Unblock usb drive

Everything related to the USB-C standard

2015.03.19 14:25 vtbeerbot Everything related to the USB-C standard

USB-C devices, news, and information.

2015.02.02 12:59 Bhima USB Armory, a flash drive sized computer with open source hardware design

The USB armory from Inverse Path is an open source hardware design, implementing a flash drive sized computer. The security features of the USB armory System on a Chip (SoC), combined with the openness of the board design, empower developers and users with a fully customizable USB trusted device for open and innovative personal security applications.

2010.12.09 01:17 kevro A Reddit for the Sega Genesis/Megadrive and 32X

SEGA! Welcome to the Sega Genesis Community on Reddit!.

2024.06.02 10:30 DorsalFinn79 Best bag for everyday use?

I would like you guys to suggest me a bag for my everyday carry:
What I usually carry:
submitted by DorsalFinn79 to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:19 Unlikely_Macaroon535 Formating USB drive as device storage

If I format a usb as device storage, can I connect it my laptop to copy files into it? Or is it unusable anywhere else other than the TV?
submitted by Unlikely_Macaroon535 to AndroidTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:49 Quirky-Bird8521 linux usb

I can't get my Linux Ubuntu vm to recognize my USB drive. it recognizes it on windows machine but not Linux. Any ideas on how to fix the problem. problem solving is becoming my new thing, and if you want to solve a problem you have to talk to other people about it with others.
submitted by Quirky-Bird8521 to u/Quirky-Bird8521 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 Accurate-Response-84 Boy bsf pretended suicide attempt. (Tw: sh, suicidal topics)

