Debt bankruptcy ac

Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

2014.09.14 12:21 daiyuesen Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

Student Loans Defaulters

2014.04.10 21:31 RicFeinberg Debt Relief Legal Group

Welcome to the Debt Relief Legal Group LLC website. We are one of the largest filers of bankruptcy cases in the state of Florida and have handled thousands of cases filed under chapter 7, 11 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. My name is Richard B. Feinberg Esq., and I am the managing partner of Debt Relief Legal Group.

2014.01.13 19:37 afarber Debt Management Tips

Debt Management Tips from Debt Solutions managers.

2024.05.19 05:13 JamesVirani Another rant - I usually assume the best, but it really smells fishy

Most of you know that I was always critical of Karen. Some of you attacked me for being misogynist at the time. The honest truth is that it had nothing to do with her being a woman. As a person who values education very highly, I could simply not understand how a BA became CEO of such a big company with zero prior CEO experience. But then, the response was interesting too. I started receiving private messages from random people, some fresh accounts, some regulars on this board, some claiming to know Karen, speaking very poorly of her and her past. I have no idea who these people were. I didn't respond to many of these PMs.
Call after call, decision after decision, it became worse. She surrounded herself with previous friends and co-workers. Got rid of tangible cash flow positive businesses (which by the way, could have very likely helped them secure the debt today, if they had them today, like those clinics could very likely be a collateral to a lender).
I was apprehensive about this stock since the day we had a sudden management change. From that moment, I wanted to sell and take my loss elsewhere. I started talking about WELL here. Any money I wanted to put in CloudMD, I redirected to WELL, and now have a decent position there. Why did I not sell DOC? My prior experiences with penny stocks told me that the market always overreacts significantly to news and there will be a healthy bounce back up somewhere. I was trying to outsmart the market and exit on a bounce. It was stupid. I learned a lesson. The flood of bad news never stopped. Something about releasing an investor presentation between two terrible earnings releases and slashing the revenue by an additional 10 million in your investor presentation didn't help. Like they were trying to sabotage it. Conference calls were awful. I won't repeat myself.
I was not really interested in being a mod here either. I particularly didn't want to be a mod after management changed, because I wanted to sell this at the first opportunity and get the hell out. Headwax asked me to be a second pair of eyes, and out of the curiosity of understanding what being a mod on a sub like this involves, I accepted. With HW's main gone, now I have become the sole mod.
Fast forward to the recent deal. I am seeing a flood of comments and reports on here from fresh accounts, and I can only imagine that these are company insiders or people very close to the management. Someone shared Karen's number publicly on this sub. An account with a questionable comment history immediately reported it as doxxing. I was late to see the report, so the number stayed up here for a while. In the meantime, this user keeps messaging me on how I am a useless mod (yes, thank you, I never wanted to be one) because I hadn't yet removed that comment containing Karen's alleged number, whereas I had previously removed comments calling "Headwax," Karen. I have no recollection of removing a comment that called Headwax, Karen, but this removed comment was by another user, so they very likely gave away a Reddit secondary account. Who is this random person reporting comments, and how do they so specifically point out a comment calling Headwax, Karen from the past?
Another user posted about how we can report the company to OSC yesterday. It was immediately met with crowd control (i.e. many people reported the post right away as being "harassment" and Reddit removed it automatically), whereas there was nothing harassing about the post whatsoever. It was sharing useful information. I allowed it, and most of you endorsed and welcomed it. So who are these people who are reporting these posts that allow us to legally look into this transaction? Clearly, they are being notified of everything that goes on here and are first to try to manipulate the moderation. What interests are they serving?
I am left to believe there are insiders lurking this sub. There are people who are trying to sway and influence us. This is, in my limited investing experience, unprecedented and so unprofessional.
To say that this deal is absurd, in terms of its valuation, is an understatement. It's at a P/S of 0.1 and a P/B of 0.13 (just think that through for a second. If the assets are worth 1/7th of what management claims on book, selling the parts out of bankruptcy could yield them more - now companies rarely sell at a P/B of 1). It's really difficult to see if this deal is actually better than bankruptcy or not. The assets may actually yield more in a bankruptcy court even after lawyer fees. I have never seen anything so absurd in my life.
Their contracts alone, given their ARR, should be worth way more than 10 mil to a competitor. So why is a competitor not buying this, even if they have to fire everyone and trash everything, and simply takeover the contracts?
How on earth was the refinancing left to reach this point when time and time again they reassured us it's no problem? What the hell were they doing?
I don't have an answer. I can just say that it smells really fishy.
As a heads up, I am sick and tired of being a mod here. It's taking too much time. I wanted to add someone else as a mod and leave, but I am a rookie, and can't even figure out how to add another mod on reddit. Given what I am witnessing, I worry that if I leave, someone with ulterior motives might take over the sub and sabotage any opportunity for you all to discuss this. But don't be surprised if I am gone one day and the sub is left without a mod. Being a school teacher is not my cup of tea.
submitted by JamesVirani to CloudMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:44 dontwannasplit AITA because I don't want to split the electricity bill 50/50 with my boyfriend?

My boyfriend and I have been living together for 2 years. We rent a two bedroom apartment. We both travel a lot for work and there are some weeks where its just me and some weeks where its just him. When it comes to money, I am definitely more cautious. I budget my money and am careful with my purchases because I am trying to build up my savings to buy a house. My boyfriend is more relaxed with his money and doesn't think about budget or how much credit card debt he is in.
In the beginning of us living together, we were splitting the bills equally. But as months went by, I noticed a big fluctuation between months where I was home more and when he was home more. The bill was about $100-$150 higher when he was at home more. He typically will leave things on like the tv, lights, computer, etc. All day and night. When we are both home, I'm usually turning things off when he's not using them. So without me to turn them off, the bill racked up.
He also leaves the windows open while the AC or Heat is on. He says its because he likes the fresh air but doesnt want the apartment to get too hot/cold. I've told him many times that it racks up the electricity bill and could potentially break the system, leaving us with no AC or heat and probably having to pay to fix it. He then offered to pay the whole bill himself to end me nagging him about it.
Thats been our arrangement for the last year. Last December, I got a new job and am now working from home. He still leaves everything on and runs the AC with the windows open. A couple of weeks ago, he said he wanted to talk about the bills. He said that its not fair he still has to pay the whole electricty bill when I am home all the time.
I explained that we had data that proved that even when its just me, I still use half as much as him. I told him I would be happy to pay 70/30 but wouldn't do 50/50 because its not fair to me that he wants to be wasteful. He said I was being petty and that couples should split things 50/50. Am I being petty?
submitted by dontwannasplit to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:24 Infamous_Regret3583 Need help. Can medical bills be added to chapter 13 if insurance company is demanding provider to pay back overpayments dated before the filing date?

