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Disney+ Hotstar

2020.03.11 11:19 kingnoise Disney+ Hotstar

Disney+ (based on Hotstar) is now available in India, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, South Africa, Middle East and North Africa.

2011.04.17 10:26 kds Johannesburg, South Africa

Johannesburg, Joburg, Jozi, eGoli - the city of gold. Subreddit dedicated to the capital of the Gauteng Province. Anything and everything about Johannesburg, its people and places 🌆

2013.10.22 18:41 South Africa in Photographs

Showcasing the beauty of South Africa through pictures. No NSFW content please.

2024.05.18 22:39 Greedy_Stay_4119 Woes in Wonderland

We are Splinter die Band a psychedelic rock band from Stellenbosch
Wanted to tell South Africa about our album, Woes in Wonderland.
It might just be to your liking if you enjoy the rich sounds of acoustic music and combination of musical disciplines
Splinter die Band
submitted by Greedy_Stay_4119 to southafrica [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:36 Majestic-Shop5182 Discover Excellence with Value Fencing: Celebrating 15 Years of Innovation and Quality in PVC Fencing!

Discover Excellence with Value Fencing: Celebrating 15 Years of Innovation and Quality in PVC Fencing!
Introducing Value Fencing's PVC Standard Style Picket Fences and Matching Gates! 🏡
Author: Willie Labuschagne Date: 2024-05-17
If you're looking to enhance the aesthetic appeal and security of your property, look no further than Value Fencing's PVC Standard Style Picket Fences and Matching Gates.
As the pioneering company behind the first PVC picket fencing in South Africa, designed and installed in 2009, Value Fencing brings unmatched expertise and innovation to every project.
The Pioneers of PVC Picket Fencing in South Africa In 2009, Value Fencing revolutionized the fencing industry in South Africa by introducing the first PVC picket fences. With over 15 years of experience, Value Fencing has become synonymous with reliable, maintenance-free fencing solutions that stand the test of time.
Superior Materials and Innovative Methods Our PVC fences are made from high-grade ASTM Certified "World Standard" PVC, ensuring resistance to weathering, UV damage, and pests. Unlike traditional wooden fences, our no maintenance uPVC will last for decades and is super easy to clean.
Customizable and Versatile Design Options We offer a range of design options to suit any property style. Our picket spaces come in standard apertures of 72mm, 50mm, or 22mm, or any custom space required. Enhance your home's aesthetic with standard flat caps, Gothic, or New England style caps.
Wall Raisers and Wall Extensions Add height and enhance privacy with our unique wall raisers and wall extensions. Seamlessly integrate picket fences with existing structures for a cohesive and polished look.
Custom Designed PVC Gates Our custom-designed PVC gates, including pedestrian gates, garden gates, courtyard gates, swing gates, and driveway sliding gates, are tailored to meet your specific needs and complement your property's style.
Innovative Construction Methods Our gates feature mitered corners and PVC welding for superior quality. Aluminum internal sleeve stiffeners ensure the gates maintain their shape and strength over time, providing crucial support for mounting hinges, latches, and rollers.
Lifetime No Maintenance Guarantee Enjoy a 20-year warranty and a lifetime no maintenance guarantee. Experience the beauty and security of our PVC picket fences without the hassle and cost of regular upkeep.
Local Franchises Across South Africa With a network of local franchises, Value Fencing ensures personalized service and professional installation. Our knowledgeable professionals are dedicated to providing the highest level of service and expertise.
Contact Value Fencing Today Enhance the beauty, security, and value of your property with Value Fencing's PVC Standard Style Picket Fences and Matching Gates. Visit Value Fencing to find your nearest franchise and schedule a consultation.
Trust the pioneers of PVC fencing in South Africa to deliver a fencing solution that exceeds your expectations!

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submitted by Majestic-Shop5182 to pvcfencing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:30 ice_cold_fahrenheit CMV: East Asian countries are more developed than the US

(This is a repost since my original post got taken down for being too soapboxy. I checked and it was 6 pages in a Google Doc, so yeah…this time I’ll try to cut to the chase.)
When I’ve visited China in the past several years - one week in 2016, then a whole summer in 2018 - it felt like I was in Wakanda. From gigantic cities with futuristic neon skyscrapers, world-class metros, immaculate highways, or the greatest high speed rail network known to man, the built environment felt like something out of a sci-fi movie. And the embrace of technology, from electric vehicles to AI to WeChat Pay, felt palpable. I could go on and on, but my impression was powerful: China had become the future.
So going back to America was a serious letdown. With its aging airports, pothole-filled roads, and public transit that ranges from horrible to non-existent, its infrastructure is seriously lacking, to say the least. American cities feel run-down, poverty-stricken, poorly run, and absolutely puny compared to Asian ones, not that its rural areas are doing much better; meanwhile its suburbs are justifiably clowned upon for being ugly car-dependent hellholes. And compared to China’s dynamic, futuristic built environment, America’s has barely changed since the 1970s, the decade when it became the Build-Nothing Nation.
And I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Whenever my parents drive into NYC, they notice and say how it has fallen way behind compared to Chinese cities. My friend’s mom, after living in China for much of the pandemic, went to live with her in the DC area and constantly complained about how worse everything is in America. I bet she was like another friend’s roommate, a Chinese international student who insisted everything about China was superior to America.
But hey, maybe you don’t want to live under China’s surveillance state (not that this isn’t futuristic in its own right). After all, one of the good parts of returning to America was being able to ditch the VPN.
Well there is Taiwan, which combines the good parts of mainland China, like the high-quality infrastructure, with democracy and social progressivism. There’s South Korea, which combines cutting edge tech with cutting edge culture, and Singapore (yes not technically East Asia but still), with its diverse population living in a utopian garden city.
Then there is Japan, Reddit’s favorite country. Everyone praises Japan for having the world’s best public transit, excellent urbanism with abundant housing and third spaces, and an impeccable safety record that allows 5-year-olds to perform errands. There’s a reason why a friend who visited Tokyo a month ago said that it was what a perfect city looked like, and why others say it’s the greatest city in the world.
And before anyone says “you’re just looking at the surface,” I shall remind you that all these countries have higher life expectancies and much lower crime, drug use, and homelessness rates than America. Even China overtook America in life expectancy during the height of COVID.
Intellectually, I know that the US has a higher GDP per capita than all these countries (except for Singapore), but looking outside it doesn’t feel like it. Instead, the US looks like a middle income country like Brazil, South Africa, or Russia. And while there are many good parts to living in America, I worry they are compromises for accepting a lower standard of development.
submitted by ice_cold_fahrenheit to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:05 Positive-Poet-705 Population by Subregion in Asia (2024)

Population by Subregion in Asia (2024)
Take a look at how Asia's (And other parts to some extent) demographic is changing. It is simply not mentioned enough. Southern Asia is uncontrolled and horny AF but not influential enough to match those numbers. People need to consider how this affects our day to day life, the future generations.
submitted by Positive-Poet-705 to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:59 Dry_Award_8538 Immigrate to US

Hello, I am from South Africa and an electronic engineer with a Bachelor of Engineering degree. I have three years of experience in the defense and energy sectors.
My wife, a software engineer, and I are interested in moving to the US because we have close friends and distant family living there.
We have already tried the Diversity Visa program, unfortunately without success.
What other options do we have to move to the US?
submitted by Dry_Award_8538 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:48 your_lo1c2_ Advice for boarding school?

(Disclaimer: I am not diagnosed with autism, but I think I might have it and I can't quite find advice on this topic that is relevant to me. Also, English is not my first language, so I am sorry for any mistakes I make)
In September I am going to be enrolled into a boarding school with a focus on agriculture. On the weekends and on breaks I will be at home. For the rest of the time I will be at school. I am currently attending 8th grade in a public middle school, so this will be a huge change.
Also, I live in Austria (the boarding school is also in Austria), so a lot of things are different, but I assume there must be a lot of advice that would apply to both American and Austrian boarding schools.
My main concerns are social life (roommate, classmates, friends (?) at my current school), leaving my parents and grandparents, managing pocket money (it will likely be raised to 30-50€ per month when I enter boarding school), my cat (she is 10 years old and I will attend the boarding school for 5 school years, so she will likely die in that time), hygiene and cleaning, packing, academics (getting good grades is mostly easy at my current school, but I constantly forget homework or just can't get myself to do it), following instructions and motorics and coordination.
I also have some minor concerns like whether I would take atleast some of the flags in my room with me. I have 28 flags in my room: 1 large Austrian flag, 24 small flags on flag poles that I keep on surfaces in my room (Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, India , Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Panama, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, USA, United Kingdom), and 3 flags I crafted on my own ((in the order I crafted them:) Union of South Africa, Rhodesia and the flag of a Minecraft nation I am the president of currently)
I apologise for my excessive use of brackets.
I am already thinking about how I will put things in my dorm room. For example, I have 4 boxes made of fabric, which I plan on putting under my bed. The boxes have cats depicted on them on the front side!!!!!!!
So, if anyone has advice for boarding school, especially with social life and adapting, to share, I would be very grateful.
submitted by your_lo1c2_ to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:45 Bigbadchickenfeet 18 [F4M] #Southafrica #Onlime. Seeking a partner that can appreciate my ginger aspects

Hey Reddit fam,
I'm a spirited ginger girl on the hunt for her ginger counterpart in sunny South Africa! 🌞 I've always believed in the magic of fiery locks and the spark they bring to life. So, fellow gingers, where are you hiding?
I'm on a quest for someone who shares my love for adventure, laughs at my ginger jokes, and appreciates the beauty of our unique hair color. Whatever it may be, I'm ready to create some unforgettable memories with the right ginger guy by my side.
If you're a fellow flame-haired individual who's up for some fun, witty banter, and possibly even a dash of romance, then let's connect! Drop me a message and let's see if we can ignite a spark together. Who knows, we might just be the perfect match made in ginger heaven! 🔥🧡
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Cheers, Bigbadchickenfeet
submitted by Bigbadchickenfeet to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:40 sinomaltanews "Spa ġdida tiftaħ fiċ-ċentru ta' Great Falls

