Dirty things i can tell my boy friend

Cat = Dog

2014.07.05 03:49 HaudNomen Cat = Dog

A Kevin is someone who consistently or greatly shows a complete lack of intelligence through incompetence of social and societal norms, or is purposefully antagonistic in their poor decision making.

2015.10.18 00:29 Dark_Saint Netflix's Stranger Things

Sub for the Netflix Original series: Stranger Things. The disappearance of a young boy sparks a chain of events leading the residents of the small town of Hawkins to uncover a government conspiracy and a supernatural mystery which will not only shatter all semblance of normality, but also threaten their very existence.

2016.04.13 22:39 no_turn_unstoned WELCOME TO THE_PACK


2024.05.19 01:19 myprivismypriv Urgent… I ‘24 f’ just found out my mum ‘43 f’ is abusive, what do I do?

So earlier there was an argument as we’re on holiday and my mum ‘f 43’ and her partner Jenna ‘f 37’ had a little argument over what we should do when I thought everything was already planned. That was that nothing major, but she ended up leaving for nearly two hours.
Me, my boyfriend and step brother (my mothers parters son) were sat around and Jenna started saying she’s had enough and not to repeat anything but she’s fed up of my mum being pissed off all the time. I thought that was going to be it but no… found out my mum takes all of Jenna’s money every time she gets paid and only gives her a TINY bit. My mum is always constantly buying things and everyone is always wondering how she has the money for it and turns out it’s hardly ever her money. Jenna has struggled and asked her own mother for help with gas and electric when they’ve ran out and her mum barely has anything herself when my mums had money and lied about it.
Jenna has started questioning where her moneys been going and as a joke picked up my mums phone and said she’s going to check her bank and my mum snatched her phone back and got pissed off but then tried to play it off as a joke. Jenna knew something was up and went to the ATM with my mums card and checked her bank and there was £800 in savings… definitely not my mums money, if any is then it’s barely any of hers.
She said my mum also came in a few weeks ago and dropped 1k in cash on the table, for bills I think. WHERE THE HELL DID SHE GET 1K?! But the thing is I’ve lent my mum HUNDREDS at a time to catch up on all her bills then I have to wait months for it to be paid back and then she’s back in grands of debt again with money that’s NOT hers and it’s not even HER paying it back it’s always 100% Jenna but I never knew this until today. She says she’s bought people things like on birthdays or Christmas but SHE hasn’t because it’s NOT HER money.
Jenna broke down crying saying that time they broke up for 5 days she had the time of her life by herself and said she doesn’t even want to marry her but im unsure if she’s still going ahead with the wedding. She said my mum controls every aspect of her life, I’ve witnessed today Jenna ask for permission to buy something. And she’s wanted food and my mum hasn’t got her it. My mum has bought takeaways for herself with JENNA’S MONEYA BUT NOTHING ACTUALLY FOR JENNA. I’ve heard Jenna say she wants this and that and my mum goes “with what money”. I think my mum gives her £40 a month out of £1.5k (ish).
I’m not even sure if that’s the worst bit but apparently my mum threatens suicide and forced Jenna to get back with her and one time not that king ago my mum said she’d taken quite a few tablets after an argument then later on emptied out another packed of tablets into the bin and acted like she had taken an overdose and after hysterics from Jenna she said she was joking and that sent Jenna over the edge.
I can’t even look at my mum the same. My mum says to Jenna she needs more money to spend on petrol for when I drive her places but guess what…? She never gives me the money she always says no and she never has any money. Fucking bold faced lie. I ask her for petrol and she says she doesn’t have it but Jenna’s constantly giving her petrol money for EVERY trip I take her on.
She controls Jenna’s house with her constant cleaning. No shoes, sure that’s fine, but Jenna doesn’t care. Wash your hands as soon as you walk in.. okay? Sure. But don’t touch certain things. She’s made Jenna stop smoking in her own house. Tells everyone not to vape even though Jenna doesn’t care but she says it’s Jenna when it’s actually her. She makes everyone constantly clean everything. After a trip to a hospital you have to strip off at the front door and shower head to toe and wash your hair. She makes Jenna clean everything when going out, like now, we’re on holiday and she made Jenna clean the place five times over in a row. Jenna said she doesn’t care and wouldn’t do any of this. I don’t think she knows how to leave because if the suicide threats and my mum showing up to her house early hours in the morning and not leaving when they have had a breakup. They’ve been together for about 11 years now.
I’m really truly at a loss as I thought my mum was one of the most lovely, nice, respectable woman, how do I go forward?
TLDR my mum is financially abusive by taking all of her partners money and not letting her buy anything and getting them grands and grands in debt, lying about savings and how much money she has and making suicidal threats when there’s an attempt to leave, her partner doesn’t know what to do and neither do I
submitted by myprivismypriv to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:19 Flashy_Fisherman2597 Is being married supposed to be hard? me: 37m, wife: 37f

