Bosnian birthday sayings

Life Quotes Wishes Beautiful Quotes SMS Inspirational Quotes

2016.02.15 05:14 msaini01 Life Quotes Wishes Beautiful Quotes SMS Inspirational Quotes

QuoteSmS having a hug collection of Morning Quotes, Inspirational Words and Life Quotes. Send these Life quotes and sayings images to your friends, family members, beloved and relatives. This is a easiest way to express your feelings of love to them. There is a vast range of quotes which we have include Good morning, Good night, birthday, love, life Quotes SMS, funny jokes, whats-app Quotes and many more, demonstrating someone special that how much you love and care.

2013.11.27 21:11 MrBluebeef Inception is stranger than you think...

"*Oneirology* is the scientific study of dreams. Current research seeks correlations between dreaming and current knowledge about the functions of the brain, as well as understanding of how the brain works during dreaming as pertains to memory formation and mental disorders." -[Wikipedia] (

2024.05.19 09:49 VitalTapir Should I ask my ex to celebrate our kids birthday separately because of his partner?

My ex and me separated 5 months back. He told me a few weeks back that he has a new partner. He keeps it a secret though from everyone else (friends and family) and says it’s nothing serious yet. We also agreed to not introduce new partners to the children for at least another year because they’re still healing.
Before he met her we agreed to celebrate our child’s birthday together with both our parents.
However now there is a lot of tension between us. He hasn’t been too friendly around my parents anyway for a long time. I don’t feel comfortable having him around pretending we’re still getting along. It just wouldn’t work.
Am I reasonable to ask him to celebrate separately at least for this year?
submitted by VitalTapir to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:47 Ufratys First Time ACOMAF Reader (ch. 21-25) Thoughts & Impressions

Not much to say here since I wanted to see what happened with the Weaver. Enjoy!
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
These recent cliff hangers have been great so far! Let's hope Feyre taps into her abilities and freezes the Attor’s nuts off. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Ufratys to acotar [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:25 WTFHAPPENEDT0MYLIFE Started no contact tonight

Posting this to keep myself accountable. My ex is blocked everywhere now. I also got really good and don’t stalk on socials anymore. I used to creep on things like Spotify and IG but haven’t done that since like Dec. Also helps that I don’t have anything besides this Reddit account. I don’t plan on saying one word to him ever again. My mistake was having such a big heart and still trying to be loving and kind. When people show who they really are, believe it. There will be no him coming back. He’s made it loud and clear he’s happy without me in his other life. Yet why would he come to surprise me at the club on my birthday when it was just us there alone? Then ghost. Treats me nothing more than a play toy he’s abused. Here’s the beginning. May need support down the line when times get tough. I need to learn to unlove this man. No pics or messages left no chance of reuniting and having a better future. So to infinity and beyond now with this
submitted by WTFHAPPENEDT0MYLIFE to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:24 Best-Struggle-2738 I give up.

It all started with the divorce. I moved into an apartment so close to my old house that you couldn't hear an entire song between the two places. That's because I have three great kids (16, 13, 8) and, yes, in a minute I know you're going to say that they need me, etc. but what they really need is a real father, not one who constantly never has any money and is constantly out of sorts with stress. I'm a freelance writer with an undemanding, intermittent contract role with a prominent employer. This ends at the end of next month. Then there's nothing.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
After I filed for divorce, I decided to file Chapter 13. This immediately rendered it impossible for me to get a car loan after I sold my vehicle due to cash problems. Drained my mom of her money keeping me in my apartment. Went to a treatment center for 5 days after I relapsed after years of sobriety. Lost my job at Chase in 2021. Couldn't afford my meds anymore so I got a DUI (dismissed), but not for drinking -- it was for driving under the influence of mental-health Rx withdrawal (not kidding - it was a thing). P.S. The meds went from $30/mo. to $210/mo. and I have four of them.
I then started dating a wonderful woman/friend. We got engaged. Happiness. Shortly thereafter, I fell out of a truck helping a friend move commercial-grade windows at a construction site because I'm uncoordinated. A freak, cartoonish accident. Shattered my ankle and leg. Lived on a couch for 3 months in excruciating pain.
I get up and try to work nonstop. Anything to get extra money. I barely sleep. I keep trying to move forward but life persists in pulling me back down. Whenever I have good news about something, 4 other problems rise up. I ask everyone what can **I** do to be better, what can **I** do to not be in this doom loop? No one has answers. "Hang in there" counts, I guess. I've cut friends out, as well as family members. I couldn't figure out the unemployment website. I am a black hole for everyone around me. I live by the grace of others and random, brief successes. I mean, **I** have compassion fatigue for me, so I can only imagine what others feel - even you, if you've been reading any of the above.
And guess what? That's not all. There's a lot more I won't detail. It's unreal.
Plus, last week, my fiancee of three years up and left with no explanation. Zero contact for 3 days. And once that shock wore off, I'm here a week later sitting in our empty house alone in the dark.
It's not that I'm sad. I'm done. I apply for thousands (and I mean thousands) of jobs per month. Nothing. Unless you count the time I accepted an elaborate fake job scam where they stole my identity when I gave them my banking info for W-9 info. **I** don't believe this tale of woe, but it's a domino game from hell.
But I'm empty now. I've got nothing left. I don't have the wherewithal, monetarily or for real, to handle this world anymore. I don't look at Columbus the same way, either. It seems darker somehow. It's not meant for me. The outside world seems shadowed more than I remember it being, as if everything out there feels like a greyed-out option on a website. "Unavailable" or "Out of Stock."
I can't afford (or need) to live in this house, even though I've paid rent in full 11 out of 12 months. I now have 12 days to find a new place to live and I don't have options beyond men's shelters or friends' couches for a day or two. This is surreal. She moved some of her stuff out today. How did I get here? I thought I had a place to stay but it fell through a few hours ago. I really don't know how I can ever get back to where I was before the last three years beat me down. And I have tried -- really fucking tried -- to stay on this side of things, but I don't think this world wants me anymore. I've gotten its message. If it's for some sort of life lesson via the universe, this 46-year-old man has learned that once you fall into the system, you're never getting out. I am always, like, $1500 away from being okay for good.
All I wanted was a real job -- not some part-time, bait-and-switch gig that wasn't what I was promised, but forced to accept. All I want is to sleep. All I want is to think of a future that has me in it. All I want is my fiancee to not leave abruptly and permanently, without warning or days of explanation (still waiting for that), and break my kids' hearts. Her leaving isn't even the reason for feeling the way I do -- it only confirms that I am the common denominator and that I am the problem.
What is the point of any of this anymore?
In a few days, it'll be my birthday. I can't see what that looks like.
I know many of you have problems and issues and conditions much worse than my life. But it's not about comparison for me. I've only detailed in writing 20% of what's happened/happening in my life so I could see it in writing. And I'm convinced more than ever there's no way out, no way back.
submitted by Best-Struggle-2738 to Columbus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:17 reallythatgirl I got played

Kind of a long post, sorry. I (24f) met this girl (24f) online with the hopes of just exploring my sexuality. Before we knew it we talked all day, everyday, and she quickly became the highlight of my day. It’s important to include that she has never been in a relationship. When we first started talking she told me that she had a couple of men that she gets money from (sugar daddies, she’s a Miami girl if that makes sense) and when I inquired more about it she told me that it never progressed past a quick chat or grabbing food with them, since we were not in a relationship I didn’t mind that. I suggested plenty of times that we should just be friends with benefits and play the field but she always assured me that she didn’t want that and how deeply she felt for me. I wasn’t in any rush to put a title on things but she always told me that I was the only one she was “talking” to and of course she was the only one I was talking to as well. About a month later she links up with a guy everyday, all day, in the hotel together, going out, cooking together, for like 4 days straight and we barely talked (she used her location and other things to prove that she wasn’t staying there with him). She tried to assure me that nothing happened with them and it’s just part of the game, according to her they weren’t at the hotel the entire time and he was taking her places to do/buy whatever she wanted, but I sent her a voice audio cutting her off anyway cause clearly she’s playing me. I was super sad about it and one of her friends ended up reaching out to me and you can guess that we ended up back on speaking terms as “friends” this time which quickly led back to us talking and flirting per usual. She explained that she was just being selfish and wasn’t moving with intention since she’s never been in this situation before, that her and the guy never had sex or anything, and that she was sorry, she said she never wanted to lose me and wouldn’t mess up again. (Ik I sound like a clown) Fast forward to a few weeks later, her birthday comes and she tells me that she wants the hotel guy to take her out of town, which makes me distant from her cause wtf, but I don’t mention anything cause it’s her birthday. She sensed the distance so when she asked me about it the day after, I told her I was done allowing her to play with me and clearly that’s her intention. We go back and forth, she begs me not to, but I cut her off anyway. The next week she sends me flowers, food, and sweet things so I call to say thank you and we talked again. After a few days of talking I tell her I wanna either work things out or leave each other alone completely, but to do that I have a list of things I wanna go through, starting with her and the hotel guy messages (because I felt like she was lying). She showed me the messages, which showed that she linked up with him everyday the week before her birthday, although she had previously told me that the last time she had seen him was the hotel situation. I immediately went off on her (she was crying and apologetic still trying to convince me that nothing happened between them), she begged and pleaded, offering to do anything, but I cut her off and blocked her and her friends on everything. Over the next week she texted me from a few texting apps (I ignored them the first 5 days) asking to talk and once we did, she apologized and told me that she never intended to hurt me and doesn’t want me to hate her. She said that she feared not being good enough and overthought about our situation, which led her to do the things she’s used to doing because it’s easy to use men for money with no feelings attached, rather than be vulnerable with her feelings for me and potentially get hurt. We talked for a couple of hours (both expressing our feelings about everything) but I told her that I still want nothing to do with her and ended the conversation. I take accountability for being delusional to think it could ever work, I am a hopelessly romantic lover girl but I am also so hurt that she would lie to me and play so many games. I was open with her, I felt like we had such an intense connection just to find out that she likely had been fucking this guy the entire time. Since she lied about seeing him I feel like everything about her is a lie and it just feels shitty. It’s been 2 weeks since it happened and I cry everyday. I feel like a fool, especially cause I miss her so much and feel so empty.
submitted by reallythatgirl to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:15 Born_State_3175 My self destructive behavior came back to me with a vengeance

