Prevacid bloating



I’ve been suffering with gas acid bloating and about 10 farts an hour I’ve tried everything and I’m also on acid meds (Prevacid) also Prevacid has many side effects and is dangerous long term and only works for acid and I saw something about activated charcoal tablets I bought them on Amazon natures bounty 100ct. 260mg take one in morning one at lunch one after dinner and sometimes right before bed. The recommended dose is 2 a meal but I do less and it still works very cheap only $9 and it worked for my father and his friend also there are no long term or short term side effects except black stools or constipation but I’m taking 3-4 a day for 6 months now no side effects if you get constipated just take less pills a day like 2-3 most people get constipated from over 5 also if your on any important meds it can cancel them out also advil Tylenol it cancels out this is because it’s a natural detox it removes tons of toxin from your body now I’m not on any meds and I feel much better also less tired one more thing this works to get alcohol out of your system and good for hangovers hope you all give it a shot I wasn’t paid to do this just trying to help anyone who was suffering like me
submitted by Parking-Sort-1463 to Acidrefluxdigest [link] [comments]


I’ve been suffering with gas acid bloating and about 10 farts an hour I’ve tried everything and I’m also on acid meds (Prevacid) also Prevacid has many side effects and is dangerous long term and only works for acid and I saw something about activated charcoal tablets I bought them on Amazon natures bounty 100ct. 260mg take one in morning one at lunch one after dinner and sometimes right before bed. The recommended dose is 2 a meal but I do less and it still works very cheap only $9 and it worked for my father and his friend also there are no long term or short term side effects except black stools or constipation but I’m taking 3-4 a day for 6 months now no side effects if you get constipated just take less pills a day like 2-3 most people get constipated from over 5 also if your on any important meds it can cancel them out also advil Tylenol it cancels out this is because it’s a natural detox it removes tons of toxin from your body now I’m not on any meds and I feel much better also less tired one more thing this works to get alcohol out of your system and good for hangovers hope you all give it a shot I wasn’t paid to do this just trying to help anyone who was suffering like me
submitted by Parking-Sort-1463 to acidreflux [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 21:58 GoodGrapefruits Former athlete with a difficult case

I’ll try to do cliff notes here. And I hereby promise that, when I’m better, I will post an update 🙂
TLDR: former high level athlete with long-term sibo struggle. Tried multiple treatments to no avail. I need help.
Male 33 y/o. I’ve never done a breath test (not available at any labs nearby) but I have many of the classic symptoms.
I was first “diagnosed” with SIBO 8 years ago. I did an herbal protocol (the 3 products from Biotics - ADP, Dysbiocide, FC-Cidal) and nothing got better.
Thus, I moved on from SIBO.
Since then I’ve treated several other things - thyroid, Lyme, tried different diets, etc. but I’m honestly worse than ever.
Main symptoms:
Some other things of note:
  1. I was on Prevacid for 7 years back in my late teens and 20’s. My original doc (that treated me for SIBO 8 years ago) thought that’s how the SIBO developed.
  2. The reason I’m back on SIBO as the cause of all this - in November I decided to try oregano oil to treat a months-long sinus infection (after 3 antibiotics failed). 2 capsules of oregano oil gave me diarrhea and fever symptoms for 3 days - but at the end of it I felt amazing. Clear headed, good. It reverted back after a day or so but that convinced me the problem is in my GI tract. Unfortunately trying oregano oil again didn’t seem to work (finished that bottle).
  3. One thing that seems to give me some good results - garlic. I crush/chop it, wait 15 min, and swallow in water. Doesn’t fix the situation but it seems I feel overall better when I’m doing this consistently. Unfortunately I’ve now had multiple times where I’ve thrown up right after taking the garlic so I’ve stopped.
  4. Iodine gave me interesting results last year. First time I took it, it was like a fog was lifted. I thought I found the CURE. But that only lasted a day and a half and I was back to normal. That same thing happened 2 or 3 more times but I couldn’t get the results to stick. Read Dr. Brownstein’s book, used Lugol’s, etc but never got results.
  5. I tried carnivore/low carb last year and actually had some good results. Seemed to have more energy, exercised way more, etc. but my digestive symptoms after eating were sometimes pretty bad. Like I’d eat some eggs and ground beef and feel bloated for hours. That and several charliehorses during the night made me abandon it.
  6. I had an endoscopy 3 years ago - this showed some gastritis, esophagitis, and a small mucosal mass in my stomach (that the doc believed to be benign but I never did a follow-up scope - huge fear of anesthesia).
  7. Fruit might be the only food that DOESN’T give me much gastrointestinal distress. I know that goes against many of your experiences.
  8. Tried Betaine hcl many times. If anything it makes me feel worse.
  9. I usually have a daily bowel movement but it’s often forced. Rarely diarrhea.
  10. I did a stool test a few years back - showed low bacterial diversity (despite taking expensive probiotics) but no actual pathogens.

OK, now the present situation - my GP prescribed a 14 day trial of Rifaximin. It … sort of seemed to help. Not substantial but enough to make another round worthwhile.
But I don’t think my insurance is going to approve it. They put up a fuss with the first round too.
Now I’m wondering what to do next. Go to a gastro? Try another protocol? Elemental diet? Order a breath test on my own?
ANY advice is much appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by GoodGrapefruits to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 14:56 Last_Builder5595 Sliding HH, does constipation worsen it?

