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Hannibal - The NBC TV Show

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2024.06.02 03:15 Kookie2023 Why Hannibal and Will aren’t truly in love (just yet), but why Hannigram is canon

When it comes to being a clinician who also likes series like Hannibal, things twirl around in the mind in unique in conflicting ways. I’m completely capable of separating reality and fiction, but it’s because of that fact that sometimes my train of thoughts go in quite interesting directions. It’s also what drives a lot of my posts to be written.
When it comes to Hannigram, I’m completely aware that in reality, this relationship is highly toxic and one that shouldn’t exist. Serial killing and cannibalism aside, I recognize all the signs in the relationship that is unhealthy since that’s what I’ve been trained to do in real life. Several of the classic signs are there. It’s why at times I feel a pit in my stomach and a squeezing in my chest when watching Hannibal. It’s my natural instincts and my professional training telling me to recognize all the warning signs in a very realistic way. However, since this is a work of fiction, I also see several discrepancies of why this is not at all a normal nor truly easily decipherable relationship between two men in an intimate relationship. And I find many parts of it quite interesting all the same.
I won’t go into details about Hannibal’s side of the relationship since I already went over that one in my “Hannibal’s Mentality” post. His perception of his “love” and relationship with Will is one of an ever growing understanding of what it means to “be in love” and trying to visualize and conceptualize what that’s supposed to look like in his mind and ideals. It started as something fairy tale-esque in nature then grew to slowly include a bittersweet reality that’s still always building. He is very much in love with Will even if his love language is akin to an animal courting its mate with bloody corpses of other creatures and at times its rivals. It’s very feral in nature. I don’t think he really knows what he’s doing in terms of the core relationship itself, but he tries nonetheless.
Will’s understanding of his relationship is somewhat more complex and one that I’m honestly not always able to truly grasp or decipher without the perspective of others. Since Will started out as the “victim” in this relationship, many of his behaviors of distrust towards Hannibal are completely justified and reasonable. He doesn’t wish to be “caged” and seen as an object of affection just because his mind has potential that Hannibal holds interest in. He also has his own brand of righteousness that makes him hold animosity towards Hannibal while also having a codependent relationship with him in that he can’t live freely as himself without his guidance and influences. As Bedelia says, “Can’t live with him, can’t live without him”. But all this would just be scratching the surface.
One thing I’ve had to recognize over time is that Will is an unbelievably unreliable narrator and that has given me a very hard time understanding some of his actions and motives. There’s contradictions as much as there is denial in his character when it comes to Hannibal. What he says isn’t always how he acts. He accuses Hannibal of being possessive of him and condemns his actions to ensure he remains by his side while doing the same if not worse things to his rivals who earns Hannibal’s attention and affection. He often cheats himself instead of seeing what’s directly in front of him, but then goes to do exactly what he says is wrong. I believe these different train of thoughts as well as his experiences with Hannibal is partially why he wasn’t able to see the seemingly obvious truth that Hannibal was in love with him.
Will has a very loose idea of love to begin with due to his upbringing and background, so understanding someone is in love with him is likely just not if more foreign to him. In addition, according to Hugh Dancy, one big reason Will couldn’t see that Hannibal was in love with him was he couldn’t even conceptualize that Hannibal was capable of loving anyone period. We see this belief throughout the series most prominently in the Europe arc starting with Chiyoh. Will knows Mischa’s death doesn’t quantify or explain Hannibal which leads to his own beliefs that Chiyoh’s purpose in caging her supposed killer to be a tale of manipulation and just another Hannibal experiment. He then manipulates her situation to make her reconsider her loyalty to Hannibal and scoffs at the idea of Chiyoh being genuinely protective of Hannibal as his family. Everyone is just a bird in a cage he looks at to enjoy torturing and nothing more. It’s just the simplicity of his nature. He doesn’t need to convince himself of otherwise that Hannibal is incapable of loving anyone and vice versa. Or does he? Because it doesn’t take until Bedelia literally spells it out to him does he verbalize the truth. That Hannibal is in love with him. But verbalizing and believing are two very different things. And just because you have a deep connection with someone, it doesn’t equate to knowing anything and everything about them to influence your thoughts and feelings about them. It’s why I say these two are not truly in love. Just not quite yet.
Although Hannibal has long since reached a conscious place of understanding that he’s in love with Will, by the time of the Red Dragon case, Will was still in a place of subconscious awareness and deep conflicted denial. He made decisive decisions to confront the ghosts of his past (and that’s a massive understatement) while playing the part of a doting husband, yet still wanted someone like Bedelia to confirm or deny what he should already know about Hannibal. And once he became consciously aware of things, he used Hannibal’s love for him (or what he believes it to be) to his tactical advantage to take down Dolarhyde. Even up until the very end, we aren’t all that sure what Will solidly believes about Hannibal except that killing Dolarhyde with him felt “beautiful”. I consider this iconic moment to mark Hannigram as officially canon, yet I find myself with a gut feeling that this relationship hasn’t hit a place of mutual love by a long shot.
Will has a tendency to flip flop in his decisions even if he said and did things at the peak of his genuine true nature. He “drops” forgiveness and takes back decisions made in moments of intimacy if he feels it’s undeserved and/or will hurt him further. Not to mention that his level of manipulation and seduction of Hannibal is now terrifyingly noteworthy and diabolical. And now that Hannibal is currently in a state where he’s unwilling to hurt or kill Will, I see the toxicity of this relationship reaching new heights that is ironically now more in Will’s territory than ever.
That being said, I can see now why Bryan wishes for most of S4 to be within Will’s mind and see the construction of his mind palace resume. We need to see more of the deep underbelly of the Hannigram relationship from a new angle where it’s just the two of them in their emotions and thoughts and feelings. If Will is to truly be “in love” with Hannibal then there’s many hard pills to swallow and new realities to face within their mind palaces. No more lies. No more contradictions. No more running away. Just to the truth and all of its consequences.
But this might all be my inner clinician conflicting with my overall thoughts on this relationship. And in this fictional world of Hannibal, “love” as well as eroticism is a broad concept where reality seldom belongs or holds any true weight in logic. It’s why it’s always going to be weird and freaky as it is.
submitted by Kookie2023 to HannibalTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:01 DonFiglioni Explanations

