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Car advice for people who know jack about cars

2013.10.14 02:21 Syncdata Car advice for people who know jack about cars

Car model advice and general buying discussion.

2019.11.06 19:09 LordEmostache Your hub for all things created in Wrestling Games!

Want to share a cool Wrestler you made? Or perhaps an interesting Arena? We welcome all creations made in your favourite wrestling games! Please familiarize yourself with the rules before posting.

2008.12.28 07:46 Today I Learned (TIL)

You learn something new every day; what did you learn today? Submit interesting and specific facts about something that you just found out here.

2024.06.02 10:40 Holydonus [IIL] Radiohead - Amnesiac (2001) and/or Fever Ray - Fever Ray (2009), [WEWIL]?

as the title says, I'd be thankful for recommendations of things that you think I might like, given the fact that I enjoy Radiohead - Amnesiac (2001) and Fever Ray (2009) very much.
What I specifically like about these albums, is that they are very experimental and have a very thick or coherent atmosphere.
Fever Ray (2009) in particular has a very gloomy atmosphere, where I picture myself driving my car at night through a very dense forest :D a good example for that might the track "Coconut".
what I like about Amnesiac (2001) is that it is very experimental in its sounddesign and production, but still kinda coherent in itself. it's chaotic and feels weird if you listen to a single track by itself, but if you listen to the whole album front to back, it really sounds like it came out of the same mould (coz it did :D other word that might be fitting = it sounds o r g a n i c), blends really good together and flows perfectly, creating a very unique listening-experience.
reference track here maybe the Intro "Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box" for it's experimental production and "You and Whose Army?" because it starts rather quietly, builds up slowly and steadily, resulting in quite the ride through the finale.
so yeah, let the recommendations flow in. appreciate each and every one posting. cheers.
submitted by Holydonus to ifyoulikeblank [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:25 Happy-Painting-1043 24 M4F #United Kingdom– Seeking Adventure Partner and Serious Relationship

Hey there! 👋 I'm Daniel, a 24-year-old adventure enthusiast originally from India, now exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Scotland. I'm looking for someone special who shares my zest for life, excitement, and deep conversations.

About Me:

Faith: My Christian faith is central to who I am, guiding my values and aspirations. I'm looking to build a relationship rooted in mutual respect, shared values, and spiritual growth.
Interests: - Adventure Junkie: Whether it's hiking scenic trails, exploring hidden gems, or hitting the road in my dream car (BMW 🚗), I'm always up for an adventure. - Music Lover: My playlist is constantly evolving with new beats and classics. - Culinary Explorer: Cooking is my passion, and I'm always trying out new recipes and cuisines. - Movie and Anime Buff: Big fan of movies and anime, especially K-dramas! 🙈 - Tech Enthusiast: As a full-stack developer, I love creating with Python, especially art with turtle graphics. - Gamer: Obsessed with Genshin Impact, but also love GTA 5, Valorant, PUBG Mobile, COD Warzone, AAA games, Fall Guys, and Red Dead Redemption 2.
Personality: Friendly, funny, and caring. I'm a non-smoker and non-drinker who believes in living life to the fullest. I'm all about open, honest communication and quick responses.

What I'm Looking For:

Age Range: Ideally, someone between 20-28 years old.
Faith: A committed Christian who shares my values and wants to build a faith-centered relationship.
Interests: Someone who loves adventures, engaging in deep conversations, and shares some of my interests in movies, anime, and gaming.
Openness to Relocation: While I'm based in Scotland, I'm open to long-distance relationships and potential relocation for the right person.

Why You Should Message Me:

I’m excited to meet someone who shares my enthusiasm for life and adventure. Let’s connect, make unforgettable memories, and embark on this journey together. Ready for an adventure? 🌟
Send me a message and let’s start our story!
submitted by Happy-Painting-1043 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:21 Thin-Plankton-5374 ‘Rising rate’ or ‘non-linear’ lever/linkage - how to design?

I’m looking for suggestions on how to create a linkage that reverses motion and is linear at one end and travels non linearly at the other…
I have a car with a cable operated throttle (a 1998 Lotus Elise). At the throttle body end, the throttle cable is just linked directly to the mechanism that opens the butterflies for each port. There is no sort of ‘cam arrangement” there like you see on old cars with carburettors etc.
At the throttle pedal end, there is a simple ‘reverse motion‘ linkage like this:
i.e. a simple lever with a pivot in the middle. One end is connected to the throttle pedal (which pulls a short solid bar attached the the linkage and pedal with spherical joints - to allow I guess for the arc’ed path of the fixing on the lever as the pedal is depressed), the other end is connected to the throttle cable. So there is a constant and linear relationship between movement of pedal and travel of throttle cable.
my car has individual throttle bodies which is not the OEM set up. With this throttle system, very small changes in the amount of throttle opening create large changes in air flow volume. The result of this, with the current set up, is that the car is hard to drive smoothly with small throttle openings/light load.
i want to replace or modify the linkage with one that places, say, the first 3rd of the throttle cable travel across the first 50% of pedal travel, and then becomes more sensitive (ie more throttle opening for less pedal travel) in the later portions of the pedal travel. It might be useful to be able to vary this to find a sensible ‘curve’
how do I design a simple reverse motion linkage that is non linear or rising rate at one end?
im not an enginee, but i am scientist (oh dear, you say), i’ve looked at loads of standard linkage designs and a can’t find anything, and I don’t (yet?) understand the principles of linkages to work it out myself! Does anyone have suggestions?
(I don’t want to go to DBW throttles - way too complicated!).
submitted by Thin-Plankton-5374 to engineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:42 zoeywolowitz New Epic livery I made and i love it!!!!!!!!!

New Epic livery I made and i love it!!!!!!!!! submitted by zoeywolowitz to carxdriftracingonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 Accurate-Response-84 Boy bsf pretended suicide attempt. (Tw: sh, suicidal topics)

I (13f) have a boy bsf (12m) who we will call Alex. We both go to the same school, same class and we sit together in french lessons which means 5h a week. We started talking and found out we hade similar interests such as good grades, soccer, cars. About 2 weeks or so after familiarising, he sent me 1 loooooong paragraph and told me "can you send this to my bestfriend" ( 12f who we will call chloe). I answered with something like ’yeah sure’ and started reading the paragraph before sending. It was saying he no longer wanted to be friends with chloe, saying chloe abandoned him and doesn't love him anymore and that she became a pick me hanging out with the new girl in school who we will call mary. Mind you, chloe is the nicest person you will ever meet. I was like send it yourself why should it be me, he started having a stroke or idk and faking nervous tics (it was obvioooooouus). I sent it. They both would'nt talk to each other after that.
Alex and I became bestfriends after that as i started making other friend such as mary and chloe. One day Alex and i were chatting on whatsapp when I asked him a simple ’wyd’ he said ’nothing’. That kind of made me giggle but also suspicious. I answers ’what kind of nothing? Better not be smth corny..!’ when he should’ve atleast laughed a little, i think, he answered ’yeah just something..’.
I started worrying asking him to tell me so he siad: here’s a clue, sharpener blade. I froze.
He couldn't be doing that could he...
I told him to stop right now and here and asked him to clarify what he was doing since i had the possibility to tell his sister the next day at school so she could help him. He said ’yk already...’
I just sat silent infront of my screen. After 10 minutes my phone buzzed ’hey i was just joking lol! Wyd? Im watching tiktok btw’
I told him: ’debating whether i should block you for that joke or not..’
I got blocked instead, he insulted me in a common gc and made fun of me infront of his friends the next day at school. Thankfully after that it was the weekend. He unblocked me and gaslight me into thinking i was the problem. I had created the issue..
He has gaslight me into thinking that forever after that.
Fast-forward a couple of months later it comes out that he started $H. He would only do a couuuuple of not even cutting his skin deep cuts, like a paper cut would hurt more and pretending he couldn't move his arm and shaking it like it was a tic. To not embarasss him i played along but that guy was draining me looking back. He would then guilt trip me into staying friends.
After all of that i also started $H but i went to deep more then once. I couldn't stop the bleeding. He saw it on my hands and thought i was trying to 1 up him so he started sh deeper and told me he wanted to commit suicide...
Mind you, a looot of my friends including chloe and mary (let’s add katie for the context which is my bsf just before alex) had told me to get away from him but i didnt listen.
One day, when it was a holiday my mother took my phone away cuz i had too much screen time. For the first week i couldnt talk with him. When i had my phone back, he siad he loved me, that he was about to khs if i left ect... I snapped. I told him he could stop pretending and I knew he only wanted attention. I told him I commited $H bcz of him.
He said ’ok.’ ’i will just go actually suicide if you dont wanna believe’
I started feeling bad but it was already midnight so i shut my phone down and went to sleep. Next day he texted me a ’hello.’ at about 1pm. I answered ’hey alex...’ Heres how it went:
Alex: this isnt alex its his sister Me: huh what happened Alex: alex commited a suicide attempt he is in the hospital. Me: panicking, i called my mom who was at work and she asked for alex’s parnet’s number. Alex: uh..we can’t do that but i can text her from alex’s number. Me: ok ill send it to her.
After 15 minutes, mom calls. She doesn't believe any of that because alexs sistser ’can’t call’ because she is driving but can text ?
Mom tells me to give my phone to the maid. I do. I keep texting Alex on my computer and he said he loves me, he couldnt live without me and i started thinking everything was my fault. My sister caught me texting him and told my mom who told me to also give my laptop to the maid. I waited until she comes back from work and mom tells to stop talking to this alex and that he is only hurting me, and if maybe this was real the parents would call. I agreed and the next couple of days were off school. On monday i told him and also told chloe’ katie and mary i couldnt talk with him be didnt specify why. Katie seemed to have a problem with me still talking to him occasionally. She proceeded to ignoring me so now i had lost both my bsf.
A couple days went by and alex comes to me sayinghis cousin took his phone and all that suicide attempt thing wasnt real. I pretended to believe him.
The next day, he askes me whats weong i tell him i just lost both my bsfs. He siad he was sorry and we went about our day.
Fast-forward lunch i couldn't hold it in anymore and had a mental breakdown talking with mary. She went to go speak with katie whom said she isn't planning on becoming friends again and then to alex. He mocked me when i told him i lost 2 of my bsfs, made fun of my problems and other stuff.
Mary came to me and told me all that what he told her. I started having a panick attack but soon my friends consoled me. During lunch j would see katie and alex walking by laughing.
After lunch we had class when i had another mental breakdown. The teacher told me to leave the classroom and tell her whats wrong. Apparently when we were outside mary had told to the whole class i may want to die now bcz of katie(. But at this period i still didnt know).
The next day after school alex finally admitted: he wasntin the hospital he didnt do an attempt and he only wanted attention.
But katie still refuses to talk to me.
I dont know what to do please help me.
And am i the asshole?
submitted by Accurate-Response-84 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 Accurate-Response-84 Boy bsf pretends suicide (tw: sh, suicidal topics.)

I (13f) have a boy bsf (12m) who we will call Alex. We both go to the same school, same class and we sit together in french lessons which means 5h a week. We started talking and found out we hade similar interests such as good grades, soccer, cars. About 2 weeks or so after familiarising, he sent me 1 loooooong paragraph and told me "can you send this to my bestfriend" ( 12f who we will call chloe). I answered with something like ’yeah sure’ and started reading the paragraph before sending. It was saying he no longer wanted to be friends with chloe, saying chloe abandoned him and doesn't love him anymore and that she became a pick me hanging out with the new girl in school who we will call mary. Mind you, chloe is the nicest person you will ever meet. I was like send it yourself why should it be me, he started having a stroke or idk and faking nervous tics (it was obvioooooouus). I sent it. They both would'nt talk to each other after that.
Alex and I became bestfriends after that as i started making other friend such as mary and chloe. One day Alex and i were chatting on whatsapp when I asked him a simple ’wyd’ he said ’nothing’. That kind of made me giggle but also suspicious. I answers ’what kind of nothing? Better not be smth corny..!’ when he should’ve atleast laughed a little, i think, he answered ’yeah just something..’.
I started worrying asking him to tell me so he siad: here’s a clue, sharpener blade. I froze.
He couldn't be doing that could he...
I told him to stop right now and here and asked him to clarify what he was doing since i had the possibility to tell his sister the next day at school so she could help him. He said ’yk already...’
I just sat silent infront of my screen. After 10 minutes my phone buzzed ’hey i was just joking lol! Wyd? Im watching tiktok btw’
I told him: ’debating whether i should block you for that joke or not..’
I got blocked instead, he insulted me in a common gc and made fun of me infront of his friends the next day at school. Thankfully after that it was the weekend. He unblocked me and gaslight me into thinking i was the problem. I had created the issue..
He has gaslight me into thinking that forever after that.
Fast-forward a couple of months later it comes out that he started $H. He would only do a couuuuple of not even cutting his skin deep cuts, like a paper cut would hurt more and pretending he couldn't move his arm and shaking it like it was a tic. To not embarasss him i played along but that guy was draining me looking back. He would then guilt trip me into staying friends.
After all of that i also started $H but i went to deep more then once. I couldn't stop the bleeding. He saw it on my hands and thought i was trying to 1 up him so he started sh deeper and told me he wanted to commit suicide...
Mind you, a looot of my friends including chloe and mary (let’s add katie for the context which is my bsf just before alex) had told me to get away from him but i didnt listen.
One day, when it was a holiday my mother took my phone away cuz i had too much screen time. For the first week i couldnt talk with him. When i had my phone back, he siad he loved me, that he was about to khs if i left ect... I snapped. I told him he could stop pretending and I knew he only wanted attention. I told him I commited $H bcz of him.
He said ’ok.’ ’i will just go actually suicide if you dont wanna believe’
I started feeling bad but it was already midnight so i shut my phone down and went to sleep. Next day he texted me a ’hello.’ at about 1pm. I answered ’hey alex...’ Heres how it went:
Alex: this isnt alex its his sister Me: huh what happened Alex: alex commited a suicide attempt he is in the hospital. Me: panicking, i called my mom who was at work and she asked for alex’s parnet’s number. Alex: uh..we can’t do that but i can text her from alex’s number. Me: ok ill send it to her.
After 15 minutes, mom calls. She doesn't believe any of that because alexs sistser ’can’t call’ because she is driving but can text ?
Mom tells me to give my phone to the maid. I do. I keep texting Alex on my computer and he said he loves me, he couldnt live without me and i started thinking everything was my fault. My sister caught me texting him and told my mom who told me to also give my laptop to the maid. I waited until she comes back from work and mom tells to stop talking to this alex and that he is only hurting me, and if maybe this was real the parents would call. I agreed and the next couple of days were off school. On monday i told him and also told chloe’ katie and mary i couldnt talk with him be didnt specify why. Katie seemed to have a problem with me still talking to him occasionally. She proceeded to ignoring me so now i had lost both my bsf.
A couple days went by and alex comes to me sayinghis cousin took his phone and all that suicide attempt thing wasnt real. I pretended to believe him.
The next day, he askes me whats weong i tell him i just lost both my bsfs. He siad he was sorry and we went about our day.
Fast-forward lunch i couldn't hold it in anymore and had a mental breakdown talking with mary. She went to go speak with katie whom said she isn't planning on becoming friends again and then to alex. He mocked me when i told him i lost 2 of my bsfs, made fun of my problems and other stuff.
Mary came to me and told me all that what he told her. I started having a panick attack but soon my friends consoled me. During lunch j would see katie and alex walking by laughing.
After lunch we had class when i had another mental breakdown. The teacher told me to leave the classroom and tell her whats wrong. Apparently when we were outside mary had told to the whole class i may want to die now bcz of katie(. But at this period i still didnt know).
The next day after school alex finally admitted: he wasntin the hospital he didnt do an attempt and he only wanted attention.
But katie still refuses to talk to me.
I dont know what to do please help me.
And am i the asshole?
submitted by Accurate-Response-84 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:35 Additional-Yam6345 Row 7 of the Anime All Stars roster has made it's official debut! Originally, I have replaced a Uzui from KNY and Minato from Naruto for another character. Let's see their replacing characters and the new fighters. Since they're new, there is a description on their moves.

