Cool ways to type your name for myspace

Make Money

2009.02.05 05:16 Make Money

A place to discuss ways to make money.

2011.09.14 22:59 geekgirlpartier Name That Song: For identifying and locating songs/artists/albums/genres

A subreddit for identifying a song/artist/album/genre, or locating a song/album in a legal way. May contain NSFW content. Please read the rules before posting. Thank you and good luck :)

2008.12.06 18:58 /r/Dachshund: a wholesome community for lovers of wonderful dachshunds

A community for images, videos, discussions, artwork, and everything dachshund related. Feel free to share your doxie!

2024.05.18 22:15 InFa-MoUs Chill vs Sweat Lobbies

So I’ve been thinking a lot about ranked mode and while they seem like an obvious route to take when making an online game where people play against each other. It usually aims to separate the player base by skill level but I also think it tries to separate the player base by ‘intent’. And by that I mean players in ranked usually are looking for the sweatiest lobbies and pubs are usually for the chill games.
But because for ranked there’s usually some risk to playing (losing your rank), sweats still end up playing in pubs a good portion of their time. In which they are paired up with a lot of people playing in ‘chill’ mode and both parties usually end up having a bad game because of it. And likewise chill mode players end up in ranked because it’s the only way to get compared.
So all this made me start thinking that intent is a better metric for matchmaking than skill level. This maybe completely subjective but I feel like players regardless of skill would have a better time playing with someone who has the same intent as them more than just as the same skill level as them.
For example if I’m taking a game real serious, learning call outs, trying to communicate intently, etc.. I would wayyyy rather have teammates in the same mindset than teammates who are just no-comm-troll-wide-peaking demons who don’t miss.. And in the same boat if I’m just loading up a game to fuck around and try stuff I don’t want to feel bad because my teammate is super try harding and I barely give af about the buttons I’m pressing.
So my proposed solution is to just simply have two separate identical queues one named sweat and other named chill. With the only difference being the mindset/intent of the players when they queued up.
This way you know everyone on your team is in the same mindset, so if you want to start getting sweaty out the gate in character selection and suggest operators for your teammates go right ahead in the sweat lobbies because all they care about it is winning.
I would actually make another change to solve ranking of players in both modes. Sweat purely determined by the numbers k/d, win ratio etc (the standard) and chill mode purely player voted. As in the players vote who you they think was the best/most fun to play against.
My idea for chill mode voting would be thumbs up/thumbs down option in the kill cam. I think it would be really cool to see how that sorted the tiers. What type of gameplay would the top rank chill mode players have? My guess would be the most stylish and the most big brain players.
Anyways that’s my rant on ranked matchmaking let me know what you think, is it stupid, amazing? Should I get hired as a gaming director or should I never be allowed near a controller again. Find out below!
submitted by InFa-MoUs to ItsAllAboutGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:13 paradox914 Opinions wanted on a new person who isn't my ex

Hey guys, I would love to hear opinions on what I got going on right now. This doesn't have to do with my ex but actually a different girl I was talking to shortly after my relationship had ended. I'll just jump straight into it. It's gonna be bit long, but for those of you who stick it out, I greatly appreciate it.
So, 6 months ago in November my ex broke up with me. It was a 3 1/2 yr relationship. About 3 weeks after the breakup, I decided to ask out a girl who was in my class at the time. I genuinely actually liked her as a person prior to the breakup. She would just come hang/study with me every day before class, and I genuinely enjoyed being around her. I had no intentions of getting into anything with her but one time thought to myself that if I wasn't in a relationship I would totally ask her out and want to get to know her on a more personal level.
Well, low and behold, I was dumped and now actually had the opportunity to ask her out. Idk what I was thinking at time that made it seem like a good idea to go straight into dating after coming out of a 3 1/2 yr relationship 💀. But she said yes to going on a date. I told her we should wait till after finals, which she agreed to (we were in the last 2 weeks of the semester at that point, and the workload was crazy).
In this time, though, I was still in a lot of pain from my breakup and hurting. My ex was constantly on my mind. I was very emotionally unavailable to this new girl. I think to the point where she probably started having doubts by the time we finished the semester. I tried planning 1 date with her, and it didn't end up happening. It was around Xmas though and she had a lot of family stuff going on, which I understood. After Xmas passed, she messaged me apologizing for how busy she was and said we'd figure something out. I told her that was cool and just to let me know when she had time in her schedule. She said that was cool but never reached out about specifically about a date. But in this time her and I would message each other on instagram. We gamed online a little as well.
Once February hit and we hadn't gone on a date, I finally realized okay this is not going anywhere, and I was still deep in my healing process. Reality hit and I could see how not good the situation was that I was in. I never had told her about my breakup either. So by mid-February, I had lowered the amount of interaction to almost little to none hoping it would die out (terrible idea, I should have just communicated to her properly like an adult). But she would still send me stuff on Instagram, so I assumed okay is she still interested? So I messaged her and asked if she was still interested in going on a date, which she said yes to. I told her, though, that I wanted to talk to her over a call to talk about something important. I was going to be straight up to her about my breakup, which I felt was very important for her to know about if she were to invest anymore time into me. I didn't want to talk about it over text, though. She said she was busy atm so I told her it was okay and to let me know when she had some free time to talk. She said okay and I left it at that. I refused to take anything further without having that talk with her. She never reached out about the call but sent a reel here and there. I stopped replying to her and it finally just died out. I told myself I needed to just focus on me.
Fast forward to now. It's been 6 months after my breakup. I haven't had any contact whatsoever with my ex and could care less about anything that has to do with her, her life and what she does is none of my concern or business. I also haven't messaged the other girl since February. I've been committed to heavy personal growth and have detached and healed properly from my breakup. I've been working on my unadressed traumaus, attachment style, and anxiety by doing countless hours of workbooks, courses, and watching videos addressing my mental health and teaching me important skills that are required for a healthy relationship. I now feel like I am truly ready for another relationship.
Looking back on the situation I had started with the other girl, I feel so bad. I had no business asking her out at the time. I was completely in the wrong doing it. I was emotionally unavailable to her and probably came off like I didn't care much. She probably felt lots of mixed feelings cause of my mixed emotions and lack of effort/interest. And quiet frankly I don't blame her at all for how she was acting. I would be acting the same way in her position, having to deal with someone like me at the time.
Since then, I have run into her in person a few times, and we had decent short interactions. I would love to try again with her but properly. I just don't know if it's worth it. I already had put her through a rollercoaster, and we weren't even in a relationship. If I were to start up something again with her, I would want to have an actual conversation with her, apologize, and be straight up front about everything before moving anything forward just to clear things up (if she would even be open to the idea).
So I guess my question now would be, should I reach out to see if something can work? Or should I just leave it be? I don't care about being rejected, I'm just more afraid of disturbing her or making her upset or uncomfortable by reaching out. What's your guys' honest opinion and what would you do in this situation?
Thanks again for those who took the time read through all that. I greatly appreciate it :)
submitted by paradox914 to nocontact [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:13 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 16

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When I wake up the next day, my head is swirling with questions. As I get up from my bed and go to clean myself, I can’t help but question everything! Did last night actually happen? I am pretty sure it did, but it all felt so bizarre… and wonderful! There’s a planetarium in the city, and it is magical in the most literal sense of the word! There are books on magic there, too! So I can probably start studying and learning more next time I visit!

Speaking of books… I have something to check there, don’t I?

As soon as I am out of the bathroom I go to the living room to get my pills and then, I start passing the pages of Humiko’s book. As I reach the ‘Epilogue’ section, I confirm to my horror that the words have completely disappeared.

In a panic, fearing the worst, I check my notes… oh, good, those were still here.

What, were you fearing they would simply disappear too? Idiot.

Hey, with magic we really know nothing. It could have happened!

I do feel a little silly but, yeah. For all we know, it could have happened. The point is that it didn’t!

Breathing way easier now, I sit down on one of the couches and sigh. Picking up my phone, I can confirm that it's Friday and it’s already eleven past noon. I guess this time I am justified in sleeping so much? But at the same time, I can’t help but feel a little guilty.

Because you’re being lazy, even with your free time.

With another deep sigh, I try to ignore the voices and just look straight up at the ceiling, tapping my chin for a moment.

How do we proceed from here?

Pelafina said I shouldn’t visit the Elysium early, because it gets full of people. I wonder how true that is… actually, I wonder how true anything she said was.

Since when are you this distrustful?

I don’t know. I don’t even know why I lied to her in the first place, but I just felt that this phrase, the one long complete phrase I managed to translate, is far more important than I know. I can’t share it… I actually don’t want to share anything with this lady?

She will probably send the Cloaks if you stop cooperating though.

That much I know, and I hate it. She has all the control over the situation!

There’s one thing she can’t control though. She has no idea about your internet activity now, does she?

… Good point. I have to focus on that!

I actually have to get back to GalaxyTaco, too! See what he's been doing and all that!

But before all that, breakfast.

Ah, right. Almost forgot… although, wouldn’t it be better to just ask for lunch at this point?


Yes! Time for a burger.

They feel blander and blander every time you buy one. Why even bother?

Because they are still delicious, and more importantly, they are cheap and fast!

I quickly order a special Bisontian burger, with extra cheese of course, and then sit back down at the table, connecting my computer to the TER and tapping away a message at GalaxyTaco, to let them know I am up. Then, I write down my discoveries in the file I’m keeping. I’ll transcribe them to the notepad later.

I am adding the symbols (which I’ve learned are called Runes after a visit to the Elysium), meanings and effects I’ve learned. I’ve also learned that I can create Glyphs, which are combinations of Runes to create different effects. I wonder if they are phrases in the language!

Speaking of. They don’t even know it’s a language, they just seem to assume the symbols have effects and that’s it! Maybe they use it, but they haven’t fully grasped the implications yet.

That feels surprisingly shallow though. Just how much knowledge do these people have of magic? Is magic a recent discovery?

Or is there something else keeping people ignorant…?

The burger arrives not too long after I am done writing. I eat it while ruminating on the subject a bit further. They are not idiots, are they? To me, the first thing that comes to my mind when seeing symbols if they are part of a bigger language or something like that. Then again, maybe the lack of translation dissuaded them from experimenting further?

Stuff is not fitting as nicely as I wish…

I am about to write a little more when suddenly, I am added to a group in my messenger service. GalaxyTaco is alive! But not only them! There’s two other people in the conversation too.

Panic ensues, at least for a moment.

“Okay. Just keep calm.” I tell to myself. “Take a deep breath… phew… and let’s do this.”