I (13f) have a boy bsf (12m) who we will call Alex. We both go to the same school, same class and we sit together in french lessons which means 5h a week. We started talking and found out we hade similar interests such as good grades, soccer, cars. About 2 weeks or so after familiarising, he sent me 1 loooooong paragraph and told me "can you send this to my bestfriend" ( 12f who we will call chloe). I answered with something like ’yeah sure’ and started reading the paragraph before sending. It was saying he no longer wanted to be friends with chloe, saying chloe abandoned him and doesn't love him anymore and that she became a pick me hanging out with the new girl in school who we will call mary. Mind you, chloe is the nicest person you will ever meet. I was like send it yourself why should it be me, he started having a stroke or idk and faking nervous tics (it was obvioooooouus). I sent it. They both would'nt talk to each other after that.
Alex and I became bestfriends after that as i started making other friend such as mary and chloe. One day Alex and i were chatting on whatsapp when I asked him a simple ’wyd’ he said ’nothing’. That kind of made me giggle but also suspicious. I answers ’what kind of nothing? Better not be smth corny..!’ when he should’ve atleast laughed a little, i think, he answered ’yeah just something..’.
I started worrying asking him to tell me so he siad: here’s a clue, sharpener blade. I froze.
He couldn't be doing that could he...
I told him to stop right now and here and asked him to clarify what he was doing since i had the possibility to tell his sister the next day at school so she could help him. He said ’yk already...’
I just sat silent infront of my screen. After 10 minutes my phone buzzed ’hey i was just joking lol! Wyd? Im watching tiktok btw’
I told him: ’debating whether i should block you for that joke or not..’
I got blocked instead, he insulted me in a common gc and made fun of me infront of his friends the next day at school. Thankfully after that it was the weekend. He unblocked me and gaslight me into thinking i was the problem. I had created the issue..
He has gaslight me into thinking that forever after that.
Fast-forward a couple of months later it comes out that he started $H. He would only do a couuuuple of not even cutting his skin deep cuts, like a paper cut would hurt more and pretending he couldn't move his arm and shaking it like it was a tic. To not embarasss him i played along but that guy was draining me looking back. He would then guilt trip me into staying friends.
After all of that i also started $H but i went to deep more then once. I couldn't stop the bleeding. He saw it on my hands and thought i was trying to 1 up him so he started sh deeper and told me he wanted to commit suicide...
Mind you, a looot of my friends including chloe and mary (let’s add katie for the context which is my bsf just before alex) had told me to get away from him but i didnt listen.
One day, when it was a holiday my mother took my phone away cuz i had too much screen time. For the first week i couldnt talk with him. When i had my phone back, he siad he loved me, that he was about to khs if i left ect... I snapped. I told him he could stop pretending and I knew he only wanted attention. I told him I commited $H bcz of him.
He said ’ok.’ ’i will just go actually suicide if you dont wanna believe’
I started feeling bad but it was already midnight so i shut my phone down and went to sleep. Next day he texted me a ’hello.’ at about 1pm. I answered ’hey alex...’ Heres how it went:
Alex: this isnt alex its his sister Me: huh what happened Alex: alex commited a suicide attempt he is in the hospital. Me: panicking, i called my mom who was at work and she asked for alex’s parnet’s number. Alex: uh..we can’t do that but i can text her from alex’s number. Me: ok ill send it to her.
After 15 minutes, mom calls. She doesn't believe any of that because alexs sistser ’can’t call’ because she is driving but can text ?
Mom tells me to give my phone to the maid. I do. I keep texting Alex on my computer and he said he loves me, he couldnt live without me and i started thinking everything was my fault. My sister caught me texting him and told my mom who told me to also give my laptop to the maid. I waited until she comes back from work and mom tells to stop talking to this alex and that he is only hurting me, and if maybe this was real the parents would call. I agreed and the next couple of days were off school. On monday i told him and also told chloe’ katie and mary i couldnt talk with him be didnt specify why. Katie seemed to have a problem with me still talking to him occasionally. She proceeded to ignoring me so now i had lost both my bsf.
A couple days went by and alex comes to me sayinghis cousin took his phone and all that suicide attempt thing wasnt real. I pretended to believe him.
The next day, he askes me whats weong i tell him i just lost both my bsfs. He siad he was sorry and we went about our day.
Fast-forward lunch i couldn't hold it in anymore and had a mental breakdown talking with mary. She went to go speak with katie whom said she isn't planning on becoming friends again and then to alex. He mocked me when i told him i lost 2 of my bsfs, made fun of my problems and other stuff.
Mary came to me and told me all that what he told her. I started having a panick attack but soon my friends consoled me. During lunch j would see katie and alex walking by laughing.
After lunch we had class when i had another mental breakdown. The teacher told me to leave the classroom and tell her whats wrong. Apparently when we were outside mary had told to the whole class i may want to die now bcz of katie(. But at this period i still didnt know).
The next day after school alex finally admitted: he wasntin the hospital he didnt do an attempt and he only wanted attention.
But katie still refuses to talk to me.
I dont know what to do please help me.
And am i the asshole?
submitted by Accurate-Response-84 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 Accurate-Response-84 Boy bsf pretends suicide (tw: sh, suicidal topics.)

