Hot girl diarrhea pants


2019.09.11 20:01 spingeminge Hotpants_irl

This is a subreddit centered around Hot Pants! We all like Hot Pants, I mean how can you NOT like Hot Pants? She's the best! She isn't even a thot, can you imagine? This sub is mainly centered around everything Steel Ball Run universe, but we welcome everyone from all parts. This is a place where you can show your love for Part 7's characters (Especially HP), post art, memes, anything, so long as it goes by our rules. We also have a discord! So take off your coat and stay awhile!

2024.05.19 06:26 Fluffy_fluffy_ Alternate ending update (new part has a • near it)

/ Hayes’ pov /
When Solene’s large sable orbs locked on mine, time stopped, the past five years of pain fell away. Her supple rosy lips upturned and slightly parted- the same way they had before. The same lips I fell in love with. She was beautiful, the same stand out features and subtle curves.
It felt as if gravity was pulling me closer, each step unconscious. With our toes nearly touching, every nerve ending in my body urged me to touch her, to tuck a stray strand of hair away.
“Hi.” Her voice velvety and deep, slightly hoarse.
Unsure of what to say I began to speak, “H- wh- how are you?” The future of whatever could be depended on the next few moments, and I didn’t even know where to begin.
Solene felt the same way, it was evident in her tone, “I’m well, not much has changed, I’m slightly older…” she let out a weak laugh “and Izzy is a sophomore in college. He-“.
“That’s gre-“ I began. “Sorry you go ahead.” I could feel my cheeks pinken.
“I was just going to ask if you’d like to sit and chat, I have time before my client arrives and it would be nice to talk.” Her tone was unreadable, I’d hoped she’d wanted me to say yes.
With a nod of my head, she turned on her heels; her now chin length hair fanning out slightly.
————————————————————————————— Once we reach the offices, Tracy peeks her head out of her office and smirks “Ah hello Adonis.” The comment although to me is more geared toward Solene.
“Tracy, don’t you have some art to purchase or someone else’s awkward moment to make worse.” Solene rolls her eyes, the same mischievous sparkle apparent.
With a small smile, I duck into Solene’s office. Taking in the familiar-small- space, I smile, not much has changed. Photographs of Izzy through out the years, multiple paintings from artists all over the world, and even a few of us during the time we spent together on August Moon’s tour adorn her walls.
Leaving the door open slightly Solene sits on the small love seat she added to the room, its vintage, it suits her.
Taking a seat next to her I smile. She seems to be taking me in, inspecting closely how age and life have affected me. “How are you? I saw you on Jimmy Kimmel last week, are you enjoying the solo route?”.
“It’s been a journey of loss and gain. I didn’t know that with love comes pain, until that day five years ago. The music I’ve been writing is not just about infatuation but yearning for what was.” I realize I may be rambling and pause.
“It’s nice to see you passionate about music again, the same way it was when it was just you and your guitar.” Solene’s hand touches mine tenderly, “tell me more about it?”.
“Well, when we went our separate ways I began to see the road ahead was going to be the same as before if I let it. I could keep on as the British boy who messes about and lets everyone around him make decisions for him; or I could be who I am today. I’m finally involved in the process of my music from start to fi-“ a knock on the door brings me to a stop.
“Solene, Ms. Raphel is here. I know she’s a half an hour early, would you like me to tell her you’re in meeting?” Tracy looks pained as if she’s interrupted a super secret meeting- which she has, but it’s not the end of the world.
Solene’s eyes bounce between mine and Tracy’s “Fucking artists. They’re never on time, it’s always absurdly early or laughably late.”
Deciding for the both of us I stand up, “This is important Sol, I’ll be here as long as it takes. As long as your number is still the same, I would be more than happy to schedule something.” Tracy shuts the door slowly and leaves us alone again.
“Hayes, are you sure? I can tell her I’m in a meeting, I can’t expect you to move your busy schedule around because of my client’s inability to tell time.” Solene stands and begins shuffling papers on her desk, no matter what she says I know I’ll go to the ends of the earth for her.
Standing behind her I place my hand on her shoulder “I’ll be available whenever you are. Good luck with the new client.” I walk to the door before turning back “Oh and Solene, you’re still hot or whatever.” With those parting words I open the door leaving her blinking in shock. ————————————————————————————— As I sit on the sofa of my new flat, I’m like a teen boy again. Do I dare flirt with the girl? Keep it simple? I begin typing something only to delete it until I hit send on impulse.
-Hayes- I was wondering if you’d like to get some really fucking good sandwiches sometime? ————————————————————————————— • It’s been two hours since I left the gallery, fifteen since I sent the text, and five minutes since Solene has read it. Patience and tranquility are two things I am fresh out of when it comes to waiting.
-Hayes- I know you’ve read it Sol, it’ll be just lunch.
This time she replies immediately
-Solene- I don’t know Hayes… it was always just lunch.
-Hayes- I’ll behave, or try to. Pls?
Knowing she won’t be able to say no, I prematurely do a little dance.
-Solene- I’ll think about it, maybe.
-Hayes- Go easy on my poor heart Sol. One sandwich. Not even drinks. Just bread. Yes?
At this point I may as well be on my knees, she still knows how to make me work for it. Leaving well enough alone I decide to go for a run. The waterside park in Santa Barbara has become my refuge-aside from my music- the waves and fresh, cool air keep me grounded.
————————————————————————————— After running for an hour I look at my messages to see a simple victory but a victory nonetheless.
-Solene- Fine you win. Lunch. I could go for a good sandwich.
(To be continued)
submitted by Fluffy_fluffy_ to primetheideaofyou [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:26 Toongrrl1990 Random Thoughts/Head Canons

