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Anything Related to Comic Book Conventions

2009.06.02 20:30 firepunk Anything Related to Comic Book Conventions

Welcome to comiccon, a subreddit covering news, updates, and assistance with attending comic con and popular culture events from your region and from all over the world. This subreddit offers help and information for attending and vending at the conventions, this is a place for sharing your experiences from the cons you attend, and join in with a community of attendees who enjoy similar interests.

2010.02.19 17:40 programacion

/programacion es la comunidad en Reddit para discutir temas de programación

2008.08.26 03:58 Reddit Argentina - El Sub del Campeón Mundial 🇦🇷🏆

Bienvenido al sub de Argentina en reddit! En este sub posteamos todo lo relacionado a nuestro hermoso país, noticias, imágenes, información y todo lo que tenga que ver con lo que nos pasa día a día. English speakers are more than welcome!

2024.05.19 04:59 Dantexor_1021 Cómo estudiar/aprender sobre arquitectura de software y patrones de diseño?

Buenas gente Para dar un poco de contexto, este año tuve que cambiarme de U e iba aprox. por el segundo año, por lo tanto aún no llegaba a la parte de arquitectura ni modelos de desarrollo. Y con lo que convalide este semestre, quedé con puros ramos de relleno.
Así que para no perder práctica quiero comenzar a hacer proyectos personales y de paso aprender aprender metodologías de diseño para que esto sea lo más cercano a una pega en el mundo laboral real.
Ahora, se que existen metodologías para crear las aplicaciones y que son varias pero no sé por dónde comenzar a buscar. Si alguien sabe de algún libro, tutorial en Youtube o página de donde pueda aprender me sería de gran ayuda.
submitted by Dantexor_1021 to chileIT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:58 buttplugsuggdug How do you spend your time at DefCon?

TLDR: Been to a few Cons now, dunno how to best fill my time.
Been to a few DefCons now, but I’m still trying to figure out how to best use my time. Curious what you guys do to fill your time at the con.
First time I went i focused on going to the talks, however after the conference, i realized 90% or more of them go on YouTube a few months later, so I didn’t think that was a good use of my time.
Second year, I focused on visiting villages and doing activities. Had a lot of fun and learned a ton! Was my favorite year of DefCon.
Third year, I tried to repeat year two but realized that the villages don’t seem to change a whole lot. Ended up repeating a lot of the same info, however, was also was disappointed waiting in excessive lines and had a few run ins with excessively aggressive Goons yelling at folks who stepped a foot further from the wall than they wanted or just general rudeness (most goons were fine, some just seemed like they were power hungry).
Fourth year, took a friend with me and showed them the ropes as far as I was able to. Had a lot of fun visiting villages and taking on more of a teaching role. Lines seemed even worse than year before and goons more aggressive than before (again, most were helpful, but a lot of aggressive Goons).
This year I’m going alone again so I’m at a loss on how to handle my time. I don’t gamble or drink and I’m terrible at striking up conversations with people I don’t know, especially in large crowds. Any more than 10 people and I shut down lol. Going to the talks seems like a waste of time since I listen to every single one afterwards and attempt to recreate as many as reasonably possible with the tools I have. I will likely hit up any new villages and scope out new things at older ones, but I don’t know how else to fill my weekend. Tips?
submitted by buttplugsuggdug to Defcon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:12 LuckyDevil92-up6 AITA for cutting out my business partner

