Cool things to make with keyboard symbols

r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

2009.02.25 08:00 pallaviwensil r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. Answer or ask questions, share information, stories, and more on themes related to the 2nd most spoken language in the world by native speakers.

2008.09.05 09:47 Ask a Math Question

This subreddit is for questions of a mathematical nature. Please read the subreddit rules below before posting.

2013.03.01 03:51 JBurto What is this, a subreddit for ants?!?

What is this, a _________ for Ants?? Reddit's Preeminent Subreddit for All Things Tiny and Miniature! (Not about literal ants)

2024.06.02 09:00 StarSlayer666 I'm going to give a controversial opinion. I prefer Red Dead Redemption 1 over Red Dead Redemption 2.

Firstly, I prefer the vibe of the first Red Dead. The map is much more inhospitable, remote, and intimate. Much of the game you spend wandering through empty and uninviting deserts, settlements are sparse, small, and mostly inhabited by few people. The soundtrack of this game is impeccable and perfectly builds the solitary atmosphere that Rockstar wanted to create.
As for the second one, most of the game you spend in forests, prairies, mountains, and swamps, in a much more populous region of the Red Dead world, with the huge city of Saint Dennis for you to explore, compared to only going to a civilized city in the first one towards the end of the game. Red Dead 2 has an atmosphere more inspired by revisionist western movies like Unforgiven, The Outlaw Josey Wales, and Django Unchained, while the first one has a vibe more akin to Sergio Leone's Dollars Trilogy.
Secondly, Red Dead 2 becomes so realistic at times that it becomes more inconvenient than fun. For example, the mechanics of relationship with your horses, of cold, of heat, of hunting, of weapons wearing out over time, taking a bath, expanded crafting system, expanded hunting system, and various other things. But it happens that, most of the time, I don't use these mechanics because I don't find them interesting; I never hunted in Red Dead 2 because it was too complicated.
The first one is much simpler in this aspect: the hunting system is simpler, so it's easy to make money, weapons don't wear out, if your horse dies you just call another one, you can fast travel to anywhere on the map using the camp, you can play liar's dice. In general, it is less realistic, but much more lively.
I understand that the realism of the second one complements the player's immersion, but for those who just want an escapist experience and/or don't have as much time to go from Point A to Point B on the map, these mechanics can seem tedious, monotonous, and unnecessary. If they removed the fishing mechanic from the second one, it wouldn't make a difference to me.
Third, the pace of everything. In 2, the story is wonderful, but the pace is slower. Arthur's movement itself is heavier, more laborious, the gunfights are slower compared to the first game, the horses are slower, and you spend a good part of the game going from one place to another, which is only bad if you're short on time.
The first one is much faster. The story, after you go to Mexico, picks up. The movement is fast and frantic, the gunfights seem like they came out of a John Wick movie, the weapons shoot faster, the horses run fast to the point of being too fast, and the game has several fast travel options.
Although all these are valid design choices, they end up being a matter of personal preference. Red Dead Redemption 2 has undeniably superior technical aspects. The world is more detailed, the animations are smoother, and the overall presentation is more engaging. However, in this case, I prefer the simplicity of the first game.
submitted by StarSlayer666 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:00 InBetweenStars22 20F, looking for a long-term friendship.

Hello hello! Thank you for stopping by. :)
I’m 20F, from Europe, who’s often described as kind and sweet. I’ve always been a bit of a people pleaser, which unfortunately has led to being used and hurt by others in the past. It sucks to put your all and end up receiving little to nothing back! Because of that, I’ve struggled with finding genuine connections, both romantic and otherwise.
But I haven’t let that dampen my love for life! I absolutely adore baking and cooking, especially when I can share my creations with family. I make some pretty amazing cakes, if I do say so myself. Music is a huge part of my life too, I enjoy everything from pop and R&B to techno, though I’m open to just about any genre.
I’m a huge fan of horror movies and games, but I also love the cozy vibes of Animal Crossing and the epic universe of Star Wars and Elder Scrolls. Lately, I’ve been getting into The Sims, which has been a lot of fun. When I’m not gaming, you can find me taking night walks and stargazing, as I’m really into both astronomy and astrology. It’s very fascinating to think how small everything looks like from the stars perspective! ^
I’m also studying clinical psychology, which I’m passionate about because I want to understand and help others. Despite the ups and downs, I’m hopeful about finding genuine connections and sharing my interests with people who appreciate them. I think it’s pretty cool! :D
Nonetheless, if you think we will click, hit me up with your introduction and let’s get to know one another. ~^
P.S: Please do actually introduce yourself. There’s a lot of people who just send a “Hi”. Thank you and have a wonderful day ~^
submitted by InBetweenStars22 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:00 edrocketsfan The Last of Us Part II is the most mentally draining game that I've ever played