So It's been almost a year since I moved cities in order to go to college. I was excited af cuz my parents have been overprotective all my life and I wanted some freedom. What I got instead was a feeling of alienation and loneliness, I have always had a lot of anxiety growing up, mostly with socials situations because I wasn't allowed to go out alone in my childhood (the first time I went to a friend's birthday without my parents or a guardian was in 11th grade, yes I'm not kidding). I felt depressed and very lonely, I didn't feel like going to the college because the crowd is unironically just a bunch of bigots and I can't stand them. I started to become an alcoholic and a smoker. Since I was not going to my college, I didn't submit any of my assignments and that pretty much fucked up my internals for the first year and now I have to score a lot in my exams in order to just pass in a particular subject. Yesterday, my dad calls me and says, "I know everything, don't think that I don't cuz I know everything" In front of my mother tooandt then well.. They do know everything, for the last 24 hours, stuff has gotten sad man like they are insanely disappointed and I don't blame them. I tried explaining some of my issues and how sad I've been but well... They think these are just excuses and start comparing me to other kids and what not.
This is not me trying to justify my behavior, I do want to get better. My parents have my college portal ID now and they have said that they will check it everyday from next sem and that if something like this happens again, they will put me in a rehab center and I can say good bye to college.
Ps. I have been sober for 2 weeks
submitted by Born_State_3175 to confession [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:15 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Cardboard Picture Frames

Best Cardboard Picture Frames
Looking for a unique and eco-friendly way to display your cherished memories?
Our collection of cardboard picture frames not only adds a playful touch but also offers a sustainable alternative to traditional frames. In this roundup, we'll explore various styles, materials, and designs that will make your photos stand out, all while keeping your environmental impact in check.

The Top 19 Best Cardboard Picture Frames

  1. DIY Cardboard Picture Frames (5 x 7 in, 30 Pack) - Introducing the Juvale 5x7 inch cardboard photo frame. This pack of 30 DIY frames lets you showcase your favorite memories with personalized touches. Perfect for home decor, weddings, and more!
  2. DIY Picture Frame Kit with 50 Frames - Juvale 50-Piece DIY Cardboard Picture Frame Hanging Kit in Black and White provides a versatile and customizable photo display solution for your home, office, classroom, or party decor.
  3. Colorful Vibrant Paper Frames for Art Displays and Photo Props (24 Pieces) - Vibrant & versatile paper frames perfect for showcasing student artwork or creating fun photo booth props, available in two sizes and ideal for classroom decorations and themed parties (2 dozen per unit, 15”x 12 1/2” and 21”x 15” sizes).
  4. 25-Pack Black Cardboard Picture Frames with Gold Foil Border - Cardboard Picture Frames 8-1/2x11 Black W/Gold Foil Border (25 Pack): A timeless series of 25 professional-quality, black cardboard frames featuring elegant gold foil window borders, ideal for your certificates, photos, and prints.
  5. DIY 5x7in Wall Paper Photo Frames with Flax String and Clips - Jahosin DIY Photo Frames: Add a Touch of Art to Your Lifestyle
  6. DIY 5x7 Photo Frames for Home Decor - Introducing the 5x7in Wall Paper Picture Frames by Jahosin, a DIY photo frame set of 30 stunning frames that provide a unique and personalized touch to your home decor.
  7. DIY 50-Pack Picture Frames for Wall Decor with Clips and Strings - Capture and share your cherished memories with the versatile Juvale 50 Pack DIY Cardboard Picture Frames, complete with clips and strings for a customizable photo hanging display perfect for home, office, classroom, and special events.
  8. Customizable DIY Paper Picture Frames - Jahosin 5x7in Paper Picture Frames" – Showcase your cherished memories with unique DIY handcrafted cardboard frames, featuring adjustable flax string and mini clips for stylish display on various occasions.
  9. Customizable Kraft Paper Photo Frames (50 Pack) - Juvale 50 Pack Kraft Paper Picture Frames 4x6: Versatile DIY frames for personalized photo display, wedding decor, and party favors, including 50 cardboard frames with built-in stands and customizable embellishments.
  10. 50-Pack White Cardboard Photo Picture Frames, 4x6 Inches - Perfect for DIY and decor, this 50-pack of white cardboard photo picture frames with easels securely holds 4x6 photos and can be personalized with colors, textures, and designs.
  11. Personalized Eco-Friendly Paper Photo Frames (30pcs 4x6) for Wall Decor - Eco-friendly, 30-piece paper photo frame set with mini wooden clips, perfect for creating a charming photo display or wall decor in homes, offices, and events.
  12. 30 Pcs Kraft Cardboard Photo Frames with Wood Clips and Jute Twine - Enhance your event or home decor with Novelty Bank's 5-star-rated, 30-piece set of DIY kraft paper photo frames, featuring thick art paper, wooden clips, and jute twine for secure display of your favorite 4x6 memories.
  13. DIY Cardboard Easel Photo Frames (50 Pack) 4x6 Inches 10 Colors - Perfect for photo displays and DIY projects, the Juvale 50-piece 4x6 inch cardboard photo picture frame easel set provides a vibrant pop of color and is great for personalizing with embellishments.
  14. DIY Black Paper Picture Frames - 50-Pack - Elevate your memories with Juvale's DIY black paper photo frames - 50-pack, perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, and more. Enhance your interior decor with a personalized touch that displays up to 10.2 x 15.2 cm photos.
  15. 50-Pack Black Cardboard Picture Frames for DIY Projects - Transform your cherished memories into captivating art pieces with the Juvale 50 Pack Black Paper Picture Frames 4x6, designed to elevate your DIY projects and personalized crafts for a stunning, customizable display.
  16. White 4x6 Top Loading Cardboard Picture Folder Frame (Pack of 50) - Get the perfect frame for your cherished memories with the Malelo Picture Folder Frame, crafted from robust cardstock material and endorsed by professional photographers.
  17. 50-Pack Customizable Cardboard Picture Frames - Effortlessly revamp your space with Juvale's DIY 50-piece Cardboard Picture Frames, adorned with versatile Kraft brown frames, clothespins, and twine for elegant and personalized photo hanging displays that transcend seasons and celebrations.
  18. Black Gold Foil Cardboard Double Folder Picture Frame Set (5x7) - Collectors Gallery Black Cardboard Double Photo Frame, featuring gold foil border and linen weave finish, effortlessly frames two 5x7 photos side by side for an elegant and professional appearance in various photography settings.
  19. DIY Cardboard Easel Picture Frames for Classrooms - The Cover-It Cardboard Easel Picture Frame Classroom Pack provides endless creative possibilities for framing and decorating student pictures while fostering fun and self-expression in classrooms.
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🔗DIY Cardboard Picture Frames (5 x 7 in, 30 Pack)
I recently got my hands on Juvale's 5x7 inch Cardboard Picture Frames, and I must say, they've been a game-changer in my world of DIY home decor. With their bright colors and simple yet sturdy design, these frames are perfect for personalizing with jewels, glitter, and more.
One standout feature for me was their ability to fit 5x7-inch photos perfectly. It's been great for displaying cherished moments around the house, just like snapping photos of our recent birthday party. The attached stand is convenient, making it easy to set up and show off your creations without needing an extra easel!
However, there's a minor downside to these frames: their thickness. While they look sturdy enough, they might not hold heavier items such as thick cards or large paper cut-outs. Despite this, their durability has been impressive so far, even after a few creative paint jobs!
Overall, I can't recommend Juvale's Cardboard Picture Frames enough. Their vibrant colors and simple design make them a perfect addition to any DIY home decor project or special occasion. So go ahead, unleash your creativity and make something amazing!

🔗DIY Picture Frame Kit with 50 Frames
As a creative individual who loves DIY projects, I recently got my hands on the Juvale Cardboard Paper Picture Frame DIY Hanging Kit (50 Pack) 4x6 inch, Black, White. From the moment I unboxed it, I could tell it was going to be a game-changer for my decorating needs. Each of the 50 paper cardboard photo frames comes with a mini clothespin and a piece of hanging twine, making it easy to display various memories and artwork around my home or office.
One of the features that truly stood out during my use of this DIY kit was its versatility. Not only can you create unique framed pieces for any space, but you can also get creative and embellish these frames with different materials, like paints, jewels, rhinestones, glitter, labels, stickers, and more. I especially appreciated the fact that the frames can be displayed both vertically and horizontally, allowing me to experiment with different layouts and compositions.
Another aspect of this DIY kit that I genuinely appreciated was its affordability. Given that I received 50 frames along with clothespins and twine, it gave me ample opportunities to decorate multiple areas in my house without breaking the bank. Additionally, the black and white color options make it easy to blend these frames into any decor style.
However, it's essential to note a few cons that I encountered while using this product. Some of the cardboard frames were slightly thinner and more delicate than others, so extra care must be taken during handling. Additionally, the hanging twine provided could have been slightly longer for easier installation in various locations.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Juvale Cardboard Paper Picture Frame DIY Hanging Kit (50 Pack) 4x6 inch, Black, White for anyone who enjoys DIY projects and wants to create personalized photo displays in their homes or workspaces. Its versatility, color options, and affordability make it a worthwhile investment in your decorating endeavors.

🔗Colorful Vibrant Paper Frames for Art Displays and Photo Props (24 Pieces)
I recently purchased these paper frames for my classroom decorations, and I must say, they have been a game-changer! The vibrant colors and fun designs instantly caught my eye. I particularly appreciated the two versatile sizes that could easily accommodate various photo sizes.
The small frames were incredibly easy to use as they were designed with a photo space that perfectly fit a letter-sized paper, making it a breeze to display student artwork or use them as props for our fun photo booth activities. However, I did find that the larger frames needed some trimming and resizing to fit smaller images, but overall, they were still worth the effort.
One minor drawback was the lack of a smaller size option, as I believe it would be even more versatile and useful in various applications. Nonetheless, these paper frames have significantly enhanced the appearance of my classroom decorations, and I look forward to using them in other creative ways.
To summarize, the paper frames are an excellent investment for anyone looking to add a pop of color and creativity to their space. They are easy to use, have a sturdy cardstock thickness, and are available in a variety of fun designs. Although they may require some trimming for certain applications, the end result is definitely worth the effort.

