🔗ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare Kit for Maritime Safety

As someone who spends quite a bit of time on the water, I've often found myself worried about carrying traditional pyrotechnic flares due to their potential hazards. That's why I was thrilled to try the ACR ResQFlare E-flare and Drybag Safety Kit. This handy device is an excellent alternative - it's compact, easy to use, and most importantly, safe.
One of the features that stood out for me was its daytime distress flag. This flag is bright and noticeable, ensuring that I could be seen even in daylight conditions. Carried together with the ResQFlare, they meet the applicable U. S. Coast Guard requirements, making them a reliable safety tool to carry on my boat.
Of course, like any product, there are a few aspects I would have liked to see improved. The ResQFlare could benefit from a more durable design, as the plastic casing feels a bit flimsy. Additionally, considering the cost, I would have expected the kit to come with more than just one distress flag.
Overall, the ACR ResQFlare E-flare and Drybag Safety Kit has become an essential part of my boating gear. It provides a safe and effective way to signal for help in case of an emergency, and I feel more confident knowing I have it on board.

🔗Premium Extend-A-Fender Flares for Ultimate Tire Coverage

I recently added the Bushwacker 20971-02 fender flares to my car, and let me tell you, they looked pretty good on there. These flares are a bit on the thin side but once I installed them, they felt pretty sturdy.
The biggest downside was the rubber weather-strip, it kept falling off and seemed to be made of a poor quality material. I ended up having to call Bushwacker and they sent me a replacement part.
Overall, I'm happy with the product, but I wish the rubber weather-strip was of higher quality.

🔗Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style UV-Protected Fender Flares

I've had the pleasure of trying out the Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style Fender Flares, and I must say, I'm impressed! These bad boys add an extra 2.25 inches of tire coverage from the wheel well, which is perfect for my truck's bigger tires and wider wheels. The aggressive off-road style they bring to the table is truly one of a kind.
The fender flares install easily right out of the box, and they're built tough with Dura-Flex 2000 material. It's wrap-resistant and boasts added durability and flexibility on the trail, thanks to its thick construction. Despite their rugged appearance, these fender flares are a piece of cake to install without any drilling, and they blend in seamlessly with the rest of my truck's bodywork.
Sure, there can be a few minor hiccups in painting them to match your ride, but overall, the Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style Fender Flares are an excellent investment for truck and SUV owners looking for enhanced tire coverage.

🔗Versatile 3/32" Thick Acrylic Sheet for Bulk Purchase

I recently got my hands on a 3/32" thick Cast Acrylic sheet, measuring 6" wide and 6" long. As someone who appreciates the unique blend of function and aesthetics, this product was a delight to work with. With its optically clear nature, it allowed me to create projects that were visually pleasing while maintaining strength and durability.
Despite being quite small, this sheet still served its purpose well in a variety of applications. Its moisture-resistant properties ensured that my work kept its clear edge even in humid conditions. The fact that it's thin made it lightweight to handle and easy to cut, making it a favorite for my DIY projects.
However, it's worth mentioning that while the product is strong, it might not be ideal for projects requiring extreme durability or heavy-duty usage. Additionally, if you're planning larger projects, you might find that ordering these sheets in bulk would be more convenient.
Overall, this Cast Acrylic sheet proved to be a reliable and versatile tool for my crafting needs. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, this product could have a place in your toolbox.

🔗Clear 1/4 Inch Thick Acrylic Sheet for Glass Window Replacement and Various Applications

I recently gave the SOURCEONE. ORG Premium 1/4 Clear Acrylic Plexiglass Sheet a try in my home renovation project, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer. I used it for my kitchen window replacement, and it offered the perfect balance of durability and style. The clear 1/4 inch thick acrylic was incredibly easy to work with - I was able to saw, route, drill, form, bend, and even cement it without any hassle.
The result? . A stunning, sturdy window that has held up great against the outdoor elements. The best part? .
It's lighter and stronger than glass, making it an excellent investment for any outdoor application. Highly recommend! .