This is a rather unique situation. Im in the middle of a chapter 13. Converted to a 13 in march. My confirmation will be in July.
In 2019 I left my DOD civilian job. Due to a technicality, I could not terminate my coverage with my insurance. Someone somewhere in HR needed to send a form to the insurance provider letting them know to terminate my coverage. So the insurance carrier kept paying bills even after years of telling them not to pay. They knew what was going on. It was out of their hands. Out of mine. Trust me it's a cluster***k.
Fast forward to 2023, they finally terminate my coverage. They have guaranteed me they will not come after me for the overpayments based on the fact that I did everything I could to tell them not to pay the bills. I even told my medical providers not to bill them. To bill my current insurance. The insurance even sent me a letter I am not liable for the overpayments. That's great!
So now they're going after the providers to pay them back. im being copied on the letters to my medical providers demanding payment. So now that has me concerned, because providers can also turn around and ask me to pay them back.
So assuming the medical providers want me to pay them, can the debts be added to my case? I know the debt did not exist pre-filing, but the service dates are all before the filing date.
TLDR: Can medical overpayments from service dates before filing bankruptcy be added to my chapter 13 case since the debt did not technically exist when I filed?
submitted by Infamous_Regret3583 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:18 Reptilefan92 Questions about using bank account and debit card prior to Bankruptcy (USA, Ohio)?

So, my parents are considering Bankruptcy. They have had a consultation with a lawyer, but are unsure if or when they will proceed yet, as my Dad has some surgeries on the horizon he wants to have done before starting the process. If they do it, it would likely be several months from now, maybe August or September. Having said that, there was one thing they were a bit unclear of when speaking to the Lawyer.
The Lawyer told them they will need to be careful about spending, both on their credit cards and from their Bank Account, in the months prior to filing Bankruptcy. He said they could get in trouble or even be sued for fraud if they racked up Credit Card debt, or spent all the savings in their Bank Account in the months prior to filing. However, he apparently didn't go into a great deal of specifics on this point. My parents wanted to know specifically how careful they need to be, and for how long prior to filing.
For example, my Mom needs a new Laptop (her old one is a Chromebook approaching end of life), which she primarily uses to bay bills and the like. It's pretty much a necessity for them, and would cost about $200-300. Additionally, my Dad has severe Parkinson's and is pretty much bedridden due to walking/balance issues, so watching TV is all he has. His old TV has died, and he would like to get a replacement, again probably something in the $200-300 range. They would be using money from their Bank Account (specifically savings, I'm not sure how much they actually have, but I think it is around $1000) for these purchases, not Credit Cards. Would these kinds of purchases be alright right now, several months before filing, or would they present a problem in Bankruptcy?
Also, they were advised against using Credit Cards prior to Bankruptcy. However, they rely on them for many things, from groceries to bills and utilities, food, etc. My Mom also subscribes to a couple streaming services for my Dad. They're going to try avoid spending what they can with the Cards, but also depend on them for so many things.
So, will any of this get them into any trouble, or have them sued for fraud? Will the Trustee come after them? They're pretty concerned and confused on this particular point. Again, this is all prior to Bankruptcy. They have not done anything yet. They've signed nothing, started no process, paid no lawyers, etc. They're unsure how they should be managing their purchases, both with Credit Cards, and with their Bank Account, several months prior to starting the Bankruptcy process?
submitted by Reptilefan92 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:15 thesheepshepard Roland Arryn, Knight of the Gate


Reddit Account: u/TheSacredGroves
Discord Tag: justinkayce
Name and House: Roland, of House Arryn
Age: 28
Cultural Group: Andal
Appearance: Tall, lean, well-muscled, handsome, fair - Roland is the portrait of a Knight of legend, of the Winged Knight come again. Harsh sky-blue eyes, severe cheekbones, and the familial aquitaine nose give him a cold and distant look - but one frequently broken by his warm and gentle smile. He keeps his pale-blonde hair long and his jaw clean shaven, accentuating the lines of his face. Roland is always neat and clean, his armour burnished and his threads well-tailored and fashionable.
Trait: Blademaster
Skill(s): Swords (e), Andal Knight (e), Essosi Blademaster
Talent(s): Dancing, Hawking, Singing
Negative Trait(s): -
Starting Title(s): Knight of the Gate
Starting Location: King's Landing
Alternate Characters: n/a


Family Tree


Name and House: Marla of Gulltown
Age: 34
Cultural Group: Andal
Appearance: Broad and strong with well-calloused hands, Marla is as obvious a blacksmith as Roland is a knight. She keeps her brown hair tied severely back, framing her dour face with its squinting brown and wide mouth that wears an almost perpetual frown.
Trait: Artisan (Weapons)
Skill(s): Craftsman (e weapons; e armor)
Talent(s): Whittling, singing, maintenance of arms and armour
Negative Trait(s): -
Starting Title(s): King's Landing
Starting Location: Master of the Armoury of the Bloody Gate


Supporting Characters

submitted by thesheepshepard to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:02 wallstbetsapparel File for bankruptcy, consumer proposal, etc?