"Spa ġdida tiftaħ fiċ-ċentru ta' Great Falls
Qed tfittex post sabiħ biex tirrilassa? Studio Stiles huwa spa ġdid ta 'lussu fiċ-ċentru ta' Great Falls. Huma ospitaw ftuħ grandjuż il-Ġimgħa wara nofsinhar - kompluta b'ċerimonja tal-qtugħ taż-żigarella u trakk tat-taco.
Is-sid Tia Stiles u l-manager Jasmine Johnson iltaqgħu fi skola tal-kosmetoloġija fi Great Falls, u eventwalment fetħu l-ewwel Studio Stiles sitt snin ilu f’Malta.
Il-par huma eċċitati li jespandu s-servizzi tagħhom lill-komunità ta 'Great Falls. Is-sid Tia Stiles tgħid li l-għan tagħha għall-spa huwa li tkun “iffukata ħafna fuq il-parti lussuża tagħha. Allura, kun żgur li jkollok oasi fejn titbiegħed u tirrilassa. Aħna nagħtu t-ton meta tidħol b’xokk tas-saqajn u jew, taf, prosecco, kafè, tè, ilma, tkun xi tkun il-burdata tiegħek, u mbagħad nidħlu fis-servizzi tagħna.”
Filwaqt li l-spa joffri varjetà ta 'trattamenti tal-wiċċ, garżi tal-ġisem, u waxing, il-ġbid ewlieni huwa l-magna Neveskin tagħhom, apparat ta' sculpting tal-ġisem li jippromwovi l-issikkar tal-ġilda u t-toning.
Filmat: Landspout tornado fil-Montana
KRTV jgħid addiju lil Maggie Reilly
Ħsara maltempata f'Monarch u Neihart
Lineup tal-kunċerti: Montana State Fair
Stiles jispjega, “Ħafna nies semgħu dwar Coolsculpting. Huwa simili għal dak, l-istess xjenza, biss inqas invażivi, inqas riskju ta 'ħsara permanenti u teknoloġija aktar ġdida. Għandna xi għażliet ta 'toning sabiex jekk kellek, taf, trabi, telf ta' piż drammatiku huwa wieħed tassew kbir għalina. Jgħin biss biex tissikka dik il-ġilda.”
In-Neveskin jintuża wkoll għal trattamenti tal-wiċċ, inkluż li jdawwal u tissikka l-ġilda tal-wiċċ. Stiles jgħid li din hija għażla inqas invażiva għal dawk li qed iħarsu lejn botox jew fillers għal skopijiet ta 'kontra t-tixjiħ.
Studio Stiles huwa l-uniku spa ċċertifikat f'Montana li juża n-Neveskin il-ġdid, u kien is-seba' fin-nazzjon li rċieva l-magna tagħhom, wara li kien għadu kif ħareġ f'Marzu 2024.
Johnson jgħid, “Ġeneralment, it-teknoloġija, taf, qed tinbidel kontinwament u l-edukazzjoni dejjem titjieb. U naħseb li fl-industrija tagħna għandna nibqgħu aġġornati b'dan. Allura huwa ġdid u eċċitanti, Bħal biss, titgħallem affarijiet li jistgħu jgħinu lin-nies ta’ benefiċċju.”
Studio Stiles jinsab fiċ-ċentru ta' Great Falls f'18 Fourth Street North, Suite A. Għal lista sħiħa ta 'servizzi u biex titgħallem aktar dwar Studio Stiles, ikklikkja hawn biex iżżur il-websajt.

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat), id-destinazzjoni tiegħek one-stop għal oġġetti affordabbli, perfetta għal dekorazzjoni tad-dar, elettroniċi, provvisti għall-annimali domestiċi, sports u selezzjonijiet tal-ġugarelli. -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
正在尋找一個放鬆的好地方? Studio Stiles 是大瀑布市中心的全新豪華水療中心。週五下午,他們舉辦了盛大的開幕儀式,並舉行了剪綵儀式和一輛墨西哥玉米餅卡車。
店主 Tia Stiles 和經理 Jasmine Johnson 在大瀑布城的美容學校相識,最終在六年前在馬耳他開設了第一家 Studio Stiles 工作室。
兩人很高興能夠將他們的服務擴展到大瀑布城社區。業主蒂亞·斯蒂爾斯 (Tia Stiles) 表示,她的水療中心目標是「非常注重其中的奢華部分。因此,請確保您有一個可以放鬆身心的綠洲。當你進來泡腳時,我們就定下了基調,你知道,普羅塞克、咖啡、茶、水,無論你的心情是什麼,然後我們就會開始提供服務。
雖然水療中心提供各種臉部護理、身體裹敷和打蠟服務,但最吸引人的是他們的 Neveskin 機器,這是一種可以促進皮膚緊緻和膚色的塑身設備。
KRTV 告別瑪姬·賴利
Stiles 解釋說:「很多人都聽說過酷塑。與此類似,同樣的科學,只是侵入性較小,永久損壞的風險較小,且技術更新。我們有一些塑身選項,因此,如果您已經有了嬰兒,那麼顯著的減肥對我們來說確實是一件大事。它只會幫助收緊皮膚。
Neveskin 也用於臉部護理,包括提亮和緊緻臉部肌膚。史泰爾斯說,對於那些尋求肉毒桿菌或填充劑抗衰老目的的人來說,這是一種侵入性較小的選擇。
Studio Stiles 是蒙大拿州唯一獲得使用新型 Neveskin 認證的水療中心,也是全國第七家獲得其機器的水療中心,該機器於 2024 年 3 月剛發布。
Studio Stiles 位於大瀑布城市中心 18 Fourth Street North,Suite A。

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"New spa opens in downtown Great Falls
Looking for a nice place to relax? Studio Stiles is a new luxury spa in downtown Great Falls. They hosted a grand opening Friday afternoon - complete with a ribbon cutting ceremony and a taco truck.
Owner Tia Stiles and manager Jasmine Johnson met at cosmetology school in Great Falls, eventually opening the first Studio Stiles six years ago in Malta.
The pair are excited to expand their services to the community of Great Falls. Owner Tia Stiles says her goal for the spa is to be “very much focused on the luxury part of it. So, making sure that you have an oasis to get away to and relax. We kind of set the tone when you come in with a foot soak and either, you know, prosecco, coffee, tea, water, whatever your mood is, and then we'll go into our services.”
While the spa offers a variety of facials, body wraps, and waxing, the main draw is their Neveskin machine, a body sculpting device that promotes skin tightening and toning.
Video: Landspout tornado in Montana
KRTV says farewell to Maggie Reilly
Storm damage in Monarch and Neihart
Concert lineup: Montana State Fair
Stiles explains, “A lot of people have heard of Coolsculpting. It's similar to that, same science, just less invasive, less risk of permanent damage and newer technology. We have some toning options so that if you've had, you know, babies, dramatic weight loss is a really big one for us. It just helps tighten up that skin.”
The Neveskin is also used for facials, including brightening and tightening the facial skin. Stiles says this is a less invasive option for those looking at botox or fillers for anti-aging purposes.
Studio Stiles is the only spa certified in Montana to utilize the new Neveskin, and was the seventh in the nation to receive their machine, having just been released in March 2024.
Johnson says, “Overall technology, you know, it's constantly changing and education's always getting better. And I think in our industry we have to stay up with that. So it's new and exciting, Like just, just learning things that can help benefit people.”
Studio Stiles is located in downtown Great Falls at 18 Fourth Street North, Suite A. For a full list of services and to learn more about Studio Stiles, click here to visit the website.

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Disclaimer: This site is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal [health, tax, profession] advice. We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this blog. This blog is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this blog may not be those of the host or the management.
"डाउनटाउन ग्रेट फॉल्स में नया स्पा खुला
आराम करने के लिए कोई अच्छी जगह खोज रहे हैं? स्टूडियो स्टाइल्स डाउनटाउन ग्रेट फॉल्स में एक नया लक्जरी स्पा है। उन्होंने शुक्रवार दोपहर को एक भव्य उद्घाटन की मेजबानी की - एक रिबन काटने की रस्म और एक टैको ट्रक के साथ।
मालिक टिया स्टाइल्स और प्रबंधक जैस्मीन जॉनसन ग्रेट फॉल्स में कॉस्मेटोलॉजी स्कूल में मिले, अंततः छह साल पहले माल्टा में पहला स्टूडियो स्टाइल्स खोला।
यह जोड़ी ग्रेट फॉल्स के समुदाय में अपनी सेवाओं का विस्तार करने के लिए उत्साहित है। मालिक टिया स्टाइल्स का कहना है कि स्पा के लिए उनका लक्ष्य ""इसके लक्जरी हिस्से पर बहुत अधिक ध्यान केंद्रित करना है। इसलिए, सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके पास दूर जाने और आराम करने के लिए एक नखलिस्तान है। जब आप पैर भिगोकर आते हैं तो हम एक तरह से टोन सेट करते हैं और या तो, आप जानते हैं, प्रोसेको, कॉफी, चाय, पानी, जो भी आपका मूड हो, और फिर हम अपनी सेवाओं में लग जाएंगे।
जबकि स्पा विभिन्न प्रकार के फेशियल, बॉडी रैप्स और वैक्सिंग प्रदान करता है, मुख्य आकर्षण उनकी नेवेस्किन मशीन है, एक बॉडी स्कल्पटिंग डिवाइस जो त्वचा को कसने और टोनिंग को बढ़ावा देती है।
वीडियो: मोंटाना में भूस्खलन बवंडर
केआरटीवी ने मैगी रीली को विदाई दी
मोनार्क और नीहार्ट में तूफान से क्षति
कॉन्सर्ट लाइनअप: मोंटाना राज्य मेला
स्टाइल्स बताते हैं, “बहुत से लोगों ने कूलस्कल्पटिंग के बारे में सुना है। यह उसी के समान है, वही विज्ञान, बस कम आक्रामक, स्थायी क्षति का कम जोखिम और नई तकनीक। हमारे पास कुछ टोनिंग विकल्प हैं ताकि यदि आपके पास, आप जानते हैं, बच्चों, नाटकीय रूप से वजन कम करना हमारे लिए वास्तव में बड़ा है। यह बस उस त्वचा को कसने में मदद करता है।
नेवेस्किन का उपयोग फेशियल के लिए भी किया जाता है, जिसमें चेहरे की त्वचा को चमकाना और कसना भी शामिल है। स्टाइल्स का कहना है कि बुढ़ापा रोधी उद्देश्यों के लिए बोटोक्स या फिलर्स की तलाश करने वालों के लिए यह एक कम आक्रामक विकल्प है।
स्टूडियो स्टाइल्स नई नेवेस्किन का उपयोग करने के लिए मोंटाना में प्रमाणित एकमात्र स्पा है, और उनकी मशीन प्राप्त करने वाला देश का सातवां स्पा था, जिसे अभी मार्च 2024 में जारी किया गया था।
जॉनसन कहते हैं, “कुल मिलाकर प्रौद्योगिकी, आप जानते हैं, यह लगातार बदल रही है और शिक्षा हमेशा बेहतर हो रही है। और मुझे लगता है कि हमारे उद्योग में हमें इसके साथ बने रहना होगा। तो यह नया और रोमांचक है, जैसे कि, बस ऐसी चीजें सीखना जो लोगों को लाभ पहुंचाने में मदद कर सकती हैं।
स्टूडियो स्टाइल्स शहर के ग्रेट फॉल्स में 18 फोर्थ स्ट्रीट नॉर्थ, सुइट ए में स्थित है। सेवाओं की पूरी सूची के लिए और स्टूडियो स्टाइल्स के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए, वेबसाइट पर जाने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें।

