Generic lamictal 100mg

BRAND VIAGRA® (Sildenafil Citrate): Support and Discuss

2016.11.17 11:59 Seend1964 BRAND VIAGRA® (Sildenafil Citrate): Support and Discuss

BRAND VIAGRA® (Sildenafil Citrate) - is the most effective oral therapy currently available for erectile dysfunction. Viagra, trade name of the first oral drug for male impotence, introduced by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc., in 1998. Also known by the chemical name sildenafil citrate, it is one of a category of drugs known as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors.

2018.06.18 00:10 Pricher74 VIAGRA Sildenafil Citrate : Support and Discuss

VIAGRA Sildenafil Citrate - is used to treat male sexual function problems ( Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence ). Sildenafil also boost a chemical in your body called nitric oxide. This action encourages the muscles in your penis to relax. Relaxed muscles allow blood to flow freely so that when you’re aroused, you can get an erection. No wonder that this erection pill remains to be one of the most popular impotence treatment medications.

2024.05.19 00:46 Rotini_Rizz Overstimulation from an increase of an additional prescription?

TLRD; Recently jumped from 25mg to 50mg of Lamictal (taken with other medications) after two weeks and wondering if my painfully unstoppable energy is a side effect.
Hey all. I currently started taking Concerta 36mg generic a few months ago and restarted Lexapro 10mg generic at the beginning of the year. Because of my gene type my psychiatrist suggested I take Lamictal generic to help boost the effects of another medications. This isn’t new to me, I had a different doctor do the same with Abilify years ago. I read that it can cause withdrawal and I suffered that from Effexor last year, but she assured me that the risk is low up until a certain point.
I started on 25mg and was taking that for a couple weeks consistently, then moved up to 50mg a couple days ago as we planned. But I just realized that I’ve been getting pretty overstimulated and wired since my increase. I’m super hyper-focused and fixated and energetic. It’s EXHAUSTING me. I’m not sure if it’s because of the medication or some other factor, but it’s been a lot. For reference, I have a general intake of caffeine because I work at a coffee shop, but no more than I’m used to >! a couple days after starting the Concerta I had a triple shot of espresso compared to my 1-2 and it made me WIRED— I spent four hours in a Target !<
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a side effect of changing doses? I’m scheduled to jump to 75mg in two weeks so I just want to know what to expect or look out for.
[Edit to add: I’m not taking this for bipolar disorder or epilepsy, though it was prescribed in part because I did have a seizure during my childhood.]
submitted by Rotini_Rizz to Concerta [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:42 Rotini_Rizz Overstimulation from recent increase?

TLRD; Recently jumped from 25mg to 50mg of Lamictal (taken with other medications) after two weeks and wondering if my painfully unstoppable energy is a side effect.
Hey all. I currently started taking Concerta 36mg generic a few months ago and restarted Lexapro 10mg generic at the beginning of the year. Because of my gene type my psychiatrist suggested I take Lamictal generic to help boost the effects of another medications. This isn’t new to me, I had a different doctor do the same with Abilify years ago. I read that it can cause withdrawal and I suffered that from Effexor last year, but she assured me that the risk is low up until a certain point.
I started on 25mg and was taking that for a couple weeks consistently, then moved up to 50mg a couple days ago as we planned. But I just realized that I’ve been getting pretty overstimulated and wired since my increase. I’m super hyper-focused and fixated and energetic. It’s EXHAUSTING me. I’m not sure if it’s because of the medication or some other factor, but it’s been a lot. For reference, I have a general intake of caffeine because I work at a coffee shop, but no more than I’m used to >! a couple days after starting the Concerta I had a triple shot of espresso compared to my 1-2 and it made me WIRED— I spent four hours in a Target !<
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a side effect of changing doses? I’m scheduled to jump to 75mg in two weeks so I just want to know what to expect or look out for.
[Edit to add: I’m not taking this for bipolar disorder or epilepsy, though it was prescribed in part because I did have a seizure during my childhood.]
submitted by Rotini_Rizz to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:21 TurkeysAreFriends Dropped 100mg lamictal, scared cat will find it before me, trying to find out if it is lethal dose

Hi, this morning I dropped my 100mg lamictal pill and of course it vanished into the abyss. I tore my room apart searching but I can not find it. Google is not helping, 2 results say 40mg/kg will have symptoms but not be lethal and 1 says 2.2mg/kg is lethal. My cat is 15-20lbs and my lamictal is 100mg. I am going to keep looking but I want to reach out to see if anyone on here has any more information about if that will be a lethal dose to my cat if he does find it before I do? TIA
submitted by TurkeysAreFriends to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:55 THROWRA71693759 Is it a bad idea to get myself back up to dose with my own lamictal reserves?