Hi there, I'm M25, looking for some solutions here. For context, I'm living in British Columbia, Canada. I think the situation can be viewed from the light of any country though. I've taken on about 60,000 in federal debt from the covid times, in addition to currently owing about $15,000 in back taxes, plus an additional $7,500 or so once I finally get around to filing my taxes from the 2021 year.
The last couple of years I haven't worked much. I was self-employed, and never taught about taxes. In fact, my education about taxes, from my non-educated, high school drop out father, was basically, "taxes are theft," "earn your money in cash," and "the only thing you'd need to file taxes for is if you want a loan for a house, car, business, etc." I still agree with many of his sentiments today, and I know he's not the only one with these ideas. Frankly I find it hard and very frustrating to have to give my money to the government, considering I know they're just unlimited printing money and the limited amount of money I have right now isn't going to make even a small dent in the national debt.
The $60,000 from the federal government is currently accruing interest at a nominal rate of 5% per year. $3,000 per year in interest.
The reason I haven't worked much, is largely because of some mental health and physical health issues. Now, I find myself in a situation where I owe roughly $80,000 to the federal and provincial governments. In addition, I have now racked up an additional $30,000 in student loans [also, from the federal/provincial governments][no interest for now, thankfully, not overly concerned about it.]
There's $110,000 in total debt to the government. I have also, an additional $25,000 approximately in personal loans from friends/family.
I have high hopes for myself, always have. I'm fairly sure, I could win some pretty large contracts with enough grit, or expand an existing business with someone I know, at the end of this summer. Both options have a good potential of coming true in the long-term, I think. But in the meantime, I have considerable debt which I'm not sure what to do about, and, frankly, it's depressing.
If I filed for bankruptcy, I'd lose the option to keep getting student loans, and the federal grants that go along with it [free money]. It's not clear if this happens if I file the consumer proposal. I thought about just continuing to run up the student loans, and then declare bankruptcy later, but, frankly, the whole idea of the debt hanging over my head during that time is very anxiety provoking, even if it's not 'immediately due.' I just want it out of my hair.
I have concerns that this becomes public record, and if I entered into politics later in life, that this might come back to burn me, but I'm honestly starting to get to the point where I think it might be there best option. There's also an element of feeling like a moral failure, if I have to take either of these options.
In summation:
What would you do in the scenario, and why?
What kind of mindset shift should I adopt around taxation?
submitted by wallstbetsapparel to debtfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:36 fishyneeds My family makes me beg for basic needs

Long rant ahead and destressing too. Will delete.
It's hot here. Summer season is almost 40° minimum with 60 to 80% humidity. I have lived in this weather for almost 20 years so it doesn't bother me much but our dog is struggling. I have been begging my family to let me install an AC at home but they said they can't accept my money because I'm a child. I told them to buy it but they said it will increase the electricity bill. I said I'll pay the AC bill and repair charges but they still won't listen. I don't understand why do I have to beg them for something every single time.
My phone went into a reboot loop during COVID because it was an old hand me down samsung note 4. I needed it for online lectures so I asked my parents to get me a newer model so that they don't have to keep buying phones every 2 years. Thankfully we have a spare old Dell lappy that I got them to fix for the classes. They said no to the new phone. I had to harass/beg for 2 months straight for them to give in. When I started earning, my parents completely cut me off financially because they wanted me to focus on studies. I again compromised with them to let me earn for my own personal expenses (things like new clothes, books, paints, hygiene products etc) while maintaining my grades. My mom would emotionally blackmail me everyday saying she wants access to my bank balance and now that I'm such a rich woman (earning 15k a month), I should purchase things for the house now. I seriously don't understand her but I know she's a control freak so I have starting isolating myself from her.
I don't know what to do with my family. I'd understand their frugality if we were poor or in serious debt but we're not. My parents used my education fund to buy land during COVID because I decided to stop pursuing my masters and instead study for NEET. They don't want me to pursue neet. Post COVID, they were unable to keep the land in good shape because it often had termite issues and the house was poorly constructed to the point the roof fell in one of the rooms. They had to sell it off in the end because it was a burden. They own 12 dogs and can afford lakhs in their upkeep but can't even afford a basic AC for the house I'm in because it belongs to my grandpa. They can purchase expensive iphones in a day but it took them 2 months to buy me a phone. I feel like a secondary citizen in my own home, having to beg for basic needs like clothes, shoes, books etc. Even while going to college, my mom would give me only 200 rupees a day to manage all my needs and would ask back for any leftover money.
I stay away from them because I hate how over controlling they are. They use my financial dependence on them to get me to do things they want. I recently started trading and they want access to those accounts too. Ofcourse I said no. They're retaliating against me using the whole AC drama. I only want them to purchase it in their names because I don't own credit cards.
And incase you think I'm a very high maintenance individual asking money for expensive clothes etc. I'm not. Im asking money to buy new cheap bras and underwear. I'm asking for money to buy basic things like pen ink, books, erasers, bird food, etc. I don't like spending money on expensive things, especially for myself. I save money and I invest almost all of it into MFs and stocks because I need to fund my education by myself. Also none of the dogs belong to me, they were bought by my parents. I only own 3 fish tanks and 2 birds with my savings which occupy specific spots in my room. I use my own earnings for their upkeep and maintenance.
Do you guys have parents like these?
submitted by fishyneeds to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:28 iJeax Deep in a financial hole without a job and mental health issues. I need advice please. (Canada)

I'm reaching out for some advice on my current financial situation. Here's a bit of background:

⠀⠀Additional Information:

Any advice, personal experiences, or suggestions on how to navigate this difficult situation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help and understanding.
submitted by iJeax to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:38 Silver_Shock Chapter 13 vs. Calling creditors 1 by 1 and trying to negotiate

