Dihybrid punnett square

If correct, which square would you put your local rescuer in?

2024.05.28 18:09 sociallyineptnerdboy If correct, which square would you put your local rescuer in?

If correct, which square would you put your local rescuer in? submitted by sociallyineptnerdboy to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:00 AutoModerator Monthly Homework Help Megathread

All requests for help with exam study and homework questions must be posted here. Posts made outside this thread will generally be removed.
Are you a student in need of some help with your genetics homework? Do you need clarification on basic genetics concepts before an exam? Please ask your questions here.
Please follow the following basic guidelines when asking for help:

Please use the following template when asking questions:
Question template
What I know:
What I don’t know:
What I tried:
End template

Type: Homework
Level: High school
System: Cats
Topic: Dihybrid cross
Question: “The genetic principles that Mendel uncovered apply to animals as well as plants. In cats, for instance, Black (B) is dominant over brown (b) fur color and Short (S) fur is dominant over long (s) fur. Suppose a family has a black, short-furred male, heterozygous for both of these traits that they mate with a heterozygous black, long-furred female. Determine and present the genotypes of the two parent animals, the likely gametes they could produce and assuming they have multiple, large liters what is the proportion of kittens of each possible phenotype (color and length) that the family might expect.”
Answer: N/A
What I know: I understand how to do a Punnett square with one allele. For example, Bb x Bb.
B b
b Bb bb
What I don’t know: I don’t know how to properly set up the Punnett square to incorporate the additional S (fur length) allele in the gamete.
What I tried: I tried Googling “cat fur genetics” and didn’t find any useful examples.
Other: What happens if there is another allele added to these?
End of Example

This format causes me abject pain, why do I have to fill out the template?
  1. We want folks to learn and understand. Requiring the user to put in effort helps curb the number of “drive-by problem sets” being dumped onto the sub from users expecting the internet to complete their assignments.
  2. Posters often do not include enough information to adequately help answer the question. This format eliminates much of the guesswork for respondents and it allows responders quickly assess the level of knowledge and time needed to answer the question.
  3. This format allows the posts to be programmatically archived, tagged, and referenced at later times for other students.
Type: Where did the question come from? Knowing the origin of the question can help us formulate the best available answer. For example, the question might come from homework, an exam, a course, a paper, an article, or just a thought you had.
Level: What is the expected audience education level of the question and answer? This helps us determine if the question should be answered in the manner of, “Explain like I’m 5” or “I’m the PI of a mega lab, show me the dissertation” E.g.--elementary school, high school, undergraduate, research, nonacademic, curiosity, graduate, layperson
System: Which species, system, or field does the question pertain? E.g.—human, plant, in silico, cancer, health, astrobiology, fictional world, microbiology
Topic: What topic is being covered by the question? Some examples might include Mendelian genetics, mitosis, codon bias, CRISPR, or HWE.
Question: This is where you should type out the question verbatim from the source.
Answer: If you’ve been provided an answer already, put it here. If you don’t have the answer, leave this blank or fill in N/A.
What I know: Tell us what you understand about the problem already. We need to get a sense of your current domain knowledge before answering. This also forces you to engage with the problem.
What I don’t know: Tell us where you’re getting stuck or what does not make sense.
What I tried: Tell us how you’ve approached the problem already. What worked? What did not work?
Other: You can put whatever you want here or leave it blank. This is a good place to ask follow-up questions and post links.
submitted by AutoModerator to genetics [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 14:51 milkshake-4242 Need resource on A2 bio genetic inheritance chapter topical qp

does anyone have a worksheet that has a collection of monohybrid or dihybrid cross, chi-squared related questions, and t-test related questions?
submitted by milkshake-4242 to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 09:02 hanleeisnotme Blood donation

Hi! Interested gd ko mag donate blood (because of the benefits kag gusto ko mag help people hehe) pero idk my blood type. May ara na sa blood typing sa mga red cross donation drives or do i have to get tested kung ano gd blood type ko? And any ideas when ang sunod na blood donation drive? Btw my dad is AB and my mom is B+, bisan e punnett square ko pa indi man ko sure kung ano gd blood type ko.
submitted by hanleeisnotme to Bacolod [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:06 Ill-Ad5218 SOUR d N 2 oGz

