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2024.06.02 10:41 DaFando Processing Times & Experiences (i-765 / i-766 EAD) Employment Authorization

Hi all!
My wife and I are considering moving to the US in the coming year, so I thought I would ask you all for your experiences.
I know there are other posts like this, but I have heard that the processing times have sped up this year, so I thought it was time to have the latest info.
Here's our situation: I'm Australian & Austrian Citizen, have been living in Europe for the last 9ish years, 0 legal troubles and arrests etc. My wife is a U.S citizen, we got married in the US (so we have US documentation etc.) and in August 2024 we'll have been married 5 years. Coming to the US we would file the i-485 AoS (Adjustment of Status) rather than going the consular route, hence the question about the Employment Authorization.
Thank you all it advance for your help and info. :-)
submitted by DaFando to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:40 Shepardasz Having troubles with RX 7900 XTX while playing PUBG

Recently built my new PC:
The problem I'm encountering is whenever I play PUBG, game runs for like 5-10 minutes and then randomly freezes followed by a black out and a driver time out. Been looking for an answer but nothing helped. So far encountered this problem with PUBG, other games like Sons of the Forest, Warthunder works fine. Not quite sure what to do.
Maybe anyone had this problem and found a solution?
submitted by Shepardasz to radeon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:40 AlexielEve91 Need some help with regards to fraudulent transactions made with debit card.

I am relieving this traumatic experience again as I am recounting and typing this down.
To put this out there, I understand that it is my fault that I lost my passion debit card/my passion debit card got stolen, and my fault that I did not reduce the transaction limit on my card, thereby allowing the criminals to get away for this crime.
Despite having evidences that show that I did not authorise the said transactions, the DBS Fraud Team has not taken the evidences into consideration and have very easily rejected my claims of fraudulent transactions made abroad. On the 29th May, someone from their DBS customer relations team has just called me to inform me of this “re-appeal” that he will be putting forth again on my behalf as the outcome from their fraud’s team after almost a month long’s deliberation on my case. He mentioned that they did not manage to open the external link that I sent in (with evidences that I was air crew and was not able to receive any notifications on the transactions), and have proceeded to dismiss/reject my fraudulent claims. Why did he not get back to me when it was a problem earlier on that they were unable to open up the file to view the evidences?
Latest Update: I proceeded to email back the evidence in a PDF to him, to which he replied the next day that 50% will be returned to me as a gesture of goodwill. This notice came with an agreement with a list of terms and conditions that if signed, I will not be able to share the information from the case with anyone. I do not want to be bullied into accepting an outcome that is not fair to me.
Timeline as follows:
4th May 2024, 8:31am Singapore time: SMS notification was received that a transaction of AED 9800 from my card to a HONGLI PROJECT MANAGE DUBAI was completed on my card.
4th May 2024, 8:31am At the same time, there is a follow up SMS notification saying that my card has been blocked.
At this point of time, I should not expect anymore transactions to go through already, yet I am being charged for another transaction of AED 2500 to AERO LEADER TRAVEL N DUBAI
In total, my card was being used on a total of 3 transactions that I did not authorise on the 4th May 2024:
Dhaibi Asad For Pro Dubai Are SGD 371.76
Hongli Project Manage Dubai Are SGD 3643.21
Areo Leader Travel N Dubai Are SGD 929.39
When I received these notifications, I had landed in Singapore with my crew on the 4th May 2024, 8:30am Singapore time. There was no way that I had actually authorised these transactions when I was physically in the airplane, flying from Doha to Singapore. Following this, I had proceeded to call the bank’s fraud hotline, which they mentioned that they would place a block on my card and raise up a dispute once these transactions from “PENDING” became charged amounts on my card. They also mentioned that I would be able to get my money back (90% chance).
I trusted them and proceeded to put the matter at the back of my mind. Following the second day, the day of my departure from Singapore, I wanted to confirm the entire arrangement so I proceeded to call them. This time that I called them, the customer service person told me to make a police report online and I only had 20 mins to do so before my reporting time back to Doha. To give you some context, I am a flying crew from Qatar Airways so I am based in Doha.
The entire ordeal has made me so tired and frustrated with dealing with DBS, especially when I was back in Doha trying to get updates from the bank. In fact, I have incurred SGD $400 worth of phone bills as a result of this ongoing communication with the police and also DBS.
I do still want to get my money back because after all I had it stolen from me so blatantly. I just have a burning question following this - are the other banks as incompetent / not empathetic when it comes to a similar situation when it comes to their customers? What else can I do to get more of my money back from DBS?
submitted by AlexielEve91 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:40 Frequent-Ad-42 was i unlawfully arrested?