I (13f) have a boy bsf (12m) who we will call Alex. We both go to the same school, same class and we sit together in french lessons which means 5h a week. We started talking and found out we hade similar interests such as good grades, soccer, cars. About 2 weeks or so after familiarising, he sent me 1 loooooong paragraph and told me "can you send this to my bestfriend" ( 12f who we will call chloe). I answered with something like ’yeah sure’ and started reading the paragraph before sending. It was saying he no longer wanted to be friends with chloe, saying chloe abandoned him and doesn't love him anymore and that she became a pick me hanging out with the new girl in school who we will call mary. Mind you, chloe is the nicest person you will ever meet. I was like send it yourself why should it be me, he started having a stroke or idk and faking nervous tics (it was obvioooooouus). I sent it. They both would'nt talk to each other after that.
Alex and I became bestfriends after that as i started making other friend such as mary and chloe. One day Alex and i were chatting on whatsapp when I asked him a simple ’wyd’ he said ’nothing’. That kind of made me giggle but also suspicious. I answers ’what kind of nothing? Better not be smth corny..!’ when he should’ve atleast laughed a little, i think, he answered ’yeah just something..’.
I started worrying asking him to tell me so he siad: here’s a clue, sharpener blade. I froze.
He couldn't be doing that could he...
I told him to stop right now and here and asked him to clarify what he was doing since i had the possibility to tell his sister the next day at school so she could help him. He said ’yk already...’
I just sat silent infront of my screen. After 10 minutes my phone buzzed ’hey i was just joking lol! Wyd? Im watching tiktok btw’
I told him: ’debating whether i should block you for that joke or not..’
I got blocked instead, he insulted me in a common gc and made fun of me infront of his friends the next day at school. Thankfully after that it was the weekend. He unblocked me and gaslight me into thinking i was the problem. I had created the issue..
He has gaslight me into thinking that forever after that.
Fast-forward a couple of months later it comes out that he started $H. He would only do a couuuuple of not even cutting his skin deep cuts, like a paper cut would hurt more and pretending he couldn't move his arm and shaking it like it was a tic. To not embarasss him i played along but that guy was draining me looking back. He would then guilt trip me into staying friends.
After all of that i also started $H but i went to deep more then once. I couldn't stop the bleeding. He saw it on my hands and thought i was trying to 1 up him so he started sh deeper and told me he wanted to commit suicide...
Mind you, a looot of my friends including chloe and mary (let’s add katie for the context which is my bsf just before alex) had told me to get away from him but i didnt listen.
One day, when it was a holiday my mother took my phone away cuz i had too much screen time. For the first week i couldnt talk with him. When i had my phone back, he siad he loved me, that he was about to khs if i left ect... I snapped. I told him he could stop pretending and I knew he only wanted attention. I told him I commited $H bcz of him.
He said ’ok.’ ’i will just go actually suicide if you dont wanna believe’
I started feeling bad but it was already midnight so i shut my phone down and went to sleep. Next day he texted me a ’hello.’ at about 1pm. I answered ’hey alex...’ Heres how it went:
Alex: this isnt alex its his sister Me: huh what happened Alex: alex commited a suicide attempt he is in the hospital. Me: panicking, i called my mom who was at work and she asked for alex’s parnet’s number. Alex: uh..we can’t do that but i can text her from alex’s number. Me: ok ill send it to her.
After 15 minutes, mom calls. She doesn't believe any of that because alexs sistser ’can’t call’ because she is driving but can text ?
Mom tells me to give my phone to the maid. I do. I keep texting Alex on my computer and he said he loves me, he couldnt live without me and i started thinking everything was my fault. My sister caught me texting him and told my mom who told me to also give my laptop to the maid. I waited until she comes back from work and mom tells to stop talking to this alex and that he is only hurting me, and if maybe this was real the parents would call. I agreed and the next couple of days were off school. On monday i told him and also told chloe’ katie and mary i couldnt talk with him be didnt specify why. Katie seemed to have a problem with me still talking to him occasionally. She proceeded to ignoring me so now i had lost both my bsf.
A couple days went by and alex comes to me sayinghis cousin took his phone and all that suicide attempt thing wasnt real. I pretended to believe him.
The next day, he askes me whats weong i tell him i just lost both my bsfs. He siad he was sorry and we went about our day.
Fast-forward lunch i couldn't hold it in anymore and had a mental breakdown talking with mary. She went to go speak with katie whom said she isn't planning on becoming friends again and then to alex. He mocked me when i told him i lost 2 of my bsfs, made fun of my problems and other stuff.
Mary came to me and told me all that what he told her. I started having a panick attack but soon my friends consoled me. During lunch j would see katie and alex walking by laughing.
After lunch we had class when i had another mental breakdown. The teacher told me to leave the classroom and tell her whats wrong. Apparently when we were outside mary had told to the whole class i may want to die now bcz of katie(. But at this period i still didnt know).
The next day after school alex finally admitted: he wasntin the hospital he didnt do an attempt and he only wanted attention.
But katie still refuses to talk to me.
I dont know what to do please help me.
And am i the asshole?
submitted by Accurate-Response-84 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:34 Accurate-Response-84 My boy bsf pretend a suicide attempt. (TW: SH, SUICIDAL TOPICS)

