Fun games that are not blocked at school

Not Like Other Girls

2014.11.20 17:32 heckicopter Not Like Other Girls

A sub to poke fun at girls who are not like other girls

2009.10.29 18:32 ucslug Law School Subreddit

For current and former Law School Redditors. Ask questions, seek advice, post outlines, etc. This is NOT a forum for legal advice.

2018.02.06 18:09 among_shadows Fake or Scripted Asian Gifs

For appreciating those Asian gifs that are obviously fake.

2024.05.19 06:11 ShobieDobieDoo My Ex ended Things But now He stalks my tiktoks O.O

This actually happened Just wrote it as a story to avoid it being found out. Anyone know why he changed his mind? Or am I just overthinking it. Also Names are changed to avoid Revealing any information.
Evelyn's fingers hovered over her keyboard, a lingering hesitation before she pressed the "upload" button on her latest TikTok video. She had been immersed in the world of gaming content for months now, finding solace and joy in sharing her adventures with a growing online community. Yet, there was always that familiar twinge of curiosity and confusion every time she checked her viewership stats.
A year ago, her life had taken an unexpected turn. Evelyn met Jason in an online game, their camaraderie quickly evolving into a deep connection. Despite the three-year age gap, they had decided to meet in person, their chemistry undeniable. The whirlwind romance that followed was filled with late-night gaming sessions, shared dreams, and plans for a future together. They even talked about marriage, believing their love could overcome any obstacle.
However, reality hit hard when Jason’s parents vehemently opposed their relationship, citing the age difference as an insurmountable barrier. The pressure became too much, and Jason ended things. They had agreed not to block each other, a mutual decision that Evelyn initially found puzzling. When he had mentioned the idea of blocking, she had been ready to accept it, but he never followed through.
Months passed, and Evelyn buried herself in her gaming and TikTok content. But one thing nagged at her: Jason seemed to be watching every single video sometimes Liking or favoriting one she posted. She could see his name popping up in the viewership stats, a silent spectator to her digital life. It was odd, considering their breakup had seemed so final.
Evelyn often wondered why he hadn’t blocked her and why he watched her videos. Was it just a coincidence, some algorithmic fluke showing her content to his friends who then shared it with him? Or was there something more?
submitted by ShobieDobieDoo to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:09 Dependent_Ad9014 An idea I thought of for a silent hill game were are 4 characters you can play as each with there own troubled past

I was driving in my car when I thought of the silent hill games and after 4 they went really down hill (pun intended) mostly picking ideals that could have worked but fail short due to execution and how they handle characters but enough of that you came the idea well I want to make a silent hill game were there are 4 characters you play as each with a unique style of play and character the first being Xìngcún zhě a Chinese grandma from world War 2 that was a survivor of the Japanese invasion lookingfor her grandson, an ex mexican carlet man name Joel that is looking for his daughter, a widowed wife named sana that came to buried her husband ashes in his home town of silent hill that turns out her husband was suffering from depression, Jericho a paranormal explorer that has seeked out silent hill foe the mystery and the last request of his best friend memory
Each character will start in different locations of silent hill to there own perspective troubles and each character will different monsters they deal with that is the manifestation of them pain and trauma but each will have a different way of dealing with enemy's Xìngcún zhě for examples for instance is really to old for combat bur she is clever she knows how to useful tricks and traps to take care of enemy and more stealth based, Joel is more obvious knifes and guns and aggressive style of fighting, Sana is also different she is also fighter however the ashes of her late husband can manifest into humanoid creature protecting her from monsters and helping her with situations that require alot of strength, Jericho has a way of combating the obstacles by using the equipment he brought to silent hill his EMF or sprit box can be use to frequency that can repel and anger enemies and a book of spells which he'll find in the beginning in the building to fight and navigate through the section of silent hill
Each character gets about 8 levels that can cross and interact with the other characters in the game and there going to be a choices in game on how to deal with some bosses and decisions that would eventually determine weather you get a good ending or not
I'm still working on the idea in my head for fun but that's all I got for now at least
submitted by Dependent_Ad9014 to gameideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:07 No-Preference6624 Narcissism or Weaponized Incompetence?

As a writer, I have a conflicted relationship with commissions, but you’re here for the tea. Sorry if this is jumbled, but the client is an amalgamation of every bad commissioner that you have ever read about or that you may have worked for.
First, they ordered a writing commission, but during the first 5000 words they were surprised there was “too much” writing and reading. I told them from the start the first draft would be better off as a script so I could easily adapt into a novel, a D&D homebrew or whatever they desired. They originally had 60 PAGES of characters, but I have cut it down to 31 pages (so far). I gave them three simple ‘homework’ tasks to gather all the information I needed for the three parts of this commission. A plot summary (in bullet points) which took them four months because they insisted on writing it like a novel. The list of characters took six months (they are going back to remake EVERY character reference because it took them so long that the early references are out of date) and they fought me with every character we cut and they still haven’t sent me examples of how they want the D&D homebrew to be formatted. They say they have no idea what to look for as they knew nothing about D&D, but they blew me off for two years playing a D&D game with other friends using a D&D Beyond account ( I do not support Wizards of the Coast). For context, the bullet points took me 2 pages and 2 voice calls with the commissioner to summarize and the list of character names took 3 days and 3 voice calls to compile on Google Doc and move to Trello. What about my plan to script? He INSISTED that I, an expert in my field, should write the novel while he worked with a ‘friend’ of his on the D&D homebrew. Why would he need a script? He didn’t WANT a script.
Only a few weeks later, he ran back to me after being blown off by said ‘friend’, with the genius idea of having me write a script, novel and homebrew. His card is always empty whenever he pays for the next part of the commission because he spends it on $400 sketches and junk food. He refuses to listen when I say he doesn’t need 300+ characters. One of the stories he is plagiarizing is mine. My novel only has 27 characters (including a canine). We will be celebrating the 16 month anniversary of the commission by the time this is posted. He has nine days to finish the characters before I cancel. I’d rather live in my car again. Two hours ago he LITERALLY just made a FULL bio (in the description) with five full body outfits for a character that was deleted. He spent a month adding a shine texture to an npc's tiddies.
After making me wait for 16 months, he has the AUDACITY to get angry at me when I was offline for an emergency and I could only make one of our two commission vcs. Now he’s using the deaths of friend(s) caused by recent global tensions to ADD more characters. Why do you NEED to keep your brother’s ocs? To kill them? Delete them! This psycho has a history of making fictional versions of people who he perceives as having wronged him to kill and/or torture them graphically. Do you really need an entire MONTH? You won’t recycle two characters (that don’t belong to your brother) to fit VITAL roles but you proceed to make two random characters FROM SCRATCH that have nothing to do with those roles. Or last month I asked him for a list of 8 damage modifiers (8 digits) he replied in 12 minutes. This task previously took him an ENTIRE month because he was ‘busy’ with maps (in reality he was blowing up on a ‘friend’ who turned down his art commission on Discord and watching videos). This client is too lazy to browse with Google but he deliberately makes changes in complex organization software to disobey me. I am going to die before this torture ends! Would I be the a–hole if I put a stop to this nightmare?
It’s happening! Finished or not, the commission ends on my birthday (May 24). I am sick or getting “Okay.” every time I ask him a question about his commission.
Just when I thought I was in the clear, he drops a D&D manual of dice rolling, resting and training mechanics, skill trees and a point buy system he has NEVER mentioned predating these 16 months; all the way back to when we met (2012). He does this the week that I am “finishing” the commission. Did I mention that he has “accidently” erased the maps through his own bad habits. ARGGHH! He’s got until Monday. I don’t care if he pays me one last time. I can’t live like this.
FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM! After 16 months and two weeks.
Since I had writer’s block and another traditional art friend was suffering from art block we decided to remake some of each other's characters in our styles. The subject of this post got excited to join us. What kind of a--holes would we be if we gate kept something this trivial? I remade nine of the subject of this post's characters in my style (in two days). We both use the same program for the same amount of years, but we have developed wildly different styles. Will I ever learn? He spent the whole stream telling me their sweaters were wrong, he disliked the ribbon in one of the girl’s hair because it was too big, asking why do all of the girls have the same stockings (while wearing school uniforms) and why they do not have the exact same skin tones (despite me using the eyedroppecolour picker to show him the neon colours (one background character has eight colours in their hair) he chose in his style does not work with my duller, minimalist palette. Did you ask for me to copy your style or use my own style? After they were done, he listed all of his (multiple) issues with them like nine college essays. I can take criticism, but I had to force one compliment (one word per character) out of him. His criticisms regarded me adapting elements from the references that HE sent me. 90% was negative and 10% positive. Naturally the subject of this post still has not even thought about which character of mine he'd like to remake, but even professionals cannot unravel the web of things this person has done to avoid me even in situations when I am the center of the conversation/activity. I was unsure where to post this since this rant is a bit of most subreddits that I enjoy. Thank you for reading! I have mountains of experiences to share from freelancing and I will have many more in the future.
submitted by No-Preference6624 to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:06 Accurate_Bicycle8725 As a rising college freshman, summer internship or study abroad