The Last of Us Part II is the most mentally draining game that I've ever played
The Last of Us Part II
I remember buying The Last of Us Part II the day that it released, which was at the time when Covid first started. I played it once and I put it back on the shelf. The game just sat there for the longest time. I had absolutely no interest in playing it again because of what ends up happening to Joel. However, fast forward to around one week ago or so and I finally decided to go back and play it. I officially wrapped up the main story earlier tonight after putting 32 hours into the main story. First and foremost, I want to get one important thing out of the way. The Last of Us is my favorite game of all-time. I absolutely adore Joel and Ellie as characters. I have an emotional attachment to the game and the characters themselves. I'm pretty sure that there are other people who would agree with me as well. It changed my life. It's not just a video game. It's an experience that has stuck with me ever since the game released back in 2013 and it will continue to do so moving forward.
Against my better judgement, I went ahead and decided to finish the game. Here is the thing. I've played more than my fair share of emotional video games. I've experienced many games that have some really heart-wrenching moments. Titles such as, Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption II, Ghost of Tsushima, Marvel's Spider-Man 1 and 2, A Plague Tale Innocence and Requiem, and of course The Last of Us were all emotional roller coaster rides. However, The Last of Us Part II wasn't just emotional. It was absolutely and utterly mentally draining. Of course, a huge reason for that is because of what happens to Joel. It was heart-wrenching and painful. I honestly felt like I lost someone that I knew, a friend even. I felt really bad for Ellie because she had to go through such a traumatic event and rightfully so.
The Last of Us Part II is dark and I mean really dark. I'd go as far saying that it goes to places that I've never seen a video game go to, at least not in recent memory. Even the original The Last of Us wasn't anywhere near as dark, bleak, and grim as The Last of Us Part II. The sequel focuses on brutal, sadistic, and visceral human on human violence. It focuses on Ellie and Abby's obsession with revenge and retribution, especially when it comes to Ellie. Ellie was mature for her age in the original The Last of Us and she was more than capable of taking care of herself during intense situations. However, in The Last of Us Part II, she's driven solely by revenge. She doesn't hold back. It shows the lengths that humans are willing to go to when they are desperate and they have their backs against the wall.
I just finished watching a making of video for The Last of Us Part II. Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson got emotionally drained and I don't blame them. I was very emotionally drained myself as well. I remember when the game came out and Laura Bailey got threatened just because she was doing her job. She's amazingly talented for sure. I absolutely loathe and abhor Abby as a character, but I have nothing but respect for Laura Bailey. She got paid to provide the voice for Abby and she did a phenomenal job. There are certain people out there that are so overly obsessed that they are unable to differentiate between the art and the artist. At the end of the day, video games are an art form. In regards to The Last of Us Part II itself, I actually ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would. Graphically, it's very impressive. It's gorgeous and detailed even on the PS4. The PS5 remaster is completely unnecessary in my honest opinion. The music is stunning. Voice acting is solid. Animations and facial expressions are top notch. Combat is brutal, intense, visceral, and satisfying. The story is emotional and mentally draining. It's well done, aside from what happened to Joel and for being forced to play as Abby. Once again, Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson did a stellar job. What are your thoughts and opinions?
submitted by edrocketsfan to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:59 Impressive-Trust7672 Experienced Postictal Psychosis for the first time after a grand Mal seizure

A few weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night (roughly 2:30am) in a full blown panic, heart racing, and was under the impression that someone broke into my house. I flew into fight or flight (flight in this case), jumped out of bed (in just my tank top and underwear), grabbed scissors, hopped on my desk in front of my bedroom window on the first floor, opened my window, sliced the screen, and jumped out. I was then running down the street in my underwear, stumbling all over the place and scared out of my mind that there was an intruder, and that I just needed to find a place to hide immediately. After a block or two I jumped and hid in a bush and called 911 (somehow I remembered to grab my phone lol). I told them what I thought was going on and thought my roommates were possibly dead because I left without them. I remember they kept asking what my address was and I could not remember it for the life of me, something I now realize was a symptom after having a seizure.
Cops eventually find me and I beg them to let me in their car and they drive me home (about 3am at that point). My roommates are already standing outside worried out of their mind and I run and hug one of them immediately because I thought they might have died from the "intruder". At some point I think they start putting bandages on me because I had abrasions all over me from stumbling and falling on the sidewalk and scratches from jumping in a thorn bush. I also call my mom to come pick me up and bring me home because my uni is about 2 hours away from my parents house.
I end up sleeping in one of their beds because I was still terrified but never actually fell asleep. I think I got up around 5 or 6am because I felt like throwing up so I went to the bathroom to do so and lie on the ground to get some shut eye. Soon after, I call my mom again to see if she's on her way (can't remember what she said) and then lay back down to try and sleep.
Suddenly I remember emt's walking me to the door and putting me on one of those pull out things you lie on and I'm getting in the ambulance. They told me I had a seizure (later find out my roommate witnessed me have a very short one in her bed and in the bathroom) and that's why I'm going to the hospital. My mom meets me at the hospital and we're there for around 4 hours and eventually go home.
That was the best summarized story I could give. I've been diagnosed with grand mal seizures for 6 years now and I've had a total of 5 seizures since being diagnosed (including this one, but counting the clusters as only one). Also my first time experiencing a cluster of seizures, it's usually just one and done. I've also never experienced postictal psychosis before and that was probably one of the scariest moments in my life and made me worried to be by myself, scared it might happen again and I might do something rash. Although my roommates were extremely caring and understanding of that traumatic night, and have known I have a seizure disorder, I was extremely embarrassed that they experienced me not being in the right space of mind. One of my roommates described me as looking like a scared puppy who wouldn't get out of the police car.
I had never heard of postictal psychosis until recently from my neurologist. I've kind of been in a continuous state of worry that this might happen again after experiencing it and I just don't know how to tell myself it's okay. Also forgot to mention that I missed my meds (keppra) the day before (and that morning) and I didn't go to sleep until 2am, so lack of meds and sleep deprivation definitely played a role in it all. They have now upped my dose and I take it in the evening now instead of the morning when I wake up (which ranged from 10am to 2pm, and would even take it around 4pm when I forgot all together). Fortunately, I am always awake in the evening so I am very timely with my pills now.
Additionally, I had recently gotten into smoking weed as of 3 months ago and was doing it pretty often the last month or so, around 2-4 times a week. My psychologist says that I should stop smoking completely because it might make it more likely that I experience postictal psychosis again (that is, if I have another seizure again).
I just wanted to share my story and see if anyone wanted to add their thoughts on my situations. Or tell me more information on postictal psychosis, grand mal, or even your own stories. I hope to hear from this community because I've never been able to relate with anyone about this kind of stuff before. So sorry I wrote a lot of this out of order, I hope it's legible :))
submitted by Impressive-Trust7672 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:59 wilucaoo I think I have bpd and I really don't know what to do