i was taken into custody by federal agents and processed for a suspected DWI without giving any signs that i could have been intoxicated, and after passing all field sobriety tests.
is what they did unlawful and if so, what are my options for recourse?
In early 2020, I was taking a nap in my parked car across from my at the time girlfriends apt waiting for her to get home. This was within the boundary of the Presidio (an ex-military base turned National Park in San Francisco, CA. Think of the area surrounding the southern entrance/exit of the Golden Gate Bridge). The engine was off, and it was the middle of the day. Suddenly, a United States Park Police Officer (federal police) knocked on my window, requesting that I open my door. She then made me get out of my vehicle and began interrogating me under suspicion of DWI because I was asleep in my car. During the search, she found a small amount of heroin in my pocket. She proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes administering every field sobriety test she could think of, which I passed without a hitch. In my opinion and observation, she even seemed to make up her own sobriety test on the spot, and I passed that one as well. Despite passing all the tests, I was taken into custody by this U.S. Park Police Officer. Meanwhile, my dog, who was with me in the car, was taken to Animal Care and Control (the pound) as my car was impounded. They wouldn’t allow anyone, not even my brother who was just 10 minutes away, to retrieve her. The officer said the arrest was for suspected DWI, even though I was completely sober the entire time.
After giving the blood sample at the San Francisco County Jail, I was taken to the U.S. Park Police SF Field Office, where my mugshot was photographed, and I was fingerprinted. I remained detained in a cell by myself for several hours until a detective arrived to speak with me and investigate as to whether I was a drug dealer or not. To the best of my knowledge, I have never been involved as a drug dealer. After an hour-long investigation, they released me, leaving me stranded without no way to get to my car on the complete opposite side of town and unable to reach my dog. The paperwork I received for my dog informed me that if I didn’t pick her up within two days, she might be put up for adoption or euthanized. Being a Pit-Bull, I assumed the latter. Since that release day, I haven’t heard a single word from the U.S. Park Police. I assumed they would send me a court notice, but nothing has arrived.
My question now: Were the actions taken by the officer within her rights and therefore what they did to me legal? Is what they did to my dog legal? Did they make any mistakes during the process, and if so, what options are there for me to seek some sort of compensation? The car impound alone was nearly $3,000 that i went into debt for in order to pay.
submitted by Frequent-Ad-42 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:39 kalyugkakarn Please help (urgent)

Genuine advice required.
Ihave literally given up trusting efforts.Mere pas dene ko exams he abhi IAT, BITSAT, wagera but padhne ka zero motivation. Also drop ki dekhe to there is not much support among the community for it considering the increased competition.
PCMB Guy here. Mene do saal me literally zero efforts dale he, and I still am clear with most of the concepts of PCM. And wese to I can, but I don't know anymore if I remember anything.Waise to I know I have the potential but the thing is what should be the approach? Validation nai mang raha par genuinely ek advice chahiye, specially from the NEETards for the bio part, and all of you for the bio
If I'm taking a drop, I'll consider taking it for NEET.I don't want to go for private without even trying for once.And I have nothing to lose anyway. Or should I grind for a month, provided I'm also interested in research.
If I start now or after taking a break of 10 days to get out of the exhaustion. I'll have 10 months lagbhag, 2 months dedicated to revision. I want to complete PC ka syllabus by Nov-Dec. Given that, most of the concepts are I'll be giving Jee too(gaali mat karna) to that will help completing it before Jan. And I want to complete B ka syllabus by Jan-Feb.Given that, I'll re-start from zero. Also maths is my jigar ka tukda, I won't dedicate much time until October -nov, but will try taking out 2-3 days per week fir question practice.Will sparing that much time will be possible?
Please help and guide on how to tackle this situation, and how to approach my drop year. Is it possible that 8-9 mahine me do saal ka bio syllabus ho payega? How to do that, please guide.
Please suggest an approach for the next month of preparation too
Any added advice are welcome too🙏 Career ka sawal he please help.
submitted by kalyugkakarn to IndianAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:39 Artyartymushroom Am I the bad person in this situation? I need advice [OC]

