Cursive letters for facebookursive letters for


2022.01.31 17:55 Vern-Tonkin Letters_for_Titles

An Alphabet Book by Vern Tonkin

2019.11.11 23:57 Thelonglostfriend LettersForLostFriends

This is a virtual bulletin board where you can leave a note for a long lost friend. If you have searched everywhere but failed to find your friend, leave a note here, and maybe they will see it and come find YOU! All posts will appear as "Spam" at first so that I can review them to make sure they have no overly identifying information. It may take a few days for your note to be approved and posted, but I'm on it! Comments are disabled. You can DM authors if you want to respond. Good luck!

2023.07.28 19:09 Nursissistic LoveLettersForLaura

This is a community for people who wish to show support and kindness for Laura Clery as she faces a difficult transition in life. She receives so much unjust hate from her ex husband's supporters and even from many of his critics. Let's show her that gentleness can still exist in times of trauma. Eventually I hope to expand to help more people going through difficult times due to abuse and bullying, but for now we can start here. (No official affiliation with Laura or her brand)

2024.06.02 07:23 Deep_Disaster_5010 Sinisingil ako ng company!!

I just want to ask an advice for this. So I got hired by a company back in 2021 tapos di na ko tumuloy kase I was hired sa something na related sa course ko. Now, sinisingil nila ko due to lost company headset na hindi ko naman nareceive and may pre demand letter pa. Nagaask din ako ng requisition form or any proof na nabigay nila sakin yun pero wala naman sila mabigay.
submitted by Deep_Disaster_5010 to LawPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:19 bibix21 Help I need to rewatch this movie!! But I don’t remember the title and I can’t find it anywhere!!

Years ago, I watched this movie about a male painter and a woman. He was an aspiring artist but from what I remember he wasn’t very good, but the girl that he married tried to convince people he was. I believe she was from a rich family. I only really remember a certain scene, where the man writes a letter to his wife and attaches it to his very last painting before he hangs himself. I think at the end of the movie the wife dies of sickness and her loyal servant makes their home a museum showcasing his art? There was another scene where I believe she was a writer and she wrote three books to make money, her and her husband liked to party and drink a lot! But that may be from another movie I’m not too sure. I also remember that the husband lost his limbs, but please help, I need to rewatch this movie!! It has been racking my brain for years!! I should mention it’s set in olden England, and honestly kind of gives me the vibe of atonement but not really 🤷🏻‍♀️
submitted by bibix21 to moviefinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:18 TechnologySimple6023 Res Application Error

I applied for residence and paid my deposit; however, it says res admission status: student - without residence guarantee. I have guaranteed residence as it states that in my letteoffer and I have above a 90 avg. Did anyone else get this message?
submitted by TechnologySimple6023 to McMaster [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:17 pahasaPP orien camps require acceptance letter

Hi guys, im tryna sign up for some orien camps and they require me to upload acceptance letter, not the offer letter but the acceptance letter that shows my name and apps no. along with the course i accepted. im unable to find it anywhere, checked the apps portal as well, so where do i find it??!
submitted by pahasaPP to nus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:15 DDrose2 Question about fan letter feature

Hi all! Sorry if post like this aren’t allowed as it’s my first time posting. Kindly like to check for fan letter am I able to attach a boost similar to what skeb has? I received well done work and would like to ensure the artist is properly compensated as they threw in extras
Thank you all for the help in advance!
submitted by DDrose2 to Pixiv [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:14 spicystrawberry29 AITA For refusing to forgive my dad for abandoning me?