SOUR d N 2 oGz
Apple Earth Live Resin Sugar Terpological Review Sour Diesel x GHOST OG = Earth OG Sour Diesel x Pure Kush = Apple Kush
I have seen a few reviews on the Apple Earth strain & Honestly had to give my review, particularly of the flavor profile. Namely because people use what I call 'stoner nomenclature' to suss out the effects or aroma or taste of a strain by its name. Pink Lemonade for example, or Garlic Cookies (GMO) they're named associated with the aroma they kick out.
I Smoked.it all. So this is what live sugar looks like. I'll show another example below of some.lighter colored sugar, This way readers become familiarized with the consistency and colors.of the products I'm Reviewing, even when i forget those beautiful close uo pics, or rather emjoyed it so mich inwas too excited before and too blitzed after.
The breakdown of the parent strains is as follows. Earth OG is an 80/20 Indica Dominant Girl. Apple.Kush is a 70/30 Indica Dominant hybrid. Sour Diesel.is.our flavor and potency queen in this mash up, with a 90% sativa lean only 10% indica hybrid. These together push out our lovely Apple Earth which I am going to tentatively place at 70/30 indica dominant Hybrid.
That said, it has a much more relaxing, immediately calming indica oriented experience, so I may be undershooting that number. However it does stand as a good.example as to why you cat simply look at the genetics of the parents and determine the outcome of the cannabis.
A lighter colored Sugar I snagged From Google, shows the consistency quite nicely, compared for example.to a Badder or a drier and much more viscous Budder (usually). Some sugars though can have larger granulation while.others may have much smaller granulation. I have seen sugar that resembles Badder more than Sugar, and sugar that looks like diamonds, it's all sugar from dark Dark brown to clear CRC runs (Color Remediated Concentrates)
The extent to which you would have to comprehend the genetics using a punnett square for example, would be pages of work to finally see which genetics are most likely.to pop through in what combinations. Because these are hybrids, and were seeking characteristics thereof relative to the parents, this would naturally as the rest of Terpological protocol does go back to landrace. That's a lot of punnet squares. Although that would be an interesting project, to align various experiential characteristics with the punnett squares going back to landrace. I am gonna do that with some less complex genetics soon. I would also need to know which traits are dominant vs recessive to actually have some characteristics with which to work appropriately.
Well those very pleasingly aromatic very colorful bright vibrant pungent aromas typically result from sativa. Sativas tend to produce a more clear flavor profile simply due the nature of an Indica. Indicas are earthier by nature, aromatically, in taste and color. So the apple flavor expression on an indica lean, which I believe this leans around 70/30 indica dominant hybrid that apple has some of that earthy indica backing.
You get the fresh green apple taste still but it isn't an overpowering flavor experience like Blueberry Muffins. Rather, the Humulene and earthier notes in Apple Earth produce just that, an earthy herbal apple exhale. There is DEFINATELY an Apple Flavor when you exhale that slowly fades into the earthy Humulene standard indica flavor indica lovers all despise. Every now and then when the temp is just so, and the Terpenes mix just right, you get an inhale of that lovely apple and it isn't as earthy when you can pull that flavor from the inhale. I achieved this several times using low.temp start ups as well as cold starting if you don't go too crazy with the heat.
When you do get that more palatable twang of the fresh green apple it still ends up hollow tasting and filled in by the earthy Humulene & indica characteristic Terpene profile. Even though most will not get the Green Apple Inference, as it's very much melded into the traditional indica aroma, keeping just enough pop in the smell to stand apart from the earthier and more herbal leaning notes. At first I wasn't even sure what it was I tasted, I just knew it was sweet with a twang and was smothered in indica tastes, but sweet.
I genuinely can not find the genetics listed online for this strain. However, I did find recently that many companies take a single name and will apply.it to Kush strains. So I'm going to venture to guess, and the lineup seems correct that these parent genetics are an OG crossover with Sour Diesel. Give. What I know about how the industry in Maryland selects their cannabis strains amoungst the pool of "competitors" cough CONGLOMERATE cough*** I am aware that often times they take shortcuts to produce things more quickly. One being using only one unique profile. So using the same mother plant and different father plants. Our Diesel Mothers, and then cross her with OG Kush and cross her with Pure Kush.
These together give a wider range of Kush genetics leaning heavily indica and the psychoactivity produced from modern sour Diesel, DEFINATELY a more recreational one but also used medicinally. Sour Diesel is so liked due to its very intense aroma and matching experience. Sour Diesel also produces a very Skunky, sour lemony, Gassy Aroma with hints of herbal and woodiness. Maybe slight earthy exhales. It's no surprise that the Sour Diesel lacks earthiness given the expression of Apple Earth Phenotype aromatically, being a 90% sativa Dominant contribution.
I think it's extremely interesting how strive to indica hybridization works, because I haven't gotten a full understanding of what I know, let alone fully.comorehend everything about genetics in cannabis. We have a Sativa with a dominating hybrid sativa lean, nearly totally sativa at 90% sativa only 10% indica. When that is paired up with a 55/45 OG Kusn and a 75/25 imdica dominamt pure kush, it honeatly really does make intuitive sense that those parent genetics would produce a cannabis similar in aromatic and flavor expression to Apple Earth.
A slight but prominent when present apple Flavor that is diminished by earthy overtones that blends into an earthen apple exhale. The aroma is a slightly sweet, Uber gassy, with many herbal woodsy undertones. When you really smell and open you sinuses vs a waft smell it begins to break up and the lemon and piney notes that make up the overall aroma begin to be more apparent. The intensity of the lemon and piney aromas blend very seemlessly into the overall wafting aroma of the total experience.
I bhaveDEFINATELY had strains that are just as sedating on that first hit, and I prefer to not have the psychoactive intensity that seems to be preferred by younger people. I prefer the indica leaning experience of Apple Earth, which is a 70/30 Indica dominant hybrid. I honestly expected a bit more of a psychoactive heady kick knowing the genetics but it is a very calming and relaxed buzz. It can come on with some intensity though after those first few hits.
It sort of creeps up slowly, so it doesn't blast you all at once. Some people refer to creeper as what I call a sneak attack high. To me a creeper starts immediately but at a low level, with some calm relaxed feeling. Then as you smoke even after the hits you keep getting a lil more high but it isn't that super quick slap to the face. For a nice ride down to relaxing calm, I reccomend Apple Earth. I would imagine it'd be excellent for pain issues.
. . .***** . For The Rest of the Article and almost 400other posts and around 15 articles around 15k words, see my locals in link attached. Go to linktree then select locals and feel free to browse my content..... There's loads of informative information,, how tos, stoner tips, strain reviews, news updates regarding marijuana legalization across the nation, etc. *****
 Full social on bio. Learn to discern modern modern cannabis profiles so you know what u buy before you leave the dispensary . 
Advoc8 always Meduc8 Daily
Don't break the law while.your breakingthe law.
submitted by Ill-Ad5218 to ThcNTerpTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:47 Correct_Mood_7873 Just found out my sister's boyfriend's (ex?) wife is their nanny and moving in with them