आज की अमेज़ॅन डील (संबद्ध), किफायती वस्तुओं के लिए आपका वन-स्टॉप गंतव्य, घर की सजावट, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक, पालतू जानवरों की आपूर्ति, खेल और खिलौनों के चयन के लिए बिल्कुल सही। -
अस्वीकरण: यह साइट केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए है और इसे कानूनी [स्वास्थ्य, कर, पेशा] सलाह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। हम इस ब्लॉग के उपयोग से होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान, क्षति या देनदारियों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह को प्रतिस्थापित करना नहीं है। इस ब्लॉग में व्यक्त विचार मेज़बान या प्रबंधन के नहीं हो सकते हैं।
"Se abre un nuevo spa en el centro de Great Falls
¿Buscas un buen lugar para relajarte? Studio Stiles es un nuevo spa de lujo en el centro de Great Falls. Organizaron una gran inauguración el viernes por la tarde, completa con una ceremonia de inauguración y un camión de tacos.
La propietaria Tia Stiles y la gerente Jasmine Johnson se conocieron en la escuela de cosmetología de Great Falls y finalmente abrieron el primer Studio Stiles hace seis años en Malta.
La pareja está entusiasmada de ampliar sus servicios a la comunidad de Great Falls. La propietaria Tia Stiles dice que su objetivo para el spa es estar “muy centrado en la parte de lujo del mismo. Por lo tanto, asegúrese de tener un oasis al que escaparse y relajarse. Como que marcamos la pauta cuando llegas con un baño de pies y, ya sabes, prosecco, café, té, agua, cualquiera que sea tu estado de ánimo, y luego entramos en nuestros servicios”.
Si bien el spa ofrece una variedad de tratamientos faciales, envolturas corporales y depilaciones, el atractivo principal es su máquina Neveskin, un dispositivo para esculpir el cuerpo que promueve el estiramiento y la tonificación de la piel.
Vídeo: tornado terrestre en Montana
KRTV se despide de Maggie Reilly
Daños por tormentas en Monarch y Neihart
Programación de conciertos: Feria Estatal de Montana
Stiles explica: “Mucha gente ha oído hablar de Coolsculpting. Es similar a eso, la misma ciencia, sólo que menos invasiva, menos riesgo de daño permanente y tecnología más nueva. Tenemos algunas opciones de tonificación para que, si ha tenido bebés, la pérdida de peso dramática sea realmente importante para nosotros. Simplemente ayuda a reafirmar esa piel”.
Neveskin también se utiliza para tratamientos faciales, incluido iluminar y tensar la piel del rostro. Stiles dice que esta es una opción menos invasiva para quienes buscan botox o rellenos con fines antienvejecimiento.
Studio Stiles es el único spa certificado en Montana que utiliza el nuevo Neveskin y fue el séptimo en el país en recibir su máquina, ya que se lanzó recientemente en marzo de 2024.
Johnson dice: “En general, la tecnología cambia constantemente y la educación siempre mejora. Y creo que en nuestra industria tenemos que mantenernos al día con eso. Así que es nuevo y emocionante, simplemente aprender cosas que pueden ayudar a beneficiar a las personas”.
Studio Stiles está ubicado en el centro de Great Falls en 18 Fourth Street North, Suite A. Para obtener una lista completa de servicios y obtener más información sobre Studio Stiles, haga clic aquí para visitar el sitio web.

Ofertas de Amazon de hoy (afiliado), su destino único para artículos asequibles, perfectos para decoración del hogar, electrónica, artículos para mascotas, deportes y selecciones de juguetes. -
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"Un nouveau spa ouvre ses portes au centre-ville de Great Falls
Vous cherchez un endroit agréable pour vous détendre ? Studio Stiles est un nouveau spa de luxe situé au centre-ville de Great Falls. Ils ont organisé une grande ouverture vendredi après-midi, avec une cérémonie d'inauguration et un camion de tacos.
La propriétaire Tia Stiles et la gérante Jasmine Johnson se sont rencontrées à l'école de cosmétologie de Great Falls et ont finalement ouvert le premier Studio Stiles il y a six ans à Malte.
Les deux hommes sont ravis d'étendre leurs services à la communauté de Great Falls. La propriétaire, Tia Stiles, affirme que son objectif pour le spa est « d'être très concentré sur l'aspect luxueux ». Alors, assurez-vous d’avoir une oasis où vous évader et vous détendre. Nous donnons en quelque sorte le ton lorsque vous arrivez avec un bain de pieds et, vous savez, du prosecco, du café, du thé, de l'eau, quelle que soit votre humeur, puis nous passerons à nos services.
Bien que le spa propose une variété de soins du visage, d'enveloppements corporels et d'épilations à la cire, le principal attrait est leur machine Neveskin, un appareil de sculpture corporelle qui favorise le raffermissement et la tonification de la peau.
Vidéo : Tornade de trombes terrestres dans le Montana
KRTV fait ses adieux à Maggie Reilly
Dégâts causés par la tempête à Monarch et Neihart
Programmation des concerts : Foire de l'État du Montana
Stiles explique : « Beaucoup de gens ont entendu parler du Coolsculpting. C'est similaire à cela, même science, juste moins invasive, moins de risques de dommages permanents et une technologie plus récente. Nous proposons des options de tonification, de sorte que si vous avez eu, vous savez, des bébés, une perte de poids spectaculaire est très importante pour nous. Cela aide simplement à raffermir cette peau.
Le Neveskin est également utilisé pour les soins du visage, notamment pour éclaircir et raffermir la peau du visage. Stiles dit qu'il s'agit d'une option moins invasive pour ceux qui recherchent du botox ou des produits de comblement à des fins anti-âge.
Studio Stiles est le seul spa certifié du Montana à utiliser le nouveau Neveskin et a été le septième du pays à recevoir sa machine, qui vient de sortir en mars 2024.
Johnson déclare : « Dans l'ensemble, la technologie, vous savez, évolue constamment et l'éducation s'améliore toujours. Et je pense que dans notre industrie, nous devons rester à la hauteur. C'est donc nouveau et passionnant, comme simplement apprendre des choses qui peuvent aider les gens.
Studio Stiles est situé au centre-ville de Great Falls, au 18 Fourth Street North, Suite A. Pour une liste complète des services et pour en savoir plus sur Studio Stiles, cliquez ici pour visiter le site Web.

Offres Amazon d'aujourd'hui (affilié), votre destination unique pour des articles abordables, parfaits pour la décoration intérieure, l'électronique, les fournitures pour animaux de compagnie, les sports et les jouets. -
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submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:39 DianaSnowly Nurse shamed me for sleeping training my 4 month old, feeling so guilty!

My son is 4 month old and nearly 15lbs, I am a FTm. I’ve done a lot of research regarding sleep training and my husband and I decided it would be very beneficial for our son. Currently he sleeps very very well, he wakes up twice during the night for feeding at 12am and 5am and sleeps from 8pm to 7am. The reason we want to sleep train is because the only way to get him to go to sleep is to allow him to use my breast basically as a pacifier until he falls asleep. He doesn’t like his regular pacifiers and it’s the only way he’ll sleep. He’s been this way since he was a newborn.
My husband and I really do think allowing him to self soothe would be so beneficial for him considering he’s such a good sleeper anyway. We started sleep training last night doing the Ferber Method. Of course my son wasn’t happy, and he cried and got himself very worked up. However he DID soothe himself to sleep eventually. All in all it took around 30 minutes with us going in to try and console him every 5-10 minutes. He went to sleep and slept through to his 12am feed.
However at his 12am feed I realised his voice was hoarse for him getting so worked up. I’ve been breastfeeding him all day and it’s been getting better but I felt so guilty. My husband said I should call my son’s paediatric nurse and get some reassurance that it’s all okay. Then that’s where everything went south…
This nurse almost immediately just wasn’t listening to the story of how the night went, she just kept saying “you left a baby that young to cry for 30 minutes?!” ~ “he’s far too young to be allowed to cry all that time and be ignored” No matter how many times I explained how we did it and that he wasn’t just ‘left’ as she was suggesting. She just made me feel awful and so guilty. She told me I need to comfort him if he cries because he’s crying for a reason like his diaper or he’s hungry or needs burped. But we covered all that before we put him down!
I’m just at a loss, I don’t know whether or not we should continue. I called looking for support and reassurance and instead was made to feel like I’m abusing my son.
Any advice?
submitted by DianaSnowly to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:34 Michtrk 1946-1952 The Rest of the World