National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) Scholarship: Fully funded by the U.S Department of State, NSLI-Y provides intensive 8-week language & cultural immersion programs in locations around the world. The program is part of a U.S. government initiative to foster international cooperation by ensuring that Americans have the linguistic skills and cultural knowledge necessary to effectively communicate. NSLI-Y provides overseas critical language study opportunities to American youth through merit-based scholarships to spark a lifetime interest in critical foreign languages and cultures.
The program schedule consists of 4 hrs of language study at a local school, cultural excursions after school, free time, time w/ host family, homework.
Pros • Free travel to Indonesia, low income so might be only chance • Learn Indonesian language • Love traveling/ study abroad (my dream) • I’ve been focused on school, I want a break before college • Meet new friends • Could help me get other study abroad • Intangible benefits: personal growth, language, etc. • Short term fun • Can leave home earlier
Cons • College starts the day after I get back (3 hrs away) • Orientation dates are when im gone so I wont be able to go in person • Will probably attend a virtual orientation but its when im already gone • Only chance to participate
Government Internship for rising college freshman: Engineering internship at an Air Force Base w/ a college prep element. 1st & 2nd years do college/ life prep & engineering. 3rd & 4th years are placed on a team.
Pros • If I stay in the program, they will most likely offer a job (main purpose of program) • Guaranteed internship throughout college if I keep a 3.0 GPA • I’ll make around 6,000 (Salaried 30k+) • Salary increases every summer • College prep themes every week: guest speakers in industry, mentors, life lessons, “college hacks”, etc. • Project-based learning assignments: Learn coding in python (currently a beginner), build & program hardware, etc. • Can use all base amenities • Head start to learn Computer Engr & mentorship as first gen low income • Tangible benefits: money, engineering skills, career advancement, etc. • Long term advancements
Cons • Would be giving up other summer opportunities • If I decide I don’t want to do it anymore, I’ll regret not doing NSLI-Y Indonesian summer • Won’t be able to apply until sophomore year & the college prep isn’t included • If I get the post college job, I’ll have to move back near my hometown
I’m really conflicted on what to chose because I really love to travel, and I feel like going on the study abroad will be really beneficial to me. Though a lot of people have told me it would be stupid to pass up this internship because there are so many other study abroad opportunities. But I feel like there are other internships and I’ll be working the rest of my life so I should just enjoy the summer. At first I was gonna chose study abroad then I started to reconsider bc I fear that I won’t be good enough in engineering to get another internship in college.
So would I be “stupid” to pass up this internship for the study abroad?
submitted by Accurate_Bicycle8725 to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:04 ContractNo2635 I feel like a failure

So for background I work as a daycare teacher and have a 18 month old in my class. He is the happiest funniest little boy you’ll ever meet. He had a wonderful family and large extended family who lives nearby and is very involved and babysits for him when mom and dad travel or go to work events and things. When they are not available he has a consistent nanny he’s had since an infant before he did daycare. Grandparents and nanny were not available to watch him this weekend so they asked me to. I of course said yes and was so excited to have that 1:1 time with him.
I thought it would be okay since he knows me. Long story short he was sad and crying on and off the entire 3 hrs before bed that I watched him. No matter what I tried he wasn’t interested for more than a min or two before getting sad again. I tried music, sensory play, things he normally loved ect.
Dinner time rolled around and he wouldn’t eat more than a bite. Even with me sitting with him and trying to make it fun by incorporating his fav stuffed animal “eating” and me eating with him as well.
I don’t babysit often especially for families I work will unless they need it but this has happened a few times with different kids and Im really struggling with it now and trying not to feel like I’m somehow the issue bcuz I can’t make them happy like how they are at school with me. Any advice?
submitted by ContractNo2635 to Babysitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:03 ToGtheOtakuguy YOUR TOP 10 UNDERRATED ANIME SERIES IN 2000s (2000 - 2009)

Note: The era 2000s (2000 - 2009), where a lot of great anime series went unnoticed, due to less appeal outside of Japan on non - big shows. It was an era where big titles were ruling all over place, big shonen mangas were had anime adaptation that are popular to this day like "One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Detective Conan", some very popular anime originals like "Code Geass, Gurren Lagann" to critically acclaimed "Monster" and most other animes are went unnoticed. It was also an era where watching anime considered weird, whereas now "all cool kids watching anime" era, and more sites to watch anime compare to back then.
My top 10 underrated anime series in 2000s (not in ranking order) are:
A. Baccano (it's from the same author who did Durarara, but for me this one even better which was the first light novel I read because at this point everybody should give up on season 2 for this anime)
B. Welcome to the N.H.K (emotional package the series: the story deal with depression, anxiety, isolation, existential dread, the hardships of life, but S tier show nonetheless)
C. Eden of the East (an anime original from the writer of Ghost in the shell stand alone complex, s tier show deals with terrorism and kind of game to save Japan, absolutely entertaining series)
D. Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo (it is based on the novel from the renowned writer Alexandre Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo" novel, great and unique animation that is so underrated)
E. Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit (a great and very underrated series that had the fantasy elements that set in the historical period)
F. Den-noh Coil (the most underrated Sci-fi anime of all time without a doubt, that deals with real world, Internet world, software tools and so on, very interesting and entertaining show)
G. Ergo Proxy (if you are fan of cyberpunk genre that loved Ghost in the Shell, finished "Cyberpunk: Edgerunners" and want more, this series is absolutely recommend, definitely worth your time)
H. Nana (one of the best, if not the best musical anime in shojo/josei genre that heavily deals with drama and friendship, fun fact nowadays it's easy to see a series outsell "One Piece" in yearly sells, but back then when it was impossible to touch "One Piece" there are only 3 series achieve that feat: Vagabond, Death Note and Nana)
I. Beck (this is the best musical series in Shonen genre, very great and underrated series that deals with a band, awesome series definitely need more love)
J. Bokurano (perhaps one of the most, if not the most underrated mecha series ever, do not ignore this just because "mecha" a lot of people nowadays tend to do this, absolutely amazing series)
Honourable Mention:
FLCL a.k.a Fooly Cooly (the embodiment of "greatly weird and weirdly great" a surreal Sci-fi series that is just 6 episode long)
Looking up at the half-moon (another 6 episodes long, romance drama, beautiful, cute, and totally amazing series)
Ghost Hunt (a series about paranormal activities, not much of a groundbreaking series, for me I main liked because of the group of people on the paranormal activity dynamic is so good to watch)
There's a lot to recommend on the underrated anime from 2000s for now let's stick with the top 10 and 3 honourable mention the most.
What are your top 10 underrated anime series from the 2000s era (2000 - 2009)? You may give top 5 or even top 3 if you want.
submitted by ToGtheOtakuguy to anime [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:02 Severe_Cellist5877 I don’t think I can do it anymore