Basically what the title says, but I'll put a little more here.
The relationship has been red flags to me since the beginning - my sister was always very into music and artsy, loved makeup and hair, but stopped wearing her style of clothes/all makeup due to the boyfriend's accusations of her doing this to garner male attention. She also stopped going to concerts because he would accuse her of having 'date night' and 'cheating' with her colleagues/friends that she was attending the concert with. So then I find out that the man was actually still married to another woman since the start of their relationship (he told my sister they were separated). Obviously the emotional abuse infuriated me - here he is being accusatory about every aspect of my sister's life but he has a whole ass WIFE? I asked what was going on with that?! My sister said that he was still married because the wife was on disability and had significant health problems (lupus) and needed to be on his insurance plan. I still don't understand why the wife can't be on Medicaid?
Fast forward about a year and a half and my sister calls me to tell me that she's pregnant. This was a bit of a shock because she was always adamant that she never wanted kids. But I understand things change, and we are both over the moon with that little girl and so glad that she exists! However, the pregnancy wasn't easy for her because, throughout it, he would state that he wasn't sure that the baby was his.
My sister was working full time before the birth, but took 2 months off after the birth. During that time, her and the baby were on state insurance. They were having all sorts of issues with getting the baby the right help while on state insurance. My question was - why wasn't my niece on the father's health insurance plan? My sister said it was because his wife still needed to be on it. Sooo state insurance isn't good enough his your wife but it's good enough for his daughter?
Nine months later, when we knew that the eye color was blue, he AGAIN accused her of cheating and suspected he wasn't the father. He had it in his head his eyes were brown, and that brown eyes are dominant, so that they baby should have brown eyes. Since they were blue - the baby must not be his. My sister has blue eyes and his sisters have blue eyes. Most of us who had middle school science and have used punnett squares understand that means the baby had just as good of a chance of having blue eyes as brown.
I thought he dropped it, but about 6 months ago (so when their daughter was 2.5 years old) my sister tells me that he had a paternity test done for 'inheritance reasons', so that 'no one' could battle her inheritance of his IRA with the argument that the child wasn't his. Sir, who is battling with that assumption besides you? I know I've never taken a DNA test to be listed as a beneficiary on any family member's retirement account. But whatever gives him peace of mind, I guess?
My sister makes significantly more than the child's father, and from the details I have gathered during our conversations, it would appear she is footing the bills. This week, they decided to buy a house. I am excited for her and this opportunity, but based on the details in the next paragraphs - I'm worried. I know that my sister doesn't have good credit. I am guessing the loan was approved in his name. He put the down payment on the house (took out some from his retirement to do it). I am quite worried though that he will only have his name on the title, and that my sister will be paying his mortgage for him. And that, as emotionally abusive as he's been in the past, he will hold the house over her head in many ways.
So the real concern for me came to play when my parents mentioned that they are moving the ''nanny'' into the house with them. I thought - hold up - what? I was told that the nanny (babysitter) was a woman in their townhouse complex that was home alone all day and liked the company of a child. So who is this nanny that my sister is paying her 17 dollars an hour (yes, my sister, the child's father isn't paying anything because he has a fraction of the income) to watch my niece and why is my sister so willing to MOVE A NEIGHBOR INTO THEIR HOUSE WITH THEM?
I didn't say anything to my parents, and I won't because I don't want to create more issues in my sister's life, but I dug a little on the internet. It wasn't easy to find because neither the baby's father nor his wife have much of an internet footprint, but I found what I was scared of finding - the wife has had the same address as my sister's family for about 2 years. The wife is my niece's nanny. The wife is the woman who is home all day (apparently IN my sister's home, LIVING THERE!) watching my niece. My sister is paying the child's father's wife 17 dollars an hour to spend more time with her daughter than she gets to spend with her. And now they are moving the wife into their new home to continue being the nanny? My mind is blown.
I asked her about it yesterday. After circling around with her answers, she basically confirmed that his (ex?) wife is the child's nanny, lives with them currently (due to an abusive ex?), and will be moving into their house with them. I say 'ex' because my sister claims they are divorced, but I don't see any evidence of it in any way, shape or form, and I do not see any public records in the state of CA for it. Speaking of which, they currently live in the Midwest, but he has been trying to get my sister to move to with their child to CA for years (where the wife's family is from, not his nor my sisters!).
I don't know what to do here. Am I over-stepping my boundaries? I am so worried about my sister's situation. She is no sister wife, I can tell you that. The only thing I can think is that she is just so head over heals for this man that she is accepting a lot of bullshit. My mind is running - I am worried that now she will be paying down a mortgage for him and his wife and paying his wife 17 dollars an hour to watch their child while she slaves away at work. The wife has more time with my niece than my own sister does. My mind is just blown. What do I do? Can I do anything? Do I just stand by and watch this all happen? Maybe I've watched too many crime documentaries, but what if this is all a scheme? What if the wife could never have a child and they essentially used my sister? What if they intend on taking an insurance policy out on her and harming her? What if this whole thing was a way for them to get a life they couldn't have before? Am I thinking too much? Am I being crazy??
submitted by Correct_Mood_7873 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:43 Correct_Mood_7873 Just found out my sister's boyfriend's (ex?) wife is their nanny and moving in with them

