Ways to induce miscarriage

December 2018 Baby Bumps

2018.03.02 10:17 December 2018 Baby Bumps

This sub is for those who are due to have a baby in December 2018 and fence sitters (those due late November 2018 and Early January 2019)

2024.06.02 10:45 AgentCast [Online] [5e] [LGBTQ+ only] [Fridays / Saturdays 6 pm - 10 pm CEST] [2/3 Players wanted] Call for the Many (Steven Universe Campaign) [OPEN]

I've been a bit hessitant to post this here simply because I'm really anxious about everything! But I thought, if 4 people liked this idea enough to play it with us, it can't be that bad.
So hello! My name's Cast (any pronouns), I'm going to be the DM of this campaign, alongside a coDm who will be helping me with some background stuff.
I've been a DM for about 4 years, and I've played (as a player) a couple of incomplete campaigns. I'm a bit anxious, but usually get more comfortable with people when I DM and we chat for a while.
We currently have 2 confirmed players who we'll introduce in session 0, and we're looking to make a party of 5 (though we may increase it to 6 if possible and needed)
I know what you're thinking, a Steven universe campaign in 2024?
And yeah! It's honestly a show that's meant a lot to a ton of us, with great unexplored lore that keeps me interested in writing about it and making plans with my players!
Dnd 5e official lore can get repetitive and boring at times, after you've read and played all the campaigns about bad drows and funny goblins. And don't get me wrong, I enjoy the classics, Curse of strahd is my favourite campaign ever, but what about trying something different that we've all grown loving? Why not make your cringe 2013 cringe gemsona real?
Some notes before I go into explaining what the campaign will be about:
* This is a queer only campaign for a simple reason, it's gonna have heavy queer themes that are mostly going to connect with queer folk! And coincidentally, all the already invited players and DMs ended up being trans, so we just feel it's fitting.
* Newbie players are more than welcome, though we do need someone who knows and is passionate about Steven Universe. If you join a game as a newbie for a game full of lore you don't like or understand, it's not gonna be enjoyable for you!
The campaign is going to be a re telling / re skin version of the Call of the Netherdeep campaign. I will of course ask you to have not played nor dmed this campaign, and to not look anything up about it. It's more fun if you don't know what you're going to encounter! And I heavily improvise and homebrew a lot of stuff, so it won't even match up with it most of the time
So, what's it about?
Call for the Many is a setting based on the unexplored and alien world of Steven Universe. It takes place before the told story and we'll not be adding any of its main characters other than the necessary (Diamonds are a must, and some videogame cameos may occur)
Some of the canon aspects will be ignored or changed to fit a narrative that fits DnD 5e and allows more customization for the players.
The campaign starts in the planet of Ananke, in the Emerald Meadows. A festival is being celebrated by none other than Pink Diamond herself. Small groups of gems will be able to participate in the name of their diamond to earn points, and by the end of the festival, they'll encounter something, or rather someone, that will change the course of their actions for the rest of their adventures.
It is a 1-12 lvl campaign with aspects of war and dictatorship and its consequences, corruption and redemption, mental health depictions, underwater exploration and body horror.
It's still a dnd game, and it's still a Steven universe inspired game, so it'll have it's fair share of silly stuff of course!
*Also, please take note that anything I say here is not canon and may change when session 0 happens depending on the players triggers and preferences!
What will I be able to play?
Any gem, really!
We've separated gems into caste categories that you'll choose according to the type of gem you want to play. You may choose an existing gem, or make a new one that's not seen in the canon before.
We're also allowing pebbles, as well as humans and permafusions.
Here's a handy document made mostly by my lovely CoDM to explain the different choices you have.
Classes will stay the same, it's still dnd 5e after all! All official classes and subclasses are permitted, as well as any expansion book other than Unearthed Arcana (UA)
What homebrew rules will you be using?
Not many, honestly! I'm not a dm who follows the rules strictly as stated, but one of the things I love most about dnd is powerscaling stuff, making it a challenge for my players, and that cannot happen without a strict set of rules.
However, I do have a couple changes; some personal, some relevant to the campaign
  1. Healing potions as a bonus action. Pretty common rule, most people use it.
  2. Inspiration points can be used to re roll any of your OR your companions checks, if both parties agree
  3. All backgrounds will be custom made, but we'll make em with you, so don't worry!
  4. Exhaustion. Not exactly a rule change, just a clarification. This campaign uses the exhaustion mechanic, and we will be using the dnd 5e rule. Sorry y'all, I know it sucks!
  5. The help action for skill checks require proficiency in said skill. If you don't have it, don't worry! You can still help! You'll need to roll said check, and if it's a 10 or up, they get advantage.
  6. Death saves are private. I just feel it makes them scarier!
  7. You tell me what you want to do, I'll tell you what to roll! Just makes it a bit easier for me to know what you're looking for.
  8. You're free to play any weird combo you wanna play, just know it'll raise their cr as well as yours. This doesn't mean I'm okay with players actively trying to break the game, I'm just okay with people enjoying min maxing as long as it doesn't cause a problem with any of the other players. If it causes them to get bored because you're doing all the killing, well need to change something! Everyone wants to play
When will it happen?
I can't tell you exactly when it'll start, but I can estimate that I'll have it semi prepared in a month or so, but I prefer doing session 0 and characters beforehand so I can tie the campaign around you and not the other way around!
We'll play either Fridays or Saturdays from 6 pm to 9/10 pm CEST.
We'll have a couple or sessions to level up your characters from 1 to 3 before the main story, but this will also be a good time to test if we're truly a match. You don't like how I dm, or a ruling Im strict about? You're not into the story? You suddenly realize youre not free anymore? It's okay! We'll be sad to let you go, but we all understand, and I wouldn't want to jump directly into a campaign without knowing if we're comfortable with eachother.
I'd love to have 4 sessions a month, but I cannot promise that since I have a job, and I do need to eat. The minimum will be 2 a month! Hopefully more!
What do I need to do to apply?
First of all, are you a match?
* someone 17 or older. Most of us are (considered) adults, and I rather keep it consistent!
* Know about SU lore, and be interested in it
* Have the same passion for DnD as us. I know we all don't have the time to include this into our routine, but prepping and DMing take a lot of time, we need someone who won't bail on us every Friday because they can't make it.
* Queer!
* Newbies, forever DMs, experienced players, they're all allowed. But please note, join because you like dnd 5e too, not just the universe !
Are you a match? Then feel free to complete this survey!
They're just a couple of quick questions to know you a bit better before I send you a message. I have an awful memory, so having a place where all the info is stored and named makes my job easier and more enjoyable!
It's also less anxiety inducing to answer to some pre written questions than to contact me directly, I imagine.
Any questions? Am I a bit dumb and have forgotten to answer some obvious thing I should've said?
Please feel free to ask in the comments, shoot me a DM or leave it somewhere in the attached form.
submitted by AgentCast to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:45 theonlineforyou Peaceful Bedtimes: Melatonin for Toddler Sleep Support

Creating a tranquil bedtime routine is essential for both parents and toddlers. One effective way to ensure your little one drifts off to a peaceful sleep is by incorporating natural supplements like melatonin. Known for its sleep-inducing properties, melatonin can play a pivotal role in establishing a consistent sleep schedule for toddlers. Many parents have discovered that introducing melatonin into their child's nighttime routine has led to more restful nights and happier mornings. This natural hormone helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle, making it easier for toddlers to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Using melatonin for toddlers is becoming increasingly popular due to its gentle and effective approach. As parents seek natural solutions for their children's sleep troubles, melatonin stands out as a safe and reliable option. Unlike other sleep aids, melatonin is naturally produced by the body, ensuring that it works harmoniously with your child's biological rhythms. Administering melatonin supplements can help toddlers who struggle with irregular sleep patterns, allowing them to enjoy a more consistent and restful sleep. Parents report that their children wake up feeling refreshed and energetic, ready to take on the day.
Incorporating melatonin into your toddler's bedtime routine is simple and straightforward. Start by establishing a calming pre-sleep ritual, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath. When bedtime arrives, a small dose of melatonin can help signal to your child's body that it's time to wind down. Over time, this routine can help reinforce healthy sleep habits, leading to long-term benefits for your child's overall well-being. With melatonin's help, bedtime can become a serene and enjoyable experience for both you and your toddler, paving the way for countless nights of restful sleep and joyful awakenings.
submitted by theonlineforyou to u/theonlineforyou [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:13 Much-Strategy563 Partner of 11 years wants to end things and I don’t

I(38F) have been with my partner(40m) for 11 years. We have had ours ups and downs as with every relationship but this last fight he wants to end things. We haven’t tried couples counseling and anytime I’ve even tried to talk he gets defensive and blames everything on me and my up bringing. He accuses me of never wanting to do anything with his friends and that I use work as an excuse not to do anything (I work retail with short staffing surprise surprise and my schedules, yes I may make them, are 3 weeks out and I’m lucky if he informs me a week prior to the event) . When he is out he often drinks too excessive, I think he’s an alcoholic but he’ll tell you he’s not cause it’s only beer not hard liquor. He then won’t come home until 12 (I know that may not seem late but when you have a kid it is). He is loud and disruptive and usually wakes up our 3 year old daughter. I have been honest with him that he has one group of friends I like and one I don’t. He has had two DUI’s and the first one included felony mushroom possession. Both DUIs happened with the group that I don’t like, although he’ll tell you the first was my fault.
I’m angry, I’m so angry this is how it ends. I truly loved him. I loved how he didn’t really care what people thought of him (I however am always in my head). He was there when I lost my brother to suicide and really help my family through that. The moments I see with our daughter and the way he melts with her. He would tell me I was sexy even though I may not feel it.
I know I’m messed up, I get angry when he doesn’t come home by 11 but he would also tell me he was leaving a place that was 20min away and not be home until an hour or two later with no communication. Maybe I PTSD from those DUIs, not hearing from him for hours thinking he’s in a ditch somewhere. I’ll never forget the phones calls one at 3am and the second at 1am I answered both went to pick him up both times, the second waking up my daughter to take with, waiting over an hour for him to be release him.
I’m devistated that he just wants to end things. I’ve put so much into this relationship. I never give up on things.
I guess I just show my support and love by being there unconditionally. He’s said some horrible things to me that I won’t mention but most of you would have said to leave him if you knew. But I can’t I want to work on things.
I also suffered a miscarriage two months ago. Neither of us really wanted it but it still fucked with me. I feel like I’m still getting through that. Wanted or not it’s still a tough thing to go through especially when you just start bleeding heavily and have blood clots the size of tennis balls. I haven’t felt normal since then but I don’t think he would even care, so I haven’t told him
I don’t know what to do. I’m rambling now. I think I just needed to get shit off my chest. I need someone to tell him to stop being so angry and listen, really listen and try to understand what i’m saying. He feels I’m against him and I’m not.
I know I need therapy myself I push things down and down and down until I explode. I have two associates at work causing a toxic work place. They want each other fired but that’s not going to happen because well the company doesn’t really give us a way to do that. It’s all about talks and what can we do better blah,blah,blah. I also hate confrontation. But tonight I exploded. I got pissed. He was doing a “concert” thing with a new group of guys and I asked him if he was leaving soon since it was 10 and he was riding his bike and we were going to a cubs game the next day, which meant up early to get ready (he doesn’t understand a girl needs time to get ready), get my daughter fed and dressed and take her over to her grandparents to catch the train in to the city. He came in ran to the basement, must have tossed his drumsticks somewhere cause I heard it and the started to whistle when he came up the stairs (we live in a single story house). I had just worked a 10 hour day also. I flew in to the kitchen and went off on him. He then proceeded to tell me he was sick and tired of this and he was done and then said a few hurtful things while I cried on the steps leading down to the basement where he went. I said I want to work on things but he said it’s over. He said I was isolating him and abusive. I was antisocial and never want to do anything. Our daughter woke up and came to the top steps. I told him to shut up and stop talking our daughter was there but he said he didn’t care and told me to fuck off. She wanted to tell him to stop being so angry but I wisked her away and got her back to sleep. So here I am now typing my guts out out because I don’t know what to do. He already made a comment on another post about ending an abusive 12 year relationship (it’s actually only been 11) being the best thing for his mental health.
And I already know I need to seek some counseling to better myself for my daughter.
Ugh I guess that’s it that’s my ramble. I’m going to try and get some sleep now.
Also be nice but honest it’s my first post.
submitted by Much-Strategy563 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 AutoModerator LOSS Community Thread - Sun Jun 02