I've been playing with this group for a little while now, they've been getting a bit hostile with me as of late.
I've blurred our the usernames in my post but kept my own so you can tell its me.
I have autism and when I'm depressed, I find it really hard to speak, I've attended the sessions when I've been more quiet and the DM and one other player will berate me for being quiet. So I thought it might be better if I sit this session out, so they won't be annoyed by me when I'm like this.
Another person has been consistently late to sessions by a good 30 minutes or so but he doesn't get in as much trouble as I do. I feel sometimes that I'm maybe treated differently because I'm female.
The dm and the problem player will make fun of me for being 'bad' at the game when I mess things up, I am maybe more new than they are to the hobby but I don't know...I really don't know what to do because I am friends with someone in the ground and wouldn't want to leave cause it took me ages to get a campaign.
But anyways, what do you think about this situation, is there anything that I should have done or?.
I Honestly feel like for a hobby that's meant to be inclusive and fun for everyone, I always feel like my gender and my autism get in the way of it.
If you have any more questions about the situation, I'll answer them, I just want to unpack it a little...
I will upload the next picture in the comment
submitted by Artyartymushroom to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:38 24HoursChampagneDiet Should people with 5+ years of experience not try for full time MBA?

Hi guys, so I have 5+ years of work experience already but I am preparing for CAT 2024 as I really want to get out of my current life and do something better for myself. My 1st priority is to get into a full time program and if for some reason that doesn’t work out only then maybe explore the executive options. But I have seen a lot of people say if you have 48+ months of experience just go for executive. Now my question is why? Why can’t we try for the full time program? Do top tier colleges (or any college for that matter) do not want people with experience? Do people with experience not get placement opportunities? Is it not worth it for people with experience to try for the full time program? Also, for context, I plan on changing my field altogether. And I am okay with starting as a fresher.
Please guide me. I only have this year to get into an MBA program.
submitted by 24HoursChampagneDiet to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:38 adulting4kids December Prompts Challenge

**Prompt 15:
Layogenic (Tagalog) - Appearing More Attractive from a Distance**
  1. Immerse your character in a moment when they are perceived as layogenic, appearing more attractive from a distance. Explore the external factors, such as physical appearance or demeanor, that contribute to this distant allure.
  2. Delve into your character's internal reactions to being layogenic, considering how it impacts their self-esteem, self-image, and the dynamics of their relationships.
  3. Explore the expectations and assumptions that others may have when encountering your character from afar. How do these external perceptions shape their interactions and connections with others?
  4. Reflect on how your character becomes aware of their layogenic appeal. Does it happen gradually over time, or is there a specific moment when they realize the impact of their distant allure?
  5. Consider the moments when your character grapples with the dissonance between their distant allure and close-up reality. How does this internal conflict influence their authenticity and sense of self?
  6. Delve into your character's relationships, both romantic and platonic, and explore how the layogenic effect impacts the dynamics of connection and intimacy.
  7. Reflect on societal or cultural standards of beauty that contribute to the layogenic effect. How does your character navigate these expectations, and do they conform to or challenge prevailing norms?
  8. Explore whether your character embraces or resents their layogenic allure. How does it become a source of empowerment or vulnerability in different aspects of their life?
  9. Consider how layogenic encounters shape your character's personal growth and development, exploring whether it becomes a recurring theme or a transformative element in their journey.
  10. Envision a key moment where the layogenic effect becomes a focal point, driving your character's actions, influencing their relationships, or contributing to a significant turning point in their narrative.
**Prompt 16:
Yūgen (Japanese) - Profound Awareness of the Universe's Enigmatic Depths**
  1. Immerse your character in a moment of yūgen, experiencing a profound awareness of the universe's enigmatic depths. Explore the setting, emotions, and contemplations that accompany this deep spiritual connection.
  2. Delve into your character's understanding of yūgen and how it shapes their perception of the mysteries and beauty hidden within the universe. What philosophical or spiritual beliefs contribute to their sense of awe?
  3. Explore the impact of yūgen on your character's daily life. How does this profound awareness influence their interactions, decisions, and overall mindset?
  4. Reflect on the specific elements in nature or the cosmos that evoke yūgen for your character. Are there recurring symbols or phenomena that deepen their connection to the enigmatic depths?
  5. Consider moments of solitude or introspection where yūgen becomes particularly pronounced. How does your character navigate the vastness of the universe within their own consciousness?
  6. Delve into the relationships in your character's life that amplify their experience of yūgen. Are there individuals who share this spiritual connection, and how does it shape their connections?
  7. Explore the ways in which cultural or religious beliefs influence your character's interpretation of yūgen. How do these external factors contribute to the richness and complexity of their experience?
  8. Reflect on whether yūgen becomes a source of solace or existential contemplation for your character. How do they find meaning and purpose in the face of the universe's vast mysteries?
  9. Consider how yūgen intersects with your character's personal growth and development. Does it become a guiding force, leading them toward deeper self-discovery and understanding?
  10. Envision a pivotal scene where yūgen takes center stage, influencing your character's actions, relationships, or contributing to a significant turning point in their narrative.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:37 This_Arm_7536 possible astral projection?