Devi is 100% that kid who will go to town for a disabled kid. I speak from experience, it was always the Devi's who were more cool or stood up for me in high school.
If it weren't for Paxton, Trent wouldn't be in the Hot Pocket. Pot Heads are normally not popular.
In fact if it weren't for Paxton...Trent wouldn't be alive.
Trent suffers from worse parental neglect at home than Ben: at least Ben's parents do put that drive in him, for good or ill, Trent on the other hand I feel is lacking in some character when it comes to hard work and could possibly have a disability that wasn't paid attention to.
Fabiola is Autistic, come @ me and see what happens. I would even add Devi and Ben. Maybe Eleanor.
Eleanor was 100% a "Bow Girl" at some point. This is briefly touched on in an episode of "You're Wrong About".
Aneesa has been working on her recovery throughout the series and got into de-centering men and patriarchy.
Fabiola and Aneesa get back together at Eleanor and Trent's wedding.
Kamala and Manish move back to California and Manish takes some more of the primary parenting role (not necessarily a Stay At Home) to support Kamala's career when they become parents.
Aneesa actually goes to a Nudist Beach and that helps with her ED recovery.
Rebecca and Jonah work together at some point.
Ben and Devi become the first parents in their friend group.
In college, Ben starts seeing a therapist and it really helps his relationship with Devi thrive.
submitted by Toongrrl1990 to Neverhaveievertvshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:25 Hungcutmeat Over 20 years later, my HS Sweetheart (1st love) still tries reaching out to me. Why?

It’s been way over 20 years in my high school sweetheart still reaches out to me over the years through different forms of social media. I wasn’t her 1st, but she was my first and we even went to college together and live together for a short time. I survived a horrific car wreck and she joined a sorority and started to disregard me acting like I was holding her back from experiencing life. Broke up with her when she went on a date with some other guy from high school on valentines days while were in college behind my back. Her family still talks to me when we run into each other here and there and they always tell me that she could’ve done better than what she has now. She’s married with two kids, and she tried recently reaching out to me again on Facebook, but I did not respond. I’ve never responded to any of her request to talk. She was cheating on me and was not very supportive during my recovery from a car wreck. A drunk driver ran me off a cliff and I survived. She Used to be really hot back then size 0 pants and G string wearing hot chick. She now looks like a blimp and her shirts look like a blanket covering her neck. it looks like she’s doing well on her career but from what her family says she’s not happy in her marriage. So why after almost 20 years does she still try her best every so often to communicate with me? I feel like I have the right to not speak to her because I feel like the past is the past and even though I’m not married and I haven’t found the right person yet I’m still on my quest to find the person that’s truly going to treasure me.
submitted by Hungcutmeat to lostlove [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:22 Vagabundodelamor WIBTA If I just threw my whole life away and moved to another continent?