** This thread is for CONFIRMED losses only. If you suspect a loss and/or have not received confirmation from your RE, then you must post in the Weekly Results Thread until confirmed **
This thread is a dedicated space for members of infertility experiencing a confirmed loss – be it a blighted ovum/anembryonic pregnancy, chemical, ectopic, molar, miscarriage, stillbirth, TFMR, or infant death. This is the space to come together and find support as you grieve, away from the maelstrom of treatment. This is not to imply that these discussions are not allowed in the treatment thread, but is a focused effort to give an additional space to our members grieving a loss. We have many spaces you can discuss a confirmed loss, but we created this space so you don't have to post where it might be hard to.
Please use this space to vent, cry, talk about how you’re coping, share your loss experience, and ask specific questions pertaining to your loss (either resolved or ongoing). Our rules around mentions of pregnancy, children, and prior success still apply in this thread.
Above all - Science minded perspective and respect for others is important here. Please treat your fellow peers with compassion.
If you are looking for further specialized support, we recommend you explore the following communities (their wikis include helpful posts on resolving your loss via multiple methods, coping with your loss, ways for you to honor your grief, and much more):
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:24 hikeau Variations of the same Nightmare

Every now and then I will get variations of the same nightmare. I just had one that made me so sick my stomach is still turning and I’m scared to go back to sleep. This happened the last time which was nearly a year ago.
In this nightmare I vaguely remember me going to bed, but at this point when I go to sleep in the nightmare I know I’m dreaming, and it’s like I have sleep paralysis inside of my nightmare. It always (to me) feels like a demonic presence is around me, and I become so terrified that I try to wake myself from this dream but I can’t, I think part of the reason my stomach is turning still is because I was breathing so hard trying to wake up, almost everytime i experience this nightmare in a nightmare, i pray in my sleep. I have to pray to God to wake me up from this coma induced sleep and pray to protect me from evil spirits. Then i wake up from this matrix-like dream and my body is sluggish, and incredibly hard to move, its like carrying excess body weight that is not mine. When I finally reach an area of safeness, what usually happens is an invisible force becomes present. This time it threw my body across the room and I was praying again for peace. Then i wake up completely, and I feel like I’m about to vomit each time this happens.
Does anybody have any idea if this has a meaning or if there’s something I can do to help it? Is it normal for my nightmares to be the same thing each time? I read that nightmares occur more in very anxious and stressed people suffering from depression or ptsd. Though I have not been diagnosed I feel I am depressed and have ptsd from losing both of my parents 9 months apart from each other. Is there any way to help fix this?
submitted by hikeau to Nightmares [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:42 United_Afternoon_447 Alcoholic husband

My husband is an alcoholic. He had 10 years of sobriety and relapsed 18 months ago and has been drinking and making dangerous choices that have affected his career and our family life. We have a 6 year old daughter.
One night he drank, blacked out and molested our daughter in the night. We were all sleeping in the bed together after a night of drinking and he tried pulling down her pants and rubbed her butt repeatedly through the night. She comforted him about it the next morning. I over heard their conversation and he told her, “don’t say that, that’s not true!” She yelled back at him, “yes you did!” I called her into our room and asked her what happened. At that time my husband denied everything. I told him to be careful what he says to his daughter at this time. I told her that what happened was not ok and she did nothing wrong. I immediately asked him to leave.
He checked himself into an inpatient detox facility. Under the advise of my therapist, I told his therapist what happened so he could get the treatment he needs. The head therapist at the facility called me and said they could no longer treat him there and that she was obligated to file a CPS report.
Since then he has transferred to a 9 month out patient program, moved into an apartment across town and goes to AA every day. He is 30 days sober. CPS has not contacted me, my husband nor my daughter’s school. I’m suspecting the CPS report was never filed.
Ideally, I would like us to become a family again. But only if he is sober.
I felt a relief when I thought CPS was involved because I wouldn’t be alone in holding him accountable in his sobriety.
I want to get an attorney to set rules and boundaries. What are the court mandates for alcohol induced child abuse?
My daughter is doing well. She misses her dad. I truly believe he would never behave this way sober. And that is the ONLY reason I would have him in our lives again.
Any advice, please.
submitted by United_Afternoon_447 to CPS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 RagefulShrimp Constantly mentally tired after covid 3 years ago. Neurologists and psychiatrists find nothing and sending to each other

30M,173cm,64kg,W. In may 2021 I had a 10 day period of fever 39.5 degrees with other symptoms such as severe headache(more than usual when I have high temp), particles in urine and itchiness in urethra after urination, added weird odor to both gases from colon and from mouth(took 2 years to disappear). After the illness I had a period of muscle weakness for about a month. Also I had issues with severe decrease in bowel movement which took more than 2 years to heal(things become much better after I've started eating white rice). Although it was not confirmed but it's likely that I had a covid19.
After a month and a half I felt like I've almost recovered but some symptoms remained which I expected to just disappear over a longer period of time but they did not. At first I just stopped feeling well rested after waking up and I couldn't get energized from anything like music or sports. I've started quickly getting mentally exhausted from any activity. Right now after 3 years I can't even look straight when walking because processing that amount of visual information is already too exhausting for me. I have to look at the ground to not waste my mental energy when walking outside. Before the easiest and the most enjoyable things for me were reading and playing games which I could do for days or weeks almost ignoring sleep and eating but now even 30 minutes of playing video games could feel like previous 9 hours of office work.
Before this issue I was very healthy and still don't feel physically anything wrong. Did some sports, eat only healthy boiled food, mostly grains and eggs/meat. Never consumed any harmful substances like alcohol or drugs. Don't have any phycological issues. I have a decent family, no reason being stressed, accept myself for who I am and even if I'm not doing my best - I'm having fun with my life and it is all I care about.
I did brain MRI, encephalogram, neck vessels ultrasound which showed venous insufficiency which does not explain the symptoms, blood(general, hepatitis, ferritin, thyroid functions), urine tests.
In December 2023 neurologist assumed I have a depression and prescribed escitalopram. I took 5mg for 24 days with no positive results. But it helped me realize that I at least don't have the kind of depression that this drug induced. It completely cut off my concept of having fun reading a book. I stopped being able to understand this. And it made everything else felt much more bland till I've stopped taking the drug. I feel everything the same way I felt before the illness and I can enjoy everything I could before but I'm just constantly very tired with nothing being able to alleviate this.
In February 2024 I visited a psychiatrist as previous neurologist advised and after some talk no mental disorders or other issues were discovered. Got advised to check in with neurologist and received a prescription for emoxypine 250mg/day, idebenone 60mg/day and sulpiride 100mg 2 times/day. After 24 days of taking this stuff also got zero improvement.
Other drugs and vitamins I've taken over the period of 3 years with no short of long term improvement for the main symptoms: B1+3+6+9+12, D, Iron, Mg, Zinc, Ca, potassium iodide Ginkgo biloba, choline alfoscerate, vinpocetine, detralex, cinnarizine, pentoxifylline, inosine, piracetam, phenibut, levocarnitine, meldonium
Would be important to mention that I had 3 remissions since then: 1st for about 2-3 weeks starting at 1st of July 2022. It took 1 or 2 days to get from pretty bad condition to somewhat alright 2nd was for about 1.5 - 2 weeks at around 12 sep 2022. Took around 12h including sleep to get from bad into a decent condition(but worse then in previous remission) 3rd was for 4 days from around 11 of july 2023. My condition was gradually improving for 2 weeks before that stating from when I began taking ginkgo biloba and choline alfoscerate. I'm not sure if those drugs actually did anything or if it was a placebo effect.
From at least the first two remissions I would assume that my condition is reversible and should have an easy fix but I haven't found anything that energizes me or makes me less tired, Sports which I liked my whole life only makes me sleepy depending on intensity of physical exercises. Also my condition continues to deteriorate. Now I feel a little but noticeable worse than at June previous year. My condition does not have any effect on mood or irritability. At beast it is an indirect result of me having hard time doing things I liked to do before and being frustrated about it.
submitted by RagefulShrimp to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:23 TeqhZem Home Rhabdo + Blood Pressure Remedies? (5th time with Serotonin Syndrome and Rhabdo)

Hey all. Unfortunately not my first time with rhabdo, managed to get it via some complications with serotonergic drugs. Seems to not be a common way to get it, as most posts here seem to be exercise induced. Anyway, im wondering if anyone here has home health remedies for the high blood pressure. I've been taking L-Arginine, and im about 4 days into the rhabdo, and its still taking quite a lot out of me to get around the house.
Obviously, if it gets too bad I'll head to the hospital but I'd like to avoid it as I know rhabdo is mostly self resolving, and a hospital trip isnt great for the wallet. Any remedies, tips, methods for managing the pain and keeping the organs in good shape would all be appreciated.
submitted by TeqhZem to rhabdo_survivors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:55 koriandrrs I think I got scammed on my driving instructor