I (13f) have a boy bsf (12m) who we will call Alex. We both go to the same school, same class and we sit together in french lessons which means 5h a week. We started talking and found out we hade similar interests such as good grades, soccer, cars. About 2 weeks or so after familiarising, he sent me 1 loooooong paragraph and told me "can you send this to my bestfriend" ( 12f who we will call chloe). I answered with something like ’yeah sure’ and started reading the paragraph before sending. It was saying he no longer wanted to be friends with chloe, saying chloe abandoned him and doesn't love him anymore and that she became a pick me hanging out with the new girl in school who we will call mary. Mind you, chloe is the nicest person you will ever meet. I was like send it yourself why should it be me, he started having a stroke or idk and faking nervous tics (it was obvioooooouus). I sent it. They both would'nt talk to each other after that.
Alex and I became bestfriends after that as i started making other friend such as mary and chloe. One day Alex and i were chatting on whatsapp when I asked him a simple ’wyd’ he said ’nothing’. That kind of made me giggle but also suspicious. I answers ’what kind of nothing? Better not be smth corny..!’ when he should’ve atleast laughed a little, i think, he answered ’yeah just something..’.
I started worrying asking him to tell me so he siad: here’s a clue, sharpener blade. I froze.
He couldn't be doing that could he...
I told him to stop right now and here and asked him to clarify what he was doing since i had the possibility to tell his sister the next day at school so she could help him. He said ’yk already...’
I just sat silent infront of my screen. After 10 minutes my phone buzzed ’hey i was just joking lol! Wyd? Im watching tiktok btw’
I told him: ’debating whether i should block you for that joke or not..’
I got blocked instead, he insulted me in a common gc and made fun of me infront of his friends the next day at school. Thankfully after that it was the weekend. He unblocked me and gaslight me into thinking i was the problem. I had created the issue..
He has gaslight me into thinking that forever after that.
Fast-forward a couple of months later it comes out that he started $H. He would only do a couuuuple of not even cutting his skin deep cuts, like a paper cut would hurt more and pretending he couldn't move his arm and shaking it like it was a tic. To not embarasss him i played along but that guy was draining me looking back. He would then guilt trip me into staying friends.
After all of that i also started $H but i went to deep more then once. I couldn't stop the bleeding. He saw it on my hands and thought i was trying to 1 up him so he started sh deeper and told me he wanted to commit suicide...
Mind you, a looot of my friends including chloe and mary (let’s add katie for the context which is my bsf just before alex) had told me to get away from him but i didnt listen.
One day, when it was a holiday my mother took my phone away cuz i had too much screen time. For the first week i couldnt talk with him. When i had my phone back, he siad he loved me, that he was about to khs if i left ect... I snapped. I told him he could stop pretending and I knew he only wanted attention. I told him I commited $H bcz of him.
He said ’ok.’ ’i will just go actually suicide if you dont wanna believe’
I started feeling bad but it was already midnight so i shut my phone down and went to sleep. Next day he texted me a ’hello.’ at about 1pm. I answered ’hey alex...’ Heres how it went:
Alex: this isnt alex its his sister Me: huh what happened Alex: alex commited a suicide attempt he is in the hospital. Me: panicking, i called my mom who was at work and she asked for alex’s parnet’s number. Alex: uh..we can’t do that but i can text her from alex’s number. Me: ok ill send it to her.
After 15 minutes, mom calls. She doesn't believe any of that because alexs sistser ’can’t call’ because she is driving but can text ?
Mom tells me to give my phone to the maid. I do. I keep texting Alex on my computer and he said he loves me, he couldnt live without me and i started thinking everything was my fault. My sister caught me texting him and told my mom who told me to also give my laptop to the maid. I waited until she comes back from work and mom tells to stop talking to this alex and that he is only hurting me, and if maybe this was real the parents would call. I agreed and the next couple of days were off school. On monday i told him and also told chloe’ katie and mary i couldnt talk with him be didnt specify why. Katie seemed to have a problem with me still talking to him occasionally. She proceeded to ignoring me so now i had lost both my bsf.
A couple days went by and alex comes to me sayinghis cousin took his phone and all that suicide attempt thing wasnt real. I pretended to believe him.
The next day, he askes me whats weong i tell him i just lost both my bsfs. He siad he was sorry and we went about our day.
Fast-forward lunch i couldn't hold it in anymore and had a mental breakdown talking with mary. She went to go speak with katie whom said she isn't planning on becoming friends again and then to alex. He mocked me when i told him i lost 2 of my bsfs, made fun of my problems and other stuff.
Mary came to me and told me all that what he told her. I started having a panick attack but soon my friends consoled me. During lunch j would see katie and alex walking by laughing.
After lunch we had class when i had another mental breakdown. The teacher told me to leave the classroom and tell her whats wrong. Apparently when we were outside mary had told to the whole class i may want to die now bcz of katie(. But at this period i still didnt know).
The next day after school alex finally admitted: he wasntin the hospital he didnt do an attempt and he only wanted attention.
But katie still refuses to talk to me.
I dont know what to do please help me.
And am i the asshole?
submitted by Accurate-Response-84 to WhatShouldIDo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:14 AdPretend5492 Playing CDs through PC and external DAC vs CD player