Not sure if I am cut out to be a med spouse.
We have been together dating now for almost 3 years. Me (30F) and him (27M). When we started dating he has always told me one of his goals was to get into med school. We didn’t know for sure if it was going to happen and this was his second time applying as the first round he tried, he didn’t get accepted into any schools. About a year and a half into dating, he got accepted into a med school within our state but 3 and a half hours away from home. We were living together when he got accepted and we talked about if I was moving with him or do LDR. I also have a now 9 yr old son so making the decision to uproot his life also was very hard for me. I also had my mom back at home to help me with my son and if I moved I would have no support system with my son. I did sit down and talked to my son to be sure he would understand to most of his ability if he would be okay with the possibility of moving and all the changes that came with it and to my surprise was very excited to maybe move to a new city. I also had my job, where I had work at for almost 7 years and leaving my job was also extremely hard for me as I was very happy at my job. I developed a lot of relationships with my customers that I had bonded and built trust with within those years in my field. I was very leaning towards trying to do LDR his first year of school and then move once he was more established at school. As the date got closer to making a final decision, I want to say he basically gave me a ultimatum of if we did long distance he didn’t think out relationship would work. He has never been in a long distance relationship before and neither had I but I was willing to put in the work and I reassured him that we could make it work but in his mind he didn’t think it would work because “he would constantly be worried about me”. I asked for a promise ring as I was uprooting my whole life and I just needed a reassurance for him to make this big move and he said no bc I just needed to trust his words. I was scared to put an end to our relationship so I decided to move with my son to support his dreams. I was very well aware that a lot of the responsibilities of supporting him would lean on me but prior moving he told me we would split rent 50/50 as he would be living off of his loans. He would help me when he could with house chores and with my son as needed.
I thrive off living life with a routine and communication of how our weeks will go. As soon as school started for him as much as I asked for his weekly class schedule there was always some excuse as to why “he forgot to send it to me”. I needed his schedule to plan accordingly as I was about to start a new job and needed to figure out how I was gonna make it work with my son’s school schedule also. We’ve had a lot issues right off the bat starting med school. He likes to go out and so every chance he to “celebrate” after an exam he would be out with classmates. I would stay home bc obviously I have my son and I also work the next day. I don’t mind him going out at all but its more about how he still barely made time to do anything with me like go out for a dinner date after an exam or just do something fun together. His immediate thought was to go out drinking with friends. Making me feel that he was putting these “new friends” before me.
But long story short because I think my rant is long enough. My bf is finishing his 1st year of med school. He has failed exams and had to retest a couple times and I have seen him fall into depressive episodes and just shut down. I try to be supportive and let him go thru it until he is ready to talk but I can’t say its has been easy for me when he is moody, grumpy and mean towards me a long the way. He gets mean with my son too when my son is being “too loud” for him. I clean I cook I do laundry basically do 90% of everything around the house. He will every couple of weeks maybe do something around the house. I guess most of the times I don’t feel appreciated. I cook after a 10hrs day of work and I don’t get a thank you and on the rare occasion “wow that was a good meal” and I only know he enjoys my food if he ask for seconds. I buy groceries and I would have to basically beg him to come out and help me bring them in to the point where I don’t ask anymore and he just bought me a wagon I guess so I don’t struggle too much carrying all the bags in. Ive expressed several times that I also work 10-11 hrs/day at work that I need a little help too and I don’t feel like I ask for a lot. He doesn’t know how to cook so I never ask him to cook. I clean the house every week. All I ask for is maybe dishes to get wash and just heavy lifting things that maybe I don’t have the strength for and trash to be taken out. I really try my best to make life easier for him while he is doing school but I also remind I am not his mom as he is also a mamas boy and his mom did everything for him even as an adult . He is very coddled by his parents.
I get home sick all the time. When we first moved, I went back home to visit once a month the first semester. Sometimes we were able to go all together but sometimes his schedule wouldn’t work with mine and I would have to go by myself and that was fine but I noticed when I would go by myself he would always find a reason to fight and make that time period that I was back at home miserable. For example my last visit back home was Spring break and I went on a girls trip to another state and back home to visit. At first he was fine when I left but when I was on vacation, he was being short with his texts and just by the way he was texting I knew something was wrong or he was mad. I asked him on my trip if he was mad I got to travel and he took it super personal and just stopped texting me. When I got back from my trip I was in my home town and he finally told me he was upset that I was on a trip on the same week his spring break was. Prior to all of this he knew my girls trips was planned months in advance. I had told him prior to me leaving he could drive back home and we could spend a few days together after my trip together and he refused and I think he was just trying to be difficult bc I didnt invite him on my trip, but WHY would I do that when it was specifically a trip for girls. So he told me I was extremely inconsiderate for going on that trip. So theres that..
We almost broke up after that but we tried to fix things. Fast forward to now I started having a gut feeling as something was off bc he barely wants intimacy anymore and I get it. We are both tired from our day to day. I never want anything anymore bc everything feels rushed and just to make him feel good and then he has to be done quick bc he has to go back to studying. One day recently I went thru his phone and found out he has been texting a girl through a fake number app. They don’t talk consistently but the intentions are there. Doesn’t seem like anything physical has happened but he definitely is trying constantly to meet up with her some day, he just hasn’t bc he has no time bc of school. I haven’t said anything out of consideration that he was going thru finals for end of year. I will admit I have been a little checked out mentally but this was just the icing on the cake bc I have been nothing but supportive to be cheated on. I think I am just numb to everything bc I can’t tell if I’m mad or sad or just relived that maybe this is my sign to go back home. Ive lost almost over 20 lbs since moving bc I dont barely eat just when Im home. My hair is starting to fall out more and I can’t tell if its stress. I guess from all of this I think you can kinda tell what I’m going thru. I have no friends here and its hard to hold this all in and have no one to talk to. My friends back home just tells me to come back already and that he doesn’t deserve me. I just didn’t really think this would be happening but I guess better now then later. I could go on and on about amongst other stuff but I’ll leave at this.
Thank you for reading my rant if you got this far. I know my writing is all over the place.
submitted by Severe_Cellist5877 to MedSpouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:01 overlorddogz Does he like me or is he friend zoning me?

So there’s this guy I have been friends with for about a year now (not his real name but we’ll call him Jim lol) and our friendship has been growing stronger every day. Last year (freshman year for me, junior year for him) I had a big crush on his best friend and never really talked to Jim. But my crush on his friend died at the end of the school year and that summer when Barbie and Oppenheimer came out I posted on my instagram story about seeing Oppenheimer and he replied to it. So on Insta dms we talked for a few weeks and then things sorta died down. During those weeks I did kinda have a crush on Jim but that crush went away too after we stopped talking for a bit. Then in like late September I got snapchat and we added each other and immediately started talking. It’s been on and off talking and on and off crushes (on my end at least) since then up until about February? I’m gonna just list everything that’s happened since then as bullet points in a sorta chronological order.
-I complained on my story about buying a dress that ended up being mad ugly and he replied to it asking to see it and then said i look good
-whenever he sees me in the hallway at school he always yells my name no matter how far away he is from me and says hi to me
-he saves a lot of my snaps on snapchat. Some are pretty and some are me look stupid lol
-when i broke my hip in December-march (from a track injury) he’d get like mad at me when i tried to run before it was fully healed
-he’s a gymbro and offered to take me to the gym wirh him when i started to get down on myself for not being able to gain muscle
-he’s 18 now and i’m 16 and one day he kinda randomly messaged me on snap saying “when i’m 19 you’ll be 17” and i thoguht to myself that it was really random lol. But hes said a lot of things that are just kinda him fixating on my age and im wondering if hes scared to ask me out or something because of the fact that im two years younger
-i posted a kinda slutty but also really cute goth/grunge outfit on my snap story saying that i need it and he was like “that would be so sick” bro into goth girls or nah i cant tell
-he asked for my number and then we played this game together and stayed up for like an hour on facetime together while we played the game and he helped give me tips and walk me through the game since i fricking suxked at it (this happened like two days ago and it was our first time facetiming and at the very end he blew me a kiss, threw me a peace sign, and then said “bye love you” and hung up before i could evn say anything back)
-if you know those flirty whisper things all over pinterest i posted teo of those that said “first date idea: we sleep for 12 hours” and “can i come over and you talk about your day” on my story and he rpelied “perhaps”
-he added me to this group chat with 4 of his other friends (all guys). I cant tel if this is peak friendzoing or not
-constant gamepigeon games during school
-we’re calling again tonight
Side note, i know for a fact he is straight hahah. I just cannot tell if he likes me or if he is friendzoning me
submitted by overlorddogz to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:01 xDINOxNUGGETSx {{Gaming and Beyond}} [NA][EU][18+] Find Other players to jump into the action with right away!

