Trick tips bmx

Skateboard Trick Tips

2014.07.16 09:58 Skateboard Trick Tips

This sub is for getting and giving quality advice on how to do skateboard tricks! Its that simple.

2016.06.02 23:17 CrayonConstantinople Quick python tips to add to your collection

A place to get a quick fix of python tips and tricks to make you a better Pythonista.

2008.07.09 19:36 BMX

Reddit's official Bicycle Motocross (BMX) community.

2024.06.02 09:17 Shiv_Katira Any hacks/tips/tricks/strategies to get preferred seats in train?

submitted by Shiv_Katira to indianrailways [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:17 SomberGuitar Any Tips or Gotchyas?

Before I unbox a new Rock ‘N Roll Traxxas Maxx, any advice, tips, tricks, problems, gotchyas?
What I’ve read so far…. Self-righting can balloon your tires and need belted tires or disable it. Use foam when securing your battery. Stay away from metal parts if you plan to just mob it. Use 6700 batteries and traxxas ID charger. Start in training mode. Don’t store batteries fully charged longer than a day. Driving in water can damage the foam in your tires.
Which parts do you stock up on? Should I be adding additional heat syncs? Any advice would be helpful. If anything mentioned is wrong, please let me know.
submitted by SomberGuitar to Traxxas_Maxx [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 Shiv_Katira Any hacks/tips/tricks/strategies to book the flight cheap?

submitted by Shiv_Katira to AirTravelIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:15 ArtemisAlive How to budget as a SAHP? How to save money and help SO control spending habits ?

Hi everyone,
Currently a new SAHW (quit last month) as I’m pregnant with our first baby, due Mid August.
I want to start off by saying we do live in a HCOL area, but we still have a decent amount left over after everything is paid thanks to living with my MIL. Not entirely sure how much yet as we haven’t run the numbers yet but it’s a couple thousand, give or take depending on the month, on just his take home pay.
Budgeting is one of the things I’m going to be taking over and I’ve only ever done it with my share of the money when I worked. We’re opening a joint bank account where all of our expenses will go.
I’m definitely more of the savelet’s not buy if we don’t have to and my husband likes to spend and doesn’t care about the price and kind of just buys to buy 😅 any other SAHP relate ?
Example: he had a gym membership for a year that he never used because our apt complex at the time had an at home gym/he has workout equipment. Didn’t cancel until i made him. Buys random stuff on Amazon that he either doesn’t need or puts off using or never uses or buys more or what we already have (he loves fish keeping and at one point had 3 tanks but kept buying more)
I don’t necessarily want him to stop/not buy what he wants. He works hard and deserves to spoil himself. But I would like him to be a little more conscious of his spending habits without “me monitoring him”
I’m not a very spendy person but my biggest spending splurge was Starbucks every day. I cut that habit months ago .
What are some tips, tricks and recommendations that any of you have to make this easier? Any spreadsheets that I can print out? What do I have to look at to budget properly?
What kinds of things have you guys had to do to save? Did you cut out or do anything different to save money with a newborn?
I usually compare prices a lot when shopping. I’ll go to 2-3 different stores to get the cheapest items. Maybe it doesn’t do much but I feel like it does.
I buy bulk at Costco if it’s cheaper per unit/weight/count
I’m not normally someone that likes to go out or get my hair or nails done. I like to stay home. But I do enjoy a nice date every once in a while or an ice cream run. I imagine that saves money?
submitted by ArtemisAlive to SAHP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:14 Hailsyea4 Prednisone Rant

Haven’t had a flare in 5 years was hoping for more time….
The stabbing pain started a month ago, chalked it up to stress….it only got worse. Tried to tough it out as usual but it’s bad right now.
GI put me on the devil of all meds prednisone. 17 day taper did absolutely nothing. The pain just got worse. 30 more days on 40mg and I’m devastated.
If I eat it hurts if I don’t it hurts, I’m so ravenous I’m eating everything. My skin feels sharp, I’m sweaty, burning in the sunlight, migraines, exhaustion physically but my brain won’t shut up. My arms feel weird, I’m so shaky people keep asking if I’m ok, I’m so moody. No sleep.
How am I going to do 27 more days? How do people mange the side effects? Tips and tricks welcomed.
submitted by Hailsyea4 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:11 Shiv_Katira Any hacks/tips/tricks/strategies to book the flight cheap?