Shared false memories are often perpetuated when one person's false memory, misquote, joke or inaccurate reference makes it into pop culture where it is seen by millions.
SHATNER, SALLY FIELD & HANNIBAL Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura calling a monacled man the Monopoly guy, or doing Shatner from The Twilight Zone, "There's... someone on the wing! Some... THING!" or imitating Sally Field in The Mask and Hannibal Lecter in The Cable Guy: these were comedic impressions, not quotes.
TANK MAN & THE LINDBERGH BABY I was recently watching episodes of The West Wing which perpetuated 2 more common MEs. Richard Schiff's character mentions people watching TV and seeing a man get run over by a tank - a reference to Tiananmen square. A woman sarcastically confesses to a crime, adding that if you search her house, you'll find the Lindbergh baby. People watching could easily remember these events incorrectly.
GHOST POTTERY Patrick Swayze was still alive during the pottery scene. Family Guy spoofed this scene with Swayze's character as a ghost, and you have probably seen similar spoofs, leading to the false memory that he was a ghost in that scene. YOU WANT SOME CORNBREAD, MR. JINGLES? Michael Clarke Duncan's character rarely interacted with Mr. Jingles and never fed him cornbread. That was a different inmate. The Simpsons spoofed this, with MCD saying "You want some cornbread, Mr. Jingles?" which is how many people remember the movie. SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR'S DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE In I Know What You Did Last Summer, SMG witnesses a murder while performing on stage, to a stunned audience who remain silent. Some people remember the audience erupting in applause. That was a parody scene in Scary Movie.
You may have seen a different version of a popular movie as a child.
PHILOSOPHER'S STONE There are 2 versions of the first Harry Potter movie. The title macguffin is called the Sorcerer's Stone in American releases, the Philosopher's Stone in UK and Canada.
AUSTRALIAN PETER PAN If you remember Peter Pan having a British accent, Tinkerbell saving him from a poisoned cake, and Smee going home to his mother at the end, the you saw an Australian version not made by Disney. This one MESSED with my head after watching the Disney version as an adult.
CALIGULA There are MANY different edits of this film based on it's country and time of release and censorship laws. Some versions include hard-core pornographic scenes which were cut in other versions. Some versions have the order of scenes mixed up. You could watch 2 versions edited so differently that the plot is not even the same. I have seen 2: one that starts with Caligula in bed with his sister, the other that starts with a hunting scene intended to come later.
BRIAN COX AS HANNIBAL LECTER? You may have seen either or both Manhunter and Red Dragon - 2 adaptations of the same novel. Manhunter came out before Silence of the Lambs and featured Brian Cox. Red Dragon was made later as a prequel featuring Anthony Hopkins. There could be many instances of people confusing originals and remakes.
If you tend to watch DVD special features, you may remember deleted or alternate scenes more vividly than the actual movie.
DON'T DROP THAT NECKLACE, ROSE! Yes, there was an alternate ending of Titanic in which Bill Paxton confronted Old Rose on the back of the ship, but it completely messed with the flow and the audience's catharsis. Bravo to James Cameron for chosing the better ending. One of my Favorite movies.
IT'S THE DIRTIEST JOKES THAT STAY WITH YOU Years after watching Team America: World Police on DVD, the only 2 scenes I remembered were a disgustingly graphic scat sex scene between two marionettes, and a scene of man-on-man oral sex that ended with the superior saying it would be hard to make his subordinate into the perfect soldier... because he's gay now. I was dismayed when I watched it a second time and both these scenes were absent. Turns out, years ago, I watched the deleted scenes in the DVD special features.
Historical films VS reenactments
HOUSTON, WE'VE HAD A PROBLEM This is the line as it was actually spoken in real life and, subsequently, in several dramatic reenactments. In the popular movie, Tom Hanks says "Houston, we HAVE a problem."
THAT'S NOT HOW THEY KILLED BIN LADEN! Shortly after it happened, you may have watched one of several dramatic reenactments of the raid, including an animated recreation of the actual helmet cam footage, which differed drastically from how it was portrayed in Zero Dark Thirty. Aside from the production quality, the reenactments were far more enthralling.
FALSE TRAILERS Yes, sometimes a movie trailer is made using whatever footage is available, before the final cut of the film is finished. Therefore, it is not uncommon for scenes from the trailer to be missing from the movie.
WATCH OUT FOR THAT TIE FIGHTER! That's right, Jyn never comes face-to-face with a TIE fighter in Rogue One, despite it being one of the most exciting shots from the trailer.
LIVE. DIE. REPEAT. Not the title of the movie. It was called Edge of Tomorrow, though you wouldn't know it from the constant repetition of the tag line in the trailer and minimal use of the actual title. Most DVD/Blu-ray releases have this tag line prominently on the cover art, so viewers know what movie it is.
SOUNDS LIKE A SEXY HAMBURGER! Seth Rogen never says this in Superbad, in reference to the fake name McLovin, but it is one of the most memorable lines from the time of the film's release.
False memories sometimes form from combining several related ones.
TINKERBELL DOTS THE I No, she doesn't. But you've seen her flitting across the screen and flicking a wand to make words appear or the castle disappear in several different title sequences. See the Disney home video one, for example.
I SEE WHITE PEOPLE! No, the line spoofing The Sixth Sense was not spoken in Scary Movie, but you DID hear it the same year. At the 2000 Oscars, host Billy Crystal did a bit where he had the camera zoom up on celebrities in the audience and he said what they were thinking in that moment. He spoke this line when the camera was zoomed in on Michael Clarke Duncan, to much laughter.
SINBAD THE... SUPERVILLAIN? Sinbad did not play a genie called Shazaam, but in 1996, the same year Shaq played Kazaam, Sinbad played a mischievous character in a ridiculous costume as the main antagonist in the Christmas film Jingle All the Way. You may have combined these 2 images in your memory.
THAT DARN CORNUCOPIA No, it wasn't part of the Fruit of the Loom logo, but it was a frequently reproduced image every kid saw in school when they learned about Thanksgiving. The 2 images were so similar that many teachers made the assumption they were the same, telling kids they may have seen it on their underwear. In fact, the cornucopia image was so common, it seems to have even been used on some knock-off brands of socks and underwear, making this MA totally understandable.
MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL... The evil queen never said it when you were a kid, but Lord Farquad did in Shrek when you were a bit older, which probably misinformed your memory of the original line.
IT'S THE EYE OF THE TIGER... Does the song make you think of the movie Rocky? It shouldn't. It was never used in the original film, only the sequels. Although Rocky's original theme music is just as iconic.
OH, NO! NOT PLASTIC SHEETS! There were none on the floor for Tommy's hit in Goodfellas, but you may be thinking of a similar scene in Lethal Weapon 2.
IS LIBERTY ISLAND A THING? Yes, it always was. You always associated it with the immigrants who came over through Ellis Island when you learned about them in school. Your teachers may not have bothered telling you the name of the island that houses the statue and you assumed it was the same. And here's something else to think about: Liberty Island is located in the waters of New Jersey, not New York.
THAT'S THE WRONG ACTOR! Meg Ryan was not Maverick's love iterest in Top Gun; she was Goose's wife. Some people made that mistake as Ryan soon became a household name and was mentioned in a lot of the film's marketing, especially for the home video release. Ben Affleck was not in Saving Private Ryan, but you have seen him collaborate with Matt Damon many times, and there was an actor named Edward Burns who bares a bit of a resemblance to him. I hope not many of you have made this mistake, but some people remember Angelina Jolie in the original Mission Impossible. It was an actress named Emanuelle Beart... thank God, since she was playing the wife of Jon Voight - Jolie's father. And of course, anyone who watched The X-Files as a kid might remember some episodes with David Duchovney as Agent Mulder, when it was really his replacement, Robert Patrick as Agent Doggett.
Sometimes, a movie or show doesn't go the way you were expecting, or you think "wouldn't this have been better" and your mind dwells on your own version more than on how it actually happened, then, years later, you only remember your version. In some cases, so many people were thinking the same thing, that when you mention your ending later, others say "Oh, yeah! That was great!"
DOLLY'S BRACES She never had any. But she did have pigtails which, like braces, are often associated with youth and feminine cuteness. Add to that the fact that Jaws had metal teeth and you were rooting for them to get together, and it would have given them some great common ground. So when she gave that slow, shy smile at the end, you saw what you wanted to see.
THEY WERE DEAD THE WHOLE TIME! That's not how Lost ended. Whine all you want, or just go and watch it again and pay attention. It was such a popular theory that people were simply expecting it. The popularity of the theory inspired the producers to give us a glimpse into the afterlife in the last season, but by the end, it was made very clear that everything that happened on the island really happened. Christian might as well have been looking directly into the camera when he spelled it out for his son. But many of you couldn't accept that your theory was wrong. If you watched the Jimmy Kimmel Live special that immediately followed the finale, you saw that even Jimmy subscribed to this theory and refused to let it go. It was a classy move for the cast to refrain from berating him about it on his own show.
AVE SOL INVICTUS! The Sun is classified as a yellow dwarf star, which is why it has always been drawn yellow. Since you were a kid, you drew the Sun with a yellow crayon. When you were older, you learned that sunlight is white light, which is composed of every color in the spectrum. White light surrounds us all the time, but we don't see it. We only see the colors that are reflected off surfaces based on their material composition. The Sun EMITS white light, but it APPEARS yellow, or orange-yellow.
That's all I've got for now. I hope I've given you lots to think about and would love to hear your responses!
submitted by DonFiglioni to MandelaEffect [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:14 DesperateText9909 The internet reaction to everything about the remake is nuts.

Anyone else feel like maybe they'll just not pay any attention to the internet (meaning this sub, Twitter, and YouTube) until well after the game comes out? I like the new trailers--I'm not certain it's going to be a classic or anything, but I think it looks at least okay and maybe good. Worth experiencing for myself. Then I go online and start reading reactions, and it's just wall-to-wall crazy. I already knew gamers were psychotic, but half of the Silent Hill fan community should be wheeled around in Hannibal Lecter masks, the way they are acting right now. Hard to have a normal conversation about anything when that is going on. Maybe if I avoid it until, say, January or February, that will calm down a little.
A question I keep asking (and I think it's larger than just this game or this franchise) is why online culture has so incentivized having extreme reactions to everything. People really need attention that badly? Most things are not complete trash nor timeless masterpieces. Odds are good that the remake will be yet another something that falls somewhere in the vast middle. Folks need to calm down a little bit.
submitted by DesperateText9909 to silenthill [link] [comments]