Row 7 of the Anime All Stars roster has made it's official debut! Originally, I have replaced a Uzui from KNY and Minato from Naruto for another character. Let's see their replacing characters and the new fighters. Since they're new, there is a description on their moves.
Row 7 will now feature the next wave of expansion fighters.
114. Bu-Ling Huang / Mew Pudding (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: PuRing Ring Warp
Mew Pudding begins to twirl around leaving a trail of yellow pudding which damages the opponent. The move can be charged and does more attack damage if charged. Similar to Pyra's Neutral Special, Flame Nova in Smash.
Side: Ribbon PuRing Swing
Mew Pudding leaps forward and grabs the enemy slapping and punching them. (This is similar to Diddy Kong's Side Special in Smash). Press the button again to cancel the attack.
Up: Jello Trampoline
Mew Pudding will summon a trampoline shaped like jello which bounces her to new heights. it falls if used in the air but sticks if used on the ground. Like Sonic's Spring Jump in Smash.
Down: Jello Prison
Mew Pudding uses her PuRing Rings to play a melody, then unleashes a blast of yellow energy which encases the enemy in a force field similarly shaped like jello.
Final Smash: Ribbon PuRing Ring Inferno
Mew Pudding Mew Pudding performing a series of acrobatic flips, kicks and somersaults before summoning a tambourine and a bell on a ring. She taps them together, performing a melody in the air. Her Mew Mark glows and she brings the instruments down, unleashing a blast of yellow energy which encases the enemy in a force field similarly shaped like jello. The jello force field will then explode launching the opponents captured.
115. Kakashi Hatake (Naruto) (Replacing Uzui)
Neutral: Lightning Blade
Kakashi pulls out a Kunai Spear then runs forward with his right hand shrouded in blue electricity. When they get close enough, they drive their hand into the opponent's middle, blasting them away.
Side: Kamui Shuriken
Kakashi throws a barrage of shuriken at his opponent in a radial pattern, creating an explosion after a second. Charging the technique increases the damage output, even when blocked.
Up: Water Style Geyser
Kakashi erupts the floor with a giant geyser that helps him get lifted up to new heights.
Down: Lightning Style Shadow Clone
Kakashi enters a counter stance where he reads a Make-Out series novel. If the opponent hits them during that time, they fake them out with a Lightning Style Shadow Clone, then they use Earth Style: Mud Wall Jutsu, to lift the opponent up, then finish them with Water Style Giant Vortex Jutsu.
Final Smash: Kamui Lightning Blade
Kakashi pulls out a Kunai and charges a Lightning Blade then rushes at his opponent. If he connects, he launches them up with his attack, activates his Susano'o and obliterate his caught opponent with a stronger Lightning Blade, dubbed the Kamui Lightning Blade.
116. Himura Kenshin (Samurai X/Ruroni Kenshin)
Neutral: Nine-Headed Dragon Flash
Kenshin flies forward while holding a sword. If they connect, blue afterimages follow behind them and strike the opponent, blasting them back.
Side: Kusu-ryusen
Kenshin charges a dash attack. If fully charged, he phases through the enemy which slashes with the kanji showing on the hit opponent. (Similar to Ike's Side Special; Quick Draw in Smash Bros)
Up: Tsui-sho Sen
Kenshin will slash upward. If the button is pressed after the uppercut slash, he will dive downward. The downward slash has a meteor effect.
Down: Counter
Kenshin enters a counter stance. If he gets attacked, he will open his sword and give a payback slash. Depending on how much damage the enemy attack does, Kenshin's counter will give the counter attack a multiply by 1.3%.
Final Smash: Godspeed Flash of the Heavenly Flying Dragon
Kenshin runs at the opponent at high-speed. If they connect, they slash the opponent once to stun them, then charges another to cut them to the floor.
117. Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan)
Neutral: Double Sword Slash
Armin jumps up and slashes down with both Ultrahard steel blades.
Side: Barrel Roll
Armin uses his Ultrahard steel blades to barrel roll. This move is similar to Mii Swordfighter's Airbone Assault move in Smash Bros.
Up: ODM Gear Hook.
Armin will use either one or both wire hooks to help him hook onto the ledge. He can use it on ceiling's, walls, and opponents.
Down: Ultrahard steel blade change.
Armin's Ultrahard steel blades have a durability limit live Steve's tools in Smash Bros. But unlike Steve where the tool's limit are seen when they break, Armin has a gauge telling the sword's durability limit. Some attacks will be less effective without the blades.
Final Smash: Green Smoke Assault.
Armin fires a green smoke shot from his gun to signal five allies to help attack his opponent. One of them is Sasha Braus. After the assault concludes, Armin pulls out a thunder spear to obliterate the opponent.
118. Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail)
Neutral: Ice Super Freeze Arrow.
Gray makes a Ice Bow and Arrow from his ice molding magic. It's similar to Byleth's Neutral Special in Smash. Pressing the button does little damage, but holding down will charge up the arrow and pierce through his opponent launching or freezing them. The latter of which will see them frozen in ice. Just like in Smash, the more damage they have, the longer they will stay frozen.
Side: Crescent Blades.
Gray summons crescent like boomerangs that he throws. It's like Min Min's neutral special where she throws Ramram where they return after a brief distance.
Up: Ice Grappling Hook.
Gray makes a grappling hook out of his molding ice which he can use to recover from the stage. It will work like Byleth's Up Special in Smash. If he grabs a curved ceiling, he will jump off of it, and grabbing an opponent will see him propel himself and bounce off their heads with a meteor spike occurring in the process.
Down: Ice Devour.
Just like with Natsu where he eats fire to replenish his power and even heal himself, Gray will open his mouth to try and eat ice attacks. Said ice users like Todoroki (MHA), and Esdeath (Akame Ga Kill), are at a huge disadvantage against Gray. If he eats an ice projectile, he will replenish his Ice Magic and take away some damage.
Final Smash: Lost Ice Shell
Gray will use his finishing attack, Lost Iced Shell where he casts himself in an circular ice shell. However, the shell will break if Gray dosen't capture anyone on the initial hit. But if he does, he freezes them. If they're over 100%, they're chilled to the bone...
119. Rikka Takanashi (Love Chuunibyou and Other Delusions)
Neutral: Umbrella Barrage / Dark Matter Blaze
Umbrella Barrage: Rikka strikes 10 times with an Umbrella. / Dark Matter Blaze: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka fires a huge magical ball that knocks her opponents away.
Side: Slide / Mana Blast
Slide: Rikka slides like Mega Man's down tilt in Smash where she trips her opponent. Leaving them prone to followup attacks. / Mana Blast: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka now fires 3 to 6 energy blasts with little to medium damage and knockback.
Up: Umbrella Leap / Kanntwinkle
Rikka leaps up with her Umbrella which reduces falling like Peach and Daisy's up special in Smash. / Kanntwinkle: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka dashes upward and fires three energy balls depending on the stick's direction.
Down Chuuni-Charge / Magic Selection
Rikka will get super armor and will not get knocked back from heavy attacks. Every hti fills up her Banishment of this World gauge like Joker's Rebel's Guard in Smash Bros. / Magic Selection: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka will choose between three moves: 1. Maximum Shield, Makes a 5 second shield. She can't move in the process like Hero's Kaclang move in Smash. 2. Bash, Swings her powered up weapon, Konigin der Nacht onto the ground damaging opponent critically like Hero's Hatchet Man move in Smash. And 3. Schwarz Shield; Rikka enters a counter stance. If someone hits her, she will hit back.
Final Smash: True Banishment of this World
Rikka summons Yuuta Togashi as both raise their hands to combine their power mixed with dark magic fire and mana to make a giant vortex.
120. Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia)
Neutral: Frog Leap
Tsuyu winds up and lunges at the enemy player to kick them.
Side: Frog Arrow
Tsuyu rapidly extends her tongue in a straight line, damaging and knocking away (or just staggering if the enemy is using a yellow attack) any enemy struck by it.
Up: Froppy Hopper / Tongue Hook
Asui has two up specials for recovery like Min Min in Smash. Froppy Hopper sees Asui using her frog-like body to hop to extreme heights. This move can only be done on the ground. If she's in the air, she will use her tongue instead.
Down: Toxic Mucus
Asui will barf out a toxic sludge from her mouth. If it makes contact with an opponent, they will slowly take damage. The effect lasts for 8 seconds.
Final Smash: Frog Dash
Just like Her Level 2 Plus Ultra move in My Hero One's Justice, Tsuyu launches herself towards the enemy player and slams her feet into them. She will then kick her target away only to pull them back in with her tongue, rapidly spin them around, then smash them into the ground.
121. Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)
Neutral: First Dance, White Moon
Rukia steps forward to slash the opponent. If they connect, a pillar of ice will shroud the enemy before breaking, causing a hard knockdown.
If the move does not connect, a ring of icy energy will be placed behind the user in its place, acting as a trap that stays for 5 seconds.
Side: Next Dance, Hakuren
Rukia takes a stance and charges her beam in their sword, then stabs the air, creating a stream of ice stalagmites.
This technique can be charged. The longer it's charged the beam will pierce through.
Up: Rukia infuses her sword with icy energy. For the following 15 seconds, all her sword attacks have the added Ice element. She then uppercuts with her sword which is useful for recovery to the stage.
Down: White tree
Rukia will grow roots from her sword that scatter through the ground.
Final Smash: Bankai: White Haze Punishment
Rukia takes a stance, then fires a beam of icy energy at her opponent. If it connects without blocking, the opponent is frozen over in a long strip of ice, and she then transforms into her Bankai State
122. Ryo Saeba (City Hunter)
Neutral: Quickshot
Ryo shoots his opponent with his revolver.
Holding the energy charge button makes him fire up to 3 times, at the cost of extra stocks.
Side: Bullseye
Ryo shoots his opponent with his revolver up to 2 times.
The first shot can break an opponent's guard, and the second shot is guaranteed damage.
Up: Grenade
Ryo pulls out a grenade and throws it down to help him get blown up to new heights at the cost of taking some damage in return.
Down: Double Rocket Launcher.
As the name suggests, Ryo pulls out a pair of rocket launchers, and fires them. The rockets travel up, then at the opponent.
Holding the energy charge button simply delays the move.
Final Smash: X-Y-Z
Ryo fires a bazooka at his opponent. If it connects without blocking, he pulls up in his red car, rolls out and fires at a trio of explosive barrels in the air, alongside his opponent, which makes them explode.
123. Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Neutral: Saggi the Dark Clown
Kaiba summons Saggi the Dark Clown. Although this monster lacks attacks damage, Kaiba will use his negative energy card, a Magic Card, to multiply Saggi's attack points by 3 and attacks with Dark Light.
Side: Judge Man
Kaiba will summon the Judge Man. He bangs on the ground causing the ground to shake, tripping his opponents.
Up: Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
Kaiba will call his Blue Eyes Shining Dragon to ride on his back and take him to new heights.
Down: My Turn!
Kaiba draws a card from his deck. Here, he can use these moves that go around like a pattern:
1: Crush Card Virus: Kaiba fires 2 balls of dark magic. 2: Ring of Destruction: Kaiba drops an explosive ring on the opponent. 3: Shadow Spell: Kaiba creates an Area of Effect that has purple clouds rain down electricity on the opponent.
Final Smash: Triple Burst Stream
Kaiba will summon all three of his Blue Eyes White Dragons to merge as one and become the "Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon". he will then use it to fires three burst streams to destroy the opponent.
124. Minto Aizawa / Mew Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: MinTone Arrow
Mew Mint uses her signature weapon, the MinTone Arrow, to fire an arrow shaped like a feather.
Side: MinTone Boomerang
Mew Mint throws her MinTone Arrow like King K Rool's side special, Crownerang in Smash. Unlike said move, it comes back instead of landing on the ground and becoming an item.
Up: MinTone Arrow Hook
Mew Mint turns MinTone Arrow into a grappling hook where chains resemble feathers.
Down: Mew Aqua Drop
Mew Mint trades her MinTone Arrow for the Mew Aqua Rod and enters a counter stance. If attacked, she uppercuts with the Mew Aqua Rod and switches back to her MinTone Arrow usage.
Final Smash: Ribbon Mint Echo
Mew Mint is seen summoning a bow and arrow out of a windy burst of feathers, charging up a shock-wave, and releasing it into a light pink blade of energy.
125. Teru Momijiyama / Shy (Shy)
Neutral: Flame Bracelet Shot
Shy will use her Heart-Shift Bracelets to fire flames which damage the opponent.
Side: Heart-Shift Bracelet flash
Shy will prepare to dash with her fist ready. It's like Mii Swordfighter's Gale Strike move in Smash.
Up: Bracelet uppercut
Shy uppercuts with her Bracelet leaving a trail of fire
Down: Heart-Shift Counter
Shy will make an X shape with her arms in a guarding position. If someone gets her, she will unleash a flame wall.
Final Smash: One Stroke
Shy crosses her arms, only to open them and unleash a wave of powerful flames against her opponent.
126. Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater) (Replacing Minato. I felt like we should have 2 Soul Eater reps after Maka)
Neutral: Black Blood
Crona will punch the ground and black goo will go out and turn into spikes.
Side: Bloody Needle
Crona uses her Black Blood to turn them into needles, usually to surprising the opponents and skewer them.
Up: Black Blood Wings
Crona will grow wings from her back to fly to new heights. Like Pit's Power of Flight in Smash. It can't do damage but is useful for recovery.
Down: Black Blood Vines.
Crona will use her Black Blood to makes vines and use them to poke out of the ground. If done in the air, Crona will instead use the vines to spike his opponent.
Final Smash: Scream Resonance
A special type of Soul Resonance that functions ordinarily like usual Soul Resonance, except that the result instead is a high pitch scream that gives Crona's weapon (such as Ragnarok) increased cutting power through vibrations.
127. Arthur Boyle (Fire Force)
Neutral: Plasma Sword Shake
Arthur uses his plasma sword to charge up a decisive blow. Similar to Roy's Neutral Special in Smash. The longer it's charged, the more damage it does.
Side: Plasma Sword Strike
Arthur dashes three times with his plasma sword striking forward. It's similar to Sora's Side Special, Sonic Blade in Smash.
Up: Plasma Sword Spin
Arthur will spin around and be lifted to the sky. It's like Sora's up special, Aerial Sweep in Smash. He will be lifted up no matter if he's on the ground of air..
Down Special: Plasma Counter
Arthur enters a counter stance with his plasma sword. If he gets hit, he will attack with his attack damage multiplied by 1.5%.
Final Smash: Star Ring
Arthur will pull out the Star Ring and use his pyrokinesis to erupt the floor and make a flame pillar. It's like Ken's Final Smash that's is done if his opponent is far away.
128. Simon (Gurren Laggan)
Neutral: Spiral Power
Simon fire massive beams of spiral power from his core drill and can create drills for various purposes the latter requiring a gunman.
Side: Giga Drill Break
Simon forms a huge amount of spiral power into an enormous drill and spins. This is similar to Meta Knight's Side Special, Drill Dash in Smash. If in the air, Simon will fall vulnerably.
Up: Drill Rush
Simon drills upward with rockets boosting him. He falls down once the rockets run out of fuel.
Down: Energy Absorption.
Simon will stab a drill into his opponent to take away some damage and do the ammount of damage to them.
Final Smash: Drilling Finish
Simon will gather his largest drill to try and hit an opponent. If successful, he drills them until the ground shakes and erupts. If his opponent is over 100%, it's an immediate KO.
129. Trunks (Dragon Ball)
Neutral: Burning Attack
Trunks rapidly moves his arms, then thrusts his hands forward to fire a large fireball. (Consumes 1 Ki Gauge)
Side: Galick Gun
Trunks fires a Galick Gun which travels a distance. (Consumes 1.5 Ki Gauges)
Up: Cyclone Jump
Trunks performs a jumping somersault. Can do any aerial attack shortly after the jump. Different inputs causes Trunks to travel in a different direction. If a flip is now done on the ground, Trunks can use a second flip in the air.
Down: Change the Future
Trunks charges forward and shoots an explosion from his palm. If the opponent gets hit near Trunks' hand, this move has a Smash property that deals a moderately strong wallbounce. (Consumes 2 Ki Gauges)
Final Smash: Heat Dome Attack / Shining Sword Attack
Shining Sword Attack: If Trunks' opponent is at a distance, he jumps forward with his sword. If he connects with the opponent, they rapidly slash the opponent 8 times, then fires a Masenko. / Heat Dome Attack: If Trunks' opponent is close, he grabs. If it connects, Trunks spins once and tosses the opponent up into the air and causes a yellow orb of energy to be formed around him as he fires a vertical yellow blast at the midair opponent. Has some of the highest damage of any level 3 Meteor attacks. (Consumes three Ki gauges)
130. Toshiro Hitsuyaga (Bleach)
Neutral: Hail Flower Dragon
Toshiro rushes forward with his sword. If he connects, he creates an ice pillar around his opponent, which shatters a second after.
Side: Icicle Birds
Toshiro summons dragon-like wings and a tail, which fire icicles at his opponent. Charging the move doubles the amount of projectiles.
Up: Ice Slash
Toshiro uppercits with his sword leaving a trail of snowflakes.
Down: Six-Point Ice Formation
Toshiro points his sword to the ground, creating a trap that freezes an opponent in an ice pillar upon contact.
Final Smash: Four Elements Freeze
Toshiro turns into his adult form, freezing the air around him, and slashes the air. If he connects, he freezes the opponent over, creating a tall pillar of ice that crumbles on top of itself after a few seconds.
131. Sunraku (Shangri-La Frontier)
Neutral: Screw Pierce
Sunraku does a quick blow as a compact attack. It is very powerful, but cannot be fired repeatedly.
Side: Drill Piercer
Sunraku emits a blue energy when in contact with target, dealing heavy drill damage and if on a weak spot deal critical damage.
Up: Glowing Pierce
Sunraku emits a stronger blue energy around the weapon, unleashing a spiral twister on the user when dealing more damage to target. The twister lifts him up for recovery.
Down: Spiral Pierce
Sunraku channels a blue energy aura around the weapons and impacts them on target, acting like a spiral rotation that drills into the target with stronger battle damage.
Final Smash: Assassination Pierce. Level MAX
A combined linkable skill. A skill that boost attack force when an enemy Mob hasn’t noticed someone or if their attack focus is elsewhere. Emits a powerful deep blue energy force upon impacting target.
132. Asuka Takizawa / Cure Flamingo (Tropical Rouge Pretty Cure)
Neutral: Buttobi Flamingo Smash
Cure Flamingo's solo attack that she can perform with her Heart Rouge Rod.
Side: Flamingo Stride
Cure Flamingo spins like a turbulent to strike his opponent.
Up: Flamingo Wings
Cure Flamingo uses her Heart Rouge Rod to make wings on her back to help make her fly to new heights.
Down: Tropical Reverse
Cure Flamingo uses her Heart Rouge Rod to stab in front. If she catches a projectile, she will spin 180 degrees before sending it back to sender.
Final Smash: Super Tropical Paradise
Cure Flamingo will team up with the other 4 Tropical Rouge Cures, Cure Summer, Cure Coral, Cure Papaya, and Cure La Mer, to unleash a wave of attacks to finish out their enemies.
133. Retasu Midorikawa / Mew Lettuce (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: Lettustanets Toss
Mew Lettuce throws her Lettustanets at the opponent.
Side: Droplet Barrage
Mew Lettuce fires bullets of water droplets.
Up: Wavy Strings
Mew Lettuce uses her white strings to hook onto a ceiling, wall, ledge or opponent.
Down: Ribbon Whip
Mew Lettuce uses the ribbons of her Lettustanets to be a counter attack barrier.
Final Smash: Lettuce Lashup
Mew Lettuce rises up into the air with her arms crossed over her chest. She then parts them and manifests the Lettustanets in each hand. Playing a small rhythm with them, she spins around and then fires a blast of water power at the opponent.
submitted by Additional-Yam6345 to makeafighter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:34 Accurate-Response-84 My boy bsf pretend a suicide attempt. (TW: SH, SUICIDAL TOPICS)