hey all! i just joined this group and i’m 100% open to all knowledge and answers. i’ve had a possible ap experience and i would like to share the experience and get some feedback.
i’ve never ap’d before but i’ve known about it for some time and i consider myself very spiritual. here is the experience i had today: i had a nap on the couch shortly after 5pm, it was roughly a 2 hour nap in total. at one point i woke up and debated staying awake but i laid there awake with my eyes closed, you know the eyes closed but awake “nap”. i was in such a calm and comfortable state and i know with trying to ap, its good to get comfortable and be in the right headspace (my knowledge about ap is very slim so please feel free to tell me if im wrong) all of a sudden my body feels like a slight but heavy vibration, and my upper body and head feel like a light, feathery sensation that sent shivers all over. i then felt like i was slowly floating out of my body, that too felt like a slow but heavy vibration. the atmosphere around my living room was a kind of vaporwave-esque pink/purple filter or some kind of fog i guess. i’m not standing but i think it was my energy that was looking around and taking in the environment briefly. i turn and i’m overtop of my body on the couch, looking at myself, the atmosphere hasn’t changed, and im looking at myself sleeping but my eyes are open at looking at me. then it’s over, i’m awake and still in a calm state but confused. why i was and am still confused is because i’m unsure if it was just a dream. i don’t believe if it was a dream because i don’t see bright colours in my dreams, they’re always very, very light colours. i’m making this post in search of information and advice to figure out what i experienced today. thanks in advance all!
submitted by This_Arm_7536 to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 adulting4kids December Prompts Challenge

**Prompt 11:
Déjà-rêvé (French) - Dreams Intertwined with Reality**
  1. Describe a moment when your character experienced déjà-rêvé, where dreams intertwined with reality, and explore the emotions and sensations that accompanied this surreal blending of realms.
  2. Delve into the specifics of your character's dreams that often overlap with reality, considering whether certain themes, people, or scenarios consistently resurface.
  3. How does the recurring déjà-rêvé experience impact your character's perception of both their dreams and waking life, blurring the boundaries between the two?
  4. Explore whether your character actively seeks out or avoids situations that may trigger déjà-rêvé, and how these choices shape their relationship with the intertwined realms.
  5. Reflect on the emotional resonance of déjà-rêvé, considering whether it adds an element of wonder and magic to your character's life or if it introduces a layer of complexity and uncertainty.
  6. Can your character distinguish between a genuine memory and a dream that has come to life through déjà-rêvé, and how does this ambiguity influence their understanding of their own experiences?
  7. How do others in your character's life react to or perceive these moments of déjà-rêvé, and does it impact their relationships or interactions with your character?
  8. Explore whether there are specific triggers or patterns that precede déjà-rêvé experiences, and whether your character attempts to control or understand these occurrences.
  9. Consider how cultural or societal beliefs influence your character's interpretation of déjà-rêvé, and whether they attribute spiritual or symbolic meanings to these intertwined dreams and reality.
  10. Envision a key scene where déjà-rêvé becomes a central element, shaping your character's decisions, relationships, or contributing to a significant turning point in their narrative.
**Prompt 12
: Ephemeralité (French) - Embracing the Transient Beauty of Life**
  1. Describe a moment in your character's life when they embraced ephemeralité, appreciating the transient beauty of life, and explore the emotions that accompanied this awareness of impermanence.
  2. Delve into the specific experiences or phenomena that evoke ephemeralité for your character, considering whether it's tied to nature, relationships, or personal achievements.
  3. How does the recognition of life's transient nature influence your character's mindset and decision-making, especially in moments of joy, sadness, or uncertainty?
  4. Explore your character's relationship with time, considering whether they savor the present moment or if there's a constant awareness of the fleeting nature of life.
  5. Reflect on how ephemeralité impacts your character's relationships, both in terms of appreciating the time spent with loved ones and navigating the complexities of impermanence.
  6. Can your character find solace or inspiration in the fleeting beauty of life, turning ephemeralité into a source of resilience or motivation for living authentically?
  7. Consider whether your character actively seeks out or avoids situations that intensify the awareness of life's impermanence, and how these choices shape their experiences.
  8. Explore the contrast between ephemeralité and more enduring aspects of your character's life, such as long-term goals, aspirations, or their legacy.
  9. Reflect on cultural or philosophical perspectives that may shape your character's understanding of ephemeralité, and whether they find comfort or conflict in these influences.
  10. Envision a pivotal scene where ephemeralité becomes a central theme, influencing your character's decisions, relationships, or contributing to a significant turning point in their narrative.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:35 LessonsOfTheSeason My version of FNaF characters for an AU I'm making (CONSTRUCTIVE criticism welcome)