12 April 1946 – surrender of Japan, brief premiership of Naruhiko Higashikuni (14 April to 9 June 1946), followed by Kijūrō Shidehara. Occupation mostly carried by US troops, but also Commonwealth zone (UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand), led by Douglas MacArthur as the SCAP (Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers)
Situation is even way worse than in our reality thanks to all the destruction. First effort is gíve relief to the starving population. Even greater than in our reality are efforts to remove Hirohito (and it is impossible to imagine for the most of Allied leaders including Truman and Churchill to keep him on the throne after this brutal invasion), and despite opposition of MacArthur, Allies force the emperor to abdicate (and renounce divine status) in favour of regency headed by Takahito, (27 July 1946), when Akihito comes to age, he would become the Emperor. Hirohito’s abdication marks the beginning of Seika era, era of Emperor Akihito.
Hirohito is still given all possible protections against any trials for war crimes by MacArthur and is basically sent to comfortable retirement. Institution of monarchy is protected by Allies. Through 1946-1947 many westernisation reforms by MacArthur, based largely on FDR’s New Deal, as in our reality. April-May, political prisoners were released, and Communist Party of Japan was legalised and became politically active organising strikes. 10 February 1947 the first election with women suffrage, victory of Democratic Liberal Party headed by war criminal Hatoyama, who was eventually purged by Allied administration, so Shigeru Yoshida became new prime minister (22 March 1947).
By mid-1947 many officials connected to war crimes were purged, however since then, the course was reversed due to American need for the creation of a powerful Ally against the USSR and many regained power or at least avoided persecution. Through 1947 Americans wrote a new Japanese constitution (later in American myths it was MacArthur completely by himself), 3 August 1947 it was presented. Major shift from our reality is that Article 9, although considered, is not included in such sense as in our reality, it states only that “Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes” second part about demilitarisation is missing. Since summer 1947, US authorities adopt “Reverse Course” policies - aforementioned rehabilitation of officials, also protection of Zaibatsu (which Americans originally wanted to break-up and weaken), and reconstruction. Tokyo Trials 26 September 1946 to 12 January 1950 – MacArthur’s cover up of Japanese war crimes to a lesser extent, but it still does happen (including Unit 731). Taft also, like in Germany, attacks trials as “victor's justice”. From 25 December to 31 1950 Khabarovsk war crimes trials in the USSR about war criminals from Manchuria.
Persecution of growing Japanese communist movement starts. 1948-1951 “Red Purge”. Since March 1949 Dodge Line plan of right-wing economic reforms (cutting public spending, limiting public consumption, and reorienting industrial production in favour of export-oriented), also increase in unemployment and law against unions passed. In 1949 conflicts between communists and authorities escalated into many strikes, pro-communist politicians and officials began to be fired, after summer strike waves also purges of workers and academics. 1 July 1949 Japanese Self-Defence forces established – official remilitarisation. 23 October 1949 election, victory of DLP, electoral success of communists.
Peace Treaty with Japan
President Taft was eager to restore Japanese Independence – SCAP already transferred large amount of authority to Japanese trough 1949, secretary of the state William Richards Castle Jr took initiative. Despite Taft’s initial opposition to idea of continuous military presence, he is persuaded to keep limited number of stationed troops. Peace Treaty with Japan was scheduled after Treaty with Germany. Talks began in August 1950, however talks collapsed over China, despite at the time everyone recognised KMT, Soviets wanted PRC representatives to also attend. Other negotiations were called for January 1951, which resulted into calling for a Peace Conference with Japan in San Francisco analogous to the previous one with Germany. 6 March to 8 August 1951 San Francisco Conference, USSR and its allies boycotted them due to not including Chinese representatives. Despite Chinese and Soviets not being present, their interests were considered. Taiwan was ceded to China, Sakhalin, and Kuril Islands to USSR, unlike OTL Okinawa and more territories were already given back to Japan. Treaty was signed 8 August 1951, valid since 8 March 1952. Separate peace treaties were signed between Japan and ROC (30 January 1953), the Soviet Union and Korea “Vladivostok Treaties” 28 April 1952, these treaties recognised Soviet control over former Japanese territories and entitled Japan to pay reparations to Korea.
8 September 1951 U.S.-Japan Security Treaty was signed, which dictated Japan to accept continuous American military presence. This treaty caused a wave of resistance in Japan, uniting Japanese from right to left. Bloody May Day – over a million protestors in all of Japan, in Tokyo these protests escalated into violence and protests were massacred by police. 1 October 1952 election victory of Yoshida’s Liberal Party. 10 November 1952 coronation ceremony of Emperor Akihito, it marks symbolic beginning of new post-war Japan.
Philippines – 4 July 1947 United States gave official independence to Philippines and retained there many military bases (agreement from 1946 establishes bases for 99 years!) and the US still keeps a degree of political and economic dominance. 28 June 1946 Manuel Roxas became president of Philippines (still under US control then), communists were expelled from Congress despite being democratically elected – Hukbalahap Rebellion resumes (June 1946) and gained substantial strength, United States interferes and supports the government. On 15 April 1948 Roxas died of a heart attack; he was succeeded by vice-president Elpidio Quirino (re-elected in a fraudulent election 8 November 1949). Since the Taft Presidency, interests of Americans in Philippine affairs decreased, aid against Huks drained. President Quirino initiated major social reforms during his second term and attempted mostly useful land reform. 1950-1951 Huks successfully boosted their strength with seizing and keeping control over the centre of Laguna province – Santa Cruz. In 1952 Huks controlled sizable parts of the country and due to government corruption and brutality against rebels had also popular support. In 1951 they started to obtain massive support from China (from 1948 they were also backed by Korea).
As Japan surrendered, two days later on 14 April 1946 Indonesia (then with its majority under Japanese control) Indonesia declared independence, Sukarno became president and Hatta vice-president. Indonesians took advantage of the lack of established authority. Indonesia was occupied by Commonwealth forces (started in late May 1946). 27 June to 20 July 1946 a large battle between Indonesian and British forces – Battle of Surabaya, under significant losses results into a British victory. Churchill wanted to restore Dutch colonial rule and was ready to back them.
Important is Dutch reaction, Dutch government at the time was coalition between all parties formed after liberation by the Red Army in September 1945 (in wikibox there is 1946, another mistake overlook until I needed that), all parties with exception of CPN supported re-conquest of Indonesia, while communists wanted to grand them independence. CPN is vigorously opposed to continued colonisation and due to CPN securing second place in 1946 election and to lesser degree Soviet pressure on Dutch to recognise Indonesia, talks began in February 1947. Coincidentally with the December 1946 election there was a Malino Conference in which representatives of Dutch controlled territory backed the plan for creation of Dutch aligned federal states. 15 February 1947 Linggadjati Round Table Agreement is signed, in which Netherlands recognises Indonesian Republic controlled territory and both sides agree on formation of the Federal Republic of Indonesia (Republic, East Indonesia and Kalimantan) by 1 January 1948, FRI would newly formed Netherlands-Indonesian Union with the Dutch monarch as head. Similar agreement was reached in our reality but failed. In this timeline everything goes through, despite the fall of the Dutch coalition in summer 1947.
First Indonesian prime minister under Sutan Sjahrir (April to 3 December 1946), replaced by Amir Sjarifuddin, his cabinet included leftist forces, eventually even communists, who were instrumental in making agreement with the Netherlands (as part of the Dutch coalition were also communist negotiators). This cabinet stayed in power, avoiding real life events of the Madiun Affair. New government headed by Mohammad Hatta was formed after the creation of the federal republic. Creation of this republic was met with criticism from Islamists, who launched the Darul Islam rebellion led by Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo (7 August 1948). Overall, young Indonesia was a very unstable country. Anti-unitary forces attempted a failed coup in January 1950. Federation was not popular among Indonesians, so it was quickly dissolved and replaced with a unitary republic (14 April 1950). The Republic of South Maluku attempted to break away with Dutch support, however failed to do so.
Liberal Democratic Period (to 1952)
Newly declared Indonesian republic adopted its constitution and became a free parliamentary democracy. First government was a leftwing one again under Sjarifuddin, however eventually collapsed due to Indonesian National Party (12 October 1950, replaced by cabinet of Mohammad Natsir), but this government managed to pass electoral law, so first Indonesian legislative elections were held (29 September 1951), lot of parties ran and get seats – four largest were PNI (left wing nationalism), Masyumi (liberal Islamism), Nahdlatul Ulama (Islamism), PKI (communists) and PSI- Parsi (democratic socialism). Result was a right leaning coalition under Sidik Djojosukarto (PNI- Masyumi and several minor parties), in 1952 Indonesia officially left “Union” with Netherlands.
British Malaya
1 November 1946 British colonies were united into the “Malayan Union”, strengthening and centralising British control, stripping local sultans of their powers. This created another opposition movement under nationalist United Malays National Organisation, they applied massive resistance and did not participate in British institutions. Unlike OTL, during the Churchill years, there was no reform. In 1952 (1 February) it was transformed due to this massive and long resistance (and also due to large scale communist uprising) to Federation of Malaya, attempting to appease at least conservative nationalists.
Anti–British National Liberation War (early years)
Postwar economic turmoil, powerful communist organisation, brutal response of colonial authorities to strikers. Malaya was a key British source of resources, to pay for US debts (even way more rising in importance after Taft). 17 June 1948 Sungai Siput incident – revenge killing of plantation managers lead to massive British anti-communist arrests, and communists went into hiding. Also, the uprising in Burma (1947) also plays a role as another new motivation. February 1949 Malayan National Liberation Army under Chin Peng is formed (reformed from anti-Japanese resistance movement), MNLA has support of the population and is based in jungles and areas very hard to access for colonialists. Britain imposes very harsh repression against the population, leading to even more widespread support for MNLA. April 1950 “Briggs Plan” adopted forced deportations of ethnic Chinese to camps (up to half million people). The UK also uses Agent Orange (as the first country in the World), murders and tortures countless civilians, and destroys villages.
6 October 1951 British High Commissioner Henry Gurney survives MNLA ambush, this is actually damaging to the British as his replacement Gerald Templer was more competent in fighting with partisans. British forces are aided by other commonwealth nations. By 1953 the UK had problems dealing with communists and communists were stronger compared to our reality.
British Sarawak, North Borneo, Brunei
These territories were separated from Malaya in 1946. This was opposed by Malays but supported by the Chinese. Resistance by Malays culminated in assassination of Duncan Stewart. Small communist rebellion also started.
Thailand – After the war in June 1946 king Ananda Mahidol (Rama VIII) returned back to Thailand, however, was found shot dead on 26 March 1947 his death was blamed on prime minister Pridi Banomyong, who was forced to resign being replaced by Luang Thamrong.
In 1946 Thailand had to return territories to France. The 20 October 1946 election resulted in the victory of the People's Party, the first government was formed by Khuang Aphaiwong, he was however replaced by Pridi Banomyong after a lost vote of confidence (6 January 1947). Pridi was supportive of Vietnamese Independence, so he ended up being overthrown in a US backed coup (8 November 1947), this coup brough Plaek Pibulsonggram back to power. Military allied with royalists and Khuang Aphaiwong was appointed prime minister. New constitution gave back powers to Monarchythat were decreased in the 1932 revolution. To counter the power of royalist military and Pridi allied supporters, another coup was carried out on 6 April 1948, fully returning Plaek to power; he eventually secured power and foced Pridi into exile. Plaek attempted to fully secure power and destroy opposition, but due to lack of US support since 1949, he was eventually ousted by Pridi and his supporters (11 February 1949). New Direk Jayanama-led left-wing democratic government, managed to secure limited support of USSR and larger one of China (but also Britain due to their previous alliance with Allies) and tried to adopt non alignment foreign political stance. Internal political reforms – reduced power of monarchy, new legislature (in June 1950 democratic election), thanks popular policy of land reform government gained widespread support from the rural population. 29 November 1951 anti-Pridi parts of the military attempted a coup against him as returned from exile Plaek Phibunsongkhram, but eventually failed and Plaek was banished. In 1952 the government turned against conservative royalists and attempted to even further weaken the monarchy.
March Revolution 16 March to 15 April, Abdication of Emperor Bảo Đại (already before surrender of Japan because of fears of French invasion) -> creation of Vietnamese Democratic Republic. In late April North Vietnam was occupied by Chinese forces to accept the surrender of the Japanese. In March also general Leclerc arrives. Fontainebleau Agreements in mid-1946 between Vietnam and France, Vietnam as part of the French Union. With the return of France (November 1946) fighting erupted, war erupted in March 1947. By October France took over main population centres.To increase French support, State of Vietnam was created under emperor Bao Dai (2 August 1949) In 1950 Vietnam recognised by the soviet bloc. Same year the UK recognised the State of Vietnam. In late 1950 Viet Minh launched a successful offensive. In January 1951 de Tassigny was appointed to command, under his leadership France had limited military success. Hower financing the war became a major problem around this time. In March 1951 Viet Minh won in the crucial battle of Vĩnh Yên (17 March) and Viet Minh got close to Hanoi, but the French eventually managed to hold the city after heavy losses.
Change came in 1952 from Paris, talks started in February and eventually ceasefire was declared (28 February). Paris Conference – France officially recognised Democratic Republic of Vietnam, State of Vietnam was not invited as France and DRV both agreed that it was French colony (this was heavily criticised). End of war was also connected with referendum about future of Vietnam, if people support State of Vietnam in union with France or DRV. Referendum was held 14 June 1952 and resulted into landslide victory for Vietminh. Emperor abdicates and State of Vietnam dissolves, but some members of its military continue to resist DRV.