I (13f) have a boy bsf (12m) who we will call Alex. We both go to the same school, same class and we sit together in french lessons which means 5h a week. We started talking and found out we hade similar interests such as good grades, soccer, cars. About 2 weeks or so after familiarising, he sent me 1 loooooong paragraph and told me "can you send this to my bestfriend" ( 12f who we will call chloe). I answered with something like ’yeah sure’ and started reading the paragraph before sending. It was saying he no longer wanted to be friends with chloe, saying chloe abandoned him and doesn't love him anymore and that she became a pick me hanging out with the new girl in school who we will call mary. Mind you, chloe is the nicest person you will ever meet. I was like send it yourself why should it be me, he started having a stroke or idk and faking nervous tics (it was obvioooooouus). I sent it. They both would'nt talk to each other after that.
Alex and I became bestfriends after that as i started making other friend such as mary and chloe. One day Alex and i were chatting on whatsapp when I asked him a simple ’wyd’ he said ’nothing’. That kind of made me giggle but also suspicious. I answers ’what kind of nothing? Better not be smth corny..!’ when he should’ve atleast laughed a little, i think, he answered ’yeah just something..’.
I started worrying asking him to tell me so he siad: here’s a clue, sharpener blade. I froze.
He couldn't be doing that could he...
I told him to stop right now and here and asked him to clarify what he was doing since i had the possibility to tell his sister the next day at school so she could help him. He said ’yk already...’
I just sat silent infront of my screen. After 10 minutes my phone buzzed ’hey i was just joking lol! Wyd? Im watching tiktok btw’
I told him: ’debating whether i should block you for that joke or not..’
I got blocked instead, he insulted me in a common gc and made fun of me infront of his friends the next day at school. Thankfully after that it was the weekend. He unblocked me and gaslight me into thinking i was the problem. I had created the issue..
He has gaslight me into thinking that forever after that.
Fast-forward a couple of months later it comes out that he started $H. He would only do a couuuuple of not even cutting his skin deep cuts, like a paper cut would hurt more and pretending he couldn't move his arm and shaking it like it was a tic. To not embarasss him i played along but that guy was draining me looking back. He would then guilt trip me into staying friends.
After all of that i also started $H but i went to deep more then once. I couldn't stop the bleeding. He saw it on my hands and thought i was trying to 1 up him so he started sh deeper and told me he wanted to commit suicide...
Mind you, a looot of my friends including chloe and mary (let’s add katie for the context which is my bsf just before alex) had told me to get away from him but i didnt listen.
One day, when it was a holiday my mother took my phone away cuz i had too much screen time. For the first week i couldnt talk with him. When i had my phone back, he siad he loved me, that he was about to khs if i left ect... I snapped. I told him he could stop pretending and I knew he only wanted attention. I told him I commited $H bcz of him.
He said ’ok.’ ’i will just go actually suicide if you dont wanna believe’
I started feeling bad but it was already midnight so i shut my phone down and went to sleep. Next day he texted me a ’hello.’ at about 1pm. I answered ’hey alex...’ Heres how it went:
Alex: this isnt alex its his sister Me: huh what happened Alex: alex commited a suicide attempt he is in the hospital. Me: panicking, i called my mom who was at work and she asked for alex’s parnet’s number. Alex: uh..we can’t do that but i can text her from alex’s number. Me: ok ill send it to her.
After 15 minutes, mom calls. She doesn't believe any of that because alexs sistser ’can’t call’ because she is driving but can text ?
Mom tells me to give my phone to the maid. I do. I keep texting Alex on my computer and he said he loves me, he couldnt live without me and i started thinking everything was my fault. My sister caught me texting him and told my mom who told me to also give my laptop to the maid. I waited until she comes back from work and mom tells to stop talking to this alex and that he is only hurting me, and if maybe this was real the parents would call. I agreed and the next couple of days were off school. On monday i told him and also told chloe’ katie and mary i couldnt talk with him be didnt specify why. Katie seemed to have a problem with me still talking to him occasionally. She proceeded to ignoring me so now i had lost both my bsf.
A couple days went by and alex comes to me sayinghis cousin took his phone and all that suicide attempt thing wasnt real. I pretended to believe him.
The next day, he askes me whats weong i tell him i just lost both my bsfs. He siad he was sorry and we went about our day.
Fast-forward lunch i couldn't hold it in anymore and had a mental breakdown talking with mary. She went to go speak with katie whom said she isn't planning on becoming friends again and then to alex. He mocked me when i told him i lost 2 of my bsfs, made fun of my problems and other stuff.
Mary came to me and told me all that what he told her. I started having a panick attack but soon my friends consoled me. During lunch j would see katie and alex walking by laughing.
After lunch we had class when i had another mental breakdown. The teacher told me to leave the classroom and tell her whats wrong. Apparently when we were outside mary had told to the whole class i may want to die now bcz of katie(. But at this period i still didnt know).
The next day after school alex finally admitted: he wasntin the hospital he didnt do an attempt and he only wanted attention.
But katie still refuses to talk to me.
I dont know what to do please help me.
And am i the asshole?
submitted by Accurate-Response-84 to WhatShouldIDo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:33 muzso Article: What happens when you trigger a car’s automated emergency stopping?
People usually hate the nagging of the driver alert system. This article is about the scenarios for which this thing was created for. I wonder whether the EX30 would stop the car safely if the driver fell asleep? Volvo could release some demo/test footage of all of the safety features in action. Probably it'd help with the public perception of all the naggings that the vehicle does.
Btw. apart from the speed limit warnings (which can be disabled with the shortcut button on the steering wheel if you assign this function to it) I've not encountered a single warning (e.g. from the driver alert system) that was not justified. I'm fully OK with all of the default settings, apart from the speed limit warnings. I'd even leave them on if I could set a threshold percentage. Most drivers go above the speed limit (with a small percentage) and sticking with the limit would actually hinder traffic (I've seen a demo of sticking with the limit and it didn't go well ... many drivers gave "feedback" to the press guy who did the test). In many navigation systems (e.g. in Waze) you can set a "speeding threshold" (a percentage above the speed limit) and if we could set something like this in the EX30, I'd be all in for the speeding warnings. :)
Unfortunately that won't happen. European regulations are clear on how this feature must function, so until the law doesn't change, we'll just have to disable the warnings at the start of each trip. Luckily it's just the press of a button on the steering wheel.
submitted by muzso to ex30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 HelpDearGodHelpMe My mental state is weakening and I don't know if I can't keep it all up anymore

This is my first post so I'm sorry if it's way to long but I needed to get this out.
Trigger warnings: sa, suicidal ideation, physical abuse (kinda), neglect, stalking,
(These topics are mentioned but not explored deeply)
I (m19) have been losing everything it seems since I was 11 I think.
Off the bat I have autism, ADHD, a learning disability, and a bad family dynamic I think (this is apart of it), due to this and growing up in a town that's not very open minded I quickly became suicide. When I started therapy in middle school I would score as severely depressed every 2 weeks when the test was done. Along with talking to councilors, therapists, resurch and how life has been going I think I might have developed BPD and Narcissism.
Right before middle school I met S, they where my best friend and first "love". The day I met S I feel hard, and over the next 7 years my feelings would deepen. Our relationship dynamic was very toxic, we'd yell and scream at each other then the next day say we loved each other but if I didn't want to be there friend they wouldn't care and they'd echo this sintament in a million different ways that would userally come at the end of our fights. S would say things like "if I'm so mean then why are you still friends with me" or "that's a you problem" when I'd bring up a way they would make me feel, once they said "no wonder your dad doesn't love you" (this was years ago so I'm not sure if that's exactly what they said but the last 4 words where still in there) just to give you an idea of the kinda things they'd say.
On the other side, I would constantly make my personal episodes there problem, call them a bad person, accuse them of intentionally hurting me, I'd be extremely controlling of there relationships and just controlling in general. I'd also ask them to berate me, and call me any terrible thing they could think of, like a good friend they only did this a few times at first but then stopped. All this would be going on while I act like the guy best friend with feelings, I'd confess to them on avrage once a year in bigger and grander ways.
Other then S, there have been a lot of other unwell people I'd have to deal with. The actual scary ones where a couple rapists and one person who'd brag about sending there boyfriends on suicide watch. The rest where all either bullies or "crazy" people, either way I didn't care much, I was just happy I could live out a heros fantasy. Even though on paper I was a good guy, I only did it to feed my ego and feel secure. So even though I was hurting people who where hurting others it could have very easily been the other way around and a few times it was. I would stalk people in school, I'm not proud of it but it happened, ive also struggled with homosidle tendencies. One more thing, I was sa'd twice my freshman year which the school did nothing about, you could probably imagine how I feel.
My home life wasn't much better in my opinion, my autism crated a huge divide between my family and by existence everyone else. Out of my whole family I'm the most severe and most of us have autism (this is all my opinion) my mom has taken tests and is open to the idea but my brother (m20) doesn't see what I do, It would also make since for my dad but I don't know. This is important because my needs and acomedations are seen as to much for my family, and then when I went out into the world I didn't understand the social difference between my autistic family and the rest of the world. Whatever I learn out here is hard to communicate to my family and what I learn from my family isn't the best out here.
More specificly my brother would beat me up not super often but often enough for it to be a thing I was scared of for a long time. to be fair I did use to bite him when we where little which is what he mentioned when I brought up the times he'd beat me up, he also denied doing this to the extent I mentioned and said "all brothers fight". He has been teaching me about emotional intelligence recently because of my issus with being very defensive, this was after he stopped beating me up for a while so I think he's changed. But he still says things like "why do you look like that" or "you smell" as a joke, I've asked him to stop but he's never stopped. He also makes jokes about sexualizing animals, children, and even made incest jokes just because I have a funny reaction. I've told him to stop because it makes me uncomfortable but after high school I gave up, he hasn't made these jokes in a while and thankfully the ones about kids are ferthar in the past then the others. When he didn't stop I told him I would tell my friends that he made these jokes and he said that he wouldn't care.
Other then him, my mom recently called me to yell at me about the traffic being bad, the phone called ended with me throwing my headphones and yelling about killing myself in a school building. To be brief.
My dad was just super neglectful, nights I'd go hungry, he cooked only 2 times for me and my brother. Once I had to take him to the bathroom because he was to drunk to know he wasn't in the bathroom. This should be enough.
In modern day.
I'm in college for acting and writing, I haven't lived with my dad for years and he recently took out a EBT card under my name. I got in a car crash a year ago, in the same week I got it, my mom yells at me to drive and yells at me to not drive without insurance, she yells at me for not being prepared wile packing my bags for college for me wile not letting me do it on my own. My mom offers help but then complains about everyone catering to me and yells at me about every single unplanned step. My brother is trying to help me but he doesn't except that I'm disabled or that the issues I bring to him are as bad as I say they are, he buys me fast food almost everyday I'm home though. All the other freshman in my college ghosted me at once after the car crash (for real, I get back from the crash, everyone's int he commons, one person asked if I was okay, the other people from the crash show up and everyone flocks to them and I still don't understand why), this caused rummers about me to be created and at the end of the year it got so bad that a group calls me a pedophile. Even though all the shit I've had to deal with just at school I found someone, F. F is super caring and kind because they really do care. Simply put, niceness is transactional, your nice to someone you expect them to be nice back. F just gives all away and expects nothing in return, they've been helping me with my family and school issues along with the mental shit and their just all around a good person.
Even though things are better and I have someone I like, I feel miserable. Everyday it gets harder and harder to keep myself from letting go and do fucked up things to people just because I see something I like or that I'm intereged in, I have a need to feel power and to know everything I can out of insecurities which I've mentioned in this post. I also wanna break up with F but because I know I will hurt them like everyone else in my life, and I'm not sure if I'm with then for them because there the only person who supports or if it's all the free weed. And like the Annabelle movies, my obsession over S isn't and probably won't ever go away as it gets stronger and more annoying.
So after all this I don't know if I should keep fighting until I can't anymore which feels soon, or finally kill my self which I don't think is likely but if not me then I'm scared of who it could be one day. I will continue to try and work though this anyway unless I make a decision, then I'll try to make an update.
Also please let me know if this is violating the Staying on topic rule.
Thank you.
submitted by HelpDearGodHelpMe to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:01 Count-Daring243 Best Adjustable Bungee Cords

Best Adjustable Bungee Cords
Introducing the ultimate solution for your storage and transportation needs, our roundup of adjustable bungee cords is perfect for keeping your items secure while on the move. Don't settle for a less flexible option; explore the best choices in today's market and discover the perfect bungee cord for your needs.