My fingers are preparing to write some quick and tasteless introduction, when suddenly someone beats me to the punch.

ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: HIIIIIII!! ^0^!!

Oh no. A weeb, and a very strong one at that. I can feel her aura, her reiatsu, pushing down on me like a wave of augmented gravity. There are two chances here: I either get along real well with this person, or we hate each other on sight. There’s no middle ground among us.

ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: don’t be shy! :3 we’re friends here, I swear!

Well they are being real nice at least. Could be worse, they could be souseiseki.

man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): yo, you there?

Who the hell are these people!? I assume they are friends of GalaxyTaco, right? I really want to be patient but, damn it, new people get me nervous so easily…

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Hi there, hi! n.nUu sorry, this whole deal took me by surprise.
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: ohhhh it is fine! uwu gal-kun told us everything!
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: you must be so scared Dx I know I was when I got started!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Well it has certainly been a journey, heheh n.n but I’ve managed.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I found the Elysium last night so, at least there’s that!
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): good job, that’s a big advancement actually
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): next you gotta find the clinic, though
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: There’s a clinic too? O.o
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): yep. but we’ll explain all that later
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): i’m canny btw. cannedtea at the forum, remember me?

My face burns a little bit when remembering this guy. I wasn’t expecting to find him again so quickly.


Shut up.

ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: the name’s Aoi! ^0^/ UwU28 at the forum!
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: sorry I didn’t comment your topic, i am a bit shy xwxUu
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: It’s all fine, no worries n.n I’m Tav! But you two probably know that already
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): it bears repeating, girl. it bears repeating.
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: yeah! ^^/
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: alright I’m back! sorry I was seeing grandma to bed heheh

I sigh in relief, cleaning the sweat off my brow. Thanks saints, this was going to be a little too much for me to handle alone!

ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: oh hey gal-kun ~
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: reading up I see you’re all introduced, good good!
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: now I just gotta introduce the plan to you Tav, so pay attention!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I’m ready! o.o
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: alright, so
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: to avoid 82’s wrath?
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: canny here will be your voucher.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: huh?
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: just put him in your profile and he’ll cover for you.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: And you’re okay with that, Canny? ;w; really!?
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): eyeup, don’t worry girl. I gotchu.
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: canny-kun and mort-sama covered for me when I just got in too :3 he’s the best!

For a moment I blink. Huh? Covered for Aoi? Does that mean they are also a Bastard Mage? What does that mean? Did they just find the link somewhere, too?

Questions for later, I guess.

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Thank you so much Canny! ;w;
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): no prob bob
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): is it chill if I add you? you seem cool
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ah, of course! :3 Add away! You too, Aoi-chan.
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: EEEEE! Arigatou!! ^w^ <3 <3
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: oh yeah that reminds me.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: Aoi, ain’t you forgetting something?
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: ah right!!! Tavy! what are your pronouns? o.o!


ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: you put you’d rather not say your gender and that’s so cool! I wanna know what to call you though! uwu
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: if that’s okay of course ^.^
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: Aoi that is NOT what I meant damn it!
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): nono, she’s right.
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): sorry i kept callin you girl
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: not you too canny… focus!

I have never been asked that before… I mean, I have, by computers. But by people, it feels… odd.

I like it.

You’re going to start with your delusions again?

They can identify as anything. Stop being so harsh!

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: … I think I will go with she/her.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Is that okay? n.n
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): girl, don’t ask US
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): ask yourself
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): not the mean voice of anxiety, not the shit your guardians told ya
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): are YOU okay with it?

I feel the words pierce my chest for a moment. I gasp for air, my eyes opening a little more.

This is all just play pretend. Don’t take it so much to heart.

Shut up.


I said shut up. This time, this is for me. I decide this.

You little ungrateful asshole…

I want this. This makes me feel good and I will seize it. And you can go kiss my ass, you hear me!?


xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: … Yeah. Yeah, I think I am okay with it n//n
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): atta girl
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): it’s chill to call you a girl right?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Yeah yeah, I like it! n.n
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: yayayay Tavy-chan! :3
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: huh. that’s unexpectedly wholesome…
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: but let’s focus! Aoi! do you have the book?
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: right here boss! o.o7

ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!! has sent you bastard_recipe_book.pdf

Huh? A pdf? I hesitate for a moment but, hell, maybe it’s magic and magic can’t get viruses or something. I just click it.

ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: this is the rulebook for us Bastards, don’t tell nobody about it though OoO!
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: it’s a seecret~
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: A secret book… now that’s cool uwu
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): man, tav’s first secret
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): granny get the camera
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: lol
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: no but really, read it, study it well
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: it’s all vital.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: will do! I’ll print it and get to it right now
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: NO!
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: TAVY-CHAN WAIT
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): wait a sec tav
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Huh? O.o
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: don’t print that one!
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: yeah you can’t print magic books, it’s risky
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): the runes can activate and shit would go boom
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Oh, okay o.o
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Man I hate reading on the computer! ;w;
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: sorry tavy-chan ;w;!! but that’s the only way!
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: yeah… anyways, I gotta go to bed, real badly.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: I trust you got it from here right?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Yep! n.n
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: byeeee everyone!! uwu see you in dejima!
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): see you around

I sigh and slowly lean back on my chair. That was intense, way too intense… but I am smiling. Really, this is some proper progress! I finally have tools to work on my own! Maybe I can even translate some more after learning magic!

Are you sure that’s all you’re happy about?~

… Shut up. Don’t look too deep into the whole ‘pronoun’ thing.

I am opening the file I got when, suddenly, another message hits me.

It’s from Canny!

man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): hey tav
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): if you don’t wanna read it on computer you can get it physical.


man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): you said you found an elysium, was it in a library?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Yeah! o.o
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): thought so
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): look through the mundane part of the library, specifically in the section where you get cooking recipes
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): see if you can find a cheap notebook that says ‘MAGIC’ in it.
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): open it, say ‘jantar mantar’ to it, and that’s your ticket.

My eyes light up. A secret book, hidden under the cloak’s noses like that? That’s perfect!

man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): the book’s written in draconic, which basically means only mages can read the real shit and you can’t destroy it
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Wait what? O.o Draconic? Are dragons a thing here?
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): not anymore they ain’t
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Aww :c
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Wait,I can’t destroy it? O.o No matter how much I try?
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): i mean, you can, but it won’t do nothin
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): don’t worry about it
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ok! n.n but hey I don’t know Draconic D:!
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): don’t worry about it girlie
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Yay! n.n I will go get it then
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): get some other books too, in case you’re being tailed.
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): good luck tav
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Thank you Canny!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ah! I will be on my phone so don’t send me magic stuff for a while, okay?
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): gonna teach you the glyph for your phone later.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Yipee!! n.n
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ah hell, sorry for that úwu
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): you’re fine girl
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): good luck.

I feel motivated, so motivated that I stand up immediately, close my computer, and finish my hamburger on the spot.

Going out again!? Hah.

I am running out of mean things to say, that’s a good sign.

Don’t count on it.

You are doing great. Let’s go! The day’s young and we have notes to take!

Yes! I don’t even notice the door in my way this time! I just go out and hop my way over to the elevator.

To the library! Again!
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:12 Creative_Camel_8884 “The difference between movies and real life, is a movie script has to make sense…

And life does not.”
I do tell people it really gets to me when they ignore me without warning. Friends, potential dating partners, you name it.
You ignored me, just like everyone else, without saying why.
I said just let me know when you think you’ll be free or have time and I’ll check back. I pleaded to just communicate so I don’t feel discarded.
You know that every family member and every ex-friend weaponized that against me.
The toughest was after nearly ten years of friendship, crying my eyes out to a friend about the real reasons why it’s so hard for me, within two weeks the next fight shut me out and ghosted.
Still stings almost a decade and a half later - always a reminder that the people you think won’t do that, absolutely will do that.
I’m disappointed, not surprised by your choice. I thought you were so emotionally intelligent, maybe you were when we first talked months ago.
Things changed for you since then and I wonder if that change chased the capacity for compassion right out of you.
Whatever. Listen if you wanna buy that bikini you picked out off me for your next situationship, I am up for trades. Tags still on it, never worn.
Idgaf right now if we never have sex again. I can’t enjoy sex with people I don’t trust & I can’t trust people comfortable ignoring me.
Still think you cool, but man did you straight up destroy my desire for you. You right, you do just destroy stuff eh?
“Destruction is a form of creation” may what you create next, from the destruction of what could have been between us, be the most wonderful experience for you.
submitted by Creative_Camel_8884 to letters [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:12 BasicallyJustAnIdiot 30[M4F] #SoCal - I am nothing special, and you don't really need to be either...

...Just to me. You'd be absolutely precious if we ever fell in love and I don't play around with other people's hearts.
But we aren't quite there yet. I would love to chat for a while though and I am not really trying to impress you I just want a bit of your time.
I'm worth it I swear. I also just swear a lot in general.
Oh man, where the hell did the last decade even go?
It seems I discovered drugs and a decade just disappeared and I was 21 like three days ago. I'm sober now but it feels like l time traveled for a few years and now my life is stable and kinda boring and I dunno what to do with myself.
Now I'm 30 and kinda feel like a dinosaur most of the time since I have been a waiter or host my entire adult life. Decent money but most people abandon it after a few years and my coworkers are always about a decade younger than me. I dunno who the hell thought I deserved to be in charge but I was the idiot who stayed long enough that I run the place. It is kind of nice being the one telling others what to do but it does get old after a while. I wonder what other job I could get myself into while I'm still relatively fit and young. I found myself explaining what dial up internet was to a coworker and realized that maybe I should get into a new line of work before people started calling me grandpa.
It'll do for now though because life used to be really fucking hard and now it's easy for a change and I've got a lot of free time. This is kind of just a stream of unfiltered thoughts and I dunno why the hell you're reading it because I'm full of shit but I'm glad you stopped by and your company is welcome.
I actually feel like someone worth dating for a change so I am here ranting away trying to find another soul that never shuts up and has the endless enthusiasm for life that I do.
Because I love to experience new things and not everything was bad over the past decade. I fell in love a couple times and my life was good in those moments and I wonder if I could do that again. If people in this modern society want to slow down for a while and get to know someone for a while.
That is what love is to me. Or at least part of what makes it. To be completely known and understood, and appreciated for exactly that and nothing more.
I want to travel and see new things and I can get a job anywhere with my skill set so I always imagine going to someone else because I've figured out that home is where my favorite person is, it isn't really about the place.
I'll be at home when I can experience someone else and share a life with them. Understand them. Be at peace with them.
A man can dream at least and I have always been deeply passionate and touchy feely in the way I love and I've never really been shy either. Intimacy has never been a complaint someone has had about me and if anything was the only thing holding together one of my past relationships.
But I want someone I can appreciate as a friend too, and who I get along with amazingly well. A woman with a sharp mind is always endlessly sexy to me.
I have no idea where she is right now, but even if it's a small chance maybe she is here somewhere reading these posts aimlessly then it's worth a shot.
I actually did meet someone I met on here once but it didn't work out and I'll tell you about it later. I wouldn't mind trying again with someone more... Stable.
It's stupid little teenager like fantasies that keep me going sometimes. I can't be the only one.
I am nothing special. Tall but not the most handsome. Not ugly either but I don't see something amazing when I look in the mirror. Just a freckled white guy with brown eyes and an average. I am relatively fit but definitely no athlete with a six pack.
But I could find something special with someone else and I haven't given up on it because if I experienced it before when my life was even worse then it should be a better experience and possible now.
Unless the world has just given up on romance.
It will be a sad rest of my life if we are bound to live alone. I always thought I would make a cool ass dad and I want to have that experience before I die and I've always imagined sticking with whoever I had those kids with forever. I'm not asking you to be a housewife hell I would even be a stay at home dad of I had to if it meant I got to have the chance to raise a family of my own one day.
I guess the reasons millennials all treat their pets like babies is because we are too poor to have real ones.
So who are you?
If not have a lovely day.
submitted by BasicallyJustAnIdiot to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:11 Lather Referring to pupils as 'mate'...