🔗Bushwacker FF Extend-A-Fender for Chevrolet: Premium Protection and Stylish Flare

Just a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon the Bushwacker Extend-A-Fender Flares. I had been looking for a durable and stylish fender flare for my Chevrolet truck. With Bushwacker's reputation for quality and performance, I decided to give them a try.
First of all, installing these flares took no more than 10 minutes, even for someone like me with minimal car modification experience. One look, and I was sold on their sleek and modern design, perfect for my truck.
What stood out the most were the materials used. Dura-Flex 2000 material offers durability, flexibility, and built-in UV protection. It's safe to say that these flares have become an integral part of my truck's exterior, and the 2.25-inch tire coverage is just an added bonus.
But what sets them apart from other flares on the market is the fact that they resist chalking, cracking, and warping. I've had several cars and trucks over the years, and this is the first time I've found a product that genuinely stands up to wear and tear.
However, one downside I noticed was that the flares' finish seemed to get a little scuffed during the installation process. But since they're sold in an OE matte black finish, it blends in quite nicely. If you're someone who likes to personalize their look, you could always paint them to match your vehicle's color scheme.
All in all, I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Bushwacker Extend-A-Fender Flares have been a game-changer for my car's overall appearance and performance. Highly recommended for anyone looking to upgrade the look of their vehicle.

🔗Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Strong Plastic Panels for Multiple Applications

Recently, I stumbled upon the Umootek 3 Pieces Acrylic Sheet Clear Cast Plexiglass 12 x 12 Inches Square Panel 14 Thick (6mm) Clear Plastic Plexi Perspex Plate Panel. Fascinated by its unique design, I decided to give it a try in my daily life.
What stood out to me the most was its strength and durability. As someone who loves DIY projects, I appreciated that this product could be heated and shaped without breaking it. It was also incredibly easy to cut through it, leaving no traces of cracking.
The transparency of this acrylic sheet was exceptional, and its light transmission properties made it perfect for displaying delicate objects. In fact, its smooth surface and high hardness made it an ideal replacement for glass, allowing me to create a custom protective cover for my aquarium.
However, one downside I noticed was the thickness of the acrylic sheet. While it was strong and durable, it also made it a bit cumbersome to handle during certain projects. But overall, my experience with this acrylic sheet was pleasant, and I appreciate the versatility it offers for various applications.

🔗Ferrero Collection Premium Advent Calendar 2023

Oh, the Ferrero Collection Advent Calendar! . It makes me reminisce of my childhood.
Every morning, I would eagerly anticipate which Ferrero Rocher confection awaited me behind the door - was it Raffaello or Rondnoir today? . This advent calendar is a delightful countdown to the holidays, and every piece is made from premium chocolate and the best ingredients.
But don't think these treats are just for kids. The sophisticated combination is perfect for adults to enjoy.
Just looking at the elegantly crafted chocolate gifts is like savoring the promise of indulgence that awaits each day until Christmas. Each piece, from the decadent milk chocolate to the divine dark chocolate, is a testament to Ferrero's dedication to quality.
Overall, a perfect advent gift to share with loved ones or to indulge in a little mid-day treat.

🔗EPA-Approved R600a Refrigerant for Refrigeration Systems

I recently came across the R600a refrigerant, a life-saver when it comes to refrigeration units that require this specific type of refrigerant. The size of 14.8 ounces or 420 grams made it perfect for my needs, fitting nicely in my refrigerator.
The EPA's approval of R600a and its adherence to the regulations in 40 CFR Part 82.17 provided me with peace of mind. Using it as per their guidelines gave me confidence in the product.
One of the standout features for me was its purity, boasting a 99.7% pharmaceutical-grade quality. This high purity level ensured the efficient functioning of my refrigeration unit, and it didn't disappoint.
However, there was one downside that I encountered during my use. Despite the decent amount of refrigerant provided, it didn't last as long as I desired, and I had to make more frequent replacements than expected.
Overall, while the R600a refrigerant did its job in keeping my refrigerator cool and maintaining a consistent temperature, I wish it lasted a bit longer.

🔗Clear Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Durable Glass Alternative

I recently gave the Fab Glass and Mirror Plexiglass Sheets a try, and I must say, they've been a game-changer in my daily life. These sheets provide a clear and sturdy alternative to glass, and I've found that they're ideal for a variety of applications. Whether I'm crafting a DIY photo frame or creating a chic welcome sign, the plexiglass sheets never fail to impress.
The most impressive feature is their durability. They've withstood quite a few knocks and scrapes without showing any signs of wear and tear. And the best part? They're just as effective outdoors as they are indoors, making them an excellent choice for a wide range of applications. The clarity of these sheets has also proven to be a major selling point. They allow light to pass through effortlessly, making them perfect for display cases and signage.
That being said, I did experience a minor drawback. The sheets do tend to attract dirt easily, which can be a bit of a hassle when it comes to cleaning. Overall, however, the pros far outweigh the cons, and I'd definitely recommend these plexiglass sheets to anyone in need of a clear and sturdy material for their projects.