I've been diagnosed with a small (3cm) sliding HH for over a decade now. I'm on a restricted diet, Prevacid and Famotidine but am trying to eventually get off of the PPI without too much luck. I tend to get constipation often, with the other meds I take and unhappy body reaction to too much fiber.
I was wondering if the pressure from bloating and constipation can make the HH slide more, causing more symptoms on some days than others? I'm seeing my GI for a followup on Tuesday but wondered about others' experience on this.
submitted by Last_Builder5595 to HiatalHernia [link] [comments]

2024.01.09 00:16 Aggressive-Hat2353 Can't seem to eat anything but potatoes?

Hi all. I'm new and thought I might share a post in hopes of gaining some insight into what I may be doing wrong. For starters, I have been dealing with gastritis-related issues on and off since 2020. I had a nasty flare and decided to see a gastroenterologist to make sure it was nothing serious. I was diagnosed with IBS and sent home with some bentyl to take in the event that my stomach flared again. I didn't run into any other issues until January 2023. I had decided to fast at the beginning of the year and broke the fast with a hamburger, which was a huge mistake. Since then, I've been dealing with constant flares, which lead to bloating and severe pain. I've been eliminating foods that have been triggering flares, but the list of what I can eat without blowback has significantly decreased over this past year. I had an endoscopy at the end of 2023 that led to the official gastritis diagnosis. My doctor prescribed Protonix, which had no effect over the six-week period it was taken. Since then, it seems to have become more aggressive, and the only thing I've been able to stomach recently were plain baked potatoes. Everything else causes pain. She has recently switched me to Prevacid, but so far I haven't seen any changes. Is there anything I may be missing? I'm grateful to be able to eat at all, but I'm scared that it could worsen.
submitted by Aggressive-Hat2353 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.01.01 08:13 Mocha_dog2020 Reactive gastropathy

Just got back my pathology results from my endoscopy and it says I have reactive gastropathy (everything else normal)
I’ve been struggling with constant nausea, early satiety, abdominal bloating, fatigue, brain fog for months ever since I got Covid in May. I’ve been taking Prevacid 15mg daily for 6 months now. Tums and simethicone as needed. GI bland diet ever since this started. Originally thought it was functional dyspepsia since all the tests were negative. But the symptoms are still persevering despite so long. I don’t drink alcohol or take any NSAIDs. Never had any reflux issues in my life (previously a healthy 28F). So what could have caused the reactive gastropathy? Covid possibly??
I see my GI doctor next week. What other things or meds do you think I should do to help my symptoms? What questions should I be asking the doctor?
Please help! I’ve been having so much anxiety and depression ever since this all started. I’m physically and mentally exhausted….
submitted by Mocha_dog2020 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2023.10.04 03:37 steekyreeky Endoscopy scheduled in the morning!

Finally biting the bullet and getting it done with sedation. Never been put to sleep before absolutely terrified.
Suspected hiatal hernia, been putting it off. Upper abdominal pain/gnawing pain/burning upon sitting up, lifting items. Anxiety definitely makes it worse. Weird chest pains as well. Heartburn?
I feel fine when laying down flat in the bed or sitting down In chair.
Anxiety seems to make it worse.
Also have a globus sensation in throat at times about halfway down. The need to clear my throat is present.
Wish me luck and good luck to all!!!
UPDATE: arrived this morning at 7 (nervous as shit) met a couple nurses. They took vitals gave me a gown. Didn’t care for my 127 heart rate ( nervous as shit still) nurse was pretty stern and unforgiving was showing a student how to handle the IV poke. After that was painfully out of the way, I received a bag of fluids.
Waited in the room for a couple minutes talked to one of the anesthesiologist. Really nice guy helped my nerves a little bit. They take me in my bed back to surgery room waiting room thing. Then my nerves start to go crazy. Nurses whispering to each other probably like ( can we even do this because he’s going nuts) they said I was be far the most tore up they had seen and scared they had ever encountered. They wheel to a bright ass room where the operating room is roll me on to my side very quickly the OTHER anesthesiologist was pretty rude very quickly working with the ports on my IV tubes I said “are you putting me to sleep?” He said no. Next thing I know I’m extremely dizzy spinning around. Next thing waking up in a strange room with no sense of time.
I’m not trying to off put people on this. I just want to document for the people who have anxiety and concerned about this. YOU NEED TO FIND A WAY TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN. Your experience will be worse if you’re nervous. I know easier said than done. But honestly I’m pretty traumatized by the experience.
I think my anxiety was giving everyone else anxiety. I was making everyone very uncomfortable.
FINDINGS SO FAR: Waiting two weeks for biopsies to come back. Esophagus a little inflamed. Gastritis. No ulcers. 4 cm hiatal hernia.
Was taking sucralfate 1GM 4 times a day and pantoprazole 40 MG 1 a day
She told me the pantoprazole is making me too bloated to switch to Prevacid and stop taking the sucralfate. I think she said sucralfate was lining my esophagus and food particles getting stuck in the gel.
submitted by steekyreeky to GERD [link] [comments]

2023.10.03 18:35 murphybella8 Transition from Amino acid formula back to nutramigen