Just for some context, I'm a cover supervisor at a PRU.
After almost having a minor mental breakdown in my first couple of months, I'm 6-7 months in now and love my job. I feel like I have good relationships with most of the kids I work with. I wouldn't say I'm a 'cool' teacher, but I'm definitely a more sort of.. casual one if that makes sense. I'll be firm with certain rules and call out prejudicial language, but I rarely call out casual swearing (as opposed to it being used maliciously).
The biggest difference between my current setting and other settings with children I've been part of is how some of my out-of-school language in carrying over to my in-school language. The biggest offender here is the word 'mate'. It's never used in a way that implies friendship, but more of a way to get a child to focus on what I'm saying.
Some examples are:
I use the word regularly, even in front of SLT and I've never been called out on it. Definitely a bias towards male students, but I also use it with female students.
On one hand it feels very unprofessional, but on the other it also feels very inconsequential? Obviously the fact that it's a PRU changes how staff language is used/accepted, but I still worry it's sometimes a bit too unprofessional and that if I used it in a mainstream secondary school it wouldn't go down well.
For those that work at mainstream secondary schools, how would it go down if you started using the word 'mate', or other borderline language like 'crap' or phrases like 'you're acting like an idiot right now'?
submitted by Lather to TeachingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:10 Admirable-Collar8912 New Fan Review of "Strawberry Jam"!

Hey folks! A few months ago I asked the subreddit for some beginner songs to ease me into AnCo after first experiencing Peacebone as a newcomer, which seemed so absurd and too much for me. Well, after a few months, I can finally say I am an Animal Collective fan! Even when I was weirded out in the beginning by the overstimulating nature of it, I was always intrigued by the sound and wanted to hear more. So here are my thoughts on the first album I played through, Strawberry Jam! <3
Album: Strawberry Jam
  1. Peacebone: I have heard this song is about child nostalgia and memories, and this makes so much more sense now. This song was the beginning of my journey, and I absolutely love the abrupt screams and animal-like? roars throughout the song. The beginning going from absolute madness to an actual synth progression is actually so cool. While the lyrics still are not my favorite compared to other AnCo songs, I appreciate their childlike nature and fun vibe to them! MILDEW ON RICEEE! Also that ending with the peacebone is sick!
  1. Unsolved Mysteries: Now we’re getting to some of my favorites of all time! Unsolved Memories has some of the catchiest choruses and I love when Avey’s voice gets to those high notes! AND THOSE BUBBLE NOISES TOO THOSE ARE SO COOL! I just love how catchy and bouncy it is! The voices or grunting that pan from left to right are a nice touch too. This song I feel defines Strawberry Jam, with how moist and squishy (lol idk how to describe it) it sounds, like jam. I am not too sure what this song is about, as the line about Jack the Ripper confused me a bit, but I am guessing it is just a song about him? Maybe some of you can give me some insight. The ending is absolutely bonkers as well, I love when songs just go into pure madness at the end, the synths remind me a lot of Peacebone’s ending.
  1. Chores: Again, such a catchy song, this album is absolutely catchy with the melodies, I am surprised it never became as big as Merriweather Post-Pavillion. I love the scratchy noises that keep popping up before Panda’s verses, and the thousand of “IF I IF I IF I’s” are so fun and upbeat. One of my favorite parts includes when it gets real slow by the half-mark, and then the drum beat starts coming in again. The fast to slow transition reminds me a lot of Daily Routine in MPP, one of my fav songs from that album that I will talk about later on. I love the harmonies (is that with Avey?) together, and they sound transcendental like you're awakening from slumber into a new life with those stellar drums. Fun lyrics!
  1. For Reverend Green: Oh man, what an experience. This truly shows Avey’s vocal ability, with those screams. I am not usually one who is into screamo music, but the contrast with so many weird sounds and effects make it worth it. It honestly sounds like he is saying “Forever and Green”, which sounds equally cool as well. I love the slicing knife effects, and the chorus is so so so catchy with his vocalizations. It sounds like “eh eH YEAH” which I love singing along in the car! One of my favorite lyrics is “Now I think it's alright to feel inhuman”, although I am not sure what it means, but it gives me a sense of security. When I first heard this song, I was instantly hooked, the catchy chorus paired with the sick screams captivated my ears and the ending with him repeating “For Reverend Green” is so satisfying to hear!
  1. Fireworks: The transition from For Reverend Green was so smooth! I love the vocalizations in the beginning, though, I feel like it is in the middle ground of not being weird enough and not being conventional sounding enough. That being said, the piano is very catchy, and the strange seagull? sounds are very fun! The part of “surly blood rivers” is very catchy, and I love singing along with it, it has such a fun vibe! The breakdown is very good as well after that part, but I feel it should have ended a little earlier and not repeating some verses, after that huge buildup of “surly blood rivers”. However, I can see the appeal and it is a very fun nostalgic sounding sound that sounds like I could play it during summer watching fireworks! It’s very lovely.
  1. 1: After reading some posts about this song, I feel like I might be in the weird minority here, but I absolutely ADORE THIS SONG. I love the dreamy reverbed synth arpeggio, Avey’s absolutely HAUNTING vocal effects here, Panda’s angelic vocalizations in the background, the alien-like PEWWW sound, and the spooky ghost-sounding effects in one ear. I am a big fan of MGMT, and the sound effects reminded me a lot of Alien Day’s (though more upbeat) and Astro Mancy. I am also a sucker for reverbed to heck vocals, which are present here. I love lo-fi lowkey-type psychedelic songs that sound off-putting, and this song checked all those boxes and exceeded them. The lyrics are so interesting as well, with the “Now son!”, which I am guessing it about a premise revolving around a father and his son, and the issues of growing up? I feel like I could be listening to this floating in space endlessly throughout the universe, which I love!
  1. Winter Wonderland: After #1, I appreciate another upbeat fun song! I could totally see myself jamming out to this during winter! The chorus is so CATCHY, with the “And if you don't believe in fantasy Then don't believe in fantasy Do you not believe in fantasy because it gets you down?”, that part is SO FUN!! I love the imagery of dancing on the lake, and rainbow ice, as I love when songs paint pictures and fantasy dreamscapes in a listener’s head, which is why I love Owl City so much with his dreamy songs. Overall, a short and candy-sweet song that makes you want to go on a sled and slide away!
  1. Cuckoo Cuckoo: One of the more serious sounding songs on the record, I appreciate the more literal and real aspect of the lyrics here. I read more into it, and apparently it is about a miscarriage, which is absolutely saddening. You can hear the pain and hurt in Avey’s voice, and his vocals with “Golden Days” sound so strong. This song definitely has my favorite lyrics, such as “And I can't hold what's in my hand Don't do any good to say this isn't what I planned” and “I said please stay You can see me, don't go away”, which made me extremely emotional. I was so touched by this song, and the contrast between the absolute madness of the “cuckoo cuckoo” and the somber piano, truly craft this song together into a masterpiece. The pain and emotion that permeates this song is substantial, and the production is stellar. Gives me the same feeling from Stride Rite, another song from their “Isn’t It Now?” album that I have not yet finished yet, beautiful regardless.
  1. Derek: A fun-sounding little closer that sounds like a child singing, with Panda’s sweet vocals. Again, the squishy noises throughout the song are a nice touch, adding to the vibe of Strawberry Jam. I am guessing this is a song about a dog dying, which is really sad. The drums that pop in through the middle bring you back to life, and I love the repetition of the verses Panda sings, and they again, are so catchy! I feel like Chores and Derek are sister songs, not only because of Panda, but because they both start off with some normal AnCo verses, then have a more upbeat revitalizing drum beat. Overall, not bad, and is a light closer to the album!
submitted by Admirable-Collar8912 to AnimalCollective [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:10 psdao1102 [Other][Online][Icon][EST] Come join me for small adventure in a fun tactical system: Icon (Lancer but fantasy)!

Come join me try out a fun system, Icon. I am getting a group together, online only, to do a small adventure about saving a small forest village from demon raids. TLDR: the system is blades in the dark meets fire emblem lets try it out together!
Estimated session count:
5-6 (give or take some depending on roleplay... combat sessions will take entire session most likely)
Schedule Availability:
Fri-Sunday 6pm EST-12pm EST.
Player count:
3-4... 5 if we need to stretch.
Icon( is from the same maker as Lancer ( It is currently not published fully but is "Finished" (lacking some polishing touches). For those familar with lancer they will feel right at home, if not, it is a split system... in no, or low stakes combat you play a system incredibly similiar to blades in the dark... but in combat its a very crunchy tactical rpg, similar to fire emblem, or final fantasy tactics. Imo its very satisfying and the abilities are very cool and integruging. Nothing like you can find anywhere else. The art is also beautiful.
You are icons, capable mercenaries for hire. . you have been sent on an expedition to a forest village to get the the bottom of a series of demon raids. The adventure is a semi-linear classical adventure. You will go from level 0, to level 1.
Who im looking for:
It is a crunchy game especially in combat. Players should either: be somewhat experienced with tactical games, be familiar with blades in the dark, be familiar with lancer, or be eageopened minded/quick to learn crunchy style board games. As long as you dont get overwhelmed at nerdy board games or have some previous experience with similar games, i am confident i can teach this system. Also this isnt just a board game, i roleplay in voice, it would be nice if players are comfortable doing the same.
Also while we all have schedules that shift and change, and canceling is inevitable, if everyone cancels just once, this could extend a month. So please try to keep to schedule.
Who am I:
Ive been GMing for 7 years, i enjoy exploring and teaching new systems that people may not have heard of. I love just trying new things to see how i can constantly improve. I enjoy constructive criticism after the game is done, and I look to make the game as fun as possible for everyone. Im LGBT friendly, and i want everyone to have a fun, but engaging time. While it will be a linear-ish adventure i try to encourage tackling challenges your own way.
DM me and I will add you to a discord...
Hoping to start a session 0 next week.
submitted by psdao1102 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:09 Potato1284 AITA For going no contact with my aunt?