My version of FNaF characters for an AU I'm making (CONSTRUCTIVE criticism welcome)
Withered Bonnie
Normal bonnie
I made the original and then use it as a base to be able to make the withered variant, this goes for the withered chica that i had made.
The entire AU premise was based on some of the AUs gacha kids made were glitchtrap and William are separate people, they are in this however glitchtrap is now henry and henry is constantly painting himself as a victim, he wanted to do the remnant experiments himself and got William to do the killing for him up until he killed Charlie, of which then he starts causing his kids death.
There are still some kinks in the story that i need to straighten out. I've snipped all the images since i felt as if they are too big in their screenshot form, I'll give updates whenever i feel like it or something.
Spring bonnie or something idk
this is like one of the earliest redesigns/drawings, its why the lines are so thick and actually has a body, also coloured.
Withered Chica
there was this one twitter post that gave me the idea to redraw withered chica first, trust me huge mistake, it looked awful, i have said before that i draw the original first and then witherfy it after.
Normal chica
I do sorta apologise for the massive watermarks but 1 its so you know I've made this and its to also kinda protect my art from thieves, i don't share this name anywhere else so if this is posted under the same name on a place like twitter then that ain't me.
There's a lot of lore changes in the AU for example fire doesn't release souls so when henry burns down all of the buildings it doesn't do anything and he knows it, he's just hiding evidence or something, for the souls to be able to be released and move on they need someone to replace their prison, i will go more in depth what i mean by this at some point, maybe next update post about redesigns.
Vanny is still gonna be a victim of glitchtrap, that isn't changing, There's an after effect from after being released as a victim of glitchtrap and that's the fear of looking anything in the eyes and their whole world view being distorted.
This is all I'm sharing as of right now, but i will answer to any questions you have about this and i will try interact with any criticisms and recommendations you have.
submitted by LessonsOfTheSeason to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:35 mcnazar Fit 3 - Poor experience on Pixel 7

I've had my Fit 3 for a couple of days but my experience with Pixel 7 has been very poor. I'm surprised none of the reviews bring up these issues so I wanted to list these here to see if there are know solutions and if anybody else has also experienced this:
* Fit keeps unpairing. Every few hours the phone would forget that it has paired with the Fit 3 and I'd had to go through the whole pairing process again and on the Health app
* Speaking on the Huawei Health app, it is not available on the Play store and you need to download the apk manually
* Smart unlock doesn't work since the Pixel keeps forgetting the fit 3. This used to work perfectly on my old fitbit sense
* battery drains pretty quickly when fit 3 is paired with the pixel. Both loose about 10% of battery per hour.
So fan very underwhelmed with the fit 3 and going to return it as it does seem to have issues with the Pixel 7. Such a shame as it has a lovely screen
submitted by mcnazar to Huawei [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:35 MyneIsBestGirl (USA) Not sure if I got the job or not...

Did the McHire thing at like, 2 AM but after I input my contact info and experience, it just said "Thanks Anon. I have great news! We are excited to move you forward with our hiring process." I can't tell if I somehow shot through to the top or if the bot is being weird. Not able to answer any questions on its side so thought I should ask here.
submitted by MyneIsBestGirl to McDonaldsEmployees [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:34 adulting4kids December Emotions Prompts Challenge