Hi everyone. My five month old has been on Puramino due to suspected MSPI (severe colic, diarrhea, arching during feeds, reflux, bad gas) and he is doing great on it. His reflux is still there but his colic and stools improved greatly, he stopped arching and crying all day long. He is much less bloated and less gassy too. He has been on this for approx 3 months, along with Prevacid. The problem is the formula is so crazy expensive we just can no longer afford it anymore, and despite having a prescription it is not covered on my benefits. And since my son is on my benefits (even though they don’t cover formula) the government will not cover it. It’s costing almost 250 every week. Due to this, my ped suggested transitioning to nutramigen (it is slightly cheaper and more accessible) and seeing if my baby can tolerate it now after a few months. Does anyone have experience on this?! I’m so scared for his symptoms to come back. Note: I would combo feed with breast milk to lessen the financial burden and also I’d love to breastfeed (I’ve still been pumping just incase) but we never pinned down exactly what his intolerance was (corn, soy, dairy, eggs, etc) and so the diet would just be too hard for me to find anything to eat right now. I haven’t given up hope that I’ll be able to do it eventually though. Any advice or similar experience would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by murphybella8 to MSPI [link] [comments]

2023.07.25 00:02 AlternativePancake Myriad of Dachshund Issues

Sorry for the wall of text in advance.
(Dog, 5yrs Old, Female, spayed, 17lbs, Dachshund, USA)
A few months ago, I left my 5yr old dachshund at a dog hotel for a few days while I was out of town. A few days after getting her back, we noticed that she had periodic spasms where her legs would twitch uncontrollably. The vet tested her blood and didnt see anything, but prescribed some doggy Advil. In the past she would bloat from medicine so we didn't realize right away, but she was getting very heavy. She was always a grazer when it came to eating, to the point where she would pick out the smaller pieces of kibble and only ate the bigger pieces and would eat a bowl over the course of a few days. Suddenly she was eating a whole bowl of food and crying for more in a single sitting. We took her back and they did more blood tests, but nothing. Recently, we noticed that she's blind, seemingly out of nowhere and after more blood tests and a test for Cushings, everything came back normal.
We're so confused how she went from a normal healthy dog to blind and obese in such a short amount of time with the vets scratching their heads and suggesting Prevacid.
Random other tidbits, we found a tick on her and she's been prone to UTIs.
Thank you so much for reading and any advice would be very appreciated.
submitted by AlternativePancake to AskVet [link] [comments]

2023.07.05 21:47 newuserof2020 Gagging Problems

Hi all,
To keep my post as short as possible, I would like summarize a few background information here before getting to the current issue:
-I am 32 y/o Male, lean and somewhat athletic
-Back in 2011 (a little more than 10 years ago), I started getting these symptoms where I have to gag whenever I move around or eat something. It felt more like something triggering the gag reflux from the throat, not really nausea from the stomach. This made me bedridden for several months until I was able to slowly recover. After some months of recovery, I've had other stomach related symptoms like bloating, upset stomach, nausea, etc.
-After seeing several doctors and tests back then (no H pylori bacteria found) and trying A LOT of different things like drinking the black eastern herbal medicine, prescribed/otc meds like prilosec/prevacid/etc., manuka honey, raw cabbage juice, acupuncture, cupping (around stomach areas), raw aloe, antacids, coconut water, and ginger tea, I slowly recovered. I lost about 20lbs within that timeframe but starting around 2014 and until now, I've gained the 20lbs back and have been able to eat normally for the most part (I still try to avoid fried or spicy foods) without the issues with gagging or even with digestion in general.
-What I believed to have caused the issue from 2011 (doctors were not very helpful) were the combination of smoking cigarettes at the time, sleeping very late and waking up late - which threw off the eating schedule, allowed myself to starve for a long periods of time and then eat a LOT, and drink a lot of soda and of course stress. But these are my assumptions based on my habits back then.
Fast forward to today, I can say that I have been able to enjoy my 'recovered' self for the past few years UNTIL about a month ago. All of a sudden, I started feeling the pressure in my throat again. Since it's been so long that the feeling was unfamiliar to me of what's to come. I have been eating on time, I don't allow myself to starve and have been eating less of any fried or spicy foods for a very long time. But about a month ago, I had to start gagging again while eating with friends because the pressure was very powerful in the throat. After gagging a few times, I ended up throwing up some bits of the food and stomach acid. Ever since then, some of the old symptoms from 2011-2014 have come back!
After I eat, I can feel the pressure building up in the throat, which triggers the gag reflex. My stomach has been consistently bloated and uncomfortable after eating or when it gets hungry, similar to how it was previously. FORTUNATELY, I am able to still function for the most part and is able to still work, etc. because it's not AS sensitive as it used to be when I first had these symptoms about a decade ago. However, I can't socialize because I started getting the gag anxiety again, which then causes the pressure to build up even more and triggers the gag. For the past 2 weeks or so, I have been doing the following as a hardcore recovery plan:
-eat very bland food that are easy to digest (steamed rice, potato, egg, cabbage, and some light soup)
-very light cardio for at least 15 minutes each day
-massage the upper stomach twice a day
-taking licorice root extract tablet twice per day
-drinking coconut water throughout the day
-drinking ginger tea at night
-eating oatmeal in the evening (hours before bed)
-taking melatonin at night
-and using an inclined pillow made for acid reflux reduction
I will say that I have gotten SLIGHTLY better in the past 2 weeks, but the symptoms aren't going away as fast as I'd like it to. I've already lost 7lbs in the past 2 weeks. My stomach feels bloated for the most part of the day when I'm hungry or when I'm done eating. I try taking Gas-x when I feel the pressure is too high. My assumption is that my LES is weakened and it's allowing either acid or pressure to freely go up to the throat area that is already damaged by the acid reflux, which is now very sensitive.
Has anyone else gone through symptoms like this and are there any suggestions on what else I can try at this point to recover as quickly as possible? I understand that healing any damaged areas like the throat/esophagus/LES just takes time, but I'd be willing to do whatever it takes to heal faster. I almost forgot how disabling this gagging issue is.
Thank you all in advance for any advice!
*UPDATE\* As of about 4 weeks into the recovery plan. I'm starting to feel much better and have been able to start eating other foods that are a little heavier than the very bland things I have been eating. Less bloating and less tenderness to the upper stomach when I massage it. Less gagging and less feeling of pressure in the throat.
I lost about 10lbs in the last 4 weeks from the diet and probably from the stomach/intestines not absorbing nutrients properly. But me feeling any better is well worth it. I will continue the recovery plan for now until I feel like I've recovered 90-100%, but will likely start introducing other foods back into the diet.
submitted by newuserof2020 to GERD [link] [comments]