So this is an insane story that I've put a post on LegalAdviceUK to try get some advice from the legal eagles but that didn't really cover the full story. But having an informal chat in a comments section of this page about it and posting the legal ins and outs yesterday has given me some strength. And if I need to I will have the tub of cookie dough ice cream to comfort my big fat butt. So here we go a story which I've been trying to do for months without feeling nothing but shame and humiliation for allowing this parasite into my life enough to impact it like this.
So some backstory on my life in January 2023 I was working for Uber Eats as a delivery driver and had a Motorcycle accident. As a result I broke my foot, lost my insurance as Uber did everything they could to make sure it was invalidated to avoid responsibility for me. As a result I became jobless and homeless within a matter of days as I was already behind due to high insurance costs and low pay. I spent the next 9 months couch surfing and jumping from job to job until I finally settled working for a convenience store chain and leaving the city of Portsmouth for the town of Gosport across the way. I was settled with a roommate in October and I was doing well again.
During this I'd won a seat for myself into a semi major Poker tournament that I cashed in during August. I made £1300 for a weekend. In enters Mr S the person who will be the focus of this piece. He needed me to help him out with opening up some betting accounts for some online sports betting. He sweetened the deal by saying that he would invest in me to make my dream company come true, making a film business. He would invest £5000 into me to get me started which is all I needed because my plan was to work from home and get film clients and work up to an office. I too would invest £5000 over time. You see Mr S was a successful businessman in the community, a former sports personality and everyone loves this guy. Couldn't find someone to curse his name in a thousand miles I'm pretty sure. I had known him through my times as a poker player for nearly 12 years myself and I couldn't say I knew a bad thing about him. So I opened the accounts thinking nothing of it, then he asked to borrow money off me which I thought nothing of at the time as he said that he had it in cash and could pay me back in the morning as it was in cash not the bank apparently. He regularly did have this issue apparently because he worked in a cash heavy business (buying precious metals) and he was a regular at casinos. So I gave him the money. He paid me back some of it then made me wait another week to get the rest after I was calling him regularly to make him respond. This would be a recurring theme throughout the story.
After this issue was resolved I made a thought to push for the money to secure the investment. Mr S got the call and stated that we needed a business meeting in his office. So I asked to set up the business meeting which he regularly called to reschedule. After two months of this I got fed up of him brushing me off whilst he's borrowing my entire salary to gamble on and off when he ran out of his own money. So I changed the passwords on all the gambling sites to force him to take a meeting and pay me back the most recent amount he borrowed. I was naturally pissed off that this multi-millionaire was so reckless with his money that he was borrowing off of me and was constantly late paying me back. He paid me back and set up a meeting. He didn't make the meeting but assured me he was going to transfer me £3000 without one. He did not claiming his accounts were frozen by the government (I know I should have ran like a Gazelle from a Hyena at this point). Well I excused this behaviour because he reassured me everything would get sorted. This accounts frozen issue also became a recurring theme throughout the story too.
For a while Mr S didn't borrow any money off of me, he just used his own money (or some other poor sods), I kept asking him to invest into the business as I had opened a business account and I was investing my own money and borrowing money via a credit card. In total I put in £5000 whilst working a minimum wage job and using small amounts I'd earned through a bit of penny stock trading and poker, trying to get the money together. I worked 50-60 hours a week to pay for Christmas and invest in the business because of the fact that I didn't want to waste time. I set up business meetings, got business cards, bought equipment and got my friend who I will simply call Angel to work with me to put together a team. My friend Alf and a guy we found on LinkedIn I'll simply call J became our first team. We also found a lovely Graphics Artists online who I'll call Ally. Everyone was on freelance for now as we needed to get clients but we assembled the team. Mr S kept missing business meetings with clients that I set up for him to secure including three major ones that might have cost me a potential 6 figure contract that I spent two months setting up. Making County Football (Soccer for you Yanks) games on a Patreon page and YouTube for live streams. This mega pissed me off and Mr S reassured me he would get the contract back or getting a bigger one. I entrusted him with this task but as far as I can tell he never did anything for it.
On the night of his youngest child being born, whilst his wife was giving birth he spent his time playing online poker or sports betting, I know this because I had the transaction record and he even borrowed money off of me. He took a week to pay me £500 and I almost lost my brand new housing because of this. Thank goodness for my new friend and housemate being understanding of the situation and after this I put my foot down and said no more borrowing from me and if he asked again I would cut him off. I also insisted again that he should invest into the business. He made his excuses of the bank being frozen again and I told him to get his shit sorted out and invest because I'm getting annoyed waiting on him. I wanted to make an advert and without his money I couldn't do this.
So it comes January 2024 I lost my job with the convenience store after I stopped a shoplifter who'd assaulted me when I turned a corner. And by stop I mean used my big boy voice and scared the crap out of them. Don't know why they fired me for that but what do I care it freed me up and paid me £2000 to go away. I got a new job whilst also securing my first client. The client paid the first half of the money which they owed for the filming to be done and Mr S knowing this asked me to lend it to him for the purpose of gambling which I flatly shut down because it was staff wages for the project. When I told him this he said "I'm sure I'll have it back in time and if not they won't mind because they'll get experience." Yep you read that right he was willing to let the staff work for free so he could bet on horses. I told him that I would never put myself or him above my team when it comes to pay because we have no right to ask anyone to work for nothing when they are all multi talented individuals.
Angel was a video editor, animator, photographer, camera operator and lighting expert. She holds a Masters degree in film technology.
J was a camera operator who had worked on major TV documentary sets and was already taking a pay cut to work on this as an investment in the companies future. He held a BA degree.
Alf is a sound operator and musician with a masters degree in music.
Yep this guy wanted to not pay these guys so he could gamble recklessly. I semi caved though by giving him my personal money because he would repeatedly call me three times an hour over this. This was his tactic, begging and harassing me so he can get the money and then when I want the money back ignore and excuse the debt for a week. He regularly said he'd have it back in a day and it would take a week. He gave me £200 extra on top of this debt and said to put it into the business account to help pay for an advert. I did it and yeah that apparently was all I was going to need to make and distribute an advert in his mind. In reality it would barely cover the graphics and music for the advert.
Finally my old debts were catching up with me in March 2024 and I got myself an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) to protect myself and the company as a debt management option. This is because of the fact that old bills, credit cards and loans that I'd taken out were catching up with me that I expected to pay off by now. Which I might have done, had Mr S not been screwing around with the investment. In this process I had to shut down all the gambling sites to comply with the IVA. I called Mr S and informed him to which he promptly told me he was no longer going to invest in my business if I won't let him gamble and risk my IVA. According to him he was going to invest when he won £10000 and was going to give me half of the money as his investment forgetting he'd already won that and then some 2 weeks prior and I knew it. I called him out on this fact and told him to pony up or bugger off because he'd wasted 8 months of mine and my teams lives promising his investment and failing on every level. He exploded on me telling me no one talks to him like this, how dare I describe him as a con artist and a fraud. He demanded his £200 back which I flat out refused as I didn't have it. I spent it paying the Angel the money I owed her because she did extra work on the editing that I failed to secure the money for from either Mr S or the Client. She offered to work for less but I flat out refused that offer because it was my mistake and my problem to deal with.
Over the next 6 weeks now I've been harassed every few days over £200 to be paid back which I'm now refusing to pay because screw him. He lied to me for 8 months and as far as I'm concerned he stole money out of the company and then wants me to pay him more money to buy him out and disregard the team members so he can get his money when he's a multimillionaire and the team are like me on minimum wage and freelancing. So AITA for calling him a thief and con artist whilst refusing to pay him a penny so I can prioritise fixing the damage he had caused? If he'd had invested in the business the way he said he would and it was a normal falling out I probably would pay him out as the business would have been more likely on solid ground with an advert made and a chance for the business to thrive. But this was my lot. I've since been told I'm a worthless person because I won't pay him back and take his calls. I'm a terrible friend for letting such a small issue like me trying to sort out my life at the expense of Mr S's gambling life.
As it stands I haven't paid Mr S back, I still owe a small amount to Angel but am paying her back and I've taken a new job at my local Maccies to insure I do. I'm still looking for more clients to do film work with to get my team into the swing of it. Hopefully we do get more work as I have a wonderful team and I want them to get work with me and make a very successful future for us all. I'm looking into getting a start up business grant from the UK government as well so we can go forward properly as well.
So AITA for cutting Mr S out of the business, trusting him at all and risking so much on his word or for not paying him back the £200?
Click here if you are interested in seeing our first clients advert. I apologise to the great Lady Charlotte Dobre for plugging my work on her channel but I would love to have people view my teams wonderful work and hopefully get more work for the future here in Hampshire UK. Please DM me for details to hire us too we intend to make music videos, business adverts and commissioned films.
For all you reading/listening this short novel I thank you and I wish you well. I hope I get more business soon and I want everyone to know that we will be posting up Patreon work soon covering Entitled People and Neckbeard Stories from Reddit along with Documentaries that we might be making with Sky TV, English Heritage and also a planned comedy show in the style of a budget John Oliver Last Week Tonight. Again sorry for plugging myself Lady Charlotte Dobre and I send you love and respect because your videos make my days feel better when depression is biting my ass.
PS - That Ice Cream Tub didn't survive.
submitted by LuckyDevil92-up6 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:23 exemeows my story of watching jenny in a mental hospital