I know this forum is for people that has borderline personality disorder diagnosed, but I am genuinely starting to hit a breaking point where I'm desperate to do something that change things so I stop being this way.
I have been thinking I have bpd for the last years (4-5) and every time I investigate more, every time I indulge on forums and symptoms I just confirm the same notes I have been re writing and re reading again and again and again.
My mental state is miserable and the extremes I see the things have genuinely affect my life and keep doing it till now, and also have affected my relationships with friends and partners.
I just don't know what to do, I feel I can't just start with a therapist saying "I think I have bpd" and last time I tried to comment my symptoms and show my notes to a therapist they didn't even looked at them and said "I can't read that" (reason that made me left therapy with them)
Is it correct to go straight to the point with it and start explaining my symptoms, how they affect me and such? Also, is it correctly to go straight to a personality desorder specialist o a general psychologist is fine? (These are the type I have always seen and they always just focus on anxiety and ignore the rest of my symptoms when i try to comment them)
I genuinely don't know where to start and I really want these, fucking draining episodes of sadness or anger so strong and that last so short to be handled better, I don't ask for a magical solution that makes them go away, at this point I just want a way to stop them from making me do or say shit I don't really mean or feel to. They are affecting my relationship with my partner and I want to get better for him, and for every person that has been affected by myself on the past
submitted by wilucaoo to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:59 PitchSure8506 (M4A) Need someone who can do kinky roleplay for me playing as any girl of our mutual liking.

(M4A) Need someone who can do kinky roleplay for me playing as any girl of our mutual liking.
One of my friend start to get in talks with a neighbour of mjne for marriage. she lives in Bangalore with me. Boy lives in my home town so they came to see her and they stayed with me. They liked her and fixed the wedding date after a year and in the process i became friends with the girl.
We slowly get close and she was a very highly career oriented girl coming from a medium class family who never put a foot wrong. She is smart and has kinks but never tried anything. Doesn't drink or smoke. But once she realises that she is getting married and she can take a break now cause the family she is marrying is very well off and she doesn't have to be a part of the rat race atleast for now so it's like a plot where she open up with me and I make her try new things
Discord or telegram preffered.
submitted by PitchSure8506 to IndianNSFWRoleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:59 glacdx9 color tattoo advice?

color tattoo advice?
hi! im going to get a new tat soon, and thought this symbol would be a nice addition to my random artwork all over the place (for any nerds out there, its from wiz101 lol). My question would be with the color. i have lightly tanned skin, and originally had wanted the tattoo completely done in that blue color. but the tattoo artist mentioned that itll fade with time and that she wants to outline it in black. i feel like if the blue really will fade in time that an outline of the symbol itself will look kinda weird. im thinking maybe getting the symbol just done in black? and maybe a blue glow or something outlining it? unless any of you guys have other ideas ;-; im nervy, im honestly the type of person who loves silly little tattoos, i have a bunch. so i wont regret the tattoo itself. but im just nervous of making a bad choice with the color. i have one color tattoo but its a tiny red lightning bolt, lol. so i don’t really count that. i really originally wanted the whole tattoo in that blue color. what are the cons with that? are there really any? do they fade patchy or something if its all the same color ? just trying to understand why the artist didn’t want to just do the blue like i was asking
submitted by glacdx9 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:59 thedockyard The meaning of the thing is the thing itself