2023.06.24 05:28 Head_Celebration4990 H.Pylori -> GERD -> ??

I (18f) was diagnosed with H Pylori (Breath test negative, tried stool and it was negative as well and blood eventually came back positive) at 11 after almost a year of constant GI issues (24/7 nausea, acid reflux, felt full with no end, lost 40 lbs). It was treated with a 2 week course of Metronidazole, Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin and 1 month of 15mg lansoprazole (prevacid). My symptoms got mostly better, and my secondary test came back negative.
I had an endoscopy 2 months after I finished treatment and they didn’t find anything. I’ve had constant general GI issues for the years since then and test after test have shown nothing. I have severe GERD, and I became lactose intolerant from the long untreated infection.
About 18 months ago my condition worsened severely in what was almost overnight. I’m never hungry (feelings for hunger stopped after H. Pylori treatment) I feel full after only a few bites or less, my acid reflux is severe 24/7 and non acid reflux 24/7, even on 30mg lansoprazole for 14 months now. My stomach hurts almost constantly and I’m very nauseous all the time, and eating anything makes me very bloated. I can’t seem to find anything to make it better, and at this point even drinking water makes my nausea worse and I don’t know what to do.
Is the Prevacid helping? Are there any tests I should have done? Any lifestyle changes changes I should make? I’m so desperate for anything at this point to make the suffering stop I’d do almost anything.
submitted by Head_Celebration4990 to GERD [link] [comments]

2023.06.11 23:48 I_am_King_Leon Need Input

Im a UC patient for 12 years.
I’ve been in relative remission.
Have GERD, so have been on prevacid (15mg) low dose for many years.
Last Summer, my colonoscopy came back with no inflammation. Stupid ME stopped taking oral mesalimine thinking i was great.
However, last month, my bowel habits changed. Less frequent, and abdominal aches, and bloating. Some stool his little blood, but rare. Calprotectin is 134 as of last week. Hemoglobin normal. WBC normal. RBC normal. Iron slightly low.
Here is my question: should I worry about gastric ulcer or cancer? It’s got me very stressed. Or is this likely just UC manifesting itself in a change of bowel habits.
I have restarted mesalamine as of 2 weeks ago. No real changes yet…
submitted by I_am_King_Leon to IBD [link] [comments]

2023.06.08 07:11 ialyffs 1 week post-op as of today (removed Wednesday, May 31)