Active members DAILY! New and growing.
Gaming and Beyond was developed by like minded friends who wanted a space to play games that was made up of adults with very little drama and bickering. "Just Game" is the theme. Have fun with friends in a community like server. Create custom channels to chat and game, like we did in the old coffee shop days, or meeting at a buddies house before discord was an option. We are made up of people from all walks of life and everyone is welcome. This is not just flower buses and fairy tails, we are gamers, and gamers are competitive. We take our gaming seriously and our friendships even more so. The server owner is a Veteran and we recognize and welcome Veterans and First Responders. The staff at Gaming and Beyond understand that your lives come first and it's your number one priority. With this in mind we do not have requirements for recruiting or ranking system for members. Remember "Just Game" come by from time to time or make Gaming and Beyond your home for you and your friends.
submitted by xDINOxNUGGETSx to CallofDuty_LFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:00 Direct-Caterpillar77 dealing with a problematic member of a board games group

dealing with a problematic member of a board games group
Originally posted to Ask A Manager
EDITORS NOTE: Changed Q to Quinn for easier reading
Original Post Sept 15, 2022
I wanted to write and say thank you.
I am part of a local board games group, and started to run the group a while ago. It’s a great group of people who all enjoy coming together to play board games and have fun, and it was one of the key factors in making my husband and I feel at home in the city where we live. We have both made friends with people in the group, and it’s now a firm part of our life here. In addition, a regular member who left recently said that the group was the highlight of his week, which was lovely to hear. I love running the group!
However, there is a member of the group, Quinn, who has been in the group since it started (seven years or more) and has been displaying problematic behavior since he joined (rude comments, refusing to play anyone else’s games, losing his temper at times, leaving games in a huff when he’s losing, and generally making the atmosphere unpleasant for others). When we joined, we were told that Quinn bothered everyone but was just something that was being in the group, so we went along with that. At the time, the group was very serious and inclined towards more serious board games, and only three people ever brought games. There has been a real change of culture since then, with a range of games being played (light games, traditional games, and heavy games) and everyone brings games now. The atmosphere is a lot lighter, with more emphasis on having fun and being social, and this is something that Quinn does not enjoy and has not adjusted well to.
When I started to run the group, I noticed Quinn’s behavior was having a terrible effect on the group (people not coming back because of him or doing anything to avoid playing with him, and his preference for playing games in reverential silence making sessions less fun for everyone). I also realized that some people were at breaking point with this and it might contribute to them leaving.
The deputy (Kelly) and I wanted to ensure that we did it fairly and using the right procedure. We gathered feedback on the group, (which was useful in itself!), which confirmed that Quinn’s behavior was an issue, and I spoke to him, named what we were seeing with clear examples, and explained what we needed to see change. Quinn said he would take it on board. Your scripts and language were very helpful, as Quinn takes things very literally and factually.
Quinn’s behavior improved for four weeks, which was great. Some people have put up with it for so long that no amount of change will make them want to play games with Quinn, but some people were willing to give Quinn a chance. Unfortunately, Quinn’s behavior started to slip after four weeks, culminating in a session where they almost put a new member off coming back by lecturing them about group etiquette and insulting their game shelves with what was meant to be a joke, but did not land.
I spoke to Quinn again and explained that since the behavior we discussed had returned, if this did not improve, we would have to ask Quinn to leave as the group is for everyone and I need to do what’s right for the group as a whole.
Quinn took the points on board and was visibly upset at the thought of being asked to leave the group. Since we spoke to them, they haven’t attended of the two sessions since then, but they are still chatting on our Discord channel and seem to be trying to make amends by promoting the group to a students’ group in the city we live in.
We don’t know what will happen, but Kelly and I have agreed what behaviors will mean Quinn will be asked to leave, and your scripts and posts were invaluable in thinking about how to tackle this, and what language to use. Your posts have helped me realize that being the group leader means that the buck stops with me. For example, my husband and I disagreed on how to handle the situation (he was in favor of asking Quinn to leave immediately) but I had the confidence to think it through, follow the process through fairly, and know that if it didn’t work, that responsibility would rest with me.
This isn’t related to work per se, but I wanted to say thank you very much for the invaluable and free advice which has really helped me in navigating this situation!
Update Apr 11, 2024
I am the letter writer who runs a board games group and used Alison’s excellent advice about communication to deal with a problematic member of the games group and the issues their behavior was causing.
We had a twist in the tale recently when Quinn, the member who was asked to leave the group because their behavior was negatively impacting others, asked if they could come back.
For four weeks every year, we use a different venue as another group needs our normal venue. One one of the four weeks, I went for a walk before the session and noticed what looked like Quinn in the park. When the session started, Quinn appeared, just “passing by,” and we had a quick chat about this and that before they asked if they could come back to the group, saying they were in a better place now. They then left without ordering anything, which makes me think they dropped in just to see us.
I said I would send a message, and gave it due consideration. I also asked a friend who knows Quinn and used to be in the group, but has now moved, for their more objective input.
The decision was no: the group is working well as it is, with high numbers and between 11 and 20 people per session, and Quinn coming back would lead to awkwardness and possible animosity from a few people, some of whom would speak their mind. We would also lose a lot of members, and the group would slowly decline. For what it’s worth, one person who had some very negative interactions with Quinn, when they heard why Quinn was there ( they were round the corner), exclaimed “No!” to Quinn coming back, and this person is one of the nicest people you’ll meet. Similar reactions were given from others.
I sent Quinn a message explaining the decision, and I was as fair and kind as possible given the circumstances. Quinn has found another games group, albeit one that only plays light games, (not heavy games, Quinn’s preference), and I mentioned that and said it sounds like a nice group (which it does).
Quinn was perfectly pleasant when we chatted, but that was for about eight minutes, and they knew what was coming. They also said that they weren’t often doing the things I’d mentioned anymore (moving other people’s pieces, and a couple of other examples I gave), and that although their new group likes light games, they are helping some people progress up to heavier games. It wasn’t clear if the people wanted to progress (one of the issues we had was Quinn assuming that everyone wanted to progress).
The games group continues to do well, with enough surplus each year to give everyone free sessions every January, and we receive frequent feedback that the atmosphere is friendly and welcoming and that people feel at home and confident to bring and teach their games there. Our annual Christmas potluck dinner and session with a Secret Santa also continues. We also have a Google sheet with people’s games collections, if they want to add them, thanks to one of our members who likes spreadsheets.
For myself, Ask a Manager continues to help me out at work! I recently applied for a job which would be a step up income wise and I used Alison’s tips, and I use the communication tips in daily life as well as at work. I was actually used as a bargaining chip in recent negotiations at work over a type of meeting that needs minuting (for my minuting skills), so I will take that as a compliment!
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:58 Salt_Resource_1922 AITA for just wanting time for myself?