The Top 19 Best Adjustable Bungee Cords

  1. Stretchy Adjustable Bungee Cords for Secure Straps (4 Pack) - Secure heavy objects with ease using the adjustable, long-lasting premium rubber bungee cords from Houseables, perfect for stress-free handling and smooth transportation.
  2. Adjustable Heavy Duty Bungee Cords for Versatile Cargo Holding - Experience the durability and reliability of the 24-inch Keeper Heavy-Duty Bungee Cord by Hampton Products, with professional-grade hooks, superior rubber construction, and a design that adapts to your cargo needs.
  3. Adjustable Bungee Cord with Patented Adjustable Hook - Monkey Fingers Adjustable Bungee Cord - Innovative, simple, and incredibly durable, this bungee might just become your trusted companion for all adventures and projects!
  4. Versatile Premium Bungee Cord Multi-Pack - Experience unparalleled durability and versatility with this 12-piece assorted bungee cord variety pack, featuring premium long-lasting rubber and corrosion-resistant hooks for your most demanding tasks.
  5. Versatile and Safe Bungee Cords for ATV, Truck, and Outdoor Accessories - Take the risk out of securing your cargo with the Loop Rope bungee cord tie down system - the safe, adjustable, and versatile solution for all your storage needs.
  6. Versatile Adjustable Bungee Cord with UV Protection - The Danik Hook Adjustable Bungee Cord is a versatile, eco-friendly option made in the USA, offering a secure grip for various outdoor activities with a 6"-48" unstretched length range and UV protection.
  7. National Hardware Adjustable Bungee - The Ultimate Cargo Securing Solution - National Hardware's Adjustable Bungee Cords with interchangeable carabiners and innovative slip-resistant securing system provide the perfect solution for all your cargo securing and organization needs.
  8. Versatile and Durable Adjustable Cargo Net - Ideal for Outdoor Use and All Weather Conditions - Experience the ultimate flexibility and durability with The Perfect Bungee's Adjustable Flex-Web Cargo Net, crafted from UV, Chemical, Fuel, and Oil Resistant FlexaPURE material, perfect for any weather and load.
  9. Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords with Strong Steel Hooks and UV Protection - SmartStraps SmartStraps 508 is a versatile and super strong premium 2-2/3 ft adjustable bungee cord that simplifies tensioning and is UV and weather resistant, eliminating the hassle of multiple lengths and offering ultimate protection without scratching.
  10. 25 ft. Round Stretch Adjustable Bungee Cords - Secure and transport your cargo safely and easily with Haul-Master's 25 ft. Round Stretch Cords featuring adjustable hooks for optimal tension and length.
  11. High Quality Orange Adjustable Bungee Cords (36") for Durable Hold - Keeper Super Heavy Duty Bungee Cords provide 2x tension and professional-grade durability for all demanding situations, with weather-resistant hooks.
  12. Durable Heavy Duty Adjustable Bungee Straps for Camping and Outdoor Use - Experience versatility and durability with the Axemax Bungee Cords Heavy Duty 32 Pcs assorted sizes, offering color-coded straps and a reusable storage bag for convenience.
  13. Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords for Versatile Luggage Support - MOLADRI's Adjustable Bungee Cords, featuring a 60% increase in pulling force, exceptional rebound force, and 2 metal hooks for durability, offer limitless uses for camping, picnicking, and securing luggage, making them a versatile and essential accessory.
  14. High Strength Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks - Marine-grade Monkey Fingers bungee cords offer unparalleled durability, strength, and versatility, making them the perfect choice for any outdoor or home use.
  15. Heavy-Duty Assorted Sized Flat Bungee Cords - LuckyStraps' heavy-duty, UV-protected assorted flat bungee cords offer easy adjustment and unparalleled max break strength for all your outdoor needs.
  16. Adjustable Black and White Bungee Cords with Hooks - Experience the versatility and durability of the Joyeyou Bungee Cords with Adjustable Hooks, featuring heavy-duty construction and secure connections for a variety of outdoor and indoor uses.
  17. Extra Stretchy Bungee Cord for Versatile Storage Solutions - Upgrade your bungee cord game with Micagos' 48-inch blue/black adjustable bungee cord, featuring extra wide steel hooks and premium quality rubber for superior strength and elasticity.
  18. Versatile Adjustable Bungee Net with Durable Straps - Experience unmatched versatility and durability with the fully adjustable FW36-6NG Bungee Net, designed for all weather conditions and versatile applications.
  19. Multi-Purpose Adjustable 6-Arm Bungee with Nylon Hooks - Experience the ultimate versatility and durability with the FlexWeb Adjustable Web Cargo Net - a perfect, all-weather solution for avid outdoor enthusiasts!
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🔗Stretchy Adjustable Bungee Cords for Secure Straps (4 Pack)
The Houseables Bungee Cords with Hooks have become a trusty companion in my daily life. Their 48-inch length ensures that I can secure even the heftiest objects without having to worry about them slipping away. The premium-grade rubber construction adds durability and resistance to stretching, guaranteeing these cords will stay strong for a long time.
The most impressive feature is the stretch capacity of these bungee cords, which can extend from 4 feet to a remarkable 10 feet. I've found that the extra length allows for better shock absorption, making it easier to manage heavy loads and maintain a smooth and safe transfer.
One of the things I appreciate the most is the adjustability of these cords. They can be easily manipulated and tightened to hold large items in place, while also being simple to release when needed. The flat hooks are a game-changer, as they lie better and create a more reliable attachment point compared to traditional round ones.
However, there is one minor drawback to these cords - the bright yellow color may not be to everyone's taste. Some may prefer a more subdued hue. Despite this, the overall performance and convenience of the Houseables Bungee Cords with Hooks make them a great choice for anyone in need of reliable and versatile straps for securing heavy items.

🔗Adjustable Heavy Duty Bungee Cords for Versatile Cargo Holding
The Hampton Products Keeper 06180 Heavy-Duty Bungee Cord is a versatile and dependable product that truly stands out in the market. With its premium rubber lining on the inside, it has an impressive 10% more rubber content than conventional cords, ensuring optimal performance and long-lasting durability.
One of the most prominent features of this bungee cord is its professional-grade construction. The dichromate steel hooks at each end provide outstanding resistance against bending under pressure and are resistant to corrosion. Moreover, the material is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and UV rays, making it perfect for outdoor use.
Another excellent aspect of this bungee cord is its expansive adjustability. It stretches excellently for your cargo needs, making it a versatile and convenient choice for securing various items. The durable design ensures that the cord stretches perfectly over your cargo without compromising its strength.
However, like any product, there are a couple of cons. While the bungee cord is well-constructed, it can be a bit tricky to adjust, which might cause some inconvenience during use. Additionally, the steel hooks can be a bit sharp, which might require some extra care while handling.
Overall, this Hampton Products Keeper 06180 Heavy-Duty Bungee Cord is a remarkable product that is perfect for securing cargo and making your life easier. Its premium-quality construction, durability, and versatility make it a standout choice in the market. So, if you're in the market for a reliable and robust bungee cord, look no further than this exceptional product.

🔗Adjustable Bungee Cord with Patented Adjustable Hook
The Monkey Fingers Bungee Cord has been an absolute game-changer in my daily life. As an avid adventurer, I've had to deal with various tie-down situations, and this adjustable bungee cord has made my life so much easier. The unique, patented adjustable hook is not only practical but also makes it the last bungee cord I'll ever need to buy.
One of my favorite features is the ease of use and adjustability. Whether I'm working on a DIY project or going on a boating trip, this bungee cord can be quickly adjusted to fit my needs. Its length can be adjusted from 6 inches to 60 inches, and the marine-grade rubber core ensures it's strong and durable enough to handle any task.
However, there is one downside - it only comes in one size. I wish they offered a longer size for even more versatility. Overall, the Monkey Fingers Bungee Cord is a reliable, easy-to-use, and adaptable tool that has become an essential part of my outdoor adventures.

🔗Versatile Premium Bungee Cord Multi-Pack
I recently tried out the Keeper Bungee Cord Variety Pack, and I must say, it's been a game-changer in my daily life. This pack of 12 different bungee cords offers a wide range of options, ensuring you have the perfect cord for any situation. The 25cm, 46cm, 60cm, 80cm, and 90cm cords make it versatile and useful for various tasks.
But what really stood out for me is the premium quality of the cords. They are made from top-tier, long-lasting rubber that ensures they won't snap or lose their strength over time. The protective coating is a thoughtful feature that resists corrosion and won't chip my paint. Plus, the heavy gauge steel hooks are dependable and easy to use.
However, one downside I faced was with the mini cords. They were a bit too small for my needs, so I had to use them sparingly. But overall, the Keeper Bungee Cord Variety Pack was an excellent investment, providing me with a range of high-quality cords that have made my life easier.

🔗Versatile and Safe Bungee Cords for ATV, Truck, and Outdoor Accessories
As an avid camper, I found the Loop Rope Campers Pack to be a game-changer. Say goodbye to those pesky bungee cords that always seem to wear themselves out and end up with an unsightly mess. This Loop Rope system is not only safer, but also incredibly easy to use. The loops evenly placed on the rope eliminate the need for complex knots, while the double sided stainless steel clips secure your cargo perfectly.
I appreciate the versatility of this product. No matter what you're trying to secure, whether it's a boat, a mattress, camping gear, or even drying clothes, this Loop Rope system does the job with ease. The different lengths of clips make it even more suitable for various applications.
However, as with all products, it's not without its small drawbacks. The clips can be a bit difficult to attach at times, and it might take a bit of force to stretch the rope to the desired tension. Despite this, the pros certainly outweigh the cons, making the Loop Rope Campers Pack an indispensable addition to any camper's gear.

🔗Versatile Adjustable Bungee Cord with UV Protection
Using the Danik Hook Adjustable Bungee Cord has been a game-changer in my outdoor adventures. The adjustability feature allows you to set the length to your preferred range, from 6" to 48" unstretched. Its durability is evident with the UV-protected hooks and bungee, ensuring longevity and protection against the harsh elements.
One of the things I appreciate the most is the versatility of this product. It can be used in various settings, such as boating or camping, without any hassle. The option to swap out Bungee cords for 5/32" - 3/8" diameter ropes or parachute cord makes it even more adaptable to your needs.
Despite its great features, there's one downside: the Danik Hook Adjustable Bungee Cord can be a bit challenging to tighten the bungee cord and adjust the length. However, once you get the hang of it, it becomes a smooth process.
Overall, this Made in the USA adjustable bungee cord has made my outdoor experiences more convenient, and I highly recommend it for those seeking a strong, customizable, and adjustable bungee cord for their adventures.

🔗National Hardware Adjustable Bungee - The Ultimate Cargo Securing Solution
When I'm out exploring, I like to have a bungee that can handle anything thrown my way – and that's exactly what National Hardware's Adjustable Bungee offers. With carabiner hooks that can be used as tie-down straps or in place of ratchet straps, it's the only bungee I'll ever need.
The adjustable length from 9-in to 60-in allows me to secure my cargo without worrying about it shifting or being tossed around. The slip-resistant securing system and easy-to-use mounting feature also make it a reliable option for garage organization and securing sports balls on shelves.
One of my favorite features is the interchangeable carabiners – I can swap them out for S-hooks or quick-links depending on what I need to secure. Plus, the product comes with two adjustable bungees, which is double the amount of security for my adventures.
Overall, this bungee is a must-have for any explorer. It's easy to use, secure, and versatile, making it the perfect addition to any vehicle or outdoor excursion.

🔗Versatile and Durable Adjustable Cargo Net - Ideal for Outdoor Use and All Weather Conditions
I recently got my hands on the Flex-Web Adjustable Cargo Net, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. This 72-inch net ensures I can safely secure my gear while on the go.
The unique feature of this net is its six adjustable arms, secured to a central powder-coated ring. It allows for a full adjustable net, perfect for those unpredictable cargo changes. The ABS plastic hook ends are a fantastic addition, as they prevent scratching surfaces and stay secure during transportation.
One of the things I appreciate most is the ability of each arm to stretch twice their length, making it easy to accommodate various cargo sizes. And with its UV, Chemical, Fuel, and Oil Resistance along with waterproof properties, this net is built to withstand all kinds of weather conditions.
While it's made in the USA since 2008, it's designed to be versatile, suitable for ATVs, motorcycles, UTVs, trucks, trailers - basically, anything you'd need a secure cargo net for. It's truly a fantastic product, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone in need of a durable and reliable bungee cord.

🔗Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords with Strong Steel Hooks and UV Protection
I've been using the SmartStraps Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords for a while now, and they've served my needs pretty well. The super strong cord is definitely more durable than the standard bungee cords I've used in the past. The adjustable feature is a game-changer, eliminating the need for multiple length cords. All you need is one bungee cord that can adapt to various situations.
However, I did notice that the cord's elasticity might degrade over time, especially in extreme weather conditions. Also, the steel hooks are not the best when it comes to scratch-resistance on delicate surfaces. But overall, these bungee cords are pretty convenient and useful for various situations.

🔗25 ft. Round Stretch Adjustable Bungee Cords
The Haul-Master 25 ft. Round Stretch Cord with Adjustable Hooks has become quite the life saver in my day-to-day activities. It's like having a superhero sidekick who's always there to help you secure and manage your cargo. Whether it's tying down a floppy hot tub tarp or securing a trailer cover through the winter, this bungee cord is the perfect tool for the job.
One of the most impressive features of this product is its adjustable length. It's like having a chameleon that can change its size on command. With the simple twist of a hook, I can easily adjust the cord to reach any length I need. This flexibility has turned what could be a cumbersome task into a breeze.
However, there's one downside I've noticed with this bungee cord. Despite its durability and easy-to-use design, the outer jacket seems to have a slight tendency to fade over time. Sure, it's not a major issue, but I would love to see a product that can withstand all the elements, not just some.
Overall, the Haul-Master 25 ft. Round Stretch Cord with Adjustable Hooks is a fantastic product. Its adaptability and strength make it a versatile tool in my arsenal, and I'm sure it will continue to come in handy for many projects to come. Despite the minor flaw, I would highly recommend this bungee cord to anyone in need of a reliable tie-down solution.

🔗High Quality Orange Adjustable Bungee Cords (36") for Durable Hold
As someone who's had the pleasure of using a set of Keeper Bungee Cords, I must say, they're a game changer. The vibrant orange color sure catches the eye and makes it easy to spot in any environment. And boy, do they live up to the "durable outer jacket" claim. I've left them out in the sun for days, and not once have they shown any signs of wear.
The industrial-strength design is quite impressive too. The hooks are definitely larger than your average bungee cord, which means fewer scratches on my belongings. I particularly appreciate that they're corrosion-resistant, ensuring they'll last a lifetime.
However, there's one thing I wish was different - the thickness. At 0.374 inches, it can sometimes be a bit too thick for certain tasks, making it a bit cumbersome to use. But overall, the Keeper Bungee Cords are a fantastic investment for those who need a reliable and sturdy solution for securing their goods.

🔗Durable Heavy Duty Adjustable Bungee Straps for Camping and Outdoor Use
I recently gave Axemax's Heavy Duty Bungee Cords a try and have to say, they impressed me. The color-coding feature made it a breeze to organize my belongings, and I loved the variety of sizes they offer. The durable rubber and cross-woven latex material held up to some rough use, and the UV resistance means these cords will keep their color even after spending time outside.
On the downside, I found the hook design could be a bit more robust. A couple of times, I had issues with the hooks breaking or loosening under pressure. However, this issue was outweighed by the convenience of having a carry bag for easy storage and retrieval of the cords.
All in all, these adjustable bungee cords make a useful addition to any outdoor adventure or work situation, providing flexibility and durability. I'd definitely recommend them to my friends!

🔗Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords for Versatile Luggage Support
I recently tried out the MOLADRI Black Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks Set, and I have to say, they've become a lifesaver in my daily life. These bungee cords are incredibly versatile, offering multiple uses such as securing luggage to the roof of my car or holding down a picnic tablecloth during a windy outdoor meal.
One striking feature that stood out to me is their adjustability. The length of these cords can be easily adapted to fit a wide range of situations, making them an essential item for anyone on the go. The flat, heavy-duty design also impressed me, as it not only absorbed shock from bumps and turns but also evenly distributed the load, improving the safety of my cargo.
However, while the flat design is a plus for securing heavy objects, it does make it difficult to use these bungee cords for less substantial items. Additionally, the metal hooks at the ends of the cords add extra durability, but they can be a bit tricky to untangle when storing them.
Overall, the MOLADRI Black Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks Set has become an indispensable part of my daily routine, thanks to their versatility and durability. Despite the occasional struggles with untangling the hooks, the benefits far outweigh the inconveniences, making this set a wise purchase for anyone in need of a reliable and adaptable bungee cord.

🔗High Strength Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks
I recently tried out the Monkey Fingers Adjustable Bungee Cords, and let me tell you, they're a game-changer for anyone who needs to keep their cargo secure. The bright red color definitely stands out, making it easy to see even in low-light situations. The 2-pack is perfect for keeping one in the car and one on your boat or ATV.
The adjustability of the bungee cords is truly a lifesaver, letting me quickly switch between lengths depending on the load at hand. The hooks are sturdy, making it easy to secure even the heaviest loads, and the bungee cords themselves are incredibly durable, withstanding harsh sun and salt water without any issues. My only complaint is that the hooks could use a slightly larger size for securing cargo on ATVs.
Overall, these are the best bungee cords I've ever tried, and I highly recommend them! .

Buyer's Guide

Adjustable bungee cords are versatile and practical tools that can be used for a wide range of purposes. They come in various widths, lengths, and capacities, making them suitable for different applications.

Important Features

1. Stretch Capacity
The stretch capacity of an adjustable bungee cord is the maximum distance it can stretch without breaking. This is an important consideration when choosing the right bungee cord for your needs. For smaller loads, a lower stretch capacity will suffice, while for heavier loads, a higher stretch capacity is required.

2. Diameter

The diameter of an adjustable bungee cord affects its strength and flexibility. A wider cord is generally stronger, but more inflexible, while a narrower cord is more flexible but less strong. Choose a bungee cord's diameter based on the load it will be supporting and the angles it will need to stretch at.

3. Coated or Uncoated

Adjustable bungee cords can either be coated or uncoated. Coated cords are more resistant to wear and tear, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications, while uncoated cords are more flexible and lightweight, making them suitable for light-duty applications.