So.. I’m gonna start this off with saying I sobbed about 4 times wondering if I’d made a horrible mistake removing my gallbladder. I had a single 2.4cm stone & I never had an attack before removal, but I had SEVERE acid reflux/heartburn to the point where I was using a rescue inhaler 3 times a day because I wheezed so badly. I developed full on uncontrolled asthma for awhile there and the only thing that pacified it was a very strict diet. Even then, the wheeze never fully settled, but it didn’t get worse when coughing so I tolerated it. I still have the wheeze post-op but it’s very mild, it doesn’t restrict my breathing and it’s honestly just an inconvenience. I am 99.9% sure it was causing by me refluxing in my sleep because raising my bed + diet alleviated it, BUT with that being said, I must also add that yesterday I ate macaroni and cheese. And one day post-op I ate DQ ice cream cake (not a lot mind you, I only eat the vanilla like the picky 23 year old I am). I was terrified. I ate that mac n cheese like I was the world’s slowest competitive eater, taking big gulps of water in between each bite trying to lessen the horrific consequences I was sure were coming. I read so many horror stories - even my dad told me certain greasy foods have made him run. I waited, and I waited, and I waited.. and nothing happened. My ass did not explode. My stomach made a couple weird sounds, gurgled a little & was kinda bloated after I ate the whole bowl. Then I ate a homemade rice krispy square. Nothing happened. It was like a weight was lifted off my chest. I wanted to cry again but from happiness. For days I’ve been terrified to try anything, everyone had me convinced a 1cm cube of cheese would make me immediately shit myself. I thought I had ruined my life. Now’s probably a good time to add that I have panic disorder and PTSD from serious illness as a child. I’ve had 5 (technically 6) surgeries, but I had never lost an organ before. I thought I had made the wrong choice. I’m still not entirely set in my choice, but I’m very grateful for the progress I’ve seen these past few days that’s lowered my stress. I have heartburn a lot, but I notice I’m not refluxing as much - I still am refluxing some, but not every single burp. The heartburn happens no matter what I eat, but when I burp, it’s not acid or bile so I’m wondering if it may be my throat needing to heal still from the scope + biopsies done alongside my surgery. I did burp acid/bile once or twice a few hours after having a strawberry coconut drink from Starbucks, though. I’m terrified of developing severe bile reflux, though I’m sure that’s what I had before removal because high dose prevacid stopped working completely. I take omeprazole twice a day now and I pop gaviscon regularly whenever I feel a burn. A friend said her mother had heartburn for about two months after her gallbladder removal before it subsided and has never bothered her since. My dad had horrible heartburn every single night before his removal, so bad it made him vomit multiple times, and now I haven’t seen him touch an antacid since the start of 2023 (his surgery was in December). I’m holding out hope this will be temporary and is just a part of recovery. I’m definitely keeping an open mind and I’m trying my best to keep stress levels low.
Please don’t let yourself be scared by all the horror stories. When things go bad, people complain - but when things go good, they carry on living and you never hear about it again. For every horror story there are tons of people in your every day life living happily without their gallbladders. I’ve learned so many people I’ve known for years had theirs removed ages ago! It’s insane how common this surgery is.
Also, my pain level has gone down substantially! Still some gas remaining that likes to sit in my right hip and right shoulder at night while I’m trying to sleep, but I can move around fairly well now without any pain. Three days ago laughing made me start crying, and a few hours ago I was able to have a light chuckle a few times while watching The Boys with minimal pain :)
submitted by ialyffs to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2023.05.27 14:19 Great-Lingonberry76 Sulfur burps & Bloated… I have a date in 6 hours. Help please.

Please don’t say Gas-X, I took it at 2am this morning and it hasn’t helped. Also, I take Prevacid daily, so obviously, that’s not the answer either. 🙁
TIA for the help
Edited for update: Thank you all for the great advice. I went the Pepto route and the burps cleared up. I was still bloated, but I was able to poop, and that helped quite a bit as well. Date was great. We went for a drive up onto the mountains and had lunch a a small winery along a river.
submitted by Great-Lingonberry76 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2023.01.07 17:40 chronic_pain_queen do I have gastritis?

I started having horrible burning pain in the pit of my stomach, which was worse if I was standing or walking, in Nov 2021.
Went to a GI, they did an endoscopy, told me I have GERD and gastritis and not Celiac. They put me on Prevacid (lansoprazole) indefinitely. Kind of a lame doctor with poor because manner but he knew his stuff. I stopped taking it in Feb 2022 and then had to start taking Pepcid for a few months and now I'm on Omeprazole, which is great. I also had ultrasounds of my stomach and they were clean. I never had my gall bladder checked. My mother had her gall bladder removed apparently (I found this out recently)
Now, separately from my GERD journey (which is much longer), I've had horrible painful trapped gas all my life. Started to get unbearable in high school (I'm now out of college), in fact the first time I passed out was due to gas pain (at the time I thought it was period cramps but no, it was horrible gas pain).
Now that I'm realizing that my chest pains and my sharp shooting pains in my shoulder bone, and these times when my entire abdomen seizes up and I can't move or breathe without pain- it's all gas?! Ok then gas is ruining my life. Bad. Almost all my pains stem from gas. I know stress is a contributing factor to the pain but it's not the cause. My dad thinks I have bile reflux, whatever that is, but it doesn't sound right...
I have cut out everything from my diet that could POSSIBLY cause gas, and it's only getting worse... and this was on top of fully changing my diet for the GERD (and I'm trying to avoid migraine triggers). It's very difficult with all the nausea and limited food options and food anxiety (developed a few months ago due to my being scared of food and the inevitable pain), so I have also become extremely malnourished and have lost a lot of weight in the last few months due to several consecutive/concurrent medical crises. So my white blood cell count is also very low unfortunately and I'm immunocompromised now.
Recently was in the ER (again🙄) and CT was clean. They always say that and I'm like "ok but do I not look HELLA bloated to you? Are you going to have ZERO reaction to the fact that when you press on my lower stomach AT ALL, I am in horrible pain? And the gas medicines you give me do LITERALLY nothing?!"
So that's where I'm at. Sorry for the long post.
Is this gastritis (which I have been diagnosed with twice) ? All I have is HORRIBLE trapped gas, every day, since I was a kid, and then I also have GERD. But it sounds like on here you guys are having much worse so I'm not sure. Thanks
submitted by chronic_pain_queen to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2022.12.03 22:20 ilovecinnamon420 Confused about difference between regular constipation vs. SIBO