I remember hearing from adults all around me growing up that "marriage is a lot of work." That has always been my outlook and to be frank it is for my wife (37f) and I (37m). We've been married for 6 years and I feel like I still don't understand her. Last night she was in a bad mood and banished herself to the bedroom, so I went along with the kids' normal night routine like many, many nights before. I'm also used to her sleeping in and just expect at this point that I'm the one going into the kids' bedrooms when they wake up crying and that I'm the one doing morning routines with them on weekends.
I woke up this morning in my toddler's bed, after spending the night on the couch, like so many mornings before, and just started doing the morning routine. I got the kids breakfast, did laundry, did dishes, made the coffee, got my wife's breakfast started, fed the cats, etc. But this morning was different because my wife actually woke up shortly after I did. It caught me off guard and something inside me started boiling over. I felt like I was so used to just not expecting her to be a part of this routine ever that it made me viscerally angry. I expressed it to her calmly, like a mature adult, and we hugged it out. But the rest of the morning she spent snipping and snapping at me and the kids about everything, and whatever was going wrong this morning--whether it was the kids not having their shoes on or something like I paused vacuuming to clean up cat barf--she was giving me "I'm cross with you" vibes the whole way.
I left this morning with the girls to drop them off at my parents so my wife could go to a doctor's appointment and I could have brunch an hour away with some college friends I hadn't seen in a while (one of them is getting married this summer). My wife invited over her friend and this friend's daughter so they could do something with the kids while I was gone. On the way to see my friends, I sent my wife what I thought was an innocuous text telling her that I could tell she was in a bad mood, I still loved her, and I just hoped that she could fill her social cup with her friend and also get a chance to relax and recharge after I got home. I didn't think anything of it, even after she was short with me on the phone when I told her I was driving through torrential rain and would call her back when I got to my destination.
I left the house with my kids at 10:00 a.m., my wife picked them up from my parents around noon, and I got home around 3:30pm. Because this is who I am, as soon as I got home I took all the kids outside and we played so my wife could just hang out. On the way home, I got her and her friend alcohol and picked up some small things we needed for the house. I was upset that I had to come home and immediately go back into tired dad mode, but I told my wife I just wanted her to relax and I'd take care of things. I thought the rest of the afternoon went fine, my wife kept hugging me and telling me she loved me and there were lots of laughs, the kids were having a good time.
But after her friend left, she just kind of shut down again. I ended up going back into our normal routine. My wife gave our toddler a bath but otherwise she just kind of laid on the couch and said she was done for the day. I did all the normal nighttime routine stuff and like I usually do every night I was brushing my daughter's teeth when my wife asked me for a hug. I told her to wait until I was done, and then she just started crying. She told me she didn't have a husband and felt like I just lived in the house. I didn't know how to respond because I half expected something was up but I didn't expect that. And she told me that my lack of responding emotionally or strongly told her all she needs to know. She said she had been asking me for hugs all day and I wasn't respecting her or listening to her. Earlier that night I ran out to the store again because she wanted ice cream and we didn't have any, but she said I was only doing it because I was grumpy and just wanted to get out of the house. She kept telling me I was rude all day and that I needed to reread that text I sent her because it made her cry. And I just still didn't know what to do. I told her I loved her, I wasn't going to leave her, and then I gave her a hug but she told me it felt wrong and that she could sense I just wanted to leave the family.
I am stuck because I don't know what to do. She told me she doesn't want to be around me and slammed the door in my face, and now I'm laying on the couch doing the girls nighttime routine like I do every night by myself. And it's really giving me pause. Maybe this marriage isn't for me. She told me before she slammed the door that she felt so disrespected by me for sending that text and that she was jealous I got to spend "all day" with my friends, so she was going to "disappear all day" tomorrow so she could be selfish and rude too.
And I don't know if I'm gas lit, she's right, I'm just being a stupid man, but I seriously don't know what I did or what's wrong. Maybe she's angry she was home with the kids all day, but I already do so much of the parenting and have such little social life. I don't want to think of our marriage as a competition, but I do think she sees it that way and she's very tit for tat. Even just yesterday I was on the toilet for "longer than she expected" and I got spoken to about hiding in the bathroom even though I was legitimately going number two that entire time. Meanwhile, she can go shut herself in the room for hours because she doesn't want to be around the kids or my "bad moods."
I don't understand people that say marriage is easy. I just don't. But I've seen people on here and have friends in real life who tell me it is very easy for them. I envy those people.
submitted by Flashy_Fisherman2597 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:19 throwawayfreshdonuts Visiting Terminal JNMIL in another state, help please with strong boundary ideas or insight

Feel free to see post history for relevant deets.
This may be one of the last summers DH will be able to travel to see JNMIL, who is currently being treated in another state while staying with BIL 2 and SIL 2, both flying monkeys. For 4 years, we've been NC and DH has been VLC. She's lived 45 minutes away in our state up until she needed treatment recently. After I asked to be treated with more humanity, or make the unfortunate choice to see her less, she ghosted me for several years, except to dump presents at our house, send weid mail w/o a return address, send angry FMs, or more recently, to ask me to lunch with her alone - which frankly is a no-go as the worst of her cruelty happened when no one was there to witness.
DH is feeling understandably conflicted, but does not regret not having tried hard enough to fix the separation. He asked if I would fly with DD to his home state to allow him to spend time with JNMIL and for him, I said yes. To me this means exchanging hellos and spending a brief time. Home state is near NYC and other vacation friendly spots, and my thought is that we can visit with plans to see that part of the country for DD's sake and also my sanity.
That being said, all of JNMILs flying monkeys live in town and will likely be there when we visit. We've decided to get an airbnb and not stay at BIL 2/SIL 2's house, so we will have some degree of autonomy. BILs and SILs were FM to varying degrees in the past 4 years and did not want to hear my side of the story. I am not looking forward to this visit.
JNMIL is very manipulative and her MO was telling people I did villain-esque things to her before they visited, to the degree that I would be pulled aside and spoken to. It was very confusing for me until I realized what she was doing.
Has anyone been in this situation and can you offer any advice?
submitted by throwawayfreshdonuts to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:19 AwayFroyo4140 My girl (28f) left me(35m) abruptly after 4 years of a close relationship. What are my nest steps? What Can I do to get me through this?

My love, the mother of my child, left abruptly 5 days ago now. We have been together and living together for 4 years and our daughter is 3. I got home from work Monday and she moved out everything while I was at work. I got home to a mostly empty house and endlessly broken heart. I was lied to so that I would give consent for my daughter to go away with her parents for the week. I was led to believe this was a date night. She asked when I would be home from work so that way she could have everything gone by The time I got home. Her parents thought I knew this was going to happen. That's why they took my little girl. No one will answer my phone calls or texts or tell me when my daughter is coming home. I cant get more than, "I'm leaving", "we will talk later", "I'm not yours anymore", And many other hurtful things as a response from her. I have given everything. Everything I do and provide is for my girls. I have worked so hard to get my girls in a space where they can have room to grow and be independent. I don't know how I could ever look into my daughter's eyes and tell her mommy isn't coming home, and I don't know why. My abandonment wound is ripped wide open again and my soul is scarred for life... Im trying desperately to make it through the pain of waking up every day and realizing this isn't a bad dream.. I can't wake up because this is really happening to me.
I had such a crazy panic attack yesterday when I woke up I almost had to call 911 because I couldn't breathe. I woke up with an incredible weight on my chest and a pounding heart and no matter what I did I couldn't catch my breath. I assume it was a panic or anxiety attack but it lasted for several hours and I was scared out of my mind. I don't have a single person I can call here to get so much as a hug, talk to me, or Even take me to the hospital. My entire life is completely upside down and I have absolutely no idea what I did to deserve this.
And even worse is that nobody will answer my calls or texts. None of her friends or her mother who literally has my child. I just want to know when my little girls coming home. I provide day-in and day-out for my girls. I pay all the bills I provide the place to live I've worked and given and sacrificed so much for this family and I am utterly destroyed and cannot comprehend how someone can do this.
Of course, there are more details because there always are. I'm a very reasonable understanding emotionally intelligent person and there's no circumstance in which this should be handled like this.
Any advice on what I can do or how to make it through the days and the pain would be helpful. I have ceased communications with her, despite how incredibly hurt, angry and in disbelief I'm in. What can should my next steps be?
I will post a link to some messages to give maybe a little more understanding on the situation.
submitted by AwayFroyo4140 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:19 Gayax I finished the Novel. Here's my honest review

Hi all, I finished the novel (chapter 400-401) after having read the Manhwa.
All in all I would give a 6/10 to this fiction, and a big disappointment (good early novel, bad late novel).
Here's why IMHO:
Thanks for reading all.
Would love to hear your opinion as well!
submitted by Gayax to SSSClassSuicideHunter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:19 Prestigious-Key-1351 27 M Dubai. looking to meet new friends or hopefully someone I click with and here's a small introduction of myself, looking to hear from you guys.