Sometimes he's great and nice but more and more things have accumulated and I'm starting to wonder if I've been scammed. Firstly, my lessons are rarely a full hour. He's been late on more than one occasion and the time he originally suggests can change by a half an hour and I only really find out at the original time he's suggested. He gives me no heads up. I'm shoes on ready to go outside and most of the time I'm coming back in to wait. He can be on the phone A LOT. Either scrolling or taking full on phone calls that I'm doubtful are business related because I catch odd words like Uber eats - but it's not in a language I speak.
He questioned why I came to a stop when we found out the student in the backseat hadn't bothered to put their seatbelt on (we were on a side street with no traffic and no one around so I wasn't being dangerous) and just wanted to wait and confirm that buddy has actually put his belt on. He assumed I was stopping because a delivery truck in front of us pulled over and stopped and he thought I was confused and questioned what I was doing. I told him I was waiting for the belt to be put on.
Another time I slowed down (maybe too much) for a cyclist who was 'jaywalking' but I assumed he may be trying to merge into my lane since he was in the middle of the road (or he could jump in front of me). My instructor told me I don't need to stop because he's jaywalking so he'll stop for me - which I thought was ludicrous. Sometimes the way he talks to students can be very harsh and anxiety inducing. It feels like there's a disconnect with the fact we're new and nervous and still learning and he doesn't comprehend why we're doing these things.
I'm more shocked because basically all his reviews were great and I was initially very excited I'd been assigned to him. I did some research into schools as I was very anxious to drive and wanted to make sure I got a patient understanding teacher and all the reviews seemed to imply that. But that doesn't seem to be who I've gotten. My friend told me one time the instructor (at a totally different school in another area altogether) had her write a positive review while still in the car with him.
I'm not going to lie I'm super burnt out. I don't think I'm a bad driver by any means - though I still have a lot to learn. But I know my driving gets much worse when he springs stuff on me or questions me harshly. He even booked my test without asking me if I was available and I've made it very clear I work full time. He booked it a week from now which gives me no time to ask for the day off. Obviously, I will be getting it changed to something that suits my schedule as well...
Is this a driving school thing? I see lots of similar complaints and even people advising that it's illegal in some places for the instructor to be on their phone while with a student.
I do think he's taught me a lot but I also think he teaches things that are too aggressive (assuming a jaywalker will stop for me). Does anyone have a better understanding of the driving school industry and what is happening? I'm just slackjawed some days.
submitted by koriandrrs to driving [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:47 Mono_Construction I inherited a magic 8 ball, it just predicted my wife's death.

Life was perfectly normal and mundane until the day I inherited the Magic 8 Ball from a distant relative who had recently passed away. At first, it seemed like a quirky keepsake, a relic of childhood nostalgia. But as I held it in my hands one overcast evening, an unsettling feeling crept over me. There was something off about it, a strange, almost ominous vibe that seemed to emanate from its old, worn surface. I glanced at my wife, blissfully unaware, sitting across the room. Our love had always felt like a sanctuary, yet now, this seemingly innocuous toy had introduced an inexplicable sense of dread into our home. It just felt off, like something not meant to induce tension into the air but certainly did at the time. I never mentioned it to Anna since the evening was beautiful, and the mood was full of anticipation for the upcoming playoff game. We were looking forward to some good old hockey. As a joke, I asked the Magic 8 Ball if our home team was going to win the game, chuckling at the childish stupidity that brought back fond memories of my youth.
“Cannot say now,” the 8 Ball in my calloused hand read a few seconds later.
I wasn't surprised by the answer, knowing it was just a toy with a limited set of responses. Maybe I'd ask it again during the first intermission, I thought to myself. As the puck dropped, the game started with a few penalties and a goal against us just before the initial 20 minutes of the period ended. I had almost forgotten about the toy relic that had been passed down to me recently. As the first intermission progressed, I picked up the 8 Ball again and asked if our team would win against the opposing team.
“Certainly, it will be legendary,” I read after a short pause.
Initially, I thought it was an odd answer, but what did I know? It was probably made in the '60s when people were a bit more open-minded to quirky responses. I smiled at Anna and showed her the response. She found it funny, and her laugh, as always, became the highlight of the moment. Her laughter has always been the center point of my love and affection for her, making her the undeniable lead honcho in any group she’s a part of. During the 2nd and 3rd periods, we witnessed our home team not only tie the game but score an additional 4 goals in rapid succession against the opposing team. It was not only legendary as the 8 Ball predicted, but it also sent the stadium into a roaring frenzy. Later, it was said that the noise level matched that of an Airbus A-220.
"It seems the Magic 8 Ball helped me win my $20 bet on our home team," I said confidently to my wife. "Probably just by chance, but who knows? I could use it to predict Friday's lottery numbers."
She smiled and told me to give it a shot, but I knew it was futile. Just like trying not to wake Anna up while leaving for work, it always ended with her sensing the creaking floorboards. About a few days had passed before we ended up having a heated argument about the dreaded topic of having kids in the future, I of course never want the sobbing, snot wheezing kids that take up 150% of your future time and life that could be used for retirement time in Hawaii. But, of course, she had bipolar opposite views on the topic. She wanted kids, perhaps to sow our six-year marriage back together. I, on the other hand, was dead set against it, feeling as if she were trying to force feed me a hefty dose of the plague. At the time, I had just stormed out of the room to cool off and muttered something I still regret to this day.
“Damn it, when will Anna's obsession with having kids ever end?” I grumbled to myself in frustration.
Suddenly, the 8 ball I’d left in the den flashed with a bright white light, like a screen turning on. Just as quickly, the flash disappeared, replaced by a simple message on its black surface.
“Soon enough, Derrick,” the ball read, almost mockingly.
My focus shifted from Anna's relentless talk about kids to the unnerving fact that the 8 ball not only knew my name but also had an answer for such a ridiculous question. I hadn’t even touched the thing—don’t you need to shake it for it to work? At this point, I was tempted to toss that relic into the trash and be done with it, but being a bit stubborn, I decided to let the demonic thing be and left it to its own devices. A few days had passed, and Anna and I had made up after our brief argument on that chilly Tuesday afternoon when I got home from work. She promised to hold off on bringing it up again for a while and to let me consider our options going forward. Life has been running smoothly again, and our home hockey team won their semi-finals match today, heading to the finals. Anna and I are caught up in the excitement of tomorrow night's game and are pretty pleased with how this year has gone, especially with our 7th anniversary just around the corner!
Work has been dragging lately, and I find myself just wanting to fast-forward to the day I wake up next to Anna and kiss her passionately on our long-awaited 7th anniversary, which is now just a few days away. As for the 8 ball of unknown origin, it's still just sitting dormant in the den. To be honest, I'm quite surprised it hasn't detonated or flashbanged me again whenever I step in there to grab some work files on clients. But no, it just sits there menacingly, waiting to tell me something I don't want to hear.
Anna and I had planned a special outing for our 7th anniversary. We decided to visit our favorite local donut shop around noon. As we prepared to leave, I grabbed the old magic 8 ball, intending to throw it away on the way there. As we approached the intersection on 136th street, the light was red. With a playful smile, I asked the 8 ball one last question.
"Will the light turn green soon?" I asked, grinning at my overjoyed wife.
"Unfortunately, yes," the 8 ball replied.
I showed Anna the response, and she chuckled, thinking the toy wanted us to be stuck at the red light. When the light turned green, we started to cross the intersection. Suddenly, Anna gasped and clutched her chest. I managed to swerve to the side of the road just in time to avoid an oncoming car. I pulled over, my heart pounding, and turned to her in panic.
"Anna, what's wrong?" I asked, fear gripping me.
"I don't know," she whispered, her face pale and sweaty. "I just feel... so weak."
I rushed her to the hospital, where doctors ran a series of tests. After what felt like an eternity, they diagnosed her with a rare and severe illness. The news hit me like a ton of bricks, and I felt the world spinning around me. For the next few weeks, Anna's condition worsened. I spent every moment by her side, watching helplessly as she battled the illness. The magic 8 ball sat untouched in the den, its last message haunting me.
"Unfortunately, yes," it had said.
Despite the grim prognosis, Anna showed that sickness can't stop her indominable human spirit. We took things one day at a time, finding solace in each other's company. Our 7th anniversary passed quietly in the hospital, but it was a day filled with love rather than despair. As the weeks turned into months, Anna's condition slowly worsened. The doctors were hoping it would get better eventually.
One day, I decided to confront the magic 8 ball. I picked it up and asked, "Will Anna get better?"
The answer floated to the surface: "Signs point to no."
I refused to showed Anna the response, it would only make things worse. We placed the 8 ball back on the shelf, as a relic of doomful honesty, but as a symbol of the future and the past. Our journey wasn't over yet, I have to spend as much time with her before she departs.
submitted by Mono_Construction to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:42 LittleOddChick How Would You Feel, What Would You Do?

This is my first time ever posting on reddit so please bear with me.
I was on a day trip with my stepfather to go purchase a vehicle. Long story short, the vehicle died on us within a few minutes after we'd already handed over the money and signed the title. The rest of the day was a back and forth with the seller just trying to resolve it, 5 of those hours just begging to get my money back and reverse the sale, which thankfully the car was an easy fix, so they ultimately decided to reverse the sale. So we had a really long anxiety inducing day that started at 5 am and ended at 11 pm. We parked at a gas station to wait for the seller to meet us to get the reversal paperwork signed, so I went in to get a soda. As I'm checking out at the register, someone slaps me on the ass, making me jump. I turn around, and it's my stepdad. Well I'm so exhausted and worn out from the day, I'm too shocked to really react. He later remarked that it was "hilarious and the first time he'd smiled that day" and "he needed to do something to help his mood/anxiety" and that he "was sure I'd have a funnier reaction than that."
I didn't really start to process any of this until I got home. The more I think about it the more violated I feel. And I felt the same way the entire next day, and still do. Like what was he actually thinking sneaking up behind his (22 year old) daughter in a PUBLIC, super busy gas station, and doing that? I had to turn back and face the cashier as the "do you know that guy" question was still forming on her face and say, "Um, yeah...that's my dad. Well stepdad, but anyway." He's been my stepdad since I was 8, but our relationship has been strained since I was a teen. I know he won't react well at all to me calling him out. He always reacts badly to being confronted with his own bad/ heedless decisions. I can't tell my mom of course, so I just have no one to talk to. I'm considering therapy at the moment.
If anyone actually reads all this, thanks for doing so, and I hope your day is going far better than mine.
submitted by LittleOddChick to stepkids [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:39 Mono_Construction I inherited a magic 8 ball, it just predicted my wife's future.

