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2012.08.14 23:01 ramigb Arabic Music

Listen and share Arabic songs. للإستماع ومشاركة الأغاني العربية.

2014.08.23 13:16 ObeyStatusQuo ೋღ Izlam ღೋ

Muslim Meme Central ~ keep it halal!

2021.07.12 01:47 enNasr Learn Hassaniya Arabic!

Welcome to Hassaniya! Here, we post any and all useful information we can find about the Hassaniya Dialect of Arabic -- spoken in North & West Africa.

2024.05.19 00:50 Fun-Replacement7344 Best tool for Schematics As Code

Hi everyone,
I'm a software engineer who has done some simple hardware design back in the day, and I'm seeking advice on the best tool for building schematics as code. Probably there is a tool that does this already, but I couldn’t find any. My goal is to leverage the software development practices in hardware design. Specifically, I'm looking for a tool that supports the following features:
  1. Schematic As Code: Easy-to-read concise syntax to describe schematics.
  2. Modular Design: The ability to define modules and reuse them across different projects.
  3. Multiple Implementations of a Module: Flexibility to create different schematic versions by swapping out module implementations.
  4. Git and Code Reviews: Lend itself to be used in version control systems, like git, and easy to be code reviewed.
  5. Strong Typing and Error Checking: Strongly typed definitions that catch errors at build time and support for autocompletion.
  6. CI/CD Integration: Easy to incorporate into continuous integration and deployment pipelines.
  7. Comments and Annotations: Ability to add comments and annotations directly into the code.
  8. Support Rules: Warning if you connect 3v chip to 5v Vcc, etc.
  9. Modern Dependency Management: you can reference a git repository for symbol or module library.
To illustrate what I'm talking about, here’s a simple example:
from kicad.components.general import * from atmel.atmega import { Atmega328p } // Defining a Module interface that will allow you to // implement a drop-in implementations with different microcontrollers. // You don't need to define an interface if you plan to support only one implementation of your module. // component can have ports and not implement any defined interface. interface MainMC { ports { vcc5v: Vdd(v=5) gnd: Ground pin1: Output } } // Atmega328pMC is an implementation of MainMC. // You can define any number of implementations of MainMC, // all of which will inherit MainMC ports. component Atmega328pMC: MainMC { architecture { let r1 = Resistor { r = 10k, net { n2 => ports.vcc5v, } } let c1 = Capacitor { c=0.1u, net = { n1 => ports.vcc5v, n2 => ports.gnd } } let mc = Atmega328p { net = { // both vcc, avcc are connected to ports.vcc5v vcc, avcc => ports.vcc5v, gnd, agnd => ports.gnd, rst => r1.n1, // you can specify pin when the label is ambiguous pb0 (pin12) => ports.pin1 } } } } component main { title: "Electronic Circuit Example", architecture { let vcc = Vdd(v=5) let gnd1 = Ground() let power_jack = BarrelJack { net = { vcc => vcc, gnd => gnd1 } } // You can override the label or it will be generated automatically. let r2 = Resistor (label: "R2", r: 470) let led1 = Led { net = { n1 => vcc, n2 => r2.n2 } } let mc = Atmega328pMC { net = { vcc5v => vdd, gnd => gnd1, pin1 => r2.n1 } } } } 
I'd love to hear your recommendations on tools that fit these criteria or any advice on improving this approach.
Thank you!
submitted by Fun-Replacement7344 to PrintedCircuitBoard [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:49 Soup-Cool 31[M4F] UK/Anywhere- Looking for something special

Hey all hope you're having a great day :)
So like most people i'm missing that special person in my life and it would be really nice to find someone that i can relate to, be 100% honest and open with and generally find my best friend.
Hopefully this would start out as friendship and if we click then we click, open to anyone from anywhere :)
Some stuff about me/hobbies
Video games, this is my biggest hobby by far, i play have an pretty big library of games i play so if you game, there is a high chance we would share stuff we could play, a few games i play often, League(i question it too don't worry) soulsbourne games (unga bunga builds) fallout's, i mainly play pc but have a switch and ps4 too.
TV/Film, if not doing the above, you can find me binge watching shows or films, such as B99, the office HIMYM, GoT (we can discuss how shit the last season was forever), Star Wars, Marvel stuff, SAW.
Animals, i have 2 dogs (yes i'll show you lots of pictures) and in general i love animals so much, so i'll probably spam you with pictures of random animals i think are cute or funny :)
Music, i listen to a wide variety of stuff, from rock and metal to dance/pop some electro swing, rap and other stuff, in general if i like a song i'll listen to it on repeat till i hate it but still listen to it anyway.
I try and be witty and funny most the time, I have a stupid sense of humour but will try and make you laugh most of the time, I can be shy to start with but i open up pretty quickly when i get comfortable with you :)
Don't be shy and hit me up if you think we would get on :)
submitted by Soup-Cool to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:49 SilverMarinus My extensive guide to Hanzo playstyle post-nerf

