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Maps of Memeing

2017.02.15 18:43 Downvote_the_Facts Maps of Memeing

Welcome to the official subreddit for Jordan Peterson memes.

2018.05.16 03:39 Zewen_Senpai SenpaiHeat: where weebs can be free

Welcome to SenpaiHeat, where weebs can be free. We post daily anime art, usually of cute girls since this is what we like. Here you can express yourself without feeling ashamed or scared. Because we believe in the freedom of Weeb.

2010.06.11 20:59 pablohoney102 Winnipeg Jets

The home of news and discussion for the Winnipeg Jets

2024.05.18 21:22 dcforce Florida Man experiences walking on the Moon for the First Time.

Florida Man experiences walking on the Moon for the First Time. submitted by dcforce to globeskepticism [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:22 PotentialWin4606 My two cents…

So after seeing many opinions on Colin’s character development, Pen’s desire to leave her family home, The Mondrich family, Cressida Cowper and the lack of Kanthony I’ve come to the conclusion that the expectation for this season has been formed by how good last season was. If I learned anything about the difference between S1 and S2, it’s to understand that each season will have its own flow and way of developing. I think this notion has been largely forgotten.
Colin’s attempt to be rakish like his brothers is actually fitting and completely in line with his character since S1. He’s never been self-assured nor has he cared much for society but he does care to see his mother and sisters succeed in their endeavors to maintain the high reputation that the Bridgerton name holds. He’s never felt bound to uphold good standing in society like Anthony and he doesn’t find enjoyment in sleeping around with no sense of purpose like Benedict. He tries to be more like Benedict but again, it’s just not enjoyable for him. He is just as desperate to find himself as Pen is to seek a life outside of the Featherington home. They have this in common. Also, since his falling out with Pen, he feels like he needs her back in his life but doesn’t quite understand why. We see this with his immediate offer to help Pen find a husband. He genuinely wants to be around her and has actively sought her out at most social gatherings since S1 so when he kissed her, combined with that dream it started to click to him why he wanted to be around her and why he missed her so much during his travels. He has been in love with her but didn’t understand how it could translate into romantic feelings until the kiss.
Regarding Cressida, the Mondrich family and the lack of Kanthony, the show has never singularly focused on only one or two characters. I understand that it is much easier to see that in a book, where the narrator is often the main character and the pov is from one or two characters in the book but this is simply not possible or realistic in a show. There has to be fillers and side stories happening. I enjoyed the Mondrichs and Cressida’s character development. I think that the pacing of Polin’s progression is sensible. Not everyone has to deny themselves until the last 15 minutes of the final episode lol. I found it refreshing that Colin knows what he wants and doesn’t need to be told twice lol. They will likely face challenges during their engagement and will have to manage together in order to be married which leads me to my final point, I think the majority of discontentment regarding this season comes from the fact that they split it up and is making everyone see the conclusion of the story a month later. It has caused harsh, premature judgments that could have been avoided if all the episodes were released.
Note: These opinions come from someone that has never read the books.
submitted by PotentialWin4606 to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:22 ConnectionFrosty8881 Where can I sell my used laptop in Chennai?

So, the condition of the laptop is not that great, as it’s been used for 5+ years, but still good enough to perform tasks in a not so swift way. I was wondering if I could make some little money by selling it, since I see it lying around everyday.
Any advices or suggestions, whether to sell it online/or any stores you know of who take it? Just looking to make a few bucks. Thanks in advance.
submitted by ConnectionFrosty8881 to Chennai [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:21 Even-Cranberry-7619 Seeking Study Tips for Orgo 1 – Advice Needed!