**Prompt 5:
Komorebi (Japanese) - Light Filtering Through Leaves**
  1. Describe a moment in your character's life when they experienced komorebi, with sunlight gently filtering through leaves, and explore the emotions stirred by this natural spectacle.
  2. How does the presence of komorebi impact your character's mood, and does it evoke specific memories or associations tied to this ethereal play of light and nature?
  3. Delve into the symbolic significance of komorebi in your character's life, considering whether it represents moments of clarity, inspiration, or a connection to the cycles of life.
  4. Explore your character's favorite settings where komorebi is particularly enchanting for them, and how these spaces contribute to the emotional resonance of the phenomenon.
  5. Reflect on the contrasts between the ephemeral beauty of komorebi and the more enduring aspects of your character's life, such as relationships, aspirations, or personal growth.
  6. Can your character find solace or inspiration in the presence of komorebi during challenging times, and how does this natural phenomenon become a source of resilience?
  7. Consider how komorebi intersects with your character's cultural or spiritual beliefs, and whether they attribute any symbolic meaning or rituals to this play of light.
  8. Explore the impact of komorebi on your character's creativity and thought processes, examining whether it serves as a catalyst for reflection, introspection, or artistic expression.
  9. How does the changing seasons influence the experience of komorebi for your character, and do they associate different emotions with this phenomenon during different times of the year?
  10. Envision a pivotal scene where komorebi becomes a central element, shaping your character's decisions, relationships, or contributing to a significant turning point in their narrative.
**Prompt 6
: Torschlusspanik (German) - Fear of Diminishing Opportunities**
  1. Explore moments in your character's life where they have grappled with torschlusspanik, the fear of diminishing opportunities, and delve into the emotions that accompany this anxiety.
  2. Reflect on the pivotal life events or milestones that contribute to your character's sense of diminishing opportunities, and how these experiences shape their perception of time.
  3. How does torschlusspanik influence your character's decision-making, especially in situations where time-sensitive choices could impact their future opportunities?
  4. Delve into your character's aspirations and whether they feel a sense of urgency to achieve certain goals before the window of opportunity closes, leading to heightened tension.
  5. Explore the impact of societal or cultural expectations on your character's experience of torschlusspanik, and whether external pressures contribute to their fear of missed chances.
  6. Can your character find moments of empowerment or liberation within the fear of diminishing opportunities, turning this anxiety into a driving force for positive change?
  7. Reflect on your character's relationships and how torschlusspanik may influence their approach to personal connections, whether in friendships, family, or romantic entanglements.
  8. How does the fear of diminishing opportunities affect your character's perspective on aging, and are there specific milestones or birthdays that intensify this existential anxiety?
  9. Consider whether your character experiences torschlusspanik as a recurring theme throughout their life, or if it becomes more pronounced during specific phases or transitions.
  10. Envision a crucial scene where torschlusspanik becomes a central focus, driving your character's actions, influencing their relationships, or shaping the overall trajectory of their narrative.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:34 RevolutionaryPear125 Cried after a man tried to grab me and my family though I overreacted

Context: have been attacked by an older male family member to a point where I couldn’t breathe cause they choked me. Pushed by an ex and had general bad experiences with being sexualised at a young age or being grabbed without consent. Overall I don’t like being touched due to this unless by a loved one. To my family credit they only know about the family member and ex.
So out in the city with my younger brother (10), sister (28) and mother. Getting snacks in a shop I’m with my brother and my sister and mother are somewhere else in the shop.
Walking down one aisle this old drunk man blocks the path, I try to walk past but he blocks the path and makes as if to grab me. My brother walked past without an issue. I try to walk past again, but he moves to stand in front of me and tries to grab me again. I was frozen and he is talking to me, but it’s some drunk gibberish and I don’t understand. A staff member appears but does nothing.
My mum and sister appear and they walk past him, he ignores them. I try to go past a third time and he lets me past, still looking at me and talking but doesn’t follow or anything.
We leave the shop and I feel super uneasy/shaken. My sister notices and asks if I’m okay, I can’t speak so just nod. She says it looks like I’m going to cry, cue the floodgates opening.
I start crying and generally freaking out, my mother immediately started grilling me. Asking if I’ve ever been abused by men, of something happened, why I didn’t just ignore him or shove him out of the way, why I just stood there. My sister tells her to stop questioning me and let me calm down.
My mum then switches and tries to hug me but it’s too much and I ask her to stop touching me. She gets annoyed and I have to walk away and get some space. My brother is then the sweetest and comes over, starts talking utter rubbish while I calm down. My sister makes my mum stop asking questions but I hear her saying that she wasn’t scared he was just an old drunk, why was I scared?
Later on I told my brother in law and he also thought I overreacted, but as a man over 6 feet tall who has alway been the strongest person in a room I knew he wouldn’t get it.
submitted by RevolutionaryPear125 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:33 TopPomegranate4432 Octopus Energy – free £50 bonus when you switch to Octopus