Hello, sorry if I write something wrong (english is not my mother language) and also because this will be long.
A little context: I (25 f) am not normally very social, I’m neurodivergent, I tend to dissociate a lot and if I’m out with friends (which is weird when I do hangout) is even worse, and I have to distract myself many times to not feel too anxious. I love silence and to have time to think everything before I speak. (I even have random scenarios in my head about conversations or situations that may never happen, just to be prepared to what to say).
My bf (21 m) is the opposite, he likes to hangout with friends a lot, he never dissociates, he never likes when the conversation goes silent, he likes to ask everybody on the discord calls to put cameras and do things together and just being the energetic person he is (which I love, he makes everyone laugh and makes silly jokes). He still goes to the university, when I wake up I get 2 hours to do whatever I want/my family asks before he gets home and calls me. Normally we spend like 8-10 hours together in call everyday. Also I think it’s very important to add that I’m his first real gf, as he had another one but she was cheating on her bf with him (obviously he ended the relationship when he found out).
We just started dating 4 months ago. We have an online relationship, I told him I dislike phonecalls/videocalls but I still make them daily for him as he doesn’t really like long distance relationships and it makes him feel comfortable and happy. We started dating because I’ve been planning to move to his country many years before I met him, I was just waiting to finish university and to have a job to start my plan of moving out.
The problem is he just always wants the 100% of my attention, which is extremely hard for me, I’ve never been capable of continuously give all my attention to something/someone not even for an hour straight, because my brain just starts feeling very exhausted and I get headaches, so I always multitask and while I do x I have a video or just a phone game open while I do anything I’m doing, or just listening to musing and singing.
He dislikes that and wants all the attention, everyday, all day. I’ve talked to him about it, many times. I had a remotejob a month ago but he wouldn’t let me work my working hours without being grumpy and asking me to give him attention and talk to him while I was busy with my job (he’d make videocalls while I worked just to be with me, I had no problem with the videocall if it was just us doing our things and commenting things occasionally but that was not the case).
Our first discussion was because I really needed to end our call/stop playing with him because my dad had a health emergency. He got very angry at me, saying he was waiting all day to be with me and I just left him there. (Obviously we fixed things, he promised to give me more space and be more respectful with the things I have to do).
We still argued more times because of the same problem, because if I just open 3 seconds another app or just read a message I got (just please keep in mind the calls are all day long) he gets annoyed, I get very exhausted during the calls, I sometimes feel like it drains me.
Today he went out with his friends (he always does every saturday while I normally just sleep all day or play videogames/watch videos or anime) I got a message from a friend group asking if I wanted to play something with them, he knows this group, we’ve all played together before with my bf. I like usual, told him that I was going to play with them and to keep having fun. He got home like 3 hours after I texted him, and called while we were playing, as you can imagine, he got angry because I was in the middle of a game with friends on discord and couldn’t really give him all the attention he wanted in that second. Even when I told him he could be on a call with me on videocall and watch me play or get on the discord group and talk with all of us. (That’s what I normally do when it’s the other way around, I just mute myself and watch him or just talk in the group call).
I feel terrible because I know he just wanted to be with me, but it was just not the right time to call and ask me questions. If I could have the possibility to pause the game, of course I’d have done it, but it was an online game with not pauses between matches.
submitted by Salt_Resource_1922 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:56 bumdquestion This is my casual LGS deck. What do y'all think?

This is my casual LGS deck. What do y'all think?
I've been running Grand moff tarkin (gmt) for a while and this is probably the 8th version of blue tarkin and I'm loving it.
This deck excels at counter control, sending out a multitude of smaller unit that easily grow to threats that must be dealt with, it has access to basic removal as well as Vader and Over whelming barrage, tarkins ability and relatively early deployment adds up to a fun fast paced game against aggro and decent momentum gain against control. It's a blast to play but I'm curious what y'all think.
Hardest match ups are green boba and green Sabine but not impossible.
Used to run piett for an ambush on Devastator but that's all he did so switched him for regional governor (adds to lt childson probability and stops SLB)
submitted by bumdquestion to starwarsunlimited [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:56 95Slickrick Looking for some real cool gaming buds

Steam code:164769337 / President_Camacho
Platform:PC/I don't mind playing with psn players though
Difficulty: All of them
Region: US but all please apply
Languages:English, French, Spanish, Finnish, and a little Russian
Voice chat: yes
Alright, now for the meat and potatoes. Here's what's up, you guys. Are you tired of playing with randos? Do you want a legit team of 4-10 players to come online and be super chill and serious at the same time. Ya know, like actual friends. Not like someone's who's silent and give you a thumbs up when u help them out. Like legit, a group of friends. That's what I'm looking for cause. Guess what? I'm a loneintrovert, but not when I game. So gaming buddies would be super cool to have. If that sounds like you and you want gaming buds that play together and heck, maybe develop an actual friendship, then please comment or dm me or heck. Just add me straight up and say what's up. Doesn't matter where you're from. All need apply. Seriously, especially Europeans cause if i want to play in the afternoon, it's nighttime for you, so you're most likely on. Looking for a fun group not only for one mission but an actual group. Stay awesome! Hope to hear from someone 😅
submitted by 95Slickrick to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:55 NobodiesBoy 17 year old lonely lesbian

I never had friends growing up. I went to a private school from K-8, and I was tomboyish and never that religious. So, I protested a lot about things like "you should have children!" "no opposite-gender friends," "need to get married," and stuff like that. This just made me a target, and I was outcast a lot.
Fast forward to high school, a public one, but I still don't fit in. I thought it would be better since the general area I'm in is accepting. Yet, accepting doesn't necessarily mean I'll fit in. I won't be bullied, but I won't fit in with others.
Most girls are still overwhelmingly feminine, and I stick out. I'm a massive nerd as well. I like computers, video games, and anime, and that space is overwhelmingly male, so I once again don't fit in.
The girls who do like those things don't relate to me either. For example, a girl I know who likes anime mainly likes romances. I don't care for them, as I'm not into straight romances, simple as that.
Same with video games, lots of jokes about "Valorant boyfriends" or "egirls with their eboys" (corny and probably glad I don't relate, but still wish I had something to relate to).
Since I am more tomboyish, most of the few friends I actually have are male, and they're lovely. The issue is I don't really think they understand a lot of my issues
They'll make fun of me for being single or being meek about talking to girls I'm interested in or simply that I'm a virgin, yet they don't understand that my issue is A. them being straight and B. me being afraid of them being weirded out.
While my school is accepting, I don't want to just be known as "the lesbian." A guy at my school was cheated on with a girl, and all his friends make fun of him relentlessly and call him a lesbian. The few other gay girls are very much so "the lesbians."
Maybe it's not inherently bad, but I can assure you that it's not positive. My friends say I just shouldn't care, and if they're not harming me, who cares? I don't know, but it's still tough for me since I just want to be seen as normal, and having your sexuality mentioned like your name most certainly doesn't feel like I'm being treated like I'm normal.
Lastly, of course, my family. They sent me to a religious school after all, so they're naturally religious. I'll never have their support and think there's a good chance I go no contact when I'm older. It just hurts that I don't really have a family. It sucks I've never been able to talk about relationships or my future with them. I was always envious of the "cool moms" in movies that were so casual with their kids, yet I'll never have that since they'll never accept me.
It all just kind of sucks. My loneliness stems from me just not fitting in. I've always desperately wanted to be normal, to assimilate, yet I can't have that. On top of being gay, I'm not traditionally feminine, so that's just an extra barrier for me, adding to me being seen as 'weird'
I've been feeling extra low lately for whatever reason. I've noticed more and more how outcast I am. I hate sticking out. I just want to feel normal, but I don't, and other people aren't helping me feel any differently than I do
submitted by NobodiesBoy to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:54 Jason2890 [WR] Home Alone 2: Lost in New York SNES in 10:31 by Jason2890