So i know Steven’s Johnson’s syndrome and all that makes lamictal a little scary to get up to dose on. I’ve been on it for like 2 years now as my only medication for BP 1 with psychotic features. I accidentally forgot to take it and I noticed a negative difference I started getting manic so I decided to break my 100mg pills in half and start myself over on 50mg, then I breaked my 150mg ones in half for a 75mg dose. I just want to know if this is a completely horrible idea. I just hate my nurse practitioner and I meet with her instead of my psychiatrist (I haven’t seen him in over 1.5 years even tho I’ve been a patient there for 2 years straight) and I really don’t want to see her
submitted by THROWRA71693759 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:25 Sendpiecks how do you know if you need a dosage increase? i’m so paranoid about meds…

i’m almost one week on lamictal. this is a vent, with some questions. cw, paranoia around medication. i know this is long but please i need some answers. all of the text below is important.
i got serotonin syndrome about 4 weeks ago from an SSRI combined with adderall. i was already super afraid to take medication before then because ive taken 6 medications beforehand and had bad interactions with half of them, and my psychiatrist was fighting with me to just try it.
24hrs after my first dose, and the serotonin syndome fully set in. i wont get into it, but it was fucking traumatizing going through that, especially after being so afraid initially to try it…
ever since then, i’ve been super paranoid about medication. but i started lamictal anyways, because i was having a mental health crisis, and could not function at all. i was like fuck it, if this makes me worse i’ll go to inpatient.
why am i telling you this? well, here’s the thing. i kind of like lamictal. like, it makes me feel pretty normal, and the best i’ve felt in a while, mentally. but the physical side effects kind of suck, and when it wears off in the afternoon, i feel NOT okay… just weird, and physically sick. and it’s triggering my paranoia and somatic OCD.
i’m incredibly fearful that i’ll have a bad reaction to the drug eventually. i’m also afraid it’ll fuck my mind up too. i have an intense fear of losing my grip on reality, like the way i did when i was suffering from serotonin syndrome. i don’t want to get worse mentally, or get physically sick. idk. like i said before, im extremely paranoid.
i’m scared that i’ll have to do a dosage increase in the future, for whatever reason. i don’t know if i can do it. i see some people in this sub talking about increasing their dosage from 25mg to eventually 100mg, or higher.
why? how do you know if you need an increase? will i have to do that eventually??? will my tolerance of the lamictal just rise, until i need to increase the dosage again? and AGAIN? i don’t know if i can deal with that, or if i will be able to force myself to continue taking the meds if i get even a dosage increase to 50mg.
idk guys. i’m so afraid. i have to force myself to take it every morning and i go through the whole day with the fear of getting sick due to the meds, or my mental health getting worse. i hate being mentally ill. lol i really hope somebody answers this. i dont trust my psychiatrist at all after she prescribed me two meds that are KNOWN to have bad reactions… i need somebody who’s also taking Lamictal to answer the questions in the paragraph above.
submitted by Sendpiecks to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:05 Appropriate-Match160 Guilted into treating a family member ?

Have a family member who approaches treating themselves with an very holistic approach. Will use only turmeric for pain, believes vitamin D can reverse cancer, and is afraid of NSAIDS or steroids. She’ll ask for medical advice but never listen to it. She hurt their knee somehow 4+ weeks ago and got a generic knee sprain diagnosis from an urgent care. Urgent care said to call back in a couple days for an ortho referral if pain and swelling doesn’t subside w/ 800mg Motrin and RICE protocol. She took children’s 100mg Motrin twice over the next couple of days and used iced when she remembered. I fought like hell just for her to go to an urgent care and she said she’s in pain but won’t take anything to help with swelling and continues with normal activity. Now 4+ weeks later shes super pissy with how her knee hurts which is effecting her gait and she finally goes to her gp. Gp does an x ray w/ mri in the upcoming week and recommends RICE w/Motrin until then. She still is just taking children’s Motrin at 100mg and is expecting me to do PT on her and “fix her”. I’m beyond frustrated and don’t want anything to do with treating her or spending time explaining exercises if she’s going to do it for only a week and not listen. I’ve treated my brother in law due to the fact he had a diagnosis, went to PT, and then simply couldn’t afford it so I helped him and he listens for the most part. She’s a sweet person but as she’s aged, she’s gotten very demanding and stressful to be around. I’ve suggested her going to a PT place I used to work at and she took total offense and started saying stuff like “you don’t love me”. Her insurance completely covers it and it’s less than 4 miles away with one on one tx. I’m mentally drained from her and now wondering if I’m the asshole. Anyone’s family done this ?
submitted by Appropriate-Match160 to physicaltherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:50 Impressive_Cry4268 Withdrawal help?