I (29F) have a tumultuous relationship with my dad. He didn't take part in raising me since he and my mom divorced when I was 2 and we moved away, but we've been in and out of contact my whole life. He would send letters and then move, change his number, set up visits to us and never show up, quit paying child support, etc. We've talked on and off throughout the years but it always ends in arguments.
I can be pretty subborn and argumentative, so I don't tend to let things go if I don't feel like I have closure. This is where I'm starting to feel like the asshole. A few years ago in the Fall, I got pregnant and was stoked. I told him the news after being out of contact with him, and he was very excited too and booked a trip to come visit me around Christmas. Unfortunately, it was an extremely rough pregnancy for me. I got hyperemisis, lost 20 pounds, and had a miscarriage. I miscarried about a month before he was scheduled to come visit.
When I told him the news, he seemed sad at first, but then he stopped talking to me for about a week. About a week after I told him, he cancelled his trip to visit, saying he had Covid. (The trip wasn't for another 4 weeks, so I was confused but didn't push it). When the time for him to visit rolled around and I hadn't heard from him much, I saw him partying with his new girlfriend at a bar. I got extremely upset and blocked him on everything without saying a word to him. My miscarriage was also complicated and I had to have two surgeries to avoid getting sepsis. The whole thing was incredibly traumatic, and I was very hurt by him not showing up.
Fastforward to today, I've established contact with him again. He reached out to me on LinkedIn of all places, so I got worried something was up. Nothing was up, he just wanted to talk. He didn't ask how I was doing, he didn't ask if I'm okay, he just wanted to "talk to his daughter". We made small talk over a few weeks until he brough up my miscarriage off-handedly and I kind of went off on him.
He keeps saying he can't fix the past and he made mistakes, and he also tells me he was working a lot and that he had it really rough. He keeps saying he doesn't want to argue and he just wants to talk to his daughter, and that makes me feel a bit bad.
My dad has also told me that I am an asshole and no explanation he gives me will ever be good enough for me. Am I the asshole for refusing to forgive my dad for abandoning me?
submitted by spicystrawberry29 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:13 VTSGsRock Introducing the Hanster Keyboard Layout

Introducing the Hanster Keyboard Layout
The Hanster keyboard layout on a row-staggered keyboard (works well with both traditional fingering and on Angle Mod, although X can be moved to under H and ';Z, can be moved one key to the right on Angle Mod)
After several modifications, I have made my final design of my keyboard layout!
*Low same finger distance
*Low disjointed same finger distance
*Few row jumps on the same hand
*Few disjointed row jumps (like DSFBs being SFBs on the first and third characters of a trigram)
*Low uncomfortable lateral movement into the center and outside columns
*High balance of hand alternation and inward rolls
*Prioritization of inward over outward rolling (but outward index-middle rolling is just as comfortable) for lower roll reversals
*Low roll reversals (also called redirects or pinballing), especially without the index finger or with lateral movement
*Low stretching of shorter fingers over longer fingers, or longer fingers under shorter fingers (but inward rolls in index are comfortable)
*The short pinky curls to the bottom row more than stretching to the top and the longer middle and ring stretch to the top more than curl to the bottom row based on finger lengths (index finger length is in the middle so works well in both ways, although it uses the top row more because of L)
*Letters arranged heuristically according to their frequency and bigram relations
Basic Stats (cyanophage's analyzer unless otherwise noted)
*~1.1% SFB according to Oxeylyzer English corpus (average for modern-day layouts)
*Pinkies have extremely low SFB at just 0.014% (English Oxeylyzer corpus)
*High inward to outward roll ratio at 3.87 (35.37% inrolls for 9.15% outrolls)
*Very low roll reversals at 2.37% reversals including 0.49% roll reversals without index
*Very high roll-redirect ratio at 18.78 due to prioritization of inward rolling
*~8% DSFB (although higher than many modern-day layouts, it is mostly due to accomodation of the OE column for maximized inward rolling and low redirects)
*Balanced alternation and rolling (44.12% alternation and 44.51% rolling)
*AU/UA SFB and OE DSFB. I chose this vowel arrangement to maximize inward rolling. You can swap E and A for better SFB and DSFB, but beware of HEA and YEA becoming roll reversals. Anyways, UA and OE are not very strenuous compared to many other SFBs and DSFBs.
*PL row jump and BR pinky-middle stretch. At least BL is 70% as frequent as PL, and it isn't a pinky-ring scissor. If we move P to the top row, PR will become an awful pinky stretch over the middle finger (which in my opinion is almost as bad), taking place of the significantly less common BR.
Constructive criticism is highly encouraged.
submitted by VTSGsRock to KeyboardLayouts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 Adorable-Menu7301 a message i hope he sees