🔗Cricut Acetate Sheets for Cutting Plotters: 12x12cm Transparent Sheets

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Cricut Acetate Sheets, and let me tell you, they did not disappoint! I was working on a project that required some extra-clear stencils, and these sheets were the perfect solution. The best part? They worked perfectly in my Cricut machine without any issues.
The acetate sheets were incredibly easy to use, and the stencils I made came out looking flawless. I especially loved the protective film on both sides of the sheets, which kept them looking pristine until I was ready to start cutting. The acetate itself was crystal clear, making it a great choice for any project where a clean and precise cut is essential.
However, I did notice that the acetate can be a bit fragile if not handled with care. I had a few accidents where the sheets scratched or got a few small dings, but luckily, they were easily fixed with a bit of polishing. Overall, I'm thrilled with the Cricut Acetate Sheets and will definitely be using them in future projects. Highly recommended!

🔗Powerful Honda-Engine Aerator for Lawn Maintenance

My first experience with the Billy Goat PL1800 Mechanical Aerator was nothing short of impressive. The powerful Honda GX120 engine, offering up to 118cc, makes short work of those pesky aerating tasks, clearing up to 22,000 sq ft with ease. Its foldable handle truly comes to the rescue when it comes to transporting this beast between jobs, as well as providing a compact storage solution when not in use. I was amazed at how effortlessly it maneuvered over rough terrain, thanks to its 12-inch semi-pneumatic tires that add not just stability but ease of operation as well.
However, there were a couple of cons I noticed too. The maintenance aspect, although easy with one-piece removable covers, could be more convenient with a bit of tool-free access. Also, this behemoth could do with some noise reduction – a feature that would be welcomed by any lawn-loving neighbor. All in all, it's no wonder why this PL1800H model is the go-to choice for many lawn enthusiasts. Yes, it's a bit noisy, and the maintenance might be slightly tricky at times. But the power, the maneuverability, and that green, lush lawn it provides? Worth every penny.

🔗Versatile Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets for Creative Projects

These Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets were recently making a major splash in my daily crafting routine. Perfect for stamping, embossing, or cutting, these sheets have become indispensable for my creative projects. Not only have they found their way into crafting gift boxes, they also came in handy when I was making custom window cards for friends' birthdays. One of the key selling points of these sheets is their anti-scratch film, ensuring that the product remains in prime condition till the very end. With their ability to work seamlessly with Cricut machines or any other sturdy crafting machinery out there, I knew I had stumbled upon a product that would become a staple in my craft room for ages to come.
The user-friendly aspect of these sheets was definitely a standout feature. Not only were they easy to use, but they also made my project look so much better in an instant. In terms of drawbacks, there was a minor issue with the sheets potentially scratching easily especially after the protective film was removed. However, with a bit of extra care during handling, this was something entirely manageable.
My experience with these sheets was absolutely fantastic! They have been the perfect addition to my crafting arsenal. Their versatility never ceases to amaze me. No matter what project I throw at them, they always seem to pull through with flying colors. I highly recommend investing in these sheets for your next project, no matter what it may be.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the buyer's guide for Acr Resqflare products. In this section, we will discuss the crucial features and considerations to help you make an informed decision when purchasing an Acr Resqflare. We will also provide general advice on how to choose the best Acr Resqflare product that suits your needs.

What is an Acr Resqflare?

An Acr Resqflare is a versatile, portable signaling device that can be used for situations requiring rescue signals, such as avalanche danger or emergency situations. It comes with various light signals, including audible and visible alarms, making it easy to locate or communicate in distress.

Key Features to Consider


Types of Signaling

There are several types of signaling options available with Acr Resqflare products, including flashing strobe, audible alarm, and steady-burning light. Consider your specific needs and choose a product that suits your requirements best.

Power Source

Acr Resqflare products can have different power sources, such as disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries, or built-in batteries. Consider the product's life expectancy, battery consumption, and ease of battery replacement. Choose a model that is compatible with your desired power source.

Durability and Weather Resistance

Acr Resqflare should be durable enough to withstand outdoor conditions and inclement weather. Look for products that are built to be waterproof, shock-resistant, and able to operate in extreme temperatures.


Size and Portability

Consider the size and weight of the device, as well as its portability, when making your purchase. Smaller, lighter devices may be easier to carry when you are in a rush or need to move quickly.