Im AJ 27 from Dubai I love horses and riding horses but my ultimate passion is diving and take cool videos of underwater creatures, I'm into fitness and I absolutely adore cooking, I can describe myself saying I'm a very calm guy who loves to chat and discover new things, and what's more better way to discover with friends or a close person to have a connection with and share my day with and get those butterflies from seeing their texts. so if your interested please HMU and let's see where it goes from them
submitted by Prestigious-Key-1351 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:18 BobbyMakey101 My life used to be a bit good

elementary school I pretty much had many friends. There was a few assholes but it wasn’t super bad and they became nicer later. I went to birthday parties. I went to after school camp after school ended for the day so i was able to make more friends and enjoy my self. then i got held back. I was still happy tho and made more friends at summercamps. I wish i could be able to go back in time to have these days. I’m too old to attend after school camps and summer camps so it’s harder to get friends when you get to ur 20s.
middle school: was a massive jester. Most people just said “shut up” & called me annoying and i always wondered why the popular kids got to get away with being a clown. I was sad at times but i wasn’t bothered so much by it unlike now.
My phone helped me cope unlike now. I had things to keep me busy (karate, 2 tutoring classes) so i didn’t care about hanging out with anyone. I used to whine about having those things but now that i don’t do tutoring anymore cuz one is online and soon my mom is gonna stop paying for it just like karate classes and the other tutoring place said i had to stop doing it at 18. After this my life has been more empty . Besides karate places for adults is more boring and no one talks. Also for camps as a kid you can actually have fun and do cool activites and field trips.I don’t have enough money to afford karate classes again to keep me busy either
Now i’m in my last of high school: depressed very alone and even more bored as ever before since i have nothing to keep me busy and my phone doesn’t help me cope anymore. I’m constantly thinking of the shit that happened to me due to getting more bad experiences in high school
submitted by BobbyMakey101 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:18 Adept-Surprise-6200 Based on my past experiences and total lack of success on dating apps, I’ll probably never go on a date again.

I’m 29. Red headed guy, 5’11. 160 pounds, pretty average looking. I have an engineering degree, no debt, and am doing fairly well financially for my age. I have a handful of hobbies that I really enjoy and a few friends. I’m very close with my family.
I haven’t been on a date in 7 years. I get matches on dating apps, and get ghosted after a few messages almost every time, even if we have common interests and seem to be compatible. In person, women have generally treated me as if I’m invisible, or go out of their way to tell me I’m unattractive.
For example, I’ll be in a bar with a few friends, and I’ll sit in the middle. The bartender or women we meet will look at guys on either side of me, while totally glossing over me. Or I’ll be alone in a bar holding a beer, and a hot girl will come over and grind on me, and run over to her friends to laugh at me. One group of girls danced with me for a minute at a club, only to tell me “no woman would ever be with a guy like you” before laughing and leaving. I had some dates in my early 20s where the woman would meet me in person and then walk back to her car right away.
I met a woman online a few months ago who lives far away. We clicked instantly and talked on the phone often, but after a while she decided it was best we don’t continue talking as we live just too far away. She met a guy close to home. It made sense but was still disappointing. She is a great person, and seemed like that “one in a million.”
Going almost 30 years and having no good experiences has made me numb to the pain to a certain degree. It’s just not a part of life for me. I’m probably not attractive or “interesting” enough to date, but I don’t think I deserved to be treated as poorly as I was either.
At this point, I can’t justify putting in the time and effort trying to date after having absolutely no success and seeing no interest from anyone over the first decade that I have tried. I can’t comprehend how people who have gone through what I have continue to try again and again. It’s admirable, but I can’t fathom putting myself out there again.
submitted by Adept-Surprise-6200 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:18 69rekaosrepus Worst sleep paralysis I’ve had