The meaning of art, books, dreams, visions, words spoken by others - it’s just the work itself. The more you try to interpret it the further away from the thing you get. Because interpreting requires an interpreter and so you are just reading yourself rather than the thing. And in that case, everything basically has the same interpretation, which is absurd.
To put it another way, the significance of a thing is its significance to the higher self, not to you. So your judgments are irrelevant to thing.
Basically one needs to break out of this post-modernist constructed meaning worldview where everything has an intelligible meaning.. It doesn’t. The alternative is insanity where you think you are interacting with the world but you are just interacting with yourself. Trust god and lean not on your own understanding. Does this make sense yet?
submitted by thedockyard to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:58 justlingeringon Little rant about my sister

Strange way to end the night. We think my little sister (13f) stole our mom’s phone. Why do we think this? Because she’s a little thief, that’s why. But if this is true then it’s her own fault. My mom has like 3 phones, her new one which is her main one and old two phones. Anywho, they’re all in sync so when she gets a call all 3 of the phones ring. Apparently, she left one of the phones on her bed and when she left the room it was gone. She tried calling it, her other two phones rang but not the other one. She walked around the house in hopes of hearing it but nothing. She even came in my room and asked me if I had it. I didn’t. She pinged all her phones and went on the Find my app and it said that the phone was still in the house. This means that whoever took the phone had shut it off which is the reason it didn’t ring. My mom never has any of her phones off. Back to the part of my is her being a thief. She is, I don’t care if my family doesn’t like me calling her that, she is. Back in elementary school when slime was popular she stole this girl’s slime even though she had her own and lied about it. My grandmother found out and made her give it back to the girl. Another time, maybe about 3-4 years ago we all had this app called “Greenlight” it’s basically cashapp for kids but the parent could see everyone’s wallet and give money. This girl took my grandmother’s phone and cleared my saving’s account. I had about $25 I didn’t touch. When I went on there I saw my money way gone. Keep in mind, you can see everyone’s account history like when money was put in and out. I check my history it says my grandma took money out of my account. But she was sleeping and this had just happened. So I check my grandmas account and find that she had taken money out of my account. Then it says she took (insert amount of money taken out of my account) and placed it in my sister’s account. I check to see if I get it back….the money was gone. I check her history….this girl just ordered a phone charger off door dash. :/ I remeber when I told my grandma she had a talk with my sister and that’s it. She told her not to do it again and got me back my money. Basically letting her off. She’s too nice for her own good. Another time I was laying in bed, I had my phone under my pillowcase on the charger. I hear my door open and my sister starts calling my name. I didn’t respond and pretended to be asleep. Keep in mind, my water is under my pillow too. This girl starts slowing sliding her hand under my pillow and grabs my wallet. I sprung up so fast and asked her what she thought she was doing and she said she need (insert the over $20+ amount she asked for) and I told her “no.” She had already gotten her own allowance and chose to spend it poorly. She stormed off. Then another time, she had stolen $20 from my grandmother using this same app and keep in mind we can see the history. It says that our grandma sent her $20. She didn’t. She tried to lie and say she didn’t know how it got there. She just got a gentle talk and my grandma sent myself and my other sister $20 each since our little sister got to get $20. Much like the current situation I remember one day a couple years ago I was cleaning my room. I had just made my bed. My bedding was all black so my white AirPods case is obviously visible. It was on the charger on my bed. I leave the room come back it’s gone. That whole day I’m stressed out I can’t find them. I get on some kind of search app and this app made it to where the closer you were to the missing device the louder it started beeping and pointing a compass. Every time I got close to her room it got more intense and further away it died down. Okay, so I know it’s in her room and I confront her, her room is a hot mess impossible to find anything. I show her the evidence and tell her I know it’s here but she denies. I end up finding another set of AirPods which belonged to my mother (yes she also stole our mothers AirPods and our mother had been looking for them for weeks) and they were working just fine she why’d she take mine? Sorry, I’m fuming just writing this out. Anyway, she did what she always does after a while, she somehow snuck into my room and planted them in one of the shoes I wear everyday like they were there the whole time. :/ she’s also planted our other sisters phone in a clothing basket once. Anyway, this girl stays stealing. She’s always stealing our clothes and our stuff and our moms stuff and peoples money. One day mom got on the phone with her dad and told him to come get his thieving child and put my sister on the phone and yall guess what she told her dad. :/ She told this man that everything she had belonged to her and that she couldn’t never have nothing because everyone was always stealing her things so she didn’t have anything….girl….oh ya guys I didn’t mention that she’s a compulsive liar? Ugh and it just makes me mad how she gets chance after chance but when I have a break down I get threats and she doesn’t. It doesn’t matter how many whoopings or how many times she gets her phone taken this girl just won’t stop. She’s awful. Too young to be this awful. I fear this results from her never being held accountable for her actions growing up and always getting her way. Sorry, I just had to say something.
submitted by justlingeringon to stilllingeringon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:58 oleksii_znovu Australian parties do not do discussions

