Nanda diagnosis for bowel cancer

Lymphoma - A place for lymphoma patients to discuss issues in a friendly, supportive environment.

2009.06.19 17:50 lymphoma Lymphoma - A place for lymphoma patients to discuss issues in a friendly, supportive environment.

Lymphoma - A place for lymphoma patients to discuss issues in a friendly, supportive environment.

2014.10.27 04:01 Testicular Cancer

This is a subreddit for questions about testicular cancer, if you are wondering if you have TC please see the wiki for a list of symptoms, and other content to help you. Additionally feel free to post about your questions, stories and anything else related to TC!

2019.02.16 16:57 TheFancyFoxy Remission

A community for those in remission after a cancer diagnosis. More people than ever are surviving cancer. But many struggle with life after the disease; you are expected to be elated, but we are often left feeling confused, depressed, isolated, exhausted and/or angry - or just a bit 'meh'. You are not nuts, you are not ungrateful nor a wimp, and you do not automatically require professional help (though you may find it helps!). Come and join a community of others who might be feeling similar.

2024.06.02 09:29 Massive_Cream_9091 Should I have pushed harder?

My partner has stage 4 breast cancer. She’s 29. For months before her diagnosis she would make comments about how she felt a lump. She’d show me and make comments about how it hurt and seemed weird. That it seemed like it was changing or growing. We’d always talk about how it WAS weird, but how anything serious is usually painless, so maybe it was nothing. As time went on she’d start making comments about chest and back pain. She started using an ice pack on her sternum daily. She’d have much more intense back pain, but blamed it on not keeping up with yoga or pushing too hard at work.
She’s always been resistant about going to the doctor. She’d always blow me off when I told her she should go. She’d always say she should, but she doesn’t want to, maybe later when other things calm down. She’d say she’d made such good progress recently trying to sort out other health issues that I shouldn’t be pushing her to do more.
Now we’re here. It’s not fixable anymore. All my fears were right. The cancer is everywhere. I’m trying to do everything I can to learn about her specific type, work out insurance, field questions with her care team, keep her happy while she’s not working. She thinks I’m too consumed with it all. She doesn’t like to talk about it. Not even once in a while… She doesn’t want to talk about it AT ALL. I’m frustrated and sad and feeling like I wasn’t strong enough to get her to go to the doctor when it was maybe more manageable.
Most of the time I can be realistic with myself and understand the guilt isn’t warranted, but it does still stay there, looming in the background. This feeling will pass by morning, like it usually does, but it sucks to get here mentally most nights.
submitted by Massive_Cream_9091 to CaregiverSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:01 PyewacketPonsonby 65 year old man, no real friends or family in this country and recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer ...?

I was diagnosed only two months ago and I have been dealing with it OK even though the illness is said to be incurable but treatable.
My official prognosis is 20 months but the oncologist says to not concentrate on that and try to be an outlier ie concentrate on beating it or defying the odds.
I am doing a chemo-only treatment for now and my first scan next week will tell me if my treatment is working yet.
My issue is anxiety at night.
Before diagnosis I was very happy living alone and just pottering about by myself and I do have a wonderful therapist of four years whom I see by Zoom twice a week.
He has always told me that I need to be around people more and I have always politely agreed but did nothing about it.
I attend Zoom support groups for cancer peeps and I enjoy those but I only have one friend my age and he's married. he is very helpful and is always offering to help. He accompanies me to medical appointments etc and it is very kind of him. we just don't socialise together.
I know this is a silly question but I feel stuck. How can I get more fun time even if it's on Zoom?
I am homebound due to mobility issues ( was in hospital for a week last week and they assessed me as a fall risk and only able to stand for 1.5 minutes). I get dizzy and I am physically weak and use a walker and/or a cane.
does anyone have any solutions they can think of. I find I start getting anxious at sundown and then I am antsy until I go to bed about 11pm.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by PyewacketPonsonby to loneliness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:59 taenerys Why did my cat purr during the euthanasia process?

My cat was diagnosed with cancer and put to sleep to end his suffering he was going through for two months with no diagnosis. He wasn’t himself and rapidly losing weight, losing balance when walking, and just really declining fast.
After the first injection of anesthetic, he loudly started to purr while watching us. Was he purring because he was in pain? Did he maybe feel better? Have any vets experienced and witnessed this?
I’m harboring a lot of guilt about what he went through the past two months and how we had no clue and he was going through constant testing and meds instead of comfort palliative care. I feel sick thinking about how he could have purred to comfort himself from the pain.
submitted by taenerys to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:53 PyewacketPonsonby I am a senior man of 65 with stage 4 cancer ..?