I started Lamictal early March and progressed my way up to 100mg. I didn’t feel anything happening on 100 so she bumped me up to 150mg. The two weeks I was on 150 were awful. Had trouble falling asleep but then struggled to wake up, sobbed for hours on end, stopped eating to the point I lost 6 pounds. I asked my doc to safely take me off of it, her regimen was 50mg/day for a week and call it good. When I started on the 50, I felt mildly crappy but last night was my first night not taking anything. I could not sleep for the life of me. My already bad anxiety disorder was through the roof and it comes through in waves and will happen with no trigger. When should I expect this to stop? This is miserable.
submitted by Impressive_Cry4268 to Lamotrigine [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:31 Impressive_Cry4268 Lamictal withdrawal.

I’m posting this here as well because I was given it because my psych “suspected bipolar 2”
I started Lamictal early March and progressed my way up to 100mg. I didn’t feel anything happening on 100 so she bumped me up to 150mg. The two weeks I was on 150 were awful. Had trouble falling asleep but then struggled to wake up, sobbed for hours on end, stopped eating to the point I lost 6 pounds. I asked my doc to safely take me off of it, her regimen was 50mg/day for a week and call it good. When I started on the 50, I felt mildly crappy but last night was my first night not taking anything. I could not sleep for the life of me. My already bay anxiety disorder was through the roof and it comes through in waves and will happen with no trigger. When should I expect this to stop? This is miserable.
submitted by Impressive_Cry4268 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:30 Impressive_Cry4268 Withdrawal help!

I started Lamictal early March and progressed my way up to 100mg. I didn’t feel anything happening on 100 so she bumped me up to 150mg. The two weeks I was on 150 were awful. Had trouble falling asleep but then struggled to wake up, sobbed for hours on end, stopped eating to the point I lost 6 pounds. I asked my doc to safely take me off of it, her regimen was 50mg/day for a week and call it good. When I started on the 50, I felt mildly crappy but last night was my first night not taking anything. I could not sleep for the life of me. My already bay anxiety disorder was through the roof and it comes through in waves and will happen with no trigger. When should I expect this to stop? This is miserable.
submitted by Impressive_Cry4268 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:24 churning_medic Feel like my mind has completely shut down.

32M, gay, 6'3" 165lb, no drugs (excluding medication), no smoking, EXTREMELY limited alcohol use. I'm vegetarian, I eat a clean, whole foods diet with minimal additives, I avoid seed oils. I exercise, I'm physically fit. I drink plenty of water. I get adequate protein and use Naked brand pea protein powder. I should in theory be doing almost everything correctly.
I am on 4 medications to control my epilepsy and I've been on this regimen for a couple years now: Lamictal: 250mg b.i.d. Epidiolex: 6.6ml b.i.d Clobazam: 10mg at bed Zonisamide: 100mg in the AM, 200mg at bed.
I'm hesitant to add antidepressants to the mix after my psychiatrist prescribed me Wellbutrin and it caused a seizure. I'd also tried Zoloft and Luvox too. Not to mention I'm already on lots of brain altering medication and I don't want to add more to the mix and risk another seizure (which I finally have under control). I've done TMS, neurofeedback, and lately Memi.
The epilepsy is caused by a cavernoma.
I've been diagnosed with major depression, ADHD, and Asperger's.
Unfortunately I've been struggling to find my path in life ever since graduating college. I double majored in computer engineering (itself sort of a double major) and applied math. I've bounced between several jobs and took gaps between each. The current one has been the longest one I've stayed at, but I've been noticing I've been struggling with lots of reading comprehension issues. I had my neurologist send me for a neuropsychological evaluation. I also went thru a really bad breakup in December that's been sending me on an emotional rollercoaster. Not to mention that the job I'm in I'm not even remotely qualified for (or at least I focused more on the software side of computer engineering and now I'm a pure electrical engineer and equally hating it). Unfortunately I was thrown right into the job with little to no training. There years in and finally I have someone who's willing to train me (too little too late though).
The neuropsych evaluation came back with me being at average to below average IQ and slow processing speed. The test was done in April right after my ex and I (still friends) got back from vacation and we mended a lot of the damage so if anything I was on Cloud Nine.
The past month I've been stressing because he's been starting to see someone new and we made an arrangement to possibly get back together in the distant future. Work has also been getting to me.
There was a test on the neuropsych exam where I basically had to connect a bunch of scattered numbers with a line in order and I was timed. Kind of like "connect the dots." I was told I did horrendous (not inaccurate, just slow). I equate that to a job I've been working on at work designing a fire alarm system for an entire building, devices scattered all throughout the building. It's become my baby for better or worse and it's driving me insane.
My sleep could be better. It used to be inconsistent, however over the past month or so I've been making a concerted effort to go to sleep at 10pm roughly. I usually try to be up by 5 for the gym (I'm not an evening workout person). Many days though I'll wake up without an alarm clock at 3. I've been tested for sleep apnea a few years ago and it came back normal.
I try to meditate, but I always just fall asleep (and this is even before my boyfriend and the job were in the picture).
I've been noticing my mind deteriorating severely over the past few months and this week everything just screeched to a halt. I'm extremely forgetful and numb to the world around me. More importantly I can't get a damn thing done. I'm lucky if I drag the mouse 10 times at work. Suicidal ideations, while always an issue for me, have been more of an issue. And the neuropsychological evaluation put me in the severe category for mental health. Everything is a distraction, I feel like I've got total brain fog and may as well be chasing a squirrel. Granted I just got the results of the study back yesterday, but it was almost as equally bad the past few weeks. Now I've got one more thing to focus on; how to fix my retarded brain.
submitted by churning_medic to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:27 djayfrostbite1 Meds don’t work, what else can I try?