The method
I tried to make my own list of Australian parties and movements, I looked inside Wikipedia and collected something about 37 of them, like these:
Jura anarchist bookshop , anarcho-communist , socialist group , Socialist Equality Party , Libertarians , Pauline Hanson , Australia First , Australian Protectionist Party , Great Australia Party , Katter’s Australian Party , United Australia Party , Australian Democrats , Australian Progressives , Science Party , Fusion Party , Secular Party , Socialist Alliance , Australian Republic Movement , Australian League of Rights , Family First , Nationals , Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party , Australian Christians , Australian Federation Party , Council of Australian Humanist Societies , National Secular Lobby , The Aerican Empire , The Empire of Atlantium , SEARCH , Communist Party of Australia , Communist Party , The Australian Workers Party , Victorian Socialists , Australian Fabians , 37 Australian organisations , Australian Labor Party , Liberal Party of Australia
I visited their sites, found some contacts like e-mail or web form and asked the question like
"Do you have any community to discuss main concepts and new events, something like internet forum or chat or channel or some meeting place ?"

I have got only 9 answers and as a result I have found only two political entities which anyhow support discussions:
Fusion Party that has Discord server
Council of Australian Humanist Societies which uses Meetup to organize meetings in person in Sydney.
Actually that meetings there currently are visited by less then 10 people and discord server seems like has like about 5 permanent writers, approximately.

The funny things
I have found about two communist parties and one party that is not communist but states that it keeps the record of old and real communist party.
The only party that has the real and usual web forum is one communist party but that forum was created several years ago and still stands empty.
One party was simply seeding the obvious fakes of russian military propaganda.

Australian parties work with people in one-way hypnosis mode, mostly asking for donations and volunteering and selling merchandise . Also it is possible to become a member but it is not clear what it gives in terms of discussions and taking in account whoever opinion.
submitted by oleksii_znovu to Discussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:58 TheONEabove-YALL How do people buy their way out of prosecution?

My boss adopted this guy many years ago when he was in high school. Rush forward to present day, he’s a couple years younger than me.
My boss/owner of the business is a multi-millionaire. When his adoptive son gets arrested for things say—DUI or transaction card fraud or theft — he’s never made it past a holding cell. He even paid a lawyer to get him an out of state drivers license because I guess money can’t buy a suspended drivers license back.
But even this last felony he got - transaction card fraud which in Georgia I think comes with a minimum jail sentence — how does money buy charges to go away without it being illegal? I’ve looked at his past charges online. He never makes a plea and the dockets just go cold, with judges and prosecutors being unassigned from the cases.
I’ve never broken the law but I’d really like to hear more about how people pay for their freedom? It’s inspired me to pursue law school but I really want to understand if this is corruption or if law school is the way to tackle this kind of corruption?
Thank you!
submitted by TheONEabove-YALL to legaladviceofftopic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:58 boymomX2_sendhelp I just want one person I could call when I need to get out of the house or to just talk to period

Context: I (28F) Moved 800 miles away in 2016 to be with my now husband (m29) in his hometown. We had what I thought was a pretty decent little circle of friends....until we had our kids (M 2&1) Most of the people we used to see on a regular basis haven't talked to us since having our first. Now obviously these were technically his friends that I got integrated into so after having our second, my husband has maintained friendships with 1-2 people he's known way before I came along which is cool but nobody and I mean literally NOBODY hits me up to ask how I'm doing or if I need a break from my kids or if I wanna hang out or go do something when I have the chance to......absolutely nobody,
We used to magnet fish, go kayaking with friends, go to concerts, festivals, dirt track races....but now I literally only leave the house to work part time 7-11p mon-friday and when I go grocery shopping every week. My husband has still maintained somewhat of a friendship with at least 1 person he could call if he ever needed someone other than me. They hang out while I'm at work and go magnet fishing together sometimes and I'm not gonna lie, I'm so jealous that he has a friend and places he could go when he needs to get away. I have no friends and nowhere to go to get away for a little bit when I have the chance. Grocery shopping and work aren't "breaks."
There aren't any "mommy groups" in my area (not like I could get to them anyways when hubs takes our only vehicle to work) I've tried making friends/acquaintances online but I usually can't maintain conversation or genuine connection with someone without being in person and in person I'm awkward because the only thing I have to talk about these days is my kids and most people don't wanna hear you talk about your kids cause most of the time they could care less so I end up just zoning in on my phone so I'm not being weird or awkward (which I usually am anyways) and end up being unapproachable which causes people to not reach out to me again....
I wish I had an identity other than just being a mom to my kids. I don't have any hobbies or passions because I literally suck at everything I try. When they both came, its like everything I was or had before them was just a long ass fever dream. All those "friends:" gone; having outdoor hobbies like magnet fishing: gone; My life revolves around my two still-learning-words toddlers so at this point, I'd be inclined to say I hear more toddler babble than actual adult human sentences because I don't see anyone but my husband each and every day. Don't get me wrong, my husband is an amazing man in everyway possible and I couldn't ask for a better husband and father to our kids but you can't have "girl talk" with a man cause they frankly don't care lol I guess I just wish I had places to go to get a break like my husband does or people to call to go do something out of the house with like my husband does. But I'm not gonna stop him from having friends and a life just because I'm alone and miserable. I'm just so over feeling alone all the time everyday. Sometimes I feel left out just because I don't get to hang out or go wherever.....I don't want to be alone all day everyday but i also don't want to hold my husband back from having his own life, and making him miserable because I have a problem, not him.... sorry its so long thanks for the space to vent
submitted by boymomX2_sendhelp to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:58 ymaeThe1st Advice/Guidance Needed