🔗25-Pack Black Cardboard Picture Frames with Gold Foil Border
As a cardboard enthusiast, I recently had the pleasure of using these elegant 8.5x11 black picture frames with gold foil borders in my DIY home decor project. The moment I took them out of their 25-piece packaging, I was instantly drawn to their timeless quality and that exquisite golden finish.
One thing that truly stood out for me was how easy these frames were to set up. Their side-load design made it incredibly simple to display and switch between my favorite photos, without any hassle. Plus, the linen weave finish added a touch of sophistication to my space.
Moreover, the frames come with a pop-up easel, which allows them to be displayed horizontally or vertically. This versatility made it easy to showcase both horizontal and vertical certificates or prints, in a professional manner.
However, one minor con I experienced was that the window opening wasn't quite precise, and required a little adjustment to fit my 8x10 prints perfectly. Nonetheless, considering their excellent construction and affordability, these cardboard frames are definitely worth the investment.
So, if you're in search of a cost-effective yet elegant solution to frame your memories or certificates, look no further! These cardboard picture frames deliver on both style and functionality, making them an ideal choice for anyone in need of a little DIY touch.

🔗DIY 5x7in Wall Paper Photo Frames with Flax String and Clips
I've been using the Jahosin wall paper picture frames for a month now and I must say, they've significantly upgraded my home décor. The first thing that drew me to them is their unique DIY design with linkage mounted cardboard frames and flax string clips. The 30-frame set is versatile and stylish, perfect for displaying photos, Christmas cards, and artworks at events like weddings or birthdays.
They're incredibly easy to assemble, each frame comes with its own clips and a piece of flax string, making it a fun project that the entire family can participate in. They fit standard 5x7 inch pictures, coming in three attractive colors - black, brown, and white. Their pure handcraft and non-toxic material make them a safe addition to any home, and the brilliant artwork on the fronts is a bonus.
The only downside I've noticed is that the cardboard isn't the sturdiest, so they might need extra care when being hung or moved around. But overall, these picture frames have been a great addition to my home, adding a touch of art and creativity to my living space. So if you're in the market for unique, affordable photo frames, I highly recommend giving the Jahosin 5x7 inch wall paper picture frames a try.

🔗DIY 5x7 Photo Frames for Home Decor
I recently discovered the Jahosin 5x7in Wall Paper Picture Frames and let me tell you, they've been a game-changer for my home decor. As soon as they arrived, I dove right in to create a unique and artistic display on my living room wall. The set of 30 frames comes in three colors and includes flax string and clips for easy mounting.
The first thing that stood out to me was the pure hand craft element of these frames. Made with non-toxic, harmless kraft paper material, they're not only stylish but also safe for the whole family. The quality is evident in the craftsmanship and the vibrant printing patterns that bring life to my space.
One thing I noticed is that these frames are designed specifically to hold 5x7in pictures, which made it difficult to fit some of my larger prints. However, this constraint did force me to be more creative with my photo selections, ultimately resulting in a more cohesive and eclectic display.
Overall, I'm thrilled with my purchase of these DIY Photo Frames from Jahosin. They've added a unique and personal touch to my home decor while also encouraging me to curate a thoughtful collection of cherished memories. If you're looking to transform your living space, I highly recommend giving these picture frames a try!

🔗DIY 50-Pack Picture Frames for Wall Decor with Clips and Strings
I was recently looking for a way to display my favorite memories, and I stumbled upon the Juvale 50 Pack Paper Picture Frames. These paper frames added a personal touch to my home decor and were a hit at our family gatherings.
First off, the variety and versatility of these paper frames blew me away. They come in 50 different colors, which made it easy for me to match them to my existing dcor. The mini clothespins and hanging twine included made it a breeze to create a stunning photo hanging display on my wall. Plus, they're perfect for DIY craft projects. I had a blast embellishing my frames with glitter, stickers, and paint.
However, I found that the actual size of the frames was slightly smaller than I thought. But it wasn't a deal-breaker, as they still worked perfectly for showcasing my favorite photos.
All in all, I'd highly recommend the Juvale 50 Pack Paper Picture Frames for anyone looking for a fun and affordable way to display their cherished memories.

🔗Customizable DIY Paper Picture Frames
When I first tried out the Jahosin 5x7in Paper Picture Frames, I was pleasantly surprised by how stylish and creative they were. The handcrafted, non-toxic kraft paper material felt like a breath of fresh air compared to the usual plastic frames. The set came with 10 frames, 10 mini clips, and a string, making it easy to display photos, Christmas cards, and art works in a casual and artistic way.
One of the key highlights for me was how easy it was to customize these frames. The DIY linkage design allowed me to arrange the frames in various ways, making them perfect for displaying memories during special occasions like weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and graduations. Plus, they also added a touch of love, happiness, and wild living spirit to my space.
However, I did notice that the frames are quite delicate, so they may not be ideal for families with young children who might accidentally damage them. Additionally, the kraft paper material can absorb moisture, making the frames more susceptible to warping or damage in humid environments.
Overall, I found the Jahosin 5x7in Paper Picture Frames to be a comfortable and creative addition to my home decor, adding a touch of warmth to any space they were placed in. I would recommend these frames to anyone looking to display their special memories in a unique and stylish way.

🔗Customizable Kraft Paper Photo Frames (50 Pack)
I recently used the Juvale Kraft Paper Picture Frames to decorate my living room and create personalized gifts for friends. The 50-pack is perfect for batch-making, especially when working on DIY projects. Crafted from cardboard, these frames are lightweight and easy to customize with paints, stickers, and other embellishments.
One feature that truly stood out was the compatibility with 4x6 inch photos, which means I could feature a variety of images from different occasions. Additionally, the kraft paper texture provides a warm, rustic touch to any space. However, I must admit that the cardboard material isn't as sturdy as traditional frames, so they might not hold up well in humid or high-traffic areas.
In conclusion, the Juvale Kraft Paper Picture Frames are perfect for DIY crafts, personalized gifts, and decorations. Their brown color and versatile size make them an ideal choice for various occasions and interior design styles. Despite the flimsy nature of the material, the ease of customization and affordability make these frames a worthwhile addition to your DIY toolkit.

🔗50-Pack White Cardboard Photo Picture Frames, 4x6 Inches
As a frequent user of these 50-pack cardboard photo picture frames, I can attest to their ease of use. They are perfect for displaying your favorite 4x6-inch family photos, artwork, and memories. The attached stands allow for easy setup on surfaces like desks and tables, and you can unleash your creativity by personalizing these frames with markers, crayons, rubber stamps, colored pencils, and various paints.
However, the one thing that left me unimpressed was the size of the easel. Though it held the 4x6-inch photos nicely, I wish it had a thicker and more professional appearance. The attached stand could be more sturdy, especially if you plan on using it for more presentable purposes like selling art cards.
In contrast, I found that the frames were easy to customize, enabling me to express my artistic side while displaying my favorite memories. If you're looking for a quick and easy way to showcase your photos, these cardboard frames are a great choice. Just remember to handle them with care to prevent tearing if you decide to use them for more professional purposes.
Overall, I've had a relatively smooth experience using these frames, but there's definitely room for improvement when it comes to their sturdiness and presentation.

🔗Personalized Eco-Friendly Paper Photo Frames (30pcs 4x6) for Wall Decor
As an avid fan of unique wall decor, I recently stumbled upon the Cardboard Picture Frames 30 Pack. These retro-chic frames have quickly become a staple in my home, adding a touch of whimsy to my otherwise monotonous walls.
Made from high-quality, recyclable paper, these frames are not only eco-friendly but also surprisingly durable. The matching wooden clips and string add a lovely contrast, giving my photos a charming, vintage appearance. The DIY nature of these frames is another highlight - they're incredibly easy to install and hang, making them accessible for everyone, regardless of their experience with DIY projects.
These frames aren't just for personal use, they're perfect for gifting too. They're versatile enough to be used as wedding, engagement, anniversary, or birthday gifts. Their ability to add a touch of elegance and charm to any setting is truly remarkable.
However, one minor drawback is that they're 4x6 inches, which may not accommodate larger photos. But overall, these Cardboard Picture Frames have been a fantastic addition to my home, adding a touch of personalized charm and retro vibe that I absolutely adore.

🔗30 Pcs Kraft Cardboard Photo Frames with Wood Clips and Jute Twine
I recently purchased the Novelty Bank Paper Photo Frame set and it has been a game-changer for displaying my favorite memories. The simple yet elegant design of these 30 kraft paper frames sets off my photos perfectly. The art paper used is thick and flat, and the full back protects my pictures from dust and oxidation. Measuring 6 1/8 INCH tall by 4 1/2 INCH wide, with a window sized 4 INCH by 3 INCH, these frames are the perfect accessory for adding a touch of charm to my rooms and walls.
One feature I particularly love is the adjustable design, which allows me to customize the size of the window to fit different sized photos. The included wooden clips and jute string make it easy to hang these frames wherever I want, creating a visually appealing display that is sure to impress.
However, I did experience a minor issue with the quality of the jute string. It was slightly frayed and snapped after a few uses. Despite this, the overall quality of the product more than compensates for this small flaw, and I highly recommend these DIY Cardboard Photo Frames for anyone looking to enhance their space with personalized memories.