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Avengers: Age Of Ultron (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Avengers: Infinity War (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Baby Driver [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Back To The Future [1985] (MA)
Back To The Future III [1990] (MA)
Bad Words [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Ballers season 3 (iTunes)
Baywatch (iTunes 4K)
Beauty & The Beast [2017] (MA + 150 points/iTunes option is expired)
Before I Fall [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Beirut [2018] (MA)
Ben-Hur [2016] (Vudu)
Best Man Holiday, The [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Big Lebowski, The (MA)
Birds, The [1963] (MA)
Birds Of Prey [2020] (MA)
Black Panther (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Bohemian Rhapsody (MA or Google Play/ports)
Book Club [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Boss Baby, The [2017] (MA)
Bourne Identity, The (MA)
Bourne Legacy, The (iTunes/ports 4K)
Bourne Supremacy, The (MA)
Bourne Ultimatum, The (MA)
Boy, The [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Boy Next Door, The [2015] (iTunes/ports)
Breakthrough [2019] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Bridesmaids [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Broken City [2013] (MA)
Bumblebee (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Bye Bye Man, The [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Call Of The Wild [2020] (MA + 150 points)
Candyman: Day Of The Dead (Vudu or Google Play)
Captain America: Civil War (MA only/no points or iTunes option)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Captain Marvel [2019] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Captain Phillips [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (MA)
Case For Christ, The [2017] (MA)
Chappie [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Company Of Heroes [2013] (MA)
Contraband (iTunes/ports)
Courageous [2011] (MA + Sony points)
Cruella [2021] (MA + 150 points)
Curse Of Chucky [2013] [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Daddy's Home (Vudu)
Daddy's Home 2 (iTunes 4K)
Danny Collins (iTunes/ports)
Darkest Hour [2017] (MA)
Dark Tower, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Dead In Tombstone [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Deadpool 2 [2018] (MA)
Deepwater Horizon (iTunes 4K)
Despicable Me 2 (iTunes/ports 4K)
Despicable Me 3 [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Devil's Due [2014] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Django Unchained (Vudu)
Doctor Strange [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Dolittle [2020] (MA)
Do The Right Thing [1989] (MA)
Downton Abbey [2019] (MA)
Dracula [1931] (MA)
Dracula Untold [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse (iTunes/ports)
Dredd [2012] (Vudu/Google Play)
Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas [2000] (MA)
Duff, The (iTunes or Google Play)
Dumb & Dumber To [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Edge Of Seventeen, The [2016] (MA)
Edward Scissorhands (MA or Google Play/ports)
Emoji Movie, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Ender's Game (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Enough Said [2013] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Epic [2013] (MA)
Equalizer, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Equalizer 2, The (MA + Sony points)
Escape From Planet Earth (Vudu)
Ex Machina (Vudu)
Fast & Furious [2009] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fast & The Furious, The [2001] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift, The (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fate Of The Furious [F8] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fences [2016] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Ferdinand [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Fifty Shades Darker [2017] [Unrated] (MA 4K)
Fifty Shades Of Grey (iTunes/ports 4K)
Finding Dory (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Flight [2012] (Vudu or iTunes)
Forever My Girl [2018] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Fortress [2021] (Vudu or Google Play)
Frozen [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Frozen Ground, The [2013] (Vudu)
Fury [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Game Of Thrones season 2 (Vudu)
Ghostbusters [2016] [Theatrical & Extended] (MA + Sony points)
Ghost Team One [2013] (Vudu or iTunes)
Gifted [2017] (MA or Google Play ports/iTunes option is expired)
God Bless The Broken Road (Vudu or Google Play)
Gods Not Dead 2 [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Gods Of Egypt (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Goosebumps [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Grey, The [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2 (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Hacksaw Ridge (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option expired)
Hail, Caesar [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Halloween [2018] (MA)
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters [Unrated] (Vudu or iTunes)
Haunted House, A [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Heat, The [2013] [Theatrical] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Heaven Is For Real [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Heist [2015] (Vudu)
Hell Or High Water (Vudu or Google Play)
Hercules [2014] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Hereditary [A24] (Vudu)
Hitman's Bodyguard, The (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option is expired)
Homefront [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Honey 2 [2011] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Host, The [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Hotel Transylvania (MA + Sony points)
How To Train Your Dragon 2 (MA)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World [2019] (MA)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Huntsman: Winter's War, The [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Hurricane Heist, The (Vudu 4K or iTunes 4K)
Ice Age: Continental Drift (MA)
Imitation Game, The (Vudu)
Impossible, The [2012] (Vudu)
Inside Out [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Into The Woods [2014] (MA + 150 points)
Iron Man 3 (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
I Still Believe [2020] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
It Follows [2015] (Vudu)
Jackass 3 [Theatrical] (Vudu or iTunes)
Jack Reacher (Vudu)
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (Vudu)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (iTunes 4K)
Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Jason Bourne [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Jigsaw [2017] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
John Henry [2020] (Vudu)
John Wick (iTunes 4K)
John Wick 1 & 2 (Vudu or Google Play)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (iTunes 4K)
John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum (iTunes 4K) or all 3 for $5
Joy [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle (MA + Sony points)
Jurassic Park III [2001] (MA)
Jurassic World (iTunes/ports 4K)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (MA)
Kick-Ass 2 [2013] (MA)
Kidnap [2017] (iTunes/ports)
Killer Elite (iTunes/ports)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
La La Land (iTunes 4K)
Last Knights [2015] (Vudu)
Last Witch Hunter, The [2015] (iTunes 4K or Google Play)
League Of Their Own, A [1992] (MA + Sony points)
Les Misérables [1998] (MA + Sony points)
Les Misérables [2012] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Life Of Pi (iTunes/ports 4K)
Lockout [2012] [Unrated] (MA + Sony points)
Logan [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Logan Lucky [2017] (MA)
Lone Survivor [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Longest Ride, The (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Looper [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Lorax, The [2012] (MA)
Love, Simon [2018] (MA)
Lucy [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Maleficent (iTunes/ports 4K + 150 points)
Mama [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Mamma Mia! [2008] (MA)
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again [2018] (MA)
Man With The Iron Fists, The [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Marauders (Vudu)
Marine 4: Moving Target, The [2015] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Martian, The [2015] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Mary Poppins [1964] (MA + 100 points)
Maze Runner, The [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Maze Runner: The Death Cure [2018] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Mechanic: Resurrection (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Men In Black 3 (MA + Sony points)
MI-5 [2015] (Vudu)
Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Mile 22 (iTunes 4K)
Mindgamers [2017] (MA)
Minions [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (iTunes 4K)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (iTunes 4K)
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Moms’ Night Out [2014] (MA)
Moneyball [2011] (MA + Sony points)
Money Monster [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Monuments Men, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mortal Engines [2018] (MA)
Mortal Instruments: The City Of Bones, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mother's Day [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman [2014] (MA)
Murder On The Orient Express [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (iTunes/ports)
Neighbors [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Night At The Museum [2006] (MA)
Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Noah [2014] (Vudu or iTunes)
Non-Stop [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Norm Of The North (Vudu or iTunes)
Now You See Me 2 (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Nurse Jackie season 7 (Vudu)
Nut Job, The [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Oblivion [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Office Christmas Party (Vudu)
Only The Brave [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Orange Is The New Black season 2 (Vudu)
Oranges, The [2012] (MA)
Ouija [2014] (MA)
Outlander season 1 volume 1 (Vudu)
Overlord [2018] (Vudu)
Paddington (Vudu)
Paranormal Activity [2009] [Theatrical] (iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 2 [Unrated Director's Cut] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 3 [Extended] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 4 [Unrated] (iTunes)
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones [Theatrical] (iTunes)
Paranorman [2012] (iTunes)
Passengers [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Patriots Day (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option is expired)
Paul [2011] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Peanuts Movie, The [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Penguins Of Madagascar (MA)
Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters (MA or Google Play/ports)
Pet Sematary [2019] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Pitch Perfect (iTunes/ports 4K)
Pitch Perfect 2 (iTunes/ports 4K)
Pitch Perfect 3 (MA)
Planes [2013] (MA + 150 points)
Predator, The [2018] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Premium Rush [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Prometheus (MA or Google Play/ports, no iTunes option)
Proud Mary [2018] (MA)
Pulp Fiction (Vudu or Google Play)
Purge: Anarchy, The [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Quiet Place, A [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Rambo: Last Blood (Vudu 4K or iTunes 4K)
Redemption [2013] (Vudu)
Riddick [2013] [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Rio 2 (MA or Google Play ports/iTunes option is expired)
Rise Of The Guardians [2011] (MA)
Risen [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Robin Hood [2018] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Rock Dog (iTunes)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (iTunes/ports 4K + 150 points)
Rush [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Saban's Power Rangers (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Safe House [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Scoob! [2020] (MA)
Scorpion King 3: Battle For Redemption (iTunes/ports)
Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Secret Life Of Pets, The (MA 4K or iTunes/ports 4K)
Sex Tape [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Shape Of Water, The [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Show Dogs [2018] (MA)
Sicario (iTunes 4K)
Silent House [2012] (iTunes/ports)
Silver Linings Playbook (Vudu or Google Play)
Sing [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Sinister (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Skyscraper [2018] (MA)
Smurfs [2011] (MA)
Snow White & The Huntsman [2012] [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Soul [2020] (MA + 150 points)
Sparkle [2012] (MA)
Spectre [2015] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Spider-Man: Homecoming [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Split [2017] (MA)
Spotlight [2015] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Spy [2015] [Unrated] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Star Trek [2009] (iTunes 4K)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Step Up All In [2014] (Vudu)
Step Up Revolution (Vudu or Google Play)
Straight Outta Compton [Unrated] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Super 8 (Vudu)
Super Buddies (MA without points)
Super Troopers 2 [2018] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows (iTunes 4K)
Terminator: Genisys (iTunes 4K)
Texas Chainsaw [2013] (Vudu)
Theory Of Everything, The (iTunes/ports)
This Is The End [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Thor: Ragnarok (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Three Billboards Outside Of Ebbing, Missouri (MA or Google Play/ports)
Thing, The [2011] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Titanic (Vudu)
Top Gun (Vudu)
Tower Heist [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Toy Story 4 [2019] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Tremors: A Cold Day In Hell (MA)
True Grit [2010] (Vudu or iTunes)
Tyler Perry's A Madea Family Funeral (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (iTunes 4K)
Underworld: Awakening [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Underworld: Blood Wars (MA + Sony points)
Us [2019] (MA)
Venom [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Vertigo [1958] (MA)
Walk Among The Tombstones, A (iTunes/ports)
Warcraft [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
War Room [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (Vudu)
Wolf Of Wall Street (iTunes 4K)
Woman In Black, The [2012] (MA)
Wonder [2017] (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Wonder Park [2019] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Woodlawn [2015] (MA or iTunes/ports)
World War Z (iTunes 4K)
X-Men: Apocalypse (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
X-Men: Days Of Future Past (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Zero Dark Thirty (MA + Sony points)
Zootopia (MA without points)