Throwaway because some of the people in this story know my real reddit.
I (25M) am married. My wife (28F) and I are separated, and will probably, eventually, divorce. She lives in the Midwest, I live in New York. She's close (geographically) to her parents, I'm an immigrant and all the people I love live so far away they may as well be on the moon. My likely soon-to-be ex-wife and I have a decently good relationship - there wasn't any big fighting before the split. She just didn't like me anymore. According to herself, she still cares a lot about me and wants to see me do well and be happy. She wants us to remain friends, but plainly I don't fucking want to. It makes me violently sick to my stomach to imagine myself bearing witness to the woman I loved getting together with some other dude, no matter how much she says she "doesn't think about it in terms of betteworse, just 'right' for her". This is important context.
I have a good career making alright money (enough to live on, at least - not many luxuries) in probably the most prestigious institution of its kind in the US. I graduated from a meh university in a field I never intended to work in. I'm not anything special at my job, just an office drone that occasionally plans events for my section of the company, but it's a hell of a thing to put on a resume. I don't have many friends here in NY outside of my cubicle buddy - lots of acquaintances that I make at the bar every time I go, because people love me when I'm wasted and funny, but nobody that stuck around after I stopped drinking for fitness reasons. I live in a tiny bedroom in an apartment shared with 4 people. I don't go out to save money. I occasionally engage with my hobby, which is scale models of military stuff, but lately I've had little will to do so. I spend close to 1/4 of my salary on a personal trainer, because I can't get the idea out of my head that my ex dumped me for not being hot enough, and I spend two hours every morning before work and three hours on Saturday at the gym, which is basically my main hobby right now. All this is to say, I'm a vain boring guy with no friends stuck in a shitty office job.
I wasn't like this when I was younger. I went to every party back in my hometown. Every time I visited on Spring Break or Summer people would fall over themselves to invite me to parties, when I left for college at 18 something like 200 people got together to burn an effigy of me as a big joke farewell. I was somebody. Every time I used to talk about this to my STB ex, she would get this look on her face like I was telling her I used to do heroin and crack. She's very proper, very ladylike, very respectable. I used to do keg-stands and break into abandoned water parks to smoke weed and graffiti the walls. I also come from a respectable family, so I had triple pressure between my parents and my sister and her to become an upstanding member of society. So now I don't do any of the shit that used to make me happy, and I'm no longer with the person who used to make me happy. It's not even like I can go back to doing that, either - my alcohol tolerance plummeted, I get bad hangovers since I turned 23, and I just don't really *feel* like it anymore.
My best friend back home and I were military otaku. We were always going off about how we'd join the French Foreign Legion together, or the Spanish Legion, or whatever mercenary army would take us. Back then I was out of shape so it was a pie in the sky dream, literally teenage bullshit. My best friend recently lost his long term girlfriend to leukemia, and he called me to tell me he's going to go enlist in the Spanish Legion. I knew he was telling me because he wants me to go with him. The way I am now I could absolutely crush the physical portion of enlistment and being that I have no criminal record and a college degree, the other requirements are taken care of. Absolute worst case scenario, this being the military, I get shot or blown up and die or end up disabled. Best case scenario, I survive the tour and get to live in Spain, with a nice climate, people of a familiar and less friendless culture, and lots of cultural things I like to do. Compared to here, even if I have no friends over there, I could at least go watch my favorite football team play on a regular basis.
Every time I've told my family that I want to go back home, they freak out, because they think I have the perfect life, making shitloads of money working in a super-prestigious office, helping the needy, in the "world capital", so I know that if they found out that I ditched all of that to go march around in tight green pants for a flag that isn't even mine they'd likely disown me. My stb ex-wife also would probably freak out. They all think I have such a great life, that this was all a great opportunity and that I'm living the dream, and yet I'm miserable and lonely and literally purposeless. I just wake up every Monday and go put in a shift at a place I couldn't give less of a shit about and go home to do nothing except play FIFA and chat with my guys on Discord. If I just fucking die over there, I don't have to see my ex build her life without me. I thought Midwest-New York would be enough miles. It isn't. If I leave, I would just get rid of all my devices and tell my friends back home to tell my sister, who would probably filter it to everyone. I want to just disappear and be unreachable so I don't have to hear about their happy lives ever again.
Would I be the asshole if I ditch this supposedly perfect life to follow my friend into the military of a country that isn't ours in a completely different continent? Would I be the asshole for rejecting the "opportunity" to live the way I live?
submitted by Vagabundodelamor to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:18 Commercial-Photo-682 Ghuys please help me find a anime