I was listening to this song and it had me thinking about him. I want to go back and i want to start over. i want to graduate and try again. A part of me hopes he sees my instagram post and another part of me hopes he thinks of me. a lot of me hopes he'll sees that i can change and have changed and want to be better. I want to graduate high school in 2025 and do my best once im graduated. i want him to see that i do love him im just confused by my own emotions. i don't hear everything i don't see everything and i ignore the red flags in my family and him but i love them both. i love him and i love how he made me feel. I cared so much for him and i knew i cared so much for him because i would bawl like a baby when something happened. i lied to him, i argued with him, i yelled at him and i hate myself for it. I wouldn't listen all the time and i wouldn't think all the time and it was a problem and its a problem i want to think. tuning out the world has become so easy and its un involuntary at times. i get lost in the bad stuff but forgot all the good stuff, how he made me tea with painkillers for my migraines, how he would hold my hands and kiss me, i miss how we'd play Minecraft, i miss how we would sing to each other in the dark under my stars and monster cans at late hours, i miss waking up to his good mornings and string of text, i miss the falling asleep in his arms so easily after school. i miss everything and was to focused on the bad. I see what i did wrong and i see how good he was but i still know what he did bad but he could change in a day and i couldn't in a week. i miss calling by 4 letter instead if 6, its upsetting. The "i dint miss you and i cant look at you in the eyes" is a punch to get that i understand. Does he think im a monster though. i don't think I'll ever know. I want a chance again when we're 18, but it wont happen if he sees me as an evil person. and if i never talk to him again i can never show him i changed. But nothing will be the same. not to him but i know people change just some take time and i need time. i still need time but i have had time to figure out and clear my head. i miss him, i want to show him i changed. one day.
i pinned this on my instagram with a song i heard today that fits so well, i hope he sees it, he has insta, i just hope he or someone he knows sees it
submitted by Adorable-Menu7301 to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 Legally-Blonde-98 law school petition

any advice on petitioning for a probation semester in law school? is this common for other schools? i am in the first year of the online JD program at my school…i have never gotten less than a C in a class and am now at risk of being dismissed. i am completely distraught and need any advice on what to say in my petition letter
submitted by Legally-Blonde-98 to HybridOnlineLawSchool [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:08 Inkyfemme Tramp stamp sketch (first script ever, 2/150)

Tramp stamp sketch (first script ever, 2/150)
Completing this made me realize how badly I need to focus on hand control.
2 things that immediately popped out to me when I finished were inconsistency regarding how thick the thick portions and how thin the thin portions were, as well as inconsistency between different instances of the same letter (most egregiously, d).
Letter spacing and not making a tramp stamp look awkward with 2 lines of text were also really challenging. I definitely was not ready to attempt script, I’ll work on line control for a few days and see if I notice any improvement.
submitted by Inkyfemme to TattooBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:06 Ok_Effect_6664 Help with filing late taxes

I’m looking for some advice on where to start and how to go about filing my taxes for 2021. Due to several life stressors and not knowing how to go about filing my taxes that year, I kept putting it off and then forgot. I’m a physician, and in 2021 I got a new job as an independent contractor doing travel wound care work. This was my first time working as an independent contractor, and so I was unfamiliar with how different income taxes worked (e.g. making quarterly estimated taxes, etc.). I think I had made maybe a $1500 payment at some point that year. I had completely forgotten about this until last week when I received a letter from the State of California Filing Enforcement requesting a copy of my 2021 return.
I’m just a little lost on how to even get started with this. My total “nonemployee compensation” that year was $76,360.11. Would hiring an accountant be the best option at this point? Or would this be something easy to do using TurboTax? I just want to make sure that I’m able to correctly apply all of the deductions which include mostly travel costs (I had a lot of driving with that job) and maybe a home office deduction. Do I need to file any sort of extension? And what sort of penalties/fines will I likely be facing?
submitted by Ok_Effect_6664 to tax [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:05 Secondlogss Pro bono lawyers are not a cheat code.

Life isn't the People's Court with Judge Wapner. I'm sorry your landlord or employer is a dick, but we need to stop this mindset across the sub. A lawyer is not going to save you for free. Stop asking.
You need a strongly worded letter with their name on it? It's $1000.
submitted by Secondlogss to SeattleWA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:05 Alternative-Okra3510 AITAH for hating band?