💲2️⃣ SD

127 Hours (iTunes/ports)
Beasts Of The Southern Wild (iTunes/ports)
Black Swan (iTunes/ports)
Bride Wars (iTunes/ports)
Crazy Heart (iTunes/ports)
Date Night [2010] [Extended Edition] (iTunes/ports)
Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who! (ITunes/ports)
Get The Gringo (iTunes/ports)
In Time [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Jumper [2008] (iTunes/ports)
Nightmare On Elm Street, A [2010] (iTunes/ports)
Street Kings [2008] (iTunes/ports)
Texas Rising season 1 (Vudu)
Three Stooges: The Movie, The (iTunes/ports)
Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)


$1 Codes

💲1️⃣ HD

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi (Vudu)
2 Fast 2 Furious (MA)
47 Ronin (MA)
Alex Cross (Vudu)
Bad Grandpa [Theatrical] (Vudu or iTunes)
Bad Moms [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Battleship [2012] (MA)
Baywatch (Vudu)
Big Hero 6 (Google Play/ports)
Book Club (Vudu)
Bourne Legacy, The (MA)
Choice, The [2016] (Vudu)
Deadpool (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA/GP)
Despicable Me 2 (MA)
Despicable Me 3 (MA)
Divergent (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Dog's Purpose, A [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Dracula Untold (MA)
Duff, The [2015] (Vudu)
Expendables 2, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Expendables 3, The [Theatrical] (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Fast & Furious [2009] (MA)
Fast & Furious 6, The [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fast & The Furious, The [2001] (MA)
Fast Five [Extended] (MA)
Fate Of The Furious, The [8] [Theatrical] (MA)
Fault In Our Stars, The (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Frozen: Sing Along Edition (MA without points)
Furious 7 [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Gambler, The [2014] (Vudu)
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (Vudu)
Girls Trip [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Good Day To Die Hard, A (MA or Google Play/ports)
Gunman, The [2015] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Hillsong: Let Hope Rise [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Hope Springs [2012] (MA)
Hunger Games, The [2012] (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The (Vudu)
Huntsman: Winter's War, The [2016] [Extended] (MA)
I, Frankenstein (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Vudu)
Jason Bourne (MA)
Jurassic Park [1993] (MA)
Justice [2017] (MA)
Kung Fu Panda 3 (MA)
Lee Daniels’ The Butler [2013] (Vudu)
Leprechaun: Origins (Vudu)
Mission Impossible: Fallout (Vudu)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Vudu)
Mud (Vudu)
Now You See Me [Extended] (Vudu, Google Play or iTunes)
Other Woman, The [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Oz: The Great & Powerful (MA + 100 points)
Quiet Place, A [2018] (Vudu)
Parental Guidance [2012] (MA)
Perks Of Being A Wallflower, The (Vudu or Google Play)
Pitch Perfect 2 (MA)
Red 2 (iTunes 4K)
Ride Along [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Ride Along 2 (MA or iTunes/ports)
RIPD Rest In Peace Department (MA)
Safe [2012] (Vudu or Google Play)
Secret Life Of Pets, The (MA)
Selma (iTunes)
Shack, The [2017] (iTunes)
Sisters [2015] [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Skyfall (Vudu or Google Play)
Snitch (iTunes 4K or Vudu/Google Play HD)
Star Trek: Beyond (Vudu)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (iTunes/ports 4K/no points)
Taken 2 (MA)
Ted [Unrated] (MA) or [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [2014] (Vudu)
Terminator: Genisys (Vudu)
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (iTunes 4K)
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (Vudu)
Transformers: The Last Knight (Vudu)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (iTunes 4K)
Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection (iTunes)
Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor (Vudu or Google Play)
Unbroken [2014] (MA)
Warcraft [2016] (MA)
XXX: Return Of Xander Cage (Vudu)
Zootopia (Google Play/ports)


💲1️⃣ SD

12 Rounds [2009] [Extreme Cut] (iTunes/ports)
21 Jump Street (MA + Sony points)
22 Jump Street (MA + Sony points)
5th Wave, The [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Act Of Valor (iTunes)
After Earth [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Aloha [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Alpha [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (iTunes/ports)
Amazing Spider-Man, The [2012] (MA)
Amazing Spider-Man 2, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
American Hustle [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Annie [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Arthur Christmas [2011] (MA + Sony points)
A-Team, The [2010] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Big Mommas Like Father, Like Son (iTunes/ports)
Bloodshot [2020] (MA + Sony points)
Bullet Train [2022] (MA + Sony points)
Call, The [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Captain Phillips (MA + Sony points)
Chappie [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Charlie's Angels [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Clash Of The Titans [2010] (iTunes/ports)
Concussion [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Day The Earth Stood Still, The [2008] (iTunes/ports)
Dead Man Down [2013] (MA)
Dictator, The [2012] [Theatrical] (Vudu)
Dirty 30 (Vudu)
Dog's Way Home, A [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Don't Breathe [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Elysium [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Equalizer, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Evil Dead [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Family Guy: It's A Trap (iTunes)
Forbidden Kingdom, The (iTunes)
For Colored Girls (iTunes)
From Paris With Love (iTunes)
Girl In The Spider's Web, The [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Goosebumps [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Goosebumps 2 [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Hangover, The [Theatrical] [2009] (iTunes/ports)
Haywire (iTunes)
Heat, The [2013] (iTunes/ports SD)
Here Comes The Boom [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Hotel Transylvania 3 (MA + Sony points)
House At The End Of The Street, The [2012] (iTunes)
Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (iTunes/ports)
Immortals [2011] (iTunes)
Insidious: Chapter 2 (MA + Sony points)
Insidious: Chapter 3 (MA + Sony points)
Insidious: The Last Key (MA + Sony points)
Kick-Ass [2010] (iTunes)
Knight & Day (iTunes/ports)
Limitless (iTunes)
Looper [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Machete (iTunes/ports)
Mamma Mia! The Movie (iTunes/ports)
Men In Black III [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Mirror Mirror [2012] (iTunes)
Moms’ Night Out [2014] (MA)
Monuments Men, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mortal Instruments: The City Of Bones (MA + Sony points)
Nerve [2016] (Vudu)
Next Three Days, The [2010] (iTunes)
Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian (iTunes/ports)
Olympus Has Fallen (MA + Sony points)
Once Upon A Time In…Hollywood [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Orange Is The New Black season 1 (Vudu)
Parker [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (iTunes/ports)
Perfect Guy, The [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Perks Of Being A Wallflower, The (iTunes SD only)
Peter Rabbit [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Pixels [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Predators [2010] (iTunes/ports)
Premium Rush [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Ramona & Beezus (iTunes/ports)
Red Riding Hood [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (iTunes/ports)
Robin Hood [2010] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Safe Haven (iTunes)
Sausage Party [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Scoob! [2020] (MA)
Shallows, The [2016] (MA + 150 points)
Sparkle [2012] (MA)
Spectacular Now, The [A24] (Vudu)
Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse (MA + Sony points)
Star, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Still Alice [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Sucker Punch [2011] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Taken [2009] [Extended Cut] (iTunes/ports)
Think Like A Man Too [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Tyler Perry's Madea's Tough Love (Vudu)
Tyler Perry's Meet The Browns (iTunes)
Underworld: Awakening (MA + Sony points)
Venom: Let There Be Carnage (MA + Sony points)
Vow, The [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Warrior [2011] (iTunes)
Wedding Ringer, The [2015] (MA + Sony points)
When The Bough Breaks [2016] (MA + Sony points)
When The Game Stands Tall [2014] (MA + Sony points)
White House Down [2013] (MA + Sony points)
X-Men: First Class (iTunes/ports)


Super Cheap SD & HD Codes

All movies are 3 for $1 each/must spend at least $1 on total order.
Cabin In The Woods, The (Vudu SD only or iTunes SD only)
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (iTunes/ports SD)
Dirty Grandpa (Vudu SD only)
Draft Day (Vudu SD only)
Expendables 2, The (Vudu SD only or iTunes SD only)
Expendables 3, The [Unrated] (iTunes HD only)
Fast Five [Extended] (iTunes/ports HD)
Hell Or High Water (Vudu SD only)
Hunger Games, The (Vudu SD or iTunes SD only)
John Wick 3 (Google Play HD only)
Last Witch Hunter, The (Vudu SD only)
Life Of Pi (iTunes/ports SD)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (Vudu HD only)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (Vudu HD only)
Taken 2 (iTunes/ports SD)
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (Vudu HD only)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (Vudu SD only)
submitted by mthw704 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:39 Numerous_Honey5113 A personal essay I wrote about the series through the lens of its "toxic" relationship between Will and Hannibal and how my obsession with the show led me to reprocess my relationship with my dad (REPOST)

submitted by Numerous_Honey5113 to HannibalTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:38 AnthonyMetivier What are your favorite books with this theme upfront and centre?