Dizziness started in mid November 2021, went to Canberra on the 10th of December and I had my first near faint experience followed by high heart beat and palpitation.
Dizziness and lightheaded was followed till the 28th of December when I nearly fainted again and had really high heart rate: went to hospital. They did blood work and ecg couldn’t find a probable cause. Went to hospital again 3 days later and no findings were evident. Upon my 3rd visit to hospital X-ray was done off my chest and nothing was found. I was bedridden for 6 weeks, everyday was a battle for life, I felt like I was in septic shock everyday. I had to get iv fluids about 10 times because of dehydration, I sweated constantly with no appetite for water or food.
Lightheaded Dizziness Heart gets tired quickly Sometimes my arms and hands become a little numb. My head feels tension. heat in my abdomen, back and my ears get hot. Feels like a pulsating feeling through my body during a bad episode Sometimes left shoulder feels warm My eyes sometimes drop tears randomly Unable to concentrate at times Shortness of breath during episode There’s always a tense feeling in my chest and around my heart area. Sometimes hits my lower abdomen and I feel nausea makes my stomach make noises. I have difficulty sleeping my head spins more when I close my eyes. I wake up between 1-3am with a weird feeling as if I’m scared or something. Vision sometimes becomes blurry. Fatigue and tiredness. Little sudden Noises scare me. Whenever I have a episode that peaks, my hands and feet get sweaty and I feel heat. My hands and feet sometimes get cold. The feeling in my mid left chest area I can’t explain but it’s as if my muscles are vibrating. When I stand up it’s seems my head and chest symptoms get worse for about a minute and then settle down. Same thing happens when I lay down. It gets worse for a minute till it goes back to how it was. Sometimes I can feel it hitting my front part of my head and my sinus feels tense as well. As well as my ears feel the pressure. Lying down seems to reduce some tension in my head. I feel bad 80% of the day really bad 15% of the day and alright 5% of the day.
Let’s go back to my childhood, my earliest memory is probably when I was around 10. If I would focus on my breathing it felt like I couldn’t breath anymore. I also had these unexplained spinning and dizziness at a young age during sleep time. Doctors couldn’t find anything. I was always a scared kid thinking about the worse case scenario that might kill me but in reality it was overthinking. In highschool a few times I nearly fainted out of the blue. Sometimes during sports I’ll hit a point where out of no where my heart would start racing and my breathing would become laboured. Sometimes over excitement caused this as well.
Now medications
Lexapro 40mg for 6 months, no benefits. Made me really bad during the first 2 weeks and kinda of settled after that, dumbed the depressive symptoms but that’s about it. Felt much better after coming off, it definitely made my condition worse. Derealisation, fatigue, tiredness, forgetfulness. All of it.
Zoloft 50mg for 18 days and 100mg for 3 days, had a panic attack on day 3 I thought it was Zoloft but found it to be thc later on. Discontinued Zoloft then. No benefits during the 18 days on 50mg and made my condition way worse.
Paxil 20mg for 2 months, probably one of the strongest reactions to any ssri, daily panic attacks losing my mind, as if there’s a laughter in my head but it’s my internal monologue creating it but still I was losing it. Pushed on for 2 months and it just made me worse as the days went on.
Agomelatine 20mg no benefits, daily panic attacks, took it for about 36 days.
Pristiq, I’m on day 54 and I’ve stopped taking it, my last dose was on Wednesday not sure how to stop. It’s making me worse, mood is swinging, brain fog and all other symptoms are reappearing on this medication.
Clonidine didn’t do much except relax my body alittle
Lyrica, knocked me out at 25mg and made me tired. No benefits.