Hello all,
My california audio labs icon mk2 cd player stopped working tn. Still wanted to listen some cds so am playing them through my pc using a usb disk drive and external dac. This got me thinking, what are the benefits sound-wise to using a dedicated cd player as opposed to using a pc and external dac?
submitted by AdPretend5492 to audiophile [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:04 frosigecajma victus 15 - issue with microphone in headphones

Hi Guys, I've got issue with victus and microphones. I have one headset that can be connected either via jack or via USB - headphones always work without issues, but microphone is always detected, however, doesn't always record sound... It works more often with usb than with jack, but still it's a lottery. On the other hand I have some very cheap phone headset only with jack which always works... What could be the issue here? The drivers have been installed from drive again in the Device Manager and nothing changed..
submitted by frosigecajma to HPVictus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 YJMGC Windows 11 In-place reinstall using external media

I want to in-place (keeping files/apps) install windows using external media (in my case, usb flash drive. I can't seem to find any clear instructions or videos demonstrating it anywhere besides entirely reinstalling windows. Is this possible and would there be anything for me to keep in mind/specific instructions? Thanks.
submitted by YJMGC to windows [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:12 jaw1515 Did I get a good build?

Hey everyone. I'm a drone pilot who had someone build a PC for me. I feel like I got really good results but I don't know very much about tech specs when it comes to this. This is my parts list:

PNY GeForce RTX™ 4060 Ti 8GB Verto™ OC Dual Fan Graphics Card DLSS 3 (128-bit, PCIe 4.0, GDDR6, HDMI/DisplayPort, Supports 4k, 2 Slot)

Corsair RMX Series (2021), RM750x, 750 Watt, Gold, Fully Modular Power Supply

Corsair VENGEANCE LPX DDR4 64GB (4x32GB) 3200MHz CL16 Intel XMP 2.0 Computer Memory - Black (CMK64GX4M2E3200C16) (Ended up having to switch to a different size of DDR because DDR4 wouldn't fit)