I think it was on hidive I watched it a couple monthas ago, I am 100% sure it used partial cgi in some scenes. It was about three childhood friends where the MC and the girl grew up to be the good guys and the other guy made a deal with the bad guy or smth but they grew up and there was a big tower thing that makes the power for the city I think and the bad guys we're trying to take it over to use it for evil so the MC and the childhood friend dude end up one v oneing and the bad guy comes while they are fighting and I forgot who one but I think the bad guys lost so they retreated into like a portal thing and we get a little scene at the end of the childhood friend dude talking with a girl that's on their teams and is like you better not betray us bc the bad guy will kill you. The anime is like a sci fi, the MC wore like a red suit and the childhood friend guy wore a green one and I forgot what the girl looks like but I remember there was like this really hot teacher lady who was on the good side and I think she had purple hair. All of that jazz happens in like the first episode too. Pleaseeeee help
submitted by Commercial-Photo-682 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:17 famegrab Wait are we going to finally get a male LGBTQ+ Character!?!?!

Wait are we going to finally get a male LGBTQ+ Character!?!?! submitted by famegrab to LoveSparks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:17 qbvpjfzxwk_340272 (COMMENT⬇️) BBC plenty Ass videos Furrys Pussy and fantasy Onlyfans OnlyFans POV Tits Big favorite Amateur Dragons videos addict

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submitted by qbvpjfzxwk_340272 to light_play8007987 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:17 ArgonianNwah 25 [m4f] Colorado/anywhere - Neckbeard looking for love

My Neckbeard traits: - Socially inept - Geeky/nerdy hobbies - Can tie hair into ponytail - Prefers shorts over pants - Never been in a relationship - Contrarian (mainly for fun)
Some of my not-so-Neckbeard traits: - Not overweight - Shaves (can only grow patchy Spaniard goatee) - Likes football - Goes outside sometimes, only when hot - Has a (seasonal) job that is outside - Wakes up and goes to bed early - Doesn’t wear (does have a few) graphic tees
Other traits I’m not clever enough to categorize - Not very smart - Tries to be funny - Finds eye contact uncomfortable - Hispanic (I have lots of jokes about my ancestry) - Short - Hates loud noises - Favorite cereal is cornflakes sans sugar
That’s about me summed up, with a few missing details here and there. Send a message with some info on you if you decide to message.
P.S. I won’t respond to low-effort messages
submitted by ArgonianNwah to find_a_date [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:16 ArgonianNwah 25 [m4f] Colorado/anywhere - Neckbeard looking for love

My Neckbeard traits: - Socially inept - Geeky/nerdy hobbies - Can tie hair into ponytail - Prefers shorts over pants - Never been in a relationship - Contrarian (mainly for fun)
Some of my not-so-Neckbeard traits: - Not overweight - Shaves (can only grow patchy Spaniard goatee) - Likes football - Goes outside sometimes, only when hot - Has a (seasonal) job that is outside - Wakes up and goes to bed early - Doesn’t wear (does have a few) graphic tees
Other traits I’m not clever enough to categorize - Not very smart - Tries to be funny - Finds eye contact uncomfortable - Hispanic (I have lots of jokes about my ancestry) - Short - Hates loud noises - Favorite cereal is cornflakes sans sugar
That’s about me summed up, with a few missing details here and there. Send a message with some info on you if you decide to message.
P.S. I won’t respond to low-effort messages
submitted by ArgonianNwah to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:15 _pacjax Got a hot Asian girls number tonight

submitted by _pacjax to FunBodybuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:14 ArgonianNwah 25 [m4f] Colorado/anywhere - Neckbeard looking for love