Basically what the title says, but I'll put a little more here.
The relationship has been red flags to me since the beginning - my sister was always very into music and artsy, loved makeup and hair, but stopped wearing her style of clothes/all makeup due to the boyfriend's accusations of her doing this to garner male attention. She also stopped going to concerts because he would accuse her of having 'date night' and 'cheating' with her colleagues/friends that she was attending the concert with. So then I find out that the man was actually still married to another woman since the start of their relationship (he told my sister they were separated). Obviously the emotional abuse infuriated me - here he is being accusatory about every aspect of my sister's life but he has a whole ass WIFE? I asked what was going on with that?! My sister said that he was still married because the wife was on disability and had significant health problems (lupus) and needed to be on his insurance plan. I still don't understand why the wife can't be on Medicaid?
Fast forward about a year and a half and my sister calls me to tell me that she's pregnant. This was a bit of a shock because she was always adamant that she never wanted kids. But I understand things change, and we are both over the moon with that little girl and so glad that she exists! However, the pregnancy wasn't easy for her because, throughout it, he would state that he wasn't sure that the baby was his.
My sister was working full time before the birth, but took 2 months off after the birth. During that time, her and the baby were on state insurance. They were having all sorts of issues with getting the baby the right help while on state insurance. My question was - why wasn't my niece on the father's health insurance plan? My sister said it was because his wife still needed to be on it. Sooo state insurance isn't good enough his your wife but it's good enough for his daughter?
Nine months later, when we knew that the eye color was blue, he AGAIN accused her of cheating and suspected he wasn't the father. He had it in his head his eyes were brown, and that brown eyes are dominant, so that they baby should have brown eyes. Since they were blue - the baby must not be his. My sister has blue eyes and his sisters have blue eyes. Most of us who had middle school science and have used punnett squares understand that means the baby had just as good of a chance of having blue eyes as brown.
I thought he dropped it, but about 6 months ago (so when their daughter was 2.5 years old) my sister tells me that he had a paternity test done for 'inheritance reasons', so that 'no one' could battle her inheritance of his IRA with the argument that the child wasn't his. Sir, who is battling with that assumption besides you? I know I've never taken a DNA test to be listed as a beneficiary on any family member's retirement account. But whatever gives him peace of mind, I guess?
My sister makes significantly more than the child's father, and from the details I have gathered during our conversations, it would appear she is footing the bills. This week, they decided to buy a house. I am excited for her and this opportunity, but based on the details in the next paragraphs - I'm worried. I know that my sister doesn't have good credit. I am guessing the loan was approved in his name. He put the down payment on the house (took out some from his retirement to do it). I am quite worried though that he will only have his name on the title, and that my sister will be paying his mortgage for him. And that, as emotionally abusive as he's been in the past, he will hold the house over her head in many ways.
So the real concern for me came to play when my parents mentioned that they are moving the ''nanny'' into the house with them. I thought - hold up - what? I was told that the nanny (babysitter) was a woman in their townhouse complex that was home alone all day and liked the company of a child. So who is this nanny that my sister is paying her 17 dollars an hour (yes, my sister, the child's father isn't paying anything because he has a fraction of the income) to watch my niece and why is my sister so willing to MOVE A NEIGHBOR INTO THEIR HOUSE WITH THEM?
I didn't say anything to my parents, and I won't because I don't want to create more issues in my sister's life, but I dug a little on the internet. It wasn't easy to find because neither the baby's father nor his wife have much of an internet footprint, but I found what I was scared of finding - the wife has had the same address as my sister's family for about 2 years. The wife is my niece's nanny. The wife is the woman who is home all day (apparently IN my sister's home, LIVING THERE!) watching my niece. My sister is paying the child's father's wife 17 dollars an hour to spend more time with her daughter than she gets to spend with her. And now they are moving the wife into their new home to continue being the nanny? My mind is blown.
I asked her about it yesterday. After circling around with her answers, she basically confirmed that his (ex?) wife is the child's nanny, lives with them currently (due to an abusive ex?), and will be moving into their house with them. I say 'ex' because my sister claims they are divorced, but I don't see any evidence of it in any way, shape or form, and I do not see any public records in the state of CA for it. Speaking of which, they currently live in the Midwest, but he has been trying to get my sister to move to with their child to CA for years (where the wife's family is from, not his nor my sisters!).
I don't know what to do here. Am I over-stepping my boundaries? I am so worried about my sister's situation. She is no sister wife, I can tell you that. The only thing I can think is that she is just so head over heals for this man that she is accepting a lot of bullshit. My mind is running - I am worried that now she will be paying down a mortgage for him and his wife and paying his wife 17 dollars an hour to watch their child while she slaves away at work. The wife has more time with my niece than my own sister does. My mind is just blown. What do I do? Can I do anything? Do I just stand by and watch this all happen? Maybe I've watched too many crime documentaries, but what if this is all a scheme? What if the wife could never have a child and they essentially used my sister? What if they intend on taking an insurance policy out on her and harming her? What if this whole thing was a way for them to get a life they couldn't have before? Am I thinking too much? Am I being crazy??
submitted by Correct_Mood_7873 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:04 RowanHalifax Is this... Hybrid Basil?!