4. Quality and Durability

To ensure the longevity of your adjustable bungee cord, choose one made from high-quality materials and built for durability. Look for reinforced end fittings and sturdy construction.

Considerations Before Buying

1. How You Will Use the Bungee Cord

Consider the specific application for your adjustable bungee cord. Will it be used to secure a load to a vehicle, to hold two objects together, or for stretching exercises? Understanding how you will use the bungee cord will help you choose the right one with the appropriate stretch capacity and diameter.

2. Budget

Adjustable bungee cords come in a wide range of prices, depending on their size, strength, and quality. Determine your budget before making a purchase, and consider the bungee cord's expected lifespan and suitability for your applications. Remember, cheaper options might not always be the best value.

3. Brand Reputation
Some brands have better quality control and produce more durable adjustable bungee cords than others. Research the brand's reputation before making a purchase, and look for positive reviews and experiences from other users.

General Advice and Precautions

1. Always Read the Instructions

Before using an adjustable bungee cord, always read the manufacturer's instructions for proper handling and usage. This can help you avoid accidents and damage to your load or the bungee cord itself.

2. Avoid Overstretching

Do not overstretch your adjustable bungee cord, as this can cause it to snap and potentially cause injury. Make sure to secure the bungee cord appropriately and only stretch it as far as it is designed to stretch.

3. Keep the Cord Organized and Tangled-Free

A tangled or knotted bungee cord can be difficult to deal with and can even damage the cord. Make sure to keep your adjustable bungee cord organized and untangled to extend its lifespan and maintain its strength and flexibility.

4. Choose the Right Bungee Cord for the Job

Using the wrong bungee cord for the job can lead to accidents, damage to your load, and even personal injury. Always choose the appropriate bungee cord based on your load's weight, the distance it needs to stretch, and the angles involved in the stretching.


What are adjustable bungee cords?

Adjustable bungee cords are elastic ropes that can be adjusted in length, making them ideal for various purposes. They are often made of durable materials like polyester or rubber and typically come with hooks or loops for easy attachment.

What are some common uses for adjustable bungee cords?

  • Securing items to vehicles or trailers
  • Organizing cables and wires
  • Holding up tents or canopies
  • Attaching signs or banners to surfaces
  • Stretching across gaps that need to be covered

How do I choose the right adjustable bungee cord for my needs?

Consider factors like the length of the cord, the weight it needs to hold, and the material it's made from. Look for adjustable bungee cords with strong hooks or loops for secure attachment. Additionally, high-quality materials will result in longer-lasting products.

What are some tips for using adjustable bungee cords?

  • Check the maximum load capacity before applying tension to ensure safety
  • Properly attach the bungee cord to prevent slipping or detachment
  • Inspect the cord for signs of wear or damage before each use
  • Store bungee cords in a dry place to prevent mold or mildew growth

How long should adjustable bungee cords last?

The lifespan of adjustable bungee cords depends on the quality of the materials and how they are used and maintained. High-quality bungee cords made from durable materials like polyester or rubber can last several years if taken care of properly.

Are there any safety concerns when using adjustable bungee cords?

Yes, it is essential to use adjustable bungee cords safely. Always check the maximum load capacity before applying tension, properly attach the cord to prevent slipping, and inspect the cord for signs of wear or damage before each use. Proper storage (in a dry place) can also help prolong the life of the bungee cord and ensure safe use.
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2024.06.02 08:45 Jeomamama2016 Ford

In 1903, Henry Ford spends twenty-eight thousand dollars to create a company that today we know as a multi-million dollar auto corporation quote from Education: Teaching "Any man can learn anything he will but no man can teach except to those who want to learn." Ford's first vehicle was the "Quadricycle," selling for only about two hundred dollars. Now the company creates a multitude of vehicles and has for over a century. Through many different branding strategies such as their motto, logo, worldwide advertising and partnerships with different people and organizations, Ford has maintained success through the years
Ford values are to be on top of trending vehicles, electric power vehicles or gas eco boost motors; Ford offers customers safety at economic prices for example Ford Maverick. Ford's mission statement is "to help build a better world where every person is free to move around. pursue their dreams. Ford Motor Compan. Motto is "Built Ford tough". Its iconic Ford logo is white and blue and is used in all their advertisements. Ford also provides more detailed information and wants to influence by customers making cars available to more middle-class American consumers than ever before." As quoted by Eli Whitney
Ford company has expanded to all states with three thousand dealerships across the U.S which also helps the economy by providing one hundred and seventy thousand Jobs. Five billion US dollars was invested in 2023 as advertising worldwide. "Don't tell me how good you make it; tell me how good it makes me when I use it"- Leo Burnett. Ford loves to support Television, radio, online/ social media, plus magazines are the five ways to grab the people's attention. "You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements." -Norman Douglas
Ford company supports Disabled American Veterans and children who have cancer to show kindness to
everyone. Ford sponsors NASCAR, Golf, and other major sports they love to sponsor their company "every time you make a purchase of Proud to Honor merchandise, 100% of Ford profits will be donated to DAV-Ford. This is the meaning of the quote if anyone was to donate their money funds by sending it to events like the DAV (Disabled American Veterans). Ford joined other partnerships, they are "FIRST" a robotics community that prepares youth for the future, has been supported by Ford, also STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), final one local state track (Meaning people who are athletic at running.) Disabled American Veterans and children who have cancer, ford gives an 88% of money funds
Ford has some Appearance with other ways, and I have some video names: "Ford Galaxie 500 Commercial (1972)" then "72 Ford Gran Torino Commercial (1971) Fords famous packaging is basically giving the customer their vehicle all clean. "Washing away the dirt. Sparkling like new." -John. Fords Stores can everywhere in America in local areas like towns and cities around the blocks where they can make a bestselling vehicle. All of it is about Product packaging experience.
Conclusion, Ford values its human kindness, the quality of the product, mission statement and motto, logo, and color palette. Ford company wants more money from customers who want to support car branding. If looking at this quote "Making cars available to more middle-class American consumers than
ever before." Eli Whitney. Meaning anyone can be middle-class to see something for the future.
submitted by Jeomamama2016 to u/Jeomamama2016 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:34 Apprehensive_Star985 NFS no Limits Underworld: Downfall Update

New Cars:
2016 Koenigsegg Regera Car Type: Hyper
PR Level Max 6-Star = 1020 7-Star = 1062 8-Star = 1094
Top Stats Speed: 11255 Acceleration: 11507 Nitro: 11153
Earnable in: Underworld: Downfall 7-day tiered reward event Starting Window: June 15 00:00 UTC – June 22 00:00 UTC
2010 Jaguar CX-75
Car Type: Hyper
PR Level Max 6-Star = 930 7-Star = 976 8-Star = 1017
Top Stats Speed: 8639 Acceleration: 10220 Nitro: 11316
Earnable in: Proving Grounds 7-day event Starting Window: June 29 00:00 UTC – July 6 00:00 UTC
Special Event Reruns:
Starting July 13 UTC, Returning Special Events in order of eligibility are:
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Other Improvements A new Car Series, Thunderstorm, featuring the 2016 Koenigsegg Regera, and 2010 Jaguar CX-75.
Fixed an issue affecting performance during races for some iOS users. Fixed a scaling issue affecting iPhone 8 users. Download Need for Speed No Limits for free* here!
Be sure to follow Need for Speed™ No Limits on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest news and updates.
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2024.06.02 08:20 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Acr Resqflare

Best Acr Resqflare
Welcome to our comprehensive review of the Acr Resqflare, a product designed to ensure safety and efficiency in various industries. In this article, we'll take you through an in-depth examination of its features, performance, and user experience, offering valuable insights for potential buyers. Buckle up as we delve into the world of the Acr Resqflare, and explore the reasons why it continues to gain popularity among its users.

The Top 14 Best Acr Resqflare

  1. Reliable, LED Distress Flare for Safe Navigation - The ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare & Flag is a certified alternative to traditional pyrotechnic flares, providing long-lasting, 360-degree visibility and meeting US Coast Guard requirements.
  2. ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare Kit for Maritime Safety - The ACR ResQFlare E-flare and Drybag Safety Kit provides a safe, reliable, and US Coast Guard-compliant alternative to pyrotechnic flares for maritime safety.
  3. Premium Extend-A-Fender Flares for Ultimate Tire Coverage - Bushwacker 20971-02 Extend-A-Fender Flares, boasting a sleek factory-style design, complement your vehicle while providing superior protection against chips and road debris, with their extra-wide construction and durable Dura-Flex 2000 ABS material.
  4. Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style UV-Protected Fender Flares - Bushwacker's 20100-02 Max Coverage Pocket Style Fender Flares offer superior tire coverage for larger trucks and SUVs, with ease of installation, durable Dura-Flex 2000 material, and a customizable, off-road style design.
  5. Versatile 3/32" Thick Acrylic Sheet for Bulk Purchase - Cast Acrylic Plastic Sheet - 3/32" Thick, Versatile, and Weather-Resistant Acrylic for Tanks and Windows!
  6. Clear 1/4 Inch Thick Acrylic Sheet for Glass Window Replacement and Various Applications -'s Premium 1/4 Clear Acrylic Plexiglass Sheet offers superior strength, lightweight construction, and excellent resistance to outdoor elements, making it a versatile and easy-to-manipulate sheet for various applications.
  7. Bushwacker FF Extend-A-Fender for Chevrolet: Premium Protection and Stylish Flare - Bushwacker Extend-A-Fender Flares offer unparalleled protection and style for oversized tires, with exclusive Dura-Flex 2000 material for durability and flexibility, and resisting chalking, cracking, and warping.
  8. Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Strong Plastic Panels for Multiple Applications - Enhance your DIY projects and create stunning displays with the versatile and durable Umootek 3 Pieces Acrylic Sheet Clear Cast Plexiglass, offering exceptional clarity and versatility across various applications.
  9. Ferrero Collection Premium Advent Calendar 2023 - Unwrap the holiday spirit with the Ferrero Collection Advent Calendar, featuring a premium gourmet assortment of hazelnut milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and coconut almond truffles, perfect for sharing and savoring the variety of unique delights.
  10. EPA-Approved R600a Refrigerant for Refrigeration Systems - Experience the EPA-approved R600a refrigerant for optimal refrigeration performance, featuring pharmaceutical-grade 99.7% purity and adhering to strict quality standards.
  11. Clear Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Durable Glass Alternative - Experience clarity and strength with our versatile clear acrylic sheets, perfect for various applications from shelves to tabletop designs.
  12. Cricut Acetate Sheets for Cutting Plotters: 12x12cm Transparent Sheets - Upgrade your Cricut cutting experience with these versatile Acetate Sheets, enabling you to emboss, stamp, and paint for unique effects while enhancing your office presence.
  13. Powerful Honda-Engine Aerator for Lawn Maintenance - The Billy Goat PL1800H Mechanical Reciprocating Aerator with a powerful 118cc Honda GX120 Engine and easy-to-use features is the ultimate tool for a lush, green, healthy lawn.
  14. Versatile Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets for Creative Projects - Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets: 9 Packs, featuring 54 durable 12"x12" sheets, ideal for crafting, embossing, and stamping, and perfect for creating card overlays, gift box covers, and more!
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🔗Reliable, LED Distress Flare for Safe Navigation
As a boater, I've always been wary of traditional pyrotechnic flares for safety reasons. That's why, when I came across the ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare & Flag, I knew I had to give it a try. This innovative device has been designed to provide a safer, more reliable alternative to traditional pyrotechnic flares and can even be carried in lieu of them.
What stood out the most was the 360-degree visibility from over six miles away. Not only did it provide excellent visibility during emergencies, but it also had a significantly longer burn time than traditional flares. Its lightweight, compact size, and floatability made it incredibly easy to use – all while being fungus, corrosion, and water-resistant.
The ACR ResQFlare also comes with a distress flag, which, when carried together, qualifies as a replacement for traditional pyrotechnic flares. It's a perfect addition to any ditch bag, especially considering that it doesn't go out of date, saving me time and avoids the hassle of replacement.
One downside I faced was the lack of a lanyard attached to the device. While it floats upright in water, there are better options available that might be more visible in daylight compared to the ACR ResQFlare. However, as a safety device, the ACR ResQFlare still gets the job done without the risk of fire or injury.
In conclusion, the ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare & Flag is a great addition to any boater's safety arsenal. It's easy to use, safe, and provides excellent visibility during emergencies. Its longevity and added convenience make it a worthy choice as a replacement for traditional pyrotechnic flares.

🔗ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare Kit for Maritime Safety
As someone who spends quite a bit of time on the water, I've often found myself worried about carrying traditional pyrotechnic flares due to their potential hazards. That's why I was thrilled to try the ACR ResQFlare E-flare and Drybag Safety Kit. This handy device is an excellent alternative - it's compact, easy to use, and most importantly, safe.
One of the features that stood out for me was its daytime distress flag. This flag is bright and noticeable, ensuring that I could be seen even in daylight conditions. Carried together with the ResQFlare, they meet the applicable U. S. Coast Guard requirements, making them a reliable safety tool to carry on my boat.
Of course, like any product, there are a few aspects I would have liked to see improved. The ResQFlare could benefit from a more durable design, as the plastic casing feels a bit flimsy. Additionally, considering the cost, I would have expected the kit to come with more than just one distress flag.
Overall, the ACR ResQFlare E-flare and Drybag Safety Kit has become an essential part of my boating gear. It provides a safe and effective way to signal for help in case of an emergency, and I feel more confident knowing I have it on board.

🔗Premium Extend-A-Fender Flares for Ultimate Tire Coverage
I recently added the Bushwacker 20971-02 fender flares to my car, and let me tell you, they looked pretty good on there. These flares are a bit on the thin side but once I installed them, they felt pretty sturdy.
The biggest downside was the rubber weather-strip, it kept falling off and seemed to be made of a poor quality material. I ended up having to call Bushwacker and they sent me a replacement part.
Overall, I'm happy with the product, but I wish the rubber weather-strip was of higher quality.

🔗Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style UV-Protected Fender Flares
I've had the pleasure of trying out the Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style Fender Flares, and I must say, I'm impressed! These bad boys add an extra 2.25 inches of tire coverage from the wheel well, which is perfect for my truck's bigger tires and wider wheels. The aggressive off-road style they bring to the table is truly one of a kind.
The fender flares install easily right out of the box, and they're built tough with Dura-Flex 2000 material. It's wrap-resistant and boasts added durability and flexibility on the trail, thanks to its thick construction. Despite their rugged appearance, these fender flares are a piece of cake to install without any drilling, and they blend in seamlessly with the rest of my truck's bodywork.
Sure, there can be a few minor hiccups in painting them to match your ride, but overall, the Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style Fender Flares are an excellent investment for truck and SUV owners looking for enhanced tire coverage.

🔗Versatile 3/32" Thick Acrylic Sheet for Bulk Purchase
I recently got my hands on a 3/32" thick Cast Acrylic sheet, measuring 6" wide and 6" long. As someone who appreciates the unique blend of function and aesthetics, this product was a delight to work with. With its optically clear nature, it allowed me to create projects that were visually pleasing while maintaining strength and durability.
Despite being quite small, this sheet still served its purpose well in a variety of applications. Its moisture-resistant properties ensured that my work kept its clear edge even in humid conditions. The fact that it's thin made it lightweight to handle and easy to cut, making it a favorite for my DIY projects.
However, it's worth mentioning that while the product is strong, it might not be ideal for projects requiring extreme durability or heavy-duty usage. Additionally, if you're planning larger projects, you might find that ordering these sheets in bulk would be more convenient.
Overall, this Cast Acrylic sheet proved to be a reliable and versatile tool for my crafting needs. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, this product could have a place in your toolbox.

🔗Clear 1/4 Inch Thick Acrylic Sheet for Glass Window Replacement and Various Applications
I recently gave the SOURCEONE. ORG Premium 1/4 Clear Acrylic Plexiglass Sheet a try in my home renovation project, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer. I used it for my kitchen window replacement, and it offered the perfect balance of durability and style. The clear 1/4 inch thick acrylic was incredibly easy to work with - I was able to saw, route, drill, form, bend, and even cement it without any hassle.
The result? . A stunning, sturdy window that has held up great against the outdoor elements. The best part? .
It's lighter and stronger than glass, making it an excellent investment for any outdoor application. Highly recommend! .