Losing the one shot is definitely disappointing, however I don't think the character is dead. I know there's been a lot of hopelessness in the Hanzo community, but my aim is to help you guys improve your game so you can still excel on Hanzo and feel like a GOAT. In this post I'm gonna talk about the general playstyle that works for me on Hanzo, and how to adapt your playstyle based on the enemy comp. And at the end I'll put a couple tips for improving your aim.
Hanzo still has some distinct advantages that he can leverage against his enemies. His wall climb is amazing for a medium range hero, considering most other heroes either can't access high ground, or need to commit cooldowns to get there. Storm arrows are an incredibly consistent kill tool at medium/close range. And having a leap every 4 seconds, combined with wall climb, gives you the ability to be just as slippery as you are deadly. And of course, sonic arrow lets your whole team have wall hacks 50% of the time, and on defense, lets you see the enemy comp before they even come out the doors, allowing you to plan your positioning accordingly.
The thing is, most people think that hanzo is a long range hero, but he's really not. The only time you want to be shooting enemies from long range is before the fight to do pressure, get ult charge, and potentially get a pick on any hero that's taken chip damage. It's not about being a goat and hitting long range headshots. It's about proper medium/ close range positioning and proper timing, to make your shots easy to hit.
The way I play Hanzo is as a medium range pressure hero with incredibly high dps. You don't want to hold long range sniper angles on your own, you want to be active in the fight from medium range and use your slippery mobility to take off angles and high ground at opportune moments. Getting kills at close range is incredibly consistent with Hanzo, you just can't expect to get a 5k with headshots only. You want to take an off angle to get a kill or two with storm arrows. Then as soon as the enemies turn to react, use your leap and wall climb to escape.
It sounds crazy but you want to play on a razor's edge of feeding to maximize your damage output. Push in close from an off angle near your tank to get easy headshots and storm arrow kills, but always be one leap away from safety... Whether that's a high ground to climb up to, or just leaping back into your team.
I've also had some success with full committing on a hard flank, but the key is timing. You want to get behind/to the side of the enemy backline shortly after the two tanks clash. When the enemy supports are tunnel visioned on helping the frontline, THATS when you pop around the corner and take your shots on the supports and burst them with storm arrows. Best case scenario, you kill the supports, then the DPS, then finish the tank in a perfectly executed pincer attack. Worst case scenario, you distracted the supports and made people turn to shoot you, while the enemy tank is left with no support in the frontline.
There are times where it's better to just spam from main, and I'd say that's usually when your tank has a distinct disadvantage against the enemy tank and both are fighting in the frontline. Keeping constant pressure on that tank can help sway the matchup into your tank's favor, or at least make space for them. But of course, killing squishies can still carry games.
The other time to stay in main with your team is when the enemy team has flankers/ dive heroes who can kill you if you are isolated. Generally in those matchups, I just try to focus on hitting shots on the threatening mobile heroes. They won't push you if they're half HP. In these cases, using yourself as bait can be very effective.
Let's say there's an enemy Genji, you should play slightly outside of his dash range while also being near your healers. He will want to dash at you, but he will fall just short of hitting you. Then you can pop your storm arrows, but don't shoot. He will instinctively deflect. Now, suddenly the Genji is in the middle of your team with no dash and no deflect, while you still have a full volley of storm arrows. Similar tips can be used against Dva and Winston as well.
Against Wrecking Ball, it depends. You don't wanna try to kill him, just force him out. If he rolls back to his team, keep putting out pressure. But if he chooses to escape BEHIND your team, try to hit him with a sonic arrow as he's leaving, then you can tell where he's going. It helps a lot.
Against Tracer and Sombra, Keeping tabs on their position is key. Sonic arrow is good to scout flanks. Plag near your team, but DONT PLAY BEHIND YOUR SUPPORTS. Play in front of them. The ideal scenario is that they target one of your supports, then you can turn and shoot them while they're tunnel visioned. Your burst damage is high enough to often kill them, or at least enough to force them to run away and reset. When you do force them away, try to estimate how much time you have before they come back, and use that time to apply pressure to the frontline.
But let's say you werent able to scout them, and don't know exactly where they are, but you know they're lurking somewhere. Take a shot at the frontline and then do a 180. Literally check the flank after every shot. Good flankers generally wait for you to be distracted by the frontline before they pounce. By shooting the enemy tank and doing a 180 turn, you can keep applying pressure while still being able to react to the flank at a moment's notice.
This last tip is SUPER risky but it works sometimes. Sometimes when I'm facing a Dive comp or lots of flankers that are rolling me, I will actually flank as Hanzo. I will hide in a concealed area behind the enemy team and then when I'm confident that the flankers are in my backline, I'll start attacking the enemy backline. The reason this works sometimes is because when you're facing flankers, they will be lurking around YOUR backline. But if you're lurking in THEIR backline, you're essentially on the complete opposite side of the map from them and they'll have no clue. This is a strategy that pro players called "trading backlines". If the enemy flankers are going to kill your backline anyway, you may as well target their backline too. After all, Dive comps don't usually peel for their own backline, they commit to killing yours. This works especially well when they're hard targeting you specifically. The last place a flanker expects to find you is in their own backline.
The name of the game is map control. A big mistake Hanzo players make is trying to ego duel hitscans from long range, banking on hitting long range shots to win. Straight up, don't do that. It's ok to aim for hitting one body shot to keep them in check or force them off their angle. Sonic arrow also helps deter them from peeking those angles. But the way you beat those long range heroes is getting up close and dumping storm arrows into their face. I will literally get close enough so that I could literally leap into their face and melee them to finish them if I wanted to. 3 storm arrows is 225 damage, to body shots or one headshot is 240, so getting leap-melee finishers is actually very useful. I KNOW it sounds crazy to play this close, but I urge you to challenge your beliefs about Hanzo. Your damage output is so high that you will beat pretty much every long range hero up close. Storm arrows are ridiculous. Though medium range storm arrows are fine if they're unaware of you or have cover to escape to.
Against Ashe, just remember that you have plenty of ways to delete Bob. Headshots while jiggle peeking from cover, or storm arrow headshots, or even using dragonstrike to melt him if he's near the enemy team.
And against widowmaker, use your sonic arrow to scout her specifically. If she's bad, she'll stay scoped in and let you line up headshots. If she's good, she'll hide for 5 seconds or take a new angle. This means you can push up while she's given up the angle.
Against poke comps, you know that you're always safe in cover, because they have no flankers. So as long as you're controlling the angles and bullying the enemy off of their angles, you will win over time by controlling all the space and winning the objective.
Brawl comps are generally slow and tanky, and usually only good at close range. And many of the brawl heroes have big hitboxes, making it easier to hit them from further away. Hanzo LOVES playing against slow brawl comps. With your mobility, you can bully them from angles where they can't even contest you. Even if you don't get kills, you can farm ult so fast that you can zone them off the objective with dragons and do tons of damage to their clumped up team. Just don't spend too much time focusing the tank, because if they have lots of healing you probably won't kill them. Though you can still pressure the tank to make them fall back to buy space for your team.
Rush comps are kind of a hybrid between dive and brawl, and so many of the tips for both will apply. You want to put out lots of pressure, and take off angles when you can. BUT!!! You need to rotate back to your team sooner than you normally would. You might think you're safe from a decent range on an off angle, but a Lucio speed amp or Junker Queen shout, Rein pin, or Moira fade can let them rush you down much faster than you'd expect. Don't get greedy on your off angles, and dont expect kills. Even just hitting a shot or two to bait out defensive cooldowns like Shout, Wraith form, etc can lower the enemy team's lethality and make them hesitant to rush. If a rush comp gets a numbers advantage, they can pretty much run your team down for free. So don't get greedy.
Also, the baiting tip works well with rush comp too. If you're playing near your team, you can be in the front just behind your tank and bait the enemy team to rush you, and then you can quickly leap away and climb to high ground. Now, you're on high ground above a ground-based comp that just wasted resources to push you. You simply need to watch your spacing and use your slippery movement to dodge the rush. Just remember to play in sight of your healers incase you do take some damage.
People HATE Hanzo to a degree that is completely irrational, and they will literally feed their brains out to try and kill you. You can use that to your advantage. He has the mobility and burst damage to slip out of arms reach and burst them down, making them even more tilted, making them feed harder.
A HUGE tip that I've barely heard anybody talk about it a really simple one: Don't focus your eyes on your crosshair, focus your eyes BELOW your crosshair. Essentially you just aim at head height but focus your eyes on the enemy's body. Because it's much easier for your eyes to track a moving body than a moving head. Once I started doing this I noticed an immediate difference.
My personal favorite way to warm up my aim is a custom workshop code for an improved practice range: AJERA
Before every session, I go to the area by the roaming bots, and press interact on the blue orb near the ledge. It will spawn a flying Pharah bot. Then I climb up to the various high grounds and practice shooting Pharah from different ranges. Its hard at first, but once I can hit shots on her semi consistently, then I know I'm ready to queue.
And for practicing close range consistency, the central area has an orb that spawns a Lucio bot who jumps around and wall rides within an enclosed area.
The custom practice range also has a blinking Tracer bot to practice on, which is nice.
The only thing it's missing in my opinion is a jumping Genji bot, but there are other custom codes that have those like VAXTA, which is also good.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope these tips are useful for you. I know a lot of people are choosing to boycott Hanzo, and I respect that. But for me, I want to keep playing him and prove that he can still carry.
Now get out there and make your enemies tilted. ;)
submitted by SilverMarinus to HanzoMain [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:48 moonsunsummer red wine reccs pls (grape)