Good afternoon everyone,
So…I had my consultation with my attorney yesterday and was told that I wouldn’t qualify for a Chapter 7 based on a piece of property I inherited when my mom passed away (1/4 of the house I’m renting)
I was kinda expecting that and after going over everything, he was able to guesstimate my monthly payments at $708 for 36 or $400-something if I did the 5 year payment plan
I like the idea of it being over as soon as possible me so I would probably opt for the shorter timeframe
This is for approximately $64,000 in unsecured debt (credit cards and a small personal loan)
But last night I got to thinking, if I’m going to have a monthly payment anyway, would it be worth the effort to try and call each of the credit card companies 1 at a time and saying “ I can not make my payments anymore and have retained a lawyer and begun bankruptcy proceedings. I would prefer not to go this route and am able to pay $200 for the next 24 months. Would you be willing to close and settle my account instead of me going forward with the bankruptcy proceedings?’
I could do that with one of the credit cards that has $15,000 on it and just make that phone call to multiple credit card companies.
Is there any logic to that thinking?
I feel like they would rather get something than be guaranteed nothing and from what I’m reading online, a settlement doesn’t hit your credit for as long as a BK would.
Part of me thinks it’s a great idea, or worth a try at least, and part of me feels like they would eat me alive within 15 seconds of that phone call.
Has anyone had any success trying to settle their own debts?
submitted by Silver_Shock to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:20 iJeax Deep in a financial hole without a job and mental health issues. I need advice please.

I'm reaching out for some advice on my current financial situation. Here's a bit of background:

⠀⠀Additional Information:

Any advice, personal experiences, or suggestions on how to navigate this difficult situation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help and understanding.
submitted by iJeax to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:14 pajanraul This post was originally in another thread about who runs the world. My answer was the central banks. On investigation of who runs the central banks i came up with this....

When looking into the makings of central banks and financal affairs in the uk and europe i came up with this
Finance and lending money was almost entirely run by jewish families long before 1066AD when William the conquerer borrowed significantly from jewish financiers of France a Rouen Banking family, name is still undisclosed. If anyone knows let me know.
government bonds from 1066 in the british library
The Worshipful goldsmiths company a 700 year old group of goldsmith (investors) who to this day buy up government guilds aka bonds aka loans. Aswell as owning vast estates in and around london. The company was formed after the jewish were originally exiled from britian because of accusations they controlled the UKs finances between 1066 and 1290 🤔 ( insert capitalism cloak and dagger) hide behind a business name.
the worshipful goldsmiths company
This company became of interest to me, as little is said about who actually founded the goldsmiths company other than they were the goldsmiths of london who had controll over london finances as they bacame the gold standard by royal charter. (where the hallmark name came from)
Its rather puzzling who these prominent people were, and interesting that little is said about them especially considering how well they recorded its rather odd they didnt have records of their ownership? (shell company style?)
So 700 years ago goldsmiths were almost all jewish as lending money was strictly forbidden in Christianity ( if you weren't a Christian in england 1000 years ago what even were you?
Also note the Rothschilds family owned the building to the royal mint where coins were minted for the last 200 years. Strange dont you think 🤔
royal mint
Also an interesting financial scale within jewish economics. Jewish law states that jewish can only charge interest to non jewish. So if your entire business model is to charge interest and if a huge percentage of banks are jewish owned and they can only charge interest to non jewish that would denote a pyramidal scale? Note the largest hedge companies in the world are jewish owned.
halachah or jewish law
Now i am not saying this is the entire jewish race, but certainly prominent elite familes hidden behind a cover of a capitalist system that assists obscurity it for what it is.
If you have checked out the links above note they are all from jewish sources.
And you can start to imagin how long the banking business has actually been going on for. If halachah must be followed that would mean continual money supply into a pot for one race obtained from everyone else. (quite possibly why the US pushes for capital markets everywhere and detest communist systems that prevents 👆)
Some examples of said families
rothschilds family archives
The duke of wellington took a loan of £1 billion to pay for the battle of waterloo in 1815, which would now be worth over 20 trillion in todays money. This loan is supposedly still being repaid by british taxpayers to this day.
Can you imagin what interest repayments the Rothschilds must be recieving for a loan that's over 200 years old.
Calculations for 1 billion over 200 years at 4% workds out to a total repayment of 2,940,562,619,656.00 = £2.94 trillion
Oh and guess who funded the loan to pay slave owners for freeing slaves. You guessed it the Rothschilds and Montefoire family if you haven't already come across the latter another name to consider.
Rothschilds and Montefoire
The slave ownership loan was only just been repaid by british tax payers in recent years. If you understand how loan repayments work from mortgages you can imagin what a 200 year old loan does to the total repayment cost.
Calculations for
15 million over 200 years at 4% works out to a total repayment of 38,261,246,866.00 just over 38 billion. So where is all this money as their net worth vastly differs 🤔.
I believe that we are built on a system of finance, either capitalist who want a portion and access of other nations interests or the communists who want to keep the financial system in their own company.
who ever owns the finance owns the world.
Im not sure who secretly runs the countrys of the world but in delving deeper into the history behind finance i found the aforementioned. Some will say this is antisemetic trope. But everything i looked up was backed up by jewish authors and resources. Jewish chronicles being one of them
Thodore Herzle is another prominent name in zionism as its founder who started the zionist movement from Basel switzerland, the mothership of all central banks the IBS International Bank of Settlements. He also founded the jewish colonial bank which later turned into the central bank of israel.
jewish virtual library source
Its interesting that more of this is not known or more public knowledge, or is that the point keep this buried and call everyone antisemitic for brining it up?
Whilst im not from the US, its domination in war time affairs raises some questions. As war requires large bonds borrowed from the prominent wealthy families mentioned. Creating debts that continue to be paid by tax payers over hundreds of years. It may be worth researching who actually bought the long term bonds for the covid packages and Ukraine and Israel piggy bank.
Nearly the entire biden administration is made up of jewish, so theres no wonder why he keeps vetoing everything. A list below of his jewish team.
biden administration jewish team list
and well the US economy has a big hand in debt making and taking. If you arent with it, your in the way as many countries have found out the hard way.
I have lots more, but conscious this is long and getting bored now.
Enjoy your rabbit hole hunting and if anyone has anything to add or if i have got anything wrong id be interested in your view points ✌️
submitted by pajanraul to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:01 nopainnorogaine Seeking Advice on Managing Over $20,000 in Debt While on Social Assistance Due to Mental Health/Addiction Issues