I will not be specific as I want to remain anonymous out of fear of this being discovered by whoever is mentioned here.
As of right now, I am an autistic high schooler (with potential/undiagnosed BPD) being forced to take band and marching band by my parents. I have all A's and a perfect GPA of 4. Don't get me wrong, my parent and their current romantic partner are fine. I have a roof over my head and food on my plate. The thing is, doing band has made me miserable and I can't quit, but I don't know if it's my fault or theirs.
Right now, I am unable to quit either of these programs because my parent and their partner (I'll call them P1 and P2) literally overlook the entire program. P1 is the band director and partner. P2 is the colorguard director and my bio parent.
I've been forced to do marching band since I was 8. It's an understatement to say that I hate it. The people there are fine. It's playing the instrument and performing that really ticks me off.
I've been forced to do band class itself since 6th grade (during COVID times, you can imagine how that turned out, right?) I still hate it. In 8th, I managed to convince a legal guardian of mine to not make me sign up for band class. When I broke the news, P2 accused me and LG of "conspiring against them." But, in all honesty, after marching season was done that year, the rest of the school year was absolute bliss for me. I got work done so much faster because I never had to worry about music. I did so many personal projects on top of all my school work which I always finished in class. I made more friends not doing band. I felt so good.
Fast forward to now and I dread the upcoming HS years with a burning passion. I don't even get a full summer break as band camp stretches all through July to the beginning of school in August. 9am to 4pm days of nothing but music, and I loathe it. Playing music is my kryptonite. It's the one subject I can't wrap my head around. Math? Easy. Reading? Even easier. Hell, I'd rather write a 5 page essay every week rather than attend band camp. It just doesn't click for me like other subjects.
But my reasons fall on deaf ears. To quote P2 "You like listening to music, playing it shouldn't be any different!" (Yes, they said that. Yes, it's as stupid as it sounds.)
P2's reason of forcing me into band programs is still unclear to me. If it's because I'm a hermit, I made friends in literally any other place than the band room. In fact, I feel more ignored there even when I try to participate in conversation. With every other student, P1 is oh so friendly, laughs with them, and whatnot. But when I open my mouth all I get is a "yeah" or "ok" before they turn around and talk to the other students (which are all mostly cishet white males with the exception of two people.) I honestly just started to shut my mouth again after that. It's also not fun living with that same person.
If their reason was because band could get me a good education, I'm completely capable of that on my own. Like I said, I have a perfect GPA of 4. I'm certain I can do almost anything. And yes, there are a multitude of things I would absolutely persue if band didn't take up my time. Art is my specialty. I've been practicing since a very young age and I've become quite decent at it. Writing is another passion. If neither of those work out, I want to do Psychology, science, or learn computer science, coding, and game design.
At this point I'm directed to think P1 is forcing this onto my because my older sibling also did band, but we're two completely different people. I'm not made for band.
If anything, it stresses me out more. It takes me weeks, at worst a month to even learn the music I'm presented with, and most of that time is spent procrastinating because I really can't bring myself to do it. If it has notes, I have to write each letter down or else I'll never ever learn it.
I feel like I'm justified for hating this program the way I do, but I can't tell if I do or if it's just my attitude. Am I in the wrong? If I'm not, what do I do in a situation like this? Telling a counselor most likely wouldn't help because is most likely they won't do anything because of P1, and it's not like the drama will end when I go home. I'll most likely get betrayed by P2 (and I've had enough of that for a lifetime.)
submitted by Alternative-Okra3510 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:03 Odd-Ad2778 New Yuri works: Helpless saint and powerless princess from the Author of Love letters for marching puppy

New Yuri works: Helpless saint and powerless princess from the Author of Love letters for marching puppy submitted by Odd-Ad2778 to yuri_manga [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:02 Mediocre-Career6072 When do financial aid offer letters come out for current students. It’s been 2 months since we were supposed to get it

submitted by Mediocre-Career6072 to ilstu [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:01 DCnightlife What AI art/flyer app can spell correctly?

