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Job Applications - Online Job Employment Forms

2020.08.29 19:24 Charlotte995090543 Job Applications - Online Job Employment Forms

JobApplicationGuide.com has compiled a list of job applications and online job application procedures for most every major employer in the U.S. Looking for a Perfect Job? Have a look at https://www.jobapplicationguide.com/

2013.08.28 03:39 balius Side Hustle

For those looking to generate an extra income alongside another full-time commitment.

2013.10.05 21:09 beccabee88 Got a Dysfunctional Family?

For the tales and rants about the relatives you wish you didn't have.

2024.05.19 05:47 nolan-was-here New CIS soon - what's training like?

Short version: how long is CIS training and what's it look like?
June 3rd is my first day in the BC public service, and I am so stoked. I'm going to be working as a CIS out of a DTES office. I've worked around there and in other high-needs areas for years, and my current job is in homelessness outreach, so I have a pretty good sense of what I'm getting into vis-à-vis the clientele, and it's exactly what I want to be doing. Seriously, being kind of a bureaucrat plus working directly with community is an appealing combo I wasn't really excepting to be available.
Where I work now (until the end of the week) we have a CIS visit twice a week (she's amazing), and we've chatted a bit about what it's going to look like, but I'm wondering if any of y'all can elucidate the training/onboarding process a bit. I know I'll find out soon enough, but I'm just so excited I'd love if anyone would like to share.
I think I heard that the training is 3 months long, which is just wild and wonderful. Is that all time in a classroom or similar setting? Should I expect 3 months straight of content, almost like a college semester, where I'll need to get caught up if I miss a day? Where's the training happen? My home office will be in the DTES, but I'm not sure if that's where training will be. Is there some kind of exam(s) to assess if me and my peers are taking in the info sufficiently?
Is there juicy tidbits you want to share that I haven't asked about. Thanks!
submitted by nolan-was-here to BCPublicServants [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:46 mosspile Girlboss fucked my dough

So I posted earlier on askculinary basically asking what could have gone wrong with my dough (would not knead smooth, kept tearing), and my temps were a little too high, but all other times I’ve made my dough at the temps I mentioned it’s come out perfect. (Blooming at 109f and warming my wet ingredients to 125f)
I will admit I had a little freak out and open mouth sobbed alone in an empty kitchen at 9pm and then proceeded to panic text and call my boss and our other “higher up” asking for advice on what to do.
I ended up just treating it like I would good dough and kneaded and threw it in a container and put it in the fridge to rest overnight.
After all of the freaking out, sobbing, fearing that I’ll lose my job, it turns out my boss swapped my active dry yeast for quickrise without telling me and it totally fucked everything up and I am being blamed simply because my dough was “too hot”
My boss isn’t quite the “reasonable, admit-when-I’m-wrong” type and has gaslit me about a lot of things but this time I know for a fact that it wasn’t my fault. How do I reason with her???
submitted by mosspile to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:46 Cold-Fresh Turned down booking

Talk me off a ledge here… I turned down a supporting role in a Lifetime movie. My team advised to ask for a waiver and if it wasn’t given to turn down the role since I’m unionized and the production is non union.
Someone told me that almost every actor who works on them who’s unionized just lies about it.
Now just feeling like a loser cause things have been really slow lately and working this job would have made me feel less stuck. I get my reps didn’t think the role was big enough/the pay wasn’t good enough to merit the risk (the pay barely would have covered being a local hire).
I didn’t majorly mess up right?
submitted by Cold-Fresh to acting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:46 Forevermorelenore Biggest front desk horror story you heard in a while…. (Cheaters edition)