Life was perfectly normal and mundane until the day I inherited the Magic 8 Ball from a distant relative who had recently passed away. At first, it seemed like a quirky keepsake, a relic of childhood nostalgia. But as I held it in my hands one overcast evening, an unsettling feeling crept over me. There was something off about it, a strange, almost ominous vibe that seemed to emanate from its old, worn surface. I glanced at my wife, blissfully unaware, sitting across the room. Our love had always felt like a sanctuary, yet now, this seemingly innocuous toy had introduced an inexplicable sense of dread into our home. It just felt off, like something not meant to induce tension into the air but certainly did at the time. I never mentioned it to Anna since the evening was beautiful, and the mood was full of anticipation for the upcoming playoff game. We were looking forward to some good old hockey. As a joke, I asked the Magic 8 Ball if our home team was going to win the game, chuckling at the childish stupidity that brought back fond memories of my youth.
“Cannot say now,” the 8 Ball in my calloused hand read a few seconds later.
I wasn't surprised by the answer, knowing it was just a toy with a limited set of responses. Maybe I'd ask it again during the first intermission, I thought to myself. As the puck dropped, the game started with a few penalties and a goal against us just before the initial 20 minutes of the period ended. I had almost forgotten about the toy relic that had been passed down to me recently. As the first intermission progressed, I picked up the 8 Ball again and asked if our team would win against the opposing team.
“Certainly, it will be legendary,” I read after a short pause.
Initially, I thought it was an odd answer, but what did I know? It was probably made in the '60s when people were a bit more open-minded to quirky responses. I smiled at Anna and showed her the response. She found it funny, and her laugh, as always, became the highlight of the moment. Her laughter has always been the center point of my love and affection for her, making her the undeniable lead honcho in any group she’s a part of. During the 2nd and 3rd periods, we witnessed our home team not only tie the game but score an additional 4 goals in rapid succession against the opposing team. It was not only legendary as the 8 Ball predicted, but it also sent the stadium into a roaring frenzy. Later, it was said that the noise level matched that of an Airbus A-220.
"It seems the Magic 8 Ball helped me win my $20 bet on our home team," I said confidently to my wife. "Probably just by chance, but who knows? I could use it to predict Friday's lottery numbers."
She smiled and told me to give it a shot, but I knew it was futile. Just like trying not to wake Anna up while leaving for work, it always ended with her sensing the creaking floorboards. About a few days had passed before we ended up having a heated argument about the dreaded topic of having kids in the future, I of course never want the sobbing, snot wheezing kids that take up 150% of your future time and life that could be used for retirement time in Hawaii. But, of course, she had bipolar opposite views on the topic. She wanted kids, perhaps to sow our six-year marriage back together. I, on the other hand, was dead set against it, feeling as if she were trying to force feed me a hefty dose of the plague. At the time, I had just stormed out of the room to cool off and muttered something I still regret to this day.
“Damn it, when will Anna's obsession with having kids ever end?” I grumbled to myself in frustration.
Suddenly, the 8 ball I’d left in the den flashed with a bright white light, like a screen turning on. Just as quickly, the flash disappeared, replaced by a simple message on its black surface.
“Soon enough, Derrick,” the ball read, almost mockingly.
My focus shifted from Anna's relentless talk about kids to the unnerving fact that the 8 ball not only knew my name but also had an answer for such a ridiculous question. I hadn’t even touched the thing—don’t you need to shake it for it to work? At this point, I was tempted to toss that relic into the trash and be done with it, but being a bit stubborn, I decided to let the demonic thing be and left it to its own devices. A few days had passed, and Anna and I had made up after our brief argument on that chilly Tuesday afternoon when I got home from work. She promised to hold off on bringing it up again for a while and to let me consider our options going forward. Life has been running smoothly again, and our home hockey team won their semi-finals match today, heading to the finals. Anna and I are caught up in the excitement of tomorrow night's game and are pretty pleased with how this year has gone, especially with our 7th anniversary just around the corner!
Work has been dragging lately, and I find myself just wanting to fast-forward to the day I wake up next to Anna and kiss her passionately on our long-awaited 7th anniversary, which is now just a few days away. As for the 8 ball of unknown origin, it's still just sitting dormant in the den. To be honest, I'm quite surprised it hasn't detonated or flashbanged me again whenever I step in there to grab some work files on clients. But no, it just sits there menacingly, waiting to tell me something I don't want to hear.
Anna and I had planned a special outing for our 7th anniversary. We decided to visit our favorite local donut shop around noon. As we prepared to leave, I grabbed the old magic 8 ball, intending to throw it away on the way there.
As we approached the intersection on 136th street, the light was red. With a playful smile, I asked the 8 ball one last question.
"Will the light turn green soon?" I asked, grinning at my overjoyed wife.
"Unfortunately, yes," the 8 ball replied.
I showed Anna the response, and she chuckled, thinking the toy wanted us to be stuck at the red light. When the light turned green, we started to cross the intersection. Suddenly, Anna gasped and clutched her chest. I managed to swerve to the side of the road just in time to avoid an oncoming car. I pulled over, my heart pounding, and turned to her in panic.
"Anna, what's wrong?" I asked, fear gripping me.
"I don't know," she whispered, her face pale and sweaty. "I just feel... so weak."
I rushed her to the hospital, where doctors ran a series of tests. After what felt like an eternity, they diagnosed her with a rare and severe illness. The news hit me like a ton of bricks, and I felt the world spinning around me. For the next few weeks, Anna's condition worsened. I spent every moment by her side, watching helplessly as she battled the illness. The magic 8 ball sat untouched in the den, its last message haunting me.
"Unfortunately, yes," it had said.
Despite the grim prognosis, Anna showed remarkable strength. We took things one day at a time, finding solace in each other's company. Our 7th anniversary passed quietly in the hospital, but it was a day filled with love and hope rather than despair. As the weeks turned into months, Anna's condition slowly stabilized. The doctors were cautiously optimistic, and we began to see a glimmer of hope. The scare made us appreciate every moment together, cherishing the small victories and holding onto hope.
One day, I decided to confront the magic 8 ball. I picked it up and asked, "Will Anna get better?"
The answer floated to the surface: "Signs point to yes."
I showed Anna the response, and she smiled weakly. "Maybe it's not so cursed after all," she said. We placed the 8 ball back on the shelf, not as a relic of doom, but as a symbol of hope and resilience. Our journey wasn't over, but we faced it together, stronger than ever.
submitted by Mono_Construction to Wholesomenosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:09 Ok-Sherbert-75 Thoughts on my IUI timing please and advice for future

I was testing every morning with the Clearblue digital and throughout the day with easy@home strips with the Premom app.
Thursday AM: negative on CB and low on Premom
Thursday 4:30pm: positive on CB and 0.55 on Premom
Friday 3pm: IUI
Friday 5pm: peak (1.2) on Premom (confirmed by later drop)
Considering previously frozen washed sperm only lives 6-12 hours, (seems to be the most commonly cited out of conflicting data) I feel like my IUI might have been too early. However if I had waited for the following day, taking into the account the LH levels in urine is delayed by up to 4 hours, maybe it would have been too late? I can usually feel when I’m ovulating but with the IUI induced cramps I have no clue when I actually ovulated.
Could I have done anything different though? The clinic obviously doesn’t do IUIs in the middle of the night when I probably ovulated - but there’s no way I would have known anyway. Should I insist on a trigger shot next round? My doctor was very against medications of any kind this cycle but said we could discuss it in subsequent cycles. I just don’t know exactly what I should be advocating for.
submitted by Ok-Sherbert-75 to SingleMothersbyChoice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:00 AutoModerator IMPORTANT NOTES + RULES - *MUST READ*

Hello all!
This is a page designed for those who use the Pomodoro study technique.
The basic idea here is to create a community where we posted our planned sessions, and come back and comment upon completion (or any other way you want to keep yourself accountable).
You can also use this to find 1-1 accountability partners, but if you choose to engage in that please note that I as mod am not liable for anything that might happen as a result of that.
  1. No discrimination will be tolerated.
  2. No toxic productivity will be tolerated - e.g belittling others for not doing as much as you, bragging about taking insufficient breaks and inducing burnout.
  3. Keep the page helpful and supportive.
Wishing you all the best of luck with your academic work.
You are capable of anything you set your mind to :)
- Rach
submitted by AutoModerator to PomodoroAccountable [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:51 futurebannedacct Choices