🔗DIY Cardboard Easel Photo Frames (50 Pack) 4x6 Inches 10 Colors
I recently started using the Juvale Cardboard Photo Picture Frames to display some of my favorite memories and I absolutely fell in love with them. These little frames are not only versatile in terms of placement- standing vertically or horizontally- but also offer a variety of bright colors like yellow, light pink, and green, that make your photos pop.
One feature that stood out for me was how easy they are to customize. You can embellish them with paints, rhinestones, glitter, stickers and other decorative elements, making each frame as unique as the person who owns it.
However, there's a minor downside too. When using bigger hands, inserting the photos into the frame can be a bit challenging. But other than that, these photo frames are perfect for displaying your special memories!
I've used these photo frames for displaying my daughter's adorable drawings, my favorite wedding photos, and even used them as party decorations. They really brighten up any space! If you're looking to add a touch of personalization and color to your photos, the Juvale Cardboard Photo Picture Frames won't disappoint you!

Buyer's Guide

Whether you're looking to add a unique touch to your home decor or wanting to gift someone special, cardboard picture frames are an affordable and eco-friendly option. This buyer's guide will take you through the important features, considerations, and general advice about choosing the perfect cardboard picture frame for your needs.

Features to Consider
  • Size: Cardboard picture frames come in various sizes to fit different photo dimensions. Ensure you choose the right size to suit your preferences and available wall space.
  • Shape: Some cardboard frames are simple rectangles or squares, while others come in interesting shapes like hearts or stars. Choose a shape that complements your photo and personal style.
  • Thickness: Cardboard frames vary in thickness. Thinner frames may be more delicate and prone to wear, while thicker frames offer added stability and durability.
  • Color: Cardboard frames come in a range of colors, from natural shades to vibrant hues. Consider which color will best complement your photo and its surrounding decor.


When selecting cardboard picture frames, it's essential to think about how they will be displayed. If you plan to hang them on a wall, ensure they have an integrated hanging mechanism or that you can easily attach one. Additionally, consider the durability of the cardboard material, especially if the frame will be exposed to varying temperatures or humidity levels.

General Advice

  • Purchase from a reputable retailer to ensure quality craftsmanship and materials.
  • Read reviews from previous customers to gain insights on the product's performance and any potential issues.
  • Consider buying in bulk if you need multiple frames, as this can save you money and time in sourcing individual frames.
  • To keep your cardboard picture frames looking fresh, avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or damp environments, and handle them gently when cleaning or adjusting them.
By taking the time to evaluate different cardboard picture frames and considering the factors outlined in this guide, you can make an informed decision and enjoy your unique, eco-friendly photo display for years to come.


1. What are cardboard picture frames?

Cardboard picture frames are affordable, lightweight, and eco-friendly alternatives to traditional frames made from wood, metal, or plastic. They are often customizable and can display photos or artwork in various sizes.

2. How do cardboard picture frames compare to other types of frames?
Cardboard frames are generally more affordable and lightweight than other types of frames. However, they may not offer the same level of durability or sturdiness as wood or metal frames. Cardboard frames are also eco-friendly, as they use recycled materials in their construction.

3. Are cardboard picture frames customizable?

Yes, many cardboard picture frames come with the option for customization. This may include choosing between different colors, patterns, or sizes. Some cardboard frames also allow for personalized messages or designs on the frame itself.

4. Can cardboard picture frames display photos and artwork?

Yes, cardboard picture frames can display both photos and artwork, depending on the design of the frame. Some frames come with adjustable stands or hooks, allowing them to be displayed on tables, shelves, or walls.

5. How do I care for my cardboard picture frame?

To care for your cardboard picture frame, handle it gently and avoid exposing it to excessive moisture or heat. Dust the frame regularly with a soft brush or cloth and store it in a cool, dry place when not in use.

6. How much do cardboard picture frames cost?

The cost of cardboard picture frames varies depending on the design, size, and customization options. Generally, they are more affordable than traditional frames made from wood, metal, or plastic.

7. Where can I purchase cardboard picture frames?

Cardboard picture frames can be purchased at various stores, both online and offline, that specialize in home decor, stationery, and art supplies. Major retailers and marketplaces like Amazon and Etsy also offer a wide selection of cardboard picture frames.

8. Are cardboard picture frames suitable for outdoor use?

While some cardboard frames may be suitable for indoor use, it is not recommended to use them outdoors, as they are more susceptible to moisture damage and less able to withstand harsh weather conditions compared to traditional frames.

9. Can I recycle a cardboard picture frame?

Yes, cardboard picture frames are generally made from recycled materials and can be recycled again at the end of their useful life. Ensure that you recycle the frame with other paper products, following your local recycling guidelines.

10. How do I assemble a cardboard picture frame?

Assembling a cardboard picture frame usually involves a few simple steps, such as sliding the photo or artwork into the frame, attaching the back panel, and securing any hooks or stands for display.
  • Remove the protective coverings from the front and back panels of the frame.
  • Place the photo or artwork into the cardboard mat that is included with the frame. The mat may have a cut-out area to fit the photo or artwork precisely.
  • Slide the photo or artwork with the mat into the front panel of the frame.
  • Attach the back panel of the frame to the front panel, ensuring that all edges are aligned.
  • If your frame has hooks or stands for display, attach them to the back panel of the frame as instructed in the product manual
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:08 Skincarewalker Clubbing while in a relationship

I [F28] and my boyfriend [M27] have been together for two years. We don’t usually go to the club. During us dating, we’ve went to the club once on while out on vacation.
He wants to go to this club event (that’s his cultures music) with friends that I don’t know. He didn’t mention this until three days before the event. I asked if I can go and said he’s going with his basketball friends and they plan to go after they play. It’s also about an hour away in the city. He said he wasn’t drinking because he’ll be driving by himself so he can go home whenever he feels like it.
He did something similar in 2022 on Christmas. He didn’t tell me that he was going and said he didn’t get tickets until the day of. I found out that he got the tickets prior and just didn’t mention it to me. I didn’t tell him that I knew but we did get into an argument about him going to a hotel for a few hours then coming home at 5 am. He said he dropped off friends and he hung out after at their hotel. So when I had found out he got the tickets before, I didn’t want to get into another argument especially about how I found out.
I’ve went to the club once for a friends birthday and got home around 3/4 am but was texting him occasionally while I was out, giving updates. I looked great this night and had many guys hitting on me but I always declined saying I had a boyfriend. I also expressed want to go to caribana which is my cultures biggest party near me. He said he doesn’t understand the exposure and the way we dance is so intimate. Essentially if I go, he will not like it because it’s over s*xualized and he said he would never go (but he has joked about going in the past).
I had another conversation with him about it tonight basically just asking him how long ago he go the tickets (last week), if I know any of the guys (I don’t), if he’s driving alone (he is), if he’ll be dropping off people at a hotel (if there’s people that need to be dropped off, he will), etc. We also talked about if he’s satisfied if our relationship, and would he pursue a girl he was into if he was there. He basically responded with “If I need was single and needed a distraction then I would”. So I clarified so there’s no chance he would. I explained how I know it may be annoying to need reassurance but I’m just a bit triggered by it but I want him to have a really good time. I asked if I could go again and he declined. He said that he needs to go by himself so he can relax and enjoy himself because there’s been a lot on his mind. I fell asleep while we were cuddling and when I woke up I noticed he seemed frustrated. I said I was going to leave and he said to just brush my teeth and come back to bed but I decided to just go home (because I needed my retainers and to take my contacts out).
I don’t want to intrude and let him enjoy himself especially because my request was already declined. I just feel like it’s a bit sketchy. I feel like I’m going to go mad tomorrow just watching his location and potentially going to stakeout the club when he’s leaving but I know how crazy that sounds. I don’t trust him, I know this. We had issues within our first year of dating that revolves around trust. I truly do love him. He is a great boyfriend, always is there for me, protects me, is a gentleman. I want him to enjoy himself but I also can’t fathom going to the club while in a relationship to relax and get your mind off things but not wanting your significant other to come. What should I do?
TL;DR! - I feel insecure because my boyfriend is going to the club and said I can’t come. Asking for advice on what to do.
submitted by Skincarewalker to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:01 Top-Heat2942 AITAH for declining my friend's wedding invite because I don't approve of his marriage

I (F18) and my guy friend of nearly 4 years now (M18) recently graduated high school together. During our last year of schooling, he started dating this girl around the start of the school year. That girl is currently 17, turning 18 in October. During our graduation, I received the news that they had gotten engaged and sent me an invite to their wedding, set for November this year. A month after this girl's 18th birthday. They have only been together for about a year.
I tried talking to my friend asking how this had happened, why he did it and especially, if he is thinking this through. Expressing my concerns.
He told me: It's fine, we are both Christian.
However, I know for a fact my friend doesn't really care about his faith all that much, I think I've seen him go to church maybe once in his life UNTIL he started dating her. He also, has had sex with another girl before he got with this girl so it's not like he hasn't already 'committed' a sin.
Which makes me think, to some degree, they are marrying each other to engage in intercourse.
As well as the obvious age concerns of their marriage, after knowing this girl for the last year, it doesn't shock me that she's this hardcore about Christianity as she has mocked me for my sexuality because of her religion. Making me not a fan of her. A bit of a side note, I am a lesbian. Nevertheless making her call me a fair share of slurs, and trying to force my friend to block me because "I'm a bad influence". And as well as being plain rude and.. a bitch to me over the time I've came out.
I don't know much about religion or if this is considered normal among some couples, but it didn't seem morally right to me, considering the age, the person he is marrying AND the questionable morals as to why they are doing this. So, I declined the invite to his wedding. Saying: "I don't really think this is a good idea, I'm not going to attend sorry."
They now, are VERY mad at me. The girl has called me a handful of things and said she's grateful I'm now out of his life because of my 'morals' and recently both have blocked me on all platforms of social media.
submitted by Top-Heat2942 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:58 Efficient-Item605 I hate my husband