Hi everyone,
I’m gearing up for Organic Chemistry 1, and I’m feeling pretty anxious despite my solid preparation in General Chemistry 1 and 2 (courses 150 and 202). Here’s what my study routine typically looks like:
Even though I eventually get the right answers with this approach, I still struggle with practice exams and often second-guess my intuition during actual exams (even though I’ve learned that trusting my gut tends to be the right move).
My question is: Despite doing all of the above to prepare, does anyone have additional study methods or tips that could help? Have any of you experienced similar challenges, and how did you overcome them? Any advice on how to improve my exam performance would be greatly appreciated!
P.S I also didn't do the greatest in 150 but I improved in 202 and believe I understand the material pretty good since my test scores improved but still were not great (self doubt) and I had a better prof
submitted by Even-Cranberry-7619 to Emory [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:21 CHITOWNBROWN1400 We need Much More of this...
We need Much More of stuff like this... This is the type of stuff that gets us respect, us doing something mainstream and doing it well. This is what Americans consider cool: Rapping, playing sports, etc... The former NFL player Robert Griffin III shared it on his Facebook page cause he liked it, and asked who these guys were, and the comments were filled with a lot of praise for this guy- people liked the beat, flow, etc... I already know the lyrics aren't promoting anything good, but who cares. It's a positive social media video that isn't some dirty ass street food vendor and people all bashing India in the comments. Watch this video and share it around, we need to see more and more of this kind of thing.
submitted by CHITOWNBROWN1400 to SouthAsianMasculinity [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:21 henriettastar67 My ex is my only friend. Can anyone relate?

TL;DR: 24f with no friends resorts to hanging out with abusive ex and feeling terrible about it.
Hello, I’m just here to vent mostly. Maybe see if anyone has any advice or can just relate to what I’m going thru. This may be long.
I (24f) have been dating a guy off and on for almost two years. But it’s felt like a fucking eternity. I won’t get into all the details of our relationship, I will just say: he has BPD, has put hands on me/pushed me, very unstable and I have broken up with him 3 times. Despite his mental illness, I see lots of good in him (I’m just that type of person sadly ugh) and I really feel he’s been one of my best friends I’ve had my whole life.
The first time I broke up with him(last year), I confided in my “friends” about the abuse I experienced. They then turned around and exposed everything I told them in a public humiliation type “prank” a couple months later. This made me get back with him cause I felt so alone.
So from that I lost my best girl friend in the whole world and other not as close friends I’d met through her. It’s been devastating. Worse than any romantic breakup. I broke up with my bff for many other reasons too not just the “prank”. But since that, I’ve felt so alone and keep going from no contact with my ex, to trying to be friends for a couple months/weeks to eventually “breaking up” again cause he becomes convinced we are back together no matter how clear I try to make it that we aren’t.
I’m just so frustrated. I want friend. Mostly close girl friends. I’ve thought about trying to make amends with my ex BFF but I believe that ship has sailed. Things will never be the way they used to. I feel so alone and I feel so stupid for succumbing to my loneliness and hanging out with this guy who I know is not good for me. It’s comforting in the moment, when we’re doing something together we both enjoy or just watching tv. I’m an introvert and it’s hard for me to get close to people and feel comfortable around them. So it’s like this person that has hurt me so badly before it’s also kind of my safe space? It’s really fucked. I don’t know what to do anymore. I am so ashamed and embarrassed. I even broke up with my therapist because I was too ashamed to tell her I was still talking to him even after she told me I needed to make a safety plan.
Oh, and my parents love him. My mom hired him to do landscaping for her while I was away on a trip. My dad tells him he wishes he was his son. It’s upsetting. I feel like I have nobody on my side or in my corner. The few mutual friends we have continue to be friends with him as if nothing happened and he never abused me. I feel stuck. I feel like I have to either be alone or suck it up and make nice with my ex. And to make things even worse, he’s my neighbor!
I could write a whole book about all the shit he’s put me through. I could also write another book about the great times we’ve had and the things I like about him. All in all I wish we never dated and only ever been friends. He’s so in love with me he won’t accept anything other than me being his. I just don’t want that. If I think about it too hard I don’t wanna know him at all. As a friend, neighbor or anything. I mostly just feel like a piece of shit for even acknowledging this mf after the first time he raised his voice at me. I feel weak. I feel worthless. I’m so sad I don’t have any friends but I don’t even know who’d want to be friends with somebody as pathetic as me. I can’t stop judging myself harshly or feeling horrible. Hanging out with my ex is like a temporary fix for all these horrible emotions and trauma. It’s like I’m just being delusional. Just enjoying the company of someone that I feel comfortable enough around to be myself. But then I’m also on eggshells around him and feel so guilty afterwards.
I know all the horrible things I said about myself aren’t actually true. It’s just how I feel. I think In reality I am a really caring person that’s probably too caring and kind to a fault. I know I would be a good friend given the chance. Whoever said your 20s are fun lied like hell. There is fun in my freedom and little responsibilities (no kids) but no one ever told me I would lose all my friends and have no clue how to make new ones. I never thought I would be stupid enough to be in a domestic violence relationship. I hate to admit this, but I used to look down on those girls. I would say “that could never be me”. Maybe this is my karma. I know now better than ever that it could be anyone. And I’m learning everyday that most people don’t give a fuck about you or what you’ve been through. I wouldn’t wish a situation like this on my worse enemy. I know things will be ok, but when?
submitted by henriettastar67 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:21 respectfuIlydisagree I’m eating curry and it’s really good