Newly independent Vietnam became a key ally for all of the socialist bloc in Asia and supported anti-colonial movements. In 1952 land reform began – often turned violent with execution of landlords. In 1953 the first five-year plan was launched, focusing on developing the country.
Laos – After the defeat of Japanese anti-colonial Lao Issara emerged. Lao monarch king Sisavang Vong however agreed with restoration of the French protectorate, Lao Issara with aid from China and Viet Minh attempted to resist re-imposition of French rule, however movement was weak and failed to do so and eventually dissolved itself in 1949. In January 1947 an agreement was signed that pledged France to give Laos autonomy inside the French Union. 1950 – Pathet Lao is formed and joins Viet Minh against French forces. In 1952 French officially withdrew from the country.
Cambodia – In 1946 king Norodom Sihanouk attempted to negotiate independence with the French, December 1946 election was held that resulted in victory of the left-wing Democratic party over conservative Liberal party. 23 October 1947 Democratic party dominated assembly passed a constitution modelled on the French one. After the death of Democratic party founder Sisowath Yuthevong, the party divided itself and cannot agree on a concrete program. In 1948 Cambodia was given autonomy by the French. After independence in April 1952, Democratic Party was largely boosted by this success. This avoided the fall of parliamentary democracy.
Ceylon (Sri Lanka)– Sri Lankan leaders led by Don Stephen Senanayake attempted to reach independence through negotiations. However, negotiations with secretary of colonies Oliver Stanley led only to self-governance and the British initially rejected granting Ceylon status of dominion. On 24 September 1947 Senanayake became the first prime minister of the newly formed Ceylonese government. In 1948 granting Dominion status to India led to demonstrations in Ceylon, Senanayake increased his pressure towards Britain. Eventually Ceylon was given the same status as India and Pakistan 4 February 1949. The Senanayake family had a lot of power, after the death of Senanayake (26 March 1952) his son Dudley was chosen by the British governor.
OCEANIA AND AMERICAS (Basically restating history with occasional minor changes, brief)
Australia – 5 July 1945 death of prime minister John Curtin, he was succeeded by Frank Forde until Labour elected Ben Chifley as its new leader. 28 October 1946 Labour government was re-elected against the emerging Liberal Party. His government was characterised by successful Keynesian social democratic politics, similar to later Attlee in UK, (social welfare, universal healthcare – in real life modelled after British one, this timeline it is vice versa, ie. The Chifley government serves as an example for Attlee elected in 1951) starting Australian postwar economic growth. Australia also supports migration to increase its population (Europeans due to the still existing “White Australia” policy). Left-wing policies, such as nationalisations, created opposition from capitalists and their conservative affiliates in politics and media. Criticism also comes from the left due to the government's anti-communism and breaking of strikes. 10 December 1949 Liberal prime minister Robert Menzies was elected. Anti-communism, in 1950 Communist party was banned, it was ruled unconstitutional. 28 April 1951 a new election, triggered the failure of the banking bill, still a victory for Liberals, however they weakened themselves with this move. In 1951 Menzies declared a referendum about banning communist parties and this timeline people agreed, leading to persecution of many communists, it was criticised as a major attack on freedom of political expression. Red Scare was similar to the US at the time, but pushed by Menzies' government. Liberal economic policies, this time taking inspiration from Taft.
New Zealand – 27 November 1946 election, victory of ruling Labour Party, Labour declined and lost popularity due to continuous post-war rationing and Fraser’s support for compulsory military service. 30 November 1949 National Party led by Sidney Holland was elected. The Legislation was changed from bicameral to unicameral, economic reforms, however the National government still supported the welfare state. Conflict with Unions, culminating into the waterfront dispute of 1951, the government responded harshly against workers with strong anti-union legislation, even outright criminalising support for them. 11 July 1951 the government was re-elected and gained more seats as a large part of the public supported their stance against workers, due to widespread anti-communism.
Oceania – “Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands” established in 1948 was originally controlled by the USA as OTL, but eventually transferred to the United Kingdom in 1950, as the US was not interested in its administration.
Canada – economic boom, social welfare Keynesian economic policies. 20 May 1946 first postwar election, victory of Liberals, however failed to obtain majority and had to rely on leftwing Co-operative Commonwealth, resulting in Canada building the strongest welfare state from Commonwealth states and becoming the most progressive one (and also becoming a major destination for European immigrants). On 15 November 1948 King retired and was succeeded by Louis St. Laurent, a French Canadian strongly opposed to communism. Due to this anti-communist however the ruling coalition collapsed, triggering snap election on 27 June 1949, which resulted in victory of Liberals, who yet again could form government without making coalitions. Shortly before the election, 31 March 1949 Canada united with NewFoundland. Canada took an important role while the US was absent in TATO.
Mexico – 1 December 1946 Miguel Alemán Valdés became president. Pro-business policies and industrialisation, development of infrastructure (dubbed Mexican miracle), however also corruption and elitism. Pro-American foreign policy. 1 December 1952 he was succeeded by Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, he was popular due to his strong stance against corruption and rapid economic development.
Guatemala – In 1944 the country was ruled by dictator Jorge Ubico, who was overthrown by a junta that was overthrown in a popular revolution (20 October 1944), 15 March 1945 Juan José Arévalo became the country's first democratically elected president, who introduced many reforms. He developed the political ideology of Arevalismo "spiritual socialism" -it can be considered a form of democratic socialism. 12 November 1950 Jacobo Árbenz was elected president, he continued the policies of Arévalo and was even more ambitious with his democratic socialist reforms. Largest one was Land Reform (17 June 1952) which greatly benefited hundred of thousands poor Guatemalan people especially indigenous ones, however made very angry American United Fruit Company that controlled majority of land and basically country itself, UFC began to lobby for his overthrown...
British Honduras – Rise of voice for independence and People's United Party
Honduras – Rule of pro American dictator Tiburcio Carías Andino, unlike OTL he did not gave power to his puppets and continued to rule the country directly. Rise of discounted with his regime, even greater due any reforms instituted by his successor Juan Manuel Gálvez were not passed.
El Salvador – Authoritarian rule of Salvador Castaneda Castro (1945-1948), suppression of strikes and opposition, eventually he was deposed by military coup (14.12.1948), after rule of military, Óscar Osorio was appointed president (14.9.1950), he instituted some social reforms, but continued corrupt regime and persecution of opposition.
Nicaragua – Dictatorial rule of pro-American Somoza dynasty. 1947-1950 figurehead presidency of Leonardo Argüello Barreto (after Truman’s pressure for liberalisation).
Costa Rica – 12 March – 24 April 1948 civil war, after an attempt to annul victory of opposition candidate José Figueres Ferrer in election, it ultimately led to victory of rebels with US help. José Figueres Ferrer became provisional president. and pushed many important reforms: abolished the military, gave women suffrage, welfare, nationalisations of banks and also outlawed communist party. 1949-1953 presidency of Otilio Ulate Blanco that upheld these reforms.
Panama – pro-American parliamentary democracy dominated by oligarchy.
Colombia – 9 April 1948 popular democratic socialist presidential candidate of the Liberal Party Jorge Eliécer Gaitán was assassinated. This triggered the “La Violencia” (1948-1958) period of massive unrest between the left and the right, over 200 000 died, at the start of the Colombian conflict. On 9 November 1949 Liberal opposition attempted to impeach president Ospina Pérez, he dissolved Congress, creating a presidential dictatorship. Liberal leaders launched an uprising in rural areas (originally it was intended to be a military coup, that however in real life did not take place and here took place and failed). 7 August 1950 new Conservative dictatorial president Laureano Gómez Castro, admirer of Franco, suffered a major heart attack and power was transferred to Roberto Urdaneta Arbeláez in 1951.
Venezuela – 18 October 1945 military coup that brought democracy to Venezuela (October 1946 and December 1947 democratic elections) under president Rómulo Betancourt. The 1940s economy also boomed thanks to oil. However, on 24 November 1948, the military staged a coup and Marcos Pérez Jiménez became dictator, under his oppressive regime there was great economic development, and he was close to the US.
Ecuador – President José María Velasco Ibarra was ousted in military coup (23 August 1947), 1947-1948 unstable country was ruled by military Carlos Mancheno Cajas, eventually military gave power to former vice-president Mariano Suárez Veintimilla, who gave his powers to Congress that elected Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola (31 August 1947). His presidency was strongly allied with the United States. 1 September 1948 Galo Plaza, another strongly pro-American figure, became the next president. He supported technocratic approach, democracy and was very open to foreign (mostly American) influence, exporting bananas to America. 1 June 1952 José María Velasco Ibarra (former deposed president, established politician and Ecuadorian nationalist) won election and became president for third term, his term was stable and brought progress, mostly in great development of infrastructure.
Brazil – Fourth Brazilian Republic, president Eurico Gaspar Dutra (1946-1951). Close relations with the US, liberal economic policy. 31 January 1951 Vargas returned after victory in the 3 October 1950 election. Keynesian economic policy, 1953 creation of PETROBRAS. Rua Tonelero shooting an assassination attempt on leading opposition member Carlos Lacerda (5August 1954) blamed on Vargas by opposition in a strong campaign, 24 August 1954 he committed suicide.
Perú – 1945 leftwing president José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, restoration of democracy. 29 October 1948 military seized power in a coup after murder of a prominent right-wing editor. Manuel Odría's regime strongly persecuted leftwing APRA, supported powerful oligarchy and gained favour of people thanks to populist rhetoric and policies.
Bolivia – 1947 to 1949 rule of Enrique Hertzog, conservative American aligned government. Economy in a terrible state, social unrest and intensified class struggle. Dominant opposition group was Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MRN) with a program of nationalisations and land reform. Next president Mamerto Urriolagoitía installed military rule (16 May 1951) under Hugo Ballivián. 9 April 1952 Bolivian National Revolution overthrew the junta. Víctor Paz Estenssoro became president. Many left-wing and democratic reforms transformed the country: universal suffrage, nationalisation of mining, large land reform (however created farms were eventually again taken over by large landowners), great influence of trade unions and workers.
Paraguay – Dictator Higinio Morínigo was pushed by the US to liberalise his regime, he legalised political parties and formed a coalition between Colorado and Febreristas. Later ones resigned from the government (11 January 1947) and united with opposition forces (Liberals and Communists) and attempted to topple his regime starting a civil war (7 March – 20 August 1947), despite opposition having popular support, and the government was saved by the US and Argentina. All parties with exception of Colorado were banned and the country became one party state. 16 August 1948 leader of Colorado Juan Natalicio González was elected president. He promoted nationalist policies; several American companies were nationalised. Due to American non-interventionism, three attempted coups against the president failed due to lack of any outside support. In other ways Paraguay was a stable country during his presidency.
Uruguay – functioning democracy, dominance of liberal Colorado party. Presidents: Juan José de Amézaga (1943-1947) – social reforms, economic stability and growth. Tomás Berreta (1947) died in office, Luis Batlle Berres (1947-1951) continued social and leftwing economic reforms.
Chile – Democratic presidential republic. September 1946 presidential election, Gabriel González Videla (Radical) elected. During his presidency many communist strikes, under US pressure Videla passed “Permanent Defense of Democracy Law” (8.9.1948) that banned the communist party, many imprisoned, strikes brutally suppressed, relations with socialist bloc broken. Radicals created alliance with Liberals and Conservatives. 4 September 1952 resulted in the victory of former president nationalist general Carlos Ibáñez del Campo. He repealed the ban on communists and also gained support from the left.
Argentina – Peron and Peronism. Nationalism, populism, social welfare, improvement of working conditions, development of local industry, growing power of the trade unions, authoritarian rule and persecution of opposition etc. Non-aligned foreign policy stance. 26 July 1952 death of Eva Peron.
Cuba – Presidents Ramón Grau (44-48) and Carlos Prío Socarrás (48-52) of left-wing nationalist Partido Auténtico. 10.3.1952 democracy overthrown by Batista’s coup. Pro-American authoritarian regime, serving interests of American elites owning majority of the county.
Haiti – 1946 revolution (11.1) – military seized power and new National Assembly was elected, Dumarsais Estimé became president (16 August 1946 to 10 May 1950), attempts of reforms, focused on expanding education, expansion of worker’s rights, creation of social security system (no passed), major nationalisations. His presidency was marked by growth and economic development. In foreign policy he was allied towards the US. After he tried to extend his time in office, he was removed by the military. General Paul Magloire became new president, he was elected president in 1950 first direct election.
Dominican Republic – Totalitarian far-right dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo. Ally of the US.
Ethiopia – Emperor Haile Selassie. 15 September 1952 Federation Between Ethiopia and Eritrea formed.
Liberia – US aligned. President William Tubman (1944-1971), stable period.
South Africa – 26 May 1948 Reunited National Party won election. Daniël François Malan became prime minister, 1948-1953 apartheid instituted.
Colonial Africa would be addressed in the next part (since there aren’t too much events 1946-1952, 1953 to 1956 is extremely eventful on the other hand) North Africa covered in another post
submitted by Michtrk to pobeda1946 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:29 Repulsive-Regular-46 Just found out that my(f19) bf (m20) is moving to England in 12 days