Corsair RMX Series (2021), RM750x, 750 Watt, Gold, Fully Modular Power Supply

DeepCool LS520 SE Liquid Cooler 240mm 4th Gen Dual-Chamber Pump 3100RPM 280w TDP AIO Cooler Anti-Leak Tech with ARGB Fans CPU Water Cooler Narrow Frame Infinity Mirror Block for AMD AM4,Black

AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 12-Core, 24-Thread Unlocked Desktop Processor

PC Case ATX, Fully Ventilated Airflow Perforated Mesh Front/Side Panel Mid Tower Gaming PC Case,2 Fans Pre-Installed USB 3.0 Computer Case,Black(U3)

MSI MAG X670E Tomahawk WiFi Gaming Motherboard (AMD Ryzen 8000/7000, AM5, DDR5, PCIe 5.0, SATA 6Gb/s, M.2, USB 3.2 Gen 2, Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.3, 2.5Gbps LAN, HDMI/DP, ATX)

SAMSUNG 970 EVO Plus SSD 2TB - M.2 NVMe Interface Internal Solid State Drive with V-NAND Technology (MZ-V7S2T0B/AM)

Samsung MZ-V7S500B/AM 500GB 970 EVO Plus M.2 (2280)

submitted by jaw1515 to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:47 tillxviii Trying to recover files from a possibly dead ssd

So I’m trying to do that, when I testdisk in ubuntu the ssd doesn’t show up, even though ubuntu can read that it’s 120 gb. Also it’s saying disk likely to fail soon. How do I recover some of the files? Are there other ways or could I have been doing the testdisk thing wrong
submitted by tillxviii to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:44 Beenallin I have Latency Issues

I have Latency Issues
What should I upgrade for better latency (I play mostly on solo games) ready or not ,red dead, stuff like that getting random latency every now and then usually a smooth ride.. I did downgrade my monitor recently due to breaking my better one and not finding a panel replacement might need to swap it back over the damage is minor but annoying
submitted by Beenallin to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 rckvwijk 2023 Kia ceed sportswagon

Hi guys, So we just received the ordered ceed (2023 version, took a while haha) and overall it’s a great car, really liking every aspect of it. Just one thing is bothering me, every drive the car is mentioning a software update (which supports OTA) but the current software is too old in order to use OTA. So I tried to do it manually via a usb stick but it just fails without mentioning why.
I downloaded the new version via the Kia updater. Anyone has an idea? Going to the shop will take a couple of hours so doing it manually saves some time haha.
submitted by rckvwijk to kia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:24 Legitimate_Listen654 Dilemma on expanding setup

