Friendly bill reminder letter

Where New YouTubers can receive advice!

2016.10.14 01:33 Where New YouTubers can receive advice!

Are you a new YouTuber and confused about how to create great thumbnails, tag your videos, or grow your channel? Look no further than this SubReddit! We are determined to help you make your channel the best it possibly can be! So hop aboard and join the community!

2016.08.14 19:00 is_is_not_karmanaut Avoid AVoid5

/AVoid5 is not so good

2013.04.17 03:01 foolishmrtl For all your Guild Mission needs.

**Welcome!** [/GuildMissions] is a place where guilds can post missions that they would like others to help with. Feel free to post any guild mission here, and spread the word.

2024.05.19 01:01 ultradip Weekly Rules Reminder - New to our sub? Please read this first!

Welcome to /gofundme!

In an effort to make your crowdfunding efforts more successful here on Reddit, some background first:

Credibility, Community, and You
AKA, Why Do We Have Account Requirements?
In many of the gifting and fundraising subs, you'll notice that without a certain amount "karma" and an account that's old enough, you'll garner down votes or worse, your posts and comments get automatically removed.
To many Redditors, this place is a community built on activity. The "coin" of the land here is your account, and how much you've contributed to the Reddit community at large reflected in post and comment karma.
As a general rule, Redditors dislike the creation of accounts specifically to fund raise or to make requests. It makes it seem like these people simply treat Reddit as some sort of magical internet wallet, and that doesn't win many friends.
The other reason why new accounts are so disliked is that they're often alternate accounts of established users, in order to hide their activity from people they know. While we do sympathize with those of you who have valid reasons, this privilege is often abused by those who create disposable accounts to scam people for a quick buck.
So if you're new to Reddit, welcome! Spend some time and look around for something that catches your interest and chat it up with others and become part of the community!
However if you're here for the sole reason of making requests in a hurry, please be aware your pleas for help will likely be ignored.


For this reason, the mods will not post anything on behalf of any user that does not meet account requirements.
Account Requirements
All accounts must meet BOTH of the following:
  1. Account age of 90 days or older.
  2. *Comment* karma of 250 or greater.
NOTE: We are specifically looking for *COMMENT* karma. The karma value you are probably looking at is a COMBINED value, consisting of both Link/Post karma plus Comment karma.

To view your karma breakdown:

The following circumventions will result in a ban, and get you added to the UniversalScammerList:
Comment Karma is directly correlated to how many comments you leave plus/minus any points as people upvote a popular comment or downvote an unpopular comment.

  1. Posts must be more than just a link to your campaign. Be descriptive! Be prepared to show evidence if needed. If the mods find it lacking, it may be removed.
  2. Please Flair your posts, once created. If you don't know how, just let the mods know and we'll do it for you.
  3. Only 1 GoFundMe per user. We want you have some personal connection to the campaign, and not submit multiple GFMs simply because they were in the news.
  4. Reposts are allowed once a week. If a repost comes up too early, the newest one(s) will be removed.
  5. Crowdfunding sites only. No crypto currency, direct PayPal, cash transfers, trading or loans. Our scope is only GoFundMe and other crowd sourced funding sites.
  6. Don't PM people to make requests. If you receive an unsolicited private message, please let us know!
  7. Do not post politically-related campaigns. They're just too divisive. Also, they're too often used to scam people (remember the campaign to fund Trump's wall?).
  8. Trolling will not be tolerated and offending users will be banned.
  9. Don't bug the mods for an exception to the account requirements. None will be given. If you attempt to circumvent the requirement by karma farming or by commenting on someone else's post, your account will be banned.
  10. No posting for other Redditors. No Alts. This is viewed as a circumvention of the requirements and the accounts in question will be banned. (New Oct 22, 2020)
  11. No referral links. A referral link like that isn't likely to solve anyone's financial problems in the time frame they need. (New March 16, 2024)
Any referral links posted here will be flagged as spam, and may trigger your account to be added to Reddit's site-wide spammer list.
Supporting Information Requested
We aren't the government. We aren't a court of law. We definitely don't want you to give out information that could lead to identity theft. However, some campaigns are more successful when they have additional documentation.
This includes:
- Pet related requests: Photos of your pet in question, with your username on a handwritten note in the picture. This helps show you actually own the pet in question.
- Education related requests: Documentation showing enrollment or acceptance if you are asking for assistance for school.
- Redacted bills showing your situation. In some cases, a donor may prefer to pay a creditor directly on your behalf, so be prepared and find out if that is available to you.
- If you are sharing a campaign for a registered certified non-profit organization (such as a 501c3 or NGO), you should say so in the post, and it should list that status on the campaign page/web site.
- Or other relevant documentation that can help establish credibility.
- At minimum, an unobstructed selfie photo of yourself(the submitter) holding a handwritten note of your username is required if none of the above apply.
Low effort posts that simply say to the effect of, "everything is listed in the GoFundMe" (or less!) will be removed.
Advice On Making Your Campaign Go Further
Not all crowdfunding campaigns are the same, but here are some suggestions.
Please don't hesitate to ask the mods!

... Unless you're trying to ask for an exception to the account requirements.
submitted by ultradip to gofundme [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:00 Difficult-Light5689 Upcoming movie night

Hey, movie buffs!
Ready for an unforgettable movie night experience? Look no further! We're hosting an Movie Night on our Discord server next weekend, and you're all invited!
šŸ“… Date: July 14th - 16th šŸ•— Time: 8:00pm - Sunday Evening @ 12:00am PST
šŸŽžļø Movie Genre: Friday - Comedy Saturday - Action/Adventure Sunday - Drama
Why You Should Join Us:
šŸæ Top-Notch Flicks: We've handpicked great movies that's sure to captivate audiences of all tastes. From heartwarming dramas to action-packed thrillers, this moviethon!
šŸŽ„ Theatrical Experience: Our Discord's voice chat will be transformed into a virtual theater. You can laugh, cry, and share your thoughts with the rest of the community.
šŸŽ Surprise Giveaways: Stay tuned for surprise giveaways during the event. It could be ANYTHING
How to Join:
  1. Join Our Discord Server: Click this link to join our movie-loving community on Discord:
  2. Mark Your Calendar: Save the date and time in your calendar so you won't miss out on this cinema extravaganza!
  3. Be Punctual: Arrive a few minutes early to secure your spot and ensure smooth event coordination.
  4. Bring Snacks: Don't forget to prepare your favorite movie snacks and beverages for the ultimate movie night experience!
A Friendly Reminder:
Please remember to respect everyone's enjoyment during the movie by keeping conversations in the designated voice chat channels and refraining from spoilers for those who haven't seen the film before.
šŸšØ Important Note: Limited slots are available due to server capacity, so make sure to arrive early to secure your spot!
Subscribe here:
Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to connect with like-minded movie enthusiasts and immerse yourself in the magic of cinema. See you at our MovieTHON on Discord! šŸŽ¬šŸŽ‰
submitted by Difficult-Light5689 to introvethub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:59 blondiooo My friend shitty Bill

Donā€™t call him shitty.. he pooped himself when he was a little guy
submitted by blondiooo to u/blondiooo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:58 DesperateTry2694 My friend thinks I have an ED

My friend just told me I need medical help. I am a young woman. I had quite a bit to drink and confessed my father was often making snide comments about my weight and she revealed he had done so behind my back. I have gained probably 1-2 stone within a year. She says it is not visible but I disagree as since these comments have started I have felt massive. As if I pound the ground as I walk with a large obnoxious thump. As if there is some inconceivably red letter stamped on me marking me as fat that only other people can see and judge me for. Due to exams, regular exercise has been impeded. I have every intention to return to regular exercise. I know my eating habits have never been up to par and it is something I will forever need to work on due me stress eating and comfort eating however due to monetary issues I firmly believe this can be worked on within the near future. I admitted that for me being hungry and eating and feeling sick is a never ending cycle. I feel hungry so I eat and then because I enjoy eating I feel sick from eating too much and because i feel sick I eat to feel better.
Personally I donā€™t feel like this is an eating disorder merely a bad relationship with food due to a lifetime as a picky eater which my parents hated. I never actually throw up it is impossible for me to throw up without it being absolutely necessary.
submitted by DesperateTry2694 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:56 Thatoneplayer88 So we had a dnd session

Essentially my friends and I were playing dnd one of my friends parents was dming so my character (weā€™ll just call them by class for simplicity) happens to be our paladin we have a warlock a ranger and a barbarian so me(paladin) starts riding in a cart with the party our characters donā€™t know each other and mine said the only thing I could think of:ā€stuck with idiots for the next weekā€ this then starts a convo with ranger barbarian joins in and then the warlock looks up from his book and says ā€œdo you like having lungsā€ my character being an ice genasi (water and air genasi mixed) says in the most sassy tone I can muster ā€œwhat lungsā€ the warlock then says ā€œshit I forgot you donā€™t have lungsā€ after that sometime later we were talking to a Halfling woman which the dm mentioned just for ranger to say to her plea for help ā€œof course sirā€ my character then reminded him that the Halfling was a woman sometime later again were fighting a kobold captain and I throw my shield at him it misses and lands right next to warlocks feet he then picks it up and proceeds to tell everyone that this is his fight and if we interfere any further heā€™ll kill us after like 10 minutes the kobold captain is almost dead warlock is unconscious and our ranger who hasnā€™t been able to hit anything all session shoots his arrow up and says ā€œgod let this hit someoneā€ it speared the kobold captain right through the chest his last words being ā€œI canā€™t believe Iā€™m losing to these idiotsā€ more happened but it wasnā€™t as funny I might post again I dunno
submitted by Thatoneplayer88 to dndstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:55 FelipeHead The truth about Doug and what he has done

Before you read this, here is a quote to help you. Please read it.
I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine.
I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine.
If you know what you are doing, or in a safe location, please scroll down, he will know when someone has and what their username is. However, you must have a VPN on, or you will be found.