Hello, everyone. I'm out of my hibernation with another important message for you all and I know that just makes you so fucking happy and excited.
I wanted to remind everyone to check out my blog, which is one of the last bastions of free speech that is left in this god-forsaken place.
Alright, now that I have officially tongued my own asshole to the point where pleasure turns to dysphoria, allow me to present to you: total bullshit!
... and some other things.
Let's talk about choices. We make them everyday; life is all about them. This is a somewhat true statement - because life is really all about making sure you don't wake up - and choices play a significant role in this operation. Probably not so big a role as language, however, because language is the most deceptive tool in the arsenal of the ones with the power, so it is important that we choose our words wisely.
For example, I keep hearing the phrase "forced vaccinations" or "mandatory vaccinations" being thrown around conspiracy forums, and this phrase, in itself, is an example of the deceptive power of words. We need to be honest with ourselves - because through honesty the truth is exposed - and the truth is the most well hidden part of this experience because the ones in power work to keep the truth hidden at all costs... because the truth will "set you free". But I digress. No one was forced to get vaccinated - not yet, anyway - so let's be honest about this: you might have chosen to take the jab, in order to keep your job, or you might have chosen to take the jab, in order to participate in society. This is a choice that you are making. Perhaps the stakes are high and you had a lot to lose if you chose not to take the jab; but until they are breaking down your door, holding you down, and sticking that needle in your arm - until that time - you are giving your consent to take the jab.
This distinction is an important one to discern because we should be paying attention to the parts in life that are forced upon us and the parts in life that we are choosing to consent to. For example, no one forced us to wear masks for an entire year, but we all (for the most part) consented to doing so, in order to participate in society. We all chose to stand on the circles on the floor, in every checkout line, of every store. We made this choice for many different reasons - but in this community - many of us simply did this for other peoples "perceived well being". In other words, we were catering to the people that make up the majority and aren't as far along in the process of "waking up" as we are... although, many people seem to be choosing to remain asleep - for many different reasons - far from the most insignificant being "fear based programming".
Allow me to share my perspective: for an entire year, we all wore masks in public: an action which is gradually weakening our immune system. Also in public, we practiced "social-distancing": an action that is also gradually weakening our immune systems. Many people - the drooling masses - took this social-distancing b.s. very seriously, for their own "perceived well being" (while virtue-signaling online that they were doing it for everyone else). So, the government asked us to all make a choice: to wear masks and social-distance for a year and - oh - almost forgot! Hand sanitizer - all over, suddenly - some so strong that it seems to be pure rubbing alcohol - killing all germs - and, well... gradually weakening our immune systems! The government had us all compromising our immune systems and overall health, in preparation to get vaccinated with something that sounds... frankly, batshit insane. Do you think this was all an accident? An innocent faux-pas on the part of our dear leaders? I think this was done intentionally. I've also prepared this meme, to help illustrate the conspiracy in question:
The inspiration for this actually came from a post in that was written by someone who is, by no means, an anti-vaxxer, and overall still happy to be vaccinated... because the debilitating side-effects, self-replicating spike proteins is nothing compared to the constant onslaught of fear-based programming.
"Trust the science". That's the last thing I think I'll do; thank you very much. Science is a bullshit factory specializing in limiting beliefs, which uses language to support any point of view that it chooses to support... and of course the point of view we are inundated with, in excess, is that of the ones in power. So please know that if you choose to educate me in the comments, about why the science behind social distancing, face masks and hand sanitizer is to our benefit then I'm either going to think you are being intentionally deceitful, or I will feel sorry for you because you have sincerely become this invested in the wrong direction of practices that are to your benefit.
The moral of the story is that the words we use need to be chosen carefully, because when we choose words such as "forced" and "mandated", we are only working to deceive ourselves further away from the truth. The truth is that we are consistently bombarded with propaganda and manipulation, from the many resources available to the power structure, with the goal of getting our consent. The internet has been a great resource for the power structure to use for minimizing the power of consent. We must constantly "agree" to the terms and conditions that are made to be intentionally agonizing to read and understand. We are being trained to believe that consent is of little value or importance - consent is nothing more than a single click - in order to get to the prize on the other side. The truth may be that our consent is far more valuable than we realize: our consent is one of our most valuable assets.
We need to pay attention to the effect that our consent has on our shared reality - because if there is one thing I learned, after experiencing psychosis - it's that the greatest sin is often committed by very kind people: the kind of people who are timid, helpful, and generous to a point where others take advantage of their kind, benevolent nature. Everyone knows someone who is in a relationship with a manipulative, controlling narcissist that walks all over them. Everyone knows someone who is kind, meek, and respectful of others... because they have no backbone. Someone who has lived a life of avoiding any and all conflict, at all costs, and chooses instead to allow others to take advantage of them. When you habitually allow others to walk all over you, this is your consent that "it's ok for others to do this to me". You are a worse person that the one who is violating you, because you think that it is ok for this to happen to you.
Alright - that was just to set the mood for the actual post - which will begin..... ........ ......... now.
In the spirit of (shudder) "the most free country on Earth" we're going to (I had a bad reaction to typing that just now, I find the idea to be suffocating and repulsive) talk about choices in red, white and blue. To be perfectly honest, I don't know that much about topics like "color programming", or the exact science and reasoning behind it; I just know that this color palette is used with enough frequency and in a way where there is likely some intent behind it. Perhaps it's as simple as feeling patriotic about democracy, constitutional rights, and other deceptive concepts that are total bullshit - or maybe - the meaning behind it goes far deeper, into the psychological manipulation that is induced by this particular color palette. When I saw that the magnet shared the same red/blue color palette, I realized that these colors are likely being used in order to put each individual into a state of polarization.
Games are fun. Games are based in conflict. Manufacturing reality by making conflict the biggest source for entertainment.
Being alive involves the near constant activity of making choices. We are indoctrinated with the idea that having more choices is desirable. The power construct that is manufacturing reality has recently gone into overdrive in the manufacturing of choices. As the information age progresses through time, the amount of choices is becoming an ever increasing burden on the collective consciousness. The choices are presented using many different angles. A popular example is beliefs, which are currently being exploited by the manufacturers of choices more than any other time in the collective memory*...* which is always followed closely by the collective amnesia. Choices are deeply rooted in the DIVIDE AND CONQUER strategy, an all time favorite of the power construct. Choices are now being utilized in another favorite strategy for maintaining control: ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. Choices have an important role in the MANUFACTURING OF CONSENT, which is highly valued by the power construct. Consent is the oil that keeps the reality machine running smoothly, which is why so much effort is put into the illusion that consent has very little value. This illusion is concealed very well within the fabric of the intangible idea of reality that is overlaying the physical, material reality and has been so successful that consent is given almost instantaneously and without a second thought. Meanwhile, the illusion of value that has been given to currency is as strong as ever: remaining in its long-held position as one of the "pillars of control", which supports and maintains the power construct. The other pillar of control: the illusion of legitimacy, which several institutions within the power construct rely on, has been under maintenance, as a new version is being installed. While the anticipation for this new update slowly builds, the grand master illusion behind the power construct: FEAR BASED PROGRAMMING, - that's it - I'm giving up on this now. They're fucking plastic robots that hit each other until one of their heads... pops a boner?
A theme that seems to always accompany color-based choices emerges: everyone on the outside, looking in, sees an absolutely pointless rivalry. These dudes are victims of mind control.
Well, after choice # 1 resulted in a train wreck of disjointed abstractions trying way too hard to be deep, meaningful observations, I am troubled by the thought of how many readers have probably given up on this. I want everyone that is still with me to know that, due to irrational fears about what anonymous online profiles might think about me, I will now focus primarily on "fitting in" and being likeable, by employing a strategy of trying very hard to not express any more ideas that might be considered "out there". Obviously, this is just the result of growing up poor and uneducated in the ghetto. I mean, who is crazy enough to actually believe that this is somehow connected to other rivalry's that use... very similar hues of red and blue. I mean, they are two of the most popular colors out there - both primary - and... realistically, there aren't that many colors; especially that complement each other like red and blue... ahh, blue and red: the colors of rivalry. There's no deep conspiracy here. Obviously, these guys wear these colors so they know who their enemies are... because, otherwise, there is no reason to kill each other. This is all about the colors. It would be completely pointless otherwise and these guys would probably get on well and hang out in each other's back yards... and then the cops would have nothing to do, which would be a waste of tax payer dollars. Can't have cops just standing around eatin' donuts and getting fat.
Coke & Pepsi. A classic rivalry that makes me proud to live in a free country, where great ideas like capitalism can flourish. I know that they are made by the same company, but I don't really think that matters, ya know?
We are presented with choices. Our choices shape our opinions. So, if I choose red - I mean - Coke, then I will get along with others who choose Coke and we will agree that we chose correctly and that the people that prefer blue - I mean - Pepsi, chose incorrectly. Well, the people that chose blue think they chose correctly and that it is, in fact, the red people that chose incorrectly. This is a conflict of interests, and conflicts create division. People who are divided require a non-biased mediator so that order can be maintained and, because this mediator cares about the safety of both the red and the blue groups, it only makes sense that they should be given the authority to decide what is ok and is not ok for both groups. This is the most rational and logical option because the authority isn't biased towards red or blue, which means they will know what's best for everyone's interests. The police are there to make sure that all red and all blue people are all following all of the all-inclusive rules, mandated by the mediator, and all this is done for the greater good of society. I - I'm gonna get all choked up over here, just thinking about how nice the government is to do all that it does for us. They protect us from those fucking freaks that drink Pepsi. God I fucking hate those sub-human blue-tards! Red people generally have more money and are more successful, which means they are smarter. What started as a small neighborhood feud between Coke and Pepsi is actually how the gang warfare between the Bloods & Crips originated. That's right, they got the colors from Coke and Pepsi, which obviously is a lot more likely than a vast conspiracy involving powerful people manipulating reality in order to maintain control and power over the uninitiated masses. Fuck poor people. Oh, and how about those people that make their preference for Coke or Pepsi an aspect of their personality? They don't seem to understand that the color of the can is the only fucking difference. That's why I stick with Tab Cola, for those unmistakable metallic flavors and the uncomfortable, sticky feeling all over my body the next day.
They're the exact same store except for the fact that one is red and one is blue... and yet, you have a preference for one over the other. You made up some reasons for why they are different in your head, because you are under an immense amount of mind control.
Ahh... consumerism**:** the arena of pointless choices. Why does only one company manufacture all the different brands of eyeglasses? Perhaps... to have control over the market? No - to have control over you, stupid - and no: this isn't a joke. It's a desperate plea, urging you to wake up and see this shit for what it really is, while you have this opportunity - this window - into the illusion. You see, they are getting desperate - and lately, the world seems like it has gone mad - which is part of their strategy, which is preventing you from seeing it. Why do you think there are suddenly twenty new M&M's flavor combinations? All these new Reese's Peanut Butter Cup's with minor alterations of essentially the same fucking thing? Let me guess: they're just having fun... right? Trying to stir up interest in candy bars? Or maybe for profit... right? This is just a business strategy to get your money... right? No... no... I'm afraid you're thinking way too small... with your logic and reason and all the other LIMITING BELIEFS that you have been - and are being - indoctrinated with: every fucking day! These are all pointless choices (brought to you by consumerism) that are trying to keep you distracted. Trying to keep your mind occupied. Why is Netflix trying to induce option paralysis? Why are the high-tech gadgets we use for entertainment purposes bombarding us with a constant onslaught of ads, new articles, stories, and a maddening amount of pointless bullshit?!?!?! They want you to be overwhelmed*;* they want you to freeze. They want you to have no sense of identity. They want life to overwhelm you with an endless list of pointless shit that has to get done in order to maintain... in order to maintain... to maintain what? THE ILLUSION, IDIOT. Ok: that was uncalled for. I don't think you're an idiot. I think that you know, in the bottom of your cold, gray heart , that the crazy shit I am saying sounds right (for some reason). They are manipulating reality in order to keep you under their power and control. I don't exactly know why, but I do know that they care a lot more about you being distracted than they care about worthless green paper. You know what? I bet the 1% doesn't give a shit about money: they simply have all of it just to piss you off. Why is all this corruption in the news all the time? The next fucking scandal that everyone can talk about? WHY is the news telling us to wear masks, get vaccinated and then, the following week, admitting COVID-19 is a bio-weapon? TO KEEP YOU DISTRACTED. THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO THEM. Oh, and Walmart and Target's LOGOS both contain some occult symbolism. Yep: Target's logo is the astrological symbol for the sun and Walmart's logo is the Star of David... with the hexagon in the middle. The hexagon is symbolic of the cube. Once you understand that you can't not see the cube*.* It's fucking weird - but also a conversation for another time - when we can discuss why all of these well-known corporate LOGOs are symbolic of Saturn:
You know what? I think I should devote a large portion of my life to watching a bunch of overpaid, mentally compromised, grown-ass men chase a ball around. I also think I should be passionate about the team that is closest to me in geographical proximity. This is not mind control, but as a conspiracy realist, I do like to point out that MK Ultra really did happen, and the CIA really did experiment with mind control back in the 1950's, but the program ended decades ago. I like to go on online conspiracy forums, and help people understand the reality of conspiracy theories, so they don't get sucked into lies like Q-anon or lizard people or THIS POST, WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY THE WORK OF A MENTALLY UNSTABLE INDIVIDUAL.
Watching sports makes me feel safe, and comfortable, because it distracts me from all the bullshit of everyday life. It's good to have a nice distraction - and fill my mind with useless sports stats - or talk endlessly with the bro's about individual players strength's and weaknesses - in a boring, monotonous tone of voice - while I sip domestic piss-water beer. I don't want to think too deeply about things because it starts to make me really uncomfortable when I have to confront reality. I'd rather just not worry about it and see what happens. Who am I but a lowly speck of insignificant, worthless dog shit in this giant, scary universe, where I am completely powerless to do anything but take whatever beating the world feels like dishing out to me that day? I dunno. Maybe Jesus will come back and good will win out in the end. Good always wins in the end - that's just the way it works - so I don't really have to worry about anything. God is good. My little brother doesn't like sports at all. He likes to put on girls makeup, and is always depressed and confused and obsessing about some dumb shit. We're lucky to live in the modern age, with advancements in science that will allow my brother to medically transition into the woman that he always should have been - and always truly was - on the inside. Some assholes don't think that trans women are women. They just don't understand how science works, and don't care to learn. They are just misogynistic, transphobic assholes. That's right: if you don't think that you can be born a man and then change into a woman that means you are transphobic. You hate trans people because you don't want to believe that a man can change into a woman. Anyway - that's my brother -not me. I like guy shit... because I'm normal.
CHOICE # 666
The choice of the beast
Oh NO! Everyone hates politics - which is why I hid it at the end - because I know nobody is still reading this. I've alienated myself from the audience, with all the confusing switching between dialogues of seemingly different people and JUST BECAUSE I BET there will be some DIP-CLIP that says "voting is how we get things done around here." HA! Nice try, but this isn't about politics; this is a meta-analysis of WHY it's NO POLITICS. The short answer is that participating in this is as pointless as those people above, participating in gang warfare against their fellow man. "THOSE PEOPLE?" What do you mean, those people? Black people? THIS GUYS RACIST. No, even worse: HE'S INTOLERANT. The human race has become far too soft, weak and emasculated by the pesticides and environmental toxins that get dumped all over us, every day! GET VACCINATED for other people, you SELFISH CONSPIRACY THEORIST. This is why we aren't going to reach herd immunity and we will have to deal with COVID-19 for years to come: because of people like you. WHY WOULD I trust a RANDOM, intolerant asshole on Reddit, who watched a YouTube video about lizard people, over EXPERTS who WENT TO SCHOOL for years to become indoctrinated, believe everything the MSM tells them, and completely LACK the ability to critically think?! All my life I heard that I "need to go to college", and today I couldn't be happier that I am not of a "higher education" because, from what I've gathered, they are some of the most CLOSE-MINDED people on the planet. LIMITING BELIEFS. That's what trendy these days.
I'm not done yet! Yes, I'm gonna talk about the donkey and the elephant: not only are politics bullshit; those who participate in politics are participating in a terrible, evil practice. Why would you affiliate with a political party and tell people what you think they can and cannot do? Can't you see that's the crux of the problem? I know things are fucked when the majority of people are of the opinion that we need to FIX the government (change it, drain the swamp, bureaucracy, etc.) They don't get it - we don't need to change the government - we need to END the government. Government is the single biggest threat to humanity. "But they protect us from the BAD people." Guess what? "The bad people" are there because of the government. The government needs the bad people to be there, in order to maintain their "illusion of legitimacy" (credit - Jim@EOI) and make themselves seem needed. THE BAD PEOPLE are the people who protect us. The sooner you understand that, the better off you are. And people are still talking about election fraud because they think that Trump is GOOD. Can't you see the mind control? How are these people this BLIND to reality?
Manipulation of reality.
Look... it's the superpowers. The greatest countries in the world! But why do they have the exact same color scheme as all the pointless choices? How can they be united? This is the divided states and the divided kingdom, and they have conquered. DIVIDE & CONQUER. Oh, wait... some patriots went off to find a new home and fight for freedom from the oppression of the taxation of the royal bloody palace? Only to go and make a new country even more oppressive and with higher taxes, some two-hundred odd years later? Are you SURE that it wasn't actually to commit GENOCIDE against all the indigenous BROWN PEOPLE, whose genetic makeup allowed them to have a far deeper understanding of spirituality? CoUlDn't bE Th*@*T....
I am so sick of the average Redditor - who thinks they're smart because they're an atheist who understands science - arguing with me, using all their SUPER-BELIEVABLE LIMITING BELIEFS. I know on Reddit it's hard to tell who is real and who ... isn't real - but these people are seemingly the majority now - and they're fucked. They don't even actually understand what science is. Science isn't chopping off your dick to be a woman. Let's talk about the actual scientist who performed many series of actual scientific experiments to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that people are able to control material reality with only the use of their minds. Why doesn't anyone ever want to talk about THAT science?
What it seems is that every thing in this world - every institution, religion, and academic study - has been corrupted to keep us under control. The people that are in control of this world have access to esoteric knowledge that they have hidden from the masses to keep for themselves. This knowledge involves the ability to manipulate reality, which they use for power and keeping the rest of us down and powerless. From what I can tell, the thing they don't want us to know is that we are powerful beings, with capabilities that have been hidden and unused. Every person needs to understand that they are a powerful being that doesn't need any help or anyone to save them. WE have the power to control our own destiny. If the majority would start believing in their power and themselves, we would have a chance at ending this shitty reality manipulation and living as non-dual beings of love - as the true source of creation made us - powerful, independent beings with everything we need, and no need to evolve or learn shitty lessons about suffering. Unfortunately, it seems like most people would prefer to keep their creature comforts, believe that this isn't as bad as I am making it sound, and remain here, in the safety of familiarity... away from the fear of the unknown. And that makes me so fucking sad that it brings tears to my eyes.
submitted by futurebannedacct to CoronavirusCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:34 Chickenwingechicken simple exercises that you can do right now to help you shift