I was diagnosed only two months ago and I have been dealing with it OK even though the illness is said to be incurable but treatable.
My official prognosis is 20 months but the oncologist says to not concentrate on that and try to be an outlier ie concentrate on beating it or defying the odds.
I am doing a chemo-only treatment for now and my first scan next week will tell me if my treatment is working yet.
My issue is anxiety at night.
Before diagnosis I was very happy living alone and just pottering about by myself and I do have a wonderful therapist of four years whom I see by Zoom twice a week.
He has always told me that I need to be around people more and I have always politely agreed but did nothing about it.
I attend Zoom support groups for cancer peeps and I enjoy those but I only have one friend my age and he's married. he is very helpful and is always offering to help. He accompanies me to medical appointments etc and it is very kind of him. we just don't socialise together.
I know this is a silly question but I feel stuck. How can I get more fun time even if it's on Zoom?
I am homebound due to mobility issues ( was in hospital for a week last week and they assessed me as a fall risk and only able to stand for 1.5 minutes). I get dizzy and I am physically weak and use a walker and/or a cane.
does anyone have any solutions they can think of. I find I start getting anxious at sundown and then I am antsy until I go to bed about 11pm.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by PyewacketPonsonby to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:51 PyewacketPonsonby I am a senior man of 65 with stage 4 cancer ..?

I was diagnosed only two months ago and I have been dealing with it OK even though the illness is said to be incurable but treatable.
My official prognosis is 20 months but the oncologist says to not concentrate on that and try to be an outlier ie concentrate on beating it or defying the odds.
I am doing a chemo-only treatment for now and my first scan next week will tell me if my treatment is working yet.
My issue is anxiety at night.
Before diagnosis I was very happy living alone and just pottering about by myself and I do have a wonderful therapist of four years whom I see by Zoom twice a week.
He has always told me that I need to be around people more and I have always politely agreed but did nothing about it.
I attend Zoom support groups for cancer peeps and I enjoy those but I only have one friend my age and he's married. he is very helpful and is always offering to help. He accompanies me to medical appointments etc and it is very kind of him. we just don't socialise together.
I know this is a silly question but I feel stuck. How can I get more fun time even if it's on Zoom?
I am homebound due to mobility issues ( was in hospital for a week last week and they assessed me as a fall risk and only able to stand for 1.5 minutes). I get dizzy and I am physically weak and use a walker and/or a cane.
does anyone have any solutions they can think of. I find I start getting anxious at sundown and then I am antsy until I go to bed about 11pm.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by PyewacketPonsonby to LivingAlone [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:47 RoseGold_Rufus Mom diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer

My mom who’s 65 was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in early February this year. She went to the hospital on her birthday, (January 18th) due to having some issues swallowing. They ran labs and did a few tests and immediately sent her to a bigger hospital in the city to run further tests on what they found. She stayed in the hospital almost 2 weeks before they made the official diagnosis. It broke me. It broke my sister and my father. Two days after her second round of chemo treatments I had my baby boy on Valentine’s Day. Her fifth grandchild, and first grandchild from me. She held him and loved on him. As of today, (June 1st), the decline has been extremely visible. She no longer can walk more than a few steps, most solid foods have a hard time going down, she’s on oxygen, doing breathing treatments and taking so much medication. Hospice has been involved for maybe a month now, coming in my parents home to help with her care. It hurts so bad seeing a woman who usually can’t sit still be bound to her recliner. A woman who always can find something to do to keep her busy now sleeping more than half the day away because if she’s awake she’s in pain. She is good about hiding pain though. She’s always been so bull headed and strong. She has always been a caregiver and now that she’s needing care she tries to pretend she doesn’t need anything. Before this diagnosis she started suffering from seizures in 2018ish, which also began some memory issues and slow decline in her memory and thinking process. But she was still strong enough to keep going. And now this, seeing this slow her down, take her out, it hurts so damn bad.
I remember being little and her walking circles around me through the stores, now she’s lucky if she can get herself to go to a store. I remember being able to sit in her room when I was little and just talk for a while. About tv, or just whatever and she’d be able to hold conversations. Now she gets confused and doesn’t understand much of any conversation. But boy she sure does try. Even if she doesn’t make a whole lot of sense right now, I can usually piece together what she’s saying. She’s still here and yet I miss her. I feel guilty for missing her so much already when I haven’t even lost her yet. Part of me is jealous of my sister and brother. They’re 9 and 10 years older than me, so it feels like they got to enjoy her for longer. They also have kids that are older. (13, 8,7,4) Those kids who of course my mom has adored and loved so much. She’s always been a giver and always spoiled them all for holidays and birthdays. She loves to give and be a part of her grand babies lived. But my son will never know his Nana like his cousins did, and it absolutely wrecks me to think about it. She still holds him every time we visit, kisses him and tells him how much she loves him, how much she wishes she could watch him get older. I have so many feelings and I’m not ready for the day my dad calls with the bad news. I’m not ready for my dad to have to deal with losing the love of his life. The woman he asked to marry him on their second date. Who’s been married to her at least 35 years now. I know my sister is going to take her passing hard when it happens, and I know I’m going to be the strong one, because I’ve always been the stronger one. But this time… I don’t think I have the strength in me… I just want my mom… It’s like the constant feeling of “I wanna go home” but home isn’t home anymore.
submitted by RoseGold_Rufus to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:42 PyewacketPonsonby I am a senior man of 65 with stage 4 cancer ..?