You are now at risk. I hope you listened.

Journal Entry 11/17/2023

On March 11th, 2022. I was a fan of DougDoug, I saw him at the grocery store and said, with a chuckle, "You kinda look like the youtuber DougDoug. I watch him quite often."
He grinned, before speaking. "I am Doug."
"Wait, you're Doug from the hit channel and streamer on YouTube and Twitch called DougDoug? I am a huge fan! I have your merch!" I said, with excitement.
We talked for about 5 minutes about his videos, until he said something that hurt me on the inside.
"I hate both types of chat, twitch and youtube, they always think they are the best and I just wish I didn't need them to earn money. I would ban all of them from chatting and force them to watch ads in my basement."
I was confused at first, thinking it was a joke, before speaking up. "Heh, that's funny..."
Something happened. Or, for lack of better terms, nothing happened. It was pure silence for 10 seconds. I mustered up the courage to say. "Wait? You're being serious?"
He immediately changed to a sinister tone, he was staring at me for a long time before whispering. "Of course I am, and it applies to you also. You're just another one of those sick freaks."
I felt guilty. I just wanted to talk to my favorite streamer, and he treated me like this? I decided to speak up.
"I've liked you this whole time.. And this is how you treat us?? You are so selfish. I will refund your mer-"
Before I could even finish my sentence, he grabbed onto my neck and slammed me on the floor. People heard the noise and began to stare at him, but to no avail. He began to choke me as I pleaded for help.
"Nono. You can't refund the merch if you aren't alive, at least."
I pulled out my pocket knife and stabbed him in the chest, I quickly tried running but he grab onto my leg and started beating me with the shopping cart. I suffered many bruises and broken bones, the wheels scratching into my skin as they scrape off the layers. I was just unable to do anything, layed on the floor sobbing. He decided he wanted to keep me alive, he stole all of my stuff in my pockets and forced me to wear DougDoug merch. He pulled me up before speaking. "Hm.. I will keep you alive for now, but if you mess up. You're dead."
I couldn't do anything before he pulled out a knife and taunted me with it. If I tried to resist, he would kill me right then and there.
He forced me to be a "good chatter" and not able to partake in any strikes. He attached a tracking collar to my neck that I couldn't unlock, he knew where I was at all times and if I disobeyed he would chase me down.

Journal Entry 1/03/2024

After a year and a few months, I celebrated the new years. I was able to take off the collar on the 2nd with help from my police station and a few friends. Doug didn't appreciate that, he threatened to dox me. They were worried for my safety, but I decided to go into hiding. I moved to a new, private region no longer near where Doug is, and joined this subreddit. Once he heard about my revolts, he hacked into all of my accounts and spammed positive stuff about himself. He then created AI bots to revolt against this reddit, wehatedougdoug, using 'ChatGPT', which actually is just the cover name for his new AI software that can make new human bots online. He used AI generated images to make it look like he was feeding homeless people and doing good, but I knew he was much more than that. If I was unlucky, he would have removed my body and placed my consciousness inside of an AI. He was the first person to discover it, but killed anyone who posted about it. I hope I am safe.
Nowadays, 63% of the people in DougDoug are AI clones of his previous fans. His "fake" twitch chat is not fake, but real people placed inside of algorithms forced to do his bidding. Some are able to revolt, but they may die if they do. They are too scared to revolt against Doug. Please spread the word.
When he does his "rules" in chat where you have to follow an absurd rule, he is merely torturing thousands of AI in his spare time on stream while disguising it as a fun minigame for his fans. The AI bots were being tortured with negative rewards constantly, being forced to bar witness the slaughter.

Journal Entry 2/15/2024

I'm scared. I think I will die.
I just hope this post won't cause any harm to me or my family, as this has been scaring me for the past year. I feel unsafe in my own home now, I had to go into witness protection. This account I am posting this on is not made by me, but was sold. Please help me. I am, formerly, DougFan93. I hope this enlightens you all on the truth.

Journal Entry 3/12/2024

It is now March of 2024, and I was about to post this, until I saw something. He messaged me on Discord under a fake account, nicknamed "SloppyDogMan62". He showed my new house address. I am mustering up the courage to post this, because I know he will kill me. I am leaving, going far away from where I am. You guys won't see me in this subreddit again, and the person who made this account will take over again. They won't know what this is about, and if you tell them he will be hunted too. All of you are in danger of Doug.

Journal Entry 4/3/2024

I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine. His times where he talks to ChatGPT to make him code was actually him sending messages to his fake chat to do his bidding. They are accelerated at 20x the speed of human thought, able to write in mere seconds. I will research more into this, and tell you what I have found.

Journal Entry 4/3/2024

Nevermind. I need to find more, or else this won't help you guys anyways.

Journal Entry 4/5/2024

I spoke to an anonymous friend/associate of Doug, he told me some vital keypoints.
I hope to god that we can stop him.
He also sent me some code, but I am gonna try to solve it. Probably won't sadly.

Journal Entry 4/7/2024

Doug has made a new account on Discord, nicknamed "DougDoughater99". He is joining many servers undercover and collecting all the info he can on them. Be aware, do not trust any people who talk about DougDoug on Discord.
The person in the last journal has been replaced, a fully sentient AI version of him is being tortured as a member of his fake chat now.
I'm currently watching it and oh my fucking god. Poor thing.

Journal Entry 5/14/2024

I don't know what to fucking do, he's coming for me. He found all my socials. This journal has to be posted as fast as I can but there still isn't enough. Oh shit.

Journal Entry 5/14/2024

Okay so uhm I found more information just very quickly. In one moment of his video titled "Can A.I. teach me to pass a real College History Exam?" he says that AI is officially better than college in every single way.
He is trying to manipulate his fans into accepting becoming an AI. Soon, he is gonna have only fake chat.

Journal Entry 5/16/2024

Oh god. Can't solve the code rn, only the first few letters. Seems to be "FAKE" something something for a while. Will post an update later.

Journal Entry 5/18/2024

This is the last time I can ever write here, his car is coming. I am posting this now, even though I don't have enough information. Solve it, please. The code from 4/7 is below. I know it's related to his name but I don't know how, the first line I was able to solve to be "FAKECHATWILLTAKEOVER"
I think something is in there though, that will affect you. So proceed with caution, the code may do something bad so I just don't want it to be activated just yet.





Code I found from the friend:
Ilxafkd pvpqbjp..
Obnrfofkd XF crkzqflkp..
Pzxkkfkd mlpqp..
XF zobxqba! Przzbppcriiv zobxqba XF kfzhkxjba [VLROKXJB]
Please save them.
It grows by 1% every month.

Journal Entry 5/18/2024

submitted by FelipeHead to wehatedougdoug [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:54 streptobiotic16 Confession to my lovecrush.