a few months ago i was in a mental hospital. we had a tv that we could watch youtube on sometimes in the evening when we weren’t doing programs. ive been a huge fan of fiw since i was in elementary school, and one day i put “it’ll be okay” on the tv to show everyone because i remembered it existed. one of the staff, named Trevor, told me to shut it off and said he was “friends with jenny long enough to know that it wasn’t appropriate”. i was immediately floored and asked him wtf he was talking about. he nonchalantly revealed he had been friends with jenny for like.. years???? i was shocked. honestly i shouldnt have been too shocked since trevor knew a lot of other people. he was also friends with dan avidan, and had even edited videos for matpat. he has worked tech at cons before and spent a day with tara strong once. also, the infamous dr weebl song, magical trevor? ALSO ABOUT HIM. nonetheless i was still so surprised about how many people he knew. anyways the next day we decided to watch equestria girls (peak) and he apparently messaged jenny telling her about it, because jenny had tried to get him to watch it. he came to me the next day and told me that i had made jenny, one of my favorite creators of video essays, happy 🥲. i have been holding that in my heart for months. he honestly saved my life. i remember multiple times where i was at my lowest and felt so trapped, and he knew some reference to make me feel better. i have been out for three months and am doing much better, but i just want to thank jenny, youtube and internet culture, and trevor, for everything. i think about him every day. we shared so many of the same interests and he was like a weird uncle to me lol.
edit: i also forgot to mention, but he was also the person who suggested that jenny made a video on the land before time franchise! he studied paleontology in college and is a huge dinosaur nerd (and just a huge nerd in general lol)
submitted by exemeows to JennyNicholson [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:10 PlusPaper STAR-DP7P-GD4P for 5,000 UEC [+FREE FLY until May 29]