This time beats a long-standing WR of 10:40 set by Largemann 4 years ago. This was a very solid run with incredible RNG.
The main source of difficulty in running this game comes from Stage 3. In Stage 3, there are 6 locked doors with puzzles that all need to be solved in order to obtain the final key to unlock the door that leads to Stage 4. The puzzles themselves are consistent, but the key order to unlock those doors is randomized on each playthrough. There are 720 different patterns, and there is huge variance in time depending on the key pattern. The difference between optimal key RNG and bad key RNG could be as much as 1 full minute, as bad key patterns could involve a lot of backtracking throughout the house.
The key pattern I got in this run is arguably the best possible RNG, as it allowed me to solve all 6 doors in descending order (starting at the top right of the house) in a snake pattern, which allowed me to solve all 6 puzzles with minimal backtracking starting with the farthest door and finishing at the door closest to the staircase that brings you to the escape door to finish the level. This was a 1/720 chance, and there are fewer than 10 total patterns that give you a realistic shot at WR.
The rest of the run outside of Stage 3 was also very solid. There are two (very) minor tricks that I didn’t get on this run: a sub-pixel dependent frame perfect trick on Stage 1 to jump over the vacuum cleaner without slowdown that saves ~0.5 seconds, plus a pixel perfect descent from the building on Stage 4 that allows you to climb all the way down without slowing down or taking damage from the bats (saves ~1 second). Other than those two tricks, the rest of the run was nearly perfect with only minor RNG-related time losses.
Overall, this was an incredibly fun speedrun to learn and I highly recommend learning it for anyone out there looking for a short game to speedrun. I owned this game in my childhood and had a lot of nostalgia for it, so despite the heavy RNG elements to the speedrun it was actually a really enjoyable grind and not too difficult to learn! Thanks for reading this far, hope you enjoyed the video/write-up :)
submitted by Jason2890 to speedrun [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:51 TeamNew8607 Euphoria Season 3, My Way

This thread is about to be very long, and I will be adding to it frequently, but this is how I would write season 3 of Euphoria since Sam is obviously preoccupied with god knows what. This came to me in a dream so call it fate ig.
Background- since season 2 ends with the card that Rue stayed sober through the rest of junior year, and Lexi’s play takes place in the spring, I thought it’d be best to pick up on the first day of their senior year in the fall. This means that Cassie, Maddie, and Nate have all graduated, leaving us with Rue, Jules, Lexi, Elliot, Bobbi, Ethan, BB & Kat. Also Gia, the Parents, and Ali. Anyways here goes.
Episode 1- I Stayed Sober (Mostly)
[Scene 1]: The Last First Day Episode One opens with a black screen that has flashes of red and blue, like police sirens, that increasingly become more intense and vibrant, to indicate Rue coming out of a dissociative state. She narrates over the screen:
“You want to know the worst part about staying sober? It’s not the withdrawals or the cravings, even though they’re pretty fucking bad. It’s not even the depression or the emptiness you feel without your poisonous security blanket protecting you from your worst thoughts and emotions. The worst part about staying sober, is that you’re trapped back in the fucked up world that made you want to do drugs in the first place”
The red and blue screen shifts to police sirens with cops yelling in an attempt to evacuate everyone from the school. It’s raining and the sky is gray and muddy. All the students are now wearing muted uniforms in the school colors, blue black and white (the uniforms are explained later) The scene looks very muted and drained. As the students flood out of the school in a frenzy, we see Rue and Lexi standing at the exit, uninterested in the theatrics and significantly changed from last season.
Rue has a brighter disposition to herself, appearing more soft and bright, while keeping her moody demeanor. Her look shows that she is trying her best to be more optimistic, despite going through hell from her plethora of mental illness that have now taken over due to her sobriety. Still, she looks healthier and brighter.
Lexi, on the other hand, has a more goth like appearance. In addition to her new dark black hair with red colored streaks (red to signify her stepping into her power) she also looks less approachable with more gothic motifs such as skulls and roses on her increased accessories. We learn later that this is an attempt to reinvent herself after last year’s play incident and fez dying. She seems uninterested and annoyed, but has a more confident air after being put in the spotlight and no longer having to live under her sisters shadow. She has become more monotone, speaking her mind and embracing her realistic perspective of life.
They begin walking to the parking lot, looking for Lexi’s mom among the waves of chaotic students pushing past them.
Rue: Of course, just our fucking luck that someone decides to shoot up the school our first day of senior year.
Lexi: It wasn’t even a real shooting. I heard some kid brought a gun to show off and got tackled by his teacher. Everyone started freaking out, and now I’m missing the first day of my AP English class.
Rue: Not like you need it. I think you proved that you can write a good story that makes waves and changes lives (sarcasm)
Lexi: 😐 that’s not funny Rue. That play is all anyone could talk about all summer. Everyone hates me because they think it’s my fault that we all have to wear these stupid uniforms.
Rue: actually that was Cassie’s fault, that fight got a new edit every week. My favorite was the #mollywhop dance (starts doing a dance that is significant of Maddie slapping Cassie and Cassie riding a carousel)
Lexi: Rue I’m serious. I got so sick of living in the background that I put my entire life on display in front of all of East Highland just for my sister to make everything about her.
Rue: Well good writing is supposed to be controversial. And take it as a victory, at least you’re not a nobody anymore.
Random Guy: Hey Lexi, I got a horse you can ride (does the dance)
Cop: Keep it moving sir!
They get to the end of the parking lot and sit on the pavement.
Lexi: 🙄of course she’s late.
Rue: hey, it’s a new year. You’re no longer the girl whose sister was the hottest cheerleader in school and I’m no longer the resident drug addict that everyone is waiting to die.
Lexi: you’re right. That’s Elliot. Or Jules. Have you checked on either of them since his overdose?
Rue: no…fuck them both. They seem happy in their stupid relationship with their stupid anniversary posts. I had to block them both before I killed myself or worse. They can die for all I care.
Lexi: well he almost did. I heard he had a stroke and is in a wheelchair until he learns how to walk again.
Rue: trying to hide that she’s concerned really?…i mean i don’t care, but that’s what he deserves right? Can’t do drugs that carelessly without consequences. Ask me how I know.
Lexi: I don’t think anyone deserves to OD. I hope he gets some help.
Rue: he has help, that bitch is playing housewife which she probably loves. Attention seeking whore. You know I’m sick of talking about Jules and Elliot and Cassie and every other narcissist with a victim complex that keeps trying to make themselves the main character. pulls her closer with a shoulder hug this year it’s about us. Starting over and getting a chance to finally make it out of this stupid town. You have colleges lined up at the door and I’ve been sober for almost a year. No one is going to take this year from us. That why you blocked Cassie, and that’s why I had any memory of Jules permanently erased from my brain. Out of sight out of mind.
Lexi: I guess you’re right. New year, new us.
Rue: alright. Now call your mom so we can get out of the rain. I hate cops more than I hate being fully clothed and wet.
Lexi: (finally smiling) almost as much as they hate you
Rue: hey fuck you, I still have to go to court for that.
Lexi: too soon? 🤭
Rue: just dial the fucking phone
Rue [vo while it shows Suze driving up and the girls walking across the parking lot]: Despite how terrible last year was, I feel like Lexi and I finally got back to how things used to be. Before the drugs, before the funerals. Just Rue and Lexi like it’s always been. Sometimes I forget how great life was when I was just a kid. But drugs tend to take away everything that makes life, life. I just wish Fezco had stayed alive long enough to finally see me sober. Then maybe Lexi wouldn’t be so serious and emo these days. But she took care of me, and now it’s my turn. I just don’t know what’s worse, losing the love of your life before you get a chance to say it love you (shot of Lexi rubbing a cross chain fez gave her looking at the sky before getting in the car) or thinking you found the love of your life just to end up as strangers. (As Rue opens the door to get in, she sees Jules wheeling Elliot across the parking lot. She stares for a bit before getting in the car.) Either way, we all died. (Rue gets in the car before Jules can see her.)
Jules looks over at the car but doesn’t see anyone. She looks distraught, hoping to catch a glimpse of Rue, who she hasn’t seen since the play. She’s dressed in a mostly black school girl uniform with a short skirt and corset that she’s clad in neon accessories and coquettish garters and bows. Her hair is longer than in season 2 but shorter than season 1. This is to signify that she’s embracing her femininity more with Elliot, but is stepping into a more powerful, dominant version of femininity. She’s content with her relationship, and rebuilding herself after the abuse she endured in relationship with rue. Now she’s just worried about repeating the same story with Elliot. She looks off into the distance, paused in a state of reflection.
Elliot: babe are you good? Jules: what? Yea just thought I saw something. (Continues wheeling him across the parking lot) Elliot: It was probably a ghost. HEY CASPER, LOOK BUT DONT TOUCH HOMIE Jules: (laughing) you’re so unserious Elliot: what do you mean? I’m serious. I don’t want his ectoplasm fucking up your makeup. Jules: You’re the one who keeps fucking up my makeup Elliot: and I’ll do it again kisses her winces ow fuck Jules: relax dude. You know the doctor said you can’t stretch your spine much after your stroke. Elliot: and you know I told that doctor nothing can kill me and I’m basically a god Jules: even when you’re sick you’re still crazy Elliot: crazy for you Jules: yea yea, just be happy it was a stroke and not a death sentence. whispers in his you know if you would’ve died I would have to kill you. Elliot: besides the fact that that makes zero sense, you know it wasn’t my fault Jules: I’m just glad that Laurie lady got put behind bars. Who the fuck puts fentanyl in Weed? Elliot: a plug who can’t find enough junkies to buy their fentanyl. That’s why I always sniff my weed before I smoke it. Jules: and that sniff put you in a wheelchair, so who’s god now? Elliot: mmmm, still me. I live close enough to the school that I don’t have to pay for a van, and I have a hot chick with a huge dick as a nurse. Not to mention loads of settlement money from suing the biggest plug in our area and a med card with all the unlaced weed I can smoke. I’m up as fuck. Jules: or too high to be traumatized Elliot: And (dances her around his chair like a waltz until she falls in his lap) my dick still works. Jules: nice try Romeo, but your ego is showing (zips up his pants and continues pushing) Elliot: fuck, has it been like that all day? That’s embarrassing Jules: no more embarrassing than the whole school thinking you’re in a wheelchair because you couldn’t hold your oxys Elliot: it was Percs actually, thank you very much. And fuck what those bots think, I’ve been sober since that intervention. I guess you can say Rue knocked some sense into Me. Jules: (avoiding the topic of rue) did you see the comments on our last post, they called us percinstein and the coke bride Elliot: damn I guess they did know it was Percs (Now on his front porch)
Jules: (standing in front of him looking in his eyes with sentiment ) Elliot I’m serious. I’ve been the topic of conversation ever since I moved to this fucking town. I just want to have a normal year for once in my complicated life. Elliot: babe listen it’s high school. Everything is the topic of conversation and no one is normal. People talk shit because they’re bored and have no personality or sense of self outside of the useless drama they can create in their minds. But you have a life, and a future. You have an amazing, sober boyfriend who loves you and a portfolio that can get you into any art school in the world. You’re at the last step before your real life begins. I’m just happy that I have the privilege to watch. And you know I like to watch. Jules: you’re a lunatic. Elliot: I love you. Jules: I love you too. kiss
Elliot: Are you sure you can’t stay tonight Jules: I wish, but my dad is serious about making sure I get into the best school, which means spending hours look at boring virtual tours and applying early admission. Elliot: ok well I’ll be here figuring out how to pee without standing up Jules: how do our conversations always center back to your dick Elliot: I can’t talk about anything else, it’s too hard Jules: wow, you sound like my dad and I’m turned off [starts walking away] Elliot: it’s not me it’s the weed. now you make sure you make it home safe. There’s a shooter on the loose. Jules: [grabbing her bike] the gun wasn’t even loaded. besides, getting shot would not be the worst thing to happen to me. Elliot: you’re American. It always gets worse. Jules: [riding off] that’s depressing Elliot: text me when you’re home Jules: [almost gone] you have my location! Elliot: [to himself] and I still never know where you are
submitted by TeamNew8607 to euphoria [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:50 Excellent_Rough_5959 Living with an overprotective older sister?