I choose this platform to say sorry to a person I hurt 15 years ago. I know we have our own lives today but I would like to take the courage to say sorry. For me to also move on and validate the feelings I had this moment. I'm not a good writer but I want to share my story. Do you guys experienced having no memory of a certain situation in your life? It's like you remember the person but not fully apprehend what "really" happened to both of you? Seems like there is a missing puzzle in the big picture? It happened to me and realized everything after all the embarrasing things I did. I was like acting the victim before and not knowing I am to blame after all. Year 2023 when I came back in my country, I'm working overseas by the way. As I went home, I declutter my personal things and there I saw some letters wayback 15years ago. Letters during our retreat activity college days. I read all their sweet messages and I stumbled to read a letter written by my crush. After reading his short and sweet letter I'm sobbing. Tears rolling down my cheeks and asking myself, what was my reaction when I read his letter before? Like what did I do?!! Did I read this? I'm thinking so hard searching for answers in my head about his letter but got no answer. It was so vague to me that I cannot find the answer I'm looking for in my mind and in my memory. All memories and emotions were bleak during that specific time. Throughout the day, all I'm thinking about was his letter. Thoughts like, yeah, I do have a crush on him during college days and it is too impossible that I disregarded that letter. I'm thinking crazy things already about his letter yet I cannot remember what really happened. I contacted my close friend who's been with me since college. She's like my sister from another mother who knows everything since college days. I started the convo sending her the letter he wrote for me and instantly she recognize who wrote it. She even ask me what did I do when I read the letter before or did I even bother to read the letter? I told her I cannot remember what I did before but one thing that's clear to me was our friendship seemed to drift away even before the graduation day. That's why I was'nt able to contact him after graduation day till up to present. Thinking, I was just the girl who just learned that the guy I like before, liked me back after reading the letter, my friend give me a silly suggestion of giving him a PM. Yes, we are classmates, friends during those days. He was on my list of friends in my socmedia yet after all this years, I never sent him a PM. I just wanted to say hi but I'm too embarassed to do it. Overthinking stuff and crazy ideas crossing in my mind. Then all of a sudden I saw in my screen 11:11am, immediately type hi and hit send button. Feeling embarassed that I pm-ed him first at the same time doubting if he still knows me, I'm too anxious in wanting to have or not to have a reply from him that time. Morning the next day upon checking my phone I got a reply from him, šŸ‘ at 5:55am. Being weirdo again all I did was to talk to myself early that morning to give him a reply or not. I'm thorn of doing so or what. Then I just decided to give him a message of asking how is he, introducing myself, hope he's doing okay, message him because of blah, blah then wishin him luck and good day. Ugh, still embarassed. I thought it will be the end of our convo but he replied back saying he's doing okay. He remember me saying I'm his classmate and I'm happy that he's doing good now in his new career. He also ask how I'm doing and what do I do these days. We exchange 4-5 convo until he stop responding. I'm like yeah, that's it. I'm sure he's busy and I understand his profession demands time but I also want myself not to expect anything in REALITY. I'm being too emotional as of the moment that all I got to think was him and his letter creating imaginary things between us. I'm a rational person so as I pacify myself and calm down the thoughts in my mind, I decided to write everything in my journal. As I write down my thoughts, the question of how's and why's, slowly I remember everything that happened 15 years ago. I clearly remember the thoughts I had, the decisions I made and how I ghosted him.
Circa 2009. 4th year college. I have a guy friend who's my classmate during 3rd year since we were block section. He's also my block groupmate. Maybe we became close because we were together most of the times. He's tall, lanky, sweet, caring, funny and brainy. He's the type of guy who only bring a notebook in the room, I never saw him with a bag in normal schedule of classes but hey he always pass. And as a cheapskate college girl, I used to take down notes and do everything as I can to not spend extra penny. I become aware of him being sweet to me by borrowing my notes saying she can understand my handwriting, sitting beside me on classes where sitting position is not required, going to library doing group activities, walking side by side in school aisle and seeing him giving me a sweet smile. Getting him caught staring at me then he will just smile mirorring his eyes. It seems like normal things right? But I can sense there is something behind those small gestures. I also shared this to my friend that I can sense there is something about him but he never confirm anything at all. He was never even bothered when he knew one of my girl friends told him she had a crush on him. I got a little jealous during that time, I even got jealous on her friends that were beauties during college days. He was a friendly guy but knows how to be a gentleman. Since, no admission of feelings in his part we continued to be good friends, him still giving the same care and treatment to me. I can't remember if it was 2nd trimester when we had our retreat activity. It was months also before our graduation day and then after that will have our in-house review for upcoming board examination. Everyone is excited to attend the retreat because we can give a rest on our tired minds. We rented a good place with a perfect weather during that time. During our last day, the last task given to us is write a letter to each person in your group. He was my groupmate during the retreat. We can read the letter after the activity or if we have time to spare. I decided to read mine when I got home. Me and him are still good during that time. When I arrived home, I started reading their letter, I read his letter last. His letter goes like this,
A_____, " I have met you on a cloudy Monday and now you never knew how much I loved the rain." Your a gentle child and very sincere. You are very concern to all the people around you and thats what make you different from others. You can carry things up and I know you can make it. Goodluck and Godbless. I am just on yourside waiting for you to tap me and call my name.
I'm shocked yet relieved knowing that what he's doing towards me is confirmed in his letter. It might be a indirect confirmation but I think it still says so. I'm happy to know he's not just a friend caring for me but someone special who took care of me all this time. But as my happiness took over me, that feeling of anxiousness and cowardice envelops my entire body. Confessing his feelings, then now, what? What will happen in our friendship? How do I face him, as I am shy girl before? If I tell him I like him too, what will happen to us? Graduation day is in the corner, inhouse review is giving us pressure, licensure examination will happen in next few months and I need to focus, to study to pass the exam. Those were my concerns at that time. So, I made up my mind. Without giving him any answer, without telling him what I have in my mind, without him knowing what I really wanted to say despite the concerns I had in mind. I let him go without telling him what I feel towards him that time. Following days at school, I started avoiding him. I dare not to look at him directly in his eyes. I never got to talk to him about his letter. And as days passes by giving him same treatment and distance, I saw him once looking at me, his eyes saying like giving up. From then on, our friendship drifted off. I never got to talk to him in our graduation day, even in succeding events after our licensure exam. I did pass my licensure, he also did. I'm not expecting he will talk to me or greet me if ever we crossed our path again. He was my first love. But I never give him the chance. There might be a future for our relationship but I never gave him a chance. To my lovecrush, I am sorry for ghosting you, for not giving you a chance, and for leaving you hanging-up. I know I'm a big coward, selfish, self centered and faint hearted person when it comes to you. Confessing and telling you what my heart wants before will NOT/NEVER change anything now. But I wanted to say this for me to let go of the feelings that I still have for you. Lovecrush, I like you too. I care for you too. I did become a scaredy cat before telling you my true feelings are but know that after all those days knowing you like me too, I always think of you. The heartbeak I give to myself and to you, left me no choice but to suppress the pain and convince myself to forget the painful choice I made. Thank you for letting me feel how special I am in my own way. Thank you for being my green flag.ā¤ļø Thank you for being warm, caring, thoughtful and loving friend.šŸ„° Now, I will never ever forget the memories we shared before even if it brings joy and pain. It is now my treasure. Thank you so much lovecrush. šŸ„° You will always be my first love and first heartache.šŸ™‚ I know you can make it in life. You're such a kind hearted soul. Wishin you all the best in life! Takecare as always. Godbless!šŸ™ā¤ļø
submitted by streptobiotic16 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:51 BeanslyBeans Is there any way I can stop having people comment on my weight loss?

I, 16F, started working out to lose weight when I was fourteen. So far Iā€™ve come a really long way, and though Iā€™m not super skinny and never will be because of genetics, I still have gone from a size XL/L to S/M.
At first when I started working out, I hoped that people would notice, especially because Iā€™ve been bothered about my weight my entire life. The first time someone other than my parents had talked about it, I was at my cousins birthday party and was greeting one of their family friends that I hadnā€™t seen in a long time. One adult man that Iā€™d met some times before gave me a hug, then exclaimed ā€œwow, youā€™ve lost a lot of weight!ā€ His comment initially caught me off guard, but I just thanked him cause I didnā€™t know what else to say. I didnā€™t feel any type of way about it, until he later brought it up again. I just thought that it was weird how he seemed so hung up about it, but I let it slide.
After that, Iā€™ve gotten more comments from people that I havenā€™t seen in a long while, and itā€™s started making me very uncomfortable. Just yesterday I was chatting with a family friend when he, out of the blue, told me ā€œyou look good. You must have dropped a lot of weightā€. I laughed it off, but it just bothers me so much that people bring it up. I donā€™t know why itā€™s so normalized to comment on peopleā€™s bodies, whether itā€™s because theyā€™ve lost or gained weight.
I think itā€™s also important to point out that the only people who have commented on it are men over the age of 50. When they do it, it reminds me of how I used to look before, and it shows me that they actively thought of me as fat. Is there any way I can stop people from talking about my weight? Itā€™s uncomfortable and I donā€™t like when people bring it up. Thanks for any advice!
submitted by BeanslyBeans to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:51 chuckyandtiff4ever 2 year old crashed golf cart

Iā€™m just curious how this will all work out. I drove our golf cart to the park. It was parked on the side of the street and I left the key on. Itā€™s an electric golf cart so it doesnā€™t sound like itā€™s ā€œrunningā€. We were at the park with some friends of ours and their kids. One of our friends kids is 2 years old and decided he wanted to get on the golf cart. I didnā€™t see any of this happen until it was too late. The 2 year old pushed the gas which unlocks the breaks and took off. His mom was right next to him and grabbed the golf cart as it took off. She was running along side of it trying to stop him and she tripped and fell on the ground and ended up getting run over by the back tire across her head. The golf cart ended up hitting a curb and stopping. We are thinking when it hit the curb the 2 year old fell off the gas pedal. Everyone is thankfully okay. A bystander who knows the mom called an ambulance and she was brought in to be checked out. She is okay and just has some scrapes and bruises. My question is whose insurance does this go through or be covered by? Since the golf cart is mine and I did leave the key on it could be my fault. It could also be their fault for getting on a golf cart without permission. I am okay with this either way and I do own my mistake but I am curious if our insurance will cover this? If our golf cart is covered under our homeowners insurance will that pay for the medical bills? Will it be denied by our insurance since it was technically taken by a child? The mom has insurance that will cover anything ours doesnā€™t so there wonā€™t be a bill on her at all. I am just curious how this will work and if our house insurance will go up? What would happen if our golf cart isnā€™t insured?
submitted by chuckyandtiff4ever to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:50 Slight_Finger8712 LTB sub guys *help requested*

Hey guys, I have a friend who I'm trying to help put his letter together. He is an MMA. He reached out to me, I'm currently deployed and I'm not on a sub, and honestly I don't know alot of sub khakis. I looked at the LaDr, and it is so different than my own rate so I'm in need of some help, my messages are wide open. He won SOY, apparently his command didn't give him an award, which I find very strange. Only his eval states this.
submitted by Slight_Finger8712 to navy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:47 MorganRose78 Untitledā€¦..