help me find my go-to red wine please !!
high acidity, not angular, full bodied, not mineral at all, rich, moderate tannins not harsh and not dry.
for context i love merlot and syrah if it’s australian :) swiss pinot noir is okay and i hate malbec.
in white i love riesling and can tolerate chasselas and muscat.
also separate question, should i try grenache based on my descriptions?
submitted by moonsunsummer to wine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:48 No-Introduction3224 My ex lied to me

My (M20) ex (f19) and I broke up a couple of months ago it was mutual. My reasoning was "if you love her let her go" I was indecisive at the time and I didn't want her to be unhappy with me. Fast foward a couple months and I missed her I wanted to try again, try everything right.
There was no bad blood between us. After talking she expressed she cared about me but she wasn't looking for relationship right now and she was trying to work on her problems. I was disappointed but I believed her wholeheartedly. I asked I was getting in the way of relationship she should tell me. She said no that she just needed to find herself. We agreed no contact and she would text me if she ever changed her mind.
Some weeks have passed since then and due to a mutual friend I discovered that she has had a boyfriend this entire time. I'm devastating not because she has boyfriend but because she lied to me while telling me she still cares about me and that she just wanted to be alone. That in combination with a lot of bad things going on in my life I feel like everything is collapsing around me.
submitted by No-Introduction3224 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:48 lokollay Elite One Protection Agency Reporting?

Elite One Protection Agency Reporting?
Just witnessed some security guard with E1P harassing an individual experiencing homelessness next to the T% place on S street, right by the Safeway. I see that person all the time, literally just minds their business and causes no trouble.
A couple other people who were nearby stepped in to defend him, but the guard in question was an absolute prick and just straight up lied about why he was there harassing them.
The company itself has a phone line that goes to voicemail and no social media presence that I could find. Anyone know of the best way I can report people like him? All they do is cause a scene and make everyone feel upset and uncomfortable because they love to go on their little power trips.
submitted by lokollay to Sacramento [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 Chansey53 First Theories of Hexagonal Chess

So my friend is having a graduation party and he really likes chess. He’s also really good. He can beat people while blindfolded and while blindfolded but I just say coordinates (instead of “pawn E4”, just “E4”. Couldn’t handle just “pawn” though. Anyways, me and him have both seen the CGP Grey “Can Chess Hexagons?” Video and we love it. So I’ve thought about getting him a copy of the book Grey uses, “First Theories of Hexagonal Chess” by Wladyslaw Glinski, for a graduation present. It’s especially cool because it comes with a hexagonal chess board too. The only problem is, I can’t find it anywhere. The National Library of Australia can email me a pdf, but that’s not very special. I want to get him a real hard copy. So I’ve come to Reddit, possibly the most socially connected site in the world. Surely one of you know’s a guy a know’s a guy who know’s a guy who runs an obscure bookshop in Leeds that has a copy. So, if you know anyone who has a copy of this treasure, please put me in touch. It would mean a lot to me.
submitted by Chansey53 to chess [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 According-Strike2298 Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask. Inuyasha and Kaname. I love InuKag, but I find the idea of Inuyasha being interested in someone who’s not Kikyo or Kagome, interesting, for some reason.

Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask. Inuyasha and Kaname. I love InuKag, but I find the idea of Inuyasha being interested in someone who’s not Kikyo or Kagome, interesting, for some reason. submitted by According-Strike2298 to inuyasha [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 According_Lake_2632 Emotion dump

I have a crush. We all do. Mine is a woman for whom I have a deep respect, but has no interest in dating me. I have a wife who loves me and shares peculiarities of ADHD and doesn't have a problem with physical affairs.
This woman is great, but we also have nothing in common and a lot of her beliefs I find ridiculous (astrology, etc) but despite that, I told her I was attracted to her on two separate occasions.
To organize my thoughts: I have a crush on a lesbian who's expressed mild interest in me, with whom I have no chance and, despite a lot of admirable qualities, has many I find silly. I told her Im attracted to her, and now I don't know what to do.
submitted by According_Lake_2632 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 mikaricecoffee Feeling jealous when my S.O. is away

So my husband is going away on a retreat with a group of friends for just one night. It's a group of friends he met through work and everyone in that group knows me pretty well. They get all together once a week to hang out and whenever they do, they also invite me. A new girl (who has a bf already) joined this group a couple months ago and she flirted with my husband even though she knew we were married. This happened in OUR home when we invited people over for dinner! My husband told me right away after this incident and we also told some of the other people in the group about it; one of his friends (let's call them friend A) said that if this happens again, my husband should tell friend A and they'll make sure to talk to the new girl.
So for the last month or so, new girl hasn't been hanging out with them but she is part of the retreat group this time.
Earlier, she messaged my husband about going to Costco with her to get food for everyone on the retreat b/c another girl couldn't make it and my husband was the only one who had a Costco card. I said no to that, he agreed with me and I thought it was the end of that matter.
Fast forward several hours and I find out that my husband ended up going to Costco anyway but he said there were 2 other people with him and not just the new girl. The stupid thing is is that the new girl borrowed her mom's Costco card and the girl who said she couldn't make it actually showed up. I'm just upset with my husband b/c he decided to help with the Costco run when he knew it made me uncomfortable. He called me and explained that he didn't ride in the same car as her and that he's just waiting by the cart while everyone goes to get food from the aisles. I ended up telling him that I loved him and trusted him to do the right thing, but wished he didn't volunteer to go, and that I'm upset with the new girl.
Because the retreat place is only 30 min from our house, I initially wanted my husband to come home and sleep at home at the end of day 1, then go back the next morning to finish off day 2. But I didn't want to spoil his fun and so told him it was fine to stay overnight.
Does anyone else have intensely elevated feelings of jealousy during pregnancy? I've always been a little jealous but it's gotten worse after I became pregnant. 😭😭
submitted by mikaricecoffee to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 Wookiemitch Best course of action for education?