I need to make flyers and posters for a restaurant and bar. Searches haven't answered my questions.
Before I pay a $20/month subscription for any of them, why can't I make a flyer with the correct spelling? Ie. It spells "Drink" "Drins" or adds random letters.
Even when I put the words I want in quotes!
When I try to add what I want to a flyer design i like, it changes the whole flyer!
Is there an AI flyer generator that I can add perfect wording?
Is it because I'm on the free versions? Or because I'm on my phone?
Thank you in advance.
submitted by DCnightlife to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - June 02, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
Community Guides
Cheat Sheets
Wiki Pages
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1. Should I re-roll?
Q2. Why is my answer incorrect in for the trail puzzle?
Q3. When is the daily reset?
Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
Misc Questions
M1. Are macros and auto-clickers allowed?

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Please note that the above codes are manually updated!
If you have any suggestions or would like to add anything to this post, please contact the moderation team!
submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:00 Kindly_Spot_5159 Need someone to slap reality

it's been 2 months now I am preparing my profile and German language skills. I am looking for a job in Germany directly from India. I can not survive in India with low salary and Horrible work life balance (I soley have responsibility of 5 ppl family)and I graduated in 2021 with BTech and its recognized in Germany. I have 2.6 years of data analyst experience and 6 months of Machine Learning experience. I jumped into a mission to find a job in Germany without blinking or getting second thoughts but I feel its better to be real and ask ppl who already has some experience of German job market, do German ppl consider talent like me directly from India (I am ready to sponsor my visa process if i get offer letter). I have good grip of Sql, power bi, excel, statistic and at some point machine learning too. i am so dream person so let me help to find reality in this situation. is finding job like these is even possible? do ppl consider a candidate from abroad if candidate can showcase all skills successfully??
submitted by Kindly_Spot_5159 to germany [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:58 Upstairs_Plane_8266 AITAH or is it my parents?