I was diagnosed only two months ago and I have been dealing with it OK even though the illness is said to be incurable but treatable.
My official prognosis is 20 months but the oncologist says to not concentrate on that and try to be an outlier ie concentrate on beating it or defying the odds.
I am doing a chemo-only treatment for now and my first scan next week will tell me if my treatment is working yet.
My issue is anxiety at night.
Before diagnosis I was very happy living alone and just pottering about by myself and I do have a wonderful therapist of four years whom I see by Zoom twice a week.
He has always told me that I need to be around people more and I have always politely agreed but did nothing about it.
I attend Zoom support groups for cancer peeps and I enjoy those but I only have one friend my age and he's married. he is very helpful and is always offering to help. He accompanies me to medical appointments etc and it is very kind of him. we just don't socialise together.
I know this is a silly question but I feel stuck. How can I get more fun time even if it's on Zoom?
I am homebound due to mobility issues ( was in hospital for a week last week and they assessed me as a fall risk and only able to stand for 1.5 minutes). I get dizzy and I am physically weak and use a walker and/or a cane.
does anyone have any solutions they can think of. I find I start getting anxious at sundown and then I am antsy until I go to bed about 11pm.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by PyewacketPonsonby to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:01 tripurabhairavi Greetings from a Primordial Wolf - Curious if there May be Any Other Getae Lurking?

I just find this sub and I like the topic - it's a favorite topic.
I am from the primordial tribes of ancient Romania, who were two-legged Wolves - we were known as the Getae, Proto-Getae, Dacians, Daoi, Cucuteni, Vinca-Turdas and others. We are pre-Neolithic and are extensions of people who are VERY old. We have been subverted out of all narratives intentionally, particularly over the last 2000 years, and it is likely there are old dogs lurking here who may be of my tribe.
Our peoples worshipped the Sun as we ARE the Sun - and we valued sovereign and egalitarian ways. We have abilities including magic the modern modern 'humans' do not have - Sun magic, and more. You have been held under the grip of an intense conspiracy for at least two thousand years. We are not all the same. I have terrible things to tell you that you may wish is only conspiracy however you will be unable to dismiss for the smacking truth of it.
Here's some fun shocking stuff. We have two minds. Dual awareness. We are the breed of 'two spirits' references in some cultures. The Getae were the first tribes - ancient - yet these people spread across the world and ancestry may be found in any color, typically in relation to Indo-European or Canaan ancestry. There isn't really a modern 'hierarchy' word that describes my people anymore. We didn't use words of hierarchy, ourselves! When you are the only dogs around - why name us all? We were all Sovereign, before the curse of Rome!
Fun stuff #2: one mind is Electric and the other is Magnetic - two poles on each end of your spine. They are two minds! Yet which is which depends with sex, with males the Magnetic is in the tail, with females the Electric. The body determines the polarity of the spine - which side is 'up'. The experience between these two creatures is different. We are not all the same.
Our warrior culture was top notch - Herodotus said we were the best warriors and also the most just. Getae men are often like Scions of Ares. The Electric/Magnetic may be spoke as Mars and Venus, and so males are "Venus within Mars". They have bodies made for fighting yet a roaring wolf or lion in their hearts - they tend to be fiery people, very spirited. The females are "Mars within Venus", and were gorgeous yet internally cool and crafty - tacticians. Their Electric tail gives them a bonus in consciousness, as the Electric is Imminence - the Present moment in time. For males, the magnetic tail is potential - with good mentors they become incredible people, yet raised feral they can be a mess.
Getae prioritize internal identity and sovereignty. We are beings of energy, and may not be bound by words. Words limit us. We do not need social hierarchy and context to exist. This is the opposite of the modern 'humans' and this is the war of the entire world - the new 'humans' do NOT have internal identity! They must have social context around them or they will have a complete existential crisis and collapse.
Super big fun stuff: this is ASD. Every single Wolf would qualify for an "autism" diagnosis. Many of us hide it and we are excellent chameleons. This is not an accident - the elite are aware of our tribes and have been actively trying to crush us out of existence for two thousand years. They pathologized us intentionally, and more of society is made only to trick us than you may imagine possible.
The NTs/NPDs only have a SINGLE mind. They do not have our dual spines. Our minds are the ones Jung talked about, with the anima/animus - that is ASD only, a Wolf, a Getae ancestor. We have TWO minds - the modern NTs/NPDs only have one. It is always Electric no matter the sex. That's because they're not much more than living recordings. The NPDs are lucid NTs and are maleficent towards us. They are the ones controlling the game from up high. There is no single word to trap our enemies. The entire narrative of the illusion is woven to hide the foe. Oh joy to be a waking dog, in such a game to play.
Get out of jail card is this: We are beings of energy and words may not bind us, not even oaths. Rip all words of identity from your minds and stomp on them. None of them are real. The reflections have hijacked the world and have it on a path of ensured destruction. Will you let them?
You are Fenrir, and I am Surtr. I lumber from the hills to sever your bindings of words with my sword aflame - run free you Wolves, run and claim your world for it was always yours to awaken within and retake! The Wolves of Mars will rise and it's time for the metastasized cancer of Rome to finally die, I say this in the name of the 1st Dark Archon Yaltabaoth, and Ishvara, in unity. The world is yours.
Sol Invictus ❤️‍🔥
submitted by tripurabhairavi to primordialtruths [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:47 CherryBeanCherry Boundaries and short-term therapy