What books have you loved that clearly and distinctly involved the theme of memory?
I'm thinking of books or stories like PKD's, We Can Remember It For You Wholesale.
Or memory can show up in a tangential way, such as Hannibal Lecter using Memory Palaces.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
submitted by AnthonyMetivier to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:48 PuffPoof215 Pieces for a villain to play

I am playing in a dungeons and dragons game where I'm playing someone who is not so good, think Hannibal Lecter vibes. And I wanted to get a playlist together of some classical psychopath esc pieces that he'd play on a record in the background.
So far I have "Mozart - Requiem - Rex tremendae", "Aria of the Soul" from Persona 5 (I know it's not real classical but it sounds really close to the vibe I'm going for), and "Dies Irae"
submitted by PuffPoof215 to classicalmusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:08 Yggdrasil222 Why Does Hannibal Do These Things to Will in Seasons 1 & 2

Specifically, why does Hannibal frame Will and then almost immediately try to unframe him.
I just watched the show for the first time and am already rewatching because I feel like there is so much I missed. A lot of things make more sense now, but I'm still struggling to understand why Hannibal goes through all the trouble of meticulously framing Will and then switch to framing Chilton? Hannibal looks so forlorn that first time that Will doesn't show up to his appointment and even goes looking for him, so clearly he wants Will to be around. Then when Will is locked up we see Hannibal again sitting forlornly in his office multiple times as if he's missing his old sessions with Will. He even says "I don't want you to be here" to Will when they're talking in the asylum and it really felt to me that he was being honest in that moment.
Did Hannibal just not realize how much he would miss Will until he wasn't around anymore? Was framing Will his way of revealing his true self to Will without putting himself at risk because he knew no one would believe Will about him being the Ripper? Was framing him part of his plan for Will's "becoming", to reveal Will's true nature as a killer? Does he just genuinely not understand what friendship is and thinks he's being a good friend? All of the above?
Side note: I find the idea that Hannibal is so ignorant in the ways of friendship that he genuinely believes his behavior is normal and helpful to be hysterically funny. Like a murderous five year old making friends for the first time. "Look what a good friend I'm being by murdering all these people and shoving an ear down my friend's throat! This is totally normal behavior! Why is Will mad at me? I don't understand." 😂
submitted by Yggdrasil222 to HannibalTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:28 Naru_the_Narcissist Season 11 pitch

Haven't done one of these in a while, just doing this out of boredom.
1: Lina Inverse(Slayers) vs. Frieren(Frieren: Beyond Journey's End)
2: Grog Strongjaw(Vox Machina) vs. Killer Croc(DC)
3: Witchblade(Anime version) vs. Witchblade(Comic version)
4: X-23(Marvel) vs. Ahsoka Tano(Star Wars)
5: Spike Spiegel(Cowboy Bebop) vs. Nicholas D Wolfwood(Trigun)
6: Spawn vs. Ghost Rider(Marvel)
7: The Bride(Kill Bill) vs. Snake Eyes(GI Joe)
8: Wile E Coyote(Looney Tunes) vs. Tom(Tom and Jerry)
9: Captain America(Marvel) vs. Kamen Rider Ichigo
10: Eeveelution Battle Royal(Pokemon)
11: Shang-Chi(Marvel) vs. Jackie(Jackie Chan Adventures)
12: Sakura Haruno(Naruto) vs. Katara(Avatar)
13: King Shark(DC) vs. Jabberjaw(Hanna-Barbera)
14: Hannibal Lecter vs. Dexter Morgan
15: Evangeline AK McDowell(Negima) vs. Marceline Aberdeen(Adventure Time)
16: V(V for Vendetta) vs. Ra's Al Ghul(DC)
17: Deadpool(Marvel) vs. Cell(DBZ)
18: Gruu(Despicable Me) vs. Megamind
submitted by Naru_the_Narcissist to deathbattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:27 fatherandyriley What would you have liked to have seen in a 4th and 5th season of animated?

Personally I prefer the original vision of moving on from Earth and having Megatron remain imprisoned as a Hannibal Lecter type villain while Blackarachnia becomes the main villain. I'd have Unicron as the overarching villain for seasons 4 and 5. Cyclonus and Sideways (head of security at Trypticon prison) are his moles in the decepticons and autobots. The decepticons are in a civil war, some siding with Blackarachnia and others siding with Cyclonus. Lockdown takes advantage of the conflict, taking jobs from both sides.
I'd keep the idea of Jazz leaving the elite guard to join Optimus and Ironhide serving as Sentinel's mole while Bulkhead protects his energon farms. Since I heard one episode idea had Bulkhead be captured by the constructicons and forced to merge into Devastator my suggestion for it is Professor Sumdac asks the autobots for help with dealing with some of the remaining decepticons on Earth such as Soundwave. Since Prime's team are busy, Bulkhead, Sari, Arcee and Kup go to Earth to help but it turns out this is what the Constructicons want so they can use Bulkhead to form Devastator. Sari convinces the dinobots to help stop Devastator.
For the season 4 finale, we get Trial of Megatron. Cyclonus hires the Combaticons to free Megatron and launch Trypticon prison which Megatron still throws his troops into to keep it powered. Rather than landing it on Earth, it lands on Unicron who is trapped in his planet form and his goal is to gain enough power to transform. Unicron reformats Megatron into Galvatron (I'd use Marauder Megatron for his design) and turns Trypticon into the monster we all know. Another idea I had is Cyclonus finds Starscream's body and brings it to Unicron who revives him as Scourge.
Not too sure about the details for season 5 but maybe Sari's origins could be tied to Unicron and for the finale, Unicron transforms and both sides team up to stop him.
Please let me know your thoughts.
submitted by fatherandyriley to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:09 lucasziggy21 Out thrifting.

Out thrifting.
Is $12 a piece crazy for these or are any worth it? Looking only at the horror films on the top shelf.
submitted by lucasziggy21 to VHS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:56 fatherandyriley What if the Dark Knight was split into two films?

I'll say these two films are filmed back to back and Heath Ledger never dies. One problem the Dark Knight has is that it simply has too many great ideas that it's difficult to explore them all in a single film. Two of them being what kind of international reaction would Batman extraditing Lao from Hong Kong cause and Two-Face.
So I'll say that the Dark Knight Part 1 ends with Joker escaping, Rachel's death and the last shot is a scarred Harvey screaming in the hospital which as the Nostalgia Critic noted, would have been a chilling ending.
The Dark Knight Part 2 then has the freedom to show more of Two-Face as a major villain and Bruce at his lowest point emotionally who now not only has to deal with a new foe but also the consequences of kidnapping Lao. Since the Dark Knight took inspiration from the Long Halloween I'd have Scarecrow fill the role of Calendar Man. He serves as a Hannibal Lecter type figure whose insight Batman needs in order to predict where Two-Face and Joker will strike next. Figured it would be a good way to show Batman's detective skills.
Another idea I had is expanding on Coleman Reese. Since he's speculated to be the Riddler I'd be interested in seeing him become the Riddler. Maybe call him Edward Nygma and ideally I'd cast David Tennant (no offense to Joshua Harto, I just think David would have been better suited for the role).
What are your thoughts and suggestions for this? If it was split into 2 films and Ledger lived, how would you make the Dark Knight Rises afterwards?
submitted by fatherandyriley to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:36 Kookie2023 The Complexity of Hannibal’s Mentality and Feelings