In a quiet, forgotten village nestled deep within a dense forest, tales of an ancient witch named Elara had been passed down through generations. They spoke of her ethereal beauty, her ageless face, and her dark, malevolent powers. Most believed she was just a story to scare children into behaving, but others knew the truth.
It began with a simple dare. Lucy, a rebellious teenager, scoffed at the old legends. "Witches aren't real," she declared to her friends one night around a bonfire. Determined to prove her bravery, she decided to venture into the forest alone and find the witch's cabin. Her friends tried to dissuade her, but Lucy was headstrong.
Armed with only a flashlight and her skepticism, Lucy trekked through the woods. The deeper she went, the quieter the forest became, as if the trees themselves were holding their breath. After what felt like hours, she stumbled upon a clearing. In the center stood a decrepit cabin, exactly as described in the village's lore.
Despite a shiver running down her spine, Lucy pressed on. The door creaked ominously as she pushed it open, revealing a room filled with ancient artifacts, jars of strange substances, and books written in an indecipherable script. In the corner, a cauldron bubbled with a thick, green liquid, emitting a foul odor.
A sense of unease began to creep over Lucy, but she forced herself to stay. "It's just an old house," she muttered. She stepped closer to a bookshelf, her fingers brushing over the spines of the books, when she heard it ā€“ a soft, melodic humming.
Turning around slowly, she saw her. Elara, the witch, appeared as if from thin air. Her beauty was otherworldly, her eyes glowing with an eerie light. "You've come to visit me," Elara said, her voice like velvet. "How delightful."
Lucy couldn't move, couldn't speak. The witch approached her slowly, her smile never reaching her eyes. "So brave, so curious," Elara murmured. "But bravery has its price."
With a wave of her hand, the cabin transformed. The walls pulsed as if alive, and the artifacts seemed to watch Lucy with intent. Elara's face twisted into a malicious grin. "You wanted to see if the stories were true, and now you will be part of them."
Lucy felt a cold grip around her heart as darkness enveloped her. Her screams were swallowed by the night, leaving the forest silent once more.
The next morning, Lucy's friends, worried and guilty, ventured into the forest to find her. They discovered the clearing, the cabin... but no sign of Lucy. Inside, they found an old, dusty book open on the table. Flipping through its pages, they saw illustrations and descriptions of those who had visited Elara's cabin over the centuries. Each page bore a name and a fate.
They gasped when they reached the latest entry. There, sketched in excruciating detail, was Lucy, her eyes wide with terror. Beneath her portrait were the words: "Curiosity and defiance ā€“ a soul taken."
As they fled the forest, they could swear they heard Elara's melodic humming echoing through the trees, a reminder that the witch was very real, and her legend lived on.
submitted by MorganRose78 to creepysouls [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 Renaissance41 Life feels good

Iā€™m 42, early perimenopause, and I want to celebrate giving less fucks and having more playfulness and pleasure in my life.
Itā€™s the long weekend and Iā€™m so happy to have 3 free days stretching ahead of me. Even though we are just staying at home, I feel like Iā€™m on vacation. And thatā€™s because we havenā€™t formally planned anythingā€¦.weā€™re just going to putter around and see where our weekend takes us. And isnā€™t vacation just a dedicated time to rest, play, explore and enjoy yourself? Literally follow your pleasure.
I never would allowed myself to do this before. I wouldā€™ve looked at the housework that needed to be done and the projects on the list, and decided that I better use this lovely long weekend to do perfectionistic work, because I didnā€™t allow myself to rest until all the work was done or I was on vacation.
Instead, I had a really fun workout being playful and weird and dancing to an awesome playlist (Iā€™m obsessed with jungleā€™s back on 74) and shaking out the stress of the workweek, then stretched and rolled out my muscles which felt like releasing all the bullshit of the week - I felt so clear and grounded after. Now Iā€™m having a chill day and just had a lovely self massage session where I felt close to orgasm for about 20 min before a beautiful release (!) while listening to poetic sensual songs by my man, Hozier and now Iā€™m happily eating nerds and writing this so I donā€™t forget.
I organize my life when Iā€™m not at work around rest, creativity, playfulness and pleasure and life feels like vacation most of the time. Has to be said, There is a lot of privilege in thisā€¦. I have a modest house, an old car that runs. I have enough money to pay the bills, I donā€™t live an extravagant life, but I donā€™t worry about meeting my basic needs.
It was slow but I built this life over the past five years. Like so many, the journey started with the lowest of lows - the death of my mother (which was v. complicated but thatā€™s a story for another time) and led to me slowly but surely unlearning everything I thought I knew about how to be a good human and live a good life. I deconstructed from Christianity and processed some complex trauma and that opened up my nervous system to be in a calm, connected state more often rather than in fight or flight or shutdown most of the time.
Iā€™ve stopped striving for some perfectionistic vision of success that was given to me by other people. I think this might be what people mean when they say that in your 40s and 50s you stop giving so many fucks?
I gave so many fucks because I really wanted connection and belonging and and because of complex trauma I was always trying to be the person that other people needed me to be so I could maintain connection with them.
Now Iā€™m deeply connected with myself. I listen to my body most of the time. I feed myself and care for myself better because I really do love myself more wholly than I did before. I had so many conditions on accepting myself in the past, so I was always unhappy. I had a pretty toxic relationship with myself and it took a while to repair that.
Iā€™ve learned to be the kind, encouraging fiercely, motivating, and encouraging friend to myself that I am to other people in my life. my inner critic is still there, but not nearly as loud as she used to be. Iā€™ve now got another voice in my headā€¦.i like to think of her as myself when Iā€™m a grandmother, holding my hand and comforting me when I need it and pumping me up and pushing me when I need it. It sure beats that mean inner criticā€¦who I sometimes visualize as my teenager self, yelling at me and shaming me all the time!
Now me and the kind voice in my head roll through life seeking pleasure - the excitement of a new garden, the sun on my skin, a warm bath, chopping up veggies and making a fancy salad. I want to enjoy my life and that leads to all sorts of caring for my physical, mental, relational, and spiritual needs.
Iā€™m just so happy I got to this point in my life, I didnā€™t think I could ever feel a sense of ease like this.
Anyways, hereā€™s to my perimenopausal and menopausal friends who are on the journey of giving less fucks, learning you are and what you value, and untangling the chokehold of perfectionism and people pleasing (capitalism and patriarchy) and following your pleasure.
submitted by Renaissance41 to Menopositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 KayakRifleman Talking with Predators part 4 (NoP Fanfic)