So it’s my fourth day working at a new hotel and I come in the a.m. shift I’m working alone and I look at the arrivals and what do I see my kids dad name! ( in my head I’m like no fkn way)
so I click into the res. and Yep it’s him his phone number and a little note saying guest is asking for a 12 o’clock check-in. This is on a Friday (as far as I know he supposed to working on Fridays.) (Now we were together 20 years. We had a nasty breakup 6 years prior)
He went to live his best life with some other woman and they were building together got a house and everything. (He hadn’t seen our kids in a month and he does not pay child support.)(Anyhow I think to myself why is he coming to hotel at 12 o’clock on Friday when he has a long-term girlfriend.) (Who know maybe some issue with their house)
Fast forward to check in time. I’m about to go home, here He comes strolling in looking good alone. (Hhmm?)I step away because I don’t want him to see me. My coworker checks him in. Then I walked to the front a few minutes later and he must’ve walked out of the hotel because he comes back in. With a young lady, about the age of our oldest daughter about 25ish! NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND!
I was absolutely shocked. He looked me in the face. I looked him in the face. We both looked away and we never spoke of it now this happened about two months ago, but I’m gonna say it really actually made me not like that job. Kinda ruined it for me.
As for his girlfriend two weeks later she took all their pictures off FB (oh I texted him a week like later and asked if he could take the kids for a holiday, he said no because he’s looking for a apartment.) I thought to myself how she never liked my kids and she never motivated him to get his kids and when our kids went to their house, she would let her teenage daughter be mean to my younger pre-teen daughter. I felt like she got a big piece of crap and so did I and she didn’t win and she help build divide for nothing. She got her karma. And the universe is a crazy place.
submitted by Forevermorelenore to hotels [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:45 -haveuseenmymarbles- Why do some older people take my disabilities as a personal attack?

Today my (24f) boyfriend (24m) and I were invited out with his family at this fancy bar place (I never drink alcohol, I don’t know the proper term for this place lol). I was really excited because I was actually feeling good today! 90% of the time I wouldn’t be feeling well enough to go with.
We were actually having a really good time, except his grandma was drinking quite a lot. She was talking to my boyfriend about his job and quite aggressively telling him to be grateful for whatever hours he can get, since he was stressed about not being able to work on Memorial Day.
I’m a very quiet person and really don’t talk much, I dont know his grandmother that well so I was just observing and chilling with my mocktail. She suddenly whips her gaze to lock eyes with me and gets her pointer finger out. She exclaims to me “And YOU need to get a job! You can’t rely on him to pay for everything!” (He definitely doesn’t anyway)
This alone made me immediately start to shake uncontrollably. I was shocked and embarrassed. It was like my own brain had been personified, a real person in the real world. And worse, it’s a woman who I really want to like me. I tried to remain cool. I leaned in toward her, locked my hands in front of me, keeping the gaze and said flatly “I have medical issues I am working through. I cannot work right now.”
It was like I had just said “shut up old lady, you’ll never understand how bad I have it!” because she said to me “sure you can work at least part time! I have arthritis and blah blah blah and I own this business and do such and such. You can definitely work!” She kept going on for a long time but I honestly zoned out pretty quickly. I’ve heard this before from women her age, I know the whole speech. I walked out without saying another word. Then I collapsed on the steps in front of the building and cried. That was like my worst case scenario in my head.
My boyfriend let her finish her spiel before also quietly walking out, but when he saw that I was crying he marched back in there and told her how out of line she was. He told her that she doesn’t live with the conditions I do and she will never understand what that’s like.
I love him so much for standing up for me. While most people don’t outright get mean with me, most at least don’t take me seriously at all. But he does, AND he sticks up for me too.
Tbh, I’m only diagnosed with narcolepsy and migraine. But my migraines are almost every day the past few months and most of the time just thinking is like running through knee high mud. Something feels very very wrong. But abuela was basically my own negative self-talk sitting right in front of me, and I don’t think this is going to leave my mind for a long while.
TLDR Boyfriends abuela told me I need to work instead of relying on boyfriend for “everything”. When informed I have medical issues she took it as a challenge telling me if she can work and own a business at her age with all of her conditions then I definitely can too. I walked out and cried. I already hate myself enough for being useless, this was mortifying.
submitted by -haveuseenmymarbles- to disability [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:45 Pop_Actual Picture it.