I was debating whether to make this post since it was such a complex topic and I also didn’t want to beat a dead horse into the ground. I know a lot of ppl have talked about this, but I wanted to compile my thoughts on this somehow.
First and foremost, I think we all need to remind ourselves that Hannibal (TV) is a work of fiction and not to be seen as something to mirror real life. The second we start doing this, we get into arguments about morality on the things we should and should not watch. And that’s something I’m not going to argue about with anyone. Okay we got that out of the way.
I find Bryan Fuller’s Hannibal Lecter to be a very interesting adaptation compared to the Hannibal Lecter I grew up with (Hopkins) since he acts very different than the “boogeyman” that Hopkins had created in his role. Hopkins’ Hannibal is scary, savage, violent, feral, and the stuff of nightmares. He haunts children’s dreams like Freddy Krueger would. But Fuller’s Hannibal seems like a distinguished and well educate gentleman who is completely sane. In fact when Mads got the role for Hannibal Lecter, along with his congratulations, Anthony Hopkins gave him one solid piece of advice: “Act completely sane”. And act sane he did. And then he took it a step further.
In earlier seasons, Hannibal is depicted as a very well adjusted person who has a lifestyle and routine he’s gotten used to. He engages in his “activities”, but he does so in a way that’s very nonchalant and flawless that’s akin to let’s say us going to work, going to the market, and making ourselves dinner. There’s no difference in his facial expression from if he’s drawing a picture or slaughtering a person for a meal. He’s also very influential with his charm and is capable of lying without much effort. He’s well respected and admired by many in his community who are oblivious to his true nature. He’s truly a master of manipulation who indulges in all things hedonistic. This is the probably the rather terrifying thing about Hannibal in that on the surface, there really seems to be nothing wrong with him. And in his mind, there probably isn’t.
Now we would go back and forth and send each other links about psychopathy and sociopathy and try our hands at psychoanalyzing Hannibal Lecter, but I can tell you right off the bat that this would be pointless. Not only because Hannibal Lecter is a character of fiction, but because he won’t check off every and all boxes even if we tried to analyze him. And even if we did, something that is too “textbook” is unnatural in it of itself because that doesn’t exist in nature either. No matter what, it would be an argument of “the book said this” or “psychology says that” and everyone will have their own two cents on it. All we’ll really ever be able to gather would be a list and mix of different “traits” of certain disorders And that is ever hardly a solid diagnosis. But is any character or person just a list of F codes and ICD-10 codes? Surely not.
The way Hannibal operates is more akin to a different species altogether who knows how to act like a human. A “person suit” as Bedelia says. He has his own logic with how he operates (“Eat the Rude”) and it’s a situation where we can’t truly understand the beast while they can understand us humans. He’s predatory in nature and does instinctually what a beast is born to do. It’s just this beast is highly intelligent and likes to play games with humans as he remains hidden in plain sight. And he has so for over four decades.
And then in comes Will who really rattled things up.
Will presented something new in Hannibal’s life that he’s never seen before. Someone who could truly see him as the beast he is and could understand him at the core level. Like a solitary creature finally meeting another creature of the same species after resigning to live its life all alone. Or as Bryan says, a person who’s been playing chess alone all his life then seeing someone else knows how to play. It’s exhilarating as it is shocking probably. Life changing. But it didn’t start out very nice.
The very beginning of Hannibal’s relationship with Will was very much a cat and mouse game where Hannibal kept living as he always did, but found Will was catching up to him ever so quickly like no one else ever had before. The closer Will got, the more Hannibal had to do in order to keep him from catching him even if it excited him. He was still very much invested in his own preservation and freedom above anything else and worked aggressively to keep himself safe from the authority’s watchful eyes. This wouldn’t have been all that different from his usual life as an apex predator, except that we saw definite shifts and changes in Hannibal’s behavior over time. We saw things emerging like worry, panic, anxiety, and eventually jealousy, longing, protectiveness, an extreme level of possessiveness, and even regret. All very “human” emotions he probably hadn’t felt in decades and/or didn’t even know he had. And still yet, we saw these things mix with his usual depraved behaviors which made Hannibal’s evolution rather…strange to see. Like you know what he’s doing is definitely and undeniably wrong, but you can’t help but notice how he handles the aftermath seems rather “normal” for once. But that in itself of itself is actually pretty explainable.
All Hannibal has largely had in his life were templates and concepts for love or family. His parents and sister have long since died and we don’t even know what kind of relationship he has with his aunt and uncle in this universe. He has many conceptualized ideals and templates from literature and lore to guide him as well as his ever changing natural instincts. Almost like a small child reading from fairy tale books and thinking “Ah, this must be what love and family is supposed to be”. Except the child is a 40 something year old cannibal serial killer and the fairy tales are largely fables and stories of blood and war. Not only that but his internalized idea of truly loving someone else is to hold them close like an object with pride and joy and not let go. Kind of like Sméagol and his “precious” I suppose…To navigate “falling in love” was likely highly experimental. So he pretty much had to wing it with the vast knowledge and the ideals he had in mind. It was all likely doomed to fail, but he tried his best.
In many respects, I feel that the events in between Kaiseki and Mizumono were some of the happiest times in Hannibal’s life at least from his perspective. Will was willing to spend time with him, share his interests with him, and everything was largely going according to plan. His courtship had been successful and he was enjoying having an equal by his side who he could actually talk to instead of talk at. Maybe he even had the possibility of a lover. He was on cloud nine. That was until the disaster of Mizumono where his person suit that was slowly dismantling for a while now had completely unraveled and his mind was eviscerated. He yelled, he cried, he feared, he grieved, and he starkly broke standards of who was worthy of killing by slaughtering Abigail for the sole purpose of breaking Will as he had broken him. He started losing it, but he hadn’t lost it completely.
I personally find post-Mizumono Hannibal to be the most interesting Hannibal for the reason that we see him as more “human” than ever before. Although he became absolutely vicious in his killings and much darker than before, it’s highly apparent that Will’s betrayal was a very traumatic event for him. As much as he tries to hide it and be pragmatic to get back to his status quo, he reeks of negative emotions and becomes self destructive. He begins to question if his actions are “too much” or “just enough” and even resigns to let Jack of all people give him a beating of a lifetime. He can’t even pick up that Bedelia is manipulating him by taking advantage of his complex trauma to get away unscathed. Despite his monstrosity, he is not at all immune to the psychological defense mechanisms that protect every human from mental damage and harm. His memory palace is in shambles and he’s lost a grip on who or what he is. And it only got worse with Will’s second betrayal that pushed him towards the edge. I find that the moment he starts sawing Will’s head open in Dolce is when he absolutely lost his marbles. But it’s not like he never became aware of what was happening to him or what he was doing.
Prior to Hannibal turning himself in to the FBI there’s a moment of great clarity where he calms down and allows himself to truly reflect on what’s occurred. He and Chiyoh are quite aware of his recent loss of control and he entrusts her to become his guardian and “stabilizer”. To allow him to remain a steady beast instead of an uncontrollable human who makes regrettable decisions. And he does regret many things even if he doesn’t say it outright. What he’s asking of Chiyoh is to stop him or probably even shoot him dead in his tracks should he lose himself again and hurt Will like he did. None of these things are something a “psychopath” would typically do. Neither is allowing himself to be confined and stripped of his decades long freedom and lifestyle after being rejected by someone he loved. Again, reiterating that Hannibal is anything but “textbook”. He’s ever evolving and not static just like anyone else in the story.
Prison and post prison Hannibal is sometimes an odd concept for me since his behaviors are somewhat familiar, but also quite odd. For one, despite having had a great fear of losing his autonomy and freedom, he’s rather chipper and laid back. Perhaps some structure in a confined space did him some good. Having a quiet space to do the things he used to do before he lost control like read, draw, and occasionally be given the privilege to cook may have been therapeutic. His mind palace also seemed to be rather stable. Nevertheless, Hannibal is still Hannibal. He becomes irritated by Will’s continuous streak of cheating himself of his true potential, despises Alana’s ever growing ego, has fun with his new “companion” Francis Dolarhyde, and finds humor in discrediting Chilton’s books as well as his tragic emulation(which Will had partially caused). Not to mention his obsession with Will remains intact in that he would eliminate anyone who gets too close to him. That much has not changed. What probably has changed most is he’s unwilling to kill Will even if he thinks about it for his own self preservation. He also tolerates Will’s intentional acts of cruelty probably partially out of fear that any retaliation would chase him away again. As he says, his compassion for him is inconvenient.
But what of the future?
I’m equally intrigued as I am concerned for Hannibal’s future with his ever evolving psyche. I’m unsure of how much or how long Hannibal can remain Hannibal so long as he’s with Will and how much of Will’s cruelty he would tolerate just to keep him by his side. I’m also curious if being a human is really that much worse than being a beast and if a middle ground exists where he can coexist as both in peace. Hannibal is going through his own evolution just as much as Will. We just don’t always see it.
submitted by Kookie2023 to HannibalTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:36 ProfessionalNotepad Didn't realize Amazon did this, but I'm not mad

Didn't realize Amazon did this, but I'm not mad
That's amazing
submitted by ProfessionalNotepad to HannibalTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:53 harbingerofhavoc Will's love for Hannibal?