I’m currently a sophomore in high school and I’m seriously considering CNC machining and/or programming as a career, but I truly don’t know I guess how to get into it.
I get told a lot that I should go to college, I’m an AP student and people tell me I’d love engineering but I’ve always felt more of a pull towards “hands on” stuff, CNC machining honestly seems perfect. But, I don’t know how to get there, is a trade school such as UTIs nascar program actually worth it or am I best off finding an apprenticeship? Is it worth getting a mechanical engineering technology degree for something like this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Also side note, if anyone has any educational resources for learning more about the trade please let me know, I’d love to learn more
submitted by Wookiemitch to Machinists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 Equivalent_Aide3776 Not So Berry Gen 10 Ideas

Hey everyone! I've been playing not so berry for a few years on and off. Recently, I got back into it at Gen 8, and I'm finally at Gen 10! I never play legacies so this was a real challenge for me. Most of my gens had drama to keep things interesting, but I'm currently struggling with my blue gen heir - Blue Berry (her mom Ivy thought the name would be funny and it ties into my mint gen heir being named Mint lol).
I think it's the 'perfect life' that makes it difficult. Her life is far from perfect but in her mind it is, and I think that's what matters. Blue is married to her childhood friend Darren and they currently have three children together - Mercury, Venus, and Mars (all girls). Blue is currently in university so she can jump start her career, while Darren works as a teacher. They live in a small blue house in Newcrest.
From an outside perspective it may seem like Blue doesn't have a 'perfect life' since she had Mercury as a teen, but Blue has always known she wanted to be a mother, and everyone was supportive of her including Darren (the father). I like the way her story is developing, but I'm quickly running out of ideas and motivation to play.
I do have a few ideas of things I'd like to do in the future with Blue:
I love all these ideas, but right now, with her being in university, most of them are not possible at this time. Especially when trying to also raise a child, toddler, and infant haha.
I'd love any suggestions of things you did with your Blue gen, or any ideas of how you worked in the affair through storytelling. I've really enjoyed the not so berry challenge and using storytelling in these sims lives. I don't want to lose my motivation to finish this challenge just because I don't know what to do besides the basic challenge rules. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Side note: I have pretty much all packs except horse ranch, for rent, journey to batuu, home chef hustle, crystal creations, and most kits (besides blooming rooms, bust the dust, and desert luxe).
submitted by Equivalent_Aide3776 to Sims4Challenges [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 KayakRifleman Talking with Predators part 4 (NoP Fanfic)