People are already being stupid because it’s not one but both major school districts in my area having high school graduation.
I’m trying to juggle getting bays done and photo since my CSA doesn’t know anything. I’m heading to the stockroom, and a door dasher shoves his phone right into my face asking where a product was and I tell him the aisle number and go on my way to do an IC3 for the front.
I hear the lovely voice of Walgreens telling me that someone needs the pravagen unlocked. I go to unlocked it and lo and behold it’s the same doordasher, shoving his phone in my face for the exact same product. I tell him again that it’s in said aisle and next to the Vicks products and to go look as I was yet again being called away. As I leave, I get told by him that I should clock out and go home if I didn’t want to my job. Like you want me to close the store so your dumbass can’t do your job, because that’ll what happen if I do.
submitted by Pop_Actual to WalgreensStores [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:45 violet664 Need to improve my work ethic / self discipline

I seriously need to work on my work ethic/self discipline. Backstory of me: I’m a 24f, highly successful for my age job wise (RN), lifelong anxiety problems, and one parent who didn’t discipline at all, and one who went past extreme ways of doing things.
Work has never been very “kind” to me so to say. My first ever job I got 3rd degree burns on my foot- too severe of anxiety to go back to that job. My second job I got fired from because I couldn’t go to a staff meeting because it was my highschool grad day. My third job- I got fired because I “didn’t look happy enough”. I then became a care aid. I loved it so much I became a nurse.
I don’t remember work ethic being a problem until about 18 or 19. I moved out at 18 so I knew I had to work for what I wanted. But my issue is simply put. I don’t want to work. Once that thought is in my mind, I CANT GET RID OF IT. If I do push through and go to work- I’m a literal anxiety zombie mess. I can’t focus, I can’t concentrate, I can’t communicate properly, and something always goes wrong. The last time I did make myself go to work after thinking about how much I don’t want to go for the past however many hours- I made such a medication error it was actually dangerous. Now I know I obviously can’t work when my brain is all combobulated like that.
But now, it’s happening too often. I’m calling in sick too much and even I notice it. The manager hasn’t said anything yet but it’s only a matter of time (knock on wood). The anxiety rabbit hole is exhausting.
Now I know people are gonna go suggesting “change your mindset” but it’s not as simple as that. In order for me to change my mindset on anything I need a good session of EMDR lol (but not funny??).
So tell me. OTHER THAN changing my mindset AND seeing a therapist (I do) how do I force myself to do things I don’t want to?
submitted by violet664 to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 anskiii what do you tell loved ones when they ask “how the job search is going?”

gosh im so tired of the shame of being unemployed! relatives are coming to me asking what’s wrong or if i have any leads every day. i hear and take note of ALL of their suggestions. i may not get to do every single thing (ie go to X job fair, contact this job agency, check this company’s career page etc), but i am spending days just researching openings and applying. i am constantly checking my inbox and even looking up job market statistics, and i still don’t know how to answer this question without bursting at the seams.
what are yall telling folks when they want to “help you” (especially boomers)? i’ve explained as politely as possible that asking me every day for updates and monitoring my behavior puts immensely more pressure on me, but they swear it’s out of love. i know it’s giving ~go to therapy~ but im so broke and could really use the advice :(
submitted by anskiii to jobsearchhacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 eldhokurianek Rethinking Light’s Journey: A New Perspective on Its Absolute Path