Hi everyone.
So, I am currently at s3 ep1, and Hannibal's love for Will has been glaringly obvious. Like it doesn't get more blatant than this, my dude literally planned a whole life with Will as his murder husband with Abigail as their daughter lol.
However, Will's feelings for Hannibal are less obvious. Of course, many of his dialogues/looks/actions can be interpreted that way, which i agree, yet it is true that he has been more reluctant or indecisive with his feelings towards Hannibal.
Now, you might say that shit changes in s3, in which case goddamn i hope it does, i'll watch and see. But considering all three seasons of the show, what are some scenes/dialogues where you thought Will's love towards Hannibal was very pronounced? Several instances would be appreciated as it is fun to watch Hannibal express his feelings towards him and it would be really nice to see the moments which Will is doing the same.
Also go crazy with spoilers, ill read them after i finish the show.
Edit: NVM 💀. I am on s3 ep3 and Will just said “I’ve never known myself as well as I know myself when I am with him” thats more telling than straight up love confession lmao.
submitted by harbingerofhavoc to HannibalTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:42 ackie_ [M4M] Fandom Roleplay Request!

Hello! You can call me Ollie. I’m a female writer, and have been both writing and roleplaying for about 5 years now. I typically roleplay with a lot of detail, 3+ paragraphs, 2 at minimum. I don’t really use OCs, I’d prefer using canon characters, and I ask that you too use a canon character. I have a two fandoms I’d like to do, so I will list them now!
The character I’d prefer to be will be given first unless no preference is stated.
Hannibal: Will Graham x Hannibal Lecter.
Stranger Things: No preference for any of these ships. Eddie Munson x William “Billy” Hargrove. William “Billy” Hargrove x Eddie Munson. William “Billy” Hargrove x Steve Harrington.
Shoot me a DM if any of these interest you, and we’ll discuss plots and AUs!
submitted by ackie_ to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:40 Alarming_Ruin6241 I collected top 38 UI/UX books (based on your comments to my previous books post)

Two weeks ago I posted a list of the top 10 UI/UX books suggested by my fellow designers. The post sparked lively discussions and numerous book recommendations in the comments section.
After updating the original post with your suggestions, I ended up with a list of 38 UI/UX books. Here are my top picks from the new list.
Full list of 38 books you can find here. If your favourite book is missing from the list, please let me know in the comments! I appreciate your suggestions and will make sure to add them.

The UX Team of One by Leah Buley

Gets readers' choice award based on the number of recommendations.
In today's fast-paced world of product development, many projects are understaffed. When you're the only designer on the team, success depends on knowing where to take shortcuts and where to focus your energy. This book gives you the lowdown on what works and what wastes time. It'll help you become a UX team of one who can do great work, even when faced with impossible deadlines and limited resources.
The UX Team of One had been on my work desk (constantly in use) for some time. Nothing revolutionary in it, but it's a good concise guide. Not the kind of a book you sit and read, but more the kind that you use as a tool. Very easy to scan and refer to relevant bits when needed. The way it's put together reminded me of Don't Make Me Think.
Mine is beat up like an old bible that has been in the family for 10 generations.
Been a team of 1 UX designer for 4 years and I agree that book is amazing! Its so concise and beautifully organized and written. Lets you gather your thoughts and take a breather while referring to it! Helped me avoid questioning myself too much into oblivion and just take the correct next action!

The Responsible Object: A History of Design Ideology for the Future by Marianne Van Helvert

Gets OP’s curiosity prize based on my fierce desire to read the book immediately.
If you're looking for a book that'll make you see design in a whole new light, this collection of essays is it. From fashion to interiors to graphics, the book will open your eyes to the complex role designers play in shaping our world.
I think as we move towards the future of UX, where we reach peak frictionless interactions but lots of externalities, books like Don't Make Me Think are going to be seeing in much less favorable perspective

Solving Product Design Exercises by Artiom Dashinsky

Design intern's top choice
Top companies want designers who think business, not just visuals. This book helps you develop that mindset, nail job interviews, and even learn how to interview other designers. It's also full of portfolio project ideas to make you stand out. If you want to be the designer companies fight over, this book is a must-read.
I can't express how valuable this simple, yet extremely informative book has been during my career. I often refer back to it when going into Workshop sessions with stakeholders because I'm in a constantly ambiguous space where strategy is a big part of my impact. HIGHLY recommended for people interviewing for positions at FAANG's.
This is my favorite book to gift to junior designers. It made all the difference in the jobs I landed

Doorbells, Danger and Dead Batteries by Steve Portigal

Want to know what really goes on behind the scenes of research? This book is a wild ride through the ups and downs of user research war stories, packed with stories that will make you laugh, gasp, and everything in between. It's an eye-opening look at the lengths researchers will go to uncover the insights that businesses today can't survive without.
[This book is] a hilarious collection of stories about UXR.

Rocket Surgery Made Easy by Steve Krug

Usability testing is a game-changer for product improvement, but the high costs (think $5k to $10k per round) often keep it out of reach. The author is here to save the day. In this practical guide, he lays out a streamlined usability testing process that anyone can use on their own website, app, or product.
[The book] is a great-common sense and IMO lower hanging fruit approach to improving UX, especially in orgs that struggle funding research.

Good strategy, bad strategy by Richard Rumelt

According to the book’s author, all good strategies are alike; each bad strategy is bad in its own way. That means you can learn to become a good strategist from Hannibal, Steve Jobs, and Howard Schultz. By tapping into the essence of a situation, understanding what works, and finding hidden potential, anyone can master the art of strategy.
Great for understanding the components of strategy.

Microinteractions by Dan Staffer

Want to turn a good digital product into a great one? It's all about the details — the microinteractions. This full-color guide shows you how to design those tiny elements that make a big difference. You'll learn how to create intuitive controls for settings, mute buttons, email notifications, and more.
This is an essential read, and many other designers would agree with me on this regarding O’Reilly books.

About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design

About Face is one of the most influential books in the field of Interaction Design, covering the design of software, websites, apps, and other digital experiences. Author Alan Cooper introduced foundational concepts like designing for intermediates, goal-directed design, and personas, which have become cornerstones of the field.
I've found it a helpful read for our interns

Design systems by Invision

Want to create a top-notch design system? This book is your roadmap, packed with best practices for planning, designing, building, and implementing. You'll get insider insights and real-world experiences straight from the lead designers at industry giants like Shopify, Google, Apple, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
[This book] is great for learning how to create new components.

Set Phasers on Stun: And Other True Tales of Design, Technology, and Human Error by S. M. Casey

Set Phasers on Stun is a collection of 20 skilfully told anecdotes that show the consequences of poorly designed technology. Steven Casey demonstrates how failures occur when the design of technological systems doesn't align with the way people actually think, perceive, and behave.
submitted by Alarming_Ruin6241 to UXDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:39 Alarming_Ruin6241 I collected top 38 UI/UX books (based on your comments to my previous books post)

Two weeks ago I posted a list of the top 10 UI/UX books suggested by my fellow designers. The post sparked lively discussions and numerous book recommendations in the comments section.
After updating the original post with your suggestions, I ended up with a list of 38 UI/UX books. Here are my top picks from the new list.
Full list of 38 books you can find here. If your favorite book is missing from the list, please let me know in the comments! I appreciate your suggestions and will make sure to add them.

The UX Team of One by Leah Buley

Gets readers' choice award based on the number of recommendations.
In today's fast-paced world of product development, many projects are understaffed. When you're the only designer on the team, success depends on knowing where to take shortcuts and where to focus your energy. This book gives you the lowdown on what works and what wastes time. It'll help you become a UX team of one who can do great work, even when faced with impossible deadlines and limited resources.
The UX Team of One had been on my work desk (constantly in use) for some time. Nothing revolutionary in it, but it's a good concise guide. Not the kind of a book you sit and read, but more the kind that you use as a tool. Very easy to scan and refer to relevant bits when needed. The way it's put together reminded me of Don't Make Me Think.
Mine is beat up like an old bible that has been in the family for 10 generations.
Been a team of 1 UX designer for 4 years and I agree that book is amazing! Its so concise and beautifully organized and written. Lets you gather your thoughts and take a breather while referring to it! Helped me avoid questioning myself too much into oblivion and just take the correct next action!