Valium 5mg, very small relief, short benefits 3-5 hours, more of a muscle relaxant, addictive in nature.
Clonezapam 1mg, small amount of relief, short relief 3-5 hours.
Xanax 2mg, haven’t tried
Ativan 1mg only have tried 0.5mg and it didn’t do much.
Seroquel 25mg, good for sleep, couldn’t sleep for more then 4 hours for the last 5 years or so, now I get a solid 8 hours, it’s not a 100% good quality sleep but it gets the job done, I don’t feel tired through the day as before I got sick.
Epilim haven’t tried chickenend out
Lamictal discontinued on day 3 after developing rash
Lithium 500mg, 37 days. Left like losing my mind not sure if adverse reaction to the lithium or it was some kind of discontinuation I was getting from the lexapro.
Prozac 4 days to bridge off lexapro
Thc/cbd oil, made me go full panic mode for 4 hours each time I tried it. Very similar to what I was feeling with the Paxil minus the laughter side effect.
Dizziness Burning tongue Headache Nausea Metallic taste in mouth Hot flushes Muscle pain and tension Fatigue Numbness in hands Pins and needles Brain fog Startled easily Blood pressure problems Heart feeling heavy Fast heart beat Feel like I’m dying Losing my mind Losing control Very negative thoughts Intrusive thoughts Hyper reactive Blurry vision Cold palms and feet Sweaty palms and feet Hot flushes Feeling sick / flu like Weak limbs Digestion problems Numbness Nightmares
Currently my biggest challenges are
I think I’m developing schizophrenia all the time, and I’m going to lose my mind.
I’m hyper vigilant and see things in the corners of my eye.
My physical symptoms cycle throughout the weeks and I’m never symptomsless. Physical or cognitive I always feel something.
My mind always feels like as if something is off,
As my overall condition gets worse my brain fogs becomes really bad and my hands and feet become so cold to the touch,
I become very forgetful
I can never stop thinking about my condition, my mind is occupied by it 24/7
When I go into crowded areas my physical symptoms become much worse, such as brain fog heart rate and jelly legs.
My internal monologue never shuts up and it’s always active.
Racing thoughts
When I’m on medications l as ssri’s I get irrational fears such as being allergic to nuts or something crazy. But seems to go away after a month when discontinuing the medication,
Lightheaded, feel like my neck muscles are so tense that my brain isn’t getting enough blood.
I’m hyper focused on all bodily functions physical or Cognitive, if I suspect something that is schizophrenic or damaging I get a mini panic attack. But panic attack do occur for no reason as well most of the times.
I’m in this state constantly let’s say chronically,
When my condition worsens and it’s at full flip, no amount of logic can override my thought process, I just believe I’m dying because the physical sensations are just toooo strong that I want to jump out of my skin. I don’t know how to explain it but it’s a weird feeling. Agitated state, dizzy, wobbly, can’t focus etc.
Something else is weird sometime when I’m having a super bad panic attack, such as my heart racing at 180bpm, my cognitive focus will be on my heart and my condition will disappear? I’ll actually feel normalised, mentally and physically. Something happed with the thc, my nausea and cognitive and physical symptoms had been relived but then panic set in. It’s like it suppressed the anxiety symptoms but aggravated the panic if that is possible. Sometimes if I truely focus on something, a lot of it all goes away for a few milliseconds. Kind of same feeling after a massive panic attack, when the panic subsides before it’s next hit I’ll feel my condition/anxiety problems actually settle to better then base levels before priming back up.
Mental illness problems are prevalent in my family,
I’ve done all the physical body checkups before the anxiety diagnosis. Everything check out well physically.
submitted by djayfrostbite1 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:46 12aem Is this an allergic reaction to Soolantra (generic) or die off or damaged moisture barrier?