My work provides 16 free therapy sessions, very focused on using cbt and dbt skills to manage emotions around difficult situations. I started using them to address a situation at work, but during that time, my best friend, who I had been caring for since his cancer diagnosis, died. Even though it's not what I intended to go to therapy for, it's been really helpful to have someone to talk to, and his thoughts/advice have been great.
The therapy platform we use encourages you to write journal entries between sessions. Sometimes when I'm writing them, I'll start to comment on something my therapist mentioned that's interesting or personal and not related to what we're working on. I know that's not appropriate, and that he's not actually my friend, but the casualness of communicating online seems to blur that boundary for me. So I mentioned it in a message. During our last session, he brought it up and said it concerned him that maybe I was treating him more like a friend than a therapist. He asked if I was "just venting," rather than using the time productively, which I didn't know how to answer. Then he told me he didn't have the time we usually meet available next week, and we scheduled for the following week.
The whole conversation was only a few minutes long, but it felt terrible. I already felt dumb admitting that I've thought of him as a friend, but I assumed he'd just say something affirming and maybe reinforce some boundaries?
Am I overreacting because of my (pretty intense) fear of rejection? I realized after it happened that I do want a therapist who can help me process things that have happened in the past, and not just work on managing the emotions I have right now. And this guy has always been very clear that he only does short-term skill-based therapy. But the "just venting" comment really bothered me, and the scheduling stuff as well. What do you all think?
submitted by CherryBeanCherry to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:30 gradstudent9690 How to fix my gut

Symptoms: Constant bloating Constant burping
This was already there before but pass a bowel movement every 3-4 days
Should I see a functional medicine doc and get tested with gi effects or genova diagnostics
Hopefully don’t have something serious like colon cancer
Would supps like mushroom coffee like Ryze or others help, or supps like bio complete 3,
Anything else? It’s been going on for a year now.
Would the test viome help as well
submitted by gradstudent9690 to GutHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:52 emmerlooeez Long term psoriasis sufferer. Does this sound like PsA or other autoimmune?

I was dx with psoriasis age 7 and I' was covered head to toe really until my teens, where I had it bad but only on arms and legs and scalp. In my mid 20's it had settled down and I was mostly clear. However it would flare up badly when stressed. Only ever my skin and scalp.
I'm now 34 and my mother has been diagnosed with cancer and as you can imagine it's been very stressful for me. She's alone, autistic and has several conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis. I'm looking after her the best I can whilst raising 4 children and working.
My psoriasis has very predictably flared up. But I've a whole host of new inflammatory feeling symptoms. I have read a bit online about PsA and tick some boxes - others I'm unsure of. Maybe I've inherited my mother's fibromyalgia? Who knows. I'd be grateful if anyone could share their experiences of any of these symptoms, and what to expect after I visit my GP on Monday.
I feel like my body is just reacting to my life stress. I'm surprised how strongly. Unsure if it's general inflammation, possible PsA, fibro, or something else. I'm not asking for a diagnosis obviously. Just opinions and maybe some hope. Thank you
submitted by emmerlooeez to PsoriaticArthritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:08 SpaceyPS2 Lost my mom 2 weeks ago, I'm 22