💭₊˚ introduction 💭₊˚

these exercises are to be done at whatever time you can. even if you shift at night, you don't have to focus on shifting in order to do these exercises. in fact, don't. while the end goal of these exercises is to help you shift, that should not be the attempt itself to shift.
just like regular physical exercise, these exercises will take time to get results for. but, they are very useful.

⋆⁺₊🪬 visualization exercise 🪬⋆⁺₊

so, you can't visualize. or you have trouble visualizing. this exercise may help you.
i notice that people tend to over complicate the idea of visualizing. as a general rule of thumb, don't over complicate things. a lot of things that are simple get over complicated by us as humans because of how simple it is. it feels like a 'what? really? that's it?' and we feel the need to search for something more beyond that. the same can be applied here to shifting and more specifically, visualizing.
lie down or sit down. just get comfortable. i want you to close your eyes and try to imagine something. it could be something small like an orange just for now. an orange is simple enough so that you can visualize it with ease.
once you have set your mind on imagining an orange. think about it some more and really analyze it. how bright is the orange? is it very textured. the orange that you are holding peeled or unpeeled? imagine it's smell. then imagine taking a bit out of it and its taste.
once you have used your senses to focus on that orange, move onto the background. before you stop imagining the orange, you should ask yourself; what is behind that orange? what color is the wall. are you holding the orange or is it on a plate or napkin?
without not focusing on the area, think of where you are looking at this orange. are you sitting somewhere? are you relaxing in your room with this orange? take time to focus on yourself and where you are and where that orange is.
do this about twice a day with different things. establishing a routine will give you the best results. when attempting to shift, you should try to visualize an object from your dr in that same way. like a phone.
if you wish to visualize your room, focus on one object and go from there. i find this personally easier than focusing on everything else at once. everything just becomes kinda blurry that way and an imagination instead of a visualization.

᭝ ᨳଓ ՟ detaching exercise ᭝ ᨳଓ ՟

this exercise is made to help you detach from your body. to not feel it. this one, i will split into two sections since there could be two ways to detach yourself.
exercise one
the first detaching exercise just has you focus on your breathing and letting things be. relax all of your muscles. focus on each limb individually starting from your feet and all the way up to your head. once you are completely relaxed, you should try to focus on anything but your body. maybe some scenarios about your dr.
but ultimately, you should be having a calm mind. it should feel empty by the time that you are done relaxing. don't be sleepy, but also don't be too alert of the world around you. if you feel a tingling or heaviness, especially in your legs, just ignore it.
again, do not over complicate it. just let it all be.
exercise two
the second detachment exercise focuses on the feeling of removing yourself from the body. or at least, the feeling of removing yourself from your body. repeat the exact same steps as before. in order for this to work however, your limbs should not be touching; it makes the process easier.
once you have done that, focus on your breathing again. then once your body becomes heavy, try to move parts of your body without moving a muscle. do your best, even if it takes a couple of tries to do.

⭑. 🌌 wake up exercise 🌌 .⭑

unless you take naps throughout the day, you only have the opportunity to do this as soon as you wake up. there is something called a hypnagogic state. a hypnagogic state is a mental state in which you are between sleep and being awake. your dream has just ended or is about to begin. there is a moment of awareness just before you do. try to focus on that feeling.
once you become aware you are in that state, you likely have no feeling in your body. you will quickly shoot yourself out of bed as quickly as you could. don't think too long about it, simply just shoot yourself out of bed.
you can quickly affirm that you are in your dr when you do this, or you could do what is basically astral projection or a self induced out of body experience.

𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ meditation exercise 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒

this one is pretty self explanatory. you are meant to just meditate. you can find a quick one or a long one to your liking. as i said many other times before, meditation is a proven way to calm your mind and body. meditating for a quick amount of time and slowly building up to a longer meditation can help you with shifting and staying in the same place as before.
you should listen to the same or similar meditation so that you can build off of that and have some semblance of familiarity with it.
again, this will need a routine of doing this often. it doesn't have to be once everyday, but it can be every other day within the day. it shouldn't be when you are about to sleep.
if you feel as though there is an outside force preventing you from shifting or view shifting as some puzzle with a missing piece that you can't find, this exercise can help you figure out what it is by tapping into you subconscious mind.

⁺₊🎧 comfort character exercise ⁺₊🎧

this one is similar to the visualization one in some way. put on a guided meditation or an asmr roleplay of that comfort character. close your eyes and imagine yourself getting talked to by that comfort character.
for the guided meditation, imagine them talking to you through that guided meditation. that their voice is helping you relax. this may improve your chances in shifting by being able to focus on that meditation even more.
as for the asmr roleplay, i find that this can help you create a scenario for your dr and something to have a conversation with while you shift.
you can also do both of these just before you shift to motivate you some more. it can also just be a fun thing to do!

୨🪐୧ conclusion ୨🪐୧

i'm a bit tired after writing this. not due to the post itself but just in general, haha. when it comes to these exercises, the goal is not to shift during them, so don't be disappointed if you wake up in your current reality after doing these exercises. as i said before, the goal is to work on certain aspects that people use for shifting that you struggle with. if you feel held back by shifting in some way, these will be a great opportunity to try and figure out what it is.
please be sure to stay safe and happy shifting! ᥫ᭡
submitted by Chickenwingechicken to realityshifting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:04 CardiologistOdd431 First MC

I just had my first miscarriage and it was the most traumatic experience of my life. I had breast cancer a few years ago, but this was way worse than all of that.
Besides the excruciating pain, which landed me in the ER and on the receiving end of a morphine injection, the worst part was collecting samples for genetic testing.
My husband collected the samples and the whole thing felt really sterile and lifeless. But we did manage to collect the gestational sac and some tissue. The next day while still bleeding into and adult diaper I brought the samples into my OBs office.
I was holding this lunchbox with the contents I had seen inside my body at my 8 weeks scan just a week before. The waiting room was filled with pregnant women and newborns and I was just gutted.
I feel so vacant in my heart and in my body. I can’t imagine going through this ever again. For everyone on this board, I’m so so sorry.
submitted by CardiologistOdd431 to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:20 arvarnargul Chuck 01x04 teleplay review

Intro: In a series of reviews that will begin (or return) here; we are going to try and take a critical look at the Chuck series, especially the unfolding of the story as scene through the teleplay. In this case we are assuming multiple things about a potential watcher:
What is this all for: This started as a project to improve my critical reviewing skills for a hobby of movie script writing and analysis. Chuck happens to have published 3 original scripts and all the text of every episode has been published to a searchable database. This affords an opportunity to break from my movie writing woes and infinite revisions to just have fun enjoying Chuck and trying to deepen my understanding of the intersection of script writing with filmography and visual editing. Having said this, it should be known I have no affiliation to the show, no additional insider knowledge, and I do not write scripts for a living. So, consequently, feel free to ignore everything I say :). I do hope, however, we can go on this journey together and appreciate the excellence that is a love story called Chuck.
So, don't freak out, and lets get started.