My Neckbeard traits: - Socially inept - Geeky/nerdy hobbies - Can tie hair into ponytail - Prefers shorts over pants - Never been in a relationship - Contrarian (mainly for fun)
Some of my not-so-Neckbeard traits: - Not overweight - Shaves (can only grow patchy Spaniard goatee) - Likes football - Goes outside sometimes, only when hot - Has a (seasonal) job that is outside - Wakes up and goes to bed early - Doesn’t wear (does have a few) graphic tees
Other traits I’m not clever enough to categorize - Not very smart - Tries to be funny - Finds eye contact uncomfortable - Hispanic (I have lots of jokes about my ancestry) - Short - Hates loud noises - Favorite cereal is cornflakes sans sugar
That’s about me summed up, with a few missing details here and there. Send a message with some info on you if you decide to message.
P.S. I won’t respond to low-effort messages
submitted by ArgonianNwah to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:13 notveryfunny_ Walk through the forest

Me and my cousin went on a walk in the forest today, didn’t think that much of it because it’s the first nice day we’ve had pretty much this whole year. After an incredibly beautiful walk, we got back to the car and i unfortunately noticed a tick. However, after closer inspection we both had probably 100 ticks on our pant cuffs + socks + shoes and laces. We did our best to pick each other clean like cavemen, stripping in the trail parking lot, shaking the clothes off and removing as many of the ticks as we possibly could from them. We both got home and took hot showers, scrubbing everything off and washing our hair, and throwing everything we had in the dryer. This amount of ticks isn’t normal right? I rarely see more than two, should I be concerned for our own health? There was at least three or four big lone star ticks on us, but the rest were tiny deer ticks. I’ve found two on me since the shower. I don’t know how. I’m freaking out, and praying they haven’t made it to my hair.
submitted by notveryfunny_ to hiking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:13 KaptainKoala25 Hot feet

I don't really know how to start this, but I'm an overall healthy 30 year old female, and is an issue I've had all my life but was never severe enough to mention to my doctor. As I've gotten older, however, the symptoms have ramped up/ its been brought to my attention no one else really experiences these things.
My feet can sometimes go through periods of being uncomfortably hot. It's almost like all the heat in my body is coming out of my feet. My feet aren't red, itchy, or swollen at all- my skin is just hot. At first I was worried it was in my head/ a nerve issue, but other people around me have commented that my feet are extremely hot to the touch and can feel the heat radiating off of them during these spells. It happens randomly and doesn't seem to have a consistent duration; sometimes it can last for 2 minutes or 20. The only thing that really helps is letting it go away on its own or putting my feet on something cold/running them under cold water. It's quite uncomfortable and can keep me from falling asleep at night sometimes. I can't wear tight pants that trap the heat in my legs for too long or my legs and feet will get hot.
I can't find anyone else who's had this type of experience, and I'm super curious if anyone on the sub would be able to at least point me in the direction of a potential explanation
submitted by KaptainKoala25 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:10 JaydenChip Is this bi, pan, or omni?

Growing up, I developed a crush on anyone who was nice to me; I had a crush on ALL my friends; and I feel this towards ALL genders. All I know is that I consider both men and women attractive, but I don’t necessarily care about their gender identity when it comes to finding them attractive or not. I honestly can't understand how someone wants to do romantic or sexual things with another person. The reason I think I have a gender preference is because my entire life I have only been introduced to boys and girls, and the only queer people that I see are online, and all of them are attractive regardless of their gender, but again, that’s only online. How do I know if I actually feel that in the real world? How do I know if this is even a romantic attraction or just an aesthetic attraction? DannyPhantomexe and _augustskyz_ (both on YouTube) are both hot as heck, and just seeing them on my For You page gets me giddy. I was brought up in an ultra-conservative Christian family and community, so I’ve only ever been introduced to gender men and women, so I’ve only ever been attracted to men and women, but when I am online, I find everybody attractive, regardless of what their gender is. If they have an objectively pretty appearance, then I think they are pretty. Growing up, obviously, I was attracted to men, because that’s all I ever grew up thinking was OK, but I just remember seeing girls on TV and thinking that they were so pretty, wanting to hold hands with them, and wanting to snuggle and cuddle with them. I like all genders, or at least I think I do, and my "preference" changes randomly without direction. It really depends on the situation and the person. Any ideas as to what this would be?
submitted by JaydenChip to pansexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:09 JaydenChip Is this bi, pan, or omni?