First lf all, hello potatoes! This is my first ever post on anything, so bear with me!
I (21f), have an aunt who I've finally decided to go no contact with after years of her bs. For the sake of this post, let's call her EA. EA has always been a narcissist, though none of us really did anything about it for a while.
For instance, when I was young, about 12 or 13, she decided it would be a good idea to take me and my three siblings to a youth group, even though we never wanted to. She pretty much dragged us over there and would act like she was doing something good for us so we could pay her back later. We never wanted to go, because of some issues we had with the last religious group we went to, and it became painful for us to deal with.
Anyway, we ended up being late to an event one night, and the entire 30 minute drive down, she had been complaining about how late we were. Once we had gotten to the building, she went inside and talked to the person in charge about it. My siblings and I had come in and she locked eyes with me.
"Thanks a lot, kids."
That's all she had to say to us, then proceeded to complain to the person in charge over the whole ordeal. Being as young as I was and as sensitive as I was at the time, I held on to that feeling. Eventually, we stopped going, again because it was hard for us and EA made it unbearable.
Several years went by, and not long after I had graduated, she had come back into my life, in a much more violent way than before. I had moved out for school and work, so I wasn't physically there, but I heard about it after the fact. It turns out, while my parents and EA had gone to an appointment they both had in the nearest city (3+ hour drive), she had attacked my mother. Not verbally, but physically. She had pounced on her and left scratches and bruises. The cause of the fight? Some water on her butt. She threw a whole fit and physically attacked my mother, over a little bit of water on her butt.
Let me tell you, I was fuming when I had heard about it. She even went so far as to insult us when she attacked my mother, and I'll never forget it.
"You're raising your kids to be just like you!"
She made it sound like a bad thing for us to turn out like my mother. Now, my mother is a kind woman with a soft heart and a soft spot for dogs and cats. She loves crystals and plants, and she loves cloudy days and being by the ocean. She accepts all of us for who we are, and makes inappropriate jokes for us to laugh at. To hear EA insult my mother made me angry, but she had told me not to put any energy into it.
EA began to get worse afterwards. I was working a job that was slowly killing me, and whenever she'd visit, she had that sickly sweet 'I'm tolerating you enough to talk to you' look on her face and tone in her voice. When I was moved to nights, I was hoping to never deal with her again. But then, my grandmother fell down.
I heard about it during one of my shifts, and when I had gotten off, I couldn't sleep. I was afraid something would happen to her if I was asleep, so I stayed awake until my bf (21m) woke up. I told him the situation and we had a talk about it, and we both agreed that it would be best if I moved back to take care of her. So, on my first day off, I packed all my stuff and left. I texted my boss, who I wasn't on good terms with, and told her the situation. I pretty much handed in my two week notice, but only gave her two days.
So, I came home and moved in with my grandma so I could take care of her. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes, anything and everything she needed done, I would do it. I was lucky enough to be able to bring my dog, a chihuahua dashund pug mix, to live with me. Spud made things a bit easier for me, considering everything that I had given up and what was going on. It felt like things were gonna get better.
Until my grandmother had to go to the hospital. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. She couldn't get out of bed one morning, and since I didn't know what to do, I panicked and called my father. He came and checked on her, gave her an oxygen treatment, and when things didn't improve, he called EA so they could go to the hospital. I was freaking out and pacing around on the balcony, trying to calm down as they carried her to the car and drove to the hospital two towns over. She got better, so that helped, but it scared me so badly I couldn't sleep for a while. We were given an oxygen machine and told to have her on it as often as possible. That first night was terrible. I hadn't slept at all that night, or for the next few nights, because I was afraid of what would happen if I did.
To help with this, my father bought a baby monitor so I could make sure she was okay, and after a few days, I was feeling much better. EA began showing up, when she hadn't come at all before the hospital visit. When she did, the first thing she did was complain.
My little sis (11f), was helping me clean, and we had finished doing what my grandmother needed us to do when EA had come in. The first thing she said to us was that we should be cleaning, and began cleaning the stuff we didn't get to. She then started to complain about how we weren't doing these tasks that my grandmother never asked us to do. My sister and I just looked at each other with confusion. I could tell she was feeling bad, but it wasn't her job to do in the first place. EA took her cleaning to my grandmother's bedroom, and she stayed in there for a long time.
I began to get worried, so I ended up heading to my room downstairs to check the monitor, only to find EA had covered it. I sat, confused by what she had done. It's not like I had the monitor there to snoop around, it was only there to make sure my grandmother was okay. I shrugged it off and uncovered it before I went to bed that night. After a few days, I had decided to make the trip to see my bf. It was almost a 2 hour drive, so I wanted to leave early. I asked my little brother (18), to watch over everything while I was gone for a few days. He agreed for the price of some dark chocolate for his own mochas in the morning. I agreed, and made sure he knew what medications my grandparents had to take and when, where the blood pressure cuff was and how to use it, and the device to check my grandmother's oxygen. After that, I packed the clothes I'd need for four days, and left.
Things were going smoothly for a while. I was laughing and relaxing with my bf, watching videos he had saved to show me, and going on dates, talking and catching up. On the third day, I got a text from my brother saying that he was angry. I asked why, and he explained everything.
He said EA had showed up, and was trying to make me and my sister sound like thieves. She claimed we had gotten into some drinks meant for my uncle, who's diabetic and also lives with my grandmother. I told him I don't drink that particular brand anymore, and my sister only ever got into the milk and some cold water. I showed my bf the messages, and we both had a good laugh over it. He knew that I don't drink that particular brand, and that I enjoy a different brand altogether, so we thought it was just ridiculous.
It continued like this for a while. EA would make little comments and talk with my grandmother about certain topics, trying to make me and my sister sound like we were against her. All the while, I was doing my usual job of cooking and cleaning for her and making sure she was okay. I was pretty much untouchable in her eyes.
My mother had come by to visit for a while and make sure everything was okay one day. We talked, she helped me cook, and we just had a good time, until EA popped in unannounced. My grandmother, wanting them to fix their relationship as sisters, stopped my mother from leaving the kitchen and told them to hug. I was watching the whole thing and heard EA say something thst just made me want to yell.
"Are you gonna attack me again?"
She made herself sound like the victim, and made it seem like my mother had attacked her. They hugged, and things proceeded to get worse from there. I refused to talk to EA when she came by, and I'd watch when she started her random cleaning. If she went into my grandmother's bedroom, I'd go downstairs, watch the monitor and try to make sure she wasn't stealing anything. She coveted the camera again and again, which slowly drove me crazy. I regret not talking to her about it.
She did it again when I was on another trip to see my bf, and this time, my brother called her out on it. He told her to stop covering the camera, that it was only there to make sure my grandmother was okay at night, nothing more. According to him, EA began yelling at him and puffing her chest out over the whole thing, while my brother acted more mature and waited for her to finish. He then asked if she was done, to which she huffed. He was getting pretty angry over it. I had him tell me everything thst was going on, so I was up to date while I was gone.
This would continue for a few more weeks, and again, while I was away, EA would confront my brother, but this time, she said something thst made me lose it. My brother was telling my uncle that it probably wasn't a good idea to take a pastry with him downstairs, since it had a bunch of sugar. EA went ballistic over this and started getting in my brother's face, yelling about it and calling him a few names like r-tard, and said, and I quote, "No wonder you were bullied, you deserved it."
For context, my brother faced severe bullying when we were in school. He was thrown around, threatened, hit, and more. He also has an accent due to having multiple earaches as a baby, so sometimes, it's hard to understand him. He's a smart kid, with a good heart, and having a middle aged swamp monster with a superiority complex getting in his face and yelling at him about how stupid he was and saying he deserved to be bullied broke me and hurt him. He didn't show it, but I know it hurt him.
When I found out, I was angry, sad, and an all around mess. My bf read the messages and didn't know what to do. I was ranting and rambling angrily by this point, in tears and just about seeing red. I was getting more angry as I talked about it, completely unaware that while my bf was playing a game, he was playing with a friend, and they could hear everything. They heard my voice beginning to shake as I let out all my frustrations, and they heard how angry I was that this haggard hoghag of a woman could treat my little brother like that. I ended up crying myself to sleep that night, I was so furious.
After that, she kept coming around and trying to make all of us sound like the villains of the tale while she was the goodie two shoes. I cut all contact with her, refused to talk to her or even acknowledge her existence, and just continued to enjoy myself. My sister had some other plans
EA is diabetic, so she can't really have sugar, so my sister had an idea to pay her back, at least a little. EA had come over to open oysters with us. My grandmother had ordered them for me and my sister, because we enjoyed them so much. My sister decided to get some Popsicles from the freezer upstairs and started to eat one in front of EA. She also handed one to me, so I could enjoy too. We got some looks from EA, but I don't remember hearing her say anything. Later on, we even went so far as to make delicious chocolate chip banana bread while she was there, so she couldn't have some but had to deal with the temptation. I guess this could count as a petty revenge story, but I don't know where else to put this. I just wanted to get this story off of my chest and hear what the other petty potatoes think about this.
So, AITA for going to contact with my aunt? And for going so far as to make treats she can't have?
submitted by Potato1284 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:08 paradox914 Opinions wanted on situation with a new person that isn't my ex