Octopus Energy is offering a free £50 credit to anyone that switches their energy provider to them via referral. If you’re a business, you would get £100 for switching. You can switch no matter what type of meter you have (smart, standard or economy 7) but you’d need to switch both your gas and electricity. Another plus: no fees if you decide to switch out elsewhere at any time!
How to get your free £50 bonus with Octopus Energy:
1. Sign up using my referral link here
2. Enter your post code and answer questions about your current energy use to receive a price quote. Click "Sign me up" to see the details about the proposed tariff, then confirm the switch once you’re happy.
TIP: When getting the quote, enter your “actual” energy usage using an old bill instead of choosing the “low, medium, high” options – although, you can easily reduce your monthly direct debit payments online once your account is created. I was able to manually lower my monthly direct debit by about 70% - it’s brilliant that Octopus allows this flexibility.
3. Enter your gas and electricity meter ID numbers, so have an old bill ready as they will be on there. Octopus is brilliant at updating you via email on the whole process with what you need to do at each step.
4. Your £50 reward will be credited to your account after your first direct debit has been taken - I received mine 2 weeks after the direct debit.
My experience: I switched from Shell Energy to Octopus as Octopus worked out cheaper across the board for both gas and electricity, so the £50 switch reward was a total bonus. I initially chose the Flexible Octopus tariff, then later changed it to their even cheaper Octopus Tracker – so I would highly recommend one of these two tariffs if you’re looking to undercut other suppliers. Another plus: no fees if you decide to switch out elsewhere at any time!
Timeline: The £50 reward was applied to my account less than 2 weeks after my first direct debit was taken and the switch process was probably the smoothest I’ve ever experienced. Really impressed.
submitted by TopPomegranate4432 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 AmarDikli If You're Wondering What's Gonna Be in the Next One

I know they've only announced 2 movies and the series might end on the second one. But it will NOT include the entirety of the manga. It will only be the battle of the little giant (that might as well be the title of the movie). The movie will end with the third year graduating and then a post credit scene of Hinata riding a bike in Brazil as a tease for a possible 3rd movie. Heck if they're not making a 3rd movie it'll be disappointing but the Kamomedai fight is a fitting end for the series as well. Just like how Eyeshield 21 anime ends before the final arc ever got adapted. So to answer your question, NO the next movie will NOT cover everything from Kamomedai to Brazil to the final Battle. It'll only be for the Kamomedai battle with a potential tease for a 3rd movie. "Why didn't they just announce 3 movie from the beginning then?" Money. They won't invest into 3 movies if the 1st one is a flop in the boxoffice. Now that the 1st one turns out to be a huge success you can expect them to announce the 3rd movie.
submitted by AmarDikli to haikyuu [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 BLACKSEALORD Chapitre 13...

Chapitre 13...
Je vous salut, DragonsSlayers!!!
Dans ce chapitre, Cross arrive enfin à la guilde des Hunters après sa première chasse, de laquelle il revient avec un CrocD'Azur et un CrocPourpre. Celui-ci rencontre Silvia, qui s'étonne de le voir revenir si vite malgré les 10 jours dont il disposait. Après cela, elle le conduit où elle avait conduit Sky à son arrivée. Il y rencontre Yolnir, l'Agemo de la guilde qui sera chargé de lui forger son Omega. À la question de savoir quelle type d'arme Cross aimerait pour son Omega, celui-ci dessine un plan qu'il remet à Yolnir qui lui demande de revenir 3 jours plus tard. Après ces événements, Cross décide de se rendre à la bibliothèque.
D'après vous, quelle type d'arme Cross a t-il décidé de forger ?
Sur ce, à bientôt pour la suite des aventures de Cross, ◇pensez à suivre le lien vers le chapitre complet afin d'en connaître les détails◇
submitted by BLACKSEALORD to DragonsSlayers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 PM_ME_YOUR_TITS_MEN I am so tired