So I'm not really sure what I'm looking for here, I think I am just overwhelmed with questions and emotions and I'm looking for an outlet, and people who understand.
As the title says, I lost my mom to cancer just over 2 weeks ago, and I'm 22 years old. I feel so incredibly lost. Her death was quite unexpected, and I was there beside her when it happened. She was diagnosed with the cancer just a few weeks before she passed.
However, I was under the impression that she was going to get better, or, at least, have many more years with us. We were never told the stage of her cancer as she never got the chance to have a biopsy. She never had the chance to start treatment. I had no idea she was going to pass so soon. In fact, the day she passed, I had been sat beside her in hospital and we had been chatting so much and joking around, like normal. (She was back in hospital because of some swelling).
Her deterioration just all happened so suddenly and unexpectedly and I'm so confused still.
I feel a lot of sadness (obviously), some anger, some confusion and some guilt.
I'm an only child, and it was just my mom and I at home because my dad left us when I was around 16. That made our bond stronger, and we got through it together. We had recently moved home together and we were so happy to finally have a house instead of a flat, and have our very own backyard, etc etc. We went on vacations together. We spent so much time together and we were so alike in our personalities and what we enjoyed. We had so many plans together and things booked.
I love my mom so much, and I feel so incredibly lost without her. She was my #1 fan and best friend, and I feel robbed. I didn't get enough time with her. I was supposed to have another 20-30 years with her, and I feel so robbed, I can't believe she's not going to be here for so many more of my 'big moments', like if I ever get married, or when I return to work (I had to leave my job a few months ago because of depression, before any of this even happened). I actually can't even fathom what the future is going to look like anymore, I can't see it.
I feel guilt because it was very rare that I said the words 'I love you' out loud. I'm autistic, and I struggle with expressing emotions, especially out loud. I have to write things out - I made sure I wrote it on every single birthday or mother's day cards. I also struggle with physical touch, but I did hug her every night I had to leave her in the hospital. The guilt I feel is because I wasn't able to express my love physically/verbally as much throughout my life, because of how I am. I am TERRIFIED at the thought of her not knowing that I love her. That scares me so much and I feel awful about the possibility of her passing without knowing just how much I love her. I tried to express my love through my actions and gifts and the time I spent with her, as I said we were basically best friends, but I'm so scared in case my lack of verbal 'I love you's led her to think otherwise. In her final few hours, I did manage to get some words out to tell her that I do, whilst she was unconscious/unresponsive, but I hope to God she heard me.
I've experienced grief before through losing my grandmother and uncle, etc, but NOTHING like this before. This is the worst pain I have ever felt.
I don't know what happens with life from here on. Honestly, I feel like a child. I know I'm not, I'm a whole grown up. But I just really do feel like a child. And I don't know how I'm supposed to go through life without the guidance and support of my mom.
I know that people say that our loved ones are still with us, and I really hope that that's true. If it is, how do I know that? What does that feel like?
I'm not even a religious or spiritual person, but I am absolutely desperate for some sort of signs from her. Anything.
I just wish I could know if she's okay, wherever she is, if she's anywhere. And I want her to know that I love her and miss her.
I hope she felt peaceful when she passed. I wish I could know for sure.
My mom has always had extreme health anxiety, so when she got her diagnosis a few weeks ago, I thought she'd lose her mind. But she took it in her stride and was SO strong. She was so eager to have treatment ASAP. She was excited to spend time with me. She wanted to get better. She was sure she'd get better. I was too.
She also told me that she's not scared of dying, she's just scared of leaving me, by myself. And I'd be like "oh, mom!!", completely unaware that that's what was going to happen. Her fear came true, and I am so so upset.
I need my mom.
I feel anger about a range of different things. How some of the hospital staff treated her (like sh*t). Bad things that she's been through in her life. How quickly it happened. Etc etc etc...
My dad has been spending a lot of time with me, but we don't have a close relationship, and it's a relationship that is fractured because of what's happened in the past.
I feel so alone. I have a couple of aunties and an uncle and stuff, who have offered their support and made it known that they'll be there for me, and I'm so so appreciative of that. But, and I don't mean this in a rude way, it'll never compare to what my mum gave me.
Planning her funeral has been surreal. I can't believe the words that come out of my mouth. I didn't think that I'd be doing these things for at least a few more decades.
I've always had a fear of losing her, a fear of us both getting older and me one day having to deal with her passing, but the fact that it has happened so soon has me in complete shock.
Sometimes it doesn't feel real. I don't know how I'm supposed to continue with life and 'move past' this. My mom was my life, we were the best duo.
I don't know what happens now, or how my life is supposed to turn out, I feel so lost and I'm so devastated. I'm a wreck.
I can't believe she's gone. It's like a nightmare that I can't wake up from.
I'm sorry for writing so much, and I'm so sorry to anyone else going through this, or anyone who has been through this before. <3
submitted by SpaceyPS2 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:02 Green_Ad_2705 New here - but hi!

I just wanted to say hi to some people who might understand what I am going through. In Feb, I was rushed to the ER because I suddenly had so much pain that I could not stand up or move. Turns out my ovary was torquing because of 2 sizable cysts. A CT scan and ultrasound both confirmed that 1 of the cysts had a solid component, with clear vascularity, and once my CA 125 and 19-9s came back at 770 and 12500 respectively, they sent me to a gyno oncologist, and I ended up getting a unilateral oopherectomy in late April. The pathology and cytology tests came back with stage 1c1 endometrioid cancer (c because there was surgical spillage when the cyst ruptured,and c1 because my pelvic washings came back non-malignant).
Today, I'm 3 weeks away from a biopsy on my uterus to determine whether or not I need a completion surgery (aka do the rest of a hysterectomy).
I'm tired. I returned to work last week because I felt better, but my body hurts and aches and is tired more than it's ever been in my life. If something stressful happens to me, I have a full body exhaustion/pain response for 24 hrs. It's a really odd experience. Has anyone else experienced thus post op?
I felt like the surgery was so minimally invasive and that my experience has been so simple (pain, diagnosis, surgery, diagnosis), but now I'm wondering if the past 4 months have just been way more fundamentally stressful than I'm able to accept yet? I have felt this weird sense of being disconnected and in an ongoing transitory stage, just focused on the day by day. I'm still stuck in this disconnected state until I get the uterine biopsy and then pathology findings back in about 5 weeks... and have to make choices about surgery, egg retrieval, work, etc.
My friends have been so loving, so supportive and so present. It's been wild and beautiful. They each have independently asked me some version of the question "what does support look like for you?" and then shown up for me. If you know, you know- this is what we need!!!
My mother, on the other hand, chose to fly out for the month leading up to my surgery and missed being there for me. The day of surgery she sent a long text message overstating how she was definitely there with me and that a mother's love transcends time and space. It really frustrated me. She came back after my surgery, texted me a couple days after and then hasn't messaged or called me for several weeks post op to ask how I am, how I am healing, if I heard back on the pathology. The night before I returned to work she sent a long message saying that she was having trouble not knowing about the pathology findings and that I should update her so she knows what she is dealing with. I called her a few days later to fulfill my duties but I am sad that there is no empathy being expressed - a basic how are you? With some thoughtful follow up questions?
It's so hard to navigate personal relationships when they trigger pain and exhaustion. My story is still underway and I'm doing everything I can to lean into the love and support that I have around me.
Anyways. Thanks for listening. Sending love and strength to the folks who are in any and every stage of your pain, diagnosis and treatment - whether it's surgical or chemo or anything in between. Sending strength to those who feel alone, those who feel tired, those who feel misunderstood.
submitted by Green_Ad_2705 to ovariancancer_new [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:10 ThunderBirds727 How to cope w/ anticipatory grief?