Yeah, I think I hate my husband. He just can be biggest jerk ever. So, we are planning a trip to the beach for my birthday (we do have an agreement that for our birthday we can ask anything and we will use our money to get it, I said since the beginning what I want is a trip) we are taking advantage of some flights he is getting for free because he is going to the same place for work. So, we booked our Airbnb tonight and I wanted to go eat to this restaurant for my birthday but he told me 2 weeks ago he will have to work on my birthday until 2-2:30pm. I said ok, it’s fine. Then today when I wanted to make the reservation for the restaurant I was thinking out loud and said “I wonder if it’s smart to make the reservation at the restaurant since you compromised to work on my birthday, I’m worried we will not make it on time”… dude got up and got so so mad and starting saying shit and walked away. I stayed there thinking what the heck? Then I got up and I asked him to take the trash out. He ignored me, I called him and asked him again to take the trash out he started saying stuff “why? How is that going to make anything difference on taking it tonight and tomorrow…” I said it was smelling funny and I didn’t want that smell in the house. I was about to take it but he came mad and took the trash out. Then came back inside and started acting upset and I got upset bc I was “what’s the problem?” I brushed my teeth and did all my night routine, dude got in bed and “went to sleep” and I asked him… “what are you so mad about?” He didn’t respond and I said so “you’re just gonna act like that?” “What did I do for you to be mad?” The argument started, he said I told him he “compromised to work on My birthday” bc I was mad, I was trying to make him feel bad, and I was upset about it. I wasn’t upset about it. I was just thinking out loud about the restaurant reservations, so I said, how was I mad when I said that you compromised to work on my birthday? He said then why would you say it? My response was im just thinking out loud, and then he said no you were not. You were saying it because you were mad about it … and we just kept arguing because I really didn’t understand why he is so mad about… Take into consideration that English is not my first language, and I am not from here, so he looked up on Google what compromise means and then he told me that compromise means you doing something that you don’t want to do, even though the understanding for me in my native language means that you agreed to work on that day or do something bc you’re being responsible. He always thinks the worse of me so I wasn’t impressed…and I am here still not understanding what I did wrong. He said that nothing is never enough for me, he started “crying” and mocking me saying “oh poor girl she is going to the beach for her birthday, poor her poor her” and I got very offended at the fact he was mocking me because I never said that going to the beach was not enough and I was not mad about him working but he just kept being upset about it and I was trying to understand and I asked him to explain how me telling him that I was worried about the restaurant and if I should make a reservation was bad. Anyways, he is a jerk. He is always a jerk and he always makes fun of me. He always uses adjectives about me. He told me many many times that he is done and he wants a divorce and I honestly don’t feel heard in this relationship, I don’t feel loved. I don’t feel happy and I am very very miserable. I cry a lot because I hate his jerk comments and I hate the way that he is sometimes, he can be very cocky, have smart ass comments about me and about what I do, he also makes fun of me and my accent in front of people, he also uses me like his little guinea pig to make jokes of me with his friends or with new people, and then he says he loves my culture, and he loves me. I’ve been thinking about divorcing him, I’ve been contemplating the idea on moving out and just going to live by myself, but I feel lonely and I feel scared because I’m alone in this country. I am not worried about being alone and being responsible for myself because believe it or not me as an immigrant make more money that he makes, I have two jobs, I am a very hard-working person, I am a good wife, I keep the house clean, do the laundry, make sure he always has food and I don’t do this because I think it’s my obligation as a woman but because I really care about him, so the fact that he just treated me the way that he does it just breaks my heart because I think i still love him. I am also embarrassed and scared of calling my family and my mother…Tell them all the truth because I always told them that he is a good man and he loves me very well, but they don’t know that he is an asshole a lot of times, and it’s funny that I heard from his high school friends that they told me many times “why did you marry him?” “ What did you see in him” they even told him “what did you do to get someone so good like her, what did you do to get so lucky” His friends like me, I have a great relationship with most of his friends. I am just now thinking he’s always being a jerk. He’s never going to change that’s just the way that he is. Do you guys have any advice? Should I leave him? I know I am not perfect, but he hates the fact that I want to cuddle, he hates the fact that I want to be Sweet, he hates the fact that I want to be cheesy, he is not at all detailist, he never gives me flowers, presents, surprises, anything that is cheesy for him is always a no-no, we don’t do anything that Married couples do, anniversaries,surprises, etc… I don’t think he loves me, even though he sometimes says he loves me, but he loves me only when I agree with everything that he says or has to do or don’t get close to Him, don’t ask him anything, don’t expect Anything… How do I get a divorce? how do I make sure that, I get all my money and everything that is mine like my car and he doesn’t take it away from me? I don’t want to Spend all my savings in lawyers. I hate being with him and hate his personality, I love how creative and smart he can be sometimes but I hate him as a person.
submitted by Efficient-Item605 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:58 Greedy-University479 How to get my AD stfu about his life 40 years ago?

WARNING: Long post. This is my first ever rant in this sub, and I barely have any experience on making posts on Reddit. Not to mention I am still struggling with English essays. So, I apologize before hand for any confusion and errors I made. 🙇
Context: I am a female native Vietnamese, living in a family of four in the North of the country. I just became an official adult few months ago, and is training for college entrance exam.
Ever since I attended 10th grade, my relationship with family has shifted drastically, my bond with my AM is stronger than it used to while in contrast, I have become more resentful to AP. And my resentment is more relevant as I turned 18.
Before talking about our current situation, I want to tell you about my life.
When talking about who I prefer, it is always be AM. Not until now was she emotionally intelligent, well, a bit better than she used to. She tended to forbidding me doing lots of things because of overprotection. Maybe that is why I am often hesitant to try something new. I remember our past fights when she only knew about screaming, threatening, throwing and breaking my stuff like a toddler and I had to bare with it because you know, I was 10-13 in a fucking Asian society. After she quit her dead-end job, she opened her own business, goes outside and studies more, she becomes more enjoyable to be around with. But after all the bs, I have always have choosen her for love and security. And this is the first time I realized that.
Moving on to AD. Between kindergarten to 5th grade, AD and I were quite close. At least, that what I thought because I was slow and naive, really naive. Despite being "quite close", I still remember the times he yelled and hit me for slight inconvenience. I still have the memory of the scar left by his belt for not doing what he wants. Also, in 10th grade, during COVID, children had to study online. I was the only one who knew how to and had to open the Zoom for my sister. One time, our classes started at the same time, I was on the rush and forgot about the Zoom of my sister. AD did not know how to open Zoom, he was pissed. As a result, he threw my stuff at the wall and forced me to clean up his mess.
Growing up in this household, I just recently notices how much of a kid he is. He is stubborn, conservative and always full of himself. AD is not the type who listens to others but loves everyone following him, always claiming he is right no matter what. He has no dream, no desire to be better. His pride is higher than his care for the kids. And like many deadbeat father and husband out there, he is a good for nothing. AD will be a grumpy and sour when anything slightly inconvenients him. Even when that "anything" is extremely vital for the well-being of his daughters. AD does not contribute anything in the house, not even his marriage nor the kids' education, only bosses around and sees red when one thing doesn't go out his way. Not to mention, he demands respect and worship for having a job offered by his rich brother and feeding the family aka doing the bare minimum.
Back to the present, after my 17th birthday, AD becomes dismissive and degrading than before. Everytime I talk about my issues WITH MY MOM, he will interrupt and dismiss them. Moreover, he starts to talk more about how hard his past is. Nothing much, just the typical "back in my days..." of immature oldies. AD is a gen X born two years after the end of Vietnam War, I totally get that he had been through shit. But the way he talks, he sounds like he takes pride from it, glorifies his struggles with a smug attitude. AD does not say it directly how proud he is about it, but by listening the way he scoffs at young city dwellers' issues, I sense not only arrogance but also bitterness.
Now, seeing his face is enough to drain my energy, let alone hearing his bs. I am surprised, everyone else is surprised that AM has not divorced him, especially after being as equally educated as lots of divorced women out there.
That is all for now, I may edit this post for more context in the future. If there is any questions you would like to ask, I will answer in the edits or in the replies. Thank you for spending time reading my rant.
submitted by Greedy-University479 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:56 Odd-Interview7807 Confused on where my relationship will go since my gf keeps lying to me about her ex

Me, 21F ,and my girlfriend, (21F), have been talking since August. Everything was going great, until my intuitions started telling me that she may be hiding something that I should know… This was the beginning of April.
So I started doing a little digging while also trusting that whatever it was would eventually be exposed. One day I woke up and I couldn’t ignore my intuitions so I looked at her phone and saw that she had a missed call from her exes sister (I normally don’t look at her phone). I asked her about it later in the day and she swore that she wasn’t talking to her ex just because her exes sister called.
2 weeks go by, and she leaves her phone unlocked while she went to the bathroom. It was open on TikTok so I quickly clicked the TikTok inbox/dm… to find out that she had been sending TikTok’s to her on her birthday. We spent her whole birthday together and I really spoiled her that day. I didn’t say anything immediately. Bc I was so hurt and I wanted to see if she would be honest and tell me herself what was going on. She did not.
So 2 more weeks went by and I became confused because it seemed like shes been wanting to get closer than we already are. She introduced me to her family and has been making a point to love me in my love language and in hers as well. 2 days after she introduced me, I checked her phone again to see that she had missed calls from her ex. I confronted her about it, as she swears that her ex called to ask if me and her were together when they were (we were not). My gf made it obvious that she wanted to hear from her ex. She made it seem like they weren’t in contact at all when we got together in August. She said that she had her blocked. Now they follow each other on TikTok and I find it hard to believe that all they talked about was me… She’s making it seem like it’s less serious than what it is. Does anyone have any advice, thoughts, or second opinions from experience?
submitted by Odd-Interview7807 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:54 Y23K Decoding 'I Saw the TV Glow': A Dive into Youth, Reality, and Existential Dread