Hey guys, I would love to hear opinions on what I got going on right now. This doesn't have to do with my ex but actually a different girl I was talking to shortly after my relationship had ended. I'll just jump straight into it. It's gonna be bit long, but for those of you who stick it out, I greatly appreciate it.
So, 6 months ago in November my ex broke up with me. It was a 3 1/2 yr relationship. About 3 weeks after the breakup, I decided to ask out a girl who was in my class at the time. I genuinely actually liked her as a person prior to the breakup. She would just come hang/study with me every day before class, and I genuinely enjoyed being around her. I had no intentions of getting into anything with her but one time thought to myself that if I wasn't in a relationship I would totally ask her out and want to get to know her on a more personal level.
Well, low and behold, I was dumped and now actually had the opportunity to ask her out. Idk what I was thinking at time that made it seem like a good idea to go straight into dating after coming out of a 3 1/2 yr relationship 💀. But she said yes to going on a date. I told her we should wait till after finals, which she agreed to (we were in the last 2 weeks of the semester at that point, and the workload was crazy).
In this time, though, I was still in a lot of pain from my breakup and hurting. My ex was constantly on my mind. I was very emotionally unavailable to this new girl. I think to the point where she probably started having doubts by the time we finished the semester. I tried planning 1 date with her, and it didn't end up happening. It was around Xmas though and she had a lot of family stuff going on, which I understood. After Xmas passed, she messaged me apologizing for how busy she was and said we'd figure something out. I told her that was cool and just to let me know when she had time in her schedule. She said that was cool but never reached out about specifically about a date. But in this time her and I would message each other on instagram. We gamed online a little as well.
Once February hit and we hadn't gone on a date, I finally realized okay this is not going anywhere, and I was still deep in my healing process. Reality hit and I could see how not good the situation was that I was in. I never had told her about my breakup either. So by mid-February, I had lowered the amount of interaction to almost little to none hoping it would die out (terrible idea, I should have just communicated to her properly like an adult). But she would still send me stuff on Instagram, so I assumed okay is she still interested? So I messaged her and asked if she was still interested in going on a date, which she said yes to. I told her, though, that I wanted to talk to her over a call to talk about something important. I was going to be straight up to her about my breakup, which I felt was very important for her to know about if she were to invest anymore time into me. I didn't want to talk about it over text, though. She said she was busy atm so I told her it was okay and to let me know when she had some free time to talk. She said okay and I left it at that. I refused to take anything further without having that talk with her. She never reached out about the call but sent a reel here and there. I stopped replying to her and it finally just died out. I told myself I needed to just focus on me.
Fast forward to now. It's been 6 months after my breakup. I haven't had any contact whatsoever with my ex and could care less about anything that has to do with her, her life and what she does is none of my concern or business. I also haven't messaged the other girl since February. I've been committed to heavy personal growth and have detached and healed properly from my breakup. I've been working on my unadressed traumaus, attachment style, and anxiety by doing countless hours of workbooks, courses, and watching videos addressing my mental health and teaching me important skills that are required for a healthy relationship. I now feel like I am truly ready for another relationship.
Looking back on the situation I had started with the other girl, I feel so bad. I had no business asking her out at the time. I was completely in the wrong doing it. I was emotionally unavailable to her and probably came off like I didn't care much. She probably felt lots of mixed feelings cause of my mixed emotions and lack of effort/interest. And quiet frankly I don't blame her at all for how she was acting. I would be acting the same way in her position, having to deal with someone like me at the time.
Since then, I have run into her in person a few times, and we had decent short interactions. I would love to try again with her but properly. I just don't know if it's worth it. I already had put her through a rollercoaster, and we weren't even in a relationship. If I were to start up something again with her, I would want to have an actual conversation with her, apologize, and be straight up front about everything before moving anything forward just to clear things up (if she would even be open to the idea).
So I guess my question now would be, should I reach out to see if something can work? Or should I just leave it be? I don't care about being rejected, I'm just more afraid of disturbing her or making her upset or uncomfortable by reaching out. What's your guys' honest opinion and what would you do in this situation?
Thanks again for those who took the time read through all that. I greatly appreciate it :)
submitted by paradox914 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:07 lyssaaaaaaaa Made Farmer’s Lunch today :)

Made Farmer’s Lunch today :)
My first time ever having parsnips. They’re delicious, I’ve been missing out!!!
submitted by lyssaaaaaaaa to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:06 Mine-kun Why did I write this. (It's for you)

Hey, I hope you see this one day (not really). It's great that we're talking again, but this is really tough for me man. Ngl, I still kinda have feelings for you, not as intense as before but it is still there. Talking to you again is really messing with me and those comments you keep giving about our previous relationship is not doing me any good at all.
Look, I'm not blaming you or anything. It's just that, it's giving me hope that maybe there is still a chance for us y'know. I know this is awkward and cringy af but hear me out. It's been what? 1-3 yeas since then? Yet I'm still here, hoping and waiting like a fool. You know how they say "A man only really fall in love once, after that, they roam the earth looking for the same type of love." It's like that for me.
I've been hoping to meet someone like you and I know that's wrong. I told you that the girls that confessed to me were either childish or spoiled, but really, I just didn't see you in them. I'm not looking for someone as pretty and as elegant as you, or someone as intelligent or as mature as you. I'm looking for someone who can make me feel safe and comfortable like you did. (This is dumb. I am dumb. But I don't care).
Ever since we started talking again, I get really excited every time I see your name pop up on my socials. I always try to keep my cool when I'm talking to you and hold the urge to say "I love you" again to you. This post might make me look pathetic to other people but I'm alright with that. (This shit is stupid, I know, good thing I'm already stupid).
I've been thinking a lot about you lately. This is not good for my mental and emotional health fr. In fact, I wrote this shit at 3 AM because I got bored waiting for you to wake up and reply. A lot changed about me and you also changed a lot. The only thing that didn't change for me was my feelings for you. (This is idiotic. I am an idiot for writing this).
I have a lot to say but I seem to not be able to put it into words. I'm not smart or well-spoken enough to express what I'm feeling. I'm just gonna say things here that comes into my mind and pray to God that you understand how or what I feel. Man, you really did a score on me. We didn't even get to do a lot of stuff couples do because of the pandemic, yet I still fell hard bro. Shit, I wasn't even ready for a relationship that time, I just went with it because I really loved you. (I am a moron for writing this).
You were everything to me bro. I would even take a bullet for you ngl. When we broke up, I did everything to forget you. I tried restricting you, being cold to you, muting your posts, etc. The only thing that I can't seem to do is block you. I wanted you to be the one who block me instead. It was kind of a relief for me when that guy blocked me on your acc.
Bro, every time I saw something anywhere that would probably interest you, I would always think to myself "She would've liked this" or "That's something that she loves". I started running at night every time your image or name pops into my head bro T-T. I really wish we could've worked out and I wish you never met that guy. I know I'm not good enough and I fucking suck at showing/expressing my feelings. But man, I still fucking love you and I really hope you become my wife. I still have a lot more to say, but that's all for now.
PS: I'm sorry for the bad grammar and my choice of words. I'm also sorry for the way this is written and for the structure of this post. I'm not good at doing most things, and writing shit is one of them.
submitted by Mine-kun to u/Mine-kun [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:06 lolswainbot World Beast: Ti4mat

“World Beasts… are innately different to humans and other forms of 'life'. Those created in the Goddess’s image are bound only by fate and time, able to lead their own destiny if they will it so. For us, it’s different. We are born with a function in mind — a purpose. Sometimes it’s clear, sometimes it’s not.
I still have no clue why Har-Meggidos was created.”
With a crash, the oceanic tentacles crushed the ground with ease, destabilizing the heroes. However, this attack was simply countered by the warrior, who simply diced the surrounding hundred paces with a single swing of her blades. The massive chunks of octopus-like flesh fell to the earth with a thud, and the World Beast screamed in agony.
Sacrosanct was still unsure whether to engage or not — whether this was his battle to fight. Such indecisiveness faltered his flames, but noticing that Blodelshein was about to be crushed by one of the chunks, he quickly pushed her out of the way with a dive but got squashed into a bloody pulp himself.
While the white-haired girl continued the battle, Sacrosanct soon lifted the mass, covered in his own blood. The hero spat out a dozen teeth from his mouth, though they soon healed back thanks to his flames. Now he was truly fired up.
However, he was not quite ready yet. It would take a few more steps to enter the ‘LIMITLESS’ state.
The dual-wielding warrior ran up Tiamat’s right arm while massively damaging it along the way. The light katana moved like a needle, while the longsword swung like a hammer; the two weapons synergized in a negative tempo, creating a dissonance of destruction.
Meanwhile, Sacrosanct stretched, ran in place, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping-jacks, all in impossibly quick succession. His heart rate began to increase rapidly, and so did the fire surrounding him.
The golden-eyed swordswoman was able to stab the World Beast Directly in its forehead, and while it caused excruciating agony and great damage, it was still not yet enough as roots sprouted from the wound and knocked her all the way to the ground, where a wooden spike much larger than she awaited.
Meanwhile, Sacrosanct began to sing to himself… No, he created rhythms. Songs? Humming? It was strange how he seemed to be listening to something in his head, but it was somehow working as his flames grew multiple times in size.
The girl quickly turned to face the ground using the weight of her swords, and in the split second before contact, her blades cut the spike directly in half, landing in its new crevice. However, the broken spike was then coiled in vines, and was shut in a matter of microseconds by the pressure surrounding it, and the hero was forced to struggle to keep herself uncrushed.
Meanwhile… Sacrosanct was finally ready — with just one more step. Now he took a good look at his enemy, the colossal demonic titan, much stronger than him; of course, he could beat her. He was Sacrosanct. With this newfound confidence, the hero began to concentrate the massive flame surrounding him toward himself, compressing the heat. Soon, a massive flash of light blinded the spectators, including Tiamat, and from the blinding light emerged Sacrosanct. The hero was now surrounded by an electrical storm running throughout his body, as well as blue flames contrasting with the previous red. He was not just any other hero, he was THE hero. He was Sacrosanct.
“Alright, bring it on!”
Tiamat could not fully gauge the hero’s strength and instead chose to finish the girl off by crushing her completely with her fist. However, as she turned her attention away, the World Beast was suddenly kicked in the face, snapping her massive head instantly. He was fast.
The World Beast quickly composed herself and healed her neck. Demonic spiders began to emerge from her wings; perfect for dealing with pests. However, Sacrosanct was no mere fly, and he began to easily set the spiders ablaze with his contagious flame, which then spread to the World Beast’s hair.
“Let’s go!”
While Tiamat was distracted by the flames, Sacrosanct lept from her shoulder directly toward the spike in which the katana-wielding hero was imprisoned. The sheer impact of cannonballing into the wooden structure was enough to blow it open, and the warrior was freed.
“You still haven’t told me your name yet!”
The two looked up to see that Tiamat had already fully recovered. There must’ve been some way to kill her, for why else was she reincarnated?
“...Acata, could you tell us how you defeated her preciously?” asked Blodelshein in her native tongue.
The girl turned to find the source of the voice, but none lay in sight.
“I’m speaking to you telepathically. I’m afraid I won’t be much of a help — the demon lord has a powerful soul. Anyways, you said you met her before right? Then you must be the 15th hero, the one who defeated this demon lord. How did you do it?”
“...It was not I who killed Tiamat,” said Acata, “I suppose you could say that the entire world killed her.”
“...So you’re saying you lured her here without a plan to kill her?!”
“The plan is to slice and dice until it is done.”
It seemed that Blodelshein was surrounded by true warriors.
Now killing her was no longer an option, the best they could do would be to immobilize her until a method was found. However, things would not be so simple as Tiamat began to attack once again, interrupting the hero mid-thought.
A slit positioned directly at the centre of Tiamat’s breast opened like a vertical eye, and from the entrance began to stream a river of energy, the current of which soon turned into a torrent, then a storm. The energy began to form a sphere in the form of fire, like the heavenly ornament in the sky. The heroes could already feel its heat from the ground. As the World Beast began to power this attack, Sacrosanct came up with a brilliant plan — a Sacrosanct original.
“Alright, hero, I’ll neutralize this blast, then you attack her directly in that weird source — that must be her core or something!”
In the heat of the battle, language barriers can be fatal. As such, instead of listening to the words themselves, Acata decided to simply react to Sacrosanct’s action. Judging from his tone, it seemed that he had prepared a plan. Though she did not understand what his course of action would be, there was no other choice as the inevitability of decimation loomed over them.
Tiamat soon released the attack, and Sacrosanct released an attack of his own as well. All the flames surrounding him concentrated on his two fingers outstretched toward his target, leaving the rest of his body vulnerable and bare. As it was compressed into an atomic volume, it instantly flipped from a bright white to a blackhole void surrounded by dark lightning.
As the pseudo-sun continued to approach, the grass began to wilt and burn. However, neither Sacrosanct nor Acata moved an inch. Sacrosanct’s black hole was soon consumed by the flame, but Acata knew that his act was not yet over. The dark elf began to immediately calculate in his mind the time required for the sphere to reach the centre of Tiamat’s sun, and soon activated his spell:
“⌈Nuclear Starburst⌋!”
The black hole immediately increased a thousandfold in volume, completely enveloping Tiamat’s attack. It then folded in upon itself, erasing both attacks from existence. While Tiamat was shocked, Acata took no time to hesitate. She tested Sacrosanct’s theory by leaping a thousand paces into the air and plunging both her blades into Tiamat’s chest — the source of the strange energy.
As Blodelshein watched on from behind the rubble, she sincerely hoped that this would be the end. It did seem that the damage was massive, and the World Beast began to disintegrate as it wailed in pain. However, it soon clenched its teeth, and through its bloodied eyes, cast a desperate spell.
From the slit emerged a sphere — a flesh-pink, translucent sphere. Acata could see that her sword was stuck deep into it, and she could almost see inside, a small world. Like a minature garden, a microcosm…
A massive flash of light enveloped the area, and all three heroes were blinded. Through the brightness, however, Blodelshei,n could catch glimpses of stars passing by her, turning into lines, as if travelling through space.
Within the microcosm, three shooting stars — never seen before — entered the world.
submitted by lolswainbot to EonsRequiem [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:05 lolswainbot Lif3 Amidst the Winter Snow