Dates of travel- 19th Sept, 2024
Cities/Airports- HSR to BLR
Airlines- Any
Flight Number- N/A
Visa/Passport- N/A
Citizenship Info- India
Budget- N/A
submitted by Shiv_Katira to Flights [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:08 ninjapantsrants What's the best piece of advice you've been given or heard?

Since there's recently been an influx of new players, I thought it would be fun to share any QoL tips, tricks or pieces of advice you've received down the road.
Mine is 100% the Ward daily in Foundation. Y'all know he's buggy and the daily is tedious and bleh at best BUT if you managed to find one of the quest items out in the wild or in players vendors, snag it and stash it straight away. Next time you TP to Foundation to do that daily, it'll pop up saying "Talk to Ward" instead, go to your stash and take out that misc item you stashed away, back out of the menu and it'll now say "Give Ward back the stolen items" - Put that misc item back in your stash! You can still go speak to Ward to finish up the daily without having to actually do the daily. I have no fix for his sass though, aside from a kick to the jugular.
Finally someone with the guts to help
submitted by ninjapantsrants to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:07 Fickle-Duck8951 27/F just wanna talk lighthearted. Maybe 20 q’s or would u rather q’s etc

Hey, not much to say besides, anybody wanna talk? Nothing major or serious.😅 Kinda bored and just wanna talk. Better yet, would love to play DBD with some one if anyone is up. Don’t wanna do mic’s and all that just chill gaming or texts. Tbh I kinda suck at DBD but enjoy it haha so tips and tricks help, k bye ✌🏼😝
submitted by Fickle-Duck8951 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:05 Icy_Silver_ beginner help for no-tech shrimp tank/riparium

I'm huge on plants- i have houseplants everywhere, and i love making closed ecosystems with my plants (sadly i am no expert) and i wanted to dip my toes into keeping fish by starting out with a simple shrimp tank.
I want to use natural ecosystem techniques and I live in socal so the weather should be okay to not need to regulate tempurature. I have a cylindrical maybe 1.5-2.5gal glass container and i was thinking of using that for the tank. I should add that I'm familiar with the concept of the walstad method and have watched plenty of low or notech builds being made on yt for years.
I want to incorporate terrestrial plants as well but I'm not sure if that's enough space. I'm not sure what shrimp/aquatic plants/water treatments to start with. I'm pretty much brand new to aquariums/tanks. Tips? Tricks? Advice? (btw i dont wanna yeet all my money down the drain since i am a student ;-;)
submitted by Icy_Silver_ to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:00 MUAotCModTeam Daily Chat - Straighten Up Sunday

What are you straightening up this week? Any tips or tricks on organizing all of those great deals you've found? All OT welcome!

submitted by MUAotCModTeam to MUAontheCheap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:54 Ajax_123 FFVII Magazine found in attic

FFVII Magazine found in attic
I was going through some boxes in the attic and found a bunch of old magazines that I used to subscribe to back when I was a teenager. The most interesting was this Final Fantasy VII Tips & Tricks in an old box I hadn't opened in 20+ years.
What should I do with it?
submitted by Ajax_123 to FinalFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:37 AwayReplacement7063 Laid off, no insurance, now I think I have strep throat

Pretty much what the title says. I was laid off a month back and now just am starting my new job in a week. I don’t have any insurance because of the gap in employment, and am so strapped for money I barely have enough for food.
I just noticed white spots in my mouth near my throat, and my throat has been sore the last few days. Honestly I thought it was because I was just getting over a cold but the more I look the more I think it’s strep throat. I’m not showing many other symptoms other than my throat being irritated and red/white spots.
Now because I lack insurance, and have practically no money, I was wondering what I could do to help kick this at home? If I do need to go to get antibiotics to kick this, I was also wondering if anyone had any advice on the cheapest clinic possible or any tips and tricks. I wanted to do telehelp, but I realized I can’t get diagnosed with strep virtually.
Thank you for any advice! I’m in Michigan if that matters.
submitted by AwayReplacement7063 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:15 Fancy_Spinach282 We are planning to shift from Patna to Ahmedabad soon due to job. Please share some tips and tricks

We work in banking sector.
submitted by Fancy_Spinach282 to ahmedabad [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:10 TheAmethystWitch94 Lights won't place?