Some back story: I was feeling mentally better first the first time in months, had a larger appetite due to less anxiety during first 1/2 of November
Was eating high starches, less fiber, less greens than normal, craved sugar, not taking probiotic
For the last 3yrs I have had existing food intolerances (gluten, dairy, soy, nuts (except peanuts). I also have a hard time digesting fermented foods such as vinegar, and garlic and onions. Im very strict with not eating things that trigger me.
About 3 or 4 weeks ago, I started not getting much sleep due to being wired from job. I had the wired and tired feeling every night, which cause my sleep schedule to be messed up. Only got a few hrs of sleep for a week, noticed I wasn’t pooping regularly. This isn’t normal for me. I’ve pooped regularly every day throughout my adult life (26 F).
Constipation started. Although I didn’t track it. Maybe was going every 2 days ? This lasted for about two weeks
Started getting upper gastric bloating, churning, and intense discomfort. Feels like things were fermenting inside me. Feeling of having gas but it was trapped in upper abdomen. When it finally got let out, smells veryyy sulfuric smelling
Started on low FODMAP diet as well as bi-phasic SIBO diet (eating only chicken broth, boiled chicken, berries, fish with lemon, and spinach).
Tried taking probiotic again
First day of fodmap/SIBO diet, developed lowgrade constant dull pain on upper left abdomen
It’s been 5 days now and pain is still ongoing. It moves around when I’m in different postures, but generally is localized to left area. It’s about a 3 or 4 on the pain scale but greatly inhibits my ability to sleep as it is extremely uncomfortable. I can hear gas forming near the area it’s painful, I also feel like things (air) is moving around.
Sleep is also disturbed by the feeling up churning/movement in upper left gastric area
Have been having bowel movements daily since started the diet 5 days ago. However, poops are not regular. They’re harder and harder to push out and smaller in size than normal. It doesn’t really feel like I’m backed up, but it’s hard to tell. I’ve had constipation before but this feels different
Gas no longer smells sulfuric ever since starting diet. But still have constant feeling of trapped gas in upper gastric area. Having trouble getting gas out, it just sits in upper area.
Bad taste in mouth/breath bad
Intense bloating, even with little food intake. Stomach swelling
Having more GERD like symptoms, feeling of things coming up, only a few times
Those weird singular hiccups happening way more frequently Feel like I’m swallowing air
Random bouts of nausea, getting more persistent
Unsure if appetite is lessened or not
Unsure if taking probiotic made symptoms worse or not
Some important things to note for context if my medical history:
Have a history of chronic GI issues. Saw a specialist for first 18yrs of life. I was born premature (28 weeks) and had a feeding tube in from ages 3-8.
I was diagnosed with delayed gastric emptying (gastroparesis)
Had severe GERD as a kid but went away as an adult
Was put on Prevacid from age 3-18. Just looked it up and apparently it’s a proton pump inhibitor
Was also on Regalin from age 3-18. Long term side effects of both medications are unknown. I was told I’d have some side effects but wasn’t told what.
Had an endoscopy and colonoscopy in July this year that came back “normal”, so doc didn’t take biopsy. Haven’t had a follow with gastro
In October 2020, I self diagnosed myself with candida overgrowth. I saw a naturopath and went to PP and was given 2 doses of fluconazole and a candidastat supplement. I stayed in a strict cruciferous vegetable and meat diet (low carb and starch) for about 6 months, felt waaay better. Since then I’ve had on and off bouts of GI issues. My current issues feel different, like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.
I suspect and hypothesize I might have SIBO because of sudden inability to digest things without fermentation or sulfuric gas and constant upper gastric bloating
Other theory is that I have backed up stool in colon from constipation .. but what caused the constipation?
Month prior, was eating more and most of it was takeout. Not unhealthy food but not packed with fiber and vegetables like when I cook. Maybe that’s what caused the constipation?
Biggest issue: inability to sleep due to stomach making gas and constant lowgrade pain on left side, also nausea is more constant lately. Started taking zofran for nausea but I read that can cause further constipation ! Looked up pain location I suspect it’s in the sigmoid colon region. But could also be something else idk
I feel stuck and trapped in a system that does not care for me. Im currently uninsured due to aging out of my parents and am waiting ti get approved for OHP (I live in oregon). I’m scared that my insurance won’t process at a fast rate. I’m scared that doctors won’t believe me. I have so much medical trauma and have dealt with years of medical gaslighting. I don’t have much money rn and that’s hard. I just paid $200 for a SIBO test from a previous naturopath who ordered it as a piece of mind thing a year ago, I’m not sure if that’s a wise decision.
Other conditions to note: I have PCOS (elevated DHEAS levels) I have mild POTS I have slightly elevated iron levels (which no one seems to think is an issue) I have slightly elevated dopamine levels in my catecholemines Constant sinus allergies for past 1.5yrs
I bought oil of oregano, uva ursi, berberine, and enteric coated peppermint oil. But I’ve been waiting to take them because I don’t want to mess things up if I don’t have SIBO. I also don’t want to skew the test.
I guess I’m wondering, do my new onset of symptoms align with others SIBO stories? Im feeling sicker by the day honestly and not having insurance right now is a huge stressor. I’m averaging about 3-4hrs of sleep a night because it’s so uncomfortable to sleep. Looking for some reassurance that I’m thinking in the right direction
submitted by ilovecinnamon420 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2022.11.02 19:39 FitMerrill55 Week 9 and Still Miserable

I'm on Week 9. Currently taking 5mg. I've lost 17 pounds which is great. But, I am utterly miserable. About 2 days after a dose, the painful gas, burping, bloat and vomiting set in. I'm convinced that the only reason I'm losing weight is because I can barely tolerate food. I take prevacid daily for GERD anyway and that doesn't help. Immodium controls the pooping. But, I cannot seem to find anything to control the bloat caused by painful gas which leads to horrible burps and vomiting because between the gas and what little food I can eat there's no room for the food to stay down. I'm seriously considering giving up.
submitted by FitMerrill55 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2022.10.26 17:41 Coolman_Rosso Post-Infectious Gastroparesis?