Greetings to everyone, thank you for coming here. Let me introduce myself a bit. I am a 23m introvert. I graduated last year and have been unemployed since. I tried applying for masters but couldn't secure a good rank in the exams required for PG Courses. I then tried applying for Jobs(thousands of job application per month) in my field but I have never even been selected for interviews. The problem part is here. Ever since College ended I seemed to have lost my passion, drive for every and anything. I have become dull, I fail to carry out my commitments which is hampering both my personal and professional relationships. I don't seem to care about anything. I always try to indulge myself in escapism activities like watching movies, anime, computer games which I am not particularly fond of. I am not interested in anything. Everything seems like a waste of time and money. I had few goals but because of my lack of consistency and discipline I am failing to achieve them. I am particularly not good at anything especially socializing. On top of all this I am depressed by my constant act of failure. I am afraid to try new things because I might fail at it. I have started to hate myself a lot. I am lost. I am thinking about ending my Life in the next 3 months. But I don't want leave my sister and parents alone. They(parents) are retired and have no income other than a small pension. My sister is a school student and has a lot of potential. What should I do to change myself? What should I do to make myself a better person?
I know my problems may seem, if not, are insignificant compared to other people's ball clenching problems that I have read on this reddit group. So people out there who are living their life even with your problems, I admire you and you guys give me hope. I want to turn this around.
Excuse me for my grammatical mistakes and Thank you for reading. I humbly ask for your guidance, also people with similar problems please do share your life journey and how you got over it, it will mean a lot to me.
submitted by ymaeThe1st to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 Capital_Database8836 Trying to start playing

Hi, this game is real long on my "to play" list. I played Stalker and loved it, Borderlands even more, I like looteshooters and FPS RPG in general... and I seem to never get past few minutes of this game.
I know all the good things about the game, but actually playing it feels wierd. I am here to ask if anyone experienced the same, maybe if there is a mod to make it better.
Firstly, in-game map is terrible. This Pip-Boy thing seems extremely messy, I absolutely dislike moving in it or reading it. Most of the time, I don't know where I am and where are some points of interest.
Along with this, the whole starting location looks the same. Its a desert. These two points makes me lose a sense of orientation, more like "randomly walking from nowhere to nowhere, just following compass".
Wierd user interface is even in my equipment, where scroling through categories, looking at dozens of CND/STXXX shortcuts I don't know meaning of, dozens of items that I oriantate in just as much as in the world.
Why are these aspects so goddamn complicated? Is there a mod to make a map look normal, not like bunch of yellow rectangles? Is there a way to make inventory not to look like ugly linux console? I understand the game is quite old, but compared to Stalker, its truly terrible. And I do want to play the game.
submitted by Capital_Database8836 to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 LittleMagicKnight Are there any "adopted" idol groups that found more success with their new companies than their old ones?

Apologies if "adopted" isn't really the right word here, but given how often events like this take place in the industry had me wondering; are there any Kpop groups that found more success with their new companies than their old ones?
Even for a casual follower of kpop like myself, it's easy to recognize that once a kpop contract ends, idols who wish to continue their careers USUALLY (not counting groups who were under companies that went...under of course) have the option to either renew with their current company or sign with a new one. We've seen this before with B2ST/BEAST and their transition to HIGHLIGHT, Eunha/SinB/Umji from gfriend forming Viviz, GOT7, Brown Eyed Girls, Block B, and quite a few more that I'm sure have done similar. However, even after signing with these new companies, there's no guarantee that they will generate the same buzz or make similar waves with their music regardless of whether or not they can keep their old name. This of course could be due to a variety of reasons of course such as new companies not having enough funds for extended promotions, fans moving onto different emerging kpop groups, idols wanting to take a break from group activities and having the freedom to do their own things, etc. A good example of this I think is HIGHLIGHT where while the group members continued releasing music under a new company, the buzz they generated wasn't as big as when they were B2ST perhaps due to the name change and only having the following of their most dedicated fans rather than casual ones (military service I'm sure didn't help either). The only exception I can think of to this is Block B whom I believe found greater success with their new company, but of course they are the exception and not exactly the norm.
The reason I ask is because the most recent example I can think of this is of course, LOONA and the recent release of ARTMS's debut. Even for a casual follower of kpop like myself, it was difficult to miss the story surrounding the members of LOONA and their dispute with BlockBerryCreative. Companies screwing over idols is, unfortunately, a common story throughout the industry and while it was nice to learn that all the members would continue being idols, I didn't really have the confidence that having the members spread apart across different companies would do them any favors. Lo and behold, strong fan reception to the releases of Chuu's solo, Loossemble, and most recently Yves and ARTMS's albums (no seriously, I am legitimately impressed with how good sounds) have blown that conception completely out of the water. All were releases that felt like their own thing yet still contained that LOONA vibe that I'm sure many of their fans missed.
I won't lie, witnessing it felt pretty cool. Whether it be because the LOONA fandom is just that strong or because they gained new passionate fans from the drama (or both?) it was easy to see that the buzz surrounding their releases was still there and as strong as ever, if not stronger. Seriously, it was like signing to new companies did not hold them back at all.
All this of course, leads me back to the original question: were there any groups that found greater success with their new companies than their old ones? Curious to know which ones you guys can find!
submitted by LittleMagicKnight to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 Capital-Ad-3361 I guess community spaces won't happen anymore?