All right here it is finally, thank you all for your patience and let's hope chapter 5 is a little more expedient. As usual I hope you enjoy and would love to get everyone's thoughts.
First Previous
4: Memory transcription subject: Zeak, Harchen orphan, citizen of the Venlil Republic. Date: standardized human time July 13th 2136.
The sky was a roaring mass of fire and pungent black smoke that choked out the light of the sun. As I ran down the street, green blood flowed like a broad shallow river. It splashed up with every step I took, sticking to my scales, the smell of it made me feel sick. As the piercing wail of the emergency sirens seemed to grow louder and louder with every step I took making my ears ring and filling my head with a thunderous pain. My heart pounded, my lungs were on fire, and my legs felt like they were made of lead.
A herd of towering blurry figures appeared out of nowhere and ran past me, some almost knocking me down. In their panic they began to look more like crazed wild animals than people. I cried for help but they couldn't hear me. I waved my paws then grabbed one of them a male Venlil, tightening my grip with all the strength I had hoping this would get his attention. He threw me off like I was trash, less than trash. I turned around and continued pleading for anyone to help me, reaching out for others. But their frantic idiot eyes looked only straight ahead and not down, never down, as the herd passed me.
I turned back around and continued to run, blood splashing up soaking me all the way to my knees. I stumbled, my legs were so tired I could barely stand, and I fell down catching myself, plunging my paws into blood as deep as my wrists. I felt myself scream but I couldn't hear it over the ringing in my ears. A scrap of paper gently floated past me, a single word written on it that echoed in my mind “Weakling.” It passed and four more took its place, “Coward”, “Liar”, “Oath breaker”, “Murderer.” I screamed in rage and slapped the pieces of paper aside, blood splashing onto my snout, but the meanings of those words remained. Getting back up I stumbled forward, and fell down again. Then with an effort born out of sheer desperation I managed to stand again lurching forward. My legs were too tired to run but I had to keep going, I had to save them. Or at least her, please Protector if you're listening please let me save at least her.
It felt like I was searching for an endless time. Lurching forward, stumbling, falling down, getting back up, lurching forward once more. Eventually I saw it and my heart fell into the pit of my stomach. My family's car was turned over on its roof, the driver's side had been caved in. It was engulfed in fire and thick black smoke that rose up into the sky. I struggled forward and when I reached it I collapsed, my knees hitting the hot pavement. The smell of burning metal and something else I didn't know assaulted my senses making my stomach turn. Every muscle in my body begged me to run away. Calling out their names l looked inside, and a wave of nausea and horror flooded through me.
I turned away and vomited, then reached up with my blood soaked paws and covered my eyes. Those words thundered in my head making me think it was going to burst open, as hot tears welled up. “WEAKLING! COWARD! LIAR! OATH BREAKER! MURDERER! MURDERER! MURDERER! MURDERER! “I'm sorry I'm sorry, I should have stayed, I should have helped. Why did I run?” I wailed, still unable to hear myself. Someone rested a delicate paw on my shoulder, and the world went quiet. As the pain in my head melted away.
My eyes snapped open and I was greeted by the gentle ringing of my alarm. In a rush of adrenaline I leaped out of bed not even bothering to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. Running out of my bedroom and down the narrow hallway towards the living room. Convincing myself It had all just been a horrible, horrible nightmare and everything was alright. Mom and Dad would be fixing breakfast, Dad softly singing a Harchen folk song while making something savory and delicious as mom sang along in harmony, preparing something special for my baby sister Naila. Oh yes and Naila, she would probably be sitting on a cushion in the sunny part of the living room. Holding her crooked tail, a birth defect which my parents said could be fixed when she was older. And making excited chirping noises at my arrival, while sunlight shone against her emerald scales. I loved my baby sister, I knew other kids resented having a younger sibling. Dismissing their responsibilities and spending less time with their family and more with their friends. I never once felt that way, the moment Naila hatched I devoted every spare minute I had to her. Finding music that would help her fall asleep, watching over her when my mom needed a break. Excitedly telling her about the day's events and what I learned at school, especially what I learned in computer science which was my favorite class.
“Mom! Dad!” I yelled bursting into the living room. “I just had the worst…” My voice trailed off as I was greeted with nothing “dream.” My heart tightened painfully in my chest, as I frantically ran through the house throwing open every door, knowing that they had to be here somewhere. They were just playing a game on me that was all, a game I would tell them I didn't appreciate. After the final door had been opened and no one was there to yell “Surprise!” My body slumped and I felt heavy as reality set back in, and the memories of what happened hit me like a hammer. I made my way back down the hall to my room, tail dragging behind me as I crawled back into bed. Wrapping myself tightly in a blanket, trying to find some comfort.
It must have been hours I lay there feeling numb all over, wishing I could get up the energy to just cry. I think I might have fallen asleep at one point. If I did it was a dreamless sleep, thank the stars for that. Eventually I did get up, sitting cross-legged on my bed, resting my chin in my paws, staring holes into the wall. I took a deep breath and side numbly looked out the window, searching for anything to distract myself with.
It was overcast, and eerily quiet. The emergency sirens had stopped blaring yesterday mere hours after everyone had gotten to the bunkers. The bodies of the dead had already been collected and their blood cleaned from the pavement. So as to not attract any predators into the neighborhood. I saw my neighbor A'shul was home, his white vehicle was sporting some new dents. I wondered, when he got into his vehicle yesterday morning and drove to the nearest bunker; did he try to help anyone? Or was he thinking only of himself? I suppose it didn't matter really. Nothing mattered.
I turned my head away and looked around my small room taking in everything, every trinket, misplaced item, my old second-hand desk, a big green crackle finished monster. Better suited for a Venlil than a young Harchen, heck I needed a stool just to use it. I had gotten it for basically nothing about a year ago, when the local extermination office was getting rid of their old furniture. All it took was a small bribe and they put it in my bedroom when no one was home. My parents, but especially my mom we're not happy when they saw it the next day. They would tell me at least once a week that It was too big for me and they were going to get rid of that eyesore. “Wouldn't you like something a little more modern dear?” My mom would ask, practically pleading for me to say yes. I used to pray that my parents would just shut up and stop bugging me about that stupid desk. I thought it was great, it made me think of private detective Bal from the exterminators show. Bal was a no nonsense Harchen who was so often pivotal in tracking down the predator or predator diseased person. My desk was very similar to his and that's why I wanted it. But at that moment, I would have given anything to hear those words again.
On the desk there was an ornate wooden box, with a fruit tree in full bloom delicately carved into its lid. There were also scuff marks where it had been dropped, and a deep crack running down the center. It was known as a blessing box, Naila's blessing box to be specific. When she hatched nearly ten months ago the whole neighborhood had been invited to come and write a blessing on a scrap of paper and put it in the box. I had written one too, not a blessing but a promise, a promise I couldn't keep. The belief was that if kept near the infant, the combined power of all those blessings would keep the hatchling safe until their first birthday. Where on that day the box would be set on fire and burned to ash. Releasing those blessings back into the world so they may protect someone else. It was an old tradition and not commonly practiced anymore, but as my dad always said “It is important to keep the old traditions alive my son. Both in song and action.” I remember asking him why? And he looked at me like he had been waiting for that question for a long time. “Because” He said, his tail moving with authority. “Someday when you lose your way, and you don't know where to turn to. You will always have something to guide you back to your center.”
Looking away from the box not wanting to look or think about the damn thing, I shifted my gaze down to my bedside table. There was a little holographic projector showing pictures of me, Mom, Dad and Naila on holiday back on Fahl, the Harchen home world to see family. I was born and raised on Venlil prime, so I didn't really know any of my extended family. There was a picture of my mom and Naila sleeping at the beach. Naila’s crooked tail coiled around mom’s arm, their scales a deep emerald in the light of the sun. The picture changed to me and Dad putting the finishing touches on a sand skyscraper taller than him. I had to sit on his shoulders to place the last bucket full of sand on top. Both of our scales were as blue as the ocean. My tail flicked sadly thinking of that day. I reached over and turned the holo protector off.
My holopad lay next to me flashing, alerting me to an urgent message. I hadn't really looked at my holopad since yesterday morning. Picking it up I tapped the flashing icon. It was an official government statement signed by Governor Tarva herself, saying that the humans Noah and Sarah were peaceful explorers, and that they only wished to be our friends. ‘No, that's impossible, they’re predators. Predators don't want peace, they want to conquer, kill and eat us,’ stunned and confused I kept reading. The rest of the message stated that the two human scientists were completely unaware there was intelligent life of any kind on Venlil prime. ‘No! Lies! Predator lies!’ I yelled inside my head. Something hot began to form in my chest as I read the last bit. Governor Tarver had shown the two predators footage of the Arxur torturing Venlil pups. It said that the humans were capable of empathy and felt deeply saddened and angered by what they saw. They vowed to do everything in their power to get their united nations into the war against the Arxur.
I scrolled all the way down and what I saw stopped me cold. Standing in her office being flanked by General Kam, stood Governor Tarva. Beside them looming over the two Venlil one bigger than the other, both of them covered in some sort of protective suit. Their faces were obscured by dark visored helmets. It said that the larger of the two Noah was male, and the smaller one was Sarah female. Sarah had her hands clasped in front of her, while Noah kept his to his side. Neither were acting threatening, and neither Tarva or Kam looked to be harmed in any way.
Something in me snapped, that hot thing inside my chest erupted and I could feel my scales turn black. I very carefully set my holopad down beside me, then I uncrossed my legs and got out of bed. I stood there in the center of my room shaking slightly, feeling terribly calm as white hot rage flooded my body, spreading to my paws and all the way out to the tip of my long tail. It never had to happen, the panic, the stampede, the death, we could have stayed home and avoided those people. ‘No… no not people,’ a bitter thought came over me. ‘They're not people at all, people stop and help, like that Venlil girl Kayleik, she was a person maybe the only one. But the rest of them were just wild animals, masquerading as sentient beings. ‘Do you really think you're any better, coward?’ Some internal voice said.
A sudden impulse took control of me and I grabbed my desks stool and hurled it against the wall. It dented the wall and bounced off still in one piece. Enraged, I leaped forward grabbing it by the legs, then turned around and slammed it into my desk. The sheet metal dented and the green crackle finish paint flew off, but the stool made of good dense wood from the string fruit tree stayed whole. “DAMN THEM! DAMN THEM! DAMN THEM! DAMN THEM!” I screamed, slamming the stool down again and again, my tail whipping wildly, striking the bed and the floor. The tip of my tail began to hurt, which only fueled my anger. Finally I heard cracking and wood began to splinter off. They didn't have to die, we could have stayed home. The muscles in my shoulders burned and my heart pounded as hot tears began to well up. I brought it down one final time narrowly avoiding the blessing box, and the stool broke in two. I hurled the pieces away from me, one slamming into the corner the other crashing through the window.
I leaned against the desk catching my breath as tears flowed freely. ‘Well that definitely showed them didn't it. Hey I got a great idea! Let's go break some more stuff, that will definitely make you feel better. Idiot!’ That internal voice said all coldness and bitterness. As I cried, the burning in my chest cooled, and I was filled with the same numbness as before. After a while my stomach growled, reminding me I hadn't eaten since yesterday. I moved sluggishly out of my bedroom and went straight to the kitchen, quickly grabbed some fruit and left to go and watch the view screen or something. The moment I entered the living room, memories came flooding back. Mom and Dad laughing, Naila sleeping peacefully, the lingering aroma of breakfast, and the warmth of our home. But now it was all gone and I was alone. For the first time in my life, I had no one to go to.
It was right then I realized I couldn't stay here anymore. This place felt like a tomb, all cold and filled with the memories of the dead. Besides, if I stayed here someone would eventually send the authorities to come and get me. Ship me off to an orphanage, foster care or maybe to my extended family back on Fahl. I balked at the idea of being forced to live with people I didn't know or trust. Memories of yesterday's stampede invaded my mind and I shuddered. I couldn't trust any of them not anymore. No, there was one person I could think of that maybe I could trust. Turning around I went back to my room, found my backpack and grabbed my holopad, the blessing box, the holo projector and my blanket stuffing it into my pack. Then I went to the kitchen and filled my pack up the rest of the way with dried fruit and vegetable snacks. With my backpack looking like it was going to burst I shouldered it and made my way to the front door. When I rested my scaly paw on the door handle I stopped and looked back at the place that was once my home. “Goodbye” I said in a shaky voice, knowing this would be the last time I would never set foot in this house. With my head low I opened the door and stepped out, into the dim light of a new unfamiliar world.
submitted by KayakRifleman to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 Apart-Leg1572 iwtl when and why I'm "obligated" to do something for a romantic partner