You will never be warm once you die, but you will never be cold or hot either. However, is this really a give-and-take? Or do you lose it all, the privilege to feel pain?
…Heaven was not how Blodelshein thought it would be. It was not a place of clouds and warmth, but a winter forest, a running creek melody nearby.
By the serene lullaby of the mountain, she began to fall asleep once more. It was cold, but that did not bother her much, for she was used to it.
— It was only when she noticed a massive ball of snow, tumbling toward her from a mountain at an incredible speed that she decided to hurriedly stand up. Thankfully, a boulder destroyed the ball with a CRASH, and it split into nonlethal chunks. However, she was unfortunately still smashed into the freezing water.
It seemed that she was still bound to this plane of suffering…
From the pile of snow rose a man — a foreign man. Probably a dark forest elf from the shade of his skin. He was equipped in light gear, topless except for hoisters and elementary armour, in a distinctly Avangardian style. What was he doing inside the colossal snowball? Blodelshein’s eyes began to glow a feint purple as she activated her talent to learn more about his mind, and there she learned that he too, was a hero, and so inquired.
However, only a strange response returned. Inferring from their current situation, the position of mountains and the season… They must’ve all been reincarnated far into the future or past from different points in time. While she spoke in an evolved variation of Alsdionn, the man spoke Amstanvan, the same language as Kyriekaos. Thankfully, her talent ⌈First Person Theatre⌋ allowed her to peer into the realm of the Psyche, which stored all infromation regarding one’s thoughts, perception, motor control and dreams. This meant that she could read the minds of others, and make small changes onto the libraries of mind when needed.
During the usage of this skill the time in the physical realm was slowed to a snail’s pace, and all she had to do was to was to find the passage that kept all knowledge on his language, and copy it for her own use.
After only seconds, they were able to have comprehensible conversations.
“...You’re a hero too?” asked the man.
“That’s great! Here, let me help you a bit.”
The elf lit a fire above his fingertip, and while Blodelshein expected him to simply use the flame to try to warm them, he instead lit himself on fire.
“Wait! Wait! What are you doing?!” said Blodelshein as she began splashing the freezing water in his direction.
“Woah! It’s fine! See?” replied the hero, blocking the attack.
Blodelshein soon realized that the self-immolation must’ve been some kind of strange spell, but she saw that ths light wounds from his fall began to heal themselves.
“No need to worry about my talent.”
“...Anyways, what were you doing in that snowball?”
“Hm… Well, I think I was just resurrected atop a mountain, but I was feeling a bit drowsy so I fell asleep, and now I’m here!”
It was truly impressive how he slept through the… entire forest.
“I’m Sacrosanct by the way, what’s your name?”
“Great! But what now…”
The two returned away from the water, and began to dry themselves with Sacrosanct’s talent. Strangely, the flames did not hurt to touch, and instead felt like the embrace of the summer sun, and it even healed injuries — though only Sacrosanct’s. It was no ordinary fire, perhaps a new state of matter of a new element.
“Pretty cool, huh? I call this talent simply ⌈PASSION⌋!”
“Huh? Don’t you want to learn more about my talent?”
“...I’m fine.”
Blodelshein did not need to hear any more. She had already read his mind, and learned all about his talent. However, she was unable to access any deeper memories, such as his origin and life before resurrection.
Soon, a loud noise of blades being sharpened began ringing throughout the forest. It was truly a strange sound, as if inviting any opponents to challenge.
“...Well, shall we check it out?”
In the hidden retreats of the forest, lay a massive tree named Golgono, protected by its neighbouring disguises and hostile creatures. It was an area specifically barriered by a chainlink fence, something neither heroes had seen before.
After climbing over the fence, assisted by Sacrosanct, the two continued to approach the grinding sound.
During their travel, they noticed various changes in the environment — new species of mushrooms and flowers, as well as unseen critters. It was a strange new world, but it was still clear that they were within the nation of the Goddess. However, this new world reminded Blodelshein that Wundergartenn, the nation she had established, must’ve been long gone.
Blodelshein glimpsed a familiar vision — a vision of her past.
During her era, there were no forests or lakes. No grass, no clouds. This was not due to industrialization, but due to a terrible war against Ssalgram, which became Sonosis afterwards. It was a war that shook both nations to their core, and the war was long and excruciating, lasting five generation of heroes — over a hundred years. Blodelshein was the one to finally bring an end to the conflict, yet the scars left were unreversable. It came to be known as the “End of Eden War” as the Goddess was sealed away to preserve humanity.
Blodelshein continued to face forward as it seemed that her journey was not yet over. As long as she lived, the suffering would continue and so be it. To live to live, to die to die. That was one of the natural laws.
The root of the tree was now visible from their location, and at its base sat a lone figure, sharpening their blade.
The noise was still resonating loudly in the air, almost acting as soft wind.
The girl noticed the two, and now Blodelshein could take a good look. She had snow-white hair and golden eyes — beautiful as the stars. It was a sharp beauty, the charm of a tiger and it reflected her fierce past alongside the two scars, one crossing her nose down to her jaw diagonally, and another perpendicular to the first, lower on the face, told of an epic tale. Even the scars seemed to add to the beauty, as alongside the muscular figure and a warrior’s funeral garment of Blodelshein’s time — to be worn at death — combined to illustrate a tantalizing imagery of a fatal beauty.
However, she did not stop sharpening her blade.
Upon further inspection, the blades seemed to be a work of Murasama, a renowned bladesmith of the Shiryu nation of the far east. The girl must’ve been from a similar time as Blodelshein, perhaps later as she did not recognize the blade, but it seemed better than anything else he had previously crafter — a masterpiece. It was not his conventional, oriental blade, but combine the western elements with the eastern, a double-bladed long sword, but with the light weight and swiftness of a normal katana.
“He-lloooo? Anybody in there?” asked Sacrosanct while Blodelshein was budy inspecting the blade.
As she expected that the girl would not understand Sacrosanct’s language, the hero attempted to read her mind. However, everything in her mind seemed to be a mess, a jumbled collection of various memories and information. Blodelshein knew many like her, though they mostly kept to themselves in asylums. This had the possibility of becoming a dangerous situation. At least from the memories, it seemed that the stranger spoke Blodelshein’s language — Wundionn.
It was beginning to become frustrating to stand here, listening to this unpleasant noise. However, it was clear that she had something in mind — a plan for something greater. This was a bait, and it seemed that it had caught two more than expected.
The girl swiftly dropped from the base of the tree onto the soft grass, and in that instant, the massive tree suddenly vanished into a bottomless tunnel generated beneath it.
All around them, the ground began to fall and the sky trembled, as a giant figure seemingly emerged from the backdrop of nature. And with a roar, the colossal beast eventually manifested itself, a mountain-sized demonic creature which resembled a woman, but with fangs, wings and tentacles. four eyes on the left and three on the right decorated the World Beast’s face as well as wings on each side covering her face. Large horns resembling dark blades protruded from her forehead, a warning for all warriors daring to challenge her. She had four wings on her back to dominate the skies, and twelve tentacles extending from just below to dominate the seas. She was the deification of Sol-Aegis, a creation of the demon God and the 15th demon lord of Sonosis. She was:
“Tiamat,” said the white-haired warrior in the language Blodelshein spoke, “so we meet again.”
However, no response returned, but the delirious grief-anger manifested as a tantrum. The World Beast almost looked sick — as if it was possessed by disease. Even Sacrosanct could tell that she was not of the right mind. The girl prepared her katana, as well as another blade — this time fully western. Though it was visually unremarkable, it had the oppressive aura of a divine artifact.
Sacrosanct prepared himself against, lighting himself once more with the flames of passion. However, in his confused state, it was difficult to burn brightly.
Blodelshein only hoped that this would be their final demon lord encounter, but probably not. This was the fate of a hero after all.
And so, the battle between nature incarnate, and humanity enraged once more.
submitted by lolswainbot to EonsRequiem [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:04 TrackerNineEight Quick review of all the things I visited/tried on Chris' recommendation on my recent Japan trip