I just watched "I Saw the TV Glow," and it's one of the weirdest and trippiest movie I've seen in a while. It's what you'd get if you took Beau is Afraid and bathed it in LED lights and 90s kid nostalgia. The visuals and atmosphere are hypnotic but I want to focus on the puzzling themes and messages and my personal interpretation. Beware, there will be spoilers.
In the film, Owen and Maddy become obsessed with the fictional TV show "The Pink Opaque." The characters repeatedly indicate that The Pink Opaque feels more real to them than their everyday lives. When asked if he likes boys or girls, teenage Owen says he thinks he actually likes TV shows. The film is touching on the feeling that there is something more invigorating about the heightened reality in scripted dramas than the mundanity of our everyday lives. It is like people substituting p*rn for sex, or watching travel vlogs from the comfort of their beds.
Owen gradually becomes more pathetic and lifeless as the film progresses. After skipping eight years, the film transitions to Maddy revealing to Owen in a spellbinding monologue that The Pink Opaque is the true reality and everything else is an illusion. At this point, Owen is working a dead-end job in a movie theater, barely able to make eye contact with anyone, living in a bleak home with his father. The only source of vibrancy in his life comes from the suffused glow of his childhood TV show. Maddy is offering him a lifeline, with The Pink Opaque representing the opportunity to hold on to his childhood and the radiance of his childhood experiences. But Owen rejects the lifeline in favor of returning to his mature and dull adult life. As he abandons Maddy, the words "THERE IS STILL TIME" are etched out on the road, but Owen walks past them, abandoning his youth forever.
When Owen watches the show later, he finds it cheesy. The magic he found in life had vanished. As he becomes older, it becomes more difficult for him to breathe. The people around him smile and cheer, but at their core he sees them as lifeless and dead, which we see when Owen freaks out at the birthday party and nobody reacts. Owen aches to be in the TV show of youth, even if it means tearing apart his chest and choking to death in a hole in the ground, rather than continuing his mind-numbing adult routine of filling ball pits at an arcade center. But it's too late. The movie ends on a sad whimper, with the character in a final pathetic state of mumbling apologies to people who don't care and are barely even real. It's unsatisfying, but it suits the film's narrative themes.
After I watched the film, I learned that the director had the trans experience in mind when creating the film. This post is not to detract from that original interpretation, but to offer an alternative perspective that I had while watching the film.
submitted by Y23K to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:52 Odd-Interview7807 Heartbroken and Confused on where my relationship will go next

Me, 21F ,and my girlfriend, (21F), have been talking since August. Everything was going great, until my intuitions started telling me that she may be hiding something that I should know… This was the beginning of April.
So I started doing a little digging while also trusting that whatever it was would eventually be exposed. One day I woke up and I couldn’t ignore my intuitions so I looked at her phone and saw that she had a missed call from her exes sister (I normally don’t look at her phone). I asked her about it later in the day and she swore that she wasn’t talking to her ex just because her exes sister called.
2 weeks go by, and she leaves her phone unlocked while she went to the bathroom. It was open on TikTok so I quickly clicked the TikTok inbox/dm… to find out that she had been sending TikTok’s to her on her birthday. We spent her whole birthday together and I really spoiled her that day. I didn’t say anything immediately. Bc I was so hurt and I wanted to see if she would be honest and tell me herself what was going on. She did not.
So 2 more weeks went by and I became confused because it seemed like shes been wanting to get closer than we already are. She introduced me to her family and has been making a point to love me in my love language and in hers as well. 2 days after she introduced me, I checked her phone again to see that she had missed calls from her ex. I confronted her about it, as she swears that her ex called to ask if me and her were together when they were (we were not). My gf made it obvious that she wanted to hear from her ex. She made it seem like they weren’t in contact at all when we got together in August. She said that she had her blocked. Now they follow each other on TikTok and I find it hard to believe that all they talked about was me… She’s making it seem like it’s less serious than what it is. Does anyone have any advice, thoughts, or second opinions from experience?
submitted by Odd-Interview7807 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:49 Longjumping-Yam-6852 I can't read I'm going to a sleepover and I'm terrified

I'm 15f and for my 16 birthday my friend suggested we should have a sleepover and read together7 I agreed I'm so scared her family is really sexist and Christian which I am neither but I've been illiterate for like 14 years of my life and she doesn't know bonded over our love for books and I can't even read without Google so I guess I can pretend like I did when I was a kid in elementary school but what if she asks me how my book is what am I supposed to say? I supposed to lie? Or just get the most basic amount of information I don't know and I'm terrified and if I lie I'm going to feel like a horrible friend but I guess I already lied about being able to read BTW I've known her since 8th grade so we've been friends for 3 or 4 years I haven't seen her in person in 2 years and I have social anxiety I really don't know what to do she doesn't even know I was in special needs classes at school and I don't think she'll judge me or anything but I'm scared she's going to treat me like I'm stupid like everybody else has done my entire life and she's like my only friend right now so what am I supposed to do she is the only person who doesn't treat me like an idiot
Ps sorry for the lack of punctuation I haven't learned that part yet
submitted by Longjumping-Yam-6852 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:48 Odd-Interview7807 Heartbroken and confused on where my relationship goes next

Me, 21F ,and my girlfriend, (21F), have been talking since August. Everything was going great, until my intuitions started telling me that she may be hiding something that I should know… This was the beginning of April. So I started doing a little digging while also trusting that whatever it was would eventually be exposed. One day I woke up and I couldn’t ignore my intuitions so I looked at her phone and saw that she had a missed call from her exes sister (I normally don’t look at her phone). I asked her about it later in the day and she swore that she wasn’t talking to her ex just because her exes sister called. 2 weeks go by, and she leaves her phone unlocked while she went to the bathroom. It was open on TikTok so I quickly clicked the TikTok inbox/dm… to find out that she had been sending TikTok’s to her on her birthday. We spent her whole birthday together and I really spoiled her that day. I didn’t say anything immediately. Bc I was so hurt and I wanted to see if she would be honest and tell me herself what was going on. She did not. So 2 more weeks went by and I became confused because it seemed like shes been wanting to get closer than we already are. She introduced me to her family and has been making a point to love me in my love language and in hers as well. 2 days after she introduced me, I checked her phone again to see that she had missed calls from her ex. I confronted her about it, as she swears that her ex called to ask if me and her were together when they were (we were not). My gf made it obvious that she wanted to hear from her ex. She made it seem like they weren’t in contact at all when we got together in August. She said that she had her blocked. Now they follow each other on TikTok and I find it hard to believe that all they talked about was me… She’s making it seem like it’s less serious than what it is. Does anyone have any advice, thoughts, or second opinions from experience?
submitted by Odd-Interview7807 to declutter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:46 everything_is_stup1d this is my testimony