I have sleep paralysis somewhat regularly, it comes and goes. I have noticed I tend to get it more often when I don’t have a lot of sleep for a couple days. I have seen different sleep paralysis “demons” how ever the hat man experience I had was probably the worst sleep paralysis I have ever had. Here is the story
At the time I was living by myself in somewhat rural Alaska in a small duplex. My place was sorta small it was about 1000 sq ft with 2 bed 1 bath. When you open the front door the living room opens up to your right, the kitchen then bathroom are to your left and the 2 rooms are straight back with the doors being on the back side of the living room. Both rooms were pretty small, one I used for storage and the other my bedroom. Since the room was small my queen sized bed only fit comfortably in one orientation with the front door to the home being in direct line of sight from my bed and vice versa. Normally I sleep with my door closed but this particular night I slept with it open because I was so tired and accidentally fell asleep when I got home from a long day of work. I remember waking up to a noise and immediately noticed I couldn’t move. Since I get sleep paralysis often I have gotten better about not freaking out and normally if I close my eyes and focus on quickly rolling my body or moving my arm or leg I can move myself out of it. So almost routine at this point I quickly get myself out of it and sit up and look out into my living room to see what the noise was. Right next to my front door is a big window, I leave the blinds closed but light goes through them fairly easily. On this night the moon was probably full and the moonlight was coming through the window pretty bright and I could see my living room and kitchen fairly good. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and I figured the sound came from sleep paralysis because not only do I sometimes see things but I also sometimes hear things. I went back to sleep. I again awoke in sleep paralysis but this time my chest was a bit heavier and my heart was pounding. The anxiety was a little more frightening and I didn’t immediately do my routine to get out of the sleep paralysis and mistakenly started looking around. That’s when I saw the hat man. My front door was wide open and white moon light shining in. At the door way the completely black figure with the distinct hat stood staring at me. I was in a state of panic and shock, I couldn’t tell if it was real or not because normally the environment doesn’t change and this time my front door was clearly open. I have a pistol I keep for self defense and it was on my nightstand. I did my routine, rolled my body and quickly grabbed my pistol. I sat up and pointed my pistol at my front door but it was closed and everything was normal. At this point my anxiety was high and I was nervous to fall back asleep because I haven’t had such bad sleep paralysis in a while but I laid back down, went on my phone for a bit and decided to go back to sleep. The way my duplex is set up my neighbor is on the bottom unit and I’m on the top so you have to go up some stairs to get to my front door. There is a small one car garage but it belongs to my downstairs neighbor and was used for storage so I parked my truck in front of it and the stairs to my front door was to the right of the garage and my truck. Now the dream is foggy but for some reason I dreamed that I woke up again, gotten scared and went outside to get in my truck and fell back asleep. I woke up again in sleep paralysis but this time I was in the passenger seat of my truck. Again I didn’t follow my routine, my head was foggy, confused, and nervous. I started looking around not being able to move and having my heart have this indescribable heavy pit of anxiety. I looked at my front door open with the hat man standing there looking inside my house. I was at this point, in such a state of panic I wanted to start crying, the type of crying when you make those disgusting audible sobs and gasp for air in between each sob, but because I couldn’t still being in sleep paralysis and not being able to move or make sound all I could do is watch this hat man in horror. It would get worse, while being a completely pitch black figure I could see the hat man move and turn his body around. He was now looking at me, my anxiety was at an all time high and at this point everything felt so real and looked so real that I believed it was real. I watched him slowly walk down the steps and make his way to my truck. He walked up to the window and I looked directly at his pitch black figure staring at me through the tinted window of my truck. And for the first time I saw a sleep paralysis “demon” with a color other than pitch black when the hat man grinned from ear to ear with pearly white teeth. His smile looked like Chester cat’s smile from Alice in Wonderland. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this level of fear at any other point in my life, panicked, I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to roll out of the sleep paralysis. I could vividly feel the cold leather of my car seat on my skin but when I finally rolled out of my sleep paralysis I was in my bed. Safe to say I didn’t go back to sleep. That was my worst and most frightening sleep paralysis experience and (knock on wood) I haven’t experienced anything nearly as scary since.
That was when I was about to turn 20, I’m now about to turn 23 and I have made significant improvements to my sleep which in turn has caused me to experience way less sleep paralysis. That time still haunts me. The worst part was how real it felt I legit thought I was in my car I couldn’t tell the difference between reality and dream, everything felt so real. Sleep paralysis is the worst and none of my friends and family experience it, so when I talk about it they don’t seem to grasp how scary it is for me. I have had demons squeeze my throat to where I couldn’t breathe while their pitch black face stares at me. I’ve had people stand in my room and all I could do is watch hoping they aren’t real feeling so vulnerable from not being able to move. I’ve tried screaming at my partner to help as I watched them sleep next to me not being able to get the scream out and feeling so trapped and anxious. It really does suck and I’m sorry for all the other folks who have to deal with it. Feel free to share your worst sleep paralysis stories I’m curious as to what other people have experienced.
submitted by 69rekaosrepus to SleepParalysisStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:18 Training_Milk_1965 Au Pair Education Requirement

I was hoping someone may have experienced these same feelings and be able to share their experience!
I’m an au pair in the 🇺🇸 and know that I will have to complete 6 credits (72 hours) for the education requirement. These can be completed in any state with both online and in person classes offered. I really would like to go in person as I feel it’d be such a great opportunity to make friends in the area. However, I feel quite sick to my stomach about the possibility of even being near a school here. All I hear about schools over here are the shootings and it makes me feel so nervous. I’m really hoping someone may have experienced the same feelings and be able to share how they dealt with it!
Also if anyone’s found some great courses then I’d love to hear about them! I feel like I keep seeing English language (I’m fluent 😂), history of the US and arts and entertainment so am looking for something maybe more childcare or business related! It may not be a thing but thought I’d ask if anyone’s found something along these lines!
submitted by Training_Milk_1965 to Aupairs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:17 palmsprangs Mispronunciation of newborn’s name

I had a beautiful baby girl 4 months ago! Her name is Anastasia and is pronounced the European way Ahh- Na- Stah- Cee- Uh NOT the UK way Ahh -Na- Stay- Juh (which I have made very clear to family and friends when we shared the name)
I am 100% Russian so wanted to give my girl a strong Russian name or Eastern European name, while my husband is half polish, half Italian! His mom, my MIL, has refused to say her name correctly since we told her the name when I was 7 mo pregnant. She is the ONLY person on both sides of the family who refuses to say it correctly.
The first month or two we let it slide bc it’s a name she’s never heard and wanted to give her time to get used to it. But 6 months later she continues so say it wrong and gets upset when her son corrects her. She says: “ leave me alone, I can pronounce it anyway I want” “you guys have the pronunciation wrong” and then proceeds to argue with us telling we have it wrong. She only calls her first granddaughter Ahh- Na- Stash- E Uh or Ah- Na- Stay- Ze- Ah. We have both emphasized the importance of getting her name right and she refuses to do so.
I am at the point where I will no longer be sharing photos or allowing access to myself or my daughter if she continues this disrespect. Am I overreacting? My husband thinks she is doing it intentionally and I can’t understand why someone would do that, especially to their first grandchild?
How would you go about rectifying the situation? She is a smart woman who teaches little children to read and still tutors… so her not being able to understand pronunciation is no excuse. I am at my wits end with the microagression and blatant disrespect for my daughter.
Any and all advice is welcomed ❤️‍🩹
submitted by palmsprangs to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:17 EliWondercat Flirting VS being nice - How can I tell the difference?

I need some advice regarding communication with men:
I'm soon to be 27 (learned last year I'm AuDHD) and this has been a problem all my life. I simply can't tell when someone is into me and I seem to come across as flirty when I'm absolutely not intending to. It has lead to some very jarring/distressing experiences :( and I'd really like to learn.
submitted by EliWondercat to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:17 sunny_the2nd Was it just a phase?