General Advice

When purchasing an Acr Resqflare, it's essential to research the different models available and read customer reviews to get an idea of their performance and reliability. Determine your specific needs and choose a model that delivers the right features and functions for your situation.
Don't forget to check the device's compliance with any relevant safety standards and confirm its compatibility with any accessories or mounts you might need.


Acr Resqflare products offer a variety of features and considerations to help you find the right device for your needs. By familiarizing yourself with the key features and general advice, you can make a well-informed purchase and trust that your chosen product will perform reliably in any distress situation call.


While we strive to provide accurate and helpful information about Acr Resqflare products, nothing in this guide constitutes professional advice. Always consult with a qualified expert or professional in the specific field or context where the device will be used.


What is Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare is a high-quality rescue flare designed for professional and recreational use. It provides excellent visibility, making it an ideal choice for emergency situations.

What are the key features of Acr Resqflare?

  • High visibility
  • Robust design for long-lasting use
  • Easy activation
  • Can be used as a distress signal


Who can benefit from using Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare is suitable for various individuals, including:
  • Marine professionals
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Outdoor enthusiasts
  • Search and rescue teams

Is Acr Resqflare easy to activate?

Yes, Acr Resqflare is designed to be easy to activate. It has a user-friendly pull tab that enables quick activation in times of emergency.

Can Acr Resqflare be used for signaling in low visibility conditions?

Yes, Acr Resqflare is highly visible, making it an effective tool for signaling during low visibility conditions, such as at night or during foggy weather.

What is the lifespan of Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare has a lifespan of up to 30 minutes after activation. This ensures that it will remain visible for an extended period, making it more effective as a distress signal.

Is Acr Resqflare environmentally friendly?

Yes, Acr Resqflare is environmentally friendly. It is made with non-toxic materials, and it doesn't release any hazardous chemicals when activated. This makes it safe for use in sensitive environments.

Are there any additional safety measures I should be aware of when using Acr Resqflare?

Yes, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. Keep the flare away from open flames and store it in a cool, dry place when not in use. Also, be sure to inspect the flare before each use to ensure it is still in good working condition.

How can I purchase Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare can be purchased from authorized dealers or online retailers that specialize in marine and outdoor safety equipment. Be sure to buy it from a reputable source to ensure its quality and safety.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 Makyanne Anyone else did quite well in school despite being kind of dumb?

I scored good grades for most of my time in sec schl and JC, and even managed to get into a highly competitive uni course. But lately I've had the realisation that I'm actually...kinda dumb?
I absolutely suck at games that involve strategic thinking/problem solving like chess or other similar board games. I simply can't seem to visualise the possible moves involved and just end up playing randomly which obviously gets me crushed like 100% of the time. And it's not just that tbh. Like whenever there's some sort of group project or group discussion where we need to chip in ideas and opinions I can't help but feel so inferior to everyone? Like my ideas are so much more flawed and shallow than other's and they almost always get shot down because other people realise it's simply not good enough. And then when other people speak I'm just like "that makes so much sense why couldn't I think of that?" :/
And so I've somewhat concluded that maybe I'm just not as smart as I used to think I am. I mean having been known and respected for being the mid that scores well and stuff perhaps I let my ego get to me for most of my life. But I have no reason to think I was ever smart. I guess I'm just someone who works hard and has good studying techniques.
submitted by Makyanne to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 tieflingspellsword Newbie party, newbie DM, and poor planning, mean I'm left as the odd one out