In kindergarten (sorry I'm from singapore so we follow British but if im not wrong its like 5-6 years old) I already accepted Christ into my life. But my mom is a "I hate Christians!!" kind of person so I didnt dare to tell her anything. I didn't really have a good relationship with my mom cos to her studies are everything and she made me (until now) think that I'm never good enough. And I was only in primary school thinking my mom doesn't like me. I'm worthless, I want to kms. I made plans to grab the knife from the kitchen, jump off and things like that. Eventually I resulted to scratching my own skin cos I feel most pain when it's right at the nerve uk.
My whole life was until the end of primary school (12) was only to do things to make my mom happy. I wouldn't mention a word about Christianity to her. And when my mom was out at night, me, my dad and my sisters would worship. The moment the door opens, I scramble into the room. This also make me walk far from God and I would curse, swear and stuff. One day in P6, the last year of primary school (12 years old) I thought "Hey, I'm Christian so why am I swearing? Isn't this a sin?" So I stopped cursing. Of course, my mom wouldn't want me going around cursing but I didn't really do it for her, but rather for God. But I still didn't want to tell her about it.
When I graduated from Primary school, in Secondary (Sec) school, I finally got to bring my phone to school (13 years old), but my mom still could track me. Anyways I got to listen to some worship songs my dad sent to me and because I didn't have a music player downloaded and wasn't allowed to download any apps, I would listen through the WhatsApp audio player thing😭😭 on the way home. Usually on Sundays whene my mom isn't home,my dad would bring me to church. Then of course my mom would find out and scold me and this continued until sec 2 (14).
In Sec 3 (15 years old), I had whole control of my phone so I would listen to worship music on the way home. One day in, my dad brought me to church. My mom saw my location and immediately got mad because she knew where my dad's church is and also because my older sister attends service too and my mom was not happy. Since then, I was afraid to go to church. My mom even cornered me one day and made me promise not to go to church or I can forget calling her my mom. I kept crying that night and never dared to go to church (mind that i dont even cry often).
But towards mid year(?) I just decided ok Imma go to church. She can get angry but it won't really stop me. Because I got to know God through worship songs and now I wanted to know him more.
I regularly started praying in the morning on the way to school. Eventually my prayers became a ritual and dry. I felt no emotion and no pull towards God. Only on days when I was really upset/angry then I would feel Him comforting me. One day I really wanted to be the captain in my CCA (it's like after school activities but still part of school programs) and I didn't get it. I was so upset I cried on the way home because I actually put in so much effort into it. Then I became vice captain so ig that counts.
Anyways I became really upset and got frustrated because I didn't prove myself enough. I had so low expectations of myself, got depressed again, but I couldn't vent it out because I couldn't hurt myself anymore after learning my body is a temple of God. So I got super frustrated. I prayed for guidance decided to free up my Saturdays I went to church. Youth services for Secondary school students were on Saturdays and not Sundays so yeah. Towards like October last year I cleared up my Saturdays so I could go more regularly to church, and my mom was defo not happy AT ALL that I went with my own initiative. She ignored me for several weeks and of course I felt lonely and all buy eventually I felt okay because she doesn't even know me sooooo.
I'm still trying to patch up my relationship with her. Honestly, it's so strained I don't know what to do. I've prayed that she would accept Christ everyday but uhh nothing. This doesn't mean I don't believe in God if not this would not exist
One day I was fellowshipping with my dad. Why we did that is because of a long story that would be saved for another day.
But this is the part where it's important
Previously I had dreams and I shared with my dad because he is more experience in deciphering gifts and stuff (I'm sorry if you don't believe in gifts but I do!) And he told me to pray about it because I somehow knew these dreams had meaning and relation to God. A number of dreams had direct inference to God. I did pray about it, and also asked God along these lines; "God, give me guidance. I have strayed and I know. Lord please let me understand, and let me also be close to You. I want to know You, and I know, I haven't read the word. Lord, motivate me to read the scripture, and while reading let me also understand the dreams I have been having my whole life."
I can't remember what I said exactly. The one 9f the church sermons on one week talked about how God is not far, but we are far. And I felt that that was for me. Then one day my dad said to me and my older sister "I don't care you have to download the Bible rn" so I downloaded it but did nothing with it. Finally, one day I was late for work (yes I worked when I was 15 because I actually want an electric guitar) and it was New Year's Eve. My colleague texted me saying she'd pick me up and I said and quote "Isokkk I walk over" (me) ... "Give me your block" (colleague) "Omd tyyy" (me)
Part of me didn't want her to fetch me because it would be troubling her. But I don't know why I waited and was thinking "bruh I could've reached by now but she's late" but I just waited. I was wearing full white that day. And this woman must've thought I was going to church because it was a Sunday morning.
And she asked "Hello, are you going to church?"
I said "oh no no, I have church at night because it's countdown service. (basically the youth services brought our church service from Saturday 4pm to Sunday 8pm because we wanted to countdown service together)"
She said," Oh! So you're Christian! Do you read the Word often?"
I blushed because so many signs and I haven't read a single word. "No," I was so embarrassed
She continued "I used to be a teacher, a lecturer in a University (if im not wrong) There is a website called 7 minutes with God. It was originally created for Harvard students because they were busy and didn't have time to spend time with God." Then I couldn't hear what she said because she was talking so fast. All I knew was she was summarizing the website and encouraged me to read it.
I read it like on January 2nd this year on the way to school ( I'm 16 this year!!! But not 16 yet because as I said, it's not my birthday yet or anytime soon)
I was so inspired that I kept on reading the Word and devoted mornings to not only prayers (that I allowed God to guide me and not just pray for the sake of praying) but also for reading the Word!
See, when I prayed to have motivation to read the Word more, God gave me the sign THREE TIMES which I did not pick up until the 3rd sign, the lady. The first time during the sermon I was like "Yes God, I will do it!" but did nothing. The second time when my dad asked me to download the app version of the Bible, I said "Yes God, this is the sign!" and did not do anything. I got discouraged because my dad thinks I'm funny and wouldn't take my words seriously omd 😭. But the third time, God literally sent a random woman I don't know and told me to read. And I read, praise God!
this is the part where it relates to the meme
Because when I went to the shower I kept laughing because I thought of this meme. I didn't read the word or get touched because it was a coincidence. So coincidence? I think not! It's a miracle ❤️❤️❤️
I finished Mark and the New Testament, I'm currently at John right now.
Just now, after a meeting with my cell group (a small group for easier prayers etc in church), I was listening to worship music, and my grumpy dad was like "GO AND SHOWER" liek chill brou. So I went to the toilet with my headphones on and sat on the floor and just continued listening to worship music. Then my dad sent in the family group chat (just me, my older sister and him, my mom got mad and left) an article about this man called Patrick Lee/Bezalel. He is a local artist faithful in Christ
But reading halfway I kept crying because I was so touched (again I do no lt cry, but I related so much I cried even though nothing had to do with me, but it was like my mother's story where she had a hard of stone towards God) and then my phone went flat 😐 So I risked it and ran out to get my charger but thank God (like actually) my dad didn't scream like he would. Then I sat at the toilet floor and continued reading. Tears kept flowing down my face because Patrick Bezalel's story was such a miracle, and God kept giving him signs that God existed! And removed the layer of stone that surrounded the man's heart and made it soft and open to God again!
After that I continued worshipping God and was listening to worship music (yes in the toilet because I literally have 0 privacy because none of my parents think I need it). I kept crying because the songs were so related. Can you imagine? It went in this order:
1.Presence,Power,Glory 2.Hosanna 3.Promises 4.Holy Forever
Again, coincidence? I THINK NOT. It was so planned, like it was in my playlist for so long and I haven't really thought much about it. Tears kept streaming down and kept going and through sobs I silently prayed to God
"Oh my dear God you have been so so good to me, and so faithful to me Lord. You have guided me, guided my heart and nothing has gone wrong in Your hands Lord. I've been through the turning point I've prayed for. You have sent people, songs and my family members to come after me to open up to You Lord. Lord, I was having a CG (cell group) meeting and something just touched my heart. I am now sitting on the toilet floor and typing this, because Lord you have made a way to touch my heart, guide me through a prayer that came deep down from inside of me Lord, thank You for providing. Thank You God for the miracles You have did in my life, and all that I prayed for has came through Lord. The turning point I prayed for was when that lady had spoken to me about how to set aside time for You and the Word. Lord let me not forget this incident, this turning point, this miracle Lord. Let me put my trust in You Lord, and let You take my hand and let my life be walking next to You faithfully Lord. Lord I pray that I would not waver, and I would not take my eyes away from You. Even when I am crossing and walking toward You on water in the sea, let my eyes be on You, and the works You have done for me, and not be distracted by the worls around me, but to keep my eyes on You diligently Lord. Lord, I am a sinner, and now, I was, for You have sent Jesus Christ, Your Son, to die on the cross for me. Lord, I believe in You and I want to accept You in my life Lord, no matter what situation I am in. Lord, let people around me see Your love, joy, and faithfulness in me, and not let them see the girl I was before. Let them see change, and the love and desire I have for You, Lord. Let them see Your greatness, Your goodness and You. I thank You for everything You have done, and in Jesus's name, I pray that I will walk faithfully alongside You, and will not fail to continuously pray and worship You God. Thank You Lord for the miracles, for this turning point. Thank You God for guiding me, and let me be the branch that bears fruit, and let me be the branch that has life only through Jesus, Who is the vine, Who the reason I live Lord, Who is the reason I have life. Praise the Lord! Amen!"
This is the first time I prayed for so long and every one word was truly from deep down fron the depths of my heart. I couldn't stop crying. I really couldn't and I can't emphasize more that I don't cry often! Either it hurt me so much or that God moved my heart. This time was tears of joy.
I hope this could inspire someone out there, because in another prayer I prayed for those who needed God, even if I didn't know them.
Pray. Pray and ask God to help you seek Him. One thing I learnt from a sermon is the fervency in your prayers. I didn't mean to add this in but I suddenly saw this note I wrote on 25th February.
Title: fervency in prayer Fervency: being excited about something keen on something
At the heart of revival is the spirit of prayer • pray fervently • pray with faith
"But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed"
To be fervent in prayer is to pray tenaciously despite our struggles
Hopefully this helped someone out there, inspired you and is one of your signs to start giving your life to Him! It is actually proven 1 in 3 people are Christians. Isn't our goal to have this faith to reach all four corners of the world? It could sound impossible in the past, but now there is social media, anyone could read and realize "Hey God is actually with me!"
submitted by everything_is_stup1d to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:46 InitialRemarkable455 What do you do for recreational activities?

I noticed that in gurugram wine and beer shops are decorated with lights as if they are highway dhabas/restaurants or hi-fi malls. Just real malls and thekas decorated as malls. That's the only thing that exists in gurgaon for fun. During my childhood we used to have games period only once or twice a week. Even during those periods all were busy preparing for jee. Indian kids are least interested in sports. I used to make bow and arrows out of broom sticks and try to imitate ramayan Mahabharat characters by holding the arrow in front of my forehead, murmur some gibberish and then letting go of the drawn arrow on some toy placed at a distance. My father snapped and broke my bow and arrows. He was like, "not sending you to such an expensive school just so that you could become a tribal hunter. Go study". One of my father's friends had once gifted me a mouser bb gun for fifth or sixth birthday. My father was furious and angry at him for gifting his son a gun. He was like guns are banned in USA. Guns as toys are for bad kids. I used to like watching martial arts based movies and imitate their actions alone. Father gaslit me by saying that I was trying to be a future criminal. As martial arts are only for goons, thugs, killer, police, army or ultra rich people who just want to show off medals as status symbol. He wanted me to focus only on studies.
Rich shitty kids in my school had Xbox, PlayStation and PC games. They discriminated against me because of obvious status difference. So I had no friends, no siblings or any good memories while growing up. Girls in my class only wanted to hang with those boys who used to play football or basketball for school team. I was good at goalkeeping because of my natural reflexes and height and was also good at taking penalty kicks because of brute strength. But I wasn't good at tackling or dribbling. I used to do a lot of fouls. That's not the reason for which I wasn't allowed to play by the way. The real reason was that they didn't want to get embarassed by me who was a "poor loser" according to them. They used to belittle me because of my looks, skin colour and lack of money. So getting humbled by me on playground obviously used to hurt their ego. Because of that they didn't use to let me play.
Every one in my office just smokes tobacco or drinks alcohol. That is the definition of having a good time or celebration according to them. I noticed that Indians just drink(alcohol), spit(paan gutka), smoke (tobacco) and do drugs. Like isn't there anything else for recreational activities? In urban areas there's malls and I think one can go for hiking or trekking too. But even there Indian gen z and millennials just want to do gaanja and charas at Manali or any other hill station. Why are Indians so much into drugs?
Most of the MMA coaching centres are frauds as per the reviews on Google pages. They charge a leg or an arm but whatever they teach isn't that good as per the reviews.
I want to go to uttrakhand for river rafting, bunjee jumping, sky diving or para gliding. But don't feel brave enough because of the fact that it's India after all. What if the parachute doesn't open, what if the chord breaks, what if the bunjee cable breaks, what if I drown....and also the charges as per Indian economy is too high. As per Indian economy the charges should not be as high as they are. Maybe within a year or two I will finally got for it.
submitted by InitialRemarkable455 to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:43 Best_Entrepreneur885 I’ve filled so much of my boyfriends cup I’ve left my own empty

I’ve been in a relationship for over two years with my current boyfriend and I’m happy but there’s always this part in the back of my heart that feels like this relationship isn’t mentally or physically satisfying me. for the past two years I’ve poured my everything into this relationship. I’ve always gone above and beyond for my boyfriend, whether it came to birthdays, anniversaries, him graduating school, and even small achievements. If we go on a date, I’m the one planning everything in the one making the plans. I take care of absolutely everything and I never feel appreciated or thought of.
On my birthday last year, he had absolutely nothing planned. he gave me a gift which was a kind gesture, but he didn’t have anything planned for the day. no reservations no movie tickets booked, nothing. When I asked him where we were going he just said “oh idk how to plan for these kinds of things you figure it out” because he never reserved anything and it was so last minute we ended up having to go to a chain restaurant that closed in an hour. for my birthday this year, he bought me perfume. which he didn’t even pick out himself. he just decided to meet me at the mall and have me pick it out and left after buying me it. he had a migraine and couldn’t take me out to celebrate but promised he would take me out another time. we never did end up going out and I didn’t end up celebrating with him.
now, for the last two years I’ve gone above and beyond for his birthday. I would reserve places months in advance and plan the entire day for him so he could feel appreciated. last year for his birthday, I bought him a bunch of stuff he uses or has been wanting, we went out for dinner and spent the night together and I even surprised him with a cake. the year before that I took him out for dinner and had a hotel decorated for him. but I in return have never received any gesture like this. I’ve communicated with him about how I always feel like he never plans or does anything nice for me and he says he just doesn’t know these things like I do. I’ve stopped asking for so much from him because I’ve just become so emotionally exhausted that I’d rather keep my mouth closed than have to deal with his excuses. I just want to feel appreciated, I want to feel like I’m being thought of, and I wanna feel like I’m deserving of the love I give out. I don’t know what to do or how to approach the relationship at this point. I love him but it’s so hard maintaining a relationship that feels like you’re giving out 90% and they’re only giving 10%.
submitted by Best_Entrepreneur885 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:41 Silent_Radio5410 I cut ties with my ex best friend.