A couple of months ago my egg cracked…… or so I thought it did.
I discovered that I might be a transgender woman, but I wasn’t sure. But once I realized this might be the case, it was exciting. I became excited at the thought of feminizing myself and wearing feminine clothing. I started thinking of names and putting them on a list of which ones I liked the most. I asked my friends online to refer to me with she/her pronouns. It didn’t feel bad to be called she, but it didn’t like… elate me like I’ve heard with some other people. I figured the only reason it didn’t feel as amazing as I was expecting was because it was new.
Even so, I still found the idea of being a woman exciting. I kept looking up clothes I might want to buy once I can afford them. I started engaging with trans people online and they were very accepting and made me feel welcome.
But then. A few weeks ago. I started doubting myself. I started doubting my motivations and thinking maybe I shouldn’t be a girl because I wasn’t doing it for reasons that were good enough. I started reading things about AGP (which I know is a debunked theory that is highly criticized, but even so it started to make me doubt myself) and after a while I just fell into a depression and thinking maybe I shouldn’t be a girl.
But speaking to a therapist who specializes in transgender issues, they told me that a lot of these doubts I was having were normal, and over these few weeks I’ve been trying to come to terms with myself even more.
But now, today, I don’t feel anything when I look at women’s clothing or cute hairstyles or anything like that. I haven’t felt anything for over a week now.
And it’s making me worry that this was all just a phase. That these doubts made me push this out of my mind forever and now I can’t ever pursue it because the feelings are gone.
I do know one thing: I’m not a guy. I don’t enjoy he/him pronouns at this point. But as for she/her, I can’t tell. I don’t know what I’m supposed to be feeling.
submitted by sunny_the2nd to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:17 vvanillarose Is my parents’ behaviour normal?

Hi everyone, I’m not sure if this is the right subreddit to ask this question but I thought I’d try anyway.
Just for some context, me (21) and my sister (19) still live with our parents and are both looking into getting jobs soon (relatively delayed because of mental health issues for both of us). So it’s very possible that I’m overthinking and just making a mountain out of a molehill here because I’m in such close proximity either my family all of the time.
My mother is going through the menopause at the moment. While she’s always been highly strung, recently she’s been more irritable and critical than ever. She and my dad get into disagreements almost daily. It’s rarely a full blown screaming match, but it’s terrifying when it turn outs that way and it affects me and my sister for weeks afterwards. She often tries to get a reaction out of me when she disagrees with my dad - she’ll sigh and roll her eyes at me, nodding in his direction, and her mood is soured for the rest of the day. She pretty much refuses to address issues with him directly and just lets whatever her feelings are simmer, or she’ll complain to me or my sister instead. Either way, it’s still very obvious when she’s upset, and it affects everyone. I’ve had full blown panic attacks when I can feel the obvious tension that no one addresses.
Whenever she’s annoyed at either me or my sister, she’ll go straight to my dad and tell him everything. It’s usually during the weekend when they’re drinking. The ceilings are pretty thin, so we know when they’re talking, and we can often hear clearly what they’re saying just by walking past the stairs. My sister has told me she doesn’t feel safe talking to her about things anymore because of this. Sometimes, I even hear them mocking us, or imitating our voices. They’ve imitated our expressions to our faces before too.
(TW in this paragraph for mentions of SH) Their usual response to a problem that me and my sister are having is to get annoyed or angry. My sister is the one most affected by this, because she’s very open about her feelings and doesn’t try to hide them. But I still remember when they found out I was hurting myself as a teenager, and I wasn’t offered any comfort. They just spent hours yelling at me, or making fun of me by claiming I got the idea from my friends or off the internet. I honestly don’t feel comfortable communicating my feelings with them anymore. I’m currently on a waiting list for therapy (again) and they have no idea why. I hide my feelings and get on with it, because someone in the house has to at least seem stable.
What I’m trying to ask is if this is normal behaviour by a parent’s standards, or if I’m overreacting to being upset about our situation. I haven’t heard my friends mention anything about their parents acting this way, so I have nothing to compare it to. Any insight at all is appreciated.
submitted by vvanillarose to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:17 BobbyMakey101 My life used to be a bit good.

elementary school I pretty much had many friends. There was a few assholes but it wasn’t super bad and they became nicer later. I went to birthday parties. I went to after school camp after school ended for the day so i was able to make more friends and enjoy my self. then i got held back. I was still happy tho and made more friends at summercamps. I wish i could be able to go back in time to have these days. I’m too old to attend after school camps and summer camps so it’s harder to get friends when you get to ur 20s.
middle school: was a massive jester. Most people just said “shut up” & called me annoying and i always wondered why the popular kids got to get away with being a clown. I was sad at times but i wasn’t bothered so much by it unlike now.
My phone helped me cope unlike now. I had things to keep me busy (karate, 2 tutoring classes) so i didn’t care about hanging out with anyone. I used to whine about having those things but now that i don’t do tutoring anymore cuz one is online and soon my mom is gonna stop paying for it just like karate classes and the other tutoring place said i had to stop doing it at 18. After this my life has been more empty . Besides karate places for adults is more boring and no one talks. Also for camps as a kid you can actually have fun and do cool activites and field trips.I don’t have enough money to afford karate classes again to keep me busy either
Now i’m in my last of high school: depressed very alone and even more bored as ever before since i have nothing to keep me busy and my phone doesn’t help me cope anymore. I’m constantly thinking of the shit that happened to me due to getting more bad experiences in high school
submitted by BobbyMakey101 to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:17 Moonsvr Should I forgive my abusive mom?

My mom was very abusive to me mentally, physically and emotionally and I haven’t spoken to her for months after I moved l. Today she sent me this message, should I forgive her and respond or leave it be? I personally don’t believe she has changed because she’s still abusive to my sisters. Below is the message.
“Good Morning It has been awhile since we last spoke and I am reaching out because as the parent I should have not given up when you didn’t continue to reach out . I do know that as my youngest Daughter it given me pain to know that I am not in the process of you growing into a teenager and also in to womanhood and that I should and would like to be apart of that process. I would like to know no matter how hurtful it is what it is have done to you so that in hopes I can fix it or work or work on it to be better I understand you have a new life and environment with your dad and I understand and respect that but I would also like for you to acknowledge and understand and accept me as the person who gave you life and really does love you…I don’t do things right and I don’t at times have any answers but what I can know is that I love my girls and I hope that they love me and I need them and would love to always be apart of them . I hope we can make amends as to what the root of the issue is and fix it and move on with live and sincerity but if you choose not to then at least tell me why … I love you”
submitted by Moonsvr to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:17 sgt_pepper_walrus My friend pranked me a lot while watching the show

My friend introduced me to GOT and another friend of ours and he loved messing with us. For anyone rewatching with someone new I’m gonna tell you what to do to make the experience for you hilarious.
He constantly told us Joffrey would get a redemption arc.
He convinced us Ramsey Bolton would not die.
He refused to call Theon anything but reek in conversation about the show after he got captured.
He took videos of our reactions at major events and when we caught on he would pull out his phone to make us think certain characters would die. even if it wasn’t a major event.
He made us think any later image we saw of Jon snow was an extended flashback sequence after we watched his “death”.
He kept coming up with extra names like “blue wedding” and subtly dropping them in conversation to make us think another red wedding was coming.
The final thing he did was when it came to deciding the winner of the great game. He paused it and asked us who had the best stories in the series. He then filmed our bewildered and angry reactions after.
I encourage anyone to do these because I want someone fresh to the series to experience the hilarity I did because of these pranks.
submitted by sgt_pepper_walrus to freefolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:16 Extension_Being_3061 I’m punishing myself and I can’t stop