(Likely throw-away account because I don't want to associate this with my main, but I'll keep an eye out for replies anyway.)
Heads up: This is already getting pretty long, and I'm just starting, so...
I'm not sure this is truly all that horrific, but it sucked in the moment, at least.
So; small bit of backstory: this was like... I want to say 3 years ago? just a year or two into the pandemic. A couple people I know had a friend that offered to DM for DnD for the first time; and none of us had played DnD before. One of the two was super excited about it, because she'd just recently (at the time) gotten into Critical Role. The other was also super excited, because he was just interested in the game in a general sense (they're currently playing semi-weekly with an online group, really glad this didn't ruin the game for them).
I didn't feel as enthused; I was going to give it a shot (I'd had a couple of interesting ideas before then, but I honestly think I'd have a better (though still not great) time as the DM), but I didn't see myself even finishing the campaign, at first.
Then I got into character creation, and my muse started bouncing off the walls with ideas.
I ended up going with a Tiefling fighter (I forget what his name was, but I'll call him... Kamdo), for the sake of ease of use, and learning the game, while also providing the DM with opportunities to have fun with character interactions.
Kamdo's backstory was pretty sparse, but I didn't want to overwhelm the DM, considering I was an aspiring author (and still am, truth be told), and even as little as I wrote (barely two paragraphs) was like... 3 times as much as every other player, and probably the total length of every other character on the board for our first party.
One of these people ended up playing a half-elf... Sorcerer, I think? I honestly don't remember much of that character. (her name was some poetic thing about song, so I'll call her Sonata)
The other ended up playing a... I think it was a human druid? he was a fairly forgettable character, beings as he hardly ever spoke up. (I think his name was Renald?)
The DM played a dwarven... Paladin? yeah, that sounds right. (I'll call her Barryl)
Now, at the time, I didn't know that DMPCs even had a name, let alone a reputation, so I didn't even have the context to think to protest. Though, even now, I don't think they can't be done well, just that this one didn't even come close (not that I'd know, mind).
Anyway, session 1 comes along, and our characters meet for the first time; barely any real roleplay- the thing I was most looking forward to, but that's forgivable, I figure; beings that our group was made up of a new DM, and all newbie party. 'It's probably not that strange', I figured (my hind brain is much more socially aware than my front brain).
Now; important note: I'm not very personable in... person (I probably could've worded that better, but it's not coming to me right now). I don't like talking, I don't like people, I have severe social anxiety (my hands shake while in front of a cashier), and I've met the DM all of like 4 times, each for maybe 3 minutes, up to this point.
It was never going to be easy for me to act like a personable character, so instead I leaned into my natural quietness. Kamdo was an orphan from a nondescript village nestled in the foothills of a mountain, and spent much of his life as a librarian to earn a living, while dealing with the racism of a small town (the only bit of anything weird I gave his backstory was that said town had zero information on magic, despite having a relatively large library).
Eventually, he gets sick of living there, and decides to train under the town guardsmen, before taking off into the wilds on his first adventure!
The first major obstacle out party faced was... a door. I wish I was kidding.
The first thing that happened was that someone tried to pick the door open. Then someone kicked it. Both failed, beings as the rolls were something like 7, 8, and 5, or something. On a D20. I did the natural thing, and just reached over to open the door (this is semi-important later). It doesn't budge.
I shrug, and, figuring that my character, being decked out head-to-toe in plate armor, two pole-arms, and a heavy shield, could break the thing down. Kamdo got a running start, just to be sure, and charged!
Nat 20.
Kamdo breaks down the door, full tilt, and runs face first into some nasty webbing. Well, Sonata irritatedly extracts Kamdo from the webbing, while Berryl and Renald clear out the rest of the room.
The entire campaign is to this roughly this tune.
So, at the end of this dungeon, there's a Drider encounter (I glanced at the stat sheet one time, and ever since, I've been wondering how the DM intended for us to win that encounter), which ends in the thing falling off the ceiling, and promptly taking half its health in damage. Kamdo ended up finishing it off with a pitying thrown dagger, which he had collected from an earlier room.
The entire thing was pretty comedic, and overall rather fun, but I was already beginning to see the cracks. I had a bad habit of 'making sure' the right dice were rolled for the right checks, and was well and truly bored during combat. I just... It had its moments, but I kept spacing out, waiting for my turn, resulting in Kamdo attacking an already downed opponent. It wasn't great.
But, I figured I'd stick it out for the long haul (at the time), for the sake of the other players.
Fast forward 2 fucking sessions of walking, and we're coming up on Baludur's Gate.
Now, quick thing (I'm sorry, this is how my brain works, bare with me please): the DM had been hyping up Baldur's Gate both in- and out- of game for a month by this point. She couldn't wait for us to get there.
But first, I got the sniffles, and self isolated, thereby missing a session, but trusted my mother to play my character adequately in the meantime.
When I came back, nobody bothered to fill me in, and I was dumped into the middle of a combat scenario, against a hoard of Evil Dudes. I didn't even know what species they were, nevermind why we were fighting them.
Just "So, roll initiative!" From the DM to start the session.
'Fuckin', okay then.' I figure to myself, saying nothing aloud.
I had no idea what was going on the entire session, but apparently, we won! (yay?)
So, after the combat encounter was over, I finally got some context, because people were talking to each other now. Apparently, the same Drider that I killed back in session 2? 3? was back at it, with a hoard of cultists to back it up.
Now I'm reall confused, because, well... Duh! WTF was even going on here? I distictly remember killing that thing, yet here we are, fighting its cultist minions! Just... whatever, I eventually let it go, because I was on the recieving end of some equally confused looks, like obviously the Drider that we had no business fighting was back, who else would it be?
So, our little mottley crew runs into a couple NPCs who are leaving the city (it's a city right? I'm not misremembering that?). They tell us about how the guards put one of their friends in prison for no good reason, and there's a person in the wizard's guild that might be able to help us with Sonata's character quest!
'Cool!' I think! 'Some real nice Roleplay could come out of this; my character's looking to multiclass into wizard; it'll be a neat diversion, and I'll have some fun playing this character that I haven't had any real fun with yet!'
The other players decide that they're going to help break out these two random people's friend from prison!
Why, you may ask?!
So, we make it into the city, and the first thing the party does is, guess what?!
Break a convicted felon out of prison!
They didn't even wait to go shopping first!
Now; I'm absolutely flabbergasted by this point. Hopefully, understandably so.
So; the party breaks the convicted felon out of prison, and immediately makes for the docks; apparently one of the now 3 4(! fucking) DMPCs 'has a friend'.
Deep breaths.
So, we go off into the waters, having spent all of 1 real-life hour in Baldur's Gate "The place where everything happens." - direct quote from the DM.
During this boat ride, one of the DMPCs gives old Kamdo (He's somehow the oldest character in the party at a whopping 32) a spell shield (mirror shield? it was a shield that had advantage blocks against magic). I look down at my level (5, I think?) fighter, and just kind of cringe, since my AC is like 24 already, and with this new shield it jumped to like 26. Kamdo is untouchable without an advantage roll.
So, naturally, we fight a goddamn Sea monster next (one more monster we really shouldn't have fought) but we pulled it off... somehow.
Now I was incredibly bored, and the DM seemed to pick up on that, having me try to train Renald. Kamdo did that, and 2 sessions later we finally made it back to land.
Directly into Sonata's character quest.
Guess what we fought while we were there?
A fucking level 15 Lich.
Said lich TPKs us. It hit Kamdo Through his magic advantage sheild, and one shot him.
That was the last straw for me. I had Sonata's player play Kamdo's arc to fruition, and left. (He ended up settling on an island in book heaven, with Sonata pining after him, for anyone interested.)
I haven't played DnD since.
Honestly, I kinda-sorta feel bad; because the campaign fizzled out not long after I left. I can't help but wonder what would've happened if I'd still stuck it out.
I sincerely hope you all had more fun reading this than I had experiencing it, because I just don't trust fast, and that means I don't have anyone I'd even be interested in playing with anymore.
submitted by tieflingspellsword to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:08 Jedite1000 Need help with resource management