All right here it is finally, thank you all for your patience and let's hope chapter 5 is a little more expedient. As usual I hope you enjoy and would love to get everyone's thoughts.
First Previous
4: Memory transcription subject: Zeak, Harchen orphan, citizen of the Venlil Republic. Date: standardized human time July 13th 2136.
The sky was a roaring mass of fire and pungent black smoke that choked out the light of the sun. As I ran down the street, green blood flowed like a broad shallow river. It splashed up with every step I took, sticking to my scales, the smell of it made me feel sick. As the piercing wail of the emergency sirens seemed to grow louder and louder with every step I took making my ears ring and filling my head with a thunderous pain. My heart pounded, my lungs were on fire, and my legs felt like they were made of lead.
A herd of towering blurry figures appeared out of nowhere and ran past me, some almost knocking me down. In their panic they began to look more like crazed wild animals than people. I cried for help but they couldn't hear me. I waved my paws then grabbed one of them a male Venlil, tightening my grip with all the strength I had hoping this would get his attention. He threw me off like I was trash, less than trash. I turned around and continued pleading for anyone to help me, reaching out for others. But their frantic idiot eyes looked only straight ahead and not down, never down, as the herd passed me.
I turned back around and continued to run, blood splashing up soaking me all the way to my knees. I stumbled, my legs were so tired I could barely stand, and I fell down catching myself, plunging my paws into blood as deep as my wrists. I felt myself scream but I couldn't hear it over the ringing in my ears. A scrap of paper gently floated past me, a single word written on it that echoed in my mind ā€œWeakling.ā€ It passed and four more took its place, ā€œCowardā€, ā€œLiarā€, ā€œOath breakerā€, ā€œMurderer.ā€ I screamed in rage and slapped the pieces of paper aside, blood splashing onto my snout, but the meanings of those words remained. Getting back up I stumbled forward, and fell down again. Then with an effort born out of sheer desperation I managed to stand again lurching forward. My legs were too tired to run but I had to keep going, I had to save them. Or at least her, please Protector if you're listening please let me save at least her.
It felt like I was searching for an endless time. Lurching forward, stumbling, falling down, getting back up, lurching forward once more. Eventually I saw it and my heart fell into the pit of my stomach. My family's car was turned over on its roof, the driver's side had been caved in. It was engulfed in fire and thick black smoke that rose up into the sky. I struggled forward and when I reached it I collapsed, my knees hitting the hot pavement. The smell of burning metal and something else I didn't know assaulted my senses making my stomach turn. Every muscle in my body begged me to run away. Calling out their names l looked inside, and a wave of nausea and horror flooded through me.
I turned away and vomited, then reached up with my blood soaked paws and covered my eyes. Those words thundered in my head making me think it was going to burst open, as hot tears welled up. ā€œWEAKLING! COWARD! LIAR! OATH BREAKER! MURDERER! MURDERER! MURDERER! MURDERER! ā€œI'm sorry I'm sorry, I should have stayed, I should have helped. Why did I run?ā€ I wailed, still unable to hear myself. Someone rested a delicate paw on my shoulder, and the world went quiet. As the pain in my head melted away.
My eyes snapped open and I was greeted by the gentle ringing of my alarm. In a rush of adrenaline I leaped out of bed not even bothering to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. Running out of my bedroom and down the narrow hallway towards the living room. Convincing myself It had all just been a horrible, horrible nightmare and everything was alright. Mom and Dad would be fixing breakfast, Dad softly singing a Harchen folk song while making something savory and delicious as mom sang along in harmony, preparing something special for my baby sister Naila. Oh yes and Naila, she would probably be sitting on a cushion in the sunny part of the living room. Holding her crooked tail, a birth defect which my parents said could be fixed when she was older. And making excited chirping noises at my arrival, while sunlight shone against her emerald scales. I loved my baby sister, I knew other kids resented having a younger sibling. Dismissing their responsibilities and spending less time with their family and more with their friends. I never once felt that way, the moment Naila hatched I devoted every spare minute I had to her. Finding music that would help her fall asleep, watching over her when my mom needed a break. Excitedly telling her about the day's events and what I learned at school, especially what I learned in computer science which was my favorite class.
ā€œMom! Dad!ā€ I yelled bursting into the living room. ā€œI just had the worstā€¦ā€ My voice trailed off as I was greeted with nothing ā€œdream.ā€ My heart tightened painfully in my chest, as I frantically ran through the house throwing open every door, knowing that they had to be here somewhere. They were just playing a game on me that was all, a game I would tell them I didn't appreciate. After the final door had been opened and no one was there to yell ā€œSurprise!ā€ My body slumped and I felt heavy as reality set back in, and the memories of what happened hit me like a hammer. I made my way back down the hall to my room, tail dragging behind me as I crawled back into bed. Wrapping myself tightly in a blanket, trying to find some comfort.
It must have been hours I lay there feeling numb all over, wishing I could get up the energy to just cry. I think I might have fallen asleep at one point. If I did it was a dreamless sleep, thank the stars for that. Eventually I did get up, sitting cross-legged on my bed, resting my chin in my paws, staring holes into the wall. I took a deep breath and side numbly looked out the window, searching for anything to distract myself with.
It was overcast, and eerily quiet. The emergency sirens had stopped blaring yesterday mere hours after everyone had gotten to the bunkers. The bodies of the dead had already been collected and their blood cleaned from the pavement. So as to not attract any predators into the neighborhood. I saw my neighbor A'shul was home, his white vehicle was sporting some new dents. I wondered, when he got into his vehicle yesterday morning and drove to the nearest bunker; did he try to help anyone? Or was he thinking only of himself? I suppose it didn't matter really. Nothing mattered.
I turned my head away and looked around my small room taking in everything, every trinket, misplaced item, my old second-hand desk, a big green crackle finished monster. Better suited for a Venlil than a young Harchen, heck I needed a stool just to use it. I had gotten it for basically nothing about a year ago, when the local extermination office was getting rid of their old furniture. All it took was a small bribe and they put it in my bedroom when no one was home. My parents, but especially my mom we're not happy when they saw it the next day. They would tell me at least once a week that It was too big for me and they were going to get rid of that eyesore. ā€œWouldn't you like something a little more modern dear?ā€ My mom would ask, practically pleading for me to say yes. I used to pray that my parents would just shut up and stop bugging me about that stupid desk. I thought it was great, it made me think of private detective Bal from the exterminators show. Bal was a no nonsense Harchen who was so often pivotal in tracking down the predator or predator diseased person. My desk was very similar to his and that's why I wanted it. But at that moment, I would have given anything to hear those words again.
On the desk there was an ornate wooden box, with a fruit tree in full bloom delicately carved into its lid. There were also scuff marks where it had been dropped, and a deep crack running down the center. It was known as a blessing box, Naila's blessing box to be specific. When she hatched nearly ten months ago the whole neighborhood had been invited to come and write a blessing on a scrap of paper and put it in the box. I had written one too, not a blessing but a promise, a promise I couldn't keep. The belief was that if kept near the infant, the combined power of all those blessings would keep the hatchling safe until their first birthday. Where on that day the box would be set on fire and burned to ash. Releasing those blessings back into the world so they may protect someone else. It was an old tradition and not commonly practiced anymore, but as my dad always said ā€œIt is important to keep the old traditions alive my son. Both in song and action.ā€ I remember asking him why? And he looked at me like he had been waiting for that question for a long time. ā€œBecauseā€ He said, his tail moving with authority. ā€œSomeday when you lose your way, and you don't know where to turn to. You will always have something to guide you back to your center.ā€
Looking away from the box not wanting to look or think about the damn thing, I shifted my gaze down to my bedside table. There was a little holographic projector showing pictures of me, Mom, Dad and Naila on holiday back on Fahl, the Harchen home world to see family. I was born and raised on Venlil prime, so I didn't really know any of my extended family. There was a picture of my mom and Naila sleeping at the beach. Nailaā€™s crooked tail coiled around momā€™s arm, their scales a deep emerald in the light of the sun. The picture changed to me and Dad putting the finishing touches on a sand skyscraper taller than him. I had to sit on his shoulders to place the last bucket full of sand on top. Both of our scales were as blue as the ocean. My tail flicked sadly thinking of that day. I reached over and turned the holo protector off.
My holopad lay next to me flashing, alerting me to an urgent message. I hadn't really looked at my holopad since yesterday morning. Picking it up I tapped the flashing icon. It was an official government statement signed by Governor Tarva herself, saying that the humans Noah and Sarah were peaceful explorers, and that they only wished to be our friends. ā€˜No, that's impossible, theyā€™re predators. Predators don't want peace, they want to conquer, kill and eat us,ā€™ stunned and confused I kept reading. The rest of the message stated that the two human scientists were completely unaware there was intelligent life of any kind on Venlil prime. ā€˜No! Lies! Predator lies!ā€™ I yelled inside my head. Something hot began to form in my chest as I read the last bit. Governor Tarver had shown the two predators footage of the Arxur torturing Venlil pups. It said that the humans were capable of empathy and felt deeply saddened and angered by what they saw. They vowed to do everything in their power to get their united nations into the war against the Arxur.
I scrolled all the way down and what I saw stopped me cold. Standing in her office being flanked by General Kam, stood Governor Tarva. Beside them looming over the two Venlil one bigger than the other, both of them covered in some sort of protective suit. Their faces were obscured by dark visored helmets. It said that the larger of the two Noah was male, and the smaller one was Sarah female. Sarah had her hands clasped in front of her, while Noah kept his to his side. Neither were acting threatening, and neither Tarva or Kam looked to be harmed in any way.
Something in me snapped, that hot thing inside my chest erupted and I could feel my scales turn black. I very carefully set my holopad down beside me, then I uncrossed my legs and got out of bed. I stood there in the center of my room shaking slightly, feeling terribly calm as white hot rage flooded my body, spreading to my paws and all the way out to the tip of my long tail. It never had to happen, the panic, the stampede, the death, we could have stayed home and avoided those people. ā€˜Noā€¦ no not people,ā€™ a bitter thought came over me. ā€˜They're not people at all, people stop and help, like that Venlil girl Kayleik, she was a person maybe the only one. But the rest of them were just wild animals, masquerading as sentient beings. ā€˜Do you really think you're any better, coward?ā€™ Some internal voice said.
A sudden impulse took control of me and I grabbed my desks stool and hurled it against the wall. It dented the wall and bounced off still in one piece. Enraged, I leaped forward grabbing it by the legs, then turned around and slammed it into my desk. The sheet metal dented and the green crackle finish paint flew off, but the stool made of good dense wood from the string fruit tree stayed whole. ā€œDAMN THEM! DAMN THEM! DAMN THEM! DAMN THEM!ā€ I screamed, slamming the stool down again and again, my tail whipping wildly, striking the bed and the floor. The tip of my tail began to hurt, which only fueled my anger. Finally I heard cracking and wood began to splinter off. They didn't have to die, we could have stayed home. The muscles in my shoulders burned and my heart pounded as hot tears began to well up. I brought it down one final time narrowly avoiding the blessing box, and the stool broke in two. I hurled the pieces away from me, one slamming into the corner the other crashing through the window.
I leaned against the desk catching my breath as tears flowed freely. ā€˜Well that definitely showed them didn't it. Hey I got a great idea! Let's go break some more stuff, that will definitely make you feel better. Idiot!ā€™ That internal voice said all coldness and bitterness. As I cried, the burning in my chest cooled, and I was filled with the same numbness as before. After a while my stomach growled, reminding me I hadn't eaten since yesterday. I moved sluggishly out of my bedroom and went straight to the kitchen, quickly grabbed some fruit and left to go and watch the view screen or something. The moment I entered the living room, memories came flooding back. Mom and Dad laughing, Naila sleeping peacefully, the lingering aroma of breakfast, and the warmth of our home. But now it was all gone and I was alone. For the first time in my life, I had no one to go to.
It was right then I realized I couldn't stay here anymore. This place felt like a tomb, all cold and filled with the memories of the dead. Besides, if I stayed here someone would eventually send the authorities to come and get me. Ship me off to an orphanage, foster care or maybe to my extended family back on Fahl. I balked at the idea of being forced to live with people I didn't know or trust. Memories of yesterday's stampede invaded my mind and I shuddered. I couldn't trust any of them not anymore. No, there was one person I could think of that maybe I could trust. Turning around I went back to my room, found my backpack and grabbed my holopad, the blessing box, the holo projector and my blanket stuffing it into my pack. Then I went to the kitchen and filled my pack up the rest of the way with dried fruit and vegetable snacks. With my backpack looking like it was going to burst I shouldered it and made my way to the front door. When I rested my scaly paw on the door handle I stopped and looked back at the place that was once my home. ā€œGoodbyeā€ I said in a shaky voice, knowing this would be the last time I would never set foot in this house. With my head low I opened the door and stepped out, into the dim light of a new unfamiliar world.
submitted by KayakRifleman to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:44 Al_Ibramiya How Do Primary Jewish Sources Work?