I’m gonna see my derm btw, just wanted an opinion from here. I’m currently on Doxy 100mg 2x a day since May 2nd, and generic Ivermectin cream once per night since May 11th. The first photo is before I started anything. The second photo is generic Ivermectin cream day 5. Day 5 started itching and burning heat. Those pustules have subsided and are now just red bumps. My eyes started feeling dry as well. On day 5 my nose skin was thicker and enlarged, but now on day 6 it feels smoother than usual with no spikey sandpaper pores. On day 6 (last 2 photos), my texture is still as awful as it was before I started, but it is very hot like a sunburn and itchy like day 5 was. Thank you for reading and sorry for the scary photos, I’m at a loss and defeated, and I think I do have a damaged moisture barrier, so maybe I should fix that first. If you have any idea how I can calm my skin down, and if I should stop Soolantra, please let me know.
submitted by 12aem to Rosacea [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:17 GhostSpaces Starting to feel like myself again

I started this year completely lost and in the worst spiral of my life, not knowing what was wrong with me and actively destroying myself and every relationship I had, not sure how much longer I was going to last. The one good thing to come out of it was that it finally gave me the push I needed to get serious about treatment. I was lucky to get a psych that made me feel so understood, I'm now on 100mg lamictal and 350mg lithium and I can finally say I'm starting to feel like a real person again. I turn 24 tomorrow and I'm in the healthiest relationship of my life :) I never thought I would make it this far truly. Please don't give up no matter how stupid it seems, I went through horrible healthcare for years, felt like shit on SSRIs, and was never able to fully put a name on what was controlling me until a few months ago. This condition is worse than hell and has taken away so many years of my life, but don't give into it. The real you is still in there somewhere :)
submitted by GhostSpaces to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:59 _sonandheir Problems with Sunosi?

tl;dr: Did Sunosi make you feel more sleepy? If you stopped taking it for any reason, did you get bad headaches/body aches or any other side effects/symptoms?
I've been taking 70mg of Vyvanse and 20-40mg of Ritalin as needed for about 4-5 years now, and the combo works "okay". It's kind of manageable, but not great. I tried Wakix for two months in 2022 but it made me depressed, and as I have bipolar II with a history of chronic depression that's a no-go, so I stopped. About four months ago I started Sunosi and was up to 150mg - and it felt like it did nothing to help with the sleepiness/exhaustion, and even seemed to make me feel more sleepy? Like with just the Vyvanse/Ritalin combo I still get sleep attacks where I need to lie down, but I can't actually sleep - I have to just relax as if I'm going to nap for at least 30-45 minutes and then I'm (usually) good to go. But with Sunosi in the mix I would actually fall asleep when I napped during the day and I couldn't nap for anything less than 45 minutes, usually more than an hour, which is not dissimilar to how it was before I took any stimulants. I didn't notice any emotional or mental side effects, pretty much just the sleepiness.
I stopped taking the Sunosi about a week ago to see if it was really making a difference, and now I'm definitely having more headaches/migraines than usual (I have chronic migraines as it is), and my regular medication doesn't always make it stop, but I can't be sure if it's from stopping the med or if my migraines are just acting up. I also felt *really* nauseated yesterday morning and actually had to leave work, and my stomach has felt kind of messed up in general. I do feel a bit less sleepy and foggy during the day, but the headaches really suck, and I feel like my pain levels have been worse in general too.
If you've been on Sunosi did you notice any negative effects (other than agitation)? Did you ever feel more sleepy? And if you stopped it, did you have any "withdrawal" symptoms or negative effects? Everything I've seen says that Sunosi doesn't cause withdrawal issues, but I've had some weird side effects with other meds that supposedly weren't common, so I just don't know.
For context: I have narcolepsy w/o cataplexy, bipolar II disorder, ADHD, chronic migraines, and am being evaluated for Ehler's-Danlos Syndrome. I take 70mg Vyvanse, 20-40mg Ritalin, 300mg of Lamictal, 100mg Zoloft, 10mg Abilify, 5mg rizatriptan as needed and just started Emgality injections for migraines
submitted by _sonandheir to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:32 BigCharacter466 Adderall and Bipolar