Growing up, I developed a crush on anyone who was nice to me; I had a crush on ALL my friends; and I feel this towards ALL genders. All I know is that I consider both men and women attractive, but I don’t necessarily care about their gender identity when it comes to finding them attractive or not. I honestly can't understand how someone wants to do romantic or sexual things with another person. The reason I think I have a gender preference is because my entire life I have only been introduced to boys and girls, and the only queer people that I see are online, and all of them are attractive regardless of their gender, but again, that’s only online. How do I know if I actually feel that in the real world? How do I know if this is even a romantic attraction or just an aesthetic attraction? DannyPhantomexe and _augustskyz_ (both on YouTube) are both hot as heck, and just seeing them on my For You page gets me giddy. I was brought up in an ultra-conservative Christian family and community, so I’ve only ever been introduced to gender men and women, so I’ve only ever been attracted to men and women, but when I am online, I find everybody attractive, regardless of what their gender is. If they have an objectively pretty appearance, then I think they are pretty. Growing up, obviously, I was attracted to men, because that’s all I ever grew up thinking was OK, but I just remember seeing girls on TV and thinking that they were so pretty, wanting to hold hands with them, and wanting to snuggle and cuddle with them. I like all genders, or at least I think I do, and my "preference" changes randomly without direction. It really depends on the situation and the person. Any ideas as to what this would be?
submitted by JaydenChip to bisexual [link] [comments]

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2024.05.19 06:07 808Pineapple1999 24M 4 F on Kauai the garden island havnt had a single hot moms hit me up on here I’ve never had a three some two girls before always wondered how fucking awesome that be

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2024.05.19 06:04 maryjohansen How to manage anxiety knowing I'm probably going to get my ass beat?

I'm a young woman and drunkenly agreed to stop by my close friend's apartment once a day while she is out of state for a week.
Problem is, she has a crazy roommate that goes absolute apeshit in her face constantly, over any problem. The roommate's name isn't on the lease, however the apartment won't kick her out (??? Not sure the details)
Anyways, the roommate doesn't pay bills and is a complete slob. Super confrontational. She is also a young woman.
Today, I stopped by the apartment to check on the state of it and make sure the thermostat isn't set to 65 (since the roommate doesn't pay bills, she don't need it so cold). I didn't see her at all. No confrontation. Good, good - right? NO!
The apartment door has a scan card. I have to scan the door to lock it. It wouldn't lock. I tried like 10 times trying to lock this fucking door. I just gave up. I started walking down the stairs and heard the apartment door FLY open.
I ran down those 3 levels so fast. I went out to my car and saw the crazy roommate was watching me get into my car. I sat there for 7 minutes and she just stood there, staring at me the whole time.
She ended up blowing up my friends phone, pissed as hell I was even in there. This girl smoked weed inside 24/7, polishes off HANDLES of liquor a night, and has random dudes over. But I was wrong?
Knowing I have leverage on knowing that she can't legally do anything without risking homelessness, how do I go about checking on the apartment again without shitting my pants with nerves that the crazy bitch might pop a cap in my ass?
I live in Florida so it's a "stand your ground" state so that's why I'm being dramatic.
submitted by maryjohansen to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:02 GunahGaarOO Hijabi Muslim Girl in tight leather pants

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2024.05.19 06:00 Noturkittenof I'm def a small top/big pants typa girl ifykyk

I'm def a small top/big pants typa girl ifykyk submitted by Noturkittenof to u/Noturkittenof [link] [comments]

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