Is this... Hybrid Basil?!
A local farm has been selling sweet & some kind of purple basil. The other day he put out a bunch of plants that have this bicolor pattern & I snagged a couple because they looked so cool. We keep calling it Joker-fied basil around the house.
My questions are: - Is it possible that this basil is the result of cross pollination or something like that? - Is this something special that I should keep propagating for myself - or maybe even to sell to other gardeners? - Will continuing to propagate them rather than collecting seeds to spawn diminish the overall health of the plant, kinda like how cloning the same mushroom over & over will eventually produce less desirable offspring?
I'll admit, my understanding of plant genetics & reproduction doesn't extend very far past those Punnett squares they have you do in high school & that was a long time ago 😅 thanks for any advice & insight!
submitted by RowanHalifax to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:05 ThrowRA6597 I (18F) found out my sister (34F) is actually my biological mother, and my parents are my grandparents. How do I figure out what I'm supposed to do next?

Recently I got surgery on my knee from a football injury. They took my blood before it, and because I do biology at school, I looked at the results when I was bored afterwards. One of the things it said was that my blood type is AB positive, which I thought was quite cool, since it isn’t very common. I already knew my father’s blood type is A negative because he donates blood, and I had gone with him a couple of times. My mother had come to visit me, and I had asked her if her blood type was AB positive or B positive. I wanted to know because I find genetics really interesting, and I’d always liked doing punnett squares and knowing how things work. She asked me what I was talking about, and I asked her which one of those her blood type is. She said it was O positive, and asked me why I wanted to know. I said that was impossible, and she must be confused. She said I was the one on pain medication, so I was confused. And that it was just blood, I’m healthy and fine, so that’s all that matters.
I thought I must be confused, so I looked it up online, and like I thought, it was literally impossible that I could have that blood type. My mother had to have either AB positive or B positive blood, because otherwise I would have A type blood or O type blood. I figured that maybe she had just forgotten, since both my test and my father’s ones had to be right. But it just seemed a bit weird, so when I got home I looked at one of the papers my mother had kept in the drawer from when she had some medical tests done. And it said that she had O positive blood. I was just confused. I knew there had to be a mistake, somehow. Maybe the hospital had done my blood wrong, or they had written my mother’s blood down wrong. I didn’t even consider my parents weren’t my parents, it just didn’t seem possible. There were photos of me as a newborn, my mother holding me, I look like all of my siblings.
I could have just let it go, but it just didn’t seem right. While my mother was at work, I went through more of the papers. Every single time, it was O positive. I just thought rationally, and decided that they must have taken my blood wrong. I had gotten a couple of blood tests in the past as a child, and I managed to find them at the bottom of the drawer. They all said AB positive. There had to be some kind of explanation, so when my mother came home, I went and talked to her and I told her that with our blood types, I couldn’t be their child. And I wanted to know why, and if she knew why, and if I got mixed up in the hospital or had a blood transfusion or something. She said to wait until my father came home. I was just so confused, I didn’t get how this was possible.
Then when my father got home, they ended up telling me what had happened. My sister, or my actual mother, became pregnant at fifteen. My parents wouldn’t tell me anything about my father, I don’t know much they do know, but they said that instead of having my sister be ashamed and tied down with a child because she was sixteen when she gave birth, as soon as I was born, I became their child. My parents lied to everyone and said it was a cryptic pregnancy. Because my sister didn’t show much, and they didn’t tell anyone, no one knew. They adopted me when I was very young. The rest of my parents’ children were all quite young when I was born, the eldest was eleven. She knew, but the rest of them didn’t and thought I was my mother’s baby, because that was what my parents told me. Everyone thought I was, because I look a lot like the rest of my family. I always thought I looked a little bit different, but I figured it was genetics, I’m never going to look the same as everyone else. My parents said they didn’t want me to know about it, I didn’t need to know, but there was no way they could explain this and I was old enough to understand it now.