Hello, I'm currently level 85 and am working on a more permanent build using all the tips and tricks I've seen on YouTube. Merging items, flame trapping, double walling, bay window.. I want to build something I'm super proud of! I've run into an issue though, it won't let me place ceiling lights except on the top floor. Anywhere else in the house and they jump all over the place or turn in stupid directions. I had to place a shelf on the wall on the top floor to do the trick where you can attach lights to the bottom and then getting that to place elsewhere in the house was a PAIN. Is there something going on? or something I can do to get them to place?
submitted by TheAmethystWitch94 to fallout76settlements [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:04 Somethingmurr Road Trip Tips

Hello all!
I’m driving across our great nation in about a week. Boise to Johnson City, Tenn.
My doodle is assuming the co-captian position on this voyage.
Driving day 1: Boise to DEN. Stopping in Denver for about a week. (12 hour drive) Driving day 2: Then onto somewhere after St. Louis (12 hour drive) Driving day 3: finish the drive in Tenn. (8.5 hour drive)
Any tips or tricks for such a trek? I do need to find accommodation for 1 night after Driving Day 2. (St. Louis area) maybe someone has a good suggestion?
Anything people like to have on hand for food, drink, podcasts, things for dogs on trips?
All reccs are welcomed! Thanks in advanced!
submitted by Somethingmurr to roadtrip [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:00 AutoModerator Monthly Mental Health & Self Care Day

As we begin a new month, it's important to take a bit of time for yourself. In this thread you can either chit chat about daily concerns or share with others tips and tricks on how you take care of yourself.
This thread is all about well-being and love.
  1. Be extra kind and nice to others. Show compassion and understanding.
  2. The normal rules of this subreddit about relevancy and staying on topic are waived in this thread. You can talk about weather, candle brands, travel, your pet, astronomy, kayaking, whatever you feel like.
  3. If you need to vent, do so, but try not to make it about reddit drama or topics that might upset people such as politics, NSFW topics or stuff that violate Reddit's content policy.
submitted by AutoModerator to polytheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:59 That_Young_Sauce Recommendation for caulk and caulk gun?

Looking to fill the gap between the trim of baseboards and tile flooring (non-bathroom). Any recommendations on what caulk would do the job? Happy to hear any tips and tricks that have worked for folks.
submitted by That_Young_Sauce to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:46 AphroditesRavenclaw Tips on sharing bed/room on vacation

HELPPPP Guys, the people in my room are making me go insane. I'm only hear for one night but here's what I've experienced:
  1. My brother is shaking the bed SO BADLY
  2. Brother is watching LOUD youtube (loud for me, but hello sensory issues)
  3. My grandma DOES NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT USELESS THINGS (hello social burnout because I have to respond)
  4. Grandma is playing LOUD radio (yay more sensory issues)
  5. Grandma is leaving dirty tissues everywhere!?!?!? (Just Ew...)
  6. Brother snores (I ain't sleeping tonight)
  7. Grandma like... shuffles her feet in her slippers and the sound makes me go INSANE
  9. Bathroom fan doesn't sound "smooth" if you know what I mean
  10. i can't be alone
What I wish they'd do but can't ask:
  2. Breathe through noise
Anyone know how to actually accomplish this?
Ok I'm sorry for the long winded-ness I'm like crying, my bf is sick so I should be comforting him (over text because I'm out of town) not vice versa. Anyway, does anyone else struggle with family trips. I'm literally silently melting down AND my anxiety is super bad right now. ALL THE NOISES ARE MAKING ME GO INSANE. Please respond ASAP, I need tips/tricks before I completely meltdown and cry.
Okay, sorry for being annoying with my complaining, have a good day everyone
submitted by AphroditesRavenclaw to aspergirls [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:29 Wild-Heart970 My Sleep Paralysis experience

I (20F) started having sleep paralysis about six months ago and have ahd three instances so far.
The first one, I was on a new round of steroids and chocked it up to a side effect of the drugs. I was laying in bed and then it felt like I fell out of it. Only for me to realize I hadn't fallen, but that I was being dragged by a dark figure out into the hallway unable to move.
The second one was a few months later in May, I was again being dragged by a dark figure. This time towards the foot of my bed.
The third time was last night. I was sleeping with my back to my bedroom door and heard my moms voice say "I'm just going to go get that b*". Then I heard my door click shut and felt "her" start to tickle (more like a squeeze?) both my sides. I tried to speak and say I was awake, but nothing came out. Eventually I guess it got frustrated because it picked me up and then.... I woke up.
Every time I've woken sweating and my heart racing. With it becoming more frequent and prevailant, are there any tips or tricks to combat it or make it go away quicker? I'm already tired of waking up in a cold sweat with my heart racing and feeling like I have to hide under the covers from something that doesn't exist.
submitted by Wild-Heart970 to Sleepparalysis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 AssistanceFinancial5 What are some tips or tricks to compliment a round face?