Einstein’s theory of special relativity revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos, introducing the idea that the speed of light remains constant for all observers, regardless of their motion. This foundation has stood unchallenged in mainstream physics for over a century. Yet, what if light’s behavior could be viewed from a different angle? What if, contrary to relativity, light actually travels in a straight, absolute path, unaffected by the motion of the source or the observer? This article explores a novel theory proposing just that, shedding light on a potentially groundbreaking perspective.
The Concept of an Absolute Light Path:
  1. Absolute Path vs. Relative Motion In Einstein's theory of special relativity, the motion of the source or observer affects the observed properties of light, such as its direction and the simultaneity of events. Relativity maintains that while the speed of light is constant for all observers, its path can appear different depending on the observer's state of motion relative to the light source. However, the new theory posits that light has a unique characteristic: due to its masslessness, it follows a fixed, absolute path in the universe, uninfluenced by the relative motion of observers or the source of light.
  2. Masslessness and Inertia Since light (photons) has no mass, it does not experience inertia. Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its velocity. This includes changes to the speed or direction of an object's motion. For massive objects, inertia plays a crucial role in how they behave when forces are applied, and it is a key factor in how they are perceived in different reference frames in relativity. Since light lacks this property, according to the new theory, it does not adhere to these relativistic principles in the same way and maintains a trajectory that is absolute and not just a product of perceived motion.
  3. Implications of Light's Absolute Path If light truly travels in an absolute path, this implies the existence of a universal or absolute frame of reference from which the true path of light can be measured as a straight line, regardless of the observer's motion. This challenges the principle of relativity, which denies any universal frame of reference, positing instead that all motion is relative.
Visualizing the Theory:
Example - The Train Thought Experiment Revisited - Inside a Moving Train: If you're on a train moving forward and shine a flashlight straight up, according to relativity, both you and an external observer would agree that the light moves straight upward if measuring only in the train’s frame. But in the absolute path theory, you would see the light beam slant backward as the train moves forward, because, in your frame, the train (and thus you) are moving while the light's path is fixed. - From the Platform: A stationary observer on a platform, according to the new theory, would see the light's path as vertical if they are stationary in the absolute frame. If the platform observer is moving (say, the platform itself is on a moving body), they would see the light path tilted against their direction of motion.
Formula Application in Determining Absolute Motion or Rest:
The formula ( tan(A) = v/c ), where (A) represents the angle of deviation, (v) is the velocity of the observer relative to the proposed absolute frame, and (c) is the speed of light, is central to understanding how the theory of an absolute path for light could be applied practically to determine an object's state of motion or rest.
Understanding the Formula: The formula derives from the premise that light maintains an absolute path, unaffected by the motion of the source or the observer. If an observer moves relative to this absolute path, the light's trajectory appears to deviate or tilt relative to the observer’s motion. The angle of this deviation (A) can be calculated using the tangent function, which relates the opposite side (the perceived deviation in light's path) to the adjacent side (the original path of light).
Practical Use of the Formula: 1. Determining Motion: - Observer in Motion: When an observer is in motion, they will perceive the path of light as deviating from its vertical trajectory. The velocity (v) of the observer will influence the perceived angle of deviation (A). By measuring (A) and knowing (c), the observer can calculate their velocity (v) relative to the light’s absolute path. If (A) is non-zero, it implies that the observer is in motion relative to the absolute frame. - Observer at Rest: If an observer measures no deviation in the light's path ( A = 0 ), it implies that the tangent of (A) is zero, leading to (v = 0). This indicates that the observer is at rest with respect to the absolute frame of reference.
This exploration into the possibility of light’s absolute path invites us to question and potentially expand our understanding of the universe. It challenges established norms and opens a dialogue about the very fabric of reality, encouraging further investigation and discussion within the scientific community.
submitted by eldhokurianek to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:43 doodlebunny24 Aerie Crinkle Stripe Wide Strap Scoop One Piece Swimsuit

Is this swim suit sold in stores? It’s sold out in my size online :(
submitted by doodlebunny24 to americaneagle [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:43 trejaxrkf Emergency Housing

Hello I have a friend who is in need of emergency housing. He’s 32 years old single male with a job but just moved back home here and is struggling to find housing. If you know anyone with an extra room or any resources that could help out would be appreciated.
submitted by trejaxrkf to Sacramento [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:43 Holdmyjelly Do you like the year you were born?

I was born in 1995. I think it’s an awesome year with it being smack dab in the middle. 1995 (from what I’ve seen online and on tv) had its own taste where you don’t associate late 80s tends into the early 90s and vice versa with the 00s/late 90s.
Iconic things from 1995:
Events: OJ Simpson Trial; Windows 95’ debuts; PlayStation debuts; Michael Jordan is back to basketball
Movies: Toy Story, Empire Records, Clueless, se7en, Batman Forever; Jumanji
Music: Gangsta’s Paradise (Coolio); Waterfalls (TLC); Creep (Radiohead); This is How We Do it (Montell Jordan); Big Poppa (Notorious B.I.G)
If not, what year within the Millennial range do you wish you were born?
submitted by Holdmyjelly to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:43 kivtir Switching jobs with employer-petitioned EB-1A before 180 days