Now it feels like everything I thought my life was isn’t real at all. I thought I had six siblings. Four sisters, and two brothers. I thought I was the youngest, I only very recently turned eighteen. My sister, or my mother, lives in a city about three hours away. I don’t know a lot about her because she moved away from home when I was three. I would see her occasionally, and sometimes at holidays, but not often. Maybe about four or five times a year. She doesn’t seem like she is my mother, I always thought she didn't really care much about me. While quite a few of my siblings would fuss over me and play with me when I was little and go to my important games, she mostly ignored me. I only have a couple of significant memories with her and she definitely wouldn't be proud of me or anything, there's nothing special about me.
I used to ask my mother about her but she never told me much about her. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do next. I have a good life, I know I do and I'm lucky. But now I don’t even know who my father is, it’s like part of me is missing. I don’t know why I look like I do, literally all I know is what his blood type is. I'm really confused. Now I know, I don't know if I'm supposed to talk to her about any of this, or if she just wants to leave her alone, which I would understand. I really don't know what I'm supposed to do now, I think my parents are a bit disappointed I know now, and in some ways I am too because now I know everything I thought was real isn't. I want to know about my father, I want to know about part of who I really am. But my parents won’t tell me, and I don’t know if she will either. She probably just wants me out of her life, and probably never wanted me and wishes I wasn’t there at all. I don’t want to disrupt her life either. When I asked my mother, she said I should just leave it, and she won't want to talk to me, but I don't think my mother has talked to her for a while either. I don't know if I'm supposed to do anything, or just leave it, but I feel like it's quite an important part of my life and although I love my parents, or my grandparents, I still want to know about my biological mother as well.
English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if any of this is incorrect. I did read over it, but if something doesn't make sense I can clarify it :)
submitted by ThrowRA6597 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:11 kagay09010 I MESSED UP THE GODDAMN PUNNETT SQUARE

I MESSED UP THE GODDAMN PUNNETT SQUARE submitted by kagay09010 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 13:05 Inevitable-Opinion57 can someone help me understand this question

can someone help me understand this question
question is from ON23 V42 Q5a I just copied the ms
submitted by Inevitable-Opinion57 to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 21:37 Snoo3214 Multiple questions on cat genetics

Multiple questions on cat genetics
Recently I've gotten into cat genetics and would like to incorporate it into my storytelling and artwork, I figured this would be a good place to ask some questions! I only know basic terminology and nothing past a loci punnett square so bear with me.
Assuming I'm right on what kind of cats are in the photos, I imagine a silveblack mackrel tabby with white spotting (we'll call this the Male) and a calico (Female), these are my questions.
  1. Assuming their appearances are the bases of their genetics and they're not carrying anything else really, maybe the calico's mother being another calico and the father being a black male (if this is possible). what would their genetic codes be (simplest form)?
  2. Is there a way for black to "dominate" the red/white on calico patterns or is the level of eumelanin random? like what determines if there's more red or black on a calico?
  3. Do calicos carry certain white patching in their patterns and are they "dominant" over red/black? like for example could a cat be a calico and have Tuxedo patches?
  4. what kind of appearances would the kittens have, would all the females be calico? or is there a possibility for them to make red tabbies and black males?
If you can answer any of these questions for me that's be wonderful, I'm going to study tabby/calico genetics more in the future!
submitted by Snoo3214 to CatGenetics [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:27 Human_Ad7946 Shrimp punnett square?

Shrimp punnett square? submitted by Human_Ad7946 to shrimptank [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:45 mariecheri Eye color, more detailed break downs of how that happens?