🔗Bushwacker FF Extend-A-Fender for Chevrolet: Premium Protection and Stylish Flare
Just a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon the Bushwacker Extend-A-Fender Flares. I had been looking for a durable and stylish fender flare for my Chevrolet truck. With Bushwacker's reputation for quality and performance, I decided to give them a try.
First of all, installing these flares took no more than 10 minutes, even for someone like me with minimal car modification experience. One look, and I was sold on their sleek and modern design, perfect for my truck.
What stood out the most were the materials used. Dura-Flex 2000 material offers durability, flexibility, and built-in UV protection. It's safe to say that these flares have become an integral part of my truck's exterior, and the 2.25-inch tire coverage is just an added bonus.
But what sets them apart from other flares on the market is the fact that they resist chalking, cracking, and warping. I've had several cars and trucks over the years, and this is the first time I've found a product that genuinely stands up to wear and tear.
However, one downside I noticed was that the flares' finish seemed to get a little scuffed during the installation process. But since they're sold in an OE matte black finish, it blends in quite nicely. If you're someone who likes to personalize their look, you could always paint them to match your vehicle's color scheme.
All in all, I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Bushwacker Extend-A-Fender Flares have been a game-changer for my car's overall appearance and performance. Highly recommended for anyone looking to upgrade the look of their vehicle.

🔗Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Strong Plastic Panels for Multiple Applications
Recently, I stumbled upon the Umootek 3 Pieces Acrylic Sheet Clear Cast Plexiglass 12 x 12 Inches Square Panel 14 Thick (6mm) Clear Plastic Plexi Perspex Plate Panel. Fascinated by its unique design, I decided to give it a try in my daily life.
What stood out to me the most was its strength and durability. As someone who loves DIY projects, I appreciated that this product could be heated and shaped without breaking it. It was also incredibly easy to cut through it, leaving no traces of cracking.
The transparency of this acrylic sheet was exceptional, and its light transmission properties made it perfect for displaying delicate objects. In fact, its smooth surface and high hardness made it an ideal replacement for glass, allowing me to create a custom protective cover for my aquarium.
However, one downside I noticed was the thickness of the acrylic sheet. While it was strong and durable, it also made it a bit cumbersome to handle during certain projects. But overall, my experience with this acrylic sheet was pleasant, and I appreciate the versatility it offers for various applications.

🔗Ferrero Collection Premium Advent Calendar 2023
Oh, the Ferrero Collection Advent Calendar! . It makes me reminisce of my childhood.
Every morning, I would eagerly anticipate which Ferrero Rocher confection awaited me behind the door - was it Raffaello or Rondnoir today? . This advent calendar is a delightful countdown to the holidays, and every piece is made from premium chocolate and the best ingredients.
But don't think these treats are just for kids. The sophisticated combination is perfect for adults to enjoy.
Just looking at the elegantly crafted chocolate gifts is like savoring the promise of indulgence that awaits each day until Christmas. Each piece, from the decadent milk chocolate to the divine dark chocolate, is a testament to Ferrero's dedication to quality.
Overall, a perfect advent gift to share with loved ones or to indulge in a little mid-day treat.

🔗EPA-Approved R600a Refrigerant for Refrigeration Systems
I recently came across the R600a refrigerant, a life-saver when it comes to refrigeration units that require this specific type of refrigerant. The size of 14.8 ounces or 420 grams made it perfect for my needs, fitting nicely in my refrigerator.
The EPA's approval of R600a and its adherence to the regulations in 40 CFR Part 82.17 provided me with peace of mind. Using it as per their guidelines gave me confidence in the product.
One of the standout features for me was its purity, boasting a 99.7% pharmaceutical-grade quality. This high purity level ensured the efficient functioning of my refrigeration unit, and it didn't disappoint.
However, there was one downside that I encountered during my use. Despite the decent amount of refrigerant provided, it didn't last as long as I desired, and I had to make more frequent replacements than expected.
Overall, while the R600a refrigerant did its job in keeping my refrigerator cool and maintaining a consistent temperature, I wish it lasted a bit longer.

🔗Clear Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Durable Glass Alternative
I recently gave the Fab Glass and Mirror Plexiglass Sheets a try, and I must say, they've been a game-changer in my daily life. These sheets provide a clear and sturdy alternative to glass, and I've found that they're ideal for a variety of applications. Whether I'm crafting a DIY photo frame or creating a chic welcome sign, the plexiglass sheets never fail to impress.
The most impressive feature is their durability. They've withstood quite a few knocks and scrapes without showing any signs of wear and tear. And the best part? They're just as effective outdoors as they are indoors, making them an excellent choice for a wide range of applications. The clarity of these sheets has also proven to be a major selling point. They allow light to pass through effortlessly, making them perfect for display cases and signage.
That being said, I did experience a minor drawback. The sheets do tend to attract dirt easily, which can be a bit of a hassle when it comes to cleaning. Overall, however, the pros far outweigh the cons, and I'd definitely recommend these plexiglass sheets to anyone in need of a clear and sturdy material for their projects.

🔗Cricut Acetate Sheets for Cutting Plotters: 12x12cm Transparent Sheets
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Cricut Acetate Sheets, and let me tell you, they did not disappoint! I was working on a project that required some extra-clear stencils, and these sheets were the perfect solution. The best part? They worked perfectly in my Cricut machine without any issues.
The acetate sheets were incredibly easy to use, and the stencils I made came out looking flawless. I especially loved the protective film on both sides of the sheets, which kept them looking pristine until I was ready to start cutting. The acetate itself was crystal clear, making it a great choice for any project where a clean and precise cut is essential.
However, I did notice that the acetate can be a bit fragile if not handled with care. I had a few accidents where the sheets scratched or got a few small dings, but luckily, they were easily fixed with a bit of polishing. Overall, I'm thrilled with the Cricut Acetate Sheets and will definitely be using them in future projects. Highly recommended!

🔗Powerful Honda-Engine Aerator for Lawn Maintenance
My first experience with the Billy Goat PL1800 Mechanical Aerator was nothing short of impressive. The powerful Honda GX120 engine, offering up to 118cc, makes short work of those pesky aerating tasks, clearing up to 22,000 sq ft with ease. Its foldable handle truly comes to the rescue when it comes to transporting this beast between jobs, as well as providing a compact storage solution when not in use. I was amazed at how effortlessly it maneuvered over rough terrain, thanks to its 12-inch semi-pneumatic tires that add not just stability but ease of operation as well.
However, there were a couple of cons I noticed too. The maintenance aspect, although easy with one-piece removable covers, could be more convenient with a bit of tool-free access. Also, this behemoth could do with some noise reduction – a feature that would be welcomed by any lawn-loving neighbor. All in all, it's no wonder why this PL1800H model is the go-to choice for many lawn enthusiasts. Yes, it's a bit noisy, and the maintenance might be slightly tricky at times. But the power, the maneuverability, and that green, lush lawn it provides? Worth every penny.

🔗Versatile Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets for Creative Projects
These Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets were recently making a major splash in my daily crafting routine. Perfect for stamping, embossing, or cutting, these sheets have become indispensable for my creative projects. Not only have they found their way into crafting gift boxes, they also came in handy when I was making custom window cards for friends' birthdays. One of the key selling points of these sheets is their anti-scratch film, ensuring that the product remains in prime condition till the very end. With their ability to work seamlessly with Cricut machines or any other sturdy crafting machinery out there, I knew I had stumbled upon a product that would become a staple in my craft room for ages to come.
The user-friendly aspect of these sheets was definitely a standout feature. Not only were they easy to use, but they also made my project look so much better in an instant. In terms of drawbacks, there was a minor issue with the sheets potentially scratching easily especially after the protective film was removed. However, with a bit of extra care during handling, this was something entirely manageable.
My experience with these sheets was absolutely fantastic! They have been the perfect addition to my crafting arsenal. Their versatility never ceases to amaze me. No matter what project I throw at them, they always seem to pull through with flying colors. I highly recommend investing in these sheets for your next project, no matter what it may be.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the buyer's guide for Acr Resqflare products. In this section, we will discuss the crucial features and considerations to help you make an informed decision when purchasing an Acr Resqflare. We will also provide general advice on how to choose the best Acr Resqflare product that suits your needs.

What is an Acr Resqflare?

An Acr Resqflare is a versatile, portable signaling device that can be used for situations requiring rescue signals, such as avalanche danger or emergency situations. It comes with various light signals, including audible and visible alarms, making it easy to locate or communicate in distress.

Key Features to Consider

Types of Signaling

There are several types of signaling options available with Acr Resqflare products, including flashing strobe, audible alarm, and steady-burning light. Consider your specific needs and choose a product that suits your requirements best.

Power Source

Acr Resqflare products can have different power sources, such as disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries, or built-in batteries. Consider the product's life expectancy, battery consumption, and ease of battery replacement. Choose a model that is compatible with your desired power source.

Durability and Weather Resistance

Acr Resqflare should be durable enough to withstand outdoor conditions and inclement weather. Look for products that are built to be waterproof, shock-resistant, and able to operate in extreme temperatures.

Size and Portability

Consider the size and weight of the device, as well as its portability, when making your purchase. Smaller, lighter devices may be easier to carry when you are in a rush or need to move quickly.

General Advice

When purchasing an Acr Resqflare, it's essential to research the different models available and read customer reviews to get an idea of their performance and reliability. Determine your specific needs and choose a model that delivers the right features and functions for your situation.
Don't forget to check the device's compliance with any relevant safety standards and confirm its compatibility with any accessories or mounts you might need.


Acr Resqflare products offer a variety of features and considerations to help you find the right device for your needs. By familiarizing yourself with the key features and general advice, you can make a well-informed purchase and trust that your chosen product will perform reliably in any distress situation call.

While we strive to provide accurate and helpful information about Acr Resqflare products, nothing in this guide constitutes professional advice. Always consult with a qualified expert or professional in the specific field or context where the device will be used.


What is Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare is a high-quality rescue flare designed for professional and recreational use. It provides excellent visibility, making it an ideal choice for emergency situations.

What are the key features of Acr Resqflare?

  • High visibility
  • Robust design for long-lasting use
  • Easy activation
  • Can be used as a distress signal

Who can benefit from using Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare is suitable for various individuals, including:
  • Marine professionals
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Outdoor enthusiasts
  • Search and rescue teams

Is Acr Resqflare easy to activate?

Yes, Acr Resqflare is designed to be easy to activate. It has a user-friendly pull tab that enables quick activation in times of emergency.

Can Acr Resqflare be used for signaling in low visibility conditions?

Yes, Acr Resqflare is highly visible, making it an effective tool for signaling during low visibility conditions, such as at night or during foggy weather.

What is the lifespan of Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare has a lifespan of up to 30 minutes after activation. This ensures that it will remain visible for an extended period, making it more effective as a distress signal.

Is Acr Resqflare environmentally friendly?

Yes, Acr Resqflare is environmentally friendly. It is made with non-toxic materials, and it doesn't release any hazardous chemicals when activated. This makes it safe for use in sensitive environments.

Are there any additional safety measures I should be aware of when using Acr Resqflare?

Yes, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. Keep the flare away from open flames and store it in a cool, dry place when not in use. Also, be sure to inspect the flare before each use to ensure it is still in good working condition.

How can I purchase Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare can be purchased from authorized dealers or online retailers that specialize in marine and outdoor safety equipment. Be sure to buy it from a reputable source to ensure its quality and safety.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:55 Character_Weight_198 Is it too late? 42 just starting? 145k PA Salary

Title: Seeking Advice on Achieving FIRE at 42 with GBP 138k Salary, Pension Pots, and Plans to Travel Next Year
Hello FIRE community,
I'm seeking advice on my financial situation and how best to move forward towards achieving financial independence and potentially retiring early. Here are my current details:
Income: 13k income (estimated paid in USD)
Paying Corporation tax on Limited company.
Outgoings: £2400 estimated
Mortgage £1k expect to increase to £1.2k
Car £400 HP
Gym £100
Phone £90
Groceries: £250
Eating out £250 (addressing this) its mostly coffee and lunch
Online services : £90 (addressing) To date I have had some savings but mostly spend on travel, 2024 clearing debt, (could use advice on car) building up the safety net of at least 6 months salary and doing some minor home improvements to increase resale value.
2026 I would like to take time off and travel more for a 9 months - digital nomad. ideally would like additional property.
I want to but maximize my investments, whilst being tax efficient as a contractor and creating enough to to live comfortably, saving for the 20
I would love to get your advice on a few points
  1. Is it too late?: Given my age and current financial situation, is it too late to realistically achieve these goals?
  2. Tax Setup/Paying myself: I have an accountant (recent) how would you recommend I pay myself from limited company and any advice on making most, to be frank not quite sure I could live off the personal tax threshold.
  3. Investments and Savings: How should I prioritize increasing my investments and savings? Any specific strategies or recommendations for someone in my situation?
  4. Travel Plans: Given my plans to take a year off to travel, how should I manage my finances to support this without jeopardizing my long-term goals?
  5. Resources - any good YouTube content for personal finance, investments for total noob.
submitted by Character_Weight_198 to FIREUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 noletdown 32 [F4M] Asia/Online - It is always worth it to fall in love even if it hurts you

Would you agree that a key to a successful relationship is having the same values and opposite personalities? Personally I do. I think this dynamics create a perfect balance.
In relation to my title, yes I am looking for a serious relationship with this kind of dynamics.
A little about myself: I a petite, slim, and professional woman in the Philippines. I travelled quite a bit locally and internationally. I love learning new culture and visiting historical places. I used to love outdoors but I am starting to notice now that as I am getting older that I prefer to stay in most of the time - just catching some sleep and relaxing. I am pretty established in my country - I have my own place, car, and a nice job. I am usually characterized as strong independent woman. I am very vocal and strong headed. But people would tell me that I am also affectionate and love people hard.
I like guys who are smart ( who can actually carry a fun and intellectual conversation,) calm, and patient. I am also more into South East Asians - but I am open into other races too. Physical wise - I want someone who is not taller than 6 foot tall as I am on the shorter side. I prefer guys who come from countries near the Philippines for timezone purposes but I also welcome other timezones as long you are willing to do some hard work and sacrifices ( because I would too.) Lastly, please be willing to meet up after we hit it off and open to discussion of moving to some other place in order to close the gap in the long run.
If you think we would be compatible, hit me a DM/chat with your picture and would gladly share mine. :)
submitted by noletdown to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Breakfast in Boone Nc