I have a dilemma - I got my EB1A I-140 approved in April 2024 and it was petitioned by my employer and I am the beneficiary from it (it is NOT self-petitioned). Now in the last few weeks I have received job offers to switch and I would like to take one of those opportunities up ASAP without jeopardizing my I-140 approval.
Can I get some guidance on the following: 1. Do I need to wait for 180 days from I-140 approval to switch? 2. If I switch immediately, will my new employer have to file for a new I-140 with them as the petitioner? 3. Can a petition be changed from employer to self petitioned after I-140 approval? If yes, then when and how can I do this? 4. What all do I need to take care of when my I-485 application dates become current and I become eligible to file for that?
submitted by kivtir to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:43 eldhokurianek Rethinking Light's Journey: A New Perspective on Its Absolute Path

Einstein’s theory of special relativity revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos, introducing the idea that the speed of light remains constant for all observers, regardless of their motion. This foundation has stood unchallenged in mainstream physics for over a century. Yet, what if light’s behavior could be viewed from a different angle? What if, contrary to relativity, light actually travels in a straight, absolute path, unaffected by the motion of the source or the observer? This article explores a novel theory proposing just that, shedding light on a potentially groundbreaking perspective.
The Concept of an Absolute Light Path:
  1. Absolute Path vs. Relative Motion In Einstein's theory of special relativity, the motion of the source or observer affects the observed properties of light, such as its direction and the simultaneity of events. Relativity maintains that while the speed of light is constant for all observers, its path can appear different depending on the observer's state of motion relative to the light source. However, the new theory posits that light has a unique characteristic: due to its masslessness, it follows a fixed, absolute path in the universe, uninfluenced by the relative motion of observers or the source of light.
  2. Masslessness and Inertia Since light (photons) has no mass, it does not experience inertia. Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its velocity. This includes changes to the speed or direction of an object's motion. For massive objects, inertia plays a crucial role in how they behave when forces are applied, and it is a key factor in how they are perceived in different reference frames in relativity. Since light lacks this property, according to the new theory, it does not adhere to these relativistic principles in the same way and maintains a trajectory that is absolute and not just a product of perceived motion.
  3. Implications of Light's Absolute Path If light truly travels in an absolute path, this implies the existence of a universal or absolute frame of reference from which the true path of light can be measured as a straight line, regardless of the observer's motion. This challenges the principle of relativity, which denies any universal frame of reference, positing instead that all motion is relative.
Visualizing the Theory:
Example - The Train Thought Experiment Revisited - Inside a Moving Train: If you're on a train moving forward and shine a flashlight straight up, according to relativity, both you and an external observer would agree that the light moves straight upward if measuring only in the train’s frame. But in the absolute path theory, you would see the light beam slant backward as the train moves forward, because, in your frame, the train (and thus you) are moving while the light's path is fixed. - From the Platform: A stationary observer on a platform, according to the new theory, would see the light's path as vertical if they are stationary in the absolute frame. If the platform observer is moving (say, the platform itself is on a moving body), they would see the light path tilted against their direction of motion.
Formula Application in Determining Absolute Motion or Rest:
The formula ( tan(A) = v/c ), where (A) represents the angle of deviation, (v) is the velocity of the observer relative to the proposed absolute frame, and (c) is the speed of light, is central to understanding how the theory of an absolute path for light could be applied practically to determine an object's state of motion or rest.
Understanding the Formula: The formula derives from the premise that light maintains an absolute path, unaffected by the motion of the source or the observer. If an observer moves relative to this absolute path, the light's trajectory appears to deviate or tilt relative to the observer’s motion. The angle of this deviation (A) can be calculated using the tangent function, which relates the opposite side (the perceived deviation in light's path) to the adjacent side (the original path of light).
Practical Use of the Formula: 1. Determining Motion: - Observer in Motion: When an observer is in motion, they will perceive the path of light as deviating from its vertical trajectory. The velocity (v) of the observer will influence the perceived angle of deviation (A). By measuring (A) and knowing (c), the observer can calculate their velocity (v) relative to the light’s absolute path. If (A) is non-zero, it implies that the observer is in motion relative to the absolute frame. - Observer at Rest: If an observer measures no deviation in the light's path ( A = 0 ), it implies that the tangent of (A) is zero, leading to (v = 0). This indicates that the observer is at rest with respect to the absolute frame of reference.
This exploration into the possibility of light’s absolute path invites us to question and potentially expand our understanding of the universe. It challenges established norms and opens a dialogue about the very fabric of reality, encouraging further investigation and discussion within the scientific community.
submitted by eldhokurianek to RelativitySpace [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 apocalypse_ada Would it be rude if I follow up?