We all learned the genetics of eye color in a simplified punnett square model.
I have dark brown eyes, my husband has light brown eyes and our children didn’t get either of our dominant color eyes.
One has hazel (a honey color with blue ring on the outside) and my younger still somewhat undefined (only 2 months) but his baby blues are lightening to a blue instead of developing towards anything else… what gives?
This is one of the more surprising things because I was sure I’d have brown eyed kids since mine are so dark and seemingly dominant. Obviously it is more complicated than what is taught in a school.
Both of us have a recessive blue gene.
Husbands: light brown His Dad: blue green , changeable His Mom: light brown
Mine: dark brown My Dad: dark brown My Mom: medium crystal blue
So, if I understand it right neither of my kids got my brown eyed gene, both got my recessive blue from my mother.
My thinking is my daughter likely got a mix of my recessive blue and my husband’s light brown to create a unique hazel shade
My 2 month old son likely got both of our recessive blues?
Also, bonus: Does that mean my brown eye gene won’t be carried through? It’s my very loved grandmothers eyes, and my dads I share… but I realized that if they don’t have it then future grandchildren won’t either.
submitted by mariecheri to ScienceBasedParenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:35 Matty_Boi22 What determines homozygous dominant/recessive alleles?

I have been studying genes a fair amount lately and have been experimenting with Punnett square models but I am still very confused about one aspect and I cannot seem to find an answer. What determines if an allele is BB or Bb or bb? In other words, when I am working on a Punnett square and I know my parents genotype, how do I know if the allele is homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive, or heterozygous?
Please help me understand what I am missing!
submitted by Matty_Boi22 to genetics [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 12:12 Overall_Analyst_2856 Alexa, what’s a name that serves positively zero fucks?

Our second Punnett square has recently hit the South tower. Her brother is Carson, which we’re obviously gay for.
We’ve been wine and dining over Traindaughter, but the general census is no bueno.
So, we’d happily jerk off to some more suggestions. TIA!
submitted by Overall_Analyst_2856 to NameNerdCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 18:00 AutoModerator Monthly Homework Help Megathread

All requests for help with exam study and homework questions must be posted here. Posts made outside this thread will generally be removed.
Are you a student in need of some help with your genetics homework? Do you need clarification on basic genetics concepts before an exam? Please ask your questions here.
Please follow the following basic guidelines when asking for help:

Please use the following template when asking questions:
Question template
What I know:
What I don’t know:
What I tried:
End template

Type: Homework
Level: High school
System: Cats
Topic: Dihybrid cross
Question: “The genetic principles that Mendel uncovered apply to animals as well as plants. In cats, for instance, Black (B) is dominant over brown (b) fur color and Short (S) fur is dominant over long (s) fur. Suppose a family has a black, short-furred male, heterozygous for both of these traits that they mate with a heterozygous black, long-furred female. Determine and present the genotypes of the two parent animals, the likely gametes they could produce and assuming they have multiple, large liters what is the proportion of kittens of each possible phenotype (color and length) that the family might expect.”
Answer: N/A
What I know: I understand how to do a Punnett square with one allele. For example, Bb x Bb.
B b
b Bb bb
What I don’t know: I don’t know how to properly set up the Punnett square to incorporate the additional S (fur length) allele in the gamete.
What I tried: I tried Googling “cat fur genetics” and didn’t find any useful examples.
Other: What happens if there is another allele added to these?
End of Example

This format causes me abject pain, why do I have to fill out the template?
  1. We want folks to learn and understand. Requiring the user to put in effort helps curb the number of “drive-by problem sets” being dumped onto the sub from users expecting the internet to complete their assignments.
  2. Posters often do not include enough information to adequately help answer the question. This format eliminates much of the guesswork for respondents and it allows responders quickly assess the level of knowledge and time needed to answer the question.
  3. This format allows the posts to be programmatically archived, tagged, and referenced at later times for other students.
Type: Where did the question come from? Knowing the origin of the question can help us formulate the best available answer. For example, the question might come from homework, an exam, a course, a paper, an article, or just a thought you had.
Level: What is the expected audience education level of the question and answer? This helps us determine if the question should be answered in the manner of, “Explain like I’m 5” or “I’m the PI of a mega lab, show me the dissertation” E.g.--elementary school, high school, undergraduate, research, nonacademic, curiosity, graduate, layperson
System: Which species, system, or field does the question pertain? E.g.—human, plant, in silico, cancer, health, astrobiology, fictional world, microbiology
Topic: What topic is being covered by the question? Some examples might include Mendelian genetics, mitosis, codon bias, CRISPR, or HWE.
Question: This is where you should type out the question verbatim from the source.
Answer: If you’ve been provided an answer already, put it here. If you don’t have the answer, leave this blank or fill in N/A.
What I know: Tell us what you understand about the problem already. We need to get a sense of your current domain knowledge before answering. This also forces you to engage with the problem.
What I don’t know: Tell us where you’re getting stuck or what does not make sense.
What I tried: Tell us how you’ve approached the problem already. What worked? What did not work?
Other: You can put whatever you want here or leave it blank. This is a good place to ask follow-up questions and post links.
submitted by AutoModerator to genetics [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:19 SongLongjumping1744 Does anyone know how to do this😭

Does anyone know how to do this😭 submitted by SongLongjumping1744 to edgenuity [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 07:19 MDorBust99 AAMC Unscored FL B/B #38

So my reasoning here: The mother must have at least one G+ because she has normal vision. The other G must be absent (G-) because the son is green pigment absent and the gene is only on the x-chromosome.
Because the son is green absent, but not red absent (R-), then the x-chromosome that he inherited must be G-R+. The only case of that is C, which is the answer.