Obviously we're all obligated to follow the law. Obviously we're obligated to deliver goods and services if someone has paid for it. Obviously we're obligated to return a favor in a way that's equal to the favor.
But besides that...I struggle to figure out when and why I'm obligated to do things. This usually happens with women, as men typically see obligations towards an equally strong man in a tid-for-tad manner.
I hate taking advantage of people, or even seeing them being taken advantage of, or people trying to advantage of me. I feel a deep, visceral reaction.
For example. My girlfriend (probably not for long) asked me how much I'd charge her to build her a website. I know it won't be as simple as just making a website, it'll be a full course on how to run an online business.
I told her the truth: "I normally charge $1500-$5000 for a website, but if you sell 4 websites for me, I'll do it for free and I'll pay you 25% commission. I'll help you with the rest of process of the business." She said "you don't know how to treat a lady" because I shouldn't have asked for anything in return.
Now it is true that a good relationship is one born out of love and a will to serve, not to be served. But when I'm told I'm obligated to do something for nothing in return, I get really, REALLY pissed off. The only obligation I feel in those moments, is to ensure that I disappoint the person who thinks that way.
The problem is worsened by the fact that I can get jobs easily, I can find friends easily, I can get girls easily...all the years of learning to be charming, knowledgeable and good looking, has unleashed a monster.
Surely, this can't be good.
submitted by Apart-Leg1572 to IWantToLearn [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 dictatorial_ant What’s the difference between انا رايح and انا بروح

I am currently learning only Fusha but Ive noticed that in spoken arabic (I mainly hear levantine), the اسم الفاعل is used a lot more to refer to a “present tense” action. So I was wondering, what’s the difference between this and the مضارع form?
submitted by dictatorial_ant to learn_arabic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 Mother-Butterfly-910 Today is my due date! Still waiting for the baby’s arrival

Today is my due date with first pregnancy! I’m 41 years old and have a loving boyfriend who is several years older than me with two teenage boys so he’s been through this before. Everything has been going fine in my pregnancy - essentially no morning sickness, normal genetic screenings, normal ultrasounds, normal glucose tolerance testing, normal blood pressures. I’ve been followed by MFM clinic given my age and doing weekly antenatal testing since 36 weeks with everything being normal so far, including amniotic fluid levels and fetal heart monitoring. I’ve had some anxiety just with this being my first pregnancy and having been previously married in a marriage that was not good. I essentially came to the understanding that I would never have children. The marriage ended have been divorced since fall 2022. I met my boyfriend last spring and we just clicked and things felt perfect - like a whole new outlook on life full of opportunities. It was amazing and incredible news to learn we were pregnant last fall. During my pregnancy we have been primarily seeing one midwife who we love and trust. At around 36 weeks she mentioned possibility of cervical ripening and induction but didn’t dwell on it and said if things were going well with no concerning findings on monitoring or concerning symptoms, she’d be ok with letting me progress without planned induction during the 39th week. I’ve subsequently seen other midwives just due to scheduling availability, and to meet other midwives in case our primary one isn’t at the delivery. Upon meeting new midwives, the recommendation for planned induction was pushed heavily on me, including possibility of use of the balloon to help with cervical ripening. A date was scheduled this past week to start an outpatient cervical ripening protocol but on the day we were to start that, I was seen in L&D and had fetal heart monitoring which was normal. By sheer luck we saw our usual midwife and spoke with her about giving the baby more time as long as everything was still going well and all monitoring was normal. She supported that and arranged for another antenatal monitoring appointment with MFM on Monday (2 days from now) and a follow up with her. Now that today is the baby’s due date and no signs of early labor, although I am feeling more pressure in my pelvis that may be engagement of the baby, my boyfriend is pushing to go in to L&D triage today just to be seen and monitored despite having an appointment in 2 days. I feel like I’m at a loss of what to do and second guessing myself because of him being impatient. I’ve been walking, doing some yoga, using yoga ball, stretching, drinking raspberry leaf tea, eating dates, having sex, etc. All the things that could potentially help induce labor (I know some have no real science behind it but why not?) but no true contractions yet and I still feel overall really good and can feel the baby moving normally. Anyone else in my age range with no comorbidities and normal fetal monitoring who declined elective induction? I don’t want unnecessary stress or anxiety to overwhelm me at this point but also want to be sensitive to my boyfriend’s concerns since today is the due date. He scared me this morning saying I may end up with a c-section but I feel like that’s a strong assumption to make. I’m thinking maybe I should just do an elective induction to get things going even though it wasn’t what I imagined or hoped for at this point.
submitted by Mother-Butterfly-910 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 Celticquestful How to make this transition successful