Our current location is in south Africa. My boyfriend and his family are moving back to England. The original plan was for him to only leave in August and now he is leaving in 12 days. We've been together for 10 months but I'm not sure if i can go 1 year without seeing him. He got a scholarship which means after Englad he'll have to live in Spain for a year to do his pilots licence. We both love each other a lot and he wants to do long distance but I'm not sure that i can. What do i do? Do i cutt it off and not go through the pain of long distance? Or do i give it a shot?
submitted by Repulsive-Regular-46 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

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2024.05.18 21:22 gauravshanuroy1 Is this the most likely script of Jay Bhai?

  1. RR - Select Sanju Samson and chahal for world cup and make their fan silent if RR loss in playoff
  2. KKR - Give GG Ict coach opportunity and make sure KKR fans are happy and ok if they loss in playoff
  3. SRH - Already winner in south Africa premier sa20 so let them be a good entertainer but not winner. Let Cummins and head play role of strong vilan who loose in final.
  4. Gt, lsg, DC same level...not good not bad. Help others to reach in playoff.
  5. CSK should miss playoff by should be emotional journey of thala fans.
  6. MI - Destroy the image of pandya in ipl and make sure he shows his worth in world cup so that he proves that he is not playing for ipl and country is first...with this he will be next ict captain.
  7. Pbks - let them struggle as usual.
  8. RCB - let's make them winner this time so that country forget the loss of world cup..make their journey remarkable..they should first loose and then suddenly start to win.
submitted by gauravshanuroy1 to ipl [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:15 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 1)

Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 1)

As Reddit doesn't allow posts to exceed 40,000 characters, Eastwood's edition had to be split into two parts because his whole career cannot be ignored. The second part will be posted tomorrow.

Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's Clint Eastwood's turn.
Eastwood was a troublemaker at school, and he had a bunch of odd jobs such as lifeguard, paper carrier, grocery clerk, forest firefighter, and golf caddy. In 1951, he was drafted into the United States Army during the Korean War and was discharged two years later. Through this, he got into contact with a Hollywood representative, who got him into acting classes and started his acting career. He got his start by starring in the hit show Rawhide, but he said he was exhausted by the experience. This caught the attention of some film producers and he decided to act in films directed by the then-unknown Sergio Leone. His career was on the rise, and then he got the chance to make his directorial debut.
From a box office perspective, how reliable was he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

It should be noted that as he started his career in the 1970s, some of the domestic grosses here will be adjusted by inflation. The table with his highest grossing films, however, will be left in its unadjusted form, as the worldwide grosses are more difficult to adjust.

Play Misty for Me (1971)

"The scream you hear may be your own!"
His directorial debut. It stars Eastwood, Jessica Walter and Donna Mills, and follows a radio disc jockey being stalked by an obsessed female fan.
Before his colleague Irving Leonard died, he and Eastwood had discussed the idea of producing a film that was to give Eastwood the artistic control he desired, and his debut as a director. Eastwood said he was ready, "I stored away all the mistakes I made and saved up all the good things I learned, and now I know enough to control my own projects and get what I want out of actors."
The film was a huge success for Eastwood, and it also received positive reviews. So far, his directorial career was off to a great start.
  • Budget: $950,000.
  • Domestic gross: $10,600,000. ($81.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $10,600,000.

High Plains Drifter (1973)

"They'd never forget the day he drifted into town."
His second film. The film stars Eastwood, Verna Bloom and Mariana Hill, and follows a mysterious stranger who metes out justice in a corrupt frontier mining town.
Eastwood reportedly liked the offbeat quality of the film's original nine-page proposal and approached Universal with the idea of directing it, which would make it his first directed Western. The screenplay was inspired by the real-life murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens in 1964, which eyewitnesses reportedly stood by and watched. Holes in the plot were filled in with black humor and allegory, influenced by Sergio Leone.
It was well received, and the film even surpassed Play Misty for Me at the box office. Eastwood was just going up.
  • Budget: $5,500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $15,700,000. ($110.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $15,700,000.

Breezy (1973)

"Her name is Breezy."
His third film. It stars William Holden and Kay Lenz, and follows the relationship between a middle-aged real estate agent and a young hitchhiker.
This was his first directed film without starring on it. And his lack of presence certainly hurt the film; it received mixed reviews and flopped at the box office.
  • Budget: $750,000.
  • Domestic gross: $200,000. ($1.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $217,753.

The Eiger Sanction (1975)

"His lifeline, held by the assassin he hunted."
His fourth film. Based on the novel by Trevanian, the film stars Eastwood, George Kennedy, Vonetta McGee, and Jack Cassidy. It follows Jonathan Hemlock, an art history professor, mountain climber, and former assassin once employed by a secret government agency, who is blackmailed into returning to his deadly profession for one last mission.
The film received mixed reactions for its writing, and it wasn't a box office success either.
  • Budget: $9,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $14,200,000. ($82.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $14,200,000.

The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)

"An army of one."
His fifth film. Based on the novel Gone to Texas by Forrest Carter, it stars Eastwood, Chief Dan George, Sondra Locke, Bill McKinney and John Vernon. The film tells the story of Josey Wales, a Missouri farmer whose family is murdered by Union militia during the Civil War. Driven to revenge, Wales joins a Confederate guerrilla band and makes a name for himself as a feared gunfighter. After the war, all the fighters in Wales' group except for him surrender to Union soldiers, but the Confederates end up being massacred. Wales becomes an outlaw and is pursued by bounty hunters and Union soldiers as he tries to make a new life for himself.
Eastwood was fascinated by the novel and he bought the film rights, hoping to star on the film. He got Philip Kaufman involved as screenwriter and possible director, but left after disagreeing with Eastwood in the material adapted to the screen. Kaufman insisted on filming with a meticulous attention to detail, which caused disagreements with Eastwood, not to mention the attraction the two shared towards Locke and apparent jealousy on Kaufman's part in regard to their emerging relationship. This caused Eastwood to take over as the director. Kaufman's firing angered the DGA, as he did most of the pre-production, and sanctioning a $60,000 fine. This resulted in the Director's Guild passing a new rule, known as "the Eastwood Rule", which prohibits an actor or producer from firing the director and then personally taking on the director's role.
The film received critical acclaim, and in subsequent years, is ranked among Eastwood's greatest films. It was also a huge success at the box office, doubling his previous highest grossing film. It was also one of the few Western films to receive critical and commercial success in the 1970s at a time when the Western was thought to be dying as a major genre in Hollywood.
  • Budget: $3,700,000.
  • Domestic gross: $31,800,000. ($174.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $31,800,000.

The Gauntlet (1977)

"The man in the middle of..."
His sixth film. It stars Eastwood, Sondra Locke, Pat Hingle, William Prince, Bill McKinney, and Mara Corday. It follows a down-and-out cop who falls in love with a prostitute, to whom he is assigned to escort from Las Vegas to Phoenix for her to testify against the mob.
While it received mixed reviews, it became another box office success for Eastwood, becoming his now highest grossing film.
  • Budget: $5,500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $35,400,000. ($182.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $35,400,000.

Bronco Billy (1980)

"The most outrageous of 'em all."
His seventh film. The film stars Eastwood and Sondra Locke, and focuses on the financially-struggling owner of a traditional Wild West show and his new assistant.
It became another critical and commercial success for Eastwood, who referred to the film as one of his most affable shoots of his career.
  • Budget: $6,500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $24,265,659. ($91.9 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $24,265,659.

Firefox (1982)

"The most devastating killing machine ever built... his job... steal it!"
His eighth film. Based on the novel by Craig Thomas, it stars Eastwood, Freddie Jones and David Huffman. The Soviets have developed a revolutionary new jet fighter, called "Firefox". Naturally, the British are worried that the jet will be used as a first-strike weapon, as rumors say that the jet is undetectable on radar. They send ex-Vietnam War pilot Mitchell Gant on a covert mission into the Soviet Union to steal the Firefox.
The film received mixed reviews, but it earned almost $47 million, becoming Eastwood's highest grossing title as director.
  • Budget: $21,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $46,708,276. ($151.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $46,708,276.

Honkytonk Man (1982)

"The boy is on his way to becoming a man. The man is on his way to becoming a legend."
His ninth film. It's based on the novel by Clancy Carlile, and it stars Eastwood and his son Kyle. It follows Red Stovall, a country music singer and composer. With his nephew Whit by his side, he travels to Nashville to perform at the Grand Ole Opry in the backdrop of the Great Depression.
While the film received acclaim, it earned just $4.4 million, becoming his second worst performer.
  • Budget: $2,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $4,484,991. ($14.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $4,484,991.

Sudden Impact (1983)

"Dirty Harry is at it again."
His tenth film. The fourth installment in the Dirty Harry series, directed, it stars Eastwood and Sondra Locke. The film tells the story of a gang rape victim who decides to seek revenge on her rapists 10 years after the attack by killing them one by one. Inspector Harry Callahan, famous for his unconventional and often brutal crime-fighting tactics, is tasked with tracking down the serial killer.
The film received mixed reviews from critics, but it earned over $150 million worldwide, Eastwood's first film to pass that milestone. It's also very popular for including the iconic catchphrase, "Go ahead, make my day."
  • Budget: $22,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $67,642,693. ($212.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $150,642,693.

Pale Rider (1985)

"...And Hell followed with him."
His 11th film. It stars Eastwood, Michael Moriarty and Carrie Snodgress. A couple and their daughter, along with a few others, are driven out of Lahood, California, by goons working for a mining baron. However, a stranger enters their life to assist them in their fight.
There was no stopping Eastwood: another critical and commercial success.
  • Budget: $6,900,000.
  • Domestic gross: $41,410,568. ($120.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $41,410,568.

Heartbreak Ridge (1986)

"The scars run deep."
His 12th film. It stars Eastwood, Marsha Mason, Everett McGill, and Mario Van Peebles. The story centers on a U.S. Marine nearing retirement who gets a platoon of undisciplined Marines into shape and leads them during the American invasion of Grenada in 1983.
The film was inspired by an account of American paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division using a pay telephone and a credit card to call in fire support during the invasion of Grenada, and fashioned a script of a Korean War veteran career Army non-commissioned officer passing on his values to a new generation of soldiers. Eastwood was interested in the script and asked his producer, Fritz Manes, to contact the US Army with a view of filming the movie at Fort Bragg. However, the Army read the script and refused to participate, due to Highway being portrayed as a hard drinker, divorced from his wife, and using unapproved motivational methods to his troops, an image the Army did not want.
It received mixed reviews, with some deeming the film as "imperialist propaganda". But it was still another box office success.
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $42,724,017. ($121.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $121,700,000.

Bird (1988)

"There are no second acts in American lives."
His 13th film. The film stars Forest Whitaker and Diane Venora. It is constructed as a montage of scenes from saxophonist Charlie Parker's life, from his childhood in Kansas City, through his early death at the age of 34.
Eastwood, a lifelong fan of jazz, had been fascinated by Parker ever since seeing him perform live in Oakland in 1946. He approached Chan Parker, Bird's common-law wife on whose memoirs the script was based, for input, and she lent Eastwood and arranger Lennie Niehaus a collection of recordings from her private collection Before Eastwood was involved, Richard Pryor was originally cast as Parker.
Despitive positive reviews, it performed poorly, earning just $2.2 million in North America.
  • Budget: $14,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,181,286. ($5.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $2,181,286.