I’m having a curry from a new place that opened up in my city and it’s class
submitted by respectfuIlydisagree to JaackMaate [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:21 AppropriateGround623 From Beds to Plates: The Subjectivity of Sexual and Dietary Norms

In a post on another subreddit, I argued that norms governing sexuality, and social taboos placed on both men and women have same bases, and that western society ultimately values women for their physical beauty and holes, just like elsewhere.
Some people were struggling to get my point. So, I’ll explain it by comparing sexual norms to dietary restrictions and traditions. One person argued how it’s in human nature that such norms arise and culture shapes itself in a way that benefits the society. I will debunk these ludicrous arguments.
What is normal to eat? Try slaughtering a cow in India, and people will slaughter you.
But seriously, the answer depends on your geographical location.
Do you believe that consuming pork is right? If answer is yes then Amazing. Cool. Great.
But nearly 2 billion muslims, another 1 billion Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, as well as conservative Jews not just disagree with you, but they also believe it’s immoral of you to consume pork.
Muslims and Jews are themselves meat consumers, but they have made a list of animals that are justified to kill and consume. Pork isn’t part of that list.
Westerners have also made a list, and eating cats or dogs isn’t part of it, but people in china and east asia consume dog and cat meat, something westerners find extremely hard to tolerate, and almost puke at the thought of it.
Hindus is India have literally publicly lynched Muslims for killing cows, and Jains of India are that strict about veganism and opposed to cruelty against animals, that they don’t even kill ants.
You also have vegans among you who believe that killing animals is immoral. There are meat consumers who recognise that consuming meat is immoral but they can’t give up on it, because they grew up in a culture where it was normal.
I was born in a muslim country, and still find myself reluctant to consume pork, given my socialisation.
It applies to norms governing sexuality as well. Premarital sex and cohabitation can cost you life or social ostracisation in a good number of places. It stretches to homosexuality as well. Try being an openly homosexual person in Russia or even worse Afghanistan. It was literally considered a mental illness just 50 years ago in the United States.
Now, is consuming meat part of human nature?
Biologically humans are animals. We are classified as mammals. In sociology, humans are characterised as social animals. Humans are omnivores, in that they are capable of eating both plants and animals, so it’s very well part of our nature. But what is natural can’t always be moral. There is a thing called naturalistic fallacy, where you think what is natural is also moral.
If Hindus start consuming cows, and muslims start eating pork, what it would change about their society? If these societies accept premarital sex, and homosexuality, what it will change about them? In what ways does disallowing people from consuming cows, engaging in premarital sex, and being homosexual harms Hindu society?
These norms are not benefiting their societies. There’s no rationality behind them in 21st century, yet they cling on to them. Similarly, you westerners are doing the same thing. Whatever is the norm in your society is also arbitrary and subjective. Who knows what would be the moral state of world in next 100 years? What’s unimaginable right now, just like gay marriage was once an unimaginable nightmare for conservative westerners. Our ancestors never thought that one day we will question rigid gender roles, but here we are.
submitted by AppropriateGround623 to DeepThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:20 BeeButtercup00 HelloRache Application