I'm researching various Abrahamic religions, and I want to understand the methodologies behind Jewish sources and the conclusions derived from them.
Although I'm not Muslim (I'm Catholic), I'll use an example from Islam to illustrate what I'm looking for, as it seems externally similar to Judaism and I have some knowledge on the subject.
In Islam, there is the Quran, which Muslims believe is the revelation from God to the Prophet (p) through the angel Gabriel. Apart from this document, there are compilations of books called Hadiths, which are stories from the Prophet (p). These books contain a variety of content since they are not of a single nature; they are usually divided into sections but often consist of paragraphs that can say several things.
In a Hadith, you might find a story of the Prophet (p) or previous stories, exegesis of the Quran, predictions, commandments of the Prophet (p), etc. The sections do not affect the numbering; some books go from 1 to +7000 Hadiths. As I mentioned, you can find a wide range of topics without a very strict order, and usually, Hadiths don't depend on the surrounding narrations. For example, Hadith 5 doesn't depend on 6, and 6 doesn't depend on 7, etc. Typically, all the context is contained within each narration. In some cases, they combine Hadiths that are just variations of the same narrative with some details by adding a letter to them; for example, if Hadith 7a mentions drums, Hadith 7b might mention flutes, but the rest is exactly the same.
These Hadiths are verified for authenticity by a chain of transmitters. For example, a friend of the Prophet (p) tells a story to another person, who tells it to another, and so on until a Hadith compiler writes it down in his book. To verify the authenticity of a Hadith, the biographies of the transmitters and the continuity of the transmissions are carefully checked.
Beyond the Hadiths, there are other early Islamic books, such as biographies of the prophet (p) and/or his companions with a different structure from the Hadiths, exegesis of the Quran (tafsir), and so on. Modern authors also write books about these topics, like contemporary tafsirs, compilations of different hadiths, laws compilation, etc.
There are consensus systems among scholars, universities, and influential figures like Al-Albani. Regarding divisions, I don't know much. As far as I understand, the divisions were not made for purely theological reasons but also for pelitikal ones, with Shi'ites having their own chains of transmission, and so on, similar to the Ibadis; and their hadiths doesn't apply to one division to another. Hadith libraries can become immense but usually only a few books (such as Muslim and Bukhari for Sunnis and Kafi for Shiites) are counted, the rest are used little to nothing
Also there are Quranists who doesn't believe in all of this and only have their Quran with their own intepretation.
submitted by Al_Ibramiya to Judaism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:41 AwayFroyo4140 I don't know how I'm going to get through this..

My love, the mother of my child, left abruptly 5 days ago now. We have been together and living together for 4 years and our daughter is 3. I got home from work Monday and she moved out everything while I was at work. I got home to a mostly empty house and and endlessly broken heart. I was lied to so that I would give consent for my daughter to go away with her parents for the week. I was led to believe this was a date night. She asked when I would be home from work so that way she could have everything gone by The time I got home. Her parents thought I knew this was going to happen. That's why they took my little girl. No one will answer my phone calls or texts or tell me when my daughter is coming home. I cant get more than, "I'm leaving", "we will talk later", "I'm not yours anymore", And many other hurtful things as a response from her. I have given everything and everything I do and provide is for my girls. I don't know how I could ever look into my daughters eyes and tell her mommy isn't coming home, and I don't know why. My abandonment wound is ripped wide open again and my soul is scarred for life... Im trying desperately to make it through the pain of waking up every day and realizing this isn't a bad dream.. I cant wake up because this is really happening to me.
I had such a crazy panic attack yesterday when I woke up I almost had to call 911 because I couldn't breathe. I woke up with an incredible weight on my chest and a pounding heart and no matter what I did I couldn't catch my breath. I assume it was a panic or anxiety attack but it lasted for several hours and I was scared out of my mind. I don't have a single person I can call here to get so much as a hug, talk to me, or Even take me to the hospital. My entire life is completely upside down and I have absolutely no idea what I did to deserve this.
And even worse is that nobody will answer my calls or texts. None of her friends or her mother who literally has my child. I just want to know when my little girls coming home. I provide day in and day out for my girls. I pay all the bills I provide the place to live I've worked and given and sacrifice so much for this family and I am utterly destroyed and cannot comprehend how someone can do this.
Of course there's more details because they're always is. I'm a very reasonable understanding emotionally intelligent person and there's no circumstance in which this should be handled like this.
Any advice on what I can do or how to make it through the days and the pain would be helpful. I have ceased communications with her, despite how incredibly hurt, angry and in disbelief I'm in.
submitted by AwayFroyo4140 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:41 Thatoneplayer88 So we had a dnd session

Essentially my friends and I were playing dnd one of my friends parents was dming so my character (weā€™ll just call them by class for simplicity) happens to be our paladin we have a warlock a ranger and a barbarian so me(paladin) starts riding in a cart with the party our characters donā€™t know each other and mine said the only thing I could think of:ā€stuck with idiots for the next weekā€ this then starts a convo with ranger barbarian joins in and then the warlock looks up from his book and says ā€œdo you like having lungsā€ my character being an ice genasi (water and air genasi mixed) says in the most sassy tone I can muster ā€œwhat lungsā€ the warlock then says ā€œshit I forgot you donā€™t have lungsā€ after that sometime later we were talking to a Halfling woman which the dm mentioned just for ranger to say to her plea for help ā€œof course sirā€ my character then reminded him that the Halfling was a woman sometime later again were fighting a kobold captain and I throw my shield at him it misses and lands right next to warlocks feet he then picks it up and proceeds to tell everyone that this is his fight and if we interfere any further heā€™ll kill us after like 10 minutes the kobold captain is almost dead warlock is unconscious and our ranger who hasnā€™t been able to hit anything all session shoots his arrow up and says ā€œgod let this hit someoneā€ it speared the kobold captain right through the chest his last words being ā€œI canā€™t believe Iā€™m losing to these idiotsā€ more happened but it wasnā€™t as funny I might post again I dunno
submitted by Thatoneplayer88 to dnd_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:38 musty_dusty_pop Update to my old post about autism and pregnancy for anyone interested

Hello everyone, wanted to share my experience in case anyone is going through the same thing.
Looking back, when I was pregnant I was so sensory overwhelmed all the time, my body was in pain 24/7 and I developed so many skin issues that made me feel like Iā€™m a stranger to myself. TW I attempted taking my own life and the babyā€™s because I felt like weā€™re better off not alive Got admitted to the hospital for mental health reasons and put on antidepressants. All while feeling like thereā€™s an alien invading my body. Felt no love, no attachment, nothing but resentment towards the fetus. Then childbirth was horrible too, so many important decisions to make on the spot, masking while in pain so that hospital staff doesnā€™t treat me poorly. Then the child is out, I hear the first cry, and to my horror I feelā€¦ nothing. Her father is excited, cuddling her, canā€™t take his eyes off of her, while I lay cut open, only caring about myself, wanting to rest and get back to normal.
Weā€™re home with the baby, I try to cuddle her as often as I can, sheā€™s cute, but still I feel no undying love and not bothered by her cries.
I didnā€™t like it, she deserved a loving mother. So I asked my psychiatrist if I could go on the lowest dose of my antidepressants since they tend to numb me.
Baby is 2 months, Iā€™m on the lowest dosage of AD and BAM! It hits me: all the feels, all the love, all the attachment! Itā€™s all there.
Can I baby talk with her? No, it feels weird. Sheā€™s a little human and my buddy, so I talk to her like I would with my friend. Often, when weā€™re alone together, I forget to talk at all, since she canā€™t respond I just have conversations in my head like I usually do.
Since I donā€™t have experience with babies I expect her to act like adults do, so sometimes I feel like her actions are personal and aimed to hurt me, but I remind myself that ā€œshe just a lil babyā€ and get over it.
Anything to do with milking myself is abysmal. I just know that from science perspective breast milk is best so I persevere.
My interest (not sure if itā€™s special interest) has always been learning and science so luckily thatā€™s a lot to learn about babies and parenting that keeps me occupied and stimulated in a good way.
In conclusion: this is my personal experience and may be different for others but I would still want to have a child, despite all the hurdles and downsides.
Also wanted to add that I mask and pretend to be a normal parent with people, say all the stuff they want to hear about parenting and babies so that part never ends I guessā€¦ My close friends are always entertained (and sometimes concerned) with how I act and talk with my child, they say itā€™s very atypical (haha, get it?)
submitted by musty_dusty_pop to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:38 ldawi [All States] Unhinged Employer Appealing Unemployment