The Responsible Object: A History of Design Ideology for the Future by Marianne Van Helvert

Gets OP’s curiosity prize based on my fierce desire to read the book immediately.
If you're looking for a book that'll make you see design in a whole new light, this collection of essays is it. From fashion to interiors to graphics, the book will open your eyes to the complex role designers play in shaping our world.
I think as we move towards the future of UX, where we reach peak frictionless interactions but lots of externalities, books like Don't Make Me Think are going to be seeing in much less favorable perspective

Solving Product Design Exercises by Artiom Dashinsky

Design intern's top choice
Top companies want designers who think business, not just visuals. This book helps you develop that mindset, nail job interviews, and even learn how to interview other designers. It's also full of portfolio project ideas to make you stand out. If you want to be the designer companies fight over, this book is a must-read.
I can't express how valuable this simple, yet extremely informative book has been during my career. I often refer back to it when going into Workshop sessions with stakeholders because I'm in a constantly ambiguous space where strategy is a big part of my impact. HIGHLY recommended for people interviewing for positions at FAANG's.
This is my favorite book to gift to junior designers. It made all the difference in the jobs I landed

Doorbells, Danger and Dead Batteries by Steve Portigal

Want to know what really goes on behind the scenes of research? This book is a wild ride through the ups and downs of user research war stories, packed with stories that will make you laugh, gasp, and everything in between. It's an eye-opening look at the lengths researchers will go to uncover the insights that businesses today can't survive without.
[This book is] a hilarious collection of stories about UXR.

Rocket Surgery Made Easy by Steve Krug

Usability testing is a game-changer for product improvement, but the high costs (think $5k to $10k per round) often keep it out of reach. The author is here to save the day. In this practical guide, he lays out a streamlined usability testing process that anyone can use on their own website, app, or product.
[The book] is a great-common sense and IMO lower hanging fruit approach to improving UX, especially in orgs that struggle funding research.

Good strategy, bad strategy by Richard Rumelt

According to the book’s author, all good strategies are alike; each bad strategy is bad in its own way. That means you can learn to become a good strategist from Hannibal, Steve Jobs, and Howard Schultz. By tapping into the essence of a situation, understanding what works, and finding hidden potential, anyone can master the art of strategy.
Great for understanding the components of strategy.

Microinteractions by Dan Staffer

Want to turn a good digital product into a great one? It's all about the details — the microinteractions. This full-color guide shows you how to design those tiny elements that make a big difference. You'll learn how to create intuitive controls for settings, mute buttons, email notifications, and more.
This is an essential read, and many other designers would agree with me on this regarding O’Reilly books.

About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design

About Face is one of the most influential books in the field of Interaction Design, covering the design of software, websites, apps, and other digital experiences. Author Alan Cooper introduced foundational concepts like designing for intermediates, goal-directed design, and personas, which have become cornerstones of the field.
I've found it a helpful read for our interns

Design systems by Invision

Want to create a top-notch design system? This book is your roadmap, packed with best practices for planning, designing, building, and implementing. You'll get insider insights and real-world experiences straight from the lead designers at industry giants like Shopify, Google, Apple, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
[This book] is great for learning how to create new components.

Set Phasers on Stun: And Other True Tales of Design, Technology, and Human Error by S. M. Casey

Set Phasers on Stun is a collection of 20 skilfully told anecdotes that show the consequences of poorly designed technology. Steven Casey demonstrates how failures occur when the design of technological systems doesn't align with the way people actually think, perceive, and behave.
submitted by Alarming_Ruin6241 to userexperience [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:28 ROFLMAOmatt Tired of battling Oct. 7th denial

A non-Jewish friend of mine who has been vehemently anti-zionist years before Oct. 7th regularly posts long-winded diatribes on Facebook about basically anything Israel does. A few months ago he posted something supporting a debunked conspiracy theory about the IDF helicopters blowing up Israeli's on Oct. 7th and I corrected him (he was actually grateful). Then a month later he saw some article mentioning the Hannibal directive, the several accidental concert casualties, and the scaling down of 1400-1200 casualties due to unrecognized burnt Hamas militants as proof that the IDF is lying about not killing Israelis.
He continues to push this theory around and I can't refute him because I'll get dogpiled by his far left, anncom friends. I also don't know how to prove that the IDF isn't covering anything up, other than that it seems highly unlikely that there were enough survivors to accidentally kill after the raid. Even if there were more accidental deaths than the IDF accounted for, how does that still absolve Hamas? There would've been 0 deaths had they not invaded in the first place.
I don't want to lose him as a friend but I just can't take it anymore. I'm so angry at him and he has no idea since I doubt anything I say will have an impact. These people are worse than the conservative Zionists they complain about when it comes to misinformation. Both Hamas and Israel lie, they're controlled by far right leaders, it's what they do. Although to these insane leftists, everything Hamas says is true while Israel says is a lie, even if it's been vetted by a UN investigation. How do we fight this? It's impossible
submitted by ROFLMAOmatt to Jewish [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:44 Kookie2023 Will’s Mind Palace Evolution

When I came back into the Fannibal space, one topic that seemed to repeatedly come up was the mention of Will changing in S4 with the specific idea of him not being in the “best state of consciousness” as Bryan said. Many have tried to speculate what exactly this means as Bryan gave us more ideas of how he wished to incorporate “Angel Heart” and “Inception” into this mixed idea. I was honestly extremely confused about what this was all about until I read a certain article (link in comments below).
In the beginning I was only familiar with Inception since I saw it in theatres many many years ago, but I knew nothing about Angel Heart. When I looked it up, I immediately saw a connection to Will in S1 during the encephalitis/incarceration saga and maybe even beyond that (I won’t spoil the plot here…). However, I couldn’t fathom the idea of how this particular story could possibly meld together with Inception in the future. Then I got it when I read the article.
Bryan’s vision is to have many moments of S4 inside Will’s mind. As strange as it is, we’ve been given multiple instances of glimpses into Will’s mind when he does his “thing”, but when it comes to his actual mind, it’s been fragments of many different things. The foggy woods, the raven stag, and at one point he mentions a stream. But this isn’t exactly Will’s mind palace. In fact, the only person who’s ever truly gotten a glimpse of Will’s growing mind palace is Hannibal. And now we’ll also likely be privy to it.
A mind/memory palace is unique to every person and is designed by their heart and soul to carry the things they desire and also need. The unique thing about the mind palace is it can house the memories and representations of people who have passed. In TWOTL, we saw many people dressed in black praying in Hannibal’s mind palace. We aren’t sure who they are, but they’re surely to represent the fleeting people in his life he holds dear. As for Will, as his palace grows, he’s likely to see people long gone as well including Abigail and Beverly, but also people who may haunt him like Bedelia despite his hatred of her or Molly out of guilt. The difference between Hannibal and Will though is his has been built for decades except for subtle evolutions since meeting Will, but Will’s is far from done. This is where trouble comes for Will.
Will has very little experience with utilizing his own mind palace. He has no control over it. When he was probably in a state to be able to start learning, he shut down emotionally and didn’t want to precede any further because he wanted nothing to do with Hannibal. His mind palace ceased to continue construction. But now that he’s taken the literal plunge into darkness, this is where the true construction begins. And it’s gonna hurt. But when does change not hurt?
After all that’s happened in TWOTL, Will is likely not in the best physical state and falling from a height that tall has “consequences” as Hugh once said. The mix of physical trauma and resuming construction of his mind palace is likely to put Will in a very stressful state for some time. For anyone who knows Legion (David Haller), we’ve seen what his mind looks like with all those personalities running around and what that’s done to him. Not saying Will will develop multiple personalities, but he’ll likely be seeing a lot of ghosts and he’ll have to learn how to filter them so he considers their influences as well as his own thoughts and desires. And if this is anything like Inception, he’s in for one bumpy ride (also major work for the CGI and special effects team…eeyikes).
But if Legion can manage to create a stable mind space, I’m sure Will will eventually be able to construct such a space as well. And he’s not doing this alone. Hannibal has been offering his hand in help with this for some time now. And he’s not afraid to risk anything to see this palace completed. Is Will probably gonna try to kill him again while he’s stressed out of his mind? Probably. But they’ll survive this.
Will once asked if he would be happy in Hannibal’s mind palace. I think that’s something he will have to ask himself again once his own palace is complete. They’re conjoined after all and so are their mind palaces. But if Bryan is still set on his ideas for S5, then the answer is likely “yes”.
submitted by Kookie2023 to HannibalTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:28 DeltaAleph If you could do a good action while killing or maiming Ted Faro, what would it be? [Fuck Ted Faro]

Maybe I could swap Teddy for Asriel before he died in the surface, so he would be torn apart by the enraged crowd while saving the goat boy. Or maybe strap a nuclear bomb into him and hurl him into the Zenith's HQ before they left. Or feed him to Legoshi when he needs to save Haru in Beastars. What about using him as human shield to Kennedy? Or maybe launch him to intercept the Nagasaki bomb? Strap a bomb into his heart and make him get close to the President Snow from the Hunger Games? Poison him with polononium and make Hannibal Lecter to eat him to kill both? Swap him with Joel before Abby kills him, or with the surgeon before Joel kill him? What do you think?
submitted by DeltaAleph to FuckTedFaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:31 lit_geek Recurring themes for each year of the podcast

On the Paprika episode they talked about how, between Kon and Lynch, they'd be talking a lot about dreams this year. That got me thinking if I could look back and ID recurring themes that showed up in more than one filmography covered for each year of the podcast. This is what I came up with:
submitted by lit_geek to blankies [link] [comments]