Looking for similar experiences/advice!
I have been taking Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 100mg for a little over a year now, which has helped greatly with stabilizing my BP2. While I still experience depressive episodes from time to time, they are not nearly as bad as they used to (I can actually get out of bed lol). Last week I was diagnosed with ADHD, just 10 IR to take twice a day, and increasing dose as needed. The last week or so I have been so emotional. To be fair, I have had a very stressful past few weeks, and have been so so busy with work and school stuff without a break, as well as family and friend issues. I'm not sure if my episode of moodiness (specifically crying spells, anxiety and irritability) have to do with the Adderall or if it's just a mixed-ish episode, bipolar related. I'm going through a lot in my life right now so I know it could be a combination of both. Has anyone has similar experiences with this? Or any other suggestions? I have a psychiatrist follow-up next week and I'm not sure how to approach it. I really struggle with ADHD symptoms, and would hate to not be able to take medicine for it when it's helped me actually focus at work and school.
submitted by BigCharacter466 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:34 NebulaImmediate6202 Does fatal allergic reaction ALWAYS have face swelling/hives

26F 190lbs 120mg Cymbalta 100mg Lamictal (For demographics)
I have a lot of mild allergies that make my lips tingly or a metallic taste in my throat and nothing more. I've definitely never gone to the emergency room about it, but googling "Allergic reaction" tells you to.
Is someone with a greatly swollen face, or blotches on their skin, a hallmark of severe allergic reaction/anaphylaxis? Have you ever seen someone without any visible change have life-threatening anaphylaxis?
submitted by NebulaImmediate6202 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:09 Unlikely_Draft_9349 Lamictal set me free from my 13 year eating disorder

I (25F) started on 25mg of lamictal 8 weeks ago after being diagnosed with bipolar 2 and ADHD. This was the first time I have EVER taken medication in my life, and I was scared. Psych decided to medicate the bipolar and hold off to see if ADHD symptoms improved before trying anything for that since my manic/depressive episodes were the real killer for me. After two weeks I bumped up to 50mg, then two weeks later 100mg, and now I’m holding steady at 150mg feeling better than ever. I seriously can’t believe how much better I feel with next to no symptoms. Having battled an eating disorder that has cycled with my bipolar for the last 13 years, exercise addiction, body dysmorphia and bouts of psychosis that caused many severe acts of self-harm, I feel like I’m meeting myself for the first time and have been set free.
Don’t get me wrong - Everyday isn’t perfect, I still have really hard moments. But it’s absolutely nothing compared to my previous day to day reality. With the help of therapy and other self-exploratory activities such as journaling, reading, and art, I actually feel capable of observing my feelings and dissecting them to better understand them, whereas before my one and only option was to act on whatever loud emotion I was experiencing which led to very destructive behavior.
If you’re struggling and are looking for reviews and experiences with lamictal, I can tell you that my experience has been life changing. I encourage you to give it a try if it’s been recommended to you by a professional, and I truly hope you have a successful experience like i did.
submitted by Unlikely_Draft_9349 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:41 TheLeader1974 That lamotrigine knocked me out

I have been asleep for the past few hours. I slept well enough Monday night, but my Lamictal increased from 50mg to 100mg Tuesday evening and I think that's what knocked me out while I was on Reddit earlier, nothing else is new or different except for that. Geez, hope I get used to the increased dose and the sleepiness wears off.
I woke up to a lot of notifications too, some of the accounts were temporary and have already been deleted. I'm not much for chatting anyway, maybe tomorrow.
Still groggy.
submitted by TheLeader1974 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:49 likky_wetpretzel Should I tell my psychiatrist?

(drug use, SH, mania, not eating, etc...) I have a virtual appointment tomorrow. I started lamictal recently (on 100mg now) and ik she's going to ask if I've had episodes recently. I am about to start strattera for adhd. (Diagnosed bp2 and adhd)
I (hypothetically) had a manic episode last week. I got drunk with my friends and it triggered a manic episode. After everyone decided to leave/ go to sleep I went ro my room and relapsed with SH. Then I (still drunk) walked around my campus (tried to print a paper, didn't work). I then went back to my apt and waited until I sobered up, had caffeine/ nicotine, and took some concerta given to me by a friend a while ago. I wondered the fields behind my campus listening to music in the middle of the night. Around 6am I went home, took my lamictal, and presented my final project. I had barely eaten in days bc I have been sick. The rest of the day I was so nauseous/ dizzy, and in so much pain I could barely eat/ move. I also shaved my head since our last session💀
My question is... if I tell my psych, can I get in trouble? Will she not give me adhd meds? Strattera isn't a stimulant so I feel like it would be okay. I desperately need adhd meds and I don't want to push it back further.
I used to be all for telling ur psych EVERYTHING, but now idk what to do.
submitted by likky_wetpretzel to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:15 FrequentKing1353 Better to take at night/ day for social anxiety?