White Hunter Black Heart (1990)

"An adventure in obsession."
His 14th film. Based on the novel by Peter Viertel, it stars Eastwood, Jeff Fahey, George Dzundza, Alun Armstrong and Marisa Berenson. It follows a famous movie director, John Wilson, who goes to Africa to make his next movie. He is an obstinate, contrary director who'd rather hunt elephants than take care of his crew or movie. He has become obsessed with one particular elephant and cares for nothing else.
Despite positive reviews, it made just $2.3 million domestically, not even 10% of the budget.
  • Budget: $24,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,319,124. ($5.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $2,319,124.

The Rookie (1990)

His 15th film. The film stars Eastwood, Charlie Sheen, Raul Julia, Sônia Braga, Lara Flynn Boyle, and Tom Skerritt. It follows a veteran police officer teamed up with a younger detective, whose intent is to take down a German crime lord in downtown Los Angeles, following months of investigation into an exotic car theft ring.
It received negative reviews for its acting and story, and it became another flop for Eastwood. That's three bombs in a row. Ouch.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $21,633,874. ($51.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $21,633,874.

Unforgiven (1992)

"Some legends will never be forgotten. Some wrongs can never be forgiven."
His 16th film. It stars Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Richard Harris and Morgan Freeman. It follows William Munny, a widower with two young kids, who was once a very vicious gunfighter who gave up everything after marriage. Now, a man named Schofield Kid brings him an offer that he cannot refuse, forcing him to come out of retirement for one last job.
David Webb Peoples wrote the script all the way back to 1976, and it was optioned by Francis Ford Coppola, but he lacked the funds needed to helm it. By Eastwood's own recollection, he was given the script in the "early 80s" although he did not immediately pursue it, because, according to him, "I thought I should do some other things first". Eastwood has long asserted that the film would be his last traditional Western, concerned that any future projects would simply rehash previous plotlines or imitate someone else's work. He dedicated the film to his close friends and mentors Sergio Leone and Don Siegel. Hackman initially refused to participate as his daughters were upset that he was starring in too many violent films, but he became fascinated by the script that he agreed.
It opened with $15 million and it legged all the way to $100 million after playing for almost one year, closing with $159 million worldwide, his now highest grossing film. The film received Eastwood's best reviews of his career, with many considering the film as his magnum opus as director. It received 9 Oscar nominations, and won four: Best Picture and Best Director for Eastwood, Best Supporting Actor for Hackman, and Best Film Editing. So Eastwood, on top of being a reliable box office draw, was now a 2-time Oscar winner.
  • Budget: $14,400,000.
  • Domestic gross: $101,167,799. ($225.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $159,167,799.

A Perfect World (1993)

His 17th film. Kevin Costner, Eastwood and Laura Dern, and follows an escaped convict who takes a young boy hostage and attempts to escape on the road with the child, while being pursued by a Texas Ranger.
The film received critical acclaim, and has appeared as one of Eastwood's best films. The film disappointed in North America, but it earned up to $100 million overseas (Eastwood's first film to gross that much) and ended with $135 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $31,130,999. ($67.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $135,130,999.

The Bridges of Madison County (1995)

"The human heart has a way of making itself large again even after it's been broken into a million pieces."
His 18th film. Based on the novel by Robert James Waller, it stars Eastwood and Meryl Streep. The film is set in 1965, following a war bride, Francesca Johnson, who lives with her husband and two children on their Iowa farm. That year she meets National Geographic photojournalist, Robert Kincaid, who comes to Madison County, Iowa to photograph its historic covered bridges. With Francesca's family away for a short trip, the couple have an intense, four-day love affair.
It received more critical acclaim, and made over $180 million worldwide, becoming his highest grossing film. For her performance, Streep was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress.
  • Budget: $22,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $71,516,617. ($146.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $182,016,617.

Absolute Power (1997)

His 19th film. Based on the novel by David Baldacci, it stars Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Judy Davis, Scott Glenn, Dennis Haysbert, and Richard Jenkins. It follows a master jewel thief who witnesses the killing of a woman by Secret Service agents.
It received mixed reviews, and disappointed at the box office.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $50,068,310. ($97.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $92,768,310.

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)

"Welcome to Savannah, Georgia. A Ccty of hot nights and cold blooded murder."
His 20th film. Based on the book by John Berendt, it stars John Cusack and Kevin Spacey. It follows the story of antiques dealer Jim Williams, on trial for the killing of a male prostitute who was his lover. The multiple trials depicted in Berendt's book are combined into one trial for the film.
It received mediocre reviews, and flopped at the box office.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $25,105,255. ($48.8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $25,105,255.

True Crime (1999)

His 21st film. Based on the novel by Andrew Klavan, it stars Eastwood, Isaiah Washington, Denis Leary, LisaGay Hamilton and James Woods. It follows a journalist covering the execution of a death row inmate, only to discover that the convict may actually be innocent.
This was another project that received mediocre reviews and flopped at the box office.
  • Budget: $55,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $16,649,768. ($31.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $16,649,768.

Space Cowboys (2000)

"Boys will be boys."
His 22nd film. It stars Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and James Garner as four aging former test pilots who are sent into space to repair an old Soviet satellite.
It received very positive reviews, and earned over $128 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $60,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $90,464,773. ($164 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $128,884,132.

Blood Work (2002)

"He's a heartbeat away from catching the killer."
His 23rd film. Based on the novel by Michael Connelly, it stars Eastwood, Jeff Daniels, Wanda De Jesús, and Anjelica Huston. It follows a retired FBI agent who recently had a heart transplant but still takes up the job to nab a killer.
It was another film with mediocre reviews and flop status.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $26,235,081. ($45.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $31,794,718.

Mystic River (2003)

"We bury our sins, we wash them clean."
His 24th film. Based on the novel by Dennis Lehane, it stars Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon, Laurence Fishburne, Marcia Gay Harden, and Laura Linney. It follows three childhood friends who are reunited 25 years later when one of them suffers a family tragedy.
Michael Keaton was originally cast in the role of Det. Sean Devine, and did several script readings with the cast, as well as his own research into the practices of the Massachusetts Police Department. However, creative differences between Keaton and Eastwood led to Keaton leaving the production. He was replaced by Kevin Bacon. This was the first film in which Eastwood would be credited as composer.
The film had a slow roll-out, but it was aided by strong word of mouth, closing with a wonderful $156 million worldwide. It also received acclaim, and was named as one of Eastwood's greatest films. Sean Penn received universal acclaim for his performance, with some naming it among the best acting of the century, particularly for one scene (if you watched it, you definitely know which scene). It received 6 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director for Eastwood. It won two: Best Actor for Penn and Best Supporting Actor for Robbins.
  • Budget: $25,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $90,135,191. ($153 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $156,595,191.

Come back tomorrow for Part 2

Don't suggest directors for the next edition here. Save it for tomorrow.

submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:12 Big_Durian9707 The Middle Class is dying in the Bay Area

Year after year the California government and especially the local governments around the Bay Area continue to make it more difficult for the middle class to survive here.
Meanwhile, lower class individuals (not an attack on any individual here what so ever) seem to at least from my perspective get “free” handouts, things like EBT/Snap, free full rides or huge financial aid for their kids or themselves to attend college. Not to mention, sometimes they qualify for the “Affordable Housing” or section 8 housing that we all pay for in our tax money where they get to pay as low as $1500/mo for a family unit. Of course when your groceries, college, and housing are basically free, things like a $2 gas tax don’t hurt you. Not having windows or a garage don’t bother you either. Of course you can afford a new iPhone or car when all your other expenses are taken care of, and I far too often see “lower class” people with things like this.
Meanwhile, middle class individuals qualify for jack shit in aid, so we are left to fend for ourselves. And that’s not saying middle class aren’t inherently better off, because they are. There is a reason lower class people get assistance, but this system ignores the struggles and needs of the middle class people who hold jobs that make the economy of the Bay Area move. It leaves the brunt of the economy on the middle class.
One day, you’ll look around and notice the middle class has left the Bay Area, and you’ll only have the rich/wealthy, and those who don’t have the motivation or drive to work because they grew up with everything being handed to them by the government.
For context this is from the perspective of a South Bay resident. I genuinely want to open this up for a healthy debate and hope maybe my mind or others minds can be changed, but I highly doubt it can.
My question to you all, is there a solution to this problem?
Edit: I’m guessing this post may get shut down randomly in the next few hours so I just wanted to say I appreciate all of you for commenting your piece, this has been eye opening to say the least. My opinion hasn’t changed much, but I do recognize the wealthy classes hand In this issue and the long standing systemic issues that have set the stage for this problem. I still don’t agree with the way we handle our middle class, but I am forever grateful for this debate.
submitted by Big_Durian9707 to bayarea [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:08 saffa-dad-x2 🇿🇦 in 🇺🇸 needing to divorce

So both my wife and I are South African and in the USA with permanent residency cards. A bit of googling showed that we actually need to submit a divorce decree to the consulate so South Africa recognizes our divorce.
Has anyone here gone through a similar situation and can give advice? I contacted a lawyer in South Africa that specializes in this and as we are amicably separating, I don’t feel the need to actually engage with a lawyer to mediate.
Our kids are also old enough that that is not a concern.
submitted by saffa-dad-x2 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:05 Michael_Gladius Alt-History upgrade: The Confederacy should have NF for the "Golden Circle"

Historically, the Confederacy had ambitions of carving out a Caribbean Empire, starting with Cuba and extending into the Amazon Basin. Those most fanatically devoted to it called it "the golden circle," and even founded secret societies to keep the dream alive.
Knights of the Golden Circle - Wikipedia
In the new DLC, the Confederacy shouldn't be limited to just its 1860s borders, but should be able to conquer the Caribbean and access its resources. This wouldn't involve coring, though, but would be more like Italian East Africa's mechanics.
"The Memphis Daily Appeal, December 30, 1860, wrote that a slave “empire” would arise “from San Diego, on the Pacific Ocean, thence southward, along the shore line of Mexico and Central America, at low tide, to the Isthmus of Panama; thence South—still South!—along the western shore line of New Granada and Ecuador, to where the southern boundary of the latter strikes the ocean; thence east over the Andes to the head springs of the Amazon; thence down the mightiest of inland seas, through the teeming bosom of the broadest and richest delta in the world, to the Atlantic Ocean.”
- "The Southern Dream of a Caribbean Empire," by Robert E. May (1973)
submitted by Michael_Gladius to RoadTo56 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:56 Bright_Imagination90 The next election in South Africa presents a serious obstacle for the ruling ANC.