I feel like I always see makeup hair and maintenance stuff that are geared and fitting towards structured and "chiseled" faces. What are some styles or just everyday upkeep methods that are more standard to round faces?
submitted by AssistanceFinancial5 to beauty [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 mansplanar 40 Creative Tinder Bio Ideas (That Will Work For Any Dating App!)

If you're on the apps—whether you're looking for marriage, looking for a hookup or you're just looking for a nice night out on the town—one thing is for sure: You have seconds to make a first impression that keeps someone from swiping left. What's the key? Knowing how to make your Tinder bios stand out among the rest.
If you're wondering: "What is a good bio for Tinder? How do I spice up my Tinder bio?" then you've come to the right place. Marissa Moore, a counselor and couples therapist with years of experience, gave us all her recommendations for making your bio the best of them all (plus 40 ideas for the best Tinder bios, below!)
What to Put In a Tinder Bio
So, you've opened up the "edit" section on your Tinder bio (or Hinge bio or even Bumble bio, too) and you're staring blankly at your phone. How are you supposed to know how to write a Tinder bio that will stop someone in their tracks?
How Dating Apps Are Changing Our Psychology
The secret, Moore says, is deciding between a few different formulas, and sticking to one. Remember: This doesn't have to be super complicated. It's actually supposed to be fun! To get started, use these are a guide on what to put in Tinder bio:
Everyone loves a perfectly-timed one-liner, right? Write something that captures your personality or sense of humor.
Want to keep it straight forward? Go the old-fashioned route and write a brief description of yourself, highlighting your interests, hobbies or passions.
You're funny, so maybe use this time to show it off. Using a joke or witty remark can be a great way to give someone a sense of your personality, too.
Lastly, if you're a romantic at heart or suave in your own right, try using a creative and flirty pick up line that stands out (but avoid anything overly cheesy or inappropriate.)
How to Write a Tinder Bio
Now that you've got a road map for how to make a good Tinder bio—i.e. you've chosen a one-liner, keeping it straight forward, leaning on your humor or a pick up line—what is the best way to approach actually writing it all out?
Whether you're looking to write clever Tinder bios, Tinder bios for guys or just wanting to make your dating app bio shine with your personality, Moore has a few tried-and-true tricks up her sleeve to stand out.
Be Authentic
It might be tempting to want to make yourself look "better" than you are IRL, but this is never a good idea, and your dates will learn the truth eventually. That's why Moore suggests the biggest piece of advice: to be authentic.
Good Morning Texts For Her
Wake Her With A Smile With These 82 Good Morning Texts
Let her know that she's always the first thing on your mind.
Woman looks at her phone while smiling.
Funny, punny and non-corny inpsiration, right this way.
"Showcase your genuine personality and interests," Moore says. "Rather than trying to portray yourself as someone you're not."
Keep it Concise
Next up? Make sure to keep your Tinder bios as concise as possible. Remember: you've got seconds to impress the person on the other end — let's make sure you get a swipe right.
"Aim for a bio that is clear, concise and easy to read," she says. "Avoid overwhelming potential matches with too much information."
Show, Don't Tell
Another tip? Show, don't tell. According to Moore, Instead of listing qualities about yourself, you might consider sharing anecdotes or stories that illustrate who you are and what you enjoy. This can sometimes be more intriguing.
Highlight Your Unique Traits
What makes you unique is a good thing! Use it to your advantage. By focusing on what makes you stand out from the crowd, and what you can offer in a relationship, you may find someone who already loves your quirks and differences, right off the bat.
Funny Tinder Bios
Do you consider yourself a comic? If so, you might have chosen going with the funny Tinder bios route. If so, here are some ideas to use, below.
I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us together.
Looking for someone who can keep up with my pun game.
Swipe right if you're ready for cheesy pick up lines and spontaneous dance parties.
Looking for a wingwoman to hunt down the best tacos in town on a random Tuesday afternoon.
Seeking someone who will support my travel addiction and my obsession for squeezing everything into a carry on bag.
If you date me, you'll be the good looking one.
Looking for someone to appreciate my puns and share pizza with. If you can't handle my cheesy jokes, you're not the one for me. Let's see if we can find the perfect slice together!
You're single, I'm single. You know what that means? Nobody wants us.
Life's too short for boring conversations and dull dates! Let's do both.
I'm really bad at putting together IKEA furniture—looking for a cute helper 😉
Clever Tinder Bios
Maybe a clever bio is more your speed. If so, there are plenty of ideas for Tinder bio that fall under clever and smart, too.
Currently accepting applications for a partner in crime and fellow Netflix binge-watcher.
Like a 'Fun-Size' Snickers bar, they say good things come in small packages.
If life is a game, consider me your cheat code. Swipe right and let's unlock some bonus levels together.
I'm like a Rubik's Cube—complex, colorful and slightly frustrating at times. But once you figure me out, you'll realize I'm worth the challenge.
If you can guess my favorite pizza topping, you win bonus points.
Seeking someone who can match my level of sarcasm and appreciation for dry humor.
Looking for someone who can handle my impeccable taste in music, questionable cooking skills and my uncanny ability to always find the best meme for every situation.
Outdoor enthusiast and indoor Netflix champion.
Professional overthinker seeking someone who analyzes texts as much as I do. Showcases self-awareness and a touch of vulnerability.
Chapter 23 - Looking for someone to co-author the next chapters. Indicates a life seen as an unfolding story, inviting collaboration.
Cute Tinder Bios
If being cutesy is more your thing, look no further: using cute Tinder bios has been proven to work again and again. Being and feeling cute can be a confidence boost when dating — here are some of our fave examples.
Lover of sunsets, dog walks and spontaneous adventures. Let's create our own love story.
Looking for someone to share lazy Sunday mornings and late-night conversations with.
Searching for my partner-in-crime to explore the city, try new foods and cuddle up with on rainy days.
Puppy enthusiast. Ice cream connoisseur. A seeker of great coffee dates.
Might steal your heart, will steal your fries.
Just a Jim looking for his Pam. Bonus points if you give great bear hugs!
A believer in fairy tales, serendipity and the magic of a good cup of coffee.
Looking for someone who's all about making everyday moments a little bit extraordinary.
Cuddling champion searching for a worthy competitor. Must be fond of star-gazing and midnight snacks.
Looking for someone to share in my adventure of finding the best tacos in town.
Simple Tinder Bios
If being cute, funny or clever doesn't speak to you, it's OK to stick to simple, too! Here are some ideas to try on for size.
Looking for a real connection, not just a one-time thing.
Just trying to find my other half.
Come say hello.
____ born & raised.
Looking for more laugh lines.
Traveling and exploring. Want to join?
Let's see how this goes.
Looking for an adventure partner.
If I am not home, you can find me ____.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:24 No-Expression6346 Swollen areola, clogged milk ducts, breast too painful to pump or nurse with