Hello! Just want to ask about HelloRache’s hiring process. I’m currently employed in a government hospital for 1 year now and I want to try applying for an HVA position. I’m currently torn between extending my stay in the hospital for a bit for job security even though the pay is not that good or should I try risking it all by sending my resignation letter right now because I still have to render for a month and I’ve heard that the training would take 2 months, so I won’t be able to attend it if I’m still connected with my current employer. I’m hesitant because of some feedbacks from other batches saying that they still haven’t landed a client up until now. I’m genuinely curious if they would be generous enough to wait while I finish rendering my resignation or not. I would greatly appreciate if someone could help me with this.
submitted by BeeButtercup00 to medicalvaPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:20 Le-Giraffe Donor Decision

Would love some perspective on sperm donor route from this great community. My wife and I have figured out after a long amount of time and a lot of money that I don’t have any sperm, even with mTESE extraction. We really want a family and I’m confident we’ll be great and loving parents. We’ll of course tell our child early and often about their background - our goal is as much transparency as possible so it’s a part of their story and they’re able to contact their donor later in life if they want to.
Our default thought was to use donor sperm from a sperm bank, but I do have a brother who isn’t planning on having children. We haven’t broached this with him yet so no idea if he has the same genetic issue as me around fertility or willingness to help - but it’s just been put on my radar that he would be an option. This feels very strange to me and I worry about how it could impact our relationship and family dynamics. I want to stay true to what’s right for us, but obviously want to consider what the preference of our future kid (hopefully 2 kids) would be. My brother and I are close and good friends, but not the most emotionally intuned guys and grew up in a traditional family so this would all be such foreign territory for everyone (including our parents as well).
I can’t stop the nagging thought of it being perceived as a bit “weird” and the fear of it changing my relationship with my brother and extended family.
Any constructive thoughts or perspective would be great to hear!
submitted by Le-Giraffe to askadcp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:20 mh142857k what can care coordinators do in CMHTs?

i have recently been assigned a care co and i met her last week. i have dx of schizoaffective disorder, autism and complex ptsd. i was recently sectioned and was assigned this care co upon discharge whom manages my depot.
it seems like i’m getting this care co on a longer term basis (1+ years), she suggested a cbt for psychosis workbook when i saw her but i already did the workbook with someone else when i was under a different CMHT within the same trust.
she’s seeing me every two weeks. i also see a private psychologist for trauma therapy weekly of which she’s aware of. my consultant psychiatrist thinks doing some DBT-based skills interventions with my care co maybe helpful to me but my psychologist thinks it’s not needed because i’m trained in DBT (i work in mental health) and i don’t have difficulties with emotional dysregulation etc.
my care co said she will consult the team regarding what else would be useful for her to do with me. my psychologist wants a meeting between us three so we can talk about my progress and plans going forward.
i work in mental health but i never worked community settings so i have no idea what care cos do in CMHTs? what can they help with and what do you discuss in sessions?
i thought maybe it would be good to build up a therapeutic relationship with her as i have been through so much trauma under mental health services which interferes with my engagement with them. it may good for someone within the system (eg CMHT) to know me well and know my triggers/signs, also how to respond in each stages. it was never possible in the past because all my previous care cos left in less than 4 months but this one said she’s not planning on going anywhere but idk if i can trust that cos turnover is so unpredictable in nhs teams.
if you had/have a care co in CMHT what and how did he/she help you? what did find most helpful from the contacts? were you able to build a working relationship?
soz for lots of questions. i was also looking at SCM which is a potentially a pathway under CMHT and was wondering if it can be adapted to help me with complex trauma especially a relational trauma associated with the mental health system.
submitted by mh142857k to MentalHealthUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:20 Former-Astronaut3575 New to me Dirty Harry 44 MAG

New to me Dirty Harry 44 MAG
This is my 3rd S&W 29-2. Finally got the one I wanted the 6.5in blued version. This one has an S prefix serial number, dated 67'-68'. The condition is pretty good, does show drag line on cylinder and some wear near the muzzle but other than that the finish is in really good condition.
submitted by Former-Astronaut3575 to Revolvers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:20 ImagineMe12340 Capitol Hill’s Farmer Market Kimchi

Hi everyone, I purchased some Kimchi from the capitol hill’s farmers market sometime last year from a vendor. It was some really good spicy Kimchi served in a glass jar with a white lid. Has anyone else purchased something like it at the farmers market and knows the vendor? I can no longer find him there and would like to know purchase again from his business.
submitted by ImagineMe12340 to Seattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:19 LevelDosNPC “I’ve got something to say…… I don’t think Nashville’s very good.” -Mike Conte, May 18, 2024

“Then we better win.” -Jason Longshore
submitted by LevelDosNPC to AtlantaUnited [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:19 nsfwtttt Non-attractions stuff with kids?