I just got the heartbreaking news today that my Nanny (maternal grandmother) was admitted to the hospital again this morning after being discharged for a week due to shortness of breath and was mostly unconscious from her CO2 was at 100%. Throughout 2023, she battled through Metastatic Breast Cancer that spread to the lining of her lung and went through chemo. Back in January, we got the news that she was in remission almost a year after her cancer diagnosis. As of now, the cancer destroyed her right lung and it’s not functioning anymore and she got pneumonia bc she’s at very high risk of getting sick now. I was told that although antibiotics and whatnot will help her improve a bit, they can’t do any surgery since it has a high risk of killing her, so this is all the doctors can do, meaning that her time in this world is coming to an end and I’m very heartbroken. I’m closer to my Nanny more than anyone else in my family, so this is really hurting me so much.
I’m getting tension headaches and intrusive thoughts, such as the “It should’ve been me, not her!” thought. I honestly wished I died before she got her cancer diagnosis, when she was still active and her old pre-chemo self bc I’m not ready to lose her yet. All I wanted was for her was to heal from the chemo and watch her old self grow back to her. It’s like my world is shattered and a part of me is slowly dying, too, just like her.
I’m not sure what to do to help me cope with this as I feel like I’m already experiencing grief before she passes. I’m trying so hard to reach out, but I just don’t know what to do. This is a whole new trauma I have to experience and I just feel alone, lost, and broken. And as an autistic adult, this huge lifestyle change is gonna be 10 x’s harder for me. It just really, really hurts. As her caregiver, I watched her slowly fade away from the chemo… and now, this. It’s 100 x’s harder for me to accept this fate.
If there are any ways to help me cope with this so I can accept the fact that she won’t be here for much longer. Any helpful tips appreciated and keep my family in your thoughts and prayers.
submitted by ThunderBirds727 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:47 Jdamoure It's clear what our issues are after this ucl final

First and foremost heja bvb. Second place vs real madrid is not even close to a bad position to be in.
That being said We have no clinical finishers and we make too many mistakes when playing from the back line.
Fullkrug is a great guy, and when he gets going he IS a great forward especially for the money. But he isn't the profile of player that can score equalizers or bring the game home. That being said I don't want to hear any overwhelming negativity surrounding him. He did he best.
But Adeyemi is the player im most disappointed in. Not because he didn't try his best, not because he wasn't using his pace to help the team but because he doesn't do enough when the team needs him. He will run and run, he will look dangerous for the majority of the game, he will make runs and track back in the end every time. But he does not have the composure, decision making or skill to fully utilize his pace in the way the team needs. He forces too many shots, he forces too many runs and doesn't know when to slow down, pass or shoot. It's a real problem.
Our attacking players haller, fullkrug, moukoko, adeyemi, malen, etc just don't cut it. We need a true difference maker. But the issue is once we have that there no guarantee they will even stay. Moukoko likely won't stay, malen has gotten some interest from other clubs/has expressed wanting to leave, haller hasn't been the same since his cancer diagnosis even after winning afcon, adeyemi is speed but no control and fullkrug just isn't olivier grioud.
And we have an amazing defense kobel, schlotterbeck, hummels, ryerson and maatsen are great. Good combination of young blood and reliable players. But maatsen is too green. Those two defensive mistakes really hurt us. Playing from the back with this team almost always leads to a mistake sooner or later. The game showed us that when it comes to long balls/through balls we are set. However when it comes to corners/set pieces and the solidity of our left flank we often get exposed.
The team is clearly good enough to get far but we just don't have the necessary parts to teach the finish line. And that's a problem.
submitted by Jdamoure to borussiadortmund [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:22 Wallflower_Writer I think I have Endometriosis