Chuck 01x04 (Chuck vs the Wookiee): TEASER - We open with the gang playing "Know Ya!", which isn't actually a real board game, but based on the game Paddles. It's amazing that Morgan can't stand Ellie/Awesome being in love/winning, but marches triumphantly whenever he gets a question correct. I also like we see, in frame, Chuck watching Sarah pick off olives; he's beginning to notice things just like a real spy. The deep sadness and yet storied confliction on Chuck's face when he discovers Peaches 1 and Peaches 2 was great.
For those who don't know about dogs:
I find it very interesting how Sarah has "spidey sense" about potentially being watched. At no point previously did either Sarah nor Casey display this trait and I'm not totally sure how an open window was enough to do this; I wonder if Sarah's comfort being around Chuck's family is causing her to develop a "feeling of being watched" as she is comfortable with the Bartowski's? For those who missed it, Sarah talks about having a sister I think at the time this was just a throw-away line to protect her cover, but in season 5 Sarah does actually have a little sister if you count the little girl she rescues One last thing about Sarah here, when Bryce is being discussed, I really like how it was played where she acts quiet and shocked, but not saying anything. The facial expressions of Yvonne here are really special and you can tell Sarah lives a life of secrets. This is carried outside when Chuck asks Sarah about her relationship with Bryce. She is totally looking down and to the right, a classic indication of an emotional response searching for rationalization (ie. she is clearly lying)
As they end the game and exit to the courtyard, there teleplay of Chuck does something I've been wanting to see forever; they switch perspective to keep both characters in camera and follow them around from a 3rd perspective. We know this is supposed to indicate they are being watched, but I really enjoy getting to see them together reacting and talking instead of the constant close-ups and cuts. Normally Chuck will be shot with something between a medium close up (MCU) and Medium Shot (MS) to emphasize their characters and highlight their faces and expressions. This works really well because Chuck's cameras are typically either shoulder level or hip level based on the operators moving through their space. In many more modern TV shows, the technology of boom cranes and gyroscopic gimbals allows for content to be show from ground level to overhead giving directors the opportunity to tell their story through a variety of shifting profiles. If Chuck were shot today, we would see everything from full body shots all the way to extreme closeups without the need for continual jump-cuts and re-shoots because the technology is there. At least for this episode, it's nice to see the director explore more hip/knee level motion and more cowboy framed shots when having a distant observer perspective. https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/types-of-camera-shots-sizes-in-film/ does a fantastic breakdown of all the different shot type and camera perspectives for you want to read more!
As we transition into Sarah's hotel room, did anyone pick up on how NICE this is? She has double sinks, a king bed, a sitting mirror, free standing tub, and a great view. I doubt any agency in the "real world" would ever spring for something like this for multiple years for one of their agents, it's fancy! Enter Carina, tell me, who saw Sarah fight with a soap sock and think of iCarly and the famous "butter sock". Also during this fight, why is Sarah wearing a golden bikini? I know she is about to get into the shower, but what plausible reason is there for her to a) wear a bikini at all and b) it to be a bright golden yellow?? If you slow this fight scene way down, you will notice Yvonne's strikes actually come close to hitting Mimi as she has had a lot of training, whereas Mimi's strikes are miles from Yvonne and she just over-acts their impact. The most noticeable is the kick into her table, Sarah goes flying back, but we can tell from the angle, Carina missed her by a good 2 ft. This was just some sloppy editing and not getting the camera into position. I give it a pass because you have probably 3 camera operators wearing stabilized camera rigs trying to rotate around a room with 2 girls fighting and they just missed the angle by like 2 feet. I did really like at the end of the fight Carina had the option to go for the gun but instead went for the fish. If you didn't know they were not enemies before, this should have been a big clue! Carina calls Sarah's life in LA boring #1


Carina aka: Maria Elena Argalberdi was born Jun 16, 1978 in Alberdi Argentina with a Buenos Aires passport. Maria Elena is actually the name of a famous song in Mexico and eventually had a movie. This Chuck learns on Flash #1 and is the precursor to meeting the general for the first time. I know I've mentioned this before, but to reiterate; the pictures in Casey's apartment are all wrong; he has photos of Chuck and Morgan that don't happen until season 5 (lost footage) he has a map of Echo Park and Malibu already on display, and he has tactical information for each member of the Buy More (which he has no reason for at this time). It is interesting they talk about an opium cartel in Afghanistan as Afghanistan is known for it's huge poppy fields for heroin drug money.
The NADAN-I-NOOR diamond:
We open back to see Carina and Sarah looking at classified files within the restaurant. THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW, you do not look at classified files out in the open and especially not where there are clearly other customers around. Venturing into the BuyMore, there is a monster truck rally on the TV's showing grave digger and reaper, two famous trucks from this time period. Morgan wants to spread his wings and be the fourth wheel to the perpetual 3 wheel party and Sarah, ever the schemer, literally glows when she thinks of the plan to have Carina go on a date with Morgan. I THINK this was just to help maintain their cover, but also maybe Sarah is just needling Carina? If you look in the back of the store when Chuck is talking to Sarah and Carina, there is a really cool Nerd Herd poster that says "Bringing peace to your computer emergency". "if a yawn could yawn" is Carina calling Sarah's job boring #2. One thing I really like with the double data is the way the camera jumps between the couples: boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl. I think they way they try and keep private conversations via screen time is a really nice, typical, teleplay trick that really works well here. In a "real" environment, everyone could hear everything, but by splitting the camera focus or playing with perspective, the viewer clearly knows "this is a conversation between girls the boys don't hear it". We see Chuck noticing Sarah picking off olives #2 while they watch a movie about penguins: who mate for life, present their love in the form of rocks, and are pack animals. In Chuck's bedroom as he talks to Morgan, Chuck has a box of King Edward Invincible underneath bongos; for those who don't know this is a famous box for mild tobacco cigars. So I wonder what Chuck is up to in his free time :P.
On the Nerd Herd call with Carina, she opens a bottle of wine with a butter knife. This is actually a pretty famous thing that is done all over the world with everything from a key to a saber. In fact they make a specially type of knife with an extra wide blade for this it Italy. I do want to ask the question; is Carina dressed in red lingerie (Chuck's favorite color she stole from Sarah) really necessary for this scene? I know that Carina is all about improvising and she often uses her sexuality to progress her cause (Casey), but I think we could have gotten away with just the top. I can certainly see the rationalization for going this far, but I think as an artistic choice it wasn't necessary. What IS necessary however is to talk about how Chuck's world implodes when Carina tells him about Sarah and Bryce. Also the perfect act transition ending right at Chuck's jaw dropping and the work boyfriend!


I'll say it again, the back an forth with Chuck and Sarah should have been a medium close up, shoulder level straight on shot instead of the constant cuts. Seeing their reaction in real time would have been easier and it would have allowed the Weinerlicious to be maybe 15 ft smaller to not need so many cameramen rotating. "Unless talking to your boyfriend is a matter of national security, the ketchup bottles won't refill themselves". Why yes it IS a mater of national security for Sarah to talk to Chuck... also if any one of us stood up to our boss like Sarah did, I'm pretty sure we'd be fired on the spot!
Malibu is ~2hours for Echo Park with standard LA traffic. Seriously, how do girls in high heels walk down stairs; we see Carina and Sarah walking sideways so there is enough space on each step to fit their shoes. Girls, how do you do that and not fall especially with narrow staircases and 3-6inch heels! Inside the room with the stone there is a bust of Cesare, archenemies, da vinci, and biblical David. There is also some famous paintings the best of which is Vemieer's "young girl with a pearl earring" which is rather appropriate considering it's meaning. There is also a Van Gogh of man in a wheat field and a Monet in one shot too. If ANY of these paintings were real instead of reproductions, they would be worth millions, in fact the young girl with a pearl is estimated at 40million, which is 1.5x the sell value of the Nadan-I-Noor! If we take a look at the engineering drawing of Flash #2 on the pedestal, we would see this design creates a closed circuit around the tongs the diamond rests on; which might explain it's red hue. If a person were to touch the diamond, it would close the circuit on their body allowing the 4000volts to travel through their heart. A person can die with ~20volts, though it's usually more like 50 in most occurrences. 4000volts is enough to kill a herd of elephants and completely overkill for a person. Also the amount of power that would take is more than the city of Malibu... this is to say the trap is real, the numbers are complete nonsense; thinking lightning! Nice shot by Sarah with the plate (there are some great bloopers on this too where she misses badly)! A remote controlled jet ski... i'm not even going to calculate the nonsense for this; it's just total nonsense. Almost as much nonsense as Casey using his phone to track Carina's call. That would take minutes, even with today's technology to back trace like that and way more power than just pushing a button on a razer flip-phone from the 90's!
back at the house, Chuck i playing halo with the legendary skulls as his weapon; this is nice because in the BuyMore at the end of the episode there are dudes dressed as master chief! I really like the changing perspective here with Chuck and Morgan. Chuck's reactions remain in focus while Morgan tells a story behind him, then it switches as Chuck starts to move around until bringing both into focus for the final line "we still have each other and that's really sad". The side cut to Sarah picking locks to the hotel door is classic early 2000's TV and i'm all for it, even if it is super cheezy. BTW as someone who used to lock pick in college, that's .... not how that works, but good try. We get our Flash #3 on the diamond in Morgan's back nuclear explosions. I wonder if the refractive capability of a diamond this pure is enough to focus laser to induce fission or if the value of selling the diamond is enough to buy nuclear material on the black market? Either way, we end the act with... the man with the golden gun!


Chuck uses Sarah's plate move against Carina, nice inter-episode call back; he's clearly watching/learning, but his aim is terrible. This was actually clever as Sarah has perfect aim for she is a professional, while Chuck is still definitely a civilian and has no aptitude for fighting. I really like both these types of simple call backs but also how seemingly throw-away lines/actions help tell the broad story of the show. Chuck talking to Carina also shows Chuck has this weird, innate aptitude to get people to re-evaluate themselves and grow internally. You can watch Carina "grow in real-time. When we get to the hotel and Carina opens her trunk first there are a few glocks, a couple rugers, and a 1911; then she switches to blades and we see some folders, some strait blades, an illegal gravity blade (still illegal today), and a kbar... nice selection! Carina, always the flirt, gives Chuck some very insightful works about the nature of being a spy, but also maybe some way to get through to Sarah.
Inside the hotel we see Carina and Sarah speaking; Carina is speaking Swedish, while Sarah replies in Polish. "Om jag slänger nycklarna till dig, kommer du tappa dem då?" which is Swedish for "If I throw you the keys, will you drop them?" Sarah answered in Polish: "Tylko jak rzucisz jak twoja mamusia", which means "Only if you throw it like your mommy". This is just great!
I want to talk about how fast Chuck managed to find an address for DC, print a label, open a box, put the label on, and get the diamond there all before the door gets broken. Somehow on screen time this is like 10seconds, but in real life this would have to be like 3minutes minimum? Either that door is remarkably strong or... TV magic??