When my wife and I used to visit Paris, we would just walk for hours.
Looking back, our best memories are not from the Louvre or the Eiffel but from just random points, in a beautiful street or on a beautiful bridge.
It’s been a while and we’re not taking our children (8 & 6) for the first time.
We want them to experience the Paris we loved, but they can’t walk for hours until we find a random spot :-)
Any suggestions of place to just hang out? Not a museum, not a kids activity, not a tourist packed attraction… just somewhere we can sit, look at the Eiffel from a distance or some other beautiful view, and have a crepe or ice cream and relax? :-)
We’d find a nice cafe or restaurant that looked good. Did some attractions
submitted by nsfwtttt to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:19 Key-Engineering3134 Yet another update to the PS3 saga

There are 3 semi affordable PS3’s in my local store that I could get. First one is a fat 40 gig, second is a fat 80 gig and the last one is a super slim 12 gig. In order they’re priced £65, £68 and £70. Ideally I’d like to get the 80 gig but if that one is taken before I can scrape up the funds one of the other 2 will have to do. But which one should I get? I need to do more research but I have to assume that the super slim being the latest model of the PS3 is the fastest and quietist but 12 gigs is just so little storage. I plan to download as much shit as I can on PS3 so I can get my fill right before the store is taken down for good eventually. But if worst comes to worst I’ll get the 12 gig.
submitted by Key-Engineering3134 to PS3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:19 Accurate-Debate9055 Inlove with a cartoon character…again

When I was 10 I had a crush on my favorite cartoon character (adult) and I had many merchandise of it. I don’t remember at what age I started getting over it but I did before turning 18. I completely moved on and forgot about it.
At 21 I stared working, got married, had a child who is 5 now, got separated 3 years ago and I have my own place, traveling a lot, dating again, currently single now. Now I’m 28 and I recently found the same cartoon show on Netflix, a new continuation they made since they cancelled it years ago and watched it. I thought I was gonna enjoy the good/funny memories of me being 10 and having a crush on a fictional character but I feel “inlove” again, now that I think about it and watched the old episodes nothing has changed about how I feel, I have the same old crush, it’s not something just physically, I identify myself a lot with him. It’s just surprising how something that happened to me at 10-13 is happening again now, with the same character. I started buying few stuff again like phone cases, and accessories. It’s not that I’m gonna stop dating real people, I know it’s not real and it’s just a fantasy, but it’s so much better than being in a toxic relationship or investing time and energy on people that end up ghosting me. Of course not all men are like that, but that would be worse. My question is how come this happened again with the same character after more than a decade forgetting completely about it?
submitted by Accurate-Debate9055 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:19 masterofpiss Analysis of Mario The Exploro