Let me preface this by saying I don't need any advice, I seriously don't. I just want to vent.
I was in 5th grade when a guy visited my home. He asked me what I do I said I go to school and watch TV he asked me if I like studying I said I love it and I am on top of my class. Later my parents told me he might be my future father in law. By shear luck I avoided an engagement when I was in 5th grade. I was fortunate that during my puberty I was hideous and riddled with pimples so my parents didn't bought up the subject of arrangement again until I got into college. Ever since I turned 19 my parents started pushing me for the engagement. They said just do the engagement and you can marry after you study and get a job it's just a formality. By that time I knew I was different because well I was in love with a guy. So far I have rejected more than 10 girls and tried to push this thing as back as I can with study and work but it's been relentless. And I am so fucking tired. I am 24 now I would be getting better job in few months but I am not happy about it infact I am riddled with anxiety because marriage question is going to raise again and again and again. I feel so hopeless and defeated. My father recently had a stroke and I am worried if coming out might trigger it again and what if something happens to him. They are renovating the house for my marriage which I never intended to have.
I know I will get through this, I always do but God why I have to suffer so much.
submitted by PM_ME_YOUR_TITS_MEN to LGBTindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 Shepardasz Having troubles with RX 7900 XTX while playing PUBG

Recently built my new PC:
The problem I'm encountering is whenever I play PUBG, game runs for like 5-10 minutes and then randomly freezes followed by a black out and a driver time out. Been looking for an answer but nothing helped. So far encountered this problem with PUBG, other games like Sons of the Forest, Warthunder works fine. Not quite sure what to do.
Maybe anyone had this problem and found a solution?
submitted by Shepardasz to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 adulting4kids December Prompts Emotions

**Prompt 1:
Dépaysement (French) - Feeling like a Foreigner in One's Surroundings**
  1. What specific aspects of your character's surroundings make them feel like a foreigner, stirring the emotion of dépaysement?
  2. Can your character pinpoint a moment when they first experienced dépaysement, and what triggered that initial sense of disorientation or enchantment?
  3. How does dépaysement manifest in your character's interactions with locals, and how do these encounters contribute to their feelings of being a foreigner?
  4. Are there particular cultural nuances or customs that intensify your character's sense of dépaysement, and how do they navigate these unfamiliar elements?
  5. Describe a setting where dépaysement is particularly potent for your character, and how does it shape their emotional state in that moment?
  6. In what ways does your character find beauty in the disorientation of dépaysement, and are there moments of joy or discovery amid the unfamiliarity?
  7. How do your character's thoughts and emotions evolve as they gradually acclimate to their foreign surroundings, and does dépaysement transform into a deeper connection or appreciation?
  8. Are there certain elements or experiences that your character embraces to cope with dépaysement, such as seeking solace in familiar habits or finding joy in the uniqueness of their new environment?
  9. How does dépaysement influence your character's personal growth and self-discovery, and are there aspects of their identity that become more pronounced or obscured in this foreign context?
  10. Reflect on a specific event or encounter where dépaysement plays a pivotal role in your character's journey, and how does it contribute to the overall narrative arc?
**Prompt 2:
Mudita (Sanskrit) - Genuine Joy for Others' Success**
  1. Can your character recall a specific moment when they first experienced mudita, that pure joy for someone else's success, and what triggered this emotional response?
  2. Explore the nature of your character's relationship with the person whose success sparks mudita, delving into the dynamics of their connection and the foundation of their shared joy.
  3. How does mudita manifest in your character's behavior and expressions, both outwardly and internally, when they witness the success or happiness of others?
  4. Are there specific achievements or milestones in the lives of others that elicit the strongest mudita from your character, and what qualities in those moments resonate most deeply with them?
  5. Delve into any internal conflicts or struggles your character might face when experiencing mudita, considering aspects of envy, comparison, or personal aspirations.
  6. Explore how mudita influences your character's relationships and interactions with the person whose success they celebrate, as well as with others in their social circle.
  7. Can your character find moments of self-discovery or personal growth through the experience of mudita, and how does it shape their perspective on their own aspirations and achievements?
  8. Reflect on how your character's past experiences, both positive and challenging, contribute to the depth and complexity of their emotional response to others' success.
  9. Consider the cultural or societal influences that might impact how your character expresses mudita, and whether there are external pressures that shape their reactions to others' achievements.
  10. Imagine a pivotal scene in your narrative where mudita becomes a driving force for your character, influencing decisions, relationships, or the overall trajectory of their journey.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 Current-Purchase4745 I have a question I need answered please help . !!

Hello . I missed my divorce hearing last month on the 15th now I got a paper in the mail saying I got a court date in 2 years for a 3 year statute dismissal hearing .. does it mean their dismissing or do I have a chance to still get divorced?? Please let me know
submitted by Current-Purchase4745 to legal [link] [comments]