So, I'm 29, and last weekend I had my third ultrasound scan since I was 17, finally with a transvaginal scan included. Heard back from my GP's office on Thursday, all normal, no cysts or lesions to be seen, just like the first two times. I am in the process of being referred to Gynecology, because now the doctor suspects endometriosis. This is the first time endo has been mentioned to me.
I've been aware of endo, but I never thought I had it, because although my periods were painful and caused me to have difficult mood swings, I never passed out or threw up or anything like that. At most, I thought I had PCOS. I went on the combined pill at 17, and stayed on it for about six years, until it came to light that it was causing my blood pressure to skyrocket. I've never been consistently sexually active so I never looked into other forms of hormonal birth control, and my periods, while still painful, weren't as bad as they'd been before. They were still irregular, but I have a tracker app, and as long as they eventually arrived, I wasn't too concerned.
In January of last year, I started getting severe back pain starting just before ovulation and lasting all the way through to my period. Weird, I thought, but manageable with heat packs and painkillers. I didn't want to be that person who goes off sick when they have their period, and I was raised to just grit your teeth, swallow some paracetamol, and get on with it. So I did.
Then, the paracetamol stopped being quite so effective. I can't take ibuprofen due to the other medications I'm on. I woke up in the middle of the night crying in pain. So, I made an appointment with the doctor in March of this year. Which neatly brings us back to right now, being referred to Gynecology and discussing exploratory surgery.
These past three months, I've been in almost constant pain. I consider myself to have a pretty high pain threshold, I'm covered in tattoos, most of which have been multi-hour sessions but this is on another level. I've spent two days at work sobbing at my desk because of little things tipping me over the edge that wouldn't normally bother me, but the pain has me far, far closer to tipping point than I'd normally be. It couldn't have come at a worse time either, as I've just been promoted to management, and I know I'm not performing well because I simply don't have the energy or capacity to do so right now. And while I've tried to explain the situation to my managers, I know they're reaching the end of their tethers with me. The environment I work in is already quite stressful and high pressure, and this is making it 10x worse. The past two weeks, I've been coming home and going straight to bed. I don't even have the energy to brush my teeth or eat properly, I've been having rice cakes for dinner probably 3 or 4 nights a week.
I'm just at a loss. I've never felt so helpless about my own health before. Looking back over my health, there are definitely symptoms that line up with endo, and it does always get worse with stress (college and university exams, my brother's cancer diagnosis, this new role), but this is easily the worst it's ever been.
I don't know, I just wanted a place to have a little vent. Thank you for reading, if you got this far. I'm hoping it'll get better soon.
submitted by Wallflower_Writer to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:48 Particular_Dinner_18 Danis bowel obstruction.... but eating a Big Mac and fries and drinking carbonated soda . You would think if you are in " so much pain " that you'd follow the diet they give to help .

Danis bowel obstruction.... but eating a Big Mac and fries and drinking carbonated soda . You would think if you are in submitted by Particular_Dinner_18 to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:15 GlobalCharm88 Stage 3 Grade 1 IDC (ER/PR+ HER2-) Positive Stories

Hi there,
I am 35 years old and was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I have been told that my cancer is considered low grade (Grade 1) and is EPR positive but HER2 negative. My emotions are all over the place. I haven't started treatment yet. Still doing all of the preliminary tests pre chemo. I've been told that I will be doing the whole shabang (chemo, surgery, and radiation). While I am glad that I have options for treatment, I am still in shock and extremely scared. Is there anyone out there with a similar diagnosis? Any inspirational/success stories that anyone is willing to share? I need a bit of inspiration/positivity right now.
Thank you!
submitted by GlobalCharm88 to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:06 orangeporangeforange Herpes and ovaries??

I’ve been on this thread a lot lately looking for answers and people to share experiences with and I’ve got something else I’ve been wondering about. I didn’t get the anti virals for years after my first outbreak due to no diagnosis and it’s been mostly okay up until last winter when I got the whitlow that’s been on my finger for 6 months now. I’ve held a lot of stress in my pelvic region and ovaries since that time for various reasons, partly trauma and I’m finding out now partly because of herpes. When I got the anti virals things got a bit better for a few days but I’m experiencing a lot of discomfort like an ‘aura’ or ‘glow’ and twitchiness around that region that gets worse around people because of psychological and physical trauma. It’s something that I literally can’t control and it feels a bit like period cramps, but gets worse when I’m on my period. It’s part of why I feel like herpes has altered my life so devastatingly because I now can’t interact w the world comfortably. I also may have a connective tissue disorder, which makes me more at risk for adverse effects of this disease. So I have a few questions: first can herpes infect ovaries? Can it take away my ability to have children? Could I be developing cervical cancer? And also does anyone know any Canadian non-profits or universities with active research programs that I can reach out to in hopes of advocating for more funding, clinical trials, and research? Also any online support groups or herpes informed therapy that’s relatively low cost? I am beyond devastated about how this is affecting me and how I was infected. How that person so easily took away so much from me and I had no choice in the matter. I still am having a really hard time coping with the idea that someone did this to me and I’m angry when I read info online that says it isn’t a big deal when I know it is and can be down the road, and will affect me for life. I almost feel like this disease should be like HIV where it’s illegal not to disclose and give that person a choice to take the risk.
submitted by orangeporangeforange to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:05 Starterlogg20 Not sure where I’m going with this