Become a star citizen.
use code STAR-DP7P-GD4P
If you don't already have a Roberts Space Industries (RSI) account, you'll want to take advantage of the Star Citizen referral code program. Doing so benefits the code provider and grants only you a bonus 5,000 United Earth Credits (UEC), the in-game currency for Star Citizen!
Improved New Player Experience : Play the tutorial
Star Citizen features a beautiful sprawling universe full of wonder, adventure, and action. However, it’s easy for new citizens to feel overwhelmed as they take their first steps into life in the 30th century.So, from Alpha 3.19, a whole-new guided mission will welcome new players to the ‘verse, including showing them how to get around, use the mobiGlas, and fly a ship in atmosphere and in space.
Invictus end free fly Celebration May 17-29 Invictus Launch Week 2954 - Roberts Space Industries Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42
Letter from the chairman
Alpha 3.22
Alpha 3.21
CitizenCon October 21st and 22nd
Welcome Back, Pilot!
There are two components to Cloud Imperium Games' (CIG) project. Star Citizen is the MMO component, a first-person experience in a simulated 30th-century universe. Squadron 42 is the single-player component, a story-driven campaign where you enlist as a UEE Navy combat pilot. Our current understanding is you will be given the option of having your Squadron 42 character, who musters out of the Navy at the conclusion of the campaign, carry over into the Star Citizen persistent universe, taking with them the reputation and relationships they've built with NPC entities.
[Customers interested the Squadron 42 standalone only] If you only want the single-player campaign, after creating your account (next section) you can buy the Squadron 42 standalone here. You need only wait for the game to be released and become available for download. But take note that when you buy Squadron 42 you also get immediate access to Arena Commander, the online dogfighting module, and Star Marine, the online first-person shooter.
Squadron 42: I Held The Line
There are a couple of points I want to make about recognizing what comes with a package. First, game packages may include only Star Citizen, only Squadron 42, or both games. Look at the package's contents for "Star Citizen Digital Download" and/or "Squadron 42 Digital Download." I will show you an easy way to add Squadron 42 to a Star Citizen-only package during the checkout process.The second point of interest concerns ship insurance (also found in the package's contents). Ship insurance covers the ship's hull and factory stock equipment in the event of complete loss. As a part of promotional offers, ships are sometimes sold with lifetime insurance (commonly referred to as LTI), but there are tricks to get LTI on almost any ship and many people will advise you to take advantage of them (often at a cost of $20-$35 USD = Token LTI ). To properly assess of the "value" of lifetime insurance, you should know a few things.
submitted by PlusPaper to starcitizenreferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:14 ManguitoCla5ic0 Parches, escuelas o grupos para aprender/practicar BMX Freestyle?

Parches, escuelas o grupos para aprendepracticar BMX Freestyle?
Hace unos 6 meses me empezó a interesar mucho el mundo del bmx, me armé una Piraña con piezas de segunda, y empecé a practicar, he ido a skate parks con parceros y todo el tema (algunas veces ha habido gente en los espacios que le bota consejos a uno y siento que la comunidad es todo bien, pero nada más allá), pero realmente nadie en mi círculo cercano sabe del tema, ni tienen interés en este mundo, lo que he aprendido ha sido a punta de tutoriales de youtube, ya que tampoco hay comunidades activas por facebook ni nada aquí en Bogotá, solo grupos de compraventa.
A diferencia de modalidades como el Stunt, o hasta el "gravity" que están bastante en auge (literal veo neas en Raven o Ram casi que en cada cuadra) siento que no hay tanta gente que practique bmx, por lo menos en Kennedy, y siento que un parche de gente que sepa lo ayuda mucho a uno para aprender cosas que tal vez por si mismo no lograría tan fácilmente. También pagaría gustoso por un instructor o un sitio de aprendizaje con las condiciones adecuadas.
Estudio en la nacional, me gusta andar por todo Bogotá, si alguien sabe o hace parte de algún parche, la re buena.
Imagen para llamar la atención xd
submitted by ManguitoCla5ic0 to Bogota [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:07 ChangeImpossible171 🚀 La IA Generativa también aterriza en YouTube 🚀

YouTube ha anunciado varias herramientas impulsadas por IA que seguramente serán utilizadas intensamente por los creadores de la plataforma. Si eres uno de ellos o como marca tienes una estrategia en esta red social, ¡presta atención! Estas son algunas de las tendencias en video marketing para 2024 que te interesarán. Y muchas de ellas verán la luz este año. ¿Quieres conocerlas? Aquí te dejamos algunas de las más interesantes:🔹 IA en YouTube Studio: Genera ideas de vídeo y redacta guiones o esquemas de contenido, ayudando a los creadores en su trabajo creativo. Ofrecerá ideas basadas en los intereses del momento de los usuarios.🔹 Doblaje instantáneo con Aloud: Permite a los creadores llegar a más audiencia mediante una voz sintética que ofrece un lenguaje comprensible y neutro.🔹 Dream Studio: Crea imágenes o vídeos de fondo generados por IA a partir de una simple frase.🔹 YouTube Create: Facilita todo el proceso de producción y edición de vídeo con herramientas y una biblioteca de recursos, permitiendo a los creadores editar incluso desde el móvil.🔹 YouTube Ads Spotlight Moments: Ayuda a las marcas a impulsar sus anuncios en momentos clave del año, como Halloween, Navidad o el Día de los Enamorados, potenciando las conversiones al incluir campañas promocionales en vídeos populares relacionados con la festividad.No pierdas de vista a YouTube en 2024, ya que se está poniendo a la vanguardia en cuanto a Inteligencia Artificial. ¡Estas herramientas pueden revolucionar tu estrategia de video marketing![hashtag#YouTube]( hashtag#InteligenciaArtificial hashtag#VideoMarketing hashtag#YouTubeStudio hashtag#YouTubeCreate hashtag#IA hashtag#DoblajeIA hashtag#DreamStudio hashtag#AdsSpotlightMoments hashtag#MarketingDigital hashtag#Tendencias2024 hashtag#Innovación💡 ¿Cuál de estas herramientas te emociona más? ¡Déjame tu opinión en los comentarios! 💬
submitted by ChangeImpossible171 to u/ChangeImpossible171 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:41 the-grey-pilgrim Looking for a cheap travel guitar for a new player