Even with all the flirting, as we say goodbye to Carina >! for now !< she is still joking with Casey and every the professional. I like how they show when it's "game time" it's all about the job, but spys can be people too! Carina still calls Sarah's life boring #3 (the common trifecta of episode repeats).
Sarah's face when Chuck brings the pizza with no olives is the reason I think Yvonne makes the perfect Sarah. She exudes the hidden beauty needed and has the acting to so such emotion for Chuck being sweet. The whole scene with Chuck and Sarah asking questions, then Chuck backing off, then Sarah acting stoic like she WANTS to open up but doesn't know if she can really trust Chuck, is ready to move on from Bryce, and should for the nature of her job. This was probably the most well acted 20seconds of the entire episode. Finally, we hear Sarah's middle name is Lisa. Now we never officially know if Chuck hears this or not both due to camera focus and distance, it's never officially confirmed in the entire show. When the intersect is updated in season 4 we see Sarah's picture and it lists Lisa as a middle name, so we assume it's official, but it's never confirmed at any point. Finally, I really like how they end the episode with Sarah closing her eyes as the fade to black.

Few notes: There are 5 official songs in this episode:

I think this was a great episode and really showcased what they can do when additional cast members join the team and when they are not afraid to play with perspective. Mimi as Carina is a great addition to the ensemble and I wish we saw her more, but every time she drops in, it's always a wild episode and it's fantastic. Watching Chuck learn about Sarah and seeing Sarah start to open up is a good way forward and heck Casey had some of the best humor in the episode. Overall, it was fast paced, had some nice character development, as funny in the best way, and moved the main theme along, 8/10.
submitted by arvarnargul to chuck [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:14 Kurohsuke Dumb Review of My Summer Rotation so far

I'll be ranking these from worst to best with a quick little review of my thoughts on them
  1. Lattafa Atlas: 2/10 Supposedly a clone of Megamere. Idk man I think this shit is ass. The first two seconds it has this very addicting smell, and then it starts getting nauseating and headache inducing (first fragrance to ever do this to me). Dries down into a chemical nuclear bomb that lasts for days and multiple washeshowers. Do not buy. You've been warned. Lol.
  2. Versace Pour Homme: 4/10 Everyone hyped this up, but it just smells like old spice body wash or something. Clean ig? Although it's a dumbreach9000
  3. Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Intense: 6/10 Not bad. Decent marine scent with decent longevity. Expected more citrus in the drydown idk why. Would be great for a really hot day. Doesn't smell like eggs like some people say. Maybe drink more water?
  4. Bvlgari Man Wood Neroli: 7/10 I actually quite like this for summer. Has a very good neroli scent with a slightly soapy feel, but only a little bit. Sometimes I get a creamy neroli vibe from it. Good everyday reach
  5. Issey Miyake L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme: 7/10 I personally don't think it's a yuzu forward fragrance like I was expecting, but I can't deny after wearing a few times it definitely grew on me. Super clean spicy/soapy vibe with a hint of citrus. Is a dumb reach for sure
  6. Hermes H24 EDP: 7.5/10 I love me some oakmoss. Smells a lot better on skin than it does on clothes. Smells amazing during heat or if water touches it.
  7. Terre d' Hermes EDT: 8/10 Timeless classic, and I can see why. I think I prefer the Parfum more, but the price difference doesn't justify. Got 200ml of this for $80 so lol Bitter citrus and some woods. Love it
The last two are a hard choice for me, they're pretty equal. So I let my wife decide which one is better.
  1. Terre d' Hermes Eau Givree: 8.5/10 Citrrrroooonnnn blastttt in the opening thats realistic asf. Feels very cooling and refreshing. Love this shit
Nishane Colognise: 8.5/10 My wife loves it on me. Very underrated from Nishane, and very affordable from jomashop or discounters. Neroli/Jasmine/Tea scent, but without the soapy vibe. Addicted to smelling myself all day. Is a modern take on old school colognes. Only lacking in projection imo. If you want your girl to smell this and melt into your arms, this the way to go.
If you made it this far, feel free to recommend some summer fragrances for me to try! And guess my age if you wanna
submitted by Kurohsuke to fragrance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:07 Kurohsuke Dumb Review of My Summer Rotation so far

Dumb Review of My Summer Rotation so far
I'll be ranking these from worst to best with a quick little review of my thoughts on them
  1. Lattafa Atlas: 2/10 Supposedly a clone of Megamere. Idk man I think this shit is ass. The first two seconds it has this very addicting smell, and then it starts getting nauseating and headache inducing (first fragrance to ever do this to me). Dries down into a chemical nuclear bomb that lasts for days and multiple washeshowers. Do not buy. You've been warned. Lol. It's not in the photo because I put it back in the box in a drawer.
  2. Versace Pour Homme: 4/10 Everyone hyped this up, but it just smells like old spice body wash or something. Clean ig? Although it's a dumbreach9000
  3. Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Intense: 6/10 Not bad. Decent marine scent with decent longevity. Expected more citrus in the drydown idk why. Would be great for a really hot day. Doesn't smell like eggs like some people say. Maybe drink more water?
  4. Bvlgari Man Wood Neroli: 7/10 I actually quite like this for summer. Has a very good neroli scent with a slightly soapy feel, but only a little bit. Sometimes I get a creamy neroli vibe from it. Good everyday reach
  5. Issey Miyake L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme: 7/10 Wife keeps it in the bedroom, so not in photo. I personally don't think it's a yuzu forward fragrance like I was expecting, but I can't deny after wearing a few times it definitely grew on me. Super clean spicy/soapy vibe with a hint of citrus. Is a dumb reach for sure
  6. Hermes H24 EDP: 7.5/10 I love me some oakmoss. Smells a lot better on skin than it does on clothes. Smells amazing during heat or if water touches it.
  7. Terre d' Hermes EDT: 8/10 Timeless classic, and I can see why. I think I prefer the Parfum more, but the price difference doesn't justify. Got 200ml of this for $80 so lol Bitter citrus and some woods. Love it
The last two are a hard choice for me, they're pretty equal. So I let my wife decide which one is better.
  1. Terre d' Hermes Eau Givree: 8.5/10 Citrrrroooonnnn blastttt in the opening thats realistic asf. Feels very cooling and refreshing. Love this shit
  2. Nishane Colognise: 8.5/10 My wife loves it on me. Very underrated from Nishane, and very affordable from jomashop or discounters. Neroli/Jasmine/Tea scent, but without the soapy vibe. Addicted to smelling myself all day. Is a modern take on old school colognes. Only lacking in projection imo. If you want your girl to smell this and melt into your arms, this the way to go.
If you made it this far, feel free to recommend some summer fragrances for me to try! And guess my age if you wanna
submitted by Kurohsuke to Colognes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:05 ImpossibleJaguar2727 Had the most relaxing moments I've had in a long time.

Two days ago, got off of my shift on my last work day of the week. Worked 13 hour shifts back to back for 4 days straight. Got in my car, went to McDonald’s for the first time in about 9 months, ordered 2 cheese burgers, small fries and a medium coke.
Took my food, started to drive home, but decided I just wanted to eat. So I found a parking spot about halfway between where I work and where I live, took it, and started to eat. I know its just garbage fast food, but those cheese burgers just tasted so delicious in those moments, the fries hit the spot and washing it down with the coke was the cherry on top. I’ve dealt with so much bullshit and nonsense this past week, it felt great to just sit, indulge, and not have a care in the world.
I felt super sleepy after I was done, so I turned on my chill hip hop / r&b playlist, reclined my seat all the way back, put my cap on my face and just closed my eyes. I laid in my carb induced coma for 15 minutes, allowing my eyelids to relieve themselves of the weight on them, just glad this whack ass week is done. My mind was in limbo, floating between the music and grainy sound of tires from cars driving by.
Someone honking at another car snapped me out of my trance, so I adjusted my seat, and continued to drive home. I got home, fell asleep as soon as I dropped into my bed, and woke up after 8 hours to start a nice 3 day weekend.
Good start to my days off.
submitted by ImpossibleJaguar2727 to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:57 UnforgivenApple My (24 F) Sister (22F) is in a toxic relationship, and it’s making her unbearable.

Hello, I’m just venting and sort of looking for advice because though I’m going crazy I feel extremely guilty. My sister who I’ll call A and I have been super close, way more close than most siblings I believe; most due to trauma caused by our parents and relatives who have severe substance abuse problems and because of this since very young I have looked at A more of a daughter than a sister. I do not expect A to view me as a mother, but I can’t help but see her in this way and I have taken care of her financially, emotionally and physically for at least 9 years now since I could legally get a job. As to now, A has been in a relationship with P for about a year now. From the very beginning it has been in my opinion very unhealthy. Demanding each other passwords, stalking his location every time I see her just sitting down, she constantly comes to be at least 2 times a week with a fight they are in. A couple months ago she became pregnant, she told me and I was very scared for her as P is very controlling and as I expected immediately asked her to get an abortion. Sadly she had a miscarriage the week after and he did not concern himself with visiting her or being empathetic in anyway, just said it was better that way. I let A move in with my boyfriend and I and this year feel I have been very sensitive as I am currently 29 weeks pregnant. However my boyfriend and I care for A and though we aren’t rich we pay for lots of things, we cover her half of utilities and bills and pay for her food constantly and personal hygiene items. For the last year though whenever she brings up situations that clearly should end the relationship she has with P such as him lying, being very deceitful, controlling and manipulative behavior we try to explain to her that she deserves much better and this relationship isn’t healthy all A says is that she knows what he’s doing is wrong and it hurts her so bad but “I’m not leaving him, so don’t suggest it”. I genuinely fear for the day she tells me that P has become physically abusive. If we push A any further or tell her that we don’t approve of how she’s being treated she flips out, grabs her stuff and leaves the house to go stay with him or make herself busy. Since dating P her behavior has changed completely, she was once empathetic and sweet but now is extremely rude, quick to argue, and just generally irritable at all times, and god forbid I try to call attention at all to how much we do and care for her, she again flips out, walks away from the conversation and leaves the house. I understand how being in a relationship like this changes you as I have experienced it first hand, I just am unsure how to proceed, being pregnant has been so hard, I am constantly sick and feeling so tired and if I try to remind her that I feel very different being pregnant and need her sympathy a bit as she expects me to have for her she gets mad or just rolls her eyes. I don’t know how to go about this and how to continue a relationship with her if she is so dead set on being with P and dealing with his horrible behavior and everyone else being horrible for not supporting it.
TDLR : Sister is in a toxic relationship that she admits is horrible but says she absolutely refuses to leave and is making everyone miserable because of it.
submitted by UnforgivenApple to family [link] [comments]