Okay, so I've been sending applications to various clients through a local job platform, and besides the obvious desperation for a job, there's this particular client that I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to work with.
I sent an application 3 days ago but got no reply. The listing is still active, but he seems to be currently traveling and posted a photo from a different country just 12 hours ago.
—Yes. I'd been stalking his professional profiles because I wanted to see what kind of work he did and if I could write in the style he wanted.
Back to the topic. I badly want to work with him and was thinking of following up with my application.
Would this be rude?
I've already sent him relevant samples. If you think it's okay that I follow up with him, do you have any suggestions (e.g., like maybe changing my approach or providing a solution for him?)
Thanks you guys are the best.
submitted by apocalypse_ada to freelanceWriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 t_huff3216 best place to get uros online?

I plan on getting a uromastyx soon and I’m wondering where to get one. There’s a reptile expo in my area in July, but I’m not sure if they’ll have what I’m looking for, so this is a backup plan of sorts. Just wondering the best online website to get a uro.
submitted by t_huff3216 to Uromastyx [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 t_huff3216 best place to get reptiles online?

I plan on getting a uromastyx soon and I’m wondering where to get one. There’s a reptile expo in my area in July, but I’m not sure if they’ll have what I’m looking for, so this is a backup plan of sorts. Just wondering the best online website to get a uro.
submitted by t_huff3216 to reptiles [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 MissDisMAy I won’t. But I want to. Every. Single. Day.

I was evicted by my own parents on Christmas Eve via texting war with my step day during a 10hr shift as a barber. I was informed my youngest daughter (6) wouldn’t be returning from her fathers house for Christmas that same day. My oldest daughter (16) and I were casted out of our family’s traditional Christmas festivities and we spent Christmas Eve and Day alone. The day after she went to “lunch” with my ex mother in law and never came home. I was devastated which caused a pain flare up (fybromiaga/myofacial pain syndrome/stage 4 endometriosis, degenerative disc disease). I couldn’t get out of bed. I had to call off. I was fired on January 3rd. On January 6th I was pulled over and arrested because the passenger of my vehicle had put 3GS of crack in an old prescription bottle. January 8th my phone was turned off. On the 10th my car broke down and I just got it back yesterday morning.
In a span of two weeks, I lost my kids, my family, my house, my job, my phone, my car, and was arrested.
I’ve never been in trouble in my life. Always had full custody of all three of my children. and for the most part without any involvement of their fathers outside of the weekends. But I lost all of it. My ex had manipulated my family in believing complete lies about me. Smear campaigns surround me every day. Every morning I wake up and realize where I am, and how far away from my children I am and I lose it. I cry every time I open my eyes. It’s been months. And every day it hurts more. Because I can’t afford a lawyer, there’s a very good chance I won’t get them back.
My son keeps me here most days. But if I lose custody of my youngest, like I did my oldest, there’s no way I can continue living feeling this much pain, physically and emotionally single day. Thank you for allowing me to vent.
submitted by MissDisMAy to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 HZZY91 Question before first day

Question before first day
I don’t have access to set up my A to Z before my first day (may 23) will this hurt me? I don’t have to do my I-9 since my last job application carried over to my new one. Should I be worried?
submitted by HZZY91 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 ButterflyApathetic As a nurse struggling with infertility, caring for patients with miscarriages brings up a lot for me.