Hello, I’m experiencing horrible breast pain due to clogged ducts and now a swollen areola. It’s been about 6 days now. I pump and bottle feed as my LO refuses the breast most of the time (the odd time he’ll nurse). At first, I noticed the milk supply in the affected breast had decreased significantly (from 40ml to 10ml per pumping session). After this, my breast had started hurting - a hot pain, tender to touch. The pain worsened the next day with some mild redness. I went to see my family doctor and he said we should treat this as mastitis and prescribed me antibiotics. I am now on day 3 of the antibiotics and the pain or swelling doesn’t seem to be getting better. I also do icing + ibuprofen, but will also do light massages in the shower with warm water. I have also tried lecithin and cabbage leaves to try to ease the pain, but nothing is working. The areola has become more swollen and painful… I can’t even carry my LO because the breast hurts so much. I woke up in the middle of the night last night screaming and crying in pain, and went to the ER as the pain felt like it was a 15/10. The doctor there said there’s not much to do, other than continuing to massage, hot compress, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, hand express, pump etc. I haven’t been able to pump or feed with that breast because of the pain. I used the Haaka to try and relieve some of the milk as the breast is extremely full/engorged. A lot of suffering here, so wondering if anyone has any tips/tricks or advice that may help.
submitted by No-Expression6346 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]