sorry this is long. For context, I am 29 years old and have been dating my boyfriend (now fiancé) for 5 years. I have been wanting to move in for about 2 years but have held off due to the fear of my very controlling parents. There are a lot of positives to moving in and I have been staying at my fiancé's house on and off a couple days at a time- for years. Recently I have had a health condition that developed and I needed some extra support and have been staying over for a month. I wanted to wait to move in a couple months after our engagement so my parents could have some time to feel like we didn't just get engaged to move in with each other, but this new health scare has kinda put it into perspective for me and it now just makes more sense for us to do what we want to be happy.
For background my parents are from Central America with a lot of culture and religious beliefs. They raised us ( I have an older sister) to be christian (baptist) and fairly conservative with our upbringing- so to them this is an ultimate sin (besides getting pregnant before marriage and other religious stuff like that). I have really lived my entire life for them, doing what they want and have been a people pleaser because of it. My mom has narcissistic tendencies and I see a lot of the toxic as I grow older and have my own opinions and beliefs.
here are just some conditions they put on my fiancé to propose to me ( which he replied, he'd happily do whatever I wanted):
I honestly can't remember them all. and after I got engaged my mother said she "approved an engagement but not a wedding" *sigh*
So, I got the courage to finally do what I want and wrote a very respectful letter to my parents, asked them to meet with me and drove down with my fiancé (they live 3 hours away) to talk to them. They refused to speak to my fiancé because they wanted to speak to me alone, and that already had put me with a lot of stress because I wanted his support ( also as a secondary listener) to what my parents were saying to not be gaslit or anything. They say that my fiancé is not part of the family so he should not be involved ( mind you my sister had dated her husband for 10 years and they are now married...and they still say he is NOT FAMILY). My letter basically stated this is what I think is best for me at this stage in my life, I am not necessarily asking for their permission but I hope they can support me or at least respect it. That I know we have different beliefs and values and I understand their frustrations but I dont want to wait to live my authentic happy life.
also important to note: my mom has stated previously that I could live my life when they are dead *sigh*
anyways...clearly I feel like everyone knew that it wouldn't go great. and it didn't. I do think that we had an OK conversation and no one was yelling, we didn't agree and left it as that..and I left.
I woke up to this email (translated from Spanish):
“We just want to inform you about what we have decided based on your decision to move in with [fiancé] 1-Not only is it a great dissapointment for us your decision but more important it is a deep pain for both of us because we have based our life on raising them with good principles, morals, but above all obedience to God and what voice you plan to do is unpleasant in the eyes of God. 2-your dad says that if in the future you marry [ Fiancé name], he won’t deliver you like he did with your sister. 3- It makes me very sad that you use me as an excuse for what happened at your sisters wedding that were normal disagreements that were fixed But you only remember the negative. 4-economically you will no longer be helped, the goal of helping you is that you are not yet economically independent and that you do not feel the Pressure of Economically and that you didn’t feel the Move with someone on the roof, food, etc. to have a home with your parents. Your car insurance ends today, your phone line will be given to you until June so that you can transfer your data and information but by July we are going to disconnect your phone. 5-For holidays or when you want to come, you can come alone if you want, we don’t want to see [Fiancé name] because as a gentleman he is under the status of taken advantage of, and fake because if we had known that his intention was to move with you we would never have agreed to the commitment, he lied to us and deceived us. I don’t respect our values. Your dad says that we are not going to see you too, if you want you can come alone, and let us know when you are going to come. It is important that you know all this before you make the decision to go live with him and put yourself in a vulnerable situation. Think and meditate on everything well, so that later you don’t regret, a man’s manipulation towards a woman can be subtle but it is always manipulation.”
there's a lot to unpack here, and well with my sisters wedding it was defiantly not normal disagreements: my mom called her ugly, refused to walk down with certain people, berated her and stated she was marrying into "that family" and pretty much traumatized me of weddings ...but this post isn't about my sisters experience.
I am able to financially support myself ( they have just always offered) so I never felt like it wasn't an issue. Moving in would help with saving money for medical school, wedding etc. but its not the only reason we want to take this next step.
I have been basically left with the choice to either move in with my fiancé and my parents cut us off and my dad doesn't walk me down the aisle ( most hurtful part). or I don't move in, but the damage is done with my fiancé, and this will enable them to treat me poorly and think that they can control me for the rest of my life.
its always been hard for me to distinguish the toxic and abusive patterns of my parents because I am first generation American and that guilt alone is wild, as well as I know what my parents have sacrificed and came from to give me a better life. But this letter feels like they are willing to just cut ties for 1 decision I am making... and friends have asked why don't we just get parents also said they won't approve a fast wedding and well...they don't want me married until after med school (5 years down the line).
so it really comes down to: can I live with myself if I cut my parents off? and I just don't know. AITAH or is it them?
submitted by Upstairs_Plane_8266 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:58 New-Presence-8806 Relo from MI to LUX

Hi! I am an internal expecting an offer letter for a PM role soon. What can I expect in terms of housing cost/finding a place to live? Does Amazon help look for housing? Do they provide housing of any kind for folks relocating internationally? I have reloed twice with the company already and am familiar with the relo moving package vs lump sum option. Any other information/suggestions related to Luxembourg living is much appreciated!
submitted by New-Presence-8806 to Amazon_Luxembourg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:57 tale-wind smile sunday - yahaha! you built me!

welcome to smile sunday! turn your caps lock off and rave about whatever has made you smile this week! some things to smile about:

turn that frown upside down:

  • here on smile sunday, we have one rule: e.l.e., which stands for everybody love everybody. if will ferrell said it, it must be true.
  • uppercase letters are strictly forbidden – haha, just kidding! if you wanna do some uppercase, feel free, but try not to angry shout sunday; today is about happiness! (happy and excited shouting is a-ok, though)
  • this is a happy thread! keep the love flowing! if someone's saying something and you think they're wrong, just let them be happy! anything that's made you unhappy this week can go on over to this week's throwdown thursday thread.
join the official nintendo discord server to share even more of the love!
submitted by tale-wind to nintendo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:54 IHaveAPhoneAndPc Can't Edit Choice Plot Details

I have tested this on Opera, Google, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox.
When creating a scenario, I noticed a strange, and infuriating, glitch. I can type just fine if the scenario does not have any choices, but even just one choice deep, I cannot type a single letter. The screen reloads the moment I touch my keyboard. It happens on all browsers I've tested. But, it doesn't happen on the mobile app for whatever reason.
submitted by IHaveAPhoneAndPc to AIDungeon [link] [comments]