I’ve been looking at travel guitars for traveling. Specifically , I want to be able to take it as a carry-on. Seems like I can find options a little smaller without compromising sound by going electric. I’ve seen the Squier Mini, Vox Mark III, Ibanez Mikro, and the Donner DSJ-100.
On YouTube I have heard pros and cons for all of these. What do you all think? Any others I should know about? I want to keep costs and size down but still practice relatively comfortably. I am a very new player, keep that in mind.
submitted by the-grey-pilgrim to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:39 skillsmovies Pásate por nuestro canal de YouTube para ver nuestra última entrevista con BLVD DIABLO , un grupo de rock Español joven pero inspirado en el rock de los 60/ 70. Nosotros lo disfrutamos mucho !!

Pásate por nuestro canal de YouTube para ver nuestra última entrevista con BLVD DIABLO , un grupo de rock Español joven pero inspirado en el rock de los 60/ 70. Nosotros lo disfrutamos mucho !! submitted by skillsmovies to u/skillsmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:30 CuervoSangriento1527 Aviso // Warning.

Aviso // Warning.
17 de mayo de 2024, Hoy realice la publicación de otro video protestando y denunciando las acciones de varios extremistas mostrando las terribles acciones de dos dictadores genocidas e invasores, uno un hombre horrible y enfermo que marco la historia con odio y sumió al mundo en guerra el otro un asesino y futuro genocida.
Este es el aviso que publique en YouTube ayer después de la publicación de mi video con la traducción de Catalyst y aparentemente este fue eliminado por apoyar ideales de odio cuando durante todo el video solo me dedique a denunciar las acciones de esos despreciables hombres.
Pueden ver el video en mi perfil de Reddit.
May 17, 2024, Today I published another video protesting and denouncing the actions of several extremists showing the terrible actions of two genocidal dictators and invaders, one a horrible and sick man who marked history with hatred and plunged the world into war the other a murderer and future genocidal.
This is the notice I published on YouTube yesterday after the publication of my video with the Catalyst translation and apparently it was eliminated for supporting hateful ideals when throughout the video I only dedicated myself to denouncing the actions of those despicable men.
You can see the video on my Reddit profile.
submitted by CuervoSangriento1527 to u/CuervoSangriento1527 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:30 OkTable2233 video vocaloid

Hace aproximadamente 7 años vi un video de youtube de vocaloid la imagen aun sigue sobre mi mente y ya le conte a mi novia sobre aquel video (es fan de vocaloid y me a intentado ayudar con lo que recuerdo pero no encontramos nada, ella tambien recuerda algo sobre aquel video) me acuerdo que aparecio en un top de videos aterrados / prohibidos de vocaloid , era de una miku roja con un fondo negro (tal vez con algunos cuchillos en ambas manos pues eso es la parte que menos recuerdo de todo) y con animacion 3d (ojo que no es bacterial contamination pues tanto como yo y mi hermano menor , el cual me vi el video confirma que no es) algo más aparte de esto es que los fragmentos que me vi solo fueron 18 segundos pues mi otro hermano el más menos le daba mala espina el video y tuvimos que cambiarlo .
alguien más lo ha visto?
submitted by OkTable2233 to LostMediaEsp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:22 Smart_Owl2410 Milei y el apoyo al genocidio en Palestina

Soy el unico que realmente se siente indignado con tener un presidente que apoya un genocidio? Pleno siglo 21 y tenemos otro genocidio en marcha, y el presidente de la republica lo avala y lo apoya! No soy zurdo ni de derecha, me la suda, pero pasamos de apoyar gobiernos con dictaduras a apoyar genocidios, donde la mayor cantidad de victimas son niños y mujeres inocentes (mas del 60%). Y no solo eso, sino que los que quedan aun vivos los quieren terminar de matar de hambre, literalmente, no solo porque les bloquean el paso de alimentos los colonos israelies (bajo supervision del gobierno de israel): , sino que hace pocos dias en un ataque organizado saquearon y destruyeron todos los convoys con comida: "saqueo de la ayuda humanitaria en Gaza: varios camiones atacados en un asalto descarado y coordinado ante las narices de un concurrido puesto de control militar israelí":
Siendo que el pueblo de gaza ya estaba sufriendo una hambruna desde hace meses.
Y no es la primera vez:
Y hace unos meses se organizo un evento con castillo inflable y comida gratis para bloquear el paso de la unica entrada a gaza de ayuda humanitaria.
Milei esta apoyando la brutalidad de genocidio donde israel ataco hospitales argumentando que habian gente de Hamas, nunca se comprobo, sin embargo si terminaron encontrando hasta 3 fosas donde sacaron cuerpos que se presumen fueron enterrados vivos, con respiradores y demas.
Medicos sin fronteras denunciaron que niños pequeños de 5 años llegaban muertos al hospital con tiros de francotirador en la cabeza.
Apoya un estado terrorista que adhiere a la doctrina Dahiya. Si no vean lo que paso en el 2008. The 'Best' TERRORlST Organization in the World:
Estaria hasta el infinito si sigo poniendo mas cosas, pero necesitaba expresar este ranteo y la asquerosidad de lo que se esta apoyando desde el gobierno argentino y de como tambien los medios son complices y callan todo esto. Asco Milei y asco todos los que apoyan esto.
PD: perdon el desorden del post, queria hacer algo mas ordenado y poner mas cosas, pero no puedo ordenar las ideas con tanta bronca. Hubiera sido ideal poner esto en el subredd argentina pero aparentemente estoy baneado ahi, no se porque.
submitted by Smart_Owl2410 to Republica_Argentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:41 Belsambar59 List of Resources to Learn French: content consumed by a native