Analysis of Mario The Exploro
Surprise! Despite being on theory break I decided to do an analysis of this week's smg4 episode due to the contents it contained, as well as mr.puzzles's return. You see, I believe that it wouldn't be fitting if I didn't analyze an smg4 episode with the adware at the center of it. So with that out of the way, let's begin.
Image 1: MARIO, STOP! Have you learned nothing from what happened in the adware saga? DESTROY THAT THING BEFORE IT CAUSES ANOTHER STORYLINE TO HAPPEN! Ok, all jokes aside, I find it awfully suspicious that mario would just so happen to suddenly grab the mr.puzzles tv and bring it to smg4 after everything that happened in the puzzlevision movie, and I wouldn't even be remotely surprised if the mario that we see in this episode is a literal fake. Hell, if that's the case then it'd at least explain Mario's lack of screen time in the puzzlevision movie, which would be pretty smart on smg4's part.
Image 3: Ok look, I know that the original Dora tv show was basically a computer game masquerading as a tv show, but after everything we've gone through in the adware saga, it still feels... wrong to see a computer monitor again, but I'm probably stretching it here if I'm being honest.
Image 4: Alright, let's see what we've got this time, mario is unsurprisingly an animal again, and smg4 is going to see his paren- Wait a second, smg4 doesn't have any parents, after all, he did come from a usb that crashed into the mushroom kingdom, meaning that he shouldn't have any to begin with, but I guess we'll just have to see what happens in this episode.
Image 5: and once again, we have another fourth wall question gag. Good one smg4!
Image 6: so Luigi is the map huh? I'm definitely not surprised here. I also like the nice touch of static appearing on Luigi's phone, because it's a great nod to mr.puzzles's use of static throughout the adware saga.
Image 7: Well, I definitely wasn't expecting that.
Image 8: So Bob is swiper in this parody? Neat! I also like the addition of him being called Bob the robber as it basically ties to his mafia connections and gags that we saw in the adware saga.
Image 9: Am I the only one who finds it odd that we're seeing smg4 getting beaten up now instead of mario? Hell, mario wasn't even tormented in this episode, which is a far cry from what we saw in the first 3 puzzlevision shows. Perhaps smg4 is hinting towards the reviewers playing a role in the near future.
Image 10: 0_0 OH GOD! IT'S HIM! Mr.puzzles is TRULY back. I wonder what he has up his sleeves this time... Also, it appears that there's another clue towards this mario being fake copy here. You see, mario shifts the camera shortly after Mr.puzzles goes to help him, with the camera displaying minor interference before it shows Mr.puzzles. This is strange considering that Mr.puzzles is usually the one who does this sort of thing, so this mario being fake could genuinely be the case here.
Image 11: I'm glad to know that mr.puzzles and mario still argue in the shows, I guess some things will never change. Also, that filter does unsettle me a bit, because it feels odd to see it being used in this manner when smg4 suddenly got revived.
Image 12: let me guess, nobody's there... I KNEW IT! (Note: I should mention that it's interesting that smg4's parents don't exist in this show, mainly because it heavily implies that mr.puzzles has at least some knowledge of the events that transpired during the cosmology lore. Why else would smg4's parents in the show not show up at all?)
Image 13: WHOA! Is mr.puzzles trying to slowly trap the crew in his head out of revenge for what happened during the adware saga? whispering OK, scratch that, he actually isn't doing this here.
Image 14: First off, not being a monkey should be the LEAST of your concerns mario. Secondly, I like the animation and sound design being used here to show mr.puzzles coming back. It's a soundtrack of pure tension and mild horror as mr.puzzles slowly goes back into his true form while smg4 and mario watch on in horror. It's just plain perfect. Great work smg4!
Images 15 and 16: I'm not going to lie here, this scene is definitely intriguing to me. You see, mr.puzzles is acting off in this scene, almost as if he's trying to put on a mask so he can manipulate the smg4 cast into doing what he wants, and we get foreshadowing towards this actually being the case when he punches himself and changes what he was originally saying. We also see him hold 5 stars within his hands, which is odd considering that all of his stars were almost completely obliterated at the end of the puzzlevision movie, which could potentially hint at him making a deal with another entity. Then there's the fact that mr.puzzles now apparently wants to make the smg4 show his own, and while I'm unsure as to how he'll be able to accomplish this without going after his 5 stars, it does truly feel like he's now a puppet for an entity that's more dangerous than he is, or that he might actually be trying to make the smg4 show his own in order to stop a higher entity that he's aware of, and something tells me that the entity(s) in question are the group that I've been referring to as "the reviewers". After all, smg4 did get higher ratings than mr.puzzles in the puzzlevision movie, so what if the ratings he received in that film made the reviewers take an interest in the smg4 show? It could provide answers as to why we saw static and glitching in last week's episode despite the adware literally chosing to not re-appear until this weeks episode, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens next.
Image 17: Now despite mr.puzzles being back, something tells me that he's likely going to be a lesser threat in the near future, after all, we did get a minor introduction to the reviewers in the puzzlevision movie, and it seems like he's desperate to get the attention of the smg4 cast, which is definitely odd for him. So with all of that in mind I guess I should tell you guys something. You see, when I get off of my break in the first week of June, I'm going to be shifting the focus of my theories away from mr.puzzles and focusing on the reviewers. This is mainly because it truly feels like the reviewers are going to be very important in the near future, and considering how little we truly know about them, it leaves them open to a lot of speculation, so I hope you'll check out what theories I have about them in the near future. And with that out of the way, thank you for reading!
submitted by masterofpiss to SMG4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:19 throwaway-84929194 Some update