I'm reaching out for some advice on my current financial situation. Here's a bit of background:
  1. Debt Default vs. Bankruptcy: Given my situation, would it be more beneficial to let my debts default rather than filing for bankruptcy? What are the long-term implications of each option on my credit and mental health?
  2. Social Assistance Protection: How protected are my social assistance payments from creditors? Can they garnish these payments if they obtain a court judgment?
  3. Stress Management: How can I manage the stress and mental health impacts of dealing with creditors and potential legal actions?
  4. Professional Help: Should I seek help from a credit counselor or a licensed insolvency trustee? What kind of assistance can they provide in my situation?
  5. Legal Action Likelihood: Considering I have no job or assets, how likely is it that creditors will take legal action against me?
Any advice, personal experiences, or suggestions on how to navigate this difficult situation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help and understanding.

Additional Information:

Thanks again for any advice you can provide.
submitted by nopainnorogaine to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:19 Patient-Property4675 Best Strategy to Pay off $22k Student Loans

Thank you in advance for taking a look at this!!
I am about to turn 24 and trying to crank through my debt as fast as I can. I have 8 individual student loans totaling $22,924.92, all serviced through Nelnet:
Group AA: $3,350 principal balance at 5.05%
Group AB: $1,913 PB at 5.05%
Group AC: $4,300 at 4.53%
Group AD: $1,944.13 at 4.530%
Group AE: $5,224.81 at 2.75%
Group AF: $1,899.88 at 2.75%
Group AG: $3,285 at 3.73%
Group AH: $953.06 at 3.73%
My plan as of right now is to pay them off in order of the most interest accrued since I am unable to make lump sum payments. If I pay them in that order it would be: AC, AA, AE, AG, AB, AD, AF, AH.
This makes the most sense to me as I am working to lower the interest accrued. I am wondering if there are any flaws with this plan, or if there is a different way to pay them off which would be faster. Does it make more sense to pay off the two loans at 5.05% first? My employer is about to start making contributions to pay off my loans and I want to make sure I have a super specific plan.
Thank you in advance!!!!
submitted by Patient-Property4675 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:52 BackgammonChessPoker Talk me out of what is usually a stupid idea (401k cash out).

My dad is terminally ill and my parents own a vacation rental condo, as well as 7 other rental properties, mostly town houses, all paid off in full. They need to sell a property so my mom will have a downpayment on her new downsized home (they want to move in together and have both homes so my mom feels like the new home is both of theirs, but my dad can choose to die at his forever home, the family cabin, or at the new home) and my mom will have some cash to update their existing home before selling after he passes.
The vacation rental is in a rural area but is a room inside a lodge/hotel that offers ski in and ski out downhill and cross country skiing in the winter and a walk on golf course in the summer. A practically identical unit sold last month for $105k, my parents bought theirs for $50k a few years ago outright and it after all expenses and some updates, it brought them $6000 in profit in 2023 as well as 8 nights of free personal use. To keep it in the family and kind as a forward inheritance, they are willing to sell it me for $75k Additionally, a local government economic stimulus to help diversify the economy in the area from a tax on the area’s single economic industry is going to be spending a few million dollars to help update the ski lodge interior and the surrounding amenities.
I just spent all my cash reserves on a new high efficiency furnace, heat pump, and solar panels and I have a tesla with a $900/month payment and 47k left at 6.6%.
My old 401k is at 223k, my new 401k is only at 14k and my rIRA is at 75k. My new job pays 120k/year and my new 401k allows for a mega backdoor roth..
Im wondering if it makes sense to do a 401k cash out with my old 401k and eat about 40% in fees and taxes, pay cash for the rental condo with a free 30k equity gift, pay off my tesla in full and save on the interest, and then my monthly bills will be very low and i will have about $500/rent from the vacation rental (that I also love to use to ski)… and i will also comfortably be able to do a mega back door roth and quickly rebuild my retirement savings while having no debt other than my primary residence.. whereas if i get a mortgage for the vacation rental, the origination fees will be like 4k and the interest rate at 7% and it will actually be cashflow negative the first few years. My parents (who have been really good and/or lucky with real estate investing) think the unit is going to appreciate significantly because its a government subsidized investment with the government funds paying to facelift the ski resort and lodge, also increasing nightly rental rates.. and i will still be able to max my 401k and roth ira, but i will be stuck paying a high interest mortgage and my car for few years before i can consider a mega back door roth.
I dont know why i wrote this up as me/I, i am actually married, my wife also drives a tesla for $750/month (44k at ~6%) and also maxes 401k and rIRA and her income 173k is how we can afford our primary residence (owe 365k at 2.65% with 30 year mortgage, $2400/month with tax/ins), etc, etc… she took out a 401k loan to help pay for furnace, heat pump, and solar ($60k expenses, 25k 401k loan balance).. we also pay $1500/month for a condo for my MIL.
So with that…
  1. 401k cash out, pay off my tesla and pay cash for the rental condo that comes with a 30k equity gift and is expected to appreciate better than most similar real estate and then immediately start mega back door roth, as well as rebuild our USFR emergency fund back up to $50k
  2. Pay $4k in mortgage origination fees, and about 6k in interest the first year but keep my 401k alone, focus on rebuilding USFR emergency fund back up to 50k and then murder the debt so our cashflow comfortably allows for me to do a mega backdoor roth (delays this 1-7 years, depending upons wife’s bonuses).
Our base HHI is 300k, bonus can be 0-100k (fiest year in this role for wife) current networth at 35 is 975k with all our hsa, iras, 401ks, MIL condo, and the equity in our house.
We normally keep 50k in USFR, but we had some unforeseen expenses and and have been vacationing alot more than usual to spend extra time with my father, then our furnace broke and our AC was old… we spent a bunch extra to be ultra efficient to be kind to the environment and to ultimately lower our monthly expenses so we could save more… plan to focus on paying off our debt and then cranking up the savings.
My parents just happen to want to sell me a condo worth $105k for $75k that would bring in 6k/year in cashflowmif purchased outright.
50k emergency fund: first emergency was father’s illness. I have been on 1 vacation with him a month, split expenses. Not enough pto, so mostly unpaid. Then second emergency hit, furnace went out… we reached for high upfront expense, longterm very cheap monthly expenses… then my parents offered us condo and i recently found out that my new job allows for mega backdoor roth.
submitted by BackgammonChessPoker to ChubbyFIRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:17 Direct-Ad2644 Ending my life tonight