Hi everyone, I’m new here. Some background story Growing up, I was essentially deemed the “poor” one of all my friends. Everyone lived in big houses whereas I lived in a 2-bed apartment where I shared a room with my sister. Everytime I wanted something it was always a case of affordability. I had pocket money, a tiny amount but would debate between buying a cookie at college like my friends or having transport money to go home. Sometimes I’d have the cookie, in such cases i would beg my friends for some money so I could go home. Venturing into uni, I met a girl who was….extremely (putting it lightly)rich. I stepped into her world since we became close friends. Designer everything, private jets, luxury restaurants, she had it all and I was blessed to have a view. It made me dream. I studied hard, I chose my career based on what I could earn, I worked up the ladder and now I’m almost 30 and I have more money than many of my peers and for certain more than my parents when I was growing up. I should be happy right? however I feel like I’m drowning. Whatever THING I want, like, I obsess, I research throughout the night, I get it. In the past that meant even through afterpay, credit cards or my savings (so I have 0 Emergancy fund). I was hugely in debt and now I’ve managed to pay it all off and close them but I feel like I’m slipping although my plan is to save my Emergancy fund. I have the urge to buy again, to open credit…it’s like I’m at war within myself. I’m so tried, I’m going crazy, I feel exhausted mentally from all the shopping, browsing, wanting, buying, I’m sick of it and yet I can’t stop. It’s like a punishment. Where am I even wearing the clothes to? Where am I even going? I WFH always. I shop for this luxury lifestyle I don’t even A. Have time for and B. Have the funds for. Please help me, how can I stop? I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know what void I need to fill and how to even do it. I just can’t stop
submitted by Extension_Being_3061 to shoppingaddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:16 boombalbi always the best friend, never the lover

i met this guy online and had an extremely short fling with him. as of writing this we've only known each other for about 3 weeks and were friends with benefits for a week before i decided to actually be open abt stuff in my life, making him decide to let us be actual friends. his words being (after i vented) "you're turning from a cute girl i wanna fuck to someone i want to help". afterwards he repeated that he genuinely did want to be friends with me.
when we first met he said he wasn't interested in relationships, and given my mental state of having raging abandonment issues i was okay with that. i also thought i wasn't ready. the problem is, i'd started developing (not that strong, we've known each other less than a month) real feelings for him. he's sweet and good-natured, mature, insightful, fun, and calls me out on my bs even if he can be a bit heavy handed with it. before we decided to call things off he's also said that i had a "good heart", that i was "kind", and that i "deserved the world" even if i was just looking for a fling.
we've also shown to be able to communicate well with each other after a tense situation. we called yesterday and we made each other tense because of my anxiety and self-sabotaging. on his part it was because i'd reminded him of his younger self from when he used to deal with those issues, and on my part because it seemed i affected him too easily and got him ticked when others would just try to reassure me and we'd move on. well we weren't able to bring the vibe back up, and we acknowledged that we just got carried away and that since we haven't been talking for too long we were still feeling each other out and getting to know each other.
after that he left a message about wanting to move on from the tense conversation and tried to liven up the mood by telling me... about this girl he's thinking of pursuing seriously. he says she's sweet, passionate, and attentive and that they talk about a lot of stuff together. they've known each other for a couple of months and they've already met up in real life (we haven't). this just makes me feel so horrible, but i don't want to give up what seems like a very good potential friend just because of my jealousy. i want to be a good friend but this is eating me up. if he also thought i was sweet and if he also liked talking to me, i can't help but think that if only the circumstances were better and if i had more time for him to get to know me he'd like me instead. he already thought i was physically attractive, and we were getting along so well... it hurts.
i wanna support him and all but being friendzoned for the 4th time is really weighing me down.
for additional context it seems she likes him as well but they aren't officially together yet. basically i thought i could finally have a friend who truly gets me that i could crush on safely while i worked through my issues, and i feel punished for thinking that.
submitted by boombalbi to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:16 DS-fr0st [HR] The Campfire Diaries: Isaac