Hi guys, first of all, sorry for the long post and my bad english. Im new to this sub, it all started way before covid that i suddenly decided to buy a NAS to store backup data, and an intel NUC as a mini PC to consume media on my bedroom. At that time, i'm using docker via synology's interface, everything done through their web server. At the same time im also using some of their bundled software, i.e. synology drive, music, etc.
Moving forward, until now my DS220+ has almost full (4TB raid 1), and i've dwell in to deeper aspect of docker and linux(using docker compose, cli, etc), and already leave their ecosystem. And i'm not comfortable to directly working on my synology as it's hosting alot of important data.
I therefore turned my intel NUC into another linux, and act as alternative docker stack cum staging system. Currently im looking to expanding my setup, since i've used synology, and are comfortable with it, logically i would've bought another synology NAS, i.e. DS423 or even DS923. But im having dilemma:
  1. It's much more expensive, wayyyy to expensive
  2. some say it's expensive coz you are paying a one time fee for their ecosystem/service for life time(hopefully), that's why it's so expensive, but I am no longer using these services/software.
  3. again it's so expensive because of it's ease of use, with their DSM etc, nice UI, etc, but again i've dwell more into linux and CLI, this portion also reduce greatly
As an owner of synology NAS, i can tell you, it's very good, there's nothing wrong about it except being too expensive. They're good for beginner or company with budget looking for ease of maintenance and deployment, especially with their DSM. But the price are not that friendly with amateur or personnel without tons of extra budget.
So, as mentioned above, since I've no longer in need of those fancy features provided by synology, i'm thinking of buying alternative brand(which in those comparison website always referred as weaker ecosystem, weaker OS/GUI, etc) like terramaster or QNAP. But as i said, my requirement to GUI is much lower now, so i think it's ok.
But then same reason mentioned above, lesser GUI means i can straightaway buy an external storage and run docker on my NUC. Therefore i even thinking to buy a cheap external storage device like orico metacube pro, which essentially is just really a network storage(and it's dirt cheap compared to synology), and i just need to connect it to network or USB port at NUC, then it should work like wonder.
But, the problem with network storage is, i'll mount it via samba, and it's slow like hell, im abit concern on it's performance if im using it to store and retrieve media, and when im required to delete big files/thousands of small files. And deleting those files via DSM is really fast, like u r deleting files on ur own local hdd.
So what do u guys think? with budget constraint and lower requirement on GUI, should i go for:
  1. continue on buying synology NASes
  2. buy alternative brand
  3. buy simple external storage system like orico, which support raid and attach it to NUC
I forget to mention my setup ald, here's my setup currently:
Synology DS220+ with 2x4TB, raid 1
intel NUC, nothing much to say
I'm looking to expand my setup by adding atleast 4/5 HDD in raid 5, it'll serve as backup for my synology, NUC, my desktop, and a laptop, while in the same time act as storage for my expanding media.
submitted by Legitimate_Listen654 to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:59 ajorck Help Setting Up Shared Media Server Drive on Secondary Router

I am having trouble getting a Media Server reestablished on a R6400v2 router.
Previously, I had this working where I had an external hard drive connected to the USB port on my router and shared through the DLNA/Media Server settings on my router. I was then able to connect directly through computers on the network or VLC on my Chromecast and phones. It made for easy access to media files on the TV without having to build and run a NAS.
Recently, I got a Netgear MK63S mesh system (for free!), and there were some dead spots in my house, so I was eager to switch to the mesh system. Unfortunately, the mesh system has 0 USB ports and is a little lacking in ethernet ports as well. By plugging the old R6400v2 router's internet port into the available LAN port on the new router, I was able to easily keep some devices wired into the R6400v2 online without having to play with any settings. And, if I connect a device directly to the old router, VLC can still access the Media Server drive/files. But, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to have anything connected through the new mesh network even see the Media Server in order to access it.
Appreciate any help to solve this!
submitted by ajorck to NETGEAR [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:54 BrickAndroid Looking for a simple Android TV

I have a hard disk with a lot of old shows that are 4:3 and a CRT TV. (and an HDMI to RCA converter)
I just want to watch my old shows on the CRT for cheap without having to use my laptop (which I work on). My understanding is that Android TVs can do that by installing VLC on them, but I have no experience with them.
I recently went to a shop that was selling the X96Q Pro which had a very reasonable price tag on it, but the seller insisted that it's NOT possible to watch videos from an external drive on it. I see the USB ports, but the manual said nothing about external drives.
Can the X96Q Pro really not play from an external drive? What are my other options? My hard drive has the exFAT format, in case that relevant.
submitted by BrickAndroid to AndroidTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:42 One-Day-410 Possible to upgrade USB port? BMW F30

I know someone who has a BMW F30 that I've been helping convert tons of music videos to fill the iDrive screen and make them louder. However, the port in the car always take a while to scan/index the files on the drives flash drives (either USB 2.0 or 3.0) every time I add a bunch of new ones. There's over 2000 music videos on the flash drive now and it takes a while to load in the car if I add/delete any new ones.
I've been doing some research and it seems the ports i the car are either USB 1.0 or 1.1. Why in the world would BWM not go for USB 2.0? The USB 1.x are too old for such a much newer car. Even USB 3.0 was around when the F30 was released. So what gives?
Is it possible to upgrade the USB port on on the F30 to something newer? And if so how?
submitted by One-Day-410 to BMW [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:39 arborbor92 Samsung SSD 86 won't load windows on new Mobo