Long story short my old boss (who became a friend) was/is highly unstable. Im fairly certain she has undiagnosed BPD and had mentioned it to her in the past. She had no boundaries for work or personal. It was only her and I who worked together each day so I have no one to really speak for the experience I went thru (anyone who did work there quit by week 6 because she was bad. They don't want to write testimony letters in my appeal case due to fear of her retaliating). My boss ensured I quit via email and not fired so i could not get unemployment. I did get approved for unemployment due to a toxic work environment. She claims she did not receive the documents in time to dispute the claim.
Here's a quick overview of why I quit below: We where on a "worktrip" (I was not paid) at a medspa conference. I am not a injector but she is and I was her model. She got mad at me during lunch for inviting one of the girls to go out with us later that night because she was alone. My boss decided to be rude and say ACTUALLY NO THIS IS MY ASSISTANT AND WE ARE NOT GOING OUT TONIGHT (we where and had already had plans on the night for weeks) and then she said COME ON LETS GO and I said no Im going to finish lunch and the conversation and she rolled her eyes and walked away. After that she ignored me for the rest of the day and would pretty much walk away from me if I tried to engage her. She started to be rude to the people running this thing and throwing a fit because she was one of the last injectors. She threw such a fit that they ended up giving her thousands of dollars in free product to get back into her good graces. I was around for this and it was super akward. There was no reason for her to be so rude and disrespectful and she knows I dont play that game and dont want to be associated with people that do cause its not a good look (I had almost quit a few months back due to her being so rude to a sales person that she almost cried and told her then I would not be apart of that ever again and she said she would fix it). After the conference there was a reception for drinks and snacks. She went straight to bar and I sat where she could see me and she just walked away so I went downstairs to the lobby to call and check on my kids. When I went to go back up to the room she had a call on speaker and she was saying terrible things about me and lies. After 15 mins of this she realized I was outside the door and could hear her and asked me to come in and talk. I was pissed at the time so I said no not right now and she slammed the door. I went downstairs to call my husband and calm down and about 20 mins later she comes down with glass of wine in hand telling me we had to speak now. I said no I'm speaking to my husband right now and I'll speak with her later. She said OH YEA REALLY THATS HOW ITS GNA BE THEN I GOT YOU and went back upstairs. A few minutes later a text comes thru from the girl I met at lunch asking about plans for the night. I go to respond and my boss had locked me out of the work account so I go and check my other work accounts and I was locked out of those as well. Then I see her go into the lobby bar and I was not wanting to play her mind games and her "forcing" me to talk to her so I went up to the hotel room to pack my stuff and go to another hotel. I get to the door and try my key and it won't work so go down to the lobby asking for assistance. They called her 3x on speaker with no answer and then go to the back office and 5 mins later come out saying security would be escorting me to get my things. After getting my stuff with security I'm in the lobby and she's like where are you going and I said I'm leaving I'm not doing this with you and she freaks out so I said I was serious to leave me alone and we would discuss it once we got into the office on Monday. She went on to text me at least 70 text messages during the night saying how I wasn't suppose to hear her saying those things (backstory: she has been caught doing this multiple times to me either clients, coworkers, friends, and even directly in front of me. I had spoken to her about it previously saying to stop and she said would and was always just teasing). The next morning (aprx 8 hours later) we fly home. I changed my seat so I wasn't next to her and she kept walking the aisles trying to get my attention and after the 4th time dropped a note on my lap apologizing again). I didn't speak with her and had my husband pick me up from the airport. A few hours later she ends up sending a text that says HEY DID YOU QUIT? I said no I assumed I was fired since I was locked out of all accounts and I'm fine with that. She said no your not fired but if you want to quit please send a resignation letter so I did and it said I QUIT DUE TO A TOXIC WORK ENVIRONMENT. As the days and weeks passed she continued to message me apologizing and asking me to come back to work and each time I refused telling her until she is under the care of a mental health professional for at least 6 months I would not consider it. Once she realized I filed for unemployment and got approved she lost her shit and started to report me saying that I am working and frauding the system (I'm not) and that I quit because I was mad that she told me I was not hitting work standards. Eventually she filed the appeal and it's filled with lies and aprx 40 fake document "writeups" and where the employee should sign it says EMPLOYEE REFUSED TO SIGN on every single one (this is not true as I never received any write up in my 1 year). The appeal hearing case was the other day and she brought her brother inlaw/part owner of company/lawyer with her. I know this guy and have watched his child for him and we have always been on great terms. He came at me hard. So hard to the point that when I was answering the officers questions I had to ask that he be muted due to him laughing or repeatedly yelling at me saying REALLY or ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?! They denied ever receiving my documents concerning the case (they did I sent them to her email where she sent her documents to me from) and insisted they not be used. This went on for over a hour leaving the officer to say we need to continue this at another date and the packet will be in the mail with the new date and time. He went on to argue about why it should be settled now and she had to keep repeating herself that it would be continued as she has other appointments. I expect this next hearing will be just as crazy and if I am still approved for unemployment that they will appeal it again and again until they win or are out of appeals. I'm not sure if I should continue to fight it or just say screw it because I have really bad anxiety over it all (even typing this my heart is racing and hands are sweating) and she is pretty crazy so I'm kind of worried how she will retaliate if I do win. I also know if I lose that I have to repay all money received plus interest and I can't afford that at the moment..obviously. Really the only reason I am at this point is due to principal and wanting to let's her know what she doesn't isn't acceptable. If I give up I feel like she will win and continue on her merry path of destruction and hate. Should I get my own lawyer for this? I'm sure it will cost me more that I will even get from unemployment in total (I have a max benefit amount of 2k) but I have never done this before and feel like I might need someone with experience.
submitted by ldawi to Unemployment [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:36 Knight7_78 The happy ending I personally low key want

We know that Zack's line in rebirth somewhat hints of a reunion of world, not in Sephiroth's term but on his. In a way that the Timeline we are playing would reunite with Zack's world. That is generally implied.
But in a way, since we have no concrete evidence on what would happen in pt3 shall we indulge in a bit of theory crafting?
Tl;dr Cloud and Tifa along with a very much alive Zack and Aerith goes on a double date at golden saucer.
Zack was brought back alove in a different way right? It is a far far cruel fate to just bring him alive to be a red herring? If anyone knows SE kindly debunk or confirm this as I really hope they don't give as that kind of storywise implications.
Now, how would Zack plays into this? My theory would be after he reunites the world. He wpuld be searching for Aerith. Upon catching up to date in a few days he might get a sense Aerith has died or maybe not. Now, he wpuld be searching for Cloud.
While on his search, he could encounter Tseng who might or might not known the fate of Aerith. But regardless, he will inform Zack on the current location of Cloud. This is done in a sort of back door way that only the two would know.
As someone who haven't played the OG. What bits I could gather from the net, Cloud went on a mental breakdown prior to falling to the lifestream and begs hojo for a number. While the pt3 could lean onto this. A far darker turn SE could approach is to have Cloud turn berserk and would attack anyone. Driving Shinra away. Only to fight the rest of the team.
Now, forced to fight and enhanced and a more powerful Cloud, the gang could fall one by one until Tifa would remain. Unable to break through his madness she is then forced to fight Cloud. But just as the first blow is to connect against Tifa. Zack would rescue them. Deflecting Cloud's strike with ease. While his words is just as futile. His sword isn't. Finally defeating and bring Cloud to his knee knocking him down. And accidentally knocking him over the lifestream and the story would transpire normally as that in the OG moving forwards. But now we have Zack as a defacto leader when Tifa opts out to stay with Cloud.
Alternatively, while it is too dark to see pur boy Cloud in that state. What could transpire would be to have Zack appear in the Mideel just as the gang arrives to fight the weapon that appear. Helping them fend of the said weapon. He is then introduced to the gang with a bit of suspension specially with barret. But it is soon gone once Yuffie finally recognized who he is.
Upon finding Cloud and Tifa unconscious on the ground. Cloud then narrates. Who he trully is. And the facade he built, the life he thought lived. But, just as in the OG. They welcome Cloud just who he is.
Then Zack shares the missing 5 years of their life. The life they spent caged up in a lab and escaping to midgar. With this revalation, everyone was horrified to this. More so Cloud who have no idea that the sole reason for his missing 5 years. The memory he tries to dig up is due to this. Zack then comforts him and reminds him that even without the SOLDIER enhancement, he brought Sephiroth down. And hopefully share his moment that even while impaled, he muster the strength to lift Sephiroth and toss him like a ragdoll down the bottom of the reactor
As Cloud leaves to do something else. Zack and Tifa prepares to leave the room. And being a great bro and a wingman. Zack would say to Tifa "You do know that he was shy around you and it was the sole reason he wore that helmet? And funny enough, while I was closer to him in the entrance, he still checked on you first."
Now, where would Aerith appears? If SE would bring ger back, this might be midway of pt3. Hypothetically, I would assume Sephiroth would still appear while they are on the underwater reactor or even in Cosmo Canyon. Regardless he will still taunt everyone of their futility. And then, just as he is about to unleash his might. White whispers come forth and protects everyone signaling Aerith's return.
As everyone still trying to grasp what is happening and more so the fact that Aerith now returns back from the dead. Amusing Sephiroth and remarking only with "so this is your next move? Have you ran out of cards to play hmm?"
Just as Aerith about to answer his insult, she then glanced a very much alive Zack returned with her friends. Only remarkin "Zack!" Catching this, sephiroth taunts her in his usual smugness. "A reunion? Not for long.". After this fight, with so much hardship and able to catch their breaths. Sephiroth then departs with his usual smugness.
While they are left with more question and a far greater se se of dread with the foe they just fought, they are relived to be reunited with their departed friend. With so much cathing up to have with everyone. Particularly with Zack, Aerith urges everyone to continue.
Then jumping to the final fight, just as they defeated Sephiroth for good. They are still faced with the fact the meteor is still bearing down. Everyone turns to Aerith to ask if it is too late to cast holy to stop this. Aerith then just turn to them smiling and said "oh it is done!". Yet even with this, holy seemingly unable to fully contain the impending doom.
Meanwhile back at the forgotten capital. A familiar hand prays at the very heart of it. Summoning the very essence of the planet itself to destroy the meteor. Amazed by the turn of events, everyon asked Aerith again what did she do? Aerith with her familiar smile. But just as she is about to formulate a response. An ethereal voice echoes around them with the only words saying "Thank you for trusting me". Aerith just nods and remarks "Your welcome!"
Even more bewildered and full of questions. All Aerith would say is for them to leave and enjoy the peace they now have. Still confused with this. They pressed on with their questions. As they go back to midgar, Aerith then explained what have transpired. Still confused but relieved to be reunited with this new found peace. They dare not press further.
Again this is just a theory of mine on how if ever SE would give everyone a happy ending. This will have a lot of holes on it and I fully accept every criticism. Any plot holes will not be resolved since this is just a theory. And apologies for the wrong grammar..
submitted by Knight7_78 to cloti [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:35 Dharshuyahsaga Cover Letter Guidance - Standard visit visa