So I visited Japan for 2 weeks between the middle and end of April after consuming a bit too much of this channel, and of course I had to try a bunch of things that get recommended or memed on here.
  1. Famichiki - Oh my god, I get it. I get it now. (Lawson's Karaage-kun is also pretty good)
  2. CC Lemon - Out of all the sugary soft drinks I tried on this trip this was easily the most smooth and refreshing, carried me on a few sunnier days. Pocari Sweat Ion Water is a close second.
  3. Crunky - Goofy name aside, decent but pretty unremarkable chocolate.
  4. Energy Jelly - Tastes alright, feels a bit weird to be "drinking" jelly and there's not much of it. Sadly didn't summon Dr. Jelly to my location.
  5. Izakayas/yakitori - Was a bit intimidated by izakayas at first, but seeing the good time (and good food!) Chris and co. has in them convinced me to seek them out on this trip, and I don't regret it. Munching on freshly grilled skewers with all the noise and smells surrounding you is one of the best vibes you can get in Japan, would recommend.
  6. Kamakura - Recommended as a day trip from Tokyo in Chris' 14 days in Japan video, came here after Mt. Fuji didn't work out due to weather, and I'm glad I did. Nice major change of pace from Tokyo's hustle and bustle, and mixing in nearby Enoshima Island made it one of the highlights of the whole trip.
  7. Ramune - Tried this in the same place that Chris did in the original JAJ, in Miyajima. Cool bottle opening gimmick, but after that it basically tastes like Sprite/7Up.
  8. Sukiya Cheese Gyudon - Mentioned by Chris in the original JAJ as his training "reward". It's nice filling cheap junk food, not amazing but hits the spot after a long day when you're not in the mood for anything fancy or adventurous.
  9. Calpis - Forgot where Chris mentioned this one, but he did bring it up at least once. After getting over the most unintentionally hilarious name for a dairy-based drink, I actually liked it! Pretty unique but delicious and refreshing.
  10. Tokyo Tower - Pretty cool place, iconic and surrounded by some nice parks. I came here on April 14th, there was a bit of a commotion involving two loud British men and an even louder American. Don't know what that was about.
Curious if anyone else who's visited or lives in Japan has done things specifically because they got mentioned or featured on the channel, and what your experience was like!
submitted by TrackerNineEight to ABroadInJapan [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:04 lolswainbot [GHS.] 2omething Sacred

This is a story about humans and animals,
In the same way a story may be about dogs and animals, cats and animals, fish and animals, bugs and animals, or birds and animals.
All Sacrosanct could see for a million paces was snow — or were they clouds? The two began to merge at the boundaries of his sight as he stood at the peak of a national mountain. It must’ve been the tallest in town — or at least the top five.
It was a scenic landscape. A blank canvas accentuated by the unoften protrusions of mountain peaks. No trees, no birds, no plants, no animals. Only stone and snow. It was the type of serenity the usually outgoing Sacrosanct couldn’t help but be entranced by. It was an infectious zen.
He had never been this high up in the sky before — never above the clouds. Perhaps this was how the Goddess and the demon God viewed the world — or once viewed it, anyway. Blinding. Both the light that reflected off the white, and the clouds that obscured the sight. It was blinding to be a god.
The hero somehow felt that the mountain seemed familiar. If the nature of the monument was anything to go by — its dramatic shape as if it had received an earth-shattering blow against its side — this must’ve been New Amstangrad. The home of the humans.
“...Now how the hell do I get down from here?”
Before the blistering cold could begin to seep into his skin, Sacrosanct quickly activated his talent to keep himself warm. He hated the cold more than anything else, and it’d been terrible to arrive at the castle cold-ridden. The hero first began to move himself around, gaining momentum and tempo. It would be important to keep conscious amidst the blinding snow and to not fall asleep. Thankfully, it was he who found himself mysteriously atop a mountain and not anyone else.
Before he knew it, his body already began to warm up, then in an instant, his body was lit ablaze by his internal ‘passion’.
Now that he was warm and alive, he could finally begin critically processing the information he was given. Two main aspects of his current situation bothered him:
Firstly, he felt a bit younger, by around 4 or 5 years. Perhaps something had healed him from his injuries over the years, and his joints felt better than ever. The massive scar on his back stayed intact though, but then again, it was almost a part of his identity now anyways. This was one of the greatest consequences of being in the hero ‘business’; the deterioration of the body.
Day in and day out, he always worked his muscles off his bones. It must’ve been especially difficult compared to other historic heroes as he was a hero in a newly built nation under a new King. But then again, that King was his friend, June, so perhaps he had it better than he thought.
A core memory of his was when June celebrated Wundermastenn for the first time as a King. It had been an especially long and difficult year, as she rebuilt the nation from its core with the help of neighbouring kingdoms. The winter season was the only time she could relax and celebrate their achievements.
Sacrosanct still remembered her face when the mountain of presents for her was unveiled on the day of Wundermastenn. As a former thief, she must’ve never seen so many valuable items — for her to legally own. However, it was not about the value of the gifts, nor their quality or quantity. The true Wundermastenn gift was the love that June now knew she received. She no longer had to steal in the cold, unforgiving streets of Amstangrad, but now celebrated in the warm company of others, and worked to build a nation in which no one would ever have to suffer as she did.
Cold. Warm. It is vital for all creatures to be together, but sometimes, people need to be away and alone from each other. This was the first time in a while that he had the leisure to reminisce about the past. This was the first time in a while that he was alone. Alone with his thoughts. In the company of nothing but snow, Sacrosanct could finally see how much he had changed on the inside over these last few years, but on the outside, he was not much different. In the end, he was still an elf named Sacrosanct, and probably not the only one.
Secondly… why was he atop a mountain? The last memory he could conjure was of the time when he battled his greatest foe, the demon lord… Baroque — that was his name. Though to be completely honest, his true greatest foe was the old Amstangrad.
The hero supposed that the demon lord was a sort of manifestation of Amstangrad. Its fascistic qualities inspired Baroque and many others. It was a sort of intrinsic genetic disease in all sentient life, though there were many such things. Sacrosanct believed that the human evils — greed, lust, pride and such — were not human evils. Rather, they were universal evils shared by all sentient life forms. He knew best as an elf.
He believed that if dogs were smart enough, with enough time, they would also create a fascist nation. The real question would be how long they would last, and how large of an impact it would make.
It was just that kind of world. A world that encouraged dogs to eat dogs, and humans to eat humans. None were any different. Given weapons, life will kill.
And given a weapon he was. Sacrosanct had one of the greatest weapons of them all. A talent originating from the heavens, granted by the Goddess.
On that Wundermastenn day, June too was given a gift. An extraordinary gift from the kingdom of Sonosis. A weapon of mass destruction.
At the corner of his eye, he spotted a white rabbit, cleverly hiding amidst the winter snow. From the look of things, it would take hours to hike down the mountains, and like all animals, Sacrosanct had to eat somehow.
“...Well, sorry, little guy,” said Sacrosanct, “I need to return to New Amstangrad as soon as possible!”
Return to New Amstangrad… Sacrosanct had said so as if it was his second nature, but he remembered his promise to June, to never look back. He would return to his home in Championnat, and he’d reunite with his dear friend if fate willed it so.
Sacrosanct wondered if June had any plans to use the weapon, as he aimed his finger to blast it with a fire spell.
In a single moment, the heat travelled through the air, the intensity of the passion transforming all air in the way to plasma. The surrounding area became blinding as the white snow reflected the shining fireball. It was like a shooting star or a meteorite, travelling and lighting up the sky until it met its target.
However, as Sacrosanct walked to retrieve the body of the rabbit before it burned too much, the snow atop the mountain began crumbling as an avalanche began.
It seemed that a single spell was all it took to destabilize the carefully stacked snow, and soon, the hero was swept away in a torrent of white, sending him away again into another place, another time.
submitted by lolswainbot to EonsRequiem [link] [comments]

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submitted by MortgageRich3613 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:03 Silver_Atmosphere546 Just ranting...

Hi everyone, I'm new . I'm just venting as I want to get this off my chest. I'm late 30s, no kids and don't want any. Low NC with my mom, barely speak to my dad.
My mom called the other day in regards to finding out my dad was in the hospital for a week. He is not of sound mind as he was telling my mom he was at some hospital in Cali, but he's actually in Arizona.
She said he was out in the desert testing his car. From what he's telling us, whatever happened out there doesn't make sense. So, he was tested for dementia and he doesn't have it but he needs another opinion. Doc said it's a simple forgetfulness.
His friend told me my dad was driving to the mvd and he knew where it was but he never stopped. He drove for 3 hrs without realizing at all he went too far and still insisted he was 5 minutes away from the mvd. That's not a simple forgetfulness.
Mom is 77 and dad is 78. He even got his own age wrong, he said he's 81. He's not of sound mind, he's repeating the same things, etc
So, my mom was telling me this via phone. This is how she is, she said I don't know what to do. Her typical answers for life. This is someone who doesn't read, has no computer and phone skills to look things up, has 0 knowledge on life in general
She's the type to do everything at the last minute in a panick. I said the time is now to get things in order in case he does something and kills himself. She has no access on him because he doesn't allow my mom to know anything but his Mistress has access. I don't see how legally
She has no assets in her name (never worked), gets SS and an allowance from my dad. As the spouse (who knows if she is legally), she's doing absolutely nothing in regards to researching her options etc.
My brother whos in another state is aware of whats going on. This crap has pissed me off to a T. I told her I'm not using FMLA to do anything as that's taking way too much time away job
She doesn't plan for anything in advance. She always says yea I'll look into it never does and asks us the same stupid questions over and over
What passed me off more during the conversation was how she did her best, staying married to him was better and how her "children " weren't statistics. She started the process of her divorce when I was 11 but gave dad more chances.
Then she told me how she left behind her 1st born (1st born daughter is not my dad's kid) because she wasn't ready to be a mom. What?! That's a new one as she has never said that before.
During that part of the conversation, all I heard were the typical excuses, my God the amount of lies, and still standing beside an abuser, misogynist, pedophile and cheating husband like congratulations. I was done, I got off the phone (I was at work).
Is that what I'm supposed to be greatful for? I wish I could see my therapist right now. I'm like what in the Stockholm syndrome am I hearing?!
I was surprised when I heard he was in the hospital and not of sound mind. He's been released buy he wants to go back to Cali in his condition.
My bf said you're gonna have to cut off your mom soon she's expecting you or your brother to do everything. My brother is POA on mom, because if dad dies unexpectedly, she is royally ******.
I already know this will be a yelling match with the golden child brother...
submitted by Silver_Atmosphere546 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:03 joman394 Is there a generally accepted beginner's guide?