The guy I was romantically involved with lost his mom to cancer in February. I’ve known him for about three years now, we kinda started dating in September but nothing official. All through his mom’s diagnosis and treatment, I was there for him. The last time I saw him was the week after her passing where I cooked a couple of meals for him. The first 2 weeks, he was sort of fine. We texted/called daily. Around the 2-4 weeks mark, he completely withdrew. I kept checking on him every now and then, dropped off care packages for a couple of times, dropped off some cakes and a gift for his birthday, but I never got to see him, and he did take the time to thank me for that. One night he called, a month ago, he said “I’m in a very weird place right now” and then he said he needs to go and asked me to call him the next day. I called, he didn’t answer which I understand. I tried to see if he’s up to hangout or if I can drop off some groceries for him, and both times he said he’s not home (once he was working out of city and the second he was with his dad, again I completely understand). I’m kind of embarrassed of this post because I know it’s not about me, or it’s most likely not about something I did or didn’t do. I know his loss is way too big, he was very close to his mother, and I know it’s only been three months, I just don’t know if I should keep doing what I’m doing or not. Edit: I’m very well aware that he may be reevaluating his relationships, and I may not be part of that. Not sure if that’s the case, it’d definitely suck, but it’s his life, and he has the right to do so. But I don’t know if I should take his withdrawal as a sign for that or not.
submitted by Starterlogg20 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:50 MoonieBoyo How do I feed my mom who has lymphoma?

My mom recently was diagnosed with non hodgkin's lymphoma. Her doctors recommend her chemotherapy right away (surprising because they took forever with the diagnosis) which she's deathly afraid of. With good reason too, many of her family members including her aunt, her uncle, and my grandmother on my dad's side died while undergoing chemo. Friends and family have also been suggesting a no sugar no grain (NSNG) diet as well. From what I've heard of the conversations she's had with others, there seems to be many more family members who underwent a NSNG diet and successfully beat cancer.
Both my parents were calling people up to talk about what a NSNG diet consisted of. In her case, she would have to not eat anything with sugar, including fruit, and absolutely no bread, no rice, and no potatoes. Needless to say she's been having a real hard time with the diet.
My father tried to cook her salads and steaks, but because of the lymphoma she doesn't have an apatite. She would look at the food he made her and choose to starve. Rather, she has an apatite for fast food, specifically burger joints and chipotle. While you would think eating a chipotle salad would be one of the more healthier options she could choose, the dressing that she likes from there has 12 grams of sugar per serving. Not to mention the rice she likes to put in her salad.
It's the only way she'll eat though, and I feel pathetic for not doing nothing. I've tried telling her "you can't have bread, you can't have rice, you can't have sugar, you can't have potatoes". She just ignores me because...What else is she going to eat? Nothing? She needs to eat something, especially with her losing a terrifying amount of weight because of the lymphoma.
Is there anything else I'm able to do? I'm the youngest (18) out of all my sisters (ranging from 26-32) and she listens to them more than she listens to me. It's always been that whatever I tell anyone goes in from one ear and out the other because I'm just a kid. We come from a poor family too, so it's not like we're able to hire a nutritionist. I just want my mom to realize that if she doesn't stop eating poorly, that she might not bounce back from this cancer like she's done with all her other sicknesses.
Also, if anyone has any other recommendations on a healthy eating and living style with lymphoma, that would be great as well.
submitted by MoonieBoyo to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:40 insomniac87 Delta Rebooked us in another city and did not tell us - what can I do?

As the title suggests, my family was taking a trip to Cozumel (CZM). I paid for the flight last year as a birthday gift for my father. He's wanted to go forever, and has a recent cancer diagnosis so this is the last trip we are likely going to get for a while or potentially ever. We are also bring my young children, the youngest being 4.
I am a Platinum with Delta and when I booked the flight, I paid more to fly with Delta because I thought they'd take better care of us and it would help with some of the luggage.
Turns out, they've rebooked us in Tulum (TQA) with no notice or warning. We only found out because I noticed in the app that it had changed. For those that don't know, Cozumel is an island and Tulum is on the mainland. This change will cost me $500 for a family of 6 and 4 hours each way because of the travel schedule.
I just spent 2 hours on the phone, including with a supervisor and they cannot or will not help us. There is no other flight they can offer; the only one suggestion they had was to add another layover in Miami to make this 2 layovers instead of 1. We initially agreed to this, but then they realized they could not get us a return flight and we had to back it all out.
I used to work phone support, so I was nice and polite, but I am beyond furious. We have 2 weeks to go until our trip and there's no other way to get there and back that doesn't involve a 40 hour flight or many thousands of dollars more (or the mentioned ferry.) The hotel will not let us out of our rooms without charging us and anywhere else I'd look to book is way more expensive with weeks to go. I feel like Delta completely let us down and if we can't figure this out will ruin a very important vacation.
I have no clue what to do. Last year I was on 100 flights for work - most of them Delta. With this experience, I'm thinking it's time to look elsewhere.
Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to get help? What should I be asking for? A refund isn't enough at this point because that won't make me whole.
EDIT: I just looked, for me to get there via American it's now an extra $3,000 over what I paid. American was the cheaper flight originally and I regret not booking it.
submitted by insomniac87 to delta [link] [comments]