Best Breakfast in Boone Nc
Best Breakfast in Boone Nc Are you looking for the best breakfast in Boone, NC? Well, look no further because we've got you covered!We've compiled a list of the top breakfast spots in town, so you can start your day off right.From farm-to-table restaurants serving up delicious dishes made with high-quality ingredients, to family-owned bakeries and cafes offering fresh pastries and delectable breakfast plates, there's something for everyone.Join us as we explore the diverse and delicious breakfast options this charming town has to offer.Key TakeawaysBoone, NC offers a diverse range of breakfast options, from farm-to-table restaurants like Melanies Food Fantasy to retro diners like Troys 105 Diner.Visitors can enjoy classic American favorites at Sunrise Grill or indulge in delectable pastries at Stick Boy Bread Co.For a taste of traditional Southern comfort food, Danl Boone Inn Restaurant is a long-standing family-friendly dining establishment.Those looking for a unique breakfast experience can try The Pedalin' Pig, a barbecue breakfast spot, or Black Cat Burrito, an eclectic burrito joint with vegetarian and vegan-friendly options.Farm-to-Table DelightsWhile exploring the best breakfast options in Boone, NC, we discovered several farm-to-table delights that offer creatively plated dishes prepared from high-quality ingredients. One standout option is Melanies Food Fantasy, an established American restaurant that has been serving farm-to-table fare since 1991. They pride themselves on using the freshest ingredients sourced from local farms to create their delicious dishes. Their menu features a variety of breakfast options, from classic favorites like eggs and bacon to vegan-friendly dishes and organic coffee. The restaurant also offers outdoor dining on their patio, providing a pleasant atmosphere to enjoy your meal.Another great option for breakfast in Boone, NC is Stick Boy Bread Co, a family-owned bakery and eatery. This place is a haven for pastry lovers, as they offer a wide selection of freshly baked goods, including mouth-watering pastries that come right out of the oven. In addition to their delectable breakfast plates, Stick Boy Bread Co also provides full-service catering for all events, making it a versatile choice for any occasion.With these farm-to-table delights offering such delicious breakfast options, it's no wonder that Boone, NC is known for its culinary scene. But the delights don't stop there. In the next section, we'll explore the bakeries and cafes galore that are sure to satisfy your morning cravings.Bakeries and Cafes GaloreBakeries and cafes galore await in Boone, NC, offering a delightful array of unique pastry creations, locally sourced ingredients, and cozy cafe atmospheres.From family-owned bakeries like Stick Boy Bread Co, serving fresh pastries straight out of the oven, to quaint cafes like Our Daily Bread, offering a wide selection of freshly baked goods, there's something to satisfy every craving.Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast or a leisurely brunch, these bakeries and cafes provide a charming setting to enjoy delicious treats made with care.Unique Pastry CreationsWe love exploring the creativity of pastry chefs in their unique creations, which often showcase their artistic flair and culinary expertise. When it comes to breakfast in Boone, there are several establishments that offer exceptional pastries and baked goods. Here are two notable options to consider:Melanies Food Fantasy: This farm-to-table restaurant not only serves delicious breakfast options, but their pastry selection is also outstanding. From flaky croissants to decadent cinnamon rolls, their pastries are made with high-quality ingredients and expertly crafted to perfection.Stick Boy Bread Co: This family-owned bakery and eatery is known for their freshly baked pastries. Whether you're craving a buttery scone or a fruit-filled danish, Stick Boy Bread Co has a wide variety of delectable options to choose from.These pastry creations are a testament to the culinary talent in Boone and are sure to satisfy any breakfast or brunch craving.And speaking of high-quality ingredients…Locally Sourced IngredientsThere are numerous cafes and eateries in Boone that offer a wide variety of breakfast options, all made with locally sourced ingredients, ensuring freshness and quality.Supporting local farmers and businesses is a priority for these establishments, as they believe in the importance of sustainability and community.By using locally sourced ingredients, these cafes and eateries not only provide a delicious breakfast experience, but also contribute to the local economy and reduce the carbon footprint.From farm-to-table restaurants like Melanies Food Fantasy, to bakeries and cafes like Stick Boy Bread Co, to classic American restaurants like Sunrise Grill, there's something for everyone.Whether you prefer a retro diner experience at Troys 105 Diner or a cozy cafe vibe at Local Lion, Boone has it all.Cozy Cafe AtmospheresAs we enter the cozy cafe, we're greeted with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the inviting warmth of soft lighting.The cozy cafe atmosphere is a popular topic of discussion among food enthusiasts and those seeking a relaxing dining experience. Here are two sub-topics that engage the audience:Cozy Interior Design:Rustic decor with wooden furniture and warm color schemesSoft lighting and comfortable seating arrangements create a cozy ambianceWelcoming Customer Service:Friendly and attentive staff that make you feel at homePersonalized service and attention to detail enhance the overall experienceA cozy cafe atmosphere allows customers to unwind, enjoy their favorite beverages, and indulge in delicious treats. It provides a space for relaxation and conversation, making it an ideal setting for catching up with friends or enjoying a quiet moment alone.Classic American FavoritesClassic American favorites are a staple in the breakfast scene in Boone, NC. These iconic dishes satisfy both the palate and the wallet. From fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon to hearty omelets and golden waffles, these breakfast options are sure to please any appetite.With their timeless appeal and affordable prices, these classic American favorites are a must-try for breakfast lovers in Boone.Iconic American DishesWe love indulging in iconic American dishes like juicy burgers and creamy mac and cheese. These dishes have become synonymous with American cuisine and are beloved by people all over the country. They've stood the test of time and continue to be enjoyed by generations.Some of the iconic American dishes that we can't get enough of include:Classic Cheeseburger: A juicy beef patty topped with melted cheese, lettuce, tomato, and pickles, all sandwiched between a soft bun.Apple Pie: A sweet and tart filling made with fresh apples, baked in a flaky crust, and served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.These dishes represent the heart and soul of American comfort food and are sure to satisfy any craving. So next time you're looking for a taste of America, don't forget to indulge in these iconic dishes.Budget-Friendly Breakfast OptionsWe can find budget-friendly breakfast options at classic American favorites, such as diners and cafes.Diners like Sunrise Grill offer a wide selection of mouth-watering dishes at affordable prices. With their impressive menu and cozy coffee bar, Sunrise Grill provides a satisfying breakfast experience without breaking the bank.For those looking for a more laid-back vibe, cafes like Local Lion are a great choice. They offer daily house-made donuts and various roasted coffee blends, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.These budget-friendly options allow breakfast lovers to enjoy delicious meals without straining their wallets.Step Back in Time at Retro DinersOne of the most nostalgic dining experiences in Boone is stepping back in time at Troys 105 Diner, a 1950s-style American restaurant that offers a lively setting with a retro theme, complete with vintage memorabilia, a jukebox, and both booth and counter seating.When you enter Troys 105 Diner, you're instantly transported back in time to the 1950s. The restaurant is decorated with vintage memorabilia, including old Coca-Cola signs and classic car posters, creating an authentic retro atmosphere.The jukebox is a highlight of the dining experience. It plays a variety of hits from the 1950s and allows customers to choose their favorite tunes while enjoying their meal. The music adds to the lively and energetic ambiance of the diner.The seating options at Troys 105 Diner cater to all preferences. If you want a more intimate dining experience, you can choose a booth. The booths are cozy and provide a sense of privacy. On the other hand, if you prefer a more social setting, you can sit at the counter. The counter seating allows you to interact with the friendly staff and other diners.Stepping into Troys 105 Diner is like stepping into a time machine. The retro theme, vintage memorabilia, jukebox, and booth and counter seating all contribute to the nostalgic dining experience. Whether you're a fan of the 1950s or simply looking for a unique and lively atmosphere, Troys 105 Diner is a must-visit destination in Boone.Coffee and Donuts HeavenWhen we think of Coffee and Donuts Heaven, our mouths water at the thought of fresh, warm donuts and a steaming cup of coffee. In Boone, NC, there are several places that offer this heavenly combination.Local Lion, a cozy café and donut shop, opened its doors in April 2012 and has been delighting customers ever since with their daily house-made donuts and various roasted coffee blends. The warm ambiance and laid-back vibe make it the perfect spot to enjoy a leisurely morning treat.For those who prefer a more traditional Southern breakfast, Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen is a local favorite. Famous for their homemade biscuits, they offer a variety of biscuit sandwiches that are sure to satisfy any craving. With quick and friendly service, Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen is a great spot for a grab-and-go breakfast.If you're in the mood for a retro experience, Troys 105 Diner is the place to go. This 1950s-style American restaurant is located just a minute away from the Boone Mall and offers a lively setting with a retro theme. With vintage memorabilia, a jukebox, and both booth and counter seating, Troys 105 Diner is a fun and nostalgic place to enjoy your morning coffee and donut.No matter your preference, Boone, NC has a variety of options for coffee and donut lovers. From cozy cafes to retro diners, there's something for everyone to enjoy in this coffee and donut heaven.Southern Comfort at Its BestAt Danl Boone Inn Restaurant, we indulge in the heartwarming experience of Southern comfort food at its best, with dishes prepared with love and served in a buffet-style dining experience. Our restaurant, a long-standing family-friendly establishment dating back to 1959, offers a taste of traditional Southern cuisine in a simplistic yet inviting setting.As you step inside, you'll be greeted by a homey atmosphere, complete with hospitable staff ready to cater to your every need.When dining at Danl Boone Inn, you can expect hearty portions of classic Southern fare that will leave you feeling satisfied and content. From fried chicken and country ham to cornbread and collard greens, our buffet-style dining experience allows you to sample a variety of mouthwatering dishes. And don't forget to save room for our famous desserts, including homemade pies and cobblers that will transport you to Grandma's kitchen.In addition to our delicious food, we take pride in providing a welcoming environment for families and friends to gather and enjoy a meal together. Our simplistic decor and down-to-earth atmosphere create a sense of comfort and nostalgia. Whether you're a local or just passing through, we invite you to join us at Danl Boone Inn Restaurant for a taste of Southern comfort at its best.Bagel BlissWe absolutely love the bagels at Boone Bagelry - their omelets are always customized to our tastes!Boone Bagelry is a locally-owned and longtime-running restaurant that first opened its doors in 1988. Located in a snug space with accessible parking areas, this bagel shop has become a beloved spot for breakfast in Boone, NC.Boone Bagelry takes pride in their omelets, which are made to order and can be customized to suit individual preferences. Whether you prefer a classic combination of eggs, cheese, and vegetables, or something more adventurous like a spicy sausage and pepper omelet, Boone Bagelry has got you covered. The omelets are cooked to perfection, with fluffy eggs and a generous filling that will satisfy any breakfast craving.In addition to their delicious omelets, Boone Bagelry also offers a variety of freshly baked bagels. From plain and sesame to everything and cinnamon raisin, there's a bagel flavor for everyone. These bagels are made in-house, ensuring freshness and quality.If you're looking for a breakfast spot that serves up tasty bagels and customizable omelets, look no further than Boone Bagelry. With their friendly staff and cozy atmosphere, it's the perfect place to start your day off right.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Farm-To-Table Breakfast Options in Boone, Nc?Yes, there are farm-to-table breakfast options in Boone, NC. These restaurants prioritize serving dishes made with high-quality, locally sourced ingredients.One such option is Melanies Food Fantasy, an American restaurant established in 1991. They offer creatively plated breakfast dishes that cater to both vegan and non-vegan preferences.Another option is Stick Boy Bread Co, a family-owned bakery and eatery that serves fresh pastries and delectable breakfast plates.Both establishments provide a farm-to-table dining experience in Boone.Where Can I Find the Best Pastries and Breakfast Plates in Boone?When it comes to finding the best pastries and breakfast plates in Boone, NC, there are plenty of options to choose from.Some popular choices include Stick Boy Bread Co, known for their delectable pastries straight from the oven, and Our Daily Bread, a quaint bakery and cafe with a wide selection of freshly baked goods.Each of these establishments offers a cozy atmosphere and friendly staff, making them great places to start your day with a delicious breakfast.What Are Some Budget-Friendly Options for Classic American Breakfast in Boone?Some budget-friendly options for classic American breakfast in Boone include:Sunrise Grill: This family-operated restaurant offers a coffee bar and an impressive menu of mouth-watering dishes at affordable prices. It is a great choice for a delicious and affordable breakfast in Boone, NC.Cracker Barrel: Known for their country-style cooking and variety of breakfast options, Cracker Barrel is a family-friendly eatery that offers a homey atmosphere. It is another great choice for a budget-friendly breakfast in Boone.These options provide a range of delicious breakfast choices at affordable prices, making them perfect for anyone looking to start their day off right without breaking the bank.Is There a Retro Diner in Boone With a Kid-Friendly Menu?Yes, there's a retro diner in Boone with a kid-friendly menu.Troy's 105 Diner is a lively 1950s-style American restaurant, located near the Boone Mall. It features a vibrant retro theme, complete with vintage memorabilia, a jukebox, and both booth and counter seating.The menu offers options for special diets and a kid-friendly selection.Are There Any Local Coffee Shops That Offer Donuts in Boone?Yes, there are local coffee shops in Boone that offer donuts.One such place is Local Lion, which has been open since April 2012. They serve daily house-made donuts and offer various roasted coffee blends.The atmosphere is warm and laid-back, making it a great spot to enjoy a delicious donut and a cup of coffee.ConclusionAs we conclude our breakfast journey through Boone, NC, we're left with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.The diverse array of breakfast spots in this charming town exemplifies the town's commitment to quality, creativity, and tradition.From the farm-to-table delights to the retro diners and everything in between, Boone offers a breakfast experience that's both delicious and nostalgic.So, whether you're a local or just passing through, be sure to indulge in the best breakfast that Boone has to offer.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:08 rkeycapthewise War Of Black Powder
Server IP: (1.20.2) [cracked and premium ✔]
No mods, optifine required only need to accept the resourcepack.
Simple information:
Information when playing:
Game modes such as:

Classes such as:
Discord Server:
More Informations:
This is a minecraft server created to continue the success of "Napoleonic Datapack" by RkeyCap aka myself. The server has been in development for nearly a year but has still not achieved the expected results. Hope you guys will support me! Thank you very much.
submitted by rkeycapthewise to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:42 SynergyLifeRP ⛰️SynergyLifeRP Presents Off Road Trails June 10th 2024! Experience The Adventure Of A Lifetime!🏔️

⛰️SynergyLifeRP Presents Off Road Trails June 10th 2024! Experience The Adventure Of A Lifetime!🏔️
Join SynergyLifeRP for an Exciting Off-Road Adventure!
🌟 Event: Off Road Trails - A Test of Passion & Skill 📅 Date: June 10th, 2024 📍 Meet-up Location: Postal Code 586, Back Parking Lot of the Casino ⏰ Start Time: Following the Evening Storm
Hosted by MK Used Cars
Rev your engines and get ready for an unforgettable adventure! SynergyLifeRP is thrilled to invite you to "Off Road Trails - A Test of Passion & Skill." This is your chance to showcase your off-roading prowess, explore challenging trails, and enjoy the thrill of the ride.
What to Expect: - Epic Trails: Navigate through exciting off-road trails around the city. - Community Bonding: Connect with new and familiar faces in the SynergyLifeRP community. - Memorable Moments: Create lasting memories with fellow enthusiasts.
Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to put your skills to the test and enjoy the camaraderie of our vibrant community. We look forward to seeing everyone there for an evening filled with adventure and fun!
Get Ready, Get Set, and Let's Ride!
For more details, join our discord here: & See you on the trails!
submitted by SynergyLifeRP to u/SynergyLifeRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:11 InfinitySuccessSol_ Unveiling Starbucks' Secret Sauce! ☕️

🚀✨ As an expert business consultant, I’ve decoded the magic behind Starbucks' success. Ready for some insights with a sprinkle of humor? 😆
Welcoming Vibes: Starbucks is the "Cheers" of coffee shops – where everybody knows your name (or at least pretends to spell it right). 🛋️
Premium Beans: Coffee beans so premium, they make gold look cheap. Your taste buds might just throw a party. 🌱
Barista Wizards: Their baristas are like coffee wizards. They don’t just make coffee; they create caffeinated masterpieces. 🎓✨
Menu Magic: Seasonal drinks and flavors – because who doesn’t want to celebrate Halloween with a Pumpkin Spice Latte? 🎃🍂
Personalized Bliss: Ever feel like a coffee artist? Starbucks lets you customize your drink more than a luxury sports car. 🎨🚗
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submitted by InfinitySuccessSol_ to u/InfinitySuccessSol_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:52 Alexbthegreat8 ‘Transmission malfunction’ error when trying to start my 2014 428i xdrive

Hello I appreciate any advice in advance!
This morning my 428i did not start on the first try. Successfully started on the second. Went to the store, started no problem after that. Third time I turned my car off and left it for 15mins I couldn’t start the car and was getting a ‘Transmission Malfunction’ error with a continuous clicking sound coming from the engine bay (not the starter, it continued for 1-2mins)
I was about to be towed and decided to try jumping it with a battery pack and also a separate pair of jumper cables used to create a temporary grounding cable to the engine and successfully started the car and got it back to my house. The car will not start now and still has the transmission malfunction error.
I tested the voltage of the battery and it read 12.3v so I don’t think the battery is gone just yet.
I am going to try lifting the car tomorrow to take a look at the engine grounding cable and see if it needs to be replaced. I will also test the voltage on the starter.
Is there anything else I can do to troubleshoot before taking it in to the shop? Appreciate any and all advice. Thank you!
submitted by Alexbthegreat8 to BmwTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:50 _Mad_Maddy My Take on the Indigo Park Lore Part 3!