I recently upgraded to the PRO Z790-A MAX WIFI and when trying to use my Samsung SSD 86 2TB it shows it's detected but I cannot select it as a boot device. I've used the windows recovery usb drive and that also does not work to load windows. I've switched every sata cable to a different port and used different power connections from PSU. At this point I think I just have an incompatible ssd. What should I do?
submitted by arborbor92 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:08 ughfup Windows 10 issue I haven't been able to solve

Hi all, have a problem that I haven't been able to figure out for several weeks.
I'm trying to upgrade to Windows 11 to get around an issue with installing 22H2 for Windows 10.
I can't update to Windows 11 without enabling Secure Boot and enabling UEFI in BIOS.
Current OS is installed to an older SSD and the partition is in MBR. Cannot enable UEFI until the boot partition is in GPT.
MBR2GPT.exe fails because the drive isn't suitable.
I have a newer SSD I'd like to boot from, but haven't been able to get a working version of the OS on it. I've cloned the boot partition from the original SSD, but haven't been able to get it to show up in BIOS or to boot from.
Tried to create a backup boot on a USB, but that has failed twice without a given error code.
Does anyone have any steps they might suggest now? I've gone down just about every rabbit hole just to get this resolved.
submitted by ughfup to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:03 Lysander_Au_Lune 7-Port USB Hub for External HDDs?

I'm looking for a 7-Port powered USB Hub for my media archive which are on a bunch of 4-5TB external HDDs.
I have found 3 decent options with their prices including tax and shipping:
  1. StarTech, 65W, $132 CAD (from Amazon Canada)
  2. Sabrent, 36W, $75 CAD (from Amazon US)
  3. ACASIS, 36W, $69 CAD (from Amazon Canada)
As I understand, each drive is going the consume a maximum of 5W and 36W seems to be enough for all drives working at once (which is gonna happen rarely anyway).
Is the StarTech worth the double price or is it overkill for my use case?
The Sabrent one seems fine but is unavailable in canada and is made of plastic (might overheat).
I have not heard of ACASIS before, but it has aluminum enclosure and has great reviews on amazon (4.6 stars with 800+ reviews).
Appreciate your help hoarders!
submitted by Lysander_Au_Lune to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:57 veekli My password is “incorrect” and I need a USB to reset it?

I turned off my PC a few days ago (it’s a prebuilt Predator model with windows 11 installed) and when I turned it on today, my password was incorrect. It’s not wrong, I know I have the right password. My PIN is also incorrect When I try to reset my password, I get a pop up saying “No drive” “This feature requires removable media, such as a USB flash drive. Please connect a USB flash drive and then try again.”
I have restarted my PC into safe mode, Startup Settings, Restart, and am met with the same message.
I have attempted to diagnose my PC through Startup Repair.
When I went to command centre and typed “net user” > “The command completed with one or more errors.”
I’m stuck. What else can I try before I have to fully reset this thing?
submitted by veekli to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:43 pornaccount88948 Can't access storage hard drive from Windows 10 live boot

have windows 10 running on my pc and I can access my Storage HDD no problem. I just installed a live boot on usb and that also works fine. The problem I'm having is I can't find my storage drive anywhere on the USB live boot.
While in the live boot: I can access my SSD(the drive running my main windows os) but not the HDD. No trace of the HDD in disk part when I type "list disk", or in disk management. However I can see it's connected from the bios.
Is there some kind of protection only allowing the hdd to be seen from a certain drive/os? I wouldn't think this is the case since I re-installed windows a couple times, each time the HDD appeared right away
submitted by pornaccount88948 to techsupport [link] [comments]