(Repost because it wasn’t formatted correctly last time)
I think Isaac still tries to sleep. I don’t know why. Surely he’s realized it’s impossible by now.
No one sleeps anymore. We grow weary at times, though it takes much longer than it should. People comfortably go days without sleep. Weeks, if necessary. However, sooner or later fatigue will catch up to you. Most people just white knuckle it and keep going about their business. Because sleep simply will not come. The fatigue will pass, for the most part. But not because of sleep. It just sort of fades into the background
I once knew a man that was determined to sleep. He swore he wouldn’t get up until he’d had a good nights rest. He found a reasonably comfy spot, and stayed there for what must have been months. I will admit, I briefly entertained the notion that he might have succeeded. Until I heard him weeping softly, one night.
Isaac knows all of this, which is why it confuses me so when he does this. He sits there by the camp fire, eyes closed, head bowed, hunched over. Honestly, he almost looks like he’s asleep.
If this is how he chooses to deal with our lot in life then I suppose it’s his choice but it does perplex me to no end.
I’ll never try to sleep again. Never. Not just because I know it won’t work. Because truth be told, I’m afraid if I close my eyes I won’t want to open them again. Once I’ve closed my eyes, I think perhaps that would be the first step towards truly giving up.
So instead, I sit awake. Watching the rest of the group come and go, watching the fire, watching the sky. But most of all, I watch Isaac.
I won’t mince words. I watch Isaac because he is beautiful. In every way one could imagine.
He looks out for everyone here. Even those stronger than him. I don’t know how to explain it, but he has a quiet confidence that gives hope to everyone around him. He believes in himself, and he believes in each and everyone of us. I truly don’t think we would have made it this far if that wasn’t so.
I think perhaps under normal circumstances, I would fall for Isaac. However it’s hard to think of romance under our current circumstances. Early on, I told myself i would mention these possible feelings to him, once we returned to the things went back to normal. But then, who’s to say they ever will? Who’s to say normal even exists? The first time night lasted longer than a day, everyone thought the world was ending. But then the sun came back out, and we all thought life was back to normal. Then the sun didn’t set. For 7 days straight. When it did set, people said it would never rise again. Yet it did. Eventually.
I don’t even remember how long ago that was now. Maybe months. Maybe years. It’s been hard to keep track of the. But the sun still rises, and set. It just takes longer to do both. Never the same amount of time. But usually a month or more.
Some say time itself is breaking down. Stretching, and contracting, moving back and forth. It sounds like nonsense. Then again the idea of the sun not rising or setting when it should, also sounds like nonsense.
The hopeful ones around camp say there’s a way to reverse all of this, and set things back to normal. They say it’s a magic spell that’s caused this, and that if the spell is broken, life will be as it was.
Isaac says it’s true. He heard it from one of the other travelers. And they heard it from some other stranger. Sounds far fetched to me but what else is there to cling to? Isaac says we have to hold onto stories like that. Sometimes I can see in his eyes that he doesn’t believe it himself even when he tells others to believe. That’s what I mean when I say that Isaac is beautiful.
He strives to give be hope to others when he has none. Somehow he succeeds. People believe him. They feel he’s right. They know he’s right. Isaac continually achieves the miracle of pouring from an empty cup.
Maybe that’s why he tries so hard to sleep. Must take a lot of energy to be leaned on like that. He probably feels more tired than any of us.
You wouldn’t know it to look at him most of the time. He carries himself with a calm, quiet grace. He’s soothing to be around. Everyone says so. No matter how bad things get, Isaac always believes we’ll be okay, and when one talks to him, one tends to feel the same way.
Mind you, he’s not what you’d call optimistic. He doesn’t smile much. In fact he frequently looks a bit sad. He is not blind to how dire our situation is. He doesn’t try to lie to anyone, and convince them that things are good. They aren’t. Things are truly miserable. But they won’t always be. Isaac knows that. So we know that. And that’s why we need him. I wish I was the kind of person Isaac could needed.
The only 2 people Isaac ever seems to need are David and Edward. The 3 of them are practically inseparable. They’re our own holy trinity.
It’s easy to see why everyone looks to them. And easy to see why they get along so well. They all have the same utter unwillingness to quit, but they also each have their own strength that compliments one another
Isaac of course, is very gentle, and soft. People can talk to him. Cry to him, even.
David is fearless, and I mean that in the most literal way possible. He’s a small fellow, hardly looks like much of a fighter. Yet there’s not a damn thing in the world that scares David. I’ve never seen him flinch at anything. Never.
Edward is unshakably optimistic. To a fault, I’d argue. His constantly cheerful demeanor never falters, even in the worst of times. That may sound pleasant but can come across as quite uncanny at times. One might even call it unnerving. Regardless of what I think of Edward though, is Isaac is so fond of him I suppose he can’t be all bad.
On a battlefields they’re truly a force to be reckoned with. Between David and Isaac’s swords, and Edwards’s axe, they can make short work of even the larger foes. Even the Wrath demon which can’t be killed by human weapons. The three of them together can beat a Wrath demon senseless, cut its limbs off. A demon can’t maul a person to death very well without arms after all.
One time, I even saw Isaac keep a wrath demon at bay all in his own. Even tho it roared over him, at least twice his height and weight, the thing simply couldn’t get its claws on him. He covered the thing in cuts, all over its body. The way he whips that great sword of his around, you’d think he weighed little more than a dagger. Each time the demon tried to grab him, he would reward it with a fresh wound on its hand or arm. The thing was covered in its own blood by the end of the fight. The beast could have crushed Isaac in it’s bare hands if it got close enough, yet he scared it off. The thing actually ran from him. There isn’t much the wrath demons run from, but they run from Isaac when he fights for us. Of course I would have helped Isaac in the fight that day but my arm was broken at the time.
Anyway. Isaac is a hell of a man, and we’re lucky to have him around. Especially once the sun sets again. Night demons will be crawling all over the place once it’s dark. The fire will keep them at bay to some extent, but if we’re forced to fight, there’s no one I’d rather be lead by than Isaac.
That being said, I still worry about him. If he chases sleep long enough, I fear madness will take him to, eventually. Once it takes him, the whole group is next.
submitted by DS-fr0st to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:16 S-CSleepwalker I went to hell, and I’m not sure I ever left