Bonjour tout le monde, I’m a French guy who likes learning foreign languages. And I thought it could be useful to share what French content I like, so that you could use it to learn the language :)
(Note : some of the shows are originally on twitch, but only available on demand if you subscribe ; while accessible for free on youtube).
[Comedy sketch]
(Here are some of the best french comedians, generally with full/part of shows on youtube)
TV Shows
*Access* :

Comics (BD)

submitted by Belsambar59 to French [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:15 Academic_Analysis_16 Mis papás menosprecian mis dibujos por ser de manera digital?

Hola, soy un chico de 16 años que toda la vida le gustó dibujar, desde muy pequeño que dibujo y la verdad es que a sido una manera inconsciente de expresar lo que me gusta o como me gustaría ser en un futuro. Desde los 8 años que me empecé a involucrar de manera seria, viendo tutoriales y practicando prácticamente todos los días. Cuando tuve mi primer celular empecé a dibujar con el dedo y desde entonces que amo el arte digital.
Este ultimo tiempo me he estado descuidando física y mentalmente, varios echos que me pasaron como ver cosas que no debía de ver a temprana edad en internet y hablar con gente con la no debía hicieron que me empezara a descuidar y a olvidar lo que más me gustaba que era dibujar. entré en un bloqueo creativo de dos años al nivel de que encendía mi pc o abría una libreta y lo único que hacía era hacer rayas a lo loco pero sin poder plasmar nada. Eso hizo que mis padres pensaran que el dibujo ya no me interesara diciendo que no valía la pena haberme comparado cosas como el iPad o la tableta gráfica ya que lo único que hacía era hacer rayas y nada que los hiciera decir “wow” y que eso demostraba que no me interesaba más. Me preguntaban que porque no tenía un portfolio o una cuenta en Instagram en la cual subir mis dibujos, no respondí nada pero desde ese entonces que empecé a involucrarme más.
Creé una cuanta en insta donde subo mis dibujos, un canal de youtube y tiktok y aún que no soy famoso o reconocido si tengo seguidores fieles los cuales comentan y les dan like a las cosas que subo. Estoy muy orgulloso de mi, ya que por fin estoy cumpliendo mi sueño de cuando era pequeño… pero mis padres ya no se interesan en lo que hago. Los entiendo desde lo último que vieron obviamente no van a creer que ahora si cambie y que ahora estoy trabajando en mi portfolio. últimamente siento que me menos precian con comentarios como: “no se, esta jugando con su tablet”, “pero si es fácil” o “ay pero como no vas a poder imaginarte esto, dibujas puras tonterías”. Me hacen sentir mal… como si el único arte que cuenta para ellos sería los que hace mi hermana en acrílicos. Me hace sentir que mis dibujos no son importantes y lo que hago no vale la pena. Hago lo que ellos me pidieron estoy demostrando que me gusta de verdad y que no solo estoy tonteando con el computador… que hago? Como les hago ver ya cambié?
submitted by Academic_Analysis_16 to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:07 Scary-Anybody8366 Siento que mi vida es muy monótona y aburrida. ¿Ustedes sienten lo mismo?

Alguno de ustedes tiene esa sensación desagradable de que está desperdiciando su vida? Lo digo ahora porque me estoy recuperando de una gripe de como 3 dias en cama viendo youtube, tiktok, jugando, etc. Perdiendo el tiempo en el celular.
Aunque tampoco hay alguna cosa en mi vida que signifique un reto, me considero afortunado de llevarme bien con mi familia y de no preocuparme por el techo y la comida. También me va bien en la escuela, mi día normal consta de ir, sentarme, hablar con mis amigos, ver el celular y hacer lo que sea que me pidan los profesores. No me mato estudiando y de alguna forma soy abanderado. Siento que no merezco eso.
Tengo el mismo grupito de 4 amigos desde 3er año, no tengo novia, siento que todos los días son iguales y odio eso.
Quiero retomar el gimnasio, lo abandoné por la escuela y siento que me va a ayudar a solucionar esta sensación de vacío. Esa sensación de que nada de lo que hago me brinda satisfacción.
Recomiendan alguna actividad que implique salir de casa y romper con la rutina?
submitted by Scary-Anybody8366 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:34 Kenneth_Ponce814 Youtube me borró mí canal injustamente....