A few years ago during that time when I was in high school, me and my ex friend went to different schools, I wanted to go to the same school as her but I couldn't since it was too far.
I told her that I couldn't go to the same school but she told me she was glad I didn't go to the same place as her because if I did, me and her wouldn't be friends at all.
You know the reason why she said that? She said if I went there, other people would take me away from her and that she would hate me which I found that stupid. Fast forward a few years later I had a boyfriend during college (he's now an ex) When I went out to town with my family, she called to me crying (while I was in a resturant) because apparently I've been ghosting her and ignoring her saying I've been too busy to even talk.
During this time I was struggling with my mental health, my relationship and college, She would start arguments with me saying I don't have time for her, not texting back saying I'm drifting away from her. Not to mention she wrote a poem about me(I have the poem on my phone) , I didn't know what to say and she asked you're not mad I wrote a poem about you? You won't sue me right?
And I was like it's fine but in my head it wasn't fine. She would make it about herself, I listened to her constantly complaining and she would trauma dump the past. She brought up the fact I didn't turn up to choir practice while I was getting bullied.
She blamed me for that not the girl who bullied me, not to mention she and the bully were friends on Facebook, the girl who bullied me would talk trash about me to her and she would tell me the horrible things the bully said about me, I was so hurt and betrayed yet I still kept her as a friend.
2 years go by and this was before Covid hit, the day she arrived I took her to my dance practice so she could watch before my day. She complained saying that she's tired, didn't take her meds, telling me she wasted her money to come visit me. I was embarrassed when she was having a tantrum infront of everyone that I had to take her somewhere else.
It felt like a burning iron everytime she complained I was flustered and I felt tired just by listening to her. On the evening the day before my birthday party, there was no food at the house since my mother was busy preparing for my debut. She hasnt eaten food or taken her meds but blamed me again, so we both had to walk to mcdonalds in the evening around 8pm just for her to eat.
The day of my birthday party, everything was going well, I introduced her to my college friends and others but after the party we went back to our rooms getting ready for bed, she asked me why didn't you introduce me to those boys? Why didn't you spend time with me? I didn't know what to say anymore because I was tired genuinely that we didn't talk until morning.
Then after a few days I haven't heard from her, She was talking to one of my guy friends but the thing is she would only talk to me if she had problems with him and would come crying in call and texting me about it. I have been reassuring her every time she had problems with my guy friend and it was tiring, he even mentioned to me she was controlling and bossy and he was right .
I never complained about anything between me and her but she wanted to make problems that I didn't talk to her or wasn't talking to her enough, I gave her space and I gave myself space but she still complained why I didn't message her but I did several times but in other days I wouldn't talk to her because I was scared.
I never talked about my mental problems and my trauma with my SA past to her because she'll make me feel worse and trauma dump and mention the past about me leaving her repeatedly when I was bullied by the same girl she was friends with.
I wanted to cut ties with her but I was afraid that she will get mad at me because she had issues with her behaviour for always getting angry and shouting at me when we get into an argument in call and would blame me.
But I was genuinely afraid at the same time losing my only friend because I had no one else to talk to. After a month or two I was messaging her and she brought up the vaccine topic, during that time she was a student nurse and I didn't really want to talk about it but she insisted telling me I should take the vaccine. If I didn't take it apparently I would affect her "family, friends and patients" but what about me? What am I to her? Me and her live in different cities 1 hr away from each other, so how can I affect them if I live so far away? That doesn't make sense.
She told me If I didn't take it she told me people would think I'm a dirty pest and a scumbag.
I was so done, honestly so done after she posted our private conversation on her private story but apparently she deleted it afterwards just for me to see? Not sure if I believe that. I blocked her on every social media and after that I felt better, the heavy burden I held for so long was gone. I was happier without her.
I never even got birthday gifts from her even when I gave hers every year so I stopped gifting her. I wasted 9 years of friendship and stopped trusting people after that.
submitted by Silent_Radio5410 to ExBestFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:33 Bitter_Ad_4878 Reflections on why it didn’t work from an ex stepmom with an ‘ours’ baby.

My baby’s first birthday just passed and I’ve been reflecting a lot on why this arrangement and relationship didn’t work for me. As per my past posts, I recently left my relationship with our child and there are lots of reasons why. We came together as a ‘family’ to celebrate ours baby’s birthday as it was the mature thing to do / that’s what he wanted so I happily obliged. As an ex-‘stepmom’, we have lots of feelings that are often ignored, we are silenced as we’re not the ‘real parent’ however are expected to act and love and care like real mother’s do. Most of the emotional and domestic labour falls on us, particularly because we’re female and these partners can’t be assed half the time with doing this stuff. I’m not quite sure it’s the same for stepdads but I’d love to hear more about your experiences. Here’s what I reflected on… it’s a long one sorry! - I hated how the SKs were raised. They don’t have to answer people when they’re spoken to (waiters, doctors, relatives etc) which I find embarrassingly rude. They look unkempt and messy, this is especially mortifying in public. I’m not talking about grubby little babies, that’s to be expected, but 7 - 14 years old should be well groomed; not roll out of bed and go out for the day in their grotty tracksuits. They’re iPad kids and are allowed to be on them 24/7 which I don’t agree with. They don’t even leave the house on the weekends to go out and do activities at either house unless it was me taking them (and paying for it too!) this is not how I would raise my child. It’s 100% their parents’ fault. - it fell on me, as a first time mom, to foster relationships between the half siblings. Their dad would hang back whilst he would expect me to ensure they are present for bath time or other important things concerning my baby. To be breastfeeding, pumping around the clock on zero sleep and then having to sit there and try to force an iPad kid to care was exhausting and quite frankly not my job, especially whilst their dad is sitting there on his phone. - the financial aspect. It was expected of me to pay half for children which aren’t mine. This included the house he rented which included two extra bedrooms that I didn’t need, the groceries which would fill their lunchboxes, the ingredients for dinner(s) that would all be gobbled up in one fell swoop plus leisure activities and outings. I would never expect a new partner to pay half for my child, ever. - the constant comparisons between half siblings by their dad and his family. No one wants to hear about how similar the children look (especially when they don’t) when the other kids were to somebody else. No new mom wants to hear about the baby mama’s birth, how she handled pregnancy or first time motherhood, whether she handled it ‘like a champ’. It’s extremely hurtful as everyone is different ! - joining a family doesn’t mean that your own experiences or traditions get cancelled out. I hate when my ex would say “well you joined our family!”. Nope, you also got together with me and I have cultural traditions which are important to me too and important that my child celebrates them as well (like making a big deal about birthdays! I love to celebrate them; they are indifferent). - made to feel like none of my first time mom experiences mattered. There was never any excitement from him towards our baby’s achievements. As a first time mom, everything my baby achieves is unbelievable (like clapping, laughing etc) To him, his children always either did it faster, better, in a funnier way. I didn’t need to hear about those experiences, they weren’t relevant to my experience. I also wasn’t allowed to recoup from my c-section as they came home and partner couldn’t help me as he had to ‘tend to them’. - never feeling at home in the home. Of course his children should feel comfortable at home with their dad, I don’t dispute that, but sadly I didn’t feel like I could be myself there. I couldn’t breastfeed my child in front of the TV or have my own quiet time to just read or decompress. I either had to listen to YouTube on maximum volume or be forced to be smushed into the corner of the couch so they could spread out on their games. I found myself escaping all the time and felt so much happier when they weren’t around. - the relationship not being worth it to endure bad behaviour, tantrums etc. Sadly without the biological bond, it’s much harder to accept bad behaviour from children that aren’t yours, especially ones you can’t discipline. I just found that our relationship wasn’t worth all the bad times. The bad outweighed the good. - no effort being put into our relationship. He couldn’t be bothered doing anything socially, hardly was affectionate etc. He claims he’s depressed but he has no problem travelling solo. He’s just depressed that he doesn’t have a live in nanny / maid that does everything for him regarding the kids.
That’s all I can think of for now. There’s probably so many more but my brain hurts from overwhelm lol Would love to hear if any of these reasons resonated with you & if you’ve stuck it out this far, thank you for reading!
submitted by Bitter_Ad_4878 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:31 GotBoredd I’m a strong feminist, but you see a slutty potential in me…all it takes is a little hypnosis from my stepdad. (Talia Mar)

I’m a strong feminist, but you see a slutty potential in me…all it takes is a little hypnosis from my stepdad. (Talia Mar)
“ This is a nice boat, I can understand why you wanted to celebrate your birthday on here. Hope my mum gets here soon “ I say to you.
The only people on this boat is us and 3 of your pervy friends…
submitted by GotBoredd to Celebrity_Fantasies2 [link] [comments]