The next election in South Africa presents a serious obstacle for the ruling ANC.
The public’s tolerance for the ruling African National Congress (ANC), which has ruled since the end of apartheid thirty years ago, will be put to the test in South Africa’s May 29 election. Polls indicate that President Cyril Ramaphosa and his party may lose more than 50% of the national vote for the first time as they struggle to hold onto their parliamentary majority.Even with the predicted drop in support, the ANC is still predicted to win the majority of the vote. To keep in power and guarantee Ramaphosa’s second term as president, it will, however, need to build a coalition in the absence of an absolute majority. With the recent municipal coalition government failures, this change may bring new challenges.A political expert at Tshwane University of Technology, Dr. Levy Ndou, warned against the volatility that coalition governments may bring. “Coalitions in various metros have shown that they often lack principle, which could lead to further instability in South Africa,” Ndou said to the Associated Press.Residents of South Africa choose members of the National Assembly rather than their president directly. The head of state is then chosen by the dominant party in the 400-member assembly. This election is a big change from previous ones since the ANC might have to create an alliance with other parties to get the 201 votes needed to reelect Ramaphosa and form a government.Voting in embassies and foreign missions by South Africans living abroad begins on the Friday and Saturday before the election. Both the national and provincial legislatures will be constituted by the main election, which will take place in all nine provinces. South Africa’s seventh fully democratic general election since apartheid ended has about 27 million registered voters out of the nation’s 62 million residents.Participating in this election are a record 70 political parties and a large number of independent candidates. With the aim of challenging the ANC’s supremacy, the centrist Democratic Alliance (DA), the main opposition to the ANC, has teamed up with minor parties. Polls do show, though, that the opposition is still a long way from ousting the ANC.The third-biggest party is the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), headed by Julius Malema. The EFF, for all its radicalism, has not greatly expanded its support since the previous election, when it won 10% of the vote against the ANC’s 62% and the DA’s 20%.With 80% of its people being black, the country has 12 official languages and a diverse population that is starting to mirror an equally diverse political environment. Especially the new party, uMkhonto weSizwe, headed by former President Jacob Zuma, has drawn attention. Zuma left the ANC because of his savage rivalry with Ramaphosa, his successor.High unemployment and poverty rates are major causes of voter dissatisfaction; the World Bank reports that over half of the population lives in poverty and that 32% of people are unemployed, the highest rates worldwide. Further aggravating popular dissatisfaction has been the ANC’s inability to provide basic services, pervasive corruption, high crime rates, and the state-owned electricity provider’s problems, which have resulted in frequent blackouts.The economy and public spirits have suffered greatly, even if there had been fewer blackouts before the election. The ANC is up against its biggest task to date as South Africans get ready to vote: negotiating a convoluted political landscape while attending to the country’s urgent needs.
submitted by Bright_Imagination90 to AfricaBuzz [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:41 DogsAndPickles Zealandia! I can’t wait to find out about the 8th continent!!!

Zealandia! I can’t wait to find out about the 8th continent!!! submitted by DogsAndPickles to StoriesForMyTherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:40 ReportsStack Rotator Cuff Repair Devices Market Size, Growth & Statistics Report from 2024 to 2030

The global rotator cuff repair devices market is poised to expand at a substantial Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of over 5% from 2024 to 2030. This growth is primarily propelled by the rapid increase in the geriatric population worldwide. According to the United Nations, the demographic of individuals aged over 80 years is anticipated to triple by 2025, reaching 425 million by 2020 from 137 million in 2017. This demographic shift underscores the growing demand for healthcare solutions targeting age-related conditions, including rotator cuff injuries. Furthermore, the escalating demand for minimally invasive surgical procedures across the globe is expected to further drive market growth, as patients and healthcare providers increasingly prefer less invasive treatment options for improved recovery times and reduced post-operative complications.
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Market Trends:
Advancements in Surgical Techniques: Technological advancements and innovations in surgical techniques, such as arthroscopic procedures and tendon-to-bone repair methods, are driving the development of more effective and minimally invasive approaches to rotator cuff repair. These advancements aim to improve patient outcomes, reduce recovery times, and minimize post-operative complications.
Shift towards Biocompatible Materials: There is a growing trend towards the use of biocompatible materials in rotator cuff repair devices, such as bioabsorbable anchors and sutures. These materials minimize the risk of adverse reactions and inflammation, promote tissue healing, and ultimately enhance the long-term success of rotator cuff repairs.
Personalized Medicine and Patient-Specific Implants: With the increasing focus on personalized medicine, there is a growing interest in patient-specific implants and customized treatment plans for rotator cuff injuries. Advances in imaging technology and 3D printing enable the creation of implants tailored to individual patient anatomy, optimizing surgical outcomes and improving patient satisfaction.
Rise in Sports-Related Injuries: Sports-related injuries, including rotator cuff tears, are on the rise due to increasing participation in sports and physical activities. This trend is driving the demand for innovative rotator cuff repair devices designed to address the unique biomechanical challenges and rehabilitation needs of athletes and active individuals.
Integration of Digital Health Technologies: The integration of digital health technologies, such as wearable sensors, mobile apps, and telemedicine platforms, is transforming the management of rotator cuff injuries. These technologies enable remote monitoring of patient progress, real-time feedback during rehabilitation, and virtual consultations with healthcare providers, improving overall patient care and outcomes.
Market Opportunities:
The rotator cuff repair devices market presents several opportunities for growth and innovation. With the increasing prevalence of rotator cuff injuries due to factors such as aging populations, sports-related activities, and occupational hazards, there is a growing demand for advanced treatment options and surgical interventions. Manufacturers have the opportunity to develop and commercialize innovative rotator cuff repair devices that address unmet clinical needs, improve surgical outcomes, and enhance patient satisfaction. Additionally, the shift towards minimally invasive surgical techniques and outpatient procedures presents opportunities for the development of specialized devices optimized for less invasive approaches. Furthermore, the integration of digital health technologies and regenerative medicine approaches offers avenues for developing adjunctive therapies and complementary solutions to enhance the efficacy and durability of rotator cuff repairs.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Rotator Cuff Repair Devices Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the rotator cuff repair devices market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the rotator cuff repair devices industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @
Geographically, the rotator cuff repair devices market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The rotator cuff repair devices market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Rotator cuff repair devices market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Rotator Cuff Repair Devices Market Segmentation:
By Product Type:
By Usability:
By End-User:
By Region:
Key players in the global rotator cuff repair devices market include MinInvasive Ltd, NCS Lab Srl, Arthrex, Inc., Stryker Corporation, and Johnson & Johnson. These companies employ strategies such as expansion, new investments, service innovation, and collaboration to navigate the market landscape. By expanding into new geographic regions and engaging in strategic acquisitions, they aim to establish a competitive advantage and leverage synergies for mutual growth and success.
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Key Questions Answered by Rotator Cuff Repair Devices Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
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Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
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2024.05.18 20:30 Ultim8_Lifeform Featuring the Penguins of Madagascar! (Madagascar)

The Penguins of Madagascar

"Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave."

The Penguins of Madagascar are four ordinary penguins turned secret commando team. Born in the frozen wasteland that is Antarctica, Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico spent their childhood in boredom, waddling along the ice with seemingly no destination in mind. They were constantly told by the rest of their colony that it was a dangerous world for a penguin, and something so "cute and cuddly" shouldn't take any risks. One day, the group witnessed a lone egg rolling down the snow towards an icy cliff. When they realized no one was going to help it, the three baby penguins leapt into action. They rescued the egg from certain doom, but in the process were separated from the rest of their group, stuck on a lone iceberg and floating towards an unknown future. It was that moment that Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and the new hatching Private, became not only a team, but a family.
Fast forward a few years, and the Penguins of Madagascar have grown into a skilled group of elite commandos, partaking in various missions that have taken them all over the world, from New York to Madagascar to Africa to Europe. Over the course of their dangerous careers they have accumulated a wide variety of friends and allies. These range from the residents of the Central Park Zoo to the members of the spy agency North Wind. However they have also made no shortage of enemies, including Hans the Danish puffin, the Red Squirrel and the maniacal Dr. Blowhole.

Respect Threads


"Cute and cuddly, boys. Cute and cuddly."
Skipper is the leader of the group, devising tactics and gives orders. He is calculating, strict, paranoid, short-tempered, stubborn, and has a great disdain for hippies. Skipper's raving paranoia and tendency to view even the most ordinary activities as a military operation, combined with his experience in covert ops, has driven him to prepare for nearly any situation, no matter how bizarre or unlikely. While his antics do tend to alienate other animals outside of his commando team, more often than not his paranoia is proven justified, as he and his team have saved the world on multiple occasions.


"Okay Kowalski, wow me."
"Behold, a portal to times past. The Chronotron!"
"So, its a time machine?"
"Well, yes."
"So why not call it a time machine?"
"Sure, yeah. And while we're at it, let's call the Great Wall a fence, the Mona Lisa a doodle, and Albert Einstein Mr. Smarty Pants!"
Kowalski is the brains of the operation. He is a brilliant inventor, creating a multitude of different inventions and gadgets to help the penguins on their missions. If given enough time, there are few things that he couldn't invent. Unfortunately, most of the time his inventions cause serious trouble for the team, either falling into the wrong hands, turning against Kowalski, or just exploding. Not to mention, despite his intelligence, he cannot read (although he still carries around a clipboard to record drawings of their plans). He tends to over-analyze situations, trying to perfect every minute detail of a plan before he acts. This often causes the team more harm than if he would just act. That being said, he is still an invaluable member of the Penguins. Without him, they would simply be a couple of ordinary penguins that can do flips and karate chop people.


"B-but that shouldn't have worked! It breaks all known rules of science!"
"And that's why we call Rico a maverick. He makes his own rules."
Rico is the group's weapons and explosives specialist who mainly communicates through grunts and squeals. With a stomach that defies reality, Rico swallows a plethora of useful tools and weapons and regurgitates them when needed, including ones that appear to be too large to have been swallowed in the first place. Rico has a few screws loose, so the other Penguins need to keep him on a tight leash lest he lose his mind in a dynamite filled frenzy. That said, Rico's love for explosions and destruction is an asset that Skipper has no problem letting lose on their enemies or any problem that the team may be facing.
Rico is able to regurgitate whatever Skipper needs as long as he has it locked away in his intestines. As soon as an object, weapon, or tool is needed he can produce it almost instantly.


"Private, options."
"Hello? I'm the options guy!"
"But not when it comes to matters of the heart. That's where young Private here shines."
Private is the emotionally sensitive, British-accented rookie of the Penguins of Madagascar. Though younger and less experienced than the other penguins, he is the most down to earth and compassionate. Private tends to offer simpler, more commonsense solutions in response to Skipper and Kowalski's complex strategies, often in an understated tone while those strategies are falling apart. He also has an affinity for unicorns.



Using the Penguins on WWW

While it may vary from episode to episode, the penguins are all around the same ballpark in stats and skill. They're pretty well rounded, being able to withstand blows that damage stone and metal walls and can dish out those same kinds of hits. On top of that, most have dealt with minor esoteric damage types like heat, electricity, and cold. While they're not too crazy speed wise, they're all capable of aim dodging lasers and can avoid slower projectiles like darts. Combine that with their absurd agility and small size and these four will be extremely difficult to hit for opponents that are on their physical level.
However, it's the areas outside of physical stats that let the penguins fight above their weight class. They're all capable in close quarters combat, with Skipper being the clear standout (though Rico and Private have both shown to be able to hold their own against him under the right conditions). Rico is a walking armory that will give them access to any weapon in their arsenal at any time, Kowalski has plenty of inventions that most opponents won't have resistances too, and Private's hyper cuteness could certainly catch their opponents off guard.
The best way to beat these four is to split them up and fight them individually. They've shown many times that they are far greater than the sum of their parts, engaging in hit and run tactics or using one of their various haxes to battle opponents above their weight class. Kowalski and Private in particular are vulnerable to losing their composures if things aren't going their way in a fight (though I wouldn't exactly call that a strength for Skipper and Rico either).
submitted by Ultim8_Lifeform to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:29 memorylanepr A baby seated on a wicker chair, possibly during a christening event. Photo by John (Jno) Johnson in Centerville, South Dakota, late 1800s-early 1900s. From my glass negative collection.

A baby seated on a wicker chair, possibly during a christening event. Photo by John (Jno) Johnson in Centerville, South Dakota, late 1800s-early 1900s. From my glass negative collection. submitted by memorylanepr to GlassNegativeEra [link] [comments]