Please don't judge me or be harsh or trolling. I can't handle it at this point in time right now.... I am just moments close to ending everything because I just can't handle it anymore. please if you judge me just keep it to yourself please..
I am on ssi and ssd getting 158 on the first and 805 on the 3rd. the ssd is after both my parents passed they put me on my dads disability drawing off what he earned working but I was originally on ssi to begin with.
I get about 963 a month total to live on. Right now I am in major debt with credit cards since covid broke out. I had to use them to live on.
I moved in with my aunt who is living in apartments based on income but they are not section 8 but they accept section 8. When i moved in, i was told by the manager i didn't need to put my income since i was a cotenant. that was 10 yrs ago. come to find out. i had to put my income now i am being sued by the housing authority for 10k, i owe two more years. my aunt and i pay 220 a month to them. they don't care what happened they just want their money.
i owe one credit card company 4.5k, another 1.8k another 600 and another 700. when i applied for them, it was 3 plus years ago. i put that i made around 700k a year when i applied to them but i was on ssdi at the time making around 11k a year. i went on the websites 3 months ago fixed the right info.
I live in a small town where nothing is available for the next 20 plus miles and have no transport. my aunt won't take me anywhere. her son who si in his late 30's lives with us and works. my aunt is on disability. I get food stamps right now worth a 130 a month which goes to my aunt even though its for me. i pay her 450 a month rent incl internet lights and 130 in food. if i don't give her the food stamps then i have to pay her another 130 a month i can't afford since all my stuff is going to her and credit cards. i legit have nothing left each month right now with having to buy myself instant mashed potatoes, oatmeal top ramen soup, noodles and spaghetti sauce. i live on that through the month.
when she buys food with the food stamps it feeds her son, me and her. but it is only enough to last a week, then for the next 3 weeks i am starving barely eating because i can't afford much when i do buy stuff that i can put in my bedroom to eat on.
past week now, there has been no food, her son has been taking his mom and him out to eat all week not bringing anything home for me. im so hungry. the nearest food bank is 4 miles away one way, but i have no way to get there my aunt won't take me they don't deliver and when i tried getting medicaid transport to take me they said they don't schedule rides except to and from the dr's.
I have no other family, I have no friends. I have no vehicle. been trying to get a minivan so I could live in it. I am sometimes bed ridden due to my bad joints/back/knees/feet/right leg nerve damage. I also struggle from morbid obesity I am around 500 lbs and funny thing is, with how little i eat. i should be losing weight but its the complete opposite.
I will be 47 yrs old when I am out of debt with the credit card companies, I tried filing bankruptcy no one will touch me being under 10k in debt with the credit card companies. i contacted legal aid, the attorney who called me back said he can't help me because its under 10k. but told me how to file but chances of me filing and getting it are slim to none esp without legal help he said.
im thinking of ending my life next month when my aunt and her son leave for a week. I just can't keep living like this. if i had a minivan I could stay in it, do door dash for extra money, I could get around trying to find an aparment based on income. I bene accepted a few times to low income places but had no way to get there and now with all the debt I wouldn't be able to afford having my own place with the credit card debt.
if i stop paying the cards, and the debt collectors come after me, they could take me to court and if they do, they could show the judge i said i made 700k a year and i didn't make that much and was on disability at the time and making only 11k a year. i found out while looking into bankruptcy that it is fraud and i could face prison time.
i just don't know what to do anymore. i really don't know what to do anymore other than ending things next month to get out of this situation i put myself in with my aunt, debt, etc. I just can't do it anymore esp without a vehicle. esp since I am bed ridden half of the day here and there due to my bad joints and weight that i have carried around for 30 yrs destroying my joints and causing nerve damage to my right leg. I can't just get up and go on the streets and live on the streets not with how badly im in pain every day esp just walking to the corner store. just a simple walk to the corner store and back and i am bed rested for an entire day barely able to move.
i can't do it anymore...
submitted by Direct-Ad2644 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:17 Direct-Ad2644 Ending my life tonight