I am bipolar type 2. My anxiety and especially social anxiety is very debilitating and a little more crippling than the depression which is also severe. I take lamictal at night and it seems to help me sleep. However I was wondering if taking it in the morning instead of at night would be better for the social anxiety? Does anyone have experience comparing how night/day time use affects anxiety? I have titrated up to 100mg over the last 4 weeks. I appreciate this community. ❤️
submitted by FrequentKing1353 to Lamotrigine [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:42 foxglove9819 My husband wants a divorce (whilst hypermanic?)

Hi everyone,
I’ve been with my partner (27m) for almost 10 years. We got married last June. We got together before he got his diagnosis, which he finally received in 2021 for bipolar 2 and cyclothymia.
Before he was medicated he had a lot of depressive episodes for months at a time, particularly in winter, and would have sudden, aggressive outbursts over very minute things. He got so much better whilst he was on his medication, his mood was stable and he was more relaxed, didn’t have any sudden outbursts and we were getting on better than we ever had. I believe he was on 200/250mg lamictal for his bipolar and 150mg sertraline for anxiety.
I noticed he started acting differently in November last year, around 5 months after our wedding and a few weeks after his birthday. He’s always been pretty introverted, but suddenly he was meeting up and talking to friends he hadn’t seen for years, staying out late without keeping in touch, taking much more care of his appearance and becoming more vain. His memory became awful and he kept forgetting things, he also began skiving off work and neglecting his job responsibilities, as well as chores etc around the house more than usual and was listening to music constantly and always on his phone.
As the months have gone on, he’s become more and more distant from me and tells me to my face that he thinks I’m boring now and we no longer have anything in common, even though the only thing that’s altered in terms of his hobbies is how much he listens to music and goes to concerts, he’s also started running 5k every evening.
He then began saying we should have an open marriage and see other people, which is extremely out of character. He says this is the best and happiest he’s ever felt in his life, and I’m just putting him down - he’s got a very inflated sense of confidence at the moment and says he’s finally feeling like himself.
I suspected he was hyper manic as he was acting very out of character and then discovered he was altering his medication and reducing his dose. I told his doctor who had him assessed at a psychiatric facility, where they somehow concluded he wasn’t manic despite his odd behaviour.
As the months have gone on his behaviour has gotten worse, he still goes out for an entire weekend without properly keeping in touch, he’s started saying that he feels nothing towards anyone and like he’s a sociopath — saying he could stab someone and not feel anything, doesn’t feel empathy towards others etc. he’s also began having angry outbursts again over very small things and will be verbally abusive towards me. He’s now reduced his lamictal to 100mg and completely come off his Sertraline, and says he plans to come off his lamictal completely very soon. I've informed his doctor of this and they said they'll try and get him seen by a psychiatrist.
Every time I try and talk to him about how he’s feeling he just shuts down, he insists he isn’t manic or going through any sort of episode but I’ve known him for 10 years and have never known him to act like this. I feel like he despises me and he tells me he resents me and isn't sure if he loves me anymore as he doesn't feel anything towards anyone at the moment. He keeps saying we should get a divorce as we're too different now and I can't accept the 'new version' of him, which he says is here to stay.
I don't know what to do. I'm getting no support from his doctor or family, and I still feel in my heart that this is some kind of episode and isn't the real him. I'm worried if we separate he'll later regret it, even though he says he feels more like himself than ever. I love him so much and don't want to split up, but I don't recognise the person he's become.
submitted by foxglove9819 to family_of_bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:09 likky_wetpretzel How long does it take to work?

I've been on lamictal for almost 7 weeks now (100mg but started at 25. Have been on 100 for 2.5 weeks) I've been diagnosed with bipolar 2 since I started.
I just don't know if I feel different? Maybe it's because I was just at school (extremely stressful) but the past few weeks I've had depressive and manic episodes. Ik it's supposed to lessen episodes but I don't really feel like it's doing much? In my manic episode I relapsed with self harm, and I did some other dangerous stuff. My depressive episode was as they usually are- no motivation, crying, numbness, intrusive anxious thoughts, etc... every time I think it's working I have another episode
Online it says about 6 weeks but I'm tired of waiting. Ik it also won't "fix me" but I was hoping for a more noticeable effect by now. I've talked to people who said they felt better in a few weeks, but also people who said it took them months to have really noticeable effects.
How long did it take for you guys/ what should I be looking for? I'm worried it just won't work
Edit: I have been feeling stable recently lol I think it started working
submitted by likky_wetpretzel to lamictal [link] [comments]