Como dice el título a pasado eso, aquí les doy un poco de contexto. Tenía dos canales, uno subía proyectos machiminas, y otro que están cerca de los mil donde había logrado desarrollar una Pequeña y buena comunidad debido a que subía videos y series de humor loquendo a partir de videojuegos. De echo hasta logre hacer series entretenidas allí. Cada tiempo, cada esfuerzo y dedicación a mis proyectos se fue todo ayer.. Inesperadamente sin ningún strike, ningun aviso y las infracciones eran pocas las cuales simplemente me desmonetizaban el vídeo (mí canal no está monetizado) me mandaron un comunicado de que me habían borrado el canal por supuesto contenido "Violento o cosas similares", lo cual es totalmente erróneo ya que el contenido del canal era humor sin ser grosero al extremo y random, a lo mucho si lo supuesto violento era solamente cuando jugaba videojuegos de guerra o en algunos proyectos como machiminas les añadia sangre Green screen (esas que encuentras en YouTube) ¡Nada más!. En fin, me lo tomé con calma y enojado, estuve toda la noche buscando una manera de contactarme con Youtube. Gmail: les envié con mis ambas cuentas y no se recibió (de echo luego de enviarle con mí Gmail del otro canal tiempo después me lo borraron también), entonces fui a Twitter donde directamente mencione y les escribí al equipo de YouTube dónde por suerte uno contesto diciendo si me pasaban el url del canal para revisar el contenido, luego de esto no vi nada respecto a YouTube. Es molesto y ojalá que como a muchos les pasaron, que también en la semanas me devuelvan ambos canales...
submitted by Kenneth_Ponce814 to Loquendo [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:29 momo__ib Tom Nicholas, youtuber, hablando de cómo cada vez más grandes ciudades británicas están declarando la quiebra debido a las políticas liberales de achique del estado desde Tatcher en adelante

Video de Tom Nicholas.
Hace un análisis muy interesante de cómo debido a políticas de "descentralización" (achique) del estado (y subsiguiente reducción de presupuesto) por un lado, empiezan a cerrar bibiliotecas, redes de contención social, parques, y servicios públicos, y por otro con la privatización de los servicios esenciales provoca que la plata que se gasta en esos servicios, en lugar de quedar en la comunidad es transferida a las casas matrices de esas empresas, acrecentando la reducción de la recaudación y por ende los recortes de servicios "no esenciales".
Me parece que teniendo un presidente que idolatra a Tatcher, y que claramente está tomando medidas que apuntan en exactamente la misma dirección, tendríamos que empezar a pensar qué queremos hacer como país cuando este tipo de problemas invariablemente lleguen.
submitted by momo__ib to RepublicaArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:29 Kenneth_Ponce814 Youtube me borró mis canales sin justificación...

Como dice el título a pasado eso, aquí les doy un poco de contexto. Tenía dos canales, uno subía proyectos machiminas, y otro que están cerca de los mil donde había logrado desarrollar una Pequeña y buena comunidad debido a que subía videos y series de humor loquendo a partir de videojuegos. De echo hasta logre hacer series entretenidas allí. Cada tiempo, cada esfuerzo y dedicación a mis proyectos se fue todo ayer.. Inesperadamente sin ningún strike, ningun aviso y las infracciones eran pocas las cuales simplemente me desmonetizaban el vídeo (mí canal no está monetizado) me mandaron un comunicado de que me habían borrado el canal por supuesto contenido "Violento o cosas similares", lo cual es totalmente erróneo ya que el contenido del canal era humor sin ser grosero al extremo y random, a lo mucho si lo supuesto violento era solamente cuando jugaba videojuegos de guerra o en algunos proyectos como machiminas les añadia sangre Green screen (esas que encuentras en YouTube) ¡Nada más!. En fin, me lo tomé con calma y enojado, estuve toda la noche buscando una manera de contactarme con Youtube. Gmail: les envié con mis ambas cuentas y no se recibió (de echo luego de enviarle con mí Gmail del otro canal tiempo después me lo borraron también), entonces fui a Twitter donde directamente mencione y les escribí al equipo de YouTube dónde por suerte uno contesto diciendo si me pasaban el url del canal para revisar el contenido, luego de esto no vi nada respecto a YouTube. Es molesto y ojalá que como a muchos les pasaron, que también en la semanas me devuelvan ambos canales...
submitted by Kenneth_Ponce814 to CreadoresDeContenido [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:06 rurupogo “Ma se mi comprassi una Copen?”

“Ma se mi comprassi una Copen?”
Sto pensando di acquistare una seconda auto da tutti i giorni da affiancare alla mia MX5 ND, cercando su YouTube video di auto piccole (keicar giapponesi) e con cilindrata molto bassa mi sono imbattuto nella Daihatsu Copen.. mi sono innamorato e l’unica frase che ho saputo dire è : “che auto ridicola, la voglio assolutamente a tutti i costi”
Ora, so che è un’auto 20 anni fa, di nicchia e stupidamente rara da trovare specialmente in Italia, su autoscout ce ne sono 5, sono giorni che vedo video di Giapponesi che sparano questa scatoletta in pista, la amo, la voglio e mi domando se qualcuno di voi la ha, l’ha avuta o sa darmi qualche informazione in più a riguardo (e se ha senso spendere 5/6 mila euro o comprarsi una panda)
foto allegata perché è una figata incredibile trovata su Instagram
submitted by rurupogo to ItalyMotori [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:43 Hungry_Profession_39 Estudiar una carrera que me de plata o que me guste?