Please don't judge me or be harsh or trolling. I can't handle it at this point in time right now.... I am just moments close to ending everything because I just can't handle it anymore. please if you judge me just keep it to yourself please..
I am on ssi and ssd getting 158 on the first and 805 on the 3rd. the ssd is after both my parents passed they put me on my dads disability drawing off what he earned working but I was originally on ssi to begin with.
I get about 963 a month total to live on. Right now I am in major debt with credit cards since covid broke out. I had to use them to live on.
I moved in with my aunt who is living in apartments based on income but they are not section 8 but they accept section 8. When i moved in, i was told by the manager i didn't need to put my income since i was a cotenant. that was 10 yrs ago. come to find out. i had to put my income now i am being sued by the housing authority for 10k, i owe two more years. my aunt and i pay 220 a month to them. they don't care what happened they just want their money.
i owe one credit card company 4.5k, another 1.8k another 600 and another 700. when i applied for them, it was 3 plus years ago. i put that i made around 700k a year when i applied to them but i was on ssdi at the time making around 11k a year. i went on the websites 3 months ago fixed the right info.
I live in a small town where nothing is available for the next 20 plus miles and have no transport. my aunt won't take me anywhere. her son who si in his late 30's lives with us and works. my aunt is on disability. I get food stamps right now worth a 130 a month which goes to my aunt even though its for me. i pay her 450 a month rent incl internet lights and 130 in food. if i don't give her the food stamps then i have to pay her another 130 a month i can't afford since all my stuff is going to her and credit cards. i legit have nothing left each month right now with having to buy myself instant mashed potatoes, oatmeal top ramen soup, noodles and spaghetti sauce. i live on that through the month.
when she buys food with the food stamps it feeds her son, me and her. but it is only enough to last a week, then for the next 3 weeks i am starving barely eating because i can't afford much when i do buy stuff that i can put in my bedroom to eat on.
past week now, there has been no food, her son has been taking his mom and him out to eat all week not bringing anything home for me. im so hungry. the nearest food bank is 4 miles away one way, but i have no way to get there my aunt won't take me they don't deliver and when i tried getting medicaid transport to take me they said they don't schedule rides except to and from the dr's.
I have no other family, I have no friends. I have no vehicle. been trying to get a minivan so I could live in it. I am sometimes bed ridden due to my bad joints/back/knees/feet/right leg nerve damage. I also struggle from morbid obesity I am around 500 lbs and funny thing is, with how little i eat. i should be losing weight but its the complete opposite.
I will be 47 yrs old when I am out of debt with the credit card companies, I tried filing bankruptcy no one will touch me being under 10k in debt with the credit card companies. i contacted legal aid, the attorney who called me back said he can't help me because its under 10k. but told me how to file but chances of me filing and getting it are slim to none esp without legal help he said.
im thinking of ending my life next month when my aunt and her son leave for a week. I just can't keep living like this. if i had a minivan I could stay in it, do door dash for extra money, I could get around trying to find an aparment based on income. I bene accepted a few times to low income places but had no way to get there and now with all the debt I wouldn't be able to afford having my own place with the credit card debt.
if i stop paying the cards, and the debt collectors come after me, they could take me to court and if they do, they could show the judge i said i made 700k a year and i didn't make that much and was on disability at the time and making only 11k a year. i found out while looking into bankruptcy that it is fraud and i could face prison time.
i just don't know what to do anymore. i really don't know what to do anymore other than ending things next month to get out of this situation i put myself in with my aunt, debt, etc. I just can't do it anymore esp without a vehicle. esp since I am bed ridden half of the day here and there due to my bad joints and weight that i have carried around for 30 yrs destroying my joints and causing nerve damage to my right leg. I can't just get up and go on the streets and live on the streets not with how badly im in pain every day esp just walking to the corner store. just a simple walk to the corner store and back and i am bed rested for an entire day barely able to move.
i can't do it anymore...
submitted by Direct-Ad2644 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:04 JustShayShay Married need to file chp 13 separately

We live in California- my spouse is in finance. I have heavy cc debt and a personal loan with monthly minimum payments at $1700 and about $10k in collections. My spouse CAN NOT have a bankruptcy on their record or it will affect their job. Is it possible to file separate and not use spouse info? We have 3 cars we are paying on with only 1 in my name, we rent in CA, own a home in GA in spouses name. I also make more than my spouse. I got behind on the personal loan which is now not manageable. This debt is bringing me to tears. I’m not sure how to fix this. I have spoken to 2 different lawyers in which one is confident it wouldn’t show up for my spouse while the other wasn’t as confident. I’m not sure what to do. We file taxes together and share that debt, we live together and technically share/pay bills through a joint checking account. The CC debt and personal loan are all in my name alone.
Any help is greatly appreciated
submitted by JustShayShay to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:29 Hour_Temporary3492 Upside Down - Farmers Credit Union Debt

I purchased a book back in 2022 and it was the biggest mistake of my adult life. I’m currently in debt so far and see no light at the end of this tunnel.
Would anyone here just walk away and file bankruptcy? Amy suggestions? I owe more than anyone would be willing to pay for this pile of shit.
It’s getting so stressful to keep up with the Farmers BS, commission cuts, bonus cuts, everything cuts!
Saddest part of this is that it could’ve been great! We sell against our own direct agents and can’t offer the same product discounts that they offer. Insane!
How do they have us classed as independent agents? We can’t shop! I feel like we’re employees and with all the pay cuts and commission cuts that’s a real problem.
What would you do? Wait it out for brighter days or close up shop?
submitted by Hour_Temporary3492 to farmersinsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:12 TechnicalGazelle1563 Seriously broke

I'm hoping for legit recommendations. Thanks but no shaming please. Trust me, I'm physically and emotionally sick over this.
I have racked up more debt than my family (even spouse) knows about and an amount I can never repay in my lifetime.
I work full-time, carry the benefits for my family, including an adult disabled son who now needs hip replacement surgeries. I have a somewhat modest 401k I can't touch till I leave the company.
Outside of bankruptcy or a second mortgage on my home, I can't think of a way out.
Any ideas?
submitted by TechnicalGazelle1563 to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:29 EatingBuddha3 Creative Windfall Allocation? Please help me figure out how to throw $25k at $75k of ish...

The relevant facts: I am 55, in USA, and about to receive a $25k cash divorce settlement. My credit is pretty crappy. I have $25k in unsecured debt that is current, $25k in bad/charged-off unsecured debt, and an auto lease that is about to term (11/24) in which I have a favorable equity/residual position and can buy for around $22k all in, all done.
My original plan was to use the cash to purchase my car with a few $k left to cover attorney fees and some miscellaneous expenses. I have to move soon and my rent is going up (will offset the lack of a car payment) so I am looking at 4+ more years of tight budget, rice and beans, and an inability to better prepare for my rapidly approaching retirement.
I could use the settlement to pay off the current unsecured debt which would free up about $550/month, but my auto lease extension runs out in November, and I'm not sure if that's enough time for my credit to improve to the point I could get reasonable financing for the lease buyout. I do need a car to live/work, etc. and this vehicle represents my best odds at an affordable, reliable car. In this scenario, I think it would still be very tight budget-wise as low/no down payment and higher interest due to bad credit would make car payment $400+ for 4-6 years
I could just buy the car and try to flip it, maybe make $5k, and then look for a 12 year-old Camry or something and potentially solve both the current debt and transportation problem and leave me some budget room to address the old charge-off and retirement savings. This feels risky.
Then there's the possibility of CH7 (I qualify) but would have to get creative/borderline unethical to protect/reduce the equity in my vehicle to keep it. I feel some kind of way about bankruptcy (ethically), but my credit is already trash and I'm kind of exhausted generally, so I'm open to anything.
I'm (obviously) terrible with money and feel like I don't understand what else I could do to best manage this windfall to improve my situation. Are there other ways I could/should be imagining this? Please help! Thank you so much...
submitted by EatingBuddha3 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:28 SouthernMethod6153 Interesting sequential bill