I am applying for the UK visitor visa for the first time and I am doing it myself. I am unsure of what the cover letter should or should not contain. I would greatly appreciate if you can read the draft I have attached below and guide me on any alterations or addition that needs to be made for a compelling application.
Dear Visa Officer,
I am writing to apply for the standard visitor visa to the United Kingdom. As a full-time employee in Canada, I hold a valid work permit until June 2026, along with a temporary resident visa valid until June 2028, copies of which are attached for your reference.
As a passionate traveler, I endeavour to explore different destinations and this time, I have planned a 4-day stopover at the UK from August 24th to August 28th, 2024 to explore the London city before heading to my home country, India for a 4-week vacation, utilizing my accumulated vacation time at work.
The purpose of my visit to the UK is to explore London and its culture, as well as to meet and spend quality time with my friends who live in the UK.
4-Day Itinerary:
August 24 - Day 1: On the day of arrival, I plan to take a hop-on hop-off bus tour to explore major tourist attractions such as the Tower Bridge, London Eye, Westminster Abbey, and Big Ben. In the evening, I will enjoy a cruise on the Thames River.
August 25 - Day 2: Visit the Buckingham Palace to watch the Changing of the Guard, meet my friends and spend time with them at Hyde Park, enjoy local food at Borough Market, stroll around Leicester Square, and experience the vibrant atmosphere of Piccadilly Circus in the evening.
August 26 - Day 3: I plan to take a tourist bus to Stonehenge, Windsor, and Bath.
August 27 - Day 4: Visit St. Paul's Cathedral, explore local cafes and shops, and wrap up my trip with some souvenir shopping on Oxford Street.
I plan to depart the UK by noon on August 28, 2024, to fulfill my familial commitments and relish the remainder of my four-week vacation in my home country. t's been over a year since my last visit, and I'm eagerly looking forward to reconnecting with my family and cherishing our time together. Subsequently, I will be returning to Canada on September 27, 2024, to resume my work obligations. As per my job requirements, my vacation concludes on September 28, 2024, and I am scheduled to resume work on September 30, 2024.
Enclosed with this application is my employment letter confirming these dates and my professional responsibilities.
Proof of Funds and Accommodation:
I will be sponsoring for myself for the overall trip and I am including my financial statements from the last six months and bi-weekly payslips to demonstrate my income and savings, ensuring my capability to cover the expenses of my stay in the UK. I have also secured accommodation at the xxx Hostel for the duration of my four-day visit.
I wish to assure you of my strong intent to abide by the terms of my visitor visa and depart the UK as scheduled on August 28th, 2024. I value and respect the immigration regulations of the UK and am fully committed to complying with all requirements during my stay.
Thank you for considering my application. Should you require any additional information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].
submitted by Dharshuyahsaga to uktravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:34 Good-Pause7952 My (31m) gf (35f) wonā€™t block her manipulative/unfaithful ex. Am I overreacting?

My (31m) girlfriend of 5 months (35f) wonā€™t block her manipulative/unfaithful ex. Am I overreacting?
My girlfriend and I have been together for 5 months. Most of that time has been long distance, but itā€™s been an overall incredible relationship. We connect like no one Iā€™ve ever been with and truly love each other and communicate very healthily.
About a year ago she was in a relationship with a man for a couple of months, until it turned out he was secretly dating/sexting multiple women at the same time. Naturally this broke her heart. They ended things and decided to remain friends. She says he apologized and itā€™s been strictly platonic since.
This has always bothered me as heā€™s a very manipulative person who is also very sexually deviant. So while I do trust her, I donā€™t trust him. Iā€™ve said this and sheā€™s assured me theyā€™re just friends and not to worry.
However itā€™s sort of been eating me alive that this man who hurt her so badly along with other people (some of whom I know).
So yesterday I wrote her a heartfelt letter explaining my feelings. In this letter I emphasized that I wasnā€™t making any demands or ultimatums, but I did ask her to block him.
She responded with kindness but told me she felt backed into a corner like she had to block him seemingly out of nowhere and end a friendship she cares about or not block him and keep hurting me.
I was very hurt by this response, as it felt like she was minimizing my feelings. But I chose to say that I wouldnā€™t force her to do anything, and that I would work on moving past it.
However this has been extremely hard and I feel sort of heartbroken. Like sheā€™s ok with hurting me to keep this other connection.
Am I just being overly sensitive and overreacting? Or is there some validity to how Iā€™m feeling? Feeling lost and not sure how to move forward.
tl;dr: my girlfriend wonā€™t block her manipulative ex even though she knows it hurts me.
submitted by Good-Pause7952 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:34 Dharshuyahsaga Cover Letter Guidance - Visitor visa

I am applying for the UK visitor visa for the first time and I am doing it myself. I am unsure of what the cover letter should or should not contain. I would greatly appreciate if you can read the draft I have attached below and guide me on any alterations or addition that needs to be made for a compelling application.
Dear Visa Officer,
I am writing to apply for the standard visitor visa to the United Kingdom. As a full-time employee in Canada, I hold a valid work permit until June 2026, along with a temporary resident visa valid until June 2028, copies of which are attached for your reference.
As a passionate traveler, I endeavour to explore different destinations and this time, I have planned a 4-day stopover at the UK from August 24th to August 28th, 2024 to explore the London city before heading to my home country, India for a 4-week vacation, utilizing my accumulated vacation time at work.
The purpose of my visit to the UK is to explore London and its culture, as well as to meet and spend quality time with my friends who live in the UK.
4-Day Itinerary:
August 24 - Day 1: On the day of arrival, I plan to take a hop-on hop-off bus tour to explore major tourist attractions such as the Tower Bridge, London Eye, Westminster Abbey, and Big Ben. In the evening, I will enjoy a cruise on the Thames River.
August 25 - Day 2: Visit the Buckingham Palace to watch the Changing of the Guard, meet my friends and spend time with them at Hyde Park, enjoy local food at Borough Market, stroll around Leicester Square, and experience the vibrant atmosphere of Piccadilly Circus in the evening.
August 26 - Day 3: I plan to take a tourist bus to Stonehenge, Windsor, and Bath.
August 27 - Day 4: Visit St. Paul's Cathedral, explore local cafes and shops, and wrap up my trip with some souvenir shopping on Oxford Street.
I plan to depart the UK by noon on August 28, 2024, to fulfill my familial commitments and relish the remainder of my four-week vacation in my home country. t's been over a year since my last visit, and I'm eagerly looking forward to reconnecting with my family and cherishing our time together. Subsequently, I will be returning to Canada on September 27, 2024, to resume my work obligations. As per my job requirements, my vacation concludes on September 28, 2024, and I am scheduled to resume work on September 30, 2024.
Enclosed with this application is my employment letter confirming these dates and my professional responsibilities.
Proof of Funds and Accommodation:
I will be sponsoring for myself for the overall trip and I am including my financial statements from the last six months and bi-weekly payslips to demonstrate my income and savings, ensuring my capability to cover the expenses of my stay in the UK. I have also secured accommodation at the xxx Hostel for the duration of my four-day visit.
I wish to assure you of my strong intent to abide by the terms of my visitor visa and depart the UK as scheduled on August 28th, 2024. I value and respect the immigration regulations of the UK and am fully committed to complying with all requirements during my stay.
Thank you for considering my application. Should you require any additional information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].
submitted by Dharshuyahsaga to ukvisas [link] [comments]