Hi all, still rather new to the game, 20 hours total play time. Is there a good way to learn who/what does what in game or is it more supposed to be a wiki/online forum type of game? For example, last night I did a run with Samson. If I didn't have Extended HUD on, is there a way you're supposed to know he gets stronger when he's hit? Another, the pills. They all say ??? when first picked up, but I've come to learn that orange ones usually aren't good pills. Is there something to keep track of these or is it just trial and error?
Also, I feel like I'm missing a LOT from the game. I have all three DLCs and I get unlock messages now and again, but there's a whole mess of characters that I see people have on their wheels and I have like... half of that lol. So I guess the best question is, is there a beginner's guide somewhere? Something so that I have some direction? Feels like Dark Souls 2 with the ambiguity, though I could see the charm in that. Thanks in advance!
submitted by joman394 to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:03 intellier What I wish I could send my ex

4 years together. 2 living together. I loved him. He didn’t feel the same way I guess. 18 days since we’ve broken up no contact.
fuck you for not answering me. fuck you for leading me on. fuck you. fuck you for getting that one last fuck in. fuck you for letting me believe we were still gonna be friends. fuck you for being okay. fuck you. fuck you flr never defending me. fuck uou for everything you did during the relationship. fuck you. fuck you. i was never going to be enough for you. i was never going to be what you so dreamed of. no matter what i was never going to be it for you? you were it for me. fuck you for pretending like you loved me. fuck you for letting me believe a lie for years. fuck you. fuck you. fuck you for not moving to Victoria. never ballsy enough to end it but to let me live in misery. fuck you for being miserable with me. fuck you nathan. i hope one day you see this and think about how much you miss me. i hope you think back and realized that i loved you so hard and raw. i hope you realize what you did. i would’ve never slept with you or stayed with u for that night knowing you had no intention of continuing it. fuck you. fuck you. you let me believe you still loved me. you let me have hope for having you in my life. fuck you for everything you did. fuck you for letting me love you. fuck you for the way you handled this breakup. fuck you. fuck you. fuck you. fuck you for never being there for me. fuck you for letting me cry myself to sleep next you to after i got diagnosed. i made you dinner after i got literal chemo. i had spots on my brain. you didn’t even hold me after. you were not there for me. you let me sob and didn’t even look me in hen eye. fuck you. fuck you. i tried to be a cool girl with you. I will never be cool enough. did i ever mean anything to you? was i just a body to keep you company? how can you just be fine? fuck you for wrecking my college experience. fuck you for pretending to love me. how could you love me and still be okay? fuck you for not wishing me a happy birthday. fuck you for never being vulnerable. fuck you for letting me believe i was worth anything to you. fuck u for becoming this twisted villain. i wish i could go back and erase you. i wish you never dated me. i would never have to feel like this. i would never have to be this alone. fuck uou for not trying. i begged you to love me. i begged to be enough. i sobbed to you BEGGING for a change. i beg and beg and beg and you never verbalized anything. i made you love letters, playlists, poems. i planned our future. you played video games. i am pretty, fun, funny. i am kind. i am a good person, and you destroyed me. do you hear me telling you that? you wrecked me. you took my spark and ate it. you took my beauty and stomped on it. you never said or with your words but your actions. i was worthless to you. i wasn’t even worth making dinner or a date. i wasn’t worth dinner to you. I would’ve been your wife. I would’ve been your wife. I would’ve been your wife. do you hear that? i would’ve started a life with you. actually, i did! i derailed my life for someone who couldn’t even make me fucking dinner. do you feel like a man now? do feel like one of the boys now? fuck you. how can i be friends with a man that so blanatly doesn’t care about me? respect me? did you ever? and now you’re gonna go on and paint me the villain, but i think we both know how hard i loved you. remember when i asked you if you thought we were soulmates? you said you didn’t believe in soulmates. neither did i but my love for you was so intense i started too. your love for me was so dull you can just throw me away. i fell so madly in love with you for so long and you thought i was just fine. i was nothing to you. i was just to keep you company? better than being alone? the most sick and twisted part is i do wish you the best. i want you to live a good life and fall in love and feel so much love. i want you to be okay, just wish you could’ve missed me like i miss you. if only for a little while i wish you couldve loved me like i loved you. i want you to have a wife and kids and the life you deserve, i just wish it could’ve been me. i wish i could’ve been enough for you. you loved me like a first love, but you weren’t my first, just my best. this was puppy love for you, but this was soul crushing intense love for me. you’re never supposed to read this, so if you are i on a whim decided to send it. you can take it however you want. you can paint me however you see fit, but just so you know i loved (love) you. i still crave your skin, your mind, your hair. i think i might forever. you hurt me. you hurt me so deep. i feel used. maybe im angry, or depressed, or maybe i just feel disgusted by how much of myself i gave you. you told me we would continue to see each other after (if only to be friends, or maybe more) but you looked me in the eyes and promised we would still see each other, so we had sex. so i continued to be vulnerable with you. but you never intended to stay friends with me or continue hanging out. you just wanted one last fuck. we had sex better than we have in months. is it because you knew it would be the last time? when you dropped off my stuff you kept the car running. im not even worth it to stop a minute? im not worth a hug goodbye? im completely worthless to you. you never even listened to the playlist i made you. how could i expect you to love me? how could i expect you respect me? how could i expect anything at all? i don’t know how to be a person anymore. you never looked at the posts i sent you. you never wanted to go out. you never wanted me. you never wanted me. you never wanted me. i don’t understand how you can just be ok. im sick to my stomach. everytime something happens i just want to call you. i just want to hear ur voice. i just want to see your face. i know you never want to see me again and it’s so hard. the worst part is i don’t hate you at all. i love you so much. why didn’t you love me? how am i ever going to be okay again? how am i ever going to live with this constant pit in my stomach. how can you not want me back? how can you possibly be ok right now? why wasn’t i good enough for you? how are you still laughing and being funny and having a good time? why didn’t you wish me a happy birthday? why don’t you miss me ? why don’t you miss me? why don’t you miss me?
submitted by intellier to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:03 Spiritedlfe (21) A4A Literate RPs! Send me a plot!

Hello everyone! I apologize for this being a long post but I'm hoping it will expedite this process in the end.
A bit about me to get out of the way! I'm 21F, I've been RPing for ten years now, and I'm in the CST time zone. I'm also chronically ill and typically cannot predict when I'll be unable to write. You can expect RP responses from me to come somewhere between immediately to 10 days, but I try to reply daily or every other day depending on length.
How I write: - My preference is novella or advanced lit - Looking for at least 500 words per post (I prefer 1,000-3,000+ words) - 3rd person - Past tense preferred - Descriptive responses - Please give at least 2 things my character can react to per response - I'm looking for plots that won't fizzle out once the characters get to know one another (plots should have direction)
Where I write: - Discord - GoogleDocs
What I write: - Supernatural/Paranormal - Grimdark - Mystery - High/low fantasy (for high fantasy, I prefer to double) - Horror - Adventure - Romance (not as a standalone) - Political (not as a standalone) - Comedic horror - Or a combo of these! - Overall I like spooky elements - I like sweet mundane moments but I don't do sol
What else I'm looking for: - Friendly communicative ooc - Must be all 🏳️‍🌈+ friendly - Character or plot driven RPs - Playing multiple characters is preferable - Nuanced characters - Worldbuilding - Character development - 90-99% SFW
My non-negotiables to make sure I'm not wasting your time!: - No controlling my characters - No one over 31 or under 19! - No GMs - No keeping plot points secret intentionally - No self inserts - No canon characters or real people
Other things I like: - Planning ideas OOC - Send me some music! - Unique ideas+ characters! - Exploring our characters' psyche - Symbolism - On the nose names - Irony - Doubling! - Flowery writing - Drawing/making music for characters
For References: - I typically sketch my characters and use AI to generate them based on the sketch - I personally won't use celebrity faceclaims (nor will I RP as an IRL person) but I don't mind if you use faceclaims - I love picrew as a tool because I am often very specific about how my character looks!
My favorite genre tropes: - High stakes - The Chosen character - Unlikely friends - Ancient secrets - Mythical beings - Antiheros - Spiritual gifts - Discovering truths - Fish out of water - Returning to origins
My favorite character tropes/archetypes: - Antihero - Femme Fatale - Rebel - Lovable Rogue - Everyman - Mysterious Stranger - Mad Scientist - Repressed Identity - Creative Underdog - Hardened Survivor - Comedic Duo - Eccentric Artist - Reluctant Hero - Flawed Hero - Inflexible Hardheaded Hero - Misanthropic Adventurer - The Curmudgeon - The Henchman - The Dumb Luck Character
I would love for you to send me a plot based on our common preferences!! DM me if interested!
submitted by Spiritedlfe to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:02 pierreasr Not having this was killing my app

If you have an app with an authentication system, there is one thing that you can't afford to mess up: auth providers.
When I first launched Monnelia, I thought that offering several authentication methods to users was a cool but not essential feature. I was terribly wrong. The only way to create an account in the app was the traditional method of filling in an email and a password.
A few weeks after launching the app, I noticed that some people downloaded it but never created an account. Then, these people would uninstall the app. When people quickly install and uninstall an app, it is really bad for your ranking in the app stores.
The issue was that users didn't want to go through the annoying process of creating an account, and they didn't want to share their credentials with a small, brand-new app. There was only one possible fix: implementing auth providers. On iOS, I implemented Apple (it's mandatory if you offer third-party login) and Google as authentication methods, and it's now much more convenient for users to log in to the app.
For developers who have an app with some auth features, don't make the same mistake I did. Offer several authentication methods to your users from the launch of your product. I hope this helps :)
submitted by pierreasr to iOSProgramming [link] [comments]