Me and a few of my friends decided to meet up the other day and after a few drinks started talking about weird things that happened to us during our high school years. One of them brought up the time I “technically” died and it got me thinking about it, so I decided write down what happened and share it with you guys.
I believe it was my junior year that it happened, the exact day is still kinda fuzzy to me. I played football since I was in 4th grade and it was a no brainer that I would do it in high school. I wasn’t any Tom Brady but I’ll say I was a pretty good center. I remember it was a night game cause the stadium lights were on and our running backs were complaining that they couldn’t see the ball because of the glare from them.
You know that feeling you get when you did something you weren’t supposed to do? Like when you lie to your parents or break something and try to hide it? That’s what I felt like the entire day before the game. Something felt wrong. Even minutes before the game while the usual R&B music played in the stadium speakers, it still felt wrong. I would know why a little later.
It was near the end of the 4th quarter, the play was called in the huddle, we lined up, ball snapped and…nothing. Everything was dark, I could hear talking and some screaming but eventually it faded out. I felt like I couldn’t move, kinda like how sleep paralysis works.
Eventually the darkness I saw slowly disappeared and my body started to escape its paralyzed state. When I could fully see again I noticed I wasn’t on the field anymore. In fact I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten there. My brain was racing, trying to figure out what happened. I eventually settled on the obvious answer. I was hit too hard, got a concussion and passed, then was rushed to the hospital.
That’s what I thought, I was just in a hospital. But even then it didn’t make sense, the room I was in was too dark. There was no medical equipment or even a bed in there with me. I was just laying on the floor. The only thing that pointed towards a hospital was my clothes were replaced with what seemed like a gown.
Soon my brain started to conceptualize a new answer. It’s funny how the human brain will do everything in its power to make you feel as if all that’s happening has an explanation for it. While my brain was working on that, my body decided it was time to start seeing where I was. I slowly got up off the floor and headed towards what seemed like an exit.
As I walked I took notice of everything around me. The walls of the room seemed to be covered in a strange ash like substance. They also had a heated feel to them, not burning but still hot enough that if held long enough it was leave a mark. The floor seemed to be the same material as the wall, also coated in that ashy layer.
The room soon began to turn into a hall, it never seemed to end. I’m pretty sure I walked for hours on end down it, my gown was covered in ash and scuffs soon enough. I started to see what looked like light as I neared the end, and a sound started to fill my ears as I got closer.
Crackling. Like the sound fire makes as it gets to hot. My brain started to put pieces together, it explained why the walls and floor were hot. What my brain couldn’t wrap around was what I stared at as I exited the hall.
Hell. That’s what I would describe it as and where I believed I was. The sky, if you could call it that, was nothing but smoke and slight rays of orange peaking through. Mountains higher than any I have ever seen painted the back drop of this nightmarish picture. Creatures of unexplainable nature covered the ground and sky, they all looked like they were in pain. Then I heard the screams.
I had been captivated by the almost endless horror I saw that I never heard the screaming. There were billions and billions of people here with me. They all were screaming or crying, each being tortured in a different way. Some burned, some gored, some twisted into shapes Iv never seen. I just watched in horror at the scene before me.
It wasn’t long before I felt something clawing at me, I yelped in pain as I turned my head to see something scratching at my leg. It was like a snake had grown legs, but the skin of it never grew around his new found limbs. I kicked it away before someone grabbed my arm. My eyes worked up the exposed muscles of the arm, soon meeting the eyes of its owner.
He was almost beautiful, a black eyed man with bronze like skin. He held my arm, almost to tell me not the fight it. His body was covered in ashes and what looked like whip marks. He spoke but I couldn’t understand him. I wasn’t sure what language it was or if it even was a language. He pulled my arm and begrudgingly I followed, the snake still scratching at my legs.
He took me down a long stair way, making sure I could see every kind of torture being applied to the people around me. Boiling, grinding, crushing, gouging. It made me sick but I could puke, it was like my ability to was taken away. We continued to walk, we crossed herds of creatures as they seemed to eat and mutilate multiple people. I watched as they ripped them open and ate, yet the people never died. They just laid there and accepted they new life.
My brain couldn’t wrap around what was happening anymore. It started to just say I was dreaming, it was all a dream and I was still concussed. But it all felt to real. The heat, the scratching, the man’s hand gripping my arm. I could feel it all.
It felt like days had gone by since I woke up in that room. As we walked past the mountains I saw earlier I noticed they were made entirely of bones. Some human, some not. I stared up to the sky as I watched winged creatures fly through the smoke clouds, occasionally they blocked out the orange rays as they circled overhead.
We walked more and more, the snake had stopped scratching but only cause it had reached the bone of my legs. I felt it all but couldn’t yell or cry from the pain of it. I just watched at the muscles and nerves of my calfs moved with each step I made. The man suddenly stopped, he turned to look at me and pointed towards a pit.
We walked towards and as I looked down I finally could few something in me drop. At the bottom was thousands of people. They were pushed together in the tight hole, some crawling on top of others trying to get free. I watched in horror as the man pointed towards holes lining the walls of the pit. Thick, hot, red liquid pumped out of the holes, it covered the people and filled the pit. I watched as some swam to the top and cried, other being pushed down deeper into the liquid. Eventually the pit drained and the people went back to fighting and screaming.
I slowly moved away from the pit side as the man looked at me. He spoke again and pointed at the pit. I didn’t understand him but I knew what he wanted. “Get in” That’s what it was. This was to be my new home. I just started to pull at my arm, trying to get free. He pulled me closer and I started to pull more. He stared at me and let go. I don’t know why but he just let go and stared at me, speaking.
I ran. I ran as fast as I could from him and the pit. I ran for what felt like days, maybe weeks even. Each time I looked back it seemed I had only moved a foot away. I just cried and ran, no other thoughts were in my head besides the fact I had to get away. I stopped looking back and just closed my eyes. I could feel thousands of those creatures chasing after me, I could feel they breath and heat running down my neck. I heard they horrid growls and the sound of crackling filling my ears. I just screamed and cried until.
“AHHHHH!” I screamed as I sat up from a gurney, my body drenched in sweat. The two responders that were with me jumped back and quickly told me to lay down. I tried to fight back but they told me to calm down and relax. My eyes darted around and looked where I as. I was in an ambulance. I slowly laid back and let them check me, one of them told me what happened.
When I snapped the ball a defender had hit me and knocked me to the ground. My heart had stopped. They were called and saw my coach doing CPR on me. They got me in the ambulance and continued compressions. My heart had stopped for almost 9 minutes and they were ready to declare me dead until my heart started to beat again and I came to. I just laid they and started to cry.
The doctors could easily explain why my heart stopped. They had thousands of reasons why. But they never could explain the scars on my legs that appeared after I came too. It also wasn’t until recently they noticed the significant amount of damage to my lungs, like I had being breathing in smoke for years.
I would regularly visit the doctors to have my heart checked and besides the scars, everything I was told about what happened made sense but what didn’t make sense was what I saw when my heart was stopped.
I was in that hellish place for what felt like months. Everything I felt was real, sometimes I still feel my legs bleeding and look down just to stare at those scars, almost like a reminder that maybe it wasn’t my imagination. I told people what I saw and they all say it was my mind making a place holder or working to stay alive while my heart was stopped. I took that idea and ran with it for a long time but still. Sometimes when I’m alone and everything is silent, I feel like I’m still there.
The screams of those people, the growls of those beast, the smell of that smoke, and the crackling of that fire. It’s all still there, tormenting me. Like they all crying for me to return. Like they saying that even though I escaped I must come back, that that’s where I belong now.
I see those people in that pit and ever so often I’ll here those retched words. I might not understand them but I know what they are. They push past the sound of fire and screams, calmly saying to me…
Get in
submitted by S-CSleepwalker to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:16 BobbyMakey101 My life used to be a bit good.

elementary school I pretty much had many friends. There was a few assholes but it wasn’t super bad and they became nicer later. I went to birthday parties. I went to after school camp after school ended for the day so i was able to make more friends and enjoy my self. then i got held back. I was still happy tho and made more friends at summercamps. I wish i could be able to go back in time to have these days. I’m too old to attend after school camps and summer camps so it’s harder to get friends when you get to ur 20s.
middle school: was a massive jester. Most people just said “shut up” & called me annoying and i always wondered why the popular kids got to get away with being a clown. I was sad at times but i wasn’t bothered so much by it unlike now.
My phone helped me cope unlike now. I had things to keep me busy (karate, 2 tutoring classes) so i didn’t care about hanging out with anyone. I used to whine about having those things but now that i don’t do tutoring anymore cuz one is online and soon my mom is gonna stop paying for it just like karate classes and the other tutoring place said i had to stop doing it at 18. After this my life has been more empty . Besides karate places for adults is more boring and no one talks. Also for camps as a kid you can actually have fun and do cool activites and field trips.I don’t have enough money to afford karate classes again to keep me busy either
Now i’m in my last of high school: depressed very alone and even more bored as ever before since i have nothing to keep me busy and my phone doesn’t help me cope anymore. I’m constantly thinking of the shit that happened to me due to getting more bad experiences in high school
submitted by BobbyMakey101 to ugly [link] [comments]