One of the things that interested me in early Wayfinder (pre-EA) was the player's home space, which starts out as a room with an inn. The devs had said they intended to expand on the idea and make shared community spaces.
But I guess with the move to offline, that's not going to happen anymore? Or might it be revived if there's co-op?
Even without community spaces, is development on player housing going to continue and somehow be made relevant?
submitted by Capital-Ad-3361 to PlayWayfinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 lan66-NK Going to the STL show Tuesday, need some advice on when to queue

I have GA pit tickets for the show Tuesday in STL. The last concert I went to was pre-covid, and I’ve never gone to one with GA tickets
I’m curious what a good time to line up would be? I’m not deadset on being on the rail or anything, but I’m going with someone who’s 5’3 and want to make sure they can see and have fun
My friend works until the afternoon that day so if we go once they’re off we wouldn’t be in line until like 4 (tickets say 8, so I’m assuming doors open at like 7?) but I’m thinking of going earlier and just saving them a spot. Any and all advice is appreciated
Also I’ve never been to the Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre so any advice/things I need to know about the venue would be appreciated
submitted by lan66-NK to NoahKahan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 Umitsbooboo Got the job - Success story!

Successor : u/tragerkrager
Hey everyone. I’ve been lurking on this page like for a year or so, having been into law of assumption and attraction for a few years. I've just recently had a massive success so I feel like I have to put my two cents in. Bear with me as this is a bit of a long story.
Summary: In November 2023 I quit my job. Went from living in the UK (not where I’m from but where I want to spend the rest of my life), good paying job in the industry (very, very, niche industry and I was at one of the best companies) to being unemployed, living with my parents in my home country. My job was located in a town (not London) I absolutely hated, but the job made it worth it.
Fun side note, before I got the job I wanted to be in London (where I’ve lived before and know I love) but kept telling people I was fine with anywhere in the country, so guess what turned up - dream job in a different part of the UK, far away from London. Anyway, I quit my job with the belief I was going to get THE job in London within like a month or so. This did not happen. Instead I spent 5 months unemployed, running up my credit cards, living with my parents in my home country. After 5 months things changed and within two more weeks I had my dream job, at my dream company, at a specific location in London I’ve been dreaming of working at for years, with a salary higher than anyone I know. All thanks to Neville.
Details: In October I affirmed for a week I was worthy of the career I wanted - and I ended up quitting my job out of nowhere, but I had a strong sense that this move was the right one. I happily put my furniture into storage and moved back with my parents (I’m in my mid/late twenties). I told people I’d rather waitress in London than work and live where I was. I went months unemployed, hating life and doubting Neville so much. It got to the point where I thought I was delusional and you were all wrong haha.
I also had an immigration deadline of 6 months, I could not be out of the UK for more than that without losing my immigration status. Hindsight should’ve just uncreated this. So the months go by and I have very few interviews but I do get one interview I really like. It’s at a massive bank although I’m not in finance I thought it could really suit me and with a yearly salary of 15,000 pounds more than I previously had. I don’t get it because I got too scared and mentally spooked it away. Essentially this job was exactly what I wanted, in the same finance district I’ve always wanted to work. The rejection really threw me off not getting it and I didn’t understand why.
So I thought, f* them, I’ll get a job at an even better bank (referred to as bank X now) with a salary of 20,000 more than I had before (which would mean a massive salary I actually could live really good on and get a decent flat with). No one I know who’s 2 years out of grad school earns that kind of money. It’s more money than both my parents earn. I got pissed and felt like if I’m creating my life I might as well throw in a massive salary.
Techniques: Anyway, months go by and I see my deadline (early May) approaching, throughout this time I’ve changed my mindset. I went from reading articles to reading Neville and implementing it (like you all say). I also read The Power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy.
Within two weeks of moving back to London I had a job offer at bank X, with the exact F* you salary I aimed for, the exact role, everything. And sure I was super happy when they called, but it felt so natural I almost didn’t call anyone to let them know. The last two weeks since I got it I haven’t been overjoyed and walked on clouds, no it’s just natural. But guess whose start date isn’t until 4-6 weeks so I have to waitress to get by until then. Everything does come true, even the bad stuff.
I hope this story makes some sense and can give someone hope and trust. I read basically every story on here throughout my unemployed months and I wanted to give back. Let me know if you have any questions or comments!! I’ll probably post something in the future about further thoughts and techniques as this experience taught me a lot. But for now I just wanted to share that I got the job!!
submitted by Umitsbooboo to LOASuccessStory [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 Aigen111 Any mod to make a note on a system?