Interesting sequential bill
Any ideas on the value?
submitted by SouthernMethod6153 to CURRENCY [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:13 Rainyfriedtofu Nasdaq's rules and Clov Delisting: beating a dead horse deader

Hello Fellow Apes,
I just want to take a quick moment to revisit the Nasdaq's rules and how it would pertain to Clover Healthcare's delisting procedure. I want to do this for two reasons: 1) I want to get ahead of the short sellers' FUD thesis, and 2) I want to revisit the post I made a month ago called "Nasdaq's rules and procedures pertaining to Clover Health."
Currently, retail short sellers do not have a basis to spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) about Clover Health (CLOV). Additionally, my recent post has highlighted the coordinated efforts to short the stock and brought attention to the fact that a group of us has been reporting activities on the Clover Health subreddit to the SEC and Clover's Investor Relations.
In short, our filings with these entities revealed a high correlation (R = 0.97 with a P-value of 0.001) between the "dog whistle" share price and the actual share price of the stock after running statistical tests. Our dataset covered several months. An R value of 0.97 in a correlation test indicates a very strong positive linear relationship between the two variables.
Additionally, contrasting this with the recent meme stock frenzy fueled by figures like Roaring Kitty and Ryan Cohen, hundreds of thousands of people have lost substantial amounts of money due to the activities of retail short sellers. Unlike institutional traders, there are currently no sufficient laws or enforcement mechanisms to regulate these retail short sellers. This lack of oversight prompted us to start documenting and collecting data on Clover Health (CLOV). Our goal is to contribute to the end to such predatory market manipulation behaviors. Companies such as AMC and GME are doomed to fail. However, the case with Clov is different because the company is profitable, sustainable, and gearing up to expand and address the changes to healthcare.
I know what you guys are thinking, "Why are you bringing this up again?" Do you guys remember one of the procedures for Nasdaq's delisting that I wrote a month ago?
"When a company listed on the Nasdaq stock market receives a notice of noncompliance, it means that the company has failed to meet one or more of the Nasdaq's listing requirements. The timeline for potential delisting following a noncompliance notice varies depending on the specific rule that has been violated. Generally, companies are given a compliance period during which they can regain compliance with the Nasdaq's listing standards. This period can range from 30 days to 180 days, or sometimes even longer, especially if the company decides to appeal against the delisting decision or if the noncompliance is related to financial or reporting issues which have specific cure periods.
After the compliance period ends, if the company has not regained compliance or has not made satisfactory progress towards compliance, as determined by the Nasdaq, the exchange may issue a delisting notice. The company can appeal this decision, which may further extend the process. Currently, Clov has several good reasons and evidence to further extend the process. However, I cannot speak on this because of two reasons:
  1. It's uncertain whether Clover Health's Investor Relations (IR) team will instruct their legal team to formally present their reasons for noncompliance to Nasdaq. They have legitimate reasons, including being targeted by retail short sellers, but I'll not delve into those details in this post.
  2. Considering Clover Health's financial situation, as evidenced by their 10-K reports and their operational runway, it's possible they may not need to utilize the full 180-day grace period before appealing Nasdaq's notice. Moocao plans to conduct a detailed analysis (DD) of their financial statements, which suggest the company is in a strong position. The launch of their Software as a Service (SaaS) platform and the anticipation of approximately $100 million in revenue could potentially disrupt the strategies of retail short sellers, possibly leading to their financial downturn. However, the outcome of the first quarter's earnings report (Q1 ER) remains to be seen, presenting Clover Health with two potential paths forward. I'm only speculating SaaS contracts because why would you hire SaaS staff, request to generate more shares to pay those staff, and not have work or activities for them to do right now? This is a lot of money to spend on something that have no contracts. Therefore, I speculate they will announce their SaaS the same way that they announced their home care last year."
Looking at the current situation, Clover Health has ample time to comply with Nasdaq's regulations for several key reasons--almost unlimited:
  1. Strong Financial Health: The company is performing exceptionally well and is far from facing bankruptcy. Despite this, short sellers have excessively shorted the stock, pushing it to levels suggesting financial distress, and they have coordinated efforts to sway public sentiment negatively.
  2. Proactive Measures: Clover Health is actively working to enhance shareholder value, including implementing a share buyback program.
  3. Prepared for Appeals: We have already prepared the necessary reports for Clover Health to file an appeal with Nasdaq, should it fail to meet compliance standards within 180 days. However, given the company's current trajectory, it's unlikely that an appeal will be necessary as we anticipate Clover Health will regain compliance soon.
It's important to note that the likelihood of Clover Health facing delisting or needing to perform a reverse stock split is minimal. In a somewhat ironic twist, we owe a debt of gratitude to the retail short sellers. Their consistent manipulation of the stock has inadvertently provided crucial evidence. If they hadn't driven the stock price below bankruptcy levels and engaged in aggressive trading strategies against market-making algorithms, we might not have identified key areas to focus on. As the saying goes, sometimes not getting what you want can indeed be a blessing.
I'll provide a more detailed write-up later, but for now, I wanted to reassure you that the potential for Clover Health's delisting or reverse stock split is very low. The delisting and reverse stock split are the only kind of theses I anticipate the brigades can make. Otherwise, the only thing that they have are memes.
submitted by Rainyfriedtofu to Healthcare_Anon [link] [comments]