Greetings, All. I am trying REALLY hard not to panic but I'm genuinely overwhelmed by the situation I'm in, largely because I know how profoundly many of you have been impacted by the restrictive & biased attitudes that seem prevalent in far too many medical circles when it comes to chronic pain patients.
Here's the scoop: for the last 19+ years, I was a patient at a Canadian University-run pain clinic, with leading edge care & physicians who TRULY seemed to SEE me & worked diligently to help me find a balance that focused on quality of life. I am prescribed opiates that work to help me maintain my ability to work, to caregive & to function as a productive member of society.
The Director of said Clinic, who was my physician, has just retired & I was told at my last appointment with him that the clinic would continue to support his patients (who are stable, long term patients on various opioids & other treatments) after he stepped down from the position. I found out yesterday that the Clinic is no longer supporting long term patients & as such, this physician's patient roster has been referred, en masse, to a Pain Management Clinic with 50 offices across the province.
I received a call from the new clinic yesterday & rightly or wrongly, I'm worried about a few things that FEEL like Red Flags. I'm not sure if I'm just scared as I know what others have dealt with, or if I should listen to my gut, but I'm not sure what to DO, if my gut is indeed correct.
First off, they were REALLY disorganized on the phone. Super eager to get my appointment made, but they struggled to understand that I was trying to make the appointment PRIOR to my current meds running out (end of next month). 4 times they tried to book me at the end of July & it just felt ... off. Again, I recognize that I may just be worried about nothing
They started to ask me about what meds I was on, then cut me off mid-way, which I thought was weird. Then I was told that my appointment would be virtual BUT I have to go to a location (inside a pharmacy?) to do a urine test & THEN have a virtual appointment with one of their physicians. So, even the initial appointment will be virtual? This is just so FAR from the last 2 decades of my experience that I don't know if it's odd or not.
Moreover, what set my anxiety off was that when I asked about how long the clinic had been open for, ("before Covid"), the person on the phone started to go on (and ON ... & ON) about their OTHER services, which happen to be Drug & Alcohol Addiction & Methadone Clinics. I'm NOT in need of any of those services; I have worked WITH my doctors to find a regime that helps, & it's not that I'm opposed to looking at other options IF they might improve my circumstances, BUT I have this sneaking suspicion that THAT'S this clinic's focus.
My previous clinic has been VERY clear that the referral was going to a clinic that would carry on care - one that was capable & willing to work with ALL of the patients they're sending over but I'm scared that this is not going to be the case. I can call this clinic back & speak to my contact there (they've been helpful & were adamant that they would bridge the gap, medication wise, if there was one in the process of transferring) but I don't know if I'm overreacting.
I'm not sure exactly what I'm asking but if anyone has suggestions on how to handle the situation, professionally, & in a way that won't compromise the life I have worked SO hard to build, I'd be grateful . I'm terrified of going back to being house-bound, unable to work or to help care for my Loved Ones. I'm scared that some doctor I've never met is going to cut off the meds I'm on & shred the semblance of stability that I have. I'm scared that I look too "put together" to be taken seriously - but WITHOUT the meds I'm on, my life is drastically different! I feel SO stupidly vulnerable & raw & insignificant in this scenario & honestly, SO frustrated that someone I've never met could derail everything & I don't know what to DO about any of it.
I would be beyond grateful if anyone could help me navigate this, or share some advice on what To Do or what Not To Do. I just don't want to lose the life I've built. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Celticquestful to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:44 Crushing_Blow Tale of Grimm Agenda Post-Bies

Tale of Grimm Agenda Post-Bies
Alright, posting on mobile probably screwed me over so allow me to convince you why Old Man Bies would be the perfect pick for the next Roster, even with such stiff competition. (Please this Roster goes up at 4:00 am for me, I am currently working off of 4 hours of sleep.)
The Goat!
Alright first my arena announcement for him, properly formatted this time! (I hate mobile with all my soul, i sucks so much)
If there’s one creature that all beings fear, it’s demons! Now, who among these creatures of darkness is the mightiest? Well, there can only be one option, the Devil! Though, this next fighter is not the red demon with a pitchfork you’re all thinking of. The first recorded demon in history, all other demons named their own species by their language’s version of his name! The ancient scourge of the Slavic people, his mere presence drives those around him insane! His magic is the strongest among all of demon kind! His might is absolute! Yet despite this, he did not wipe out those pesky humans who opposed him. Why? Cause there would be fun fun in it! This demon, above all else, seeks enjoyment! With his might, nothing else could possibly concern him! He enjoys a good drink, but above all else he enjoys a good fight! But with his power, none could challenge him. But watching those serving under him duke it out with the populace was a close second! So for millennia, he would send out his contracted demons and humans driven insane to attack any kingdom they could find, all for his own entertainment! He would make deals with desperate enough beings in exchange for their souls, just to see what they would do! It was all great fun, but he longed for some great battle to truly test his own might. But now, with this tournament he could finally find what he has yet to encounter. A worthy rival! So for whatever warrior from Midgard facing the Lord of all Demons, you’d best bring your A-Game! For your foe is-
He whose name means madness!
He who is the Strongest of the Demons!
He who is the Archetypal Devil!