For context, I am 20F and she is 29F.
Basically, because of financial and family situations, I am living with my sister while I complete the last year of college, but I am moving to do it in a new town. My sister currently lives in the new town and has a very successful career, and has offered for us to move into a house together.
Considering all things, living together is best case scenario for us since she has been feeling very lonely living alone far from family, as well as she is financially stable enough to support me until I finish school as I’m an unpaid intern and studying full time. We are moving into a house together and will each have our own room, bathroom, etc.
Here’s the issue: ever since highschool and growing up together, she has always been super controlling and overbearing over me. She refers to herself as my temporary mother, and we argued a lot about this and it usually ends nowhere. Now, aside from this, we are very close and tell each other what’s going on our lives and have fun going out together and what not. I would consider her a close friend as well as a sister.
Now the issue specifically is, as I’m in my twenties now, I’ve been casually dating and seeing guys for the last year or so, and it’s been great. Now, my sister has very strict opinions on this, and access to my location at all times, which is frustrating. I know that living with her would mean that there is absolutely no way I could continue dating.
For example, a few months ago I really hit it off with a guy I met at a bar, and long story short, we ended up continuing to see each other and sleep over at each others places on a consistent basis. All I could think about now is how a situation like this will never happen again for the near future.
As long as I’m living under her supervision, I will never be able to stay overnight at anyone’s place, or invite any of my own friends/dates over. She has her own bf that she spends lots of time with, but because she is constantly supervising me, she will always insist on me being home by a certain hour and there will be absolutely no way to “sneak” around her.
Im just not sure how to mentally prep for this, or even adjust, or even fix the situation somehow? Advice is very appreciated
TLDR: adult living with my adult sister, living under strict curfews and rules about guests and dating, not sure how to navigate
submitted by Excellent_Rough_5959 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:48 Excellent_Rough_5959 Living with an overprotective older sister (29F and 20F)?

For context, I am 20F and she is 29F.
Basically, because of financial and family situations, I am living with my sister while I complete the last year of college, but I am moving to do it in a new town. My sister currently lives in the new town and has a very successful career, and has offered for us to move into a house together.
Considering all things, living together is best case scenario for us since she has been feeling very lonely living alone far from family, as well as she is financially stable enough to support me until I finish school as I’m an unpaid intern and studying full time. We are moving into a house together and will each have our own room, bathroom, etc.
Here’s the issue: ever since highschool and growing up together, she has always been super controlling and overbearing over me. She refers to herself as my temporary mother, and we argued a lot about this and it usually ends nowhere. Now, aside from this, we are very close and tell each other what’s going on our lives and have fun going out together and what not. I would consider her a close friend as well as a sister.
Now the issue specifically is, as I’m in my twenties now, I’ve been casually dating and seeing guys for the last year or so, and it’s been great. Now, my sister has very strict opinions on this, and access to my location at all times, which is frustrating. I know that living with her would mean that there is absolutely no way I could continue dating.
For example, a few months ago I really hit it off with a guy I met at a bar, and long story short, we ended up continuing to see each other and sleep over at each others places on a consistent basis. All I could think about now is how a situation like this will never happen again for the near future.
As long as I’m living under her supervision, I will never be able to stay overnight at anyone’s place, or invite any of my own friends/dates over. She has her own bf that she spends lots of time with, but because she is constantly supervising me, she will always insist on me being home by a certain hour and there will be absolutely no way to “sneak” around her.
Im just not sure how to mentally prep for this, or even adjust, or even fix the situation somehow? Advice is very appreciated
TLDR: adult living with my adult sister, living under strict curfews and rules about guests and dating, not sure how to navigate
submitted by Excellent_Rough_5959 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:48 BlueEyesBlueSkies1 What would be the best car for a sophomore high school looking to go fast in a manual that isn't super unreliable?