This is not a formal request for a diagnosis, just want to know if these symptoms line-up with anyone else's experiences.
Back in July I had a pretty bad bout of gastroenteritis that lasted roughly 5 days. After that I had some constipation problems for a week or so, then after that my appetite was out of whack and I went on a a pretty restricted diet for a few weeks. I ended up losing about 18 pounds in a little over a month. By mid-late August I was mostly fine, but was concerned I might have some kind of lingering issue. In September I had 3-day case of heartburn that never ceased until I took prevacid for a week.
I checked up with a GI in August and was told that it was likely a stress issue (I had thought I might have IBS), but we should do a follow up in October. Two weeks ago I went back, and things were still largely fine. He said that for the time being there's no reason to suspect IBS given the lack of bowel habit changes and abdominal pain. However about a week ago my appetite nosedived, and has gotten worse in the last two days. I feel full 85% of the time with very few sensations of hunger. I still eat, but I can only eat so much (usually not a whole lot. My standard breakfast is a cup of cereal with almond milk, while lunch would be half a sandwich) before feeling bloated or suffering indigestion (indigestion is only mild-moderate, and is not debilitating). For now my bowl habits are almost completely normal, and gas has only been semi-frequent (but when it occurs it tends to happen for a day or two nonstop). There has been no further instance of acid reflux, and I am not vomiting.
I had heard that GP can be a follow-up of sorts to gastroenteritis, but did not think it would kick in after almost four months. I will be calling my GI again tomorrow to see what the deal might be, but I don't think I'll be able to see them for at least 3-6 weeks.
submitted by Coolman_Rosso to Gastroparesis [link] [comments]

2022.08.08 18:13 throwaway_thxshan GERD, Gastritis, Xifaxan, & Recent Worsening GI Pain

For context: 28F, white, 5'5", 120lb when healthy but lately closer to 116 or as low as 107 with recent health struggles
I'm currently experiencing pain and feeling 2 hard pea-sized lumps in this area:
From the googling I've done, I think it could be related to GI lymph nodes. Can someone confirm if it's most likely that or a different issue?
I started back birth control in late 2021 and switched around a couple of times, including in late March. In late March, I also was taking new supplements, and I also got my first dose of the shot. In early April, I started feeling not great after eating meals with onions or the Cup4Cup gluten-free flour. In late April, I got my second dose of the shot. In early May I saw a GI NP because I was having stomach pains (just undeinside my ribs on the left side) after I ate.
A few weeks later I was diagnosed with gastritis and GERD after an endoscopy which also revealed from a biopsy that I was not celiac (even though I only eat gluten every few months since in excess it has sometimes been accompanied by diarrhea in the past). I was prescribed 2x Prevacid for 5 months then told to wean myself off with the instructions provided. I actually tried natural/herbal routes for a month before giving up and trying 2x Prevacid for 5 weeks. This fixed the stomach pain after 2-3 weeks, but after 5 weeks, I was down from daily bowel movements to once every 3.5 days, bloated after every meal, and felt like I had a brick sitting in my pelvis.
The NP dismissed it as "oh, maybe it's IBS"--which I've never had issues with previously in life--and told me to keep taking the Prevacid. At this point, I was waking up bloated and going to bed pregnant. My way of coping was fasting for ~2 days every other week just to get my stomach down to its normal unbloated size. I also had some serious brain fog as well. I'm usually very productive, but I'd sit in front of my computer at work and zone out for a couple of hours at a time. Life feels like it's flying by as I'm moving in slow motion, and I can't feel time passing. (My mood, productivity and perception of time seem to be better when my GI symptoms are better, however.)
I finally got an appt with a GI doc in a bigger city in September. He prescribed me a round of Xifaxan 550mg 2x/day for 2 weeks. It definitely helped but didn't fix it. A month later, he was willing to prescribe another round, which helped a little bit more.My doc opted not to do a breath test for something like SIBO since sometimes there are false negatives, so his idea was to make an assumption and treat with Xifaxan and, if it worked, determine that it was both diagnostic and prescriptive. It apparently was both.
In December, a colonoscopy he performed revealed no obvious structural issues so he told me to keep taking Iberogast and come back in 6 months. I've tried to continue off and on with antimicrobials since December and seen some noticeable improvement.
I know this isn't what anyone wants to hear, but I, uh, got the booster last week, and some of the pains around my abdominal area came back. I know most people don't have issues with it, but I believe my body isn't handling it well, and I can't get a doc to take me seriously. Is this pain in the area I circled related to a GI lymph node?
submitted by throwaway_thxshan to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.07.13 23:28 Jqro_ Miralax not helping