Anyways, there are multiple reasons why he should be on the Roster. For one he is the best way to get the "Devil" (the Devil is an important figure is many fairy tales, to the point that making a deal with the devil is it's own genre of legend). Bies, who's translated name became the word demon and who was seen as the Devil when the Slavic people got Christianity, is the Devil but while still avoiding the "no mythology" rule. Just make it so the Demon who rules Hell is different from Bies so he doesn't have to be connected to High John. (Or don't. Him reacting to his Son in-law being on the Roster could also be funny.) He also has one perfect fight on the Roster. I posted three on my comment just in case, but one is perfection personified.
VS Cinderella. Lord of Madness vs Magical Girl Now, at first glance this one makes little sense. But that’s only if you don’t have much knowledge of the magical girl genre. A staple of the genre is that the Big Bad has some way to magically force people to temporarily force people to be their minion, so they can serve as the Monster of the Week. Of course, they also have minions who serve of their own free will, and despite sending proxies the entire series to fight their foe they are always leagues above everyone they send. With his ability to drive people mad and the legions of Demons who would be loyal to him, Bies easily fits the bill as the main villain of a magical girl series. If this fight ism picked, just make it so Bies is the one behind all the villains and monsters Cinderella fought, and you already have a peak set-up. Add on Bies taking all the magic girl BS Cinderella does 100% serious(like, so serious it just sounds like he’s her biggest fan), and you have an actual masterpiece of a fight! Well, that and Magic Girl series are well known for having insanely OP protags by the end of the series and Bies is logically one of if not the strongest magic user to ever live, so he could definitely keep up with the escalation! (All quotes will be giving Cinderella the most ridiculous sounding magic girl attacks. Please understand that it’s peak.) Quotes:
“I’m so glad we’ve finally met, my Archnemeis. Oh, we’ve never fought before, but you sure did make short work of every monster I sent your way! For your sake, I do hope you live up to the hype.”
“Finally! You finally used the Burning Love Flame Saber! Honestly after you pulled it out on fight number 131 I kind of felt like it was an asspull, especially since you never used it again. But it’s still so damn cool!”
“Darkness Heart Ice Storm?! Damn, now you unlocking that one was so emotional! You finally accepted the negative emotions you held, and realized that there was nothing wrong with them. You’ve really grown so much, I was so proud when I first saw it!”
“Heat of Love, Full Flame Regalia. Your ultimate trump card, a blazing transformation first used when you were about to lose to Grand Dark Minister Daimon, which was your 200th fight by the way. It seemed all hope was lost, but yet you stood up. For being the guiding light in a sea of darkness, that’s what it truly means to be a magical girl! Well, if you’re going all out then I must respond in kind!”
The entire joke behind this match up is Satan himself being a weeb, it's peak. I don't know what else you could want honestly. This is literally perfect.
For powers, he has many types of magic but his specialties would be elemental magic and chaos magic. He can also change his size at will, which can be used to dwarf over his opponent near the end of the fight. Would make for a really intense fight (especially against an equally overwhelming magical girl!). So please upvote Bies today. He's so peak I am willing to lose for sleep him.

submitted by Crushing_Blow to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:44 GhostFriend7199 28/PST/PC!!

Hey there everyone!! ( ≧∀≦)ノ
video games are my main hobbies and would LOVE to find like minded people!! to play them with (・ω・)
my tastes for games are VARIED and I'd like to think I have an interest in many different kinds!!! So message me a game you play and it's likely I may have it as well!I do anything from Shooters,to rpgs, to battle Royales,to MMOS and more!! I'd love to chat with you and see what intrretd we share!
I can take a little to get to know but like to think I'm friendly and easy going! I would love to get to know some like minded people and see if maybe we can play something! Admittedly I can be a bit picky with people so I do apologize in advance for that! ;-;
As for schedules, I'm based in PST and have quite a bit of flexibility so please reach out regardless of timezone and we can see if we can make something work! :D
Thanks for taking the time to read this LONG post I do appreciate it. My goal would be to make some friends (maybe some long term ones too!!) so maybe we can chat and see if we're a fit? (ゝω・)
Free free to message me here on reddit and we will take it from there! Have a great day!
submitted by GhostFriend7199 to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:43 des_eerie 37F 35M, Big Difference in Libido, where's the compromise?

Me '37 F' and my partner '35 M' are in an otherwise very happy and stable relationship. Our struggle is in the bedroom. I have a high libido and my partner has a very low libido. It's definitely caused strain in our relationship over the years. I know it is absolutely normal and I am definitely not implying anything is wrong with him or myself. I'm just struggling to figure out how to resolve this issue. He definitely treats me like he loves me and he's attracted to me but when it comes to sex he is not at all interested. He has never pursued me or tried to engage me in sex. It's always me. I've even tried completely stopping my "chasing" and it resulted in a very long dry spell. I get really sexually frustrated but I don't want him to feel pressured because that just makes it worse. We have sex typically once a month. I'm more interested in something like twice a week. We've talked about it so much it's just getting pointless. I feel like I've exhausted my efforts to find compromise. At one point I suggested "making a day" that we try to couple up, even if it's not full sexual intercourse. I ended up repeatedly looking forward to our day all week just for it to not happen and it would send me into a depression. Masturbation is fine but it's the other aspects of lovemaking that I'm lacking. It's about the feeling I get from being intimate with my partner. I feel extremely neglected and I just don't know what to do anymore. He's not open to polyamory, or any kind of open relationship. We've also tried "male enhancement" drugs but it doesn't help to motivate him to want to do it. Have any other women experienced this and what helped you? I'm also interested in male perspective of men who have low libido and how it affects you/what you've tried with your partner to keep everyone happy?
submitted by des_eerie to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:43 EdgarAllanKenpo [LFM][NA][DT][STATIC][LATE NIGHT RAIDING][HEALER]

Hello! Our current static started a bit late this expansion but was able to clear P9 - P12 with the majority of the group being new savage raiders. Some couldnt continue on to Dawntrail so were looking to help fill up the group for Dawntrail and beyond (ultimates eventually as well). We will be raiding week 1, M-W-F 11:45 PM - 2:00 AM EST and possible for the first couple weeks might add in a 4th day on the weekend if the group comes to an agreement. The group was made due to the majority of us working 2nd shift, and couldn't find a static with our work hours, hence the late night start time. Preferably P12S cleared or equivalent. We are not a hardcore group, and we wont be against using guides or outside help for clears. We are serious for progression, but we also love to joke around and have fun. If you are easily offended or are a prude this might not be the best group for you. We currently in need of a healer. Either pure or barrier since current healer can flex.
No bigotry/racism No toxicity or drama If you cant make a raid please let me know as soon as possible Know your role and rotation Work on gearing character in the month before savage releases, I will help with crafting if need be
If you would like I can send you some logs from our P12S clear.
DM me pokenpo#9328
submitted by EdgarAllanKenpo to FFXIVRECRUITMENT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:43 ForgettableImp 19 [F4M] #London / #Online - Let me get to know you!

Short and sweet: I want your meat!
THAT WAS A JOKE. THIS is my post:
I'm Cat, 19 and I live in East London! Interested in talking online or in person and would like to find someone to game or hang out with (or both) and possibly date or explore with (NSFW + SFW) IF we get on!
I'm studying Games Art and I like to make things! I like a variety of games and music and love to discuss!! I like learning about people and their interests and plan to cosplay someday! While I'm big on experimenting, Polygamy (while interesting) really don't seem to be for me so please drop in if you're interested in hanging platonically or seeing about getting a little closer in person! Tytytyyyyy!
I'm also fine with just chatting anonymously even if we never meet or nothing comes of it!! Judgement free zone here!!!
Preferably looking for people ages 19-28! Ty :)
P.S I'm really busy so if I don't get back to you very quickly huge apologies!
submitted by ForgettableImp to r4r [link] [comments]