And finally, here’s the final part! If you have any thoughts, or any disagreements, comment down below! I’d love to discuss the game’s lore with you all!
At its heart, Indigo Park is a tragedy, one that would make both Shakespeare and the ancient Greeks proud. It starts off with the creator wanting nothing but good, but slowly devolves into a horrifying, downward spiral. After all, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Isaac Indigo has a dream of bringing his imagination to life, for people everywhere. The beginning of the twentieth century began horrendously, World War 1 being the deadliest conflict at the time. Wanting to help everyone and bring at least a spark of joy into their lives, Isaac Indigo launches headfirst into the media of his choice: cartoons.
Indigo comes up with his first permanent Mascot, Lloydford L. Lion. A loud, booming, rambunctious character, Lloyd sought to be the spark of happiness that Indigo hoped he would be. Lloyd would the very best actor, showman, and orator. He’s arrogant, but not pompous. He’s loud, but not with ill will. He’s the beginning of the cast that Indigo envisions, a character whose sole purpose is to please the world. It’s not a surprise that Lloyd is an actor, after all. He seeks to distract the world from its woes, at least for a bit, and make everyone have a good time.
Indigo, emboldened by his sudden fame and success, proceeds to churn out four more individuals: Rambley the Raccoon, Mollie the Macaw, Salem the Skunk, and, eventually, Finley the Sea Serpent, though he comes in separate from the other three.
Rambley Raccoon, a quick thinking, sharp tongued, cheeky little gremlin, is an instant hit with the people, becoming the second most popular character out of the five. Mollie Macaw, a happy-go-lucky bird with a love for the open skies, acts as Rambley’s best friend, the two practically glued together. Together, alongside Lloyd, these three represent the ‘good guys’, a trio that want nothing but the best for the people.
However, every hero needs a villain, and thus, Salem the Skunk was born, a snappy, malevolent little critter that wished for the world to revolve around herself. She has a knack for potion making, a capable chemist who uses her concoctions to bend the wills of others to herself, only for herself.
Rambley and Salem end up becoming fated rivals, nemeses who dislike each other the most, out of every character that Indigo created. Using Salem, Indigo would spread the message of peace, of friendship and everlasting bonds that always triumph against evil, and Salem.
This continuity continues for a period of time, Indigo eventually adding one more character to his roster: the melancholy sea dragon, Finley. Finley’s main goal was to be the educator, to explain the natural world around people and share the fascinating and the beautiful, especially in regard to the ocean, a concept still so unexplored, while also trying to appeal to an older crowd alongside Lloyd.
However, poor Finley wouldn’t ever be that popular amongst his peers. Perhaps it was his gloomy, exhausted aura that pushed people away, or perhaps it was his towering, and frankly scary, size, or even maybe because he was deemed boring by the youngest, who were more keen on Rambley, the character that appealed to them the most. Even the other characters, whether Indigo intended for this or not, seemed a bit annoyed by Finley, and often left him to his devices.
And, for a while, Indigo’s plan succeeded. His popularity and notoriety only increased as time went on, gaining him influence, money, and prestige. His plans were working! He was making a difference, making smiles appear on the faces of people who would otherwise be swept away by the woes of the world!
Everything started to crumble, however, when yet another horrifying conflict arose: World War II. The Old World was thrown into chaos, Europe, Africa, and Asia becoming the bloodiest battleground in human history, surpassing even the Great War that came before it.
So, Indigo concocted a scheme, a way to raise the spirits of those he could currently help, his fellow Americans. Indigo Park was to be his magnus opus, his monument that would transcend his lifetime. Here, all of his creations would gather, all of them having their own attractions, bringing a level of access that had never yet been realized before. Costumed people would walk around during operational hours, bringing his characters into the real world to interact with those that needed refuge from the outside horrors.
However, while his park became a success, spearheaded by Lloyd the Lion, the very first, there was something that bothered Indigo. These costumed performers, while certainly a stroke of genius, underperformed. Besides that, they sometimes broke character, and destroyed the immersion of the guests, and were quite costly to keep around, alongside the engineers, the logistics division, and the Ranglers that helped run Indigo Park. Not to mention, the cost of custom costumes, of fabric and materials, rose higher and higher as quotas began to be placed and maintained in the USA, due to the resources it sent to its allies overseas, before eventually joining their allies in the fight against evil.
If he couldn’t simulate his characters, why not make them? Animals that would be living, breathing creatures that would merely need care, compassion, and basic necessities? Hiring a bunch of the best scientists, he gave them a special role: The Royal Ranglers, those that would be entrusted with this secret project.
Indigo, while a creative man, didn’t understand science as well as these individuals, and likely never would, but he would make them keep logs, records of their successes and failures, of their many experiments. And eventually, their labor paid off: One of each character, Mascots, came to life. They breathed air, had red blood flowing through their veins, were real, physical creatures, but also remained gentle with the guests. Once they were unveiled, there was no longer a need for costumed performers to roam around Indigo Park. They could also be trained to perform shows of their own, such as Finley and Lloyd, while the others could supervise their respective districts! It was a win win!
However, not everyone was so pleased with the results. The performers that once roamed the streets found themselves without jobs, only some kept around to care for the new Mascots, their betters, their replacements. And that made them furious. Why should these abominations, these stupid, ugly freaks replace them? Behind Indigo’s back, these disgruntled employees would begin their revenge slowly, minimally. Withholding a small amount of the supplies the Mascots needed, occasional cruel words. As time went on, this turned into a coping mechanism, the treatment of the Mascots progressing into physical violence, vile, cutting words on the regular basis.
Sometime before this Lloyd would end up giving up the title of main character to Rambley, who had gained immense popularity, even more than Lloyd himself. While it annoyed the proud Lloyd to be first mate, he would hand over the title graciously, partially because Rambley had always been jealous of Lloyd’s popularity and fame, and maybe, just maybe, this change would do them all good. Their abuse had been escalating, much worse than any thought possible. Salem was the only one to oppose this decision, thinking that it was all only to the benefit of Rambley. Mollie was the opposite, supportive of her best friend. And Finley … well, there was no way to consistently speak with the reptile. He was always kept in Oceanic Odyssey, far away from their cages underneath Jetsream Junction. And besides, none of the four particularly … liked Finley. Sure, Rambley had befriended the sea serpent, but that was done moreso to have some rapport and sway over the gentle giant, who was much too shy, like, ~obnoxiously~ ~shy.~ He was always so gloomy, so pessimistic, so willing to accept whatever came his way. No, Finley was definitely not an agent of change, but of pitiful complacence, locked away with his prized shell collection.
However, things did not improve at all. In fact, it only got worse. Tension between the Mascots was at an all time high, Rambley having become hurtful to even his best friend Mollie. He was still suspicious of Lloyd, convinced the lion would steal back his position as ringleader. Salem and Rambley, and thus with Mollie, also began to sour drastically. Salem was convinced that Rambley wasn’t doing anything to help the five. After all, he and Mollie practically abandoned Finley, someone who they claimed was a ‘friend’. Lloyd too became frustrated with the raccoon, Salem whispering in his ears, convincing him that Rambley had only pushed for Lloyd’s demotion to finally be the one above Lloyd, to have more power.
Mollie was soon caught in the crossfire of a particularly intense feud, Salem and Lloyd on one side, Rambley by himself on the other. Rambley, her best friend in the whole wide world. Rambley, that same friend who would sometimes be mean to Mollie for no apparent reason. However, no matter what Rambley had done to their relationship, it wasn’t Rambley’s fault. It was one time when Lloyd became particularly aggressive that Mollie had to finally end this.
The fault does not belong to Rambley! “Not Rambley! He hurts Lloyd! He hurts Lloyd!”
And suddenly, it clicked for the Mascots. No matter how much some of the Mascots didn’t like each other, there was one person they all could agree to hate: Isaac Indigo. Their creator who had left the newborn animals to the mercy of vengeful, spiteful, horrible people who did nothing but spit upon and abuse the Mascots. It was decided that they would fight back. They would show those humans that they were not muzzled dogs, but barely contained predators.
The next time the Mascots were in the presence of these Ranglers, Lloyd finally snapped. It was a particularly brutal day, and Lloyd would suffer no longer. With a crippling roar, Lloyd launched himself at the Ranglers, the other Mascots following suit.
Isaac Indigo had walked into work expecting the day to be like usual, but it was to his horror that he learned of the Mascots attack upon their Ranglers. Calling a hasty evacuation, guests were shoved outside of the park with no explanation, no answers. Even the authorities would not be able to provide answers. No, they couldn’t learn of such a thing; it would ruin Isaac Indigo and all that he had worked for.
Temporarily, the entire park fell under the control of the Mascots, who were a bit shocked with how easy it was to win their freedom. However, their victory would not last. They all would suffer the consequences.
Lloyd was deemed the biggest threat to Indigo’s plans, so he had to be the one dealt with first. But how? The scientists that Indigo had hired came up with a plan; repurpose the Critter Cuffs to make a high enough pitch to incapacitate the lion, before locking him up for good in his theater. Alongside this, in order to better guarantee the safety of their people, a resuscitation feature had been added to potentially save an employee's life, if it came down to it.
Luring the beast to his stage area, the humans spring their trap, their Critter Cuffs wailing, racking Lloyd with so much pain that he couldn’t do anything but curl up into a ball. With the help of some engineers, they lock Lloyd in his own theater, a special clearance required to even access the area. This is where they toss most of the assets Indigo Park does not wish anyone see. Research papers, binders, notebooks, it’s all scattered here. And while here, Indigo decides to deal with Mollie Macaw as well.
Mollie is dangerous in that she knows planes and how to use them. They’re massive weapons, so, the way to disarm the bomb that is Mollie is to lock Jetstream Junction behind the Critter Cuffs, as well as a massive lock and key. The key itself would be stored at the very back of Lloyd’s theater, a place where only they would know to look. And once they seal the doors one final time, Mollie, Rambley, and Salem would have no access to it.
Finley would be left to his own devices; he’s contained in his attraction and as long as they don’t approach, they’ll be fine. The remaining Mascots can’t hide there forever either, and the humans know that. Even if Finley is a deterrent, the humans would eventually invent a way to deal with the serpent, who would be unwilling to resist for too long.
And thus, two Mascots were dealt with, one Mascot crippled. Only Salem and Rambley remained threats with their rides and arsenals, though Mollie is still dangerous with her sharp beak and claws.
After some time, Mascot Rambley and Salem decide to retreat further into Indigo Park, further away from the entrance. Their movements were too easy to track with that blasted Artificial Intelligence system watching through the bountiful cameras. Mollie, however, can’t bear to leave her home, her hangar. She tries to reason with the two others, but ultimately, no agreement can be reached. Salem and Rambley would withdrawn, and Mollie would come, if she wanted to.
Eventually, the two sneakiest Mascots, once sworn enemies, were now the only one the other could rely on. Now brother and sister, they tried their best to weather the storm, but were ultimately dealt with. Mollie, grief-stricken with the loss of her home and being abandoned by the ones she called friend, had no will to fight anymore.
This entire process took almost ten years, finally ending in 2015, while the park had been closed in 2006. Outside, people slowly forgot about the enigmatic end to the once beloved park, distracted by the rapid expansion of other sources of fun and media. Indigo, saddened by the fate of what he once thought of as his greatest achievement, didn’t have the heart to tear the place down. It was too dangerous, so he merely bribed the local authorities to close it off from curious onlookers. He would command the AI Rambley to have most of his files wiped concerning the fate of the park, wiping all data concerning the back and forth between humans and their experiments brought to life. He’d be restricted to the Registration Center, cut off from the actual park, and only present in one computer until Indigo found a way to salvage the situation. And that’s where Isaac Indigo left Indigo Park.
Mascot Mollie is left alone to wander the park, all her friends gone, missing. She stumbles into Rambley Railroad, the only place that she can see all her friends, before she stops at Salem’s exhibit. Eyes narrowing in hate, Mollie remembers that it was Salem that pushed and manipulated them all to fight back. If Salem hadn’t been there, none of this would have happened. This leads Mascot Mollie on a destructive rampage, wrecking the whole area as much as she could. She eventually stumbles upon an animatronic version of herself, which shocks her when it repeats Mollie’s own words, almost like snidely trying to hurt Mollie with her own words. “Not Rambley! He hurts Lloyd! He hurts Lloyd!” Once again angered, Mascot Mollie pounds upon the robot until the lights fade from its painted eyes, slumped in a pile of metal rods and broken brick. From there, Mascot Mollie leaves, vowing to stay away from the place.
However, what Indigo did not account for was an urban explorer duo that made it their life mission to explore a wide variety of places. Laura and Ed made quite the dynamic duo, always exploring what they wanted, where they wanted, how they wanted. Though they trespassed and sometimes even burgled, they were never caught by the authorities, and their concealed presences on their channel was enough for the two to not be charged and arrested.
However, the two found themselves in a weird limbo. All of their newest explorations lacked a certain ‘oomph’, with even their viewers noticing the lack of excitement and passion of the two. So, Ed decides to set his sights on a big fish: Indigo Park.
Laura, his partner, is instantly worried by Ed’s choice. All the places they went to before were practically abandoned, the maximum they had to worry about were old motion detectors and an occasional camera or two. Indigo Park, however, would most likely be very secure, swarming with cops, even, so she tries to dissuade Ed, but Ed only becomes more pumped to break inside. Resigned, Laura promised assistance if Ed could find a way inside. Ed finally goes to this famed Indigo Park, home of so many of his treasured memories as a child, intent on having all of his personal questions answered.
It is to his surprise that the place is so easy to slip into. All he had to do was avoid the occasional patrol car, climb a fence, and viola, he was there. The entrance gates being locked up, however, was a bummer, but maybe the Registration Center would have some information. It would be even more of a shock to discover an AI Rambley, the same that Indigo had locked there.
AI Rambley would guide Ed, the first visitor in exactly eight years, inside, Ed collecting all sorts of goodies, such as plushies, ears, drinking containers, and even a vintage Rambley costume mask. However, Ed is disappointed by the way the AI practically ignores the state of disrepair Indigo Park has fallen into.
Lured by the sudden sound of Rambley speaking Mascot Mollie rushes over; Rambley came back for her! But it is to her horror that it’s merely a mockery of Mascot Rambley, that old AI speaking to a human! Mollie, wary and frightened of the implications of this, decides to merely follow cautiously.
Following the directions of the AI, Ed travels through Rambley Railroad, fixing the ride when in breaks in the wrecked zone of Salem the Skunk, her cutout and props left in broken pieces. It is during this ride that Ed senses he’s not alone, and notices Mollie Macaw stalking him. However, she’s not threatening in any way, so he leaves her be. Why antagonize this … Mascot? Person? Ed doesn’t know what to think of her, but maybe, if he’s careful, he won’t have to deal with her.
Ed is then directed to Jetsream Junction, but is disappointed to find it locked away, not only by Critter Cuff, but also by lock and key. The AI mentions a key in Lloyd’s theater, though, so he heads that way. What Ed does not expect to find is Mascot Lloyd himself, dozing on the stage. Quickly noticing Ed’s presence, however, Lloyd flees, remembering all too well of the danger that humans posed to him.
Unfortunately, Ed is left without AI Rambley’s presence, and Lloyd is slowly but surely pushed farther back into his domain. Lloyd at one point tries to attack, but the lion is clumsy. Though he can’t die of thirst or hunger, he still suffers from their effects, his body weak and dirty. Lloyd then leaves and lets this man do whatever he wants. Maybe if Lloyd hides in a corner, the scary human won’t come for him.
However, he is soon consumed by anger when he realizes that Ed takes the keys to Jetstream Junction. He can’t let this human escape, he might try to go and hurt Mollie! She’s probably locked in there like he’s locked in here!
Lloyd attacks, or tries to, at least. The accursed Critter Cuff wails, its high-pitched waves causing Lloyd to be paralyzed with pain. Once the sound stops, Lloyd runs away, his fears of torture reignited as he is subjected to pain he had not faced for almost twenty years.
Mascot Mollie, always lurking, heard the Critter Cuff go off, and she draws her conclusions well; Lloyd tried to fight the human, but was driven back, hurt and embarrassed in his own territory. From here, Mollie’s old, unresolved anger begins to build, following Ed as he opens up Jetstream Junction, much to her surprise. At first, she’s delighted. Finally, her old domain is open! She explores the place, running into Ed as they both take notice of one another. Perhaps she’ll let Ed go; he did do her a favor, after all.
But that notion is soon dissolved as she watched Ed run about the place like he owns it, Mollie’s anger mounting as he goes deeper into her home. Finally, she has enough. She attacks Ed, chasing him through the halls and tunnels Mollie so loves. Unfortunately, this final act turns out to be Mascot Mollie’s last. Just as she lunges for him, her head gets severed from her body by a metal door, her blood coating it and the surrounding environment bright red.
It is from here that AI Rambley is forced to acknowledge that this is not his familiar Indigo Park; it’s old and worn, the Mascots that once made people laugh now try to hunt them down. He forgets that they were abused because those files were wiped from him, and Mascot Mollie’s cries are very hard to discern as the echoes and Mascot Mollie’s own voice is ruined by age.
AI Rambley decides his best course of action is to enlist Ed’s help to repair the whole theme park. After all, he has all the information on how to go about it in his database, it just requires a physical body to do, something that the AI sorely lacks. And so, AI Rambley directs Ed toward the first place they need to kick back up: Oceanic Odyssey, home of the Mascot Finley. Perhaps this shy, reclusive sea snake won’t be trying to kill Ed.
On the way, though, Ed nearly stumbles upon the laboratories where the Mascots were made, so the AI makes sure to block that avenue. Ed was AI Rambley’s only hope of success, he wasn’t risking the man run away in terror from the sights and notes that likely were down there.
Ed finally reaches the Oceanic Odyssey attraction, pushing open the doors and following AI Rambley inside, catching a glimpse of a long, green, sea dragon in one of the aquariums …
Well, that’s about it! 12k words and 24 pages in, and I only covered the first chapter. Hoo boy …
I don’t think I need to reiterate that this is what I think happened, canonically. There will obviously be some wrong information due to the limited evidence I have to work with, and I intentionally remained vague during certain parts.
Despite that, I am very confident in a few ideas, such as the Mascot uprising, the weaponization of the Critter Cuff specifically against Lloyd the Lion, and the secret laboratories hidden behind that Royal Ranger Room area.
If you have any ideas of your own, let me know as well! I would love to theorize about some things that all of you think as well!
Also a huge shoutout and thank you to the creator of Indigo Park, Mason Myers, or UniqueGeese. The guy is insanely talented, considering this took him only one year to do. ONE! I can’t want to see the twists and turns he has to offer.
See you all later in Chapter 2! - Maddy
submitted by _Mad_Maddy to GameTheorists [link] [comments]