Hi everyone. It took some time to have an update, I didn’t want to give useless informations and kept waiting things really change.
There’s the link with an update of my previous post:
Things got better, and there are some problems we were able to work in. First thing to say, I was angry when I wrote that, and obviously, I prefer saving my marriage than divorce. Husband to a week to process things, talk to his mother to take advice, and he called me. We decided meet in a cafe, since it was a neutral environment. He was calm and good looking. We talked a lot (3hours straight), and for summarize there are some important points and facts on that discussion: First of all, he is not into Amanda anymore. The thing which disturbed him when she started to date, is that maybe Amanda’s BF was child free and try to take Amanda away from her daughter. He said that he worried about that, and that’s really over with Amanda. For his daughter, he said that he has a form of problematic with attachment things. Since there is a man other than him in Gigi’s life, he was afraid to be replaced, so he sabotaged himself the relationship, and he transferred his anger and apprehensions towards GiGi and me. He talked a lot to his mother, and she said him what I said this day: he needs to work on his own problems without letting them freaking up his relationships with people. For the cheating when Amanda was pregnant, he told me the truth: this was obviously wrong and disgusting, and he never told me because he was ashamed and he asked me to forgive him about that. The relationship between them two were not good, she was pregnant and vulnerable, he hanged out with friend and ended hooking up with a girl he met at the club while he was drunk. Until now, he is sad for what he has done and that’s why he doesn’t drink anymore. We decided to go on family counseling because his choice was to save our marriage.
He goes himself alone with his therapist one time a week, and we go as a family with Gigi once a week too. There are real improvements in our family’s life.
I’m now friend with Amanda. She takes Gigi every other week end and she met her stepfather. They get along very well. If things continue to be fluid, she can bring her with them on vacation, and she will take her more. We planned a diner for my husband to meet Amanda’s boyfriend.
Between me and husband, thing went really better. He opens himself a lot more and we work on his issues slowly. Things get better
Hope everything continues the same way
submitted by throwaway-84929194 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:19 Illustrious_Bass1036 How do I make the hair in the front of my face look better and not like a bowlcut?

How do I make the hair in the front of my face look better and not like a bowlcut?
I tried to make it messy but I don’t think it’s long enough to look good yet, what do yall think I should do?
submitted by Illustrious_Bass1036 to Hair [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:19 SaltyTraeYoungStan Dillon Brooks trade?

What about Bogi for Dillon Brooks? I know Bogi is a franchise favourite but the rockets need shooting and the hawks need an elite defensive pest like Brooks. Brooks has a tenacity and energy that along with Sarr could bring some real life to this team, and he’s not actually a bad shooter either. The Salaries almost work out and we get an elite defender with a decent 3 ball.
Then we can trade DJM and maybe Hunter for another guy like Okoro/DFS/Mikal and we have a really solid group around Trae with a good bench of young guys, or even just trade DJM for some picks down the road.
submitted by SaltyTraeYoungStan to AtlantaHawks [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:19 CactusJuice0_o What do you recommend?

So I just got my hair colored. A balayage of silvery/blonde to go with my brown hair. I want to get purple shampoo but I’m not sure which brands are good to make this color last a while. I’m currently using tresemme (if that’s how you spell it) purple shampoo and conditioner. Is that good enough? Does it really matter what brand I use or is any purple shampoo good? Let me know what you think/recommend!
submitted by CactusJuice0_o to Hair [link] [comments]