I’ve been a nurse for 5.5 years, dealing with infertility for 3.5, at my current job for 2. It’s one of the busiest mother-baby hospitals in my area, and I didn’t fully realize how many D&Cs would come through surgery and recovery where I work. Most hospitals perform them, it wasn’t a question I thought of asking when I took the job.
The fucked up part about it in my head, is that I feel like if some higher power sees me caring for these women, holding space for their stories, while silently fighting a similar battle, maybe if I endure it enough I will be deemed “worthy” of pregnancy.
I don’t really ever tell my patients I’m in a similar situation, it’s usually not appropriate. My therapist was shocked when I told her how often I care for these patients (and you know shocking a therapist isn’t a good thing).
What I have learned is that women are incredibly resilient and I’m humbled to be a part of their care, and also that the world really isn’t fair.
Some patients stick with me, I won’t go into detail but it’s always the nicest women/families and the most heartbreaking stories. And yet these women still find grace and kindness and optimism and strength. I have never been pregnant so I don’t know exactly what it’s like but I can relate.
I know this might be incredibly triggering to some because it is a real experience for many of us, and I’m sorry about that. I just wanted to vent as I feel like this is a specific pain I’ve been given to carry. I’ve never felt like it hinders my ability to do my job, if anything I feel better equipped because I know the pain. But I also feel like it is my duty, and sometimes it really hurts my heart.
submitted by ButterflyApathetic to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 icecreamsandwichgirl family owned doctor says i’m not an official employee and doesn’t want to give me a w-4 wants me to do a form 1099

just got hired from my externship, and before my first check i was only given an application “that i want to be employed there” not sure how to explain, so i had asked if i can do my w-4
he then goes on to say that it’s just easier to do a 1099 and that since I am “temporary” )which was never disclosed to me) that is why he’s doing it like this. I, then ask how long am I temporary for? since i assumed he meant in a probation period? and he then goes on to say for 1 year, when i did get hired he did mention a period of when you first start out in a job which i assumed was probation period so I said, “yes, 90 days usually” he then chuckled. Going back to him explaining the 1099, he tried explaining this by saying since i’m not an “official employee” this is how it’s going to go and that it’s like when you contract someone to work for you which is why i’m basically, “self employed” and i’m just shocked so I brought it up 3 times before receiving my check and he still didn’t change it, he then says, if i have any problems with this to let him know.
So my bf is telling me to not even go in on monday, but there’s only 2 of us MA’s since it’s such a small office, and she’s going on vacation on the 28th (which I feel was more of a reason why they hired me, the biller (his wife) is going to be up in the front desk with me, helping but idk what to do. If i should just stay 2 weeks so they have someone to cover those days or just don’t go in at all. The other MA has been nice to me and even the wife, she gifted me something for mother’s day so I would feel bad just not going in on monday, not sure what to do or what anyone recommends. I am going to contact my school who got me the job there on monday so hopefully they’re not affiliated with them anymore.
I’m sure he just hired me bc the other MA was going on vacay and they needed someone and just worried hell fire me after since i kept bringing up the w-4.
sorry if this is all scattered i’m so conflicted
submitted by icecreamsandwichgirl to MedicalAssistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:41 Working-Active-6598 I need an outsider opinion please!

I don’t know if I’m going crazy for no reason or if I’m in the right to be mad, my bf (26) and I (23) have been together for 8 months, at the beginning of our relationship he was very sweet and would bring me flowers from his garden and make me pancakes in the morning and would take me to work every morning since he is a business owner he had time for it, he got an extra job a few months ago and he’s unable to take me to work which I completely understand… what is hurting me is that he goes out with fiends and gets absolutely wasted to the leave of not remembering anything the next day, there’s been a few incidents that hurt me and he as fix them for example one of his friends started screaming at me while having a conversation at a bar and my bf just stayed on his phone and completely ignored the situation… he changed and was doing good for a a couple of weeks and now he doesn’t go out as often and won’t drink that heavily but now when he leave he leaves for 10-12 hours in a roll, and I’m unable to think everything is fine and I can’t avoid thinking he might be with someone else or cheating, he’s been helping his friends fix his cars and stuff like that but if I ask him for help (even if I’m going to pay him) he’ll tell me that he’ll do it later, that he’s tired and that I don’t need it right now… I’m also spending more time at his house and I still have my own place so it’s just a waist of money in my opinion cause we’re constantly together and we’re always going on trips, we just had to go drop off his mom to the border and slept to come back (driving), he bought a lot of stuff for his friends but not a single time asked if I wanted anything and I also had a little bit of Mexican money that he used so He didn’t had to get overcharged on his card… so I don’t know if it’s worth to stay with him any longer how can I talk to him about this? Is it worth to try talking it out?
submitted by Working-Active-6598 to dating [link] [comments]