I want to make notes to systems like: [REDACTED] here or nice planet but if i do alt + tab with all my mods my game do weird things xD
submitted by Aigen111 to starsector [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 Distinct_Bluebird794 I'm tired and insanely depressed

Ever since I was a kid. Life's been miserable and now I'm in my mid 20's.
I've had a series of events occur throughout my life that have pushed me to chronic anxiety and depression, but recently work and my home life have been fucked. Work is shit and my managers hating me because I'm an emotional wreck, so they give me less priority and pay me less. I don't get opportunities like it employees and they give favoritism to an employee that physically assaulted me and they already know he dude. Talked to him, etc, but it's all blown over other than me being penalized because I'm a loser.
I have terrible body image issues and Ed problems that have yoyod my weight and probably destroyed my body.
Recently I had planned a Hawaii trip with my older sister that was going to be my first vacation. I was excited and I've been needing one because I'm tired and on the edge. She turned it from me, her and our mom to her husband, friends, his brother and dad, and I dropped the whole thing and gave up with a heated argument because that isn't what I wanted. So now my dream vacation doesnt exist. Yay.
I am sick at the moment so I'm more miserable than usual, but looking at my life I don't have much to complain about which makes me hate myself more. I can say I had a hard past but who hasn't? Hard life? Boohoo. I'm just weak and can't cope as well as others.
I'm a failure with no job security, no degree or future job prospects, few friends all of which I let down, no filter and I'm annoying, depressive and manic, I'm a burden on my roomie with my mood and mindset, even when not depressed, and my family doesn't know how to deal with me either. Thank God most of them are states away.
I'm honestly not even sure what the point of writing this is. I'll just end up on a list somewhere. It won't solve any problems complaining. There is no solution. Also I'm a pussy, trust me, if I were gonna end it all, I would have already. I've jerked off my mind with thoughts of death more than I have porn, but I'm just a coward, even in the wake of death. I don't even know if I wanna actually die, I feel like I've just lost in life. There is no pleasure in life I can find.
I'm fucking exhausted and so miserable. I don't know what to do. I'd say I wanna give up or already have given up, but what is there to have even given up in the first place?
submitted by Distinct_Bluebird794 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:56 misterflocka Is the Bible the only self help book you need?

I have read the entire Bible over the years. I read the entire Old Testament front to cover in 2020. I read the entire New Testament in 2023. It helped give me perspective as a Christian on why Jesus came to fulfill the law.
I feel like reading the Bible is good - only some sections though. It’s hard to get immersed in it probably because I don’t take special time every day and just binge read every once in a while. I think the purpose of reading the Bible in the 21st century is having quiet intimate time with God - I can look up any verse on the internet quickly but I’m not immersed in the word as well if I go that route.
I read many self help books over the past year. Ones I’ve completed include:
  1. The 7 habits of highly effective people
  2. The millionaire next door
  3. Getting things done
  4. Feel good productivity
  5. Building a non anxious life
  6. How to get a date worth keeping
  7. How to be a 3% man
The problem is there are just so many more I could read and I feel like I’m wasting my time. There’s diminishing returns with books and unless I’m absolutely in the book I think it’s a waste of time. I also need to take action on the books but want to make sure I don’t have any blind spots before taking action. Most of the book could be summarized in 30 pages but they’re 300. The Bible guarantees success in my life and my job is demanding… I’d rather be meeting people and doing activities rather than be reading on the weekends.
When is good enough with the self help books, should I just focus on the Bible?
submitted by misterflocka to Christian [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:56 Mattyrightnow Nightmares about Caretakers?

Hello all! I wanted to ask if anyone has had or relates to this experience: I have, since about as early as I can remember, have had dreams where my mom is trying to lure me in to then attack, hit, or kill me. Her convincing me to hug her then grabbing my hair to hurt me, throwing things at me, acting deranged and crazy in a way I never saw her act in real life.
With my dad, he’s usually trying to catch me.
Context: Growing up, I didn’t really experience physical abuse save for an attempted slap or two, but my mom did have explosive anger and screamed and slammed things when she was pushed too far. My dad is a narcissist who was constantly trying to convince me to go live with him instead of my mom (as they divorced when I was 5). He didn’t yell or physically abuse me, but he was extremely manipulative and emotionally abusive
I love my mom (dads out of the picture) and she’s mellowed out with age - though I’m not making excuses for how she acted before and how it affected me). But even still, if she ever shows up in my dreams, I usually feel uneasy at best or unsafe at worst.
Does anyone else experience this?
submitted by Mattyrightnow to CPTSD [link] [comments]