Been taking miralax for a month now. My doctor suggested it because of my inconsistent poops and it’s help in the past when I had IBS 5 years ago and it helped that. My poops are the same as before I started taking the miralax. Sometimes I get a better poop, like longer or allot more of it, which when a good poop does happen, I’m very proud :) as many of you might feel similarly. I’m wondering if I’m not even constipated.. and the miralax not my Prevacid have helped with my inconsistent appetite, pain, bloating and pooping. Ive been eating more food recently than I had before, as I lost about 15 pounds over the span of 4 months from food causing annoyance. I was wondering if anybody else has had miralax not work, or has had irregular pooping (like pooping only a few times a week, pooping allot but very small, very hard pebble poop) I’ve been sticking to the low FODMAP very lightly, indulging in bad foods every so often but keeping my main meals relatively low in FODMAPs.
I’m checking in with my GI doctor soon but I’m taking some travels to Central America where I can’t go there at the moment. So refrain from telling me I need to see the doctor, and just let me know if you know something, or If ya don’t, thanks!
submitted by Jqro_ to ibs [link] [comments]

2022.06.07 05:30 electricnothing_ 18 years of being sick - any ideas what might help?

Hellooo first time posting so please be kind. 25F. I've had GI issues since I was a child. Had coxsackievirus when I was 7 which kickstarted acid reflux (doc put me on on prevacid as a kid). Noticed food sensitivities in high school (dairy/lactose in 9th grade and gluten in 11th) so I've been off those for about 10 years now. Tried low FODMAP and it helps a little? But with the flare up I'm having right now, I can't say it does too much.

Symptoms: Every morning starts with nausea and either a trip to the bathroom immediately, or immediately after breakfast for loose stool. Every meal causes bloating, gas, cramps and pretty quickly a trip to the restroom. I was never officially diagnosed with IBS, but I always just say it's like IBS-D, just not as severe as I've seen it in others. I get bad acid reflux at night. Trouble swallowing sometimes. Belching. Sour, queasy stomach lasts from the min I wake up til usually around 2-3pm, unless it doesn't stop.

For info: I take famotidine 20mg every night (sometimes morning and night, doc has approved this when it's bad) and sertraline 25mg for anxiety/depression nightly. Feel like it's worth nothing I've been on acid reducers basically nonstop since I was 7. Genuinely don't remember a time when I wasn't, since then. I usually take a probiotic supplement daily (when I'm not testing for GI stuff) and digestive enzymes with meals.
I've seen all sorts of docs since I was a kid, from GI specialists to now a functional medicine doc. Endoscopy and biopsy at 16 told me I had an inflamed stomach and ulcers (was on sucralfate until the ulcers stopped bothering me). Another endoscopy at 22 and was diagnosed with gastritis and esophagitis.
I eat a pretty bland, restrictive diet. No gluten or dairy. Only white meat chicken and occasional fish like salmon. No garlic, onion, tomatoes, beans, cruciferous veggies, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol, limited tea if any. Pretty much low FODMAP apart from the occasional guac or tiny but of avo spread on my GF wrap or in my veggie roll, and applesauce occasionally. I eat GF oatmeal, sweet potato and zucchini, GF bread, chicken, spinach, occasional blueberries and strawberries if I can handle them, banana, sometimes SoDelicious coconut yogurt if I can handle the sugar, peanut butter, and Simple Mills chocolate chip cookies because I have to have some joy in my diet lol

My functional medicine doctor has me doing a GI map with KOH add-on test. I'm on Day 2. Also ordered a SIBO breath test, but with my lactose intolerance I reeeeeally am not looking forward to that and my flare up is so bad right now I'm going to wait on it til the end of the month.

All this to say, can anyone offer any help, tips, advice, encouraging testimonies for me to read and help me not go insane?

I'm 25. I just want a normal life, y'all. I know I'm not the first to say that, and my heart sincerely goes out to those of you who feel my pain, and suffer even worse pain than I do. I hope and pray for healing in all of our guts.
submitted by electricnothing_ to ibs [link] [comments]

2022.02.17 01:02 Ozzzitor Burped as baby, but now can’t?

So as a baby my parents told me I always burped and it’s never been a problem for me. Growing up, I never had a memory of burping. (Side note : It’s not a family thing.)I remember seeing my brother in 2nd grade do it (manually), I tried to imitate him, but it didn’t work. Never really bothered it honestly. I never thought about it. I also never had gurgles nor bloating nor anything. Life was normal. Also, didn’t have a problem with vomiting.
Then last year, I don’t have a memory about it first starting, but I remember that on June 1st 2021 before my oral presentation I had some gurgles in the throat. During summer, they happened very very rarely.
August 25th 2021, first day of school and of course new classmates. I experienced the same thing that happened on June 1st. I thought it was stress that caused because it didn’t occur after 3 days.
Reflux acid on October 24th. I remember on that day the gurgles were so constant, extreme and annoying until I vomited where I found relief. (This kind of made think acidity was the problem). Never happened again. Been put on Prevacid for 2 weeks.
The 2 weeks after I stopped the Prevacid the constant and loud gurgles you guys are feeling started. Took Dexilant for a month, thinking it was due to stress which caused acidity, but nothing had changed.
After that, I just thought that maybe the problem isn’t reflux or stress whatever, but something else. I did some research. I found this subreddit and saw that I had the same symptoms as some of you.
Now, I’m still waiting for my Baryum test results. And I’m trying the shaker exercise.
I am so over these gurgles…day n’ night.
submitted by Ozzzitor to noburp [link] [comments]