A lot of mental gymnastics. Would setting up a Punnett square have been simpler?
submitted by MDorBust99 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 19:11 Affectionate-West308 Can we talk about the blue eyes for a sec?

Blue eyes are a double recessive trait. So, as anyone who did Punnett squares in school knows, Mizu could never have blue eyes unless her mother also carried the trait. Maybe one of her mother's parents was also European? A future story perhaps
submitted by Affectionate-West308 to BlueEyeSamurai [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 22:21 Unhappy-Aardvark-525 Guppy crossbreeding genetic question

Guppy crossbreeding genetic question
I was given a trio of guppies from a friend that are a male black Moscow and a female red albino. The female is supposedly a virgin but in addition to the usual quarantine I and going to keep her separate for 5 weeks just in case she is pregnant. If she is not I am thinking of breeding her with the male. I have been researching the genetics of guppies and using a punnett square to plan what I would get. I would like some feedback to know if I am correct with my numbers. If I breed them I expect the F1 generation to all be black. Then breed a brother to sister and I I understand it correctly I should get 25% black 25% albino and 50% a mix of black and red. I would the breed black females back to the original male to keep the black line and breed a red male F2 back to the other virgin female to start an albino line. Is this a viable plan to start a black Moscow and red albino line or does the fact that the females are albino throw a wrench into this plan. I am ok if they don’t end up albino.
submitted by Unhappy-Aardvark-525 to Guppies [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 11:51 sky_skyhistory How world with a lot more women than men would effect cultural and society? (population have unequal sex ratio)

Almost species in the world that determination sex by genetic factor have 1:1 sex ratio between men and women (environmental not count)
However genetically still allowed other sex ratio to be relatively stable such as 1:3 or 5:7 such as an example wood lemming and arctic lemming respectively
I am curious how sex ratio would affect the human-like race in ways of culture and society? (I have more interest in case 1:3 ratio that women clearly outnumber men)
Since most of our religion and society also bind with monogamous (I expect that polygamy is common) and also patriarchal society that was heavily affected in the pre-industrial era too (would it flip to matriarchy?).
How would race view about sex ratio? How does social roles work since male cannot fulfill social roles and careers as females outnumber male? How warfare progress since male is still combatant? Would female is need to be in army too? And a lot more if you want to further discuss
note: I welcome to discuss about society in any time frame since early-civilisation to modern era (especially medieval to industrial as I most interesting)
Explanation of genetical unequal sex ratio
For anyone curious how 1:3 or 5:7 sex ratio come along in wood and arctic lemming explanation are as below
Human determine sex by XY-system, that XX is woman and XY is man
but in lemmings, the major different is having another X-gene; the mutated X* gene which inhibit the male determining effect of the Y chromosome and cause X*Y to be female instead of male
So there are 3 genotypes of females that are XX. X*X and X*Y while XY still be male and all genotypes is still fertile
but different sex ratio of wood lemming and arctic lemming is
Wood lemming X*Y female only produce X* ova, but arctic lemming X*Y female still produce both X* and Y ova, however any YY-genotype embryo would die and cannot develop into YY-genotype fetus as it lack vital X-chromosome
Result of 3 genotype-female of both lemmings can write down in Punnett Square as below
note: italics represent female, while non-italics represent male
Wood Lemming
- female→ XX - X*X - X*Y -
Male ↓ - X X X* X X* X*
Artic Lemming
- female→ XX - X*X - X*Y -
Male ↓ - X X X* X X* Y
- Y XY XY XX* XY XX* YY (unviable)
Artic lemming X*Y female while them reproduce unviable YY, but they also compensation their lost reproduction by reproduce as much as they lost result in same reproductive rate as other 2-phenotype and result in each genotype, reproduce by X*Y female are 1/3 chance unlike usual chromosome recombination that give 1/2 or 1/4 chance
By simulating these model both wood lemming and arctic lemming, it's give theoretical result and expect to found nature are
For wood lemming XY:XX:X*X:X*Y ratio is 1:1:1:1 give male per female ratio is 1:3
And artic lemming XY:XX:X*X:X*Y ratio is 25:21:7:7 give male per female ratio is 25:35 → 5:7
submitted by sky_skyhistory to worldbuilding [link] [comments]