So I'm a high school sophomore (soon to be junior) who is getting super into cars. I'm gonna have my license in 2 months and really want to start looking at cars. I'm getting a job this week so my budget is gonna be max 12k. I've already considered a few cars including
350z, 2011 135i, 128i, 2006 mustang gt premium, civic si manual
Big things for me are good speakers, not crazy expensive maintenance (BMW 😬), and I really want to have the fast feeling. I have only driven automatic but manual looks and seems like so much fun that I really just wanna go for it. This will probably just be my weekend car and on weekdays I can take a prius so I wouldn't be putting crazy miles on it or anything. My brother has a m235i with a valvetronic muffler and it sounds phenomenal which is why im looking into bmws but the reliability problems seem so real like oil gasket, water cooler, thermostat, etc. I love the look of the 135i but the reliability seems shaky even with the n55 so I'm looking into the 128i which seems far more reliable with the n52. is that true? is it worth just going for the 135i since it won't be a daily and seems like so much fun? I also saw the mustang gt and the interior looks perfect. I love the look two and the horsepower, sound is pretty nice on the v8 and it seems quick. I've heard that Z's are the best option but every single one I see is beat to shit or would blunder in a smog check. I really need some advice on the other ones im looking at or some new options. also i don't plan on doing crazy modding but i just think the n54 is a bad idea which is why im tempted to go n55 135i.
I know everyones gonna say miatas but i dont like the look of miatas lol and interioexterior is a big deal for me. I've also already considered wrx, gti, etc, i dont like the look of those.
Could you guys tell me what i should check out and concerns i should have with what i am looking at?
also just assume that i have like no money right now (its true)
sorry for the rant but thanks for yalls help. im in california btw.
submitted by BlueEyesBlueSkies1 to askcarguys [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 Ok-Recover-4130 Part 1 PARTY INFO: Independent Ireland

Part 1 PARTY INFO: Independent Ireland
Since the European and local elections are within view I decided to put together info on minor parties
Criteria they have to meet one of the following:
-No Representatives on any level Or -Less than 5 seats in the Oireachtas
But they must be running in candidates in the European Elections.
To make this fair I will be talking about 4 points which I think is important
-Housing and cost of living -Immigration -Foreign Policy -EU
I added housing and cost of living together so i can summarize them into one block.
Before we begin I’m center left ideologically so that’s your it might have bias warning.
Since the party doesn’t have a manifesto let’s I will use what their website has to offer.
On Housing and cost of living it wants to:
-Implement urgent planning reform -Modular homes scheme -end Families living in emergency accommodation. -Freeze and reform the carbon tax, end the property tax and USC for over 65s and deliver cheaper energy.
On Immigration it wants to:
-Secure Ireland border and enforce immigration law. -end profiteering
On Foreign Policy
It doesn’t have anything
On European Union it wants to:
-Protect Irelands farmer from EU Regulations.
Now their Policies are short but we should cut them slack considering they were formed last year.
Now let’s look at their party leader
Micheal Collin’s was elected in 2016 in west cork.
He has stated his views which are the following:
-Legalization of Prostitution -abortion only in the most extreme cases -Rapists be chemically castrated -Third time offenders should receive 25 to life -Firearms should be permitted for self defense. -Asylum seekers be held in holding bays like in Australia. -Burqas to be banned from schools. -Travelers not be recognized as a minority
From this he takes more of a Far right stance on social issues and holds many Conservative Values yet not when it comes to Prostitution where he takes more of a Libertarian Position.
I hope this was good and clean of bias I tried my best if any mistakes are spotted pls note them out.
submitted by Ok-Recover-4130 to irishpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 Excellent_Rough_5959 Living with an overprotective older sister?

For context, I am 20F and she is 29F.
Basically, because of financial and family situations, I am living with my sister while I complete the last year of college, but I am moving to do it in a new town. My sister currently lives in the new town and has a very successful career, and has offered for us to move into a house together.
Considering all things, living together is best case scenario for us since she has been feeling very lonely living alone far from family, as well as she is financially stable enough to support me until I finish school as I’m an unpaid intern and studying full time. We are moving into a house together and will each have our own room, bathroom, etc.
Here’s the issue: ever since highschool and growing up together, she has always been super controlling and overbearing over me. She refers to herself as my temporary mother, and we argued a lot about this and it usually ends nowhere. Now, aside from this, we are very close and tell each other what’s going on our lives and have fun going out together and what not. I would consider her a close friend as well as a sister.
Now the issue specifically is, as I’m in my twenties now, I’ve been casually dating and seeing guys for the last year or so, and it’s been great. Now, my sister has very strict opinions on this, and access to my location at all times, which is frustrating. I know that living with her would mean that there is absolutely no way I could continue dating.
For example, a few months ago I really hit it off with a guy I met at a bar, and long story short, we ended up continuing to see each other and sleep over at each others places on a consistent basis. All I could think about now is how a situation like this will never happen again for the near future.
As long as I’m living under her supervision, I will never be able to stay overnight at anyone’s place, or invite any of my own friends/dates over. She has her own bf that she spends lots of time with, but because she is constantly supervising me, she will always insist on me being home by a certain hour and there will be absolutely no way to “sneak” around her.
Im just not sure how to mentally prep for this, or even adjust, or even fix the situation somehow? Advice is very appreciated
TLDR: adult living with my adult sister, living under strict curfews and rules about guests and dating, not sure how to navigate
submitted by Excellent_Rough_5959 to roommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:40 Distinct_Designer905 Which should I choose? ADMU or DLSU or UST

hello po, i am currently in a dilemma with which university i should go to for college. it would be vvv big help to hear your comments and suggestions kasi i've been super indecisive and it's been stressing me out na ever since the results came out. here is a detailed list of the pros and cons i have for each uni:
  1. ADMU (Ateneo De Manila University)
Priority - BS Psych Offered - AB Pol Sci
PROS: - I've attended the Open House and I liked the curriculum they offered overall (including the abroad programs and such) as well as marami raw silang time nilalaan for orgs
CONS: - Malayo siya from our home. It'll take me about 4 rides (2 LRT, 2 Jeepney rides) to get into campus so I have to leave my house for about 2 hours earlier than my sched.
-> My parents told me I could get a dorm naman, but I very much prefer going home where my family is (but ofc if I studied here and nahirapan na w transpo, I have no choice)
-> Also, I'm willing to take transpo as long as 'yung course ay gusto ko
-> I was planning to apply for change of degree program into my prio course before enrollment pero there's a slim chance na ma-grant 'yun especially quota course ang psych
-> I can also shift naman on my second year but I don't feel like travelling 4 rides everyday of the week for a course I don't like during the 1st year
  1. DLSU (De La Salle University)
Priority - Ab Psych Major in Accountancy Offered - Ab Psych Major in Accountancy
PROS: - Only one LRT ride away from my home - Top school (?) ang DLSU for Psychology courses
CONS: - Tuition lalo na tri-sem and double major. Like I said, kaya naman ng family ko although concerned pa rin ako sa gastos kasi among the 3, ito ang pinakamalaking gagastusin.
  1. UST (University of Santo Tomas)
Priority - BS Psych Offered - Ab Behavioral Sci (WAITLISTED)
PROS: - I like their community the best. This is actually the uni that I think best fits for me kasi I feel like mas ka-league ko ang circle ng Thomasians and a lot of the people I know are there.
CONS: - Waitlisted. The news pained me, pero I keep waiting if may available slot for me. Ang kaso, walang assurance naman that I'll get in so I have to decide din which uni I should use as a plan B.
it's a long list, and siguro may maiinis kasi i've been indecisive. tbh, wala naman akong dream uni. but i blame myself for not thinking ahead during the applications. i have been reading sa reddit for opinions about this for god knows how long but i decided to write din here kung sakali na ma-enlighten pa ako huhu.
pero thank you so much in advance.
submitted by Distinct_Designer905 to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]