I am currently brainstorming some ideas for a pirate-themed card game.
This game will be for 2-6 players. The concept of the game is that each player controls a pirate captain card, and in the middle of the table is a line of pirate character cards, let's call them NPC cards. The goal is to recruit the NPCs to join your pirate crew, and the first player to recruit 5 pirates wins the game. There are other card types in the game. The first is event cards, which are drawn at the start of the player's turn. The event cards change the game slightly; some provide temporary buffs/nerfs to the players. For example, players might lose a resource each turn, or a player might be unable to counter your recruitment attempt, etc.
The next set of cards are action cards. These cards allow you to interact with the NPCs and other players. For example, if a player is attempting to recruit an NPC, you can play the bribe action card, which forces the NPC to stay in the middle of the table and not be recruited for that turn.
The next part is what I'm struggling with. I want to have tokens in my game, called resources. These resources are what you use to try and recruit the NPCs. The resources are gold, rum, weapons, and supplies. Each captain starts with a different set of resources. For example, Captain Blackbeard starts with 2 gold and 1 weapon. Each captain starts with different resources.
Initially, the way players gathered resources each turn was by having another deck called the resource deck. When you draw a resource card, you check what resource it is, for example, if it has 2 gold and 1 supply, you will collect 2 gold and 1 supply from the bank and then place that resource card back under the resource deck.
That was how you collected resources in the game, but I'm unsure if having a resource deck, an action deck, and an event deck is too many decks. So I am struggling with whether I should keep the resource deck in the game or not. Another option is having a board that allows players to move to different squares, and landing on certain squares can give you resources too. But I'm not sure what would be better or if there is another way.
submitted by Jedite1000 to tabletopgamedesign [link] [comments]