Tengo 20, estoy por entrar a mi segunda carrera porque la primera no me gustó (enfermería). Y cuando entré a esa carrera dije, bueno, tiene buena salida laboral, me sirve para irme del país y pagan bien (plottwist, por todo el laburo que haces el sueldo es una cagada). Ahora pienso entrar a otra donde el campo de conocimientos es totalmente diferente y me debería preparar de cero (ingeniería). Empecé a leer libros de matemáticas y estoy entendiendo todo lo básico bastante rápido. La mayoría que estudia esta carrera o la estudió tiene una posición económica bastante buena, o al menos eso veo. Y lo que me ocurría con enfermería es que los años de estudio no los iba a ver recompensados con buenos salarios, buena cálidad de vida, o sea iba a ser explotado por un sueldo bastante mediocre. Yo sé que soy pendejo y la cabeza me da para poder empezar de cero y entender algo nuevo. Nunca fui fan de las matemáticas, pero ahora que las estoy estudiando de manera autodidacta con libros y YouTube (gracias a Profe Alex o Traductor de Ingeniería), las estoy entendiendo y paso más de 5 horas de estudio por sesión resolviendo problemas y aprendiendo cosas nuevas. A ver la paso bien aprendiendo esto, pero recién aprendí cosas básicas como ecuaciones (primer y segundo grado), numeros complejos, funciones (lineales, cuadraticas,exponeciales, etc), logaritmos, trigonometría, polinomios, y no se si cuando avance a cosas más complejas me voy a frustrar y largar todo a la mierda para terminar abandonando otra carrera otra vez. Lo que me motiva es que voy a estar mejor remunerado, no voy a tener que hacer guardias nocturnas ni ver o hacer cosas insalubres, y voy a tener más tiempo para vivir la vida, trabajar en salud puede ser esclavizante a veces. Quizá la vocación, venga después, pero al menos tendré mejor calidad de vida (buen sueño y alimentación, no estar expuesto a situaciones altamente estresantes como atender urgencias), y un buen sueldo, porque por otro lado, de vocación únicamente nadie come ni paga el alquiler. Tuvieron una situación similar? Eligieron vocación o algo en lo que son medianamente buenos y paga bien?
submitted by Hungry_Profession_39 to empleos_AR [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:57 Traditional-Rabbit79 Death Save Variant

I saw a YouTube video that expressed a similar idea to this (and I forget which one, if you know please post it in a comment, remember: the good create, the excellent steal!).
It's pretty boring to only be making death saves during a tense fight. To make things more interesting:
Death Save Variant Instead of being limited to a single roll when a character has been reduced to zero hit points a character who is in this state may choose to:
  1. Take a normal Death Save: Roll the Death Save as usual. If still alive the character is aware of what is going on and make speak normally to the other characters,
  2. Fall unconscious: The character is unaware of their surroundings and may not communicate to any other characters but now gets their CON bonus to the Death Save roll. The character may only take this Death Save action from now on, or
  3. Heroic Action: The character auto-fails the Death Save but may take a single action (Reaction, Bonus, Move, Hold, or Attack). The failure occurs after the action is complete.
Notes: If you take a Heroic Action to stand one turn and take any other Death Save action on your next turn you immediately fall prone again. Reaction: the character my choose this out of turn (like a normal Reaction) and the death save failure occurs then. Holding an action is similar, but it delays the failure until the action is taken or the opportunity to act is lost.
I, and my table, feel this a lot better than simply rolling a die, making a tic and moving on. It adds a certain gravitas to the situation and adds more color to what is going on at a minimal cost to combat time. Each choice has consequences, and the Heroic Action can really add to that epic feel to a fight.
Let me know what you think, or any additions you think would work for this.
submitted by Traditional-Rabbit79 to DnD5e [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:51 Traditional-Rabbit79 Death Save Variant

I saw a YouTube video that expressed a similar idea to this (and I forget which one, if you know please post it in a comment, remember: the good create, the excellent steal!).
It's pretty boring to only be making death saves during a tense fight. To make things more interesting:
Death Save Variant Instead of being limited to a single roll when a character has been reduced to zero hit points a character who is in this state may choose to:
  1. Take a normal Death Save: Roll the Death Save as usual. If still alive the character is aware of what is going on and make speak normally to the other characters,
  2. Fall unconscious: The character is unaware of their surroundings and may not communicate to any other characters but now gets their CON bonus to the Death Save roll. The character may only take this Death Save action from now on, or
  3. Heroic Action: The character auto-fails the Death Save but may take a single action (Reaction, Bonus, Move, Hold, or Attack). The failure occurs after the action is complete.
Notes: If you take a Heroic Action to stand one turn and take any other Death Save action on your next turn you immediately fall prone again. Reaction: the character my choose this out of turn (like a normal Reaction) and the death save failure occurs then. Holding an action is similar, but it delays the failure until the action is taken or the opportunity to act is lost.
I, and my table, feel this a lot better than simply rolling a die, making a tic and moving on. It adds a certain gravitas to the situation and adds more color to what is going on at a minimal cost to combat time. Each choice has consequences, and the Heroic Action can really add to that epic feel to a fight.
Let me know what you think, or any additions you think would work for this.
submitted by Traditional-Rabbit79 to DnDHomebrew [link] [comments]